free speech rubric

Presentation Grading Rubric | Printable PDF

Use this FREE rubric to provide students with clear expectations for their next oral presentation or speech! Public speaking is difficult for everyone, especially students. Getting up and speaking in front of the class is the last thing many of our students want to do. Help students prepare for their speech or presentation with a clear set of guidelines. 

Rubrics provide students with…

  • a clear set of criteria for evaluation
  • objective benchmarks for assessment
  • constructive feedback for improvement

Use this grading rubric for public speaking, presentations, and speeches. Download it for FREE today!

Criteria to Include in a Presentation Rubric:

  • Content & Organization
  • Time & Pacing
  • Eye Contact
  • Clear & Audible Voice


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Presentation Rubric | Free Download

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Oral Presentation Rubric | Free Printable PDF

Person talking and waving an arm (icon)

Creating an Oral Presentation Rubric

In-class activity.

This activity helps students clarify the oral presentation genre; do this after distributing an assignment–in this case, a standard individual oral presentation near the end of the semester which allows students to practice public speaking while also providing a means of workshopping their final paper argument. Together, the class will determine the criteria by which their presentations should–and should not–be assessed.

Guide to Oral/Signed Communication in Writing Classrooms

To collaboratively determine the requirements for students’ oral presentations; to clarify the audience’s expectations of this genre

rhetorical situation; genre; metacognition; oral communication; rubric; assessment; collaboration

  • Ask students to free-write and think about these questions: What makes a good oral presentation? Think of examples of oral presentations that you’ve seen, one “bad” and one “good.” They can be from any genre–for example, a course lecture, a museum talk, a presentation you have given, even a video. Jot down specific strengths and weaknesses.
  • Facilitate a full-class discussion to list the important characteristics of an oral presentation. Group things together. For example, students may say “speaking clearly” as a strength; elicit specifics (intonation, pace, etc.) and encourage them to elaborate.
  • Clarify to students that the more they add to the list, the more information they have in regards to expectations on the oral presentation rubric. If they do not add enough, or specific enough, items, they won’t know what to aim for or how they will be assessed.
  • Review the list on the board and ask students to decide what they think are the most important parts of their oral presentations, ranking their top three components.
  • Create a second list to the side of the board, called “Let it slide,” asking students what, as a class, they should “let slide” in the oral presentations. Guide and elaborate, choosing whether to reject, accept, or compromise on the students’ proposals.
  • Distribute the two lists to students as-is as a checklist-style rubric or flesh the primary list out into a full analytic rubric .

Here’s an example of one possible rubric created from this activity; here’s another example of an oral presentation rubric that assesses only the delivery of the speech/presentation, and which can be used by classmates to evaluate each other.

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Oral Presentation Example Rubric

Oral Presentation Example Rubric Outcome: Students will graduate with the ability to give professional presentations. Work Product: Oral presentation





Idea development, use of language, and the organization of ideas are effectively used to achieve a purpose.

A. Ideas are clearly organized, developed, and supported to achieve a purpose; the purpose is clear.

B. The introduction gets the attention of the audience.

C. Main points are clear and organized effectively.

D. Supporting material is original, logical, and relevant (facts, examples, etc.).

E. Smooth transitions are used.

F. The conclusion is satisfying.

G. Language choices are vivid and precise.

H. Material is developed for an oral rather than a written presentation.

A. The main idea is evident, but the organizational structure may need to be strengthened; ideas may not always flow smoothly.

B. The introduction may not be well-developed.

C. Main points are not always clear.

D. Supporting material may lack in originality or adequate development.

E. Transitions may be awkward.

F. The conclusion may need additional development.

G. Language is appropriate, but word choices are not particularly vivid or precise.

A. Idea “seeds” have not yet germinated; ideas may not be focused or developed; the main purpose is not clear.

B. The introduction is undeveloped or irrelevant.

C. Main points are difficult to identify.

D. Inaccurate, generalized, or inappropriate supporting material may be used.

E. Transitions may be needed.

F. The conclusion is abrupt or limited.

G. Language choices may be limited, peppered with slang or jargon, too complex, or too dull.

The nonverbal message supports and is consistent with the verbal message.

A. The delivery is natural,

confident, and enhances

the message — posture,

eye contact, smooth gestures, facial expressions, volume, pace, etc. indicate confidence, a commitment to the topic, and a willingness to communicate.

B. The vocal tone, delivery

style, and clothing are consistent with the message.

C. Limited filler words (“ums”) are used.

D. Clear articulation and pronunciation are used.

A. The delivery generally seems effective—however, effective use of volume, eye contact, vocal control, etc. may not be consistent; some hesitancy may be observed.

B. Vocal tone, facial expressions, clothing and other nonverbal expressions do not detract significantly from the message.

C. Filler words are not distracting.

D. Generally, articulation and pronunciation are clear.


A. The delivery detracts from the message; eye contact may be very limited; the presenter may tend to look at the floor, mumble, speak inaudibly, fidget, or read most or all of the speech; gestures and movements may be jerky or excessive.

B. The delivery may appear inconsistent with the message.

C. Filler words (“ums,”) are used excessively.

D. Articulation and pronunciation tend to be sloppy.

Idea development, use of language, and the organization of ideas for a specific audience, setting, and occasion are appropriate.

A. Language is familiar to the audience, appropriate for the setting, and free of bias; the presenter may “code-switch” (use a different language form) when appropriate.

B. Topic selection and examples are interesting and relevant for the audience and occasion.

C. Delivery style and clothing choices suggest an awareness of expectations and norms.

A. Language used is not disrespectful or offensive.

B. Topic selection and examples are not inappropriate for the audience, occasion, or setting; some effort to make the material relevant to audience interests, the occasion, or setting is evident.

C. The delivery style, tone of voice, and clothing choices do not seem out-of-place or disrespectful to the audience.

A. Language is questionable or inappropriate for a particular audience, occasion, or setting. Some biased or unclear language may be used.

B. Topic selection does not relate to audience needs and interests.

C. The delivery style may not match the particular audience or occasion—the presenter’s tone of voice or other mannerisms may create alienation from the audience; clothing choices may also convey disrespect for the audience.

Rubric is a modification of one presented by: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. (1998).  Oral presentation rubric . Retrieved October 23, 2008 from


Dr. elise gold (engineering).

Below you will find the various criteria used to evaluate your presentation along with categories describing your performance in these areas. The boxes highlighted indicate your overall performance in the broader areas as described. Items specifically needing work may be underlined. Along with a grade, an overall evaluation follows, with a few major suggestions for improvement.


Presentation was excellent overall, shows outstanding control and skill, exceeds expectations in meeting the assignment’s requirements.

Presentation was very good overall, shows good control and skill, exceeds expectations in meeting most of the assignment’s requirements.

Presentation definitely showed strengths outweighing weaknesses, is meeting a number of the assignment’s requirements.

Presentation, though not developed enough with major weaknesses apparent, has begun to meet some of the assignment’s requirements.

Presentation exhibited consistent weaknesses throughout, isn’t meeting the assignment’s requirements.

Speaker captured and maintained audience=s attention and anticipated and addressed questions, needs, interests, knowledge well.

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

In the introduction, speaker used good attention grabber, gave overview clearly indicating organization and content, and spoke strongly, emphatically, and confidently. Speaker effectively ordered major sections of the presentation in a logical, easy-to-follow manner; provided clear transitions from one section to the next, and used repetition as necessary to clarify and make points memorable. Speaker adequately signaled the end of presentation so listeners were not surprised, restated and drove main points home, left listeners with a lasting impression.

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

Speaker effectively explained the controversial topic and its significance; presented appropriate background information, commenting on the problem’s causes/effects; clearly identified his/her position/proposal for change, opposing points and points in favor in a logical manner; supported points with reference to source materials consulted; and limited number of main points.

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

Speaker remembered to solicit questions without awkward delay, welcoming them with confidence; showed questioners respect, repeated questions and asked for clarification as needed; responded clearly and precisely, elaborated well; maintained composure even with some tough questions, admitted lack of knowledge gracefully and offered to follow up rather than bluffs.

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

Speaker used relevant visuals containing sufficient information (not too little, not too much) which enhanced rather than detracted from the presentation points (that is, not focused on graphics or PowerPoint “bells and whistles”; smoothly integrated visual/s, revealing points one by one; provided easily readable, attractively and functionally well designed, and professional-looking visuals with effective bulleting, clear font style and size, good use of space, and consistent look; kept visuals free of grammatical errors (i.e., missing end punctuation, faulty parallelisms, inconsistencies in outline format and capitalization, etc.); credited source/s of information and/or graphics correctly; knew how to use equipment well; had back-up plan if visuals fail; looked at audience not at visuals.

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

Speaker’s delivery added to rather than detracted from talk; he/

she obviously rehearsed rather than hardly practiced; delivered with brief references to notes rather than read a prepared script; kept close to the time limit (not much under or over).

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many

of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

Speaker talked loudly enough and paced presentation well (not too slow or fast), avoiding halting speech, mumbling, trailing off at ends of sentences; conveyed enthusiasm for subject; used varied expression and good enunciation; avoided using fillers (Aum,@ Auh,@ Alike,@ etc.) and making major or frequent stumbles and/or becoming flustered by them.


Speaker chose an appropriate level of language, avoided heavy use of jargon, used technical language clearly, chose words well, spoke grammatically correct, and used good pronunciation.


Speaker appeared comfortable, had good posture (i.e., avoided leaning on lectern); faced the audience and made eye contact throughout; gestured appropriately and avoided distracting tics (i.e., weight shifting or rocking, scratching, touching face or hair, playing with/ straightening/banging note cards or sheets, putting hands in or pulling them out of pockets, playing with paper clips, jingling keys, etc.)

Speaker achieved most of the aspects listed.

Speaker achieved many

of the aspects listed.

Speaker has begun to achieve some of aspects listed.

Speaker did not achieve most of aspects listed.

GRADE: _________

(Points lost for not showing up for presentation, not submitting copy of presentation outline, notes, and handout copy of slides on day of presentation for not being present to serve as a peer=s assigned questioner? __________)


Rubrics for Oral Presentations


Many instructors require students to give oral presentations, which they evaluate and count in students’ grades. It is important that instructors clarify their goals for these presentations as well as the student learning objectives to which they are related. Embedding the assignment in course goals and learning objectives allows instructors to be clear with students about their expectations and to develop a rubric for evaluating the presentations.

A rubric is a scoring guide that articulates and assesses specific components and expectations for an assignment. Rubrics identify the various criteria relevant to an assignment and then explicitly state the possible levels of achievement along a continuum, so that an effective rubric accurately reflects the expectations of an assignment. Using a rubric to evaluate student performance has advantages for both instructors and students.  Creating Rubrics

Rubrics can be either analytic or holistic. An analytic rubric comprises a set of specific criteria, with each one evaluated separately and receiving a separate score. The template resembles a grid with the criteria listed in the left column and levels of performance listed across the top row, using numbers and/or descriptors. The cells within the center of the rubric contain descriptions of what expected performance looks like for each level of performance.

A holistic rubric consists of a set of descriptors that generate a single, global score for the entire work. The single score is based on raters’ overall perception of the quality of the performance. Often, sentence- or paragraph-length descriptions of different levels of competencies are provided.

When applied to an oral presentation, rubrics should reflect the elements of the presentation that will be evaluated as well as their relative importance. Thus, the instructor must decide whether to include dimensions relevant to both form and content and, if so, which one. Additionally, the instructor must decide how to weight each of the dimensions – are they all equally important, or are some more important than others? Additionally, if the presentation represents a group project, the instructor must decide how to balance grading individual and group contributions.  Evaluating Group Projects

Creating Rubrics

The steps for creating an analytic rubric include the following:

1. Clarify the purpose of the assignment. What learning objectives are associated with the assignment?

2. Look for existing rubrics that can be adopted or adapted for the specific assignment

3. Define the criteria to be evaluated

4. Choose the rating scale to measure levels of performance

5. Write descriptions for each criterion for each performance level of the rating scale

6. Test and revise the rubric

Examples of criteria that have been included in rubrics for evaluation oral presentations include:

  • Knowledge of content
  • Organization of content
  • Presentation of ideas
  • Research/sources
  • Visual aids/handouts
  • Language clarity
  • Grammatical correctness
  • Time management
  • Volume of speech
  • Rate/pacing of Speech
  • Mannerisms/gestures
  • ​​​​​​​Eye contact/audience engagement

Examples of scales/ratings that have been used to rate student performance include:

  • Strong, Satisfactory, Weak
  • Beginning, Intermediate, High
  • Exemplary, Competent, Developing
  • Excellent, Competent, Needs Work
  • Exceeds Standard, Meets Standard, Approaching Standard, Below Standard
  • Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Novice
  • Excellent, Good, Marginal, Unacceptable
  • Advanced, Intermediate High, Intermediate, Developing
  • Exceptional, Above Average, Sufficient, Minimal, Poor
  • Master, Distinguished, Proficient, Intermediate, Novice
  • Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor, Unacceptable
  • Always, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never
  • Exemplary, Accomplished, Acceptable, Minimally Acceptable, Emerging, Unacceptable

Grading and Performance Rubrics Carnegie Mellon University Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Creating and Using Rubrics Carnegie Mellon University Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Using Rubrics Cornell University Center for Teaching Innovation

Building a Rubric University of Texas/Austin Faculty Innovation Center

Building a Rubric Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning

Creating and Using Rubrics Yale University Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning

Types of Rubrics DePaul University Teaching Commons

Creating Rubrics University of Texas/Austin Faculty Innovation Center

Examples of Oral Presentation Rubrics

Oral Presentation Rubric Pomona College Teaching and Learning Center

Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubric University of Michigan

Oral Presentation Rubric Roanoke College

Oral Presentation: Scoring Guide Fresno State University Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Presentation Skills Rubric State University of New York/New Paltz School of Business

Oral Presentation Rubric Oregon State University Center for Teaching and Learning

Oral Presentation Rubric Purdue University College of Science

Group Class Presentation Sample Rubric Pepperdine University Graziadio Business School


  1. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Rubric 4—Excellent 3—Good 2—Fair 1—Needs Improvement Delivery • Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes • Speaks with fluctuation in volume and inflection to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points • Consistent use of direct eye contact with ...

  2. PDF Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubric

    Organization. Logical, interesting, clearly delineated themes and ideas. Generally clear, overall easy for audience to follow. Overall organized but sequence is difficult to follow. Difficult to follow, confusing sequence of information. No clear organization to material, themes and ideas are disjointed. Evaluation.

  3. Oral Presentation Rubric

    The rubric allows teachers to assess students in several key areas of oral presentation. Students are scored on a scale of 1-4 in three major areas. The first area is Delivery, which includes eye contact, and voice inflection. The second area, Content/Organization, scores students based on their knowledge and understanding of the topic being ...

  4. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    overly text-heavy, distracting, unconnected to claim, or otherwise claim, or otherwise presentation. ineffective. connected to claim, and effectively help support. Speech and manner (eye contact, volume, clarity, pacing) Speech and manner One or more are not effective: pacing may be too fast or slow; eye contact may not be present; voice may be ...

  5. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Rubric. Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes. Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes. No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes.

  6. PDF Rubric for Speeches

    Rubric for Speeches Subject: This rubric for oral presentations focuses on knowledge of audience, posture and eye contact, word choice, content of speech, use of time, confidence, and sources disclosed. The rubric can be used for any unit that requires oral presentations. Created Date: 5/27/2005 5:09:00 PM

  7. Oral Presentation Rubric

    Use this FREE rubric to provide students with clear expectations for their next oral presentation or speech! Public speaking is difficult for everyone, especially students. Getting up and speaking in front of the class is the last thing many of our students want to do. Help students prepare for their speech or presentation with a clear set of ...

  8. PDF Speech and Presentation Grading Rubric

    most of the speech; gestures and movements may be jerky or excessive. The delivery may appear inconsistent with the message. Nonfluencies ("ums") are used excessively. Articulation and pronunciation tend to be sloppy. Poise of composure is lost during any distractions. Audience members have difficulty hearing the presentation.

  9. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Rubric. No movement or descriptive gestures. Very little movement or descriptive gestures. Movements or gestures enhance articulation. Movements seemed fluid and helped the audience visualize. No eye contact with audience. Minimal eye contact with audience. Consistent use of direct eye. contact with some audience.

  10. Creating an Oral Presentation Rubric

    Distribute the two lists to students as-is as a checklist-style rubric or flesh the primary list out into a full analytic rubric. Here's an example of one possible rubric created from this activity; here's another example of an oral presentation rubric that assesses only the delivery of the speech/presentation, and which can be used by ...

  11. Oral Presentation Example Rubric

    Oral Presentation Example Rubric Outcome: Students will graduate with the ability to give professional presentations. Work Product: Oral presentation ... very limited; the presenter may tend to look at the floor, mumble, speak inaudibly, fidget, or read most or all of the speech; gestures and movements may be jerky or excessive. B. The delivery ...

  12. PDF Microsoft Word

    Oral Presentation Scoring Guide, Hampden‐Sydney College. Top‐half score (4, 5, or 6): Despite differences among them, oral presentations that receive a top‐half score all demonstrate a speaker's proficiency in the use of spoken language to express an idea: the speaker chooses a topic and develops a specific purpose appropriate for the ...

  13. PDF Rubric for Public Speaking

    The vocabulary is awkward or inappropriate for the topic, making the speaker difficult to understand. 8. Uses tone, speed, and volume as tools. Points. Criteria. 5. The speaker manipulates tone, speed, and volume, using these tools to emphasize important ideas and hold the listener's attention. 3.

  14. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Rubric OBJECTIVES Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Overall Content Sophisticated use of evidence and research, ... Makes entire speech have meaning to audience Makes attempts at having speech relate to audience Fits some of speech to audience Does not consider audience in giving

  15. Free oral communication rubrics

    This Rubric can be used for all oral presentations for year 1 and 2 students, based on the ACARA and SCSA Judging standards. Rubric has marks allocated for easy data collection and tracking purposes. Also has a section for student feedback. K - 2 nd. Balanced Literacy, English Language Arts, Oral Communication.


    Along with a grade, an overall evaluation follows, with a few major suggestions for improvement. EXCEPTIONAL: A. STRONG: AB. EFFECTIVE: B. DEVELOPING: BC/C. INADEQUATE: D/F. MAJOR CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION. Presentation was excellent overall, shows outstanding control and skill, exceeds expectations in meeting the assignment's requirements.

  17. PDF Rubric for Standard Research Talks

    This rubric is designed to help you evaluate the organization, design, and delivery of standard research talks and other oral presentations. Here are some ways to use it: Distribute the rubric to colleagues before a dress rehearsal of your talk. Use the rubric to collect feedback and improve your presentation and delivery.

  18. Rubrics for Oral Presentations

    Examples of criteria that have been included in rubrics for evaluation oral presentations include: Knowledge of content. Organization of content. Presentation of ideas. Research/sources. Visual aids/handouts. Language clarity. Grammatical correctness.

  19. DOC Criteria

    Presentation is a planned conversation, paced for audience understanding. It is not a reading of a paper. Speaker is comfortable in front of the group and can be heard by all. Level of presentation is generally appropriate. ... Rubric for Formal Oral Communication 2 of 2. Adapted from Huba, M.E., & Freed, J.E. (2000). Learner-centered ...

  20. PDF OSU Center for Teaching and Learning

    Oral Presentation Rubric Exemplary Proficient Developing Novice PRESENTATION CONTENT Introduction Introduced topic, established rapport and explained the purpose of presentation in creative, clear way capturing attention. Introduced presentation in clear way. Started with a self introduction or "My topic is" before capturing attention.


    PERSUASIVE SPEECH RUBRIC. As you listen to the speech, circle the number for each category (Introduction, Content, Delivery, Conclusion, Overall) that you think best describes how that part of the speech went. Add up your numbers and write the total score at the bottom of this page. The first few lines of the speech really got my attention and ...

  22. PDF All levels Speech and Presentation Grading Rubric

    All levels Speech and Presentation Grading Rubric. Presentation in each of the following areas: will be scored in emerging, developing or advanced. Scores do not have to be exact in an area, but can be a range between the two areas. Ideas may not be focused or developed. Main points are difficult to identify.

  23. Public Speaking Presentation Rubric (Teacher-Made)

    This Public Speaking Presentation Rubric allows teachers to assess students on their ability to create, practice, and present a quality speech. The rubric includes delivery, organization, content, and purpose. Use with our Public Speaking PowerPoint & Google Slides presentation. Twinkl USA 6th-8th Sixth Grade English Language Arts Speaking ...

  24. PDF The Role of Rubrics in Advancing and Assessing Student Learning

    of an effective oral presentation by showing them videotaped examples of excel-lent, as well as poor, speeches and presentations. Guided by the teacher, the stu-dents identified four key criteria (traits) that they agreed were important for an ef-fective speech—content, organization, delivery, and language. They defined each