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53 hilarious homework answers from kids that are so wrong, they’re right.

by Megan Zander

Megan Zander

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53 Hilarious Homework Answers From Kids That Are so Wrong, They're Right

Since the dawn of time, kids have hated homework. And can you blame them? It’s a total drag — but there are ways to keep things interesting.

Case in point: These hilarious homework answers. Whether the kids who completed these assignments are dead serious or just pulling their teacher’s leg, we can’t help but applaud their efforts.

Originally published June 2016. Updated June 2017.  

Technically correct

funny kid homework fails

But really, they were just following the directions very, very closely.

Girl code is sacred

funny kid homework fails

This child is a genius, and so is her mother.

A for effort

funny kid homework fails

Even this sad stick figure knows this isn’t the best answer.

This kid clearly loved ‘The Lion King’

funny kid homework fails

With such a clear setup, it’s kind of hard to resist this one… 

Animal lover

funny kid homework fails

This student is 100 percent correct.

Captain obvious

funny kid homework fails

If you’re going to try a cheeky answer, at least make sure you spell it correctly.

Stickler for details

funny kid homework fails

Probably safe to assume this student will not end up being the teacher’s pet.

True or false

funny kid homework fails

What takes longer, studying for the exam or practicing how to write “fruse”?

Math can solve anything

funny kid homework fails

Short, sweet and sadly wrong.

Not very nice

funny kid homework fails

Going to go out on a limb and assume this student isn’t in the marching band.

Environmentalist in the making

funny kid homework fails

Give the kid an A for knowing at such a young age what so many adults can’t seem to comprehend. 

Funny, but wrong

funny kid homework fails

If they can’t hack college, they’ve got a bright future as a stand-up comedian. 

The fierce female form

funny kid homework fails

Failed the biology exam, nailed the tiger drawing.

Easier to spot than Waldo

funny kid homework fails

All the single ladies

funny kid homework fails

You just know that after she graded this paper that teacher had this song stuck in her head for the rest of the night.

Good book, bad answer

funny kid homework fails

Great book, bad answer.

The metric system is tough

funny kid homework fails

If only conversions really were this simple.

Now add the head bob

funny kid homework fails

Haddaway approves.

When less isn’t more

funny kid homework fails

It’s not technically wrong, but it sure isn’t correct either.

An expansive answer

funny kid homework fails

Peter’s math teacher may not find it funny, but his philosophy teacher would likely approve.

This kid’s a survivor

funny kid homework fails

If the zombies ever attack, this is the kid you want on your team.

Confidence is key

funny kid homework fails

It may not be the answer the teacher was looking for , but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

A hobbit-approved answer

funny kid homework fails

Gollum would probably find this answer to be precious.

funny kid homework fails

Be right back, putting Tedison and Cate on the list of potential baby names.

Minor clarification

funny kid homework fails

Snow shovels are the new controversial topic.

Getting punny

funny kid homework fails

A sad day for the birds of science community.

You didn’t specify which anagram

funny kid homework fails

I’ll explain it when you’re older.

Literary critic in the making

funny kid homework fails

It’s great to see a professional’s thought processes.

An etiquette lesson

funny kid homework fails

Rumor has it, they also don’t poop or burp.

Drawing isn’t for everyone

funny kid homework fails

A blob is whatever you want it to be.

A blast from the past

funny kid homework fails

It doesn’t get more accurate than this.

The lesser known President Lincoln

funny kid homework fails

Four score and seven years ago, our fathers invented sliced deli meat.

Celebrity guest appearance

funny kid homework fails

Kids know the darndest things.

The loose change debate

funny kid homework fails

You can’t blame her for not wanting to carry around pennies in this day and age.

School electives

funny kid homework fails

What happened to taking home ec?

Slight spelling mistake

funny kid homework fails

One letter can really change a word.

Sunday school blunder

funny kid homework fails

The history books depict it a little differently.

Celebrity gossip

funny kid homework fails

But he hides it so well!

Getting philosophical

funny kid homework fails

The film industry begs to differ.

Homework wars

funny kid homework fails

It’s impossible to avoid spoilers these days…

A little too creative

funny kid homework fails

Weird questions deserve weird answers.

Angry confusion

funny kid homework fails

Bubble letters don’t cushion the blow.

Homework reveals a lot

funny kid homework fails

Dad probably won’t be putting this one on the fridge.

Learning more about the public school system

funny kid homework fails

And Mrs. Edwards, too.

A+ imagination, D- following directions

funny kid homework fails

With little studying comes great banana car.

The dark side of recess

funny kid homework fails

Some children have different dreams.

Empty commands

funny kid homework fails

Now if you had said brother…

The shape naming game

funny kid homework fails

One-upping the teacher

funny kid homework fails

Sometimes, answers are better left unsaid.

Freudian slip

funny kid homework fails

Compliments to the president

funny kid homework fails

This “Letter to Elected Official” assignment says it all: About your war against terrorism? I like what you did there.

Spelling bee fail

funny kid homework fails

Apparently, there was more than one “correct” answer.

Best answer ever

funny kid homework fails

By referencing the Wounded Warrior Project  the student just became the teacher.

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  • Back To School

We Can't Stop Laughing at These Kids' Hilarious Homework Blunders

funny kid homework fails

After a long day of school — whether virtual or in-person — the idea of homework can drain the life out of both parents and children (but mostly parents, obviously). Kids will be kids though, so even in something as mundane as homework, children somehow find a way to make us laugh uncontrollably.

Whether they were due to hilarious spelling errors, kid-drawings that could be interpreted as, um, other (inappropriate) things, or just the ol' Common Core blunder , the following homework assignments failed so hard that we can't stop laughing.

Confusing Common Core

We're as stumped about Common Core as this kiddo was.

Literal Interpretation

Literal Interpretation

I mean, it says "draw a picture."

Follows Directions Well

Also very literally.

Friends For the Win

That's an A+ in girl power right there.

Capitals and Punctuation

Looks like Lola deserves an A for this one!

Show Your Thinking

Well, he did , didn't he?

Natural Resources Problem Solving

This is conservation at its finest.

Stray Doodles

He just wanted to represent the number four with the very best gingerbread men he could draw.

Holy Homework

A strong ego, for sure.

Simple Subtraction

Open-ended response.

"Eating bacon!"

What Makes You Happy?

What Makes You Happy?

Hot cockolate — erm, chocolate — makes us happy, too.

Show How You Know the Answer

Why have three rainbows when you could have 10?

Multiple Choice

We think that this is a perfectly acceptable answer regarding tornado safety.

Alphabetical Order

You've really got to specify further on these things.

I Like Fractioned Butts and I Cannot Lie

Anything that is naturally split in half is made for fractions, no?

What a Disaster

Hey, we think a Sharknado is a disaster for sure.

Reality Check

This kid is going to be a small circle of friends kind of person . . .

Stuck on an Island

That's some serious (dark) thinking ahead.

  • Parenting Humor
  • Little Kids

18 Funny Homework Answers from Kids Who Are Going Places

These snarky students are smart alecks at heart

  • Holiday Humor

When you're a  student , homework is an unavoidable fact of life. Kids these days often face hours of homework assignments each week—it's no wonder that some of their answers turn out a little snarky. 

Lucky for us, the funniest homework answers often end up on the Internet, courtesy of amused parents or teachers . Some of these students are being deliberately funny; others may very well be trying ( and failing ) to find the right answer. We think every single one of them deserves a place in the  Smart Aleck Hall of Fame .

Extra Credit for the Snazzy Drawing

"Show your thinking?" 

Challenge accepted!

"What do you need to find?"

"The answer."

Thank you, Captain Obvious. That's really helpful .

Just Following the Directions

The assignment said to write "< or >" so that's exactly what this student did. What's the problem here?

You know what they say — never trust a fart. 

For those who may not know, "shart" is slang for what happens when you do trust a fart. Use your imagination.

That's Just Your Opinion

Some say Tony is disciplined and loves music. Others say Tony is probably a huge nerd. No shame in that game, Tony!

Seems Legit

Why do we know anything , Sharon? Because we're SMART!

Somebody give this kid a scholarship.

Don't Be Silly, Kid

Pssh. "Tedison" is not even a real name... but we totally wish it was.

Failing Biology and Acing Zoology

Sure, this student doesn't know the difference between an ovary and a fallopian tube, but check out that kick-butt tiger face! Points for creativity?

Find X? No problem, there it is. It was right there all along! How did you miss that, Teach?

The Metric System Is Confusing

We can partially blame the American system of measurement for this one, but this student also gets bonus points for the sheer genius of the  utterly sarcastic remark. 

So Wrong, Yet So Right

Again, this answer isn't even wrong. It's technically totally, 100% correct! Maybe the teacher needs to rethink those test questions.

(Nah, not really.)

"April Ham Lincoln."

Remember what the great former president April Ham Lincoln once said: "Four scones and seven beers ago."

Wait, that's not right. Or is it?

An Example of Being Too Honest

This sounds like something out of "Breaking Bad." We really, REALLY hope this is a little kid spelling error situation.

She Must Work at the School in #13

Some teachers will go above and beyond to bond with their students, but this is ridiculous. Get your act together, Mrs. Edwards!

I See How It Is at Your House...

This is an actual quote from a first grade student. How did the teacher not die laughing?!

Comedian Chris Rock once famously said, "As a father, you have only one job to do: Keep your daughter off the pole!"

Clearly, this kid's family has some work to do in that department.

Hold Up There, Buddy

From "I like to play football" to "I am a god" in just a few short sentences. That's quite a leap!

Tell the truth: this is Tom Brady 's homework from 30 years ago, isn't it?

That's Extremely Literal

The difference between six and eight IS that eight is more curly. That's not silly – it's just accurate.

Okay, so I never did that well in math class either. Sue me.

She Deserves Extra Credit

We'll end on a positive note. This student followed directions to the letter and did exactly what she was told to do:

"Write a story to go with this picture. Use capitals and punctuation."

She not only created a funny story about this really, really weird picture of a cat overseeing a pile of hot dogs, but she also used CAPITALS and lots of exclamation points. Who cares what the teacher thought — this kid deserves an A+!

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21 Kids Who Got The Answer Wrong, But Deserve An A For Effort

Editor at A+

We get it, homework is hard. But we have to give these kids credit. Instead of throwing in the towel or following the worksheet norm -- also known as "the directions" -- they got creative. They did it their way, and boy, are we glad they did.

No Word Left Behind

Ain't Nobody Got Time For Remainders

nicholas math homework

The 'Bran'iac


Partial Credit?

The Van Gogh

Bieber Fever


And While We're On The Subject...

sports center

Mom says Liam was mystified as to why his answer was wrong.

The Bachelor

matthew had 20 girlfriends

PETA Approved

Say My Name


We Swear She Didn't Hear That At Home

cute kid note of the day

Does Chuck Norris Have A Child?

Captain Obvious

The Force Is Strong With This One

cute kid note yoda

Brotherly Love

jen wegner notforreuse

Confucius Jr.

Deep Thoughts

i thought wrong

The Pessimist


And last, but certainly not least ...

The Advocate

Before You Go

'I Am Sorry Ben'

Cute Kid Notes

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15 Students Who Hopefully Gave Their Teachers A Good Chuckle With These Answers

These students understood the assignment.

Kelly Martinez

BuzzFeed Staff

1. This brilliant loophole: 

My fourth grader’s math homework. She said, “This way I didn’t even need to think about it.” from funny

2. This kid who definitely thought he got away with it:

My son forged my signature on his homework. from funny

3. This very reasonable goal:

Found in my daughter’s old pile of homework from second grade. from funny

4. This absolutely brutal honesty:

Honesty in my son's homework from funny

5. This sibling who seems to hate sharing:

My six-year-old brother's homework answers from funny

6. This very logical answer:

My 8-year-old son takes his homework directions literally from funny

7. This student who simply did what they were asked:

This 9 year old is already a pro at cutting corners on homework from funny

8. This reasonable response:

Checked in on the little dude's homework and this made me chuckle. from funny

9. This response that made me say, "DAMMMN":

Potentially the best answer my daughter has ever given on a worksheet from funny

10. This student who simply knows her limits:

This is how my step sister answered her math problem from funny

11. This answer that's not technically wrong:

Yay! A great solution to a tough math problem from funny

12. This student who should get extra credit for creativity:

When your essay is too short from funny

13. This answer straight out of a philosophy book:

My Friends Opinion On Her Homework from funny

14. This response that's at least self-aware:

Checking my kindergartener’s homework to find this answer from funny

15. And finally, this parent who absolutely understood the assignment:

Helped my son with his homework. I hope the teacher gets a good laugh. from funny

HT/ r/funny

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Mamas Uncut

15 Homework Fails That Are So Wrong They’re Right

We’ve all had moments as parents when you’re looking over your kid’s homework from school only to discover one of the answers isn’t correct . Welcome to the world of homework fails! You’re so proud of them for completing the work on their own, but your eye is drawn to the incorrect answer circled on the page. Then, you burst out laughing. The answer may be wrong, but it is also hilarious.

Every kid dabbles in homework fails and we’ve rounded up some of our recent favorites.

RELATED: How Can I Make Homework Less of a Nightly Battle for Me and My Kid?

15 Hilarious Homework Fails

My dad is afraid of nothing..

View this post on Instagram . I’m laughing so hard ???????????????? . . Just incase u miss this Jason ???? @capobiancokitchen @jasoncapobiancophotography . . . . #gracelamPerth #mother #father #family #husbandAndWife . repost: dad joke of the day A post shared by Grace Lam (@gracelamstyle) on Sep 10, 2020 at 2:59am PDT

Oh, except for mom. He’s very afraid of her.

We all deserve a drink after a week of homeschooling.

View this post on Instagram What would y’all do if your child turned this into their teacher? ???????????????????? #funnymemes #funny #morninglaugh #kidsarecrazy #ep #explore #explorepage #hinsey #hennessy #drinkdrankdrunk #kidshomework A post shared by Sieta Carmichael (@starrgiggles420) on Sep 1, 2020 at 4:08am PDT

No judgment here.

This kid might be wise beyond his years.

View this post on Instagram It’s genius #kidshomework A post shared by Ti Kat (@ladykatia_) on Jun 23, 2020 at 8:53pm PDT

Cynical, but wise.

This is a good life lesson.

View this post on Instagram This is something my son would write ???????? Follow us for more @parentsadvice A post shared by Little Blessings Childcare (@parentsadvice) on Oct 1, 2019 at 9:42am PDT

Meal first, dessert second.

To be fair, a ruler is a great way to solve this issue.

View this post on Instagram Got a ruler… that’s one way to solve a math problem, but not the correct answer. Homeschool is killing me. #kidssaythedarndestthings #homeschoolhell #whatsthatanswer #homeworkfail #homeschoolfail #kids #kidsfail A post shared by Mariah Bibbey (@mariahbibbey) on Apr 15, 2020 at 11:49am PDT

They got to the correct answer, right?

Sometimes spelling errors are hilarious.

View this post on Instagram Well, it’s a good thing I doubled checked Lily’s homework this morning. ????????????????????✍????????????‍♀️The missing letter is I not E. #homeworkfail #missingvowel #tryagain #noooooo #yoursowrong A post shared by Thomas_RosioGalvan (@thomas_rosiogalvan) on Feb 3, 2020 at 7:17am PST

When your younger sibling gets ahold of your homework.

View this post on Instagram Emery’s version of ‘the dog ate my homework’. Little sister doing her best work. Just trying to help Bubby with all the right answers I’m sure. I was folding laundry and the boys were working on Willow’s new bed in the garage. Sorry, Mrs. Wolterink. ???? #littlesisters #lifewithwillowfaith #wonderwhatshethoughtshewaswriting #alwayssomething #momlife #cantleaveherforasecond #thisismotherhood #choosejoy #havetolaughaboutit #feltbadbutfunny #2ndgrade #embug #homeworkwoes #homeworkfail #mysistergotmyhomework A post shared by Alyssa Ramsey (@heyalyssaramsey) on Jan 23, 2020 at 7:57pm PST

It’s the new “my dog ate my homework.”

Well, this kid went the straight-forward route.

View this post on Instagram Genius ???????? ????täglich neue Bilder ????Witze, Chats, lustige Bilder ????????% WERBEFREI ????Euch gefällts? ????liken✔️ ????kommentieren✔️ ????abonnieren✔️ ????ihr aktiver->ich aktiver ????Fragen? =>dm! ????500???? ????1000???? #witzearmy #witzeblitze #werbefrei #witzig #witzigebilder #lustig #lustigebilder #???????? #???? #haha #comedy #comedybild #comedybilder #lachflash #lachkrampf #instagood #chatvongesternnacht #smsvongesternnacht #lustigechats #witzigechats #lustigerchat #witzigerchat #chat #homework #homeworkfail #hausaufgaben #genius #genial #hausaufgabe A post shared by Lustige Bilder/Chats/Videos????❤️ (@witzeblitze) on Jun 6, 2019 at 7:43am PDT

Not sure how humorous the teacher found their creative thinking.

This kid’s got an advanced palate.

View this post on Instagram When your adventurous 3rd grade eater can’t remember the word “escargot” and just goes with slugs instead. Parent teacher conferences will never be the same. ????????‍♂️ #dadlife #3rdgradeteacher #frenchfood #cuisinefrançaise #escargot #homework #dad #parenting #homework #homeworkfail #snails #slugs A post shared by @ lancejmayhew on May 20, 2019 at 7:29pm PDT

He meant to write escargot!

Perhaps they go to Target a bit too often.

View this post on Instagram I was just cleaning out Liliana’s homework file and I came across this little nugget. Her task was to write a $10 check to a FRIEND. She wrote it to Target…. ????????‍♀️ it looks like she started writing it to Walmart and then clearly came to her senses and…it was for 10 slimes so, you know- I get it. But…should I be worried that she considers Target a friend ? ???? . Honestly, who am I kidding, so do I ????. @target #momlife #slimelife #homeworkfail A post shared by Kandy (@paletamama) on Apr 11, 2019 at 12:40pm PDT

They’re BFF now, ok?

Not a fan of ol’ Paris.

View this post on Instagram I think he meant “crepes”. But he’s not wrong, I’ve been to Paris and they do have crap. . . #momblogger #funnykids #notetokids #homework #paris #france #europe #travel #instafunny #momlife #momofboys #momof4 #homeworkfail #school #accurate #smartkids A post shared by Gila Pfeffer (@gilapfeffer) on Feb 14, 2019 at 1:16am PST

Crepes, at least, not crappy.

A very literal interpretation of the question.

View this post on Instagram What a great way to answer a tricky question.. #newformationeducation #homeworkfails #homeworkfail #teachermeme #teacherproblems A post shared by New Formation Education (@newformationeducation) on Dec 13, 2018 at 12:03am PST

But it’s not necessarily a wrong answer.

Maybe in life, but not in math.  

View this post on Instagram They tried it! ???????????? #Students #Homework #homeworkfail A post shared by Simply Ebony (@ebonyajohnson) on Oct 4, 2018 at 5:42am PDT

A+ for effort though.

An unexpected answer from someone so young.

View this post on Instagram Checking Jack’s homework this evening and he just……AND HE JUST….. #homeworkfail #secondgrade #whytho #howdoyouevenknowwhatthatis A post shared by Meredith Oliver (@merendipity714) on Sep 18, 2018 at 4:39pm PDT

But used correctly, so 100%!

Making up sentences sometimes leads to wonderful places…

View this post on Instagram Put this in my stories but strongly feel like it belongs here. Lukin had to make up sentences for his homework today using his spelling words ???? To say the four of us were ROTFL would be an understatement! ???????????????? And yes, I sent it to his teacher. Imagine how boring marking homework is! #mumlife #parenting #mumofboys #funny #thingskidssay #bebetter #parentingfail #homeworkfail #homework #schoolwork A post shared by Performance Coach/Habit Hacker (@amanda_hodgson_) on Sep 9, 2020 at 3:07am PDT

We relate to that last one in particular.

As many parents are homeschooling this year, the odds of you catching a homework fail are pretty high. On the bright side, they’ll make the days of homeschooling that much more entertaining.

  • 1.0.1 My dad is afraid of NOTHING.
  • 1.0.2 We all deserve a drink after a week of homeschooling.
  • 1.0.3 This kid might be wise beyond his years.
  • 1.0.4 This is a good life lesson.
  • 1.0.5 To be fair, a ruler is a great way to solve this issue.
  • 1.0.6 Sometimes spelling errors are hilarious.
  • 1.0.7 When your younger sibling gets ahold of your homework.
  • 1.0.8 Well, this kid went the straight-forward route.
  • 1.0.9 This kid’s got an advanced palate.
  • 1.0.10 Perhaps they go to Target a bit too often.
  • 1.0.11 Not a fan of ol’ Paris.
  • 1.0.12 A very literal interpretation of the question.
  • 1.0.13 Maybe in life, but not in math.  
  • 1.0.14 An unexpected answer from someone so young.
  • 1.0.15 Making up sentences sometimes leads to wonderful places…

Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.

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funny kid homework fails

26 Times Kids' Homework Assignments Turned Embarrassingly Rated R

funny kid homework fails

Getting kids to do their homework is a chore in and of itself. There will be questions the kids don't know how to answer, dozens of spelling mistakes, and maybe even times when even mom and dad can't figure out the solution to a problem. But what to do when a child goes rogue and answers the questions in an ahem "explicit" way?


Not on purpose, of course, but there is always that one child who doesn't quite know how to spell "clock." While it is hysterical if mom or dad catches it in time, should they miss it, they could have a lot of explaining to do at the next parent-teacher conference. 

There have always been kids who have some "interesting" interpretations of mops, scissors, and what it looks like to be sprayed with a water gun (LOL). The difference now is that parents and caregivers all have cellphones and social media to keep track of every hilarious thing their kids write down. And some of the things they come up with are … pretty hilariously inappropriate. 

Truly these are all cases of kids say the darnedest things, and hey, everyone has to be really bad at spelling and drawing until they get good. These X-rated flops are the internet's gain! Check out these amazing homework fails which go to show that parents do need to look over a child's homework before it gets submitted. From accidental curse words to anatomically correct drawings, these homework fails are the laugh every parent needs today. but honestly, these homework fails would be too cringey if these kids weren't so cute!

A Surprising Revelation

A Surprising Revelation

Whoops! This kid's totally innocent spelling mistake has some pretty terrible implications … especially for poor Veronica. As the child's mom writes in her  Instagram caption , "Wow Lucian, stay away from Veronica."

'How Many Girls Like to Play With Balls?'

'How Many Girls Like to Play With Balls?'

Truly the question of our time, how many girls do like to play with balls? We'd be willing to bet money that whoever this question writer is, he or she certainly got a quick chuckle from writing this double entendre of a prompt.

It Was Supposed to Say 'To Get in Your PJs and Go to Sleep'

It Was Supposed to Say 'To Get in Your PJs and Go to Sleep'

Oh boy, this tiny mistake has us rolling. The owner of the since-deleted Instagram account made it known that, "It was supposed to say 'to get in your PJs and go to sleep.'"

Luckily this mistake was caught before this child turned her assignment in, but think about the look on the teacher's face!

He Takes Off His What?

He Takes Off His What?

What? They meant, "He takes off his rooster" … right? We get it, the c and s sounds can be hard to master. Unfortunately for this child, much to his/her future embarrassment!

Not *Quite* a Mop

Not *Quite* a Mop

A little rhyme about this photo:

This assignment turned out to be a flop when this child misdrew a mop Their spelling is seamless, but they drew a … oh my, and now their grade is not tops.

A Creative Answer

A Creative Answer

The  Instagram mom  who posted this gem captioned this assignment, "Couldn't stop laughing after checking my son's homework." Look, learning new words is tough , OK?

Not Blaming the Dog for This One

Not Blaming the Dog for This One

Hey, at least this drawing is truthful. This little guy spoke from his heart and his heart said "Oops" when he passed gas. We especially like the tornado of gas coming from his bottom.

Just a Tiny Bug of a Problem

Just a Tiny Bug of a Problem

"That moment when you realize you need to teach your daughter how to spell 'insects,'" wrote an Instagram user who since deleted their account. Unfortunately, the top question also prompts the children to list ways that they can earn money. Yeesh !

The Thinker

The Thinker

"Judging by the little picture, #9 appears to be right. I don't think the teacher was amused though," an amused parent writes on Instagram . This parent isn't wrong though!

Just Like Mommy

Just Like Mommy

It's bad when Mom has to write a note to the teacher to explain herself the next day. Unfortunately for this mom, her daughter depicted her career working at Home Depot, as … well, something a little more adult.

Interpretive Art

Interpretive Art

This amused  Instagram  mom writes, "I can't even with this #homeworkfail. I think he is supposed to be on a seesaw?" Of course, a seesaw. We don't see anything else …

Careful With That Water Gun

Careful With That Water Gun!

This is a case of poor placement. All this little girl wanted to do was properly show her understanding of the word "drench," and now — well, now she's demonstrating something else completely. This situation definitely calls for a good eraser.

A poor scramble

A Poor Scramble

Yikes! This can't be what this little boy meant to write. What he meant is  his pen is in a goat  — wait, no! That still doesn't make sense. What's going on here, anyway?


Every little girl goes through a horse phase, but sometimes it's the spelling that trips her up. Some facts mentioned about "hores": they have other "hores" friends, and surprisingly, her dad wants a "hores, but my mom says no." Hmm.

Almost ... Doesn't Count

Almost … Doesn't Count

This one will make one do a double take. T is for what? Thank goodness for the teacher's note at the bottom! It's a little wink-wink, nudge-nudge at Mom and Dad for this confusing title.

A Little Accident

A Little Accident

As the Instagram user pointed out, this was supposed to be a drawing of someone spitting on the ground. Instead, it looks like, well, we're not sure. It could be a person balancing on a pile of rocks in rated G land. Or, it could be someone pooping. Or peeing. Or shooting rocks from some unknown place we don't want to think about. Like all great works of art, it's open to interpretation.

Technically, They're Right...

Technically, They're Right …

Listen, to be fair, there are probably quite a few parents who have one of these boxes in the fridge. And I mean, the kid isn't wrong about the shape! And as keepingupwiththevissmas noted, at least the teach got a good laugh.

The Wrong Noun

The Wrong Noun

It is a noun … just the wrong one. Oh what missing a simple letter can do. It happens all the time, but it can be awfully embarrassing, and totally hilarious when it does.

Trust Us, He Had a Different Drink In Mind

Trust Us, He Had a Different Drink in Mind

This is laugh-out-loud hysterical. Phonetically, they nailed it. In actuality …

This little one really tried and came really close, but instead, things went really awry. We can only imagine that teachers reaction.

So Close

It's definitely confusing, but that's not exactly what happens in fractions, bud. This is why it's so important to check the kid's homework before sending it back into school each morning.


The parents of this one should honestly be proud. They raised a resourceful kid. Maybe they should let them know though that cannibalism isn't really a healthy diet. Just imagine!

A Set Up

OK, looking at this question, the teach had to be trolling for funny answers right? They were totally set up to fail. Inappropriateness aside, we say the kid still should have gotten full credit.

Suspicious Leaf

Suspicious Leaf

We're sure more than a few parents were laughing at this assignment. Honestly, it probably looked pretty innocent until it got colored in green. The publisher should be able to do better though.


Not sure if I'd want to go out with one of these hats honestly. Valiant effort, kid. Poor kid. Who knew a simple, straightforward hat drawing could go left so quickly?

If This Were Anatomy Class

If This Were Anatomy Class

Props to this kid for knowing the basics at least? Though we're sure the arrow was intended to point elsewhere, we can't help but wonder what else they were expecting.

Witty As Hell

Perhaps it's not R-rated, but it sure is dark. Oh, and funny as hell. This kid has clearly made all the right connections and is thinking quite logically. They've probably watched enough cartoons to know how things work in real life.

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funny kid homework fails

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10 Minutes Of The FUNNIEST Kid Fails

We have so many funny kids fails that we wanted to share so we made a 10-minute compilation of the FUNNIEST KID FAILS! The question is, which fail video is your favorite? I am personally a fan of the kids who fail and have a meltdown. Like the kid who tries to break a piece of wood with his foot but fails. Right after, he screams THIS IS STUPID!! My second favorite is the toddler girl who can't figure out how to take a drink from the water fountain. Share your favorite clip in the comment section below!

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