College of Education & Human Development

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

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Department of educational foundations & leadership.

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership is designed to provide prospective and current school principals, superintendents, central office personnel, state department policy types and others in significant leadership positions a background in the principles of leadership and research. The aim is to prepare you to analyze and solve the types of problems that you are likely to encounter when leading and managing modern complex organizations in either educational or non-educational contexts. 

There are four concentrations in the Educational Foundations and Leadership program.

Educational Leadership, Ed.D., Higher Education Administration Concentration

Educational Leadership, Ed.D., K-12 Concentration

Educational Leadership, Ed.D., Curriculum Leadership Concentration

Educational Leadership, Ed.D., Exceptional Learner Concentration

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    University of Louisiana Lafayette
  Sep 10, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog    
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Doctor of Education degree (Ed.D.) is a collaborative degree program offered by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Southeastern Louisiana University.

Ed.D. Programs in Louisiana

Planning on a doctorate in education in Louisiana? Our practical guide to the state's Ed.D. programs was built for you. Along with comprehensive listings, you'll find sections devoted to online LA doctorates in education, the EDL certification process, Ed.D. funding, administrative careers & salaries, and so much more!

Earning a Doctor of Education Degree in Louisiana

Louisiana has an intriguing mix of doctoral programs in education. In our school listings , you’ll discover joint offerings from ULL and SLU, online Ed.D. programs with unique concentrations, and at least one Ed.D. that can help prepare you for EDL certification . On the minus side, there isn’t a great deal of internal funding for these programs. On the plus side, tuition rates are often reasonable.

You can confirm our statements by following the curricula & cost links in our school listings . Once you’ve decided on a program, have a look at our career section . This contains reports on Louisiana administrative jobs and wages (including salary data for specific K-12 schools), links to LA-specific job boards, and links to important associations (e.g. LASE). You may even want to use the section on conferences & training programs to plan your professional development calendar.

Online Doctor of Education Programs in Louisiana

Online ed.d. providers in louisiana.

  • Grambling State University (CAEP-accredited)
  • Northwestern State University of Louisiana (CAEP-accredited)
  • University of Louisiana-Monroe (CAEP-accredited)
  • Xavier University of Louisiana (CAEP-accredited)

What to Know About Louisiana Online Ed.D. Programs

Most online doctorates in education in Louisiana are from CAEP-accredited public schools, although we did discover one intriguing private option. In particular, we noticed that:

  • Schools of Education are playing to their strengths by developing Ed.D. programs with unusual specialties (e.g. developmental learning, urban education, etc.).
  • In all Louisiana public universities, online tuition for Ed.D. programs is the same for in-state and out-of-state students. That’s not always the case in other states.

Note: Our overview of online doctoral programs in education contains a complete listing of online Ed.D. degrees in all fifty states.

Online Ed.D. Programs at Public Louisiana Universities

If you need a “traditional” program, ULM’s 60-credit Online Doctor of Education, Curriculum & Instruction is short, sweet, and 100% online. You can finish it in around two years via eight-week terms. The curriculum tackles the usual subjects in K-12 and higher education administration. But you’ll also have the option to write a dissertation OR three research articles. And tuition is very reasonable for an Ed.D. program.

Focused on adult learners? NSU’s 63-credit Online Doctor of Education in Adult Learning and Development has two concentrations: Community College Leadership and Adult Learning & Workforce Development. Plus you can customize the degree even further with electives and an individual practicum at a chosen site. Credit transfers are available for previous graduate work and tuition is super-low.

Interested in serving non-traditional learners? Grambling’s 60-credit Online Ed.D. in Developmental Education is a 100% online version of a campus program that’s been offered since 2008. The Department of Educational Leadership specializes in developmental topics, so that’s what you’ll see reflected in the curriculum—a focus on counseling, administration, management, and instructional design skills. We like the fact that a) you can choose a career-focused option; b) there’s an administrative internship.

Online Ed.D. Programs at Private Louisiana Universities

Or you can go private with Xavier University of Louisiana, the first historically black Roman Catholic institution of higher education in the U.S. It has a unique, 60-credit Online/Hybrid Ed.D. in Educational Leadership that’s focused on urban education and school turnaround.

Although the majority of coursework for this Ed.D. is online, classes are held on campus for two weeks in the summer. One bonus of the curriculum? You’ll be able to work on a directed project that relates to your research studies. Xavier is a private school, so doctoral tuition is higher than Louisiana’s public options. But it’s not exorbitant.

Doctoral Education Funding in Louisiana

Internal scholarships, fellowships & awards.

For this section, we focused on institutional aid—internal scholarships for the Ed.D., graduate assistantships, and the like. Louisiana colleges & universities don’t have a lot of doctoral funding in this category, so we recommend you talk to the Graduate College and/or the Financial Office about external opportunities (e.g. federal & private loans, outside fellowships, tuition reimbursement from work, etc.).

Grambling State University

The School of Graduate Studies has info on Graduate Assistantships , and the Office of Financial Aid has advice on external aid. Just be aware that GSU’s Ed.D. is now 100% online.

Louisiana Tech University

The College of Education has a list of COE Graduate Scholarships , but we didn’t see anything specific for Ed.D. students. The Graduate School also has a section on Financial Assistance , with details on graduate assistantships and campus employment.

Northwestern State University of Louisiana

The Graduate School has info on Graduate Assistantships , but again, this is another case where the Ed.D. is online. Distance learning students are eligible for traditional Financial Aid .

Southeastern Louisiana University

SLU’s Ed.D. has an unusual model—it’s a joint program with ULL and it involves cohorts with regional placements. So we recommend you check with the Ed.D. program coordinator about SLU aid possibilities and/or eligibility for College of Education Scholarships .

The Office of Graduate Studies also has a general section on Financial Aid , with info on Graduate Assistantships . According to the Ed.D. program page , students who take six or more hours per semester are eligible to be awarded a graduate assistantship and/or graduate fellowship.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

ULL’s degree is offered jointly with SLU, so talk to the Ed.D. program coordinator about your options. In particular, here are some funds you may want to inquire about:

  • The Department of Educational Foundations & Leadership’s Scholarships and Assistantships .
  • The College of Education (COE)’s Financial Aid & Scholarships .
  • The Graduate School’s Assistantships, Fellowships & Other Funding Opportunities , including the Teacher Tuition Incentive Program and the Robert Elliot May Graduate Resident Tuition Fellowship.

Note: If a university name is missing from the list, we didn’t find specific examples of Ed.D. funding beyond private & federal loans and external aid.

Educational Leader Certification Requirements in Louisiana

Edl certification.

The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) handles certification for public school administrators. On the LDOE’s Teach Louisiana website, you’ll find a section devoted to Leadership Preparation . Educational Leader: Level 1 certification (EDL 1) is needed for various leadership positions, including:

  • Principal or Assistant Principal
  • Parish or City Supervisor of Instruction
  • Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance
  • Special Education Supervisor
  • Comparable School/District Leader Positions

Educational Leader Level 3 certification (EDL 3) is required to serve as a school system superintendent or assistant superintendent. We’ve outlined EDL requirements below, but we recommend you take a close look at the Educational Leader Application in the Certification Application Packets section.

If you already hold a master’s degree, you may be interested in pursuing a post-master’s qualification for EDL 1 certification (i.e. through an Alternate Pathway). LDOE has a list of approved preparation programs ; at least one Ed.D. program in our school listings qualifies (e.g. LTU’s Ed.D. in Educational Leadership – P-12 Concentration). When in doubt, check with the Ed.D. program coordinator.

Note: The Certification Application Packets section also has instructions for out-of-state applicants (e.g. principals and superintendents).

Educational Leader Certificate Level 1 (EDL 1)

You can take four paths to the EDL 1—all outlined on Leadership Preparation . In the Master’s Degree path, you would have to:

  • Hold—or be eligible to hold—a valid Louisiana Type B or Level 2 teaching certificate or have a comparable level out-of-state teaching certificate.
  • Have three years of teaching experience in your area of certification.
  • Complete a competency-based master’s degree preparation program in the area of educational leadership from a regionally-accredited institution of higher education.
  • Achieve a passing score on the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) from ETS.

If you already hold a master’s degree, have a look at Alternate Pathways 1 & 2. Regardless of the pathway, the EDL 1 is valid for three years and may be extended for a period of one year (limit of two extensions).

Educational Leader Certificate Level 2 (EDL 2)

To progress from EDL 1 to EDL 2, you must:

  • Hold a valid Level I Educational Leader certificate, Louisiana provisional principal certification, or a comparable level out-of-state educational leader certificate.
  • Have three years of educational leadership experience
  • Meet the LDOE’s standards of effectiveness.

The EDL 2 is valid for five years and may be renewed.

Educational Leader Certificate Level 3 (EDL 3)

As we mentioned, EDL 3 is required to serve as a school system superintendent or assistant superintendent. To earn it, you must:

  • Hold a valid Louisiana Level 2 Educational Leader certificate or one of the Louisiana administrative/supervisory certifications that preceded the 2006 Educational Leadership Certification structure.
  • Have five years of teaching experience in your area of certification.
  • Have five years of successful administrative or management experience in education at the level of assistant principal or above. (The assistant principal experience would be limited to a maximum of two years of experience in that position).
  • Achieve a passing score on the School Superintendent Assessment (SSA) , in keeping with state requirements.

The EDL 3 is valid for five years and may be renewed.

Educational Leadership Jobs in Louisiana

Educational leadership career outlook.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) keeps a watchful eye on employment & salary data for elementary & secondary school education administrators and postsecondary education administrators in every state. Better yet, it maps these statistics.

For example, you’ll find a fair number of K-12 education administrators in Louisiana—the state often employs more than its neighbors, Mississippi and Arkansas. It also has a high concentration of these jobs, especially in the Central Louisiana non-metropolitan area.

LDOE’s Data Center is a treasure trove of info on K-12 public schools, with reports on performance, enrollment data, school system attributes, and more. If you look up an individual school report in the section on School Financial Data , you can view staff numbers, average salaries, and staff degree levels at a glance. Louisiana Report Cards are published on the Louisiana School Finder.

It’s a different story for postsecondary education administrators. Like its neighbors, Louisiana doesn’t have a huge number of colleges & universities, and it shows in the employment levels. Having said that, the Hammond LA metropolitan area—home to Southeastern Louisiana University—often registers as having a high concentration of jobs.

The Louisiana Board of Regents has a useful section devoted to Data & Publications , with all kinds of stats on LA public colleges & universities. In the LA Board of Regents’ Higher Education State Fact Book , you’ll find a summary of each institution, with actual head counts for Executive/Management and Other Professional Staff.

Educational Leadership Salaries

You can view mean wage data for four types of LA education administrators in the BLS’s page on State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates for Louisiana . Or you can check the maps for K-12 education administrators and postsecondary education administrators . Like Mississippi and Arkansas, Louisiana is often in the bottom wage bracket.

  • Want more specifics on K-12? See the individual school reports in LDOE’s section on School Financial Data . Each report lists average salaries for various staff categories (e.g. Functional Area: School Administration).
  • Interested in higher education? Every year, the LA Board of Regents posts Average Faculty Salaries at public higher education institutions (though we didn’t see an administrative category). According to these stats, LSU tends to offer the highest salaries.

Educational Leadership Job Boards

The usual job sites (e.g. SchoolSpring, HigherEdJobs, LinkedIn, etc.) will have postings for Louisiana educational leaders and administrators. But there also state-specific job boards that may be of help!

  • Teach Louisiana’s Jobs section allows you to sort by type (i.e. Ed Leader).
  • LASE lists Job Openings for administrative positions (e.g. superintendent). This page also contains links to all of Louisiana School Systems’ HR departments.
  • LASBO has a Career Center with job openings for school business officials in Louisiana.
  • LASS posts Superintendent Vacancies in Louisiana.
  • The Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (LAPCS) has a Careers section with administrative opportunities in various parishes.

Educational Leadership Organizations in Louisiana

Educational leadership associations.

  • Louisiana Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators (LACUSPA) : LACUSPA is an organization dedicated to serving student personnel professionals, students, and associates in the State of Louisiana.
  • Louisiana Association of Educators (LAE) : LAE is one of the state’s two teacher unions (along with LFT). It’s a state affiliate of NEA.
  • Louisiana Association of Principals (LAP) : LAP provides school-based administrative leadership for Louisiana schools through professional development, legislation, and member services.
  • Louisiana Association for Public, Community & Adult Education (LAPCAE) : LAPCAE represents professionals, administrators, educators, and advocates involved in adult & community education.
  • Louisiana Association of School Business Officials (LASBO) : LASBO is a non-profit professional association representing school administrators whose primary skills and services are in the business and operations functions of Louisiana schools. It offers voluntary certification . Check out the Gaynor Dawson Scholarship for Education .
  • Louisiana Association of School Executives (LASE) : LASE is a professional organization that exists to promote strong leadership in Louisiana schools. Members include K-12 school administrators & supervisors, central office administrators, higher education administrators, and school counselors.
  • Louisiana Association of School Financial Aid Administrators (LASFAA) : LASFAA is an association with 500+ members who are dedicated to matters related to student financial aid.
  • Louisiana Association of School Superintendents (LASS) : LASS represents the concerns of Louisiana superintendents. It provides professional development, advocacy, and other opportunities.
  • Louisiana Federation of Teachers (LFT) : LFT is one of the state’s two teacher unions (along with LAE). It’s an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.
  • Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA) : LSBA is a non-profit entity that provides leadership, service, and support to 69 elected school boards across the state.

Note: Remember that state and national educator organizations often have funds and scholarships available for continuing education (e.g. Ed.D.). Check the website and ask about opportunities.

Educational Leadership Events in Louisiana

Educational leadership conferences.

  • COABE/LAPCAE Annual Conference : This four-day conference for adult & community education professionals attracts ~2,000 attendees. It occurs in late March/early April
  • LACUSPA Conference : LACUSPA’s long-running annual event for student personnel professionals takes place over two days in October.
  • LAP Annual Conference : This three-day event for Louisiana principals and school leaders occurs in September.
  • LASBO Events : For school business officials, LASBO organizes a Summer Summit in June and a large Spring Conference in early April, with workshops for CEU units.
  • LASE Annual Conference : Held in November, this two-day event is geared toward Louisiana’s educational leaders, school executives, and school administrators. It attracts ~200 attendees.
  • LASFAA Fall Conference : This three-day event for school financial aid administrators takes place in October. LASFAA also organizes Upper Management Meetings .
  • LASS Summer Conference : This three-day event in June is organized by the state’s association for superintendents.

Educational Leadership Training

  • Aspiring Leaders of LASBO (ALL) Leadership Training Institute : LASBO’s two-day institute provides training on effective skills that can be developed to improve the daily job performance of school business officials.
  • LASS Leadership Academy : The Academy is designed specifically for individuals with an interest in the superintendency and those who are making the transition.

School Listings

8 Schools Found

College of Education

Grambling, Louisiana

Online EdD in Developmental Education

Offered Online

  • Curriculum Info
  • How To Apply

Ruston, Louisiana

Ed.D. in Educational Leadership - P-12 Educational Leadership

Educational leadership (edd), higher education concentration, new orleans baptist theological seminary.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership

Doctor of education (ed.d.) in ministry leadership, doctor of education (ed.d.) in teaching/pedagogy.

School of Education

Natchitoches, Louisiana

Doctor of Education in Adult Learning and Development - Adult Learning and Workforce Development

Doctor of education in adult learning and development - community college leadership.

Department of Educational Leadership and Technology

Hammond, Louisiana

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership

Lafayette, Louisiana

Doctorate in Educational Leadership - Higher Education Administration

Doctorate in educational leadership - k-12 leadership education, university of louisiana-monroe.

Monroe, Louisiana

Online EdD in Curriculum and Instruction

Xavier university of louisiana.

Division of Education and Counseling

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Doctorate Leadership Studies

Doctorate in leadership studies, doctor of education (edd).

Louisiana State University Shreveport's premier EdD in Leadership Studies is designed for a wide range of leadership experiences across diverse industries. This cutting-edge, interdisciplinary online program is perfect for current and aspiring leaders.

The Leadership Studies doctoral program at Louisiana State University Shreveport is a competitive, cutting-edge program designed to provide practical, real-world development for leaders across a wide range of industries. Leaders of businesses, nonprofits, healthcare, government, first responder agencies and higher education institutions can all benefit from the EdD program. With concentrations in Leadership Studies, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, as well as Health Communication and Leadership, this degree provides specialized programming aimed at taking your leadership to the next level.

The Doctorate (EdD) in Leadership Studies at LSUS is a flexible program for today's leader. With an innovative curriculum and experienced faculty, the degree in Leadership Studies allows students to gain expertise in leadership aimed at assisting, honing and growing your leadership presence, skills, and knowledge as you pursue existing and new opportunities in your career.

Why LSUS’   Doctorate of Leadership Studies   degree p rogram?  

The LSUS EdD in Leadership Studies is focused on leadership theory and practice and is open to students with graduate degrees in all disciplines. The LSUS program of study is designed for leaders from a wide range of industries, including nonprofits, for-profits, government, military, healthcare and education.

The emphasis of the program is on the needs of practitioner-scholars, rather than research-scholars. You’ll work closely with top faculty and fellow professionals to explore what makes successful leadership work. This flexible program is also specifically designed to meet the needs of working adults, with doctoral courses delivered though a myriad of online classes. Learn more about the program here.

An important note to take into account is the misconception that this degree is in educational leadership when, in reality, it is not. Teachers might not qualify for this degree due to their limited leadership experience. On the other hand, K-12 Principals and Superintendents are eligible for application given their relevant experience.

Please note:  The Ed.D. program is a competitive admissions program and as such, not all applicants who apply will be admitted. Each concentration accepts approximately 7-10 new students per year.

  • Degree Type Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Program Length As quickly as 2 years
  • Availability Online

Learn how to apply leadership theories to bring about organizational change and collaborate with key stakeholders to solve problems.   Whether you’re looking to advance your career in business, nonprofit management or take the next step as an entrepreneur, the leadership studies program will give you the practical tools to succeed.  

Set up for success  

The Leadership Studies program is delivered in a 100% online format, offering a flexible doctoral program option for working professionals. Each class meets weekly via Zoom, providing students an opportunity to network and engage other professionals as they explore each course. Top faculty bring diverse leadership and research experience to the classroom in areas such as business, human resources, political leadership, consulting, law enforcement, healthcare and more. Courses are offered in a 7-week format with students opting to take one or two courses per session. Comprehensive exams are offered each semester and are coordinated by program faculty.

Rigorous academic curriculum  

The LSUS Leadership Studies doctorate offers rigorous study in core foundational courses that target leadership theory, organizational leadership, research methods, and more. Concentration courses are taught by experienced faculty with opportunities to meet and collaborate with other students interested in furthering their knowledge set in a specific area. All courses are delivered 100% online in a 7-week format.

Financial aid for leadership studies graduate students  

More than $12.4 million in scholarship money is awarded to LSUS students each year.  Take some time to explore the types of financial aid you could qualify for .  

Developing leadership knowledge with leading faculty and courses is something that will enhance every area of your life – both professionally and personally. Some of LSUS’ doctoral graduates have gone on to positions such as:  

  • Director of Research and Development
  • Director of Emergency Management
  • College Professor in a variety of related fields
  • Dean of Students
  • Executive Director
  • Nonprofit Leader
  • Program Administrator in Healthcare

View course requirements for the doctoral program in leadership studies .

Thinking about earning your doctoral degree in leadership studies? Get more information on the program here.

Unsure? Here are a few other graduate programs at LSUS you might want to explore.   

  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Educational Leadership

Leadership Studies Faculty

doctoral programs education louisiana

Kevin Baxter, EdD

doctoral programs education louisiana

Ozlem Gumus, PhD

doctoral programs education louisiana

John Harrison, PhD

doctoral programs education louisiana

Grace Hildenbrand, PhD

doctoral programs education louisiana

Shaoping Qiu, PhD

Starting a successful career is closer than you think. With exceptional academics and generous financial aid, LSUS allows you to get your degree close to home while launching you to new heights.

Education Degree

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Louisiana

A vibrant Southern state with a colorful past, teaching in any of the parishes of Louisiana offers the opportunity to interact with a diverse population and help guide students. Choosing to earn your doctorate in education from one of several Louisiana universities can also move you beyond the classroom, offering opportunities in different industries, or in education administration and leadership in the state’s school system.

Earning Your Ed.D. in Louisiana

You can earn your doctorate in education at a number of Louisiana universities. Degree types offered include Ph.D. (doctorate of philosophy in education), Ed.D. (doctorate in education) and Ed.S. (education specialist), and include focuses such as:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Math Education
  • Educational Research Methodology
  • Higher Education Administration
  • Special Education
  • And many more

Enrolling in a doctoral program in Louisiana usually requires that the applicant has already been awarded a master’s degree. Early study will generally include advanced coursework, and by the second year a student will start to engage in heavy research related to a dissertation. As with all doctoral programs, most Louisiana universities require candidates to submit a dissertation at the conclusion of study. An advanced degree in education may be earned in as little as three years; however, some specialized degrees in education may require several additional years of study.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Louisiana

Earning an advanced degree in education will help qualify you for positions such as curriculum specialist, master teacher, professor, and education program coordinators, among other jobs. The annual mean wage of postsecondary education administrators in Louisiana in 2012 was $94,450. On a city-specific level, postsecondary education administrators ranked among the state’s top 20 highest paying occupations in the Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Monroe metro areas, according to the Louisiana Occupational Employment Wage Survey .

The Louisiana Department of Education lists job vacancies on its websites. An Ed.D. makes it much easier to obtain employment at the college level as a teacher, and is also a gateway to work at the administration level. These educational employment options offer higher salaries statewide, and students awarded an Ed.D. may also work outside the education sector in any industry where instruction or teaching is required.

As you search for the right doctorate in education program, we recommend contacting multiple schools so you can compare programs.

  • {{ program.Name }}


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    Louisiana State University in Shreveport
  Sep 10, 2024  
LSU Shreveport 2022-23 catalog    
LSU Shreveport 2022-23 catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies degree program is a 63-hour interdisciplinary doctoral degree designed for working adults interested in earning a practitioner’s terminal degree. The concentrations in Military Leadership, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, Health Communication and Leadership, and Leadership Studies allow graduate students to gain expertise in leadership as it relates to their specific career interests. This program is focused on leadership theory and practice and is open to persons with master’s degrees in all disciplines. The emphasis of the program is on the needs of practitioner-scholars, rather than research-scholars.

Admission Procedures

Applicants must complete and submit all required materials by the deadline posted on the EdD website in order to be considered for Fall admission. The EdD program is a selective admissions program and, as such, not all applicants who apply will be admitted.

The following items should be sent directly to the LSUS Office of Graduate Admissions:

*The LSUS Graduate Studies Application for Graduate Admission, complying with all applicable guidelines and standards.

*Master’s degree from regionally-accredited college or university with a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.50/4.00. Applicants with a cumulative graduate GPA between 3.00 and 3.49 may be considered for admission following the formal review process and an admission decision by the Chair of the Department of Leadership Studies.

*All official transcripts from institutions where coursework has been attempted.

The following items should be sent directly to the Director of the EdD program:

*Professional recommendation letters from three sources

*Purpose statement from the applicant, including:

*How the degree fits within the applicant’s professional and personal goals

*The applicant’s professional experience and how the applicant believes this will contribute to the program

*The coursework, professional experience, or other professional development that has prepared the applicant for conducting doctoral level research

*The applicant’s area of research where there is a strong interest (military, disaster preparedness and emergency management, health communication and leadership, or leadership concentration) and to explain the potential study that the applicant may want to develop

Applicants who are selected to continue to the next round of review will be contacted for an interview via Online Video Service (Zoom, Skype, Adobe Connect, etc.). Final notification of admission status will be provided upon the completion of reviews and selection of applicants.

Career Opportunities

The Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies degree program prepares graduates for leadership positions in local, state, and national agencies at the public, private, nonprofit, and corporate levels.

If a student withdraws from the program for more than two sessions, he/she must re-apply to the Doctoral program and be admitted by the Ed.D. Program Director prior to continuing under the catalog in effect at the time of the re-application. Those students who are denied readmission by the Ed.D. Program Director may submit a new application for consideration during the next admission cycle.

Students admitted in or prior to the 2018-2019 academic year may not elect to move to any catalog inclusive of or following the 2019-2020 catalog without applying for consideration for admission by the Ed.D. Program Director.

Course Requirements

Graduation from doctoral programs is not a sole function of successful completion of coursework. The Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies program achieves program competencies through the successful completion of the four basic program elements listed below:

  • Seminar in Leadership Theory and Practice Courses
  • Leadership and Concentration Core Courses
  • Comprehensive Exams Students must successfully pass the written comprehensive exam in order to move forward with the dissertation or the research group prospectus and then on to registering for research/dissertation hours. The comprehensive exam may be scheduled following the completion of the Concentration Core Courses and the four Seminar in Leadership Theory and Practice Courses.
  • Leadership-Relevant Dissertation of Group Research Project Candidates will conduct original research regarding a problem area in leadership personally identified, with advisor approval, and supported by guidance of a committee of LSUS graduate faculty and researchers. A prospectus defense precedes the start of the dissertation or group research project. Transfer credit will not be accepted in this category.

Dismissal from the Ed.D. Program

Doctoral students may be dismissed from the Leadership Studies doctoral program for any serious infractions of the LSUS Student Code of Conduct. Students may also be dismissed for any one of the following: (a) failure to successfully pass the Comprehensive Examination; (b) failure to successfully pass the prospectus (also referred to as proposal) defense; (c) failure to pass the dissertation defense; (d) failure to maintain a 3.0 GPA; (e) failure to uphold the high standards of academic ethics and integrity; (f) failure to complete the degree within the maximum time limit; or (g) failure to adhere to the Ed.D. grad policy. Students may be provided two (2) opportunities to take the comprehensive exam, prospectus (also known as a proposal) defense, and dissertation/group project defense should the first attempt lead to a “no pass” or “fail”. In the event that the second attempt in any of the aforementioned activities leads to a second “no pass” or “fail” (in any combination of terms), the student will be removed from the doctoral program.

Dismissal Grade Policy

A cumulative LSUS GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for graduation from the Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies program. Candidates are expected to maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative LSUS GPA throughout the program. Due to the accelerated nature of the program, candidates are limited to two courses in which a “W” or withdrawal can be assigned before the candidate is removed from the Doctoral Program. Students who earn two grades of “C” or lower will be removed from the Doctoral program. A grade of “F” in any course will result in the candidate’s removal from the Doctoral Program.

Common Leadership Core

  • LDSH 823 - SOCIAL AND GROUP DYNAMICS 3 Credit Hour(s)
  • LDSH 871 - FOLLOWERSHIP 3 Credit Hour(s)

Credit Hours: 36

Concentration core, leadership studies.

  • LDSH 825 - DARK SIDE OF LEADERSHIP 3 Credit Hour(s)

Military Leadership


Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management


Health Communication and Leadership

  • LDSH 873 - HEALTH LEADERSHIP 3 Credit Hour(s)

Credit Hours: 12

Research core.

  • LDSH 896 - RESEARCH CAPSTONE 3 Credit Hour(s)
  • LDSH 898 - PROJECT HOURS 3 Credit Hour(s)
  • LDSH 899 - DISSERTATION 0 Credit Hour(s)

Credit Hours: 15

Total credit hours: 63.

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Office of Graduate Studies

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At Southeastern Louisiana University, we offer 24 Master’s, 2 Doctorate, and several certificate degree programs that are educationally sound through our nationally accredited colleges. Our graduate degree programs are offered through the colleges of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Business, Education, Nursing & Health Sciences, and Science & Technology.

The faculty of Southeastern are dedicated and passionate about providing a focused, yet comprehensive educational experience for our graduate students. Students completing graduate degrees at Southeastern are problem solvers, prepared to handle workplace challenges and provide leadership in the communities where they reside.

Take the time to investigate what Southeastern has to offer in the way of graduate degree programs. To find out about the programs offered, choose Programs from the directory above. Better yet, schedule a visit to Southeastern and discover firsthand the exciting graduate education opportunities available.

Explore Your Options

Graduate programs.

Southeastern has over 25 graduate degree and certificate programs to explore, with over 80 concentrations to choose from. We are sure that when you explore our programs, you will find one that is right for you.

Admission Info

The admission process for your graduate program may vary from others. View our admission classifications and policies to ensure you’re taking the necessary steps and reach out to your program’s advisor when you’re ready.

Financial Aid

From scholarships and grants to graduate assistantships, Southeastern offers a plethora of options to help you cover the cost of your graduate program and also provides resources for external sources that may be able to help.

Office of Graduate Studies Meade Hall, Room 103

SLU Box 10809 Hammond, LA 70402

(985) 549-2610


Professor/Director John Boulahanis, Ph.D.

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2024 Best Grad Schools in Louisiana for Doctorate Degrees

Choosing the best grad school for you, average earnings, taking out student loans, more ranking factors that are important, one size does not fit all, top doctorate degree schools in louisiana, best doctorate degree schools in the southeast region, west virginia, north carolina, south carolina, mississippi, more louisiana rankings, bachelor's degrees, returning adults, master's degrees, notes and references, popular reports, compare your school options.

Educational Foundations and Leadership

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

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Requirements, admission requirements.

For regular admission, you must submit evidence of readiness for the program including:

  • Evidence of an overall 3.0 grade-point average in prior undergraduate studies.
  • A completed application form .
  • Official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  • A master’s degree from an accredited university,
  • A 3.25 grade-point average in prior graduate studies.
  • A professional resume.
  • What is your purpose for joining the doctoral program?
  • What are your career goals both short and long term?
  • How do you believe the doctoral program will help you in the performance of your professional duties and responsibilities?
  • What specific qualities and characteristics do you bring to the doctoral program?
  • How would your personal and professional environments be supportive in your quest for the doctoral degree?
  • Names and addresses (office and e-mail) and telephone numbers of three individuals and one letter of recommendation from a university professor who can attest to the candidate’s ability to successfully complete the program.
  • Verification of at least three years of appropriate professional experience.
  • Satisfactory standing in the last institution attended.
  • For applicants whose native language is not English, an acceptable score on the English proficiency examination (TOEFL).

Fill out the online application on the Graduate School website.

Requirements for Accepted & Current Students


A graduate-level course in statistics or its equivalent is required before taking EDLD 802 Quantitative Research.

General Requirements

All students must complete 60+ hours of coursework beyond the master’s degree, organized into core course areas and specializations as listed below. The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership provides an opportunity for the student to specialize in a content area with the approval of the faculty advisor and program coordinator. The student must complete all requirements within six calendar years beginning with the first semester after successfully defending the qualifying paper.

The Ed.D. Degree Program in Educational Leadership requires a total of 60+ credit hours as follows:

Research Core

12 credit hours (of 12 offered)

  • EDLD 800 Introduction to Doctoral Program & Research Design
  • EDLD 801 Writing for Research
  • EDLD 802 Quantitative Methods
  • EDLD 803 Qualitative Methods

Educational Leadership & Management Core

21-24 credit hours, to be selected from the following 36 credit hours of coursework:

  • EDLD 810 Leadership Theory and Practice
  • EDLD 811 Management of Educational Organizations
  • EDLD 812 Supervision in Educational Settings
  • EDLD 820 Legal Issues & Ethics in Educational Organizations EDLD 821 Politics & Community Relations
  • EDLD 822 Policy Development and Analysis
  • EDLD 823 Fiduciary Management of Educational Organizations EDLD 840 Change Theory
  • EDLD 841 Organizational Development for Learning Communities EDLD 842 Culture, Climate & Change Leadership
  • EDLD 875 Special Topics in Educational Leadership & Management EDLD 897 Internship

Instructional Leadership

6–9 credit hours, to be selected from the following 15 credit hours of coursework:

  • IRED 812 Leadership in the Integration of Emerging Technologies
  • EDLD 830 Foundations of Curriculum Theory and Design
  • EDLD 831 Critical Analysis of Current Research on Effective Educational Practice EDLD 832 Educational Evaluation
  • EDLD 871 Special Topics in Instructional Leadership

Field-Based Practicum Experiences

3 credit hours:

  • EDLD 880 Research Practicum

Specialization Coursework

6-9 credit hours

The student will complete 6-9 semester credit hours in a specialization area. The specialization area and the courses within the specialization area must be agreed to by the student, the Faculty Advisor, the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The student is responsible for scheduling the courses in the specialization area. Specialization areas include, but are not limited to, Educational Technology, Administration of Exceptionalities, Educational Leadership & Management, Instructional Leadership, Business, Communications, and Law.

Doctoral Dissertation Seminars

6+ Credit Hours

  • EDLD 900 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar
  • EDLD 999 Dissertation research

Qualifying Paper

A qualifying paper consisting of a comprehensive review of the literature on a topic selected is required in place of the traditional comprehensive examination. The student must successfully defend a qualifying paper to be admitted to candidacy.

Dissertation Director & Committee

After successful completion of the qualifying paper, the student shall select a Dissertation Chair willing to serve on behalf of the student and the Department. In consultation with said Dissertation Chair, a Dissertation Committee must be constituted of at least three members of the Graduate Faculty, with at least one member from the collaborating university (Southeastern Louisiana University). The Dissertation Committee must be headed by a member of the Graduate Faculty of the Department or an approved other member of the Graduate Faculty.

Dissertation Proposal

The student must present and defend at a public hearing a dissertation proposal acceptable to the Dissertation Committee and the Graduate Faculty of the department. After acceptance of a dissertation proposal, the student must remain continuously enrolled for dissertation credit (excluding summers) until the dissertation is accepted.

Dissertation Defense

After the dissertation is completed to the satisfaction of the Dissertation Chair, it is to be presented in its completed form to the other members of the Dissertation Committee (including the external reviewer).

Final Submission

After the student has completed the oral defense of the dissertation, the student must file such copies as the Department and/or Graduate School may require (including electronic versions) and must submit the Abstract of the work in an acceptable form for publication in Dissertation Abstracts. 

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2024 best doctoral degrees in louisiana.

Are you in Louisiana looking for a school where you can earn a doctoral degree? Start your search here.

The Best Adult Colleges & Careers Guide makes it easy to find information about schools offering doctoral programs in Louisiana. Get detailed information about colleges and universities in Louisiana with graduate programs, including the number of distance-offered degree completions and more. In the end, you'll have an understanding of which school may be right for you. Click here to learn more about the guide.

Louisiana's Doctoral Schools by the Numbers

Doctoral degree completions at institutions in Louisiana have been growing over the past 5 years. In 2022, students completed 2,783 doctorates that were offered by Louisiana's colleges and universities. That was an increase of 21% from completions reported in 2018.

Schools with Doctoral Degree Completions

Est. total completions in 2022, est. completions (last 5 years), top college offering doctoral degrees in louisiana.

Franklin University's 100% online doctoral programs are a top-choice for ambitious adults driven to do more. The transfer-friendly programs feature a No-Fear Dissertation™, and can be completed in as few as three years. Founded in 1902 in Columbus, Ohio, Franklin is nonprofit and accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (


Doctoral completions for 2022, est. doctoral degree availability, private colleges & universities offering doctorates in louisiana.

There are at least 8 schools offering doctoral degrees in Louisiana, and 8 are private colleges or universities where about 21,329 graduate students were enrolled. In 2022, a total of 1,067 doctoral degrees were completed at private colleges and universities serving Louisiana.

Avg. GR Tuition & Fees

School type.

Franklin University is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are adults and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 39 doctoral degrees were completed.

Doctoral Degree Completions for 2022

Est. online doctoral degree availability, doctoral completions by program area.

Loyola University New Orleans is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and minimal programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 174 doctoral degrees were completed.

Xavier University of Louisiana is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and minimal programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 150 doctoral degrees were completed.

Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 64 doctoral degrees were completed.

Tulane University of Louisiana is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and minimal programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 548 doctoral degrees were completed.

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 9 doctoral degrees were completed.

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are adults and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 65 doctoral degrees were completed.

University of Holy Cross is an institutionally accredited nonprofit school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 18 doctoral degrees were completed.

Public Colleges & Universities Offering Doctoral Degrees in Louisiana

According to 2020 data from the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard, there are 12 public colleges located in Louisiana offering doctorates. About 88,175 students were enrolled in graduate programs, and about 1,755 doctoral degrees were completed at public colleges in Louisiana. Tuition shown reflects in-state rates.

Louisiana State University-Shreveport is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 9 doctoral degrees were completed.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and minimal programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 72 doctoral degrees were completed.

Southern University and A & M College is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 220 doctoral degrees were completed.

Northwestern State University of Louisiana is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 18 doctoral degrees were completed.

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are a mixture of traditional and adult aged and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 184 doctoral degrees were completed.

Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 619 doctoral degrees were completed.

Southeastern Louisiana University is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 16 doctoral degrees were completed.

Grambling State University is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and all programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 3 doctoral degrees were completed.

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 393 doctoral degrees were completed.

Louisiana Tech University is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 77 doctoral degrees were completed.

University of Louisiana at Monroe is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and minimal programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 119 doctoral degrees were completed.

University of New Orleans is an institutionally accredited public school that offers doctoral degree programs in Louisiana. Most of the students are of traditional age and no programs completed were offered online. In 2022, 25 doctoral degrees were completed.

Affordable Doctoral Degrees in Louisiana

Wondering what you can expect to pay for a doctoral degree in Louisiana? According to graduate tuition data from the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard, the average tuition at Louisiana nonprofit schools is $23,810. The average tuition at similar for-profit schools in Louisiana is N/A.

Accredited Colleges Offering Doctorates in Louisiana

Earning a college degree is an investment — and earning a doctoral degree from an institutionally accredited university is one of the best ways to ensure your education is of high quality. Institutionally accredited universities are held to rigorous standards by state and regional bodies and undergo regular reviews to verify that their processes and academic programs meet the proper standards.

Wondering if a certain college or university offering degree programs in Louisiana is institutionally accredited? View a list of institutionally accredited colleges and universities serving Louisiana here. We've made it easy to find your school by breaking down the list by school type.

  • Franklin University
  • Loyola University New Orleans
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • University of Holy Cross
  • Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
  • Tulane University of Louisiana
  • Xavier University of Louisiana
  • The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana

Find Available Doctoral Programs in Louisiana by City/Town

Find available doctoral degrees in louisiana by program, about this page & data.

Copyright 2024 Franklin University


  1. Doctoral Programs

    College of Education & Human Development Office of Student Services, MDD 105 P.O. Box 43722 1401 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503 337-482-6681 | [email protected]

  2. Doctoral Degrees

    Completing one of our doctoral programs means you'll immerse yourself in research and work alongside experts in your field and across disciplines. We offer doctoral degrees that range from educational leadership to Francophone studies to biology, and we're sure you'll find another degree of success in doctoral education at UL Lafayette.

  3. Doctor of Education Degree

    Doctor of Education Degree - University of Louisiana Lafayette - Modern Campus Catalog™. Library. ULink. Academics. Athletics. Academic Support Services. Academic Affairs. University of Louisiana at Lafayette 104 E. University Circle. Lafayette, LA 70503 (337) 482-1000 [email protected].

  4. Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)

    This program is offered jointly by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette College of Education & Human Development and Southeastern Louisiana University. UL Lafayette was ranked among the country's best for graduate programs in education in the 2023 edition of U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools."

  5. Doctoral Degree Programs

    Doctoral Degree Programs | Graduate School

  6. Doctor of Education Curriculum & Instruction Online at ULM

    ULM offers a variety of graduate education programs online. Check out our other online education programs. $30,000 Total Tuition. ... Graduate Admissions University of Louisiana Monroe Sandel Hall 243 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209-0600. Have a question? Call us at 800-917-3236.

  7. Doctorate in Educational Leadership

    Phone: 337-482-1067. E-mail: [email protected]. Dr. Robert Slater, Professor. Department Head. Office: Picard Center 255. Phone: 337-482-1513. E-mail: [email protected]. Our Educational Leadership, Ed.D program is designed to make you an educational leader with the knowledge and skills you need to enhance your leadership capacity.

  8. The Degree of Doctor of Education Collaborative Program

    The Doctor of Education degree (Ed.D.) is a collaborative degree program offered by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Southeastern Louisiana University. The degree of Doctor of Education attests to high attainment in scholarship and in research and is conferred only for work of distinction which displays marked powers of originality.

  9. K-12 Leadership Education

    The degree program consists of 60 credit hours of coursework in educational leadership, instructional leadership, your specialization area, and dissertation seminars. Take the next step and expand your career opportunities. Our Educational Leadership Ed.D. with a concentration in K-12 Leadership Education prepares you to meet the challenges of ...

  10. Higher Education Administration

    The UL Lafayette Educational Doctorate program with the Higher Education Administration concentration is an innovative graduate program designed to help you meet your career goals in higher education administration. It prepares you to meet the challenges in today's complex world of higher education. Earning your doctorate can help you expand ...

  11. All Ed.D. Programs in Louisiana

    Earning a Doctor of Education Degree in Louisiana. Louisiana has an intriguing mix of doctoral programs in education. In our school listings, you'll discover joint offerings from ULL and SLU, online Ed.D. programs with unique concentrations, and at least one Ed.D. that can help prepare you for EDL certification.On the minus side, there isn't a great deal of internal funding for these programs.

  12. Doctorate in Leadership Studies

    The Leadership Studies doctoral program at Louisiana State University Shreveport is a competitive, cutting-edge program designed to provide practical, real-world development for leaders across a wide range of industries. Leaders of businesses, nonprofits, healthcare, government, first responder agencies and higher education institutions can all ...

  13. Graduate Programs

    Lois Stewart. Graduate School Administrative Specialist. School of Education Admission Coordinator. [email protected] | 225-578-6867. Graduate Student Handbook. Apply For A Graduate Program. GRADUATE STUDENT TRAVEL GRANT APPLICATION. soe pHd cORE tWO YEAR CURRICULUM. APPLY FOR GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP.

  14. Earn a Doctorate in Education in Louisiana

    As with all doctoral programs, most Louisiana universities require candidates to submit a dissertation at the conclusion of study. An advanced degree in education may be earned in as little as three years; however, some specialized degrees in education may require several additional years of study. Career Outlook for Graduates in Louisiana

  15. Program: Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies, EdD

    One University Place Shreveport, LA 71115 (800) 229-5957 (318) 797-5000

  16. Programs

    Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership with a Concentration in K-12 Leadership Education The UL Lafayette College of Education has a strong working relationships with schools and school districts across the state, and our leadership preparation programs are nationally recognized by accrediting institutions.

  17. Office of Graduate Studies

    At Southeastern Louisiana University, we offer 24 Master's, 2 Doctorate, and several certificate degree programs that are educationally sound through our nationally accredited colleges. Our graduate degree programs are offered through the colleges of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Business, Education, Nursing & Health Sciences, and ...

  18. All Programs

    Graduate Coordinator Dr. Natalie Keefer ([email protected]) (337) 482- 5266. Additional Application Materials Required. NO GRE Required; Although not required for matriculation into the MAT graduate program, passing PRAXIS scores in the appropriate content area to your degree are required to receive a Practitioner License and to begin ...

  19. 2024 Best Grad Schools in Louisiana for Doctorate Degrees

    Learn more about these excellent grad schools below: 1. Tulane University of Louisiana. New Orleans, Louisiana. 536 Doctorate Degrees Awarded. $57,213 Average Early-Career Earnings. Our 2024 rankings named Tulane University of Louisiana the best grad school in Louisiana in terms of overall quality for students working on their doctorate degree ...

  20. Best PhD and Doctoral Programs in Louisiana: Online & Campus

    If caring for others is your calling, the graduate school at the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) could be a perfect fit. ULM offers five doctoral programs in health sciences and education, including multiple degree options in pharmacology, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, two psychology tracks, and a Doctor of Education program.

  21. Requirements

    General Requirements. All students must complete 60+ hours of coursework beyond the master's degree, organized into core course areas and specializations as listed below. The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership provides an opportunity for the student to specialize in a content area with the approval of the faculty advisor and ...

  22. Online Doctoral Degrees

    Climb to the top of your field by earning your doctoral degree from UL Lafayette. We offer the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program with online coursework. There are, however, on-campus requirements prior to the start of the program and you are also required to present your DNP synthesis project on campus at the end of the program. Learn ...

  23. 2024 Best Doctoral Degrees in Louisiana

    Top College Offering Doctoral Degrees in Louisiana. Franklin University's 100% online doctoral programs are a top-choice for ambitious adults driven to do more. The transfer-friendly programs feature a No-Fear Dissertation™, and can be completed in as few as three years. Founded in 1902 in Columbus, Ohio, Franklin is nonprofit and accredited ...