Politecnico di Milano

  • Current students
  • Didactic Activities and Degree Examination

Degree Examination

Academic year 2024/2025

Notices - Laurea Magistrale graduation session - July 2024: -  Deadlines and online thesis submission

You must sit for the final exam in order to graduate. Registration for the degree examination is open to students who:

  • meet the proficiency requirements in English language (*) and Italian language
  • have a complete plan of all the credits required by the educational rules of the course
  • have registered their exams in their academic record within the deadlines indicated in the "deadlines" section below

(*) As envisaged for courses in the applicable educational system prior to Ministerial Decree 270

Preparatory or supplementary activities to the final exam

Preparatory or supplementary activities to the final exam may be required for some programmes. If the preparatory/supplementary activity is included as a share/part of a course , with the recording of the course mark, the associated part must also be registered in the academic record in order to graduate.

Calendar of Degree Examinations and deadlines for registration

Check the academic calendar , the deadlines section and your School or Campus’ website.

How to register

Attention: It is not possible to proceed with filling out the application if all the sections of the Curriculum Vitae intended for Career Service are not properly filled out.

Through Online Services access the "Registration to final exam" function (which is only active for students who are eligible to graduate in the current academic year) and proceed as follows:

  • fill out the degree application
  • fill out the questionnaire on the educational course’s assessment (anonymously and intended for the Ministry)
  • 6 2.00 €  if this is the first time you have registered for the graduation day
  • 16.00 € if you have registered for previous dates but failed to graduate WARNING: For students who are not up to date with their payments, the amounts due will be added to the above-mentioned amounts; the resulting amount is to be paid by the deadline set for the graduation application

It is not necessary to wait for the recording of the exams to make the payment, which is due even in the case of withdrawal from the graduation date. If not paid, the amount due will be added to the next payment application.

After registration

If you have duly completed the registration process, there may be some tasks that you have to fulfil yourself or others that are the Secretariats’ responsibility. The most common fulfilments for which it is not necessary to contact the Registrar’s Office are:

  • payment of graduation fees, which are due by the deadline set for the registration for the chosen graduation date
  • payment of registration fees, issued together with graduation fees (if due), which are due by the the deadline set for the registration for the chosen graduation date
  • unconfirmed qualification: the Registrar’s Office autonomously makes the necessary requests and reminders
  • new attendances in the second semester: registration is blocked for this session. The tasks will be deemed automatically fulfilled after the second-semester exams of the previous year are properly recorded in the academic career

Contact the Registrar’s Office if:

  • you have entered the graduation exam as a new second-semester attendance for the current year but are graduating in the first semester

All checks in the Registrar’s Office can be carried out up to three to four working days before the graduation exam.

Within the application used to register for the graduation date (item 'Iscrizione/Ritiro esame finale') you may:

  • check if your registration is confirmed. When all possible tasks are fulfilled, the application status will change from 'Presentata' to 'Confermata'
  • withdraw your registration for the graduation date. In this case, the system warns twice that you are withdrawing and that you can no longer register for the same session

Delivery of dissertations and graduation essays

Laurea triennale (equivalent to bachelor of science).

The online submission of the Graduation Essay is not provided to students of the School of  Design . A submission may be provided to students of the Schools of Engineering and for the students enrolled into the CCS of Building and Construction Engineering  and Architectural Design  of the AUIC School, depending on the procedures specified for each single CCS: for further details please refer to the websites of the AUIC School for the CCS of Building and Construction Engineering and Architectural Design, and of the Departments or Campuses  for the other Engineering Schools. The Building and Construction Engineering course of the AUIC School follows all the Engineering CCS' rules.  

Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)

The online delivery of the dissertation is always required for students in the Laurea Magistrale programme. The submission of the dissertation’s pdf file must take place after having registered for the degree exam sessions and within the deadline set by the academic calendar , by means of the special Online Services function (Degree - Final exam > Registration to final exam > Thesis upload). The supervisor shall approve the dissertation within the deadline set and always through Online Services.

Students about to graduate are invited to check the institutional e-mail box (@mail.polimi.it) for communications regarding the procedure for the submission/approval of online dissertations.

These rules also apply to students about to graduate from the old educational system, with the sole stipulation that Engineering Students in the Old Educational System who submit coursework or a graduation essay should not submit it online.

For more information: online thesis submission .

How the degree examination takes place

Graduating students are required to turn up for the final exam in the classroom and at the time indicated on Online Services and in the specific notice published on each School’s website.

Schools normally structure graduation day in two distinct stages (the two stages coincide in the case of the AUIC School):

  • presentation and discussion of the Graduation Essay : the final exam of some programmes includes opportunities for discussion and assessment in the days before but, in any case, graduating students must register for the degree exam session normally and must appear before the Examination Committee
  • proclamation : the moment in which the Committee officially announces all candidates’ graduation, with the announcement of the final marks and the conferral of the Degree Parchment

Degree Score

The degree score is expressed using a 110-point scale and is formed by the sum of two elements:

  • the average score obtained in the coursework (weighted on the educational credits, without considering any supernumerary activities and honours)
  • the increment allocated by the Committee

The increment may vary from -1 (minus one) point out of one hundred ten to 8 points out of one hundred ten. For the single-cycle degree (five years) in Architectural Engineering, the increment’s maximum value is equal to 10 points out of one hundred ten. Other limitations relating to the increment may be established by the supplementary regulations of the Schools and Programmes. The sum is rounded to the nearest integer (0.50 is rounded to 1). The degree’s minimum score is 66/110 (60/100 for students in the old educational system). The Committee may also award honours.

Degree certificate and parchement

The Degree Parchment is conferred on the day of the Degree Exam Date. However, the degree certificate must be requested by the student.


  • Specific regulation on the degree examination/final exam (on your School's website)
  • Your programme’s educational rules (on your School's website)
  • Submission deadlines, online approval of dissertation, assistance on the libraries website 
  • The list of official photographers is available here
  • The Regulations on access by photographers during final examinations for university degrees 
  • Information on the preparatory educational activity for the final exam is to be requested from the supervising professor
  • Information on the final exam’s organisation is to be requested from the professor, from the Departmental Secretary or from the School you belong to

Tuition fees and contributions for students next to conclusion of their studies

PhD thesis presentation

The presentation of a PhD thesis and its discussion are the final steps in the career of all PhD candidates. 

Research contribution

The PhD thesis is expected to present original research contributions developed during the PhD studies of the candidate. The thesis, as well as the research work, is developed under the guidance of a supervisor.

The thesis may include previously published work by the candidate, provided that the previously published material is cited appropriately in the thesis and the contribution of the author is clarified. Materials derived from the work of other authors must be properly referenced in the thesis and, if the exact words are reported, they must be cited in quotes.

The degree of originality of all PhD Theses will be assessed also through the use of anti-plagiarism software.

The evaluation of the thesis is performed in three phases: 

  • by external reviewers
  • by the Board of Professors of the PhD Programme
  • during a public presentation of the thesis by the candidate to a final exam committee, followed by a discussion with the candidate on the contents of the thesis.

The detailed procedures are defined by the PhD Programme in which the candidate is enrolled. 

We suggest writing your thesis in A4 or A5 format; however, different formats will be allowed.

Examples of templates: 

  • Sample Latex Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)
  • Sample PDF Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)
  • Sample RTF Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)

Publication of the thesis

According to the law, all PhD theses are deposited at the National libraries of Rome and Florence, where they can be consulted locally. The candidates admitted to the final exam must deposit their thesis electronically before the final exam; when depositing the thesis they may decide whether to give public or limited access to the thesis in the Politesi repository of Politecnico di Milano, where all theses are recorded and listed after the defense.

For the procedures for the final exam registration and thesis deposit please visit this webpage

The best thesis in the area of Applied Sciences and Technologies may be proposed for publication in the Polimi-SpringerBriefs Series of  Springer, subject to an international evaluation of the submission. Further details on this series and submission procedures are available on  http://www.springer.com/series/11159   and on the Intranet page .

Thesis information are also available at PhD School formal regulations are available here

Master of Science > Final Exam

polimi thesis guidelines

Final exam regulations

The final Degree Examination consists in the discussion of a  thesis work . The regulations on how to write a final thesis are available on the School of Industrial and Information Engineering website .

For more information, download the supplementary regulation supplementary regulations for the final examination of the Bachelor and Master of Science degree.

Thesis offers

Final Thesis Topics - Check the projects available for your final Dissertation/Thesis using the dedicated search engine .

polimi thesis guidelines

Regulations and suggestions about the thesis work from the PhD School

Forms to be admitted to the final defence of the thesis

>> Final report

>> Guidelines for obtaining the European Doctoral Title

>> Reviewer report

Instructions for laying out and submitting the Doctoral Thesis

We suggest to write your thesis in A4 or A5 format; however, different format will be allowed.

>> Sample Latex Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)

>> Sample PDF Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)

>> Sample RTF Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)

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polimi thesis guidelines

Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Innovation

Entrepreneurship, finance and innovation research group, guidelines for thesis, selection criteria and procedure.

There are no strict constrains on academic curricula and prior experience. Nonetheless, the chances of being involved in a thesis project increase for students with outstanding curricula. If you are interested in one of the thesis opportunities offered within our research group, please contact the corresponding supervisor(s) reported in that specific project. We also kindly ask you to fill in the following form: https://goo.gl/forms/qfQbqZESyJ6YILUh1 .

Organization of work

During their final thesis, students are assigned a specific research oriented task that is part of a larger research project; they are supervised by the project leader. Thesis schedule, deadlines, milestones, etc. are often strict, depend on the schedule of the project and needs to be closely coordinated with the project leader. We require the maximum commitment by students.

Possible thesis topics

Thesis topics vary depending on current project portfolio. In this section you will find some examples of thesis available now.

Other topics for thesis might relate to:

  • Interplay between venture capital, business angels and crowdfunding;
  • Performance impact of business angel finance;
  • Factors determining the demand for venture capital investments;
  • Corporate venture capital and radical innovation

Toolbox for students

Typically, our theses are based on quantitative analysis, although we do often use other research methodologies such as experiments and interviews. We require our students a fair understanding of statistics and econometrics and/or the willingness to improve their skills in these subjects. Within the “Toolbox for students”, you will find also a list of websites, videos and documents about these subjects. Often we require our students to learn the use the econometric software STATA (that we will provide you). This is easy, no worries! We will provide you guidance during the thesis period. Yet, you can find an introduction to STATA in the “Toolbox for students”, as well.

  • Lectures and Exams

Degree examinations

The attention of students is drawn to the subjects of plagiarism,  or copying (even involuntary) without mentioning the source of parts of books, essays, theses, articles, projects by other authors in the preparation of the degree thesis. This constitutes the appropriation, through total or partial copy, of the authorship of a work of others.

We therefore invite you to check your documents and always cite the sources from which you draw texts and images. In this sense, we recall the following passage from the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Politecnico di Milano : "The Politecnico promotes the integrity of research, condemns plagiarism and infringement of intellectual property and provides opportunities for all those who carry out research activities to have a 'adequate training on ethics and integrity in research. "

Exam registration and calendars 

For information on how to register for degree exams and for the degree exam session calendar,  click here .

Online submission and approval of Laurea Magistrale / Specialistica/Vecchio Ordinamento (equivalent to Masters of Science) Theses.

Information on deadlines and on how to submit a thesis and have it approved can be found here:  https://www.biblio.polimi.it/servizi/come-fare-per/depositare-la-tesi

Graduating students are advised to: 

  • check their university email (polimi.it)  for communications regarding the thesis submission/approval procedure
  • keep in touch with their supervisor between submitting the thesis and the deadline for its approval

Suspension of teaching activities on the days of the BSc and MSc graduation sessions

In the Leonardo and Bovisa Campuses, on the days of the BSc graduation sessions, all the teaching activities (lectures, exercises, labs, etc) of all the courses at bachelor and master level are suspended in the morning. In the afternoon from 2.30 pm the activities could take place accordingly to availability of the classrooms.

In the Leonardo and Bovisa Campuses, on the days of the MSc graduation sessions, all the teaching activities (lectures, exercises, labs, etc) of all the courses at bachelor and master level are suspended all day.

In the other campuses, the teaching activities are suspended according to the local calendar.

Degree and Master's Degree Commissions

Please note that the commissions will be avaiable 5 days before the Master's Degree Session on the personal page "ONLINE SERVICES->REGISTRATION TO FINAL EXAM ".

Procedures for the BSc graduation sessions.

Procedures for the MSc graduation sessions.

Graduation photography service

  • Regulation for accreditation and access of photographers to Politecnico di Milano on graduation exams

Rules for the final examinations

REGULATIONS FOR 1ST LEVEL GRADUATION EXAMS (Degree Courses - Ministerial Decree 270/04) - School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering

REGULATIONS FOR 2ND LEVEL GRADUATION EXAMS (Master's Degree Courses – Ministerial Decree 270/04) - School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering - Effective as of July 2023

MS Word Templates for Master Thesis

The School has prepared a set of templates available for the writing of the Master's Thesis. 

The following templates are available:

  • Thesis in "classical" format, to be used for writing the thesis in the traditional format.
  • Thesis in "article" format (valid only for 3I School), to be used as an alternative to the classical format for writing the thesis in a "journal paper" style (approximately 30 pages). IMPORTANT:  the use of this second format must be agreed with the supervisor and can be adopted only if in line with the guidelines of your study program.
  • Executive Summary, to be used for writing the “Executive Summary" in the case of Theses with Reviewer (“Controrelatore”).
  • Download the MS Word templates

Responsabili delle Lauree

Environmental and Land Planning Engineering - Milan Prof.  Renato Casagrandi

Civil Engineering - Milan Prof. Liberato Ferrara  

Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation - Lecco Prof.ssa Monica Papini (L)  Prof. Alessio Radice (LM)

Geoinformatics Engineering - Milan Prof.ssa Giovanna Venuti  

***Lunedi 22 aprile dalle 9 alle 13, POLITESI non sarà accessibile a causa di un intervento di manutenzione dell'infrastruttura del CINECA (fornitore del servizio).***

L'archivio contiene

  • tutte le tesi di Laurea Magistrale dalla sessione di luglio 2010
  • tutte le tesi di dottorato dal 2012

La pubblicazione delle tesi nell'archivio avviene di norma entro 60 giorni dalla data di discussione. Le tesi di laurea e di dottorato precedenti sono reperibili nel Catalogo di Ateneo e consultabili (in formato cartaceo o digitale in rete locale) secondo i regolamenti delle biblioteche che le conservano. Per interrogare l'intero patrimonio delle tesi usa SEARCH.


E' possibile esplorare l'archivio scorrendo le liste tematiche (titolo, autore, data ecc.) o effettuare una ricerca semplice/avanzata cliccando sulle funzioni del menù a sinistra. E' possibile effettuare l'esplorazione per liste o la ricerca avanzata sia in tutto l'archivio POLITesi che nelle singole collezioni "Tesi di dottorato" e "Tesi di laurea magistrale". L'accesso ai file può essere libero, limitato o negato, secondo la scelta fatta dagli autori al momento del deposito. Per maggiori informazioni sulle opzioni di accessibilità e sulle modalità di consultazione dell'archivio, si vedano le FAQ ).

Diritto d'autore

Il Politecnico non assume alcuna responsabilità circa eventuali errori, omissioni o infrazioni contenute nelle tesi depositate. Le tesi depositate nell'archivio POLITesi sono tutelate dalla normativa sul diritto d'autore (L.633/1941 e successive modifiche). La riproduzione di brani o parti dei documenti accessibili nell'archivio POLITesi può essere effettuata per scopi di ricerca e di studio (e comunque per scopi non commerciali) e implica l'obbligo di citazione del titolo, dell'autore, dei dati bibliografici e dell'URL del documento. Il Politecnico non assume alcuna responsabilità nel caso di eventuale violazione dei diritti d'autore relativi alle tesi pubblicate da parte di terzi utilizzatori ( approfondimento sul diritto d'autore ).

  • ICAR/13 1367
  • ING-INF/05 1335
  • ING-IND/35 959


  • Lectures and Exams
  • BSc and MSc final examinations

Degree examinations

The attention of students is drawn to the subjects of  plagiarism,  or copying (even involuntary) without mentioning the source of parts of books, essays, theses, articles, projects by other authors in the preparation of the degree thesis. This constitutes the appropriation, through total or partial copy, of the authorship of a work of others.

We therefore invite you to check your documents and always cite the sources from which you draw texts and images. In this sense, we recall the following passage from the  Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Politecnico di Milano : "The Politecnico promotes the integrity of research, condemns plagiarism and infringement of intellectual property and provides opportunities for all those who carry out research activities to have a 'adequate training on ethics and integrity in research. "

UNIVERSITY REGULATION for THE BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S DEGREE EXAMS with specific provisions of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering - Effective as of the July 2021 graduation session

  • Regolamento sulle norme di comportamento all'interno degli spazi dell'Ateneo
  • Laurea Magistrale - Scadenze deposito Tesi on line

Online submission and approval of Laurea Magistrale / Specialistica/Vecchio Ordinamento (equivalent to Masters of Science) Theses.

Information on deadlines and on how to submit a thesis and have it approved can be found here:  https://www.biblio.polimi.it/servizi/come-fare-per/depositare-la-tesi

Graduating students are advised to: 

  • check their university email (polimi.it)  for communications regarding the thesis submission/approval procedure
  • keep in touch with their supervisor between submitting the thesis and the deadline for its approval

Regolamenti integrativi dei Corsi di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale

(aggiornati al 9 febbraio 2023)

  • Ing. Energetica 
  • Ing. Gestionale 
  • Ing. Aerospaziale
  • Ing. Meccanica 
  • Ing. Informatica 
  • Ing. Biomedica 
  • Ing. Fisica 
  • Ing. Matematica
  • Ing. dei Materiali 
  • Ing. della Produzione Industriale 
  • Ing. dell'Automazione 
  • Ing. Chimica 
  • Ing. Elettrica 
  • Ing. Elettronica 
  • Ing. della Prevenzione e della Sicurezza nell’Industria di Processo 
  • Music and Acoustic Engineering 

Evaluation rubrics for MSc degree

Rubric used for the evaluation of MSc thesis  (in Italian)

Latex and MS Word Templates for Master Thesis

The School has prepared a set of templates available for the writing of the Master's Thesis. 

The following templates are available:

  • Thesis in "classical" format, to be used for writing the thesis in the traditional format.
  • Thesis in "article" format, to be used as an alternative to the classical format for writing the thesis in a "journal paper" style (approximately 30 pages). IMPORTANT:  the use of this second format must be agreed with the supervisor and can be adopted only if in line with the guidelines of your study program.
  • Executive Summary, to be used for writing the “Executive Summary" in the case of Theses with Reviewer (“Controrelatore”).
  • Download the Latex templates
  • Download the MS Word templates

Templates for Latex are also available in Overleaf: 

  • Classical format: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/classical-format-thesis-scuola-di-ingegneria-industriale-e-dellinformazione-politecnico-di-milano/dkmvtndqkyxg  
  • Article format: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/article-format-thesis-scuola-di-ingegneria-industriale-e-dellinformazione-politenico-di-milano/vtqgsrqwzdmy  
  • Executive Summary: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/executive-summary-scuola-di-ingegneria-industriale-e-dellinformazione-politenico-di-milano/yfvqyfyyhwrp  

Suspension of teaching activities on the days of the BSc and MSc graduation sessions

In the Leonardo and Bovisa Campuses, on the days of the BSc graduation sessions, all the teaching activities (lectures, exercises, labs, etc) of all the courses at bachelor and master level are suspended in the morning. In the afternoon from 2.30 pm the activities could take place accordingly to availability of the classrooms.

In the Leonardo and Bovisa Campuses, on the days of the MSc graduation sessions, all the teaching activities (lectures, exercises, labs, etc) of all the courses at bachelor and master level are suspended all day.

In the other campuses, the teaching activities are suspended according to the local calendar.

Commissioni di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale

Si ricorda che le commissioni saranno visibili 5 giorni prima dell'Appello di Laurea Magistrale nella pagina personale "SERVIZI ON LINE-> ISCRIZIONE ESAME FINALE".

Modalità di svolgimento degli appelli di Laurea

Modalità di svolgimento degli appelli di Laurea Magistrale

Coordinatore Commissione di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale

Prof.  Lorenzo Dozio

Responsabili delle Lauree

Ingegneria aerospaziale.

  • Prof.ssa  Antonella Abbà  
  • Prof.  Federico Piscaglia 

Agricultural  Engineering

  • Prof. Giorgio Previati 
  • Prof.  Gianni Ferretti

Ingegneria dell'Automazione

  • Prof.  Alberto Leva  
  • Prof. Simone Formentin  

Ingegneria Biomedica

  • Prof.ssa  Manuela Galli  

Ingegneria Chimica

  • Prof.  Carlo Giorgio Visconti    

Ingegneria Elettrica

  • Prof.  Francesco Castelli Dezza  
  • Prof.ssa  Simona Salicone 

Ingegneria Elettronica

  • Prof.  Alessandro Sottocornola Spinelli  

Ingegneria Energetica

  • Prof. Andrea Giostri
  • Prof. Andrea Lucchini
  • Prof. Federico Viganò  (Sede di Piacenza)

Ingegneria Fisica

  • Prof.  Davide Contini  

Ingegneria Gestionale

  • Prof.ssa Angela Tumino
  • Prof.  Mariano Corso  (Sede di Cremona)
  • Prof.  Luca Gastaldi  (Sede di Cremona)

Ingegneria Informatica (Milano)

  • Prof. Antonio Miele
  • Prof.  Matteo Rossi

Ingegneria Informatica (Cremona)

  • Prof.  Luciano Baresi 
  • Prof. Alberto Leva

Ingegneria Matematica

  • Prof.ssa  Laura Sangalli 
  • Prof.  Daniele Marazzina 

Ingegneria dei Materiali e delle Nanotecnologie

  • Prof. Luca Giampaolo Nobili  (Magistrale)
  • Prof. Carlo Spartaco Casari (Triennale)

Ingegneria Meccanica (Piacenza)

  • Prof. Paolo Albertelli 

Ingegneria Meccanica (Lecco)

  • Prof.  Mario  Covarrubias
  • Prof.  Riccardo Gerosa 

Ingegneria Meccanica (Milano)

  • Prof. Stefano Manzoni

Ingegneria Nucleare

  • Prof. David Dellasega
  • Prof. Elena Macerata

Ingegneria della Prevenzione e della Sicurezza nell'Industria di Processo

  • Prof.  Carlo Giorgio Visconti  

Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale

  • Prof.  Andrea Vania  

Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni

  • Prof.  Claudio Maria Prati  
  • Prof.  Marco Marcon  

Music and Acoustic Engineering

  • Prof.  Giuseppe Bertuccio 
  • Prof.  Fabio Antonacci 

Food Engineering

  • Prof. Fabio Parmeggiani

Mobility Engineering

  • Prof.ssa Monica Nicoli  

Graduation photography service

Regulation for accreditation and access of photographers to Politecnico di Milano on graduation exams

Please note that commissions will be visible 5 days before the Bachelor / Master Degree Program in the personal page, online service 

Degree Defence

  • April 22, 2020December 16, 2023

Download  Regulation  for the Degree and Master Degree exam.

Master Degree

For the Thesis, the use of the  template provided by the School . 

The presentation must be prepared in Powerpoint format. The PC and the projector will be made available in the room (no need to bring your PC).

The time slot for the presentation of a regular Thesis (i.e., Thesis with opponent examiner) is 15 minutes (extended to 20 minutes for Thesis co-authored by two students).

The time slot for the presentation of a reduced Thesis (i.e., without opponent examiner) is 10 minutes (extended to 15 minutes for reduced Thesis co-authored by two students).An optimized presentation usually foresees one slide per minute. You can use this  presentation template .

QS Ranking

  • Lectures and exams

Thesis bulletin board

In order to facilitate the search for a Thesis Advisor, in the online services under "Degree - Final exam" it is possible to consult the Thesis bulletin board , a continuously updated space in which faculty members publish proposals of thesis topics to which the Master's Degree student can apply.

 Biblioteche ed Archivi logo

Search for a document

General information, search tips, search through a database, if you did not find the document you were looking for.

Through this websile you can search all documents available at University Library System: printed books and journals, electronic resources (online articles and e-journals, e-books, databases), post-graduate theses and PhD theses, technical standards, cartography, materials. 

On this website you can use:

  • the search box available on home page, the discovery tool   BIBLIOSEARCH (you can select the type of document)
  • the page of Polimi research tools

As for electronic resources on subscription (online articles and e-books) you can also download the document in full-text. If you are off campus you need to have configured the proxy on your laptop browser and to have set the proxy credentials . Further information

We advise you not to do bibliographic searches on electronic resources from your mobile phone , both for reasons related to the reduced size of the screen, and because it is not possible to configure the university proxy on your mobile phone, and therefore you may obtain unreliable information regarding the availability of electronic resources.

If ou are searching only printed books and journals or materials you can use also PolimiLibrary app , which coincides with the online catalogue .

  • If you are looking for a book or an e-book enter the significant words of the title or author's surname in BIBLIOSEARCH .  
  • if the thesis was discussed before July 2010 or the PhD dissertation was discussed before 2012, use the online catalgue
  • if the thesis was discussed after July 2010 o r the PhD dissertation was discussed since 2012 use the online repository POLItesi
  • if you don't know the discussion date, use the search engine box in home page, leaving the icon "all the resources" selected  
  • If you need to do a general research and you don't know exactly what kind of document you are interested in, you'd better use the discovery tool BIBLIOSEARCH . If you enter one or more search terms you simultaneously search for the online catalogue (in which you find printed books and journals, printed theses, cartography and materials), the online theses repository, the e-books, the e-journals and most of online databases on subscription.  
  • If you are looking for a technical standard , use the specific databases on subscription.  

Through the databases you can find out publications about an even very specific subject or publications about an author. You can access the full-text of a document through the database, if the Politecnico has a subscription.  You can search for journal articles and documents directly in a specific database specialized in the sector of your interest or in the citational databases (Scopus and Web of Science). You find the complete list of databases on subscription here .

Some databases can also be searched through the search engine, while others can only be accessed via the native interface of the single database. Further information

After having retrieved the bibliographic references of the articles, you can check the availability of the full text . If the full-text is not available, check in the Online Catalogue if the journal containing the article is present in paper format in the Politecnico libraries. If the paper document is not available either, a link to the Document Delivery service through Nilde is available.

You can try to search for it yourself in the catalogues of other libraries outside the Politecnico or you can request the book you need through the inter-library loan service or request the article or book chapter you are looking for through the Document Delivery service. If you need help you can always contact the Reference Service .

polimi thesis guidelines

polimi thesis guidelines

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Home / Magazine / Process engineering & manufacturing / Antonio D'Alessio Award 2024 | Best Ph.D. thesis

Antonio D'Alessio Award 2024 | Best Ph.D. thesis

polimi thesis guidelines

Pubblicato il   11/06/2024

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Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "Giulio Natta"

polimi thesis guidelines

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  1. Polimi Thesis Guide

    polimi thesis guidelines

  2. PoliMi Master Thesis

    polimi thesis guidelines

  3. POLIMI-UPC-Master Thesis-Stefano Gabrieli PDF

    polimi thesis guidelines

  4. Thesis-Template-PoliMi-IngIndInf/Thesis_Template_PoliMi_IngIndInf.pdf

    polimi thesis guidelines

  5. Tesi Polimi Presentation

    polimi thesis guidelines

  6. Doctoral Thesis Dissertation 2014-03-20 @PoliMi

    polimi thesis guidelines


  1. DPSRU Student Guidelines for uploading Thesis/Dissertation

  2. Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design

  3. MBS Thesis

  4. Polimi Design Student Vlog


  6. Degree Ceremony at POLIMI


  1. PDF Instructions for On-line Thesis Submission and Approval of Post

    Fig. 1 - In the summary screen of application "Registration to final exam" click on "Thesis submission": in this way you are able to go directly to the submission application. Fig. 2 - In the personal space "My POLITESI", the candidate can start the deposit by clicking on the button "Submit".

  2. Submit your thesis

    Thesis submission support. For information and assistance on the online submission of the post-graduate thesis you can: read the FAQ for who has to deposit his thesis: you find them at the bottom of this page. fill out the assistance request form. book an appointment at the virtual desk. contact the Reference service at Leonardo Campus Library.

  3. Degree Examination: polimi

    Degree Score. The degree score is expressed using a 110-point scale and is formed by the sum of two elements: the average score obtained in the coursework (weighted on the educational credits, without considering any supernumerary activities and honours) the increment allocated by the Committee. The increment may vary from -1 (minus one) point ...

  4. PhD Thesis

    The PhD thesis is expected to present original research contributions developed during the PhD studies of the candidate. The thesis, as well as the research work, is developed under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis may include previously published work by the candidate, provided that the previously published material is cited ...

  5. PDF Politecnico di Milano ASBA

    How to layout and format Post graduate theses and file(s) to upload A1. Access to POLITesi platform for on-line thesis submission A2. Thesis description (verification and data input) A3. Upload of thesis file(s) A3.1. Selection and file/files format A3.2. Options for accessing file(s) by third parties in the on-line thesis archive (after degree ...

  6. Final Exam

    Final exam regulations. The final Degree Examination consists in the discussion of a thesis work. The regulations on how to write a final thesis are available on the School of Industrial and Information Engineering website. For more information, download the supplementary regulation supplementary regulations for the final examination of the ...

  7. PDF Unitesi Instructions

    Unitesi Instructions - Home - Biblioteche ed Archivi

  8. DOCX Home

    Home | Ingegneria Meccanica - PoliMi

  9. Thesis

    Regulations and suggestions about the thesis work from the PhD School Forms to be admitted to the final defence of the thesis >> Final report >> Guidelines for obtaining the European Doctoral Title >> Reviewer report Instructions for laying out and submitting the Doctoral Thesis We suggest to write your thesis in A4 or A5 […]

  10. Thesis submission

    information and assistance. To receive information and assistance for the online submission of the post-graduate thesis: fill out the assistance request form. book an appointment at the virtual desk. You find further information on the thesis online submission webpage.

  11. PDF Politecnico Di Milano

    In a thesis without reviewer, the executive summary is not mandatory. However,if present, it must be prepared according to the guidelines defined by the School of Industrial and Information Engineering (https: // www .ingindinf.polimi.it / en / teaching / lessons-and-exams / degree-and-master-degree-exams).

  12. Guidelines for thesis

    Organization of work. During their final thesis, students are assigned a specific research oriented task that is part of a larger research project; they are supervised by the project leader. Thesis schedule, deadlines, milestones, etc. are often strict, depend on the schedule of the project and needs to be closely coordinated with the project ...

  13. School: Degree examinations

    Thesis in "article" format (valid only for 3I School), to be used as an alternative to the classical format for writing the thesis in a "journal paper" style (approximately 30 pages). IMPORTANT: the use of this second format must be agreed with the supervisor and can be adopted only if in line with the guidelines of your study program.

  14. Home page [www.politesi.polimi.it]

    Archivio Digitale delle Tesi del Politecnico di Milano. L'archivio contiene. La pubblicazione delle tesi nell'archivio avviene di norma entro 60 giorni dalla data di discussione. Le tesi di laurea e di dottorato precedenti sono reperibili nel Catalogo di Ateneo e consultabili (in formato cartaceo o digitale in rete locale) secondo i regolamenti ...

  15. School: BSc and MSc final examinations

    Thesis in "article" format, to be used as an alternative to the classical format for writing the thesis in a "journal paper" style (approximately 30 pages). IMPORTANT: the use of this second format must be agreed with the supervisor and can be adopted only if in line with the guidelines of your study program.

  16. Politesi FAQ

    How can I contact the author of a thesis? Alumni Service will help you to contact the author of a thesis present in the Archives POLITESI. Write an e-mail to [email protected] indicating the handle (Persistent Identifier) of the thesis of your interest. This code is in the header of the descriptive card.

  17. Degree Defence

    Master Degree. For the Thesis, the use of the template provided by the School . The presentation must be prepared in Powerpoint format. The PC and the projector will be made available in the room (no need to bring your PC). The time slot for the presentation of a regular Thesis (i.e., Thesis with opponent examiner) is 15 minutes (extended to 20 ...

  18. School: Thesis bulletin board

    Thesis bulletin board. In order to facilitate the search for a Thesis Advisor, in the online services under "Degree - Final exam" it is possible to consult the Thesis bulletin board, a continuously updated space in which faculty members publish proposals of thesis topics to which the Master's Degree student can apply.

  19. Master of Science Theses

    The Master of Science Thesis work is carried out during the last year of Laurea Magistrale under the guidance of a supervisor and is a core element of the Chemical Engineering Master experience at Politecnico di Milano. The thesis work is usually given in relation to current research projects of the GASP Group or to industrial projects in ...

  20. Search for a document

    Search tips. If you are looking for a book or an e-book enter the significant words of the title or author's surname in BIBLIOSEARCH.; If you are looking for a post-graduate thesis or PhD dissertation. if the thesis was discussed beforeJuly 2010 or the PhD dissertation was discussed before 2012, use the online catalgue; if the thesis was discussed afterJuly 2010 or the PhD dissertation was ...

  21. Thesis

    Thesis TEC 001/2021 - Robust Production Planning under Supply Timing Uncertainty - Prof. Andrea Matta. Thesis TEC 001/2022 - Design guidelines of a twin-screw extruder - Prof. Matteo Strano. Thesis TEC 002/2022 - Recycling of 3d nylon textiles through 3d printing by extrusion - Prof. Matteo Strano. Thesis TEC 003/2022 - Environmentally friendly lubrication in sheet metal punching - Prof ...

  22. DEIB

    Web page: https://cassano.faculty.polimi.it/ Description The great quest for adopting Deep Learning-based computations for safety-/mission-critical applications motivates the interest towards methods for assessing the robustness of the application w.r.t. not only its training/tuning but also errors due to faults, in particular soft errors ...

  23. DEIB

    DEIB - Available Theses. » Teaching » Theses » Computer Science and Engineering. Keyword. Deep Learning-based attack detection in RISC-V microprocessors. Contact person LUCA CASSANO. Email: [email protected]. Study course: Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering. Web page: https://cassano.faculty.polimi.it/.

  24. Antonio D'Alessio Award 2024

    Pubblicato il 11/06/2024. Complimenti a Luna Pratali Maffei, Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "Giulio Natta", che ha vinto il premio Antonio D'Alessio Award 2024 | Best Ph.D. thesis per il lavoro dal titolo: Theoretical and kinetic modeling of the combustion of aromatic hydrocarbons.