Business Cover Letter Example & How-To Guide in 2024

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You’re a master of negotiation.

You can analyze a balance sheet in your sleep, and you've got industry know-how down to a science.

But all your business acumen evaporates when you’re staring at a blank screen, trying to draft your cover letter.

Your career centers on effective communication and strategy, and yet this is the one place you’re lost.

Don’t worry. We know your struggle, and we’re here to help.

In this article, we’re going to teach you:

  • What a Job-Winning Business Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Flawless Business Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Business Professionals

Let’s get started.

Business Cover Letter Example

Business Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Business Cover Letter

You've just seen a top-notch business cover letter that's sure to get noticed.

Now it's your turn to learn how to write a cover letter that shows off your skills and lands you that job! Just follow the steps we're about to dive into:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Start your business cover letter by putting your contact details at the top, just like you would on your resume header . Here's what you should have up there:

  • Full Name. Place your full name near the top corner of the page.
  • Job Title. Use the exact title mentioned in the job ad you're applying for. With hiring managers juggling multiple roles, being specific helps them, which helps you.
  • Email Address. Go with a professional email. Ditch quirky emails you might have had in your younger days. For example, [email protected] is a no-go, but [email protected] works just fine.
  • Phone Number. Make sure it's a number where you can be reached easily. If the job is international, include the dialing code.
  • Location. Your city and state (or country) are enough. But if you're looking for a remote role or planning to move, make that clear in both your resume and cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (optional). Adding links to any important websites or social media profiles, like LinkedIn, is always a good idea.

After sorting out your details, focus on the hiring manager's contact information :

  • Company Name. Write down the company's name.
  • Hiring Manager’s Name. Include the hiring manager’s name, if you can find it.
  • Hiring Manager’s Title. If you find out the hiring manager’s exact job title, say, the Director of Business Development , use that title instead of just "Hiring Manager."
  • Location. Add the city and state (or country) of the company, especially if they have multiple locations. You can add the street address if you want to be super specific.
  • Date (optional). Including the date you wrote the cover letter adds a professional flair.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've got all your contact details down, it's time to address the person who'll be reading your cover letter .

Trust us, "To Whom It May Concern" is not how you want to start your first impression.

Do a little homework first. Look up the company website, the job ad, or their LinkedIn profile to find the person who’s hiring for the job you’re after. You should be able to find their name somewhere and add it to your cover letter.

Then address them by using "Mr." or "Ms.", followed by their last name. If you're not certain about their gender or marital status, their full name works fine. For instance:

  • Dear Mr. Thompson  
  • Dear Alex Thompson

But if you couldn't find any information on the hiring manager or the head of the business department you’re looking to join, no worries. You can still address your letter to the team or the company at large:

  • Dear Business Department  
  • Dear Hiring Team  
  • Dear Human Resources Team  
  • Dear Head of Business

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers spend just a few seconds on each application before deciding if it’s worth reading more into it.

That's why nailing the start of your cover letter is key, especially when you're eyeing a business role. Lead with why this job catches your eye and some of the skills you’re bringing. Showing real enthusiasm for the role or the field can also make a hiring manager take a second look.

Doing your homework about the company pays off. The better you understand them, the more you can show how well you'd fit their culture. It's a strong signal that you're not just throwing applications left and right but are genuinely keen on this specific role.

Depending on your career stage, you might want to start your business cover letter with a standout achievement or any skills that make you a shoo-in for the job. Just keep it short and sweet. The goal here is to spark interest, so the hiring manager will read the rest of your letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The core part of your cover letter is your chance to shine as a business professional . Here, you want to go beyond the bullet points on your resume to really sell your skills and experience.

And don't just repeat your resume. Use this space to highlight what sets you apart from the competition. If you have any big wins in the business world, this is where you want to mention them. Take cues from the job ad to tailor your letter accordingly. 

For example, if you're applying for a role that requires strong analytical skills, focus on achievements from your past that prove you've got what it takes. Instead of talking about general leadership qualities, point out how you've used analytics to drive business growth.

Being knowledgeable about the company you're applying to can earn you extra points. If you're familiar with their market presence or have insights into their business model, weave that into your letter. It makes the hiring manager see you as a more suitable candidate when compared to the rest.

Make sure your enthusiasm shines through your entire letter, so it’s obvious you want this job, not just a job. Express your excitement for the role and be confident in stating how you can add value to their team with your unique skills and experience.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our other cover letter examples !

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Nailing the conclusion of your cover letter is essential. You want to assure the hiring manager that they've made the right choice in reading your application to the end.

Write a brief conclusion to your cover letter so you can recap why you're the ideal candidate for the business role you’re targeting. Briefly reiterate some of your most relevant skills, but don’t go overboard. The idea here is to summarize your key selling points.

Then add a call to action. This could be an invitation for the hiring manager to further discuss your application or to arrange an interview. This leaves a lasting impression and nudges the hiring manager to do something, which increases your odds of progressing to the next step.

Lastly, sign your business cover letter like a real professional. Just pick an appropriate closing line and sign your name underneath. Here's a sample:

Feel free to contact me at your convenience so that we may arrange an interview and further discuss how I can contribute to your business goals.

Warm regards,

Alex Johnson

If "Warm regards" feels too clichéd, other professional yet approachable options include:

  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours truly,
  • Thanks for your time,

business cover letter structure

3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips

You already know the basics of crafting a solid business cover letter.

Now, let's take yours to the next level with some tailored cover letter tips for the business world.

#1. Match Your Resume

Your cover letter should echo the professionalism of your resume.

Presentation skills matter, and your application is the first place you get to showcase yours. If your resume and cover letter don’t pair well, you could come off as an unpolished candidate.

Make sure your text is positioned neatly on the page, and keep the font uniform all the way through. Just as you'd handle a business proposal, pay attention to those page margins and the line spacing. And while you’re at it, remember to keep it brief—an ideal cover letter is always one neat page.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Are you trying to get your application out there as soon as possible?

Our resume builder is a lifesaver. Use it to create the best business resume in minutes, and grab one of our matching cover letter templates to complete your application. 

Every one of our templates is designed with feedback from hiring managers from around the globe, so they meet all industry standards and give your application a sleek, professional look.

business cover letter examples

#2. Mention Skills

Hiring managers want to know what you can bring to the table, and there’s no better way to show them than by mentioning your skills.

Your business cover letter should always include the most essential skills from your resume . Your skills tell the hiring manager what you can do and how much they might need to train you. But only if you mention your skills in the right way.

Don’t just toss them in there randomly, like a salad. Connect the dots for the hiring manager by weaving a narrative that backs up every skill you mention. For example, if you're good at data analysis, explain how that skill helped improve a past employer's quarterly earnings. 

The key here is relevance. Discussing your skills in context shows you're not only skilled but also aware of how those skills can benefit the company. It paints a picture of you as a well-rounded candidate who’s both qualified and ready to hit the ground running.

#3. Proofread the Final Draft

Never underestimate the importance of proofreading your cover letter.

A single typo or grammatical error might seem small, but to many hiring managers, it can scream "carelessness”—a crucial cover letter mistake for any candidate who claims to have “an eye for detail”.

Hundreds of applications get tossed aside for the same reason. So, to make sure your business cover letter is spotless, take the time to read it multiple times. Consider asking a friend for a fresh perspective, just in case you missed something yourself.

We recommend you also use a spell-checking tool like Grammarly . Don’t trust it blindly, though - you should always take the time to decide for yourself if it’s correct. Clean and polished writing shows professionalism, which can make all the difference in your application's success.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to writing your business cover letter!

Hopefully, we’ve inspired you, and you’ve prepared your application for that job you’ve been eyeing.

But before we say goodbye, let’s do a brief recap of what we mentioned:

  • The top of your business cover letter should have a header where you include your contact information as well as the hiring manager’s. Just make sure it’s factually correct.
  • Your opening paragraph should be captivating, or else the hiring manager might not bother to read more of it. Mention why you’re writing and be enthusiastic, so it shows you’re genuinely interested.
  • The body of your cover letter should include the bulk of your sales pitch. Focus on your relevant achievements, qualifications, and skills and how they relate to the job you’re after.
  • Make sure your cover letter matches your resume. This shows a professional touch, and it helps the hiring manager pick out your application from all the rest.

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the regulatory arm of Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) in Dubai and the authority responsible for licensing and regulating businesses in special development zones and areas

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  • Free Zone Company
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  • Available Trainings
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company cover letter for trakhees

Follow 4 Simple Steps To Activate Your E-services

company cover letter for trakhees

Assemble Pre-Requisites

License: Companies that are licensed by Dubai Economic Department with Shipping and Forwarding related activities, including “Shipping Line Agents”, can register with Dubai Trade.

Dubai Customs Shipping Agent Code: All Shipping Agents/Freight Forwarders must obtain a Shipping Agent code from Dubai Customs prior to registering with DP World. (Refer to Manual  under "Introduction").

company cover letter for trakhees

Submit Registration

Go to >> Service Centre >> DP World >> Registration Tools >> New Registration .

Follow the steps to complete your registration (Refer to Manual ). Choose the role as Freight Forwarder at the time of registration.

After submitting your registration request and uploading all the required documents, approval will be given within 2 business days.

Documents Required:

  • License Copy
  • Request Letter from Company
  • Passport Copy of the Authorised Person

company cover letter for trakhees

Activate Your Account

Once approved, a notification email will be sent to you and your account will be activated.

On account activation, please contact Dubai Trade Contact Centre to get your codes mapped. You may reach us at 600555554 or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

You may also create additional users, if required, by logging in as administrator/authorised person (Refer to Manual ).

company cover letter for trakhees

Access E-services

Your registration should be complete by now.

Book a Training Session  HERE

Is there any fee for registration?

The DP World registration in Dubai Trade is free of charge.

Do I have to come to the DP World office in order to submit the registration request?

There is no need of manual submission, just fill the application on the website

Can I choose multiple roles at the time of registration?

Yes, you can, provided that you have the necessary license activities to do so.

Do we need to specify any owner or authorised person details at the time of registration?

It is mandatory to register at least 1 Authorised Signatory and Normal/Regular Contact.

Where can I enquire if my registration request is pending for approval?

You can contact DP World Customer Service on 048815555 if you face any delay on approval.

How do I register with Dubai Customs?

To register with Dubai Customs, please go to  and click Service Centre > Dubai Customs > Request Business Registration > New or click HERE .

company cover letter for trakhees

License: Companies that hold a valid license with Land Transportation/ Haulage related activities issued by any licensing authority in Dubai, other emirates or GCC can register with Dubai Trade.

company cover letter for trakhees

Follow the steps to complete your registration (Refer to Manual ). Choose the role as Haulier/Trucker at the time of registration.

company cover letter for trakhees

Once approved, a notification email will be sent to you and your account will be activated with your ‘Haulier Code’.

You may also create additional users, if required, by logging in as administrator/authorised person (Refer to Manual )

company cover letter for trakhees

Is there any registration fee?

There is no need of manual submission, just fill the application on the website

It is mandatory to register at least 1 Authorised Signatory and Normal/Regular Contact

Who can register with DP World as a Haulier?

Transport or any other companies who own their own trucks and trailers can register as a Haulier with DP World.

Do I have to register my trucks/trailers to operate?

You can either register your own trucks online through the service ‘Truck Registration’ or use third party trucks that are already registered with DP World.

company cover letter for trakhees

License: A valid license from Jafza (Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority), National Industries Park (NIP), DAZ (Dubai Auto Zone) and Textile City.

company cover letter for trakhees

You will now be automatically registered with Dubai Trade after acquiring a license from these authorities.

company cover letter for trakhees

A notification email will be sent to you with your default username and password which you can modify at first log in.

You may also create additional users, if required, by logging in as administrator/authorised person (Refer to  Manual ).

company cover letter for trakhees

There is no registration fee for Free Zone company account activation.

I have a valid license, but I have not received my username and password.

Please contact us at 600555554 or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for further assistance.

After activating my portal, do I need to set up any accounts to start accessing the services?

Portal Deposit and Bank Guarantee are two types of pre-paid accounts available for online payments. Service Charges and employee insurance payments are deducted from Portal deposit. Bank Guarantee is used for Employment visa deposits for companies that are not yet eligible for the Insurance Protection Program. You can top-up both these accounts by using e-Deposit service available on Dubai Trade portal.

Can I use this account to carry out Dubai Customs transactions?

If you have not registered with Dubai Customs yet, you can link your existing username and password at the time of Dubai Customs registration. To register, please go to , Service Centre > Dubai Customs > Request Business Registration > New or click HERE .

Do I also need to register my company with GDRFA (Immigration)?

Newly established companies will be given a Company Immigration Card issued by GDRFA (Immigration) automatically. Hence, no separate registration is required with GDRFA for the respective company.

company cover letter for trakhees

Assemble Pre-requisites

License: Companies that are licensed by Dubai and other emirates Economic Department with a “Customs Broker” activity can register with Dubai Customs thru Dubai Trade.

company cover letter for trakhees

Go to >> Service Centre >> Dubai Customs >> Request Business Registration >> New

Follow the steps to complete your registration (Refer to  Manual  under “Introduction”). Choose the business type as “Broker” at the time of registration.

After submitting your registration request and uploading all the required documents, approval will be given within 3 business days.

Once approved, a notification email will be sent to you; pay registration fee online using registration enquiry service. (Refer to Manual under “Introduction”).

company cover letter for trakhees

Agent Code and Business Code will be generated after you pay successfully, and your Dubai Trade login will be activated.

Login as an administrator/authorised person and create additional users (Refer to  Manual ) with a Broker Representative role to access Mirsal 2 services

company cover letter for trakhees

Your Customs registration should be complete by now. You should apply for digital certificate for every user that needs to submit Customs Declarations on Dubai Trade.

The costs of Dubai Customs New Registration are AED 100 per Business Type + AED 20 Knowledge and Innovation fees.

What are the documents required for registration?

The following documents are required for registration:

  • Valid trade license copy
  • Passport, Emirates ID, Residence Permit and Labour Card copies of authorised person and owner
  • Undertaking letter for clearing agents (template available for download in the registration application HERE )

Do I have to come to the Customs office in order to submit the required documents?

There is no need of manual submission, just fill the application and upload the documents on the website

It is mandatory to register at least 1 Owner and an Authorised Person.

Do I still need to pay a deposit for Customs Broker/Clearing Agent registration with Dubai Customs?

There is no longer a requirement of paying a deposit to Dubai Customs for Customs Broker/Clearing agent registration.

Can I register with Dubai Customs if the residence visas of owner and authorised person are not yet issued/stamped?

It is mandatory to enter the residence permit details of owner and/or authorised person at the time of registration. You will not be able to proceed with the registration process otherwise.

company cover letter for trakhees

License: Companies that are licensed by Dubai Economic Department with Air shipment related activities including “Airline Line Agents” can register with Dubai Customs thru Dubai Trade.

company cover letter for trakhees

Follow the steps to complete your registration (Refer to  Manual under “Introduction”). Choose Business Type as “Airline Agent” at the time of registration.

Once approved, a notification email will be sent to you; pay registration fee online using registration enquiry service. (Refer to Manual under “Introduction”)

company cover letter for trakhees

Login as an administrator/authorised person and create additional users (Refer to  Manual ) with either Trader or Broker Representative role to access Mirsal 2 services.

company cover letter for trakhees

The costs of Dubai Customs New Registration are AED 100 per Business Type + AED 20 charged as Knowledge and Innovation fees.

  • Undertaking letter for shipping line agent (template available for download in the registration application HERE )
  • Facility registration documents in case of Cargo Handlers and Bonded warehouse Operators.

Do I have to come to the customs office in order to submit the required documents?

I will also be doing cargo consolidation for my customers. can i register this along with airline agent registration.

Yes, you can. At the time of registration, choose another Business Type as “Cargo Handler” and the Facility Type as “Premises”.

It is mandatory to register at least 1 Owner and an Authorised Person

company cover letter for trakhees

License: Companies that are licensed by Dubai Economic Department with Shipping and Forwarding related activities including “Shipping Line Agents” can register with Dubai Trade

Customs Shipping Agent Code:All Shipping Agents/Freight Forwarders must obtain a Shipping Agent code from Dubai Customs prior to registering with DP World. (Refer to Dubai Customs registration process by choosing the Business Type as “Shipping Line Agent”)

company cover letter for trakhees

Go to >> Service Centre >> DP World >> Registration Tools >> New Registration

Follow the steps to complete your registration (Refer to Manual ).

company cover letter for trakhees

On account activation, please do the following:

  • Apply for a line code using the option “Register Shipping Line” online
  • Kindly contact Dubai Trade Contact Centre to get your codes mapped with Dubai Customs at 600555554 –  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  You may also create additional users, if required, by logging in as administrator/authorised person (Refer to Manual )

company cover letter for trakhees

To register with Dubai Customs, please go to  and click Service Centre > Dubai Customs > Registration Tools > New Registration or click HERE .

company cover letter for trakhees

License: Dubai, other emirates and GCC Companies licensed by any authorities that will use Dubai Ports and Customs to import and export their own cargo can register with Dubai Customs thru Dubai Trade

company cover letter for trakhees

Go to >> Service Centre >> Dubai Customs >> Request Business Registration >> New

Follow the steps to complete your registration (Refer to Manual  under "Introduction").

Once approved, a notification email will be sent to you; pay registration fee online using registration enquiry service. (Refer to Manual under "Introduction")

company cover letter for trakhees

Login as an administrator/authorised person and create additional users (Refer to  Manual ) with a Trader Representative role to access Mirsal 2 services.

company cover letter for trakhees

  • Undertaking letter for importer (template available for download in the registration application HERE )

Do I have to come to the Customs office in order to submit the required documents

What business type should i select if i hold a free zone license.

Choose Business Type as “Free Zone” if your license is issued by a Dubai based Free Zone authority. It is also mandatory to register a Facility as “Free Zone”. Choose Business Type as “Importer and Exporter” if your license is issued by other emirates Free Zone authority. It is not mandatory to register a Facility in this case.

What License Type should I select if I hold an Industrial license?

If you hold an Industrial License from the Ministry, you have to choose the license type as “Industrial” and Business Type as “Importer (Industrial) and Exporter (Commercial)”. If you only hold an Industrial License from Economic Department, you have to choose the license type as “Commercial” and Business Type as “Importer (Industrial) and Exporter (Commercial)”.

company cover letter for trakhees

  • Register Online Company Admin
  • Register Online Person Access
  • Start New Business
  • Forgot Username
  • Forgot Password
  • Recall Trakhees ID/PIN
  • Inquire Request Status
  • Enquire License Activity
  • Quick Prepaid Topup
  • License Cost Calculator
  • Government Service Cost Calculator
  • Labour Dispute for Employee
  • NOC Verification

company cover letter for trakhees

Course info

Free zone industrial operation awareness (fzio).

Trakhees Approval in Dubai

Requirements to Obtain Trakhees Approvals

Dubai approvals.

May 4, 2019

With the rapid development in Dubai, it was important for the government to come up with an authority that will be responsible to supervise the infrastructure. In 2009, Trakhees – Department of Planning and Development was introduced in Dubai and since then it is providing various public services. Trakhees manages all the lands, complexes & areas owned by Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporations, Dubai World, in the areas defined by PCFC, and its jurisdiction. Trakhees is also responsible for providing business licenses in special development zones and areas.

Trakhees consists of four major departments which include the Corporate Excellence Department, Commercial Licensing Department, Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Department, and Civil Engineering Department. Each of these departments is working through creativity and excellence so as to provide quality rich services.

Now, if you are looking forward to get Trakhees approval , depending on your business (be it an eatery, hotels, any food-related activity, or any health-related activity), you have to fulfill certain requirements. In order to not miss out on any formality, these requirements are categorized. Let’s discuss the various requirements to obtain Trakhees Approval:

  • Regulatory Requirements:  These are as follows:
  • Following the rules of Dubai World Community Regulations, UAE Laws, and EHS rules.
  • Following the rules of Dubai Municipality, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment and Waters, ESMA, Dubai Police, and Dubai Customs.
  • In the case of Day-Care and Nursery services, it is important to comply with the rules and standards of Children Day Care.
  • In the case of salon services, it is important to comply with rules and standards of Beauty Salons Cosmetic procedures/therapies guidelines from DHA, CSS, and EHS.
  • Approval from Nakheel Asset Management.
  • No commencement of construction work without approval from the Civil Engineering Department of Trakhees.
  • General Conditions:  These are as follows:
  • The owner of the business/property will be responsible for waste disposal generated from the premises.
  • Under no circumstances should the unleased area be used by the owner.
  • Services offered should be strictly as per those mentioned in the license.
  • The contractor should ensure the modification works does not compromise the structural integrity.
  • Floor Area Requirements:

There are other area requirements set by Trakhees, that need to be followed strictly.

  • Facility Requirements:  Apart from area requirements, it is important to take care of facility requirements so as to ensure safety and standard. They are as:
  • The water supply shall only be supplied from an approved source by the authority. It is also important to ensure the water is cleaned and treated by the approved EHS third party servicing company.
  • The lighting provided in the premises must be as per the standards set by the authority.
  • The waste management should be up to the mark wherein it should have no adverse effect on the surroundings. Also, the drainage should be designed in a way that does not contaminate the usable water.
  • The premises should have both natural and artificial means of ventilation. It is worth noting that, similar to water supply management, ventilation shall also be managed in such a manner that the incoming fresh air is not contaminated in any way.
  • As per the nature of the business, the premises should provide an adequate amount of storage for storing goods.
  • The premises must have an adequate number of handwashing stations.
  • An adequate number of changing rooms and locker rooms should be provided for the employees working on the premises.
  • Toilet facilities should be as per the standards. An adequate number of toilets should be provided on the premises. It is also important to provide separate toilets for men and women.

As mentioned above, you must comply with various rules and regulations so that you can get approvals from Trakhees. Even if you get the approval for your business, you still have to maintain quality and standard as per the rules and regulations of Trakhees so that you can retain your license. This is because all the authorities of Dubai are very strict when it comes to the safety and security of infrastructure and the environment. So, if you are also looking forward to getting a Trakhees approval or any other authority of Dubai, you must comply with the rules and regulations set by the Government of Dubai.

Furthermore, you can also check our Dubai Approvals services and let our team help you with your approvals. Our experts will guide you step by step so that you can easily get your job done without any hindrance.

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As the vibrant city of Dubai continues to grow and develop, the need for efficient and reliable infrastructure becomes paramount. From towering skyscrapers to intricate road networks, every construction project in Dubai requires thorough planning, meticulous design, and proper approvals from the relevant authorities. This is where engineering consultants play a vital role in ensuring that projects comply with regulations and obtain necessary approvals.

Engineering consultants are professionals who possess the knowledge, expertise, and experience in various engineering disciplines. They provide valuable guidance and support throughout the entire project lifecycle, from initial design to final construction. When it comes to Dubai authority approvals, engineering consultants serve as the bridge between the project stakeholders and the regulatory bodies, facilitating a smooth and efficient process.

One of the primary responsibilities of engineering firms in Dubai is to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and ensure compliance with the guidelines set forth by the relevant authorities. These authorities include Dubai Municipality, Dubai Civil Defense , Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) , and other specialized entities depending on the nature of the project. The consulting firms possess a deep understanding of the local regulations, codes, and standards, enabling them to design projects that meet the stringent requirements of these authorities. One of the key areas where building consultants play a crucial role is in obtaining necessary approvals and permits from the Dubai authorities. This process can be challenging and time-consuming for project owners who may not have the expertise or knowledge to navigate the intricate procedures. Engineering consultants act as the project's advocate, liaising with the authorities, submitting the required documents, and ensuring that all necessary permits are obtained in a timely manner. This saves project owners significant time and effort, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their business.

Furthermore, engineering consultants in UAE provide invaluable support in the preparation of design documents and technical drawings that are required for Dubai authority approvals. They have a keen eye for detail and ensure that all design aspects are thoroughly documented and meet the standards set by the authorities. This includes architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing designs, among others. By working closely with the project team, engineering consultants ensure that all designs are accurate, comprehensive, and compliant, thereby increasing the chances of obtaining approvals without delays or rejections. Another critical role of engineering companies in Dubai authority approvals is their expertise in conducting feasibility studies and impact assessments. Before embarking on any construction project, it is essential to assess the potential impact on the environment, infrastructure, and surrounding communities. Engineering consultants analyze various factors such as traffic flow, environmental sustainability, and structural integrity to determine the feasibility of the project. They provide valuable insights and recommendations to ensure that the project aligns with Dubai's vision for sustainable and responsible development.

Additionally, consultants assist in risk assessment and mitigation strategies. They identify potential risks associated with the project, such as geological hazards, fire safety concerns, or structural vulnerabilities, and develop comprehensive risk management plans. By addressing these risks proactively, engineering consultants help ensure the safety of the project, its occupants, and the surrounding environment. Moreover, Building consultants in Dubai often collaborate with other professionals, such as architects, contractors, and project managers, to streamline the approval process. They act as a central point of contact, coordinating efforts between various stakeholders and authorities. This collaborative approach fosters effective communication, eliminates misunderstandings, and expedites the approval process.

Engineering consultants play a vital role in Dubai authority approvals for construction projects. Their expertise in navigating the regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance, and obtaining necessary permits is invaluable to project owners. By leveraging their knowledge and experience, engineering consultants save time, minimize risks, and enhance the chances of obtaining approvals without delays or rejections. As Dubai continues to evolve, the importance of engineering companies in facilitating the development of sustainable and innovative infrastructure cannot be overstated.  

The Dubai Municipality or DM has come a long way since its establishment on February 28 th , 1957 by the first decree. It provides municipal services to the population of Dubai and its work includes urban planning, construction supervision, environmental protection and improvement, public parks conservation, regulating and ensuring international quality standards compliance in aspects such as

  • construction and building materials
  • food & consumable items
  • professional services in laboratory certification and accreditation.

DM, having begun with just 3 operating employees, has grown into an organization having more than 15,000 staff working in 32 organizational units, making it a major driving force in the development of Dubai City. With a vision of “Developing a happy and sustainable city” the Dubai Municipality is also instrumental in maintaining the architectural heritage of the emirate by revival and maintenance of many cultural landmarks.

The DM Dubai  is currently composed of 34 departments under six sectors, namely:

  • Communication & Community Sector
  • Corporate Support Sector
  • General Support Sector
  • Environmental Health & Safety Control Sector
  • Environment & Public Health Services Sector
  • Engineering & Planning Sector

The services offered by these sectors are segregated into individual, government, and business-centric, with the focus of DM Dubai quality control on areas such as Environment and waste, Financial and business, building and land planning, lab testing and accreditation, Public health and consumer safety, drainage and irrigation, veterinary, agriculture and public markets services.

An example of planning assistance by DM

The DM Dubai has a planning division that allows streamlined submissions to be made from the user end and a legislative system in place to demarcate its jurisdiction to acquire the Dubai Municipality Approval . One example of planning assistance is guidelines for the submission of a Master plan for building plan proposals. Here, the applicant submits a draft proposal for preliminary assessment that covers ownership, on-site, and surrounding region description. Following this, a final assessment submission requires Non-Objection Certificates from the concerned local authorities (Dubai Police, Civil aviation, Road transport authority, Dubai Electricity, water authority, etc.) Finally, the DM provides a “sign-off sheet” to all service authorities to get Dubai Municipality Approval for their master plan.

After completing all these procedures, a follow-up application needs to be filed online at the Dubai Municipality which consists of paying the application fee as well. 

Non-Compliance crackdowns – Serious Quality Assurance

The year 2011 was a dramatic one for the DM. This was primarily due to the disconnection of utility services to many residential, industrial, and commercial buildings as a result of illegal modifications, partitions, and additions that were made. Warning notices were first sent following which heavy fines were levied to discourage non-compliance. Repeated offenses meant that utility services to the offenders were cut through the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority - DEWA. Sometimes unauthorized changes to buildings also run the risk of a lack of fire exits or basic health requirements and ambiance quality like lighting and ventilation. Once corrective action was taken, the services were restored to these locations.

Also, read  Some Facts about Dubai Municipality (DM)

Ask any person around you ‘where can a place with all the luxury and ultra-modern infrastructure be found?’ The answer will surely be ‘Dubai’. Isn’t it amazing to witness everything full of life when you take a peek at your surroundings? Obviously, it is!!! And the best part is that you can be a part of this experience. It can be regarded as a human psychology that once you experience something you feel is out of this world, you automatically go into a state of awe, and you start to complement the beauty.

But the matter of fact is that no one tries to compliment the efforts behind making that place worth watching. For instance, Burj Khalifa amazes everyone with the whopping height it is standing at, but no one compliments the efforts of various public bodies and authorities who worked day and night to make the project possible. One of the authorities is the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority – DEWA , which is committed to making Dubai a place full of energy and fun. Let’s take a look at how DEWA has been, and is, committed to making Dubai a place to live in luxury.

  • Defeating the Masters of the Game:  DEWA has defeated major players like the USA and the UK in the global race of reducing power and water transmission losses. The losses in power transmission and distribution as reported by DEWA are only 3.3%  while the USA and UK have reported their number at 6-7%. Also, the losses in water distribution are only 8% as compared to 15% in North America. These figures definitely prove DEWA to be a potential competitor in the global market.
  • Expanding the M-Station:  DEWA is currently working to expand its electricity generation and desalination plant – M-station. The project has the current capacity to generate 10,000 MW of electricity and a desalination capacity of 470 million imperial gallons of water per day. The expansion, once completed in 2018, will boost the current capacity to 2,760 MW in order to meet the requirements of Dubai.
  • World’s largest Single-Site Solar Project:  DEWA is operating the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum solar park, which is the world’s largest single-site solar project. The project was launched in 2012 and its first phase was completed in October 2013 with a capacity of 13 MW. The second phase with a capacity of 200 MW was to be completed in April 2017 but because of the hard work and efficient management of DEWA, the plant was commissioned on 22 March 2017, ahead of the official commissioning date. With a total investment of about AED 50 billion, the plant will have the capacity to produce 1000 MW by 2020 and 5000 MW by 2050.
  • Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050:  His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum launched the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy in 2015. DEWA is working on this initiative wherein they are planning to provide 7% of Dubai’s total energy from clean sources by 2020, 25% by 2030, and 75% by 2050. That means the majority of the energy used in Dubai will be from clean sources by 2050.
  • Smart Dubai Initiative:  DEWA has introduced three smart initiatives to make Dubai a smart city. The initiatives are the Shams Dubai initiative, The Smart Applications and Meters initiative, and the Green Charger initiative. Shams Dubai initiative focuses on builders to introduce the use of photovoltaic solar panels in order to generate electricity. The generated electricity can be used to meet the self-demand of the building and the excess electricity can be exported to DEWA. The Applications and Meters initiative promotes the efficient use of renewable energy. The Green Charger initiative focuses on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS).
  • Future Visions:  Dubai will be hosting the World Expo 2020 and DEWA has already started working on it. With a theme of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum believes the Expo will be the first of its kind and no one will have ever witnessed any such thing. In order to make this vision possible, DEWA has already allocated AED 3 billion to boost renewable energy projects, meet the highest international standards, and prove its excellence to the world. The Expo 2020 is set to open in October 2021 after the original opening schedule was canceled due to the pandemic. 

With time, Dubai is emerging as one of the best markets in the world. If you are looking to invest and set up your own projects, then Dubai should be your first option. So don’t waste your time any further and start your dream project in Dubai – The Dream World. You just need to get some approvals from various authorities in Dubai.  Dubai Approvals  will make it even easier for your DEWA Application . Our team will help you with a step-by-step process so that you can get  DEWA Approvals  for your projects in a short span of time and give wings to your vision.

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority - DEWA provides the essential supply of electricity and water to customers across the emirate of Dubai. The authority endeavors to provide the highest quality customer services with reliable, clean, and safe electricity and water utilities. DEWA applications for getting electricity and water services can be submitted through the authority’s E-Services system. Dubai Approvals Team helps clients with the document and drawing completion, application, and approval acquisition for different various construction projects. 

DEWA Completion Certificate and As-Built Approval are needed for the final clearance of proposed projects prior to starting any construction work. The requirements needed for the application such as technical documents and drawings included in the list below must be submitted and will be technically reviewed for approval. Preparation of an estimate on connection charges will then be further processed by the authority for field inspection and other relevant services needed. These estimates and charges will be subjected to payment subsequently, field works and inspections from the authority’s side will be carried out.

List of Requirements For Completion Certificate and As-Built Approval

The Completion Certificate for the Final Clearance and As-Built Approval submission requirements include the following below:

1. Cover Letter addressed to the Senior Manager from Infrastructure Information & Permits Department.

2. Copy of DEWA ED approved As-Built drawing in PDF Format - For Completion Certificate Application.

3. Full set of DEWA ED approved shop drawing with NOC for ED -Ducts and/or Cable Diversions along with NOC letter in PDF Format.

4. Full set of DEWA WD approved shop drawing NOC for Water Network Diversions and/or protection works along with the NOC letter as per the scope of work in PDF Format - For Completion Certificate Application 

5. Full set of DEWA ED & WD construction NOC along with NOC letter in PDF Format

6. Key plan indicating the full project area - For Completion Certificate Application.

7. Project As-Built Drawing integrating DEWA services approved by project consultants & contractors are as follows:

  • As-Built Drawing of DEWA ED Distribution Services with LV and HV Services showing completed future ducts and extension of the existing, spare, and split ducts in different colors with duct details. Must be in V7 / DWG & PDF Format, for Detailed Information on As-Built Approval / Completion Certificate for All Duct Works
  •  Submission Requirements For Completion Certificate and As-Built Approval As-Built drawings for 6.6kv, 11kv, and 33kv cable diversion work prior to approval by DEWA DPP-Road Projects. Must be in PDF Format - For Detailed Information on As-Built Approval / Completion Certificate for All Cable Works & All Joint Works
  • As-built drawings should be integrated with the existing 132KV /400kv cables and O.H.L Services cable routes, along with TLP staff verification to confirm the clearance between existing 132KV trough/cable and 400kv cables / O.H.L Services to finish work and 132KV/400 VK cable route marker location in the project completed area. For Detailed Information on As-Built Approval / Completion Certificate for Cable Works & OHL Works with verification not exceeding 6 months old.
  • As-Built Water layout drawing, profile, and cross-section acknowledged by DEWA.
  • Project and Engineering Water Department. For Completion Certificate Application only.

8. The following is to be provided whichever is applicable:

  • For RTA Road projects, the As-Built cross-section showing clearly DEWA reservation and type of construction on top of the DEWA corridor according to the site condition and approved by RTA in PDF Format.
  • For Developer Road projects, an As-Built cross-section shows clearly DEWA reservation and type of construction on top of the DEWA corridor according to the site condition and is approved by the Consultant and contractor in PDF Format.
  • For Services Projects, the As-Built cross-section showing clearly DEWA reservation and type of construction on top of the DEWA corridor according to the site condition and is approved by the client in PDF Format.

9. Material Reconciliation Statement - MRS as per DEWA standard format for cable and Betterment ducts in PDF Format, along with the following documents for Completion Certificate Application.

  • DEWA store-issued voucher or a store return.
  • Material transfer note if available.

10. Final Duct summary details for DEWA ED Betterment Work only as per DEWA standard format signed and stamped by project consultants and contractors in PDF Format.

11. DEWA Approval letter of material if procured from outside.

12. Copy of DEWA ED Approved BOQ for Betterment Work, applicable to RTA Projects.

13. Final actual Cost BOQ for DEWA ED betterment work acknowledged by RTA, applicable to RTA Projects for Completion Certificate Application.

14. Duct and Duct Marker inspection record signed by DEWA ED representative for the future proposed spare, split, and extension Ducts.

15. CSV files in accordance with DEWA digital submission standard.

16. DEWA Water Department checklist clearance acknowledged by DEWA Water Project, for Completion Certificate Application.

17. Cable backfilling checklist for 6.6KV, 11KV & 33KV slewing, raising, and lowering work, if Applicable.

Clients can track the status of the application, upload and submit additional documents, download the approved documents, project status notifications for technical inspection, and many more through the E-service one window system. Our team understands how necessary DEWA Application on Completion Certificate for the Final Clearance and As-Built Approval to projects, hence we provide the right and accurate support for the acquisition of approvals.

Indeed, Dubai has a lot to offer, starting from its luxury malls, breathtaking tourist spots, one-of-a-kind structures, beautiful multicultural people, unending career opportunities, and many more to mention. Its remarkable economic growth drives more business ventures that evidently magnet more construction opportunities all around the city. This means more projects on the line for authority approval services which include the acquisition of permits prior to construction works. Permit provisions may vary on each project's scope, purpose, and compliance with the regulations imposed by the appropriate authorities such as DDA. If you are an investor wanting to start a venture in Dubai or an entity looking forward to developing properties in the city by building or modifying structures for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, here are the required permits you might need to acquire.

Types of DDA Building Permits for Construction Projects

Note that a land Demarcation Certificate is required to be obtained before starting any activity at the site.

Final Building Permit

The approved permit is valid for 4 years.

Required Documents Building Permit Application  Appointment letter duly signed by the owner, consultant, and/or the contractor

Fees Normal Submission Total Built-Up-Area requires AED 1.00  per square foot with a minimum of AED 200. Final Building Permit fees will be calculated after deducing the fees which were paid previously for the Interim & Preliminary Permit excluding the Mobilization and Excavation Permits.

Industrial Use Fees are not to exceed AED 250,000.

An additional fee of AED 10 for Knowledge Dirham and AED 10 for Innovation Dirham is applicable per transaction.

This service process may take up to 2 working days for a completed application.

Mobilization Permit

Note that a Preliminary Design Approval is required to be obtained before applying for this permit. The approved Mobilization Permit is valid for 6 months.

Required Documents  Building Permit Application Appointment letter duly signed by the owner, consultant, and/or the contractor

Fees Mobilization Permit requires AED 5,000  Mobilization for Villas requires AED 1,000 per Villa

This service process may take up to 2 working days for a completed application.

Excavation Permit

Note that a Preliminary Design Approval is required to be obtained before applying for this permit. The approved Excavation Permit is valid for 6 months.

Required Documents  Building Permit Application Appointment letter duly signed by the owner, consultant, and/or the contractor Geotechnical design calculations of slope stability for open Excavation Geotechnical Model - software designed Excavation Design Drawings as per Circular No.400 No Objection Certificates from relevant authorities  Excavation Design Review Checklist No Objection Certificates from the neighbor or plot owner if the excavation is within the neighbor's plot

Fees An excavation Permit requires AED 5,000 Excavation Permit for Villas requires AED 1,000 per Villa

This service process may take up to 3 working days for a completed application.

Shoring Permit

Note that a Preliminary Design Approval is required to be obtained before applying for this permit. The approved Shoring Permit is valid for 4 years.

Required Documents  Building Permit Application Appointment Letter duly signed by the owner, consultant, and/or the contractor Geotechnical Design Calculations Geotechnical Model - software design Shoring Design Drawings as per Circular No.400 No Objection Certificates from relevant authorities Shoring Design Review Checklist No Objection Certificates from the neighbor or plot owner if the excavation anchors in the neighbor’s plot Peer Review of the Geotechnical Third Party Report for more than 3 basements/or special projects near the water bodies.

Fees Shoring Permit requires AED 0.05 on Total Built-Up-Area per square foot

This service process may take up to 5 working days for a completed application. 

Piling Permit 

Note that a Preliminary Design Approval is required to be obtained before applying for this permit, and Shoring and Piling Permit submissions shall be submitted separately. The approved Piling Permit is valid for 4 years.

Required Documents  Building Permit Application Appointment Letter duly signed by the owner, consultant, and/or the contractor Geotechnical Design Calculations Geotechnical Model - software design Piling Design Drawings as per Circular No.400 Piling Design Review Checklist Peer Review of the Geotechnical Third Party Report for building as per DM Circular No. 237

Fees The piling Permit requires AED 0.1 on Total Built-Up-Area per square foot

Sub-structure Permit

Note that a Sub-Structure Design Approval is required to be obtained before applying for this permit. The approved Sub-Structure Permit is valid for 4 years.

Required Documents Building Permit Application Appointment Letter duly signed by the owner, consultant, and/or the contractor

Fees Normal Submission requires a one-time fee of AED 0.2 per square foot on Total Built-Up-Area plus AED 20,000

This service process may take up to 2 working days for a completed application.  

Are you having a hard time acquiring DCD approval for your construction projects in Dubai? You might be overlooking some essential details and requirements to gain Dubai Civil Defence approval. We sum up the most important details of how to get DCD Inspection and approvals for easy and convenient information access.

Importance of Dubai Civil Defence Inspection and Completion Certificate

The vision of the Dubai Civil Defence has always stood firm “To have the United Arab Emirates as one of the best countries in the world in achieving Safety and Security”. With the objective to protect lives by providing safety and security to all industrial, commercial, residential, and public establishments in the Emirate. Acquisition of DCD Inspection and Completion Certificate are both important to assure that the vision of the government authority of Safety and Security is firmly established and followed. DCD Inspection requirements and processes are set accordingly on the e-services portal for a simple and hassle-free procedure.

Licenses for any construction activities are only issued through the Development Department of the Dubai Civil Defence by providing credentials to qualified engineers and fire safety and first aid officers who have taken and passed the relevant examinations, courses, and training. Most building projects in Dubai require DCD Inspections to certify compliance with the safety standards and regulations. The Completion Certificate will then be released by the authority after compliance is assured.

DCD Inspection Requirements

From Main Contractor

  • Fitout Permit
  • DCD Approved Drawing
  • DCD Final Approval
  • Copy of Contractor Trade License
  • Copy of DCD Fire Code Invoice
  • Copy of P.R.O Card or Delegate Card
  • 6-page Application typed in the Arabic Language

From Fire Fighting Contractor

  • Copy of Building valid Annual Maintenance Contract
  • Equipment Supply and Installation Certificate for Smoke Detector and Heat Detector; Emergency and Exit Lights, Fire Sprinkler 
  • Equipment Warranty Certificate for Smoke Detector and Heat Detector; Emergency and Exit Lights, Fire Sprinkler
  • Commissioning Report for Fire Sprinkler 
  • Testing and Commissioning Report for Fire Alarm 
  • Cable Certificate
  • Warranty Certificate
  • Fire Alarm Interface Connection Certificate for newly installed addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel.
  • Fire-rated Parquet Flooring Certificate for wooden parquet flooring works.
  • Fire Alarm Control Panel Documents
  • 24/7 Payment Receipt

Requirement for Final Completion Certificate

  • A copy of the valid construction license issued by the concerned authority.
  • Valid certificates of Importing, Installation, and Testing of a guaranteed Fire and Alarm System by an approved Installation and Maintenance Company. 
  • Undertaking the Certificate for Maintaining Fire Equipment by the owner and the Certificate for Installing Fire-rated Doors and Cables.
  • Copy of the Trade License and Maintenance Contract of Fire equipment and systems, besides the road map of the premises, and an official letter showing the contact number of the concerned person during 24 hours.

Requirements for Certificate of Completion for Building

  • Building Permit for Building
  • Approved Drawing
  • Certificates for Supply, Installation, and Warranty of all DCD Fire and Life Safety Equipment as per the DCD Approved Design Drawings.
  • Smart Monitoring Subscription Certificate for Building
  • Dry Riser or Wet Riser Certificate
  • Elevator Inspection and Elevator Manufacturer Certificate
  • Certificates from Contractors for all Fire and Life Safety Equipment interfaced with building Fire Detection and Alarm System

Requirements for Certificate of Completion for Decor or Fitout Projects

  • Building Permit for Decor
  • Approved Drawing 
  • Smart Monitoring Subscription Certificate 
  • Maintenance contract for the Fire and Life Safety systems of the building or building completion.

Requirements for Certificate of Completion for  LPG/ Fuel Gas Installation

  • License for the LPG or Fuel gas company approved by DCD
  • Certificates for Supply, Installation and Warranty for all LPG equipment as per the DCD-approved design drawings
  • DCD completion certificate for Decor or Fitout or building Fire and Life Safety system maintenance contract
  • Annual Maintenance Contract for LPG or Fuel gas system
  • Certificates for all LPG equipment and control panel interface with building Fire Detection and Alarm System

Dubai Approvals Team ensures the compliance of safety standards of construction projects in Dubai for accurate DCD Inspection approval to swiftly acquire Completion Certificate. Our team offers excellent services on document submission, drawing approvals, acquisition of NOCs, and inspections are the key to helping our clients achieve quality and successful projects. We are looking forward to working with you, contact us for more DCD Approvals service details.  

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority cover broad services, thus they provide an E-Services portal on their website for easy access to all of their services. DEWA Approval  in Dubai embeds classifications of services depending on the requirements of the building and the standards of DEWA. DEWA aims to become a leading sustainable innovative global corporation, and dedicated to keeping up with the latest global industrial innovation. Hence, their innovative enhancement for effective services will supply sustainable electricity and water needs for all people in Dubai.

What is DEWA?

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority was established on January 1, 1992, by Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum. DEWA was formed from the union of the Dubai Electricity Company and Dubai Water Department, which were both state-run companies, separately providing electricity and water services for the people of Dubai. Its main purpose is to provide the people of Dubai with an adequate and reliable supply of electricity and water.

DEWA E-Services Process The information below is based on the E-services of the DEWA for accurate and informative content.

Online DEWA Application Submission Fill in the online application form with the required information, attach required documents, and submit the application. If the application is successful, a reference number will be provided which can be used for tracking the status of the DEWA application.

Application Status Tracking and Notifications An e-mail and SMS notifications about the status of the application such as submission, rejection, revision, and/or approval. The status of the application can also be tracked online through the tracking page of the e-service.

DEWA Application Revision If the application was found incomplete or incorrect, access the revision page from the e-service menu is authorized, and re-submit a revised application within 2 weeks. The application will automatically be canceled if failure of re-submission 

Service Delivery Once the request for an application is approved, it can be downloaded from the e-service tracking page.

DEWA Approval Services and Requirements The following are the list of the common approvals and required documents for acquiring DEWA approval in Dubai. Other DEWA approval and services are all cited at the E-Service portal.

Building NOC Building No Objection Certificate service allows contractors and consultants to acquire Electricity or Water No Objection Certificate for issuance of building permits. The application for service is free of charge, service is chargeable. The Building NOC process takes 3 working days for each service such as electricity and water.

Required Documents: ❏    Affection Plan ❏    Setting-Out Plan ❏    24-Hour Demand ❏    Plumbing Layout/ including water storage tank capacity and location. ❏    Water demand and calculation sheet. ❏    Proposed meter location.

Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections This is a free of charge service that enables customers to acquire a fit-out power connection for shops and offices. The contractor can submit for technical field inspection when the technical drawings are approved by DEWAm. Once subjected to inspection approval and upon securing the payment of Security Deposit, DEWA will arrange the installation of KWh meter and release of power connection. Notifications will be sent through the website.

There are two processes in getting Electricity Fit-out connections from DEWA such as:  ❏    The Design Approval process that takes at least one working days and, ❏    The LV Inspection process wherein an appointment will be given within two working days from the readiness date notified by the contractor.

Required Documents: ❏    Copy of DEWA approved TCL/MD, MDBs/SMDBs, Main project schedule ❏    Load distribution schedules of distribution boards. ❏    Wiring Layouts – Lighting ❏    Wiring Layouts – Power ❏    Landlord NOC (In DEWA prescribed format) ❏    Tenancy Contract ❏    Trade License ❏    Passport Copy

Electric or Water Network Modification Contractors or Consultants can submit an online application to obtain the Electricity and Water Network Modifications Service. The application for service is free of charge, service is chargeable. A notification will be sent through SMS and/or email when the Estimate is set.

Required Documents: ❏    Latest affection plan issued from Dubai Municipality or concerned authority. ❏    Approved load scheduled that indicates total connected load / maximum demand. ❏    Owner’s passport copy / Emirates ID Copy. ❏    Latest consumption bill issued by DEWA. ❏    No Demand Certificate from DEWA – Billing Department (In Substation cancellation cases only). ❏    Setting out a plan that indicates existing connections and proposed changes. ❏    Others (Any documents that may support the application).

New Electricity or Water Connection The Estimate or Connection charges need to be settled first before the implementation of the DEWA service. A convenient tracking of the status of the application, upload additional documents, download the approved documents, project status notification for the technical inspection, etc. are possible through the E-Services portal.

New Electricity Connection LV Design Approval: ❏    Load from 1‐150 Kw: 1 working day ❏    Load from 151‐400 Kw: 2 working days ❏    Load from 401‐5000 Kw: 3 working days ❏    Load from 5001 and above: 3 working days

Issuance of Connection Cost: ❏    Load from 1 to 150 Kw: 1 working day ❏    Load from 151 to 400 Kw: 3 working days ❏    Load from above 400 Kw: 3 working days

LV Inspection: ❏    Load from 1-150 Kw: 1 working days from the date preferred by the authorized electrical Contractor for the project ❏    Load from above 150 Kw: 2 working days from the date preferred by the authorized electrical Contractor for the project

HV Substation Location & size Approval (If Applicable) ❏    3 working days

HV Substation Inspection (If Applicable) ❏    1 working day from the date preferred by the authorized electrical Contractor for the project

Mandatory Documents: ❏    Total Connected Load/Max. Demand schedule (.pdf Format) ❏    MDBs/SMDBs Schedules (.pdf Format only) ❏    Single Line Diagram with proposed LV distribution and tariff metering (. dwf Format) ❏    Site setting lay-out and ground floor plan indicating the location of substation, LV room (along with dimensional details of LV room, arrangements of LV Panels, MDBs, KW meters, etc.) (. dwf Format) ❏    Ground floor and/or typical floor plan indicating the location of Electrical rooms/MDBs/SMDBs etc. (. dwf Format) ❏    General arrangements of KWh meters in the ground and/or typical floor electrical rooms (. dwf Format) ❏    Typical Load distribution schedule for the final distribution board. (.pdf Format) ❏    Affection Plan (.pdf Format) ❏    Passport copy/Trade License copy (.pdf Format)

Optional Documents: ❏    Green Building Regulation implementation documents. (.pdf format only) ❏    Technical specification of Chiller/Motor loads and other documents. (.pdf Format) ❏    Premise details sheet (.xls/.doc Format) ❏    Material requirements details (.xls/.doc Format) ❏    Consultant confirmation letter (No wet area, above electrical room/DBs, Circuit breaker/circuit cables, UV relays, ELCBs, etc.) in DEWA's prescribed format (.pdf Format) ❏    DM Approved Thermal Load Calculation sheet

New Water Connection  Types of Connections: ❏    Single:  Premises that include a single meter (i.e. villa, hotel building… etc.).  ❏    Multi: Premises containing more than one meter within the same property (i.e. building apartment).  ❏    Development: Housing communities that have more than one meter within the area (i.e. Emaar Developments, DAMAC, etc.).

Water Connections Categories: ❏    Temporary connection (for construction purposes) ❏    Permanent connection ❏    Upgradation (increase of water demand) ❏    Diversion (shifting pipeline /meter)

Mandatory Documents: ❏    Building Permit/NOC ❏    Proposed location of meters and sub-meters ❏    Layout Drawing (i.e. floor plan indicating plumbing system) ❏    Water storage tank details (i.e. drawing inlet level, capacity, location) ❏    Green Building Regulation Implementation Documents (.pdf format only) ❏    Premise Details Sheet (.xls/.doc format) ❏    Meters Requirements Details (.xls/.doc Format) ❏    The total calculation for water consumption, as per building code and accommodation (pdf format) ❏    Site Plan (pdf format) ❏    Trade License copy (pdf format)

In acquiring DEWA Approval in Dubai, MEP consultants in Dubai experts are essential to precisely complete all the requirements within the schedule. There are capable MEP consultants in Dubai and Electrical Engineering specialists who can assist with concerns about obtaining DEWA Approval in Dubai. Dubai Approvals Team is a group of professionals, licensed to provide a one-stop engineering solution in Dubai. We have deep experiences in DEWA approval, DEWA Application, and other Dubai Approvals for engineering-related projects.

Read also  DEWA – Ahead of Everything

The option for purchasing or renting property in Dubai could be simple now with the assistance of Emaar approval. A few years back, if you are a foreigner in Dubai, then it could have been difficult to get ownership of a property. However, times have changed, and foreigners could easily buy property in Dubai. On the other hand, there are certain concerns which you should focus on to get the job done simply.

You should have comprehensive awareness about the mandatory factors needed to apply for an Emaar approval as well as the guidelines related to it. The following discussion would illustrate information such as reasons to choose Emaar and the requirements to get approval for Emaar properties.

Dubai is gradually gaining recognition for its world-class infrastructure. Starting from skyscrapers to luxury residential properties as well as business establishments, Dubai has it all! The industrial revolution in Dubai has been a formidable driver for increasing the number of visitors.

Job seekers, tourists, and aspiring business ventures are finding their way to Dubai in large numbers. Therefore, it is most likely that the demand for real estate would increase gradually. As a foreigner, individuals should know how to apply for real estate approval with Emaar properties.

Reasons to choose Emaar

Now, you would be thinking about the exact reasons for which Emaar approval is essential for owning a property in Dubai. Emaar has been a prominent player in guiding the development of Dubai since 1997 and has been involved with various notable projects.

Some of the projects of Emaar which you could find attractive are the Dubai Mall and best of all, the Burj Khalifa! Most important of all, an understanding of the guidelines to obtain Emaar approval is crucial. After all, Emaar is the one company that has helped foreign investors to purchase or invest in properties in Dubai.

One of the prominent factors for which you would need Emaar approval is the provision of sophisticated properties for clients. You can get some of the best properties in Dubai with the help of Emaar and that too at reasonable prices! Furthermore, the easy payment plans of Emaar can also be taken into account for choosing Emaar.

How to apply?

The process to apply for Emaar approval is quite simple, and it starts with accessing the Emaar online portal. You need to create an account first on the online portal and then register your account with all the necessary credentials. The online portal is your one-stop solution to gain Emaar approvals. The Emaar online portal can be used to apply for the Title Deed through the online application, request for NOC as well as applications for approvals to modify villas or any properties of Emaar.

Understanding the mandatory requirements for Emaar approval

It is also essential to observe the basic requirements needed for getting Emaar approval. Just to make the process easy, you can use this information for preparing to get an Emaar approval. Foreigners have to submit a copy of their passport and locals are required to submit a copy of their passport as well as copies of their Emirates ID and visa. In addition to this, investors would have to give almost 10% of the property’s value as a down payment. During the registration process, investors would have to pay four percent of the property’s value as well as 3000 AED to the Dubai Land Department (DLD).

Guidelines for Emaar approval

The basic guideline to apply for Emaar approval is to follow the steps mentioned above for application carefully. Also, you need to have the right documents with you along with their copies to prevent any sort of confusion. The other guidelines that can help you get through the Emaar approval process easily can be presented as follows.

After understanding the basic requirements to apply for Emaar approval, it is reasonable to focus on the necessity of choosing an agency that could get you the approval easily. Professional agencies dealing with services for approvals from notable government authorities in Dubai can be a helpful support. Their experience in real estate, as well as the activities of Emaar, could be a source of advantage for investors.

Also, the agencies could provide clear details about the essential requirements to obtain Emaar approval. It is highly important to adhere strictly to the regulations established by the Emaar Alterations Department to get the approval. Furthermore, investors could be able to get insights into the suitable property options in different areas of Dubai. This surely seems like a way to get the best out of your investment in real estate in Dubai, doesn’t it?

On a closing note, you could be able to get an Emaar approval easily by following the information mentioned above. However, don’t forget to get the services of an expert approval agency.  

Also, read  How to Get Approval from Trakhees

Since its industrial revolution, Dubai has provided numerous opportunities for everyone looking to achieve heights of success, and it is continuing to do so as of 2021. Today, Dubai has become an international hub where people from all backgrounds are competing against each other. In order to cope up with the growing industrialization and infrastructure demand, it becomes very important to set a bar of standards for ensuring safety and security. The government of Dubai has handed over this responsibility to Trakhees .

It is worth noting that if you are planning to set up your own project in Dubai (under Trakhees Jurisdiction), you have to follow certain rules and regulations set by Trakhees. Moreover, you need to have a permit or approval for commencing the construction work. But the matter of fact is that sometimes the whole process of getting Trakhees approval can be a bit difficult if you have not followed the procedures properly. Let’s make it simple for you and discuss what you need to do so that you can get approvals easily:

Procedure For Getting a Building Permit 2021

You cannot commence any construction work at your site before getting a building permit from Trakhees. You must follow the given procedure in order to get  Trakhees Approval :

  • Pre-Approval Formalities:  Before applying for Trakhees Approval, your contractor or consultant has to first get NOC for concept design. This design is then submitted online via e-permit to obtain a Building Permit application ID . A building permit fee notification will then be sent to your consultant and the specified payment is to be made.
  • Application Submission:  Once the payment is made to the Trakhees cashier, your consultant has to submit the application at Trakhees Helpdesk along with the payment receipt. However, the documents and the application form are to submitted on a CD containing the documents in pdf format. If the CD contains all the documents as per the requirement, it is accepted and your consultant will receive a submission serial number sent through the mail. If the documents are not complete, Trakhees has the full right to reject your application.
  • Document Distribution:  Once your application is accepted for Trakhees Approval, a copy of your documents is sent to a structural engineer who then forwards them to an architect, quality engineer, and an HVAC specialist. The Structural engineer will check your drawings and documents for the desired structural calculation. The architect will cross-check your drawings as per various applicable standards. The quality engineer will examine the drawings as per the quality guidelines, and thermal load calculations will be checked by an HVAC specialist. Once all the engineers review the documents and drawings of your project, they will send a copy of their review to the Structural engineer who will then prepare a feedback summary report. This report will be then forwarded to the permit admin, who will then send the letter of Trakhees Approval to your Engineering consultant in Dubai . If the feedback summary report suggests any changes, then you will be required to resubmit your documents after making the specified changes.
  • Drawing Uploaded to Server:  If your application and documents are as per the guidelines, the structural engineer, architect, quality engineer, and HVAC specialist will sign and stamp your drawings and will upload them to the server. Permit admin will then prepare the NOC for the building permit and will attach all the recommendations to the permit. Your Engineering consultant in Dubai will be notified if any payment has to be settled by your side. The structural engineer and Sr. Manager Permits will sign the building permit.
  • Permit Issuance:  Once you have paid the additional fees (if any), the Director of Civil Engineering Department will sign the permit and your Engineering consultant in Dubai will receive a notification from the permit admin for collecting the CD. This CD will contain the building permit, signed drawings, and construction recommendations. It is important to comply with all the recommendations provided in the CD.
  • Points to Remember:  At this stage, you will have a building permit from Trakhees, but still you have to take care of certain things. They are as:
  • From the date of issuance, your building permit will be valid for 6 months.
  • You have to commence your construction work as per the recommendations provided by Trakhees.
  • You must also have approvals from Trakhees EHS, DEWA, Etisalat, and DU before commencing any work at the site.
  • All construction work should be as per the standards of the Civil Engineering Department of Trakhees.
  • After the completion of the construction work, the debris in the surrounding area should be cleaned within a week.
  • Last but not the least, the Trakhees inspection reports and copy of approved drawings should always be available on the site.

Procedure for Getting an Environmental Permit 2021

Before discussing how to get an environmental permit, it should be noted that there are various types of environmental permits and each of them has its own specific applicability. They can be listed as:

  • Harbor / Open Sea Discharge Permit: Applicable for projects disposing treated wastewater to open sea.
  • Irrigation Permit: Applicable to projects using wastewater for irrigation purposes.
  • Air Emission Permit: Applicable for projects using fuel-burning stacks with air pollution control equipment.
  • Cutting and Relocation of Trees Permit: Applicable for projects that require tree cutting or relocation.
  • Marine Mammal related activity: This category includes a permit to operate a captive marine mammal facility, permit to transport marine mammals, permit to conduct scientific research on marine mammals, and permit to import/export marine mammals. This permit is applicable to projects involving marine mammals.
  • Aquatic Animals related activity: This category includes a permit to operate an aquarium facility, permit to transport aquatic animals, permit to conduct scientific research on aquatic animals, and permit to import/export aquatic animals. This permit is applicable to projects involving aquatic animals.
  • NOC for Marine Area Management: Applicable for projects managing marine areas.
  • Coral Translocation Permit: Applicable for projects performing coral translocation activity.
  • NOC for Dredging and Reclamation: Applicable for projects performing dredging and reclamation activity.
  • NOC for Conditional Environmental Activity: Applicable for projects performing activities related to environmental issues.
  • Sand Transportation Permit: Applicable to those involving shifting transportation of sand from one construction site to another.

The step by step procedure for getting environmental approval from Trakhees is as follows:

  • Application Submission:  Depending upon the type of permit you require for your project, a permit application form is to be submitted along with the documents mentioned on the form. After you fill-up the form, it is to be submitted to EHS Main Office Reception. You can also submit the application should e-mail. Remember to submit all the documents as mentioned in the form, or else your application will be rejected.
  • Review of Application:  The environmental department will review your application form and you will be notified in case of clarification from your side. You may also be required to submit some additional documents.
  • Site Inspection:  When your application is reviewed and everything is done, an officer from the environmental department will visit your site for an inspection. You will be notified of the inspection so that you can coordinate with the officer and agree upon the date & time of the visit.
  • Permit Approval / Rejection:  After considering all the facts, the environmental department will approve or reject your permit application. If it is approved, a permit will be issued to you.
  • Payment:  You are required to pay an amount towards your permit issuance and each permit requires a specific amount of payment to be made. No permit will be issued unless you do not make the payment. Below is the required amount of payment to be made for each type of permit:
  • Renewal:  In the case of Harbor Discharge Permit, Irrigation Permit, and Air Emission Permit, forty-five to sixty days prior to the permit expiry date, the environmental department will initiate the renewal process. This will be followed by a surprise site inspection and the inspection reports will be released within five working days for Air Emission, seven working days for Irrigation, and eight working days for harbor water, from the date of inspection. You will then be required to submit the application along with the specified payment amount and a renewed permit will be issued to you.

If you follow the procedure as per the given guidelines, it will be easy for you to get Trakhees Approval. Let us help you with your Dubai Approvals procedures wherein our experts will help you anytime and anywhere so that you do not have to deal with the re-submission of your application. Not only that, but we also help you with DEWA approval, Dubai Municipality Approval, Jafza Approval, and approvals from many more authorities of Dubai. So, feel free to visit us and allow us to serve you for easy approvals.

Also, read  How to get warehouse mezzanine approval in Dubai?

Warehouses are required to abide by certain Building Regulations and Design Guidelines in order to get a license and Dubai Approvals for both establishments and for any subsequent Fit-out modifications done to it. The relevant Dubai Approvals for warehouses mezzanine are demarcated by various jurisdictions under different Dubai authorities. Warehouses located in Al Quoz, Dubai Investment Parks, and Ras Al Khor come under the jurisdiction of the Dubai Municipality and Dubai Civil Defence  whereas, the Jebel Ali Free Economic Zone - JAFZA is required to get a Trakhees Approval. Let’s have a look at the general guidelines:

  • The locations for warehouses are required to be chosen as special areas usually set aside for industrial types of work. This is as per the Land Use and Classification and Regulations in the Emirates.
  • Unless considered otherwise by the authority, warehouses are required to provide skylight openings of at least 5% of floor area in order to provide natural ventilation and lighting.
  • The net internal height of any storage area such as a depot or a workshop must be between 4 and 9 meters in height unless indicated otherwise by the authority.
  • A maximum limit of 20% of the industrial area can be set aside to set up commercial activity. Outside of this area, commercial activity or goods display for trading cannot be carried out.
  • Provisions for canteen, pantry, and changing rooms with lockers are required to be provided for employees. People with disabilities may be employed only when special provisions for them are incorporated into the design of the space.
  • Kitchens and related cooking activities are not allowed on site.

Sanitary Provisions

  •  Wash closets (WC) and Basins (WB) are required to be provided for male and female staff at the rate of 1 per 25 staff. If the staff number exceeds 100 then WC’s and WB’s are to be provided at the rate of 1 per 40 urinals.
  • Toilet corridors need to have a minimum width of 1.2 meters with stall dimensions of 0.9X 1.25 meters.
  • Vending equipment, waste receptacles, and dispensers need to be 1 meter above the floor level with the waste receptacles embedded into the walls out of the way of people.
  • Common toilets for both sexes are prohibited and doors to male and female washrooms are to be separated well. Self-closing doors to be provided wherever possible.

Parking provisions

1 parking space per 50 square meters of office space to be provided. For vehicles such as buses, parking space provided depends on the operations carried out and the number of workers. Parking provision for visitors is 10% of the space provided for the staff.

  • Construction of perimeter fencing must be on property and must not exceed 2.4 meters in height.
  • The minimum width of all warehouse doors is 3 meters.

Mezzanine floor constraints

A mezzanine floor is simply an intermediate floor space provided above the warehouse floor. Its function may pertain to the space below or above it.

  • 100% of the mezzanine floor can be used if for the purpose of car parking or as an extension of the building’s usage purpose.
  • Balconies or terraces are not permitted to be built on mezzanine floors and second mezzanines are not permitted when the first one is being detached and used independently.
  • The internal height of the ground floor has to be a minimum of 3 meters. With the addition of a half mezzanine floor, it has to be between 2.4 – 4 meters. Finally, with the addition of a full mezzanine, the permitted internal height is between 2.6 – 3 meters.
  • Mezzanine floors installed must be done so without disturbing the existing warehouse structures.

Fire safety provisions

  • Smoke detectors are required to be fitted in every partitioned area within the building and tested by an EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety home)-Approved Fire contractor.
  • Fire extinguishers of 9-pound water type and 5-pound capacity carbon dioxide type must be provided at strategic locations on site.
  • Sprinkler systems to be provided where there is storage of fire hazardous material and sprinkler piping system is to be tested and approved by the concerned Fire department.

Any Fit-out / Modifications that are made onto existing warehouse structures require an inspection by the Trakhees authorities to obtain a Fit-out/Modification completion certificate.

Also, read  Trakhees EHS approval in Dubai

Why people love us

Letters to the Editor: Oil companies profit while they destroy the planet. That must end

An oil refinery is seen near Wilmington in 2016.

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To the editor: For too long, oil giants have been externalizing the human health and environmental costs of their products while raking in record products. Until government exacts these costs from polluters, our health bills will rise and environmental devastation will continue.

The Times’ editorial board makes a clear, compelling argument for the California Legislature to pass the Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act, a “climate Superfund” bill.

Until such a measure passes, Exxon Mobil will continue to raise Chief Executive Darren Woods’ compensation above the $36.9 million he received in 2023. Declining profits from forcing Big Oil to cover its externalized societal costs might lower CEO salaries while stopping civilization’s death spiral.

Economics and common sense agree: Make the climate polluters pay.

Tom Osborne, Laguna Beach

To the editor: The proposed new tax on energy companies to address climate change reflects a basic misunderstanding of capitalism.

As the saying goes, “Corporations don’t pay taxes, they collect them.” In other words, energy companies will just pass the tax to customers in the form of higher prices.

California already has the highest gas prices in the nation. A new tax will make the situation worse. It will make legislators feel good but further squeeze the working class.

It’s a bad idea.

David Cohen, Irvine

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REDONDO BEACH, CA - July 13: Overhead electric power lines photographed in Redondo Beach, CA, Tuesday, July 13, 2021. (Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)

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WEST LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 30, 2021 - - A homeless veteran sweeps outside his tent, draped with a U.S. flag, along Veterans Row on a Saturday morning along San Vicente Boulevard in an unincorporated area near Brentwood on October 30, 2021. Clearing of the encampments will begin at 7 a.m. on Monday, November 1 and the homeless vets will be moved to individual tents on the VA campus. Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough, who visited the encampment in October, said last week that the about 40 veterans from Veterans Row would be housed by November. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)

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LONG BEACH, CA - December 09: Wearing a mask that his company made, Aaron Ball, of Long Beach, visits George's Greek Cafe with his dog, Arthur Edwin, in his backpack while scootering on Pine Ave. in Long Beach Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020. Long Beach City Council is considering ramping up enforcement for people who are not wearing masks and how it has been handling the pandemic lately, since the city has its own public health department, apart from LA County. Ball's company normally makes designer dance apparel but has switched to masks to help keep his company afloat and workers employed during the Coronavirus pandemic. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

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  1. Trakhees

    Direct Telephone: +971 4 4485900/953/902/973. Email: [email protected]. Working hours: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM (GMT +4), Sunday - Thursday. Circulars. Types. All companies having projects under Trakhees jurisdiction have to follow the latest Circulars for Trakhees Accreditation Requirements.

  2. How to Get Approval from Trakhees

    1. Cover Letter addressed to the Senior Manager from Infrastructure Information & Permits Department. 2. Copy of DEWA ED approved As-Built drawing in PDF Format - For Completion Certificate Application. 3. Full set of DEWA ED approved shop drawing with NOC for ED -Ducts and/or Cable Diversions along with NOC letter in PDF Format. 4.

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    commencement of my/our business activities. I/We will be responsible and liable to compensate any loss or damage occurred due to any incident/accident/fire whatsoever during modification works at my/our firm/premises. I/We also agree to follow the Trakhees Emergency procedures and in case of an Emergency (Fire), I/We will call & report