Guides to the university

2020-2021 a.y., master of science programs (2-y).


In compliance with the restrictions imposed regarding physical distancing and in consideration of the impossibility for some students to reach the campus, Bocconi University organized remote graduation sessions (December 2020 and April 2021). Moreover, when permitted by government provisions, graduations were held in blended form (October 2020) and in person with a limited number of remotely-connected students (July 2021).

The methods used for holding remote sessions are summarized in the document that was sent to graduating students and available here as an exemple ( ).

 According to the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the methods for holding graduation sessions that will be adopted starting in October 2021 will be communicated to students directly through the yoU@B Student Diary.

The rules and methods already in force and described in this chapter for the Graduation Application Procedure remain unchanged and must be complied with.

To be admitted to the graduation session students must earn all the credit points provided for in the program structure except for those credits of the thesis.

Students are awarded the degree after passing the Degree Final exam and after earning at least 120 credit points.

The thesis is worth 18-20 credit points according to the program structure of the MSc Program.

The thesis preparation is divided into the following phases:


Thesis content


In each Department students can request orientation when choosing the type of thesis to write.

As a general rule, the thesis is made of 50 pages (around 18.000 words) except for:

, made of about 150-200 pages (50,000-70,000 words); , which can be of variable length, up to about 150 pages (around 50,000 words); can consist in:


The can be downloaded, which has been written with the aim of providing support to students in writing the thesis.

If needed, any additional information on specific courses of a specific MSc Program can be provided by the Program Director and will come out when writing the thesis from the contact between Advisor and student.

We encourage you to carefully check the correct procedures for the use of citations in the above guide.

The University pays particular attention to the originality of the students’ thesis. It must be the result of a personal contribution, it must not be carried out with the aid of outside consulting firms, special attention must be paid to citations and the thesis must not contain texts taken from other sources. To this end, the University has adopted ad hoc software in order to verify the originality of the work.

Should copying of work be discovered, the student will be referred to the Disciplinary Board and appropriate measures will be taken.

Graduation application procedure

Students who do not complete all the phases of the graduation application procedure will not be admitted in the graduation session.

Bocconi University offers assistance at the Secretary’s Office of the Graduate School ( ).

Thesis title assignment

In case of selection of a Second Advisor, after entering the title into the IT procedure, students must complete the appropriate form ( ) which must be signed by the Advisor professor and returned to the Offices of the Graduate School by the deadline set for the graduation reservation.

Title entering procedures

Thesis title assignment can be made only if the student is enrolled in the second year of studies.

After having agreed upon the thesis title and type with the Advisor professor, the graduating student must:

" or "research thesis".

In case of a second advisor, the name must not be entered online, but communicated in accordance with the procedure described above.
The information entered online is immediately made available to the Advisor Professor who will continue with assignment of the thesis online.

Upon title assignment, the student will receive a notification via yoU@B Diary (To Do List and Notices widget) and can continue with the following phases of the graduation - application procedures.

NOTE: Title approval by the advisor professor is a compulsory requirement for making the graduation reservation. Therefore, we advise you to enter the title well in advance of the deadline for carrying out the graduation reservation (for deadlines see ).

Modifying the title of the thesis

If the student wishes to modify the data relating to the title entered only, he/she must use the function Graduation Application procedure>Change title: in this case, if already assigned, the final paper title assignment by the Advisor professor is still valid.
The student can change the title entered online until requesting approval from the Advisor professor: once the approval has been requested, the function ‘Change title’ will no longer be available. IMPORTANT: if the student wishes to change the thesis type (thesis-research thesis), he/she must cancel the title (see following paragraph) and repeat the whole title assignment procedure.

Cancelation of the title entered

If the student wishes to change the Advisor professor or change the thesis type, he/she must use the function Graduation application procedures>Cancel title: in this case, he/she must repeat the whole procedure of title entering and must wait for the title assignment from the new Advisor professor.

IMPORTANT: Students who continue with the cancelation of the title must also cancel any graduation reservation that may have been submitted. They must make a new graduation reservation after receiving the title from the new Advisor professor, within the deadlines.

Uploading non-definitive Thesis attachments

Only upon approval of the Advisor Professor after a specific request, can the student forward NON DEFINITIVE files of his/her work (e.g. chapters of temporary sections) by using the appropriate function ‘Thesis attachments - non definitive files’ available online in the Graduation>Application procedure function.
The attached files are made available to the professor.

IMPORTANT: uploading the files in the ‘Thesis attachment’ function DOES NOT replace the upload of the one definitive file which MUST be made in any case by using the function ‘Thesis title Information completion’>Thesis final attachment

Once the title has been assigned by the Advisor professor, the student can:

Graduation reservation the first graduation session available for students enrolled in the second year of studies in the 2020-2021 academic year will be held in July 2021.

Students can make the graduation reservation via the Student diary function "Graduation>Graduation-Application Procedure>Graduation Reservation" by reserving a graduation session from the Graduation Calendar.
Students can sit exams during this period. Students do not need to have passed all exams in order to make the graduation reservation, therefore, it is advisable to make the graduation reservation before the thesis upload.
When making the graduation reservation, the system will check online that both the student's financial and administrative positions(*) comply with the graduation session.

In addition, the system also checks that students:

*Students are suggested to pay the graduation fee around one month before making the graduation reservation (for details on the graduation fee, see 12.1 Other Costs).

For the purposes of normalizing the financial status:

For information on the financial status/payments to be completed, students are advised to verify with the Fees Funding and Housing Office

After registering, students are suggested to print out the related receipt via yoU@B Student Diary> Graduation Application Procedure> Print reservation.

In the days after the graduation reservation, students are:

After reserving a graduation session, students can no longer enroll in the new academic year unless they cancel the graduation session that they have reserved.
Students who no longer wish to graduate during the chosen graduation session should:

If the reservation is refused for the last graduation session available in the academic year (March/April session), the student must enroll in the new year.

After enrolling in the academic year and duly paying the fees and tuition due, a new graduation reservation can be completed through the student diary.

Thesis title information completion - uploading the final attachment

In addition, after the data entered have been confirmed, the student can upload the Definitive file - one single file - in the final version and in PDF format of his/her final paper.

The student must upload the definitive file by the deadlines specified in the graduation calendar published on the website .

Uploading the definitive thesis file

The definitive file of the Thesis must exclusively be uploaded through the Thesis Title - Information completion. The function "Thesis attachments - non definitive files" MUST NOT be considered as an alternative for uploading the definitive file of the thesis.

In addition, after the definitive file has been uploaded and approval has been requested online, changes are no longer possible.
The information entered and the final attachment of the thesis uploaded online will be made available immediately to be viewed by the Advisor professor.

1. the text of the abstract MUST BE entered in the box of the procedure and NOT copied and pasted from a file;
2. the definitive file, in PDF format (max 10 MB), must include 4 sheets as its first pages (see paragraph 10.3. Format specifications).

Approval request

The approval request must be carried out via yoU@B Diary upon selecting the function "Graduation>Application procedure>Request approval" by the dates specified in the graduation calendar published on the website at
Upon approval released by the Advisor professor, the student will receive a message on the yoU@B Diary and can consider the graduation application procedure correctly completed.

Format specifications

Format specifications for the thesis definitive file

The text of the work (table on contents, introduction, body, etc.) MUST start AFTER the 4 above described pages, page numbering included. The body of the thesis must not include a title page or abstract as it will be printed automatically and it will include the information on the title entered by the student online.

In addition, the following parameters must be respected:



The thesis must start on the right page (odd), because it will be printed on both sides.

The Bocconi University seal may not be used on the cover sheet or within the Thesis.

Format specifications for any support materials to the thesis oral defense

Graduation acceptance

Students will receive notification about acceptance to graduation via an online message sent to their yoU@B student Diaries, only if the above conditions are respected and all the criteria to graduate have been fulfilled. 
The thesis presentation agenda (day, time, room and Degree Assessment Board) can be checked in the yoU@B student Diary around 10 days prior to the presentation.

Degree Assessment Boards

Graduation and awarding of the graduation grade

Upon completion of the presentation the candidate exits; the Board then determines the student's graduation grade.

The overall classification is expressed out of 110.
The graduation grade is calculated as follows:


: from 0 to 8 points (out of 110) for the thesis quality and thesis oral defense; : from 0 to 5 points (out of 110) for the thesis quality and thesis oral defense; for graduation within the first two sessions, only for students enrolled in the second year of studies as regular students in corso (July and October)

In any case, the total maximum number of points for a research thesis plus completion of studies within the first two sessions cannot be more than 8 points.

Students pass the final exam if they obtain a grade of at least 66.

With reference to the "GPA" it should be noted that:

With reference to the quality of thesis and defense:

In the graduating student's presence, the Board will proclaim that the student has graduated and announce the graduation grade.

Graduation session ” section. In that section, students can also check:

Useful information will be delivered by the President of the Degree Assessment Board at the same time as the graduation announcement. defense will be available on the yoU@B student Diary in the month following the graduation session. Please note that such pictures (no more than 15) are free of charge.

Self-declarations and degree certifications

Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Italian Studies MA Thesis Work Plan

Writing a Master’s Thesis is a long-term project that requires independence, intense commitment, careful planning and constant communication between the student, the Thesis Advisor and the DGS.

Students should become familiar with the research conducted by the faculty members of the department and start thinking of a possible thesis topic even before the beginning of their courses. By the end of the first semester, students are assigned an advisor and begin reading primary and secondary sources in their fields. By May 15th, they must submit a 500-word proposal in which they explain the choice of the thesis topic, provide a preliminary outline of the work, and list a substantial bibliography.

By September 30th of their second year students must have a title and write 1500-word proposal. The proposal must be written in both English and Italian. They must turn the proposal in to the graduate school using the Thesis proposal form .

Students are expected to consult and meet regularly with their advisors, who will foster effective thesis writing techniques, recommend appropriate resources, and establish deadlines for the submission of different sections of the thesis. Students who miss these deadlines or submit substandard work do not make satisfactory progress towards the completion of their degree.

The final manuscript must be submitted electronically to the Director of Graduate Studies and the Thesis Advisor by April 10th. All pages should be numbered, except for the front page and the table of contents.

The front page should contain the thesis title, the phrase “A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Arts in Italian, Georgetown University,” the expected semester and year of graduation, the candidate’s name and the advisor’s name.

The second page should contain the table of contents. For footnotes, endnotes and citation standards, students should follow a standard scholarly format like the MLA Handbook or the Chicago Manual of Style.

Please refer to the guidelines on the Graduate School webpage.                       

Students are also required to give a presentation before a small group of faculty members and peers. During the presentation (“defense”), which should last from fifteen to twenty minutes, students must discuss their methodology, the distinctive features of their work, and the results they have achieved. They may choose whether to use programs such as Power Point or Prezi. The Faculty will ask additional questions and evaluate both the presentation and the thesis in order to decide whether pass it and to award the “distinction.”  In case additional changes are necessary, students must submit the revised version to their advisors to get the final approval.

The research standards and expectations for a Master’s Thesis are very high. A student who receives a distinction is supposed to have performed at the highest possible level. The Master’s Thesis is expected to provide evidence of original research and strong analytical skills. Students should carefully investigate what the existing scholarship has produced on their topics, and offer innovative and sophisticated arguments in a well-defined theoretical framework.

After successfully defending their theses, students are responsible for turning in the following forms to the Graduate School:

  • EDT form  
  • MA Thesis reviewer’s report
  • MA Thesis cover sheet

“Examination Report Form (the DGS will obtain this from the Graduate School”

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The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases.

thesis advisor in italiano

Glossary entry (derived from question below)

English term or phrase:, thesis coordinator/ thesis advisor, italian translation:, relatore/correlatore, english term.

thesis advisor in italiano

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4 +5

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Scientific/Literary Mothertongue

Works in: English to Italian, Italian to English, French to Italian, and 2 more.

agree : sono d'accordo
agree : motivazioni valide
neutral : anch'io inizialmente avevo pensato a questi 2 termini, ma sul frontespizio di diverse tesi compare, oltre al relatore e al correlatore, il coordinatore. Bisognerebbe sapere se nel testo di Alessia c'è un'altra figura (il correlatore, appunto).
non so bene, ri-ripeto, però non credo proprio che si possa fare a meno di un correlatore, mentre il coordinatore secondo me può forse riguardare i progetti di ricerca di tesi di dottorato, ma più difficilmente una tesi di laurea

Something went wrong...

thesis advisor in italiano

Works in: German to Italian, Romanian to Italian, English to Italian, and 1 more.

coordinatore / relatore

agree : agree

thesis advisor in italiano

solve it now & do 3 things at a time...

Works in: English to Italian, French to Italian

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Thesis advisor

  • Thread starter AnotherGuiri
  • Start date Jul 16, 2021


  • Jul 16, 2021

How would you say thesis advisor in Spanish? Specifically, I'm looking for the word for the main point person (a professor) who helped me through my undergraduate thesis. Thanks!  


Senior Member

Director de tesis.  

Amapolas said: Director de tesis. Click to expand...


Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

  • Jul 17, 2021

I've also heard "tutor."  


Tamara lacayo barquero.

  • Jul 21, 2021
AnotherGuiri said: How would you say thesis advisor in Spanish? Specifically, I'm looking for the word for the main point person (a professor) who helped me through my undergraduate thesis. Thanks! Click to expand...

En México es asesor metodológico (al menos en algunas universidades, no sé si en todas)  

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thesis advisor

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thesis and research advisor.

co-relatore di tesi di laurea.

Last Update: 2018-02-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality:

Last Update: 2018-02-13 Usage Frequency: 19 Quality: Warning: This alignment may be wrong. Please delete it you feel so.

tesi di dottorato

controtesi 1.

thesis statement

Last Update: 2011-09-11 Usage Frequency: 15 Quality: Reference: Wikipedia

in the first place, he was unable to serve as primo levi’s thesis advisor for bureaucratic reasons. in the second place, research revealed that he was a committed anti-fascist, a strenuous opponent of the regime of that time and of its anti-semitic policies.

non solo egli, per questioni burocratiche, non avrebbe potuto essere relatore della tesi di primo levi, ma dalle ricerche condotte è emerso che il professore, pur assai temuto dai suoi studenti, era un convinto antifascista, strenuo avversario del regime del tempo e della sua politica antisemita.

Last Update: 2018-02-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Wikipedia

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thesis advisor in italiano

Dissertation Advisor 101

How to get the most from the student-supervisor relationship

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | January 2024

Many students feel a little intimidated by the idea of having to work with a research advisor (or supervisor) to complete their dissertation or thesis. Similarly, many students struggle to “connect” with their advisor and feel that the relationship is somewhat strained or awkward. But this doesn’t need to be the case!

In this post, we’ll share five tried and tested tips to help you get the most from this relationship and pave the way for a smoother dissertation writing process.

Overview: Working With Your Advisor

  • Clarify everyone’s roles on day one
  • Establish (and stick to) a regular communication cycle
  • Develop a clear project plan upfront
  • Be proactive in engaging with problems
  • Navigate conflict like a diplomat

1. Clarify roles on day one

Each university will have slightly different expectations, rules and norms in terms of the research advisor’s role. Similarly, each advisor will have their own unique way of doing things. So, it’s always a good idea to begin the engagement process by clearly defining the roles and expectations in your relationship.

In practical terms, we suggest that you initiate a conversation at the very start of the engagement to discuss your goals, their expectations, and how they would like to work with you. Of course, you might not like what you hear in this conversation. However, this sort of candid conversation will help you get on the same page as early as possible and set the stage for a successful partnership.

To help you get started, here are some questions that you might consider asking in your initial conversation:

  • How often would you like to meet and for how long?
  • What should I do to prepare for each meeting?
  • What aspects of my work will you comment on (and what won’t you cover)?
  • Which key decisions should I seek your approval for beforehand?
  • What common mistakes should I try to avoid from the outset?
  • How can I help make this partnership as effective as possible?
  • My academic goals are… Do you have any suggestions at this stage to help me achieve this?

As you can see, these types of questions help you get a clear idea of how you’ll work together and how to get the most from the relatively limited face time you’ll have.

Need a helping hand?

thesis advisor in italiano

2. Establish a regular communication cycle

Just like in any relationship, effective communication is crucial to making the student-supervisor relationship work. So, you should aim to establish a regular meeting schedule and stick to it. Don’t cancel or reschedule appointments with your advisor at short notice, or do anything that suggests you don’t value their time. Fragile egos are not uncommon in the academic world, so it’s important to clearly demonstrate that you value and respect your supervisor’s time and effort .

Practically speaking, be sure to prepare for each meeting with a clear agenda , including your progress, challenges, and any questions you have. Be open and honest in your communication, but most importantly, be receptive to your supervisor’s feedback . Ultimately, part of their role is to tell you when you’re missing the mark. So, don’t become upset or defensive when they criticise a specific aspect of your work.

Always remember that your research advisor is criticising your work, not you personally . It’s never easy to take negative feedback, but this is all part of the learning journey that takes place alongside the research journey.

Fragile egos are not uncommon in the academic world, so it’s important to demonstrate that you value and respect your advisor’s time.

3. Have a clear project plan

Few things will impress your supervisor more than a well-articulated, realistic plan of action (aka, a project plan). Investing the time to develop this shows that you take your project (and by extension, the relationship) seriously. It also helps your supervisor understand your intended timeline, which allows the two of you to better align your schedules .

In practical terms, you need to develop a project plan with achievable goals . A detailed Gantt chart can be a great way to do this. Importantly, you’ll need to break down your thesis or dissertation into a collection of practical, manageable steps , and set clear timelines and milestones for each. Once you’ve done that, you should regularly review and adjust this plan with your supervisor to ensure that you remain on track.

Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll stick to your plan 100% of the time (there are always unexpected twists and turns in a research project. However, this plan will lay a foundation for effective collaboration between yourself and your supervisor. An imperfect plan beats no plan at all.

Gantt chart for a dissertation

4. Engage with problems proactively

One surefire way to quickly annoy your advisor is to pester them every time you run into a problem in your dissertation or thesis. Unexpected challenges are par for the course when it comes to research – how you deal with them is what makes the difference.

When you encounter a problem, resist the urge to immediately send a panicked email to your supervisor – no matter how massive the issue may seem (at the time). Instead, take a step back and assess the situation as holistically as possible. Force yourself to sit with the issue for at least a few hours to ensure that you have a clear, accurate assessment of the issue at hand. In most cases, a little time, distance and deep breathing will reveal that the problem is not the existential threat it initially seemed to be.

When contacting your supervisor, you should ideally present both the problem and one or two potential solutions . The latter is the most important part here. In other words, you need to show that you’ve engaged with the issue and applied your mind to finding potential solutions. Granted, your solutions may miss the mark. However, providing some sort of solution beats impulsively throwing the problem at your supervisor and hoping that they’ll save the day.

Simply put, mishaps and mini-crises in your research journey present an opportunity to demonstrate your initiative and problem-solving skills – not a reason to lose your cool and outsource the problem to your supervisor.

5. Navigate conflict like a diplomat 

As with any partnership, there’s always the possibility of some level of disagreement or conflict arising within the student-supervisor relationship. Of course, you can drastically reduce the likelihood of this happening by implementing some of the points we mentioned earlier. Neverthless, if a serious disagreement does arise between you and your supervisor, it’s absolutely essential that you approach it with professionalism and respect . Never let it escalate into a shouting contest.

In practical terms, it’s important to communicate your concerns as they arise (don’t let things simmer for too long). Simultaneously, it’s essential that you remain open to understanding your supervisor’s perspective – don’t become entrenched in your position. After all, you are the less experienced researcher within this duo.

Keep in mind that a lot of context is lost in text-based communication , so it can often be a good idea to schedule a short call to discuss your concerns or points of contention, rather than sending a 3000-word email essay. When going this route, be sure to take the time to prepare a clear, cohesive argument beforehand – don’t just “thought vomit” on your supervisor.

In the event that you do have a significant disagreement with your advisor, remember that the goal is to find a solution that serves your project (not your ego). This often requires compromise and flexibility. A “win at all costs” mindset is definitely not suitable here. Ultimately, you need to solve the problem, while still maintaining the relationship .

If you feel that you have already exhausted all possible avenues and still can’t find an acceptable middle ground, you can of course reach out to your university to ask for their assistance. However, this should be the very last resort . Running to your university every time there’s a small disagreement will not serve you well.

Communicate your concerns as they arise and remain open to understanding your supervisor's perspective. They are the expert, after all.

Recap: Key Takeaways

To sum up, a fruitful student-supervisor relationship hinges on clear role definition , effective and regular communication , strategic planning , proactive engagement , and professional conflict resolution .

Remember, your dissertation supervisor is there to help you, but you still need to put in the work . In many cases, they’ll also be the first marker of your work, so it really pays to put in the effort and build a strong, functional relationship with them.

thesis advisor in italiano

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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Translation of "thesis" into Italian

tesi, tema, dissertazione are the top translations of "thesis" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: Have you decided the subject of your thesis? ↔ Ha deciso il suo soggetto di tesi?

A statement supported by arguments. [..]

English-Italian dictionary

written essay submitted for a university degree [..]

Have you decided the subject of your thesis ?

Ha deciso il suo soggetto di tesi ?

statement supported by arguments

Wrote a thesis on him in school.

Ci ha scritto un tema a scuola.


Less frequent translations

  • discettazione
  • tesi di dottorato
  • tesi di laurea

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Automatic translations of " thesis " into Italian

Phrases similar to "thesis" with translations into italian.

  • arsis and thesis arsi e tesi
  • diploma thesis tesi · tesi di laurea
  • habilitation thesis tesi di abilitazione
  • graduation thesis tesi
  • Lancia Thesis Lancia Thesis
  • master's thesis tesi magistrale
  • degree thesis tesi di laurea
  • doctoral thesis tesi · tesi di dottorato · tesi di laurea

Translations of "thesis" into Italian in sentences, translation memory

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This subreddit is for discussing academic life, and for asking questions directed towards people involved in academia, (both science and humanities).

In a Masters or PhD program, does your advisor edit your thesis or dissertation at all?

I got into an argument/debate about this recently. Apparently people think your advisor shouldn't edit your dissertation or thesis at all because it's your work.

In all of my experience and asking people who have completed their MS or PhD, advisors always edit the document to some extent - pointing out errors, proofreading, making suggestions, etc. e.g. I write chapter 1, he edits it while I write chapter 2, and then when he's done, I'll accept or reject his changes for chapter 1 and it's done.

Is this not common?

I honestly don't know what's normal.

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advisor translation | English-Italian dictionary

thesis advisor in italiano

advisory , adviser , advise , advisable


Go to the faculty advisor, plead special circumstances. Vai dal consulente scolastico e chiedi di applicare le circostanze speciali.
You could pose as technical advisor. Tu potresti fingere di essere un consulente tecnico.
European liberals have lost their advisor. I liberali europei hanno perso il loro advisor.
Your mother was always my most faithful advisor... Tua madre è sempre stata il mio consigliere più fidato...
I recently lost my most trusted advisor to treachery. Recentemente, ho perso il mio più fidato consigliere per tradimento.
Because our queen chose me as her advisor. Perché la nostra regina mi ha scelto come suo consigliere.

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The Bull Thesis for Recursion Pharmaceuticals Stock Just Got Stronger. Here's Why.

  • Recursion Pharmaceuticals is merging with Exscientia.
  • The new entity will have the backing of quite a few big names in pharma.
  • It'll also have an even more capable drug discovery and development platform.
  • Motley Fool Issues Rare “All In” Buy Alert


Recursion pharmaceuticals.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals Stock Quote

Merging with a former rival will bolster its capabilities.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals ( RXRX 1.23% ) and Exscientia ( EXAI -1.88% ) made waves on Aug. 8 when they announced plans to merge into one business, forming the world's largest biotech devoted to doing drug development empowered by artificial intelligence (AI). The deal is expected to close sometime in early 2025. And now the bull thesis for Recursion's stock is more formidable than it was before.

Here's what you need to know about what this merger is going to accomplish for shareholders, and why it's probably going to be a net positive in the long run.

The merged player will have plenty of resources and near-term catalysts

There are a handful of upsides to Recursion merging with Exscientia.

First, all of Exscientia's pipeline programs will become Recursion's, which gives it that many more opportunities to commercialize a medicine and start to generate revenue for the first time.

As both are currently dependent on their collaborators to pay milestone fees to help with the costs of research and development (R&D) , they'll now both get the benefit of the other's benefactors. Those include powerful international pharma companies like Bayer , Roche , Bristol Myers Squibb , and Sanofi , as well as preeminent AI hardware company Nvidia . It's difficult to overstate the importance of having such a deep roster of allies across multiple domains of medicine and information technology.

In terms of the new company's pipeline, the focus will be on a combination of rare-disease therapies and precision oncology treatments, with a secondary emphasis on drugs for infectious diseases. There's no overlap between the pipelines of the two companies, and right now there don't appear to be any plans to jettison any programs during the merger.

Combining the two biotechs' pipelines opens the door to improvements in shareholder value each time favorable clinical trial data is published. Per management's estimate, the pair have as many as 10 readouts to look forward to within the next 18 months. Four programs are now in phase 2 clinical trials, so it might only be a couple more years until Recursion has a shot at commercializing something.

The new entity combining Exscientia and Recursion will keep Recursion's name, as well as its CEO, Chris Gibson, who is trained as a scientist. Exscientia's interim CEO, David Hallett, will become chief scientific officer (CSO). That job shift is a bit of an oddity, but it isn't bad by any means, considering that he's also trained as a scientist. With these two experienced leaders at the helm, it's likely that the Recursion brain trust will punch far above its weight.

Critically, the merger will also result in a well-capitalized business that won't need to issue new shares or take out fresh debt for a while. On top of the estimated $100 million in cost synergies that are anticipated, the new company will have around $850 million in cash, equivalents, and short-term investments. That means it's set for cash through at least the start of 2027.

Key questions still need answering, and that will take awhile

There are a lot of reasons to be optimistic about the new Recursion, but the reality is that these two biotechs are in uncharted waters in more than one sense, and the new business will be quite risky, just like the old ones.

The main driver of these risks is that no competitor has yet proven that using AI and other advanced information technologies can actually make developing drugs cheaper, faster, or more reliable. Nor is there evidence that medicines created with these methods will be safer or more effective than drugs with traditional origins. And while the presence of many powerful collaborators looking to get a slice of the action is a positive sign, there's no definitive proof yet that they'll actually gain value by partnering with Recursion. It's questionable whether the big fish will stick around if setbacks in clinical trials start to pile up.

Still, given the newly augmented capabilities that Recursion will have next year, the odds of success are in its favor for now. With so many shots on goal lined up, so many collaborators, so much cash, and probably the largest concentration of AI-based drug development experts in the world, the bull thesis is now stronger than ever.

If you can accept the relatively high level of risk, it's worth picking up a few shares sooner rather than later.

Alex Carchidi has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bristol Myers Squibb and Nvidia. The Motley Fool recommends Roche Ag. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

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Purdue University Graduate School


Impact of indigestible protein on broiler chickens and pigs

Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Animal Sciences

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Additional committee member 2, additional committee member 3, additional committee member 4, usage metrics.

  • Animal nutrition

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WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2024:

(government expert) ( )consigliere, consulente
 Advisors to the president all told her to support the treaty.
 Tutti i consiglieri della presidente le dissero di appoggiare il trattato.
([sb] who guides students) ( )tutor
 I have an appointment with my advisor about colleges.
 Ho un appuntamento col mio tutor per parlare di sedi universitarie.
(counselor) ( )counselor
 Martha spoke to an advisor about the harassment she had experienced at work.
 Martha ha parlato con un counselor in merito alle molestie ricevute sul luogo di lavoro.
(coach, instructor)istruttore, coach
([sb] who gives advice) ( )consigliere
 In Shakespeare's play, Iago is Othello's trusted advisor, but plots to destroy him.
 Nel dramma shakespeariano, Iago è il consigliere insoddisfatto di Otello che, però, cospira per ucciderlo.

WordReference English- Italiano Dictionary © 2024:

 Your school's counselor can help with career advice.
 Il consulente della vostra scuola potrà darvi suggerimenti sul mondo del lavoro.
(talk therapist)consulente
 When we had problems in our marriage, we went to a counselor who helped us resolve them.
 Quando abbiamo avuto dei problemi nel nostro matrimonio, siamo andati da un consulente matrimoniale che ci ha aiutato a discutere i problemi.
(lawyer)avvocato, legale
: In the US and Ireland this term can refer to a legal adviser.
 He dismissed his counselor in the middle of the trial.
 Ha revocato il mandato al suo avvocato nel bel mezzo del processo.

([sb] giving vocational advice in schools)consulente per l'orientamento professionale
(senior advice-giver)consulente capo
 Your school's counselor can help with career advice.
 Il consulente della vostra scuola potrà darvi suggerimenti sul mondo del lavoro.
([sb] who gives financial guidance)consulente finanziario
([sb] who sells investments)consulente finanziario
(law: [sb] giving advice)consulente legale, consulente giuridico
([sb] consulted on practical details)perito, tecnico, esperto, consulente tecnico

Forum discussions with the word(s) 'advisor' in the title: Discussioni nei forum nel cui titolo è presente la parola 'advisor':

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NOAA Fisheries emblem

Graduate Student Interns Aboard a Research Vessel 130 Miles Out at Sea

August 19, 2024

Southern Connecticut State University graduate student Abby Lucas recounts her path to collecting environmental DNA samples in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument.

Person wearing a blue shirt and black shorts sitting on a boat looking out into the ocean, holding a camera.

I am a Master’s student in Southern Connecticut State University’s Integrative Biological Diversity Program. I have worked at the university’s Werth Center for Coastal and Marine Studies throughout undergraduate and graduate school. I participated in many studies there, including field work onshore and on the water in coastal New England. Through the center, I met my Master’s thesis advisor Emma Cross, a professor and the center’s co-director. I first learned about environmental DNA while assisting in her lab’s field project, monitoring biodiversity near aquaculture sites using eDNA metabarcoding.

Through networking I connected with Fish Biologist Yuan Liu of NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center, who leads their eDNA program. I reached out to learn more about how Yuan’s career path and experience helped her reach the position she has now. During this meeting, Yuan mentioned that she needed help carrying out her eDNA sampling on an upcoming research cruise and asked if I would be willing to assist her. The answer was a no-brainer—YES!

This internship experience is directly contributing to my success as a graduate student and beyond. I am also receiving internship course credit which counts toward my Master’s degree.

Two women standing side by side smiling at the camera while on a boat in the middle of an ocean, the sky is blue and pink.

Where did we go and why?

We set out aboard the R/V Connecticut toward the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, 130 miles off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This is the only Marine National Monument in the Atlantic. Scientists from NOAA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Connecticut, and Mystic Aquarium partnered to study this area over time. They use multiple methods to measure biodiversity, how animals interact with living and nonliving members of the ecosystem, and community changes over time. The chief scientist of this expedition, Peter Auster from the University of Connecticut, describes the monument as an ocean wilderness, and it is teeming with marine life.

Two women monitoring a small machine pump connected to a CTD Rosette aboard a boat.

eDNA Sampling

We collected Yuan’s water samples for environmental DNA analysis using a Conductivity Temperature and Depth rosette. These tools have multiple Niskin bottles rigged onto a frame (the Rosette) and are lowered into the ocean as deep as its cable could reach. At the desired conductivity, temperature or depth, Niskin bottles were triggered to close and capture a water sample. I participated in the filtering process on this cruise, in which we used a Smith-Root eDNA Sampler to pump water collected in Niskin bottles through filters. These filters have very small holes, or pores, which allow water to pass. Any particulates bigger than the pore size get stuck on the filter. This portable eDNA sampler is the first of its kind. Other methods to filter eDNA seawater samples include vacuum pumps or peristaltic pumps. All three filtration methods produce trustworthy results, but the applications of each are different. For maximizing efficiency of time and space aboard research vessels, the Smith-Root eDNA Sampler works very well.

sun setting on the ocean horizon, sky is bright orange and ocean is reflecting pink hues.

Life Aboard an R/V

This was my first research cruise spanning more than a day and I was curious how I would like it. I have done plenty of work on boats without getting seasick but that worry was on my mind. I was given great advice from the veteran scientists I sailed with: look at the horizon while on the boat, have motion sickness medication at the ready, and usually the first day is the worst for motion sickness. It goes away as the body adjusts.

It was a privilege to sail with so many incredible scientists and educators. The experience of seeing scientists of varying career stages share the same sustained level of passion and excitement for the ocean has inspired me in countless ways. There were a slew of moments when everyone paused to admire gelatinous organisms that were freshly collected, or video footage from scuba diving. This was a once in a lifetime experience which I am grateful to have under my belt. I look forward to the next time I get to go on a research expedition.

Meet the Blogger

Abigail Lucas sitting above ocean, purple lupine behind her.

Abigail Lucas

Abby is a graduate student at SCSU. She is studying biodiversity changes over time in marine environments using environmental DNA metabarcoding. She is always eager to get out on the water and in the field to conduct research, as she loves taking on the challenges which come with unpredictable fieldwork. When not at school or work Abby can be found enjoying the sunset at the beach.

More Information

  • Environmental DNA at NOAA Fisheries
  • Population and Ecosystems Monitoring and Analysis in the Northeasta

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    adviser n. (government expert) (governo) consigliere, consulente nm. Advisors to the president all told her to support the treaty. Tutti i consiglieri della presidente le dissero di appoggiare il trattato. advisor, adviser n. ( [sb] who guides students) (università) tutor nm.

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    I have worked at the university's Werth Center for Coastal and Marine Studies throughout undergraduate and graduate school. I participated in many studies there, including field work onshore and on the water in coastal New England. Through the center, I met my Master's thesis advisor Emma Cross, a professor and the center's co-director.