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100 Greek and Roman Mythology Writing Prompts

December 28, 2023 by Richard 4 Comments

100 Greek and Roman Mythology Writing Prompts

Journey Back in Time with 100 Greek and Roman Mythology Writing Prompts: the fantastical tales of Greek and Roman mythology have captivated audiences for millennia. These classic stories overflow with larger-than-life characters, epic adventures, enthralling quests, supernatural feats, majestic gods and goddesses, magnificent beasts, and life lessons that still resonate today.

Whether you’re a student exploring ancient myths for the first time or a seasoned writer revisiting old favorites, using these myths as creative writing prompts allows you to delve deeper while crafting your own unique additions to the mythic canon.

To spark your imagination, I’ve put together an expansive list of 100 writing prompts derived straight from the greatest hits of Greek and Roman mythology. You’ll find ideas ranging from retelling iconic mythic stories from alternative perspectives to crafting completely original narratives featuring favorite gods, heroes, titans and all manner of magical beings.

Some prompts encourage exploring overlooked details or backstories for supporting mythic characters to give them a chance to shine as protagonists. Other prompts merge myths with modern settings to reinvigorate the possibilities. A few avoid the serious drama for some light-hearted divine hijinks on Mount Olympus!

Review the list to pinpoint whatever unique myths speak to you, then start writing to breathe new life into these timeless tales! Allow the original myths to guide key aspects of setting, conflict and resolutions, but make ample room to reinterpret characters and events by infusing your own perspectives, styles and messages.

Whether you adhere faithfully to canon or chart your own creative course, use these mythic writing prompts as time machines to transport you back to an imaginative ancient world filled with unrestrained wonder and adventure. What new chapters will you contribute to mythology’s legendary library?

Here are 100 Greek and Roman Mythology Writing Prompts: 

  • Tell the story of how Zeus came to power and defeated the Titans.
  • Write a day in the life of a Greek god or goddess on Mount Olympus.
  • Narrate the 12 labors of Hercules from his perspective. How did he feel having to complete these seemingly impossible tasks?
  • Retell the story of the Trojan War from the point of view of Helen of Troy. Why did she leave with Paris for Troy? Did she regret it?
  • Describe what a day in the life could have been like in the ancient city of Athens during its golden age.
  • Tell the story of Odysseus and the challenges he faced trying to get home after the Trojan War from his sailor’s perspective.
  • Rewrite a classic myth or legend from the antagonist or monster’s point of view. How were their motivations misunderstood?
  • Explore the story of Icarus and Daedalus from Icarus’ perspective. What was going through his mind before and after he flew too close to the sun?
  • Retell the myth of Persephone’s abduction from her perspective. What did she experience down in the underworld?
  • Write a play imagining a humorous conversation between several Greek gods or goddesses during a get together celebration. What current events would they gossip about?
  • Craft a story about an average woman living in Sparta and the difficulties she encountered in their demanding, military-focused society.
  • Imagine you are Pygmalion. Narrate the story of falling love with your ivory sculpture when Aphrodite brings it to life.
  • Rewrite the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice from Eurydice’s point of view. What was her experience in the underworld after dying?
  • Tell the story of the Minotaur from his perspective, locked away in the labyrinth by King Minos. What were his days like? His thoughts?
  • Write a journal entry from Medusa’s perspective when she first realizes she has snakes for hair and a gaze that turns people to stone. How does she feel? What are her plans?
  • Craft a story focused on a priest or priestess serving at one of Athena or Aphrodite’s ancient Greek temples. What might a typical day attending to temple affairs have looked like?
  • Imagine you are Hera. Tell the story of learning about another one of Zeus’ illicit affairs. How angry are you? What do you plan to do?
  • Write about two demigods who attend Camp Half Blood from Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson” universe. What adventure do they go on?
  • Retell the story of the Odyssey in modern times from Penelope’s perspective, waiting for Odysseus to return from war overseas.
  • Narrate the myth of Arachne and Athena and the lead up to Arachne getting turned into a spider. Is Arachne truly at fault? Did Athena overreact?
  • Write a short story imagining a conversation between Hades and Persephone where they reconcile their differences after the pomegranate seed incident.
  • Tell the story of Dionysus’ ascent into a powerful, worshiped god and the challenges he had to overcome. Why was he initially mocked and seen as weak?
  • Craft a story focused on the elderly blind prophet Tiresias and what daily life was like for him. Did people believe his prophecies?
  • Narrate the story of Demeter’s search for Persephone after Hades abducts her into the underworld from Demeter’s distraught perspective.
  • Imagine you are Sisyphus eternally pushing a boulder up a hill. Describe what thoughts go through your head to avoid going mad from boredom and frustration.
  • Retell the events of the Trojan War leading up to the famed Trojan Horse invasion from the perspective of a Trojan soldier. Did you suspect the Horse? Why or why not?
  • Write a journal entry from the perspective of Aphrodite after she causes Medea to fall for Jason. Did she foresee the nasty consequences? Does she have any regrets over what transpired?
  • Craft a story focused on a demigod child of Demeter realizing he or she has the powers to grow plants. What is their reaction? How do they explore their newfound abilities?
  • Tell the story of the battle between the Olympian Gods and Titans from a Titan’s point of view. Did they ever have a chance to win? How devastating was their defeat?
  • Write about a fictional missed romantic connection between Hades and Demeter. Perhaps they find brief happiness together during one of Persephone’s periods above ground.
  • Narrate the myth of Daedelus and Icarus from the perspective of a fisherman who spots a strange boy flying towards the sun in the distance.
  • Imagine you are Zeus’s wife Hera. Write about your conflicted emotions and relationship with him over the years.
  • Craft a story focused on strangers exploring an ancient, monster-filled labyrinth supposedly built by Daedalus for King Minos. Do they make it out alive with treasure?
  • Tell the tale of Perseus and Medusa from Medusa’s sister Stheno’s perspective. How does she feel about the fate of her sister?
  • Write a short story about a demigod child of Ares who is a pacifist struggling with family expectations he or she doesn’t agree with.
  • Retell the story of Narcissus staring at himself eternally in the waters of a pool from Narcissus’s best friend who desperately misses who he used to be.
  • Imagine you are Bellerophon, the legendary Greek hero who tamed the winged horse Pegasus. Where did you go exploring mounted on Pegasus? What did you see and experience up high in the clouds?
  • Craft a story focused on one of Hades’ guards in the underworld, perhaps a three-headed dog like Cerberus. What is a typical “day” of guarding the underworld like? Does anything interesting ever happen while guarding souls?
  • Tell the tragic story of unrequited love between the god Apollo and the nymph Daphne from Apollo’s mournful perspective after she is turned into a laurel tree.
  • Choose two Greek or Roman gods and write a humorous slice of life type story focused on them sharing an apartment together for some reason – perhaps as college students experiencing earthly life.
  • Narrate an ancient feud between two demigod children of rival gods who perpetually quarrel – like Athena and Poseidon. Do they ever reconcile their differences?
  • Craft a story focused on an inexperienced young man named Pyramus who has just started his job working at the temple of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. What humorous mishaps occur while he tries to prove himself as a priest?
  • Tell a story focused on the winged horse Pegasus befriending the Muses on Mount Olympus. He gives them rides and keeps them company during creative breaks from practicing their art forms.
  • Write a melancholic short story on the nymph Echo who loses her voice and can only repeat words when she angers Hera with her chatter and gossip. Does she ever find meaningful communication again?
  • Choose your favorite Greek or Roman god not often written about. Develop a story focused on them that explores their unique traits, powers, responsibilities, and perspective.
  • Revisit part of Homer’s Odyssey by developing the story of the cunning Odysseus’ journey to the underworld where he communicates with spirits of the dead to gain insight.
  • Craft an alternative mythic Greek tragedy telling the story of Orpheus trying and failing to rescue his true love Eurydice from the depths of Tartarus. This time, why does he fail?
  • Imagine you are Cerberus, the legendary three-headed guard dog of Hades. What is a day in your life like? Do you ever leave your post or explore the Surface Lands you gaze up at from the underworld?
  • Tell a story focused on the half-bird, half-woman harpies from Greek myth. Where did they originate from? Why were they cursing and tormenting King Phineus before the winged sons of Boreas interceded?
  • Develop a coming-of-age story focused on the early life of Achilles and his fate as a demigod warrior doomed to die young if he ever fights in Troy. Is he aware of his fate? Does he willingly accept it or try to avoid it somehow?
  • Craft a story about Poseidon and Athena’s intense rivalry from back when they competed to become patron deity of Athens. Why couldn’t they compromise?
  • Choose a Greek or Roman god you find interesting and imagine them walking unseen through a modern city observing humanity as they reflect on their reduced significance and belief among mortals.
  • Tell a story set in Hades focused on notoriously evil souls like Tantalus, Prometheus, Sisyphus, etc. Do they ever accept or reflect on their punishments for angering the gods? Ever plan an escape?
  • Develop a story about a discouraged man or woman meeting the winged messenger god Hermes disguised as an average human. He provides profound advice, aid, or encouragement through eloquent dialogue that changes their life.
  • Craft a story about twin demigods, one boy and one girl, discovering they have complimentary super speed and strength powers from their godly parent Mercury/Hermes when under stress or pressure. Do they train to fight monsters and explore their newfound abilities?
  • Imagine you witness Atalanta outpace Melanion in a mythical footrace. Describe how a simple golden apple provided by Aphrodite helps determine the contest’s winner and Atalanta’s fate.
  • Develop a story focused on an aging Zeus considering which of his many sons throughout Greece will replace him as head of Mount Olympus and king of gods. Who does he choose and why?
  • Craft an alternative story where Icarus’s melted wax wings enable him to glide safely into the ocean after flying too close to the sun. He then explores a tropical, possibly monster-filled island lush with fruit trees, ruins, and secrets.
  • Retell the events leading up to Pandora opening her box that unleashed evil onto the mortal world. This time imagine Pandora herself narrating why she chose to open the forbidden box out of innocent curiosity against instructions.
  • Develop a story focused on young goddess Athena yearning for freedom and stretching her wings outside the shadow of her domineering father Zeus as she attempts to understand humanity and build her own legacy.
  • Craft a short story about a female sculptor who magically brings her breathtaking, beloved sculpture of the goddess Aphrodite to life. Does the sculptor form an actual relationship with her artwork turned woman?
  • Tell a tale exploring how Prometheus may have felt chained and tortured on a desolate mountain peak day-after-day for helping humanity against Zeus’ orders by delivering them divine gifts like fire. Does he ever regret his compassion towards mortals?
  • Choose any fantastical creature from Greek myths like griffins, chimeras, unicorns, etc. Develop a story focused on the perspective of this creature interacting with humans or being pursued for its valuable parts like potent blood or golden fur.
  • Craft an alternative story where cunning Odysseus ignores the Sirens’ alluring songs by not having his crew plug their ears with wax. Instead they navigate a safe path after capturing a talkative mermaid who reveals the Siren’s weakness.
  • Develop a story focused on an ordinary mortal man or woman who encounters Aphrodite and Eros during a festival. They are accidentally struck by one of cupid’s stray arrows and fall madly in love with the next person they lay eyes on – for better or worse!
  • Tell a story featuring the philosopher Socrates in Athens defending his radical ideas against accusations of impiety by suggestion from a mysterious elderly stranger in the crowd.
  • Craft a story featuring the winged horse Pegasus befriending Andromeda after rescuing her from her chains at the last second as she is about to be devoured by Cetus sent by Poseidon.
  • Develop a tale focused on Greek hero Perseus encountering winged sandals gifted from Hermes and a shining bronze shield from Athena that depicts petrifying Medusa and her sisters Stheno and Euryale.
  • Explore the concept of “Hubris” or excessive pride leading to one’s downfall through a story focused on legendary Greek heroes like Achilles, Odysseus, Oedipus or others known for arrogant behavior at times.
  • Craft an alternative myth telling how crippled blacksmith god Hephaestus forges impressive new thrones for goddesses Hera and Aphrodite in hopes one of them will consent to become his wife after embarrassing rejection on Mount Olympus.
  • Develop a story based on various Greek monsters like bronze giant Talos guarding Crete or the ferocious nine-headed Lernaean Hydra battling Hercules set in the modern world. How do humans react? Can the creatures be defeated?
  • Explore Plato’s Allegory of the Cave through a narrative featuring imprisoned men who believe shadows projected on the wall are reality while philosophies encourage the enlightened escapee.
  • Craft a story featuring Greek titans like Oceanus, Coeus, Hyperion, or Iapetus assisting the Olympians during battle with Kronos or Typhon after tiring of their harsh brother’s merciless leadership. Do they aid in his defeat?
  • Develop a tale based on common Greek myths like Jason’s quest for the Golden Fleece aboard the Argo, Theseus escaping the labyrinth after battling the Minotaur, or the 12 Gods warring with their Titan parents. Pick one!
  • Narrate the tragic fate of unrequited lovers Hero and Leander after
  • Craft a story focused on Zeus and Hera with relationship issues. Hera is upset after overhearing boastful Zeus promise to make a mortal woman the next young goddess of spring in place of Persephone to appease Demeter.
  • Develop a tale based on rumors that Helen of Troy may have actually spent 10 years of the Trojan War in Egypt. Explore what events could have transpired there while Greek and Trojan blood was shed in her name.
  • Tell a story based on the lighter side of Mount Olympus with gods pulling harmless pranks on one another or engaging in embarrassing situations revealing that even mighty deities are flawed. Comedy and laughter follow!
  • Craft an alternative myth telling how brave Icarus survives his fall only to discover strange deserted islands below with remnants of an advanced but forgotten bronze-age civilization later plagued by volcanic eruption.
  • Develop a story focused on Greek heroes like cunning Odysseus or mighty Hercules. They could fight monsters like Cerberus, sail through lethal whirlpools like Charybdis, or outwit tantalizing Sirens during their adventures.
  • Explore a fictional scenario where demigods train to sharpen their supernatural skills at a secret enchanted camp located deep within a mist-covered forest or high atop legendary Mount Olympus itself, home of the gods.
  • Craft a tale describing the winged horse Pegasus befriending Andromeda after rescuing her from her chains at the last second as she is about to be devoured by Cetus during her sacrifice.
  • Develop a story based on Pandora’s box finally being re-opened after thousands of years by a modern-day archaeologist who has no idea what evil now escapes back into the world.
  • Explore a lighter fictional scenario on Mount Olympus where Aphrodite seeks relationship advice from the other goddesses before a hot date with Ares while meddling Eros and feuding gods cause mischief.
  • Craft a story about Zeus punishing Prometheus by chaining him to a mountain where an eagle eternally eats his liver only for it to regenerate and repeat the torment. Did Prometheus deserve this for gifting fire to mankind?
  • Develop a tale about the rise and fall of legendary Icarus who flew too high and melted his man-made wings. Was it reckless ambition? Youthful folly? Divine retribution? Expound on the meaning of his mythic fate.
  • Explore the tale of mighty Hercules from start to finish. From his wrathful step-mother Hera all the way through completing his storied 12 Labors after which he eventually dies only to become a god.
  • Craft a story set in modern times telling how demigods would try to discreetly use their special powers like controlling waves or conjuring storms without revealing their godly parent to nearby mortals.
  • Develop a light-hearted fictional scenario where the Muses growing bored on Mount Olympus secretly form an Olympian battle band to the shock of the older gods who don’t appreciate their sudden loud experimental music echoes.
  • Expound on legendary creatures like the ferocious Nemean Lion with impenetrable fur that Hercules fought or Pegasus the winged stallion. Imagine a habitat for it. What does it eat? How does it behave? Interact with humans?
  • Craft a myth telling how Helios rides his fiery sun chariot across the sky until it falls into the ocean each night only to repeat the cycle at dawn. What could make the sun disappear? How would mankind cope with eternal darkness?
  • Develop a scenario where demigods train to sharpen their supernatural skills at a secret enchanted camp located deep within a mist-covered forest or high atop legendary Mount Olympus itself, home of the gods. What skills would they practice? Where would they quest?
  • Imagine you are Odysseus nearing the end of his long perilous journey back home to Ithaca and family after years abroad at the Trojan War and facing numerous monsters of the sea. Describe finally escaping after blinding Polyphemus the cyclops then washing ashore exhausted to your homeland so close.
  • Develop a comedic slice of life story set in the underworld realm of Hades focusing on bizarre cursed shades like Tantalus chasing fruit or Sisyphus forever pushing his stone in frustration as they complain
  • Tell the story of Atalanta’s race against her suitors. Focus on her internal struggle as she faces losing her independence if a man beats her. Does she let someone win? Or fail to outrun them by her own mistake?
  • Craft a story about someone finding Pandora’s box and opening it in the modern world. What evils escape and how does humanity cope? Is there remaining hope inside as well?
  • Develop a comedic story about the difficulties of Aphrodite and Ares maintaining a secretive romantic affair from the other skeptical Olympian gods who disapprove. Do they get caught red-handed?
  • Write about an average girl who suddenly finds out she is a demigod, perhaps a daughter of Demeter. Tell her story as she travels to Camp Half-Blood, trains to use newfound powers, and goes on her first quest with new friends.
  • Craft a story focused on the winged horse Pegasus. He befriends lonely Medusa who was cursed and exiled. Their special bond and adventures explore important themes about friendship, judgment, and finding the good in people despite outward appearances.
  • Develop a scenario where Icarus’ wax wings don’t melt when close to the sun, but actually enable him to soar higher than ever imagined. He enters celestial realms barred from mortals before. What fantastic sights does he witness? How does this experience profoundly change him moving forward when he finally returns to Earth?

After reviewing the extensive list of myth-based writing prompts I’ve provided, hopefully your mind is already swirling with ideas and possibilities. Every prompt is meant to ignite your innate creativity – that inner muse longing to channel its expression through the written word.

Although initially daunting, reworking ancient myths may feel less intimidating once you embrace the creative freedom you have to take the narratives in completely new directions. The key is staying true to the core essence of whatever characters or mythic arcs speak to you most. The rest can be freely reinterpreted through your own unique lens.

What hidden backstories will you illuminate? Which unsung heroes will finally get their chance at glory? What new worlds will unfold and which lessons will you impart through subtle (or not so subtle) allegories? The narrative canvas stretches wide open.

While I aimed to inspire rather than overwhelm with so many prompt options, please don’t feel any pressure to adhere too strictly to myths if they don’t resonate. This is your odyssey to embark upon. Let your inner muse channel that innate storyteller within while using prompts merely as creative catalysts rather than rigid guidelines.

Most importantly, enjoy the journey and savor the richness mythology provides in shaping emotive, meaningful tales that linger across generations. Our modern stories descend directly from these primordial narrative wells tapping into timeless aspects of human experience. Now it’s your turn to draw sustenance from these depths through whatever unique works your own muse inspires!

If you enjoyed these prompts, please leave us a comment. We also have many other writing prompts on our sit.

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About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

Reader Interactions

Hameed Mansoor says

December 29, 2023 at 5:20 am

thanks for this precious rich subject, I wish I found it earlier, I have just finished my master degree in mass communication and public relations, my thesis named “The semiotics of underworld mythology in cinematic drama, Odysseus as a model” I met plenty of the suggested topic ought to be developed e.g. 6,19,46,93,80,

So glad to read this topic which will definitely help me in my future research.

Canon Lejeune says

March 29, 2024 at 8:22 am

I really like these prompts. But do you mind if I use them for a writing project?

Richard says

March 31, 2024 at 6:33 am

They were created to be used.

May 20, 2024 at 3:51 am

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greek mythology writing assignment

10 Writing Prompts from Greek Mythology

Not sure what you want to write your next story about? Need some inspiration to add life to a current project? Ever thought about using writing prompts from Greek mythology?

Storytelling has been around since there have been people with language. Humans need to experience their world through stories and through connections to others. These are stories that have been around for thousands of years, which means there is something compelling about them. Getting your writing inspiration from Greek Mythology can be a fun way to revitalize your own storytelling methods. The Greeks had some pretty amazing stories. Even Shakespeare was influenced by Greek mythology. Romeo and Juliet is an adaptation (of an adaptation) of the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe.

Using a myth as a starting point helps to give you a basic outline so you can focus on adding details and developing characters. To make it interesting you can play with the original story by changing key elements. What happens if you change the gender of the main character? What if you zoom the story into the future? They myths are often vague enough you can give the characters more detailed motivations. Change the relationships or the outcome of the story. See what the myth makes you think of and run with it. Have fun!

Below is a list of 10 writing prompts from Greek mythology and some ways you could use them to make an all new story.

And if you find these helpful, try the  prompts from Irish , Norse , and Bulgarian myths.

1) Pyramus and Thisbe

Pyramus and Thisbe were two young people whose parents hated each other. The two were never allowed to spend time together but came to fall in love by talking through a hole in the wall. They decided to meet in person one night and arranged to meet near an old tomb under a mulberry tree. Thisbe got there first and saw a lion, bloody with its last meal, and fled in terror, leaving behind her veil. Pyramus then arrived, saw the veil, and assumed the lion had eaten his beloved. He fell on his sword under the mulberry tree. When Thisbe returned she saw Pyramus and lamented his death bitterly. She then killed herself with the same sword. Their blood splashed on the mulberry tree and the gods changed the color to red permanently in honor of the two lovers.

Writing Prompt

This is a story that has been done many times. For a fresh take, try changing the genre. You could have star-crossed lovers on a generation ship headed to colonize a new planet. Then an alien parasite takes over and makes people see their worst nightmares, in this case making the lovers see the image of each other dead. You could keep the ending or perhaps they find a way to fight it.

2) Sisyphus

King Sisyphus was overall a terrible man. He murdered his guests, a violation of the guest-host relationship Greeks prided themselves on, and generally ruled by force and cruelty. Furthermore he often claimed to be cleverer than Zeus, which was ultimately his downfall. On two different occasions he managed cheat death. The first time was when he betrayed a secret of Zeus so the god ordered Thanatos, Death, to chain Sisyphus in the Underworld. Sisyphus tricked Thanatos into getting chained himself and then escaped. As long as Death was chained, no one could die. No one could make sacrifices to the gods and no one could die in war. Ares eventually got angry that is wars were not as interesting with no death so he went and freed Thanatos and delivered Sisyphus.

Upon being delivered to the Underworld this time, the arrogant King tricked Persephone into letting him go. Finally Zeus stepped in and instead of letting Sisyphus spend his death in the Elysian Fields, forced him to push a rock up a hill. Zeus tricked Sisyphus by enchanting the rock to roll away from him and back down the hill making the task last for eternity.

Create a character who breaks a cherished tradition or challenges a respected authority. What creative punishments can you come up with? The story could be from the perspective of the rule-breaker, perhaps s/he is misunderstood or was tricked him/herself. Or make it from the perspective of the law enforcer tracking down the culprit after s/he escapes, for the first or second time.

Pygmalion and Galatea

3) Pygmalion and Galatea

Pygmalion was a sculptor on Cyprus. He had had a bad experience with some prostitutes and swore off women entirely, disdaining them all because of his experience. When he returned home be began working on a new project, an ivory carving of a woman he called Galatea. He poured everything into the sculpture and soon it was more beautiful than any woman alive. He cherished it and dressed it and brought it gifts. One day, he sacrificed a bull at the temple of Aphrodite. The goddess saw him and knew his desire. She granted his wish and gave him a sign, making the flames shoot up three times. When Pygmalion returned home he found his statue had come to life. Aphrodite blessed them with a happy, loving marriage and they even had a son.

Try this story with a gender swap. Or maybe imagine what a normal person would do when a statue came to life – freak out! You could also try from the statue’s point of view; is she conscious while she is ivory? How does she adjust to being alive?

Halcyon was the daughter of Aeolus the ruler of the winds. She was married to Ceyx, the king of Tachis. Their love was so strong even the gods knew about it. When Ceyx had to travel to consult the oracle at Delphi, Halcyon begged him not to go by boat because she was afraid of the sea. He went anyway and was lost in a storm. But before he drowned he asked Poseidon to bring his body back to the shore where Halcyon could find him.

Meanwhile, Haclyon asked Hera to keep him safe. Too late to save him, Hera sent Morpheus to tell her of Ceyx’s death. Halcyon was so distraught that she threw herself into the sea. The gods were so moved by her devotion that they transformed her and Ceyx into kingfisher birds so they could remain together on the shores. Aeolus calms the winds every January to allow the kingfishers to nest and raise their eggs. These are called the Halcyon days.

What if instead of dying in a storm Ceyx was deliberately attacked by one of the gods or even Halcyon’s father. Imagine if their deaths were faked and they were put into a sort of divine witness protection.

5) Bellerophontes and Pegasus

Bellerophontes, besides having one of the coolest names ever, was an adventurer. He loved looking for trouble and was an accomplished equestrian. His friend, Proteus a sea god, became jealous and sent Bellerophontes to his father in law in Lycia with a note that said the messenger should be killed. Bellerophontes didn’t know he shouldn’t trust Proteus so he delivered the note to the king. The king decided that instead of killing him outright, he would send Bellerophontes to kill the chimera who had been terrorizing region.

In order to succeed Bellerophontes was told he needed to tame Pegasus. He was advised to pray to Athena and sleep in her temple for a solution. He did so and Athena came to him in a dream. She told him where Pegasus went for water and gave him a golden bridle. Bellerophontes found Pegasus and waited, hiding, until the winged horse came and knelt for a drink. Then he jumped on the horse’s back and put the bridle on. Pegasus took to the sky and tried to get free but Bellerophontes kept a firm hold and eventually won the contest. Together the pair defeated the chimera, freeing the people of Lycia and winning the King’s daughter.

But Bellerophontes wanted more adventure. He wanted to fly Pegasus to Mt. Olympus. The gods were incredulous and Zeus decided to take action. He sent a gadfly to bite Pegasus, who then threw Bellerophontes. Athena saved the adventurer’s life but he was crippled. He spent the rest of his days searching for Pegasus but could not find him because Zeus kept the flying horse for himself.

This would be another fun one for a gender swap. Try making Bellerphontes a woman who wants to adventure despite social norms regarding women. Her friend might try to get her killed with the note to keep her from rocking the boat. Perhaps her fall from Pegasus comes when she tries to achieve too much for her sex. Or maybe she succeeds and shows them all.

6) Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus was the son of Apollo and Calliope, one of the muses, and had incredible skill with the lyre. He fell in love with Eurydice and they were happily married for a long time. But one day while out for a walk, Eurydice was harassed by a man who was beguiled by her beauty. She tried running away but was bitten by a snake and died. Orpheus was so distraught he played a song on his lyre that moved all the people and things on the earth. The gods were so touched that they allowed Orpheus to go to Hades to see his wife.

Orpheus played for Hades and Persephone and earned his wife back. The condition was that he could not turn to look back at her until he was fully in the light of the earth again. Just shy of the light, Orpheus began to doubt Hades because he couldn’t hear Eurydice’s footsteps. He turned and saw her as she was whisked back down to the Underworld. Again grief tore through Orpheus and he played his lyre and begged for death to take him so he could join his beloved. A pack of beasts, or Zeus with a lightning bolt, granted his wish and killed him. (But the muses kept his head and enchanted it to keep singing.)

This time change the genre. What would happen if this story took place in a distant future where humans are perfecting the ability to revive the dead. Orpheus tries to bring his love back but somehow loses his faith and loses her again at the last minute. Or, maybe humans have discovered a way to see into the afterlife and Orpheus treks into the unknown to bring her back but something goes wrong. You could always throw in some aliens for good measure.

7) Atalanta

Atalanta was an interesting figure and has several stories surrounding her. When she was born her father, King Shoeneus wanted a son so he abandoned her on a mountaintop to die or be saved by the gods. A bear adopted her and Atalanta became an impressive hunter. She took part in the hunt for the Calendonian Boar, making most of the men in the hunting party angry, but she was the first to draw blood from the beast.

Meleager, who eventually abandoned his wife for Atalanta, fell in lover with her and awarded her the boar’s skin. His uncles were furious that a woman was given the skin and Meleager killed them for their actions. Atalanta returned Meleager’s love but had sworn a vow of chastity to the goddess Artemis because of a prophesy that said losing her virginity would be disastrous for her. Distraught, Meleager joined the Argonauts to get away but Atalanta joined the crew to follow him upsetting Jason and many of the other crew members. But she took part in battles and was a benefit to the crew. She even won a wrestling match against Peleus.

Through the boar hunt, Atalanta’s father found out about her and wanted her back to marry her off. She did not want to, however, and forced him to agree that a suitor would have to beat her in a footrace, or be killed. He agreed and many men died in the attempt to win her hand. Finally, Hippomenes won by asking Aphrodite for help. She gave him three golden apples, which could not be resisted. When Atalanta pulled ahead of him in the race, he rolled out an apple and she had to go after it. He won the race and she married him.

They had a son, Parthenopaios, and lived happily for a while but met an unfortunate end. They ended up being punished either for making love in the temple of Zeus or for not giving Athena proper honor. The two were turned into lions, which were believed to only mate with leopards and not other lions, meaning they wouldn’t be able to be together anymore.

Atalanta provides many stories to work with. Pick one or put them all together into a longer work. The story of Atalanta and Meleager would make for a compelling romantic tragedy (typical Greeks). You could also change it some. Perhaps Atalanta is under a curse that the two must break in order to be together. (There, teach those Greeks it doesn’t always have to end in tragedy.)

8) Theseus and the Minotaur

After his son was assassinated, King Minos of Crete declared war on Athens. As the result of a war or of Athen’s surrender, every nine years seven Athenian boys and seven girls were sent to Crete as sacrifice. They were forced into the Labrynth to face the Minotaur. On the third shipment of youths, Theseus volunteered to go and slay the beast.

When he got there, King Minos’ daughter, Ariadne, offered to help Theseus. He told her he would take her with when he escaped. She gave him a ball of thread to mark his path and told him how to get to the center. He made his way to the Minotaur and killed and decapitated it. Theseus escaped in the night with the Athenian youths, Ariadne and her sister. They stopped on the island of Naxos to rest and Athena woke Theseus early, telling him to abandon Ariadne there. Theseus left before she woke. Ariadne was distraught when she woke alone and the god Dionysus, whose island she was on, felt bad for her and married her.

Write this one from Ariadne’s point of view. It is usually taken for granted that Ariadne fell in love with brave Theseus and wanted him to take her away and marry her. Write it as though she used him to get out and arranged for him to leave her on Naxos so she could live out her own life.

9) Cassandra


The story of Cassandra is a tragedy through and through. Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy and a priestess of Apollo. She was given the gift of prophesy by Apollo in exchange for sleeping with him. When she refused he then cursed his original gift so that no one would believe her prophesies. This caused most people to believe she was mad and in some versions her father locked her up, causing her to truly become mad.

She tried many times to tell the Trojans about the impending war, the many loses, the Greek-filled horse, and the aftermath. Of course, no one believed her and she was forced to watch everything happen as she foresaw. During the sack of the city, Ajax the Lessor found her clinging to the statue of Athena in her temple. Despite rules about touching supplicants and sex in temples he raped her. Athena was so furious that she punished Ajax, his people, and the Greeks who didn’t punish him. This is what caused the storm that sent Odysseus off course.

In the end Cassandra ended up going home with Agamemnon with the spoils of war. She tried one more prophesy, telling him of their murders by his wife and brother. It naturally came true and they were both slain.

I would love to read a story about Space Cassandra. But it would also be fun to see a take where Cassandra finds a way to make people do what she wants them to do. She knows they won’t believe the truth but what if she could fashion lies that would lead them in the right direction. She could play up the madness and have all sorts of hijinx as well.

10) Hercules

This last myth is one close to my heart. I used this one as inspiration for my own current writing project. I don’t have space to do the whole thing but I’ll give the highlights.

Hercules was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Hera was incredibly jealous and decided to ruin Hercules’ life. She made him go mad and kill his entire family. When he came to, he realized what he’d done and, even though he had been forgiven legally, sought some sort of penance. He ended up working for King Eurystheus doing a total of twelve labors.

The tasks included killing a lion whose skin could not be penetrated, cleaning the stables of immortal horses, capturing a deer sacred to Artemis, gathering a lost herd of cattle, and slaying a number of beasts. They were all designed to kill him and/or humiliate him. Hera was pulling the strings the whole time and trying to get rid of him.

Athena helped him along the way and he eventually completed all the tasks. Some traditions say that when he was done he joined Jason and the Argonauts on the quest for the golden fleece.

This time I’ll let you know how I adapted the myth. First I did a gender swap. I changed Hercules to a young woman and decided to make her a student and instead of killing her family in a magic-induced fury, she kills people at the school. I also made it take place on a system of moons, giving the story a science-fiction feel. In my version she doesn’t know who made her go mad and the series revolves around discovering this and putting a stop to it.

I could find writing prompts from Greek mythology all day. Ancient myths are great sources of writing inspiration. I gave suggestions for each of the myths I listed but you could come up with dozens of ways to customize each one. Look for the fundamental story type of the myth and then have fun with the details.

Unfortunately I couldn’t include all of the myths. Let me know in the comments what Greek myths you’d like to use for writing inspiration.

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You are a very clever person!

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That’s very kind of you. 🙂

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Salvador Shunk

I am thankful that I observed this web site, precisely the right info that I was searching for! .

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These are awesome prompts! You’re so creative. Hope your writing project went well.

Thank you so much! I hope you get some good use out of them. Feel free to link back to your stories if you do.

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122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples

Welcome to our list of Greek mythology essay topics! In you need good title ideas for your history paper or project, look no further. Here, you will find Greek mythology research topics that will help you learn more about gods like Zeus and Aphrodite. Check them out!

🔝 Top 10 Greek Mythology Essay Topics

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  • Hades, Persephone, and the Afterlife
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/greek-mythology-essay-topics/

"122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/greek-mythology-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/greek-mythology-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/greek-mythology-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "122 Greek Mythology Essay Topics & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/greek-mythology-essay-topics/.


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creative writing: from greek gods to modern superheroes.




Brief Description

Students use critical thinking to compare Greek gods, goddesses, heroes and myths to modern superheroes. Then they create and write about special characters who aid the modern world.


Students will:

  • Explore Greek myths and associated heroes, gods and goddesses
  • Consider the take-away lessons from these stories
  • Compare the themes and messages of Greek myths with those of modern superheroes
  • Write descriptions of new characters to add to the Greek “pantheon”


Greek, gods, goddesses, Olympus, Titans, heroes, myths, mythology, superheroes, writing

Materials Needed

  • Computers with Internet access or texts on Greek mythology (teachers should preview all sources for age-appropriateness or print out selected sources in advance of the lesson)
  • Computers with word processing or a Gods and Heroes Profile sheet printed out for each student, along with pens or pencils  

Lesson Plan

Greek gods and heroes are the subjects of some of the great myths in history. Their exploits have been shared for centuries through spoken word, written poetry and prose, and even stage and film productions. The classic tales of good versus evil are timeless, as is the public’s thirst for exciting narratives about heroes and their triumphs. The Titans (the most well-known of the Greek gods and goddesses) laid the foundation for the superheroes we enjoy today.

Start by introducing the religion of ancient Greece.

The ancient Greeks were polytheistic , meaning they worshiped multiple gods. They also told many stories (myths) about the gods, which were meant to guide human behavior and teach about the relationship between gods and humans.

Some of the main characters in the Greek “pantheon” (collection of gods and goddesses) include:

Zeus , the thunder god and ruler of the gods Poseidon , sea god Hades , god of the underworld Persephone , queen of the underworld Hephaestus , god of fire (blacksmithing) Hermes , messenger Ares , god of war Apollo , god of light, linked to Helios, the sun Dionysus , god of wine and fertility Hera , wife of Zeus, queen of the gods Aphrodite , goddess of love In addition to gods and goddesses, the Greeks included many heroes in their myths. Heroes were either human or demigods (the offspring of a human and a god or goddess).

Since the Greek pantheon is large and complex, you might want to have students explore a “family tree” of gods and heroes to see how they are all related.

Here is another student-friendly source for basic information about Greek gods .

Separately, teachers may want to reference History.com for more information, and the videos below provide a quick rundown of the more noteworthy gods and some of their achievements.  

Once you feel students have a good handle on “who’s who” in the world of Greek gods, consider playing a Greek god bingo game as a form of review.

Next, introduce selected myths.

A good source written for young people is Kidipede: Greek Myths .

NOTE : Even when written for children, Greek myths contain mature content such as violence and death; curses; sexuality, polygamy and infidelity; slavery and human sacrifice. It is highly recommended that you preview myths to assess their appropriateness for your students.

The following myths are recommended choices, since they have clear take-away lessons, and because violent elements and other mature content are a bit less prominent (though certainly still present). Decide whether you will allow students to access these links themselves, or whether you will print out the stories ahead of time.

Pandora   – With hardship comes hope Daedalus and Icarus  – Plan ahead and don’t take unreasonable risks Medusa  – The importance of respect Judgment of Paris   – What should you value most -- wisdom, power or beauty? Arachne   – Pride comes before the fall Kleobis and Biton  – Being selfless Arion and the Dolphins  – No bad deed goes unpunished Achilles  – Everybody has a weakness; be careful what you wish for Phaedra   – The importance of self-control Theseus   – Bravery can accomplish great things

Discuss the following:

  • How are male characters different from female characters? (Do males and females have comparable powers and status?)
  • How are heroes different from gods and goddesses?
  • What lesson is each god, goddess or hero’s story meant to teach humans?
  • What themes do you find are common to various myths?
  • What weaknesses do the characters have, and what mistakes do they make?
  • Do any of the characters redeem themselves after making mistakes?

Next, discuss how themes present in Greek myths are echoed by modern superheroes and associated fiction, comic books and movies.

NOTE: As students discuss and research popular movies and comic-book characters, they are likely to encounter mature material including violent content and skimpy superhero attire. Before proceeding, preview content and consider whether direct Internet access is appropriate for your students.

Consider superhero films from the past few years that have been based on DC Comics and Marvel Comics characters:

Batman Begins (2005); The Dark Knight (2008) Fantastic Four (2005); Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Superman Returns (2006) X Men: The Last Stand (2006); X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009); X-Men: First Class (2011) Ghost Rider (2007); Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) Spider-Man 3 (2007) Iron Man (2008); Iron Man 2 (2010) Incredible Hulk (2008) Watchmen (2009) Jonah Hex (2010) Green Lantern (2011) Green Hornet (2011) Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Have students guess how much money these 19 films have grossed in total ( according to Wikipedia , which it should be noted may not be 100% accurate, the total figure is $7,272,851,573—that’s over 7 billion dollars). What does this dollar figure tell us about the modern popularity of “Greek god-like” superheroes?

NOTE : The list of recent superhero movies will change rapidly, and new box-office figures will continue to be added. You might ask students to choose a particular span of years and calculate an updated dollar figure.

Have students guess the highest-grossing and lowest-grossing movie on the above list. (The highest-grossing was the Batman movie Dark Knight [2008], which brought in over a billion; Spider-Man 3 was a close second with about 890 million. The lowest-grossing film was Jonah Hex [2010], which brought in a little over 10 million.) Ask students to speculate regarding the reasons behind the popularity of the highest-grossing movies. Obviously the production quality of a film and its level of critical acclaim have a lot to do with its commercial success, but do you think the characters and stories of Batman and Spider-Man are more compelling than the stories of the other superheroes featured on film? If so, why?

Superheroes almost always begin as ordinary humans who later acquire special powers. In their pre-superhero lives, these humans often are outcasts or “nerds.” Many have also experienced personal tragedies, challenges or setbacks. Superheroes are known for fighting evil, whether in the form of human criminals or supervillains, so gaining superhero status allows tragic individuals to redeem themselves and/or avenge wrongs. Good examples of outcasts-turned-superheroes are Spider-Man, Rogue (from X-Men) and Captain America. Batman does not have special powers per se, but prior to taking on his superhero persona, he witnesses the murders of his parents. Are the themes of redemption and vengeance also present in Greek myths? How are the motivations of superheroes similar to, or different from, those of Greek gods, goddesses and heroes?

Consider the role of female superheroes in the above movies. Although certainly fewer in number than male characters, a few noteworthy ones include Sue Storm Richards ( The Invisible Girl/Woman from the Fantastic Four), Natasha Romanova ( Black Widow , one of the Avengers, appeared in Iron Man 2 ), Rogue and Storm (X-Men), and the Silk Spectre (Watchmen). How are these characters different from their male counterparts?

Finally, ask each student to create his/her own modern character (god, goddess or hero) to add to the Greek pantheon. (For a longer, essay-style assignment, give students computer/word processing access. For a shorter assignment, print out a Gods and Heroes Profile for each student to fill out by hand.)

The new god, goddess or hero should fall into the hierarchy of the Greek pantheon but rule an aspect of modern life (think about things that didn’t exist in ancient Greece, such as cars and electronic devices). Might the modern world need a new god or goddess to control highway traffic, keep kids off drugs, prevent cyber-bullying, govern television broadcasts, influence fashion trends, promote healthy eating, bring white-collar criminals to justice, promote human rights in developing countries, or help working mothers?

Students should come up with a name for the character, as well as a list of special abilities such as super speed, mental telepathy, etc. You might want to challenge male students to create female characters, and female students to create male characters.

Each character’s profile should include:

  • Character name
  • Is s/he a god, goddess or hero?
  • If s/he is a god, what does s/he rule?
  • What is his/her primary weapon, symbol or tool?
  • What special abilities (super speed, able to control electricity, etc.) does s/he have?
  • How/why did s/he come into being, and how does s/he help in the modern world?
  • What weaknesses does s/he have, or what challenges does s/he face?
  • What lesson does s/he teach humans?

Extend the lesson:

  • Ask students to present their character profiles to the class. Take it a step further by having students use a comparison chart template or Venn Diagram to guide discussion of the following:  How is your character similar to, or different from, a particular Greek god, goddess or hero? How is your character similar to, or different from, a particular superhero?
  • Have students write an essay comparing a recent superhero movie with a Greek myth that shares similar themes. Plot synopses for superhero movies can be found at IMDB .
  • Have each student illustrate his/her character or create a short comic strip featuring the character. Post character profiles and illustrations on a bulletin board.
  • Scan students’ illustrations and post them on a class Web page. Or, hold a contest where other classes vote on their favorite new character created by your students. Feature the winning illustration and character profile on your school’s Web site.


Evaluate students in terms of the following:

  • Participation in class discussion
  • Writing quality
  • Knowledge gained about the Greek pantheon
  • Creativity in creating new characters
  • (If applicable) Effort put into character illustration  

Lesson Plan Source


Submitted By

Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor

National Standards

English Grades K-12 NL-ENG.K-12.4 Communication Skills NL-ENG.K-12.5 Communication Strategies NL-ENG.K-12.6 Applying Knowledge NL-ENG.K-12.9 Multicultural Understanding NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills

World History Grades 5-12 NSS-WH.5-12.1 Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society NSS-WH.5-12.2 Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples 4000-1000 BCE NSS-WH.5-12.3 Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires 1000 BCE-300 CE

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greek mythology writing assignment

Mrs. Nelson Teaches

Engaging ela education, my top 3 greek mythology units.

Greek Mythology Units for Middle School Students

Greek Mythology is hands-down one of the most popular units that I have ever taught to my middle school students–second only to my Fun Poetry Unit. With the rise of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series and other modern allusions to Greek Mythology, students’ interest in the ancient stories is higher than ever. I love to capitalize on that interest and teach students important literacy skills while enjoying the engaging stories of well-known Greek mythical figures.

When I teach Greek Mythology, I divide our study up into three subunits. I begin building students’ base knowledge about twelve major Greek gods and goddesses . Following that, we spend some time reading and analyzing the themes of several famous Greek myths . And finally, we study The Hero’s Journey and eight of the most well-known Greek Heroes. The entire unit takes about a month and students LOVE it! At the end of each lesson, they are literally BEGGING for more Greek Mythology!

Let’s take a closer look at each of the subunits!

1. Greek Gods and Goddess Unit

Lesson Plans for Each of the Twelve major gods and goddesses from Greek Mythology.

First, my students and I take a look at ancient Greek Deity. Greek Mythology is full of interesting characters, but perhaps none so intriguing as the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece! This  FUN no-prep middle school  unit examines each goddess and god individually. Students will be able to recognize each deity’s Greek and Roman name, his or her title or realm, the symbols associated with him or her and become familiar with the major myths involving each god or goddess. The twelve gods I include in this unit are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus and Artemis.

For each deity, I use a note card for students to keep track of the vital information of each god–by vital, I mean the information mentioned previously and that will also be on the test! On the flip side of the note card, I’ve included an artist’s depiction of the god or goddess. If we have time, I’ll ask students to color the whole thing; but at a minimum, I ask that students at least color any visible symbols of the goddess or god. This helps them recognize the goddess or god in art, pictures, etc.

greek mythology writing assignment

We end this part of the unit with a test (review included) and a fun creative activity that my students have always really enjoyed!

2. Introduction to Greek Mythology

Introduction to Greek Mythology.

Secondly, in the unit , I like to pause and reflect with students about why it’s a good idea to study Greek Mythology. I have devoted an entire additional blog post about my top four reasons we should study Greek Mythology, so I won’t go into that here. However, I do review these reasons with students as part of the unit. We read seven Greek Myths and analyze the theme of each myth. I really enjoy pausing with students and considering what might be a life lesson that can be learned from each myth. Typically, there are many in each myth. Often, my students decipher themes that haven’t even occurred to me! I love this part of the unit where students can think critically!

Lesson Plans for Greek Mythology

The myths that we read include:

  • The Tragedy of Echo and Narcissus
  • The Tragedy of Phaethon
  • Prometheus and the Theft of Fire
  • The Story of Pandora
  • The Judgment of Paris
  • Oedipus and the Oracle at Delphi
  • The Minotaur, Daedalus and Icarus

Each of these stories is so fun to read with students! Some they may have heard of before and others they may not be familiar with. Either way, they are exciting myths to study and analyze together. This unit also includes some creative projects at the end that are a fun way to wrap up this section of our Greek Mythology study .

3. The Hero’s Journey – Greek Mythology

The Hero's Journey Greek Mythology Unit Plan

Finally, the last portion of my Greek Mythology unit is centered around Joseph Campbell’s monomyth or “ The Hero’s Journey .” We begin the unit by introducing the journey and then proceed to read about eight famous Greek Heroes: Perseus, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Achilles, Theseus, Heracles, Jason and Odysseus. For each hero story, students can mark how the hero went through The Hero’s Journey and then complete an additional fun and creative activity.

greek mythology writing assignment

This unit concludes with a formal writing assignment that takes students through the entire writing process discussing their personal hero. We work on prewriting/brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. It’s maybe less fun, per se, for students, but it is meaningful for each them to think about someone they admire and why.

Fun and Engagement are Contagious!

As with most lessons we teach in our classrooms, if we are having fun, our students are more likely to have fun. Smiles and enthusiasm are contagious; so are pessimism and dread! So find something to be happy about and have fun studying Greek Mythology with your students!

One thing that may put a smile on your face is that if you bundle these three resources, you’ll get 20% off!

Greek Mythology Unit Plan 20% off Discount

Brenna (Mrs. Nelson)

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Greek Mythology Writing Activities for Middle School

Dayle fraschilla.

Writing prompts based on Greek mythology will engage your students.

Ancient Greek mythologies have passed the test of time as they continue to excite people thousands of years past their origins. Modern movies, television and literature have all integrated elements from Greek mythology. Many middle school students have probably seen “Clash of the Titans” or read “The Lightning Thief.” Writing about Greek mythology does not have to be left to Hollywood and professional writers. You can incorporate Greek mythology into your class’s writing activities with a few simple prompts.

Explore this article

  • Job Application
  • Modern Adaptations
  • Etymologies
  • Create Classroom Myths

1 Job Application

Present the scenario to your students that several of the Greek gods, goddess, heroes and villains have resigned from their positions. Instruct your students to choose the position for which they would like to apply. They will then write cover letters and resumes trying to sell themselves to Zeus, the hiring manager.

2 Modern Adaptations

Ask your students to consider how the Greek pantheon would fair in today’s world. Instruct your students to choose their favorite characters from the Greek mythologies and write a story about them living in today’s time. They should consider how those characters might react to current events. For example, how would Gaia, the goddess of Earth, think about the environmental issues we are facing today?

3 Etymologies

The origins of many English words and phrases can be traced to Greek mythology. For example, “Achilles' heel” refers to a person’s weak spot; the word "atlas," a book of maps, stems from Atlas , the Titan who held up the heavens. Assign such a word or phrase to each of your students, or to a small group of students, and instruct them to research the origin and write about it. Have them present their findings to the class.

4 Create Classroom Myths

Ancient mythologies were most often used to teach a lesson or to explain a phenomenon. Emotions and personalities were often personified. Ask your students to create their own myths centered on their current environments. Their myths might answer questions such as “Why should we do our homework?” or “What is the origin of the Tuesday Surprise in the cafeteria?” Create a book to include everyone’s myths.

About the Author

Dayle Fraschilla has been a freelance writer and editor since 2009. She is a guest writer for Commentarista.com and a Philadelphia charter school expert for a prominent website. She is a volunteer writer for "One Step Away," Philadelphia's street newspaper. She holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in elementary education, special education and psychology from Rider University.

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Take back your planning time with engaging, no-prep resources!

Greek Mythology Activities

By  MARISSA DESPINS  Updated April 09, 2024

I am back with another fun post on Interactive Notebooks! In this post, I am excited to talk about another fun way to use Interactive Notebooks in your Social Studies classroom. In my previous posts, I talked about using Interactive Notebooks for different Ancient Civilizations. These included Mesopotamia , Greece, and Egypt . Today I am going to dive a little bit deeper into Ancient Greece, and focus specifically on Greek Mythology.

Greek Mythology has always been one of my favorite topics to teach. I fell in love with Greek Mythology in university. While there, I had an incredibly engaging professor would regale us with stories of the gods and goddesses. I love how they feel a bit like fairy tales. The magic and monsters make these stories super engaging for young (and old!) learners.

I have a wide variety of different ready to teach Greek Mythology activities available in my TPT shop that you can download and use right away – see them all by clicking on the button below!

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(This post contain affiliate links which means I make a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!)

What are some fun ways to teach Greek Mythology?

Read on for a roundup of different ways to bring these engaging stories to life with your learners!

Videos for Teaching About Greek Mythology

Those of you who have been following me for a while, know that I am a huge fan of the Crash Course History series on YouTube. This series packs a lot of information into short clips. They also manage to keep things entertaining while still being really educational. This clip is a great one to start with. It introduces the concept of Mythology in a kid friendly way.

Another series I really love to show my students that relates to Greek Mythology is the Jim Henson “Storyteller” series. This is an old TV series from way back in the day. If you can get a hold of an old school DVD compellation, hold onto it like it is gold! Thankfully, you can also watch the individual episodes on YouTube. Each episode tells the story of a different Greek myth. I like to put these on after we read and do some activities with each myth. They make excellent review tools. The retellings of Orpheus and Eurydice and Daedalus and Icarus are definitely my favorites.

Word of warning, however. These are not your typical “Kermit the Frog” or “Muppet Show” type Jim Henson productions. These versions are much darker than your typical Jim Henson. You are going to want to make sure you watch them beforehand to make sure that they are not too scary if you have younger learners. I watch them every year with my middle school kiddos, with no issues whatsoever. I actually really like that they are less disney-fied than some of the other retellings out there. They manage to retain the magical creepiness of the original myths.

Greek Myth Read Alouds

Over the years, I have found that some of the Greek myths can be a bit complicated and have more complex vocabulary; reading the myths aloud the class provides access points for all learners, as students are actually able to comprehend text at a higher level than they can typically read. This is especially true for our younger and more vulnerable learners. I think reading aloud about the magic and wonder prevalent in these myths also helps build class community and provides excellent opportunities for class discussion. Also, reading and writing Greek Myths is a great way to tie some literacy into your Social Studies curriculum!

greek mythology writing assignment

Some of my favourite read aloud collections include:

D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths – If you purchase only one book to teach about Greek Mythology, let this be it. It has great images and text that is easily accessible to all learners. It is probably the most used mythology book that I have in my collection, and a class favorite for sure.

The Children’s Book of Myths and Legends – This one is worth the purchase simply for the gorgeous illustrations. It contains myths from around the world, so it is perfect if you are planning to teach about the gods and goddesses from different cultures.

The McElderry Book of Greek Myths – Another classic. This one has quick and engaging versions of pretty much all of the popular myths, and makes a fantastic read aloud. This one is great if you are wanting to teach mini units on some of the individual myths, as you can pick and choose the ones you want to include.

Mythlopedia – This is a series of mini reference books about the different gods, goddesses, and monsters of Ancient Greece. I love using these as reference tools for research on the characters.

Looking for ways to keep students accountable during your read aloud time? Check out our post on read aloud accountability!

Allusions from Greek Mythology

Mythical Allusions are words and phrases that many of your students will have heard and used in everyday life, often without knowing where they came from. When watching TV, they may have heard ads for Midas Tires. On Valentine’s day, they may have heard people talking about a friend being hit by “ Cupid’s Arrow “. They may even own a pair of Nike shoes, or have a pack of Trident gum in their back pocket. Mythical Allusions are all around us!

An understanding of these allusions helps to give context. For example, when you know the story of Nike, you can better understand why a running shoe manufacturer would choose that name for their shoes. This short video clip does a great job of explaining allusions in a kid friendly way.

The resource below contains a variety of short reading passages explaining different allusions from Ancient Greece. Students can read the passages, fill in the fact gathering graphic organizer, and use the included templates to make a fun foldable for their Interactive Notebooks. You can snag a copy of this resource for yourself by clicking here , on the image below, or on the product cover at the bottom of this post.

greek mythology writing assignment

To learn more about using allusions in your classroom, check out our post on mythical allusions to build vocabulary!

Greek Mythology One Pagers

If you have read my previous posts , you already know that I am a huge fan of One Pagers . They are a fantastic way to have students gather and present information in a way that is powerful and engaging.

greek mythology writing assignment

I really like the versatility of One Pager projects, as they can be used in so many ways. I like to have my students use them as fact gathering templates to help them process and present information from reading passages and class notes.

greek mythology writing assignment

Alternately, they work great for independent research projects. Students can research a god or goddess of their choice, and present the information they uncover in a One Pager format. One Pagers also make great review tools before a final assessment. If you are interested in trying out my collection of Greek Mythology One Pager templates with your class, you can click here , on the image below, or on the product cover at the bottom of this post.

greek mythology writing assignment

I hope this post gives you some ideas to help you get started with teaching all about the gods, heroes, and monsters of Greek Mythology with your own class! Is Mythology a topic covered in your curriculum? Let me know about your experiences with teaching about Greek Mythology in the comment section – I am always looking to learn from you!

Looking for some of the resources mentioned in this post?

Click on the product covers below to go directly to the products in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

greek mythology writing assignment

Looking for more information on these resources?

Check out the video below for a detailed overview!

Looking for more information and FREE resources for teaching Ancient Greece?

Check out the related blog posts below!

Interactive Notebooks: Ancient Greece

9 Essential Topics for your next Ancient Greece Unit

History Stations: What are they and how can I use them in my classroom?

The Importance of Teaching About Ancient History

5 Tips for Engaging History Lessons

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If you are interested in signing up for my email list, you can do so by clicking on the link below. I periodically send out emails with free resources, teaching tips, and exclusive deals. Signing up will also give you immediate access to some of my best selling Interactive Notebook resources – foldables, graphic organizers, and other fun activities.

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Greek Mythology & the 12 Olympians

Greek Mythology Lesson Plans

Have you ever wondered where sayings like "He has the Midas touch", "You have to find their Achilles heel", or "Don't be fooled by a Trojan horse!" came from? Well, these sayings and many more come from ancient Greek myths.

Ancient Greek is the root of many English words and phrases, and their culture has famous portrayals of themes and stories that are still relevant today. No matter how much time has passed, the lessons of these literary works remain important in today's world, and are iterated on and alluded to almost everywhere.

Students will love our Greek mythology activities such as: important symbols in Greek mythology, list of deities and their signs, hero’s journey, Greek God and Goddesses, and more! These myth projects and ideas are creative, engaging, and easy to customize. Check out the Greek mythology lesson plans below:

Student Activities for Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology-The Olympians - Symbols of the Gods

Essential Questions for a Mythology Unit

  • What role can myths and beliefs from the past have in today’s world?
  • How does the definition of a hero change? Why? What is the definition of a hero in Greek mythology? What is the definition of a hero today?
  • How do we use stories to explain the world around us? How did the ancient Greeks use stories to explain things they didn't understand?
  • What lessons can we learn from Greek mythology?
  • Who are the 12 gods and goddesses of Olympus and what are their symbols?
  • How are the personalities of the Olympians reflected in their powers, domain, and the Greek mythological symbols?
  • What role do Greek myths, or myths from other civilizations, play in our lives today?

More About Our Pre-Made Activities

Greek mythology is a vast collection of stories, history, and individuals that can be overwhelming and difficult to keep track of. Storyboard That’s team of teachers have created several assignments to help you and your students gain a better understanding of Greek mythology, and have come up with some really cool activities for students to show what they know in engaging and creative ways. Read more below!

  • Olympian Symbols: Greek god symbols are extremely important in Greek mythology. All gods, minor and major, had symbols and physical features that set them apart and identified them. For this activity, students will create a storyboard of the symbols of Greek gods. This is an excellent way to keep track of what represents whom!
  • Myth Plot Diagram: Each story within Greek mythology is filled with twists and turns. For this activity, students can create a plot diagram of the myth of their choice, or one that is assigned to them by their teacher.
  • Themes: If you take a good look at Olympus Greek mythology, you will surely notice that there are recurring themes surrounding the stories and history.
  • Greek Gods and Goddesses: Have students keep track of the gods and goddesses by making a list of deities and their signs, domains, symbols, and more! Our Storyboard That artists have created characters for the main gods, can you find them in our art library?
  • Olympian Poster: Having students research and spotlight an Olympian god or goddess is one of our most popular myth projects. Using the poster layout or a biography poster template as a starting off point, students can create a biography poster for the god or goddess of their choice.
  • Symbols, Themes, and Motifs: Themes, symbols, and motifs add color and richness to stories. In chart format, students can identify and compare the different themes, symbols, and motifs in two or more stories. Some of the recurring ideas throughout several myths include: human flaws, war, temptation, payback and reward, love, fate, and beauty. Students will be engaged as they explore these areas in a colorful storyboard!
  • Vocabulary: The vocabulary in Greek mythology can be very difficult to keep track of. Not only the terms, but also the Greek names versus the Roman names of the gods and goddesses. There are so many ways to use storyboards to explore Greek vocabulary. For this activity, we have given the example of how some Greek names have been transformed into English words such as martial (Mars, god of war), volcano (Vulcan, god of fire and forge), and cereal (Ceres, goddess of harvest).
  • Create Your Own Greek God: A really fun way to engage students is to have them create their own Greek god. After learning about the elements of Greek gods and goddesses (domain, power, weakness, symbol, connection with the real world, etc.), they can create a spider map that includes the name, attributes, and back story, or a poster of their own individual!
  • Hero’s Journey: The hero’s journey is a recurring pattern of stages that many heroes go through over the course of their journey. Some of the most popular hero journeys include Hercules, Theseus, and Odysseus, but our outline can really be used with a number of Greek gods and goddesses.
  • TP-CASTT Analysis: The TP-CASTT method of poetry analysis is a very useful way to dissect a poem. Much like the order of operations in mathematics, TP-CASTT asks students to uncover deeper meanings of the poem in a sequential way in order to understand its parts. Students can dissect poems that are related to Greek myths in order to help them understand the larger scale stories!
  • Social Media: Social media is a very popular form of connection and communication for middle and high school students. An exciting and engaging way to incorporate student interest into education is by having kids create a social media page for one or more Greek gods or goddesses. What would Medusa post about on Instagram? Would Loki post his tricks on Twitter? Check out our social media poster templates or our social media page worksheet templates for inspiration!
  • Modern God Poster: An alternative to the spider map activity above is to create your own Greek god poster! Be sure to include all of the same attributes (domain, power, weakness, symbol, etc.), but expand your creativity by using a colorful biography poster template to get your creative juices flowing!

What is Mythology?

Mythology is, first and foremost, a collection of stories that describe the lives and exploits of the gods and preternatural forces before the time of recorded history. As a genre , mythology typically explains unknown origins, the reason for natural occurrences, or human nature. The stories reflect the values and issues of communities and to some extent, of society as a whole. Greek mythology is not the only type in the genre; many cultures from around the world have exquisite mythologies.

Greek mythology consists of the ancient Greeks' polytheistic beliefs. It begins with a creation myth, explaining how the earth was formed. Other myths deal with the origins and life of Greek heroes, and explanations of the natural world. Many are familiar with the particular Greek gods as they pertain to domains such as love, war, and trade, but may not know the origins of these gods. Together, these gods make up the Greek Pantheon.

Why Do We Study Greek Myths?

Greek myths have endured for thousands of years. Many of the Greek gods, heroes , and monsters represent ideals or certain traits. Mythical characters were the subjects of various art: sculpture adorning architecture, wall paintings, mosaics, free-standing sculpture, pottery, and so much more. The stories persisted partly because there were physical reminders of the stories in stone everywhere. Beyond the various physical remnants, Greek myths are old tales rich in plot, character, theme, and symbolism.

Romans appropriated many Greek myths as their own, but made significant alterations to them. The Roman Empire was a dominant force for hundreds of years and brought Roman culture to conquered lands throughout Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. The Renaissance and the Neoclassical eras in history saw a resurgence of Greco-Roman influences in art, literature, and science. As Western Civilization expanded across the world, the Greek stories remained! For an interesting take on this idea, be sure to check out The Lightning Thief and the rest of the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan.

Greek mythology has a great deal of variation, because the stories were traditionally told and retold orally. Even ancient sources differ on the order of events and characters! When stories are passed down through the generations and translated into other languages, some of the details do not always stay the same. "Pandora's Box" is an excellent example of how details can morph from one thing to another. Pandora actually had a jar and not a box, but the popular use of Pandora's Box has remained.

Greek myths have pervaded our culture and literature. Many English words come from Greek roots, but there are also words that evolved directly from Greek mythology, such as narcissist , herculean , echo, and nemesis . Authors and artists have referred to Greek mythology for hundreds of years, either as direct subject matter or to represent something symbolically. In order to understand these various allusions , students need exposure to important characters and important symbols in Greek mythology. Check out our Greek mythology activities above!

12 Gods of Olympus

Greek mythology is centered around the powerful group of gods who lived on Mount Olympus, the tallest mountain in Greece. It is believed that these gods and goddesses ruled all aspects of life, and met as a council to discuss important things such as punishments, war, and the way of life in general. The twelve gods and goddesses are: Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Poseidon. Other gods and goddesses who were sometimes included as Olympians are Hades (god of the Underworld), Hestia (goddess of home and family), and Eros (god of love and also known as Cupid).

These important gods and goddesses looked like average men and women, but they could change their forms to look like animals and other things. For the most part, they remained on Mount Olympus, but Posiedon preferred to live in his palace under the sea.

The Olympians are also important influences to various heroes on their quests. Some influences may be positive, like Athena guiding Hercules or Odysseus, but some can also be major obstacles for heroes. Poseidon inhibits Odysseus from making it home to Ithaca, Hera tries to foil Hercules' Labors whenever she can, and Zeus sends the Argo way off course on its way home. Learning more about the personalities, areas of influence, and symbols of the Greek gods and goddesses is beneficial for understanding various allusions in literature, music, art, architecture, astronomy, marketing, and more. Students will love analyzing the various Greek mythological symbols and how the Greek gods' and goddesses' powers were said to be related to events and natural disasters.

The influence of the ancient Greek myths remains after many centuries in art, architecture, language, literature, and modern television and film. The stories in Greek mythology have universal themes and archetypes that are applicable across cultures, but are also memorable narratives by themselves. The Olympians often take a center role in these Greek myths because they are the twelve major gods of the Greek pantheon.

Who Are the 12 Olympian Gods?

  • Zeus , also known as “The King of all Gods”, or “Father of Gods and men”, Zeus was the most powerful god who controlled the sky, storms, thunder, and lightning. He was also known as the god of justice. He is represented by a lightning bolt and eagles. Zeus was the youngest son of Cronos and Rhea, and when he was old enough, he and his siblings and uncles overthrew his father and gained control of the different realms. Zeus married Hera and together they had three children: Ares, Eris, and Hephaestus.
  • Hera is the queen of the gods, and the goddess of marriage and childbirth. She is often represented by peacocks and wedding rings. Daughter of Cronos and Rhea, Hera is also known for her hatred of Troy, and tries to help the Greeks win against the Trojans whenever she can. Hera had three children with Zeus: Ares, Eris, and Hephaestus.
  • Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She is often represented by a mirror, rose, or a dove. Aphrodite was the daughter of Uranus and Dione, but sometimes she was also said to be the daughter of Zeus and Thalassa or Dione. Aphrodite’s beauty was so stunning that men who catch a glimpse of her fall into a puddle of incoherent mutterings.
  • Apollo , the god of sun and music, is represented by a golden lyre and a golden bow and arrow. He is the twin brother of Artemis, and the son of Zeus and the nymph Leto. The Greeks prayed to Apollo for good health, and feared him when a plague or other illness hit.
  • Ares is the god of war, and he is represented by a spear and a shield which were often used in violent conflicts. Son of Zeus and Hera and brother of Athena, Ares is often defeated in stories that involve war. Ares is also known for being Aphrodite’s lover.
  • Artemis is the goddess of the moon and the hunt, and carries a silver bow with arrows. Apollo and Artemis were the twin children of Zeus and the nymph Leto, but Artemis was the apple of Zeus’ eye. For Artemis’ third birthday, Zeus gave her a silver bow and arrows, wood nymphs, and hounds to hunt with. He also gave her the gift of chastity, which was part of her wish. She became known as a fierce huntress, and she was also very protective of her nymphs.
  • Athena , known as the goddess of strategy and wisdom, is represented by a helmet and scroll, to be used for strategy in times of war. Daughter of Zeus and Metis, Athena used her skill and intuition to outwit others in battle.
  • Demeter is the goddess of harvest and is represented by sheaves of wheat. During times of famine or poor crop yields, the Greek people came to Demeter for help. She had two children with Poseidon, Arion and Despoena, and one child with Zeus, Persephone.
  • Dionysus , the god of wine, pleasure, and festivity, was typically represented by a cup and grapevines or vineyards. He was also a demigod, which means he was the son of a god and a mortal; his father was Zeus, and his mother’s name was Semele. Dionysus is perhaps most well-known for granting King Midas the power to turn everything he touched into gold.
  • Hephaestus is the blacksmith god, as well as the god of fire and the forge. He is represented by a hammer and anvil. Son of Zeus and Hera, Hephaestus was flung off of Olympus by his mother when he was born: she thought he was so ugly that he would not win his father’s affection.
  • Hermes , who is known as the messenger god, was the son of Zeus and Maia, is represented by winged sandals and his Caduceus staff. Hermes had many responsibilities including being the god of trade and thieves. He often was the messenger for his father, going back and forth from Olympus to Earth to the Underworld.
  • Poseidon , also known as the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, is represented by his three-pronged trident and horses. Son of Rhea and Cronos, and brother of Zeus, Hades, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter, Poseidon and other family members worked together to overthrow his father. After the battle ended, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon chose which realm each god would rule; Poseidon chose the sea.

There are so many interesting and entertaining stories about these gods and goddesses, and it is truly incredible how they are all intertwined. Storyboard That makes it simple to keep track of the myths and adventures that these gods and goddesses are a part of!

Other Greek Mythology Project Ideas

  • Storyboard the life of your favorite Greek god or goddess.
  • Create a family tree and list the Greek gods and goddesses along with their signs and symbols!
  • Complete a storyboard showing Zeus being overthrown like Cronus or Uranus before him! Choose a god who will defeat Zeus, and tell how it happens.
  • Research Greek gods and their symbols, and create a biography for your favorite!
  • Make a presentation of all of the different Greek mythology symbols.
  • Teachers can take their Greek mythology lesson plans offline by printing out colorful Greek mythology worksheets and graphic organizers related to the activities above such as social media page worksheets , character map worksheets , biography worksheets , vocabulary worksheets , plot diagram worksheets , and more!

For more information about Greek mythology and its influences, be sure to check out the following Teacher Resources.

  • Ancient Greece
  • Types of Heroes
  • The Hero's Journey
  • Elements of an Epic
  • The Creation of the World
  • Explanation Myths
  • 12 Labors of Hercules
  • Jason and the Golden Fleece
  • The Odyssey
  • Oedipus the King
  • The Lightning Thief
  • " The One Eyed Giant "
  • Theseus and the Minotaur
  • "Icarus and Daedalus"

Purchase The Complete World of Greek Mythology by Richard Buxton or D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths by Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire on Amazon to use as resources for Greek myths!

How to Use Greek Mythology Activities

Introduce essential questions.

Begin your mythology unit by discussing essential questions that explore the relevance of myths in today's world. Encourage students to think about the changing definitions of heroes, the use of stories to explain the unknown, lessons from Greek mythology and the role of myths in modern life.

Engage with Pre-Made Activities

Utilize pre-made activities from Storyboard That to enhance students' understanding of Greek mythology. These activities include creating storyboards of Olympian symbols, plot diagrams of myths, exploring themes, listing deities and their signs, designing posters, analyzing symbols and motifs, examining vocabulary, and more. Choose activities that align with your lesson objectives and student interests.

Explore the 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses

Introduce the 12 gods and goddesses of Olympus, their personalities, domains, and Greek mythological symbols. Discuss their influence on heroes and their representation in various aspects of life, such as art, architecture, literature, and marketing. Help students make connections between these mythological figures and their presence in today's world.

Encourage Creativity and Research

Encourage students to engage in creative projects that deepen their understanding of Greek mythology. Assign tasks such as creating their own Greek god or goddess, conducting research on the hero's journey, analyzing poems related to myths using the TP-CASTT method, designing social media pages for mythological characters, and making posters or spider maps of individual gods

Incorporate Greek Mythology Worksheets

Print out colorful Greek mythology worksheets and graphic organizers to support offline learning. Utilize worksheets related to social media pages, character maps, biographies, vocabulary, plot diagrams, and more. These resources provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Greek myths.

Further Exploration and Resources

Encourage further exploration of Greek mythology by providing additional teacher resources and recommending books such as "The Complete World of Greek Mythology" by Richard Buxton or "D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths" by Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire. These resources can deepen students' knowledge of archetypes, allusions, ancient Greece, types of heroes, the hero's journey, and specific myths like "The Odyssey" or "Jason and the Golden Fleece."

Frequently Asked Questions about Greek Mythology & the 12 Olympians

Who is the most powerful god in greek mythology.

Zeus , who is known as “The King of all Gods” is the most powerful of all the gods and goddesses. He controlled the sky, storms, thunder, and lightning. Zeus married Hera and they had three children together.

What are the different types of mythology?

The most well known types of mythology are Norse , Egyptian , and Greek. However, there are many other types of mythology from different countries and religions around the world.

What is a myth?

A myth is a story that is about how the world came to be, and why certain events happened. While some may think that myths are not accurate, they were, at one point, believed to be real.

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Mythology Research Resources

Use the links below to jump directly to any section of this guide:

Mythology Fundamentals

Ancient and classical mythology, asian and oceanic mythology, african and middle eastern mythology, european mythology, mythology of the americas, additional resources for learning about mythology.

From time immemorial, human beings have attempted to answer their questions about the nature of the universe and life itself through storytelling. Myths unite us across lines of cultural difference, forming the framework by which people identify themselves and understand the wider world around them. As Joseph Campbell writes in   The Hero with a Thousand Faces , no matter how different myths are from people to people and from age to age, they all form “one, shape-shifting yet marvelously constant story that we find, together with a challengingly persistent suggestion of more remaining to be experienced than will ever be known or told” (1). This guide will provide you with websites, books, podcasts, and more that introduce the world of myth and invite deeper exploration into these fundamental stories.

The deceptively simple question, “what is mythology” produces a range of complex answers. Mythology is a category of human expression that defies uncomplicated definitions. While myths rest under the label of tradition or story or legend, they vary in their purpose and the manner in which they are told. Explore mythology’s roots and etymology through the resources below.

Mythology: Origins, Etymology, and Genre

The Wikipedia Mythology Portal

For a look at mythology in its broadest sense, visit the Wikipedia Mythology Portal. This resource links to articles on myths from around the world, and includes fun facts and featured articles and images.

"What Is Mythology?" (ThoughtCo)

This article from ThoughtCo explores the basic questions surrounding mythology, and outlines methods for study and interpretation.

CrashCourse Video: "Mythology" (YouTube)

Mike Rugnetta gives an overview of mythology in this introduction to the CrashCourse series on myth. You'll find many other CrashCourse videos, offering more specific and in-depth information, later in this guide.

Definition and Etymology of Mythology (Merriam Webster)

In this dictionary entry, learn how the roots of the word "mythology," from the Greek  mythos (story) and logos (word), emphasize its ties to oral tradition.

In Search of Myths and Heroes (PBS)

This video documentary series, hosted by Michael Wood, details some of the most well-known myths and heroes around the world. The Queen of Sheba, Shangri-La, King Arthur, and Jason and the Golden Fleece each get their own episode.

Mythology and Folklore Resources ( The Mythology Podcast )

The Mythology Podcast provides a list of resources for all things mythology and folklore, including directories, classic texts, and a blogroll.

Mythology and Folklore: Similarities and Differences

"The Meaning of Myths, Folklore, Legends, and Fairy Tales" (ThoughtCo)

Esther Lombardi parses out generic differences in this article. She explains that myths and folktales share roots in oral storytelling, but the scope of these stories is different. Myths tend to look at big-picture questions, whereas folklore is more localized.

"The Difference Between Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales" (The Poetics Project)

Learn more about the differences and points of connection between myth and folktales, courtesy of this article from The Poetics Project.

Folktexts: Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts (Univ. of Pittsburgh)

This resource provides a repository of texts relating to myth and folklore, from A - Z. Among them, you'll find a Chinese Creation and Flood Myth from the Miao people, Blackfoot creation and origin myths, and Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche .

Before the scientific and technological advances of modern times could help explain natural phenomena, people turned to storytelling to understand the world around them. Famous tales from the ancient world have formed the basis for many works of literature and art up to the present day. From the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, myths from  civilizations of the past have retained cultural relevance well into the twenty-first century. Learn more about myths from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome below.

Mesopotamian Mythology

"Mesopotamian Mythology: The Ancient Gods of Sumer and Babylon" (Godchecker)

Discover the Mesopotamian pantheon ("all the gods" pertaining to a certain culture) via the Godchecker website. Learn about the Epic of Gilgamesh, and discover the connection between Sumerian, Akkadian, and Mesopotamian gods.

"Mesopotamian Mythology" (Ancient-Mythology.com)

Learn more about the interaction between gods and heroes in ancient Mesopotamian myth with this website, which links to articles on Abgal, Nabu, Zu, and more.

LitCharts Study Guide for The Epic of Gilgamesh

This LitCharts Study Guide will help you get to know the most famous piece of writing from Mesopotamia. Among its many sections are resources on context, both quick-reference and detailed plot summaries, and an interactive theme wheel. 

"Great Myths and Legends: Adapa the Sage" (Univ. of Pennsylvania via YouTube)

Dr. Stephen J. Tinney presents a video lecture on flood mythology in Mesopotamia. The information presented is made possible through the recently-published text of ancient fragmentary tablets.

CrashCourse Video: "Ancient Mediterranean Pantheons" (YouTube)  

Learn more about the Sumerian deities in a continuation of Mike Rugnetta’s program on ancient Mediterranean gods.

In Our Time: The Epic of Gilgamesh (BBC)

Melvyn Bragg hosts a radio program on The Epic of Gilgamesh  with guests from leading UK universities. Learn how the tablets containing the story were gradually discovered, reassembled, and translated. 

Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian Collection: Gods and Goddesses (The British Museum)

Discover the ancient Egyptian pantheon through the British Museum’s extensive collection of artifacts devoted to the deities.

"Gods of Egypt" (Tour Egypt)

Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism presents a comprehensive web guide to ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. You'll find pages on Aken (Ferryman of the underworld), Mut (Grandmother of the Gods), Wadjet (the serpent goddess), and many others.

The History of Egypt Podcast

This podcast's many episodes allow you to uncover Egypt’s history up to the fall of Rome, and how it intertwines with "pyramids, pharaohs, gods, and mysteries."

"11 Most Popular Myths in Ancient Egypt" (Ancientfacts.net)

This article guides you through the most popular myths of ancient Egypt, beginning with the myth of creation and ending with the Cinderella-like tale of the Girl with Rose-red slippers.

"Ancient Egyptian Mythology" ( Ancient History Encyclopedia )

Joshua Mark outlines Egyptian mythology’s structures and stories as they relate to history and society. He begins with a helpfully detailed "definition" of Egyptian mythology.

Greek and Roman Mythology

Course on the Ancient Greek Hero (edX)

Delve deeply into the myths of Greek heroes in this 17-week free online course, co-sponsored by Harvard and taught by professors from Harvard and Brandeis.

Wikipedia Article on Greek Mythology

This article provides a broad overview of ancient Greek myths, from literary and archaeological sources to modern interpretations.

In Our Time : "The Greek Myths" (BBC)

Melvyn Bragg hosts a radio program on Greek myths, "from Achilles to Zeus," with guests from leading UK universities. Learn about Penelope's shroud, Arachne's presumption, and Cerberus the three-headed dog.


The first website devoted exclusively to Greek myth, GreekMythology.com has operated since 1997. The site provides resources on nearly every individual god, Titan, or mortal involved in Greek mythology, and includes information on films and books which serve as a broad introduction to the topic.

Class on Greek and Roman Mythology (Coursera)

With this open online course, you can delve into the stories that comprise Greek and Roman myth with Professor Peter Struck of the University of Pennsylvania.

The Roman Empire: "Mythology" (PBS)

This article, which accompanies the PBS series on the history of ancient Rome, outlines ancient Roman myth and religious belief.

Wikipedia Article on Roman Mythology

Wikipedia offers an overview of Roman myths and religious practice. Learn about Rome's founding myth and interactions with foreign gods.

CrashCourse Video: "Greek and Roman Pantheons" (YouTube)

Watch and learn about the deities of ancient Greece and Rome with this CrashCourse video. It addresses origin stories, family relationships, and each god's "specialty."

Myths and History of Greece and Rome Podcast

This podcast overs well over 100 episodes, in which host Paul Vincent discusses the intersection between myth and history in ancient Greece and Rome.

The nations comprising Asia and Oceania are home to diverse peoples with distinct mythologies, grounded in the unique natural landscapes of the region. Some Chinese myths involve floods, while Polynesian legends tell of volcanic eruption and island formation. Further, religion and indigenous spiritual practice have influenced myths from Asia and Oceania. These include Hindu mythology in India and the Aboriginal belief in the prehistoric golden age of Dreamtime.

Indian Mythology

Wikipedia Hindu Mythology Portal

Wikipedia provides a sweeping overview of Hindu and Indian mythology and legend. You can learn about anything from demons to weapons to eschatology.

Hindu Texts (Internet Sacred Text Archive)

Read texts about the Hindu deities in English translation. This archive contains links to each of the four Vedas, the primary texts of Hinduism.

"East vs. West—The Myths that Mystify" (TED Talk)

Devdutt Pattanaik investigates the differences between Indian and Western myths, and suggests how these differences influence belief systems.


Stories of Hindu deities and Indian epics are available in English and Hindi in this repository of mythic stories. You'll also find links to information about Indian temples.

CrashCourse Video: "Indian Pantheons" (YouTube)

Mike Rugnetta continues his exploration of mythic pantheons with this video on Indian gods. He focuses on stories that were written in Sanskrit.

Indian Mythology Archive ( The Mythology Podcast )

Learn more about the Ramayana, the Hindu goddess Kali, and monkey god Hanuman with these Mythology Podcast episodes.

Chinese Mythology

E.T.C. Werner's Myths and Legends of China (Project Gutenburg)

Read Werner’s influential and in-depth volume on Chinese mythology, first published in 1915. Learn about the goddess of mercy, the guardian of the gate of heaven, and many other stories.

Barbara Laban’s "Top 10 Chinese Myths" (The Guardian)

Author Barbara Laban shares her favorite Chinese myths in this article from The Guardian , from Sun WuKong the monkey king to the Chinese zodiac.

CrashCourse Video: "Flood Stories from China" (YouTube)

Mike Rugnetta teaches about Chinese flood stories in this CrashCourse video. He tells the story of Yu, an ancient engineer and mythical ruler.

"Chinese Myths and Legends" (Shen Yun Performing Arts)

The famous Chinese performance troupe Shen Yun provides a website with information on ancient Chinese legends.

"Chinese Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

Explore Chinese mythological views on the ten suns, twelve moons, and story of creation on the Windows to the Universe website.

Japanese and Korean Mythology

"Mythology on the Japanese Main Island" (Shimane Prefecture)

Myths that came from the Shimane area of Japan, which is located on the main Honshu island, are explored on this website.

"Korean Mythological Gods and Stories" (Study.com)

Study.com provides an overview of Korean deities and legends. You'll learn about the mix of "shamanism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and various local myths" that inform the fluid Korean mythology.

"Japanese Mythology: 5 Ancient Myths and Legends" (Takelessons.com)

Explore five essential points of ancient Japanese mythology with this site. Included here are the Japanese creation myth, Amaterasu and the cave, Hare of Inaba, the legend of Emperor Jimmu, and more.

"Yokai" (The Mythology Podcast)

Discover one of the supernatural creatures of Japanese myth— the yokai—with The Mythology Podcast. In this episode, you'll encounter "human-headed trees, fox weddings, a trip to the underworld, and enchanted umbrellas." 

The Dangun Myth and Foundation Day ( Korea Today via YouTube)

Watch this video to learn about the mythical founding of Korea. The Dangun myth stars Korea's legendary founder, the son of the Prince of the heavens and a woman who was once a bear.

Australian and Polynesian Mythology

"Australian Aboriginal Creation Stories" (National Geographic)

This article, which accompanies Morgan Freeman's National Geographic documentary The Story of God , details creation myths of the Aboriginal Australian people.

"The Gods of Aboriginal Australia" (Godchecker)

Godchecker's introduction to the Aboriginal Australian gods includes an A - Z index, a section on the mythological golden age of Dreamtime, and tracks the latest popular Australian deities based on webpage hits.

"Maui and the Creation of the Islands" (PBS)

This video, presented by Tom Cummings of Hawaii's Bishop Museum and featuring the storyteller Kealoha Kelekolio, relays information on the Hawaiian creation myth. 

"Hawaiian Myths Tell A Story About Volcanic Activity at Kilauea" ( Forbes )

Discover how mythology interprets volcanic activity in Hawaii through this Forbes  article. You'll learn about a volcanic fight between two mythological sisters, Pele and Hi'iaka.

"Mythology of the Polynesian Islands" (Window to the Universe)

Explore legends of the Maori people, Hawai’i, and Rapa Nue (Easter) Island via the Windows to the Universe Website. You'll meet the creator god Makemake, the Maori Sky Father Rangi, and many others.

From deserts to jungles, the African continent is composed of vastly diverse geographical climates and landscapes. The mythology of the continent reflects that diversity. The populations of the Middle East, located across the Mediterranean from North Africa, also developed wide-ranging belief systems. In this section, you'll encounter myths influenced by Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism.

African Mythology

CrashCourse Video: "African Pantheons and the Orishas" (YouTube)

This CrashCourse video introduces you to the deities of the Yoruba people of western Africa. It gives particular attention to the Orisha spirits.

"The Gods of Africa" (Godchecker)

Godchecker provides a list of African deities, tracing similarities and differences among the pantheons of different cultures and tribes across the continent.

Dictionary of African Mythology (Oxford Reference)

Oxford Reference hosts a dictionary of African mythology by Harold Scheub. Though full access to the text requires a subscription, you’ll be able to search abstracts and titles of legends in alphabetical organization, and connect deities and stories to specific tribes and countries.

"West African Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

This webpage offers an introduction to the mythology of the Yoruba and Fon people. Learn about Shango, the Yoruba deity of thunder and lightning, and many others.

"Top 10 African Myths" ( The African Exponent )

African myths, ranging from the story of the Zambezi River God to the creation of the world, are collected in this article from online news outlet The African Exponent .

"Yoruba Myth, Folklore, and the Orishas" (The Mythology Podcast)

Listen to this podcast for an introduction to Yoruba religion and mythology. You'll learn about the culture's connection to divination, and learn about some of the Orishas in the Yoruba pantheon.

Arabian, Islamic, and Iranian Mythology

Radio Programs on Arabian Mythology (BBC)

In a series of radio programs hosted by the BBC, you can listen and learn about touchstones of Arabian myth, from jinn to the One Thousand and One Nights .

Wikipedia Article on "Islamic Mythology"

Wikipedia’s entry on Islamic mythology discusses the supernatural events, beings, and sacred places that figure in the Qur'an.    

"Iranian Mythology: Gods and Goddesses" (Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies)

This post from the Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies offers brief descriptions of each god and goddess in the Persian pantheon, from Agas (demoness of illness) to Zurvan (god of infinite time and space). 

Video on Zoroastrianism (Khan Academy)

This video details the rise of the ancient Iranian religion Zoroastrianism. You'll encounter Zarathustra, Ahura Mazda, and the Avesta.

Jewish Mythology

Wikipedia Article on "Jewish Mythology"

The Wikipedia entry on Jewish mythology provides a good point of departure for further exploration. Learn about the creation myth in Genesis (which is shared with Christianity), and find links to separate articles on Jewish apocrypha, Merkabah mysticism, and more.

"Eight Fascinating Jewish Myths" (BeliefNet.com)

This article provides an overview of mythology associated with Judaism, from golem to Solomon’s vampire. Learn about the many sources for Jewish myth, from the Talmud to Kabbalistic literature.

"Solomon’s Ring" ( Myths and Legends Podcast )

In this podcast, hear the story of King Solomon’s magical ring. Purportedly a gift from God, the ring allowed him to control demons and had quite a few other impressive powers, too. 

"Turning to the Angels to Save Jewish Mythology" ( Ha'aretz )

Read about the legend of the Watchers and the mythology of angels in this article from an Israeli newspaper, which connects Judaic myth with the wider world of the ancient Middle East.

Mythology from the Northern climes features snow queens and fae, cattle raids and golden eggs. Here, you can find information on some of the most influential myths of the European continent and the British isles. You'll discover tensions and continuities between ancient, pagan myths and the Christian tradition which dominated the region from the Middle Ages onward.        

Russian and Slavic Mythology          

"5 Most Popular Tales from Slavic Mythology" (Slavorum)

Familiarize yourself with popular Slavic myths through this article. You'll learn about the god Rod, who came to earth in a golden egg, and why the lord of darkness Chernobog wanted to capture the universe.

"The Gods of Slavic Mythology" (Godchecker)

Here, Godchecker provides information on the pantheons of Russia and Eastern Europe. The A - Z index will introduce you to Baba-Yaga, Mikula, Zorya and more.

"What is Known About Slavic Mythology" (Culture.pl)

This article presents a broad overview of deities and myths from across Eastern Europe. Learn about Perun, the most important god in the Slavic pantheon, and his many incarnations.

"Russian and Slavic Mythological Creatures" (Study.com)

Learn about spirits and creatures featured in Russian and Slavic myths via Study.com. The article introduces both single-figure creatures and spirits.

Celtic Mythology

"The Gods of Celtic Mythology" (Godchecker)

Learn more about the ancient Celtic pantheon through Godchecker. You'll read about the power of the Druids, and meet "megalithic military mother goddess" Morrigan.

"Irish Mythology" (Luminarium)

Let Luminarium introduce you to Ireland’s ancient Celtic deities and heroes, from the legendary heroes Fionn mac Cumhail and Cú Chulainn to the gods Danu and Dagda.

"Celtic Mythology: The Mythological Cycles" (Sacredfire.net)

This webpage offers information about the different mythic story-cycles, along with an introduction to some of the more famous Celtic tales like Tain bo Cualinge.

The Celts Documentary: "Sacred Groves" (BBC)  

The third episode in the BBC's series on the Celts focuses on Celtic mythology and its relation to the pagan religious practice of Druidism.

Norse Mythology

"Viking and Norse Mythology" (History on the Net)

A collection of information on Norse gods and creatures, from giants to land spirits, is available on this website. Learn about Freya and Baldur, along with Yggdrasil and the nine worlds.

CrashCourse Video: "The Norse Pantheon" (YouTube)

Meet the Norse gods Loki, Thor, Freya, Odin and more in this video. CrashCourse recommends that you watch this video before Ragnorok, as it may not be available when the universe ends.

In Our Time : "The Norse Gods" (BBC)

Here, host Melvyn Bragg moderates a conversation on the Norse pantheon. Learn about Valhalla, Thor and his hammer, and an all-important ash tree.

The Norse Mythology Blog

Dr. Karl Seigfried blogs here about Norse religion and mythology. You'll find posts on everything from mythology's influence on current events to shield-maidens.

"Norse Gods and Goddesses" (Mythologian.net)

In this post, delve into stories of Norse gods and goddesses and their rise and fall to Ragnarok (“the twilight of the gods”).

Ancient Native American tribes held many different beliefs about the nature of the universe in North America. Meanwhile, in South America, native peoples such as the Aztec and Inca had their own visions of gods and the wider world around them. Spanning two continents, mythology of the Americas varies as widely as the rainforests, plains, and tundra in which they were formed.

Mythology of the Indigenous Peoples of North America

Wikipedia Article on "Mythologies of Indigenous Peoples of North America"

The Wikipedia portal to Native American mythology is organized by tribe and region for a comprehensive introduction to pantheons and legends.

"Inuit Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

The Windows to the Universe site provides information on Inuit myths. Here, you'll be introduced to the Inuit deities of the sun, moon, and sea.

"Mythology of North American Indians" (Windows to the Universe)

Here, you can find introductions to myths of the Algonquin, Pawnee, Navajo, and Lakota tribes. Learn about the Algonquian tribe's many names for the full moon, and the connection between coyotes and the Milk Way in Navajo myth. 

Native American Mythology Resource Guide (Touro College)

The Touro College library provides an introductory resource guide to Native American myth, including book selections and web resources.

Central and South American Mythology

"Aztec Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

Windows to the Universe lays out Aztec myths related to celestial deities and planets. Learn about the moon goddess Coyolxauhqui and the sun god Huitzilopochtli.       

"Aztec Creation Myth: The Legend of the Fifth Sun" (ThoughtCo)

Did you know the Aztecs believed their world had been created and destroyed four times before? In this ThoughtCo article, read about the Aztecs’ calendar, mythology, and their vision of the world’s creation.

Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian: "The Creation Story of the Maya" (YouTube)

Watch this short Smithsonian video about the Popol Vuh, the book detailing the Mayan creation story. You'll discover tales of the Hero Twins and the creation of the sky.

"Mythology of the Mayas" (Windows to the Universe)

The Mayans’ mythological understanding of the planets and elements is described here. Learn about how the Mayans' detailed astronomical knowledge informed their mythology.

"The Gods of Mayan Mythology" (Godchecker)

Godchecker introduces the Mayan pantheon here. Discover information on Cabrakan (God of the mountains), the hero twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque, and the World-tree.

"Amazon Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

Windows to the Universe uncovers the mythology of the Mamaiurans, an Amazon Indian people living in Brazil. You'll learn about the moon god Iae, and why the Mamaiurans had to share daylight with the king of the birds.

"The Gods of South America" (Godchecker)

Like other Godchecker pages, this introduction to the gods of Brazil, Peru, and Chile includes an A - Z index of gods and a list of the latest popular deities. 

"Inca Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

Explore Incan mythology of the sun and earth on this webpage. You'll find brief introductions to the generous sun god Inti and his wife Pachamama.

"Incan Mythology: The Golden Gods of the Andes" (Godchecker)

Godchecker provides an introduction to the Incan deities. Meet the potato goddess Axomamma, and discover how the health goddess Cocomamma met an unfortunate end.

Resources for Teaching Mythology

Sharing mythology from around the globe with students allows them to appreciate unique stories and connect cross-cultural ideas, and also helps them understand the origins of literature, history, and the arts.  With the following tools, you can create lesson plans and find inspiration for assignments and assessments.        

Teaching Tips from Mythweb

Ideas for creative writing assignments and etymological explorations abound in this aggregated list of lesson plans and activities to teach students about mythology.

"Mythology" (Windows to the Universe)

This resource from the National Earth Science Teachers Association draws comparisons between mythology and the natural world. You can delve into specific myths about planets and astrological phenomena, family trees of deities, and myths by region.


The Myth Man’s website provides a colorful spin on Greek myth, telling stories of heroes, gods, and creatures alongside a look at mythology’s influence on contemporary life. It also offers two mythology quizzes.

"Myths, Folktales, and Fairy Tales": Teacher’s Activity Guide (Scholastic)

Well-known publisher Scholastic has collaborated with authors to create resources that inspire students to learn about and write their own larger-than-life stories.


English teacher Zak Hamby has compiled a website of teaching materials and sample lesson plans for educators looking to teach Greek, Roman, and Norse myths to their students.

ArtsEdge: "Myths and Heroes" (The Kennedy Center)

Nested under ArtsEdge's "Myths and Heroes" section, you'll find lesson plans about myths for students from fifth through twelfth grades.

"Folktales, Fairytales and Mythology" (National Endowment for the Humanities)

Several back-to-school lesson plans and resources are available courtesy of the NEH, including one on Greek mythology and another on "Navigating Ancient Worlds."

Teacher Resources in Latin, Greek, Mythology and Classics (American Classical League)

The ACL provides information on teaching tools, resources, and links on the classical world for educators and students alike. You'll need to create an account to access the content.

Mythology resources (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Search for lesson plans and assessments on mythology, created by teachers for teachers, for varying grade levels. You'll find entire unit plans along with individual activities.

The resources below will help you delve deeper into the world of mythology, inside or outside of the classroom.  Fundamental texts in the study of mythology are covered here, along with podcasts and encyclopedias to empower you to discover new myths.

A Complete Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends

This alphabetized online encyclopedia contains A - Z entries on characters and tropes from myths worldwide. You'll find entries on trees in mythology, the  Bhagavad Gita , Micronesian mythology, and much more.

Encyclopedia Mythica (Pantheon.org)

Encyclopedia Mythica provides over 7,000 web articles relating to myths from around the globe, organized by geographical region and special interest content areas.

Mythology Podcasts (PlayerFM)

PlayerFM has aggregated an up-to-date list of the best mythology podcasts, including Jason Weisner’s popular Myths and Legends .

LitCharts Study Guide to Margaret Hamilton’s Mythology

Explore Hamilton’s famous 1942 book, which serves as a comprehensive introduction to the Greek, Roman, and Norse gods, with this LitCharts study guide.

Bulfinch’s Mythology Online (Project Gutenberg)  

Access Thomas Bulfinch’s formative work on mythology, first published in 1867. It's available in several electronic formats via Project Gutenberg.

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10 Greek Myths Every Student Should Know

These myths surface in our culture again and again.

Girl shoots bow and arrow - Great Greek Myths

From building background knowledge of where modern terms and phrases originated to important life lessons humans have been grappling with for centuries, there is a Greek myth for all of it. Here are 10 great Greek myths that your students should know and a few ways to integrate them into your lessons.

1. Gordias and the Gordian Knot

Photograph of a complicated rope knot - Great Greek Myths

King Gordias wins his throne in a most unusual manner. Born a peasant, he receives a sign from Zeus telling him to ride into town on his oxcart. He does, only to discover that the king has just died and an oracle has told the people that their new king will be arriving soon … by oxcart! After being crowned, Gordias ties up his cart in the town square in honor of Zeus. The knot is so complex that it inspired a legend. The man who unties/undoes the Gordian knot is destined to rule over all of Asia.

Classroom applications for this great Greek myth:

  • History/Social Studies: This Greek myth is perfect for a middle- or high school-level discussion about the places in history where legend and truth get a bit cloudy. The puzzle of the Gordian knot was eventually solved, so the story goes, by a real-life person, Alexander the Great. And he did, in fact, go on to conquer and rule much of Asia. What a great launch activity or conversation topic for a class studying the history of ancient Greece or Western civilization. If Alexander the Great really exists, does that mean the Gordian knot does too? What about King Gordias and his prophetess queen?
  • English/Language Arts: This story has many potential ELA links. The metaphor of the “Gordian knot,” an unsolvable puzzle or one that can only be solved by thinking “outside the box,” is common in literature. Sharing it builds students’ background knowledge and shows how complex and intertwined legend and history can become. Especially when you consider that King Gordias, who quite possibly did exist historically, had a fairly famous son in the world of Greek myth.

2. King Midas

Interior of a golden palace with a opulently designed window

King Midas is King Gordias’s only son. One day, he meets the god Dionysus, who takes a liking to Midas and decides to grant him one wish. Without thinking, Midas wishes that everything he touches be turned to gold. After turning most of his palace, his food and wine, and (in some versions of the myth) his beloved daughter to gold, Midas realizes his gift is actually a curse. Depending on the retelling, Dionysus either takes pity on King Midas and removes the golden touch or poor Midas starves to death.

  • Elementary classes: This myth is perfect for younger students because it avoids a lot of the more adult themes that are often present in Greek myths. Students of all ages will recognize the thematic concepts of greed, lack of forethought, and penance found in King Midas’s story.
  • English/Language Arts: For older students, it may be interesting to have them reflect on modern examples of King Midas’s weakness. They will have little trouble identifying people who sought great wealth only to suffer a fall from grace in today’s world.
  • Science/Mathematics: While requiring a bit more planning, the King Midas story could be an excellent launch for a discussion about elements and their identifying properties. What would a grape made of solid gold weigh? If Midas’s clothes turned to gold, would he be able to walk? Experiments or math problems based on these ideas would gain student interest and get them talking about the real-world possibilities of this myth.

3. Arachne the Weaver

Woman's hands weaving a tapestry on a wooden loom - Great Greek Myths

Arachne is the best weaver on earth and she knows it. After refusing to thank the goddess Athena for the gift (Athena is the goddess of weaving as well as wisdom and war), Athena challenges Arachne to a weaving contest. Arachne agrees. When the contest is over, even Athena has to admit that Arachne’s work is better. In a rage, Athena turns Arachne into the world’s first spider, forcing her and her descendants to weave beautiful webs for the rest of time.

  • Science: What a great introduction to a biology unit on arachnids, right? It’s also great for any unit that has to do with understanding how things came to be. The Greeks had a bunch of myths that they used to explain and understand nature that would be ideal to pull into a science lesson.
  • English/Language Arts: In addition to working well in lessons on word origins, the myth of Arachne would work beautifully as a mini-lesson on identifying theme. The Greeks were really big on showing the proper respect and humility in front of their gods. They believed that mortals who were arrogant would be punished for their pride. Simple stories like this often make challenging concepts like identifying thematic ideas or making thematic statements easier.
  • Elementary: Perfect for a creative writing unit. Read this myth to your class and ask the students to create their own stories explaining how an animal came to be or how some other aspect of the natural world exists.

4. Echo and Narcissus

Narcissus flowers

Echo is a forest nymph cursed by Hera, the queen of the gods, to only be able to repeat the last few words said to her by others. She encounters Narcissus, a shockingly handsome mortal who has gotten lost in the woods and falls madly in love. Narcissus, however, has no interest in Echo and quickly grows annoyed with her repeating his own words back to him. He tells her to go away. Echo, in despair, slowly fades away until nothing but her voice remains. Meanwhile, Narcissus becomes bewitched with his own reflection after bending to take a drink from a pond. Vowing to stay there until the beautiful image loves him back, Narcissus sits beside the pond for weeks. Eventually, he too wastes away, becoming the lovely flower that bears his name to this day.

  • Psychology: Echolalia and Narcissistic Personality Disorder are both medically and legally recognized as mental illnesses today. This story could introduce students to the origins of these conditions and many others. The word “narcissist” is often used by our older students. But how many of them actually know where the word comes from or how it got its meaning? This could be an interesting way to introduce the medical history behind some psychological concepts.
  • Science: This is a great story to read as a way to start a discussion about how our understanding of science and nature change over time. For the ancient Greeks, these stories were their religion, their entertainment, their history, and, yes, their science. The stories dictated how they understood the world around them.
  • English/Language Arts: Greek myths make excellent stories for mini-lessons on literary elements. Just think about how easy it would be to review characterization with the story of Echo and Narcissus. Indirect characterization? How about Hera’s punishment of Echo instead of going after her unfaithful husband? Or Narcissus falling in love with himself? Thematic concepts? Jealousy, love, punishment, revenge, pride, arrogance. The ancient Greeks sure knew how to pack a lot into a short story!

5. Sisyphus

Sisyphus is a Greek prince who outsmarts Hades not once but twice . After cheating death and living a long and happy life, Sisyphus finally dies of old age. When he arrives in the Underworld, Hades is eagerly awaiting him. Instead of letting him float around as a shade for the rest of time, Hades condemns Sisyphus to Tartarus, the darkest realm of the Underworld. Here, Sisyphus and other evil mortals are brutally punished for eternity. Sisyphus’s punishment is to struggle and strain to push a heavy boulder to the top of a steep hill. Just as the boulder is about to reach the top, it slips and rolls back down to the bottom of the hill. Sisyphus has to trudge back down and start all over again. And again. And again. Forever.

  • English/Language Arts: There are so many English words that have origins tied to Greek mythology that entire mini-units can be devoted to their study. “Sisyphean,” a word that usually denotes a task or job that is pointless, endless, or that can never really be completed, owes its origins to Sisyphus’s eternal punishment.
  • Reading: In many ways, Sisyphus is one of the first antiheroes. He is not a good man, but in many retellings, we definitely find ourselves laughing at his antics and rooting for him as he outsmarts the gods.
  • Mathematics: The first time Sisyphus cheats death, he actually stops people from dying altogether by trapping Thanatos, the ancient Greeks’ version of the Grim Reaper on Earth. The gods only notice when Ares, the god of war, complains about how boring battles are when nobody dies. This story could make a fascinating opening for a lesson on exponential growth and what might happen to the world’s population if no one ever died.

6. Pyramus and Thisbe

Silhouette of a young woman and man standing together in a field

See if this one sounds a bit familiar. Pyramus and Thisbe are two teenagers madly in love with each other. Their parents, however, are bitter enemies and forbid the two from ever being together. In secret, the teens plan to meet up at a nearby mulberry tree and elope. When the night arrives, Thisbe makes it to the spot first but is forced to run away. A bloody-jawed lioness, fresh from a kill, is lying directly under the tree. As she flees, her cloak is left behind. Later, when Pyramus shows up, he sees the lioness tearing the cloak to pieces. Fearing the worst, Pyramus removes his dagger and plunges it into his heart, dying instantly. Thisbe returns later, and upon seeing Pyramus’s body, takes his dagger and kills herself as well. From that day on, the formerly white berries of the mulberry bush became red, stained with the blood of the young lovers.

  • English/Language Arts: Students love to discover that “Romeo and Juliet” was heavily influenced by an earlier story. This myth is a great way to get students fired up for discussions about background knowledge, plagiarism, citing text, and paraphrasing.
  • Argument/Discussion: This myth has many issues that could inspire interesting conversations/arguments in different subject areas. Discussions of the destructive power of feuds, teenagers being impulsive or irresponsible, drawing incorrect conclusions, and behaving rashly are all potential topics of debate or discussion.

7. Pandora’s Box

Treasure chest with a greenish light coming out from inside of it

To punish mankind for using fire given to them by the god Prometheus, Zeus creates woman. He makes her beautiful but devious and gives her a box filled with death, disease, and all the other miseries and sufferings of the world. He sends her to to earth with specific instructions not to open the box for any reason. Soon after arriving on earth, the curious Pandora opens the lid of the box, releasing all the evils of life into the world. She slams the lid back on the box as quickly as she can, and even though she had released pain and suffering, hope remains inside the box. According to the Greek myth, this is because Zeus wants humans to suffer but also have hope that if they pray to the gods, the gods might help them.

  • Mathematics: Okay, I know I’m stretching a bit, but as an “English person,” I would have loved to have had a math teacher who used stories like this when introducing concepts like volume or other geometric terms. How big would a box have to be in order to store all the evils of the world, for example?
  • English/Language Arts: The name Pandora means “the one with all the gifts,” which is a great opening for a discussion on irony and/or foreshadowing. Additionally, this is one of those words that has a modern connection, the Pandora music app. Get students thinking about why an app might choose that particular name. (It’s also the name of the planet from the movie  Avatar. )
  • Social Studies/Health: This Greek myth provides an interesting segue into a conversation on gender roles and stereotypes. Man was created by Prometheus and given the gift of critical thinking, but Pandora was made by Zeus for the specific purpose of causing chaos and suffering. What does this say about the way the ancient Greeks viewed men and women?

Bright sun shining over clouds and ocean

Icarus, the son of Daedalus, the ingenious craftsman who created the Minotaur’s labyrinth, lives in Crete with his father. They are prisoners of King Minos. In order to escape, Daedalus invents beautiful wings made from feathers and wax. The pair put on the wings and fly away from Crete. The escape plan is a success. Daedalus warns Icarus that the wings are fragile and that he shouldn’t fly too close to the ocean or the dampness will make the wings too heavy. Daedalus also warns Icarus not to fly too close to the sun or the wax will melt, but Icarus can’t help himself. He loves the feeling of soaring through the clouds in the bright sunshine. He flies higher and higher until he can no longer hear his father’s pleas for him to be careful. The wax melts and Icarus plummets into the sea and drowns.

  • Elementary: Perfect as a starting point for conversations about rules and why they matter, the story of Icarus is a cautionary tale. Students could discuss why Icarus didn’t listen to his father, why rules matter even if we don’t want to obey them, and what Icarus could have done differently to still have fun while staying safe.
  • English/Language Arts: This myth is another that lends itself to discussions about thematic concepts like hubris. Students could be asked to consider the common idiom “flying too close to the sun,” and find modern examples of people who “made the same mistake” as Icarus.
  • Science: Daedalus’s inventions are fantastic (and some are downright scandalous!). A discussion of some of his more school-appropriate inventions would be a wonderful launch for a makerspace of invention activity. Students could be challenged after a lesson on flight and/or aeronautics to discuss why the wings wouldn’t work or to invent their own method of (hypothetical) personal flight.

Statue of Perseus holding the head of Medusa - Great Greek Myths

(WeAreTeachers Note: The myth of Perseus is one of the most commonly shared of the Greek myths. Often, however, it is told from the hero’s perspective. The tale of Medusa is equally fascinating, but it is much sadder and more troubling. It contains depictions of sexual assault and abuse. While it is a myth worthy of study and discussion by older students, it should be approached with care.)

Medusa is a Gorgon, a hideous monster with serpents instead of hair. If she looks at you, you will instantly be turned to stone. But she wasn’t always a monster. Medusa was once a beautiful maiden, a priestess to the virgin goddess Athena. One day, the god Poseidon sees Medusa and decides he wants her. He attacks her in Athena’s temple. When Athena realizes that Medusa has been defiled in her temple, she punishes not Poseidon, her uncle and fellow god, but Medusa, turning her into a terrible monster that no man would ever wish to look upon ever again. Medusa lives her life like this until one day, the hero Perseus, slays her, bringing her head home to use as a weapon against his enemies. Afterward, he lays her head at the foot of the statue of Athena. Athena places it on her shield as a symbol of her power.

  • English/Language Arts: We chose to tell this myth from the Medusa perspective rather than the Perseus perspective it’s usually told from because it makes it a fascinating study on point of view. If this myth is told as Perseus’s story, it’s a heroic tale of a demi-god slaying a horrible monster. From Medusa’s point of view, however, this is a tragic tale of the gods taking advantage of a mortal woman again and again. Students are usually quite angry to learn this side of the story. It would make an excellent creative-writing prompt.
  • Science: Although much more suited to older students, there is a lot of research about how the description of Medusa as a monster is very similar to depictions of what happens to human bodies after death. In fact, many religions have gods or monsters who are depicted similarly, indicating a long-standing human fear about what happens to us after we die. This would make an interesting lesson in how mankind makes sense of frightening things it doesn’t understand.
  • Social Studies/History: Looking at any of the Greek heroes and comparing them to our heroes today is an excellent activity. The ancient Greeks valued strength, courage, and the quest for fame. Would your students say that we value the same things today? Or would they say our society values different things?

10. Atalanta and the Golden Apples

Image of a woman's hands holding a golden apple - Great Greek Myths

Atalanta is abandoned in the forest as a baby by her father, who wished she was a boy. She’s raised by first a bear and then some hunters, who teach her how to be an amazing athlete and hunter even though she’s a girl. Eventually, her father decides she’s become so famous for her hunting skills he should bring her home, but only if she agrees to get married. Atalanta agrees, but only if the man can beat her in a foot race. Many men try, but none succeed. Eventually, one suitor prays to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, for help. Aphrodite gives him golden apples to throw in Atalanta’s path during the race. The young man does this and they succeed in slowing down Atalanta, who stops to pick them up. The young man, Hippomenes, wins the race and marries Atalanta.

  • English/Language Arts: Often, Greek myths are wonderful to use as prompts for creative writing activities. Imagine asking students to write about the race from different perspectives. Did Atalanta choose to lose the race? If so, why? Why was Atalanta so easily distracted by the apples? Did Hippomenes play fair given how many other men had tried to win the race before him but failed?
  • Social Studies/History: Another excellent myth to read as a launch or additional text when discussing gender roles in different cultures. Atalanta is shown to be a skilled hunter and athlete, so many students are somewhat perplexed as to why she is so easily tricked by the apples. In some versions of the myth, they are magical, drawing Atalanta’s attention despite her better judgement. In other versions, Atalanta likes Hippomenes and doesn’t mind the ruse as it gives her an excuse to lose the race.
  • Mathematics: The combining of Greek myths and mathematics might not be immediately obvious, but that can be part of the fun. Give your students a Greek myth like this one at the end of a unit and ask them to come up with math problems based on what they’ve learned in class and the events of the story.

What other great Greek myths could be used as lessons for students? Let us know in the comments.

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10 Greek Myths Every Student Should Know

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How Do You Write a Myth? Examples & Step-by-Step Instructions

Last Updated: August 17, 2024 Fact Checked

Brainstorming Ideas for Your Myth

  • Creating an Outline
  • Writing & Editing
  • Elements of a Myth
  • Myths vs. Other Storytelling Techniques
  • Myth-Writing Template

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner and by wikiHow staff writer, Raven Minyard, BA . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 438,878 times.

Myths are traditional stories that explain a natural phenomenon by way of supernatural beings or events, and they provide a lot of insight into the culture they originated from. Whether you’re creating a serious mythology or writing a silly story to entertain people, myths fuel the imagination of both writer and listener. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to brainstorm and write your own myth. Plus, we’ll explain different kinds of myths and answer common questions about myths and myth writing.

Writing a Myth

  • Brainstorm ideas by reading established myths and legends.
  • Think of a real-life fact or tradition that you want your myth to explain.
  • Come up with a magical reason for why that real-world idea exists.
  • Invent a fantastical setting for your myth.
  • Develop a flawed hero and other magical supporting creatures.
  • Write a plot with conflict, supporting events, and a climax.
  • Come up with a resolution that delivers a relevant moral or lesson.

Step 1 Decide what real-world event or idea your myth explains.

  • Why does the moon wax and wane?
  • Why do vultures have bald heads?
  • Why do people prepare and eat foods in certain ways or on certain holidays?

Step 2 Come up with a fantastical explanation for your real-life event or idea.

  • If you're having trouble coming up with a mythological explanation for the topic you chose, write down a list of words that remind you of the topic. For example, if you want to explain how snowstorms happen, write down "cold, wet, white, snowman, ice cream, clouds." Maybe snowmen live in the sky and sneeze snow down to earth, or maybe the clouds try to give us ice cream that melts on the way down.

Step 3 Come up with a moral for your story to convey.

  • The hero succeeds only when he follows the advice of elders or gods—or only when he is self-reliant.
  • The hero must be clever to succeed, solving problems in creative ways.
  • Some myths even teach that luck can be more important than skill. It can be fun to hear about an "ordinary" person who gets rewarded or entertaining to hear about a complete fool who somehow becomes king.

Step 4 Create a hero with special abilities and flaws.

  • Is the hero super-strong, super-intelligent, or incredibly talented in one area? Some heroes have “superpowers,” such as shooting a bow with perfect aim or the ability to knock people over with the wind from their breath.
  • Why does your hero have these special talents, if any? Did the gods bless the hero, did the hero train hard, or was the hero just born that way? Which kind of person would you admire, or which do you think matches the real world best?
  • Some flaws you could give your hero include being overconfident and ignoring advice and help, being greedy and trying to take something that doesn’t belong to them, or being arrogant and thinking they’re better than everyone else.

Step 5 Invent magical settings and supporting characters.

  • If you're out of ideas, try reading collections of actual myths or modern books that use mythological characters. Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a good example.

Creating a Story Outline for Your Myth

Step 1 Start by introducing the setting and main character.

  • Set the myth in the distant past or in a distant land. Think of all the stories you know that begin with "Once upon a time," "Far, far away," or even "A long, long time ago." These openings quickly let people know what kind of story they’re about to read.
  • Describe the kind of hero people expect in myths. For instance, a youngest brother, a king, or a woodcutter are all common heroes in folktales. For more epic myths, start with a famous hero or a goddess instead. Remember to include the epithets you came up with earlier to let your readers know who your hero is.

Step 2 Introduce a reason for your main character to take action.

  • Coyote notices people shivering in winter, and the people plead for a way to warm themselves.
  • A queen ignores her suffering subjects. The gods send a plague to her daughter, and the queen must learn to help people in exchange for their assistance to cure her daughter.

Step 3 Develop your plot with a rising action and climax.

  • Introduce a new character to support your plot and move along the rising action. This character can be a god, a spirit, a talking animal, an elder, or any other character you’d like. The character might describe the next challenge and how to overcome it or give the hero a magical item that they can use later.
  • Create a new challenge to spur your character on. Just when everything is looking good again, have the hero make a mistake or send a monster to undo the hero's good work. This approach is useful if you want the story to go on longer.
  • Write your myth in an episodic structure , in which different stories follow the adventures of the same hero. For example, “The Labors of Hercules” follows Hercules through different adventures that are all connected by his journey of redemption.

Step 4 Finish the myth with your moral or explanation.

  • "And that's why the sun gets hotter and brighter every summer."
  • "And ever since then, people brush their teeth to a shine every night, so the tooth-stealing goblins are scared by their own hideous reflection."

Writing & Editing Your Myth

Step 1 Write in simple, straightforward language.

  • This tends to make the plot move pretty quickly. For example, in one version of the Herakles myth, the hydra is introduced, tracked down, and killed in just eight sentences. [11] X Research source

Step 2 Add mythological descriptions and imagery to your writing.

  • Use iconic symbols. Symbols vary between cultures but often include numbers like 3 and 7, animals like the raven or the seal, or characters like the prince or the trapped faerie.
  • Use the same structure for several sentences in a row. For example: "Three days he went up into the heavens, and three days he went down to the Underworld; three days he was transformed into a wolf, and three days he was transformed into a snake."
  • Give people a short, descriptive epithet. Epithets are especially popular in Greek epics, which often use epithets that refer to other stories, such as "Dionysus the wolf-repeller" or "Apollo, carrier of the bay branches."

Step 3 Read your myth aloud while editing.

Key Elements of a Myth

  • Distant origins : A setting in a far-off time and place filled with magic and wonder. E.g., Westeros in George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones .
  • Moral or lesson : A final resolution showcasing societal values, cultural values, or a demonstration of right vs. wrong. E.g., the Greek myth of Icarus warning against arrogance and disobedience.
  • Explanation of the unexplainable : A non-scientific, fantastical explanation of natural phenomena or why people act the way they do. [15] X Research source E.g., Rūaumoko, a Māori god, being responsible for earthquakes and volcanoes.
  • Fantastical elements : Characters with supernatural abilities, magical creatures, mythic settings, etc. E.g., magical creatures like elves, orcs, and trolls in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings .
  • Hero : An ordinary person, demi-god, or other person destined for greatness who follows a “hero’s journey” where they start out in the real world and enter a world of magic, facing many challenges but coming out victorious. [16] X Research source E.g., Harry Potter going from a normal life to being “the chosen one,” facing challenges along the way.
  • Gods and goddesses : Gods are used to personify natural forces, elements, and human emotions. They may thwart or help the hero. [17] X Research source
  • Episodic events : Events of the story follow the same hero across multiple adventures and quests, allowing for new stories and varying interpretations to be added over time. [18] X Research source E.g., Odysseus’ many successive trials in Homer’s The Odyssey .

How is a myth different from a legend, folktale, or fairytale?

  • Myths: Myths are ancient stories that explain why certain things are the way they are, like nature and humanity. They often involve gods or heroes with supernatural powers, and they show the worldview and values of a culture.
  • Legends: Legends are stories that are rooted in historical events or based on real people that have become exaggerated and embellished over generations of storytelling. They blur fact and fiction. Legends are sometimes considered historical myths.
  • Folktales: A folktale is a fictional story that has been passed down orally for generations. They’re typically passed down by the common people of a certain group or culture, and they sometimes use fantasy elements to teach a lesson.
  • Fables : Fables are short, fictional stories that teach a moral lesson. They typically feature animals with human traits as characters rather than people.
  • Fairy tales: A fairy tale is a children’s story about magical people, creatures, and places. Fairy tales are written down and authored by a specific person, though they often adapt oral stories into the written form.

FAQs About Writing Your Own Myth

  • 1 What does good myth writing include? Good myths include interesting characters, vivid descriptions of the events and setting, and creative plot points and twists that keep the reader interested. They typically have meaningful themes or morals and a structure that is both entertaining and logical. [20] X Research source
  • 2 Why are myths important? Myths are important because they tell us a lot about the cultures they come from, including what their values are and how they view the world. They’re also a creative and entertaining way to teach good morals and life lessons, and they’re a great way for people to express themselves. [21] X Research source
  • Of course, there are many popular myths from other parts of the world, as well. For example, research Chinese or Native American myths to learn stories you might not have heard before.
  • Historical myths are fictionalized versions of true historical events that aim to keep the memory of the event alive, even if it isn’t entirely accurate. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey , for example, are based on the Trojan War but include famous heroes that likely never existed.
  • Psychological myths aim to explain why we feel and act the way we do—not by way of something else (e.g., lightning being caused by Zeus’ anger), but because of a divine external force. For example, Aphrodite’s power may be used as an explanation for falling in love, since she’s the goddess of love in mythology.

Fill-in-the-Blank Template for a Myth

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  • There are many great sources of inspiration online where you can read about Chinese legends, Slavic folk tales , Aztec mythology, the Norse Poetic Edda , and myths from many other traditions. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Playing video games can actually help with writing! I was playing Pokémon Legends: Arceus and was wondering why people in the Pokémon universe worshipped Arceus. That gave me the idea to write a myth/origin story for Arceus. So, video games can give you ideas as well as broaden your creative sense.
  • When you're first starting out, try writing a myth about a natural mystery, like how planets were made or why leaves change color. It can also help to draft the myth from a third-person perspective (he/she/they).
  • If you need some inspiration, I would recommend reading books that are inspired by classic myths, like Percy Jackson & the Olympians by Rick Riordan.
  • Have a pair of heroes rather than just one. That way, they can rely on one another throughout the myth.

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  • ↑ https://www.pbs.org/mythsandheroes/myths_what.html
  • ↑ https://stoswaldsschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Myths-Text-Type-Features-1.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.imagineforest.com/blog/how-to-write-a-myth/
  • ↑ https://www.kirton-boston.lincs.sch.uk/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Primary/Year-6/Writing-a-myth---Lesson-3---Planning-your-myth.pdf
  • ↑ https://sorcereroftea.com/how-to-write-myths/
  • ↑ https://www.tekura.school.nz/assets/te-kura-resources/literacy/ENW314-its-a-myth.pdf
  • ↑ https://publish.iupress.indiana.edu/read/myth-and-language/section/988cad47-ca06-4b47-83c0-b29a2e5de731
  • ↑ https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Apollod.+2.5.2&fromdoc=Perseus%253Atext%253A1999.01.0022
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/reading-aloud/
  • ↑ https://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/mff/myths_brainstorming.htm
  • ↑ https://www.pbs.org/mythsandheroes/myths_arch_hero.html#content
  • ↑ https://courses.missouristate.edu/MarkTrevorSmith/eng200Spring03/ProppStructure.htm
  • ↑ https://sites.psu.edu/intothewoods2023/what-is-the-difference-between-folklore-fairy-tales-myths-and-legends/
  • ↑ https://www.arc.unsw.edu.au/blitz/read/the-top-5-myths-from-ancient-greece
  • ↑ https://human.libretexts.org/Courses/Arapahoe_Community_College/World_Mythology_(Stafinbil)_-_Under_Construction/03%3A_Classical_Greece_and_Rome/3.02%3A_The_Three_Types_of_Myth

About This Article

Gerald Posner

Since myths tell how or why something in the real world happens, the first step is to decide what your myth will explain, and decide what kind of moral the story will have. Then, make sure you include some things that could never happen, like a tree that grows spaghetti. As you write your myth, make it sound more mythical by re-using the same type of sentence structures or giving characters short titles, like “Fido, fetcher of sticks.” Finally, remember to set up a problem for your hero to solve by the end of the story! For more advice, like how to give your hero specific attributes, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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