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Shawkat Alam

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Shawkat Alam

PhD, Professor

  • Professor , Macquarie Law School
  • Centre for Environmental Law (CEL)
  • Phone 0298508890

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Dr Shawkat Alam is a Professor of International and Environmental Law  at Macquarie Law School. Dr Alam holds an LLB with Honours from Rajshahi University, an LLM from Dhaka University and a PhD from Macquarie University.

Dr Alam's primary teaching and research expertise lies in the areas of international law, international environmental law, trade and environment law, human rights and sustainable development. His research focuses on the opportunities and challenges faced by developing economies to achieve sustainable development by examining international legal, institutional and policy frameworks. 

His PhD thesis, Ecologically Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Pressing Issues for Developing Countries examined the impact of international and regional trade law on the environment through the lens of the Global South, where he has since contributed and has become a leading voice in this area of international trade law.

Scholarly outputs

Dr Shawkat Alam has produced several monographs, journal articles and other scholarly literature relating to international trade law and sustainable development, human rights and governance. Books, produced solely and in collaboration, including The Law and Politics of Transnational Forest Governance (forthcoming, 2024), Investment Protection, Human Rights and Biodiversity Conservation (forthcoming, 2024), Implementation of Sustainable Development in the Global South: Strategies, Innovations and Challenges (forthcoming 2024, Hart Publishing), International Natural Resources Law, Investment and Sustainability (Routledge, 2017), International Environmental Law and the Global South (Cambridge University Press, 2016), International Trade Law and the WTO (Federation Press, 2013), Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law (Routledge, 2012), Globalisation and the Quest for Social and Environmental Justice: The Relevance of International Law in an Evolving World Order (Routledge, 2010) and Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches (Routledge, 2007). Dr Shawkat Alam’s body of work continues to influence the role of international trade law in implementing sustainable development and achieving effective governance within the Global South and marginalised communities.

Prof Alam has published in leading journals including  Netherlands International Law Review, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Climate and Development, Journal of Business Ethics, Asian Journal of International Law, Journal of World Investment and Trade, Journal of Environment and Development, Marine Policy, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, and Journal of World Trade Law .

Research interests

a.  International trade and the environment

Dr Shawkat Alam’s primary research interest lies in the intersection between international trade law and the environment, from the perspective of developing countries. Climate change and environmental conservation are critical goals for the global community. Climate change not only undermines human development, but developing countries often do not possess the capacity to undertake climate change adaptation and are disproportionately affected by the existential threats associated with sea level rise, droughts and extreme weather events. Nevertheless, efforts to ‘green’ international law runs the risk of preventing developing countries’ ability to grow their way out of poverty and to meet their immediate needs of poverty alleviation. This balance, between intergenerational and intragenerational equity, lies at the heart of Dr Shawkat Alam’s research. His research investigates how international trade law and environmental protectionism can impact developing countries’ to effectively participate in the global marketplace and focuses on how capacity building efforts, governance and legal reform can drive change for a more sustainable future that leaves no marginalised communities behind.

b. Sustainable development

Dr Shawkat Alam’s research considers how sustainable development can be implemented within developing and least developed countries (LDCs) through various philosophical and sectoral lens. Dr Shawkat Alam has written extensively on sustainable development. In 2008, Dr Shawkat Alam released Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches which examined the intersection between trade law and sustainable development, and the role that global and supra-national institutions play in facilitating trends and inequities for the Global South. Since then, Dr Shawkat Alam has continued to advance the dialogue on sustainable development through publications such as ‘Investment Protection, Human Rights and Biodiversity Conservation: In Search of a Balance to Achieve Sustainable Development’ (forthcoming, 2023), ‘Technology Assistance and Transfers in International Environmental Law’ (2021), ‘The Neglected Cornerstone of Sustainable Development: Differential Treatment and Equity in the Climate Change Regime’ (2021), ‘International Natural Resources Law and Sustainable Investment: Principles and Practices’ (2018), ‘Natural Resource Protection in Regional and Bilateral Investment Agreements: In Search of an Equitable Balance for Promoting Sustainable Development’, ‘Sustainable Development versus the Green Economy: The Way Forward?’.

c.  Public Polcy, Governance and Capacity Building

Transparency and accountability are core values within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As developing countries improve their capacity to engage in the global market, perform climate change mitigation and adaptation and realise human development, the apparatus of government and the wider stakeholder community which constitute decision-making must also undergo transformation to support long-lasting change. Dr Shawkat Alam has written extensively on the topic of governance reform. Literature such as ‘The Law and Politics of Transnational Forest Governance (forthcoming, 2024), ‘The Development-Environment Nexus: Promises and Perils of Global Governance’ (2021), ‘Convergence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance in Weak Economies: The Case of Bangladesh’ (2014) and ‘Regional Environmental Governance: An Evaluation of the ASEAN Legal Framework for Addressing Transboundary Haze Pollution’ (2014) showcase Dr Alam’s work in improving governance in developing countries to realise and support their sustainable development aspirations.

Other research interests include public international law, international environmental law, WTO Law, Law of international foreign investment, human rights law, and globalisation and the Global South.

Professor Shawkat Alam has over twenty years of experience as an academic teaching law in 19 undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Prior to his engagement at Macquarie University Law School, Dr Shawkat Alam lectured at Rajashahi University, and Dhaka University, Bangladesh in their LLB programs. At Macquarie Law School, Dr Alam has convened several key units including International Law, Law, Lawyers and Society, International Human Rights Law, International Trade Law as well as specialised units including International Environmental Law, Trade and Environment Law, Local Government Law, Environmental Law and Corporate Regulation, and the Law School’s Advanced Legal Research programs (Legal Research unit, Journal unit and Special Interest Project). He has also taught in interdiciplinary units including Business Law (Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance), Politics of International Human Rights Law, and Politics of International Law (Department of Politics and International Relations).

Dr Alam  demonstrated his leadership in teaching policy and practice through curriculum development, HDR supervision and as a mentor for junior colleagues and students. His teaching is research-led and has been recognised both within the University and externally by  peers and through his international engagement. 

Teaching Philosophy and Practice: Prof Alam's teaching philosophy incorporates three interconnected strategies: active student-focused learning and teaching, cultivating the teaching-research nexus, and distributed leadership.

LAWS5060- Environmental Law

  • LAWS8055- Environmental Law and Sustainable Develoopment 
  • LAWS8052- Trade and Environment Law

LAWS8015- International Law

  • LAWS 8089- International Trade Law
  • LAWS 5010-International Trade Law

Teaching and Leadership

Dr Shawkat Alam has proven leadership capabilities and has actively engaged in several internal and external leadership roles as well as previous Dean of Macquarie Law School. Since 2012, Dr Shawkat Alam was the Director for the Centre for Environmental Law and formulated the Centre’s strategic direction, research agenda and community engagement in its formative years. More recently, Dr Shawkat Alam contributes to the Centre for Environmental Law as a member of its Advisory Board. In addition, Dr Shawkat Alam was Director for Postgraduate Programs, Director of Higher Degree Research, and Director of International Engagement at Macquarie Law School. Dr Alam also served as Co-Editor in Chief for the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Journal, Co-Chair for the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law’s Teaching and Capacity Building Committee. Prof Alam is currently on the Editorial Board of the Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL).

Research student supervision

Professor Shawkat Alam has an outstanding track record in HDR recruitment, supervision and completions. He has attracted a large number of high quality domestic and international HDR candidates to the Law School.  Prof Alam has successfully implemented a holistic model of research engagement that brings together key aspects of academic work – teaching, research, supervision and engagement – in a complementary fashion. His approach to supervision has yielded the most productive HDR supervision practice in his department, with an exemplary record of timely completions. A number of his candidates have received awards and have pursued impressive academic and professional careers.  He was recognised in 2012 by a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Higher Degree Research, and received awards from the Faculty of Arts for Excellence in Supervision in 2012 and 2017, Building an Inclusive Research Culture in 2011, and Encouraging Candidate Publications in 2010. 

Current Supervisions  

Primary Supervisor  

  • Zara Bending, Thesis Title,  'Governing the International Illegal Trade in Wildlife: How the law of treaties and rules of the WTO contend with the trade in rhino horn ' (PhD).
  • Paul Govind, Thesis Title, ' Towards an Ethic of Responsibility in Planning Law' (PhD).
  • Asanka Edirisinghe, ' Integration of a Legal Personhood and Rights of Nature Approach in the Legal Framework of Srilanka for the Protection of Rivers against Pollution ' (PhD).
  • Ethan Beringen, ' Plenty of Fish in the Sea? Examining the Interation between International Fisheries Law and International Biodiversity Law for the Anthropocene Context ' (PhD).
  • Jiliang Chen, ' Acheiving Coservation and Sustainable Use in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ): Lessons from Regional Frameworks and Best Practices ' (PhD).

  Recent PhD Completions (Principal Supervisor)

  • Rhys Manley, Thesis Title, 'Human Development Implications of Trade in Financial Services: A Capability Approach' (PhD).
  • Md. Saif Uddin Ahammad, Thesis Title, ' Implementation of Trade Facilitation Framework under the WTO: An Assessment of National Regulatory Framework in Bangladesh ' (PhD).
  • Umme Sharaban Tahura, Thesis Title, ' Facilitating Access to Justice: Managing the Cost of Litigation in the Subordinate Courts of Bangladesh '(PhD).
  • Sheikh Mohammad Towhidul Karim, Thesis Title, ' Improving Patient Safety in Healthcare in Bangladesh': Opportunities and Challenges' (PhD).
  • Md. Abdul Mannan, Thesis Title, 'Law, Policy and Institutional Frameworks for Civil Service Reform in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities' (PhD).
  •  Abdullah Al Arif, Thesis Title, ' Achieving Sustainable Management of Marine Fisheries in Bangladesh: A Legal and Policy Analysis' (PhD).
  •   Badiul Alam, Thesis Title, ' Governance of Multilateral Climate Funds and their Access through Legal, Policy and Institutional Frameworks: Opportunities and Challenges for Bangladesh '   (PhD).
  •  Najnin Begum, Thesis Title, ' Participatory Forest Governance for Sustainable Forest Management: Opportunities and Challenges in Bangladesh ' (PhD). 
  • Kirsten Davies, Thesis Title, ' HUMAN-NATURE: Can Traditional Customary Law Contribute to Climate Change adaptation? A South Pacific Study ' (PhD).
  • Peerapon Jaderojananont, Thesis Title, ' The Cooperative Management and Conservation of Transboundary Heritage Sites in the Southeast Asia Region ' (PhD).
  • Sheikh Noor Mohammad, Thesis Title, ' An Evaluation of the Integration of Ecosystem Based Approach in Legal and Policy Framework for the Sustainable Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystem: A Case Study of the Sundarbans of Bangladesh' (PhD).
  • S M Atia Naznin, Thesis Title, 'Judging the Right to Housing: Towards an Appropriate Judicial Remedy in Litigations on Forced Slum Evictions in Bangladesh ' (PhD). 
  • Muhammad Towhid Islam, Thesis Title, ' The TRIPs Agreement of the WTO: Implications and Challenges for Bangladesh ' (PhD).
  • Sharmin Jahan Tania, Thesis Title, ' The Interface between Market Access and Sustainable Development: Implications for Sustainable Development for Least Developed Countries ' (PhD).
  • Mia Mahmudur Rahim, Thesis Title, ' Corporate Social Responsibility: Small and Medium Enterprises, Challenges and Options ' (PhD).
  • Yuri Suzuki, Thesis Title, ' Regional Legal Framework on ABS (Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) in Small Islands Developing Countries in the South Pacific Region' (PhD).
  • Tanzim Afroz, Thesis Title, ' Legal Framework for Coastal Zone Management in Bangladesh' (PhD).
  • Pradip Royhan, Thesis Title, ' The Interface between the Environmental and Health Related Requirements and Market Access: The Challenges for the Least Developed Countries' Market Access under WTO' (PhD).
  • Charu Sharma, Thesis Title, ' Civil Liability for Environmental Damage: An Analysis of Environmental Claims under Private and Public Law in India' (PhD) (completed).
  • Shireen Daft, Thesis Title, ' The Relationship between Human Security Discourse and International Law: A Principled Approach' (PhD).
  • Laely Nurhidayah, Thesis Title, 'Transboundary Haze Pollution in ASEAN Region: An Assessment of Regional and National Legal Framework in Indonesia' (PhD).

PhD, Masters of Research completions as Associate Supervisor

  • Ummey Tahura, Thesis Title, ' Case Management in Reducing Backlog: Potential Adaptation from the NSW District Court to the Bangladeshi Civil Trial Courts ' (MPhil).
  • Hau Nguyen, Thesis Title, ' Vietnamese Corporate Governance Mechanisms Through Transplanting Australian Corporate Governance ' (PhD).
  • Nadira Sultana, Thesis Title, ' A Critical Exploration of Policy and Practice Pertaining To Climate Justice, Sustainable Development And Gender Mainstreaming: A Case Study of Bangladesh ' (PhD).
  • Nakib Mohammad Nasrullah, Thesis Title, ' Corporate Social Responsibility in Bangladesh: The Concerns of Private Enterprises ' (MPhil).
  • Harold Baroi, Thesis Title, ' The Right to Information Act: Issues & Challenges of its Implementation in Bangladesh' , (PhD).
  • Rizwanul Islam, Thesis Title, ' Trade Cooperation within SAARC and Possibility of Integration: A Historical, Legal and Economic Perspective ' (PhD).
  • Trish Blazey, Thesis Title, ' The Value of Carbon Sinks in Mitigating Green House Gas Emissions ' (PhD).
  • Shima Zaman, Thesis Title, ' Mainstreaming Human Rights Issues in the WTO Agreements: A New Era to Enforce Human Rights Obligation in International Trade ' (PhD).
  • Jakerul Abedin, Thesis Title, ' International Watercourses Law and the Utilisation of Fresh Water Resources in the Ganges Basin ' (PhD).
  • Natalia Rodriguez Uribe, Thesis Title, ' Rights-Based Environmental Protection in Colombia: Implementation Challenges in Environmental and Cultural Diversity Issues ' (PhD).
  • Mostafa Mahmud Naser, Thesis Title, ' Climate Change and Forced Migration ' (PhD).
  • Iman Prihandono, Thesis Title, ' Violation of International Human Rights Law by TNCs in Indonesia: The Prospect of Transnational Litigation ' (PhD).

Research engagement

Research Projects, Capacity Building Training and Research Consultancy

Dr Shawkat Alam has an extensive history providing subject matter expertise (SME) and consultancy services for several high value projects and capacity building initiatives including Executive Trainings. Successful partnerships include capacity building initiatives with the Australian Government (DFAT), the Government of Bangladesh, the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand  as well as several non-government organisations including  the British Council, Bangladesh and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) . These programs include building the capacity for developing countries to engage effectively in the international trade regime, building the capacity for middle and senior government officials and policy makers to improve their governance concerning natural resource management, and building the ability for decision-makers to draw the linkages between trade, sustainable development and human rights. This experience is informed by Dr Alam’s project management capabilities and deep collaborative partnerships with public and private stakeholders, enabling him to inform decision-makers and solve complex problems holistically with clarity and precision.

Community engagement

Dr Shawkat Alam has established a deep network of peer researchers and research institutions, professional bodies, decision-makers and government authorities, private sector stakeholders and non-government and community based organisations. Dr Shawkat Alam has an extensive fingerprint within South and South East Asia, and has developed strong linkages with the Government of Bangladesh, the Republic of Indonesia, as well as fellow Australian, American and European universities and research institutions. 

Education/Academic qualification

Law and Legal Studies , PhD, Ecologically Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Pressing Issues for Developing Countries, Macquarie University

2000 → 2005

Award Date: 21 Apr 2005

External positions

Visiting Scholar , Singapore Management University

4 Feb 2024 → 21 Feb 2024

Visiting Researcher , The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)

10 Apr 2023 → 10 May 2023

Visiting Professor , University of Hamburg

1 Dec 2022 → 14 Dec 2022

Visiting Professor , Singapore Management Univ, Singapore Management University

5 Nov 2022 → 12 Nov 2022

Senior Academic Fellow, Universitas Airlangga

1 Sept 2022 → 1 Oct 2022

Member, Editorial Board, Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL) 

Co Editor in Chief, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Journal

2017 → 2019

Co-Chair, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Teaching and Capacity Building Committee

2016 → 2018

International Trainer for the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law “Train the Teachers” Program, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Academy of Environmental Law

Member, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law TEACHING & CAPACITY BUILDING COMMITTEE , IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Teaching and Capacity Building Committee

2014 → 2016

Member, Management Committee, Australian Branch, International Law Association

2010 → 2012


  • 6 Similar Profiles
  • Bangladesh Social Sciences 100%
  • sustainable development Social Sciences 43%
  • climate change Social Sciences 38%
  • policy Earth & Environmental Sciences 37%
  • Indonesia Social Sciences 37%
  • international law Social Sciences 28%
  • policy framework Earth & Environmental Sciences 28%
  • collective rights Social Sciences 26%

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Dive into details.

Select a country/territory to view shared publications and projects

  • 10 Finished

Projects per year

Sustainable Investment Agreements: The Case of India

Deva, S. , Alam, S. & Ranjan, P.

10/08/22 → 31/12/22

Project : Research

Building Capacity for Sustainable Forest Governance in Indonesia

Alam, S. & Tomossy, G.

29/01/17 → 18/05/17

Applying the trade and environment nexus to achieve United Nations sustainable development goals through engagement with international organisations

1/08/16 → 31/01/17

Building capacity for effective negotiation and participation in international treaties for Bangladesh (Bangladesh)

31/05/14 → 13/09/14

Project : Other

Capacity building for trade, environment and development in Bangladesh

18/02/13 → 17/05/13

Research Outputs

  • 7 Edited Book/Anthology
  • 3 Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary/reference book
  • 3 Foreword/postscript/introduction
  • 2 Other report
  • 1 Book/Film/Article/Exhibition review
  • 1 Editorial

Research output per year

Sustainable development and free trade: institutional approaches

Research output : Book/Report › Book › peer-review

  • Free Trade 100%
  • International Environmental Policy 74%
  • Environmental Politics 73%
  • International Trade 71%
  • Trade Protectionism 66%

International environmental law and the global south

Research output : Book/Report › Edited Book/Anthology › peer-review

  • International Environmental Law 100%
  • Environmental treaties 57%
  • treaty negotiations 57%
  • justice 51%
  • Indigenous rights 47%

International natural resources law, investment and sustainability

  • natural resource 100%
  • sustainability 89%
  • developing world 69%
  • resource 29%

Cross-fertilisation in environmental law: lessons from SAARC countries

Research output : Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review

  • environmental law 100%
  • judiciary 19%
  • environmental protection 18%
  • disaster 16%
  • interpretation of law 15%

Environmental and societal challenges in Indonesia: an evaluation of laws, policies and natural resources governance

  • mining law 65%
  • evaluation 57%
  • policy analysis 51%

Dean's HDR Award for Encouraging Candidate Publications in 2010, Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University, 2010.

Alam, Shawkat (Recipient), 2010

  • mentoring 100%
  • candidacy 84%

Executive Dean's Excellence in Higher Degree Research supervision of the Year Award 2017, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University, 2017.

Alam, Shawkat (Recipient), Dec 2017

  • supervision 100%

Faculty of Arts Executive Dean's Award for Excellence in HDR Supervision, 2012.

Alam, Shawkat (Recipient), 2012

Higher Degree Research Award for Building Inclusive Research Culture, Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University, 2011.

Alam, Shawkat (Recipient), 2011

Rosalind Croucher Award for Most Productive Researcher, Division of Law, Macquarie University, 2008.

Alam, Shawkat (Recipient), 2008

  • 34 Presentation
  • 17 Invited talk
  • 2 Editorial work
  • 2 Membership of network
  • 1 Membership of committee

Activities per year

Public Lecture

Shawkat Alam (Speaker)

Activity : Talk or presentation › Invited talk

Workshop on Research Planning and Writing Process for Constructing a Research Proposal

Chinese journal of environmental law (journal).

Shawkat Alam (Editor), Nengye Liu (Editor) & Michelle Lim (Editor)

Activity : Peer-review and editorial of research outputs › Editorial work

Perspectives of Environmental Law and Policies in a Changing World

Activity : Talk or presentation › Presentation

The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Implementation Challenges in Bangladesh

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Georgetown cew law school rankings find brand is best if you want to make money.

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The potential to make a high salary as a lawyer is often what influences students to pursue a graduate law degree. However, while a law degree can open doors to higher earnings, not all law schools provide the same return on investment.

According to a study released by Georgetown University’s Center for Education and the Workforce, which ranks 186 law schools based on graduates’ salaries, if making money is a priority for a student, it’s best to shoot for highly ranked law schools.

Graduates of Columbia Law School have the highest annual median earnings four years after completing ... [+] their degree, according to a new Georgetown study that ranks 186 law schools.

“When it comes to law school, the best returns are concentrated among a small number of institutions, educating approximately 20 percent of law students,” said CEW Director and lead author Jeff Strohl. “Graduates earn the highest salaries from highly selective institutions. The top 26 law schools lead to six-figure salaries and a bar passage rate of 97 percent.”

According to the CEW study, A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing: Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not , Columbia University law graduates have the highest annual median earnings four years after completing their degree at $280,900. Following Columbia were the University of Pennsylvania with $261,400, the University of Chicago with $256,400, Cornell University with $249,300, Stanford University with $248,000 and Harvard University with $233,600.

These salaries compare with National Association for Law Placement research that shows the overall median first-year associate base salary was $200,000 as of Jan. 1, 2023, up $35,000 or 21.2% from 2021.

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In comparison, the bottom three law schools in CEW’s 186-school ranking produced graduates whose annual median earnings four years after degree completion were $38,700, $44,100 and $58,400, respectively. The study found that at nearly 1 in 5 law schools, graduates earn less than $55,000, net of debt, four years after graduation.

The difference in salary outcomes could be because graduates from top-tier law schools were more likely to secure high-paying jobs at large prestigious law firms. In fact, according to a U.S. News & World Report ranking , 80% of law school graduates of 10 highly ranked law schools who have jobs at law firms worked for large companies.

CEW researchers found law schools with the highest-earning graduates send more graduates to full-time work at the nation’s largest law firms. At the seven schools where postgraduate earnings exceeded $200,000, 58% of graduates from the classes of 2020-2022 were employed in big law, compared to 16% of graduates across all 186 institutions CEW evaluated.

However, earning a higher salary is not necessarily the only factor influencing students when pursuing an advanced law degree. “If a prospective student aims to land a high-paying job after earning their JD, they are more likely to achieve that goal at a certain subset of schools,” says Catherine Morris, a senior writer at CEW and one of the paper’s co-authors. “But earnings aren’t the only factor students consider: some schools might set up graduates for work in specific fields or geographic areas they’re interested in.”

In addition, for many graduates, the burden of student debt can outweigh the financial benefits of a graduate law degree, particularly if they do not attend a highly ranked institution. Indeed, despite the potential for high salaries, the cost of obtaining a law degree can be significant. According to the American Bar Association, the average law school graduate in the U.S. carries more than $160,000 in student loan debt.

Similarly, the CEW study found that, four years after completing their degree, law school graduates owe almost $120,000 in student debt loans at the median. In fact, at 6 out of 10 law schools, at least half of the graduates had loan balances equal to what they were at graduation. Or those balances had even increased three years, post-degree completion.

“Law schools are notoriously expensive. Graduates leave law schools with a median debt burden of $118,500, and lower earnings make it harder to pay back this debt,” said CEW’s Morris. “The consequences of six-figure debt are also far-reaching for law school graduates, impacting their ability to purchase a home, start a family, and achieve other traditional markers of success.”

In recent years, U.S. law schools have experienced some volatility, with student enrollments falling 11% in fall 2022 after a prior surges, according to the American Bar Association. However, with regard to jobs, the CEW study expects the future of the legal profession to remain stable. While the full impact of AI on the sector has yet to be realized, job opportunities are expected to increase, with projections of the total number of jobs associated with legal occupations rising from 1.26 million to 1.41 million between 2021 and 2031.

The pipeline of students is looking stable as well. According to Law School Admission Council data , applications for the 2024 admissions cycle have decreased about 1.7% compared with last year. Almost half of law schools experienced increases in applications, while almost half had decreases, and seven showed no change from last year.

Anna Esaki-Smith

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Dr. Barbi Law appointed Associate Vice-President, Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies at Nipissing University 

Photo of Barbi Law

Dr. Barbi Law, Associate Vice-President, Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies

North Bay, ON - Nipissing University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Barbi Law as Associate Vice-President, Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies (AVP, RIGS) for a five-year term, effective August 1, 2024. As a member of the University’s leadership team, Dr. Law will play a key role in advancing innovative research, fostering excellence in graduate education, and building relationships with community and industry to grow Nipissing’s research enterprise. 

“Barbi is an exceptional leader and natural collaborator; she has a clear vision for the growth of research, innovation, and graduate studies at Nipissing,” said Dr. Ann-Barbara Graff, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Nipissing University. “I’m thrilled that she’ll be able to continue to advance the work that is already underway to position Nipissing as a destination of choice for researchers and graduate students alike.” 

Dr. Law brings over 15 years of post-secondary experience to the position and spent the last two years serving as Interim Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and then Interim Associate Vice-President Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies. In these roles, she led the development of policies and partnerships to support Nipissing’s new innovation and commercialization portfolio, including the Northern and Rural Innovation Cluster with Laurentian University, Trent University, and Lakehead University, funded by Intellectual Property Ontario. Dr. Law joined Nipissing in 2009 as an Assistant Professor in the School of Physical and Health Education, earning Full Professor status in 2019.  

“I’m honoured and excited to have the opportunity to support continued development of a vibrant culture of research, innovation, and graduate studies at Nipissing that builds upon our existing research strengths,” said Dr. Law. “I believe there is great potential for collaboration and innovation partnerships that offer meaningful contributions to the community and valuable learning and employment opportunities for our students. Nipissing is an important resource and economic driver for our region; I look forward to the opportunity to expand our impact and build networks across our region and beyond.” 

Dr. Law holds a PhD in Kinesiology from Western University, a Master of Arts in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa, and a Bachelor of Kinesiology from McMaster University. Her research explores strategies for creating positive sport and physical activity experiences that promote physical literacy and mental well-being for children and youth within organized sport, school, and community settings. Collaboration, student mentorship, and community engagement are integral to her research program which has been funded by provincial and federal agencies, including both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 

To learn more about Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies at Nipissing University, visit: and . 

Media Contact:

Khia Beauchesne  Communications Officer  Nipissing University  705-473-3450 ext. 4035  [email protected]  

Nipissing University sits on the territory of Nipissing First Nation, the territory of the Anishnabek, within lands protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850. We are grateful to be able to live and learn on these lands with all our relations.

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  • Macquarie University

Your future starts here

Whether you're studying an undergraduate, postgraduate coursework or research degree, you'll find a degree that excites and inspires you.

Diplomas and pathways

Diplomas and pathways

There are many ways to get into your dream degree. Find your pathway.

Undergraduate courses

Undergraduate courses

Often your first degree. Shift your thinking into new realms of possibly at Macquarie.

Postgraduate courses

Postgraduate courses

Take the next step and expand your horizons or shift into a higher career gear.

PhD and research

PhD and research

Turn your ambition into reality and multiply your employability with advanced study and research.

Majors and specialisations

Gain knowlege in a specific discipine by studying a degree with a major or specialisation.

Other study options

Upgrade your skill set or study a topic you love. Enrol in online courses, non-award study and more.

Non-award study

Expand your knowledge in an area of interest, or upgrade your professional skill set.

Focused and flexible

Our degrees are designed to be personalised by you. Dig deep into your specific passion with a single degree, or combine diverse areas of study in a double degree to enhance your knowledge and employability.

Single degree

Focus on your area of interest with a single undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Ideal if you have a particular passion or career goal.

Double degree

Complete two degrees in less time. Ideal if you have two distinct areas of interest.

Combined bachelor + master degree

Combine your bachelor and master degrees. This option allows you to accelerate your qualification in one of a selection of specialist fields.

Employability initiatives

Employability initiatives

Learn how we can help you plan your career, build your workplace skills and secure a job.

Flexible study options

Flexible study options

Our degrees offer a variety of learning options – from campus-based to fully online.

High-quality learning environment

High-quality learning environment

Surround yourself with world-class facilities and beautiful park-like open spaces.

Need help deciding? Get in touch with us for a personal consultation

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View our application process to enrol at Macquarie.

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E: Group Marketing

Last updated: 26 Jun 2024

Prepare for completion

Prepare for the final stage of your journey.

Congratulations on reaching the final stage of your research journey!

The thesis examination is your opportunity to showcase your hard work and dedication. Once completed, you will join our esteemed alumni network, opening doors to new opportunities and lifelong connections. Embrace this moment as you transition from student to proud graduate, ready to make a meaningful impact in your field.

Prepare for submission

Review the content, presentation and formatting requirements for your thesis.

Submit your thesis

Submit your thesis via the Graduate Research Examination Portal.

Thesis examination

Review the examination process and degree completion requirements.

Progress from MRes to PhD

Find out how to progress from the Master of Research to the PhD.

Join our alumni community

Check out the exclusive benefits and discounts for Macquarie alumni.

  • Graduate Research Academy
  • Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
  • Macquarie University NSW 2109
  • T: +61 (2) 9850 4741
  • E: [email protected]

Check your examination progress

Check the progress of your examination in the portal.

Review your skill development

Don't forget to review your skill development in the GRDP.

Related links

  • Manage your research journey
  • Current students
  • Staff intranet
  • Find an event

Where Will Postgraduate Study in Law Lead You?

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Sydney Law School equips you for careers in advanced research, policy development, public service, tertiary teaching or professional leadership. You will benefit from a vibrant and dynamic research culture and engage with internationally renowned School members who are experts across a range of fields.

Subject areas

Shared pool, entry, fees, funding & how to apply, your entry requirements, english language proficiency.

For academic requirements check the ‘Admission requirements’ section on this page.

How to apply

Please apply by 15 September for commencement on 1 March and 15 March for commencement on 1 July. If your application cannot be assessed in time for commencement, it will be considered for the next possible start date.

If you intend to apply for an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship, please submit a full admission application by the relevant  RTP scholarship closing date .

Starting date

Research Period 2: 1 March and Research Period 3: 1 July

Research areas

Doctor of Philosophy researchers perform original research in an area of law or regulation involving legal or interdisciplinary methodologies under the supervision of a member of the University of Sydney Law School who is an expert in the subject matter. 

Learn more about  Sydney Law School research

What you'll study

The Doctor of Philosophy (Law) is awarded on the basis of a supervised thesis of a maximum 80,000 words. The thesis must make a substantially original contribution to the knowledge of the subject concerned. Students are also required to complete the compulsory research-support coursework units, LAWS6077 Legal Research 1 within the first 12 months of their candidature and LAWS7001 Legal Research 2 within the first 24 months.

This research degree includes some coursework curriculum to support research success. Masters students will complete 6 credit points of coursework. 

Unit of study code

Unit of study name


Course stage



Legal Research 1

Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Juridical Studies, Master of Laws (Research), Master of Criminology (Research)

Year 1

Semester 1 


Legal Research 2

Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Juridical Studies

Year 2 for full-time students

Semester 2 

There is no separate tuition fee cost for the coursework units of study you will undertake, it is part of the tuition fee for the course .

See the ‘Your Fee’ section for fee information. Additional non-tuition course costs vary depending on the units of study.

You will be able to see and enrol in any of the units available, subject to capacity constraints and your own background. Note that your faculty may elect to make certain units compulsory for a given PhD degree pathway.

Applying for admission

To apply for admission to a Doctor of Philosophy (Law) degree, you must submit a formal application for admission.

Expression of Interest (Optional)

While you are not required to submit an Expression of Interest before applying, Sydney Law School recommends that you do so before submitting a formal application, especially if:

· you are seeking funding assistance;

· have not identified a potential supervisor ; or

· you are an international applicant. 

Submitting an Expression of Interest will allow the School to support you in presenting a formal application and provide you with feedback on whether your application is likely to succeed.

The Expression of Interest form includes information about your intended research topic, academic and professional qualifications, and publications.

To allow the School to consider your information and provide you appropriate and timely guidance, applicants are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest as early as possible and no later than:

 30 June

 15 September*

 1 March

 31 December

 15 March*

 1 July

*Note: If you intend to apply for an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship, please submit a full admission application by the relevant  RTP scholarship closing date . 

Formal Application for Admission

To apply for a Doctor of Philosophy (Law) degree, you will submit a formal application through the University's Online Application portal.

You must ensure that all required supporting documents are submitted with your application, including the following documents requested by Sydney Law School:

. expression of interest acceptance (if submitted one), otherwise please include evidence of consultation/comments from potential supervisors. The nomination of supervisors is determined by the Law Postgraduate Research Education Committee.

·  full research proposal (approximately 10 pages) which outlines:

    - a ims of the proposed research thesis

    - background to the research, including a brief reference to the relevant iterature and law (including case law where appropriate)

    - a clear statement of the area to be researched

    - rationale for the research and a statement of why it is significant

    - working hypotheses or research questions

    - research methodology including theoretical and empirical considerations for the research

    - statement indicating how you will be able to sufficiently fund your proposed field work or overseas study/research. Explain why this work is essential for completion of your thesis.

· motivation statement

· time availability statement

· curriculum vitae

· list of publications (if available)

· timeline for completion of the thesis and the two compulsory units of study (LAWS6077 Legal Research 1 and LAWS7001 Legal Research 2)

· two referee statements in support of your application (in addition to the referee forms)

Before you apply, please check the University of Sydney’s eligibility criteria for admission to a research program at Apply for Postgraduate Research .

To Apply now


To be considered for a RTP scholarship, you must select “Yes” in the “Scholarship Details” field on your application form and apply by the relevant  RTP scholarship closing date . Information about the Sydney Law School Postgraduate Research Scholarships in available here .

Completion requirement

To satisfy requirements of the degree students must:

  • complete any specified probationary requirements;
  • complete LAWS6077 Legal Research 1 and LAWS7001 Legal Research 2;
  • conduct research on an approved topic; and
  • write a thesis of a maximum 80,000 words embodying the results of the research.

Admission requirement

There are three main conditions of admission, namely:

(i) Academic qualifications

(ii) Research and publication experience and

(iii) Suitability of the proposed course of study and research. If you are not academically qualified to undertake a research degree, you may consider pursuing your research interests through coursework study before progressing to a research degree.

The coursework program provides you with an opportunity to enhance your expertise in the proposed area of research by allowing you to complete research projects in related units of study. Applicants require a Master's degree and/or Bachelor's degree with first or upper second class honours.

Careers & future study

Career pathways.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Sydney Law School is a pathway to a number of careers, including tertiary education, policy development, advanced research, and specialisation for employment in government, inter-governmental and international organisations, and civil society organisations. You will conduct a research project that makes a substantial and original contribution to knowledge and will have a highly developed knowledge base, with strong written, oral, and critical analytical skills.

Important fee information

Domestic students, international students.

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

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LAWS3300 – Administrative Law

2020 – session 2, special circumstance.

As part of Phase 3 of our return to campus plan , most units will now run tutorials, seminars and other small group learning activities on campus for the second half-year, while keeping an online version available for those students unable to return or those who choose to continue their studies online.

To check the availability of face to face activities for your unit, please go to timetable viewer . To check detailed information on unit assessments visit your unit's iLearn space or consult your unit convenor.

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Convenor and Lecturer Tutor Tutor Tutor
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • ULO1: Apply knowledge of the basic mechanisms and principles of administrative law (merits review, judicial review, Freedom of Information, natural justice, errors of law).
  • ULO2: Demonstrate competence in the skill of statutory interpretation
  • ULO3: Evaluate administrative law principles and doctrines, assessing deficiencies and strengths in Australian administrative law - both historical and current.
  • ULO4: Contextualise administrative law within the government, legal and constitutional frameworks

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
30% No 11.9.2020, 5pm
40% No 6.11.2020, 5pm
15% No Ongoing
15% No 6.11.2020, 5pm

Research Essay

Assessment Type 1 : Essay Indicative Time on Task 2 : 25 hours Due: 11.9.2020, 5pm Weighting: 30%

Students will prepare a research report on an aspect of the course. The essay question and assessment guidance will be released via iLearn.

  • Apply knowledge of the basic mechanisms and principles of administrative law (merits review, judicial review, Freedom of Information, natural justice, errors of law).
  • Evaluate administrative law principles and doctrines, assessing deficiencies and strengths in Australian administrative law - both historical and current.
  • Contextualise administrative law within the government, legal and constitutional frameworks

Hypothetical Problems

Assessment Type 1 : Essay Indicative Time on Task 2 : 30 hours Due: 6.11.2020, 5pm Weighting: 40%

Students will advise a client based on the facts of the situation and the law learned in the course. The essay question and assessment guidance will be released via iLearn.

  • Demonstrate competence in the skill of statutory interpretation

Participation in-class

Assessment Type 1 : Participatory task Indicative Time on Task 2 : 12 hours Due: Ongoing Weighting: 15%

This individual component is worth 15% of students grade. Students will be assessed on their informed participation in weekly discussions, role plays, debates and other in class (via Zoom) activities.

Participation on-line

Assessment Type 1 : Participatory task Indicative Time on Task 2 : 3 hours Due: 6.11.2020, 5pm Weighting: 15%

Students will post 3 times in total during the semester: Questions that have occurred as a result of listening to the weekly lectures, or from the material covered in tutorials; an answer to the question, based on research into the weekly readings/resources and a justification for the answer.

1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:

  • the academic teaching staff in your unit for guidance in understanding or completing this type of assessment
  • the Writing Centre for academic skills support.

2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation

Delivery and Resources

Each week, one lecture or set of lectures will be pre-recorded and available to students on iLearn. A second on-site lecture will then be given on Monday, 10:00-11:00. These will take place  Week 1 to Week 12 . The schedule of topics to be covered in the lectures, and notes on required readings, will be available in detail on iLearn. A list of covered topics is provided below in the Unit Schedule.

Weekly one hour tutorials begin in  Week 2 and finish in Week 13 . Discussion questions for each tutorial will be available on the iLearn page for the unit. 

External students have a compulsory two day on-campus session and the dates are available via timetables.

The required text is: Robin Creyke, John McMillan, Mark Smyth,  Control of Government Action: Text, Cases and Commentary  (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2018). It is available from the Macquarie University Co-op Bookshop. Additional readings will be available via iLearn or else they will be linked to a publicly available source.

Students require access to a computer and a secure and reliable internet provider.

Unit Schedule

[Tutorial content will cover the topics from the previous week's lectures].


 27 JUL








10 AUG




17 AUG




24 AUG



31 AUG








14 and 21 SEP 











12 OCT




19 OCT




26 OCT




21 NOV


Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central  ( ). Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

  • Academic Appeals Policy
  • Academic Integrity Policy
  • Academic Progression Policy
  • Assessment Policy
  • Fitness to Practice Procedure
  • Grade Appeal Policy
  • Complaint Management Procedure for Students and Members of the Public
  • Special Consideration Policy   ( Note: The Special Consideration Policy is effective from 4 December 2017 and replaces the Disruption to Studies Policy.)

Students seeking more policy resources can visit the Student Policy Gateway  ( ). It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

If you would like to see all the policies relevant to Learning and Teaching visit Policy Central  ( ).

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:​

Results published on platform other than eStudent , (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent . For more information visit or if you are a Global MBA student contact [email protected]

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

Learning Skills ( ) provides academic writing resources and study strategies to help you improve your marks and take control of your study.

  • Getting help with your assignment
  • Academic Integrity Module

The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources. 

  • Subject and Research Guides
  • Ask a Librarian

Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service  who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

For all student enquiries, visit Student Connect at

If you are a Global MBA student contact  [email protected]

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit . 

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy . The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

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JD/MBA Program

James Kim

James Kim ’13 Undergraduate – UC Berkeley Major – Legal Studies Hometown – Cerritos, CA

Brittni Neu

Brittni Neu ’14 Undergraduate – UCLA Major – Economics and American Literature & Culture Hometown – San Jose, CA

JD/MBA Admissions Process

Candidates for the combined program must make separate application to both the School of Law and the M.B.A. Program. It is unnecessary to apply to both programs simultaneously. Because the first year of the program is entirely in the law school, candidates typically apply to the M.B.A. Program after they have completed the first semester of law school.

J.D. Program

The School of Law seeks applicants with strong academic backgrounds who have earned a baccalaureate degree in any discipline. Factors considered in the admission decision include the following: academic history, including trends in undergraduate grades, selection of academic courses, graduate study, results of the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), work experience, life experience, and community and school service. Letters of recommendation are not required but are usually helpful. Approximately 285 students enroll each year after being selected from more than 2,800 applicants. The School of Law uses a rolling admission process with the first decisions being made in early January preceding the August of desired enrollment. Applications should be filed before February.

Applicants to the School of Law must complete the following steps:

  • Return the application for admissions to the Admissions Office with the required application fee.
  • Take the Law School Admission Test. The test is offered four times a year and must be taken by February in the desired year of enrollment. Tests scores are generally considered current for four years. If the test is taken more than once, the highest score will be considered.
  • Register for the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) and have official transcripts sent to Law Services from every North American college or university attended.
  • Upon acceptance, make the tuition deposits required to hold a seat in the entering class.

M.B.A. Program

The M.B.A. Program, accredited by AACSB (American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business), seeks students who show aptitude, interest, and ability for leadership.

Students are admitted in any of three quarters fall, winter, and spring. Application requirements are:

  • Completed application with the required application fee.
  • Essay question responses (two required, one optional).
  • Two confidential letters of recommendation (letters used for Law School Admission are not admissible).
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). Waivers are available for qualified candidates, please contact the MBA Admissions Office at [email protected] .
  • Transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended (if not on file at the law school).

Applications will not be considered until all materials are received. Admission will only be granted to students who are in good standing in the law school and are full-time students.

Course of Study

Students enrolled in the combined degree program plan a specific course of study with the program advisors. No undergraduate business course work is required. Students who have taken business courses may have some courses waived.

Students will be permitted to count certain courses for credit toward both degrees. A maximum of 12 quarter units taken in the School of Business and eight semester units taken in the School of Law may be counted toward both degrees. In addition, a concentration may be completed through the scheduling of electives. Please refer to the MBA viewbook for more detailed information.

Employment Outlook

Recent graduates report that their joint degrees are beneficial in a wide variety of career areas including private business, law practice, business management, entrepreneurship, and government administration. The School of Law Career Services Office assists students with their career planning through individual counseling, workshops on topics such as resume writing, interviewing and job search strategies. Many law firms, government agencies, and corporations participate in the on-campus interviewing program in the fall, and hundreds of other employers from around the country request law students’ resumes.

J.D./M.B.A. degree holders who seek employment outside the legal profession also benefit from the resources and facilities of the University Career Services.

For More Information Contact:

Law School Admissions Office Santa Clara University School of Law Santa Clara, CA 95053 408-554-5048 [email protected]

M.B.A. Program Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University Santa Clara, CA 95053 408-554-4539 [email protected]

Your feedback has been received.


  • Graduate Programs

Whether you’re setting out on a course of academic study that will define your professional life, or seeking to build skills to help you land a better job, Santa Clara’s graduate programs offer a range of options to match your needs.

Many of our graduate students work while pursuing their degrees, so we offer both part- and full-time programs and some online courses, as well as certificate, license, and non-degree options.

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Leavey School of Business

With the largest MBA program in Silicon Valley as well as specialized Masters degrees, the business school offers a range of options to professionals at different stages in their careers.

  • 4+1 Master of Science Programs

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School of Education and Counseling Psychology

Offering masters and credential programs and certificates to those serving their communities in education, counseling, health and human services, and ministry. 

Master’s Programs

  • M.A.  Applied Psychology
  • M.A.  Counseling
  • M.A.  Counseling Psychology
  • M.A.  Educational Leadership

Doctor of Education Degree Program

  • Ed.D.  Social Justice Leadership

Law students collaborating

School of Law

In addition to J.D. and LL.M. degrees, the School of Law offers unique combined degree programs in J.D./MSIS.

  • J.D.  Juris Doctor 
  • Hybrid, Part-Time  Flex J.D.
  • J.D./MBA  Master of Business Administration
  • J.D./MSIS  Master of Science in Information Systems
  • LL.M.  Intellectual Property
  • LL.M.  International & Comparative Law
  • LL.M.  United States Law

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College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries

Preparing graduates to enter professional ministries. 

  • M.A.  Pastoral Ministries (Online & In-Person)
  • Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice & Chaplaincy  (Online & In-Person)

Student working on an engineering project

School of Engineering

Offering flexible graduate programs for working engineers in Silicon Valley, as well as traditional full-time programs.

M.S. Programs

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Bioengineering
  • Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering Management
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Power Systems and Sustainable Energy
  • Robotics and Automation

Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program for Engineering

  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer and Software Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering Management & Leadership

Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program for Arts & Sciences

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering Physics

Ph.D. Programs

Certificate programs.

  • Robotics and Automation (Online)
  • Applied Bioengineering (Online)

phd law macquarie university

Jesuit School of Theology

JST offers a range of Masters degrees (including M.Div.) to students interested in preparing for a broad range of ministries and service to the church and world.

  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
  • Master of Theology (Th.M.)
  • Combined Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (M.Div./M.A.)

Ecclesiastical Degree Programs

  • Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.)
  • Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)
  • Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)

phd law macquarie university

Hybrid and fully online programs that meet students where they are. SCU Online provides increased flexibility while still promising a holistic Santa Clara education.

  • Online MBA
  • Online M.S. Marketing
  • Online M.S. Business Analytics
  • Online M.S. Finance and Analytics

School of Education & Counseling Psychology

  • Online Catholic M.A. Teaching and Teaching Credential (CATMAT)
  • Online Certificate in Applied Bioengineering
  • Online Certificate in Robotics and Automation 

College of Arts and Sciences - Pastoral Ministries

  • Online M.A. Pastoral Ministries
  • Online Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice & Chaplaincy
  • Online Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)

Pull quote illustration

"Santa Clara University's location in the heart of Silicon Valley combined with our innovative, flexible graduate programs will help position your career for life-long growth and impact."  

For all programs, Santa Clara is committed to providing a graduate education in which students will:

Demonstrate academic competence

Graduate students will demonstrate broad content knowledge and the ability to integrate and apply concepts from their course of study to professional situations.

Engage in creative and collaborative learning

Graduate students will innovate, collaborate, and communicate effectively with professionals and others in their discipline.

Enhance professional development

Graduate students will exhibit professionalism, consistent with the university's Jesuit mission that includes attention to ethics, integrity, and responsible engagement with their communities—professionally, locally, or globally.

International Agreements

  • NorthCap University, India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.
  • Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX : Santa Clara University does not discriminate in its employment practices or educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender. SCU also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internally or externally. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about noncompliance should be directed to  The Office or Equal Opportunity and Title IX . For a complete copy of the university's policy and more information, contact the university Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Secretary of Education within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

  • See all results

Bachelor of Laws

UAC CODE: 300160


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Build a double degree

Explore your options and complete two degrees in less time.


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    Macquarie Law School offers a dynamic research environment with excellent support systems to enhance our research capabilities. The School has research strengths across all areas of the law, with particular focus on: access to justice. corporate law. environmental, climate, energy and natural resources law. human rights. health and law. inclusion.

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    Following Columbia were the University of Pennsylvania with $261,400, the University of Chicago with $256,400, Cornell University with $249,300, Stanford University with $248,000 and Harvard ...

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  23. JD/MBA Program

    J.D./M.B.A. degree holders who seek employment outside the legal profession also benefit from the resources and facilities of the University Career Services. For More Information Contact: Law School Admissions Office Santa Clara University School of Law Santa Clara, CA 95053 408-554-5048 [email protected]. M.B.A. Program Leavey School of ...

  24. Graduate Programs

    Graduate students will innovate, collaborate, and communicate effectively with professionals and others in their discipline. Enhance professional development Graduate students will exhibit professionalism, consistent with the university's Jesuit mission that includes attention to ethics, integrity, and responsible engagement with their ...

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    The Graduate Certificate of Research in Medicine, Health and Human Sciences is a unique six-month research training course. ... Macquarie Law School; Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature; ... Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated ...

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    show submenu of PhD and research degrees PhD and research degrees. PhD and research degrees ; ... Macquarie Law School; Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature ... Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated, the Wallumattagal Clan of the ...