• Leave Application For Election Day And Voting Purposes

Participating in elections and exercising one's right to vote is a fundamental aspect of democratic societies. In order to fulfill this civic duty, individuals may need to request leave from school, work, or other commitments. To assist you in crafting a leave application for Election Day and voting purposes, we have prepared four templates for different scenarios. These templates address the need for leave due to voting, volunteering, poll worker duties, and campaign support. Each template emphasizes the importance of civic engagement and expresses gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the democratic process. By utilizing these templates, you can effectively communicate your need for leave, provide necessary details, and assure the recipient of your commitment to fulfilling your responsibilities. Remember to personalize the templates by adding specific dates, reasons, and any additional information required by your institution or organization. With these templates as a starting point, you can request leave with clarity, professionalism, and a sense of civic pride.

Template Leave Application for Election Day - Voting

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Position] [Company/Organization Name] [Company/Organization Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to request leave on [Election Day date] to exercise my democratic right and fulfill my civic duty by participating in the upcoming election. Voting is an essential responsibility, and I believe it is crucial to actively engage in the democratic process.

I kindly request a day of leave to allow me sufficient time to reach the polling station, cast my vote, and contribute to the democratic decision-making process. I understand the importance of maintaining productivity and minimizing disruptions, and I assure you that I will make every effort to complete any pending tasks or delegate responsibilities before my absence.

I would be grateful if you could grant me leave for the aforementioned date, as it will enable me to fulfill my obligations as a responsible citizen. I will be available to discuss any necessary arrangements or address any concerns prior to my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support in acknowledging the significance of participating in the electoral process. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and I am confident that my absence on Election Day will not significantly impact the operations of our organization.

[Your Name]

Template Leave Application for Election Day - Active Participation

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Position] [School/College/Institution Name] [School/College/Institution Address] [City, State, ZIP]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave on [Election Day date] to actively participate in the upcoming election as a volunteer. I believe that volunteering during elections plays a vital role in promoting democratic values and ensuring fair and transparent electoral processes.

As an enthusiastic supporter of civic engagement, I have been granted an opportunity to contribute my time and efforts to support the smooth functioning of the electoral process. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for a day of leave to fulfill this important commitment.

I assure you that I am dedicated to my academic responsibilities, and I will make every effort to minimize any disruption caused by my absence. I will communicate with my professors/teachers in advance to make arrangements for any missed classes or assignments. Additionally, I am willing to provide any necessary documentation or evidence of my involvement as a volunteer upon request.

Thank you for considering my request and understanding the significance of active participation in the democratic process. I am grateful for your support and look forward to returning to my studies with renewed enthusiasm and a sense of civic pride.

Template Leave Application for Election Day - Polling Station Duties

I am writing to request leave on [Election Day date] to perform my duties as an assigned poll worker at a local polling station. I have been selected for this important responsibility, which involves ensuring a smooth and fair electoral process.

I understand that my absence from work may cause temporary disruption, but I assure you that I have taken all necessary steps to minimize any inconvenience. I have coordinated with my colleagues to ensure that my tasks and responsibilities are appropriately covered during my absence.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me leave for the specified date. By fulfilling my role as a poll worker, I am actively contributing to the democratic process and upholding the principles of free and fair elections.

Thank you for your consideration. I will be happy to provide any additional information or documentation related to my poll worker assignment upon request. I look forward to returning to work after fulfilling my duties on Election Day.

Template Leave Application for Election Day - Campaign Support

I am writing to formally request leave on [Election Day date] to actively participate in a political campaign as a volunteer. Engaging in campaign activities is an essential part of the democratic process, and I am committed to supporting a cause that aligns with my values.

As a responsible employee, I understand the importance of my work commitments and strive to maintain productivity. I assure you that I have planned my absence in a way that minimizes disruption to the workflow. I have discussed this with my colleagues, and they have kindly agreed to handle my tasks during my absence.

I kindly request your support in granting me leave for the specified date, as it will allow me to actively contribute to the democratic process and exercise my rights as a responsible citizen. I am confident that my involvement in the campaign will enhance my understanding of the political landscape and benefit our organization in the long run.

Thank you for considering my request. I am eager to return to work after the Election Day, enriched with new experiences and a deeper sense of civic responsibility.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Leave Application for Election Day and Voting Purposes

Sample leave application for election day, or on election day due to many reasons like election duty, transportation, road blockage, etc.

Subject: Leave Application for Election Day and Voting Purposes

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a one-day leave on [Election Day], [Date], in order to fulfill my civic duty of voting in the upcoming elections. I understand the importance of this democratic process and would greatly appreciate your approval for this leave.

I will ensure that all my pending work is completed or delegated before my absence, and I am willing to assist with any necessary preparations to ensure a smooth workflow during my leave. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting this leave.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Leave Application to Perform Duty in Election and Casting Vote

An election is taking place in our area on (day & date). And I have been assigned to duty by the management. I request you to grant me a day off. So that I can participate in the election as well as perform my duties. I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Leave Application for Local Election in Our Area for Vote Casting

I am writing for one day’s(you can change the number of days) leave due to an election in my area . Vote casting is a time-consuming process, so the government also announced a local holiday, and it may not be convenient for traveling to the office, and casting a vote on the same day. I hope you will grant my request.

(Your Name)

Election Day Leave Request for Joining Election Campaign & Voting Process

I am requesting three days’ leave to participate in the election campaign and voting process. The candidate is my close friend, and he requested me to be part of his election campaign as the last few days are critical for success. Please grant me three days’ leave for this important local body election. I hope you will grant my request.

Leave Application for Election Purpose

The Senior Manager, Descon Company,

I am submitting this application to get a kind favor due to the local election in my area. Elections are the most important responsibility of everyone through which we choose the right person to lead our country on the way of progress. The main reason for leave is that in the last elections groups of two rivals of our area quarreled with one another it caused a lot of damage to the lives of people. Due to the last incident, the government has decided to seal our area. The government may also block transportation. I do not have any personal conveyance, so it would be difficult for me to come to the office. I request you to grant me one day’s leave. Thank you.

Accounts Officer,

Shehroz  Sardar,

Leave Application for Society Elections

Name of Person Bill Industries, London, UK

Sir, this is Mr. Terry, and I am an intern at your accounts department. We live in the same society, and you may be aware of the society election coming up next week. My father is a candidate for the Chairman, and because of that, we have to run a few campaigns that will consume a lot of time, and energy. Therefore, I would like to ask you to grant me a leave for 7 days. I wish to continue the work after that with the same enthusiasm as I have been doing. I wish to lower my father’s burden as I’m the eldest son, and I hope you will accept this request. Thank you for your kind gesture.

Intern, Accounts

Election Day Leave Application Letter

The Coordinator Community High School, Westminster, UK.


Dear Madam,

It is kindly stated that today, the elections for local bodies are being held in the north constituency that includes my residential area. The elections timings are contradicting with that of my classes. No public transport shall be available in the area today due to elections. For this reason, I shall not be able to give the lessons today at school. Kindly approve my request for leave, and oblige.

Yours Sincerely,

Leave Application for Election Day

Manager Admin, Institute XYZ,

Subject: Request to grant One day leave for elections in my area

I am writing this application to grant me one day’s leave for elections in my area. Our country has a parliamentary democracy, and elections are the most important activity to ensure a better country’s future. I work in the morning shift, so there is a clash between polling time and my office timings. So I have to choose between one of the two. The election comes only once in five years, and it is the only chance that we get to choose the right person for us, so we don’t suffer for the next 5 years.

Secondly, all the areas are blocked due to polling booths and help centers. The candidates also book all public transport in the area so it will be tough for me to reach the office as I don’t have a personal conveyance.

Thirdly, there is always a possibility of a clash between the rival candidates that may result in bullets. My area is quite safe, but there are some areas in a constituency that are declared to be highly sensitive. It is very dangerous to come out of the house, and pass through these areas.

It is my humble request to please grant me a leave for one day to fulfill my national obligation and keep myself safe at the same time.

Muhammad Raza Mr. Imran Alam

Election Day Leave Letter by Student

Head of Department Department of Philosophy

Subject: Application for One Day Leave for Elections in Our Area

It is stated that I am a student of MS philosophy 3 rd semester in your department. My university registration number is 2014-P-213, and my roll number in my department is 2014-023. I live in Faisalabad, and my constituency is NA- 92.

I want one day’s leave from the department because the by-elections will be held in our constituency on September 1 st (Date).

As an affected member of the Pakistani nation, it is my moral duty to contribute to democracy by casting my vote and electing a representative in the legislative assembly.

I request you, please grant me leave for one day on September 1 st (Date). I shall be obliged.

Abdul Manan

Special Casual Leave for Casting Vote for Employee

The In-charge, Malaysia Fire Service

Further to my telegram sent this morning, I wish to inform you that local elections in my native city will be held on coming Saturday, and I need to cast my vote in this regard. Being a responsible citizen, it is my foremost duty to cast a vote for the right person. Therefore, it is requested that permission may please be granted to me in the shape of providing special casual leave so that I could cast my vote at the native city on 13th May.

I shall be thankful to you.

Virginia Woolf. Assistant Officer

Letter for Asking a Special Leave for Casting Vote

The manager, Nestle, US

With all my respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that for the coming elections, my voting center has been finalized, and it is a public center somewhere away from the town. As a good, and sincere citizen, I believe that it is my duty to cast a vote for the state’s betterment, and for that, I need a casual leave. I shall be really grateful if you grant me a leave considering the responsibility of a good citizen. I will make sure to manage the tasks for that day. I am expecting a positive response. Thanks

Mr. Mark Shawn

Email Leave Request for Casting Vote

I ( Your Name) am writing this email to ask for a one-day off to cast my vote. As election days are going, tomorrow is the last day for casting a vote. I want to cast my vote tomorrow; that is why I am asking for one day’s leave . Please allow me and I will be thankful to you.

Floor manager, Your Name

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Leave application for election day

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Vote with confidence: Sample leave applications for casual leave

Discover ready-to-use sample leave applications for special casual voting leave. ensure your voice is counted in important elections..

leave application letter for election purpose

New Delhi: In a democratic society, voting isn’t just a right; it’s a responsibility. As citizens, our participation in the electoral process shapes the course of our nation’s future. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life and work commitments, finding the time to cast our vote can sometimes be challenging.

So worry not, and vote without fear, let the best candidate win as you apply for formal leave through our curated collection of Special and casual leave application formats. A voting leave application is a formal request made by an individual to their employer seeking permission for a designated period of leave to exercise their right to vote. Choose the best fit and send it to your bosses now!

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Application for special casual leave for voting

  • To: [Recipient] Subject: Application for Special Casual Leave for Voting I respectfully request one day of special casual leave on [Date] to exercise my fundamental right to vote in the upcoming [Election Type]. Ensuring active participation in the democratic process is crucial, and I am committed to fulfilling this civic duty. I assure you of completing pending tasks before my absence and ensuring minimal disruption to operations. Your understanding and support in granting this leave are highly appreciated. Thank you.
  • To: [Recipient] Subject: Request for Special Casual Leave to Vote Kindly consider granting me a day of special casual leave on [Date] to cast my vote in the forthcoming [Election Type]. Participating in this democratic process is integral to our nation’s progress, and I am eager to contribute. I will ensure all responsibilities are managed before my absence. Your favourable consideration of this request would be greatly valued. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  • To: [Recipient] Subject: Application for Special Casual Leave to Exercise Voting Right I am writing to formally request one day of special casual leave on [Date] to fulfil my civic duty by voting in the upcoming [Election Type]. It is imperative for every citizen to actively engage in the electoral process, and I am keen on exercising my democratic right responsibly. I will ensure all pending tasks are addressed before my absence. Your approval of this leave would enable me to contribute to our democracy effectively. Thank you for your understanding and support.
  • To: [Recipient] Subject: Request for Special Casual Leave for Voting I am writing to seek your approval for one day of special casual leave on [Date] to participate in the upcoming [Election Type]. Voting is a fundamental right and an essential aspect of our democracy, and I am committed to exercising it responsibly. I assure you of completing all pending work and ensure a smooth transition during my absence. Your consideration of this request is highly appreciated. Thank you for supporting civic engagement in our organization.
  • To: [Recipient] Subject: Application for Special Casual Leave for Voting Purpose I am writing to request one day of special casual leave on [Date] to cast my vote in the forthcoming [Election Type]. As a responsible citizen, I believe it is crucial to actively participate in the democratic process. I will make necessary arrangements to ensure minimal disruption during my absence. Your understanding and approval of this leave request would be greatly valued. Thank you for prioritizing civic engagement within our workplace.

Leave application for voting in election

  • Subject: Request for Voting Leave I kindly request a day off on [Date] to vote in the [Election Type]. I will ensure all tasks are completed before my absence. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Subject: Voting Leave Application I seek permission for leave on [Date] to exercise my voting right. I assure you of completing pending work before my absence. Thank you for your support.
  • Subject: Leave Request for Voting I request leave on [Date] to participate in the [Election Type]. I will manage my responsibilities beforehand. Your approval is appreciated. Thank you.
  • Subject: Voting Day Leave Application I respectfully ask for leave on [Date] to vote in the upcoming election. I’ll ensure a smooth handover of tasks. Thank you for considering my request.

Special casual leave for casting vote format

  • Subject: Special Casual Leave Request Requesting one day off on [Date] to vote. I’ll complete pending tasks before leaving. Thank you for understanding.
  • Subject: Voting Leave Application Seeking leave on [Date] to cast my vote. Will ensure work is covered. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Subject: Leave Application for Voting Kindly grant me leave on [Date] to participate in the election. I’ll manage the workload beforehand. Thank you.
  • Subject: Voting Day Leave Request Requesting leave on [Date] to vote. I’ll ensure a smooth transition. Thank you for your support.

By mastering the art of crafting a compelling introduction, individuals can effectively advocate for their right to participate in the voting system and also tackle the day-to-day work criteria without any disturbance.

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Sample Leave Application format for Election Purpose

Sample Leave Application format for Election Purpose

[These are Sample leave application for election day, or on election day due to many reasons like transportation, road blockage etc. You can modify these format as your requirement.]

The Coordinator,

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Election Purpose

I am submitting this application to get a kind favor due to the local election in my area. Elections are the most important responsibility of everyone through which we choose a right person to lead our country in the way of progress. The main reason for leave is that in last elections groups of two rivals of our area quarreled with one another it caused a lot of damage to lives of people. Due to the last incident, the government has decided to seal our area. The transportation will be blocked as well. I do not have any personal conveyance so It would be difficult for me to be in office. I request you to grant one day leave. Thank you.

Job Designation…

Contact no…

Another format,

Date …

The Managing Director,

Sub: Leave Application for Society Elections

Sir, this is (Name) and I am an intern at your accounts department (Job position). It is kindly stated that today, the elections for local bodies are being held in the north constituency that includes my area of residence. The elections timings are contradicting with that of my classes. No public transport shall be available in the area today due to elections. For this reason, I shall not be able to give the lessons today at school. Kindly approve my request for leave and oblige.

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How to Write Leave Application – Format and 16 Samples?

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If you’re a working professional, you’ll invariably have to ask for leave few times a year.

In this post, I’ll cover:

  • What to do before handing over the application to your manager,
  • Standard format for writing leave applications, and
  • Sample applications on common reasons for leave

Before you submit the leave application

1. talk to your manager about your plan for leave.

alk to your manager about your plan for leave

This is common sense, but some, especially when it comes to short leave, just apply for leave without talking to their manager.

A sudden application without first warming him about the plan may not just hurt his ego (‘why didn’t he ask me first?’), but also convey lack of seriousness of the reason for which you’re seeking leave.

The longer the intended leave, the earlier you should initiate the discussion. For example, if you’re planning a two-week leave, talk to your manager about it a month in advance. In contrast, if you’re seeking a casual leave for just a day or two, you may speak to him a day or two before proceeding on leave.

You should ideally speak to him at a time when he is not hassled by work and is not in foul mood. A good time, for example, could be toward the end of the day during coffee or other break.

Remember, an email or phone call is not a replacement for this conversation. Email or phone call may convey taking the boss for granted even if you don’t mean to. (However, phone call may be the only option if you’ve to apply for a leave in emergency.)

If he gives his nod principally, then your leave is more or less granted.

2. Think of all critical issues you’re handling before the talk

leave application letter for election purpose

Your boss would be more inclined to grant or recommend your leave if he is assured that work won’t be disrupted because of your absence. This is more true of long leave.

So before that crucial talk, mentally run through all critical issues you’re handling and think of how they can be handled smoothly when you’re not there. Think of what you can do above and beyond before proceeding on leave so that others don’t face any hiccups during your absence. To give an example, you may think of how you can finish few critical tasks in advance or prepone few meetings or get few approvals in advance.

In nutshell, before meeting your boss, have a clear understanding of all issues – and their solutions – that can disrupt work in your absence. No one wants a screaming client in your absence.

More resources on the topic:

  • Definitive guide on improving written English
  • How to write effective emails?

Format of a leave application

Here is a format of leave letter, with each major component followed by explanation in square brackets:

12 March 2018

Rohan Kamat

Bangalore – 560001

[Comment: Start with date followed by the recipient’s address on top-left corner. You can use commas after each line, but these days a cleaner look without commas is preferred.]

Subject : One-day casual leave on account of ill health

[Subject should be brief, yet accurate representation of the content of the letter. So, it’s better to write ‘One-day casual leave on account of ill health’ rather than ‘One-day casual leave’, as the former is a better snapshot of the letter. It’s also fine to write ‘Subject’ in bold.]

Dear Mr. Kamat,

[Salutation can be written in few ways. The most common is ‘Dear [first name]’. In this example, it would be ‘Dear Rohan’. A formal option is ‘Dear Mr. / Ms. [surname]’. In this example, it would be ‘Dear Mr. Kamat’. Having said that, you should follow the salutation norm in your organization if you’re writing internally.]

I got up this morning unwell with mild fever, sore throat, and body ache. Because of my ill health, I am not in a position to attend office today and tomorrow.

I request you to grant casual leave for the period 25-26 April 2018.

[Most leave letters are short. You don’t need to go beyond the minimum required facts and personal details. Your language should be objective – and not emotional – howsoever strong your reason for proceeding on leave is. In some cases, especially for long leave, you may need to enclose supporting documents.]

Yours sincerely,

[‘Yours faithfully’ is used when you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to. When writing a leave letter, you of course know the name of the recipient.]


Samples of common leave letters

Here are few common types of leave letters. Only the main body (or the content) is included here. Rest of the framework will remain the same as mentioned in the above format.

Click on the boxes below to reveal the leave letters:

One-day sick leave

Subject : One-day sick leave due to fever

I have had mild fever since yesterday night and, therefore, it will be difficult for me to attend office today.

I request you to grant me leave for today, 12 April 2018.

Family function

Subject : Casual leave on November 25 for family function

I request a day’s leave to attend my brother’s engagement ceremony on November 25.

[Comment: Yes, an application can be this short. You don’t need to attach the invitation card (if you’ve one), because it’s just one-day leave.]

Religious function

Subject : 1-day CL for religious function

As discussed with you, we organize a yagna every year at our place. This year it’s on 12 October. I request casual leave on the day so that I can participate in it.

Annual vacation

Subject : 15-day leave for annual vacation

I am planning my annual vacation from 20 December 2018 to 03 January 2018. As briefed to you in person by me, I will finish all urgent issues and hand over the charge to Lokesh before leaving. During the leave period, I can be reached at my regular number and [email protected] .

I request you to grant leave for the abovementioned period.

[Comment: In case you won’t be available at your regular number, it’s good to mention your alternate contact number. Your manager should be able to contact you in an emergent situation.]

Chhath festival

Subject : 5-day leave for Chhath

I want to join my family in Jharkhand for the festival of Chhath, a popular festival in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh. I haven’t been to my home town for this festival for six years now.

I request you to grant 5-day leave from 24 to 28 October 2017.

[Comment: You don’t need to explain what Chhath festival is, but it is fine to mention that it’s popular in your area, which your manager may not know.]

Brother’s marriage

Subject : 5-day leave for brother’s marriage

My elder brother is getting married on 23 November. To participate in different ceremonies around the date, I request you to kindly grant me leave from November 20 to 24. I am enclosing the invitation card with this letter.

Own marriage

Subject : Leave for marriage

As told to you in our meeting yesterday, I am getting married on 28 January 2018, for which I need 20-day leave. Kindly grant me leave from 24 January 2018 to 12 February 2018.

[Comment: Although no harm in enclosing the invitation card, you may skip it because you would in any case invite your manager and colleagues separately. Note, how brief this letter is. You’ve provided every information that is required for your manager to take the decision. You don’t need to mention the location of the wedding and other plans.]

Daughter’s ill health

Subject : One-day casual leave on account of my daughter’s ill health

My 6-year-old daughter has been down with fever and sore throat since yesterday. I need to take her to a doctor and, if prescribed, get further tests done.

I request you to accept this application for casual leave for 24 August 2017.

Struck with chicken pox

Subject : Struck with chicken pox

Over the weekend, I developed mild fever and red spots on my skin, a condition that was later diagnosed as chicken pox. Since chicken pox is communicable and it takes at least a week to recover, I would request you to grant me leave from 20 to 28 March 2018. I would update you of my recovery in the coming days. I am enclosing medical records in this regard.

Son’s birthday

Subject : Casual leave for son’s birthday

As discussed with you in person, I am expecting many more guests and family members this year for my son’s birthday falling on August 24. Because of the unexpectedly high flow of guests this time, my presence is required to manage the event

Therefore, I request you to grant me a day of casual leave on August 24.

Son’s exam

Subject : 3-day leave for son’s exam

My son is appearing for AIEEE exam on 08 April 2018. It’s an important exam for him that would potentially decide the course of his career.

I request you for a day’s leave on 08 April so that I could accompany him to the exam center to provide moral support and take care of logistical arrangements for the day.

Shifting house

Subject : Casual leave for shifting into a new house

We are changing our rented accommodation on 06 May. Since the change involves packaging two truck-full of luggage and arranging and settling down in the new place, I would request you to sanction 3-day leave from February 21 to 23.

Met with an accident

Subject : Met with an accident. Need two-week leave to recover

Yesterday, I met with a freak accident while returning from the office. A two-wheeler appeared from nowhere and rammed into my left leg while I was crossing road. Luckily there is no fracture, but few ligaments in my leg have ruptured. My leg below knee is badly swollen and the doctor has advised not to move the injured leg for few days.

I request you to grant leave from 12 to 25 March 2018. I’m enclosing medical reports with the letter.

[Comment: It’s good to enclose medical records if you’re seeking long leave.]

Surgery in the family

Subject : 1-day leave for father’s surgery

My father is to undergo surgery on his knee on June 03 at Apollo hospital, New Delhi. Could you please grant a day of casual leave so that I could be with him on the day of surgery?

Death in the family

Subject : 10-day leave for mother’s death

With reference to our communication on phone today morning, I am proceeding on leave because of demise of my mother at my hometown. This was sudden, and at this moment I am not sure when I will be able to return.

Kindly grant me leave for seven days tentatively starting today. As and when things settle down, I will update you of my exact plans.

Extension of leave

The cremation of my mother has been performed and I am still recovering from her untimely demise. In the last letter, I had requested for a 7-day leave but then I wasn’t sure when I will be able to return.

There are few more rituals to be performed and my presence is required for few more days to support my family. I request you to extend my leave by seven days till October 28.

Casting vote in elections

Subject : Leave for casting vote in Rajasthan assembly elections

Voting in the state assembly elections in Rajasthan, my home state, will be held on November 24. I am still a registered voter in the state and want to cast vote in the upcoming elections. And, as discussed with you, because I am travelling this far, I would like to combine it with a visit to my family in Jaipur.

I request you to grant me 4-day leave from 22 to 25 November.

[Comment: I’ve seen letters on this subject where people even talk about why elections are important. That’s completely unnecessary. Everyone knows why elections are held.]

Applying for leave through email

Applying for leave through email isn’t much different from what we’ve covered so far in this post. Subject, salutation, and content can remain the same. Few minor differences are:

  • You don’t need to write the recipient’s address or date
  • You can retain ‘Yours sincerely’ or use your regular office norm – regards, best, etc.
  • And, of course, you don’t need signature

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Hey bro, thanks for the information but can you please tell me how to write a leave application for college principal?

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  • How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]


The need to write a leave application letter could arise for a number of reasons . So your son is ill and you need to stay home to take care of him. Would management even let you go? How do you get this drafted? It’s not like anybody is allowed to just travel right? 

The truth is, at some point during your employment, you may need to request a leave of absence. This could be for a variety of reasons ranging from personal or family health problems, the birth and/or adoption of a child, to rest from excessive job stress. It could also be the loss of a loved one or the pursuit of a hobby or a desire to travel. A leave of absence in your case is not a luxury, but a necessity.

What is a Leave Application Letter? 

A leave application letter is a letter written to apply for a leave of absence from the office for a certain period.

The concept of a leave application centers around a formal way of asking for a break/leave of absence from work for a specified time period.

A person writes leave application letter they’re unable to perform their duties for a stipulated period of time.

Types of Leave Applications 

  • Sick Leave  

Sick leave is basically a leave of absence due to an illness. Sick leave is granted under a number of scenarios; for personal physical or mental illness, the care of a sick child, spouse, parent, or parent of a spouse, regular health checks, and/or to address the physical, psychological, and legal effects of domestic abuse. 

At the moment, there are no federal legal requirements for paid sick leave. For companies subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Act does require unpaid sick leave. The U.S. government ensures that federal employees get 13 paid sick days a year.

  • Study Leave 

Study leave is basically a leave of absence from work granted in order to allow a person time to study or carry out research. In the case of a school pupil, it allows them to study at home, usually in order to prepare for examinations.

According to the labor laws in the US, Study Leave with or without pay is a matter for arrangement entirely between the employer and the employee. By law, the maximum length of study leave granted in the same employer’s service is two years. 

  • Sabbatical 

By definition, a Sabbatical leave is a period in which a person does not report to his regular job but who remains employed with that company. Also commonly referred to as ‘career break’ or ‘adult gap year’, It is a period away from work, agreed with your employer.

The truth is, there are no laws that cover taking a career break or sabbatical; as such employees have no statutory right to take leave. A sabbatical will in most cases be an authorized, unpaid leave of absence.

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave

Maternity leave is basically a period of absence from work that is granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child. The US government doesn’t guarantee for paid maternity leave, employers may, however, provide paid leave if they choose. If you have worked at a company for at least a year, you are entitled by federal law to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave.

Paternity leave is a period of time that the father of a new baby is allowed away from work. Usually, a company provides up to eight weeks of paid paternity leave. When a man takes time off because his partner is having a baby, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement he might be eligible for: 1 or 2 weeks’ paid paternity leave, paternity pay and/or shared parental leave and pay.

  • Vacation/Holiday Request Letter 

Vacation leave is ideally available to all eligible employees for the purpose of rest, relaxation, and to attend to personal affairs. It is strikingly similar to annual leave which is paid time off work granted by employers to employees. Although not stipulated by law, many employers nonetheless offer paid vacation, typically around 10 workdays, to attract employees.

  • Emergency Leave Application 

Emergency leave is necessary to cater to unforeseen circumstances such as the death of a loved one/family member. A funeral leave, which is leave of absence with pay, must not exceed three days and can be granted for absence from work. You qualify for an emergency leave if; there is a verified death, a life-threatening condition due to an accident, illness, or major surgery, or to visit a terminally ill person in the immediate family.

5 Top Leave Letter Format

Sick leave letter format.

The Manager,

(Insert company name)

Subject: Leave Application due (Insert illness)

Dear Sir/ma’am,

Respectfully, it is to inform you that I am suffering from (Xyz’s illness). I am an employee of your firm for the past (x years). I recently have been diagnosed with a (insert illness). Due to this sudden illness, it would not be possible for me to make an appearance at the office for a month. 

This critical condition has deteriorated my health a lot. I cannot eat properly and have a really bad body rash. It is impossible for me to concentrate on anything. I can attest to have been a dedicated employee and did not take any additional leave from work ever. 

The employee regularity record would serve as evidence of this claim. I would be able to come back after my complete recovery and serve your firm again with the same vigilant and attentive inclination. I hope you take my plea into consideration and allow me a leave of absence for a month. I shall remain indebted to you for this kindness.

Yours Truly,

(Insert name),

(Insert date)

Study Leave Letter Sample

The Manager (Authority name),

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Further Study

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

The Higher Education Commission, (Country name) has recently offered a free six-month study program (Another country name) for the candidates fulfilling the criteria. For government and private servants, it is a prerequisite to get approval from the relevant authority. 

Sir/Ma’am, I fulfill the criteria of this study program. I believe it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to fulfill my dream of studying abroad.

I am committed to continuing my services to the department after receiving higher education in (Country name). I shall be indebted to you for approving my leave application for the study program.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Job Designation…

Contact no…

Sabbatical Leave Letter Sample

Dear [Recipient Name],

My name is [insert name] and I have been working in the ICT department for the past decade. I have recently found myself stuck in a loop, doing the same things over and over again. My learning process stopped and I haven’t improved for a while now.

Feeling the need for self-development, I would like to request for an extended leave, sabbatical, in order to continue my studies and earn another degree. 

I am committed to [company name] and I am happy to work here. I am planning to resume my work at [company name] once I earn my degree, by then, I will be more knowledgeable, motivated, experienced, and more committed.

I do believe that this move is beneficial for both me and the organization. I plan to enroll in late September. The program will take no longer than nine months, so I should be back by May. I have briefed the head of the department and he assured me that coverage is available and that workflow will not be affected much.

I kindly ask you to consider my request and I am hopeful that will approve it. Attached to this letter are the program acceptance letter and other related documents for your reference.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards

(Insert name)

Maternity Leave Application Letter

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you of my intention to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I hope to start my maternity leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {Tentative joining date}, barring any unforeseen issues regarding my pregnancy and delivery arise.

If my plans change for any reason, I will let you know as soon as possible. A letter from my doctor confirming the relevant details have been attached to this letter.

Please do well to contact me if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

Annual Vacation Request Letter  

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you that I will be traveling with my family for a period of one month, between {start date} and {end date}. Due to the fact that my entire quota of annual leave sanctioned by the company is pending, I request you to adjust my leaves accordingly.

Following my earlier discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague, Mr./ Ms. {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave. I have already handed over all material regarding the project to him/ her, and expect there to be no exigencies in my absence.

Due to the nature of my travel plans, I may not be available to take phone calls. I request you to address any urgent work-related matters to my email address {enter email ID}.

I will be grateful for a positive reply to my leave request.

Thanks and regards,

How Employers & HRs Can Receive Leave Application Requests

With online forms, Formplus provides a flexible way to store your received data in the cloud storage of choice. You also have the option to opt-out of storing your data on our servers

With unlimited file uploads , users can submit online forms without any restriction to the size or number of files that can be uploaded, Formplus is a great tool to manage employee data. 

Form analytics and reports also give you an insight into an overview of the data submitted to your form.

 Top Leave Application Template for HR and Employers

  • Maternity Leave Application Form 

This online maternity leave application form is for a pregnant employee intending to apply for maternity leave as the delivery period nears. This request will help you plan ahead and help solve challenges that may arrive as a result of an employee leave which might be up to 6 months, depending on the labor laws in your country. 

  • Paternity Leave Application 

Form Formplus’ online paternity leave application form allows your employees to apply for paternity leave when expecting a baby. That is if the labor laws grant prospective Fathers paternity leave when expecting a child with their partners.

  • Sick Leave Form

This sickness notification form template allows your employees to formally notify you of their illness and unavailability to work. With this form, you can track all sick notifications from employees.

  • Travel Request Form 

With the online travel request form template, you can let your prospective customers, employees or ward request for a travel package for business trips, holidays, honeymoons, pilgrimage, etc. This travel request template is perfect for travel agencies, employers and tour consultants.

On the whole, a leave application letter should contain a valid reason for your leave application, which should convince the employer and make him grant you leave. 

If you are having a reasonable enough claim for leave application then your request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons, could be an illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents, etc

Most importantly, the leave application should not sound friendly or casual; rather it must be formal and professionally-written.


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Leave Application Letter for Office: Format, Samples, Templates

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A leave application is something everyone has been taught to write since school days. But what I have seen is that many individuals have several doubts swirling around when they actually sit down to write one. Being an employee of a private firm for many years, I have witnessed the same issue in the work scenario, too. Moreover, I feel that the leave application for office must be written in a convincing, engaging, yet formal manner.

For me, the application of leave in office acts as an official statement to let the manager know that I am planning to take a leave from work. Now, do you know the leave application format for office? If not, let me help you learn the process of drafting such a document. I also recommend taking the KnowledgeHut Professional training for further help with such workplace communication.

Why Should You Submit an Office Leave Application?

Submitting a leave application for office informs your manager or team lead about your absence from the workplace. Remaining off work without the knowledge of the management may reflect an unprofessional attitude on your side. I think it also creates a difficult situation for your respective team and may hamper the progress of some of your ongoing projects.

Hence, I think it’s a good idea to draft a leave application letter for the office beforehand. You can even send the application on the day when you won’t be able to attend the office because of a personal matter or other unavoidable circumstances.

Types of Leave Application

A leave application for office can be of various types depending on how they accommodate different situations. I have curated the common leave application types for your reference below:

  • Maternity Leave Application:  A time off given to new mothers to care for their newborn or newly adopted child.
  • Annual Leave Application:  A planned time off that can be accrued over a particular year.
  • Sick Leave Application:  An application granted for medical appointments or health-related issues.
  • Vacation Leave Application:  This time off is similar to the annual leave application and can be used for relaxation and travel purposes.
  • Casual Leave Application:  A short or unplanned leave granted to employees for unforeseen or incidental reasons.
  • Emergency Leave Application:  A compassionate or urgent time off granted to address sudden or unforeseen family and personal emergencies.
  • Half-day Leave Application:  A type of   leave application for an office that grants the employee permission to be absent from work for half of the usual working hours in a day.

What to Include in an Office Leave Application Letter/Email?

Learning how to write a leave application begins with knowing the content that you must include in your letter or email. Therefore, what follows is my list of points that should definitely be included in your leave application for office.

  • Salutation:  Such an approach will usually include the name of an addressee whose name is written in your notice of leave.
  • Subject:  This section of the leave application should include the cause behind your request for leave and the date you filed for it.
  • Reason for Leave: I advise that you put across the necessary details so that your application for a leave grant while transiting from office receives the attention it deserves.
  • Work Plan: To assure peace of mind to customers, talk about your colleague who will look after all responsibilities when you are not there.
  • Closing Sentence: Give thanks to the said individual.
  • Name:  State your correct name.
  • Designation:  Tell about your exact job function in the company.
  • Date:  Cite the present date.

Leave Application Format for Employee

Let me show you a leave letter format for the office that will help you draft future applications with ease.

To: [Manager’s Name]

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Current Date]

Subject: Leave application for [your reason and date]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for (number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). The reason for my leave is (your valid reason for leave).

I have completed all the urgent tasks and delegated the remaining tasks to (your colleague’s name). I am confident that my absence will not have any negative impact on our team’s work.

I will be available by email or phone during my leave if needed. I will also make sure to check my work email regularly.

I appreciate your consideration.

[Your name and designation]

How to Write a Leave Application Letter for Office

Following the correct leave application format for employees is important for you to be granted leave from your workplace. That is why I have curated a step-by-step guide for you to learn how to draft a leave application for office.

1. Use the Company Letterhead:  Use an official letterhead for your leave application if your company has one. It will help add a professional touch to your leave application for office for personal reasons or any other reason. Include your company name, address, and contact information as given on the letterhead.

2. Include the Date:  Write the current date you submitted the leave application at the top left or right corner. I advise you to use the DD/MM/YYYY format.

3. Add Your Name, Designation, and Employee ID:  Mention your full name along with your position or designation in the company and employee ID, if applicable.

4. Address the Recipient:  Your leave application for office should be addressed directly to your HR department head or reporting manager as specified by company policy. Try to use formal titles like Sir or Ma’am.

5. Subject Line:  Include a subject line that briefly states your leave request.

6. Content:  I suggest you clarify the reason and time period for the leave in the paragraph. Along with that, make sure you clearly explain the reason for your absence. According to the company policy, you will need to give enough time for your planned leave to the concerned authority.

7. Polite and Formal Tone:  Maintain a formal and courteous communication style at all times throughout the leave application. Strictly avoid making unreasonable demands.

8. Express Gratitude:  Finally, end by thanking the approval authority for taking the time to review your leave application.

9. Signature:  Wrap up the leave application with your full name and signature.

10. Proofread:  Double-check the leave application for any grammatical, factual, or spelling errors before submission.

Sample Leave Applications For Office

A sample leave letter format for office can help you draft your future applications without making any errors. Let me walk you through some of these sample leave applications for the office.

1. Sample Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

The following sample leave application will help you learn how to cite personal reasons for your absence.

Subject: Application for Personal Leave

Dear {Recipient’s Name},

I have an important personal matter to attend to due to which I will not be able to come to the office from {start date} to {end date}.

I have transferred all my tasks to {person’s name} and have asked them to call me for any help during my absence.

Kindly consider my leave application for approval and oblige.

Yours Sincerely,  {Your Name}

2. Sample Leave Application for Marriage

The leave application for marriage is different from other leave applications for office, as shown below.

Subject: Leave for Marriage Ceremony

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am pleased to announce that I will be getting married on {Date}. So, I request you to grant me leave from {Date} to {Date} for my marriage function.

I have already started to work towards completing my task before the date.

Looking forward to receiving a positive response from you soon.


3. Maternity Leave Application Sample

Here is a leave letter for office samples for those who want maternity leave.

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

I am writing to inform you about my decision to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I plan to start my leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {joining date}.

I will let you know as soon as possible if my plans change for any reason. I have attached the physician’s letter to confirm the relevant details.

4. Annual Leave Application

Here is a sample of an annual leave mail in the office   for your reference.

Subject: Annual Leave Application

I will be traveling with my family for one month between {start date} and {end date}.

As per my prior discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave.

I may not be available to take calls because of the nature of my travel plans. Please address any urgent work matters to my email address {email ID}.

I await a positive reply to my leave request.

Thank you and regards,  {Your Name}

5. Sick Leave Application

Here is a sample sick leave application for the office for your reference.

Subject: Sick Leave Request for One Day

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

I regret to inform you that I will not be able to visit the office tomorrow, [date], due to my health condition. I have visited the doctor and therefore will have to take the day to relax and recover. Therefore, I would like to request one day of sick leave.

I will be available via email for all urgent work matters.

Wishing you and the team a productive day in my absence.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

6. Vacation Leave Application

Here is a vacation leave letter example for office.

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing this application to request a leave of absence from {start date} to {end date}. My family and I are taking a vacation to Manali as this period marks the summer vacation for my children. I want to take part of my allotted paid leave in this regard.

In the meanwhile, my teammate, {enter name}, has been authorized to take up any pressing matters in terms of my job duties.

I look forward to your approval.

Sincerely,  {Your Name}

7. Casual Leave Application

Subject: Casual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I request a leave of {X days} from {start date} to {end date} since I have to attend to a medical emergency of a close relative. As the relative is situated in Uttrakhand, I must be away for {X days}.

I shall be reachable during the period mentioned in my email. My person in charge, {person’s name}, will be handling my tasks in my absence.

I will be thankful if you consider my application at the earliest.

8. Emergency Leave Application

Here is how you can write a leave letter for an emergency.

Sub: Emergency Leave Letter

I have to tend to a personal matter in my hometown because of which I will not be able to come to the office until {date}.

I have informed my colleagues about my leave and have briefed everyone on the project we are working on. You may contact me on (Your mobile number) if you need me with any urgent information.

Please grant me a leave for three days and oblige.

{Your Name}

9. Leave Application for Half-day Sample

Here is a sample leave application for the office for a half day.

Subject: Request for Half-Day Leave on [Date]

Dear [Supervisor Name],

This is to inform you that I am applying for a half-day leave on [Date], [Morning/Afternoon]. I need to [briefly state the reason for leave].

I have completed all urgent tasks and informed [colleague name] about my absence. They have agreed to cover the pending tasks for me.

I will be available via email or phone throughout the day for urgent matters.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Leave Application for Office: Template

I have attached a sample   leave application for the office template for your reference. You can also download it instantly.

Leave Application Sample for office

Tips for Writing Office Leave Application Letters

I have also curated some tips that you can use while drafting an application for medical leave in the office or for other reasons.

  • Use a formal tone and professional format to write the leave application for the office.
  • Provide all relevant details, including the purpose of your leave and the duration of absence.
  • Send your leave application in time.
  • Let the management know about your work status, too.
  • Attach supporting documents if needed.
  • Follow up with the manager or supervisor if they have not responded to your application yet.

Writing a leave application for the office will be an easy task for you once you have read this guide. I have included the formats for all application types, including a one-day leave application for the office, for your reference. Moreover, you must also follow all the tips and guidelines to ensure your application is in the correct format and tone.

You can learn more about such leave applications and how to draft them through free online courses from KnowledgeHut. These courses will enable you to learn more about effective communication in the workplace and enhance your skills for career advancement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can apply for a casual leave application for the office if you want to attend a function. Make sure to follow the correct format and inform your manager about your planned absence. This will enable you to get approval instantly.

Several leave types are available for employees, including maternity, annual, half-day, casual, vacation, and sick leave. Familiarizing yourself with their respective formats is essential to ensure you submit the correct application.

Your application should encompass several required elements. The three simple ones are the subject line, the date, the reason for your leave, and the name of the person to whom you have transferred your work.

List down the factors that your manager can incorporate in canceling your absence request for the office. If your manager’s explanations are not convincing enough and you need a leave, you can discuss the matter with your HR department, which may be escalated to the seniors if required.

Yes, your leave remains cancelable even after it is approved. All you have to do is prepare a new document stating the new dates or your reasons for changing your leave. You may also want to bring the matter to your HR and proceed with the application without any problem.


Abhresh Sugandhi

Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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How to write leave application

  • May 18, 2024


I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [specific reason]. I have ensured that my responsibilities will be covered during my absence by [colleague’s name], who is fully briefed on all ongoing projects and urgent tasks. Additionally, I have completed as much of my pending work as possible to minimize any inconvenience. During my leave, I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters that require my attention. I kindly ask for your understanding and approval of this leave request, and I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on any missed work promptly upon my return.

Components of a Leave Application

How to format a leave application.

  • Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Leave Application  

Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Application

How To Write Leave Application

  • Subject Line: Clearly state the purpose of the email/letter (e.g., “Leave Application”).
  • Recipient’s Name: Address the person to whom the application is being submitted (e.g., your supervisor, HR manager).
  • Salutation: A polite greeting (e.g., “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”).
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the purpose of the application (e.g., requesting leave).
  • Duration of Leave: Specify the start and end dates of the leave period.
  • Reason for Leave: Clearly state the reason for requesting leave (e.g., personal reasons, medical reasons, family emergency).
  • Arrangements During Absence: Mention any arrangements made to cover your responsibilities during your absence (e.g., a colleague covering your duties).
  • Availability: Indicate if you will be reachable during your leave and how (e.g., via email or phone).
  • Request for Approval: Politely ask for the recipient’s approval of your leave request.
  • Closing: A courteous closing statement (e.g., “Thank you for your understanding”).
  • Sign-off: A polite ending (e.g., “Sincerely,” followed by your name).
  • Contact Information: Include your contact details if not already provided in the signature block.
  • Attachments (if any): Attach any necessary documents (e.g., medical certificates) supporting your leave request

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Company/Organization Name] [Company/Organization Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Leave Application

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [specific reason]. During this period, I have arranged for [colleague’s name] to manage my responsibilities to ensure a smooth workflow. I have briefed them on all ongoing projects and urgent tasks, and I have completed as much of my pending work as possible to minimize any inconvenience.

During my leave, I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters that may arise. I kindly ask for your understanding and approval of this leave request. Upon my return, I will make every effort to promptly catch up on any work that may have accumulated during my absence.

Thank you for considering my request.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Leave Application

  • Your Contact Information: Include your name, address, email, and phone number at the top of the application.
  • Date: Mention the date on which you are writing the application.
  • Recipient’s Information: Include the name, position, and contact details of the person to whom you are addressing the application.
  • Subject Line: Clearly state the purpose of the letter in the subject line (e.g., “Leave Application”).
  • Salutation: Use a respectful greeting to address the recipient (e.g., “Dear [Recipient’s Name],”).
  • Introduction: State the purpose of your letter right at the beginning (e.g., “I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date].”).
  • Reason for Leave: Provide a clear and concise reason for your leave (e.g., “due to [specific reason, such as medical reasons, personal reasons, family emergency]”).
  • Duration of Leave: Clearly specify the dates of your leave (e.g., “from [start date] to [end date]”).
  • Work Arrangements: Inform about any arrangements made to ensure work continuity during your absence (e.g., “I have arranged for [colleague’s name] to manage my responsibilities and ensure a smooth workflow. I have briefed them on all ongoing projects and urgent tasks.”).
  • Availability: Mention if you will be reachable and how (e.g., “During my leave, I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters that may require my attention.”).
  • Request for Approval: Politely ask for the recipient’s approval of your leave request (e.g., “I kindly ask for your understanding and approval of this leave request.”).
  • Closing: End with a courteous closing statement (e.g., “Thank you for considering my request.”).
  • Sign-off: Use a polite closing phrase followed by your name (e.g., “Sincerely, [Your Name]”).

Writing an effective leave application involves clear communication, courtesy, and ensuring that all necessary information is provided to minimize any disruption. Here are some tips to help you write an effective leave application:

  • Be Clear and Concise: Clearly state the reason for your leave, the start and end dates, and any other relevant information. Avoid unnecessary details that don’t directly pertain to the leave request .
  • Provide a Specific Reason: Be honest and specific about the reason for your leave. Whether it’s for personal health, family matters, or another important issue, providing a clear reason helps in the approval process.
  • Plan Ahead: Submit your leave application as early as possible. This not only shows professionalism but also gives your employer adequate time to make arrangements to cover your duties during your absence.
  • Offer a Coverage Plan: Propose how your responsibilities will be handled in your absence. Mention any colleagues who have agreed to take over your tasks and indicate that you have briefed them about your ongoing projects.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Use a formal tone and proper format in your application. Address the recipient respectfully and ensure the application is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Keep it Short: While it’s important to include all necessary details, keep your application to the point. An overly lengthy application may distract from the essential details.
  • State Your Contact Information: Even if you are on leave, mention how you can be contacted in case of an emergency or for any critical issues that might arise during your absence.
  • Express Willingness to Assist: Indicate your willingness to help prepare for your absence by offering to complete tasks in advance or train others to handle your duties temporarily.
  • Show Appreciation: Thank your employer or HR manager for considering your request. A polite acknowledgment of their cooperation goes a long way in maintaining good relations.
  • Follow Up: If you don’t hear back regarding your leave application, it’s appropriate to follow up after a reasonable amount of time. This shows your initiative and ensures that your request is being processed.

In conclusion, writing an effective leave application is crucial for ensuring smooth communication and maintaining professionalism in the workplace. By being clear, concise, and courteous in your request, you provide all the necessary information for your employer to understand and process your leave smoothly. Remember to plan ahead, offer a coverage plan, and follow up if necessary. These steps help in fostering goodwill and minimizing any potential disruption your absence might cause. Ultimately, a well-crafted leave application not only facilitates a smoother transition during your time off but also contributes positively to your professional image.

Q: 1 How early should I submit a leave application?

Ans: : It’s best to submit a leave application as soon as you know the dates you will be absent. Ideally, this would be at least two weeks in advance for non-emergency leaves, like vacations or planned medical procedures. For emergencies, provide notice as soon as practically possible.

Q: 3. How do I handle a leave request for a personal or sensitive reason?

Ans: You should keep the details brief and to the point. It’s enough to state that the leave is for personal reasons or health issues without going into specifics. If documentation is required (e.g., medical certificate), mention that it is available upon request.

Q:3.Should I email my leave application or submit it in person?

Ans: This depends on the norms of your workplace. Email is generally acceptable and creates a written record of your request, which is useful for both parties. However, if a more personal approach is typical in your organization, or if the matter is sensitive, submitting it in person may be appropriate.

Q: 4What should I do if my leave application is denied?

Ans:First, seek to understand the reasons behind the decision. If it’s due to staffing or timing issues, you might be able to negotiate alternative dates. If the leave is for a critical or unavoidable reason, discuss possible compromises or solutions with your manager. Always maintain professionalism and try to work collaboratively towards a mutually beneficial outcome.

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Leave Application Email to Your Manager | 23 Examples

Leave request email to manager | Most professionals, at some point, will need to take time off from work. Regardless of the reason—be it for personal matters, health issues, or vacation—it is crucial to draft a proficient leave application email to your manager. This not only shows respect for the company’s procedures but also increases the likelihood of your leave being granted without hassle. Here’s how to go about it:

Table of Contents

Leave Application Email to Your Manager | Tips

Understand Company Policy Before you draft your email, review your company’s leave policy. Make a note of how much leave you are entitled to, the notice period required, and if you need to provide any specific documentation.

Plan Ahead If possible, plan your absence at a time when it will cause the least disruption. Avoid peak business times and make sure you give enough notice, in line with company policies.

Keep it Professional Compose your email in a professional tone. Your email should reflect the same level of professionalism as any other business correspondence.

Be Clear and Concise Clarity is crucial. State the type of leave you are requesting and the exact dates of your departure and return. Keep it brief and to the point.

Provide a Reason While you don’t have to share all the details, providing a clear reason for your leave can prevent any unnecessary speculation and clarify the importance of your request.

Now, let’s put all of this into a structure. Here’s a basic template you could use:

Leave Application Email Templates

Subject: [Type of Leave] Leave Application from [Your Full Name] for [Dates]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a [type of leave – personal, sick, vacation, etc.] leave. I would like to request leave from [start date] to [end date], totalling [number of days] days of absence.

[In this part of the email, briefly mention the reason for your leave. If the leave is for medical purposes, state this fact. If personal, you may decide how much information you feel is appropriate to disclose.]

I have ensured that my current projects and responsibilities are accounted for during my absence. [Name of a colleague] has kindly agreed to oversee my work during this period. This will ensure a smooth transition and prevent any disruption in workflow.

Should I need to be contacted for any reason, I am available via email, and [mention any other possible communication method if necessary; otherwise, omit].

I would appreciate your understanding and support regarding this matter, and I am hopeful my leave can be approved as requested. Please let me know if further information or a discussion is required.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your response.

Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

Subject: Request for Annual Leave – [Your Name]

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request annual leave from [start date] to [end date]. This period of absence, totaling [number of days] days, is intended for [briefly state the purpose, e.g., “a family holiday”].

I have ensured that all my current projects are on schedule, and I am committed to completing all necessary tasks prior to my departure. To facilitate a smooth transition, I plan to:

Delegate ongoing tasks to [Colleague’s Name], who has agreed to oversee my responsibilities during my absence. Provide a detailed handover document that outlines the status of all projects, key contacts, and critical deadlines. Remain available to answer any queries in the week leading up to my leave. I believe this planned leave will not disrupt our team’s workflow, and I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition. Please let me know if there are any issues or further details you would like to discuss.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your approval.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Contact Information]

Subject: Maternity Leave Request – [Your Name]

I am writing to request maternity leave as I am expecting the arrival of my child in the coming weeks. As per our company’s maternity leave policy, I am planning to commence leave beginning [start date] and anticipate returning on or around [end date].

To prepare for my time away from the office, I have arranged the following:

Completion of all major projects ahead of schedule. A comprehensive handover to [Colleague’s Name], who will cover my position during my absence. Scheduled meetings with key team members to ensure they have the necessary support in my absence. Please let me know if there are additional steps you would advise me to take to ensure everything runs smoothly during my maternity leave. Also, I am open to discussing flexible working hours upon my return to better manage work-life balance.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Leave Application Emails With Details

Template 4: Personal Leave for Family Commitment

Subject: Personal Leave Request – [Your Full Name] – [Date]

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to request a day off on [specific date] due to personal family commitments. I have made sure that my current work assignments will not be affected and have delegated necessary tasks to [Colleague’s Name].Please let me know if there is any additional information you need or any work I should prioritize before my day off.Thank you for considering my request.Best regards,[Your Full Name]

Template 5: Medical Leave for Surgery

Subject: Medical Leave Request for Surgery – [Your Full Name]

I am writing to inform you that I need to take urgent medical leave. I am scheduled for a surgery on 2024, and according to my doctor, I will need a rest period of [number] days post-surgery.I aim to return to the office on 2024, subject to my doctor’s advice during recovery. I am attaching a medical note as per our leave policy. During my absence, [Colleague’s Name] has agreed to oversee my workload and will be the point of contact for any urgent matters.I appreciate your understanding and support.Best,[Your Full Name]

Template 6: Leave for Urgent Work at Home

Subject: Urgent Leave Request – [Your Full Name] – [Date]

I’m writing to request an emergency leave for 2024, as an urgent situation has arisen at home that I need to attend to.I have ensured that all of my current projects are up to date, and I have briefed [Colleague’s Name] on the possibility of any urgent matters that may need attention in my absence.I apologize for the short notice and appreciate your understanding. Please let me know if I can provide any further information.Warm regards,[Your Full Name]

Template 7: Vacation Leave for Pre-Planned Trip

Subject: Vacation Leave Application – [Your Full Name] – [Date Range]

As we discussed earlier, I would like to formalize my request for vacation leave from [start date] to [end date]. All of my projects are on schedule, and I am ensuring a smooth handover of responsibilities to [Colleague’s Name] in my absence.I’ll make sure to address all outstanding tasks before my departure. I am confident that my team can handle my duties while I am away and I will be available by email for any immediate concerns.Thank you for considering my application for vacation leave. Sincerely,[Your Full Name]

Template 8: Leave Application for Mental Health Days

Subject: Leave Application for Well-being Days – [Your Full Name]

I am writing to request [number of days] days off work from [start date] to [end date] for reasons pertaining to my mental health and overall well-being. This time will help me to recharge and return to work with renewed focus and energy.I have outlined a plan to [Colleague’s Name], who will cover my responsibilities during my absence. Please let me know if there’s anything I need to complete or organize before my leave begins. Thank you for your understanding.Best wishes,[Your Full Name]

17 Templates | Short Leave Application Emails :

  • I am writing to request your approval for a five-day leave beginning from 2024 due to a family event. I have planned my work accordingly to ensure minimal disruption.
  • Due to personal reasons, I need to request a leave of absence for [number] days starting from 2024. I have delegated my tasks to [colleague’s name] to handle in my absence.
  • I will need to request for [number] days off starting from 2024 to attend to an urgent family matter. I have taken steps to ensure my responsibilities are covered during this period.
  • I am in need of a sick leave as I was diagnosed with [illness]. My doctor recommends a rest period of [number] days. I will ensure any important tasks will be handled by [colleague’s name].
  • I would like to take my annual vacation leave from [start date] to [end date]. I have coordinated with [colleague’s name] to handle any urgent issues that might come up in my absence.
  • I’m requesting [number] days off starting from 2024 due to personal commitments that require my immediate attention. I have sorted out the tasks for this duration with [colleague’s name].
  • Please consider this email as a formal request for [number] days of paternity leave as per our company policy. My wife is expected to give birth around 2024. In my absence, [college’s name] will look after my responsibilities.
  • I need to request for a leave of absence on 2024 to attend a crucial family event out of town. Rest assured, I have liaised with [colleague’s name] to cover my work for this day.
  • Due to unforeseen personal issues, I’m in need of immediate leave for the next [number] days. I’ve arranged for [colleague’s name] to step in during my absence.
  • I’m writing to request a medical leave of [number] weeks starting on [start date] due to a planned surgery. I’ve arranged with [colleague’s name] to handle my responsibilities during this period.
  • I have an important personal matter to attend to and would like to request leave from [start date] to [end date]. I have made arrangements to cover my major responsibilities during this period.
  • I would like to inform you that I will be taking my annual leave from [start date] to [end date]. I’ve arranged with my team to cover my tasks and responsibilities during my absence.
  • I am due for a surgery on 2024 and the suggested recovery time is [number] days. Therefore, I would like to apply for medical leave starting from [start date] to [end date]. I have allocated my responsibilities among team members during my absence.
  • I am emailing to request leave for one day on 2024 due to unforeseen personal circumstances. I will ensure my tasks for that day are either completed in advance or handed over to a team member.
  • I am writing to request your approval for paternity leave, as my wife is due to give birth in the last week of this month. I will need to be off work from [start date] to [end date]. My tasks during this period will be managed by my teammates.
  • Remember to replace 2024 and [number] with specific dates and number of days, respectively. These are just samples, so please modify them according to your specific needs.
  • I am writing to request leave from [start date] to [end date] for [reason for leave]. I commit to making the necessary arrangements to ensure all my tasks are covered during my absence. If anything urgent arises, please feel free to reach out to me by email. I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
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How to Write Leave Application for Office? [with Format & Samples]

Leave Application for Office

Taking some days off work is undeniably important because everyone needs to take leaves at several uncontrollable times. In fact, research shows that employees who make use of their annual leave tend to be 40% more productive. This is because they’re less prone to irritability, depression, forgetfulness, and fatigue than those who don’t take any time off. It just goes to show you that sometimes it pays off in terms of productivity when you give yourself some rest. In this blog, we’ll help you get your well-deserved time off work by showing you how to write a leave application for office that cannot be rejected.

Table of Contents

How to Write Leave Application for Office?

To ensure your leave application for office is written professionally and includes all the key information, follow these guides on how to write a leave application for office. Additionally, to learn how to communicate professionally in a corporate office, you can pursue a business communication skills course . 

1. Understand Your Organization’s Policy on Leave

It is important to review your company’s leave policy and rules carefully before planning a vacation or any other activity that requires taking time off. Understand your entitlement to various types of leaves offered by the company, including earned and casual leaves. Also, understand their eligibility criteria.

2. Add the Subject (Purpose) of the Application

This is where you state why you are submitting an application for leave of office. You should specify what type of leave it is, such as a vacation or sick day request.

3. Include Salutation and Receiver’s Name

Here, include who the letter is addressed to, which could be your boss or a specific individual in the Human Resources team.

4. Mention the Reason for Taking Leave

Explain in detail why you require this time off from work including events like medical appointments/treatment that require absence from the workplace etc. This way, your superior understands fully without leaving any doubt the reasons you’re requesting this time off.

5. Specify the Number of Leaves Needed

Employees should indicate the dates that they will need to be away from work. This includes both the start and end date of their leave period.

6. Include a Work Plan During the Absence

Employees can create a plan for their absence, outlining tasks to be completed before they leave. They should also provide detailed instructions on how to execute daily duties in case of emergency when not present at work and offer training and knowledge transfer to any substitutes during the period away from duty.

7. Add Contact Information

Employees must supply their up-to-date contact details in order to be reachable by co-workers during any emergency situation. To ensure minimal disruption or loss of productivity due to said absences, employees should remain available via phone/email if needed.

8. Use Polite and Professional Language

Express your request for leave in a respectful and professional way. Be sure to keep an appropriate tone throughout the conversation, using phrases such as “Please,” “Thank you” and other polite words that demonstrate respectfulness.

Ask politely rather than demanding support, being mindful of how decisions might affect both parties involved. Show appreciation if granted permission by expressing gratitude with statements like “I am very grateful” or “I would be most obliged”.

9. Conclude Professionally

End your application letter for leave in the office with a polite closing phrase such as ‘Warm Regards’, or ‘Yours Sincerely’, followed by your name. If you are sending a hard copy of the leave request make sure to sign it at its end for added authenticity.

10. Proofread Your Leave Application

Review your leave letter for any mistakes. It might be helpful to read it aloud as this can help pick out typos, grammar issues, and anything else that doesn’t sound quite right. Additionally, check that the dates you have specified in the document are correct and make sure all of the information is accurate before submitting it. Make adjustments where needed so that there are no errors in your application.

Also Read: Half-Day Leave Application

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Sample Leave Letter Format for Office

This is a sample leave application format for office that works for different types of leave applications.

1. Sample for Annual Leave Application

Everyone deserves a break to recharge and rejuvenate. Use this sample annual leave application letter for office to request time off from work, to get your well-deserved vacation or personal time.

2. Sample Maternity Leave Application

If you’re going to have a baby soon, it is necessary for you to take some time off work. Here is a sample maternity leave application to inform your boss about your absence.

3. Sample Emergency Leave Application for Office

Emergencies are usually unpredictable. An unexpected circumstance can arise at any time, requiring immediate time off from work. Here’s a sample emergency leave application for office to notify your employer about your urgent absence.

4. Sample Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

If you wish to take a leave of absence from the office due to a personal reason you do not want to disclose, you can write an application in the following format.

5. Sample Medical Leave Application for Office

If you are suffering from an illness or sustained any injuries and are unable to work for some time, you can submit a medical leave application. Here is a format for the same:

Also Read: Application For Sick Leave

6. Sample Leave Application for Two Days in Office

Here is how you can write a two-day leave application for the office to attend a wedding:

You can check out more marriage leave application samples to write an application for different scenarios. 

When you need time away from work, it is essential to submit a well-crafted leave application for office. Make sure your request follows all guidelines given by the company and includes vital information such as why you are requesting time off, etc. Employ polite language in your letter and make certain that everything has been checked twice so there are no mistakes present.

Are you ready to write a professional leave application now? Share with us in the comments below some other scenarios where you can use the above-mentioned leave application samples. Read more on leave applications, get to know what is privilege leave to check if you have it as part of your benefits package.

If you are taking a leave due to an illness, injury, medical condition, medical emergency in a family, or childbirth, you should provide a medical certificate with your leave application.

You can address the leave application email to your manager by writing, “Hi [Manager’s Name], I am writing to request leave from [date] to [date] due to [reason]. I have completed most of my current tasks and have coordinated with [Colleague’s Name] for pending tasks. In case of an urgent matter that requires my attention, you can contact me at [email address]. Thank you for your understanding.

If you plan on taking a leave of absence, submit an application well in advance, four or five days before the decided date. If it is due to an emergency, try to inform your manager or supervisor as early as possible.

To draft a leave application for personal reasons write, “Dear [Manager’s Name], I am writing to request a leave of absence due to personal reasons. Please grant me a leave from [date] to [date]. Thank you for your understanding.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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How to Write Personal Leave Application for Office

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Divyanshu   Jangid

If you are planning to take a break from work, you will have to inform your employer in advance. Most companies need you to submit a formal leave application in case of planned personal leaves.

A personal leave application serves as a formal request for your employer to excuse you from work for a few days. Informing about your absence formally puts you in the good books of your employer.

But you must follow a formal format while drafting the application. So, we have compiled this in-depth guide to help you write a formal personal leave application for the office.  

  • Points You Should Attend in the Personal Leave Application

A personal leave application for office must cover the following points:

  • Application date
  • Name, designation, and address of the recipient
  • Purpose or subject of writing the letter
  • Salutation line
  • Leave duration
  • Reason for taking the leave
  • Work plan during your absence
  • Your name, designation, and contact information
  • Your signature
  • Personal Leave Application Format

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s designation, company name, and address]

Subject: Personal leave application

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [recipient’s name]

[Body of the application: request the leave, specify the reason, duration, and work plan during your absence]

[Thank you note]

Yours sincerely

[Your signature]

[Your name]

[Your designation]

[Your contact details]

  • Personal Leave Application Format for Email

[Body of the email: request your leave, specify the reason, duration, and work plan during your absence]

  • Personal Leave Application for Visiting Hometown [Letter]

1 August 2022

Mr. Balbir Kundra

Project Manager

KWC Private Limited

Pune, Maharashtra

Subject: Requesting leave for four days to visit my hometown

This is to inform you that I am requesting leave from 8 August 2022 to 11 August 2022 (five days). I need to visit my hometown in Hyderabad during that time. I will be back in the office on 13 August 2022 (Friday).

I have completed all the assigned work till now. I have also delegated responsibilities to my team members to handle all the work during my absence. During my leave, Vineet will take the responsibility of leading my team.

I will be available on call and by email during that time. In case of an emergency, anyone can contact me, and I will be happy to help. I am also willing to attend meetings virtually if something urgent comes up during that time. 

Kindly approve my leave application, and I guarantee you that everything will run smoothly during that time. Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. 

Yours sincerely Aloka Verma Content Developer Mobile: +91-XXXXXXXXXX Email: [email protected]

Also read: How to Write a Half Day Leave Application for Office

  • Personal Leave Application for Marriage [Email]

Subject: Requesting leave for three days for my marriage

Dear Ms. Kumar,

I would request a leave from 4 August 2022 to 6 August 2022 (three days). I need the leave as I am getting hitched by my long-term partner. I will be back in the office on 8 August 2022 (Monday).

I have delegated some responsibilities to my juniors to ensure that the work doesn’t get hampered during that time. I have also completed some work in advance so that we don’t miss any deadlines due to my absence. I have explained to my team how to function during my absence, and I hope they will fulfill individual responsibilities perfectly.

In case of urgency, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I will be available via phone and my personal email.

Thank you for your kind cooperation during an auspicious occasion of my life.

Warm Regards Dhruv Kulkarni Design Head Mobile: +91-XXXXXXXXXX

  • Mistakes You Should Avoid While Writing a Personal Leave Application

You should be mindful of these mistakes while drafting a personal leave application for office:

  • Don’t address the leave application to the wrong person: You must know to whom you should address your personal leave application. You might have to address it to your immediate supervisor or your departmental head. If you have any confusion, ask your HR manager.
  • Don’t forget to mention the date: You should begin your personal leave application with a date. The date shouldn’t be too far from when you are planning to submit the application. Moreover, you should clearly specify the dates on which you will be unavailable. Check the month and day carefully to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.
  • Never submit the application without a subject line: A personal leave application without a clear subject line is unprofessional. You need to clarify the purpose of writing the application in the beginning. Especially when you are sending an email, the subject line is mandatory. Otherwise, your personal leave email might end up in the spam folder of the recipient.
  • Don’t forget to add a salutation: You can begin your personal leave application letter using “Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms.” followed by the recipient’s last name. You can also use the first name and middle name or only the last name of the person and add a “Ji” with it.
  • Never forget to make a formal request: You should mention the duration and reason for your leave explicitly. Your application should be able to convince the recipient about the urgency of the leave. 
  • Never draft the application in an informal tone: You need to convey the urgency of your leave in a professional manner. You will have to sound courteous and cooperative throughout the application.
  • Don’t forget to state the work plan during your absence: You should convince the recipient that the workflow won’t get hampered during your absence. You can name a few replacements who will take care of your work during the leave period. You might also inform the recipient that you have already completed the work for that period. You also need to mention how you can be communicated during that time in case of an emergency.
  • Don’t unnecessarily elaborate on your application: You will have to add all the necessary details in your personal leave application, like the dates of your unavailability and the reason why you need the leave. But don’t exaggerate your personal leave application with unwanted details and make it unnecessarily lengthy. A precise personal leave application will be more effective. 
  • Never send the application without proofreading: You might have made grammatical and spelling errors in the application without your knowledge. Always look for typos and errors before sending the application. You should also add proper punctuations to make your leave application more formal, accurate, and error-free.
  • Ending Note

Try to submit your personal leave application well in advance. It will provide your superior with adequate time to figure out the flow of work during your absence.

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Table of Contents


Leave application for casting vote.

Sample format of  Leave Application for Casting Vote. If any person i.e employee, staff member, teacher or student wants to take leave if he/she wants to go for the casting of his/her vote this given format can be used. Casting a vote is your official duty and is a must for every citizen. Find applications below.

Sample Leave Application for Casting Vote

The Manager, Falcon’s Agency, Canada.

Subject: Leave Application for Casting Vote

Respected Sir,

It is stated that I am Steve Kim, and working as an Assistant Marketing in your esteemed organization for the last two years. I am writing to inform you what you already know is, that election days are on go and elections in my district are on different days from that of the district where I am employed. For this reason, in order to cast my vote I had to move towards my hometown and it will take an entire day for me to travel. I think that you will understand the reason and grant me leave for a day as casting a vote is the official duty of every citizen. It is requested that please allow me to leave on 8th Jan 2024. I shall be obliged in this regard.

Thanking You In Anticipation.

Yours Sincerely, Steve Kim. Assistant Marketing.

Request for Special Causal Leave to Cast Vote

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a special casual leave to exercise my civic duty and cast my vote in the upcoming [mention the election type, e.g., municipal, regional, national] elections on [date].

As a responsible citizen, I believe it is crucial to participate in the democratic process and contribute to shaping the future of our community/country. However, due to the timing of the election and my work schedule, I would kindly like to request a day off on [date] to ensure I can fulfill this important obligation.

I assure you that I will complete all pending tasks before my leave and make necessary arrangements for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence. I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to the workflow.

Thank you for considering my request. Your understanding and support in this matter are greatly appreciated.

[Your Name]

Special Causal Leave Request for Voting Purposes

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I trust this email finds you in good health and spirits. I am reaching out to formally request a special causal leave to participate in the electoral process by casting my vote in the upcoming [mention the election type, e.g., parliamentary, local council] elections on [date].

I firmly believe in the importance of exercising my democratic right and fulfilling my civic duty to contribute to the democratic process. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for a day off on [date] to enable me to participate in this essential aspect of our democratic society.

Please be assured that I will ensure all my tasks are up to date before my leave and will coordinate with my colleagues to minimize any potential disruptions to our workflow.

Thank you for considering my request. Your understanding and support are invaluable to me.

Best regards,

Request for Special Causal Leave for Voting

Dear [HR Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a special causal leave to exercise my constitutional right to vote in the upcoming [mention the election type, e.g., presidential, gubernatorial] elections scheduled for [date].

As an engaged and responsible citizen, I consider it my duty to participate in the electoral process and contribute to shaping the future of our society. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for a day off on [date] to allow me to fulfill this important civic obligation.

I assure you that I will ensure all my responsibilities are adequately covered before my leave and will make necessary arrangements to minimize any inconvenience to the team.

Thank you for your understanding and support in facilitating my participation in this fundamental aspect of our democracy.

Sample Leave Application Due to Election by an Overseas Employee

The Manager,

Mango Juice Factory,

New York, United States of America.

Subject: Leave application due to election by Overseas employee

Respected Madam,

With due respect, it is to state with much modesty and concern that I need an urgent leave of one week for attending the election campaign in my home town which is the United Kingdom. As you know, each vote matters in the election and decides the future of any country, so I want to fulfill my duty as a British national. Kindly grant me the desired leaves. Thanking in anticipation.

Yours Truthfully,

Mr. Colin Jacob,

23 rd April 2022.

Sample Leave Application Format due to Election Duty

The Principal,

Hones Junior Public School,

Austin, United States of America.

Subject: Leave Application due to Election Duty

With due respect, it is to state humbly that I am in urgent and awful need of leaves for three days. I am nominated for election duty from this school and on very short notice, I am being called to the designated area. I have a lot to prepare for packing and collecting the required essentials for this purpose. Kindly grant me the leave for the three days. Thanking in anticipation.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr. Saint Hones,

Sample Leave Application due to Vote Casting

Gal amour Steel industry,

London, United Kingdom

Subject: Leave Application due to Vote Casting

With due respect, it is stated that I am Mr. John caret, sales manager of this valued company. I want to apply for leave just for one day. The reason behind the election and being a responsible citizen it is my duty to cast my vote fairly and justly, in favor of the candidate who deserved the rightful vote. For that purpose, I request you to provide me with leave for one day in order to perform this duty. Thank you.

Yours obediently,

Mr. John Caret,

23 rd April 2022

Sample Leave Application to visit Hometown for Vote Casting

Raymond Swiss High School,

Subject: Leave application due to visit to hometown for vote casting:

With due respect, it is to state that I am serving in this school for the past many years and never welcomed any leave for self-service. This time, the scenario is changed and I want to visit my hometown that is China. My vote has been registered in my hometown, so I need to visit my city for casting vote. I would be back in three days as the travel is tiresome and it would consume two days in going and coming back. I hope you will understand my issue and grant me leave. I will be very thankful to you.

Yours Obediently,

Mr. Jacob Bacon,

Sample Leave Application due to Society Election through Email

To: [email protected]

Subject: Leave application due to society election

With due respect, it is to state that I am in dire need of leaves. I want the leaves to attend the society election campaign in my area. I am taking part in the election this time, that’s why my presence in the campaign is mandatory. The campaign will be held for one week, so I will be needing 15 days of leaves for starting and closing of the society election. I hope you would understand my reason and my urge to serve my nation with my abilities. Kindly grant me the said leaves and make me grateful. Thanking in anticipation.

Mr. Dickon Archibald

Sample Leave Application for Casting Vote

Sample Leave Application format for Election Purpose

The Director, Holiday’s Inn.

It is stated that I am James Bob, working as Junior Accountant in your valued company. I want to inform you that tomorrow is polling day and for casting my vote I have to go at the specific center which is a bit far away from my place of employment. I want to request that kindly grant me leave for a day as I also have to take my family with me, my whole time will be spended there and it will affect my official duty hours. I hope you will consider my application in this regard.

Thanking You.

James Bob. Junior Accountant.

Leave Application for Election

With utmost respect and estimation, it is stated that I would not be able to come to office tomorrow dated 12 April, 2019. It is due to the reason that elections are being held in my native area. I personally believe that casting a vote is a social responsibility and every  individual being of country should vote for the better leader for their prosperous future. I don’t want to resist myself from following this active social obligation. Therefore, it is required to permit me leave for one day only so I can cast my vote and elect the best candidate for our area.

Yours Sincerely,


2 thoughts on “Leave Application for Casting Vote”

Write an application to the Principal of your collage seeking permission to arrange a voting camp for the section of the Sundorbans as one of the seven wonders of the world.

Application to Principal Seeking Permission to arrange Voting Campaign

To, The Principal,

With due reverence, it is briefly stated that I am writing this application from student’s management society. I am the head girl of the society and I believe that my position gives me right to bring novelty in student’s life by arranging different campaigns. I want to arrange voting campaign for the section of the Sundarbans forest as one of the seven wonders of the world. Its history goes back to Mughal Empire. t is also home to a variety of bird, reptile and invertebrate species, including the incredible salt water crocodile. This forest covers vast variety of wildlife. Bengal Tiger is adapted to mangrove environment. Government officials are doing everything to conserve the diverse wildlife in forest. It is considered as beautiful forest of Bangladesh and India. I have done thorough research on this project and I have proper plan to start the voting campaign. I need heads up from you. It will be great initiative if you permit me to proceed it.

Yours Obediently, Name:———— Class:———- Roll No:—————-

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  • How To Write A Leave Application For Office (Samples)

leave application letter for election purpose

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leave application letter for election purpose

Asking for permission to stay away from the office is always difficult, even when you are entitled to it. There is always that nagging thought at the back of your mind – What if they say no? The thought is justified.

Sometimes the company just can’t afford to let you go, especially if your reason for requesting leave is not that pertinent.

Sometimes, however, your leave application gets rejected, not because of the reason behind the request, but rather because of how you make the request.

For instance, if you craft a leave application in impolite language where you literally demand to be allowed to stay away from work, you probably won’t get your request approved.

Furthermore, there is a certain format you have to follow when writing your leave application. Remember leave applications are supposed to be formal documents. The leave application is the official way to request leave.

Of course, you could of course ask your manager for leave verbally, but even if they agree, you might still have to write a formal leave application letter.

This is why crafting an effective leave application is a skill everyone working in the corporate world should learn.

If you don’t know where to start or the do’s and don’ts of leave application writing, read on for a complete breakdown of everything you need to know.


In a leave application for office, you need to explain to HR or the manager why you are taking a leave of absence: what situation exactly is prompting this action?

Below are some of the important details you should always remember to include when writing your leave application:

  • Your complete name, address, contact information and employee code: These are details that identify who you are.
  • Salutation: This is a greeting addressed to the recipient of the leave application.
  • The subject of the application: This is where you specify the type of leave you are requesting for. For instance, you could write “Request for maternity leave .” This makes it clear even before the recipient reads the letter exactly what you are applying for.
  • Why you are taking leave: In the letter itself, providing the reason for your desire to take leave. It could be for health reasons, to study, to go on vacation, to take care of an emergency that has emerged, maternity, adoption of a child, and so on.
  • Number of days you’ll be away: It is very important that you remember to specify the number of days you intend to be away from the work place. This will allow the company to plan accordingly for your absence. Include the date you’ll go on leave and the date you’ll return to the workplace.
  • Work plan in your absence: It goes without saying that work will continue in the organization even in your absence. While you may be entitled to take leave, it is always good when you show initiative and thoughtfulness by ensuring your responsibilities and duties will be handled in your absence. For instance, you can discuss this with your supervisor or with your colleagues and ensure your most urgent duties are distributed to colleagues. You can also train a replacement (an intern perhaps). Another solution would be creating a document that contains detailed information of your daily work. You can also indicate that you will be available in case of any emergency during your absence.
  • Contact Information: Provide accurate contact information to ensure you are reachable during your leave. Sometimes emergencies come up and you are the only one who can solve the problem. For instance, if you are the only one who knows where a certain key document is located, they might need to reach you for assistance.
  • Official documents: You should be ready to provide any documents, if necessary or if asked for, that support or corroborate your need to take a leave of absence. For instance, if you are taking sick leave, a letter from the doctor may be necessary.


Below are some things to keep in mind when writing a leave application;

  • Use a formal format: Ensure you draft the leave application in a formal format. This is because the leave application is an official letter, making your employer officially aware of your absence. You may have already informally discussed your leave-taking with the manager or supervisor, but it is the application letter that makes the matter official, which is why it needs to be written in a formal format. As for the contents of the application, we have already covered that above.
  • Be concise: Don’t beat around the bush. Instead, get to the point straight away. Furthermore, don’t get too carried away explaining your reasons for taking leave – especially to the point of giving away too many personal details. Identify the most important details that need to be in the application and express them in a matter of a few paragraphs.
  • Polite language: Use courteous language in the application. No matter how entitled you feel to being granted the leave request, don’t display that entitlement in the application letter. Use language that is polite, tactful, and convincing. This is especially important when you are taking a sabbatical – what some people call “ adult gap year ”. It is very easy for you application for a sabbatical to be rejected. You must therefore use tactful language to try and convince HR that this is something that a) you need, and b) might be beneficial to the company.
  • Make it clear that you are coming back: Employees have sometimes been known to go on leave and not come back, perhaps due to being poached by other companies or quitting their jobs. To allay such fears, provide assurance to HR or your reporting manager that you will come back to the office and your duties as soon as your permitted leave duration ends.
  • Show conscientiousness: Show conscientiousness about your duties and responsibilitie s at the workplace. That means you should demonstrate that your duties and responsibilities are important to you. If you simply write an application letter and talk about going to leave, but you don’t say anything about the work you will be leaving undone, it might give the impression that you don’t really care about your job.

Show conscientiousness by planning for how your duties and responsibilities will be taken care off in your absence. You can organize this with your supervisor or your close colleagues.

This is to ensure that there is smooth workflow even in your absence. It could also mean stating that when you come back from leave, you are going to make up for all the lost time.

  • Express your thanks: At the end of the application letter, be sure to include one sentence where you thank the manager for taking the time to read through your application and (hopefully) for approving your request.
  • Verbal permission: It is also advisable to get verbal permission from your reporting manager prior to writing your leave application. The application letter then becomes a way of making official what has already been approved.


The following are some of the things you should avoid when drafting your leave application letter:

  • Ensure that there are no grammatical errors in your letter. Once you have typed it, read it at least two or three times to correct any grammar mistakes and punctuation errors.
  • Don’t write in a casual tone.
  • Don’t use complex terms or purple prose to show off. Ensure your application is as simple to understand as possible, something that can be read and understood quickly without having to consult the dictionary.
  • Don’t use an informal format or make your leave application too long.


1. sick leave.

This is when you take a leave of absence on account of an illness. Sick leave scenarios include physical illness, mental illness, health checkup, taking care of a sick loved one or dependent, or when you need to take time out to cope with or overcome the physical, psychological, and legal repercussion/effects of domestic abuse.

At the moment, there are no existing federal legal requirements for paid sick leave . Companies that are subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) are, however, expected to provide unpaid leave of up to 12 weeks for certain medical situations.

When crafting an application for sick leave, ensure you give relevant details (not too detailed, however) to prove credibility.

2. Study Leave

This is leave you take solely for the purpose of studying or carrying out research. Study leave, with or without pay , is not a legal requirement/obligation. Whether you get it and if you get paid is up to your employer. Keep this in mind when you are applying for study leave – remember that you are not entitled to either the leave or the pay. Choose your wording carefully.

3. Sabbatical

A sabbatical leave is the kind where you (for a given period) stop reporting to work for an extended period of time but you are still an employee of that company. Another name for it is “adult gap year” or “career break”. It’s highly likely to be an unpaid leave of absence.

There are no laws that cover you if you want to take a career break. This may be the most delicate application to write.

When writing the application for a sabbatical leave, figure out how to show that doing this will make you better at your job when you come back. Don’t display any entitlement, lest you either a) get denied, or b) lose your job in the process.

4. Vacation/Holiday Leave

Vacation leave is a period when you take time off from work to rest, relax, or attend to your own personal affairs. It is quite similar to annual leave (paid time off work). While vacation leave is not covered by law, there are many employers who offer paid vacation, usually as a means to attract employees.

The approach you take when writing your vacation leave application should be informed by your company’s guidelines or regulations concerning vacation leave.

5. Maternity/Paternity Leave

Maternity leave is a period during which a mother, before and after her child’s birth, is allowed to take time off from work. The US laws do not guarantee any national statutory paid parental leave for new mothers and fathers.

That said, there are some employees who are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually for birth, adoption, or medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Unfortunately, not all companies are covered by the FMLA (they have to have at least 50 employees).

6. Emergency Leave Application

This is when you need to take leave to deal with unforeseen circumstances that have emerged, such as the death of a loved one. Other scenarios include an accident, a major surgery, to visit a terminally ill family member, and so on.


Now that we have covered the different kinds of leave, let us look at samples of how to write applications for some of the different leave types.

1.  Study Leave Application Letter Sample

Manager’s Name Institute’s Name Date

Sub: Leave Application for Further Study

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this to request for a six-month study leave, to start on [date]. During the leave period, I will be at [name of educational institution] pursuing a [name of program or course]. The program starts on [date].

After I have completed my period of study, I believe I will bring greater value to the organization. Should my leave application be granted, I intend to resume my duties at the office on [date]. I will be greatly indebted to the company for giving me this opportunity to further my studies.

I am also thankful for the opportunity to serve this company.

Yours faithfully, Name Job Designation Contact Number

2. Sick Leave Application Letter Sample

The Manager Company Name Date

Subject: Leave Application Due To The Flu

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This is to inform you that I am currently suffering from the flu. After visiting the doctor on Wednesday, I was diagnosed with the flu and bed rest was prescribed.

My fever is consistently at over 100 degrees, my muscles ache, I have chills and sweats, and I cough throughout the day. I also have frequent headaches, nasal congestion, and sore throat. I am afraid that not only does my illness make it impossible for me to discharge my duties, but it also poses a risk to the rest of my colleagues who might also contract the flu if I continue coming to work.

For that reason, I am applying for a ten-day leave to ensure I am completely well when I return to the office. Attached to this application is a letter from my doctor. I hope you take my application into consideration.

3. Annual Leave Application Letter Sample

Manager’s Name Company Name Date

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr. /Ms. [Recipient’s Name]

I am writing this to let you know that I will be taking my company-sanctioned annual leave for a period of one month, starting on [start date] and ending on [end date]. Throughout the year, I have not gone for leave, and would like to at this time utilize my full annual leave allowance.

Having had this discussion with my supervisor already, my responsibilities and duties have been distributed to colleagues in my department. I can therefore take this leave with a clear conscience that work will continue smoothly in my absence.

During the leave, I intend to travel, and due to the nature of said travel plans, it will be difficult to reach me on phone. I therefore urge that in case of any urgent work-related matters that require my attention, do write to me via email: [enter email address].

I will be grateful for a positive response to this application.

Thank you and regards,

4. Sabbatical Leave Application Letter Sample

Dear [Recipient Name],

My name is [name] and I have been working in the IT department for the last three years. Of late, however, I have felt the desire to be more and do more in my work. I feel as if I am stuck repeating the same monotonous tasks daily. I would like to take a sabbatical leave to help me renew my motivation and at the same tme increase my skills, particularly in coding and graphic design. I believe this will be instrumental in helping me take on more responsibilities and more complex tasks when I come back.

It is due to this desire for self-development and for a renewal of my passion for my job that I am requesting an extended sabbatical leave of [period]. During this time, I will take a few online courses on coding and graphic design.

Committed as I am to this company, I believe that when I resume work, I will be in better shape to give my all to the job and truly be of high value to [company’s name].

It is with the earnest hope of approval that I write this application.

Best regards,

5. Maternity Leave Application Letter Sample

Subject : Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that I intend to take the allotted [write down number of weeks/months] of maternity available to me, starting on [start date]. In the event that there are no pregnancy or delivery-related, unforeseen issues that crop up, I intend to resume my duties at the end of my maternity leave on [tentative joining date].

Should my plans change for any reason, be sure that I will inform you speedily. Attached to this application is a letter from my doctor with confirmation of the relevant details.

During this period, you can reach me at this number for any emergency: [contact number].

Yours Sincerely,

6. Vacation Leave Application Letter Sample

Subject : Leave Application for Family Vacation

I am writing this to request approval for a 12-day vacation leave, starting on [start date] and going on up to [end date]. My family and I have been planning a trip to Brazil.

Having known for a while that I intend to take vacation leave, I have in the last few weeks been staying extra hours at work to ensure that I finish my most urgent work projects. I have also communicated with my immediate supervisors and had my work duties and responsibilities distributed to my colleagues to ensure smooth continuity even in my absence.

Thank you, and I am looking forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

7. Leave Application For Emergency

Subject : Funeral Leave

I write this email to inform you of a family emergency that has disrupted my life and made it impossible for me to come in to work. Last night my sister passed away, having been bedridden in the hospital for the last two weeks after a heart surgery. Arrangements of the funeral – as well as the grief – are going to keep me preoccupied for the next few days.

I am sorry for any inconvenience that will be caused by my absence and have called into the office to organize the distribution of my most urgent duties to colleagues. In any case, I will be back at the office on [date], during which I will complete the remaining tasks.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


The biggest take-away from this is that leave application letters should be formal, polite, and follow a particular format. The what of your application is also very crucial, and this means giving the reason why you want to take leave.

The more urgent or pertinent your reason, the higher your likelihood of getting your application request granted.

Another important thing to remember is conscientiousness. The moment you say you want to go on leave, the management starts to wonder what will happen to the work you are supposed to be working on.

Though this might depend on the context and on the organization’s protocols, it is usually a good idea for you to make arrangements that ensure the disruption in workflow is as minimal as possible in your absence.

leave application letter for election purpose

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Leave Letter for Yesterday: Format and Samples

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  • Mar 12, 2024

Leave Letter for Yesterday

A leave letter for yesterday is a letter that is written after you have taken a leave. This leave can be taking a leave from school, college, or work. This leave letter is usually submitted the next day after you have taken the leave or the next day of the leave itself. In such leave letters, the reasons for absence are specified. It is different from a regular leave letter that informs about the absence beforehand. 

Keep reading to know more about the leave letter format and samples.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 What is a Leave Letter for Yesterday?
  • 2.1 Format for Office
  • 2.2 Format for Schools
  • 3.1 Sample 1: For Office
  • 3.2 Sample 2: For School

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend about Your Pongal Holiday Plans

What is a Leave Letter for Yesterday?

It is a leave application that is written after you have to take a leave. Usually, a leave letter is written before you take a leave. However, due to unforeseen circumstances such as a health crisis or a family emergency an employee or a student can take leave without informing.  This leave letter is submitted under such circumstances. 

The letter explains the reason for your absence. In the letter, the student/employee can request the concerned authority to consider the leave they took without prior notice.

Leave Letter for Yesterday: Format 

Below is the format for writing the application:

  • Date of the application: First of all, you can write the date of the application
  • Reciever’s address: Next, the student/ employee can write the receiver’s designation and address. For example, Managing Director, XYZ company.
  • Subject: Here write the reason for writing the application letter. That is, explain that you are writing the leave letter for the leave you took yesterday.
  • Salutation: Address the receiver with respect. For example,  Dear sir/ma’am. 
  • Main body: Explain the reason for your absence and the day you were on leave in the main body of the letter.
  • Sign off: Sign off by writing your name, designation, and contact number. Students can write their class and roll number.

Format for Office

Also Read: Paternity Leave Application: Format, Sample, and More

Format for Schools

Also Read: Maternity Leave Letter: Format, Sample, and Examples

Leave Letter for Yesterday: Samples

Here are samples for leave letter for yesterday for office employees and school students:

Sample 1: For Office

Also Read: Leave Application for Office: Samples, Email and Letter Formats

Sample 2: For School

Related Reads:

Ans. Write a letter by addressing it to the manager/Hr/principal. Give an appropriate subject for the letter and in the main content explain the main reason for your absence from work/school.

Ans. Write a letter addressing it to the head of the institution. In the main body of the letter explain the reason for your absence. Provide adequate proof if required and then close the letter by writing your name and designation/ class.

Ans. You can inform me about your leave either before taking the leave or after taking it. It is better to inform of the leave before taking it by writing a leave letter. In case, you were not able to inform me earlier you can write a leave letter for yesterday.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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Leave Application Format: Office, School, and College Templates

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If you get ill or have to do some urgent work or attend some function or event, You have to take leave from your school, college or from your workplace. To take leave it is necessary to write an application according to the rules of these institutions. To write a perfect leave application, correct tone, precise structure and many other aspects should be kept in mind. Many times people overlook major points and rules and it does leave a nice impression of you. That’s why it is important to understand the basic rules, format and key components to write a leave application for schools, colleges or offices. In this article, you can find the basic structure, rules, format and key elements of a leave application with appropriate samples. 

What is a Leave Application?

A leave application is a type of written formal request to take off time from school, college or workplace for a specific time period. If you’re a school student or college student or an employee in some company, you take leaves on several occasions. Generally, a leave application is written on a blank paper and should be sent via physical means but these days in some institutions a PDF of your handwritten application or email with the application can be submitted. The format and structure of writing a leave application for school, college and office are partially different.

Reasons for Leave

One of the most important things in a leave application is writing a valid reason. It is an important part of a leave application. The reason tells your institution’s authorities why you will be absent for this specific amount of time. There are many reasons why you can take leave and write an application for leave, some of them are mentioned below as follows.

  • Maternity leave 
  • Illness leave or Sick leave 
  • Family emergency 
  • For Going out of the station 
  • To attend a function, a marriage or some event. 
  • To do some important personal work. 

Things to Mention in Your Application

While writing the application to take leave you should mention certain things in your application to make it look formal and authentic. While writing all the information such as greetings to the recipient, subject, cause or reason for leave, time period, contact details, how you gonna cover the missed days work, signature, name, date and place etc. you should be aware of the actual format, spacing, writing skills and rules. A well-written application looks good and it enhances your image in your school, college or workplace. 

  • Post of the Recipient with formal greetings 
  • Subject for which you’re writing 
  • Number of leaves that you’re gonna take. 
  • Things about your pay at work and how you’re gonna cover up things. 
  • Contact Details 
  • Signature, Name and Place. 

Types of Leave Application

There are many types of leave that one can take. The type of leave depends upon the reason for which you are taking the leave. Types of leave applications can vary according to the institution like school, college or office. Here are some common types of leave applications. 

  • Sick leave 
  • Annual leave 
  • Casual leave 
  • Emergency leave 
  • Study break 
  • Short trip 
  • Maternity or paternity leave 
  • One-day leave 
  • Half-day leave 
  • Urgent work leave

Leave Application Format

The format of leave applications is another important factor. It should be well-aligned and written with proper spacing and sequence. If you’re a student who wants to attend some family function or some employee of an office who wants to take sick leave, you have to follow a simple formal format to write an application effectively. Here’s the format of a general application which is well-accepted. 

[Your Name] [Your Position/Designation for office] [Your Department (if applicable)] [Your Company/Organization Name] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position/Designation] [Company/Organization Name] [Address]

Subject: Leave Application

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Dates of Leave: [Start Date] to [End Date] Total Number of Days: [Number of Days]

[mention reason briefly, e.g., personal reasons, medical treatment, family emergency, etc.].

[mention any arrangements made, if applicable, e.g., completed pending tasks, delegated responsibilities for office, covering the syllabus for school/college etc.] 

Sincerely, or Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information (optional)]

What to Include in Your Application?

You have reached this far in our article it means you are well-familiar with the types and format of the application. Now check out what details you have to mention and in which order to make it sincere. 

Paragraph 1. In this paragraph of the body of the application you need to address the person whom you’re writing respectfully and start telling him or her why you need the leave and for what amount of time. When writing this section keep a formal tone of words and make your application simple and short. 

Paragraph 2. In this section you need to tell the authorities your current status if you’re a student you need to tell how much syllabus you have completed and how you will catch up with what you are going to miss and if you’re an employee you should tell what projects you’re handling currently and how you gonna manage to do rest of your work or suggest your manager to give it some other team member. Make it simple and do not use lengthy sentences. Use a humble and formal tone. 

Paragraph 3 . In this part, you need to show gratitude to the authorities for their consideration on your leave and you can thank them sincerely. Don’t forget to mention your contact details with your name and location. 

How to Write a Leave Application for School or College?

To write a leave application for educational institutions like school or college you need a different but simple format. There are many types of leave applications and you should specify your reason in well-managed form. Some important elements to write a leave application for school or college are given below. 

  • Addressing the Head
  • Respectable Head or Principal 
  • Reason, Why are you taking the leave?
  • Your contact details 
  • Additional documents you need to attach 

Keep your tone humble and formal while writing an application for leave to your educational institutions. After writing all the details you need to draft it. Do not make the language too lengthy, keep it straight and short. 

How to Write a Leave Application for Office?

To write a formal application to give it to your office you need to take a different format. You need to first mention your address details and authority name. Now address your head and don’t forget to mention your manager. After it, write the subject describing why you’re writing this application in short. Now start the body with ‘this is to inform you that’ or ‘this is to bring to your kind notice’ and mention your reason and explanations. In the end, a good greeting can’t do any harm. Here’s some important points you should include.

  • Acknowledgement 
  • Reason for leave 
  • Number of please for the amount of time 
  • Delegation of your work to other team members or the plan, how you going to catch up 
  • Signature and date

14 Sample of Leave Applications for colleges, schools and offices:-

1. one-day leave application.

Subject: Leave Application for [Date]

Dear [Supervisor/Principal],

I request a one-day leave on [date] due to [reason]. I will resume my duties on [next working day].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

2. Medical Leave Application

Subject: Medical Leave Application

I need medical leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [medical condition]. I will provide a medical certificate.

3. Leave Application to Principal

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I request leave from [start date] to [end date] for [reason]. I will catch up on any missed work.

4. College Leave Application

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I request leave from college from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason]. I will complete my assignments on time.

5. Annual Leave Application

Subject: Annual Leave Request

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I would like to request annual leave from [start date] to [end date]. My work is up-to-date.

6. Maternity Leave Application

Subject: Maternity Leave Request

I request maternity leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will provide medical documentation.

7. Paternity Leave Application

Subject: Paternity Leave Request

I request paternity leave from [start date] to [end date] due to the birth of my child.

8. Vacation Leave Application

Subject: Vacation Leave Request

I request vacation leave from [start date] to [end date]. My work will be covered during my absence.

9. Leave Application for Marriage

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

I request leave from [start date] to [end date] for my wedding. I appreciate your understanding.

10. Bereavement Leave

Subject: Bereavement Leave Request

I request leave from [start date] to [end date] due to the passing of [relationship to deceased].

11. Emergency Leave Application

Subject: Emergency Leave Request

I need emergency leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason]. I will provide any required documentation.

12. Application for Eye Surgery

Subject: Leave Application for Eye Surgery

I request leave from [start date] to [end date] for eye surgery. I will provide medical documentation.

13. Leave Application to School for Going Out of Station

I request leave from [start date] to [end date] for going out of station. I will catch up on missed work.

14. Leave Application Email

I request leave from [start date] to [end date] for [reason]. I will ensure my tasks are covered.

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About human resources (hr) form templates.

Human resources forms are documents that a company's HR department uses to recruit and manage employees. With Jotform’s online human resources form templates, your HR department can manage employee information, employment verification, employment satisfaction, CV submissions, job applications, and time-off requests. Get started by choosing a template below to edit for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) what are hr forms.

Human resources (HR) forms are documents organizations use to collect, track, and manage employee information and activities. These forms help businesses and nonprofits comply with employment laws and regulations, direct the employee lifecycle, and ensure effective communication between the HR department and employees.

2) When are HR forms needed?

HR professionals need HR forms to carry out many of their responsibilities, from onboarding new staff to managing time-off requests. Without HR forms to handle employee information, a company could risk misplacing or ignoring essential data that they need to keep on hand.

3) What are the benefits of HR forms?

HR forms are integral to keeping a company up and running. Using HR forms helps streamline employment processes, standardize the collection of employee information, maintain accurate records, and meet legal requirements. HR forms help companies ensure they don’t lose essential information about their workforce.

4) How do I create an HR form?

You can create an HR form in minutes with one of Jotform’s free templates! Simply navigate to our template directory and choose a template that works best for your needs. Once you’re finished customizing the template in our intuitive online form builder, you can share it with your employees via email, a link, or a QR code so they can fill it out instantly.

5) What are common uses of HR forms?

All hiring, insurance, disciplinary, incident report, time-off, and survey processes will involve HR forms. Other common use cases for HR forms are for payroll and compensation, promotions, and conflict resolution.

6) What are the different types of HR forms?

There are many different types of HR forms! These can include job application forms, offer letters, employee information forms, attendance forms, and contracts. HR will often be in charge of managing performance appraisal forms, leave requests, reimbursements, and training forms as well. Hiring and termination processes also often require an array of HR forms.

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    Components of a Leave Application. Subject Line: Clearly state the purpose of the email/letter (e.g., "Leave Application"). Recipient's Name: Address the person to whom the application is being submitted (e.g., your supervisor, HR manager). Salutation: A polite greeting (e.g., "Dear [Recipient's Name]"). Introduction: Briefly ...

  14. Leave Application Email to Your Manager

    Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to formally request a [type of leave - personal, sick, vacation, etc.] leave. I would like to request leave from [start date] to [end date], totalling [number of days] days of absence. [In this part of the email, briefly mention the reason for your leave. If the leave is for medical purposes, state this fact.

  15. Leave Application for Office [with Tips, Format & Samples]

    9. Conclude Professionally. End your application letter for leave in the office with a polite closing phrase such as 'Warm Regards', or 'Yours Sincerely', followed by your name. If you are sending a hard copy of the leave request make sure to sign it at its end for added authenticity. 10.

  16. Leave Application for Election Day and Voting Purposes

    Election Day Leave Letter by Student. Headache of Department Service of Theory. Subject: Application with One Day Leave for Elections in Is Area. Sir, It is stated which MYSELF at a pupil of MG philosophy 3 c semester in your department. I university registration number a 2014-P-213, and mine roll number inbound my department is 2014-023.

  17. How to Write Personal Leave Application for Office

    Dear Mr. / Mrs. [recipient's name] [Body of the application: request the leave, specify the reason, duration, and work plan during your absence] [Thank you note] Yours sincerely. [Your signature] [Your name] [Your designation] [Your contact details] Personal Leave Application Format for Email.

  18. Leave Application for Casting VoteDocumentsHub.Com

    February 5, 2015 DocumentsHub 2 Comments. Sample format of Leave Application for Casting Vote. If any person i.e employee, staff member, teacher or student wants to take leave if he/she wants to go for the casting of his/her vote this given format can be used. Casting a vote is your official duty and is a must for every citizen.

  19. Election Leave Sample Clauses: 278 Samples

    Election Leave. The Gallery agrees to grant a leave of absence without pay or benefits to an employee who is a declared candidate in any municipal, provincial, or federal election. Such leave of absence shall be for a reasonable period of time prior to the election, in order to allow campaigning, and for one (1) term of office, if elected.

  20. How To Write A Leave Application For Office (Samples)

    6. Vacation Leave Application Letter Sample . Subject: Leave Application for Family Vacation. Dear Mr. /Ms. [Recipient's Name] I am writing this to request approval for a 12-day vacation leave, starting on [start date] and going on up to [end date]. My family and I have been planning a trip to Brazil.

  21. Leave Letter for Yesterday: Format and Samples

    Below is the format for writing the application: Date of the application: First of all, you can write the date of the application. Reciever's address: Next, the student/ employee can write the receiver's designation and address. For example, Managing Director, XYZ company. Subject: Here write the reason for writing the application letter.

  22. Leave Application Format: Office, School, and College Templates

    To write a formal application to give it to your office you need to take a different format. You need to first mention your address details and authority name. Now address your head and don't forget to mention your manager. After it, write the subject describing why you're writing this application in short.

  23. Local Leave Election Form Template

    This form may be used by a physician in case of an employee's absence from work due to a medical reason. It is completed by physicians to decide when an employee can return to work. This form contains the physician's name, his/her signature and employee's information. Use Template.