Farmer Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on farmer.

Farmers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who provide us all the food that we eat. As a result, the entire population of the country depends upon farmers . Be it the smallest or the largest country. Because of them only we are able to live on the planet. Thus Farmers are the most important people in the world. Though farmers have so much importance still they do not have proper living.

Importance of farmers

Farmers have great importance in our society. They are the ones who provide us food to eat. Since every person needs proper food for their living, so they are a necessity in society.

Farmer Essay

There are different types of farmers. And they all have equal significance. First are the farmers who grow a crop like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since the maximum intake in the Indian houses is of wheat and rice. So, the cultivation of wheat and rice is much in farming. Moreover, farmers who grow these crops are of prime importance. Second, are the ones who cultivate fruits. These farmers have to prepare the soil for different types of fruits. Because these fruits grow according to the season. Therefore the farmers need to have a great knowledge of fruits and crops. There are many other farmers who grow different other types . Furthermore, they all have to work very hard to get maximum harvesting.

In addition to the farmers contribute almost 17% of the Indian economy. That is the maximum of all. But still, a farmer is deprived of every luxury of society.

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Conditions of farmers in India

The condition of farmers in India is critical. We are hearing suicide news of farmers every week or month. Moreover, farmers are all living a difficult life from past years. The problem is they are not getting enough pay. Since the middlemen get most of the money, so a farmer gets nothing in hand. Moreover, farmers are not having money to send their kids to school. Sometimes the situation gets so worse that they are not even having proper food. Thus farmers go in famine. As a result, they attempt suicides.

i am a farmer essay

Furthermore, the other reason for the worst condition of farmers is Global warming. Since Global Warming is hampering our planet in every way, it affects our farmers too. Because of global warming, there is a delay in season. As different crops have their own season to ripe, they are not getting nourishment. Crops need proper sunlight and rain to grow. So if the crops are not getting it they get destroyed. This is one of the main reasons why farms are getting destroyed. As a result, farmers commit suicide.

In order to save farmers, our Government is trying to provide them with various privileges. Recently the government has exempted them from all the loans. Moreover, the government pays an annual pension of Rs. 6000 to them. This helps them to at least have some earning apart from their profession. Furthermore, the government provides quotas (reservations) to their children. This ensures that their children get a proper education. All the children should get a proper education in today’s world. So that they get a chance to live a better life.

At last, farming is a profession which hard labor and effort . Moreover seeing the growing population of our country we should take initiatives to help farmers of our country.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Who are farmers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Farmers are the one who grows crops in farms. Thus they provide us food to eat.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are farmers attempting suicides?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Farmers are attempting suicides because their profession is not providing them even food to eat. Moreover, their farms are getting destroyed. As a result, it leaves them with nothing.”} }] }

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Short Essay on Farmer [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Farmers are one of the best friends of our society. Without them, we will be starving till death. In this lesson, you will learn how to write essays on Farmers. You may find this essay relevant for your upcoming exam. 

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Short Essay on Farmer in 100 Words

A farmer is the base of a country. He works a lot. The food we eat every day is the gift of the farmer. When a country depends on agriculture, then the farmer is the greatest need. He grows crops that are necessary for the country.

A farmer knows what kind of crop to grow. He knows the weather and season. He is aware of how the plants will grow, and what is important for them. In India, the farmer is the best friend of the country. He is poor, but without him, we cannot live. The farmer brings us the daily foods, vegetables, and fruits. It is our duty to respect the farmers of our country.

Short Essay on Farmer in 200 Words

Framers are the most important people in our society. They are the primary supplier of food we eat every day. If they do not harvest the crops, the market will soon be out of all kinds of food. So the farmer is the best friend of all of us. He works hard daily and ensures that we get everything we need. He takes care of his crops. He checks the perfect weather and plants the crops. When the crops grow, they harvest them and take out the seeds. Then it is sold and we get our food. 

There are different types of farmers. In a country like India, One framer cannot grow all the crops. It is impossible because India is a huge country. It has lots of people. So there are farmers in every state, who grow the crops there. Some farmers grow crops like rice, wheat, barley, and other food crops. These are emergency crops. Because these are foods we eat daily.

So the farmer has to be very careful when they are growing crops. Some farmers grow cotton, jute, silk, and other materials. These are also important because it helps us with our clothes and other household things. So whatever the farmer does, his work is harder than everyone. He works throughout the year. He does not have vacations. So we must respect him for his hard work.

Short Essay on Farmer in 400 Words

Framers are the biggest supports of our country. Without them, we cannot stand. The farmer helps us to stay strong. It is possible because they give us food. Thus farmers play a very important role in our lives. He is like the soldier who is saving our country. 

There are several types of farmers in our country. Some of them grow food crops. Food crops are the crops that we eat every day. These include rice, wheat, barley, ragi, jowar, bajra, maize, tea, coffee, and oilseeds. The farmers who grow these crops are always very careful. Every state in India has its native crops. Local farmers know the need and prepare it in that way. They are aware of the weather and the water the plants need. They apply the water and tend those crops.

A good farmer uses the best fertilizer for his plants. He also tills the land and prepares the soil. Good soil is needed for the best cultivation. The farmer planting the food crops knows all of these. He cares for them a lot. When the crops harvest, he cuts them and separates the seeds. Then it is sent to market for sale.

Another group of farmers is there who grow cash crops. Cash crops are those crops that are not used to eat. Cash crops include cotton, jute, silk, rubber that are sold in the market, and the money is received. Cash crops need a different type of care. So separate farmers are there to care for them. These farmers have knowledge of the cash crops. So they select the perfect weather to care for them. Farmers collect the crops once it is grown, then they take them to the market and sell it. 

Despite being so important for society, most of the farmers are poor. They face a lot of problems. They do not get the proper price for their hard work. They are tortured as well by the rich people to sell their crops at low prices. Their lands are also destroyed if they do not follow the rules.

The farmers suffer a lot and often have to suicide to get rid of all earthly problems. So it is the duty of the government to look after them. They are the foundation of our country. India depends a lot on agriculture. Efficient agriculture needs efficient farmers. The farmers must always be respected, protected, and cared for. 

That was everything to write essays on farmers. In this session above, I have tried to present the entire topic from a very simplistic perspective and also adopted a very easy language to write.

Hopefully, all kinds of students have understood this session and will be able to write such essays themselves. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, you can post them in the comment section below. To read more such sessions covering many more important topics, keep browsing our website.

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Photo by Luanne Armstrong

Small Talk: Life on a Farm

I live on a farm that was once part forest, part swamp. I live with animals both domesticated and wild, with plants, with flowers, with a garden. My grandparents lived here, my parents, my siblings and I, and then my children too. I walk on the land every day and never get bored. There is always something new to see and learn. In the summer, I sit on my deck, which overlooks a pond, a field, and past that, the lake. Barn swallows nest over my head. Paper wasps build small grey cones among the swallow nests.

Once, I was sitting on my deck with a group of young people. A wasp came by to have a look. One young man looked up and exclaimed, “You have wasp nests up there.” I do. My excuse to friends and family is these are nonaggressive paper wasps, not yellow jackets. But I wouldn’t remove them in any case.

“All you have to do is sit still,” I said. “They will come by to see who you are. After they know you, they won’t bother you.” This poor young man gave me a look that said, very clearly, “crazy lady." But, to his credit, he didn’t move. There was so much more I wanted to tell him, but, where to start?

I wanted to tell him, “Just say hello.” Some people proclaim, “The earth is alive,” and while I sympathize with this statement, for me it is easier to say, “A wasp is alive.” Or perhaps, “Grass is alive.”

Grass is not only alive, it is responsive, and in its grass way, aware. Grass, mowed, turns into lawns, but given a chance, it will spring up and go wild in a very short time. It will cover sidewalks, parking lots, and walls. People rarely notice grass and yet they walk on grass all the time. They sit on it, lie on it. How many look down and see that the grass is alive?

Current research indicates that grass knows something. The smell of mown grass, which to the human nose seems so pleasant, is actually the smell of pheromones sent out by the grass. It is threatened, calling to pollinating insects. But we don’t hear it as that because we don’t know.

The grass is alive, I can say. But then I stop. What do I mean? Does the grass have consciousness, emotions, intelligence? I can’t tell. How to translate the grass? The grass looks inert but it is always moving. It grows, changes, exudes pheromones, and sends out root tendrils that find cracks in the strongest concrete. If I lie on the grass, does the grass say hello back from within its grass aliveness?

I may never truly know but it doesn’t matter. The realization of the aliveness of the non-human is the crack in the paradigm, a shift from understanding nature as passive, unfeeling, and mechanical, to seeing the non-human all around us as aware, a huge something in which we, as humans, participate but can never control, that we can study, become aware of, learn about and find many patterns of translation.

Everyday at our farm, this act of translation between human and non-human continues. A new horse lives at our farm. She is a rescue horse, a pretty red Arab mare that was neglected by her previous owner. I will never know what happened to her. When I come into the field, she turns her head away and won’t look at me, unlike the other horses, who watch me, ears pricked to see if I am bringing treats, or hay, or a halter. She flinches at my touch and moves away.

So I am forcing this mare, Fannie Mae, to greet me. When I go out with her hay, I hold it until she looks at me and sniffs my hand. Then she turns her head away, lays her ears back, and won’t eat unless I move off. I scratch her neck, I stand with her and breathe. Soften my own staring eyes so I lessen the predator messages my body is sending. I can interpret her behavior, but I can’t really know what her experience is, or why she behaves this way. We have no shared language but I can interpret, guess, wonder, study, and learn her body language.

Eventually, I hope, she and I will figure things out on the basis of interpretation, body/sign language, and if I’m careful and aware, we can make an agreement on how to spend time together and be at peace.

My brother takes our dogs and hikes up the mountain every day. Often he follows the tracks of the female cougar who dens high on the mountains. Often he comes across a trail where she is following him. Sometimes they see each other.

She never comes down to the farm but we are glad to have her on the mountain. There are too many deer and not enough predators. We welcome her return as a sign of an ecosystem recovering itself. My brother believes she knows him and recognizes him.

Everywhere, in small ways, such translation continues. My daughter is an urban gardener. I’m a farmer. There’s a difference, although we could argue all day about what it is. In her city garden, she planted her raspberries properly, out in the sun in good soil. But one plant reached up and across into the shadowed branches of her Gravenstein apple tree, and there it produced the earliest and fattest raspberries.

The assumption that plants and animals have no feelings was made by science, hundreds of years ago, for convenience. It’s actually a cultural assumption. It has no scientific basis. This assumption makes it easier to experiment on animals, easier to exploit them, hunt them, or use them as a “resource.” This kind of thinking has resulted in the snarled mix of contradictions, beliefs, sentimentality, superiority, and fear with which humans continue to regard and portray the non-human world.

But current research that examines plants and animals for ‘intelligence’ finds it in many new and surprising ways. Such research is finding that certain animals and plants are far more ‘intelligent’ than anyone had ever even guessed. However, intelligence is the wrong word. Consciousness is the wrong word. But science doesn’t have the right words. We have no language because plants and animals are not like humans. Such comparisons are habitual but not useful.

Nevertheless, evidence continues to grow showing that animals are smarter than humans have ever understood them to be. Baboons can distinguish between written words and gibberish. Apes can delay instant gratification longer than a human child can. They plan ahead. They make war and peace. They perform acts that indicate caring. In fact, biologist Frans De Waal has written extensively on morality and empathy in primates and other animals.

It's not just primates that demonstrate unexpected abilities. Dolphins recognize themselves in a mirror. So do elephants. Black bears can count and so can pigeons, monkeys and ravens.

It’s not just animals either.

In the words of botanist, Anthony Trewavas , plants can, “with great sensitivity compute complex aspects of their environment and change behaviour to optimize fitness within their local environment.”

This means they communicate with each other through networks, warn other plants of danger, call for help, feed other plants, or put out pheromones to attract particular insects.

I can’t really understand what goes on inside plants and animals. But I try to find out and to reach out, study, observe. Even still, I have to dwell in both the knowing and not-knowing, as listener and translator.

As a child, I was always fascinated by the many lives being lived on and around our farm: the domesticated animals we cared for and some of which we ate, or wild animals, some of which we made into pets. When I ranged over the mountainside above the farm, or along the lakeshore, I saw a variety of wildlife, from bears to hawks to ravens. Sometimes on hot afternoons, I would lie on the moss under giant Douglas firs, and part the bits of moss to see the small intense lives being lived underneath: tiny worms, beetles, larvae, or spiders.

But as an adult, more and more, I wonder about all these lives. I think about what it means to live somewhere and truly understand where I am living. The more I learn, the more complex it gets. I have always known that when I walked into the forest, voices, eyes, and ears announced my presence. Recent studies indicate that even the mighty fungi underground, mycelium, transmit my presence.

When I go into the forest, squirrels chitter from tree to tree to far away tree. Often a raven will ghost overhead, cock its head, and peer down. Now I am learning that scientific research has shown ravens can learn amazing skills, that a collie can learn over a thousand names, that parrots seem to understand what they are talking about, that plants can recognize and help each other, that an old growth tree acts as a mother tree to young trees, sending nutrients to their roots. How can I understand this? How do I acknowledge something so vast, so unknown?

I have now been wandering around the same piece of land for some sixty years and now it’s clear to me that the more I know about it, the farther away I am from understanding anything. That’s okay by me. When I was eighteen I knew everything and now, all I know is that I don’t know anything. I’d like to go back and re-read every book I ever read but I don’t have time. I do have time, however, to watch and see and listen as I go for my daily walk.

On every walk now, a particular raven comes with me, appearing overhead or perching on a tree, silent, watching me. I stop to look, to recognize this presence. I don’t know if it is a she or a he. Or why she or he comes on walks. But it does. Or they do. Yesterday there were a couple of ravens, clucking to each other in the dead craggy tree by the beach, combing beaks.

I am surrounded by beings whose behaviors, rightly or wrongly, I interpret. How do I find the invisible line between interpretation, anthropomorphism, and fantasy? My life is full of thorny ethical thickets. I keep domesticated animals. I even eat some of them. I ride horses. I work with dogs.

And when I watch animals, both domestic and wild, I interpret their behavior every day, trying to find the boundaries of a shared understanding. What do we share? Is it how our bodies move and communicate? Our senses? Plus we share land, we share an ecosystem, and I believe we share something else, a mutual recognition of being alive together.

I may think that animals don’t understand my language but I have no full understanding of “them”, what I perceive as them and no clarity about how they see me. How do I appear to them? Are they afraid of me? What language does my body exude as I wander across fields, up the mountain into the forest, in the midst of an astonishing exuberance of being, from tiny beetles to horses to cougars, from moss to giant cedar trees. Do I miss the messages and greetings coming back?

These new discoveries in science are saying look, plants and animals are different from what science previously assumed, which is different from what religions and culture have previously taught. The standard of “intelligence” or “culture” still remains a comparison with humans as ultimately superior in these areas.

Why not do research in the opposite direction? Making comparisons asks the wrong questions. Why not make the assumption that animals and plants have something; what do we call it? Aliveness? Awareness? Conscious existence? Proceed from there. Why constantly ask animals and plants, who can’t speak our languages and who have no legal standing within our courts, to prove their intelligence, their consciousness, their equality with humans? After all, do animals acknowledge our superiority? Does the grass bow before us?

What kind of knowledge do they have of us? Over generations, ravens remember people who have harmed them. Do the whales remember whaling ships? Does the prairie remember our extermination of the buffalo?

The biggest, most profound and most revolutionary shift we could move to now is to live in a world where saying hello to the grass is a sign of deepest respect and an acknowledgment of our own lack of understanding and knowledge.

It is bewildering to say simply, hello - to acknowledge the limits of translation, to acknowledge our own unknowing. Our bodies also have a kind of language. Sometimes, our bodies translate for us, simply by being alive in the world, seeing, taking it in, and loving the place we have landed for now.

Yes, we are part of the world, and the world is within us as we are within an alive and enormous network of being that looks back at us. To perceive this is at once so profound and also simple. It begins with the most obvious everyday things around you. The most radical thing you can do is to look down, look around, say hello and then begin to learn what that means.

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Essay on Farmer | 500+ Words

Farmers in India are the backbone of our nation, toiling day in and day out to feed millions and drive the economy. In this essay, we will explore the vital role of Indian farmers, their challenges, and their enduring contributions to our society.

The Agrarian Heartbeat

Indian agriculture has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It is an integral part of our culture and sustains a significant portion of our population. Farmers have been tilling the land and growing crops that form the basis of our meals.

Feeding the Nation

Indian farmers play a pivotal role in ensuring food security for over a billion people. They cultivate a wide range of crops, from rice and wheat to pulses and vegetables, providing the sustenance required for a healthy and thriving population.

Economic Contribution

Agriculture is a major contributor to India’s economy, employing more than half of the country’s workforce. It accounts for a significant share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and supports various industries such as food processing and textiles.

The Challenge of Small Farms

Many Indian farmers operate on small landholdings, which can make agriculture economically challenging. Fragmented land ownership often leads to limited access to modern farming techniques, equipment, and credit facilities.

Seasonal Uncertainty

Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on monsoon rains, making it susceptible to the vagaries of weather. Inconsistent rainfall can lead to droughts or floods, which can devastate crops and threaten livelihoods.

The Farmer’s Plight

Farmers face a host of challenges, including rising input costs, fluctuating market prices, and the lack of access to credit and insurance. These factors can lead to financial stress and debt burdens for many farming families.

Innovations in Farming

Despite the challenges, Indian farmers have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. Many are embracing modern farming practices, including organic farming, precision agriculture, and sustainable crop management.

Government Initiatives

The Indian government has launched various initiatives to support farmers, such as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, which provides financial assistance to small and marginal farmers. However, there is a need for continued policy efforts to address farmers’ challenges comprehensively.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainability is a growing concern, and Indian farmers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices. Sustainable farming techniques not only protect the environment but also ensure the long-term viability of agriculture.

The Resilience of Farmers

Indian farmers display remarkable resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. They work tirelessly, often facing hardships with a spirit of determination that is truly admirable.

Conclusion of Essay on Farmer

In conclusion, Indian farmers are the unsung heroes of our nation. They contribute significantly to our food security, economy, and culture, despite facing numerous challenges. It is essential that we recognize their vital role and support their efforts to build a more sustainable and prosperous future. Farmers in India are the lifeblood of our country, and their dedication and hard work deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.

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  • Essay On Indian Farmer

Indian Farmer Essay

500+ words essay on indian farmer.

Farmers are the backbone of the Indian Economy. More than half of the Indian population relies on Agriculture as a source of income. Farmers not only make the country secure by providing food, fodder and other raw materials as feedstock for industries, but they also serve as a source of livelihood for the majority of the Indian population. Sadly, though farmers feed the entire population, they sometimes sleep without having their night meals. In this essay on an Indian Farmer, we will be discussing the role of farmers and the problems faced by them. Students must go through this CBSE essay to get ideas so they can write essays by themselves.

Importance and Role of Indian Farmers

Farmers are the soul of the nation. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost two-thirds of the employed class in India. Farmers produce crops, pulses and vegetables which are needed by everyone. They work extremely hard so we can have food on our table every day. So, whenever we have a meal or eat food, we should thank the farmer.

Farmers in India are the largest producer of pulses, rice, wheat, spices and spice products. They are also involved in other small businesses such as dairy, meat, poultry, fisheries, food grains etc. According to the Economic Survey 2020-2021, the share of agriculture in the gross domestic product (GDP) has reached almost 20 per cent. India has also emerged as the second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world.

Issues and Challenges of Indian Farmers and their Current Situation

Farmers face various issues and challenges related to agriculture. Some of them are poorly maintained irrigation systems and a lack of good extension services. Farmers’ access to markets is hampered by poor roads, rudimentary market infrastructure, and excessive regulation. India has inadequate infrastructure and services for farmers because of low investment. Most farmers hold small areas of land due to which they are restricted to use traditional methods of farming and limit productivity. Whereas farmers with large pieces of land implement modern agricultural techniques and boost productivity.

If small farmers want to increase their production, they have to use good quality seeds, proper irrigation systems, advanced tools and techniques of farming, pesticides, fertilizers etc. For all this, they need money, due to which they have no choice but to take debt or loans from banks. They have immense pressure to produce crops so as to yield profit. In case their crop fails, all their effort goes in vain. In fact, then they are not able to produce enough to even fill the stomachs of their families.

Change is happening in rural India but it still has a long way to go. Farmers have benefited from improved farming techniques but the growth is not equitable. The effort should be to stop the migration of farmers to urban areas. To make agriculture successful and profitable, it is vital that proper thrust be given to the improvement of the condition of marginal and small farmers.

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Frequently asked Questions on Indian farmer Essay

What is the role of farmers.

A person is someone who is engaged in agriculture and raising livestock for a living.

What is the latest bill that has been passed in India for farmers?

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill is the newest bill passed for farmers in 2020.

Are there different types of farmers in India?

Yes, the main types of farmers in India are Marginal farmers, Small farmers and Semi-medium farmers.

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  • Latest from Young Farmers

Reflections on what it means to be a farmer

  • June 25, 2021

From our June Young Farmers Chapter Dispatch

As we move deeper into summer and the busiest farming season for many parts of the country, I’ve been reflecting on the diversity of farming styles and circumstances that lead folks to identify as farmers. Every spring, reading through applications to our Young Farmer Grant Program, there are a few applications that stretch the definition of “farming for a living.”

These folks are usually working on food sovereignty projects like community gardens, or backyard raised bed projects for their communities, and often aren’t taking home wages or profits for their farm work. These projects are more often than not also being led by farmers of color. While these projects haven’t been eligible for the grant program because of the ways we’ve defined “farming for a living” ( you can read the definition for the program here ), seeing how this definition limits our program’s ability to reach a group of predominantly Black, Indigenous, and other farmers of color has me thinking about the trickle down effects of the larger structures of our current food and agriculture systems, and how that impacts who gets to call themselves a farmer in different spaces.

We have an economy that has been intentionally structured by overwhelmingly white politicians to deny access to healthy and affordable food to those who cannot afford to pay. It is also a country that structured other sectors of our economy to keep communities of color disproportionately in that category. Centuries of government endorsed and designed theft of land and labor from Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) created an agricultural sector where approximately 95% of farmers are white and Black farmers own only about 1% of U.S. farmland.

There are so many folks of different identities and practices who call themselves farmers, and who are stretching and expanding that definition to mean so much more than “business owner” or “farm operator.”

I’m headed into this summer thinking about those farmers who are working on projects designed to counter the dominant food system’s marginalization and neglect of low-income communities. Community gardens, backyard box programs, and volunteer-based land stewardship for food security are all ways of farming for a living, often a collective living as the orientation rather than an individual one. These farmers are contributing examples to our agriculture sector that highlight the ways that farming for financial security alone can’t and won’t be an adequate system for feeding our communities. These models make space for a revisioning of our food system, driven by a desire for self-direction and community support. They are models that embody all that’s possible in a next generation of agriculture and a just future, and they are models that I am excited to weave into my work as key to the equitable farming future we are working toward.


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winston slender blue winston slender blue sigara yeşil peri sigara satin al sigara satın al sigara satin al harvest sigara djarum black 520 kalpli sigara captain black davidoff green mixture i̇thal pipo tütünü 50 gr teneke harvest blueberry crush sigara aj fernandez bellas artes gordo puro aj fernandez especial new world puro al capone flame sigara alec bradley black market esteli gordo puro alec bradley black market esteli robusto puro backwoods aromatic ıslak puro backwoods honey ıslak puro bal aromalı balmoral dominican collection puro bolivar royal coronas puro cafe creme arome sigarillo camacho liberty 2020 puro camacho triple maduro puro cohiba club 20 sigarillo cohiba medio siglo tubos puro cohiba siglo 6 puro davidoff aniversario entreacto puro davidoff aniversario special r puro davidoff grand cru toro puro davidoff millennium blend robusto puro akşap kutu davidoff nicaragua box pressed puro absnithe yeşil peri american spirit blue natural sigara american spirit yellow sigara cafe creme red filter sigarillo captain black cherise puro chapman cherry tatlı kiraz aromalı sigara davidoff magnum gold sigara davidoff purple green sigara djarum black menthol sigara djarum vanilla sigara eve sunflower extra long sigara george karelias and sons smoother taste sigara harvest blueberry crush sigara yabanmersini aromalı harvest menthol crush sigara harvest sweet cherry sigara vişne aromalı harvest sweet coconut sigara hindistancevizi aromalı harvest sweet coffe sigara kahve aromalı harvest sweet vanilla sigara vanilya aromalı manchester blue mist fusion sigara yabanmersini ve nane manchester amber crush fusion sigara elma ve nane manchester double drive sigara manchester nano wild green slim sigara mentol nane aromalı marlboro double fusion marlboro double fusion summer sigara karpuz ve mentol aromalı marlboro shuffle marlboro sol shuffle sigara tropikal meyve mentol marlboro vista blossom fusion sigara kiraz çiçeği ve mentol marlboro vista double fusion summer sigara karpuz ve mentol marlboro winter shuffle sigara mentol ve kış meyveleri marvel sigara backwoods puro sigara fiyatları puro satin al sigara satın al tütün satın al sigara satin al senator sigara sobranie black sigara captain black puro satın al toscanello puro marvel sigara george karelias and sons orange tütün pipo tütünü harvest tütün captain black tütün marvel puro w.o. larsen pipo tütünü american spirit tütün amphora pipo tütünü capstan pipo tütünü captain black pipo tütünü davidoff pipo tütünü samson mavi tütün drum tütün drum mavi tütün golden virginia tütün iqos heets kartuş mac baren pipo tütünü mac baren tütün marlboro tütün old holborn tütün pipo tütünü satın al tütün satın al pueblo tütün al capone al capone flame sigara al capone sweet cognac sigara backwoods puro davidoff puro puro satın al phillies blunt honey ballı puro gurkha puro harvest menthol crush sigara harvest menthol sigara harvest sweet cherry sigara harvest sweet coconut sigara harvest sweet coffe sigara harvest sweet vanilyalı sigara italico puro meharis puro romeo y julieta puro seçkin puro çeşitleri partagas puro toscanello puro toscanello cappuccino toscanello limoncello reiner pipo tütünü rattrays pipo tütünü sarma tütün çeşitleri 520 kalpli sigara böğürtlenli captain black blue compact sigara captain black cherise puro captain black classic sigara captain black gold compact sigara davidoff gold slender davidoff magnum classic sigara davidoff magnum gold sigara davidoff polar mist mentollü sigara davidoff purple green sigara davidoff purple mist sigara davidoff red sigara karpuz ve mentol aromalı davidoff white superslims sigara djarum black karanfil ve vişne aromalı captain black puro esse sigara esse süperslim menthol sigara esse change double elma ve mango aromalı esse change mentollü sigara karelia sigara george karelias and sons superior virginia george karelias and sons smoother taste sigara keno club sigara kent switch mentollü sigara marlboro double fusion marlboro shuffle marlboro sol shuffle marlboro vista blossom fusion marlboro vista double fusion summer marlboro winter shuffle milano sigara senator sigara vogue frisson menthe superslim mentollü sigara van nelle tütün rothmans tütün fume 2500 puffs gummy bears robin bubblegum mint maddox sigara vozol sigara corset mint breeze mentollü süper slim moods puro captain black sigara romeo julieta sigarillo captain black switch marlboro double fusion summer golden virginia orijinal yeşil tütün elf bar bc5000 triple melon captain black blue compact i̇thal sigara captain black cherise backwoods islak puro satın al backwoods honey ıslak puro manisa escort sakarya escort kütahya escort kütahya escort adana escort adana escort afyon escort afyon escort alanya escort antalya escort artvin escort beylikdüzü escort beylikdüzü escort beylikdüzü escort beylikdüzü escort bodrum escort burdur escort burdur escort burdur escort bolu escort bolu escort bolu escort bolu escort bolu escort bursa escort bursa escort 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van escort van escort yalova escort yalova escort yozgat escort yozgat escort yozgat escort yozgat escort aksaray escort ankara escort ankara escort ankara escort ankara escort ankara travesti antalya escort antalya travesti antalya travesti ataköy escort avrupa yakası escort bahçelievler escort bahçeşehir escort bahçeşehir escort bakırköy escort beşiktaş escort beylikdüzü escort beylikdüzü escort bomanti escort bursa tavesti bursa tavesti çankaya escort çankaya escort çapa escort eryaman escort eryaman escort eryaman escort escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort bayan escort istanbul esenyurt escort etiler escort etimesgut escort etlik escort eyüp escort fatih escort fındıkzade escort fulya escort gaziosmanpaşa escort halkalı escort halkalı escort i̇kitelli escort istanbul escort istanbul escort bayan i̇stanbul travesti istanbul travesti i̇zmir travesti i̇zmir travesti kağıthane escort kars escort kayaşehir escort keçiören escort keçiören escort kızılay escort konya travesti konya travesti küçükköy escort mecidiyeköy escort merter escort rus escort sefaköy escort sex hikayeleri silivri escort sincan escort sincan escort şirinevler escort şişli escort taksim escort topkapı escort travesti travesti yenibosna escort beylikdüzü escort beylikdüzü escort adana escort adıyaman escort afyon escort ağrı escort aksaray escort amasya escort ankara escort antalya escort antep escort ardahan escort artvin escort aydın escort balıkesir escort bartın escort batman escort bayburt escort bilecik escort bingol escort bitlis escort bolu escort burdur escort bursa escort çanakkale escort çankırı escort çorum escort denizli escort diyarbakır escort düzce escort edirne escort elazığ escort erzincan escort erzurum escort eskişehir escort giresun escort gümüşhane escort hakkari escort hatay escort ığdır escort ısparta escort istanbul escort izmir escort izmit escort karabük escort karaman escort kars escort kastamonu escort kayseri escort kıbrıs escort kilis escort kırıkkale escort kırklareli escort kırşehir escort kocaeli escort konya escort kütahya escort malatya escort manisa escort maraş escort mardin escort mersin escort muğla escort muş escort nevşehir escort niğde escort ordu escort osmaniye escort rize escort sakarya escort samsun escort siirt escort sinop escort şırnak escort sivas escort tekirdağ escort tokat escort trabzon escort tunceli escort urfa escort uşak escort yalova escort van escort yozgat escort zonguldak escort ankara bahçelievler escort ankara maltepe escort ankara rus escort balgat escort beşevler escort çankaya escort çukurambar escort demetevler escort dikmen escort elvankent escort eryaman escort esat escort etimesgut escort etlik escort keçiören escort kızılay escort sincan escort kolej escort 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escort bodrum escort marmaris escort serdivan escort çorlu escort istanbul escort adana escort afyon escort ağrı escort aksaray escort alsancak escort ankara escort antalya escort arnavutköy escort ataşehir escort avcılar escort aydın escort bağcılar escort bahçelievler escort bakırköy escort balıkesir escort başakşehir escort bayrampaşa escort beşiktaş escort beykoz escort beylikdüzü escort beyoğlu escort bitlis escort bodrum escort bornova escort buca escort bursa escort büyükçekmece escort çanakkale escort çekmeköy escort çeşme escort denizli escort didim escort diyarbakır escort edirne escort elazığ escort erzurum escort esenler escort esenyurt escort eskişehir escort eyüpsultan escort fatih escort fethiye escort gaziantep escort gaziosmanpaşa escort gebze escort güngören escort ısparta escort izmir escort izmit escort kadıköy escort kağıthane escort karşıyaka escort kartal escort kayseri escort kocaeli escort konya escort küçükçekmece escort kuşadası escort kütahya escort malatya 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If I Was A Farmer (Essay Sample)

If i was a farmer.

A farmer is an important person in the society because he provides food for everyone. If I were a farmer, I would be very proud because  I would be one of the most admired person in the society because everyone will purchase my produce. Everybody will depend on my farm to meet their food requirements. Being a farmer is a huge responsibility because everyone will rely on me to meet their food requirements.  If I  was a farmer, I will be famous and admired by many people because of my richness. I will grow and sell crops that most people consume locally.

Most of my  crops will be for commercial purposes. However, I will grow some crops to feed my family and avoid spending much money on purchasing food every time. My journey of becoming a rich farmer starts by developing a routine to help me achieve my goals; I will wake up early every morning to go to the field to supervise the people working on my farm. Being an expert farmer, I will purchase modern equipment like tractors to make my work easy.  I will take care of my crops by applying fertilizer, sprinkling pesticides to protect them against insects and other harmful pests.

Most farmers are perceived to be illiterate and old. However, if I was a farmer, I will be among the new generation of farmers equipped with adequate knowledge of good farming practices. I will use my knowledge to embrace good farming practices like testing the soil in the field in the laboratory to determine which crop is more suitable for the type of soil on my farm. I would take advantage of existing government programs for the farmer by acquiring loans to improve my farm. My farm will have electricity and water, which are essential commodities for any farmer. Even though farmers depend upon nature whereby  adequate rainfall determines  their agricultural output, I will be a revolutionary farmer.  I will practice new farming methods like irrigation to avoid depending on nature. Adopting better farming practices will guarantee me good food supply throughout the year.

I have always imagined watching cattle graze in the pasture on sunny days. The smell of healthy soil and fresh cut grass and the sound of corns in the field as I stand out in a warm evening watching my farm with animals sparing from the highest spot on the hill has been part of my dream as a farmer. People view farming as a complicated process; I am committed to becoming a good farmer. Farming is not about putting seeds on the ground and waiting for crops to grow on their own. It involves constant monitoring and taking care of these plants. Being a good farmer, I will constantly compare the market prices to get the best prices for my farm products.

Factors like bad weather will not deter my efforts; I will take advantage of the various seasons by planning my activities to maximize the natural weather. During rainy seasons will store water,   plant fodder and other crops that can withstand rain. During hot seasons,  I will also plant crops that can withstand hot weather. Before the onset of winter, I will harvest the crops and process them before the weather destroys the crops,  my farm will be busy throughout all season. After harvesting, I will sell my crops to earn profit from my hard work. I will ensure that I use the modern technology to maximize production, with time I will purchase more acres to expand my farming business to make more profit.

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Essay on Indian Farmers in 100, 200, and 350 words

i am a farmer essay

  • Updated on  
  • May 16, 2024

Essay On Indian Farmers

Indian farmers are the backbone of the economy. They work tirelessly throughout the year to produce the best quality food. Since India’s soil fertility is rich, it allows farmers to grow two types of crops; Rabi and Kharif. To improve Indian farmers’ condition the Government of India has introduced schemes like PM Fasal Bima Yojana , Krishi Udan Scheme , National Mission on Natural Farming and many more. On this page, we will discuss some samples of essay on Indian farmers.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Indian Farmers in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Indian Farmers in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Indian Farmers in 350 words
  • 4 Challenges Faced by the Indian Farmers
  • 5 Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)
  • 6 Conclusion

Essay on Indian Farmers in 100 words

The farmers of India play a very important role in the economy of the country as agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the majority of the Indian Population. They are hardworking, and resilient individuals who have a major impact on the development of the country. Although they play such an important role in the country, the farmers of India have to face numerous challenges which include lack of access to modern technology, lack of access to credit, and challenges related to irrigation and water management. Certain other aspects such as climate change, urbanization, etc are also affecting them. The government of India and society should take the necessary steps to address these challenges and hence support the Indian farmers to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the country.

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Essay on Indian Farmers in 200 words

The farmers of India play a very crucial role in the development of the country’s economy as well as the development of society. Even though they face several challenges such as lack of access to credit and markets, unpredictable weather conditions, etc they still work tirelessly to feed the nation. The hard work and dedication the Indian farmers show make the backbone of India’s agriculture which is the main source of livelihood of the majority of the population. They are a symbol of determination and their contributions to the country must be recognised.  

The backbone bone of the Indian economy is agriculture and Indian farmers play a major role in the country’s economic growth. Agriculture employs around 50% of the country’s workforce and accounts for almost 17% of India’s GDP. Indian farmers don’t only practice agriculture, they grow livestock as well which is another important source of food and income for several families. 

Agriculture is a major contributor to the country’s exports, with crops like rice, wheat, and cotton being some of the major export items. In addition, the Indian farmer also plays a critical role in the country’s food security. India is the world’s second-largest producer of food, and farmers in the country produce a wide range of crops, including rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, and fruits and vegetables. We should acknowledge the role of our farmers in developing our nation and recognize the same.

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Essay on Indian Farmers in 350 words

In India, agriculture accounts for almost 17% of the GDP and employs almost 50% of the population. The Indian farmers are the backbone of the Indian economy. They play a crucial role in the country’s development. Despite all this, they face numerous challenges. 

Challenges Faced by the Indian Farmers

Farmers face several challenges despite their role in the Indian economy. One such major challenge is the lack of access to credit. A major portion of Indian farmers do not have the financial resources to invest in modern farming techniques. Hence, they are forced to take loans from money lenders who charge extraordinary interest rates making it difficult to repay the same. 

One other major challenge is the lack of modern technology. The majority of farmers in India have to still rely on traditional and old farming methods. In addition to the same, they face challenges regarding water management and irrigation as well. In a lot of regions in the country, they are dependent on the monsoon for their crops, which can become quite unpredictable and hence, may lead to crop failures.

Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)

This is one of the methods that was developed to help farmers with low budgets and limited resources. This technique is based on the principle of using locally available resources such as cow dung and cow urine to improve soil fertility naturally. In this method, farmers rely on natural predators for pest control. This method was not only more sustainable, but it also helped increase crop yields and reduced costs for farmers.

Although change is happening in rural areas of India, they still have a long way to go. And although the situation of the farmers has improved, the growth is still not equitable. More efforts should be made by the Government of India towards the Indian farmers to provide them with modern technology and resources so that they thrive and have improved crop yields and hence that will eventually to the country’s economy and its development. 

A.1 The farmers of India play a very important role in the economy of the country as agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the majority of the Indian Population. They are hardworking, and resilient individuals who have a major impact on the development of the country. Although they play such an important role in the country, the farmers of India have to face numerous challenges which include lack of access to modern technology, lack of access to credit, and challenges related to irrigation and water management. Certain other aspects such as climate change, urbanization, etc are also affecting them. The government of India and society should take the necessary steps to address these challenges and hence support the Indian farmers to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the country.

A.2 The Indian Government has launched several schemes for the welfare of Indian farmers: PM Fasal Bima Yojana, Krishi Udan Scheme, National Mission on Natural Farming, PM Kisan, Soil Health, etc.

A.3 Farmers work tirelessly to provide the nation with food to survive. They very extremely hard but still have to face several challenges such as lack of access to modern technology, poor soil quality, insufficient government support, etc. Such challenges have led to widespread distress and poverty among the farmers. However, now governments are taking initiatives to improve their situation, and hence the situation is improving. Crop yields are now better and have improved the livelihood of many farmers.

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Essay on Indian Farmer | Indian Farmer Essay for Students and Children in English

March 20, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Indian Farmer – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Indian Farmer for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Indian Farmer essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

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Long Essay on Indian Farmer 500 words for kids and students in English

Essay on Indian Farmer

An Indian farmer should be respected by everyone. It is he who produces grains and vegetables for the citizens of the country. Throughout the year, the Indian farmer remains busy in tilling the fields, sowing seeds and reaping the crops. Indeed, his is a very busy and hard life.

He gets up early in the morning. Then, he takes his bulls and plough or tractor and goes to his fields. In the fields, he ploughs the land for hours together.

He works very hard but sells his products in the market at a very nominal price due to lack of proper market mechanism.

He lives a very simple life. His clothes have a rural flair. He lives in a mud-house, though many farmers of Punjab, Haryana and UP have built Pucca houses as well. His property comprises of a few bulls, a plough- share and a few acres of land.

A farmer is the very soul of a nation. Our late prime minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, gave a slogan, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.” He realised that an Indian farmer feeds the nation. Upon him depends the agricultural production, hence he must be provided with all the latest implements of farming. Better seeds, fertilisers, manures, implements and chemicals for agriculture can enable him to grow more.

FAQs On Indian farmer 

Q1. What is Indian farmer?

Ans: India is a land of farmers. It is called so because majority of Indians are directly or indirectly involved in agricultural activities. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our economy.

Q1. What is a farmer essay?

Ans: Free Essay on Farmer – A farmer is one of the most important members of society. He is the giver of food to the people, to all practical purposes. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his fields. … The farmer has many kinds of works to do.

Q1. What is the importance of farmer in our life?

Ans: Farmers are an important part of the survival of our various societies because they provide food and fiber that nourishes and cloths us. They make responsible use of natural resources and utilize both primitive and very advanced technologies to accomplish this.

Q1. Why farmers are important in India?

Ans: Agriculture plays a vital role in the Indian economy. Over 70 per cent of the rural households depend on agriculture. Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy as it contributes about 17% to the total GDP and provides employment to over 60% of the population.

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Indian Farmer English Essay For Students And Children

admin July 7, 2018 Essays in English 42,989 Views

The Indian farmer is a hard-working man. He works from morning till evening in the scorching heat and biting cold. Early in the morning he drives his oxen to the fields. He ploughs the fields, sows seeds and waters the plants. looks after the crops and saves them from being spoiled by stray cattle or wild animals. He enjoys no holiday. At noon he has his meals under a shady tree and takes a little rest. In the evening he returns home.

The farmer leads a simple life. He lives in a mud house, eats simple food and wears coarse clothes. Generally he is illiterate. He believes in old customs and superstitions. His cattle are his most valuable property. Often during drought crops fail and he is in trouble. When the crop ripens, he feels happy. He reaps it, threshes it and takes the corn to the market. In times of a bad harvest he has little money to buy seeds and manure and runs into debt.

Recently, the use of agricultural machinery and chemical manures and the provision of credit facilities by cooperative societies and rural banks have improved his lot and changed his outlook on life.

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Essay on Indian Farmer for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Farmer: India is a land of farmers as it is considered as an agricultural country. Agriculture employed around 50% of the workforce & farmers is the backbone of Indian economy. Indian farmers do a lot of hard work to make us available for the final product we get in the market. Indian farmers are the soul of our nation.

Essay on Farmer 500 Words for Students in English

Below we have provided an Indian Farmer Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

“If the farmer is rich, then so is the nation. He is a magician who produces money from the mud. To a farmer, dirt is not a waste, it is wealth.” – Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words.

Farming was one of the earliest occupations of mankind. The Indian farmer is often referred to as the backbone of our country. As per the Register General of India and Census report 2011, there are a total of 118 million farmers and 144 million agricultural labourers in the country. This constitutes more than 30% of the total rural population. A farmer is one of the most important members of society. He is a provider & responsible for growing sufficient food for the nation. Farming products have a major contribution to the nation’s GDP.

Typically, a farmer’s day begins early in the morning by ploughing the field, usually with the help of oxen or a tractor. Over time, based on the season, he sows the seeds and protects the plants. He also ensures they get enough nourishment through water and fertilizers. Most farmers also use pesticides to protect the crop from pests. Literacy has played a major role in farming practices. Educated farmers have used better techniques and ensured higher productivity; however, even after all the hard work done by the Indian farmers, poverty and farmer suicide plague the community.

Importance of an Indian Farmer

It is necessary to note that India was not a self-sufficient food-producing unit before the 1970’s. Indian farmlands were inefficient, old, and non-productive. But when our imports became a mode of blackmail, the country decided that it had enough. With a major rural population at that time and land, which was home to all kinds of resources, we were more than capable of producing food for ourselves.

Lal Bahadur Shastri gave a slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” to motivate the countrymen. Soon, with a major contribution from the green revolution, Indian farmlands were producing enough for the country. We also started exporting farm products, which became a major source of revenue. Economically, farming not only adds on to our labour force but also to our productivity. Farming contributes to 17% of our GDP. We export products like rice, fresh vegetables, groundnut, fresh fruits, cereal preparations, dairy products, cocoa products, other cereals, and pulses.

We also export cash crops like tea, coffee, spices, oil-seeds, cotton, and cashew, which are about 50% of Indian agricultural exports. Our surplus production has also reduced our cost of imports to a bare minimum. Moreover, agriculture is the main source of income in the country. It not only employs a majority of the rural population, but it also employs researchers, lab technicians, and others working towards modernising Indian agriculture.

Problems faced by Indian Farmers

Poverty is a major problem faced by Indian farmers. Even though they produce food for the entire nation, many farmers cannot afford 2 square meals a day for their families. Agriculture in India is heavily dependent on weather conditions. A season of drought or a flood can destroy a farmer’s yearlong hard work. Unhealthy plants and fires are yet another issue. As land in India has been divided and re-divided over the years, productivity per acre is low.

Even if farmers manage to take their products to the market, the presence of levels of intermediaries leads to farmers getting a very low price. Illiteracy and the use of inefficient methods are yet another major concern. Farmers often do not have the monetary capacity or the education required to shift to modern techniques of production or use modern equipment. They are often hesitant and doubtful of farming technology.

Being illiterate also closes any other occupation choice for them. Thus, farmers are more often than not stuck in a vicious cycle of inefficient production, poverty, and misery. Another major problem faced by the country in regards to farmers is farmer suicide. The pressure to earn a living, failed crops, multiplying loans, and familial responsibilities like illness or a daughter’s marriage together push a farmer to take the final step.

It is disheartening that farmers, who are the backbone of society, have been pushed to this extent. Further, farmer suicides have left their family with no one to care for, causing more problems of hunger and poverty. Over the years, different governments have tried various policies to improve a farmer’s standard of living. From loan waivers to buying crops for a better price, many ideas have been attempted. The government has tried providing free water and electricity in some places and also offered compensation to families who are victims of farmer suicide.


Essay on Indian Farmer

Students are often asked to write an essay on Indian Farmer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Indian Farmer


Indian farmers are the backbone of our nation. They work tirelessly in fields to feed the entire country.

Role of Indian Farmers

Farmers play a vital role in the economy. They cultivate crops, fruits, vegetables, and manage livestock, contributing to India’s GDP.

Challenges Faced

Despite their importance, farmers face numerous challenges. Unpredictable weather, lack of modern technology, and poor access to credit are some of the problems.

Farmers are unsung heroes, deserving respect and support. Their hard work and dedication should inspire us all.

250 Words Essay on Indian Farmer

The backbone of india: the indian farmer.

The Indian Farmer is often referred to as the backbone of the nation, and rightly so. They are the primary producers of food consumed by over a billion people, contributing significantly to the country’s economy.

Challenges Faced by Indian Farmers

Despite their pivotal role, Indian farmers are plagued by numerous challenges. They are often at the mercy of unpredictable weather patterns, which can lead to crop failures. The lack of modern farming techniques and technology further exacerbates their struggle. They also face financial difficulties due to inadequate access to credit facilities and the burden of high-interest loans.

Government Initiatives for Farmers

To address these issues, the Indian government has initiated several schemes such as the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), which provides insurance cover for crop loss. The government has also launched the Soil Health Card Scheme to educate farmers about soil health and promote sustainable farming.

The Future of Indian Farming

The future of Indian farming lies in the adoption of modern agricultural practices and technology. Precision farming, use of drones, and digital platforms for selling produce can revolutionize the sector. Additionally, farmer education and financial support are crucial to help them adapt to these changes.

In conclusion, the Indian farmer, though faced with numerous challenges, remains an integral part of the nation’s fabric. As we move forward, it is imperative to empower these farmers, equipping them with modern tools and knowledge, to ensure their prosperity and the nation’s food security.

500 Words Essay on Indian Farmer

The backbone of indian economy: the indian farmer, the role of the indian farmer.

Indian farmers play a pivotal role in the nation’s economy. India, being a predominantly agrarian society, relies heavily on its farming community. Farmers not only provide food for the populace but also raw materials for industries. They contribute to the export sector with products like tea, coffee, spices, and other agricultural commodities, earning valuable foreign exchange.

Despite their vital role, Indian farmers grapple with numerous issues. Climate change and unpredictable monsoons often lead to crop failure, pushing farmers into a cycle of debt. The lack of access to modern technology and farming methods makes them less competitive on a global scale.

Technological Intervention and the Indian Farmer

Technology can be a game-changer for Indian agriculture. Precision farming, use of drones, and digital platforms for selling produce can revolutionize the sector. However, the adoption rate of such technologies is slow due to lack of awareness and financial constraints.

Government Policies and Indian Farmers

The government has initiated several schemes to aid farmers. The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) aims to provide insurance coverage for crop loss. The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) provides income support to small and marginal farmers. However, the implementation and reach of these schemes have been patchy and need to be strengthened.

The Way Forward

Furthermore, improved access to credit, better market linkages, and agricultural education can empower farmers. The government, private sector, and civil society must work together to create an enabling environment for the Indian farmer.

In conclusion, the Indian farmer is the lifeblood of the nation. Despite facing numerous challenges, they continue to feed the country and contribute to its economic growth. It is high time we recognize their contribution and work towards improving their livelihoods and securing their future. The prosperity of the Indian farmer is intrinsically linked to the prosperity of the nation.

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Essay on Indian Farmers

The essay on “Indian Farmers”, has been drafted by our mentors at Vedantu to help you experience it in a more helpful way. These are inducted in a very structured and organized way for you to grasp the main features quickly. You can also download the essay which is available in the PDF format. You can go through the essay and get in touch with them directly by visiting our Vedantu's official website to clear all your doubts or concerns.

Farming has always been one of the most important jobs in economic activities in India. With about 70% of the population engaged themselves with agriculture and agriculture-related activities which makes farmers the backbone of the country. While taking a single bite of food have we ever thought about our food givers, that is farmers, contribution to the progress of our country? The fifth prime minister of developing country India- Chaudhary Charan Singh, who himself came from a peasant family. Chaudhary Charan Singh is considered the messiah of the farmers and his birthday December 23 is celebrated as ‘The Farmers Day’. The rate of exporting agricultural things and products is much more than that of imports. This brings a rise in GDP of India.

Farmers live and breathe on farming along with their family and love is the only feeling they have towards it. Bunch of lessons must be learned from the farmers like helping the neighbour with selfless intent, caring for pets and domestic animals, unity is strength, water conservation, techniques in natural calamities like drought, the methods of soil fertilization.

The farmers are not graduate ones. But, campaigns of education might help in evolving their lives. Governments arrange various financial planning programmers for them. A cow, Sheep, Goats and Chickens plays an important role in farmers and in the farm ecosystem. These livestock animals eat the corn and hay grown and in return, they provide milk, eggs, meat and wool. Even their waste is beneficial for the soil fertilization process. They serve as a side business for the Indian Farmers.

Keeping in mind the hardworking lives of this backbone of the nation, the 2nd prime minister of the nation India provides the slogan of “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” and gives the 2nd importance to the farming service.

Small farmers own a small piece of land due to inequality in the land distribution in India. Small farmers are still suffering from a lack of controlled water supply from Artificial Irrigation facilities. Though they are being called as the backbone of the country, they live in poverty. They even struggle to get two times of food for their family. The amount of debts on the lands is increasing day by day. And worst! They don't have any source of clearing it. Fluctuating agricultural prices, high debts, untimed and fewer payments became part of the daily lives of few farmers. 

With growing urbanization, the essence of Indian Farming culture is a little bit fading away. In this concrete world, farms are rapidly replaced by the hot molten asphalt roads and skyscrapers. Nowadays, people are neglecting farming as a career option for themselves as well as for their children. If this continues to happen the Indian economy will fall like a house of cards. The government of India runs the ‘Debt waiver scheme’ to reduce loads of the instalments on the farmers so that they will be glued with the same reputed profession and try some innovative ideas in their daily work for improving cultivation. 


FAQs on Indian Farmers Essay

Q1: Why Farmers are Important in India?

Ans: Importance of farmers

They are the ones who provide us with food to eat. As every human requires proper food for their existence, so they are a requirement in society. First are the farmers who grow a crop like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since the maximum intake in the Indian houses is of wheat and rice.

Q2: Why Do We Need Farmers?

Ans: We need farmers to grow our grains, fruits and vegetables. We need herders to raise cattle, swine, chickens and other valuable sources of protein that are a portion of a healthful diet. And we need their decades of experience growing the food, fuel and fibre to ensure our way of life continues. 

Q3: What are the 3 Types of Crops?

Ans: The crops can be classified as:

Food crops- wheat, rice, maize, millets, pulses.

Cash crops- sugarcane, tobacco, jute, cotton, oilseeds.

Horticulture crops- Fruits and vegetables.

Plantation crops- tea, coffee, coconut, rubber.

Q4: How Many Types of Crops are There in India?

Ans: There can be many ways to divide the types of crops (based on area, season, economic value etc). Based on the seasons, the crops in India are divided into three types: Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. 

Kharif Crops: Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Cotton, Jute, etc.

Rabi Crops: Wheat, Oats, Onion, Potato, Pea, Oilseeds, etc.

Zaid Crops: Watermelon, Cucumber, Muskmelon, Pumpkin, etc. 

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Essay on Indian Farmer in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Indian Farmer: India is a land of farmers. It is called so because majority of Indians are directly or indirectly involved in agricultural activities. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our economy. In the following essays I have tried to discuss the problems being faced by the Indian farmers and have also given my opinion on it. Hope you will find my essays helpful.

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Long and Short Essay on Indian Farmer in English

Indian farmers are the backbone of the Indian economy but everything is not going right for them. Their life is getting more and more difficult day by day.

In the following essays I have tried to answer the question, “why nobody wants to become a farmer and also, as to why those in farming want to move to other occupations”? The answer to the questions is not straightforward.

In the following Indian Farmer essay I have tried to touch all the issues which the farmers of our country are facing currently. Hope you will appreciate my efforts for essay on Indian Farmer.

Short Essay on Indian Farmer – Essay 1 (200 words)

Some one has truly said, “India is a land of villages and farmers are the soul of the country.” I also feel the same. Farmers are a respected lot and farming is considered a noble profession in our country. They are also called “ Annadata ”, which means “food provider”. According to this logic, farmers in India should be a happy and prosperous lot but the irony is that the reality is exactly opposite to it.

This is the reason why kids of farmers don’t want to pursue the profession of their parents. According to a government data, around two and a half thousand farmers leave farming and migrate to cities daily in search of livelihood. If this trend continues, then a time may come when there will no farmers left and our country will turn from “food surplus”, which we are now to “food deficient”.

I used to think that when the prices of commodities go up, the farmer benefits but the reality is that most of the money is grabbed by the middle men. So, the farmer is always a looser. When there is a bumper crop, the price of the products fall and at many times he has to sell his produce at a throwaway price to the government or to the middlemen and when there is drought or flood, then we all know what happens to the poor farmer.

The condition of the farmers is getting from bad to worse. If something is not done urgently, there will be nothing left to save.

Essay on Importance of Indian Farmer – Essay 2 (300 words)


I think the farmer plays the same role for our country as the backbone plays for the human body. The problem is that this backbone (our farmer) is suffering from many problems. Sometimes, many of them can’t even afford two square meals a day. Despite all the hardships which they face, they continue to play an important role. Some of them are discussed below.

Importance of Indian Farmer

  • They are the Food Producers of the Country

Before late 1970s India was not able to produce sufficient food grains to meet its requirements. In other words, India was not self-sufficient in terms of food grains. We used to import large quantities of food grains from abroad (mainly from USA). It went good for some time but afterwards the USA started blackmailing us on trade.

They even threatened to stop the supply of food grains totally. The then Prime Minister Lal bahadur Shastri accepted the challenge and gave the slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” and took some drastic measures, which resulted in the green revolution and because of that we became self-reliant in terms of food grains and even started exporting the surplus produces.

India has never looked back since then. Our farmers have never let us down, even though they are facing many problems. They have been able to meet the demand of the growing population.

  • One of the Biggest Contributor to the Indian economy

Farmers contribute around 17% to the Indian economy. Even after that they continue to live a life of poverty. There are many reasons for it. If we are able to overcome various obstacles, then there is a good chance that this percentage will improve.

  • All Farmers are Self Employed

Farmers do not depend on any other source for employment. They are self employed and also create employment for others.

We have come a long way since Independence but still a lot has to be done. I am sure, if we work sincerely, we would be able to overcome the problems which we are facing today and God willing our villages will become as beautiful and prosperous as they are shown in Bollywood movies.

Essay on life of an Indian Farmer – Essay 3 (400 words)

Persons like me, who have lived in cities for the whole of their lives, have a very wrong idea about Indian village life . They believe what is shown in Bollywood movies. I was no different. I also thought that in villages, women move around in their designer lehengas. They go to the well for fetching water and move here and there happily. I also believed that in the evening they gather around and danced together on the movie songs like “ sun mitwa ” or “ mere desh ki dharti ”.

Life of an Indian farmer

One fine day I told my dad, “what a nice life these village folks have…”. On this my dad laughed loudly and suggested me to visit our ancestral village which is in Lucknow. Last time when I went to our village, I was 4 years old. I remembered very few details from my last visit or better to say I had no idea what a village looked like.

I took a week’s leave from office and boarded the train with my father. I was really very excited. At the railway station we were greeted by our relative (my cousin brother) who had come to receive us. I asked him, “how we will go home”? On this, he showed his bullock cart. On this my reaction was, “What!”. My dad told me, “son, this is just the beginning….”.

On reaching home firstly, I decided to answer my natures call. So, I asked, “where is the toilet”? On this I was took to an open field. I was told that there is no toilet in the village and all the villagers including women have to go in the open field. After that I decided to have a look around. I found broken houses made with mud and bamboo with men and women in old and torn clothes (definitely not designer), working very hard in fields to get their ends meet.

An used plow and a pair of feeble bullock stands in every house as a testimony to the strenuous life of the occupants. Maximum houses had no electricity connection and even those houses which had electricity connection used oil lamps because electricity was rare. Nobody had a gas connection, so food was cooked on wooden or coal fire which generated smoke and that caused various lung diseases.

I found an old woman coughing. I asked her, “Are you having your medicines”? On this she gave a blank look and said, “Beta, I don’t have money to buy medicines or go to a private hospital.” Other persons told me that the there is no government clinic nearby. On hearing this I really got emotional. The plight of the Indian farmers is unimaginable as they work tirelessly throughout the year in the absence of basic necessities.

I decided to join my cousin brother who was working in the fields. When I reached there, I found him and some other farmers arguing with some men. I was told that they were bank officials and had come to give a formal notice (of non-payment of EMIs) to the farmers. My cousin brother told me that no body in the village was able to pay EMIs this time as they had a bad crop this time.

I ate my food and went to sleep. After some time, I woke up to drink water. I found bantu (my cousin brother’s son) reading in candle light. I asked, “its late, go to sleep”. On this he replied, “Uncle, I have a test tomorrow”. On listening this I felt that everything is not lost and there is still a ray of hope.

Our villages and farmers are not the same as I had thought but I have a strong feeling that one day it will become the village as it is shown in Bollywood movies.

Essay on Role of an Indian Farmer – Essay 4 (500 words)

India has a diverse culture. In India, around 22 major languages and 720 dialects are spoken. People of all major religions like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism live here. People here are engaged in all sorts of professions but agriculture is the main occupation here. This is why India is also known as a “ Krishi Pradhan desh ”.

Role of an Indian Farmer

This is the reason why a major percentage of our population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our nation and also, they are the driving force behind the Indian economy. Yet all is not well with Indian farmers. They continue to live a life of poverty and misery. Still they play an important role in nation building. Some of the important roles of farmers are discussed below.

  • Food Security is National Security

As we all know that food is the basic necessity of life. This is why in olden times, food grains were stored in large quantities in forts, so that in times of war, when outside supply would be stopped by the enemy, still there would be food to eat. The same logic is valid even today. As we are “self-reliant” in terms of food grains, no country can blackmail or threaten us. This became possible only because of the hard work of our farmers.

  • Drivers of the Indian Economy

Farmers contribute around 17% to Indian economy. Indian agricultural exports were around 33 billion US dollars in 2016-17.

Everything is not Right with Indian Farmers

One would expect Indian farmers to be prosperous because of the value of the exports, but the reality is just the opposite. They are committing suicides, are trying to leave the profession, migrating to cities, and could not even able to manage 2 square meals a day.

There are so many things that have to be blamed but one thing is sure that if the problem continued soon we may become a “food importer country” from “food exporter country” which we are now.

Due to large scale agitations and farmer suicides the issue of farmer problems have been highlighted but “are we doing enough”? That’s the million-dollar question we have to answer. When our “Annadata” is being forced to commit suicide, then really it is some thing to worry about.

In the last I would only like to say that, its high time, we have to do some thing urgently otherwise things will definitely go worst.

Long Essay on Why Indian Farmer Suicides – Essay 5 (600 words)

This is a very sensitive topic which should be handled very carefully but are we handling it properly? That’s a million-dollar question. As the problem is complex, therefore the solution is also not straightforward but if we genuinely want to save our country from going into a turmoil we have to solve this problem. We did not heed to the warning signs which have been coming for quite some time. Now, when the problem has taken monstrous proportions, we are searching for a quick fix solution. I strongly feel that there is no quick fix solution to this.

As the problem has taken time to grew, so in the same way, it will take time to settle. So, it’s high time, we must start doing something concrete rather than indulging in chest-beating.

Severity of the Problem

The severity of the problem could be judged from the fact that around 3 lakh (government estimate, other sources say it’s 10 times more) farmers have committed suicide since 1995. The main reason cited for these suicides is the farmer’s inability to repay the loans taken by him due to various reasons. The dubious distinction of topping this list goes to Maharashtra.

According to another estimate (government data) around a bit more than 50 percent of farmers are in debt. Maximum are poor and many are forced to live below poverty line. Around 95% of the farmers are forced to sell there produce below the official MSP (Minimum support price) and their average annual income is less than twenty one thousand rupees.

This is why many farmers are quitting farming and trying to move to other professions and this is also the reason why no one wants to become a farmer.

Reasons for Agriculture being in such a Bad Shape

  • Changing of Climate due to Global Warming (Flood and Drought)

Due to global warming and some other reasons, the climate of the earth is changing. This is why the frequency and severity of floods and droughts have increased, which has resulted in large scale crop damage.

  • Lack of Irrigation Facilities

Maximum farmers depend on rains as they don’t have proper means of irrigation, like, diesel pump sets, canal or dam water etc. this means that if it’s a bad monsoon then they will have a bad harvest.

  • Smaller Land Holdings

In India maximum farmers have small to very small plots of land on which they do farming. This makes farming unprofitable.

  • Expensive Seeds and Fertilizers

Many farmers do not have money to buy good quality seeds and fertilizers. So, they use inferior quality seeds and this is why there per acre output suffers.

  • Loan not Available Easily

Farming, like any other business requires investment, which the poor farmers don’t have. The conditions and paperwork of public sector banks are too much. So, they have to go to private money lenders, who charge high interest rates and if the crop fails due to some reason, then it becomes very difficult for them to repay the loans.

  • Lack of Awareness of new Scientific Methods

Most of the farmers have very little education or they are illiterate. So, they are not aware of the new farming and scientific methods of cultivation. This is why government has launched tollfree helpline numbers on which farmers can ask their problems.

  • Corruption at Various Levels

Due to corruption at various levels the implementation of various schemes and subsides get affected and so the benefit of it does not reach to farmers.

Solutions for Improving the Condition of Farmers

  • Proper Insurance

As crop failure can occur due to many reasons, therefore proper insurance facilities would be quite beneficial to the farmers. It would be better if the partial or whole of the premium could be paid by the government as many farmers are poor and can’t afford to pay the premium.

  • Compensation

From time to time government provides compensation to farmers in case of crop failure. I think it is a temporary measure and not a permanent solution.

  • Availability of Easy Loans

This is one of the important factors. If easy loans are provided to farmers, their condition will surely improve as they will be able to buy good quality seeds from the market.

  • Reduction in Corruption

If we are able to control corruption then the benefit of the various schemes will reach farmers and their condition will get improved.

I agree that there is no easy solution to this problem but if we start working with good intension, there is a chance that one day our Indian farmers will also become as prosperous as American farmers are now.

Related Information:

  • Speech on Indian Farmer
  • Essay on Farmer Suicides in India
  • Essay on Agriculture
  • Speech on Agriculture
  • Essay on Organic Farming

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How the Great Depression Fueled a Grassroots Movement to Create a New State Called Absaroka

In the 1930s, disillusioned farmers and ranchers fought to carve a 49th state out of northern Wyoming, southeastern Montana and western South Dakota

Eli Wizevich

Eli Wizevich

An illustration of Absaroka's proposed flag, overlaid atop newspaper headlines about the movement

It was early 1935, and things were miserable in the United States. The soil was dry , the banks had crashed , and jobs were few and far between. Things were miserable in the proposed state of Absaroka , too. In fact, that’s how Absaroka (pronounced ab-SOR-ka) got its start in the first place.

Talk of carving out a 49th state (Alaska and Hawaii had yet to join the Union) from northern Wyoming, southeastern Montana and western South Dakota first made the front page on March 2, 1935, the same day that neighboring headlines in the Montana-based Daily Inter Lake announced a litany of bad news: “Relief Bill Deadlock Is Unbroken,” “Struggling Factions in Wage Tilt Await ‘Real’ Concessions’” and “Insurgent Forces Are on the Run in Greece.”

The world was going wrong, it seemed. Although politicians in the would-be secessionist states had begrudgingly accepted the New Deal funds that promised material improvements, this money barely made it to the sparsely populated, isolated corners of the three states.

Bison lonely

Discontent flared in Sheridan, Wyoming, a city roughly halfway between Yellowstone National Park and Mount Rushmore , and nearly 300 miles from Cheyenne, the state capital.

“A person living in Sheridan or any other northeastern Wyoming town must enter other states to reach his own state capital by train,” a local told the Daily Inter Lake . “For many years, this portion of the state was regarded as an orphan or stepchild.”

Feeling helpless and ignored by their state government, frustrated farmers, ranchers and other Sheridan residents coalesced around the idea of secession: leaving Wyoming and allying with nearby communities to start their own state.

The state would be called Absaroka, and Sheridan would be its capital. Supporters of the grassroots movement went about roping other disaffected citizens into their project, attracting varying levels of support in the years leading up to World War II.

A map of the proposed boundaries of Absaroka

In the end, however, Absaroka failed. Early commentators predicted correctly that the effort would “never get beyond the realm of conversation.”

But the view shared in 2022 by Wyoming newspaper columnist Brian Beauvais, that Absaroka might be remembered (when it’s remembered at all) as “just an outlet for jaded cowboys to blow off steam and perform cheap political theater during tough economic times,” ignores the depth of the hard times and the people who found escape and purpose, albeit misplaced, in the promises of the movement.

“[They] weren’t fooling around,” Alan Simpson , a former Wyoming senator whose relatives were involved in the Absaroka campaign, told the New York Times in 2008. “A lot of people thought it was silliness, but to them, it wasn’t.”

Absaroka and the politics of resentment

The secession plan, drafted by local citizens in town meetings and reprinted in syndicated newspapers nationwide, stated that Absaroka would be composed of approximately 27 counties across Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. These were the ancestral homelands of the Crow people—also known by the autonym Absaroka, or “children of the long-beaked bird”—until they were forced onto reservations after the Plains Wars of the 1870s. (Effectively no thought, voice or notice was given to Indigenous people in the debates over Absaroka, which would have encompassed the Crow and Northern Cheyenne reservations in southern Montana.)

Under the Absaroka proposal, Wyoming would be practically split in half. The northern portion of the state—including Yellowstone, Devils Tower, the Bighorn Mountains, and the deep canyons and wide plains in between—had been cut off since 1869, when the transcontinental railroad clustered power, influence and money in the southern cities of Cheyenne, Laramie and Green River. As the state struggled through the Great Depression , towns with state institutions like prisons, universities and mental hospitals seemed to fare much better.

Sheridan Panorama

Eastern Montana faced practically the same issues. “Its interests have been pretty thoroughly dominated, in a political way, by the western counties,” reported the Picket-Journal , a newspaper based in Red Lodge, a town north of Yellowstone. “No eastern Montana man has ever occupied the office of governor of Montana, or indeed any of the other principal offices.”

South Dakota was no different. “Resentment has been smoldering in the Black Hills for years against supposed discrimination on the part of the South Dakota legislature,” Indiana’s Hammond Times explained. The Dust Bowl had dried out the agricultural eastern portion of the state. In 1935, the only consistent tax revenue came from the tourism, lumber and mining industries in the Black Hills, where Mount Rushmore, an even bigger boon, was still six years away from completion .

“Legislators from eastern counties have turned toward the Black Hills industries as sources of revenue,” the Hammond Times said. “This has fanned the resentment of Black Hills residents who have struggled for years for a decent highway system that would bring tourists from the [Midwest] to enjoy the mountain scenery, fishing and hunting.”

Resentment was nearly synonymous with Absaroka. But mobilizing resentment into a viable political campaign for secession from three states was challenging.

SD Dust Bowl

At the time, breaking off part of one state to form a different one was nearly unprecedented. The success stories were generally more than a century old. Maine separated from Massachusetts in 1820, and Virginia lost Kentucky and West Virginia in 1792 and 1863, respectively. Taking sections of three separate states to form a new one was completely unheard of.

In mid-March, a constitutional law expert reasoned that Absaroka would need “to gain the consent, not only of the people of the section, but of the legislatures of South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana, and of the United States Congress,” the Associated Press reported.

But none of these three states would want to lose “their choicest portions,” as Montana’s Sweet Grass News put it—land rich with aesthetic, mineral and tourist value—to a small-town separatist movement made up mainly of ranchers and miners. 

The Absaroka plan was impractical, but it gained national media coverage and forced state governments to pay greater attention to the infrastructural and political demands of their hinterlands.

Main Street

“It was in 1935 that more infrastructure was added than at any time since the ‘ hell-on-wheels ’ days of the transcontinental railroad,” writes historian Phil Roberts in his Wyoming Almanac . “New schools, courthouses, city halls [and] post offices went up in towns all over Wyoming.”

By 1936, the indignation had subsided, and coverage of the movement declined with it. Absaroka, the “ dreadful name ” chosen for the proposed state, in the view of journalist Arthur Brisbane, mostly returned to its other meanings: the Crow, Montana’s Absaroka National Forest , and a ship called the Absaroka that passed through the Panama Canal en route from New York to San Francisco every few months.

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Absaroka’s revival

In 1908, A.R. Swickard left his home state of Illinois to play minor league baseball in Sheridan. He worked as a contractor for his day job, unsuccessfully ran for mayor in 1927, and became a city commissioner in charge of municipal water and roads in 1931.

Although he passed through Sheridan’s world of local politics for a few years, handling contracts with the Civilian Conservation Corps and other New Deal relief programs that the 1935 Absaroka movement had helped bring to the region, Swickard only gained significant attention when, in early 1939, he circulated a petition to have Sheridan County join Montana because it had been “forgotten by Wyoming” once again.

Resentment flared back up. Early support for Swickard’s idea was “so wide and sincere,” he said , that local businessmen approached him and offered to finance a revival of the 1935 plan to create an entirely new state. The promise of Absaroka was born again, and Swickard was the one who would try to see it through.

Just like four years earlier, however, no realistic legislative path forward existed for Absaroka. News of Swickard’s proposal for a 49th state made it to Capitol Hill, where a legislator declared it “too preposterous to even consider.”

Miss Absaroka

Unfazed, Swickard decided to prove that Absaroka was a state despite its lack of official approval or recognition. He appointed himself governor, set up a capital and cabinet in Sheridan, held a Miss Absaroka pageant, and printed 1,000 license plates that called Absaroka the “Playground of the Nation.” (His car had both Absaroka and Wyoming plates. Only one set wouldn’t get him pulled over.)

Swickard and his supporters took every chance to prove Absaroka’s legitimacy. That June, he passed along his regrets that “official duties of my great state” prevented his attendance at a roundtable meeting of the nation’s governors. When the nephew of the governor of California visited Big Timber, Montana, local papers made much ado about his connections in Hollywood, his offhand comment about making a movie called Absaroka , and his promise to “come back to Big Timber and run for the governorship at the first election,” though he reassured Swickard that he didn’t mean to step on the incumbent’s toes. In June, the crown prince of Norway visited the region, and Swickard claimed the occasion as Absaroka’s first official state visit.

These examples come off as humorous. The Wyoming newspapers, which referred to Absaroka’s “governor” as “his excellency,” didn’t seem to take Swickard’s secession proposal too seriously.

Bison fight

But the people did. “It was 90 miles of dirt road to the county seat,” Helen Graham, who grew up in the Black Hills in the 1930s, told the New York Times in 2008. “There was just nothing there. What Swickard did was exciting.”

The state government, now making national headlines for neglecting a large swath of its own territory, was willing to negotiate.

Eventually, Swickard met with Nels H. Smith , the governor of “our sister state to the south,” as he called Wyoming. “We Absarokans are a peace-loving lot,” he assured Smith, “and while we think that we really need the state of Absaroka, we are not inclined to revolution.”

According to a 1941 Works Projects Administration book called Wyoming: A Guide to Its History, Highways and People , “The ensuing publicity was generally regarded as bad for the state government, and most claims were adjusted to the satisfaction of the Absarokians.”

Absaroka’s legacies

For supporters of the movement, attention from the state was tantamount to statehood, and, in the tense two years before the U.S. entered World War II in December 1941, the Absaroka dream all but ended.

Swickard kept his post as a city commissioner of Sheridan, and he ran for governor of Wyoming in 1942. He couldn’t create his own state, so he pledged to “help the common man by taking over the governorship.” If elected, he declared, “I will take the oath of office in overalls and will keep them on until the great state of Wyoming is put back on the map and something is done for the common people.”

Devils Tower

By mid-October 1942, Swickard had handed his resignation to the mayor and “left Sheridan for southern Arizona to enter government construction work,” the Casper Star-Tribune reported.

Little else was heard of the disgraced governor of Absaroka, at least in Wyoming. Down in Arizona, he made local news now and then. After some petty thieves took his carpentry tools at a worksite in March 1945, for instance, Swickard complained that he was “fighting the same kind of enemy” as his wife and son, both of whom were serving in the American armed forces in the recently liberated Philippines.

Swickard died of a stroke in Arizona in 1947. The Montana Billings Gazette remembered the 67-year-old as “a colorful character in Sheridan politics.” Still, he’d never broken out of the minor leagues, either in baseball or life.

Absaroka lived on only in scraps of information and memory. In 1977, a commemorative “Absaroka dollar” coin sold for 25 cents at a Denver curiosity shop, and several residents of Decker, Montana, made the Gazette by trying to revive the Absaroka proposal.

One proponent first put the odds of secession at 1 in 500. After collecting 50 signatures on a petition, he improved the odds to one in seven or eight. “I think we’ll at least get it to Congress,” the Decker man said .

Marie Sanchez, a chief judge on the Northern Cheyenne reservation, which would have been within the bounds of the new Absaroka, disagreed. “I can’t see their reasoning—in fact, it’s a very elementary mentality,” she said. “I guess I don’t have to talk about 200 years of infringements on [Indigenous] rights.”

Mount Rushmore

Swickard dropped out of the race after a month and a half, endorsing the incumbent governor, Smith, who had given Absaroka concessions several years prior. He still clung onto his “overalls” populism. “I am going to get right in and help to re-elect you as governor of this state,” Swickard said , “and I am going to wear my overalls while I am doing it.”

But scandals dogged the failed gubernatorial candidate. He didn’t even make it to Election Day. In September, a Sheridan civic group called on Swickard to resign his city post for “neglect of duty, financial irresponsibility and unbecoming conduct,” including frequent trips out of state.

A few months earlier, state officials had scolded Swickard for profiling and accosting Frank Ikuno, a Wyoming-born Japanese American radio engineer who had been assigned to a government project in Sheridan.

Swickard “acted on his own initiative” and called the governor’s office “to protest against sending a man of Japanese ancestry into Sheridan on such a mission” so soon after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Montana’s Great Falls Leader reported.

State officials could only sing Ikuno’s praises for his years of expert service and express their regret over the incident.

Ultimately, the Absaroka revival went nowhere.

“The Absaroka dream has no better chance of becoming reality today than it did decades ago,” a Gazette columnist wrote in 1984. “But the proposal still appeals to many ‘orphans’”—all those who feel left behind.

“The Absaroka movement fell along the wayside,” wrote Craig Johnson , author of the Walt Longmire mystery books, which are set in a fictional Absaroka County, Wyoming, in a 2014 essay for Cowboys & Indians magazine. “But the allure of escape still permeates the region today.”

Out in the Black Hills, on long plains and gray peaks, and in all the small towns that harbor the ancestral memory of secession, Absaroka is still just a state of mind.

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Eli Wizevich

Eli Wizevich | | READ MORE

Eli Wizevich is a reporting intern for Smithsonian . He studied history at the University of Chicago and previously wrote for the El Paso Times .

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The internet can't seem to get enough of braden smith's tiktok videos of him using his tesla cybertruck to care for his 2,000-acre farm..

i am a farmer essay

When farmer Braden Smith drives his Tesla Cybertruck around Idaho Falls, Idaho, he either gets a "middle finger or the thumbs up."

"It's insane because I really am a nice guy," Smith, 34, told USA TODAY.

Smith, who is also an online content creator, has gone viral for an unlikely pairing: using the shiny, electric Cybertruck to care for his family-owned 2,000-acre farm full of wheat and potatoes instead of the typical heavy-duty pickup a farmer might typically prefer. His videos on TikTok have amassed millions of views, and he's only had the vehicle since April.

"It's been fun," Smith said of owning the Cybertruck. "A lot of the times when I talk to people they're very skeptical about it ... you could literally weld all day with this thing and still be OK. It's been good for around the farm."

Trading an F-250 for a 'stainless steel fridge'

Before buying the Cybertruck, Smith said he would trade in his pickup trucks quite often. In December 2023, when Smith was planning on trading in his F-250, he received an invite to configure a Cybertruck.

Smith said he justified the purchase due to the 50 amp style plug in the back of the Cybertruck which he uses to power his welder and plasma compressor.

"I think if you itemized down everything I wanted in a pickup for the farm, I mean this fits the majority of those wants and needs," he said. "It was just unfortunate that it kind of looks like a stainless steel fridge."

@meetthesmithfamily #cybertruck #tesla #farming #welding #tools #milwuakee #tractors ♬ original sound - The Smiths

TikTok of cats singing Queen began Braden Smith's virality

Smith's initial viral TikTok post was shared in May 2021 and involved a wallpaper of cats singing Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." The post has over 16 million views.

"It just kind of blew up," Smith said about the viral TikTok in 2021. "We thought that was interesting so we decided to kind of ride it out and keep making content."

Smith said he considered the video "pretty silly," but when it "took off," he began noticing how lucrative monetizing content could be.

@meetthesmithfamily #fyp #foryou #funny #fight #wife #wallpaper #pc #annoying #catsoftiktok #cat #music #viral #sick ♬ original sound - The Smiths

Braden Smith did not buy the Cybertruck to 'go green'

Smith, who drives the Cybertruck every day, said he saves a lot of fuel although he did not really buy the vehicle to "go green" or save on gas.

"I mean everybody's saying it's so wonderful that you're going green and everything, and then they see that my license plate reads 'Coal Fed,'" Smith said. "They start scratching their heads."

A small drawback Smith has with the Cybertruck is the vehicle's towing capabilities.

While towing things with the truck has not been a huge issue for him because he lives about 40 minutes from his farm in Rexburg, he did acknowledge that the vehicle may not be able to tow heavy stuff for longer than 150 to 200 miles.

What is the Cybertruck?

Introduced by Tesla founder Elon Musk in 2019, the Cybertruck is marketed as an electric pickup truck "built for any adventure," according to the automotive company .

“Finally, the future will look like the future," Musk said when he unveiled the Cybertruck during a demo in 2019.

However, the Cybetruck has had its pitfalls, as Tesla has issued several voluntary recalls since its release. The automaker recalled thousands of the trucks in June due to a windshield wiper malfunction and a trunk bed trim issue.

Other farmers may pick up on the Cybertruck

Despite the minor towing issue and perplexed looks from people in town, Smith said he enjoys the Cybertruck and the vehicle is nothing like he's "ever driven before or had on his farm."

"It's really fast (and) it's fun to drive," he said about the Cybertruck. "I'll be going 60 miles an hour down one of my dirt roads and it's just gliding."

Cyberucks could be appealing to farmers going forward, especially when Tesla comes out with more affordable and readily available models, according to Smith.

"It's funny because you drive down the road and everybody's like 'so much money,' and yet they're also passing King Ranch's, Denali's and other high spec pickups, but nobody blinks an eye," he said. "I think it's totally possible that other people pick up on (Cybertrucks)."

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Guest Essay

The Emotion I Didn’t Expect as a New Parent: Regret

Three colored drawings of an adult’s hands holding an infant in their lap.

By Miguel Macias

A journalist, audio producer and public radio reporter based in Spain.

This essay is part of How to Live With Regret, a series exploring the nature of regret and the role it plays in all our lives. Read more about this project here .

When friends ask me how I’m feeling 18 months after my daughter was born, I usually tell them that it has been wonderful. Sometimes, though, if I’m feeling particularly confessional, I will smile coyly and say: “Well, this is not the life I wanted. But the life I had before was not the life I wanted, either.” I say it in a cheeky, half-joking way, hoping the gravity of the comment will go unnoticed. But it’s not a joke.

Since my daughter, Olivia, was born, I have cycled through a huge range of emotions. I expect many of them would be familiar to any parent: joy, exhaustion, deep love, confusion, wonder, exasperation, happiness, sadness. But there is another, quieter, emotion that comes up every now and then. It’s a feeling that’s so difficult to talk about, so universally taboo, that I feel nervous expressing it even to the people closest to me: regret.

Since I was a teenager, I knew that I did not want to have kids. I did not budge for decades, and I had quite the battery of reasons for feeling this way, from the emotional to the practical — the biggest one being that there were simply too many things I wanted to accomplish in life, and a baby would surely get in the way.

When I was young I dreamed of becoming a famous filmmaker, traveling the world making documentaries. It hardly seemed like a good way to raise a kid. But I also just never had any interest in babies or kids. Rather, I felt resolved, ironclad in my conviction that I would never be a father.

But things change. I settled down. And at 47, my life didn’t look like the one I had once envisioned for myself. To be clear, I have a lot to be proud of. I do work that I care about as a radio producer and reporter, and I’ve been fairly successful. But I didn’t set the world on fire. I am not traveling the globe chasing major stories and winning Oscars. And over time the reasons I’d held onto for why I did not want to have children slowly faded.

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    Farmers work tirelessly to provide the nation with food to survive. Check out the best samples of essay on Indian farmers to know more!

  14. Essay on Indian Farmer

    Essay on Indian Farmer - Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Indian Farmer for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

  15. Indian Farmer English Essay For Students And Children

    Indian Farmer English Essay For Students And Children admin July 7, 2018 Essays in English 42,985 Views An Indian farmer is the back bone of the society. His importance in the economy of the country cannot be over-emphasised. He growth corn, vegetables and fruit for our food and cotton for our clothes. The Indian farmer is a hard-working man.

  16. Farmers Essay

    Learn about Farmers Essay topic of english in details explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts.

  17. Essay on Indian Farmer for Students in English

    Essay on Farmer 500 Words for Students in English Below we have provided an Indian Farmer Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ...

  18. Essay on Indian Farmer

    High-quality essay on the topic of "Indian Farmer" for students in schools and colleges.

  19. Indian Farmer Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

    Read 'Indian Farmer Essay' for students & children in 1000 words. Includes the importance, role, daily life, types, challanges of a Indian farmer.

  20. Indian Farmer Essay For The High School Students In English!

    Indian Farmer Essay In English for Children and Students Indian society is based on its farmers. Additionally, this is a delicate subject that needs to be treated with care. The majority of people in India work in a variety of occupations, but farming and agriculture are the two most important businesses. Despite being the backbone of the economy, they continue to struggle with a number of ...

  21. Indian Farmers Essay for Students in English

    The essay on "Indian Farmers", has been drafted by our mentors at Vedantu to help you experience it in a more helpful way. These are inducted in a very structured and organized way for you to grasp the main features quickly.

  22. 10 Lines On Farmer In English Writing

    10 Lines On Farmer In English Writing | Essay On Farmer In English | Farmer Essay Writing | Hello Friends, In this video we will learn how to write an essay on farmer ...

  23. Essay on Indian Farmer in English for Children and Students

    Indian Farmer Essay for Class 1-12 and others. Find long and short essay on Indian Farmer in English language for Children and Students.

  24. How the Great Depression Fueled a Grassroots Movement to Create a New

    How the Great Depression Fueled a Grassroots Movement to Create a New State Called Absaroka. In the 1930s, disillusioned farmers and ranchers fought to carve a 49th state out of northern Wyoming ...

  25. Friend Of A Farmer

    Specialties: American country-cooking with popular brunch & dinner served in a rustic farmhouse. Since 1986, Friend of a Farmer has been a family owned, and farm-to-table establishment. Established in 1986. Friend of a Farmer opened in 1986 as a small bakery and cafe in Gramercy Park. Over 30 years later, we have expanded to a full service restaurant serving Gramercy Park and the Upper West ...

  26. Farmer Joe's

    Farmer Joes Pine Island Rd. Love this place for shopping and tasting and looking at what's new. I rolled into this place today around 1 pm and they were fairly busy but not packed. Every time I go there I feel like a kid in a candy store. Now you got to love that!

  27. Illuminating a Trailblazing Artist Who Died Too Young

    An exultant sense of discovery is the propelling through line of "Paula Modersohn-Becker: Ich Bin Ich / I Am Me," a glorious exhibition at the Neue Galerie that is, surprisingly, the German ...

  28. Why an Idaho farmer traded in his F-250 for a Cybertruck

    Idaho farmer goes viral after trading in his F-250 for a Cybertruck: 'It's really fast' The internet can't seem to get enough of Braden Smith's TikTok videos of him using his Tesla Cybertruck to ...

  29. Opinion

    A journalist, audio producer and public radio reporter based in Spain. This essay is part of How to Live With Regret, a series exploring the nature of regret and the role it plays in all our lives ...

  30. Independence Day of India, 15 August 2024: History, Significance, Facts

    On August 15, 1947, India gained independence after 90 years of British rule. This day marks the culmination of a prolonged struggle led by freedom fi