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How to Write a 1500-Word Essay: Structure & Example [UPD 2024]

In this article, you'll find 1500-word essayw riting tips and a great example.

Well, you have to write a 1500-word paper, and it seems nothing can be as complicated as the structure of such a paper. In this article, we will give you the guidelines that will help produce a well-structured 1500-word essay . Also, we’ve prepared a great 1500-word essay example for you. Let’s dive in!

📝 How to Write a 1500-Word Essay?

📋 1500-word essay structure, 📑 1500-word essay example, 🔗 references.

You might be asking yourself: how to write a 1500-word essay ? And what exactly should you do? In this section, we’ve prepared for you useful information and tips . Let’s go!

  • First of all, before starting with your paper, you should answer the following question. What type of essay am I going to write? There are 8 main types of essays , including:
  • Descriptive
  • Argumentative
  • Classification
  • Compare and contrast
  • Cause and effect 

If you want to learn more about each of the types, read our article .

  • Then you need to choose a topic. Here you have plenty of options. It depends on your area of interest or a task. If you want to get some inspiration, read our blog post on 100 ideas for your essay topic!
  • Next, you can start doing research, creating a thesis statement, and writing down your outline. Don’t forget that an outline is an essential part of writing an essay! It is a plan that will guide you through.

Also, don’t forget these important rules when writing your 1500-word essay:

The list contains 5 steps to succeed when writing your 1500-word essay.

✔️ – it will save you lots of time!
✔️Your . So, you need to think it out!
✔️ them in the main body.
✔️ in your text to make it more compelling for a reader.
✔️ in your writing! Don’t provide unnecessary information in your essay.

Let’s discuss how to structure a 1500-word essay . Also, you can find 5 essential tips for your essay structure down below. A 1500-word essay structure does not differ from any other essay type. It consists of:

  • Introduction – where you have to present the subject under consideration. Usually, an introduction ends with a thesis statement . Include some catchy information in the introduction of your 1500-word essay to attract the reader’s attention.
  • Main Body – where you support your thesis statement with arguments and evidence. Use statistical data, quotations, real-life examples, and reasonable explanations to support your thesis statement. You can divide the body of your paper into several paragraphs. Usually, the main body of a 1500-word paper consists of 5 to 6 paragraphs.
  • Conclusion – where you sum up the whole work done. You should mention your thesis statement once again and summarize the arguments. The concluding paragraph should be impressive too. Our advice is to use rhetorical questions or emotionally colored words for this purpose.

Remember these 5 important tips when writing your essay:

  • You shouldn’t give any answers or detailed information in your introduction.
  • Don’t forget to provide a summary of your arguments in conclusion !
  • Don’t mention any new information in conclusion.
  • Set aside a separate paragraph for each new argument.
  • Avoid unnecessary details in your 1500-word essay. Do not waste free space on something that has no value.

If you want to learn more about writing an essay, read this article on our blog.

After you’ve studied our tips, it’s time to have a look at a 1500-word essay example!

We’ve prepared a useful writing prompt .

We believe that an excellent example with some useful commentaries is a must! Hope you find your inspiration here. Let’s begin!

Origins of Gender Roles: Biological, Social & Other Reasons

Part of The Essay PromptText Example
In the introduction, you should It will be perfect if you . This will attract a reader’s attention. Gender roles are widely discussed both in academic and everyday contexts. It is clear that there are two origins of gender roles: biological and social. However, are there any other reasons why gender roles have arisen?
Also, in the introduction, you should formulate a thesis statement. Apart from the biological and social origins of gender roles, there are some behind it.
Start the paragraph with a and mention First of all, it is essential to consider the biological origins of gender roles. imply natural factors of gender roles, including physiological, genetic, and evolutionary.
When you provide your topic sentence, It is also important to consider the social origins of gender roles. It includes social norms, roles, expectations, and trends.
Don’t forget to write , which sums up the paragraph. The mental origins of gender roles are another vital point of the discussion… Mental origins are not yet widely discussed but are essential for understanding the present subject.
Last paragraph of your essay Lastly, it appears to be essential to discuss what mental origins bring to the overall picture of the origins of gender roles issues.
In conclusion, and provide a In conclusion, it should be highlighted that there are biological, social, and mental origins of gender roles. Each of the groups plays a vital role in understanding the subject.

Other 1500-Word Essay Samples

In this section, you’ll find 50 1500-word essay examples written by straight-A students. The samples focus on various issues.

  • Recovery and relapse prevention plan in psychiatry
  • Tesla Motors’ external and internal environments
  • Addressing incivility in nursing practice
  • Striate cortical damage in monkeys and humans
  • Importance of resource management system
  • Efficacy of movement-oriented restorative care
  • Cash flow statement: methods and examples
  • Human and sex trafficking in Spain
  • Professional nursing: family intervention plan
  • Apple Inc.’s strategic, macro and Micro analyses
  • Differential diagnoses with rationales
  • Aspects of contemporary art
  • Marketing of financial products: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Chinese experiencing end-of-life care
  • Overcoming change at workplace
  • Importance of gun control
  • Healthcare psychiatry issues in nursing in Australia
  • Emirates National Oil Company: a case study
  • The coronary artery bypass graft & nursing care
  • Literary techniques and ethnicity role in screenwriting
  • Organisational control process
  • Clinical nursing leadership analysis
  • Classroom learning and teaching strategies
  • Exchange rate in the UK: empirical examination of the monetary model
  • Managing and improving quality grading criteria in healthcare
  • Strategy development in management organization
  • Social psychology and theories of group influence
  • Nursing: hand washing techniques
  • Emirates Airlines company’s ways of generating change
  • Conceptualization of health
  • Supply chain of British Airways
  • Professional nursing practice: concepts and perspectives
  • Richard Lewis’ proposed trends of 21st century
  • Proposed solutions to the issue of homelessness
  • Teenage developmental stages
  • The impact of the shadow economy
  • Advanced practice nursing in home care
  • The life of the killer Ted Bundy
  • International trade and effects of technology in the job market
  • The outcomes of appliance digital therapeutics in healthcare
  • Foundational philosophies of management
  • Contract law and its legal principles
  • The availability of open data sources for nursing professionals
  • Strategic analysis of Palm Co
  • Developing and sustaining innovation in healthcare organisations
  • IBM: managing organizational change
  • Avian influenza: emerging infectious diseases
  • Ecological and social sustainability
  • Epidemiology paper part one: descriptive model
  • Short run versus long run production

📍 How Many Pages Are 1500 Words?

If you use 12 pt font and single spacing, you’ll get around 3 pages . If you go for double spacing , you’ll get twice as much – 6 pages .

📍 How Long Does It Take to Write 1500 Words?

The time of writing a 1500-word essay will depend on how you are familiar with the topic. However, on average, it takes around 5 hours . Don’t forget that you might need some additional time for editing.

📍 How Long Should an Introduction Be for a 1500-Word Essay?

Usually, an introduction should be around 10% of the overall length of the essay. It means that for your 1500-word paper, an introduction will be around 150 words .

📍 How Many Paragraphs Are 1500 words?

There are no definite rules on how many paragraphs are 1500 words. Let’s consider that your intro and conclusion are 150 words each. Also, every main body paragraph should be around 250 words. Then you should have approximately 7 paragraphs in your 1500-word essay .

  • Sample Essay – University of Exeter
  • Introduction and Conclusion – CQ University Australia
  • Essay Structure – Harvard University
  • The Basics of Essay Writing – UNSW Sydney
  • Write Your Essay – UNSW Sydney
  • Guidelines for Essay Writing – University College Dublin
  • Essay Writing Tips – Deakin University
  • English Literature Writing Guide – The University of Edinburgh

Thank you 🙏

This gave me a clear understanding of how to structure a 1500-word essay, thank you.

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How to plan a winning essay

(Last updated: 7 May 2021)

Since 2006, Oxbridge Essays has been the UK’s leading paid essay-writing and dissertation service

We have helped 10,000s of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to maximise their grades in essays, dissertations, model-exam answers, applications and other materials. If you would like a free chat about your project with one of our UK staff, then please just reach out on one of the methods below.

However you look at it, getting started on an essay can be a challenge. There are likely to be a whole bunch of ideas swirling around in your head. Knowing how to assemble these into some sort of sense, then write them down in the form of a good academic essay, doesn’t always come easy!

One way to make essay writing much easier is by planning ahead. Planning is crucial in order for success: failing to plan is planning to fail! Do not leave your work until the last minute, instead, use this post as an essay planning guide that can lead you on the path to success.

There are two stages to essay planning. First, you need to map out what your essay will include. By outlining the contents of your essay before you write it, you’ll ensure you don’t miss any crucial detail, and that you give fair weight to each of the points of your argument.

After mapping out your essay, you can then make a schedule for yourself, deciding when you will work on each section to ensure you get in done in good time. Breaking your work down into manageable chunks like this will mean you can make a little bit of progress each day, instead of cramming at the last minute.

So, if you’re here because you’re thinking, “how do I plan an essay?” or, “what does an essay plan look like?” – you’re in the right place! We’ll answer these exact questions for you in this article.

Essay planning step 1: Creating a structure

It may be very tempting to just sit down and write, especially if you are on a tight deadline to finish an essay . But it’s crucial that before writing, you create – as a bear minimum! – a structure that details what your essay will cover.

Hopefully, you already have an idea or argument that you might like to pursue. Next, you need to decide how many body paragraphs you need to make that argument (and to meet the word limit criteria).

When planning your essay’s structure, you want to make sure that every paragraph has a focus (we call this the topic sentence). A paragraph is usually somewhere between 6-10 sentences in length, meaning that it is likely to be around 200-250 words (or at least this is a good place to start).

So how do you decide how many body paragraphs your essay will contain? Your first step is to divide up your paper. Let’s say you have to write 1500 words. You would have 150 words for your introduction and 150 words for your conclusion. This leaves you with 1200 words, which would mean you would need between 5-6 body paragraphs in the middle.

Your next job is to come up with 5-6 ideas, one for each paragraph (we explain this in more detail in the next part of this post).

"Writing 6 paragraphs of 200 words seems far more achievable than a solid block of 1500 words – and you can have a mini celebration after you finish each one."

Not only does segmenting the essay like this help you achieve your word count – it also makes it much easier to handle. The thought of writing 1500 words might seem a bit daunting at first. But, break it down into sections, and suddenly you only have to write 200-250 words for each. That seems much less intimidating! As you move from section to section, you will quickly see your essay start to emerge.

Essay planning step 2: Brainstorming or freewriting

Once you know how many ideas you need, the next step is writing down what you know (and what you still have to find out).

There are many ways that this can be achieved. You can either create a mind map, or just write out all your ideas on a piece of paper. As you do this, also keep in mind any questions you have, and the things you need to look up.

If you cannot come up with 5-6 ideas, start reviewing your lecture notes, lecture slides, and do some reading to see if you can identify the main ideas. At this point, your paper might look really messy (and that is OK!). This messiness will help you as you begin to construct your outline.

Essay planning step 3: Constructing a detailed outline

Once you have done your brainstorming, it is time to take the messiness and put it into a neater format. While you might have done the brainstorm on a piece of scrap paper, you should start to write your outline on the computer, because what starts as an outline will gradually evolve into your actual essay.

"With every change you make, just make sure that you are keeping the question prompt in mind. If you write an excellent essay, but it has nothing to do with the assigned topic provided by the instructor, you are unlikely to do well."

The outline is a living document, which means that as you start to work on it, you may need to make changes (and that is OK!). With every change you make, just make sure that you are keeping the question prompt in mind. If you write an excellent essay, but it has nothing to do with the assigned topic provided by the instructor, you are unlikely to do well.

Here’s how we suggest you write the detailed outline for your essay:

1. Write your introduction (or thesis statement)

When you begin to think about your essay, you are probably going to need some type of overarching argument or position. This is commonly known as a thesis statement. While you do not have to have an exact thesis in your essay plan, having an idea about where you want to start is always useful.

A good thesis statement contains an argument or position and is followed by a strategy (like a road map) that explains how this will be achieved. Remember, even though it is called a thesis statement, it might be more than one sentence (and can be 2 or 3).

2. Write topic sentences for every paragraph

Every paragraph that you write has to relate to your thesis statement (and your thesis statement is answering the question provided by the instructor). A topic sentence is the first sentence in your body paragraph. It provides an overview of what is going to happen in the paragraph. You might want to think of your topic sentence as a mini-thesis, presenting the argument for one particular paragraph.

3. Include evidence

Once you have established a clear topic sentence, you have to figure out what evidence you are going to provide in the middle of each paragraph to make sure that you are getting your point across clearly. This is where you might start to use your readings (your textbook, library resources, and Google) to help you figure out what to include. At the outlining stage, you might just want to list the possible sources that you are going to use, or you can write a few notes about what each paragraph might contain.

4. Conclusion

At this stage, you don’t have to plan what the conclusion will say or include, since you haven’t yet written your essay and come to your concluding argument. But just make a note that this section will present your key takeaway for the reader and highlight how you have answered the essay question.

An essay plan example

An essay plan is usually linear. Let’s look at the example below to see how an essay plan might come together. In this case, we are writing a 1500-word essay, and we are attempting to answer the question: What role can citizen diplomacy play in mitigating difficult interstate relations?

Introduction (150 words) Thesis statement This essay argues that while citizen diplomacy through dialogue should be pursued, the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (PRIME) has faced numerous challenges that have limited its overall impact in mitigating difficult interstate relations.

Section 1: Theory (400) Body paragraph 1 While many steps have been taken by governments to resolve the Israeli – Palestinian conflict, there has been a lack of sustainability between these two countries over time.

Body paragraph 2 While the Israel – Palestine conflict has extended for decades, the role that citizen diplomacy can play in large scale negotiations is minimal (Kaye, 2001).

Section 2: Example and Application (800) Body paragraph 3 The Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (PRIME) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that was created in Frankfurt in 1998 by Palestinian and Israeli academics seeking to build peace through joint research projects and outreach initiatives (Yaniv, 2013). Body paragraph 4 Because the academics in PRIME are focused on strengthening the civil societies in both Israel and Palestine, they have published extensive literature since inception. Body paragraph 5 When applying concepts of citizen diplomacy to PRIME, it is important to assess the impact of the intervention being employed. Body paragraph 6 The creation of the Shared History Project was completed and introduced in schools in the early 2000s.

Conclusion (150 words) Present my key takeaway message for the reader and highlight how I have answered the instructor’s question.

Sources I might use Course reading: Kaye, D.D., 2001. Track two diplomacy and regional security in the Middle East. International Negotiation, 6(1), pp.49-77. Additional reading: Yaniv, L., 2013. People-to-People Peace Making: The Role of Citizen Diplomacy in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. CPD Best Student Paper Prize in Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy. NB: a 1500-word research essay might have between 6-12 total sources in the reference list when it is completed.

Final thoughts

Once you have written an essay plan, you can begin to actually write out each of your body paragraphs into the corresponding sections. As you write, it might be simplest to start with the paragraphs that you think are going to be the easiest and move to the more difficult ones later.

Leave the introduction and the conclusion until the very end. By leaving these parts until last, you can make sure that the thesis that you wrote for your essay plan is still applicable for your essay. You can also make sure that your introduction and conclusion are providing the same messaging creating coherency and flow throughout.

Remember, there are lots of people who are willing to help you with your essay, so take advantage of the help of your university writing center or the academics at Oxbridge Essays. While writing an essay can be a challenging task, creating an essay plan is certainly one way to make the process easier!

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  2. How long should you spend on a 1500 word essay (assignment)?

    Really depends on how fast you can read, digest and write. I've written essays slightly longer than that in 75 minutes before (as in write-up time 75 mins. A bit longer spent on reading the materials and highlighting stuff, but not a huge amount). Thing is, it wasn't the best essay in the world! Generally though if you can work quickly, it is possible to do an essay like that in an hour or two ...

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    Since one single-spaced page contains around 550 words, and a double-spaced page is 275 words, your 1500-word essay will be 3 single-spaced pages or about 6 double-spaced pages. If you wonder How many sentences is 1500, the answer is 75-100. These calculations are based on the regular length of sentences ranging from 10 to 20 words.

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    Revised on June 1, 2023. Most college application portals specify a word count range for your essay, and you should stay within 10% of the upper limit. If no word count is specified, we advise keeping your essay between 400 and 600 words. You should aim to stay under the specified limit to show you can follow directions and write concisely.

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    An essay plan is usually linear. Let's look at the example below to see how an essay plan might come together. In this case, we are writing a 1500-word essay, and we are attempting to answer the question: What role can citizen diplomacy play in mitigating difficult interstate relations? Introduction (150 words) Thesis statement

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    Essay length guidelines. Type of essay. Average word count range. Essay content. High school essay. 300-1000 words. In high school you are often asked to write a 5-paragraph essay, composed of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. College admission essay. 200-650 words.

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    How I Write 1,500+ words/day. As someone with aspirations of being a successful writer one day, I decided recently to buckle down and pump out words. I found a lot of success by following a few steps. It's a process that I haven't seen anybody talk about and I'm honestly surprised at how many words have appeared on paper since I started doing ...

  15. How long does it take you on average to write an essay? : r/UniUK

    Probably an average of 15-20 hours. Although I'm not exactly the most efficient worker, so it's probably still a solid 10-15 hours of actual work. Reply reply. greew46783445987. •. Assuming it's 4-5000 words. I'll spend a while (week or two on research) getting the planning sorted and a week to write, long but needed.

  16. 1500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    A 1500-word essay is a type of academic writing that typically consists of approximately 1500 words. It is a moderately long essay that allows for a more comprehensive exploration of a topic. In a 1500-word essay, you are expected to present and support a central thesis or argument, provide evidence and analysis, and demonstrate critical ...

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    529 samples of this type. A 1500-word essay is a standard undergraduate college assignment. You might need to write an essay of such a length on almost any discipline: psychology, economics, philosophy, marketing, linguistics, etc. While writing a paper of 1500 to 1600 words, you will need to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the topic and ...

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    If I were to write a 1000 word essay on space exportation, it will take me an instant. If I were to write an essay on Hitler's rise to power, it will take me also an instant. But if you want me write something about Shakespeare, it will take me 5 - 10 business days, weekends and statutory holidays not included. Reply reply.

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    Make the in-depth research on the major points associated with your writing, draw up a list of all necessities, find the proven facts and the words of wisdom. Make allowances for the following essentials: Learn the demands of your teacher/professor. Outline a decent plan. Manage your time reasonably.

  20. 1500 word essay in one day...

    1500 words is definetly doable shoul only take 1 or 2 hours. Reply 11. 8 years ago. A. Use Err Name. 16. DId a 5000 word essay in a day and a bit. DIdn't have a draft but had done the necessary reading. Get to it, once you're in the flow you can't stop typing!

  21. Can I write a 1500 word essay in one day?

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  22. Can I write a 1500 word essay in 2 days? : r/UniUK

    Yes. You can write a 1500 word essay in far less time than that if you've done the research and you're a good writer. Get it written, if your then not satisfied do additional reading and tweak but I'd at least start becuase it's better then having nothing to submit. I've done worse two times back to back, you'll live.

  23. 2,000 word essay in a day?

    Yep. 2,000 words isn't actually that much although it does seem daunting and to be honest a module in a week isn't that hard. You just aren't going to have as much free time as you normally do though. Just think, I've written 49 words just from this post. Reply 16.

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