Essay Rewriter Tool for Students

The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text.

  • Copy the original that you need to rewrite.
  • Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn’t exceed the limit.
  • Select the required paraphrasing rate.
  • Press the “Rewrite” button.
  • Copy the result for further use.

Wondering how to avoid plagiarism in a paper or article? You are welcome to use the essay rewriter tool above. It was designed for academic purposes. Easily paraphrase texts in no time!

  • ✅ The Benefits of the Tool
  • ✍️ Avoiding Plagiarism with a Rewriter

🆚 Quoting vs. Rewriting vs. Plagiarism

🔗 references, ✅ essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

  • It helps to avoid plagiarism. Not all plagiarism happens intendedly. Essay Rewriter eliminates the human factor in paraphrasing. It provides you with a text that contains a preset quantity of original words.
  • It is specially designed for students. The rephrasing is neither too academic nor conversational. The style of the resulting text perfectly fits all educational requirements.
  • It is simple to use. It would be strange to waste your time exploring a tool that should save it. Essay Rewriter is intuitively clear. You can open the web page and use it straight away.
  • It has an adjustable percentage of paraphrased words. Sometimes you need to preserve some part of the original. Try various rates to choose the best result.
  • It is equally functional on computers and mobile devices. You can use the tool at home or college from your smartphone. All the features will be available in the mobile version.

✍️ Rewriter Tool: An Easy Way to Avoid Plagiarism

Want to know when rewriting means plagiarizing?

It is easy.

When you use someone else’s intellectual property, pretending it’s your own, you plagiarize. When you reword a text that another person wrote without referencing the original, it is plagiarism.

Unfortunately, even if you unwillingly copy someone’s text, it is also punishable . The consequences range from lowered marks and reprimanding to expulsion from the educational institution or research community. Nobody likes plagiarizers. People perceive them as thieves.

Still, every researcher resorts to paraphrasing. What is the recipe for the balance between rewriting and plagiarism? The short answer is, always mention the original . There are more nuances, like retelling the text with your own words rather than using synonyms here and there. But whichever method or app you use, give credit to the author.

When you wish to use someone else’s words as a part of your writing, you insert a quote . In this case, you are supposed to enclose the phrase or sentence in quotation marks to signal that you are quoting. After that, include a citation with page number and author’s name.

When should you quote?

There is a general rule that if more than four words in a row match the source, you should enclose them in quotation marks.

But if the sentence or paragraph you wish to use is too long, it is better to paraphrase it. In such a case, quotation marks are unnecessary. Still, paraphrases also require citations at the end of the rewritten text and in the list of references. Make sure to modify the words and their order to avoid plagiarism.

You can consult the examples of quoting, rewriting, and plagiarism examples below. Compare them to find out the difference and never have problems using someone else’s text in your research article or essay.

Quoting: Example

The quote from a book by Oliver Sacks below contains quotation marks and a reference to the original according to APA citation style.

“The scientific study of the relationship between brain and mind began in 1861, when Broca, in France, found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech, aphasia, consistently followed damage to a particular portion of the left hemisphere of the brain. This opened the way to cerebral neurology, which made it possible, over the decades, to ‘map’ the human brain, ascribing specific powers — linguistic, intellectual, perceptual, etc. — to equally specific ‘centers’ in the brain. Toward the end of the century it became evident to more acute observers that this sort of mapping was too simple, that all mental performances had an intricate internal structure, and must have an equally complex physiological basis.” (Sacks, 1998, p. 5)

Rewriting: Example

The rewriting sample below contains all the essential features. All the grammatical structures of the sentences have been modified. Most words have been replaced with synonyms, and most importantly, it contains a reference to the original . You can use this example as a good one.

In “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: And Other Clinical Tales,” Sacks (1998) describes the beginning of the research on brain and mind. In particular, Broca was the first to discover the relationship between aphasia and the damaged section of the left hemisphere. This finding started a breakthrough in cerebral neurology. In some decades, people described the brain’s structure with respect to its functions and the centers responsible for them. Later, researchers found that this approach overly simplified mental processes. On the contrary, the human brain has a complicated psychological structure, and its functioning is much more intricate.

Plagiarism: Example

This plagiarism sample does not change the sentence structure and frequently uses the same word order. Deleting the subordinate parts of sentences and changing some words with synonyms does not suffice for a good rewriting. Plagiarism checkers will recognize this passage as the original . But if your poor rewriting is revealed, you will be punished. Its main drawback is the absence of credit to the original.

The study of the brain and mind began in 1861 when Broca found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech usually followed damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. This gave impetus to the development of cerebral neurology, which made it possible to ‘map’ the human brain. Scientists ascribed specific powers — intellectual, linguistic, perceptual, etc. — to some particular areas in the brain. At the end of the century, it became evident that such mapping was too simple. Therefore, all mental activities had a complicated internal structure, and they must have an equally intricate physiological basis.

Hope the tips and examples above are useful for you. By the way, summarizing the sources you use is another way to avoid plagiarism – in case you mention the author, of course. If you need to summarize anything, use our free tool !

❓ Essay Rewriter Tool: FAQ

Rewrite means paraphrasing the original writing to obtain a new text. The level of plagiarism defines the quality of rewriting, i.e., the lower, the better. Currently, there are hundreds of free online rewriting tools, including Essay Rewriter, that can transform any text into an original with zero plagiarism.

  • Read the source, making notes of the essentials.
  • Start each sentence from a different point, as compared to the original.
  • Rewrite only the most significant parts, leaving out the less critical ones.
  • Skip all the previous issues and automatize the process with Essay Rewriter.

Essay Rewriter is the best online tool to rewrite an article. It allows choosing the paraphrasing level, depending on your needs. The entire process requires a couple of clicks. Its primary benefit is that it is absolutely free and simple to use.

Article rewriting is legal as long as you include a proper reference to the source and paraphrase it sufficiently to look original. Otherwise, the copyright holder may reveal your infringement. It can entail legal, financial, or reputational consequences. But the use of shared knowledge does not require any credit to the original. For example, the names of capitals, presidents, or nationalities are common knowledge.

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • 6 Ways to Rewrite Someone Else's Short Story - wikiHow
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism: 5 Easy Methods | Grammarly
  • Plagiarism | University of Oxford
  • Quoting and Paraphrasing - UW-Madison Writing Center
  • Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words - Purdue OWL
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The tool on this page will come in handy to those who need to rephrase their text but don’t want to waste too much time doing it. Expressing the same thoughts using different wording shouldn’t be a chore. That’s why we designed the instrument that makes the whole process a lot quicker and easier.

Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism

3 hours!

You've finished your essay, but are worried about plagiarism? We’ve got good news for you. Our free online paraphrasing tool is here to rewrite your texts. Be sure never to be accused of plagiarizing!

In this article, you’ll find:

  • The paraphrasing tool;
  • Ways to steer clear of plagiarism;
  • All you need to know about sentence rewriting;
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about this topic.

Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism.

  • What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?
  • How to Use the Rewording Tool
  • What Makes Our Online Rephrasing Tool Handy?
  • How to Reword a Sentence
  • How to Reword a Quote

✅ What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?

To paraphrase means to present an idea in different words. A big part of this technique is consulting a thesaurus for synonyms. Luckily, you can put the dull dictionary aside and let the plagiarism changer do the job for you.

When writing a paper, make sure you properly cite all your sources. Also, keep your content unique. Failing to do this will result in plagiarism.

Cue the rephrasing generator. This quick machine:

  • Provides alternative word suggestions;
  • Replaces any part of speech with synonyms;
  • Keeps your intended meaning;
  • Guarantees plagiarism-free results.

🖥️ How to Use the Rewording Tool

With our free paraphrasing tool, you can rewrite a text in your own words in a matter of seconds. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find everything you need to do:

  • Open the website and paste your document into the box.
  • Click “paraphrase my text.”
  • Pick the synonyms you like.
  • You’re done! Now you can copy your paraphrased text.
  • Be sure to do a plagiarism check. For example, the online writing tool Grammarly has a professional plagiarism checker.

👍 What Makes Our Online Word Changer Handy?

Now that you know how our tool rephrases your sentences, you’re probably wondering why you need it. Here are its benefits;

  • Unlike expensive software with the same purpose, it’s free and always available .
  • It offers various synonyms to choose from , saving you time, and ensuring that your text still makes sense.
  • Rephrasing helps avoid plagiarism .
  • The generator can also assist you in creating summaries .

We’ve got your back, but it’s good to know how to stay away from trouble by yourself. Read on to get acquainted with various rewriting strategies.

✏️ How to Rephrase: Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s intellectual property. It can be deliberate but often happens unintentionally. In academia, this mostly means taking someone’s idea and not crediting the source. But don't worry: there are many ways avoid this. Here are the basics:

  • Always using a plagiarism checker . This way, you’ll know for sure that what you’ve written is 100% yours.
  • Quoting means adopting the original author’s wording directly and putting it in quotation marks. Make sure to resort to direct quoting only if it strengthens your argument, or if the quote is particularly expressive.
  • A summary is a shortened version of the source. You don’t paraphrase its entire contents but break it down into the crucial parts.
  • Taking notes while reading articles. Try to formulate the central ideas in simple words. This way, you'll automatically have a first draft of what you want to paraphrase.
  • Lastly, changing the sentence structure while paraphrasing will help you sound natural.

Keep reading to learn more about rewording sentences and quotes.

📖 How to Reword a Sentence

Paraphrasing is very similar to summarizing. Both are key skills for writers. With these recommendations, you’ll always rewrite correctly and without plagiarizing.

To some terms, such as "globalization," you’ll hardly find alternatives. However, common words can easily be replaced.

Use various conjunctions or break the sentences up.

Replace nouns with verbs, verbs with adjectives, or vice versa.

This includes:

  • Switching the voice from passive to active and the other way round.
  • Turning clauses into phrases and vice versa, e.g., by omitting or adding pronouns.

This being said, the most effective method to rephrase something is by using all these techniques combined. Here are some examples:

“Categorization has become a major field of study, thanks primarily to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, who made categorization an issue. (Lakoff 1987: 7)”

“Eleanor Rosch, who was the first to point out the importance of categorization, paved the way to make it an important subject. (see Lakoff 1987: 7)”

In this version, you can see multiple strategies at work. The structure is different, and all possible words were substituted. Yet, it still contains the original meaning. That’s precisely what we want!

Let’s have a look at this variant instead:


“Categorization is now a major field of study. It can be credited to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, the first person to make categorization an issue.”

While the voice is switched in this paraphrase, it still is too close to the original. It uses the same wording and doesn’t credit the source.

Here’s another example:

“In a rare instance of consensus, linguists agree that grammar is extremely complex and hard to properly describe. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

“Linguists rarely agree with each other, but they all acknowledge that grammar is problematic and that it’s nearly impossible to explain it correctly. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

This version has synonyms and adds an extra preposition. Unfortunately, the alternatives "problematic" and "explain" tamper with the original meaning. Let's see how to paraphrase this paragraph properly:

“While linguists rarely share the same opinions, they all admit that grammar is almost impossible to depict comprehensively due to its intricate nature. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

In this case, the concept stays the same. The phrases are changed; there are a new structure and extra conjunction. Perfect!

💬 How to Reword a Quote

If you want your assignments to sound natural, provide the proper context for your quotes. It includes introducing them with phrases such as according to, in the words of, as defined by . Citing is appropriate, if:

  • The wording is especially valuable;
  • You need to support a claim;
  • You want to debate and analyze the author’s position.

When writing, use a mix of direct quotes and paraphrases with an emphasis on the latter. Once you cite a source, adhere to specific standards. Stick to any one of these styles throughout your entire text:

  • An in-text APA style reference can be either narrative , e.g. Zaliznyak & Šmelev, 1997, or parenthetical , e.g. (Zaliznyak & Šmelev, 1997).
  • MLA formatting style requires the author’s last name and the page, for example, Clasmeier 37.
  • When citing Chicago style , all source data (name, title, publisher, year, page) goes into the footnotes.

We're happy if this article was useful to you. And don't forget: if you want to save yourself some time, try our free paraphrasing tool!

📌 Is Rewording Plagiarism?

📌 how do you rewrite articles in your own words, 📌 can i use the rewriting tool to avoid plagiarism.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

🔗 References

  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Choosing Whether to Quote or to Paraphrase: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting: Australia University
  • Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing: Ashford University
  • Paraphrasing: American Psychological Association
  • Chicago Quoting and Paraphrasing: Massey University
  • MLA In-Text Citations: Purdue University

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rewrite essay without plagiarizing


Rephrase easily to avoid plagiarism. Free and Easy to use!

Still not satisfied?

Hire a professional editor to paraphrase your essay.

How to use paraphrasing tool:

  • Paste the text you need to be reworded in the box and click the “paraphrase” button.
  • You will see a series of highlighted words in your text. Click on each to view a list of prospective synonyms with which to replace said words.
  • Replace the original word with the synonym of your choice by clicking on it.
  • Once you have changed all the words from the original text you deem necessary, click “finish.”
  • If you are satisfied with the results, copy and paste the text to your desired location.
  • If you think more changes are necessary at this point, click “retry” to start again, or the “paraphrase another text” button to repeat the process on a new text you need reworded.

(Votes: 0 )

How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl Expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, and edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Writing Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite your paper from scratch according to instructions and guidelines and make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Suits your similarity index. Consider using it!

Free Top Paraphrasing Tool Trusted by Students

Being a student isn't always easy, especially when there're many essays waiting to be written. Every paper requires research, a particular number of words, top-quality text that's understandable and enjoyable to read, and more. Following all those requirements isn't always simple. Plus, the text should be original. Is using an online rephraser a good idea? Sometimes, you lack inspiration or time to create the paper you want. In such situations, an essay rephraser can do miracles. Here, you'll learn about the steps to use it and more. Let's dive in.

How Does Essay Re phraser Work?

Using a parahrasing tool is effortless. Its purpose is to complete essay rephrasing and create content that'll be 100 % authentic. Again, being a student can be hard some days. When such days arrive, it's good to be ready and complete it in time. Getting an online paraphrasing tool's help is useful. Plus, it will make your life easier.

The process of getting things done requires a few minutes only. You enter the text in the desired field and then click on a Paraphrase button. Several seconds later, another area will show rephrased text. You can use a free plagiarism checker by Papersowl to check for originality and ensure the essays are authentic. When you complete all the steps, your paper will be ready!

These tools are pretty straightforward so that first-time users can handle it all simply without any fuss.

What Makes Our Free Paraphrasing Tool the Best?

There're many rephrasing tools on the market these days, but still, you should choose one carefully. After all, your goal is the best experience. You'll achieve it by selecting the top option.

Our rephrase tool is designed for those interested in text creation of any kind. Use the online paraphrase tool for:

  • Research papers
  • Other types of text

With it, you can paraphrase anything, from sentences to paragraphs, simply and effortlessly. By using the tool, you'll get original content and more. When using it regularly, you'll improve your writing skills as well.

A student can also struggle with title creation. To avoid such issues, use a free title page generator that'll help you create unique and catchy titles for your papers and articles. The tool will design the title in any style you need, from APA and MLA to Chicago, AMA, or Harvard.

A reword tool doesn't cost a thing and can help you in many ways. Having a rich vocabulary can become much easier with this simple-to-use article rewriter. You'll save many hours and a lot of energy. Yet, all your papers will be excellent. You can stop asking - can someone rephrase my essay. Instead, you'll do it yourself. One thing is guaranteed - the results will astonish you.

Papersowl's Paraphrasing Tool: When to Use?

Creating original and effective essays requires a lot of research, work, and patience. These tasks don't always go smoothly. When chasing better grades, you want everything to be fantastic, right?

You don't always feel inspired, motivated, or have enough hours or days on your hands to complete your papers, ensuring they're excellent and completely authentic. What to do?

A paraphrasing tool for essays is an option worth considering. It's ideal for many reasons. It'll help you complete the texts without changing their meaning. Plus, the content is 100 % authentic. Forget about plagiarism issues. Every single sentence will be authentic. You'll save hours, if not days. In addition, count on more energy to complete other tasks.

If you don't feel comfortable using the tool to paraphrase the original text, there's another option. That's using a custom writing essay service , which is affordable and gives impressive results. Qualified and experienced writers create content at low prices no one can beat. Plus, the authors are creative and know to structure the texts and create unique content.

The vital thing is there're many options to consider. Eventually, you'll select what's working for you. You can pick a tool. Or, get a rewriter. Both online solutions will be helpful, that's for sure.

How Does This Professional Paraphrasing Tool Work?

There's nothing complicated about it. It all goes smoothly and effortlessly. The only requirement is to follow several steps to rephrase essays easily.

  • Open the page with a rephraser
  • Enter the content you want to reword
  • Select Paraphrase by clicking on it
  • The content will feature many highlighted words
  • By clicking on each, you'll see the synonyms
  • Simply change the word you wish by clicking on offered synonym of your choice

Once the changes have been made, end the task by clicking on Finish and copying the content to any desired location.

That's it! The content is rephrased! There's nothing simpler than this.

If you want additional changes, you can start again by clicking on Retry. You can continue rewording other texts as well. You can complete tasks the way it suits you, by alternating sentences or paragraphs, at the pace that works for you.

When working using the paraphrase generator, there's no need to spend hours searching for synonyms. All are presented right there. Thus, you won't waste a minute. Plus, more ideas and words will flow.

Difference Between Rephrasing & Plagiarism

Understanding the difference between these two terms isn't complicated. As you know, when working on articles or another type of content for school or college, it's vital to deliver 100 % authentic textual content that is plagiarism-free. It means that copying isn't an option. That's where the reword option comes. When you reword the content, you'll ensure it is plagiarism-free. The PapersOwl designed a word changer to allow everyone to complete their tasks and deliver originality.

Getting around the sentence rephraser is straightforward. Even first-time users can complete the tasks in minutes. Avoiding copying issues has never been easier. Everything can be managed through the tool that suggests suitable synonyms, and all texts will be authentic and plagiarism-free.

Wrapping It Up

If you struggle with creating articles or essays for school or college and need help, use a PapersOwl rephraser. It's the top option that doesn't require some special skills to be used. The content will look and sound completely different in just a few clicks. Plus, it'll be 100 % authentic. Yet, the meaning of the content will remain the same. Get everything done much faster and easier. Let's not forget to mention the service won't cost you a cent. You can basically paraphrase an essay in minutes. You'll have lots of fun doing this. Simultaneously, you'll improve your vocabulary and textual content creation skills.

PapersOwl is a well-known provider of all types of academic papers.

  • Research paper
  • Dissertation

and many more

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How Does Paraphrasing Tool Work?

  • Copy the desired text or manually enter the text you need to paraphrase. Click on the button, and the artificial intelligence algorithm will define the series of words in the text for you. The result will appear on your screen instantly.
  • Click on the words highlighted in blue to change them to synonyms. Two lines will appear under the text window. The first one is the source word, and the second one is the suggested alternatives. Choose the synonyms that seem most relevant to you and click on them. This place will automatically change in the text. Modify the source text until you are satisfied with the result. Once you have completed editing the text, hit the finish button.
  • After the editing stage, the window's initial text will be changed. If you like the final version, copy the ready text into your document. If you want to edit the text or start the rewriting process again, click on the retry button. You can check it for plagiarism at the end for free. To start rewording a new text, click on the paraphrase button.
  • The last stage is optional. You can get assistance from experts if you have difficulties with the rewrite or don't like your final version. To do this, click on the "I need expert help" button. You can place your order there by specifying the deadline and the number of pages and providing detailed instructions.
  • Reliable Editors
  • Any Field of Study
  • Fair Prices

Free Paraphrasing Tool is rated 4.8 /5 based on 644 user reviews.

Want your voice to count in? Send us your review with all the details.

Advantages Of Paraphrasing Tool By PapersOwl

Why choose us? Our excellent paraphrasing tool will help you optimize both your input research data and your considerations to obtain an authentic and smartly compiled paper. Let’s see what miracles our essay rephraser can do with your essay:

We value your loyalty and made this convenient service free for your usage. No matter the complexity of the paper you want to rephrase, you can do it without paying anything.

We don't want to weigh you down forcing you to explore complex educational tools. Our experts elaborated on a simple yet efficient tool. No special knowledge is needed for fast and quality paraphrasing of your papers

Being a student is not always easy, and when you are short of time you can resort to a rephrasing instrument. In a couple of minutes, you will have a powerful and unique paper you can be proud of.

Combining the requirements provided for a paper and creative component uniquely isn’t always easy. That’s what our paraphrasing tool can do to your best advantage delivering a quality plagiarism-free essay.

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rewrite essay without plagiarizing

Paraphrase Tool to Avoid Plagiarism

Have you ever struggled with paraphrasing in your academic writing? Paraphrasing allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the material and avoid plagiarism but it can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s why we recommend using our free online paraphrasing tool.  

The tool will help you reword any text quickly and accurately, ensuring that your work is original. Keep reading to learn more about it and discover how to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism.

  • ✔️ How to Use the Tool
  • ⭐ Tool Benefits
  • 🔤 Paraphrasing Definition
  • 👩‍🏫 How to Paraphrase
  • 🚩 Unacceptable Paraphrasing
  • 🔎 References

✔️ How to Use the Paraphrase Tool to Avoid Plagiarism? 

Our online paraphrasing app has a user-friendly interface, so you can reword any text in a few clicks. We designed it with students in mind, considering their unique academic needs. 

Here’s a small guide on how to use our paraphrase tool to avoid plagiarism: 

  • Copy and paste the passage into the field. 
  • Choose the percentage of words that should be paraphrased. 
  • Click the “Paraphrase” button and wait for the result. 

⭐ Paraphrase Without Plagiarism: Tool Benefits

Many benefits make our tool stand out among similar paraphrasing software. Let’s have a look at the main advantages!

🔤 Paraphrasing Definition in Writing

In academic writing, paraphrasing involves rewording or expressing information from a source in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. It is a valuable skill that allows you to incorporate ideas from others but avoid plagiarism . Paraphrasing also helps you demonstrate your understanding of the source material and convey it in your writing style.

How Are Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Different? 

It is common for students to mistakenly confuse paraphrasing with quoting and summarizing, as all these skills contribute to plagiarism-free academic writing. However, understanding the distinctions between the three is crucial to boost your writing skills.

👩‍🏫 How to Properly Paraphrase to Avoid Plagiarism 

You can always use our paraphrase tool to avoid plagiarism. However, if you want to practice manual paraphrasing and master this skill, check out our guide. 

  • Read the passage. Look for the main ideas, supporting details, and the overall message of the text. 
  • Set the original aside. After understanding the text, put it aside and write from your memory to avoid unintentional plagiarism. 
  • Check against the original. Once you have rewritten the passage in your own words, compare it to the original text to ensure accuracy. 
  • Use signal phrases. To attribute ideas to the original source, incorporate signal phrases such as “One study found that…,” “According to Brown,” or “Brown notes that…”. 
  • Quote any borrowed terms. If specific terms or phrases are unique to the source and cannot be paraphrased, use quotation marks to quote them. 
  • Cite the source. Finally, ensure you provide a proper citation that includes the author, publication year, and other relevant details according to the appropriate citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago). 

🚩 What Is Unacceptable Paraphrasing? 

Here is a list of signs that indicate unacceptable paraphrasing: 

  • Word-for-word copying. The text mirrors the original too closely, using the same sentence structure and vocabulary without enclosing them in quotation marks. 
  • Insufficient modification. Only a few words or phrases are changed from the source. 
  • Failure to capture the essence. The paraphrased version fails to convey the source’s meaning or key points. 
  • Excessive reliance on synonyms. Overusing synonyms without genuinely understanding the context and intended meaning of the original text can lead to flawed paraphrasing. 
  • Lack of citation or attribution. It is unacceptable to paraphrase without clearly indicating the source or providing proper citation , as this can be considered plagiarism. 

Check out an example of incorrect and acceptable paraphrasing.

📍 Paraphrase to Avoid Plagiarism: FAQ

📍 what does it mean to paraphrase a source.

To paraphrase a source means to restate the information from that source in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing involves comprehending the material, expressing it in a new way, and providing proper attribution to the source.

📍 Do you need quotation marks when paraphrasing?

No, you usually don’t need quotation marks when paraphrasing. However, quotation marks are necessary if you use specific terms from the original text that cannot be reworded. Even though paraphrases don’t require quotation marks, you should still provide in-text citations to acknowledge the source.

📍 What is one benefit of paraphrasing?

One benefit of paraphrasing is that it allows you to make connections between ideas by controlling how they are presented and making them sound natural. By using your words to rephrase information, you can better integrate it into your writing style and context. It can enhance clarity and help avoid plagiarism while conveying the original meaning.

📍 When would you want to directly quote a source over paraphrasing it?

It’s better to directly quote a source when the exact wording is crucial to your argument or when the author uses unique terms or especially vivid or strong language. For example, you should directly quote textual evidence from a book or poem for your literary analysis paper.

🔎 References 

  • Quoting and Paraphrasing (MLA Style) | Loyola Marymount University  
  • Paraphrasing Sources | Lumen  
  • Paraphrasing & Quoting | Azusa Pacific University  
  • Paraphrasing & Avoiding Plagiarism | TUS Library  
  • Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words | Purdue Online Writing Lab  
  • Avoiding Plagiarism | Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries  

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Essay Rewriter

  • Anti Plagiarism

Freeze Words

Suggested Words:

0 / 250 Words

Rephrased text will be shown here

Rewrite Content Will be Shown here

Select or Copy (Ctrl+A) , (Ctrl+C)

Go Pro to Remove Plagiarism Up to 90%

Our Essay Rewriter tool is designed to Serve A Wide Range of Users!

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Whether in high school or pursuing higher education, the essay rewrite tool can help you rewrite your assignments, essays, and research papers to achieve better grades and clearer expression of your ideas.

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For conducting academic research, the tool can assist in rephrasing and reorganizing complex ideas, ensuring that your research articles are communicated effectively to a broader audience.

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Academic Writers

If you're an author crafting scholarly articles, reports, or other academic content, the tool can enhance your writing structure, clarity, and overall impact.

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Fiction and non-fiction authors can use the article rewriter to refine their manuscripts, experiment with different sentence structures, and find new ways to convey their stories.

Why Trust Our AI Essay Rewriter Tool?

Time efficiency.

In the fast-paced world of academia, time is important. Our essay rewriter streamlines the rewriting process, saving you hours of manual labour. Spend more time on research and crafting impactful arguments.

Style Improvement

The Essay Rewriter Tool restructures your sentences and enhances grammar and style. You'll be amazed at how your writing transforms from good to exceptional.

Accuracy & Precision

Our AI algorithms make sure to rewrite the words correctly while keeping the main ideas the same. You can use this essay rewriter to simplify sentences and difficult phrases.

Most Advanced AI Essay Rewriter Tool

Our essay rewriter uses machine learning and natural language processing to understand and rephrase the content in different words.

Our essay word changer can rewrite your essays, assignments, and other papers in a human-like style and tone.

Our tool can analyze the in-text citations and references and keep their orignal meaning as it is.

⚡️ Instant Rewriting

💸 Free Forever

😍 Choice of

Essay, Journal & Assignments

Content flow, Readability & Fluency

It's 100% free and will be

Students, Scholars & Educators

Features of Our AI Powered Essay Rewriter

Say goodbye to the time-consuming task of manual rewriting and enjoy the ease and efficiency of our revolutionary rewriter tool. Try it today and witness its features firsthand.

Plagiarism-Free Guarantee

With a strong focus on originality, Our tool rewrites your text to eliminate any risk of plagiarism. You can confidently submit your work, Knowing that it’s authentically yours.

Database of Synonyms

A rich vocabulary is essential for academic excellence. Our tool suggests synonyms and alternate words, enabling you to express your ideas clearly and professionally.

Cost Friendly

The tool offers a free version that you can try without any limitations. To enjoy the unlimited features of our essay rewriter, you can purchase our premium plans which are quite affordable.

Private & Secure

Our tool doesn’t save any of your academic texts on its servers. We understand your privacy concerns, so we delete every piece of content as soon as you finish the rewriting task.

What Do Users Think of Our Essay Rewriter Tool?


Clark Griffin

As a history student, conveying complex ideas is essential. This Essay Rewriter Tool helped me streamline my research papers without compromising the integrity of my arguments. It's like having a personal editor who understands my academic writing style.

Octavia John

I often struggle to present my research in a way that's both scientifically accurate and accessible to a broader audience. This tool transformed my findings into a comprehensible and engaging narrative. It's become an indispensable part of my writing routine.

Murphy Steve

I use this tool to rewrite my essay drafts. The tool understands the main ideas and references I have used and creates a unique and more understandable version. I have gotten good grades on my assignment writing tasks since using this tool.

Most Easy-To-Use Essay Rewriter Tool

Our online essay rewriter tool offers a simple and intuitive interface. You can rewrite your documents anywhere you want within seconds. Users can easily rephrase the content in four simple steps.

  • Paste your text into the provided space or type directly into the tool – the choice is yours.
  • Hit the "Rewrite" button; our algorithm gets to work; wait for your results.
  • You get the rewritten text in the output box; make further adjustments if needed.
  • If satisfied with the results, copy your refined essay and export it in your desired format.

Reasons to Use Our Essay Rewriter!

  • Users can use our essay rewriter to reword already written content if they have a tight deadline.
  • Our essay rewriter can help you reword your essays and assignments in better quality.
  • Users can bring down the plagiarism percentage in their essays and assignments with our tool.
  • If you don’t have much academic or formal writing skills, you can learn from the rewriting style of our tool.


Free Mode: 3 Paraphrases Max

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Unlock Unlimited Paraphrasing and Eliminate Plagiarism in Your Essay Blogs, Assignments, and Other Texts by Clicking 'Go Pro'

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Go Pro for unlimited paraphrasing and plagiarism removal

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  • Paraphrasing API
  • Command Mode
  • Instant blog generator
  • Readability-improver
  • Topical authority
  • Blog Img Gen
  • Content Repurposer
  • Article generator
  • Humanize AI text

Bypass is Premium Feature

Evade AI detection and create unique content with the Bypass AI operator.

Make my text sounds...


Enter your command below

Shorten is a Premium Feature

Make any sentence shorter with the Shorten operator.

Expand is a Premium Feature

Make any sentence longer with the Expand operator.

Formal tone is a premium feature

Paraphrases text in a more sophisticated and professional way with Formal tone operator.

Simplify Tone is a Premium Feature

This tone would focus on paraphrasing and making the text easier to understand for a general audience

Creative tone is a premium feature

Paraphrases text with the most inventiveness and expression with Creative tone operator.

Limit is 900 characters for free accounts. To get 40K characters limit subscripe to scale

Suggested: -


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  • Click inside the editor to activate it.
  • Press CTRL+A twice to select all content.
  • Press CTRL+C to copy the selected text to the clipboard.

The most sophisticated AI essay rewriter in the industry.

Say goodbye to tedious and time-consuming essay rewriting! With our cutting-edge "Essay Rewriter" tool, you can effortlessly turn any written piece into a masterpiece. Whether you're a student, professional, or creative writer, our software will help you enhance your writing and make it more unique and engaging. Experience the magic of our tool and elevate your writing to the next level!

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AISEO Essay Rewriter

Transform your essays with ease: the ultimate essay rewriter tool.

Have you ever faced the challenge of rewriting an essay or a document, and found yourself stuck in a never-ending cycle of editing and rephrasing? If so, you're not alone. Rewriting can be a tedious and time-consuming task, but with the right tool, it doesn't have to be. Introducing AISEO Essay Rewriter Tool , a revolutionary tool designed to help you enhance your writing and make it more unique and engaging.

But what exactly makes our AI content generator online tool so "ultimate"? For starters, our tool uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques to analyze your writing and generate new and unique content that maintains the original meaning and intent. This means that you don't have to worry about losing the essence of your essay or document while rewriting it. So why waste time and effort on tedious rewriting when you can have the power of Article Rewriter online tool at your fingertips? Try it today and experience the magic for yourself!

Paraphrasing modes

How to use aiseo essay rewriter.

AISEO essay rewriter is an online tool that can help you not only paraphrase your text but also check for plagiarism in it. This tool offers a convenient and straightforward way to reword essays, theses, or any other assignments. It can be used by students, bloggers, content writers, webmasters, teachers, and freelancers alike. To use AISEO essay rewriter, follow these steps:

  • Open the AISEO Essay Rewriter from the Dashboard.
  • Copy and paste the original article in the Essay Rewriter’s source article text box.
  • The AI engine will automatically rewrite the text and generate a unique output.
  • Check the uniqueness of the output text, as it should be 100% unique.
  • Go through the source and output articles and figure out the sentences or paragraphs that were not completely rewritten.
  • Rewrite those areas to complete the rewriting process.
  • Finally, check the entire text again for accuracy and completeness.

Using AISEO essay rewriter is an efficient and quick way to generate unique content. It saves you time, effort, and energy, allowing you to focus on other important tasks. Furthermore, it is easy to use and understand so anyone, even people with no experience in paraphrasing, can use it.

What is essay rewriting?

Essay rewriting is the process of revising an essay for clarity and accuracy. It involves taking a rough draft and making changes to the content, grammar, structure, and tone to ensure that it meets the expectations of the reader. This can include changing the word choice, adding more detail or description, correcting punctuation, and removing irrelevant information. Rewriting also involves evaluating the argument presented in the essay and reorganizing the essay’s structure to better support the argument.

Benefits of essay rewriting

Essay rewriting is an important part of the writing process, providing students with the opportunity to improve their academic essay types writing skills and produce high-quality essays. Rewriting gives students to explore different writing ideas, experiment with possibilities, and ensure that their paper is free of errors. There are many benefits associated with essay rewriting, including:

  • Gives You an Alluring Paper: When you rewrite your essay, you can make sure that your paper looks neat and tidy, with no grammar or spelling mistakes. Rewriting allows you to capture and edit all the mistakes and restructure all the poorly written sentences. This makes your work convincing and informative, which will result in a better grade.
  • Adding More Information: Rewriting your assignment can help you come up with compelling evidence to add in the essay. This is especially necessary when writing for a different audience or purpose than the original author. By rewriting your work, you can also make sure that your paper is relevantly detailed and has a nice flow of information and ideas.
  • Restructuring Sentences and Paragraphs: Rewriting your article can also help you avoid plagiarism by tweaking the sentences while still keeping their original denotation. This allows you to submit an original paper with no mistakes.
  • Removing Irrelevant Information: Rewriting your assignments also helps you weed out irrelevant info in your work that might distract from the intended topic. Removing this information allows you to communicate effectively about the intended topic.
  • Saving Time: Rewriting an essay by hand can be time-consuming, but using a tool can help you get the job done much faster.
  • Improving Writing Skills: Rewriting your essay allows you to practice and hone your writing skills.
  • Ensuring 100% Unique Work: Using a rewording tool can help you make sure that your essay is 100% unique and does not contain any plagiarism.

How essay rewriting is different from paraphrasing?

Essay rewriting and paraphrasing are both techniques that are used to rephrase and reorganize written content, but there are some key differences between the two.

  • The primary goal of essay rewriting is to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the writing, whereas the primary goal of paraphrasing is to restate the original text in your own words.
  • Article paragraph rewriting involves making substantial changes to the structure and wording of the text, whereas paraphrasing typically involves making smaller changes and keeping the overall meaning and structure of the text intact.
  • Essay rewriting requires a thorough understanding of the text and the ability to reorganize and rephrase it in a way that makes it more clear, concise, and engaging. Paraphrasing, on the other hand, only requires an understanding of the text and the ability to restate it in your own words.
  • Essay rewriting is often used to improve the style and tone of the text, whereas paraphrasing is more commonly used to avoid plagiarism and to make text more unique.
  • Essay rewriting is also commonly used to make text more sophisticated and professional, whereas paraphrasing is often used to simply change the wording of the text, without necessarily making it more sophisticated.

It is important to note that both essay rewriting and paraphrasing have their own set of use cases and are used to achieve different goals. Essay rewriting is a powerful tool that can help you improve the overall quality and effectiveness of your writing, while paraphrasing is a useful technique that can help you restate text in your own words, without plagiarizing.

What are the languages supported by AISEO's Essay rewriter?

English, Bulgarian, Czech, Paraphrase tool Deutsch , Paraphrase tool Greek , Paraphrase tool French , Paraphrase tool Spanish , Paraphrase tool Indonesia , Paraphrase tool Italian , Polish, Paraphrase tool Portuguese , Paraphrase tool Dutch , Japanese, Paraphrase tool Danish , Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Paraphrase tool Romanian , Slovak, Slovenian, Paraphrase tool Finnish , Russian, Estonian, Swedish, Chinese.

Elevate Your Writing: Say Goodbye to Tedious Rewriting

Do you find yourself spending hours upon hours trying to rewrite your essays or documents? Are you tired of the tedious and time-consuming process of rewriting? If so, it's time to elevate your writing and say goodbye to tedious rewriting. Introducing AISEO Essay Rewriter, a powerful tool designed to help you enhance your writing and make it more unique and engaging.

Our Article Rewriter free tool uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques to analyze your writing and generate new and unique content that maintains the original meaning and intent. This means that you can rewrite your essays or documents with ease, without losing the essence of your work. So why waste your time and effort on tedious rewriting when you can have the power of free Essay Rewriter at your fingertips? Try it today and experience the difference for yourself!

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Inline rewriting tools

Eliminate writer’s block while creating content.

According to a recent Turkish survey, approximately 70% of content writers face writer's block on occasion.

Are you also struggling to come up with content for your website or blog? Do you feel like you're never able to finish a project? Well, don't worry, you're not alone. Writer's block can be a real pain, but it doesn't have to be.

With AISEO Essay Rewriter, you can finally overcome your writer's block and create content that is both engaging and effective. With our easy-to-use platform, you can create content that is both well-written and original. 

Not only will our Rewriter help you to write content that is effective and engaging, but it will also save you time. Our Rewriter will automatically rewrite your content so that it is both well-formatted and SEO optimized.

Don't let writer's block keep you from achieving your goals. Check out AISEO Essay Rewriter today, and start creating content that is both effective and engaging.

How does Essay Rewriter work?

Essay Rewriting is a process of transforming an already written essay into an original and high-quality piece of writing. The process is essential for college students, freelance writers, and anyone who needs to come up with new and engaging content. It is not always easy to come up with unique words and phrases that make the content interesting, yet still accurately reflects the original idea. This is where Essay Rewriter tools come into play.

Essay Rewriter tools, such as the one by AISEO, are automatic rewriting software that transforms any given text into an original and high-quality piece of writing. All you need to do is to copy  paste text you want to rewrite in a special area, hit enter, and let the AI-powered tool do the job.

The tool contains a massive library of words and phrases that it uses to rewrite the content. It also has a low plagiarism level which ensures that the content is unique and of good quality. It makes the whole process of rewriting essays and articles easier and faster, saving you time and effort. 

Can Essay Rewriter help me improve my writing?

Essay rewriter is a tool that can help you improve your writing by making it more clear, concise, and engaging. The tool works by analyzing your text and suggesting changes to the structure and wording of the text. The user can then review the suggestions and choose which ones to accept or reject.

Here are some ways in which an Article rewriter paraphrasing tool can help you improve your writing:

  • Eliminating mistakes and errors: Essay rewriter can help you identify and eliminate mistakes and errors in your writing, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. This can help you improve the overall quality and credibility of your writing.
  • Improving vocabulary and sentence structure: Essay rewriter can help you improve your vocabulary and sentence structure. It can suggest synonyms for commonly used words and phrases, and help you eliminate wordiness and redundancy. This can make your writing more sophisticated and professional.
  • Making your writing more clear and concise: Essay rewriter can help you reorganize your writing to make it more clear and concise. It can help you eliminate unnecessary words, phrases and sentences. This can make your writing more easy to read and understand.
  • Improving the style and tone of the text: Essay rewriter can help you improve the style and tone of your text. It can suggest changes to the wording and structure of your text to make it more engaging and persuasive.
  • Avoiding plagiarism: Essay rewriter can also help you avoid plagiarism by suggesting changes to the wording of the text, making it unique.

How can Essay Rewriter help me avoid plagiarism?

Here are some ways in which Essay rewriter can help you avoid plagiarism:

  • Rewording: Essay rewriter can suggest synonyms and alternative phrases for commonly used words and phrases, helping you to reword the text and make it unique.
  • Restructuring: Essay rewriter can suggest changes to the structure of your text, helping you to present information in a different way and make it unique.
  • Identifying plagiarized content: Some essay rewriters come with a built-in plagiarism checker that can help you identify plagiarized content in your text.
  • Keeping track of sources: Some essay rewriters also come with citation management tools that can help you keep track of sources and ensure that you are properly citing your sources.

rewrite essay without plagiarizing

Unlock the Potential of Your Writing: Try Essay Rewriter Today

Have you ever struggled to find the perfect words to convey your thoughts and ideas in writing? Have you ever felt like your writing could be better, but you just don't know how to improve it? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with writing, whether it's for school, work, or personal projects. But what if I told you that there's a tool that can help you unlock the full potential of your writing and take it to the next level? Introducing AISEO Essay Rewriter, a powerful tool that can help you rephrase and reorganize your writing to make it more effective and engaging.

Our Essay Rewriter is designed to help you improve your writing in a number of ways. It can help you eliminate mistakes and errors, rephrase sentences and paragraphs, and reorganize your writing to make it more clear and concise. Additionally, Essay Rewriter can help you improve your vocabulary and sentence structure, making your writing more sophisticated and professional. It's the perfect tool for anyone who wants to take their writing to the next level, whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to improve their writing skills.

So why not give our Essay Rewriter a try? Whether you're writing a research paper, a business proposal, or just a personal blog post, Essay Rewriter can help you take your writing to the next level. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, Essay Rewriter is the perfect tool to help you unlock the full potential of your writing and become a better writer.

Supported languages

How can an essay rewriter tool improve the quality of my writing.

Here are some ways in which an essay rewriter tool can help improve the quality of your writing:

  • Eliminating mistakes and errors: An essay rewriter tool can help you identify and eliminate mistakes and errors in your writing, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. This can help you improve the overall quality and credibility of your writing.
  • Improving vocabulary and sentence structure: A free essay rewriter tool can help you improve your vocabulary and sentence structure. It can suggest synonyms for commonly used words and phrases, and help you eliminate wordiness and redundancy. This can make your writing more sophisticated and professional.
  • Making your writing more clear and concise: An essay rewriter tool can help you reorganize your writing to make it more clear and concise. It can help you eliminate unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences. This can make your writing more easy to read and understand.
  • Improving the style and tone of the text: An essay rewriter tool can help you improve the style and tone of your text. It can suggest changes to the wording and structure of your text to make it more engaging and persuasive.
  • Enhancing readability: Some article rewriter tools have a readability checker that can help you improve the readability of your text. This can make it more accessible to your target audience.

What technologies are used by essay rewriter?

Essay rewriter tools are powered by a variety of technologies that work together to analyze text and suggest changes. Here are some of the technologies that are commonly used by essay rewriter:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) : This technology is used to analyze the text and understand its meaning, grammar, and structure. It can also be used to identify common errors and suggest corrections.
  • Machine Learning (ML): This technology is used to learn from the text and suggest changes based on patterns and trends in the data. ML algorithms can be trained on large amounts of text data, which can help to improve the accuracy of the suggestions provided by the tool.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Some essay rewriter tools use AI to analyze the text and suggest changes. AI can be used to identify patterns and trends in the text and make predictions about the content.
  • Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) technologies are also used in some article rewriter tool SEO that allows the user to input their text via speech and also some of the tool allows listening to the suggested changes.
  • Database: Some free article spinner tools use a database that stores the words, phrases, and sentences, and can be used to suggest changes to the text.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Some essay rewriter tools come with a built-in plagiarism checker that can help you identify plagiarized content in your text.

It's worth mentioning that different essay rewriter tools may use different combinations of these technologies, and some might use additional technologies as well. The capabilities and performance of the tool will depend on the technologies used and how they are implemented.

Benefits of using an essay rewriter

An essay rewriter tool can be a valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve their writing. Here are some of the benefits of using an essay rewriter:

  • Improving the overall quality of the writing: Essay rewriter can help you eliminate mistakes and errors, rephrase sentences and paragraphs, and reorganize your writing to make it more clear and concise. This can improve the overall quality of your writing and make it more effective and engaging.
  • Improving vocabulary and sentence structure: Essay rewriter can help you improve your vocabulary and sentence structure by suggesting synonyms and alternative phrases. This can make your writing more sophisticated and professional.
  • Making text unique: Essay rewriter can help you avoid plagiarism by suggesting changes to the wording of the text, making it unique.
  • Saving time: With the help of Essay rewriter, you can be confident that your writing will be improved, without having to spend hours editing and proofreading.
  • Easy to use: Essay rewriter is designed to be easy to use, even for those who are not proficient in English. It is also useful for non-native speakers who want to improve their writing skills.
  • Tailored suggestion: Essay rewriter can be tailored to specific writing styles, genres, and languages, making it a versatile tool that can be used in various scenarios.
  • Improving style and tone: Essay rewriter can help you improve the style and tone of the text, by suggesting changes that would make it more engaging and persuasive.

Which type of content can I rewrite using an essay rewriter?

An essay rewriter tool can be used to rephrase and reorganize a wide range of written content. Here are some examples of the types of content that can be rewritten using an essay rewriter:

  • Academic papers: Essay rewriter can be used to improve the quality of research papers, essays, and other academic documents.
  • Business documents: Essay rewriter can be used to improve the quality of business reports, proposals, and other professional documents.
  • Blog posts and articles: Essay rewriter can be used to improve the quality of blog posts, articles, and other types of online content.
  • Personal writing: Essay rewriter can be used to improve the quality of personal writing such as journals, diaries, and personal essays.
  • Technical documents: Essay rewriter can be used to improve the quality of technical documents such as user manuals, instructions, and guides.
  • Social Media posts: Free article spinner can be used to improve the quality of social media posts and make them more engaging and effective.
  • Other types of content: A rewording tool can also be used to improve the quality of other types of written content such as poetry, song lyrics and scripts.

Unleash the Power of Words: Try Essay Rewriter for Exceptional Writing

Have you ever felt like your words were falling short of expressing your thoughts and ideas in the most impactful way? Have you ever wished to elevate your writing style to make it more persuasive and captivating? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle to find the right words to convey their message effectively. But what if I told you that there's a tool that can help you unleash the full power of your words and take your writing to new heights? Introducing AISEO Essay Rewriter, a revolutionary tool that can help you elevate your writing and make it exceptional.

Essay Rewriter is specifically designed to help writers of all levels improve their writing by making it more polished, professional, and persuasive. It can help you eliminate mistakes and errors, rephrase sentences and paragraphs, and reorganize your writing to make it more clear and concise. Additionally, Essay Rewriter can help you improve your vocabulary and sentence structure, making your writing more sophisticated and professional.

Features to consider while choosing an essay rewriter

When choosing an essay rewriter tool, there are several features that you should consider to ensure that the tool will meet your needs. Here are some of the key features to consider:

  • Quality of suggestions: The quality of the suggestions provided by the tool is one of the most important factors to consider. The suggestions should be accurate and should help to improve the overall quality of your writing.
  • Customization options: Some essay rewriter tools come with customization options that allow you to tailor the tool to your specific writing style, genre, or language. This can be useful if you want to use the tool for a specific type of content.
  • User interface: The user interface of the tool should be easy to use and intuitive. This will make it easier for you to use the tool and to review the suggestions provided by the tool.
  • Plagiarism detection: Some essay rewriter tools come with a built-in plagiarism checker that can help you identify plagiarized content in your text. This can be a useful feature if you want to avoid plagiarism.
  • Speed: The speed at which the tool provides the suggestions is also an important feature to consider. It is useful if the tool can provide the suggestions quickly so you don't have to wait too long.
  • Integration with other software: Some essay rewriter tools can integrate with other software such as word processors, text editors, and citation management tools. This can be a useful feature if you want to use the tool in conjunction with other software.
  • Cost: The cost of the tool is also an important feature to consider. Some tools are free to use, while others require a subscription or one-time payment.
  • Support: The level of support provided by the tool is also an important feature to consider. Some tools come with a detailed user manual, FAQs, and a customer support team that can help you with any questions or issues you may have.

Pros and Cons of using an essay rewriter

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using an essay rewriter:

  • Avoiding plagiarism: Essay rewriter can help you avoid plagiarism by suggesting changes to the wording of the text, making it unique.
  • Tailored suggestion: Article spinner can be tailored to specific writing styles, genres, and languages, making it a versatile tool that can be used in various scenarios.
  • Dependence on the tool: Some users may become too dependent on the tool and may not develop their own writing skills.
  • Over reliance on suggestions: Some users may accept all the suggestions provided by the tool, without using their own judgement, which may lead to poor quality writing.
  • Cost: Some tools may be expensive and may not be affordable for everyone.
  • Limited creativity: Using the tool too much may stifle the writer's creativity and may make the writing seem formulaic.
  • Limited scope of suggestions: Depending on the tool, the suggestions provided may be limited and may not be able to address all the issues in the text.

Is the essay rewriting good for SEO?

Essay rewriting can be beneficial for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in some cases. Here are a few ways in which essay rewriting can help with SEO:

  • Unique content: By using an essay rewriter tool to rephrase and reorganize text, you can create unique content that will rank higher in search engine results. Search engines favor unique and original content, and by avoiding plagiarism, essay rewriting can help you create such content.
  • Improving readability: Essay rewriting can help you improve the readability of your text by making it more clear and concise. Search engines also favor content that is easy to read and understand, and essay rewriting can help you achieve this.
  • Keyword optimization: Essay rewriting can help you include keywords in your text in a natural and organic way. This can help your content rank higher in search engine results for those keywords.
  • Avoiding Penalties: Search engines like Google, penalize websites that have plagiarized content, by using an essay rewriter you can avoid this penalty and keep your website in good standing with search engines.

Experience the Magic of Essay Rewriter: Take Your Writing to the Next Level

Have you ever felt like your writing is missing that special something that would make it truly stand out? Have you ever found yourself wanting to add a touch of magic to your words, but didn't know how? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle to find the perfect words to make their writing truly captivating. But what if I told you that there's a tool that can help you experience the magic of writing, and take it to the next level? Introducing AISEO Essay Rewriter, a powerful tool that can help you transform your writing into something truly special.

Our Essay Rewriter is designed to help you elevate your writing and make it more polished, professional and persuasive. It can help you rephrase your sentences and paragraphs, eliminate mistakes and errors and make your writing more clear and concise. Additionally, Essay Rewriter can help you find the perfect words to convey your message and make it more engaging and captivating. It can also help you improve your vocabulary and sentence structure, making your writing more sophisticated and professional.

Who can use an essay rewriter?

An essay rewriter tool can be used by a wide range of people for various purposes. Here are some examples of who can use an essay rewriter:

  • Students: Essay rewriter can be used by students to improve the quality of their academic papers, research papers, and essays.
  • Professionals: Essay rewriter can be used by professionals to improve the quality of business reports, proposals, and other professional documents.
  • Content creators: Article spinner can be used by bloggers, journalists, and other content creators to improve the quality of their online content.
  • Non-native English speakers: Essay rewriter can be used by non-native English speakers to improve their writing skills and make their text more sophisticated and professional.
  • Technical writers: Essay rewriter can be used by technical writers to improve the quality of technical documents such as user manuals, instructions, and guides.
  • Social Media managers: Essay rewriter can be used by social media managers to improve the quality of social media posts, making them more engaging and effective.
  • Poets, songwriters and scriptwriters: Essay rewriter can be used by poets,songwriters and scriptwriters to improve the quality of their work and make it more engaging and effective.

Things you must avoid while using an essay rewriter

While using an essay rewriter tool can be a valuable tool for improving the quality of your writing, there are some things that you should avoid to ensure that you are using the tool effectively. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Overreliance on the tool: Avoid becoming too dependent on the tool and not developing your own writing skills. It's important to use the tool as a tool for assistance, but not to rely on it entirely.
  • Accepting all suggestions: Avoid accepting all the suggestions provided by the tool without using your own judgement. Some suggestions may not make sense in the context of the text or may change the meaning of the text.
  • Copying and pasting: Avoid copying and pasting text directly from the tool. It is essential to go through the suggestions and make sure they fit the context and meaning of the original text.
  • Not proofreading: Avoid not proofreading the text after using the essay rewriter. It is essential to go through the text and check for any remaining mistakes or errors.
  • Neglecting citation: Avoid neglecting citation and not giving credit to the sources used. Even if you have rephrased the text, it is important to cite the sources used in the original text.
  • Not Customizing: Avoid not customizing the tool to your specific writing style, genre, or language. This can limit the tool's capability and may not provide the best suggestions.
  • Not using plagiarism checker: Avoid not using a plagiarism checker after using the essay rewriter. Even if you have rephrased the text, it is important to double-check that it is not plagiarized.

How can an essay rewriter be helpful for students?

An essay rewriter tool can be helpful for students in a variety of ways. Here are some examples of how an essay rewriter can be helpful for students:

  • Improving the quality of academic papers: Essay rewriter can help students improve the quality of their academic papers by eliminating mistakes and errors, rephrasing sentences and paragraphs, and reorganizing the text to make it more clear and concise. This can help students earn better grades on their papers.
  • Improving vocabulary and sentence structure: Essay rewriter can help students improve their vocabulary and sentence structure by suggesting synonyms and alternative phrases. This can help students make their writing more sophisticated and professional.
  • Avoiding plagiarism: Essay rewriter can help students avoid plagiarism by suggesting changes to the wording of the text, making it unique. This can help students avoid penalties and disciplinary actions associated with plagiarism.
  • Saving time: With the help of Essay rewriter, students can be confident that their writing will be improved, without having to spend hours editing and proofreading. This can be useful for students who are short on time.
  • Tailored suggestion: Essay rewriter can be tailored to specific writing styles, genres, and languages, making it a versatile tool that can be used in various academic scenarios.
  • Improving style and tone: Essay rewriter can help students improve the style and tone of the text, by suggesting changes that would make it more engaging and persuasive. This can be helpful for students who want to make a good impression on their professors.

Are there any limitations to using an essay rewriter tool?

While essay rewriter tools can be a valuable tool for improving the quality of writing, there are some limitations to keep in mind. Here are some examples of limitations of using an essay rewriter tool:

  • Limited capabilities: Some essay rewriter tools may have limited capabilities and may not be able to address all the issues in the text. It's important to check the features and capabilities of a specific tool before using it.
  • Quality of suggestions: The quality of the suggestions provided by the tool can vary depending on the tool and its algorithms. Some tools may provide more accurate and useful suggestions than others.
  • Human judgement: Essay rewriter tools can assist with making changes but they cannot replace human judgement. It's important to review the suggestions provided by the tool and use your own judgement to determine which changes are appropriate for your text.
  • Limited to grammar and vocabulary: Some Essay rewriter tools focus mainly on grammar and vocabulary improvement and may not consider the other aspects of the text such as style, tone, and persuasive elements.

If you're looking for the best essay rewriter, look no further! We offer a wide range of rewriting services that will help you get the most out of your essays.

A good essay rewriter can take your essay and improve it substantially, making it easier to read and understand. They can also remove all of the plagiarism and make sure that your essay is completely original.

If you're looking for a top-quality essay rewriter, we're here to help.

rewrite essay without plagiarizing

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Paraphrased Text

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Reword My Essay: Rewriter for Students

How do I reword my essay without plagiarizing? Find here the answer! This essay rewriter was designed for students. It will easily reword an essay, paragraph, article, or any other piece.

Rewriting can sometimes be even more challenging than writing a new essay. Yet we know how to save your time and nerve cells. That’s why our team designed Rewrite My Essay – a rewording tool for students. It will help you create a unique writing piece without putting too much time and effort into it.

Copy and paste the initial text, press the button, and enjoy the high-quality work in several moments.

We also collected the most useful rewriting tips in the article below. They will help you reword your essays or any other academic papers like a pro. Content creation has never been so easy!

  • 🙌 5 Benefits of the Tool
  • 👨‍🎓️ Plagiarism & How to Avoid It
  • 👣 5 Rewriting Steps
  • 🌟 Polishing the Text

🔗 References

🙌 essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

In case you might be asking yourself why you should choose our rewriter tool, here are some valid reasons.

It is 100% intuitive. Forget about putting much effort into receiving a new text. With our rewording generator, you don’t have to make anything complicated. Copy and paste the initial text and receive high-quality content by clicking a button.

It is 100% automatic. How much time do you spend looking through thesaurus? Trying to replace a word or a phrase can be exhausting. Our essay rewriter does not require any additional actions. It is fully automatic and searches the synonyms from a database in seconds.

It is 100% free with no registration. “Register,” “buy a monthly subscription” – annoying, right? That is why Rewrite My Essay does not require completing any registration steps. What is more crucial, it does not take money from you.

It is 100% online. The lack of storage space can be one of the most irritating problems people deal with. But don’t worry! Our essay rewriter does everything online. Now you don’t have to waste your memory space on numerous downloaded documents.

It is 100% original. Stressed out about the plagiarism issue? No need to! If you use our essay rewording tool, the content will be completely unique. Besides, you’ll have time to add something to the document, making it even more original.

👨‍🎓️ Avoid Plagiarism with an Essay Rewriter

Now you know that our sentence changer is a perfect choice for you. So, it’s time to figure out why every student should know about it.

According to integrity rules, any academic work requires a 100% uniqueness. However, composing an original paper can be an incredibly tricky task. And when you should write a research paper with plenty of citations and rewriting, you may face even more issues.

That is to say:

Our tool is an excellent helper if you need to rewrite any content without losing its meaning. For more insights, explore the following sections.

Plagiarism is unacceptable for any type of academic work. So, carefully structure your thoughts while taking information from the secondary sources. Rewriting may become a real struggle for students, especially in papers with numerous references.

First of all:

There are two main types of plagiarism – intentional and unintentional . If you strive to demonstrate high academic performance, you have to avoid any kind of plagiarism.

Consequences of plagiarism in academic writing.

Intentional plagiarism is one of the offenses that may result in dismissal from the college . Be extremely careful while using someone else’s works. Claiming other people’s ideas as yours without listing them as sources is unethical. You disobey the moral and academic rules.

Sometimes, however, students plagiarize unintentionally. For example, they might forget to use proper punctuation marks to determine the quote. It can happen when you take notes and then insert them into the paper. Or it might be quite challenging for students to rewrite the paragraph, so they don’t change the wording properly.

What is more:

Imagine you managed to prove that you plagiarized unintentionally. Even then there is no 100% guarantee that you will omit the academic penalty.

Therefore, rewriting the essay, you should use rewording tools and be as attentive as possible: changing the text does not guarantee that you don’t plagiarize.

Rewriting and Plagiarism: What’s the Difference?

Rewriting that uses the pattern of words from the source text is plagiarism. But are there situations when rewriting does not violate any intellectual property rights?

Paraphrasing does not count for plagiarism if:

  • You give credit to the original author according to the selected citation style.
  • You reword the cited material enough to make the sentence structure and word choice different from the original.
  • Copying a sentence from the source, you cite it as a quote.

To make your rewriting far from the original wording, try putting away the text once you have read it. Wait for several minutes. Then sit down and paraphrase it without consulting the original. You will perfectly transmit the idea in your own words. Below are easy but essential rewriting steps that describe the process in more detail.

👣 How Do I Rewrite My Essay? 5 Easy Steps

  • Read the text several times to understand the author’s message. Paraphrasing should be accurate and objective. You can achieve this level of quality only by gaining a thorough understanding of the source. Pay attention to the sentence structure and the flow of thought. You will have to change it while rewriting your essay.
  • Take notes of the essentials. This piece of advice is suggested for your convenience. Use these notes as an outline later while rewriting. It will give you more freedom of expression and lower the chance of plagiarism.
  • Put aside the original and write your summary, consulting the notes. Once again, follow your notes, looking up into the original only for the details. Mind that the more you peep into the text, the more you will be tempted to copy the author’s manner of writing.
  • Look through your writing and compare it with the source. Rewrite the sentences that look too similar. You can use a plagiarism checker for this purpose. Still, a computer program can miss some points a human eye would detect. Making it by hand eliminates the chance of unintended plagiarism.
  • Include a reference to the source. Using the respective rules of the citation style, give credit to the author.

But there is an easier way to paraphrase a text than doing it by hand. Use Rewrite My Essay tool to save time and get high-quality reworded text without plagiarizing.

🌟 Polishing Your Essay

Rewrite My Essay tool is an excellent helper for text rewording. It will do most of the work for you. Yet, after using it, you still should proofread your essay.

Why? See the following reasons:

  • The tool is automatic. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is still not as developed as a human brain. So, there is a probability of some drawbacks, improperly chosen words, punctuation mistakes, etc.
  • The synonym selected by the tool is not that precise.
  • The tool confused the homographs or homonyms. Instead of selecting a synonym, it offers an antonym (or just an inappropriate alternative).
  • Proofreading is essential for any writing. Before submitting the paper, you should always ensure its high quality. Thoroughly revise and proofread it so that your text is free of mistakes, coherent, and properly structured. All in all, never skip this step while working on an assignment.

Here is a pleasant bonus for you – five essential tips on proofreading.

Tips on proofreading an academic paper.

  • Take a break before proofreading. As you finished writing your essay, take a pause and do something you like. After your brain got refreshed, carefully reread your work and correct all the mistakes.
  • Know your weaknesses. Do you always struggle with the punctuation marks in the compound sentences? Or maybe you know that you tend to write monotonous, boring paragraphs that need improvement? While proofreading, focus first on your weak sides and try to correct them.
  • Proofread the text out loud. This trick will help you to spot the repetitions, indicate the incoherent or weak parts. Another good idea is to use our text-to-speech tool that will read the text for you.
  • Read backward. Of course, we don’t recommend reading each word from right to left - sentences only. With this method, you will better focus on spelling, punctuation , and grammar mistakes, rather than on the content. It might be useful for identifying and correcting minor errors.
  • Let the other person read your work. When you are writing a paper, you know the idea, so everything seems clear for you. Ask someone to read your paper and indicate the wordy or unconcise fragments.

That’s it! Thank you for visiting our page. Use our sentence rewriter and share it with the other students who need to rewrite their essays. By the way, you might want to try our thesis statement generator . This tool can be used for essays and more complicated academic assignments, such as a term paper or thesis.

❓ Essay Rewriter FAQ

❓ how to rewrite an essay in your own words.

To rewrite an essay, article, or paragraph in your own words, you need to read the text first. Do that several times to make sure you understand the author's message. Making notes while reading is a good idea. After that, you can put the original text aside and write your own summary.

❓ Who Can Rewrite My Essay?

To make sure the reworded text is truly original and meaningful, you can rewrite it by yourself. However, if you lack time, you might want to use our essay rewriter. The tool on this page will paraphrase any paper quickly and easily.

❓ Why Is It So Hard to Rewrite an Essay?

While rewriting a paper, you need to perform two major tasks. The first one is to understand and convey the author's message. The second one is to avoid plagiarism. That is why essay rewriting may become a real struggle.

❓ Is Article Rewriter Legal?

Our essay rewriter is 100% legal. You are welcome to use it to prepare indirect quotes and paraphrased texts. However, if you use someone else's ideas, you should refer to the author to meet the requirements of academic integrity.

  • Proofreading: The Writing Center, the University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Tips For Effective Proofreading - Writing Center, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • Plagiarism: Study Skills and Training, the University of Oxford
  • Academic Writing Style, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Research Guides at University of Southern California
  • What Is Academic Writing: Library at University of Leeds
  • How to Write a College Essay Best Colleges: Kelly Mae Ross, Devon Haynie, and Josh Moody, US News
  • Basics of Writing An Effective Essay: Becton Loveless, Education Corner

Rewrite My Essay: Best Paraphrasing Tool for Students

Struggle with rewriting a full-length essay in your own words? No worries! Just paste the text in the field below and get the paraphrased text within a few moments.

Rewrite My Essay: How Can It Help Me?

Rephrasing a sentence, quote, or a whole essay might be a challenging task which requires a lot of attention and can be time-consuming. To ease the task we developed a top-notch paraphrasing tool. Here are a few features that can be beneficial to students of any level and study field:

Plagiarism-Free Texts

Our essay paraphrasing tool allows you to combine multiple sources easily, while controlling the sentence structure and picking the right synonyms.

Human-Like Results

You can be sure that your texts will be readable and human-like. Use Essay Rewriter to get the highest rephrasing quality.

With our paraphrasing tool you can forget about searching for the right word in dictionaries. It will do all the rewriting work for you.

Why Do I Need Essay Rewriter?

Change the style of the text

With Essay Paraphraser you can easily avoid outdated or complicated language in the paper. It allows you to keep the same writing style across the whole work.

Reduce the number of quotes

Forget about struggles with lengthy passages paraphrasing—Essay Rewriter will do this work for you. Grab unique text without copying someone else`s words.

Emphasize the subject

Don’t want to put unnecessary details in your paper? Essay reworder will help you highlight only the crucial information with no efforts.

Avoid plagiarism

Poorly paraphrased citation can lead to plagiarism. Essay Reworder will structure information from various sources without copying. Note: you should credit the authors.

Rewrite My Essay: FAQ

Text rewriting means repeating text in your own words and using different sentence structure. The result can be presented in a shorter and more straightforward form to provide ideas more clearly.

To avoid plagiarism when rewriting, you should use proper synonyms, change sentence structure, and emphasize the most essential information. Use our Essay Rewriter to ease the paraphrasing process and avoid duplicating the original source.

Our Essay Rewriter is built using latest AI-technologies and machine learning algorithms to help you paraphrase any text within seconds. All you need to do is to copy the text from the source, paste it into the field above, select the desired paraphrasing level, and click the button “Paraphrase”. The tool will provide you with the rewritten text along with the best matching synonyms. Change the result by picking suggested synonyms if needed and copy the result to clipboard.

Essay Rewriter is one of the most beneficial tools for people whose first language is not English. It will help you enhance the vocabulary by learning new words and expressions. Forget about time-consuming search for the right word in thesaurus—our paraphrasing tool will select the best matching words.

To reword a sentence, you should consider changing its structure, pick up the right synonyms, and simplify if needed. If the sentence is too long, you might consider breaking it into 2-3 shorter ones. Don’t want to waste your time? Use the Essay Reworder above!

When Is Rewriting Tool Needed?

Rewriting is a text processing method that presupposes your use of external evidence from published sources without copy-paste. You need to deliver the information from an existing source in your own words, without content alteration, but with major changes in the structure and vocabulary. It's an ethical way to borrow data from published sources without the risk of plagiarism accusations.

Adequate rewriting is a valuable academic skill that helps you:

  • Synthesize data from several sources without plagiarism.
  • Refer to external data sources connected to the topic.
  • Reword your own text to make a conclusion for it.
  • Produce a detailed overview of the reading material.

The good news is that you can do it hassle-free with our free rewording generator. Try it out to see how it can help you reword large volumes of text in no time.

What Is the Difference between Rewriting & Plagiarism?

In a nutshell, plagiarism is a form of academic theft, as it involves stealing parts of published work and presenting it in your text as if you wrote it. Sometimes plagiarism is committed unintentionally when the author takes large chunks of relevant material and doesn't invest time or effort in its rewording.

Rewriting , in turn, is a form of academic work with an original text that results in authentic, non-plagiarized content production. The major features distinguishing rewriting are:

  • Properly reworded and restructured content with significant terminology changes.
  • A citation to the original source.

4 Examples of Sentence Rewriting

Let’s illustrate what we mean by bad and good rewording. Here is an excerpt from John F. Kennedy’s speech about the U.S. space mission:

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

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Article Rewriter

To rewrite your content using our article rewriter, enter or paste any text in the input box.


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Article Rewriteing


Run Rewrite Again

Online article rewriter

This Article Rewriter is an online tool used to rewrite the sentences of any content to make them unique and more engaging.

Sometimes, a text looks less engaging, so you can level up that content using this sentence rewriter.

This tool is all the way free to use.

You can also rewrite your academic documents like essays or applications with the help of our essay rewriter.

How to use this article rewriter tool?

You can use this text rewriter by following the below-mentioned steps.


  • Click on the “ Rewrite ” button.


Features of our article spinner

Some features of our article rewriter online are discussed below.

1. File uploading option

Do you want to rewrite a text file saved on your computer? You can do this using our text rewriter. This tool offers to upload a file directly from your Local Storage.

2. Multiple languages

Using this free article rewriter, you can rewrite the text in different languages. Some are enlisted.

3. Two downloading formats

You can download the rewritten file in “.txt” format and “.docx” format. After generating the results, click on the “Save” button and select the file format.

Additional features

We have linked other writing tools with our rewriter for users’ ease.

1. Check plagiarism

Click on the “ Check Plagiarism ” button and get redirected to the plagiarism checker; you can get a plagiarism report of your content after rewriting it.

2. Check grammar

After rewriting your content, you can check grammar and eliminate all the grammatical errors from the text.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. is article rewriting being a good option in academic writing.

Sometimes, you need to show the same theories or researches multiple times, so you can make them unique using an article rewriter.

2. I want to check the text file saved in my dropbox. Can I do it?

Yes, for sure, we are providing the facility to upload a file from dropbox directly. No need to download it in the local storage.

3. Hey, I am German and write in my local language so, can I use your Rewriter?

You can select German in the language dropdown list and go ahead.

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7 Best Ways to Shorten an Essay

7 Best Ways to Shorten an Essay

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Published: May 14, 2024

Are you removing a lot of words and paragraphs from your essay but still not seeing the word count budge? Whether you’re meeting a strict word count or refining your message, reducing your essay’s length without sacrificing content quality can be challenging.

Luckily, besides just aiming for the minimum word count, there are some pretty simple solutions, like using artificial intelligence, conducting thorough research, and trimming unnecessary words. But there’s more.

In this guide, we’ll unpack some practical tips to help you make your essay concise and impactful. Time to make every word count!

7 Best Ways To Shorten an Essay

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the best ways you can shorten your essay:

1. Use Artificial intelligence

When we talk about academic writing, artificial intelligence (AI) can be a game changer, especially when it comes to reducing the length of your essays.

Tools like Smodin can help make your content more concise while enhancing overall quality. AI can help you shorten your essay through the following methods:

  • Automated rewriting : AI rewriting tools can reformulate existing content to make it more straightforward while maintaining the original meaning.
  • Sentence simplification : Algorithms can analyze your sentences and suggest simpler alternatives, helping eliminate redundant information and reduce word count.
  • Research assistance : Certain platforms have AI-powered research tools that allow you to quickly gather the most relevant information. This ensures that every word in your essay contributes to your argument without unnecessary fillers.
  • Plagiarism check : Ensuring your essay is plagiarism-free is crucial. For example, Smodin’s plagiarism detection tools help you identify and replace copied content with original, concise expressions.
  • Instant feedback : Receive real-time suggestions on how to streamline your text, focusing on the essentials to effectively communicate your message.
  • Reference generation : Automatically generate and insert citations in the correct format, which helps save you time while maintaining the academic integrity of your essay and keeping it short.

2. Identify Unnecessary Words and Remove Them

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to shorten your essay is by identifying and eliminating unnecessary words.

This approach helps decrease word count and sharpens your arguments, making your writing more compelling. You can identify and remove extra words by doing the following:

  • Spot wordy phrases : Often, phrases can be condensed without losing meaning. For example, the phrase “due to the fact that” can be replaced with “because.” Be on the lookout for wordy phrases that increase word count needlessly.
  • Remove unnecessary prepositional phrases : Prepositional phrases can be redundant or add unnecessary detail. Evaluate whether these phrases add value or just extra words. Cutting them can make sentences more direct.
  • Avoid redundancies : Redundant pairs like “absolutely essential” or “future plans” can be reduced to one word without losing informational value.
  • Trim excess adjectives and adverbs : Adjectives and adverbs can make writing better but can also lead to over-description. Use them sparingly, especially when they don’t contribute additional meaning to the nouns and verbs they modify.
  • Fewer words; more impact : Aim for brevity by using fewer words to express the same idea. This will help to reduce the word count while making your writing more impactful and clear.

3. Tighten Sentence Structure

Tightening your sentence structure is crucial for making your essay more concise and readable. Use active voice to make your writing clearer and more dynamic. This is especially important in academic writing, where you have to get to the point quickly.

In academic essays, shifting from passive voice to active voice can shorten and strengthen your sentences. For example, instead of writing, “The experiment was conducted by the students,” you can say, “The students conducted the experiment.” This reduces the number of words and places the action directly with the subject, making your sentences more direct.

Combining two separate sentences into one can streamline your ideas and reduce redundancies. Look for opportunities where sentences can be merged without losing their significance. For example, “He wrote the book. It became a bestseller.” can be rephrased as “He wrote the book, which became a bestseller.”

Also, avoid unnecessary qualifiers and modifiers that don’t add substantial information. Sentences often become bogged down with these extras, making them cluttered and long.

4. Conduct Thorough Research

When writing essays, extensive research can make the final output a lot shorter. Effective research helps you gather precise information that’s relevant to your topic. This means you’ll write more directly and avoid needless elaboration. Here’s how you can conduct research effectively:

  • Define the scope of your research : Determine what information is essential to the argument. This initial step will help you focus your research efforts and prevent irrelevant data.
  • Identify key sources : Begin with scholarly databases and academic journals that offer peer-reviewed articles. These sources provide credible, authoritative information that can be crucial for academic writing.
  • Use precise keywords : When searching for information, use specific keywords related to your essay topic. Precision here will help find the most relevant articles and studies, reducing time spent on unnecessary reading.
  • Evaluate sources : Assess the relevance and reliability of each source. Check the publication date to ensure the information is current and relevant to your topic.
  • Take notes efficiently : As you research, jot down important points, quotes, and references. Organize these notes according to the sections in your essay to make writing faster.
  • Synthesize information : Combine information from multiple sources to build a strong argument. This will allow you to write comprehensively and with fewer words, as each sentence carries more weight.

5. Improve Your Paragraph Structure

Streamlining paragraphs can make your essay shorter and more digestible for the reader. With a well-structured paragraph, you can focus on a single idea supported by concise statements.

Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main idea. This sentence sets the direction and tone, letting the reader know what to expect. It also helps ensure that every following sentence relates directly to the main idea.

Condense supporting information by merging ideas that logically coexist within a single sentence or phrase. After that, evaluate each sentence for its contribution to the paragraph’s main idea. Remove any information that is repeated or goes into too much detail.

Focus on providing evidence and explanations that directly support the main point. You should also end each paragraph with a sentence that reinforces the main idea and potentially links to the next paragraph. This creates smooth transitions and keeps the essay focused and cohesive.

6. Refine the Introduction and Conclusion

These sections frame your essay and influence how your arguments are perceived. Here are some ways to keep them concise yet effective.


The introduction should be engaging and concise, clearly stating the purpose and scope of your essay. Begin with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention, followed by background information that sets the context. Incorporate your thesis statement early on, ideally at the end of the intro.

The conclusion needs to reinforce the thesis. Summarize key points in the essay and show how they support the thesis. Provide a final thought that leaves the reader with something to ponder.

Also, remember to keep it tight – the conclusion isn’t a place for introducing new ideas. It should wrap up the ones you presented and prompt the reader to pose their own questions.

7. Edit and Proofread

Keep your essay concise and error-free by allocating ample time for editing and proofreading. These processes scrutinize your work at different levels, from the overall structure to word choices and punctuation. Here’s how you can go about it:

Start by reading through your entire paper to get a feel for its flow and coherence. Check if all paragraphs support your thesis statement and if section transitions are smooth. This will help you spot areas where the argument might be weak, or wording could be clearer.

Focus next on paragraph structure. Ensure each paragraph sticks to one main idea and that all sentences directly support the idea. Remove any repetitive or irrelevant sentences that don’t add value.

Then, look for clarity and style. Replace complex words with simpler alternatives to maintain readability. Keep your tone consistent throughout the paper. Adjust the sentence length and structure to enhance the flow and make it more engaging.


Proofreading comes after editing. The focus here is catching typing errors, grammatical mistakes, and inconsistent formatting. It’s always best to proofread with fresh eyes, so consider taking a break before this step.

Use tools like spell checkers, but don’t rely solely on them. Read your essay aloud or have someone else review it. Hearing the words can help you catch errors you may have missed.

Lastly, check for punctuation errors and ensure all citations and references are formatted according to the required academic style. This and all of the above are areas in which AI can help get the job done with speed and precision.

Why You Might Need to Shorten Your Essay

Ever heard the expression “less is more”? When it comes to academic writing, it normally is. Keeping your essays concise offers several benefits:

  • Enhances clarity : A shorter essay forces you to focus on the main points and critical arguments, reducing the risk of going off-topic. This clarity makes your writing more impactful and easier for the reader to follow.
  • Meets word limits : Many academic assignments have a maximum word count. Learning to express your thoughts concisely helps you stay within these limits without sacrificing essential content.
  • Saves time : For both the writer and the reader, shorter essays take less time to write, revise, and read. This efficiency is especially valuable in academic settings where time is usually limited.
  • Increases engagement : Readers are more likely to stay engaged with a document that gets to the point quickly. Lengthy texts can deter readers, especially if the content has unnecessary words or redundant points.
  • Improves writing skills : Shortening essays helps refine your writing skills. You become better at identifying and eliminating fluff, focusing instead on what really adds value to your paper.

Overall, adopting a more succinct writing style helps you meet academic requirements and polish your communication skills.

Why Use Smodin To Shorten an Essay

Using AI-powered platforms like Smodin to shorten your essay is both the simplest and the least time-consuming method available. Here’s why you should probably make Smodin your go-to essay shortener:

  • Efficiency : Smodin eases the editing process, using advanced algorithms to quickly identify areas where content can be condensed without losing meaning.
  • Accuracy : With its powerful AI, Smodin ensures that the essence of your essays stays intact while getting rid of unnecessary words, making your writing more precise.
  • Ease of use : Smodin is user-friendly, making it accessible even to those who aren’t the most tech-savvy. Its easy-to-grasp interface allows for seamless navigation and operation.

Smodin’s offerings

  • Rewriter : Available in over 50 languages, this tool helps rewrite text to be more concise.
  • Article Writer : Assists in drafting articles that are crisp and to the point.
  • Plagiarism and Auto Citation : Ensures your essay is original and correctly cited, which is crucial in academic writing.
  • Language Detection : Identifies the language of the text, ensuring the right adjustments are made for clarity.

All these tools and more are what make Smodin an excellent choice for academics looking to reduce the length of their essays.

Final Thoughts

Word counts can be a real headache, especially when you need to say a lot with a little. Thankfully, by identifying unnecessary words, tightening your sentences, and using tools like Smodin, you can make your essay concise without losing its meaning. Remember, a shorter essay doesn’t just meet word limits; and it’s clear, more compelling, and more likely to keep your reader engaged.

Keep it short, keep it sweet, and make every word count! Get started for free right now with Smodin.


  1. How to Rewrite a Paragraph Without Plagiarism for Free in 3 Steps

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  2. Rewrite My Essay

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  3. How to Write a Research Paper Without Plagiarizing

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  4. 💣 How to write without plagiarism. APA Style Sixth Edition Resources

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  5. How to rewrite an article without plagiarizing

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  1. Rewrite Sentences without Changing the Meaning

  2. Master the Art of Paraphrasing Without Plagiarizing

  3. How do you paraphrase without plagiarizing AI?

  4. Expert Academic Writing Help

  5. Quick Tips: Essay Rewriting & AI Detection Bypass!#hixai#shorts#ai#hixbypass#undetectable#aidetector

  6. How To Rewrite Articles In Your Own Words (2023)


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    The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text. Copy the original that you need to rewrite. Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn't exceed the limit. Select the required paraphrasing rate. Press the "Rewrite" button. Copy the result for further use.

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    How to use the essay rewriter tool: Paste the text you need to be reworded in the box and click the "rewrite" button. You will see a series of highlighted words in your text. Click on each to view a list of prospective synonyms with which to replace said words. Replace the original word with the synonym of your choice by clicking on it.

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    EssayGPT is a tool that can rewrite your essays in seconds, creating unique and original content that is free from plagiarism. You can customize the output settings, choose from 30+ languages, and get multiple versions of your text to improve your writing.

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  12. Paraphrase to Avoid Plagiarism: Free & Online Tool for Students

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  18. Rewrite My Essay

    Rewriting is a text processing method that presupposes your use of external evidence from published sources without copy-paste. You need to deliver the information from an existing source in your own words, without content alteration, but with major changes in the structure and vocabulary. It's an ethical way to borrow data from published ...

  19. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Ahrefs' Paragraph Rewriter can be beneficial for content creators, editors, or writers who need to enhance or refine their written content. By inputting a paragraph into the tool, users can receive a rewritten version that offers improved clarity, structure, and overall quality. This use case can save time and effort in the manual editing ...

  20. Word Changer

    Changing words with a better vocabulary improves readability and clarity. It also assists you in avoiding plagiarism and makes your text unique and inspiring for readers. Our online essay word changer uses AI to perform this task with perfection. Free version does not support more than 800 words!

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    Free Paraphrasing Tool. Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) helps students, writers, and bloggers to avoid plagiarism. This rewording tool uses advanced AI algorithms to change sentence structure, synonymize the text and make other similar changes. This word changer has a built-in paraphrase generator that helps in rephrasing any paragraph ...

  22. Article Rewriter

    This Article Rewriter is an online tool used to rewrite the sentences of any content to make them unique and more engaging. Sometimes, a text looks less engaging, so you can level up that content using this sentence rewriter. This tool is all the way free to use. You can also rewrite your academic documents like essays or applications with the ...

  23. 7 Best Ways to Shorten an Essay

    2. Identify Unnecessary Words and Remove Them. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to shorten your essay is by identifying and eliminating unnecessary words. This approach helps decrease word count and sharpens your arguments, making your writing more compelling. You can identify and remove extra words by doing the following: Spot wordy ...