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Duke Supplemental Essays 2024-25 – Prompts and Advice

July 26, 2024

With a 5.1% acceptance rate, getting into Duke in 2024-25 is now as daunting a challenge as gaining acceptance into just about any Ivy League school. While Duke University may immediately conjure up images of the “Cameron Crazies” decked out in devil masks and blue face paint, make no mistake—those rowdy-looking students are really as studious as they come. In fact, just about every single one of the individuals you see in those stands on television scored a 1500+ on the SAT or a 35+ on the ACT and earned a parade of A’s throughout a high school schedule overflowing with AP/IB/dual enrollment courses. This brings us to the topic of this blog – how to write the Duke supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Duke University? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Duke   for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

Given that almost 19 of every 20 applicants to Duke University are ultimately unsuccessful, you need to do everything you can to stand out amidst a sea of uber-qualified teens from around the globe. Through its one mandatory essay prompt and two optional offerings, the Duke University supplemental section still affords applicants an opportunity to highlight what makes them uniquely qualified for admission. Below are Duke’s supplemental prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle along with tips about how to address each one.

Required Duke Supplemental Essays – #1

1) what is your sense of duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you if there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 word limit).

This is your quintessential “Why Us?” essay which comes with the typical pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. We don’t want to label these as “mistakes” (there is nothing inherently wrong with them). They just don’t add any needle-moving value, which is, of course, the only goal when you are applying to a school as selective as Duke.

Common components of a generic “Why Duke?” essay

  • Fawning over the beautiful campus (it is quite beautiful, but they already know that).
  • Duke’s rank, prestige, and reputation. Again, they know!
  • Too many generic expressions of feeling (e.g., Since I was five, I’ve dreamed of attending Duke… ).
  • Recycled statements from your other “Why Us?” essays that come across as stale, impersonal, or worst of all–irrelevant/inaccurate.
  • Talking about the Blue Devils basketball team.

How to write a winning “Why Duke?” essay

  • Make sure to address why Duke is the perfect fit for you  and  why you are the perfect fit for Duke. To do so, cite specific  academic programs , professors ,  research opportunities , experiential education programs ,  study abroad programs ,  student-run organizations , Duke’s mission , etc. Be sure to discuss how you plan to take advantage of your chosen resources.
  • Show evidence of how your past/current endeavors will carry over onto Duke’s campus.
  • Discuss any special talents and passions that you will bring to Duke.

Big-picture thoughts on the “Why Duke?” essay

In any “Why Us?” composition, you need to show that you’ve done your homework on a given school, but you don’t want it to read like a rote list of items that you Googled five minutes before writing the essay (even if the timing of the Google search is roughly accurate).

In addition to the pure research element, a lot of the time and skill required to create a stellar Duke essay will involve connecting your selected opportunities of to your distinct values, talents, aims, proficiencies, and future goals.

Duke Supplemental Optional Essays – Select 0-2 from the following list (250 word limit for each)

While these essays are technically “optional,” we advise every single applicant to Duke to opt in on at least one essay. (Note that Prompt #1 is often an ideal and natural choice). Remember, Duke is one of those rare schools that rejects students with near-perfect (or even perfect) academic credentials. It is essential that you showcase the characteristics and skills that make you one-of-a-kind.

1) We believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.

Take note of the wide-open nature of this prompt. You are essentially invited to talk about any of the following topics:

  • A perspective you hold
  • An experience you had
  • A community you belong to
  • Your cultural background
  • Your family background

Although this prompt’s open floor plan may feel daunting, a good tactic is to first consider what has already been communicated within your Common App personal statement, activities list, and “Why Duke” essay. What important aspects of yourself have not been shared (or sufficiently discussed)? The admissions officer reading your essay is hoping to connect with you through your written words, so—within your essay’s reflection—be open, humble, thoughtful, inquisitive, emotionally honest, mature, and/or insightful about what you learned and how you grew. No matter what type of story you tell, the goal is to have the reader come away saying, “I can definitely see this applicant as a contributing member of our talented and engaged student community.”

Duke Supplemental Essays (Continued)

2) Tell us about an experience in the past year or two that reflects your imagination, creativity, or intellect.

Firstly, note that Duke provides a time range. Accordingly, you’ll need to choose an experience from either your sophomore or junior year (formal or informal) that reflects your intellect, imagination, or creativity. Whether it’s a general love for math/science or literature or your aerospace engineering internship or the short story collection you wrote, use this opportunity to dig into why your chosen experience resonates with, fascinates, and/or inspires you. Moreover, share how you pursued knowledge. Whether you fell down a Wikipedia rabbit hole about the nature of time or consumed thousands of hours of podcasts on game theory or learned coding so that you could build a website, this is a chance to illustrate the ways in which you are an obsessive learner with a thirst for information. The admissions reader should emerge from reading this essay with the sense that you are a sincerely curious young person with a strong intellectual drive.

3) We believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about?

The U.S. presently finds itself in an extreme state of polarization. There seems to be little agreement even as to what constitutes “truth” or “facts” Within this divided world, it can be hard for individuals with competing viewpoints to engage in civil and productive dialogue. Here, Duke is giving you the chance to show that you are an open-minded, intellectually curious, truth-seeking young person. Illustrate how you are willing to engage in conversations/debates with people who hold opposing positions on topics of great importance to you. One key thing to remember when addressing this prompt is that you don’t have to be the hero of the anecdote. In fact, you may be one who learned to expand their thinking.

Of course, you are also invited to share about a person you agree with. However, without any friction, this may be the least interesting of the two choices.

4) We recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. Duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. Feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity.

Do you feel that your lived experience is different from others in your peer group, family, or community, perhaps in regard to relationships, household income level, mental or physical challenges, neurodiversity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or cultural background, to name a few? If so, answering this prompt could be a good option. While crafting your response, the important thing to keep in mind is that the difference/challenge itself is  less important  than what it reveals about your character and perspective. What steps have you taken to cope with your chosen difference? How has it positively impacted you? How has it influenced your perspective and the way you engage with the world? Is there anything about your difference that you feel especially appreciative of?  Make sure you share what you were feeling and experiencing; this piece should demonstrate openness and vulnerability.

5) Duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community.

If you feel that an element of your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression is an important component of who you are, this is an ideal place to discuss that part of yourself. Moreover, Duke’s instructions are broad, allowing to you discuss personal and/or social impact. No matter the direction you choose, be sure to fully address why this part of your identity holds such significant meaning for you.

How important are the Duke supplemental essays?

There are eight factors that Duke University considers “very important” in evaluating a candidate and the essays are among them. In addition to the essays, Duke gives the greatest consideration to the rigor of an applicant’s secondary school record, GPA, standardized test scores, recommendations, extracurricular activities, talent/ability, and character/personal qualities.

Duke Supplemental Essays – Want Personalized Essay Assistance?

If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Duke supplemental essays, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

Need additional writing resources? Consider checking out the following:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Andrew Belasco

A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.

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Learn more about the three options below.

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If you choose this option, we’ll challenge you to write the best possible essay – no content suggestions are off-limits, including reorienting your topic or reframing your story. Students who choose this option aren’t afraid to go back to the drawing board if it’ll increase their chances of getting accepted. You may have to roll up your sleeves and do some more work on your essay, but your essay will be much stronger because of it.

Select this option if your priority is to have the best possible essay, even if it requires some extra work on your side.

We’ll strike a balance between “dig deep and challenge me” and “tread lightly.” We may suggest changes to your structure and narrative, including removing weak content, elaborating on certain sections, and adding content to strengthen your arguments. You may have to rework sentences and paragraphs, but we won’t suggest major content changes.

With this option, we’ll focus on improving your essay in a way that requires little additional work from you. We’ll provide you with targeted suggestions for how to refine your essay’s structure and narrative, but we will work within your current structure and topic. While you may have to make a few tweaks here and there, we’ll aim to return you a polished draft that’s ready to be submitted to your chosen colleges.

Select this option if you are fairly satisfied with your essay and don’t want to make major changes or if you have limited time to revise.

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2 Strong Duke Essay Examples

With a very low acceptance rate, Duke is one of the most competitive U.S. colleges to get into. Alongside killer stats, extracurriculars, and letters of recommendation, admissions officers are looking for engaging, concise, and thorough essays to put you over the top.

In this post, we’ll share a Duke essay written by a real student and analyze what it did well and where it could be improved. Hopefully, you can take away some insight that will help you write your Duke essays.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Duke essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts. 

Duke Pratt School of Engineering Essay Example – Why Engineering?

Prompt:   If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering as a first year applicant, please discuss why you want to study engineering and why you would like to study at Duke (250 words).

One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn’t realize my passion for engineering until I spent the rest of winter break creating different circuits to power various lights, alarms, and sensors. Even after I outgrew the toy, I kept the set in my bedroom at home and knew I wanted to study engineering. Later, in a high school biology class, I learned that engineering didn’t only apply to circuits, but also to medical devices that could improve people’s quality of life. Biomedical engineering allows me to pursue my academic passions and help people at the same time.

Just as biology and engineering interact in biomedical engineering, I am fascinated by interdisciplinary research in my chosen career path. Duke offers unmatched resources, such as DUhatch and The Foundry, that will enrich my engineering education and help me practice creative problem-solving skills. The emphasis on entrepreneurship within these resources will also help me to make a helpful product. Duke’s Bass Connections program also interests me; I firmly believe that the most creative and necessary problem-solving comes by bringing people together from different backgrounds. Through this program, I can use my engineering education to solve complicated societal problems such as creating sustainable surgical tools for low-income countries. Along the way, I can learn alongside experts in the field. Duke’s openness and collaborative culture span across its academic disciplines, making Duke the best place for me to grow both as an engineer and as a social advocate.

What the Essay Did Well

A strength of this essay is how it grows in specificity as it progresses, and in college-essay-writing, specificity is key. In the first paragraph, there’s a smooth yet concise transition from a general childhood fascination with engineering to a more mature and specialized field of interest. We learn more and more about this student, almost in layers; first we learn they loved math and science, then engineering, and then biomedical engineering. In every sentence, each of this student’s personal qualities and traits builds off of the one before it, adding more dimension and nuance to their character.

In shifting from her past experiences to Duke’s academic offerings, this student uses their similarly interdisciplinary natures to connect the two. This penchant for smooth, concise transitions is an especially important asset when working with a sub-300 word limit. This applicant chose Duke-specific opportunities to discuss, giving no generic desires for “great professors,” a “top” program, or empty appeals to emotion (“The campus just felt like home!”)

The final sentence serves to nicely tie the essay up, re-affirming the student’s personal qualities and how they suit the student for Duke, personally and academically.

What Could Be Improved

This essay could be made stronger with some improvements to the second paragraph. When including Duke opportunities they want to take part in, this student tells us “ I am fascinated by ,” and it “ interests me ,” but this is fairly basic writing. The reader shouldn’t have to be told about your interest and excitement over something; it should jump off the page.

Rather than telling us they are fascinated by interdisciplinary research, they could write something like this: “ I’d take the thrill of finding connections between two seemingly unrelated topics, knee-deep in library archives, over the drop on the Kingda Ka rollercoaster.”  Notice how this sentence doesn’t explicitly say anything about how they find research fascinating, but by describing it as a more thrilling experience than a rollercoaster, the reader gets a strong visual of the student’s passion.

Another thing missing from this essay is the  why behind this student’s interest in helping others. They clearly flush out their motivation for pursuing engineering, but they never explain what draws them into being a social advocate. Throwing in how they want to “ improve people’s quality of life “, “ create sustainable  surgical tools for low-income countries “, and be a “ social advocate ” has little impact if we don’t understand the importance. A sentence or two that provides background on this student’s compassionate side and where it originated from or what it looks like in action would help bring more weight to their claims of becoming a social advocate.

Duke Essay Example – Why Duke?

In the last six years, my community has been disconnected from the national grid. The result? I watched my mother spend so much money on fuel and patronizing nearly every generator technician in town so we could access electricity. I developed the habit of going to my tutorial centers with my phone charger, hoping that by some streak of luck, the generator would be on. However, with Duke’s minor in Energy Engineering, all these could become things of the past. I especially look forward to courses like ENERGYER 310: INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY GENERATION and ENERGYER 490:RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, which will equip me with the knowledge I need to design cheap and environmentally friendly energy systems.

Outside the classroom, I hope to contribute to Duke’s mission of supporting positive change worldwide by participating in some of Duke’s signature programs, especially the Duke engage gateway program. I am a big fan of math competitions and math in general. As a result, I worked with some of my friends in 2019 to set up a math enrichment organization for high schoolers. I plan to someday have the Duke engage program work with our organization to help provide STEM classes and encourage hand on design projects among Nigerian high school students. I look forward to the academically challenging classes, interactions with strangers, and all the other things that come with being a blue devil.

This essay, which is responding to a textbook example of the “Why This College?” prompt, does a nice job of clearly explaining this student’s motivation for pursuing the specific opportunities at Duke they mention. Because of the story at the beginning about what this student and their mother went through to access energy, the reader understands the personal connection this student has to energy engineering. That personal connection, coupled with the fact the student names specific energy engineering classes at Duke, proves that their interest in the subject is genuine.

The student’s discussion of the Duke engage program is also backed with a personal story that deepens the connection between their past experiences and the things they hope to accomplish at Duke. Rather than just saying they want to join the engage program because they like creating positive change, their description of creating a “math enrichment organization” in high school shows Duke admissions officers that they have already embodied that value of making the world a better place.

One way this essay could be improved would be to more empathetically drive home the theme of making the world a better place. Between this student’s passion for bringing energy solutions to their community and helping Nigerian students access STEM resources, they clearly have a genuine desire to be a force for positive change. Right now, however, the essay feels somewhat like two distinct anecdotes stuck together, rather than a cohesive story focusing on this aspect of their personality, with Duke-specific opportunities woven into that story.

Centering the essay on this quality would shift the focus from the programs at Duke, and how the student fits into them, to the student’s personality, and how Duke aligns with it. It might seem like a subtle difference, but the result would be an essay that both flows naturally and highlights the student’s admirable character.

How would the student go about making this change? The essay could start with a sentence that shows us their passion for helping others in general, rather than in the context of their local power grid of the math organization they cofounded. This line could be quite simple, for example: “ ‘To help others!’ That’s how I answered my mom every year when she asked what I wanted for my birthday. ” 

Then, the student could move into talking about the helplessness they felt not being able to fix the power grid, and how that feeling motivated them to pursue energy engineering. Their story would continue by transitioning into a discussion of how they hope to help people in a variety of ways, not just by improving their access to electricity. They could cite their math organization as an example of another way they’ve worked to make people’s lives better, and demonstrate their commitment to that organization by describing how they hope to grow it with the skills they learn from the Duke engage program.

This version of the essay, by centering on their personality from start to finish, would feel more cohesive, while still incorporating why the student wants to attend Duke specifically.

Where to Get Your Duke  Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Duke essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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July 29, 2024

Duke University Supplemental Essay Prompts: 2024-2025

A view of Duke University's science center.

Duke University has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 college admissions cycle. In addition to The Common Application ’s Personal Statement, Duke’s Class of 2029 applicants must write one supplemental essay. Two additional essays are optional. Of course, as loyal readers of Ivy Coach ’s college admissions blog know all too well, any optional essay in elite college admissions should not be considered optional. If students want to get in, they must write both optional essays as well.

2024-2025 Duke Essay Topics and Questions

Required essay prompt.

The first prompt, the required essay, has a limit of 250 words and reads as follows:

1. What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you? If there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well.

It’s a Why Duke essay prompt. As such, an applicant’s approach should be filled with specific examples after specific examples that only apply to Duke. Name-dropping professors or listing classes are not genuine specifics about a university . Instead, it should be an applicant’s goal to capture the enduring specifics of a school — programs, institute, culture, traditions, activities — and how a student will contribute their singular hook — rather than well-roundedness — to the institution.

Optional Essay Prompts

Applicants are offered the opportunity to answer up to two of the following five prompts in 250 words or less. These essays are optional, though they should not be treated as such.

1. We believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.

In the wake of the Affirmative Action ruling against Affirmative Action, this essay prompt presents an opportunity for students to share the prism of their experience. While it can certainly focus on a student’s race or faith (as Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion makes clear), it doesn’t have to and can instead spotlight an applicant’s unique lived experience that has nothing to do with their racial or religious background.

2. Tell us about an experience in the past year or two that reflects your imagination, creativity, or intellect.

Ideally, an applicant’s answer will zero in on their hook. All of Duke’s admissions essays should be considered puzzle pieces. The specific topic that a student writes about in their Personal Statement should never be written about again since doing so would be redundant. Still, each essay should dovetail one another to showcase how a student is going to contribute their singular hook to Duke’s community.

3. We believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about?

Duke, like all highly selective universities, wants to admit students who will respectfully disagree with one another. It’s why it’s crucial to Duke that they accept a class filled with students of varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Duke’s admissions committee wants to see that even when someone voices an opinion that differs from theirs, they can hear them out and be malleable to alter their mindset.

4. Duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community.

Duke’s admissions committee has long asked its applicants to express their thoughts and feelings on their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. But an applicant need not be a member of the LGBTQ+ community to be able to answer this prompt.

5. We recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. Duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. Feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity.

The “being different” prompt is another opportunity for Duke’s applicants to highlight the diversity they will bring to Durham. Even though the Supreme Court outlawed the overall consideration of race in admissions decision-making, it can still be considered within the context of an applicant’s life narrative. But one’s answer to this Duke essay prompt, of course, doesn’t have to relate to race. It can relate to faith — or sexuality, gender, diversity of thought, or anything else.

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with Duke University Essays

If you’re interested in optimizing your case for admission to Duke’s Class of 2029 by submitting powerful essays that wow Duke admissions officers, fill out Ivy Coach ’s consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college counseling services .

You are permitted to use (including the content of the Blog) for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not copy, download, print, or otherwise distribute the content on our site without the prior written consent of Ivy Coach, Inc.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, guide for duke university's supplemental essays.

Hi everyone, I'm very interested in Duke University and with application deadlines approaching, I could use help with their supplemental essays. Can anyone brief me on the kind of prompts to expect or resources for guidance?

Certainly, Duke University typically has two main supplemental essays. While the specific prompts may vary each year, they generally revolve around your intellectual interest and community engagement.

The first is a "Why Duke" essay where you will need to explain why you're interested in Duke University specifically and what you plan to study. To do well on this, it's important to show genuine interest in the university and its programs. Don't just generically praise the university. Instead, tie your academic or career goals to specific resources or opportunities available at Duke.

The second prompt usually asks about your engagement with the community, such as how you plan to contribute to the university and the surrounding community or how you have previously fostered community in your life. Here, reflect on your personal interests and what unique perspective or talent you can bring to the Duke community.

As for resources, you can find many tips and guidelines online on writing college essays. College application websites such as CollegeVine offer insightful articles about tackling different prompts ( They don't provide templates; instead, they guide you on how to make your essay standout, which includes understanding what the prompt is asking, brainstorming effectively, and creating a focused, impactful narrative.

Remember, authenticity is key in your essays. Schools like Duke want to get to know you better and understand how you'd fit into their community, so it's vital that your voice shines through.

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Duke University Essay Guide 2020-2021

In this Duke University Essay Guide, Admissions Experts Anya (Duke ‘17) and Gagan (Duke ‘13) will cover how to approach the 2020-2021 Duke supplementary essays. For more guidance on personal essays and the college application process in general, sign up for a monthly plan to work with an admissions coach 1-on-1.

Applying to Duke University

Established in 1838, Duke University is one of the preeminent institutions of higher learning in both the United States and the world. A private university located within the heart of the Research Triangle Park in Durham, North Carolina, the schools boasts a student body of approximately 7000 undergraduate students and an overall acceptance rate of 7.6% (6% for regular decisions and 21% for early decision).

The undergraduate experience is split across two schools: ‎Trinity College of Arts & Sciences and ‎Pratt School of Engineering. The University also has ten graduate and professional schools, many of which allow undergraduates to either take classes, engage in the community, and conduct research.

If you’ve decided to apply to Duke, you know that it’s a powerhouse research university best known for its decorated men’s basketball team. However, there are two aspects of the university’s culture that are essential to consider when approaching Duke’s supplemental essays:

First, Duke values the concept of “knowledge in the service of society.” Accordingly, admissions officers gravitate towards applicants that demonstrate that they will contribute to the campus community and use their education for real world impact.

Additionally, the university values self-awareness , opting for students who understand how the multifaceted aspects of their experience have informed their personality, values, and aspirations. This essay guide provides aspiring Blue Devils the tips and guidance needed to integrate these two themes and craft the best, most nuanced personal statements.

Essay Questions

As part of the Duke admissions process, you are asked to complete a series of short and long essay prompts. When applying via either the Common Application or the Coalition Application, you must answer either of the essay prompts noted in the respective application systems. In addition to this long essay, Duke has one required supplemental essay and two optional essays, the prompts of which are discussed below.

Prompt 1 (required):

Please share with us why you consider duke a good match for you.  is there something in particular about duke’s academic or other offerings that attract you   (200 words).

Anya: This is a classic “Why X School?” prompt, and the admissions committee has done you a favor by signaling how to structure your essay. In the first sentence, the prompt asks you to share why Duke is a good “match” for you. That word choice is intentional, suggesting that you need to speak to how attending Duke will provide a springboard to achieve your aspirations.

The best responses to this prompt will establish your goals early and argue that Duke’s academic, extracurricular, and cultural offerings will help you explore a topic of interest, positioning you to make real world impact. For example, you might start your response by noting that you aspire to get PhD in neuroscience to explore myelin development in neurons, contributing to a new body of work developing medical interventions for multiple sclerosis.

The best goal statements are specific. Rather than stating a passion for “environmental science,” hone in on a narrow interest, like “developing affordable technology to reduce farm level food waste in developing economies.” Also, aim for one that’s unique — try to pinpoint an interest that no one else in the application pool will discuss.

Next, you want assert that Duke’s resources will position you to achieve this ambition and provide ample evidence to support your claim. For example, when I applied to Duke, I expressed an interest in exploring how social conditioning shapes gender norms. I cited that Duke’s “Program II” would allow me to create my own major synthesizing coursework from the neuroscience, psychology, and gender studies departments. Additionally, I noted an interest in conducting research with Dr. Sarah Gaither, whose work explores how identity markers impact social behavior.

I recommend including 4 – 6 specific examples across academics, extracurriculars, special programs, and unique aspects of Duke’s culture to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework. Style wise, craft your sentences to highlight the unique value of Duke’s offerings. You never want to say something like “Duke has an excellent economics department,” as you could say that same about any of its peer schools. Instead, pinpoint the specific courses, programs, and resources that align with your goals.

Two hundred words isn’t a lot, but if you use tight prose, you can also provide the admissions committee insight on how you can contribute to the Duke community. Let’s say that your goal statement showcases your passion for multimedia storytelling to reduce stigma on mental illness. You might highlight your enthusiasm to discuss historical portrayals of bipolar disorder in the class “Medical Stories on Stage,” and note that you can add value to discussions by sharing about your experience starring in a production of the musical Next to Normal in high school.

Gagan: Duke places great emphasis on fit, and this essay aims to (1) ensure that you have done your due diligence and researched what Duke has to offer, and (2) get an understanding of how you will engage with what the school offers. This is not an essay for broad brush strokes, but rather one where specificity will set you apart. An understanding of Duke’s niche offerings is essential. Don’t make generalized comments about “xyz” major or broadly mention sports or service. Instead, show in detail how each offering is unique to Duke.

The university has two “sub-colleges” for undergraduate studies — Trinity and Pratt —so show off your knowledge of whichever school you’re applying to. Strong examples include mentions of specific professors, research labs, or opportunities (ex. Bass Connections) that you would both take advantage of at Duke and, more importantly, how this opportunity is essential to your learning and career aspirations. Although there a million and one topics you can choose from, refrain from the heavily used ones such as sports/Duke basketball, fraternity/sorority life, or even Duke Engage, unless you can make a specific and unique argument.

Remember, you only have 200 words for this, so there is no way to list off all the things that make Duke awesome. Be concise and direct with what you love about the university and how no other university is the perfect match for you.

Prompt 2 (optional):  

Duke university seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. if you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had that would help us understand you better, perhaps a community you belong to or your family or cultural background, we encourage you to do so here. real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to duke. (250 words).

Anya: The purpose of this prompt is not only to discuss a formative aspect of your identity, perspective, or experience, but also to highlight how this attribute will add value to the Duke community.

“Diversity” encompasses a broad spectrum of attributes and experiences, including but not limited to:

  • Gender Identity
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Sexual orientation
  • Racial / ethnic identity
  • Country of origin
  • Family history
  • A unique hobby
  • A formative extracurricular or experience
  • A challenge you’ve overcame
  • A personality trait central to your identity

To tackle this essay, think about the life experiences that have made the largest impact on your worldview. What matters to you, and why? Then, pinpoint concrete examples highlighting how your experience has shaped your values, personality, and goals. Finally, allude to how your chosen experience will strengthen the Duke community.

The key to writing a memorable response is tracing a clear link between your unique experiences and your personality, goals and passions. For example, you might explain that working on your family’s farm every summer has helped you develop a passion for strengthening local food systems, which you hope to continue pursuing at Duke by taking on a role with the Duke Student Dining Advisory Committee. Or perhaps facing discrimination as a child of Pakistani immigrants in Sweden has attuned you to the emotional impact of identity-based bullying at school, and you see yourself working with Duke Student Government to craft a hate speech policy on campus.

I talked about how my experience dealing with a traumatic brain injury gave me a personal perspective on the relationship between brain and behavior, driving my interest in pursuing clinical neuroscience research. Ultimately, your goal is to show the reader how the unique components of your identity will inform your participation in the Duke community.

Gagan: While this essay is optional, it is worth the time and effort to show Duke how your background and perspectives are unique, and how your presence on campus would enrich the lives of those around you. The university recognizes that diversity comes in many forms, so now is your chance to show the distinct values and ideas you would bring. If you come from a marginalized group, use this essay to highlight your lived experiences and why they are essential at Duke. As with the previous essay, do not speak in generalized statements, but go in-depth on one or two core aspects of your background and highlight those.

If your background is considered to be more “typical,” focus on what makes your community, culture, or values unique . Maybe your family has certain traditions that you carry with you, or perhaps you have a set of values that you bring to all your engagements — whatever the case may be, show Duke that you are unique.

The one thing to note: this essay should cover your diversity beyond sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, as Duke has a separate essay for this (see below).

Prompt 3 (optional):  

Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. if you would like to share with us more about your identity, you can do so here, or use any previous essay prompt you feel is appropriate. (250 words).

Anya: Duke University’s admissions team added this supplemental essay after student advocates emphasized the importance of sending a clear message to LGBTQIA+ applicants that the Duke community is a place where they can be their authentic selves. If you identify as a member of the queer community, consider using this prompt as a space to discuss your experiences. If you don’t belong to the queer community, sit this one out!

To make the most impact, shy away from talking about the general political climate on LGBT+ rights, and focus on your individual story . Strong responses will avoid platitudes and highlight the intersection of your identity and other aspects of your experience. Perhaps you’re a first-generation Indian American, and a conversation with a lawyer relative taught you that the penal codes prohibiting homosexuality in India were introduced by the British, attuning you to how colonialism perpetuated discrimination in your ethnic community. Or perhaps you haven’t shared your identity with anyone yet, but draw inspiration from Vita Sackville West, a 20th Century English author who flouted the strict gender conventions of her aristocratic upbringing.

Like in any other prompt, your goal is to showcase the factors that have shaped your perspective and tell a story that no other applicant can tell.

Gagan: Similar to the essay above on diversity, this essay has a similar aim, but with a narrower focus. If you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community, this is your chance to share about how your experiences have defined you, your perspectives, and your ambitions.

In some rare cases, you might consider answering this prompt even though your background is adequately represented. However, only answer this prompt if you can write about a real, legitimate, identity-shaping part of your experience. Avoid answering it just to showcase how open-minded you are — if you do not identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, only write this essay if sexual orientation or gender identity is deeply personal to you and a crucial part of your experience .

If this question is truly not applicable to you, this is one of the few “optional” essays that is truly optional. Regardless of where you stand and the narrative you take, as you reflect on the past, be sure to also address how each aspect of your life will influence your future ambitions.

This Duke University essay guide was written by Anya Ranganathan (Duke University ‘17) and Gagan Vaseer (Duke University ‘13) . If you want to get help writing your Duke application essays from Anya, Gagan, or other Admissions Experts , register with today.

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How to write the duke university supplemental essays, updated for 2024-2025, required prompt:.

What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you? If there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 word limit)


This question is essentially a version of the “Why This College?” question. The prompt can be separated into three discrete parts: a description of your overall sense of the Duke community, why it is a good fit for you, and the specific offerings that appeal to you. While you do not need to answer each element in this order, your essay should address each component.

The first component requires you to articulate your perception of Duke. Perhaps you see it as a place where rigorous academics meet a vibrant, collaborative community, fostering both intellectual and personal growth. Mention specific attributes that stand out to you, such as Duke’s emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, the spirit of innovation, or the strong sense of community and school spirit embodied by events like basketball games at Cameron Indoor Stadium.

As you tackle the second component, consider the question: what about Duke makes it the best fit for you and offers you the chance to do something that you could not do at any other university? Finally, identifying a specific class, lab, resource, or program that is of particular interest to you at Duke provides a tangible example of why the school is a good fit for you. For example, if you’re passionate about environmental science and public policy, highlight Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment and the Sanford School of Public Policy. Explain how their interdisciplinary approach and opportunities for hands-on research resonate with your desire to tackle real-world environmental challenges. If you’re drawn to Duke’s commitment to service and civic engagement, discuss a program like DukeEngage and how it aligns with your dedication to making a positive impact on society. Dive deeper and do your homework about what you plan to take advantage of once on campus.

Lastly, don’t forget to make this entry fun to read. No matter what you are saying, there is always an engaging way to say it!

Playing soccer for over fifteen years, I am grateful for the countless friendships I have forged. Unfortunately, many inevitably hang up their cleats after high school and adapt to a more sedentary lifestyle, one often accompanied by mental health struggles.

While soccer initially ignited my passion, promoting health and well-being has become a stronger calling. Working with our school doctor, I conducted a survey to yield insights into the prevalence of mental health challenges and sedentary behavior among students. Results highlighted barriers to physical activity, like lack of social connections. These insights helped shape school-wide strategies for encouraging healthier student lives.

Eager to continue learning “the Duke way,” I seek to cultivate my passion for Psychology and Neuroscience at Trinity, where I’ll study the neural influences on motivation and decision-making in neuroscience courses, and improve my understanding of the benefits of physical activity through courses like “Exercise and Mental Health.”

I look forward to continuing my wellness research through Duke’s Bass Connections, working on a project like Creating a Contemplative Community: The Impact of Mindfulness on Student Well-Being.

Much like soccer’s camaraderie, Duke’s community wonderfully emulates the team environment inside and outside of the classroom. From engaging FOCUS group seminars and dinners to contributing to the Blue Devil Wellness Exchange, I know I’ll feel right at home on campus. Although as a cheering fan on the sidelines, there’s no doubt in my mind I’ll still feel very much a part of the Blue Devil family.

Optional Prompts:

We want to emphasize that the following questions are optional. Feel free to answer one or two if you believe that doing so will add something meaningful that is not already shared elsewhere in your application. Five optional questions are available – a maximum of 2 can be selected.

Though Duke notes that the questions are optional, you should never pass up an opportunity to fortify your application.

1. Perspective Response: We believe a wide range of viewpoints, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to maintaining Duke as a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.

This supplement is asking all about your community. We are all a product of our environments, so write about how some of the other key players in your community have had an impact on your life. Which communities do you come from? What impact have they had on your views, beliefs, and experiences? Who and what has shaped you? This is a time to be transparent and honest—paint your readers an authentic, self-aware picture of who you are. You may choose to define community traditionally—your sports team, classmates, religious youth group—or a bit more creatively—a fan group you are a part of, a geographic or linguistic community, an expatriate community—for example.

Remember, trying to impress admission officers will likely come off boastful, and groups like National Honor Society typically do not have a strong, meaningful community associated with them. Be honest, humble and tell readers something that they may not learn about you from the rest of your application.

“Yoga is not about the shape of your body but the shape of your life.”

Every Sunday at 7 p.m., my yoga teacher welcomes our class to the mat with this quote.

Jenn, who is nearly seventy, leans into her down-dogs to my right and Nick, her nine-year-old grandson, frequently lets out soft giggles as he cat-cows to my left. Just ten hours earlier, I left soccer practice exhausted, ruminating on my coach’s instructions to set one physical goal for the coming week, shave our mile-time ten seconds, three long runs when last week he only imposed two…the list is always demanding, meant to push us to meet his exacting standards. There’s a method to his madness, and it has produced results for my team. We finished our last season as reigning state champions, bested only by Florida in the national finals last winter.

Yoga, on the other hand, has brought me the opposite gift: radical acceptance. You bring your present self to the mat day in and day out—linear progress is not the name of the game. Some days, Jenn slips into scorpion pose while Nick slips into a brief nap. Becoming a part-time yogi has taught me to meet my body, my mind, and my community where it is—a lesson that I will bring into this new chapter. As a member of the Duke community, I plan to be present, authentic, and teachable, knowing that accepting myself and others is the foundation for learning and growth.

2. Intellectual Experience: Tell us about an experience in the past year or two that reflects your imagination, creativity, or intellect.

This question is deliberately open-ended, offering students the chance to showcase their creativity, originality, and imagination. You could write about an instance in which you tackled a problem innovatively, pursued a passion project, or delved into a complex topic that intrigued you. Note that you will convey these qualities not only through what you choose to write about, but also how you choose to write about it. Consider how you might tell the story in a non-linear fashion, weave in humor or an unexpected motif, or reflect the substance through the essay’s style. Let your zaniness, spunk, and authentic voice shine through.

I stared at the math problem on the whiteboard, a tangled mess of derivatives and integrals that twisted and turned like an unsolvable labyrinth. Numbers had always been my friends, but this problem was testing the limits of our relationship. No matter how I approached it, the traditional methods weren’t cutting it.

As I entered the art room later that afternoon, the smell of acrylic paint and the sight of canvases covered in vibrant swirls greeted me. We were learning about fractals, those beautiful, infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. As I sketched out my fractal, it hit me: What if I approached the calculus problem like a fractal, breaking it down into smaller, self-similar parts? The chaotic mess of numbers and symbols on the whiteboard began to take on a new shape in my mind.

That evening, I went to the drawing board—literally. I sketched out the problem, using colors to represent different parts of the equation. By visualizing the problem, I began to see patterns I hadn’t noticed before, untangling the daunting mess of letters and numbers so that I could distinguish the solution in them.

The experience taught me that creativity isn’t confined to the art room or the stage; it’s a universal tool that can turn the mundane into the magical. Whether I’m sketching out solutions or crafting narratives in English class, I approach every challenge with the same creative spirit. Going back to the drawing board is no longer a sign of momentary defeat—it is an invitation to get creative and overcome a challenge with color and pizzazz.

3. Beliefs & Values: We believe there is benefit in sharing or questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about?

You will need a strong personal anecdote to begin this essay, so take some time to reflect. Start by thinking about areas where you generally align with others. These could be political, ethical, or personal beliefs. Who are the people with whom you find common ground (whether your family members, a figure in your community, or a public figure)? What specific issues or values do you share? Then, consider instances in which you have held differing views from those around you. Who are the individuals you have engaging debates or disagreements with? What topics or values are at the heart of these disagreements? Are they based on differing perspectives, experiences, or ideologies? If you choose to write about someone with whom you disagree, be sure to articulate their perspective with nuance and understanding, showcasing your ability to charitably engage with the viewpoints of others. Finally, reflect on how your beliefs and values have evolved over time. Have you changed your stance on certain issues? Have disagreements led to a deeper understanding or a willingness to consider different perspectives? The end goal when writing this supplement is to demonstrate growth and open-mindedness.

In our family of seven, my mother gave birth to five daughters, and the reaction is always the same: “Wow, your poor dad! Five girls? He must have really wanted a son!” Initially, I responded with genuine curiosity, but as the refrain persisted, irritation set in.

“Why poor dad?” I questioned. Poor mom, I thought. The implication seemed to be that our father lacked a son for backyard catch. Yet, I challenged this notion.

Ironically, these same people assumed my name, “Jesse,” was short for “Jessica.” Swiftly, I corrected them: “No, it’s just Jesse.” Was the assumption due to my gender? I refused to be confined to the “Jessica” mold. I despised the color pink; capris, shorts, and sneakers were my preferred attire for impromptu soccer or volleyball during recess.

Growing up with four sisters, our household radiated empowerment, encouraging us to create, lead, play, and voice our opinions. It was within this supportive environment that I began to understand the misconceptions of society’s predetermined gender roles and constraints that women are placed within.

Simultaneously, I recognized my own inconsistency; my resistance to typical female roles clashed with my quick dismissal of “Jessica” and my pink projection of her, demonstrating my own predisposition for stereotyping.

As I continue my journey to dismantle these stereotypes, I strive to carry this empowerment forward. By fostering an environment that encourages everyone to defy rigid roles, acknowledge their own prejudices, and embrace their true selves, I hope to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse society.

4. Orientation, Identity, Expression: Duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community.

Duke is very proud of its inclusive culture, and the university strives to foster a sense of belonging in students of all orientations. If your sexual orientation or gender expression has a significant bearing on your identity as a member of a community, this optional prompt is an excellent opportunity to share about it with admissions officers. This could involve personal experiences, community involvement, or ways you’ve navigated your identity in different settings.

“We should only invite queer students to queer prom.”

The argument, lauded by many members of Gay-Straight Alliance, diametrically opposed the reason I had proposed we host the event in the first place. Being a member of the queer community can be a siloed experience, and I wanted to invite allies to better understand the struggles that queer students face, while also sharing in the joy and diversity of what it means to be a queer student.

Even in the clashes of ideas, the process of organizing the Queer Prom revealed the beauty in sharing and celebrating our differences, and our diverse backgrounds enriched the event. Through these discussions, we discovered that the diversity of perspectives wasn’t just beneficial—it was transformative; that realization helped others to recognize the value in having allies present.

Straight student allies shared stories about how their understanding of queer culture had evolved, while queer students, including myself, felt a renewed sense of validation and community. To me, being queer is about embracing our difference as a strength, not a weakness—and that night encapsulated the most beautiful aspects of that identity.

5. Being Different: We recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. Duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. Feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity.

As you answer this prompt, begin by identifying the aspects of yourself that make you unique. These could be personal qualities, experiences, cultural background, or anything that sets you apart from others. Consider qualities and traits you have not already mentioned in other sections of your application or Duke essays. How have these unique aspects influenced your values, beliefs, and outlook on life? Have they led to specific experiences or challenges that have shaped your character? Make sure to focus on only one trait or characteristic, rather than providing a list of your distinguishing qualities. Then, use a compelling personal anecdote to highlight how your experience of being different has influenced you. Did you have a positive experience? What were your challenges? Did you build resiliency or empathy? Reflect on this learning experience and what embracing differences means to you. Finally, describe how your individuality can contribute to Duke’s community and enrich its culture.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Michaelson—I have an accommodation for extra time.”

I said the words as quietly as possible, looking around to ensure that none of my classmates were in earshot. For years, I felt ashamed of my dyslexia. My sisters are all neurotypical learners—they read voraciously and have always felt at home in the classroom. Their effortless understanding of new material often made me feel defective and unintelligent—I worried that the admission that I needed extra time or an audiobook option would make my peers think less of me.

However, that day in Mrs. Michaelson’s class during the first week of junior year, one lingering student heard my whispered acknowledgement. When I stepped into the hall, a bubbly classmate was waiting to greet me, letting me know that there was a group of students who had formed a community around their own neurodivergent learning styles and inviting me to join. Though I was hesitant at first, I eventually joined their lunch meeting and began participating in group chats and study sessions in which we would share resources and help each other grasp the material. Their zeal for learning and pride in their own unique ways of intaking information expelled the shame I had for my dyslexia. Now, I view my learning differences as an asset, a unique part of who I am, rather than an impairment.

Required Prompts:

As you tackle the second component, consider the question: what about Duke makes it the best fit for you and offers you the chance to do something that you could not do at any other university? Finally, identifying a specific class, lab, resource, or program that is of particular interest to you at Duke provides a tangible example of why the school is a good fit for you. For example, if you’re passionate about environmental science and public policy, highlight Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment and the Sanford School of Public Policy. Explain how their interdisciplinary approach and opportunities for hands-on research resonate with your desire to tackle real-world environmental challenges. If you’re drawn to Duke’s commitment to service and civic engagement, discuss programs like DukeEngage and how they align with your dedication to making a positive impact on society. Dive deeper and do your homework about what you plan to take advantage of once on campus.

This supplement is asking all about your community. We are all a product of our environments, so write about how some of the other key players have had an impact on your life. Which communities do you come from? What impact have they had on your views, beliefs, and experiences? Who and what has shaped you? This is a time to be transparent and honest—paint your readers an authentic, self-aware picture of yourself. You may choose to define community traditionally—your sports team, classmates, religious youth group—or a bit more creatively—a fan group you are a part of, a geographic or linguistic community, an expatriate community—for example.

Remember, trying to impress admission officers will likely come off boastful, and groups like National Honors Society typically do not have a strong, meaningful community associated with them. Be honest, humble and tell readers something that they may not learn about you from the rest of your application.

Jenn, who is nearly seventy, leans into her down-dogs to my right and Nick, her nine-year-old grandson, frequently lets out soft giggles as he cat-cows to my left. Just ten hours earlier, I left soccer practice exhausted, ruminating on my coach’s instructions to set one physical goal for the coming week, shave our mile-time ten seconds, three long runs when last week he only imposed two…The list is always demanding, meant to push us to meet his exacting standards. There’s a method to his madness, and it has produced results for my team. We finished our last season as reigning state champions, bested only by Florida in the national finals last winter.

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For some students, taking a year out between school and university has always been part of their plan. They recognise that the experiences they can gain from exploring options outside of a formal studying environment can open their eyes to new perspectives and give them valuable experiences that will ultimately make them better and more focused students.

Preparing to start University

You’ve worked hard over the last two years, picked your subjects with your future career and aspirations in mind and now the time has finally come to start university! University is about so much more than just your course. It’s about your first step to independence and learning valuable life skills that will take you into adulthood.

Preparing for IB Results

IB results will be released today, so as the mixture of anticipation and anxiety mounts, we want to give IB students some guidance on how to prepare for this key moment. Here are some steps you can take to prepare yourself for the day:

Carfax Education is Hiring

Carfax Education is hiring. With the next academic year on the horizon, we are recruiting full time tutors to join our leading private tuition team.

How to Prepare for A Level Results

A Level results for most students, will be released on Thursday 15th August 2024. Many people will wonder why there is so much press around this at the moment, and what the big deal is but for those students (and their families) who are waiting for these results, it is a hugely important day as it will confirm if they are going to the university of their dreams or if they are going to have to come up with a plan B. Things move fast on results day, so what is the best way to make sure you are ready to receive your results?

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AN Unrivalled Global Network

Our world-class specialists accelerate achievement for every individual at every step of their educational journey.

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Fiona McKenzie

Head of Carfax Consultants

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Senior Education Consultant

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Client Liaison

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Lucy Holland

Oxbridge Applications Specialist

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Daniele Labriola

US Admissions Specialist

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Lydia Fischer-Dooley

European Universities Specialist

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Mehreen Aga

Director of Studies

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Head of Carfax Tutors

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Science Tutor

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English Tutor

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Business & Accounting Tutor

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Economics Tutor

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Maths & Science Tutor

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Principal, Carfax College

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Head of Education


Head of Carfax Monaco

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Director, Carfax Russia

Excellence Without Borders

Access to exceptional education extends beyond borders through our international team and online learning capabilities.

While our roots are in Oxford, London is home to our global headquarters.

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Born in Oxford, we borrow our name from the city which is home to Carfax College.

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Our Abu Dhabi office offers essential support to our team in Dubai and on the ground tutors.

Our Dubai office offers essential support and on the ground tutors.

We have a fantastic team of educators and tutors serving Moscow and surrounding areas.

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Our Monaco office offers essential support to our team in Dubai and on the ground tutors.

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Why Carfax Education?

We are a global education group who help families achieve lifelong ambitions through personalising an expert-led educational journey. Rooted in tradition, our innovative approach fosters a love for learning that inspires achievements in the classroom and beyond. Our distinctive drive for excellence starts with our world-class education specialists drawn from the world’s leading institutions.

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Over 98% of Carfax applicants gain places at reputable educational establishments

Success rates of Carfax applicants are unusually high because only Carfax has gathered under one roof a team of British and American specialists, each possessing years of relevant experience and dedicated to particular areas of expertise such as Oxbridge and UK university entrance, Ivy League and US applications counselling, London nurseries and day schools, British boarding schools, and Swiss international schools.

Schools our pupils joined recently

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Universities our pupils joined recently

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news & resources

An aerial view of University of Idaho's Moscow campus.

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Two students ride down Greek Row in the fall, amid changing leaves.

Helping to ensure U of I is a safe and engaging place for students to learn and be successful. Read about Title IX.

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A mother and son stand on the practice field of the P1FCU-Kibbie Activity Center.

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The homecoming fireworks

The largest Vandal Family reunion of the year. Check dates.

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A student works at a computer


U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to SlateConnect.

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Experience University of Idaho now with our virtual tour.

A group of students walk hand in hand on campus.


Learn about your options for scholarships and financial aid.

A view of the library clock tower on a warm, partially-cloudy afternoon.

Degree Finder

Discover the major that fits your interests.

Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Bruce M. Pitman Center 709 Deakin Street Rm 117  Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264 Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6326

Fax: 208-885-9119

Email: [email protected]

Web: Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Boise 322 E. Front St Boise, ID 83702

Email: [email protected]

Web: Boise Center

Coeur d'Alene

Physical Address: University of Idaho Coeur d'Alene 1031 N Academic Way Suite 242 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Web: Coeur d'Alene Center

Idaho Falls

Physical Address: University of Idaho Idaho Fall 1776 Science Center Dr. Suite 306 Idaho Falls, ID 83840

Web: Idaho Falls Center

Discover your strengths and challenge yourself at University of Idaho. Test the limits and prepare to make an impact in your world with one of over 200 undergraduate and graduate programs covering an expansive range of interests, skills and potential paths toward your future. We’re the best value public school in the West  — no contest. See it with our low in-state tuition, our participation in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) and clubs, student life groups, Division 1 athletics and undergraduate research opportunities. 

Are you ready? Review admission requirements, learn more about how U of I stands above the competition and find financial aid information. 

Our Academics

At U of I, you’ll immerse yourself in hands-on research beyond the classroom, developing the critical thinking skills, discipline and knowledge employers want. Here, you’ll learn, grow and be ready for your future career.

Explore our majors and graduate programs .

Admission Requirements

Make that jump by starting your application. Review admission requirements and compile all essential materials. 

Undergraduate Admissions

Immerse yourself in one of our unique undergraduate programs, while our nationally-recognized faculty members guide your journey in the classroom and beyond. Find admission requirements based on where you are now, or have our admissions counselors assist you through the process .

  • Non-Degree and Other Applicants

Dual Credit Admissions

The University of Idaho Dual Credit Program allows high school students with at least a 2.5 GPA to enroll in college courses for credit before high school graduation. College credits earned through U of I can be applied toward high school and college graduation.

Graduate Admissions

Advance your career, expand your skills and continue discovering with one of U of I’s 103 graduate programs. Find admission requirements, key dates and deadlines for programs you’re interested in.

International Admissions

Succeed in the global marketplace with one of the best educational investments you’ll find in the United States. Each year, we welcome students from around the world to study in our undergraduate and graduate programs.

Law School Admissions

Seek justice on behalf of others in our law school known for its supportive environment. Enjoy lower tuition and fees compared to other American Bar Association-accredited institutions. Courses are held in Moscow and Boise.

Online Programs

Continue learning, expanding your skill set and progressing in your career. University of Idaho’s online degrees meet you where you are, delivering quality courses to challenge what you know and help you reach the next level. 

Explore Online Degrees

Locations Across the State

Enrich your future closer to home or your workplace. Learn more about our Educational Centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls

Explore Boise

Explore Coeur d'Alene

Explore Idaho Falls

Congratulations on your acceptance! Your next steps as a Vandal are to set up your Vandal accounts, complete your FAFSA to qualify for financial aid , attend a UIdaho Bound  event, confirm your on-campus living  choice and sign up for New Student Orientation . Check the admitted student to do list for next steps.

Why U of I?

Monumental experiences are waiting for you at University of Idaho. They are the exact instances a light sparks on, your world opens and the rest of your life is subsequently set into motion. 

If you're like us, you appreciate a good value. And that's just what you'll find at U of I. When it comes to quality, affordability and career success, U of I offers one of the best educational values available. We believe that an excellent, affordable education should be available to everyone, and it's our job to provide it. Review and get started with financial aid.  

Here, you'll learn to look at the big picture, ask big questions and find answers that make a difference. And nationally recognized professors teaching in top-ranked programs will guide you along the way.

Campus Life

You’ll experience college in a beautiful, exhilarating and small-town environment — one that provides you with world-class outdoor adventure, athletic, concert and lecture opportunities year-round.


Our university is committed to being a sustainable institution. Learn more about getting involved with campus sustainability at University of Idaho.

We love our college town. And we’re confident you will, too. Moscow is a walkable community filled with smart, creative people who see the world just a bit differently. Just blocks from campus is our historic Main Street, where you’ll find funky coffee houses, stylish boutiques and thrift shops, contemporary art galleries, local eateries and live music.

Have Questions About Admissions or Applying to U of I?

Connect with our Admissions Counselors  in the Office of Admissions, and we’ll provide an answer! Contact us by email or by phone at 208-885-6326, or complete a request for additional information  today. 

The University of Idaho welcomes students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations to fully access the university, please contact Center for Disability Access and Resources at [email protected] or 208-885-6307 to meet with an Access Consultant. University of Idaho is committed to providing equal and integrated access for individuals with disabilities to all the academic, social, cultural and recreational programs it offers. This commitment is consistent with legal requirements, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.


  • Undergraduate Testimonials

Read reviews from past undergraduate clients to learn what it's like to work with College Essay Advisors!

Ivy Divider

Undergraduate One-On-One Advising

"[My child] just received acceptance to Brown’s PLME program! We are so happy! Thank you, thank you. This is such a great gift for [my child]. We couldn’t have done it without you!"

– CEA Parent, Brown University’s Program in Liberal Medical Education, Class of 2031

"Good news! [My daughter] was accepted to all of her early schools! She received a personal note from the admissions director on the acceptance latter saying how much she enjoyed reading about [my daughter’s] experience at summer camp (which is the essay that your team revised), so again, thank you!"

– CEA Parent, Colorado College, Class of 2027

"My son’s Advisor has been AMAZing!! She was really able to understand him, keep him on task and help him to organize his thoughts in a logical manner. His essays cleaned up so nicely. And I think he learned so much in the process too!"

– CEA Parent, Harvard University, Class of 2027

"We are so happy we signed up for your comprehensive package. You removed so much stress from the process, and we knew [our child] was in good hands working with [their Advisor]. Who knew applying to ten universities would be so intensive? Thanks again for your assistance."

– CEA Parent, Columbia University, Class of 2026

“The results were very positive. Some schools explicitly expressed that they were impressed with the essays. So, the essays certainly helped him. Thank you so much for your service and help on this admission process. CEA was certainly worth the investment.”

– CEA Parent, Santa Clara University, Class of 2026

"The direct and continuous contact that CEA held throughout the essay writing process was very helpful. My advisor and I were able to organize times to talk about my essay whenever needed."

– CEA Student, Brown University, Class of 2026

"Thank you so very much for all of your work with my daughter on her personal essay! The two of you came up with such a neat positive approach and topic, and you really helped bring out the best in my daughter and showcase her accomplishments and strengths. And you made the process interesting, useful, and motivating for her. You gave so much of yourself and your expertise. We're grateful!"

– CEA Parent, Stanford University, Class of 2025

"My son’s guidance counselor said, that both Lehigh and University of Rochester said they have not read a more honest and sincere application in many, many years. They said his essays were incredible and spoke to them about who he was like no one else's they read. They chose my son above students who had higher ACT and higher GPA's. Thank you!"

– CEA Parent, Lehigh, Class of 2025

“My child’s time with his Advisor has truly made a difference in how he sees himself, understands his accomplishments, appreciates his strengths and values his experiences. I think that is perhaps one of the most important aspects of this journey. Your process and team of Advisors, including the copyeditors, have been extremely helpful for us and we couldn’t have done this without your support.”

– CEA Parent, Georgia Tech, Class of 2024

"Your response time without compromising quality is impressive. Not only that, but your words of encouragement totally transformed a teen girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown. My daughter got accepted at multiple colleges: Cornell (her choice); Johns Hopkins; Boston College, Boston University, NYU and SUNY Binghamton. This victory is also yours. Again, I'm really grateful and thankful to you."

– CEA Parent, Cornell University, Class of 2024

"You have an excellent professional on your team. Honestly, I’d never imagined how someone could make me feel so comfortable. Always pushing me to find something, even when I was sure I did not have a story. In this last step (the most valuable one for me), I feel more than happy to have had you guys helping me through the process."

– CEA Student, Dartmouth University, Class of 2023

"My son received a personal note from his admissions counselor regarding his essay, which I will forward to you because it was sweet and you would appreciate it. Again, thanks for everything!"

– CEA Parent, Stony Brook University, Class of 2023

"We greatly appreciate your help! My son is thrilled and wants to pass on his thanks. He also said Go Navy, Beat Army!"

– CEA Parent, United States Naval Academy, Class of 2022

"I am so grateful that we found you! The time spent with her Advisor has had a lasting impact on my daughter's confidence and writing skills (as evidenced by her AP Lit grades, and other writing assignments), and this will go with her to college. It may not be part of CEA's positioning, but it should be - the intangible benefits are as important as the direct ones. Such a great investment for us."

– CEA Parent, Elon University, Class of 2022

"My daughters could not have done it without you. Getting into 7/8 schools is awesome. Thanks again. You truly gave us world class advice."

– CEA Parent, University of Delaware, Class of 2021

"My son’s final list of acceptances: MIT, UPenn, Brown, Cornell, Duke, Northwestern, U of Virginia, Washington University, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt and U of Michigan. We can’t thank you enough. He couldn’t have done it without you. We’ll contact you in the future regarding my daughter!"

– CEA Parent, MIT, Class of 2020

"The timeline to get essays finished was extremely helpful. Stacey's positive attitude always made me more excited to work on my essays, after speaking with her I felt extremely motivated and proud of the work I was doing."

– CEA Student, NYU, Class of 2020

"Seriously, I can not thank you enough for all of your help. I really appreciate you taking me on as a client with such time restraints. It's a good feeling to be able to submit an application with a personal statement that gives such an accurate portrayal of my strengths and sentiments."

– CEA Student, Princeton University, Class of 2020

"Stacey was outstanding and words won't do justice to how much time she spent and how she dealt with the stressful deadlines along the way. We were lucky to have received the best service from the best-of-the-best."

– CEA Parent, Duke 2020

"CEA coached my son to expand his thinking, to look for sparks of creative thought that could become cohesive essays. Where he was previously writing bland, textbook-style essays, he ultimately wrote creative pieces that merited a second reading."

– CEA Parent, University of Michigan, Class of 2019

"When my daughter was at her Freshman orientation at Villanova (over a thousand students and parents in attendance) the Dean addressing the students specifically referenced her essay in his address! My daughter will NEVER forget that moment!"

– CEA Parent, Villanova University, Class of 2018

YouTube Videos

"It truly helps if you're stuck trying to figure what subject to write about and once you start writing, help in revising."

– CEA Student

"The videos eliminate some of the anxiety and stress, giving a really straightforward and structured explanation of what the prompts are, how to approach them, and concrete ways to craft a great essay."

– Educator of CEA Students

"I only wish I knew about them sooner!"
"The material was very helpful through the very difficult process of completing the essays. The steps were very clearly outlined and the material was delivered with a sense of humor."

– CEA Parent

  • Our Approach & Team
  • Postgraduate Testimonials
  • Where Our Students Get In
  • CEA Gives Back
  • Undergraduate Admissions
  • Graduate Admissions
  • Private School Admissions
  • International Student Admissions
  • Common App Essay Guide
  • Supplemental Essay Guide
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  • The CEA Podcast
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  • College Essay Examples
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  • Universities
  • Universities in Moscow

Universities in Moscow

This article highlights the top universities and the cost of studying in Moscow, helping you make an informed decision.

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Choosing a university can be challenging. With so much information available, it's easy to get lost or confused and forget your true goals and aspirations.

We suggest focusing on the academic rankings, tuition fees, and program quality. This article provides valuable information on the 264 universities in Moscow to assist you in making a well-informed decision.

International students pay a minimum of 82  USD per year for tuition, with living expenses starting from 51,822  RUB per month. Also, 10 universities offer scholarships.

If you plan to study at English-taught universities, make sure to check the language exam requirements. For instance, the minimum IELTS score at Moscow State University is 5.

Moscow universities in academic rankings

List of universities in moscow.

Items  1-6 of  264

Moscow State University

Bauman moscow state technical university, moscow state institute of international relations, moscow institute of physics and technology, national research university – higher school of economics, national research nuclear university, admission process in russia.

In this article, we will explain the process of entering Russian universities, how much it costs to study, and what kind of scholarships are available.

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Want to study at a foreign university but don't know where to start? We can help!

Our specialists will find a university, arrange your documents, fill out the applications, and stay in touch until you receive an offer.

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Cities close to Moscow

Universities in saint-petersburg.

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Universities in Novosibirsk

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Universities in Yekaterinburg

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Universities in Nizhniy Novgorod

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Universities in Samara

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Universities in Omsk

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Universities in Kazan

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Universities in Rostov-na-Donu

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  1. College Advisor: Talk to Our Former Admissions Officers

    college essay advisors duke

  2. College Essay Guides

    college essay advisors duke

  3. College Essay Guides

    college essay advisors duke

  4. Duke requires one supplemental short answer and gives students the

    college essay advisors duke

  5. How to Write the Duke Supplemental Essay

    college essay advisors duke

  6. Duke Essay Guide

    college essay advisors duke


  1. Yale 2023 24 Prompts Guide

  2. Full analysis of the successful application to Duke Kunshan University

  3. Stanford 2023-24 Prompts Guide

  4. Duke University 2024 Essays #duke #dukeuniversity #commonapp #essay

  5. It's NOT Why Harvard!

  6. The personal essay that got me into Duke University


  1. Duke University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Why Choose College Essay Advisors for Duke Essays. We at College Essay Advisors have been guiding students one-on-one through the essay writing process for the Duke supplements for over twenty years. We take a holistic approach to these essays, considering each student's application package as a whole and identifying their strengths to highlight.

  2. How to Write the Duke Supplemental Essay

    With a trim to word count, this essay would fit nicely as a response to Duke's prompt. We'll explain the marks it hits in the Tips + Analysis below. Option #2 Example Essay: Following my sophomore year in high school, I was hungry to apply the skills I had learned in calculus and engineering to real world problems.

  3. Duke University Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

    With only 250 words, the Duke supplemental essays offer you little space to expand on the nuances of your identity. Accordingly, don't feel pressured to make this Duke essay fit a narrative structure. State who you are, why it matters, and how your set of identities influence your daily life.

  4. Everything You Need to Know About Duke University

    Duke University sits on 8,691 acres of land, with over 7,000 of those acres occupied by Duke Forest. Their team is the Blue Devils. The school is located in Durham, North Carolina, just 30 minutes northwest of Raleigh. Durham has a population of 227,000. The closest beach is two and a half hours away.

  5. Duke

    College Essay Examples; Academy and Worksheets; Blog; Get Started; Duke. About CEA HQ. View all posts by CEA HQ » ... We thought so. Sign up for free instructional videos, guides, worksheets and more! One-On-One Advising.

  6. Duke Supplemental Essays 2024-25

    Duke Supplemental Optional Essays - Select 0-2 from the following list (250 word limit for each) While these essays are technically "optional," we advise every single applicant to Duke to opt in on at least one essay. (Note that Prompt #1 is often an ideal and natural choice). Remember, Duke is one of those rare schools that rejects ...

  7. Duke Essays

    Its ranking and low acceptance rate make Duke one of the most competitive universities in the nation. Duke University Essay Requirements: 1 (~ 250 word) Why Duke essay. 2 (~ 250 word) optional Duke essays. Duke University Application: Students can submit their application via the Common App, Coalition Application, or QuestBridge Application.

  8. Duke Essay Examples

    Many effective Duke essay examples for this prompt also address future academic or career goals. Prompt 4: Duke's commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. If you'd like to share with us more about your identity in this context, feel free to do so here.

  9. How to Write the Duke University Essays 2024-2025

    All Applicants—Prompt 2, Option 2. Intellectual experience: Tell us about an intellectual experience in the past two years that you found absolutely fascinating. (250 words) For this prompt, Duke is looking to hear about your intellectual interests and your approach to learning.

  10. Duke University's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    5. Orientation, identity, expression. Duke's commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community. Read our essay guide to get started.

  11. Scribbr's College Essay Editing & Coaching

    At Scribbr, you can rest assured that only the best editors will work on your college essay. All our 800+ editors have passed the challenging Scribbr Academy, which has a passing rate of only 2%. We handpick your college essay editor on several criteria, including field of study. Janice. Janice holds a PhD in German studies from Duke University.

  12. College Essay Advisors

    We know that college applications are tough, and the essay can seem like the hardest part. We've been in the college admissions game for almost 20 years, so we wanted to share what we know.

  13. 2 Strong Duke Essay Examples

    Prompt: If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering as a first year applicant, please discuss why you want to study engineering and why you would like to study at Duke (250 words). One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn't realize ...

  14. College Essay Advisors

    We've been in the college essay advising game for 10+ years. Stellar Results. We help 95% our students get into at least one of their top 3 choices. Strategic Personalization. We'll help you unearth your story and find your voice. Deadline Setting & Meditation.

  15. Duke University Supplemental Essay Prompts: 2024-2025

    Duke's supplemental essays have been published for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle. Duke University has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 college admissions cycle. In addition to The Common Application 's Personal Statement, Duke's Class of 2029 applicants must write one supplemental essay.

  16. Guide for Duke University's Supplemental Essays?

    The first is a "Why Duke" essay where you will need to explain why you're interested in Duke University specifically and what you plan to study. To do well on this, it's important to show genuine interest in the university and its programs. ... As for resources, you can find many tips and guidelines online on writing college essays. College ...

  17. College Essay Guides

    Duke University Essay Guide 2020-2021. In this Duke University Essay Guide, Admissions Experts Anya (Duke '17) and Gagan (Duke '13) will cover how to approach the 2020-2021 Duke supplementary essays. For more guidance on personal essays and the college application process in general, sign up for a monthly plan to work ...

  18. How to Write the Duke University Supplemental Essays

    Duke University asks all applicants to submit one required supplemental essay for the 2024-2025 application cycle, and offers students the option to submit up to two additional essays. As always, we recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity to tell the admissions committee more about yourself, as well as highlight your accomplishments, qualities, and unique ways of thinking!

  19. Carfax Education

    Carfax is a leading global education group at the heart of British education and beyond. We combine the best of tradition and innovation to foster academic excellence and support families at every step of their education journeys. CONTACT OUR EXPERTS.

  20. Admissions

    Contact us by email or by phone at 208-885-6326, or complete a request for additional information today. The University of Idaho welcomes students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations to fully access the university, please contact Center for Disability Access and Resources at [email protected] or ...

  21. Undergraduate Testimonials

    The steps were very clearly outlined and the material was delivered with a sense of humor." - CEA Parent. Submit a College Essay Advisors Review. Read testimonials from clients who used our college essay advising services. Discover how College Essay Advisors helped students achieve their admissions goals.

  22. Richard Nixon

    Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 - April 22, 1994) was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974.A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as a representative and senator from California and as the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961 under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. His presidency saw the reduction of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War ...

  23. Universities in Moscow

    This article highlights the top universities and the cost of studying in Moscow, helping you make an informed decision.