Presentation Skills MCQ Questions Answers

Quizack does not want to leave you alone when you are about to take a Presentation Job interview, IT test, Pre-Employment assessment, or Presentation exam. Quizack experts allow you to consult authentic Presentation Skills MCQs. Moreover, interactive sessions will help you understand the typical nature and structure of interview and personal presentation skills mcq questions. 

Presentation Skills multiple choice questions List

1. A multimedia presentation is _____

2. True or false? It's always best to leave basic printed brochures about your services after a presentation

3. The process of brainstorming as many ideas as possible is known as _______ thinking, and the process of narrowing your focus to the best of those ideas is known as ________ thinking.

4. True or False? Animations and builds are a surefire way to get your audience engaged.

5. True or False? Bullet points have been scientifically proven to be more effective than full sentences on slides.

6. According to Edward Tufte, when presenting complex material you should follow what pattern?

7. Which of these is the most accurate analogy for the relationship between you (the presenter) and the audience?

8. Which of the following is NOT an example of a plosive?

9. The method of connecting to an audience through common ground is called ________.

10. Guy Kawasaki's "10/20/30" method refers to which aspects of the presentation, respectively?

11. Which of the following is NOT a commonly accepted type of speech design?

12. Research has found that most decision-making is based not on logic, but:

13. What is vital in building a good impression on top of the presentation itself?

14. "Say what you're going to tell them, tell them, then_______," is a classic presentation format.

15. Some good transition phrases that humanize you, and so are good to throw into your presentation, might be "To Be Honest" and "You Know" or "Like"

16. Making a presentation, it's best to be __________

17. Which of the following is NOT important for effective communication with an audience?

18. When using an analagous example, a speaker is using a/an ___________.

19. According to Pixar filmmaker and TED speaker Andrew Stanton, the first rule of storytelling is:

20. Many experts believe that the best way to plan your presentation and organize your content during brainstorming is:

21. True or False? It is necessary to present all of the related information supporting your argument in a presentation, or else the audience won't believe you.

22. True or false? You should put all the information that you want your audience to understand on your slides.

23. Experts generally agree that _________ is one of the most effective means of communication.

24. Finish this statement: A PowerPoint presentation should

25. Studies conducted by Dr. Albert Mehrabian showed that the impact of communication is:

26. According to Seth Godin, each chart in your presentation should:

27. What is positive nervousness?

28. Which statement demonstrates lack of confidence in the subject?

29. The quality of your presentation is most directly related to the quality of your:

30. True or False? The design of your slides does not matter if your content is interesting enough.

31. True or false? Repetition is never effective when giving a presentation.

32. The ability to recognize emotions and connect with others, a critical skill for presenters, is known as:

33. True or False? You can give the exact same presentation to any room, regardless of who your audience is.

34. The correct order for handling your content when creating a presentation from scratch is:

35. Filler words should be withheld from presentations, including "Umm", "Like" or "Uh"

36. True or False? Reading from slides is an effective way to convey information to the audience.

37. Which of the following is NOT a recommended presentation technique?

38. Providing a handout separate from your slides:

39. Maslow's heirarchy of needs helps a speaker conceptualize how to _______ their audience.

40. True or false? Audience feedback only comes from verbal clues.

41. True or false? Comparative design is a great way to find common ground with an audience.

42. How can you know what to expect before a presentation?

43. What would always be a successful enhancement to a business presentation?

44. The benefits of Guy Kawasaki's "10/20/30" method include:

45. Towards the end of a presentation, what should be the focus?

46. True or False? If you have been given a 60-minute window for your presentation, you should intentionally finish early to allow time for questions.

47. What could be fatal to the success of a presentation?

48. What should be considered before making a presentation?

49. What is the best way to practice and review for a presentation?

50. What is the best plan when preparing for a presentation?

51. True or False? Humor can be successfully incorporated into a professional presentation to create a connection with the audience.

52. If you are presenting slides to a room of people, you should stand so that you are facing the:

53. Which type of body language is encouraged when delivering a presentation?

54. Presentations of an hour or longer are more impactful than a presentation of 20 Minutes.

55. To be a good presenter, you need to be _________

56. Which of these is a good way to create contrast in your presentation?

57. What is a commonly used color in corporate presentations because it's positively associated with conservatism, confidence, dependability, and the male gender.

58. True or False? During a presentation, it's best to read the text on your slides so you don't get off track

59. What's the most important aspect of your presentation slides?

60. The benefits of arriving early for a presentation include:

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Presentation skills:

A presentation is an act of presenting information in front of an audience, usually consisting of textual information (like a lecture or lesson), visuals (like PowerPoint slides), and videos. A presentation can be given in various forms including speeches, oral reports (and sometimes debates.), slide presentations, art exhibitions, and plays. Presentations are often used in the business world to showcase information or ideas and to convince an audience. Presenting is a vital skill for students and professionals alike because it helps them get their message across. Presentations can also be used to entertain people.

Presentation skills are the skills that you need to be able to deliver a presentation effectively. This includes being able to research and prepare your material, structure your presentation in an engaging and logical way, and deliver your presentation in a confident and professional manner. Quizack is the best hub for learning the most important collection of mcq on presentation skills that will assist you to pass the examination or interview. 

What is body language?

Body language is a form of nonverbal communication in which physical expressions, such as posture, gestures, and facial expressions, are used to convey information. Quizack is a place of providing the most crucial multiple choice questions on presentation skills with answers for all the students or job searchers. 

There are four main types of body language:

  • Facial expressions: Facial expressions can communicate a variety of emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust.
  • Gestures: Gestures are movements of the hands, arms, or body that can convey information. Common gestures include waving, pointing, and nodding.
  • Posture: Posture is the way in which a person holds their body. It can communicate a variety of emotions, including confidence, relaxation, and aggression.
  • Eye contact: Eye contact is the act of looking into another person's eyes. It can convey a variety of emotions, including interest, happiness, and anger.

What is verbal language?

A verbal language is a form of communication that uses words to convey meaning. Verbal language can be spoken or written, and it is the predominant form of communication used in most societies.

Oral presentation:

An oral presentation and oral communication are tasks that most of us need to perform at some point in our lives. Whether we are presenting to a small group or a large audience, the process is generally the same. An oral presentation is basically a speech that is given to an audience with the purpose of informing, persuading, or entertaining the listeners.

Gesture answer:

Gesture answers are a way of responding to questions without using words. They can be used to agree or disagree with something, to show how you feel about something, or to give additional information.

What is an audience answer?

An audience answer is a question that an audience member asks during a presentation. This type of question can be used to help engage the audience and keep them involved in the presentation. It can also be used to gather feedback or clarification on points that were made during the presentation. Audience answers can be asked by anyone in the audience, but they are typically asked by the person who is leading the presentation.

Should we speak loud while giving a presentation?

Yes, we should speak loudly while giving a presentation because it helps us to project our voice and be heard by the audience. It also gives us more confidence whilst delivering the presentation.

What do you mean by the term "vocal body language"?

Vocal body language is the use of your voice to convey meaning and emotion. It includes pitch, volume, rate, and intonation. You can use vocal body language to convey interest, excitement, or power. For example, you might speak in a higher pitch when you're excited about something, or you might speak more slowly when you want to convey authority.

Body position answer:

A body position answer is an answer that you give while physically positioning your body in a way that supports or reinforces your words. For example, if you are asked a question about a controversial topic, and you want to signal that you are taking a neutral stance, you might stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands at your sides. Alternatively, if you want to signal that you are taking a strong stance on the issue, you might step forward with one foot and put your hands on your hips. Your body language can therefore send a powerful message to your audience, so it is important to be aware of how you are positioning yourself when giving a presentation.

How to enhance listening skills?

Some basic tips to enhance your listening skills are:

  • Pay attention: This may seem obvious, but it is important to actually focus on the person who is speaking. Turn off distractions and give the speaker your full attention.
  • Listen with your ears and eyes: In addition to hearing the words that are being said, pay attention to the speaker's body language and facial expressions. This can give you clues about what the speaker is really trying to say.
  • Try not to interrupt: It can be tempting to want to jump in and share your own thoughts, but it is important to let the speaker finish first. If you interrupt, you may miss important information or give the impression that you are not interested in what the other person has to say.
  • Ask questions: If you are unsure about something that was said, or if you want to get clarification, ask a question. This shows that you were paying attention and also gives you an opportunity to learn more about the topic.
  • Repeat back what you heard: This is a good way to check that you understood the speaker correctly. It also shows that you were listening and helps to keep the conversation flowing.

Define a material answer?

A material answer is a type of answer that is based on physical evidence or data. This can include anything from measurements and observations to test results and expert opinions. In many cases, a material answer will be the most reliable and accurate way to resolve an issue or answer a question.

What is a specific key points answer?

A specific key points answer is an answer to a question that is direct and to the point. It is not a long, detailed answer. It is a brief answer that hits the main points. 

Bore words answer:

Bore words are those words that are so overused that they have lost their impact. They are the words that we have heard a million times before, and they no longer carry any weight. When we hear them, we tune out and our minds wander. Bore words lead to a bored answer.

Visual aids answer:

Visual aids are tools that can be used to support and enhance a presentation. They can include items such as PowerPoint slides, flip charts, whiteboards, posters, props, and realia. Visual aids can help to make a presentation more engaging, informative, and memorable. When used effectively, visual aids can help to clarify and reinforce key points, make complex information more understandable, and add interest and appeal.

What is a merits answer?

A merits answer is an argument in support of your position on the issue at hand. A well-crafted merits answer will persuade the court to rule in your favor by showing that your legal argument is sound and supported by evidence. 

How to dress professionally?

When you are dressing for a presentation, always err on the side of being too dressy rather than too casual. You want to look polished and professional in order to give off the best possible impression. Even if the event you're speaking at is more casual, it's better to be overdressed than underdressed.

What is an ignoring answer?

An ignoring answer is a way of responding to someone that shows that you are not interested in what they have to say. It can be verbal, like saying "I don't care" or "whatever", or nonverbal, like rolling your eyes or walking away. Ignoring answers are often used to end a conversation or signal that someone is not interested in talking.

Arrogant answer:

An arrogant answer is one that seeks to put the speaker in a position of superiority or dominance over others. They often come across as condescending, pompous, or self-important. Arrogant answers can make the speaker appear uninterested in hearing what others have to say and can damage relationships both personal and professional. An arrogant answer also leads to a dull answer as well as an impolite answer.

What is a soft answer?

A soft answer is an answer that is not forceful or argumentative. It is a response that is meant to diffuse a tense situation or diffuse an angry exchange. A soft answer often employs humor, empathy, or flattery in order to disarm the other person and diffuses the hostility of the question.

Should we give a mixed answer to a question in a presentation?

It is generally advisable to avoid giving a mixed answer to a question during a presentation. This can confuse your audience and make it difficult for them to follow your argument. If you must give a mixed answer, be sure to explain your reasoning clearly and concisely. Alternatively, you could consider breaking up your response into separate points so that each one is easier to follow. Whichever approach you take, be sure to emphasize the most important points so that your audience can take away the key messages from your presentation.

Body language waving:

Body language waving is a nonverbal form of communication in which the body is used to communicate a message. It can be used to convey a variety of messages, such as hello, goodbye, I love you, or I'm sorry. Body language waving can be done with the hands, arms, feet, legs, head, or even the whole body.

What are 4 important presentation skills?

  • Managing the audience's attention
  • Being comfortable in front of a group, also known as public speaking ability
  • Use body language to create an engaging experience for the audience members and make sure they understand what you're saying
  • Projecting your voice so everyone can hear you clearly

How to Develop Presentation Skills

If you are the one who is supposed to give a presentation, you have probably already encountered some difficulties. What makes it hard to develop presentation skills? Well, if you are someone shy or introverted, public speaking will be difficult for you. You can try your best to practice your speech but it won't work out as well as another person who is an extrovert. Everyone has a different way of learning and presenting, but there are some general things you can do to improve your speaking skills - follow the steps below.

Prepare for the worst: You might be confident in what you know but public speaking makes everyone nervous. It is normal to feel butterflies and sweaty palms. Anticipating these feelings and anticipating the worst will help you be more prepared if it actually happens. The more prepared you are, the better your performance is going to be.

Practice!: The best way to improve your presenting skills is by practicing as much as possible before the actual presentation itself. You can practice in front of a mirror, with an audience of your friends or family, or by recording yourself. You may be shy but you can fool everyone else with this trick - just tell them that they're the audience and you're practicing in front of them!

Get to know your audience: Who are you talking to? Why are they here? What do they know about the topic? You need to figure out what your audience knows so that you can either give them new information or remind them of things that they already know. This way, your presentation will be relevant and valuable to your audience members. If the audience gets a feeling that it's only "fluff" they listening to, they are not going to stay interested or there might be some oral communication that starts to happen. On the other hand, if they feel like you're talking directly to them about things of interest, then they'll be hooked!

Tell stories: Rather than just saying your points one by one, tell a story - no matter how short or long it might be. This is where practice really helps! If you are comfortable telling this story about your topic, the audience members will be able to understand and relate with you better. Stories are not boring either - they can spark engagement between you and your listeners.

Keep it short: If you're already nervous as it is, don't make things harder on yourself by overloading your audience with information. Stick to the basics - give them just enough info that they will remember you, what you're talking about, and your main point.

Slow down: If there is one thing I can't stress enough when it comes to public speaking, it's this: speak slowly! Some people tend to speed up when they are nervous but the audience will not understand you if you are speaking fast. They'll also lose interest in your presentation because it's hard to focus on what you're saying if you're talking too quickly.

Just remember all of these tips and you'll be well on your way to developing presentation skills! Not only will other people see this improvement, but you'll also be able to see it yourself.

How to Improve Presentation Skills

No one is born a great presenter. It's a skill that can be learned and refined with practice. If you're looking to improve your presentation skills, follow these tips. First, make sure you know your material inside and out. Next, focus on your delivery - speak clearly and naturally. And finally, practice, practice, practice! By following these tips, you'll be giving presentations like a pro in no time.

What are the steps to be followed to make a good presentation?

Are you one of those people who gets nervous at the thought of making a presentation? You're not alone. Most people feel some level of anxiety when it comes to public speaking. However, with a bit of preparation and practice, you can make a great presentation that will leave your audience impressed. Here are the steps to follow: 

  • Plan your presentation carefully. Make sure you know what you want to say and how you want to say it. Don't try to cram too much information into your speech. 
  • Write out your speech ahead of time and practice delivering it aloud. This will help you become more comfortable with the material and ensure that your delivery is smooth. 
  • Be aware of your body language and try to appear confident. Don't speak too quickly or slowly and make sure you look at your audience as much as possible.
  • While any oral presentation, keep the tone of your voice even and avoid a monotonous delivery or low voice. Include pauses for effect, but don't overdo it with all those dramatic pauses. Remember that what you say is more important than how you say it. Don't speak loud, find the sweet spot in between high and low voices so it's pleasant for the audience to listen.
  • Ask for feedback on your presentation after you've given it. This will help you identify the areas where you need improvement so that you can make changes before your next speech.
  • A good technique will be to first write it all down what you going to say during the verbal presentation and make sure it has proper grammar. Try to avoid complex words and keep them simple so it's easier for the audience to understand.
  • Dress professionally on the day of the presentation so you look sharp and your whole body language should collaborate with your verbal language at the time of the presentation.

What is the most important part of preparing for a presentation?

The most important part of preparing a presentation is to know your topic, and have a firm understanding of the material you will be presenting. This includes knowing what you want to say, what information you will include, how you plan on organizing your content, and how you will handle any questions that may arise during the presentation. In addition to this, you should also make sure that your presentation is appealing to the audience's senses (sight, sound, touch), and include engaging activities.

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Presentation Skills MCQs

presentation skills multiple choice questions

Table of Contents

  • Which of these is the most important tool of communication?

a) Body language b) Gestures c) Language d) Posture

c) Language

  • Time devoted to speaking in communication activities is

a) 9% b) 16% c) 30% d) 45%

  • The spoken languages in the world are about:

a) 3000 b) 3500 c) 4000 d) 4500

  • According to David Crystal, the total number of languages are:

a) 4809 b) 5809 c) 6809 d) 7809

  • Oral communication is the interchange of between the sender and receiver

a) cues and clues b) verbal messages c) written messages d) signs and gestures

b) verbal messages

  • In communication, the language is:

a) The verbal code b) Intrapersonal c) The symbolic code d) The non-verbal code

a) The verbal code

  • In any community, oral communication is suitable for:

a) Reports b) Newspapers c) Face-to-face conversation d) Notes

c) Face-to-face conversation

  • When you are preparing for a oral _____ presentation, you should

a) focus on the objectives of the presentation b) practice your speech in front of a mirror or friend c) do rehearsals to time your presentation of slides d) All of the above

d) All of the above

  • An oral presentation’s success depends on

a) Preparation, clarity, audience needs b) Ability to structure information, proper medium of presentation c) Ability to appeal to the audience’s interest and respond to their questions honestly d) All of the above

  • A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience that is:

a) small b) mixed c) large d) specific

d) specific

  • A speech must always present

a) facts b) opinions c) suggestions d) perspectives

  • Which of these is not advisable to make facts interesting?

a) By narrating them as a storyy b) Through an anecdote c) With the help of a personal incident d) By stating them as points

d) By stating them as points

  • The presenter acts as the:

a) deliverer of the information b) medium of the information c) advocate of the information d) supporter of the information

c) advocate of the information

  • What is the most important part of preparing for a presentation?

a) Selecting your delivery style b) Deciding what you want to accomplish c) Preparing professional Power Point slides d) Selecting appropriate attire

b) Deciding what you want to accomplish

  • What question(s) should you ask about your audience to determine your pattern, delivery style, and supporting material?

a) What is the age, gender, education, and experience of my audience? b) How can I earn my audience’s respect? c) How will this topic appeal to this audience? d) All of the above.

d) All of the above.

  • The three major elements of presentation do not include:

a) visual aids b) a presenter c) an audience d) specific content

a) visual aids

  • The audience for a presentation consists of people who:

a) vary in their level of information and purpose b) are uniform in their level of information and purpose c) are confused in their purpose d) are uninformed and lack a purpose

a) vary in their level of information and purpose

  • To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is:

a) necessary b) optional c) audience based d) useless

a) necessary

  • To make a presentation effective and impressive, you should use:

a) passive sentences b) complex sentences c) jargon d) a simple and active form of sentences

d) a simple and active form of sentences

  • To become more effective, you need to take control of:

a) the material b) the audience c) Yourself d) All of the above

  • It’s said that people remember about 20 per cent of what they hear, and over 80 per cent of what they see. Visual aids include _______.

a) Gestures b) Facial expressions c) Flip chart d) All of the above

d) All of the abov

  • Which of these must be avoided in any presentation?

a) Proper grammar b) Complex words c) Short sentences d) Clear voice

b) Complex words

  • Which of these is less important in an oral presentation?

a) Words b) Body language c) Gestures d) The number of people as audience

d) The number of people as audience

  • Which of these must be avoided by a speaker?

a) Abstract words b) Short sentences c) Good pronunciation d) Steady pace

a) Abstract words

  • Which of these is the best way to establish a proper rapport with audience?

a) Pointing a finger b) Making eye contact c) Waving your hands d) Standing erect

b) Making eye contact

  • The two most powerful keys to audience comprehension and retention during a presentation are good organization and:

a) professionally designed Power Point slides b) conscious repetition c) a structured question-and-answer periodat the end of the presentation d) a dynamic and entertaining presentation style

b) conscious repetition

  • In an oral presentation, the speaker should not

a) panic b) pause c) make eye contact d) inspire

  • Laliophobia means:

a) a fear of people b) a fear of speaking c) a fear of death d) a fear of heights

b) a fear of speaking

  • Which of these is a sign of rude or bad manners?

a) Staring at the floor b) Making eye contact c) Steady pace d) Simple words

a) Staring at the floor

  • Which of these is a sign of under confidence while delivering an oral presentation 7

a) Speaking and naturally shifting your eyes around b) Transfixed on one face c) Pointing your fingger d) Using your hands

b) Transfixed on one face

  • Which of these must be avoided by the speaker?

a) He must convey precise information. b) He must ensure that the information is understood by the audience. c) He must inspire the audience to totally accept his point of view. d) He must force the audience to totally accept his point of view.

d) He must force the audience to totally accept his point of view

  • Which of the following is true

a) Metaphors are images of ideas in concrete form b) A metaphor carries your meaning from one thing to another c)It enables your listener to see something in a new way, by picturing it as something else d) All of the above

  • In presentations, details :

a) Make things more complicated b) Keep it simple c) Make things clearer d) Are important

a) Make things more complicated

  • Which of these can irritate the audience?

a) If facts are uttered coherently b) If facts are uttered incoherently c) Narrating incidents d) Narrating anecdotes

b) If facts are uttered incoherently

  • Controlling the audience includes:

a) Eye contact b) Your face c) Gestures d) All of the above

  • It’s said that people remember:

a) What they hear more than what they see b) What they see more than what they hear c) What they see as well as what they hear d) None of the above

b) What they see more than what they hear

  • Which of these does mean stage fear or stage fright?

a) aphonia b) aphonia clericorum C) aphonia paralytica d) all of the above

d) all of the above

  • To select the content of your presentation, you should:

a) the available material b) your purpose c) the time limit d) the audience’s needs

d) the audience’s needs

  • In presentation design, maximum time is given to the:

a) question-answer session b) main body c) conclusion d) introduction

b) main body

  • Initially, a presentation is a form of:

a) group communication b) intrapersonal communication c) one-way communication d) two-way communication

c) one-way communication

  • Audience information i.e. age, gender, education,occupation and socioeconomic status falls into the category:

a) Demographic factors b) Psychographic factors c) Geographic factors d) All of the given options

a) Demographic factors

  • Aspects of the voice, other than the speech are known as:

a) Physical language b) Personal language c) Para language d) Delivery language

c) Para language

  • Which of these is not an element of the spoken language/technique?

a) Voice quality b) Word stress c) Appearance d) Correct tones

c) Appearance

  • In which speech, speaker does not have time to analyze the audience:

a) Manuscript b) Memorized c) Impromptu d) Extemporaneous

c) Impromptu

  • In which speech, speaker delivers a speech by reading the text?

a) Manuscript

  • In which speech, speaker delivers the speech after learning it by heart?

b) Memorized

  • Which of these can be used to overcome stage fear?

a) A speech must be prepared with care b) dress handsomely c) Facts need not be checked d) There should be no pause

a) A speech must be prepared with care

  • Oral communication is better than written communication

a) providing opportunity to refer back b) saving time c) conveying facts and opinions d) conveying feelings and emotion

a) providing opportunity to refer back

  • The limitation of oral communication is that:

a) it is not affected by the speaker’s feelings or stress or excitement levels b) it is irreversible-what is said cannot be taken back c)it does not require on-the-spot thinking d) it is easy to be aware of our body language

is irreversible-what is said cannot be taken back

  • The effectiveness of oral communication depends on the speaker’s ability to use:

a) simple language b) long sentences c)complex words d) foreign words

a) simple language

  • Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the presentation is:

a) Hand-outs b) Cue-cards c) Attention grabbers d) None of these

a) Hand-outs

  • You’re giving someone verbal feedback about some work they have completed that isn’t up to standard: what should you do?

a) Point out everything that they did wrong b) Base your feedback on what you have heard from others c) Criticise them for their poor work d) Suggest where improvements can be made and agree on a plan

improvements can be made and agree on a plan

  • Which of these is the best way to ask a question?

a) Only offer a yes/no response b) Use open questions that encourage a full response c) Use leading words to suggest the response you require d) Ask something that you wouldn’t want to answer yourself

b) Use open questions that encourage a full response

  • You disagree with what someone has said: how should you react?

a) Ask questions to learn more about their opinion b) Be unreasonable and refuse to listen c) Get emotionally involved and have a heated discussion d) Stick with your one-sided view on the situation

a) Ask questions to learn more about their opinion

  • ____ is a systematic oral exchange of information, views and opinions about a topic, issue, problem or situation among members of a group who share certain common objectives.

a) Ask questions to learn more about their opinion b) Be unreasonable and refuse to listen c) Get emotional ly involved and have a heated discussion d) Stick with your one-sided view on the situation

  • Which of the following is NOT an aspect of being able to speak professionally?

a) Polite tone of voice b) Using more formal language c) Open body language d) Using technical language

d) Using technical language

  • The outline of a presentation is a:

a) List of requirements and purpose of the presentation b) List of major headings or topics to be cove red in the presentation c) List of techno logies that will be used to deliver the presentation d) List of external sources used in the presentation

b) List of major headings or topics to be cove red in the presentation

  • The outline of a presentation should include:

a) A beginning, middle and an end of the presentation b) Possible questions from the audience c) Acknowledgments d) References

a) A beginning, middle and an end of the presentation

  • In selecting presentation technologies, it is important to select technologies that are:

a) Freely available to download and use b) Commonly used by presenters c) Available and can be used at the presentation location d) The state-of-the – art in presentation technologies

c) Available and can be used at the presentation location

  • When delivering a presentation as part of a team it is important to:

a) Coordinate your portion with others in the team and not duplicate their presentations b) Make sure all the team members’ names are listed in order on all the presentation materials c) Coordinate your portion with others in the team so you can present first d) Make sure all the team members have the same duration to present their portion

a) Coordinate your portion with others in the team and not duplicate their presentations

  • Font size of the bullet points on presentation materials should be large enough:

a) For you to be able to read from the screen during the presentation b) For the audience in the first few rows of the presentation to view the presentation clearly c) For the audience in the last row of the presentation room to view the presentation clearly d) For your team members to be able to view the presentation clearly

c) For the audience in the last row of the presentation room to view the presentation clearly

  • Important considerations in rehearsing a presentation are:

a) Timing and pace b) Attire c) Audience d) None

a) Timing and pace

  • When using content from external sources in presentation materials, it is necessary to include:

a) Acknowledgments b) Citations and references c) Trademark symbol d) Copyright disclaimer

b) Citations and references

  • It is generally NOT a good practice to deliver a presentation by:

a) Elaborating each bullet point on the presentation materials b) Reading the entire presentation line by line c) Paraphrasing what is on the presentatio n materials d) Mentioning the highlights of what is on the screen

b) Reading the entire presentation line by line

  • The purpose of a presentation intended to sell a service to a potential client is to:

a) Persuade b) Educate c) Inform d) Entertain

a) Persuade

  • The possible order of points for describing the steps for doing something in sequence is known as:

a) Spatial order b) Causal order c) Chronological order d) none

c) Chronological order

  • A presentation is a form of oral communication in which person shares factual information with an audience that is__.

a) specific b) small c) large d) mixed

a) specific

a) delivery of the information b) medium of the information c) advocate of the information d) supporter of the information

  • The three major element of presentation do not include?

a) an audience b) specific content c) a presenter d) visual aids

c) a presenter

  • Reading out a presentation is:

a) not allowed b) allowed c) helpful d) dull

a) not allowed

  • To select the content of your presentation you should know the audience need.

a) your purpose b) the time limit c) available material

b) the time limit

  • When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following except for__?

a) speak loud and clear b) provide handout if needed c) dress professionally d) look at your screen not the audience

a) speak loud and clear

  • The key of success is__

a) practice b) preparation c) effort d) both a and b

d) both a and b

  • A good presenter should take a well__.

a) good physical appearance b) dressing well c) speak louder

a) good physical appearance

  • To become more affective you need to take control of

a) the material b) the audience c) your behavior d) all of the above

a) the material

  • ___of a presentation is the most important part

a) beginning b) middle c) end d) none of these

a) beginning

  • In beginning you should give firstly

a) your introduction b) summary of a topic c) asking irrelevant questions d) further information

a) your introduction

  • A good technique to get your audience attention

a) a statement made to surprise b) asking rhetorical questions c) asking introduction to the audience d) none of these

b) asking rhetorical questions

  • What should you give your objectives to the audience

a) aim b) goals c) purpose d) All of These

d) All of These

  • All your information should support your

a) purpose b) ideas c) topic d) merits

  • A good presenter should

a) sequencing your idea b) manage the time c) clear all the confusion d) all of these

d) all of these

  • Keeping the audience attention

a) emphasizing b) summarize the topic c) used bore words

a) emphasizing

  • A conclusion should be

a) short and easy b) lengthy c) difficult words d) specific key points

a) short and easy

  • Visual involves the audience

a) motivate b) attention c) reinforce idea d) all of these

  • How much of the language is made up of verbal language

a) 7% b) 6% c) 2% d) 15%

  • 38% message is communication with non verbal

a) vocal b) verbal c) body movement d) gesture

  • Body language is included in communication

a) 55% b) 35% c) 25% d) 45%

  • facial expression should be

a) aggressive b) shy c) naturally d) bored

c) naturally

  • A speaker looks into the eyes of the audience

a) confident b) impatient c) rude d) impolite

a) confident

  • The tone of the speaker should be

a) loud b) clear c) low d) soft

  • A speech must advance __

a) dishonesty b) negativity c) truth d) aggressiveness

  • Which of these doesn’t enhance listening skills?

a) attention b) frankness c) clear perception d) ignoring

d) ignoring

  • Using your whole body to communicate is called what?

a) miming b) sign language c) body language d) gesture

c) body language

  • Waving is what type of communication?

a) gesture b) body language c) sign language d) body position

  • positive gesture are body sihnals that make you look ______.

a) relaxed b) hurtful c) nervous d) arrogant

  • Paragraph Writing MCQs

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Test Your Presentation Skills: Quiz!


How you say things is more important than ________ 

What you say

Voice techniques

Eye contact

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What is the most important visual in a presentation?

Body Language

Voice Techniques

The presenter

What percentage of the time should you be looking at your audience?

What is the guaranteed way to lose connection with your audience.

Poor body language

Speaking too softly

Not making any eye contact

Not being prepared

When presenting, what are the 2 main reasons presenters stop looking at the audience?

They are nervous 2. They forget what they were going to say.

They need to look at their notes. 2. They are nervous.

They need to look at their notes. 2. They are looking at their slides.

They are having technical problems. 2. They are nervous.

You should use your hands when you present.

When presenting to a large group, the most effective gestures come from the wrist and elbows., your facial expressions must support what you are saying., what percentage of our impression (feeling or opinion) from a communication comes from words said, when presenting to a large group, how many people should you pick out to make eye contact with.

All of them

What is the voice technique that you can use to slow down your pace to make your sentences easier to understand and more effective?



Your facial expressions must support what you are saying?

You should use your hands when you are presenting., you should find someone that presents well and copy them exactly., when not gesturing, the hands should sit quietly at the sides of the presenter. this is called:.

Open position

Zero position

Casual position

Formal position

When speaking, the sounds will be clear if you do not rush your words?

Group words into phrases according to their meaning and make pauses between the phrases., what are the 3 key points of general advice for voice techniques.

Articulate, exaggerate, emphasize

Articulate, pause, phrase

Articulate, keep your sentences short, check the spelling of difficult words

Articulate, check the spelling of difficult words, speak up

It is always a good idea to exaggerate it a little, it helps to get your message across persuasively.

In general, you should slow down to make your most important points.  this gives your message time to sink in., summarizing may contain new information and must be short., try to prepare your conclusion ____________ you prepare the rest of the talk., which selection contains the five items in the conclusion structure.

Signaling the end, summarizing, conclusion, results, sources

Introduction, outline, body, closing, inviting questions / discussion

Signaling the end, summarizing, conclusion, closing, inviting questions / discussion

Signaling the end, main points, restating the problem, solutions, inviting questions / discussion

The number of your main points in your summary cannot be more than 6.

A rhetorical question is a question that is asked only for effect, and generally, an answer or response is not expected..

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FREE Presentation Skills Training MCQ Questions and Answers

What is a certain technique to lose your audience's interest, how much of our perception (either sensation or opinion) stems from verbal communication, what are the two primary reasons presenters glance away from the audience while they speak, a rhetorical question is one that is posed just for effect and to which an answer or reaction is often not anticipated..

A rhetorical question is a figure of speech where a question is asked for the purpose of making a point or creating an impact, rather than seeking a direct answer or response. It is a technique commonly used in speeches, writing, and other forms of communication to engage the audience, stimulate thought, or emphasize a particular idea. The question is often posed in a way that the answer is obvious or implied, allowing the speaker or writer to make a persuasive or rhetorical statement. Rhetorical questions can be effective in capturing attention, provoking reflection, or conveying a strong message.

What are the three main pieces of general voice-related advice?

Your summary can only include a maximum of six key points., if you talk slowly, the noises you make will be audible..

Speaking at a moderate pace and avoiding rushing your words can contribute to clearer sound and improved communication. When we speak too quickly, it can result in words blending together, making it difficult for listeners to distinguish individual sounds and comprehend the message. By speaking at a moderate pace, allowing for appropriate pauses and enunciating words clearly, you can enhance the clarity of your speech and make it easier for your audience to understand and follow along. Additionally, taking the time to articulate each word and using proper pronunciation can also help ensure that the sounds are clear and intelligible.

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Free presentation skills training 12th grade questions and answers, free presentation skills: effective training questions and answers.

  • Effective Presentation Skills Tutorial
  • Presentation Skills Quiz
  • Preparing for the Presentation
  • Organizing the Presentation
  • Designing Effective Presentation Materials
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  • Handling Questions and Answers
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  • Common Reasons for Ineffective Presentations

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

presentation skills multiple choice questions

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

presentation skills multiple choice questions

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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Public Speaking MCQs

Public speaking mcqs topics.

General MCQs

Building Confidence MCQs

Inclusion, Ethics, and Critical Thinking MCQs

Listening Critically MCQs

Analyzing and Adapting to the Audience MCQs

Selecting a Topic and Purpose MCQs

Finding and Evaluating Research MCQs

Integrating Support MCQs

Organizing the Main Points of Speech MCQs

Outlining of Speech MCQs

Beginning and Ending of Speech MCQs

Wording the Speech MCQs

Delivery Modes and Practice of Speech MCQs

Nonverbal Messages Matter MCQs

Presentation Aids of Speech MCQs

Speak to Inform MCQs

Prepare to Persuade MCQs

Persuasion Methods in in Public Speaking MCQs

Planning and Presenting in Small Groups MCQs

Special Occasion Speeches MCQs

Business and Professional Speaking MCQs

Storytelling in Public Speaking MCQs

Speaking Across College Courses MCQs

Presenting Online MCQs

Answering Questions in Public Speaking MCQs

Introduction to Public Speaking MCQs

These Public Speaking multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of Public Speaking. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these Public Speaking MCQs. So scroll down and start answering.

1: Which of these should you focus on before a speech?

A.   Pronunciation

B.   All of these

C.   Pace

D.   Inflection

2: When public speaking, what is the generally accepted number of points you should focus on?

A.   5

B.   3

C.   10

D.   1

3: It is always appropriate to use hand gestures while speaking

A.   False

B.   True

4: Which visual cue is critical to engaging your audience?

A.   Standing extremely far from your audience

B.   Standing or sitting upright, head up and confident

C.   Making glaring eye contact

D.   Clean, professional attire matching the same dress code as the client

5: True or false? With enough practice and experience, stage fright will disappear entirely.

6: which is not important for effective communication with your audience.

A.   motivation

B.   memorization

C.   attention

D.   retention

7: If the microphone is malfunctioning, what should you do?

A.   Pause a moment only, then continue in a louder voice if at all possible.

B.   Stop and wait for a sound technician to fix it.

C.   Make a knowing remark to the audience.

D.   Begin shouting from where you left off.

A.   True

B.   False

10: Which of these should you avoid?

A.   Pacing across the stage

B.   Getting visibly relaxed and comfortable in front of your audience

C.   Backing up your points with stories

D.   Using as many words as possible when making your point to prove you know what you are talking about

11: Which of the following is best practice for memorization?

A.   Memorize everything, and bring a copy with you just in case.

B.   Look at the speech once or twice before delivering it in public.

C.   Adequately familiarize yourself with the speech, and refer to your copy as needed.

D.   It's more professional and less distracting to memorize everything and leave the printed copy elsewhere.

12: Who should be responsible of knowing how the equipment works?

A.   The audience

B.   You

C.   Technical support

D.   You and any technical support

13: True or False? You should stay put whilst you are making a speech.

14: the first step in structuring a speech should be.

A.   determining your main points

B.   writing out the body of the speech

C.   arranging main point in the most effective order

D.   writing out the introduction

15: The topic of your speech should be:

A.   Of interest to you

B.   Something that bores you

C.   Of interest to the audience but not you

D.   Something that you have never spoken about

16: Who should you practice your speech with?

A.   Friends

B.   Family

C.   Anyone

D.   Strangers

17: When should you introduce props to the audience?

A.   Never use props

B.   All at once in the middle of the speech

C.   Throughout the speech, not all at once.

18: True or False? It is better to memorize your speech word for word.

19: before a speech, you should:.

A.   Drink milk to calm down

B.   Talk on a full stomach

C.   Wait a few minutes after being introduced

D.   Know the equipment you will be using

20: Which of these is optimal?

A.   A concise, clear speech delivered fairly quickly.

B.   A lengthy speech delivered at a relaxed pace.

C.   A fast, information-packed speech delivered fairly quickly.

D.   A concise, clear speech at a relaxed pace.

21: A chronological speech design ________.

A.   tells histories alone

B.   is only used in a legal setting

C.   moves from event to event

D.   uses space as a tool

22: Which of these are NOT recommended presentation styles?

A.   Reading every word of your presentation from your notes

B.   Writing/typing notes with very large font

C.   Writing down hints like "pause" or "change slide"

D.   Speaking slowly

23: When speaking publicly you should:

A.   Speak from the diaphragm to project your voice

B.   Always be serious; never tell a joke

C.   Read directly from your prepared remarks

D.   Speak quickly

E.   Speak quietly; the microphone will amplify your voice

24: Which of these are a main goal of the opening segment of your presentation?

A.   Break the audience's attention from their preoccupations

C.   Give a hint as to the direction of your speech

D.   Give the audience a clear reason how they will benefit from listening to you

25: What should you do just before speaking publicly?

A.   Take a walk to center yourself and meditate.

B.   Take a shot - espresso or vodka.

C.   Stay hydrated, keep positive and excited, relax.

D.   Pretend there is nothing out of the ordinary; it's a walk in the park.

26: True or False? You should repeat what you said earlier in your speech as a closing to your speech.

27: true/false: if you are shy of direct eye contact, you can increase your confidence when speaking to someone by looking directly at the bridge of their nose (between the eyes), when you are speaking to them., 28: how should your posture be when public speaking.

A.   Whatever is most comfortable

B.   Slouchy

C.   Leaning on something for support

D.   Tall and strong

29: To fight anxiety during a speech, you should:

A.   Sit down

B.   End the speech

C.   Focus on your anxiety problems

D.   None of these

30: Many great public speakers suffer from nerves.

31: why are diction and enunciation important.

A.   For the clarity of your presentation.

B.   If your audience is older or hard of hearing.

C.   To attract attention to your presentation.

D.   To spit on the audience.

32: True or False? It is not okay to use offensive language even if you know your audience.

33: stage fright diminishes with practice and experience., 34: true or false filler words should be withheld from presentations, including "umm", "like" or "uh", 35: how can stage fright be a good thing.

A.   It causes you to sweat, keeping you cool.

B.   It increases stimulation and is necessary to get you in the 'zone.'

C.   If you get very nervous, it is a good indicator that public speaking is not for you.

D.   Nerves make you speak faster, so you can communicate more information.

36: Which part of your speech should be the strongest?

A.   End

B.   Beginning and end

C.   Middle

37: What is one thing you want your audience to be able to do after your speech?

A.   Remember what you look like

B.   Remember where you're from

C.   Sum up the take-away message

D.   Be able to recite most of your speech

38: True or False? Using visuals is a distraction for the audience.

39: you should have a 'target' audience member in mind when writing and performing your speech., 40: true or false you should focus eye contact on one person., 41: how should you prepare the day before a public speaking engagement.

A.   Write the whole speech, sleep or no. It'll be fresher in your mind.

B.   Laze around all day, eat junk food, and relax.

C.   Eat well, exercise, and get a good night's sleep.

D.   Engage in strenous activity and really tire yourself out for the night.

42: What should you do if you can't answer a question?

A.   It's better to make up an answer than not answer

B.   Try to break it down and subtly shift the topic of the question to something you can answer

C.   Say ' That's a good question!', telling them that you honestly don't know the answer and you will try get back to them.

D.   Pretend you didn't hear the question and move on.

43: Which of these is the best option to calm down during your speech?

A.   Taking a sip of water

B.   Taking a deep breath

C.   Walking around a bit

D.   All of these

44: Which of these are a useful method for becoming a better and more credible public speaker?

A.   Fitting more jokes into your presentation

B.   Make sure to drink plenty of coffee so you are alert for your presentation

C.   Gathering and analyzing information about your audience

D.   Speaking more quickly to get your point across quickly

45: What is the best way to improve your public speaking?

A.   Watch great speakers and take note.

B.   Rehearse things repeatedly while going to sleep.

C.   Drink caffeine or take a Xanax before you speak.

D.   Practice - at home, in the mirror, with friends, in front of an audience.

46: True or False? You should repeat questions when asked by someone in the audience so that everyone knows what question you are answering.

47: what is the best way to feel confident in public speaking.

A.   Knowing your surroundings

B.   Talking really fast

C.   Not looking up at the audience and focusing on your index cards or the screen

D.   Drinking alcohol beforehand

48: How much preparation time should a speech take?

A.   Couple of hours

B.   Until you feel absolutely confident

C.   1 day

D.   1 week

49: What should you do if you are momentarily overwhelmed, for example, by coughing or emotion?

A.   Just leave - it's too much to take.

B.   Pause, breath, and take a drink. Then continue.

C.   Leave the stage, take a breather, and come right back.

D.   Just push through - it's almost over.

50: Faster is better.

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Communication and Presentation Skills MCQs – Quiz

Communication and Presentation Skills MCQs This course aims to Make students able to understand, analyze and use English in written and oral communication. Develop student’s personality as a good English speaker, writer and presenter in realistic life. Help student to identify essential components of a presentation. Polish their knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver effective academic presentation and communicate clearly. Help students to learn various presentation and communication techniques. Provide techniques to facilitate effective inter-personal and interactive communication. Guide how to build stronger relationships through powerful communication.

Topics to be covered 

Introduction + Subject Orientation, Factors affecting communication effectiveness , Verbal-communication Skills , Art of public speaking , Better listening , Effective Reading and Technical writing Quiz , Presentation Skills , Personality development (emphasis on content, style and pronunciation) Study Skills Skimming and scanning, intensive and extensive, speed reading Summary , Precis Writing , Comprehension Paragraph , Paragraph Writing + Use of library and internet , Letter Writing + Application Writing , Essay Writing and its types


Communication and Presentation Skills MCQs

1. ____ Is Being Particular And Clear Rather Than Fuzzy And General

A. Concreteness B. Courtesy C. Consideration D. Clarity View Answer A. Concreteness

2. ___ Is To Inform, Influence Or Entertain The Listeners.

A. Leader B. Public Speaking C. Small Group Communication D. Task Oriented Group View Answer B. Public Speaking

3. Have A Strong ____on What You Want To Talk.

A. Perception B. Conviction C. Deception D. Affirmation View Answer B. Conviction

4. In Public Speaking, It’s All About___

A. Speaker B. Message C. Audience D. Feedback View Answer C. Audience

5. A Persuasive Speech Works To Convince People To ___.

A. Listen B. Look C. Accommodate D. Change View Answer D. Change

6. No Matter How Kind You Are, Being Leader You Should Know Your___

A. Humility B. Role C. Limits D. Position View Answer C. Limits

7. Which Of The Following Contribute To The Small Group Climate?

A. Cohesiveness B. Function C. Role D. Emotion View Answer A. Cohesiveness

8. ___gives People What They Want.

A. Avoiding B. Competing C. Collaborating D. Compromising

View Answer D. Compromising

9. ___seeks Win-win Solution To Conflict

A. Avoiding B. Competing C. Collaborating D. Compromising View Answer C. Collaborating

10. ___ Is A Flip Side Of Accommodation

A. Avoiding B. Competing C. Collaborating D. Compromising View Answer B. Competing

Read Also >>   Business Communication MCQs

11. A ___conflict Style In Which Parties ___ The Problem At Hand

A. Lose-lose, Attempt B. Lose/win, Avoid C. A&b D. None view Answer Answer: A

12. ___ Shows That There Is No Good Way To Resolve The Issue.

A. Lose/lose B. Avoiding C. Your Way D. A&b view Answer Answer: B

13. The Process Of Accurately Decoding The Message You Share With The Speaker Is__

A. Hearing B. Listening C. Attending D. Understanding view Answer Answer: D

14. The Process Of Getting Physically And Mentally Ready To Listen Is___

A. Hearing B. Listening C. Attending D. Understanding view Answer Answer: C

15. A Physiological Activity That Occurs When Sound Waves Hit Our Eardrums.

A. Hearing B. Listening C. Understanding D. Attending view Answer Answer: A

16. Listening Creates____

A. Audience B. Mindset C. Reality D. A&b view Answer Answer: C

17. To Listen Means To____

A. Understand & Feel B. Perceive & Sense C. A&b D. None view Answer Answer: C

18. The Process Of Receiving, Constructing Meaning From, And Responding To Spoken And/or Nonverbal Messages Is:

A. Hearing B. Listening C. Attending D. Understanding view Answer Answer: B

19. ___of The Time We Are Distracted, Preoccupied Or Forgetful.

A. 20% B. 35% C. 2% D. 75% view Answer Answer: D

20. ____ Of The Time, We Remember What We Hear.

A. 20% B. 35% C. 2% D. 75% view Answer Answer: A

21. We Think At ____ Wpm.

A. 1000-3000 B. 1250-2500 C. 100-300 D. 125-250 view Answer Answer: A

22. We Listen At____ Wpm.

A. 1000-3000 B. 1250-2500 C. 100-300 D. 125-250 view Answer Answer: D

23. Communicating Our Values, Ideas, Beliefs, Opinions, Needs And Wants Freely Is____

A. Assertiveness B. Negotiation C. Decision Making D. None view Answer Answer: A

24. Working With Others To Identify, Define And Solve Problems Is___

A. Assertiveness B. Negotiation C. Decision Making D. None view Answer Answer: D

25. Working With Others To Find A Mutually Agreeable Outcome Is ___

A. Assertiveness B. Negotiation C. Decision Making D. None view Answer Answer: B

26. Paralanguage Is A Type Of___

A. Verbal B. Non-verbal C. Sign D. Semantic view Answer Answer: B

27. Paralanguage Is Almost Similar To ____communication.

A. Verbal B. Non-verbal C. Sign D. Semantic view Answer Answer: A

28. Personal Distance Is From _____

A. 6 To 18 Inches B. 18 Inches To 4 Feet C. 4 Feet To 12 Feet D. 12 Feet To 25 Feet view Answer Answer: B

29. Personal Space Is Your ____- The Space You Place Between Yourself And Others.

A. Bubble B. Bound C. Base D. None view Answer Answer: A

30. In Germany Tapping Your Finger On Your Head Means_____

A. Good Luck B. You Are Crazy C. You Are Insane D. You Are Insane view Answer Answer: B

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31.Scientific Study Of ‘how The Body Speaks Has Been Labeled As_____.

A. Non-verbal B. Semantic C. Kinesics D. None view Answer Answer: C

32. The Usage Of ___can Clarify Even The Toughest Message To Understand

A. Verbal Communication B. Non-verbal Communication C. Perception D. A & C view Answer Answer: B

33. Distrust Of Communication Is____

A. Organizational Barrier B. Semantic Barrier C. Psychological Barrier D. B & C view Answer Answer: C

34. Which Of The Following Are The Barriers In Communication?

A. Assumptions B. Emotions C. Noise D. All view Answer Answer: D

35. Verbal Communication Consists Of_____

A. Speaking B. Reading C. Listening D. All Above view Answer Answer: D

36. ‘verbal’ Is The Latin Adjective Of ___

A. Vocal B. Voice C. Words D. Convey view Answer Answer: C

37. In Verbal Communication, Words Account For Only____.

A. 5% B. 6% C. 7% D. 8% view Answer Answer: C

38. he Result Of Perceptual Process Is____

A. Behavior B. Experience C. Norms D. Values view Answer Answer: A

39. In Perceptual Process _____ Is ______.

A. Stimuli, Output B. Stimuli, Mechanism C. Stimuli, Input D. Stimuli, Experience view Answer Answer: C

40. Perception Is A Process That Operates Constantly Between Us And ____.

A. Listener B. Audience C. Mindset D. Reality view Answer Answer: D

41. There Can Be No Behavior Without ______ And Perception Lies At The Base Of Every Human Action.

A. Experience B. Frame Of Reference C. Perception D. Understanding view Answer Answer: C

42. People Tend To Behave And Act On Certain Things On The Basis Of Their____.

43. _______ Avoids The Language That Manipulates, Discriminate And Exaggerate.

A. Effective Communication B. Communication Ethics C. Perception D. Attribution Error view Answer Answer: B

44. Maintaining The Correct Balance Between Speaking And Listening Is _____

45. There Are ____ Components Of Communication

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 view Answer Answer: C

46. Every Communication Involves _____.

A. Sender& Recipient B. Sender And Message C. None Of Above D. A & B view Answer Answer: D

47. Public Speaking Is A.

A. Showmanship B. Show Business C. Showbiz D. None view Answer Answer: B

48. Students Studying For An Exam Are An Example Of.

A. Assigned Group B. Task-oriented Group C. Emergent Group D. None view Answer Answer: B

49. ____ Communication Makes Immediate Impact

A. Verbal B. Non-verbal C. Intrapersonal D. None

view Answer Answer: A

50. _____ Is A Cognitive And Psychological Process

A. Intrapersonal Skills B. Perception C. Norms D. Deception view Answer Answer: B

51. A structured meeting between you and an employer: A. Presentation B. Interview C. Demonstration D. None View Answer Answer: B

52. Effective presentation involves ____key components A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 View Answer Answer: C

53. It involves finding the purpose, occasion, and environment in which the presentation is made. A. The situation B. The audience C. The speaker D. The presentation View Answer Answer: A

54. Public speaking is a. A. Showmanship B. Show business C. Showbiz D. None View Answer Answer: B

55. There are ____ components of effective presentation. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 View Answer Answer: A

56. Audience’s knowledge about the topic involves in. A. Planning Phase B. Preparation Phase C. Delivery Phase D. A & C View Answer Answer: A

57. According to the suggested model for presentation “The View” contains. A. Introduction B. Body of your talk C. Your summary D. None View Answer Answer: B

58. Building rapport involves: A. Don’t mingle B. Don’t shake hands C. Both A & B D. None View Answer Answer: D

59. Cover the subject of your presentation in ____ order. A. Chronological B. Logical C. Descending D. A & C View Answer Answer: B

60. Good speakers ____ their voice to draw the attention of the audience, and ____it to make a point A. Raise, lower B. Lower, raise C. Raise, neutral D. Neutral, raise View Answer Answer: A

61. Modulate your tone to avoid ____. A. Autonomy B. Monotony C. A & B D. None View Answer Answer: B

62. Vary your voice, to maintain audience’s interest is A. Tone B. Pace C. Volume D. None View Answer Answer: B

63. Keep the presentation ___ enough to create interest and ___ enough to cover the subject. A. Long, short B. Short, Long C. Long, long D. Short, short View Answer Answer: B

64. While presenting in dark room – use ____font on dark background A. Light B. Dark C. Bold D. Italic View Answer Answer: A

65. While presenting in light room – use ____font on light background A. Light B. Dark C. Bold D. Italic View Answer Answer: B

66. If ____ does not add value, don’t use it. A. Colors B. Content C. Pace D. None View Answer Answer: B

67. While designing your presentation, do not use more than __ lines on any page and not more than __ words per line A. 5, 7 B 7, 5 C. 7, 7 D. 6, 7 View Answer Answer: C

68. Student union advisory board is an example of A. Assigned group B. Task-oriented group C. Emergent group D. None View Answer Answer: A

69. Group of friend who meet at college is an example of. A. Assigned group B. Task-oriented group C. Emergent group D. None View Answer Answer: C

70. Students studying for an exam are an example of. A. Assigned group B. Task-oriented group C. Emergent group D. None View Answer Answer: B

71. Family is an example of A. Assigned group B. Task-oriented group C. Emergent group D. None View Answer Answer: D

72. Generally there are ___ of small group communication A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 View Answer Answer: B

73. The role that is developed spontaneously within a group is A. Formal B. Behavioral C. Informal D. B & C View Answer Answer: D

74. Roles in small group are defined by___ A. Ethics B. Behaviors C. Norms D. N one View Answer Answer: B

75. Behaviors that focus on interpersonal relationships among group members are A. Task Functions B. Self-centered functions C. A&B D. None View Answer Answer: D

76. Behaviors directly relevant to the group’s purpose are: A. Maintenance Functions B. Self-centered functions C. A&B D. None View Answer Answer: D

77. Behaviors that serve the needs of individual at the expense of the group are A. Task Functions B. Self-centered functions C. A&B D. None View Answer Answer: B

78. ____ is to conveys all the facts and figures required A. Conciseness B. Completeness C. Correctness D. Clarity View Answer Answer: B

79. ____ enhances the meaning of message. A. Conciseness B. Completeness C. Correctness D. Clarity View Answer Answer: D

80. _____ highlights the main message. A. Conciseness B. Completeness C. Correctness D. Clarity View Answer Answer: A

81. ____ is stepping into the shoes of others A. Concreteness B. Courtesy C. Consideration D. Clarity View Answer Answer: C

82. _____communication addressed to an extremely large audience, mediated by visual and/or audio means A. Public B. Mass C. Computer-mediated D. Organizational View Answer Answer: B

83. ____ is communication that proceeds through questions and answers. A. Small Group B. Organizational C. Interviewing D. Computer-mediated View Answer Answer: C

84. _____is the process by which an individual gives meaning to the environment A. Intrapersonal skills B. Perception C. Norms D. Deception View Answer Answer: B

85. _____ is a cognitive and psychological process A. Intrapersonal skills B. Perception C. Norms D. Deception View Answer Answer: B

86. Objects, Events and people are A. Perceptual inputs B. Perceptual outputs C. Perceptual mechanism D. A & C View Answer Answer: A

87. Attitudes, Opinions, Feelings & Values are A. Perceptual inputs B. Perceptual outputs C. Perceptual mechanism D. A & C View Answer Answer: B

88. Factor that effects the situation of perception is A. Expectation B, Novelty C. Experience D. None View Answer Answer: D

89. Factor that affects the target of perception is A. Expectation B, Time C. Experience D. None View Answer Answer: D

90. Factor that affects the perceiver, A. Work Setting B, Time C. Experience D. None View Answer Answer: D

91. In ______, individual shows different behaviors in different situations. A. Distinctiveness B. Consensus C. Consistency D. Stereotype View Answer Answer: A

92. In ____, response is the same as others to same situation. A. A. Distinctiveness B. Consensus C. Consistency D. Stereotype View Answer Answer: B

93. In____, individual responds in the same way over time. A. A. Distinctiveness B. Consensus C. Consistency D. Stereotype View Answer Answer: C

94. _____is the tendency to perceive another person or judging someone on the basis of one’s perception of the group, class or category to which that person belongs. A. A. Distinctiveness B. Consensus C. Consistency D. Stereotype View Answer Answer: D

95. “Horns effect” is opposite to ____where a person is degraded because of single negative trait. A. Contrast Effect B. Halo Effect C. A&B D. None View Answer Answer: B

96. In _______, we blame people first, not the situation. A. Selective Perception B. Self-Serving Bias C. Fundamental attribution Error D. A & B View Answer Answer: C

97. Profiling is a form of_____. A. Self-Serving Bias B. Contrast effect C. Stereotype D. None View Answer Answer: C

98. ____ Communication makes immediate impact A. Verbal B. Non-Verbal C. Intrapersonal D. None View Answer Answer: A

99. Premature evaluation is _____ in communication. A. Organizational barrier B. Semantic barrier C. Psychological barrier D. B & C View Answer Answer: C

100. Non-verbal communication counts for___ in communication. A. 35% B. 45% C. 55% D.18% View Answer Answer: C

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Important MCQS

Presentation Skills Important MCQs


Table of Contents

In this post we tell you about Presentation Skills Important mcqs .

Presentation Skills Important MCQs

  • What does we use for presentations?

(a) Power point (b) Word (c) Office (d) Documents

(a) Power point

  • What features should our presentation have?

(a) Impressive and effective (b) Inefficient (c) Incompetent (d) Ordinary

(a) Impressive and effective

  • In presentation which things are play equal role?

(a) Content and voice (b) Text and font (c) Time and size (d) Sort and indent

(a) Content and voice

  • In presentation what is we use to create a simple design template?

(a) Slide master (b) Outlook (c) OneNote (d) Drive

(a) Slide master

  • In the following above which is the content of presentation?

(a) Bulleted list (b) Text and images (c) 2-column (d) These all

(d) These all

  • What should be used in presentation with the audience in mind?

(a) Language and techniques (b) Font (c) Symbols (d) Styles

(a) Language and techniques

  • What should we use for effective presentation?

(a) Limited words and key phrases (b) Images (c) Layouts (d) Styles

(a) Limited words and key phrases

  • How can we deliver the right message to our target audience effectively?

(a) With Researched, planned and prepared professionally (b) Casual (c) Superficiality (d) Unprepared

(a) With Researched, planned and prepared professionally

  • How our points land as practiced with our live audience?

(a) With rehearsal and timed practice (b) Researched (c) Planned (d) Prepared

(a) With rehearsal and timed practice

  • Which thing will enhance readability in presentation?

(a) Empty space on the slide (b) Background of the slide (c) Font size (d) Style of font

(a) Empty space on the slide

  • Which text is the best for the background in presentation?

(a) Light text on dark background (b) Dark text on light background (c) Colorful font (d) Black and white style

(a) Light text on dark background

  • Which background can reduce the readability of text?

(a) Patterned background (b) Vinyl (c) Foil (d) Flock

(a) Patterned background

  • Which features seems impressive at first but get old quickly?

(a) Flashy transitions such as text fly-ins (b) Toned-down (c) Restrained (d) Modest

(a) Flashy transitions such as text fly-ins

  • Which special effects can negative impact on the credibility of text?

(a) Animation and sounds (b) Font and style (c) Language and content (d) Layouts

(a) Animation and sounds

  • Which thing maintains its impact and resolution when projected on a larger screen?

(a) Image (b) Layouts (c) Styles (d) Clip arts

  • What is a good rule of thumb during presentation?

(a) One slide per minute (b) Five slides per minute (c) One slide in few seconds (d) Avail max time

(a) One slide per minute

  • What we learn presentation in a non-linear presentation?

(a) Learn to navigation (b) Cruise (c) Skipper (d) Neglect

(a) Learn to navigation

  • Through what power point allows the presenter to jump ahead or back without having to page?

(a) Interim slides (b) Permanent slides (c) Unlimited slides (d) Perpetual slides

(a) Interim slides

  • What will not be shown by animation or other special effects?

(a) Transparencies and handouts (b) Obscurity (c) Ambiguity (d) Cunning

(a) Transparencies and handouts

  • Which thing we should use for run our presentation?

(a) Hard disk (b) Floppy disk (c) Compact disk (d) Digital versatile disk

(a) Hard disk

  • Which thing may slow down our presentation?

(a) USB (b) Flash drive (c) Hard disk (d) Compact disk

  • In presentation which font style is not used?

(a) Italics (b) Bold (c) Underline (d) Outline

(a) Italics

  • Which audio should be avoided in presentation?

(a) Unlicensed music (b) Folk music (c) Swing (d) Plainsong

(a) Unlicensed music

  • At the end of the presentation which thing will we done?

(a) Record and rehearse the timing (b) Planning (c) Checkout (d) Present

(a) Record and rehearse the timing

  • In dialogue box which feature we find to saw our slides?

(a) Slide show (b) Print (c) Animation (d) Shuffle

(a) Slide show

  • A presentation is a form of oral communication in which person shares factual information with an audience that is.

(a) specific (b) small (c) large (d) mixed

(a) specific

  • The presenter acts as the:

(a) delivery of the information (b) medium of the information (c) advocate of the information (d) supporter of the information

(c) advocate of the information

  • The three major element of presentation do not include.

(a) an audience (b) specific content (c) a presenter (d) visual aids

(c) a presenter

  • Reading out a presentation is:

(a) not allowed (b) allowed (c) helpful (d) dull

(a) not allowed

  • To select the content of your presentation you should know the audience need.

(a) your purpose (b) the time limit (c) available material

(b) the time limit

  • When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following except for.

(a) speak loud and clear (b) provide handout if needed (c) dress professionally (d) look at your screen not the audience

(a) speak loud and clear

  • The key of success is.

(a) practice (b) preparation (c) effort (d) both a and b

(d) both a and b

  • A good presenter should take a well.

(a) good physical appearance (b) dressing well (c) speak louder

(a) good physical appearance

  • To become more affective you need to take control of.

(a) the material (b) the audience (c) your behavior (d) all of the above

(a) the material

  • ___of a presentation is the most important part.

(a) beginning (b) middle (c) end (d) none of these

(a) beginning

  • In beginning you should give firstly.

(a) your introduction (b) summary of a topic (c) asking irrelevant questions (d) further information

(a) your introduction

  • A good technique to get your audience attention.

(a) a statement made to surprise (b) asking rhetorical questions (c) asking introduction to the audience (d) none of these

(b) asking rhetorical questions

  • What should you give your objectives to the audience.

(a) aim (b) goals (c) purpose (d) both a, b & c

(d) both a, b & c

(a) purpose (b) ideas (c) topic (d) merits

(a) purpose

  • A good presenter should.

(a) sequencing your idea (b) manage the time (c) clear all the confusion (d) all of these

(d) all of these

  • Illustrate your presentation topic with:

(a) real life example (b) experimental example (c) fake stories (d) none of these

(a) real life example

  • Keeping the audience attention.

(a) emphasizing (b) summarize the topic (c) used bore words

(a) emphasizing

  • A conclusion should be :

(a) short & easy (b) lengthy (c) difficult words (d) specific key points

(a) short & easy

  • Visual involves the audience :

(a) motivate (b) attention (c) reinforce idea (d) all of these

  • How much of the language is made up of verbal language.

(a) 7% (b)6% (c)2% (d) 15%

  • 38% message is communication with non verbal.

(a) vocal (b) verbal (c) body movement (d) gesture

  • Body language is included in communication.

(a) 55% (b)35% (c)25% (d) 45%

  • facial expression should be.

(a) aggressive (b) shy (c) naturally (d) bored

(c) naturally

  • A speaker looks into the eyes of the audience.

(a) confident (b) impatient (c) rude (d) impolite

(a) confident

  • The tone of the speaker should be:

(a) loud (b) clear (c) low (d) soft

  • A speech must advance ___.

(a) dishonesty (b) negativity (c) truth (d) aggressiveness

  • Which of these doesn’t enhance listening skills?

(a) attention (b) frankness (c) clear perception (d) ignoring

(d) ignoring

  • Using your whole body to communicate is called what?

(a) miming (b) sign language (c) body language (d) gesture

(c) body language

  • Waving is what type of communication?

(a) gesture (b) body language (c) sign language (d) body position

(a) gesture

  • positive gesture are body sihnals that make you look.

(a) relaxed (b) hurtful (C) nervous (d) arrogant

(a) relaxed

  • Communication Skills Important MCQS
  • Listening Skills Important MCQS
  • Communication Barrier important MCQs
  • Communication Barriers Quiz of Important MCQs
  • Barriers of Listening Skills Important MCQs

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how to greet the audience if you have to open the presentation at 7 pm?

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

Good night ladies and gentlemen!

When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following except for:

Speak loud and clear

Provide handouts if needed

Dress professionally

Look at your screen and not the audience

To whom should a presentation be aimed?

The highest authority in the room, regardless of where they are

The people in the closest rows

The entire audience

Your best friend in the room

Where should you look while presenting?

At the board -- that's where the audience is looking

At your notes so you get the info correct

In the eyes of random people in your audience

At the chins of individuals in your audience

It is a good idea to read to your audience when presenting.

When presenting, you should show enthusiasm for your topic or creation

When presenting, your poise should be:

nervous and angry

confident and relaxed

When presenting, it is important to articulate and use a loud, clear voice.

You can be loud without shouting.

It is Okay to mumble... this encourages your audience to really listen and pay attention

What does it mean to be prepared?

To know what your doing

To have everything ready to go and in the right order

To talk softly at the audience than to scream out loud

If you are showing Enthusiasm you should...

show facial expression

You should show positive facial expressions and a relaxed or inviting body language

show body language

A speaker's response to an audiences' question should respond by...

telling the audience to "shut down!"

answering the audience's questions with a soft tone.

telling the audience "I'm organized."

answering the audience's questions clearly and completely at the appropriate time.


Where is generally the best place for a speaker's keys, phone, pen during their presentation?

Nearby, so they can play with them if they become nervous.

Their best friend should hold their phone to maintain their social media status and go live on twitter.

Stowed away and out of immediate reach.

The purpose ....... my talk today is ........... describe you on new developments in our hotel area.

This morning, ............. to update you on the current facilities of our hotel.

I'm going to

I will be going

I would like

I will move on ............ the problems we're facing with our hotel environment.

I'm the marketer ................. our Dubai building project.

in charge with

in charge of

charge with

It will take about 30 minutes ............ these issues.

in order cover

Feel free to ask questions ............ any time during my talk.

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    1 pt. When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following except for: A. Speak loud and clear. B. Provide handouts if needed. C. Dress professionally. D. Look at your screen and not the audience. 2. Multiple Choice.

  13. Presentation Skills Quiz

    Q 1: What is NOT a good strategy if you are unable to answer a question from an audience member during your presentation? Ask the audience member to see you after the presentation so you can understand the question better and answer it. Acknowledge you don't know the answer and would think and get back to the questioner.

  14. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  15. Presentation Skills (True or False)

    1. Multiple Choice. Always keep your shoulders square to the audience, so you can be heart to heart with them. 2. Multiple Choice. Having your camera off during a virtual presentation increases your chances of influencing others, as they will not be able to see your discomfort. 3. Multiple Choice. The more text on the presentation the more ...

  16. How to Answer Multiple Questions in a Presentation

    4. Balance your time. 5. Invite feedback. 6. Here's what else to consider. Answering multiple questions during a presentation can be challenging, especially if they are complex, controversial ...

  17. Public Speaking MCQs (FREE Multiple Choice Questions)

    These Free Public Speaking multiple-choice questions and answers are presented in quiz format, so test your skill in an engaging and interactive way. ... Presentation Aids of Speech MCQs. Speak to Inform MCQs. Prepare to Persuade MCQs. ... Help Desk Skills MCQs. Available in: Public Speaking MCQs. Вопросы о публичном ...

  18. Presentation Skill Mcqs

    Presentation Skill Mcqs - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses various aspects of oral presentations and technical writing skills. It provides multiple choice questions about important parameters of oral presentations such as body language, gestures, pace, establishing rapport, and overcoming nervousness.

  19. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  20. Communication and Presentation Skills MCQs

    Communication and Presentation Skills MCQs This course aims to Make students able to understand, analyze and use English in written and oral communication. Develop student's personality as a good English speaker, writer and presenter in realistic life. Help student to identify essential components of a presentation. Polish their knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver effective ...

  21. Presentation Skills

    1 pt. When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following EXCEPT for: A. Speak loud and clear. B. Provide handouts if needed. C. Dress professionally. D. Look at your screen and not the audience. 3. Multiple Choice. 30 seconds.

  22. Presentation Skills Important MCQs

    Presentation Skills Important MCQs Presentation Skills Important MCQs In this post we tell you about Presentation Skills Important mcqs. What does we use for presentations? (a) Power point (b) Word (c) Office (d) Documents Answer (a) Power point What features should our presentation have? (a) Impressive and effective (b) Inefficient (c) Incompetent (d) Ordinary Answer


    30 seconds. 1 pt. When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following except for: Speak loud and clear. Provide handouts if needed. Dress professionally. Look at your screen and not the audience. 3. Multiple Choice.