IELTS Mock Test 2021 May

IELTS Mock Test 2021 May

  • Published on: 29 May 2021
  • Tests taken: 669,319

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10

  • 1 fifty nine/59
  • 3 (local) library
  • 4 swimming pool
  • 5 (further education) college
  • 6 badminton, (and) yoga
  • 7 pensioners
  • 8 arts and crafts
  • 10 3/three times

Part 2: Question 11 - 20

Part 3: question 21 - 29, part 4: question 31 - 40.

  • 31 priorities
  • 32 researcher
  • 33 higher education
  • 34 student understanding
  • 35 learning outcomes
  • 36 all items
  • 37 gap year
  • 38 background research
  • 39 reliable
  • 40 discuss ideas

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Review & Explanations:

Questions 1-5

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Questions 6-10


Questions 11-15

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

The Dark which makes up Hampstead Heath is

  • A very large.
  • B fairly large.
  • C fairly small.

According the sPeaker. Hampstead underground station is

  • A the shallowest in the system.
  • B the deepest in the system.
  • C the oldest in London.

The speaker suggests that after their walk people might want to

  • A have a meal in the famous restaurants.
  • B avoid Hampstead village as it is very busy.
  • C visit Hampstead village to look at the shops.

The houses in the Vale of the Heath are built

  • A on the edge of the heath.
  • B on the heath itself.
  • C opposite the heath.

The speaker advises walkers to remove their headphones to

  • A hear the silence away from the traffic.
  • B ensure they are not being followed.
  • C listen to the noises in the park.

Questions 16-20

Which activity can be done at each of the following locations on the heath?

Choose FIVE answers below and write the correct letter, A-G , next to questions 16-20.

Locations on the Heath

16 A B C D E F G Kenwood House

17 A B C D E F G grassy slopes

18 A B C D E F G open-air stage

19 A B C D E F G ponds

20 A B C D E F G Parliament Hill

Questions 21 -25

How do the speakers describe the green urban planning options?

Choose FIVE descriptions from the box and write the correct letter, A-G , next to questions 21-25 .

21 A B C D E F G green belt

22 A B C D E F G decentralization

23 A B C D E F G newtowns

24 A B C D E F G brownfield sites

25 A B C D E F G pedestrianized zones

Questions 26-28

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C .

Which area is jack having the most problems with?

  • A Understanding the statistics.
  • B The lack of material.
  • C The selection of statistics.

What has been central to Curitiba’s success?

  • A Central government intervention.
  • B Working together with residents.
  • C Giving responsibility to strategists.

Why does the transport system work so well?

  • A There are cheap fares for the poor and elderly.
  • B Bicycles can use the bus lanes.
  • C There is a low car ownership.

Questions 29-30

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which does the tutor suggest are the TWO areas Jack needs to focus on?

  • A the amount of parkland
  • B the employment strategy
  • C the pedestrianized zones
  • D the recycling scheme
  • E the suburban areas

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

(K = Katie; R = resident) K: Hi, good afternoon sir, er … excuse me! Could you spare a minute please? R: Oh, hello. Sorry, I was in a world of my own … I didn’t hear you there. K: No problem. My name’s Katie and I’m a second year sociology student. We’re doing a research project on the importance of community centres to local residents . May I ask, are you a resident of Molton? R: Yes, I am. K: That’s perfect. Would you mind answering some questions about the facilities you use? It won’t take very long… R: Of course, I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. far ! K: Great! OK. the first questions are to do with you. So can I ask how old you are? We need to know for statistical purposes later. R: Well, I’d like to say 16 but I’m 59 , 60 next week in fact. K: Congratulations for next week! Now I just need your postcode, and then we’ll get started. R: Right, well that’s an easy one. It’s HA8 . K: 7-A-8 … H-Q-P, was that right? R: No my dear, it’s H-A-8-7-U-P. K: Right… OK. Sorry for the confusion. R: That’s quite alright. Now what about these questions? K: Yes, let’s get started … So one of the most important things we need to know is which of the facilities you already use. R: Right OK. K: OK, what about computer facilities? Do you currently use public computers anywhere in town? R: Yes. I do. I go to my local library . K: Great,… just jotting that down. OK, what about local sports facilities? R: Yes, I get down to the swimming pool at least twice a week. K: And education facilities? Are you currently attending any courses? R: Yes, I go to Spanish classes every Friday at the further education college . K- That’s great! I must say, you’re very active. K: OK, we’re halfway through. The next bit is all about how the community centre could be improved , if at all, that is. R: I see. Well, I’ll give it a go! K: Well firstly, I’d like to find out your views on sports facilities. Which sports do you think the community centre should offer that it doesn’t already? R: Mmm… Well, I’m not going to say swimming as there’s no point having two pools in a town of this size. Let me think … um, what, about yoga? I know it’s very popular these days. Yes, yoga and badminton . I used to play you know. K: Really? R: Yes, and I was quite good though I’m probably a bit rusty now. It’s been years. K: OK, do you think the classes should be split into groups? R: Yes, that’s a good idea. I know that if there were classes only for pensioners . I’d definitely be more likely to play. I’m not a fast as I once was, you know. K: OK, I’ll just write that, down … Great! Now, we’re nearly done. I just need to ask you some questions about education. What kind of classes do you think the centre should offer that it doesn’t already? R: Well, I suppose the kind of thing that’s no longer offered at the local college, em … things like arts and crafts . Those kinds of classes have now closed as they weren’t financially viable , apparently. K: Yes, I heard about that. It was such a shame. Those kinds of classes are so important for the psychological well-being of those most vulnerable in a community. OK, I’ve written that down. Now, I need to ask you whether you would be willing to pay for any of the services we were just talking about. R: Umm, as long as it wasn’t too much, I have nothing against contributing. Something like two pounds per class seems like a reasonable rate for an old man like me! K: OK, era … and lastly then, I just need to know how regularly you think you will use the new facilities if the community centre makes the changes you have suggested. R: Well, I’d say three times a week, which is more than I go at the moment. I only bother on Mondays and Wednesdays , as there’s nothing else on during the week that interests me. But I would definitely get out of the house more if they were to make those kinds of changes.

Hi and welcome to the walking audio tour service, which offers guided audio tours of over 30 walks around London. The full list of the walks is available on our website. You have chosen the Hampstead Heath Tour Part 1, which was, in fact, the first, of the walking tours that were recorded. Your walk takes you through part of the heath, a huge , wild, open parkland where Londoners and visitors to the city can come and enjoy some leisurely and refreshing exercise. The heath is one of the gems of north London. When you enter the parkland, you will feel as if you are walking in the wild countryside , but you are actually still in an urban area . The walking tour begins here at the exit to Hampstead underground station, which is the deepest station on the London Underground system . We hope that you enjoy your experience, whether you are on your own or sharing your walk with a companion … So let’s begin your tour. We hope you enjoy it! If you turn right as you exit Hampstead station , and stay on the right hand side of the road, the main thoroughfare , Heath Street, will take you up the hill to the heath itself. You are now walking away from the main shops and cafes in Hampstead village, but you can return to visit, these after your walking tour for some window shopping . The village is busy during the daytime and the evenings. Now back to Heath Street. As the road winds northwards up Heath Street, you will pass some shops and restaurants on your way to the heath. When you reach the top, the first part of the heath that you will see on your right is the Vale of the Heath, which has some spectacular houses, built on the heath itself beside a large pond . If you go along a little further you will come to a fork in the road, where one road – North End Way – turns to the left and goes northwest away from the heath; and on your right is Spaniards Road, which turns north-east, cutting through the parkland. Walk along this latter road a little way and look for the first opening on your right, where a path leads you down into the wild parkland. As you descend along the pathway, you will find that the noise of the busy road, that is just on your left, disappears completely. You might want, to take off your headphones to enioy the delight of the sounds of the parkland. Don’t imagine that there is only silence! There is the noise of the trees and the wildlife that hves there. As you walk along the path, you will come across several paths coming from the right to join the path that you are on, but keep going until you come to the first fork in the path. Now take the path that goes to your left, which will bring you shortly to the open spaces around Kenwood House. You can either walk through the woods and enjoy being among the trees, or you can savor the other charms the heath has to offer. You are now at Kenwood House, which is a museum open to the public. It has been used as the setting for several well-known films, and is used as a venue for a wide range of functions . For some light refreshments, there is the café at Kenwood House. Below Kenwood House itself, you can see the grassy slopes, which are an ideal place for picnics and for children to run around and play games. Just beyond this picnic area is an open air stage where music concerts are held in the summer months. You might even see the stage being prepared for a concert while you are there. You might want to explore this part of the heath at your leisure . But before you leave the heath altogether, there are two other notable features that are worth visiting. On the east side of the heath are several large ponds for segregated and mixed bathing . And if you would like a view of London, you can visit Parliament Hill , which gives you a good panorama of London that is in fact protected by law.

(J – Jack; T – tutor) J: Hi! Am I bothering you? Is it OK to see you now? Hi Jack! No bother. Please come in. As your tutor this year, it’s my responsibility to oversee your assignments. Now, where are my notes? Oh yes, here they are. OK. I see that we were going to look at your case study on the challenges of urban planning in the 21st centuryand how to make it as ‘green’ as possible. How’s it all going? J: Actually, I’m pretty happy with it. Can I talk you through it to make sure I’m on the right track? T: Of course, please do. I’ll stop you if I have any questions. J: OK, well I started by giving an overview of what ‘green’ urban planning has been up until now. Firstly, there’s the idea of a green belt. This is the one that everyone’s heard of, but I found that while it was successful for a short time and in limited cases, it grossly over oversimplified things. T: Well that’s a good and practical start. What else did you look at? I hope that you also considered the idea of decentralization ? J: Yes, that was really interesting, as although there were no objections to it and it looked good on paper, it just, didn’t work in practice . T: Yes, a conundrum indeed. However, I think you’ll find that there are many fads that come and go in this area. It isn’t the first and it won’t be the last to simply disappear off the face of the planet. Well this is all very good so far. What did you look at next? J: I then researched the 1960s fad of building new towns on new sites, but I found that although there are isolated cases of success, they tended to cost too much time and money to build. T: Keeping to that theme, have you considered the idea of brown field sites? That is sites that previously had another use, being converted into residential areas? J: Like the idea of buildings that were once banks being turned into restaurants? That kind of thing? T: Yeah, that’s right. J: No, I hadn’t thought of that. T: Well. I’d say it’s a pretty important option in most urban areas today. Even though there have been issues with safety , if the land were contaminated in any way, at least it tends to attract no objections from local residents. J: OK, thanks. I’ll make sure I put that in. T: Anything else? J: Well, I’m not sure about this last one, but 1 thought the idea of pedestrianizing central areas was an interesting concept. Do you think it’s valid here? T: Oh, it’s certainly not a bad idea. The only thing is that it would probably intensify the problem of congestion in inner city areas and would disrupt local residents’ sleep, if the construction work were to happen during the night. The use of loud excavators to re-pave the area would be inevitable. J: Yes, I take your point, but in some older cities, I think it’s one of the few viable options . T: Well as long as you state that, then it can definitely be included. J: OK, so that’s my introduction to urban planning sorted , but now I come to the main part, which is the case study. It was really difficult to choose as there are so many good examples, but in the end I settled on Curitiba, which is the capital of the south Brazilian state of Parana. T: Ah, yes. Nice choice. How’s the research coming along? J: Well, to be honest, I’m finding the amount of material a bit too much. There’s such a diverse range of statistics that it makes it almost impossible to be selective . T: Well, tell me a bit more about what you’ve discovered, and then we’ll see if we can come up with a plan to tackle the problem. J: Well, it’s fascinating. Local authorities managed to achieve so much since the 1960s , principally because rather than waiting for central government initiatives they chose a cohesive strategy where residents were consulted. Then they took their ideas and implemented them into local government planning to come up with a plan everybody was happy with. T: A ha! A bottom-up approach . Do go on … J: Well, the transport system is a real example of the town’s eco-friendly image. Even though they have one of the highest number of cars per person in the country, they also have the highest number of people using public transport . This is because poor and elderly residents are able to benefit from a social fair that allows them to use the system for less . This has led to low levels of pollution which also encourages citizens to use bicycles more. T: Well, that’s really impressive Jack. Well done. But I do have some suggestions to help you with finalizing your case study. J: Please… T: If you are going to prove Curitiba’s success, you need to refer to specifics . You mentioned pedestrian only areas in your introduction, how about that? J: Yes, OK. T: And what about the amount of parking for all of those cars? J: I didn’t come across that in my research, but I can look it up. Yeah, I think it’s important. J: And what about considering where people live in relation to their place of work? If they live in the suburbs , how about mentioning how far they need to travel in order to get to work? T: And don’t forget about their recycling strategy , including how easy it is and how much they recycle, making sure you include statistics to back it up. J: OK, got it. T All in all Jack, you’ve really done your homework and I very much look forward to receiving your final draft. J: Thanks professor. You’ve been a great help.

Good morning everyone and welcome to the Stanley University School of economics . I will be one of your lecturers on the course and my name is Professor Whitefield. Before the academic year really gets underway, I would like to take you through some of what you can expect and to give you some general course information. Firstly, you’ll be attending lectures during which you will receive information about economics and the priorities that you will need to focus on. The. lectures will provide you with information about the subject in a relatively condensed format. In addition, they should also provide a suitable framework for further study. Typically, this is also the first time that students get the chance to meet a researcher at the forefront of the discipline. Traditionally, lectures are seen as an essential part of the learning culture for higher education , in which undergraduate study is viewed as an induction into academic discipline and a way of viewing the world. However, although all I have said until now is true, every year undergraduate students experience problems with the techniques used in lectures. Being full warned will hopefully help you with adjusting to these issues. The first problem is that there is little opportunity for the development of student understanding . That is, if you misunderstand something, there is no immediate opportunity to ask. Secondly, when newer teaching approaches are used, such as problem solving, learning outcomes are improved. However, these will still not replace the validity of listening and learning from an expert. Now, before you start despairing there are several things that you can do in order to make the learning process, and consequently your student life at the university, easier. First and foremost , be prepared! You will be given a reading list. Don’t just throw it away or forget about it; make sure you leave enough time to go through all items on it. Once you’ve done that, an ideal thing to do would be to test yourself on the contents . Prepare a mini quiz while reading, and go back to it before the lecture and just check you know the answers. Now for most of you, this won’t be the first time that you’re studying economics, but you may have taken a gap year or had a period of time working. If this is so, and even if it isn’t in fact, it always makes sense to go back and refresh your memory on those relevant theories you learned about before, as we’ll definitely be referring to them. Okay, there’s just a couple more ideas I’d like to suggest before I’ll take any questions you may have. We are lucky enough to be living in a digital age , so use resources like the web to do some extra background research . There’s no shortage of information nowadays, but just be sure that, you’re using reliable resources . Finally, and this is an important one: make sure you discuss ideas with your peers. They are in the same boat as you after all, and you will probably find that it helps make your learning more memorable . All in all, take charge of your learning and you will find that you succeed. Now, do you have any questions before we go on to…

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research project listening answers


What is IELTS Score?

IELTS score between 1 and 9 for each part of the test – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. You can score whole (e.g., 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) or half (e.g., 5.5, 6.5, 7.5) bands in each part. Universities often demand an IELTS score of 6 or 7. They may also demand a minimum IELTS score in each of the 4 sections.

IELTS scoring system and band scale

The IELTS scoring system is very unique composed of 9 bands, measured in consistent manner and is internationally acclaimed and understood. The IELTS score ranges from 1 to 9 for each part of the test. The individual result from these four parts will produce an overall band score ... more →

How long does it take to do the IELTS test?

IELTS has four parts – Listening (30 minutes), Reading (60 minutes), Writing (60 minutes) and Speaking (11–14 minutes). The total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are done in one sitting.

Is IELTS valid for 3 years now?

The IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is valid for two years. At present, IELTS score is valid for a three year period for Australian General Skilled Migration (GSM) applications.

Is there any pass or fail in the IELTS exam?

There is no pass or no fail in the IELTS exam. Generally, when you take any test or exam then there can be the possibility of getting passed or failed. But here in this case, you will not get failed but you may be disqualified to continue your higher education in choice of college or university.

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Ielts listening test 6 – section 3.

Questions 21-23 Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Do NOT write articles.

21. When is the research project due? 22. Where will the students conduct the interviews? 23. How many interviews will they complete all together?

Questions 24-30 Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete their projects. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Do NOT write articles.

  • Get together to (28)
  • Prepare (29)

Answers – Section 3

NB: A candidate gets 1 mark for each correct answer. But, the spelling must be correct. If you make a spelling mistake in the IELTS listening test , you will not get a mark for that question.

  • Three weeks
  • Shopping mall
  • Government study
  • Design questionnaire
  • Professor’s approval
  • Conduct interviews
  • Analyze results
  • Class presentation

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Take a practice test to find out what is your current weakness in terms of IELTS scale and allow more time to improve your weak spots. The following IELTS resources will help you to develop your skills faster:

  • IELTS Listening Test
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  • IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3
  • IELTS Listening Exercises
  • IELTS Reading Exercises
  • IELTS Cue Card Exercises
  • How to Start IELTS Preparation
  • Tips – On the Day before IELTS Exam

IELTS Listening Test 6 – Section 2

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IELTS Listening Practice Test 104 + Answers

Courtney Miller

Updated On Feb 19, 2024

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IELTS Listening Practice Test 104 + Answers

Limited-Time Offer : Access a FREE 10-Day IELTS Study Plan!

Did you know that questions often get repeated in the IELTS? So it is important that you practise using the questions that have already appeared in the test. Our IELTS listening practice tests are curated from previous year’s IELTS test papers, making them ideal for practice.

In the IELTS Listening Test, you will encounter a series of questions based on a short audio recording on a particular topic. To attempt the Listening test, you have to practice discerning the important information being relayed in the audio format and using it to answer the test questions. By practicing with past questions, you can ensure a good score on this Module of the IELTS.

In the Listening Test 104, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on said recordings.

Section 1 is a conversation between a sociology student who is doing research on the town’s new community centre and a resident.

Section 2 is an audio tour for Hampstead in the city of London.

Section 3 is a conversation between a tutor and a student talking about a case study.

Section 4 is a part of a lecture given to the economy students on how to make most of their course.

Audio Transcription

  download audio transcription.

Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5.

Complete the form below.



Questions 6-10.

Complete the form below .


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Questions 11-20

Questions 11-15.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C  , and write answers next to 11-15  on your answer sheet. 

11 The Dark which makes up Hampstead Heath is

A very large.

B fairly large.

C fairly small.

12 According the speaker Hampstead underground station is

A the shallowest in the system.

B the deepest in the system.

C the oldest in London.

13 The speaker suggests that after their walk people might want to

A have a meal in the famous restaurants.

B avoid Hampstead village as it is very busy.

C visit Hampstead village to look at the shops.

14 The houses in the Vale of the Heath are built

A on the edge of the heath.

B on the heath itself.

C opposite the heath.

15 The speaker advises walkers to remove their headphones to

A hear the silence away from the traffic.

B ensure they are not being followed.

C listen to the noises in the park.

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Questions 16-20

Choose FIVE answers below and write the correct letter, A-G , next to questions 16-20.

Which activity can be done at each of the following locations on the heath?

A have picnics

B go fishing

C view London

D have a swim

E attend concerts

F watch plays

G have snacks

Locations on the Heath

16 Kenwood House

17 grassy slopes

18 open-air stage

20 Parliament Hill

Also check :

  • IELTS Listening Answer Sheet
  • IELTS listening recent actual test
  • IELTS Listening tips
  • IELTS Listening words
  • How to Improve IELTS Listening Section 3 and 4?
  • What is Signposting?

Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25.

Choose FIVE descriptions from the box and write the correct letter, A-G , next to questions 21-25 .

How do the speakers describe green urban planning options?


A dangerous

B too expensive

C too many objections

D disruptive

E unpractical

F unsuccessful

21 green belt

22 decentralization

23 new towns

24 brownfield sites

25 pedestrianized zones

Questions 26-28

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C . Write answers next to  26-28  on your answer sheet. 

26 Which area is jack having the most problems with?

A Understanding the statistics.

B The lack of material.

C The selection of statistics.

27 What has been central to Curitiba’s success?

A Central government intervention.

B Working together with residents.

C Giving responsibility to strategists.

28 Why does the transport system work so well?

A There are cheap fares for the poor and elderly.

B Bicycles can use the bus lanes.

C There is low car ownership.

Questions 29 and 30 

Choose TWO letters, A-E  , and write answers next to 29-30  on your answer sheet. 

Which does the tutor suggest are the TWO areas Jack needs to focus on?

A the amount of parkland

B the employment strategy

C the pedestrianized zones

D the recycling scheme

E the suburban areas

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below .

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer .


During lectures.

will receive information about economics and the 31 __________________ to concentrate on

will be provided with information about the subject will be provided with a framework for further study

will have an opportunity to be taught by a 32 ___________________ in the field

will take part in the learning culture in 33 ____________________.

Common problems students have with techniques used in lectures

may not develop 34 _________________: no immediate questions

newer techniques help improve 35 __________________ more than lectures

How to avoid problems and make learning easier

leave time to read 36 ____________________ on the booklist

test yourself with quizzes

if you have had a 37 ___________________, revise what you previously learned

use the web to do more 38 ____________________.

check the sources of information on the web are 39 ___________________.

40 ___________________ with your classmates.

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Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

Courtney is one of our star content writers as she plays multiple roles. She is a phenomenal researcher and provides extensive articles to students. She is also an IELTS Trainer and an extremely good content writer. Courtney completed her English Masters at Kings College London, and has been a part of our team for more than 3 years. She has worked with the British Council and knows the tricks and tips of IELTS.

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research project listening answers

Posted on Nov 18, 2016

hi Huyquoc, Your listening tests are so useful for learners. Thanks a lot. But I wonderer if there is any way to download these tests because there are 104 tests.It would be much appreciative if you could send me through my email for all tests : [email protected] . Thanks a million.

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Complete the flow-chart below.

Write  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  for each answer

research project listening answers

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#4a4949″ icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]

21 . abstract 22 . key words / keywords 23 . final draft 24 . style guide 25 . copyright form 26 . (the) manuscript 27 . confirmation 28 . peer review 29 . rejection 30 . cover letter


You will hear a conversation between a research student, Jeremy, and his supervisor. They are talking about the process of having a research project published in a journal. First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25. [20 seconds]

Listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.

SUPERVISOR : So, you’re nearly ready to submit your article to an academic journal, are you?

JEREMY : Yes, I think so. I just wanted to go over all the things I need to do before I submit it. And then I wanted to go over the submission process with you.

SUPERVISOR : Great. So, firstly, you need to write an abstract. Make sure it’s short and concise.

JEREMY : Of course, I forgot all about that. And what about key words?

SUPERVISOR : Yes, a lot of students overlook this part and just jot down whatever comes to mind. But take some time to make a list of key words that are accurate and relevant.

JEREMY : Okay. Another thing, could you have a look at my article before I submit it?

SUPERVISOR : Absolutely. Actually, at least two senior staff members should always read through a final draft, before submission. Do you mind if I give it to Professor Johnson to have a look at, as well?

JEREMY : Not at all. I’d be glad to have the feedback.

SUPERVISOR : Do you know which journal you want to submit to yet?

JEREMY : Not yet. I have a shortlist of about three that I’m interested in.

SUPERVISOR : Make that decision soon. Because you’ll need to adjust your article so that it matches the style guide of the journal you are submitting to.

JEREMY : I bet that can take a while.

SUPERVISOR : Yes, but after that you are just about ready to submit. One more thing, you’ll have to sign the copyright form – just confirming that it’s your own work – and then you’re good to go.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 26 to 30. [20 seconds]

Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30.

JEREMY : Now, the submission process. How does it work exactly?

SUPERVISOR : Well, the first thing is to just send it off. You’ve got to send in the manuscript before anything else can happen.

JEREMY : Sure. And then should I call to check if they have received it?

SUPERVISOR : No need for that, no, all you have to do is just log onto your e-mail regularly because you will get a submission confirmation once they have processed the manuscript.

JEREMY : And that will have comments on what they thought of it?

SUPERVISOR : No, no comments yet – that e-mail is just to let you know they have received it. The next stage is what is known as peer review. This is when experts in the field review your manuscript and decide whether to accept it.

JEREMY : Aagh, they’ll never accept me. I’m only a Master’s student!

SUPERVISOR : Don’t worry about that, Jeremy. It’s all done through a double-blind method. That means that whoever reads your manuscript has no idea whether you are a grad student or a Nobel Prize laureate. They’ll only be judging your work, not you.

JEREMY : Well that’s good to hear. And then what, once they’ve made their decision?

SUPERVISOR : Well, there are four possible outcomes. You might get an acceptance. But a first-off acceptance is very, very rare. Don’t pin your hopes on it. You could also get a rejection, but these don’t happen very often either. I don’t think this will be a problem.

JEREMY : What do you think I’ll get?

SUPERVISOR : If you’re very lucky, you’ll get a conditional acceptance. This means that they’ve accepted the article and it will be published, but you need to tweak a few things first: a sentence here, a heading there, nothing major.

JEREMY : That sounds good.

SUPERVISOR : But, to be honest, you will probably end up with a revise & resubmit. This means they are definitely interested, but you will need to rework the paper before it’s accepted. The necessary changes will be outlined by the reviewers.

JEREMY : Okay, so I just fix the things that need changing and present it again?

SUPERVISOR : Yes, but include a cover letter that discusses the changes you have made. The same goes for a conditional acceptance, actually. It helps the reviewers see that you’ve taken their criticism seriously.

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IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test – 27 (with Answers)

IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test With Answers: This is the 27 th  test of our ‘LISTENING Practice Test Series ‘. All tests are based on real exam patterns and correspond to the actual difficulty level you may find in the IELTS.

This test is divided into  four sections  – Section 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Section 1  is a man talking to a landlady about a new apartment.

Section 2  is a radio announcer talking about the entertainment events.

Section 3  is a discussion between two Early Education students on how babies will learn.

Section 4  is an Engineer giving presentation about a female Engineer called Sarah Gappy.

You can  check your answers  &  calculate your band scores  at the end of this test. It is strongly advised to print the sample answer sheet and mark your answers on the sheet itself.

IELTS Academic Listening practice test 2021 with answers

Be careful not to write down any information as part of an answer that is already given in the form/notes/table. For example, $ or a or the , etc.

Question 1-5

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Questions 6-10

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Questions 11-15

Choose the correct letter – A, B or C.

11) What is new about the Writer’s Festival this year?

A. more international guests

B. extra time for questions

C. additional locations for events

12) Tickets for the Wearable Art event …

A. are selling out quickly

B. have been reduced in price

C. must be booked in advance

13) Ocean Times at Bright’s Beach is …

A. a sporting competition for adults

B. an educational event for all ages

C. a play day for young children

14) People going to the Artscape Exhibition …

A. should wear appropriate clothing

B. must keep to the proper path

C. need to arrive at a certain time

15) Tours of the Civil Theatre …

A. do not happened often

B. have never happened before

C. may happen more regularly in future

Questions 16-20

What comment does the speaker make about each of the following events?

Write the correct letter – A, B or C , next to questions 16-20.

You may use any letter more than once.

A. the location has changed

B. transport will be a problem

C. the event might be crowded

16) Night Market ➡️ ……………

17) Buskers Festival ➡️ ……………

18) Stand Up for Kids ➡️ ……………

19) Sunday Unplugged ➡️ ……………

20) Ignite Dance Finals ➡️ ……………

Questions 21-22

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

What TWO problems do the students identify with ‘learning videos’?

A. Babies lose interest too quickly.

B. Babies need to explore things.

C. Babies want to be with other babies.

D. Babies’ eyes may be damaged.

E. Babies should have contact with adults

Questions 23-24

Choose TWO l etters, A-E.

When discussing the ‘present research’, Maya is surprised that …

A. ordinary people have altered their habits.

B. the findings are very detailed.

C. most babies behave the same way.

D. boys and girls like different toys.

E. the methodology has been criticised.

Questions 25-26

What impresses the students about the bilingual experiment in Spain?

A. the long-term effects of the lessons

B. the large number of research subjects

C. the fact that the children enjoyed themselves

D. the fact that teachers had the same training

E. the response of schools to the findings

Questions 27-30

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F , next to questions 27-30.

What was the finding of each of the following research studies?

A. Babies understand cause and effect.

B. Babies like physical exercise.

C. Babies like their actions to be copied.

D. Babies are excited by surprises.

E. Babies recognise basic grammar.

F. Babies like to help other people.

Research studies

27) Dr Pritchard’s study ➡️ …………….

28) The three-year-old’s study ➡️ …………….

29) Professor Michelson’s study ➡️ …………….

30) The United States study ➡️ …………….

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes given below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test – 27 Answer Key

  • E 738 2991 TP
  • 7th/7 APRIL
  • B/E (any order)
  • B/C (any order)
  • A/D (any order)

About Academic IELTS Listening Test Answers

IELTS is an important component, and passing it could make your dream of migrating to Ottawa successful. IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test – 27 belongs to the ‘Moderate’  category. So, if you are scoring 32+/40 in this practice test answers you are highly likely to hit  band 7 and above  in the real exam setting.


All the best!!!

  • IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test – 24 (with PDF)
  • IELTS Listening Computer-Based Academic Practice Test – 31

research project listening answers

Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. He is best known for his rich expertise in IELTS & Canadian Immigration. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram & Twitter .

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Questions 1-5

Complete the notes.


Basic Details of Project

Questions 6-10.

Choose the correct letter, A , B , or C .

6    The main form of data collection will be

A    questionnaires.

B    Internet polling.

C    face-to-face interviews.

7    To finish in time, the staff will have to

A    work late.

B    come in early.

C    take some work home.

8    The final report will contain

A    three appendices.

B    material from the company website.

C    a supplementary booklet.

9    The final report will be handed in on the

10    At the end, there will be

A    an office party.

B    a restaurant dinner.

C    presents for all involved.

Questions 11-15

Complete the repair schedule.

Write the correct letter, A-F , for each answer.

Problems to Fix

A      Birds in ceiling

B      Broken windows

C     Electrical fault

D     Fallen tree

E      Leaking roof

F      Staining on walls

Schedule of Repairs

research project listening answers

Questions 16-20

Complete the sentences.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Additional Details Concerning Repairs

The stained walls will be painted 16 ……………

Extra paint will be left in the 17 ……………

The baby birds will be given to a 18 ……………

The fallen tree will be used as 19 ……………

The smaller parts of the tree will be put in a 20 ……………

Questions 21-26

Complete the table.

Questions 27-30

Choose the correct letter, S , C , or P .

NB You may use a letter more than once .

S      Social History

C      Cultural Studies

P      Political Theory

What are the speakers’ favorite subjects?

27    Steve

28    David

29    Susan

30    Olive

Questions 31-32

31   Originally, country

A    required fewer workers.

B    had lots of animals.

C    were more interesting places.

32    Now, the problems there

A    can be solved.

B    are numerous.

C    are expected.

Questions 33-35

Choose THREE answers from the list and write the correct letter, A-F , next to the questions 33-35 .

Which THREE factors are typical of modern farming?

A      Many overheads

B      More machines

C      Fewer types of products

D      More frequent feeding

E      Greater numbers of products

F      More factories

Questions 36-40

Listening test 04, listening test 06, answer listening practice test 05.

1 equipment

3 6/ six days

17 garden shed

18 wildlife reserve

19 firewood

20 garden bin

21 Welfare State

22 too long

23 in perspective

24 oversimplifies

25 Political Theory

26 not relevant

33-35 B, C, E

36 participate

37 natural springs

38 local product

39 characterized/ characterised

40 mature cheese(s)

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IELTS Listening Test 10

Part 1: Questions 1-4 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


(1)                   (2) (3)                  (4)

Questions 5-7 Choose THREE letters, A-G.

Which THREE places will the caller visit? A art museum B science museum C shopping mall D monument E post office F restaurant G park

Questions 8-10 Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C.

8. When will the caller arrive at the airport? A In the morning B In the afternoon C At night

9. How will the caller get to the hotel? A Subway B Bus C Taxi

10. What time does the hotel front desk close? A 10:00 B 12:00 C 2:00

Part 2: Questions 11 and 12 Complete the information below. Write ONE NUMBER for each answer.

City Tours Fare Information Adult All-Day Pass: (11) $ Children ages 5—12 All-Day Pass: (12) $

Children under age 5: Free

Questions 13-15 Complete the information below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

Starting point: Tour Bus Office First stop: (13) Second stop: Fishing Docks Third Stop: (14) Fourth Stop: Shopping District Fifth Stop: (15)

Questions 16-20 Complete the chart below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

(16)                       (17) (18)                       (19) (20)

Part 3: Questions 21-23 Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

21. When is the research project due? 22. Where will the students conduct the interviews? 23. How many interviews will they complete all together?

Questions 24-30 Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete their projects. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

A. Read (24) B. (25) C. Get (26) D. (27) E. Get together to (28) F. Prepare (29) G. Give (30)

Part 4: Questions 31-40 Complete the timeline below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

1832 (31) In her teens Alcott worked to (32) At age 17 Alcott wrote (33) (34)  Alcott enlisted as an army nurse. (35)  Alcott published her letters in a book called Hospital Sketches. (36)  Alcott returned from her trip to Europe. (37)  Alcott published Little Women. 1879 (38)  died. (39)  Alcott set up a home for her family in Boston. 1888 (40)

1. february 2. one 3. Wilson 4. 2336189872 5. C 6. F 7. G 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. 18 12. 9 13. hill park 14. bay bridge 15. green street 16. view 17. boats 18. eat 19. baskets 20. theatre 21. in three weeks 22. a shopping mall 23. thirty 24. a government study 25. design the questionnaire 26. professor’s approval 27. conduct interviews 28. analyse the results 29. charts 30. class presentation 31. Alcott was born 32. support her family 33. her first novel 34. 1862 35. after the war 36. 1866 37. 1868 38. May 39. 1882 40. Alcott died

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So, the task I gave you both was to choose an article about a small-scale research project.

Jake: Yes ...

You were then required to try to reproduce the research procedures in your own context ... i.e. try it out for yourselves.

Yeah ... and that’s what we’ve done.

Great. So I’d like you to tell me a bit about the article and why you chose it.

Well, the article’s written by two university lecturers who had started using crosswords to help their students revise terminology for exams .

And the crosswords were designed and set on computers.

And we selected the article because ... well it seemed an accessible topic, even though we weren’t familiar with the technique ... you know ... using IT to design crosswords for higher education.

That’s a good reason. So these lecturers wanted to see how well this innovation was received by their students?

So how did you go about reproducing the research?

Well, we drew up a list of terms from one of our own modules ... and designed a crossword for revising these terms.

Then we asked our classmates to try out the crossword and give us feedback, you know, their opinions, on how they felt about using the technique.

Was it easy to find participants?

It wasn’t easy at first. But then we convinced them that by taking part in the research they were actually benefiting themselves by preparing for an exam which is coming up later this term.

Leela:              And it worked!

Tutor:              Good. So how did you find out what the students thought about doing the crosswords?

Jake:                A questionnaire . The original article used a two-page long questionnaire. There were lots of excellent questions on it but the whole section on difficulties using IT is now obsolete ... old-fashioned even, e ven though it had only been written a couple of years ago.

Tutor:              So you designed a shorter version?

Leela:              Yeah. Then we sent it to the forty students by email and got twenty-eight replies. I was  taken aback by the fact that everybody we talked to thought this was a good return! I mean the responses were well written, you know, people had taken a lot of care, but I was really disappointed with the low numbers .

Tutor:              Yes, an important lesson to learn for an apprentice researcher .

Leela and Jake: Yeah.

Tutor:              So what results did you get?

Jake:                Well, basically the responses were extremely positive. The students said that doing the crossword on a computer helped them really focus on the work in hand and not be distracted, which is something that commonly happens with other ways of doing of revision.

Yeah ... that was really clear. But something that struck me was that ‘having fun’ hardly featured in their responses ... nor did anything to do with spelling of hard words ... which I thought would be an obvious benefit.

Respondents also said that doing the crossword hadn’t really increased their general motivation to study but that it had highlighted the gaps in their memory so they knew what further work was necessary .

Right ... So how did your findings tally with those of the original researchers?

There were lots of similarities but ...

.there were probably two main differences. We found that more males than females liked the technique, whereas the original study found the reverse .

Also our respondents said they wouldn’t mind doing a crossword as a final official exam ... whereas in the original study students said they would hate doing it even if it meant having a shorter test .

But of course both sets of respondents said they’d be interested in doing more crosswords for informal purposes, revision and so forth.

Right, so let’s have a think about the whole project and what you’ve learned from doing it. Well ... it was very time consuming!

Yeah! And I don’t think we managed that aspect very well.

It could have been worse ... I mean we didn’t have a lot of data so we didn’t have to spend ages processing it. And of course, we’d already done a course on numerical data processing so there wasn’t much new there.

Yeah, that’s true. Anyway, I think we designed our questions well so that they gave us manageable data.

Yeah, it really helped having the original study to guide us, as it were ... and that helped us see what a good research instrument is ... .what a good questionnaire should be like.

Absolutely - we got a lot from that. But when we were writing up the project, I’m not sure whether we’ll know how to acknowledge the work of the original study ... you know, our referencing.

No ... that’s something we’ll both have to work on in the future.

Actually that part’s been great, finding ways to share and support another person .

That’s the real plus from the project ... learning ways to do that.

Well, it’s obviously been very successful ...

Questions 1-4

You will hear two undergraduates doing a research methods course - a girl called Leela and a boy called Jake - having a seminar with their tutor.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C .

Research on web-based crosswords

1    Leela and Jake chose this article because

A it was on a topic familiar to most students.

B it covered both IT and education issues.

C it dealt with a very straightforward concept. Answer: C      Locate    Listen from here

2     How did Leela and Jake persuade students to take part in their research?

A They convinced them they would enjoy the experience.

B They said it would help them do a particular test.

C They offered to help them with their own research later on. Answer: B      Locate    Listen from here

3     Leela and Jake changed the design of the original questionnaire because

A it was too short for their purposes.

B it asked misleading questions.

C it contained out-of-date points. Answer: C      Locate    Listen from here

4      Leela was surprised by the fact that

A it is normal for questionnaire returns to be low.

B so many students sent back their questionnaires.

C the questionnaire responses were of such high quality. Answer: A      Locate    Listen from here

Questions 5-6

Choose TWO letters, A-E .

What TWO things did respondents say they liked most about doing the crossword?

A It helped them spell complex technical terms.

B It was an enjoyable experience.

C It helped them concentrate effectively.

D It increased their general motivation to study.

E It showed what they still needed to study. 5. Answer: C, E (in either order)      Locate    Listen from here 6. Answer: C, E (in either order)      Locate    Listen from here

Questions 7-8

In which TWO areas did these research findings differ from those of the original study?

A Students’ interest in doing similar exercises.

B How much students liked doing the crossword.

C Time taken to do the crossword.

D Gender differences in appreciation.

E Opinions about using crosswords for formal assessment. 7. Answer: D OR E IN EITHER ORDER      Locate    Listen from here 8. Answer: D OR E IN EITHER ORDER      Locate    Listen from here

Questions 9-10

What TWO skills did Leela and Jake agree they had learned from the project?

A How to manage their time effectively.

B How to process numerical data.

C How to design research tools.

D How to reference other people’s work.

E How to collaborate in research. 9. Answer: C, E (in either order)      Locate    Listen from here 10. Answer: C, E (in either order)      Locate    Listen from here

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  7. Research project information IELTS listening practice test

    Research project information IELTS listening practice test:- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recor...

  8. Solution for IELTS Mock Test 2021 May Listening Practice Test 1

    Therefore, the answer for Q10 must be "three times". Next. Part 1. The speaker state that "Your walk takes you through part of the health, a huge". From the question we can know that "a huge" in the audio has the same meaning with "very large" . Hence, the answer for Q11 must be "A.

  9. Research Project Information IELTS Listening

    Research Project Information IELTS Listening Instructions to candidatesIn the actual test you will be given the following instructions:do not open this quest...

  10. IELTS Listening Sample Test 6 Section 3

    When is the research project due? 22. Where will the students conduct the interviews? 23. How many interviews will they complete all together? Questions 24-30. Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete. their projects. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

  11. IELTS Listening Practice Test 104 + Answers

    In the Listening Test 104, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on said recordings. Section 1 is a conversation between a sociology student who is doing research on the town's new community centre and a resident.. Section 2 is an audio tour for Hampstead in the city of London.. Section 3 is a conversation between a tutor and a student talking about a case study.

  12. Listening Full Test 6

    Transcript. You will hear a conversation between a research student, Jeremy, and his supervisor. They are talking about the process of having a research project published in a journal. First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25. [20 seconds] Listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.

  13. Research project on attitudes towards study

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Research project on attitudes towards study. 1Phoebe's main reason for choosing her topic was that. A her classmates had been very interested in it. B it would help prepare her for her first teaching post. C she had been inspired by a particular book. 2Phoebe's main research question related to.

  14. PDF Dealing with Matching Features questions

    Completion, Short Answer questions. • introduce the focus of the lesson - Listening Part 3 - a conversation between 2-4 people in an educational or training context. (Exercise 1) • give out Worksheet 1 and draw attention to the matching question. • get students to work in pairs and answer questions 1-5 about the context.

  15. IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test

    IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test With Answers: This is the 27 th test of our 'LISTENING Practice Test Series '. All tests are based on real exam patterns and correspond to the actual difficulty level you may find in the IELTS. This test is divided into four sections - Section 1, 2, 3 and 4.

  16. Listening Practice Test 05

    Questions 6-10. Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 6 The main form of data collection will be. A questionnaires. B Internet polling. C face-to-face interviews. 7 To finish in time, the staff will have to. A work late. B come in early.

  17. Research Project IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And

    Research Project IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation. Luyện tập đề IELTS Listening Practice với Research Project được lấy từ cuốn sách IELTS Actual Test 2 - Test 9 - Section 3 kèm Answer key, list từ vựng IELTS cần học trong bài đọc và Free PDF & Audio Transcript Download với trải nghiệm thi IELTS trên máy và giải thích ...


    Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete their projects. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. A. Read (24) B. (25) C. Get (26) D. (27) E. Get together to (28) F. Prepare (29) G. Give (30) Part 4: Questions 31-40 Complete the timeline below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each ...

  19. Research Project On Attitudes Towards Study IELTS Listening Answers

    Research Project On Attitudes Towards Study IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation. Luyện tập đề IELTS Listening Practice với Research Project On Attitudes Towards Study được lấy từ cuốn sách IELTS Practice Test Plus 3 - Test 1 - Section 3 kèm Answer key, list từ vựng IELTS cần học trong bài đọc và Free PDF & Audio Transcript Download ...

  20. Usa Research Projects Into Class Sizes IELTS Listening Answers With

    Usa Research Projects Into Class Sizes IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation. Luyện tập đề IELTS Listening Practice với Usa Research Projects Into Class Sizes được lấy từ cuốn sách IELTS Practice Test Plus 2 - Test 3 - Section 4 kèm Answer key, list từ vựng IELTS cần học trong bài đọc và Free PDF & Audio Transcript Download với ...

  21. Answers for Research on web based crosswords

    9. Answer: C, E (in either order) Locate Listen from here. 10. Answer: C, E (in either order) Locate Listen from here. Research on web based crosswords listening practice test has 10 questions belongs to the Technology subject. In total 10 questions, 6 questions are Multiple Choice form, 4 questions are Sentence Completion form.