
70 Exclusive Ancient Egypt Project Ideas: From Mummies to Mosaics

Embark on a captivating journey through time with our Ancient Egypt Project Ideas. Unleash your creativity with hands-on crafts, interactive games, and multimedia ventures that bring the wonders of Egypt to life.

Hey time travelers, buckle up because we’re about to hit the rewind button and teleport straight into the dazzling world of Ancient Egypt! Picture this: the Nile flowing, pyramids towering, and mummies doing their eternal thing. Feeling the excitement? Good, because we’ve got some project ideas that will turn your history lesson into a full-blown adventure.

Whether you’re a history nerd, a student stuck in the homework maze, or a teacher looking to break the monotony, we’ve got your ticket to ancient awesomeness. From cracking hieroglyphic codes to building mini pyramids that won’t actually take centuries, our projects are like the cheat codes to make Ancient Egypt the coolest chapter in history.

So, grab your explorer hat, dust off that imaginary time machine, and get ready for a journey that’ll make you the Indiana Jones of your classroom. Let’s make history fun again – are you in?

Table of Contents

Ancient Egypt Project Ideas

Check out ancient egypt project ideas:-

History and Culture

  • Pharaoh Family Tree: Create a family tree showcasing the lineage of pharaohs, highlighting their reigns and notable achievements.
  • Daily Life Diorama: Build a diorama depicting the daily life of Ancient Egyptians, including scenes from homes, markets, and workshops.
  • Cultural Artifact Exhibition: Curate a virtual or physical exhibition featuring replicas or drawings of significant artifacts from Ancient Egypt.
  • Great Pyramid Research Paper: Write a detailed research paper on the construction, purpose, and mysteries surrounding the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • Cleopatra’s Reign Comic Strip: Design a comic strip illustrating key events and challenges during Cleopatra’s rule.
  • Nile River Map: Create an interactive map illustrating the importance of the Nile River in Ancient Egyptian civilization.
  • Ancient Egyptian Fashion Show: Organize a fashion show featuring handmade costumes inspired by the clothing worn by different social classes in Ancient Egypt.
  • Hieroglyphic Storytelling: Write a short story using hieroglyphs, with translations or explanations accompanying each section.
  • Musical Instruments of Ancient Egypt: Research and demonstrate the use of musical instruments in Ancient Egyptian society.
  • Religious Practices Presentation: Explore the religious beliefs and practices of Ancient Egyptians through a multimedia presentation.

Architecture and Engineering

  • Pyramid Construction Model: Build models of different types of pyramids, explaining the variations in their designs and purposes.
  • Obelisk Blueprint: Design blueprints for an ancient obelisk, considering engineering aspects like materials, dimensions, and transportation.
  • Architectural Marvels Poster: Create an informative poster showcasing various architectural marvels in Ancient Egypt, such as temples and palaces.
  • Sphinx Clay Sculpture: Sculpt a miniature Sphinx from clay, discussing the symbolism and mythology associated with this iconic structure.
  • Tombs and Tombs Poster: Design a poster highlighting the features of ancient tombs and their significance in Egyptian burial practices.
  • Ancient Egyptian Housing Project: Build models or create drawings of different types of houses and dwellings in Ancient Egypt.
  • Pyramid Scaled Model: Construct a scaled-down model of a specific pyramid, considering proportions and architectural details.
  • Papyrus Boat Design: Design and build a model of a papyrus boat, exploring its use in transportation along the Nile River.
  • Temple Reconstruction: Create a 3D model or illustration of an ancient Egyptian temple, emphasizing its religious and architectural elements.
  • Imhotep: The Architect Project: Research and present a project on Imhotep, the renowned architect and polymath in Ancient Egypt.

Language and Communication

  • Hieroglyphic Alphabet Book: Create an alphabet book using hieroglyphs, providing explanations and examples for each symbol.
  • Hieroglyphic Puzzle Challenge: Develop a set of hieroglyphic puzzles for others to solve, incorporating messages or riddles.
  • Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy: Practice writing phrases or names in hieroglyphic calligraphy, exploring different styles and techniques.
  • Hieroglyphic Storyboard: Develop a storyboard for a short narrative using hieroglyphs, with accompanying translations.
  • Hieroglyphic Game Design: Invent a board game or card game that involves decoding hieroglyphs, making learning interactive.
  • Create Your Cartouche: Craft a personalized cartouche with your name or a meaningful word, explaining the significance of cartouches.
  • Hieroglyphic Poetry: Write poems using hieroglyphic symbols, exploring creativity within the constraints of this ancient writing system.
  • Decode the Mystery: Design a mystery game where participants must decode hieroglyphic clues to unveil a hidden story or treasure.
  • Hieroglyphic Flashcards: Create a set of flashcards featuring common hieroglyphs, aiding in the learning process.
  • Digital Hieroglyph Translator: Develop a digital tool or app that translates modern text into hieroglyphs and vice versa.

Science and Technology

  • Mummification Experiment: Conduct a simplified mummification experiment using fruits or vegetables, showcasing the preservation process.
  • Ancient Egyptian Medicine Report: Research and present a report on medical practices in Ancient Egypt, including herbs and surgical techniques.
  • Invention Model Exhibition: Create models or diagrams showcasing inventions like the shaduf, water clock, and papyrus-making tools.
  • Astronomy in Ancient Egypt: Explore the astronomical knowledge of Ancient Egyptians and create a presentation or model.
  • Hieroglyphic Coding Game: Develop a coding game where players use hieroglyphic symbols to solve puzzles or write simple code.
  • Observe the Stars: Organize a stargazing night to explore how Ancient Egyptians used the stars for navigation and timekeeping.
  • Mummification Virtual Reality Experience: Develop a virtual reality experience that takes users through the process of mummification.
  • Ancient Egyptian Agriculture Project: Explore the agricultural practices of Ancient Egyptians, including the use of the Nile for farming.
  • Water Clock Construction: Build a working model of an ancient water clock, explaining its use in timekeeping.
  • Ancient Egyptian Cosmetics Workshop: Research and recreate cosmetics used in Ancient Egypt, discussing their ingredients and cultural significance.

Arts and Crafts

  • Scarab Beetle Jewelry Design: Craft jewelry inspired by the scarab beetle, a symbol of protection and good luck in Ancient Egypt.
  • Papyrus Painting: Create paintings on papyrus paper, depicting scenes from Ancient Egyptian life or mythology.
  • Pottery Workshop: Handcraft pottery inspired by ancient Egyptian pottery styles, incorporating symbolic designs.
  • Sculpt an Ankh: Sculpt or carve your version of the Ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of life.
  • Pharaoh Crown Construction: Design and build a Pharaoh crown using craft materials, incorporating symbolic elements.
  • Create an Egyptian Fan: Craft a decorative fan inspired by ancient Egyptian art, featuring symbolic motifs.
  • Egyptian Cat Sculpture: Sculpt a cat figurine, inspired by the reverence of cats in ancient Egyptian culture.
  • Paint an Egyptian Mural: Create a mural showcasing scenes from ancient Egyptian life, using paints or digital tools.
  • Embroidery with Hieroglyphs: Embroider symbols or phrases in hieroglyphs onto fabric, creating decorative items.
  • Anubis Mask Design: Design and craft a mask inspired by Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of mummification.

Interactive Projects

  • Ancient Egyptian Escape Room: Develop an escape room with puzzles related to Ancient Egyptian history, requiring participants to solve mysteries.
  • Virtual Nile River Adventure: Create an interactive virtual tour along the Nile River, exploring key landmarks and historical sites.
  • Time-Traveling Blog: Write a blog as if you’re an ancient Egyptian time traveler, documenting your experiences and discoveries.
  • Ancient Egyptian Cooking Show: Film a cooking show featuring recipes inspired by ancient Egyptian cuisine, explaining the ingredients and cultural significance.
  • Digital Hieroglyph Scavenger Hunt: Develop a digital scavenger hunt where participants must find and decode hieroglyphic messages.
  • Ancient Egyptian Fashion Show: Organize a virtual fashion show featuring participants showcasing their handmade Ancient Egyptian-inspired clothing.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Develop an interactive storytelling experience where participants make choices to shape their journey through Ancient Egypt.
  • Create an Ancient Egyptian Podcast Series: Record a podcast series discussing different aspects of Ancient Egyptian history, culture, and mythology.
  • Ancient Egyptian Board Game: Design and create a board game inspired by Ancient Egyptian themes, incorporating historical and cultural elements.
  • Virtual Reality Pyramid Expedition: Develop a virtual reality experience that takes users inside a pyramid, exploring its chambers and secrets.

Multimedia and Presentations

  • Ancient Egyptian News Broadcast Series: Create a series of news broadcasts reporting on significant events in Ancient Egypt, using modern news formats.
  • Ancient Egyptian Documentary: Produce a documentary exploring various aspects of Ancient Egyptian life, culture, and achievements.
  • Podcast Series on Pharaohs: Record a podcast series focusing on different pharaohs, delving into their reigns, achievements, and challenges.
  • Interactive Digital Storybook: Develop an interactive digital storybook for tablets or computers, narrating tales from Ancient Egypt.
  • Animated Hieroglyphic Stories: Create animated short stories using hieroglyphic symbols, with voiceovers explaining the narrative.
  • Ancient Egyptian Art Exhibition: Design a virtual art exhibition showcasing artworks inspired by Ancient Egyptian themes, created by students.
  • Virtual Reality Nile Cruise: Develop a virtual reality experience that takes users on a cruise along the Nile, exploring historical sites along the way.
  • Digital Museum Tour: Create a virtual tour of an imaginary Ancient Egyptian museum, featuring exhibits and explanations.
  • Ancient Egyptian Poetry Slam: Write and perform poetry inspired by Ancient Egypt, exploring themes of love, mythology, and daily life.
  • Ancient Egyptian Music Composition: Compose music inspired by Ancient Egyptian instruments and melodies, showcasing the cultural richness of the era.

These diverse project ideas cater to various interests and learning styles, making the exploration of Ancient Egypt an engaging and multidimensional experience.

What should I make for an Egyptian project?

Alright, let’s spice things up a bit! Here are some fun and engaging ideas for your Egyptian project:

1. Pyramid Powerhouse

Build a mini pyramid that’s not just a looker but can also house some secret treasures. Think hidden compartments, trap doors, and maybe a tiny mummy surprise!

2. Hieroglyphic Hipster Art

Turn your name or a cool phrase into a funky piece of hieroglyphic street art. Think graffiti meets ancient symbols!

3. Pharaoh Rockstar Poster

Create a poster about an ancient pharaoh, but let’s give them a modern twist. What if they had a rock band or were a movie star? Get creative!

4. Mummification Madness Video

Lights, camera, action! Make a hilarious video demonstrating the mummification process using household items. Bonus points for funny commentary!

5. Egyptian Fashion Showdown

Design and showcase an Ancient Egyptian-inspired outfit. Can you make a trendsetting pharaoh or a glamorous Cleopatra?

6. Time-Travel Instagram Stories

Imagine you’re an influencer time-traveler exploring ancient Egypt. Create Instagram story highlights of your adventures, complete with emojis and filters.

7. Snapchat Sphinx Lens

Design a custom Snapchat filter featuring you with a Sphinx headdress or adorned in hieroglyphic accessories. Get your friends to use it too!

8. Sculpt-a-thon

Grab some clay and sculpt a quirky Sphinx. Give it sunglasses, a smartphone—let your imagination run wild!

9. Papyrus Picasso

Paint a wild and colorful scene on a sheet of papyrus. How about a disco party with  Tutankhamun  and friends?

How to Create Ancient Egypt Project Ideas?

Alright, let’s spice up the process of creating Ancient Egypt project ideas with a dash of creativity and a whole lot of fun:

Dive into the Time-Turner Zone

Imagine you’ve stumbled upon a magical time-turner that whisks you straight into the heart of Ancient Egypt. What projects would blow your historical socks off?

Theme Fiesta

Think of Ancient Egypt like a massive party with different themes. History, architecture, daily shenanigans—pick a theme that excites you and start brainstorming.

Wild Ideas Galore

Don’t hold back! Picture yourself in an Ancient Egyptian brainstorming fiesta. Mummify a banana? Why not! Build a mini-pyramid disco? Absolutely!

Project Playgrounds

Ancient Egypt is your playground, so what games would the ancient folks play? Turn history into an epic board game or a pyramid puzzle challenge.

Crafty Shenanigans

Get your hands dirty (metaphorically or literally) with hands-on crafts. Maybe sculpt a Sphinx out of playdough or fashion a hieroglyphic crown fit for a pharaoh.

Add a Pinch of Movie Magic

Imagine Ancient Egypt hits the big screen. What projects would steal the show? Create a blockbuster podcast series, a TikTok dance craze, or even an animated short film.

Pharaoh’s Got Talent

What if ancient Egyptians had a talent show? Design projects that showcase your skills—be it storytelling, singing, or even hieroglyphic calligraphy.

Mix and Match

Combine different subjects for a project smoothie. What happens when math meets pyramid construction, or when literature collides with mythological storytelling?

Color Outside the Lines

Forget the lines; let your creativity run wild. Maybe Cleopatra hosts a late-night talk show, or the Sphinx becomes a stand-up comedian. How would your project color outside the lines of conventional history?

Project Test Drive

Before the big reveal, test drive your projects. Is it as fun to create as it sounds? If not, tweak it until it’s a joyous ride through ancient history.

Let the Pyramids Talk

If the pyramids could talk, what would they say? Infuse personality into your projects, let the Sphinx crack a few jokes, and make history as lively as a chat with your best buddy.

Creativity Snacks

Provide creative snacks along with your project ideas—maybe a pyramid-shaped cookie or a hieroglyphic cupcake. Creativity, after all, is best enjoyed with a snack on the side.

Celebrate the Quirks

Encourage participants to embrace the quirks in their projects. The more personality, the better! Ancient Egypt wasn’t boring, so neither should your projects be.

Journey, Not Destination

Remember, it’s not just about the project; it’s the journey through ancient creativity. Let the process be as exciting as the final product.

So, grab your virtual time-turner, throw on your most adventurous hat, and let’s turn Ancient Egypt into a project party!

What was the national project of ancient Egypt?

Back in the day, ancient Egypt was like the ultimate construction playground, and they didn’t mess around. It’s like they said, “Let’s build stuff that’ll blow people’s minds for centuries!” So, what was their blockbuster project? Drumroll, please… the pyramids!

Imagine this: ginormous triangular structures, the Great Pyramid being the rockstar of the show. These weren’t just random piles of rocks; they were the VIP resting places for the coolest pharaohs in town – Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, to name a few. It’s like they wanted their tombs to scream, “I ruled, and I rule even in the afterlife!”

But wait, there’s more! They didn’t stop at pyramids; they went all out with temples too. The Temple of Karnak and the Temple of Luxor were like the VIP lounges for the gods. Picture epic columns, intricate carvings, and a vibe that screamed, “We’re here to worship, and we’re doing it in style!”

And then, there’s the Sphinx – a massive lion-bodied, pharaoh-headed rockstar keeping watch over the Giza Plateau. It’s like ancient Egypt’s way of saying, “Yeah, we’re not just about pyramids; we do sphinxes too!”

So, their national project wasn’t just one thing; it was this insane construction spree that shouted, “We’re the pharaohs, and we’re building things that’ll leave people in awe for millennia!” Talk about leaving a legacy!

And there you have it—the grand finale of our Ancient Egypt project bonanza! Imagine rolling up your sleeves, donning a virtual explorer hat, and diving into a Nile-side adventure where history meets creativity.

These project ideas are like golden tickets to a theme park of hieroglyphic escapades and pyramid-building shenanigans. It’s not just about projects; it’s about time-traveling through mummy mysteries, hieroglyph hangouts, and pyramid parties.

As you venture into the world of Ancient Egypt, think of these projects as magic carpets that whisk you away to an era of pharaoh coolness and Nile-side vibes. You’re not just a project-doer; you’re an honorary ancient architect, a hieroglyphic detective, and maybe even a virtual time traveler.

So, go ahead, let the creativity flow like the Nile, and may your projects be as legendary as the tales of Cleopatra’s charisma. This isn’t a conclusion; it’s an afterparty invite to keep the Ancient Egypt vibes alive in your projects, dreams, and who knows, maybe even your secret treasure hunt. Cheers to the wonders of Ancient Egypt, and here’s to the next adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is ancient egypt so fascinating.

Ancient Egypt captivates with its rich history, incredible achievements, and enduring mysteries, making it a perpetual source of fascination.

What role did the Nile play in Ancient Egypt’s prosperity?

The Nile was the lifeblood of Ancient Egypt, sustaining agriculture, fostering trade, and shaping the civilization’s economic prosperity.

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Ideas for Ancient Egypt Projects: Giza, Hieroglyphics!

Embark on a creative journey through history with engaging Ancient Egypt project ideas perfect for educators and students alike.

Construct a miniature Pyramid of Giza, decipher hieroglyphics, or recreate the intricate jewelry worn by Egyptian royalty. These projects not only educate but also provide a tactile experience of Egyptian culture and innovation.

Ancient Egypt projects allow learners to immerse themselves in the history and culture of this remarkable civilization. By reenacting the art and engineering feats of the Egyptians, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for their contributions to history.

Dive into the rich tapestry of Ancient Egypt with interactive projects that illuminate the past and inspire a love of history.

Ideas for Ancient Egypt Projects

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Egyptian hieroglyphics craft.

The article presents a simple and engaging Egyptian hieroglyphics craft project that allows students to create their own hieroglyphic messages using common materials.

By using paper, markers, and a hieroglyphic alphabet guide, students can learn about the ancient Egyptian writing system while having fun.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics Craft

This hands-on activity not only fosters creativity but also provides an opportunity for students to explore history in a meaningful way. The project can be easily adapted for different age groups, making it suitable for elementary and middle school students alike.

Through this craft, students can gain a deeper understanding of the significance of written communication in ancient Egypt. Overall, this hieroglyphics craft project offers an interactive and educational way for students to connect with the rich history of ancient Egypt.

Pharaoh’s Sarcophagus Diorama

Students can further explore ancient Egypt by creating a detailed Pharaoh’s Sarcophagus diorama, allowing them to delve deeper into the cultural and historical significance of the civilization.

Pharaohs Sarcophagus Diorama

This hands-on project provides a captivating way to learn about the elaborate burial practices and religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

To create the diorama, students can use materials such as cardboard, clay, and paint to depict the intricate details of a pharaoh’s sarcophagus and the surrounding burial chamber.

By constructing the diorama, students can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the afterlife in ancient Egyptian culture and the opulence associated with pharaohs.

Through this interactive activity, students can appreciate the craftsmanship and symbolism embedded in the design of sarcophagi.

Materials NeededSteps to CreateEducational Benefits
CardboardResearch sarcophagus designUnderstanding ancient beliefs
ClayConstruct sarcophagusHands-on learning experience
PaintCreate burial chamber sceneAppreciation for ancient art

Nile River Map Project

The Nile River Map Project is an excellent way for students to explore the significance of the Nile in ancient Egypt.

Nile River Map Project

By creating a map that highlights historical landmarks along the Nile, students can gain a deeper understanding of its impact on daily life and the development of the civilization.

This project offers a hands-on approach to learning about the vital role the Nile played in shaping ancient Egypt.

Nile’s Importance in Egypt

An integral part of ancient Egypt’s development, a hands-on Nile River map project offers students a tangible way to grasp the significance of the Nile’s role in Egyptian civilization.

By creating a 3×4 table, students can visually represent the Nile’s importance in Egypt. The first column could display the Nile River’s role in agriculture, illustrating how its annual flooding provided fertile soil for farming.

The second column could emphasize transportation, showcasing how the Nile served as a vital trade route, connecting different regions of Egypt.

In the third column, students can highlight the Nile’s significance in religion and culture, illustrating how it influenced Egyptian beliefs and traditions.

This project enables students to understand the Nile’s multifaceted importance, making ancient Egyptian civilization come alive in a meaningful way.

Nile’s ImportanceExamples
AgricultureFertile soil from annual flooding
TransportationVital trade route
Religion & CultureInfluence on Egyptian beliefs and traditions

Historical Landmarks Along Nile

Historical landmarks along the Nile River can be mapped by students to understand the significance of key sites in ancient Egyptian civilization.

This project allows students to explore and appreciate the rich history and culture that flourished along the banks of the Nile.

Through the Nile River Map Project, students can immerse themselves in the following emotional experiences:

  • Awe: Witnessing the grandeur of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • Reverence: Reflecting on the mystical allure of the Temple of Karnak.
  • Curiosity: Exploring the enigmatic Sphinx and its enduring mysteries.
  • Inspiration: Imagining the engineering marvel of the Aswan High Dam.

Impact on Daily Life

As students delve into the Impact on Daily Life (Nile River Map Project), they can gain a deeper understanding of how the Nile River influenced the everyday activities and livelihoods of ancient Egyptians.

By creating a map that highlights the Nile River’s impact on daily life, students can visualize how the river facilitated transportation, trade, agriculture, and even religious practices.

They can learn how the predictable flooding of the Nile provided fertile soil for farming, enabling the ancient Egyptians to cultivate crops such as wheat and barley.

Additionally, the Nile’s waterways served as a crucial means of transportation, connecting different regions and allowing for the exchange of goods and ideas.

This project allows students to appreciate the central role that the Nile River played in shaping the daily lives and prosperity of ancient Egyptians.

Build a Model of the Great Sphinx

A student can create a model of the Great Sphinx using everyday materials found at home. They can use clay or playdough to sculpt the body of the Sphinx and mold the head from a styrofoam ball.

Build a Model of the Great Sphinx

To add detail, they can paint the Sphinx with sandy colors and add hieroglyphic symbols. Small rocks or pebbles can be used to represent the surrounding desert landscape.

Additionally, the student can incorporate small figurines to depict ancient Egyptians paying homage to the Sphinx.

Make Your Own Papyrus Scroll

To continue exploring creative projects related to Ancient Egypt, one can craft their own papyrus scroll using simple materials found at home.

Make Your Own Papyrus Scroll

Start by cutting brown craft paper into a long rectangular shape. Then, lay the strips horizontally and vertically, slightly overlapping, and glue them together. Once dry, place another sheet on top and press down firmly.

After drying, the scroll can be aged by crumpling and soaking it in tea or coffee. Flatten it out and let it dry again.

To complete the scroll, one can write or draw hieroglyphics or Ancient Egyptian scenes using a black marker.

This hands-on activity not only provides insight into the ancient writing material but also offers a fun and educational experience for all ages.

Design an Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

Ancient Egyptian jewelry holds deep cultural and symbolic significance. Through the use of materials like gold, lapis lazuli, and turquoise, the jewelry conveyed the wearer’s status and beliefs.

Design an Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

Exploring the symbolism and materials used in Egyptian jewelry can provide an engaging and educational project for those interested in ancient Egypt.

Symbolism in Egyptian Jewelry

One can express the rich symbolism of ancient Egyptian culture through the design of their jewelry.

The intricate designs and choice of materials in Egyptian jewelry carried deep symbolic meanings, evoking emotions such as:

  • Protection : Symbols like the Eye of Horus were believed to protect the wearer from harm.
  • Eternal Life : Ankh, the symbol of life, represented eternal life and was often incorporated into jewelry designs.
  • Royalty : The use of lapis lazuli and gold in jewelry was associated with royalty and divine connections.
  • Love and Fertility : Amulets and symbols like the lotus flower were worn to invoke feelings of love and fertility.

Understanding the emotional and cultural significance of these symbols enriches the appreciation of ancient Egyptian jewelry.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about ‘materials used in jewelry’, one can explore how these materials were chosen to complement the symbolism.

Materials Used in Jewelry

The ancient Egyptians utilized a variety of materials, including gold, lapis lazuli, and turquoise, to create their intricate and symbolic jewelry designs. Gold was highly favored due to its rarity and association with the sun god, Ra.

Lapis lazuli, a deep blue semi-precious stone, was often used to represent the night sky and the heavens.

Turquoise, with its vibrant blue-green color, was associated with fertility and rebirth. These materials weren’t only chosen for their aesthetic appeal but also for their symbolic significance in ancient Egyptian culture.

When designing ancient Egyptian jewelry for a project, one could consider using these materials to recreate the beauty and meaning found in the original pieces. This understanding of the materials used can enhance the authenticity and historical significance of the project.

Create a Mini Egyptian Temple Model

Students can create a detailed mini Egyptian temple model using simple materials and basic crafting techniques. To bring this project to life, students will need to gather materials such as cardboard, paint, glue, and craft sticks.

Create a Mini Egyptian Temple Model

They can then follow these steps to construct the model:

  • Research different styles of Egyptian temples to inspire the design
  • Use cardboard to create the base and main structure of the temple
  • Utilize craft sticks to add intricate details such as columns and carvings
  • Paint the model with traditional Egyptian colors and symbols to add authenticity

There are plenty of fun and educational ancient Egypt projects to choose from. These projects can help students immerse themselves in the rich history and culture of ancient Egypt while also sparking their creativity and critical thinking skills.

Did you know that the Great Sphinx is the largest monolith statue in the world, standing at 240 feet long and 66 feet high?

So, why not give one of these projects a try?

ancient egypt homework project ideas

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Ancient Egypt for Teachers Classroom Activities and Projects

Free use classroom activities and projects for ancient egypt: new deities, egyptian fairy tales, a mock bazaar, stump the audience, egypt bingo, decorative decodes, how to live forever (the ancient egyptian mummy way), the king tut news hour, deep in the tomb of egypt, and more. we teach middle school (grades 6-8), but these activities can be adjusted for any grade..

New Deities: Ask the class to come up with a list of some of the animals that live in your state. Record them on the chalkboard. Then have the kids create new gods and goddesses using the heads of your local animals. Brainstorm a list of topics that their deities can "stand for," such as friendship, schools, fun, etc. Challenge them to make their animal choices match the attribute they represent: for example, an owl-headed god of schools (wise as an owl), a dog-headed god of friendship (man's best friend), a bee-headed god of work (busy as a bee). (Donn)

Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt: Explain how Narmer unified Egypt in 3100 BC, and that the double crown was created by combining the white crown of Upper Egypt with the red crown of Lower Egypt. Then, have the children create new symbols for a modern unification by combining the logos of competitors. To get them thinking, ask what the logo could be if Coke and Pepsi were united. Or MCI and AT&T, or Apple and Microsoft, or the USA and Canada, etc. Have magazines available for kids to reference corporate logos and an encyclopedia for flags of countries. Submitted by: Kevin Fleury; New Hampshire; USA

Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tales: Have the students rewrite their favorite fairy tale. Change the setting, and items to ancient Egyptian times. Instead of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves...I got a tale called, "Nefertiti and the Seven Tomb Robbers." There are some great tales to be changed, rewritten, and illustrated. Students learn many concepts from this unit. Submitted by: Jeanie Saiger ; Grand Forks, North Dakota; USA

Barter: Have a mock bazaar by getting a 5 lb. candy bag, and pass it out (give some kids more than others... "Gee, this was a bad year for our Peanut Butter Cup crops!" Throw in other items to barter, such as pencils, stickers. The Egyptians ranked the value of their wares according to the "deben," a standard sized piece of copper. A goat may have been worth 1 deben, and a bed 2.5 deben. A reasonable trade would be 2 or 3 goats for one bed. Prepare for the activity by assigning each item a deben value. Cherry lollipops might be 6 deben, small lemon flavored candies 1 deben. Have each child take inventory prior to trading to calculate the total value of their starting worth. Let them trade. Have the kids recalculate. My kids were very particular about making sure they were getting their "deben worth"! Submitted by: The Chihuahua Pharaohs

Mummies! Or How to Live Forever! (Donn)

Decorative Decodes (Be an Archaeologist): Have students write (with black permanent marker) their full names in any order (middle, last, then first - or however) on a sheet of white typing paper using hieroglyphic symbols. When finished, stain the papers in tea water and mount them on black construction paper. Give the kids the next week to decode all the papers and figure out whose was whose. Submitted by Barbara D. Martin ; California, USA

Daily Life:   Group Activity, Stump the Audience, 1-2 class periods (Donn)

Ancient Egypt Daily Life : Have each student write their own story about a day in Ancient Egypt. Their story must be at least 5 paragraphs long. They will write as if they were telling about their own life in Egypt over the course of one day. They can not be the pharaoh, a king or queen, or a god. They can be a priest, worker, soldier, merchant, slave, or visitor. They can work alone or in small groups. When working in groups, each student must turn in their own original work, but students stories must mesh and intertwine. When working in groups, students are encouraged to know each in ancient times. Information on ancient Egypt daily life may be found here: Daily Life Ancient Egypt.

The King Tut News Hour - All the latest from Tut's Tomb , reporter on site (creating news headlines), Group activity. Give each group a quick background of their newspaper, magazine, or radio show. For example, (1) Your newspaper has lost circulation. You need to increase readership or go out of business. (2) You have a radio show and a reputation for stretching the truth. (3) And so on. Only the group sees their background. After each group creates a headline and possibly a short news story, have the rest of the class give their opinion on the purpose and accuracy of the "news" they just heard. After a quick discussion, the group reads their assigned background to the class. The teacher asks: Did their headline match their instructions? Then ask for a show of hands, was this report accurate? Why or why not.

Review Activity, Small Groups: Deep in the Tombs of Egypt : Sing along and create verses of your own. Can be used as a review activity working in small groups. (Donn)

Review Game: Create a Game of Ancient Egypt Bingo, with Bingo card  (Donn)

Online Game Day: Ancient Egypt - Games and Interactive Learning Sites for Kids - We create a scavenger hunt sheet of things for kids to find in the sites listed on their exploration sheet. The kids have to site the source for each scavenger find for verification. (Donn)

Archeology--Use magazines to look up places around the world where archeologists are at work today. Make a large world map to show findings.

The Egyptians left out most vowels. Write a letter to a friend using no vowels and see if they can fill in the blanks.

Debate ethics of taking things from a tomb for museums.

Write a want ad for pyramid workers.

Make a clay pyramid using 2 cups each salt and flour, 1 1/2 cups water. Cover with sandpaper to give realistic look.

Compare the height of some of the worlds highest structures.

Pretend you are working on a pyramid. Write a letter home to your family describing your day, thoughts and feelings.

Design a pyramid you think would be safe from grave robbers.

Rosetta Stone--Make your own from plaster of Paris, carving it when dry with heavy needle or nail.

Find pieces of literature you think should be left as examples like the Rosetta Stone.

Sphinx--write a story telling what happened to the end of his nose. Read out loud and vote on the best story.

Tombs--list things you would want in your tomb.

What books do you think should be left behind for future generations?

Workers--compare ancient Egyptian and modern day.

Choose Your Own Adventure from over 70 different classroom activities and possible assignments (Mr. Roughton)

Puzzle Creator - Word search, Criss Cross, Memory Matching (found online)

Concluding Activity for Ancient Egypt: Pharaoh's Fun House (Donn)

Ask Mr. Donn: Interactive Online Quiz for review about Ancient Egypt (with answers)

See Also: Lesson Plans and Activities - Many have activities

Explore Ancient Egypt

Ancient egypt for kids, geography, history, government.

The Nile River

Gifts of the Nile


Boats and Square Sails

Egyptology & Egyptologists

Two Lands, Unification, King Menes

The Three Kingdoms

Hieroglyphics, Rosette Stone

Crook & Flail

Government Officials

Law & Court in Ancient Egypt

Soldiers and the Military

Trade and Economy

Paying for Goods

Egyptian Math


The Many Uses of Papyrus & Making Paper

Time Keeping and Shadow Clocks

Egyptian Calendars

Ancient Egypt Maps

Ancient Egypt Timelines

The Neighbors: Kush and Nubia

Women could run a business

Children were cherished

Marriage and Divorce

Hair Styles

Kohl & Makeup

Jewelry and Perfume

Food - no one went hungry

The Marketplace

Table Manners

House of Life

House of Books

Ancient Egyptian Art

Sports & Pastimes

Music & Dance

My Daily Life in Ancient Egypt - An Original Story written by a former student of ours (now a teacher!) when she was in Mr. Donn's 6th grade class.


Professions, Occupations & Jobs

Medicine and Doctors

Craftsmen and Merchants

Farming and Farmers

Social Classes

Religion - Mummies, Gods, Goddesses, Myths and More

Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

Many Religious and Joyous Festivals

Book of the Dead

Bark and Bark Shrines

Preparing for the Afterlife

Weighing of the Heart

Grave Goods

Canopic Jars (also spelled Canpic)

Sequence Chain: Mummification

Make a Mummy interactive

Sequence Chain: Funerals

The Ba and the Ka

King Tut's Tomb

Howard Carter

Grave Robbers

The Mummy's Curse

Dreams & Oracles

The Ankh - Key of Life

Interactive Games and Activities

Inventions and Achievements

Scarab Beetles  

Animals - Wild & Domestic

Interactive Quiz Questions with Answers about Ancient Egypt by Topic

Five Themes of Ancient Egypt Geography

Ancient Egypt Government

Ancient Egypt Arts & Architecture

Ancient Egypt Science & Inventions

Ancient Egypt Religion

Ancient Egypt Daily Life

Ancient Egypt for Teachers

Activities and Projects for Ancient Egypt

Lesson Plans and Units for Ancient Egypt

Vocabulary Lists and Interactives with definitions

Games: Free Interactive online for Kids to learn more about Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt Clipart

Ancient Egyptian Artifacts

Ancient Egypt online school sites

Ancient Egypt has one of the most rich and engrossing histories of any civilization. It also happens to be one of the most popular topic areas in primary education.

If you and your class are taking on Ancient Egypt this term, take a look through this collection of 16 unique activity ideas, spanning English, Maths, Science and more, that are sure to excite your class.

Ancient Egypt teaching ideas for KS1 or KS2

1. crack the hieroglyphic code.

Hieroglyphs are a fantastic way to apply the age of the Egyptians to basic coding skills. In this resource, you can challenge the class to match symbols to letters, cracking the hieroglyphic code and laying the foundations for pattern recognition, an essential skill in coding.

Learn more: Hope Education

2. Use Egyptian symbols as maths problems

You can also apply the idea of Egyptian symbols to maths. Assign a number to certain symbols and use them as the basis of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Tailor the sums to match the maths proficiency of your class.

Learn more: TES

3. Read out some fun facts

Great as an ice breaker or introduction to the topic. Read out some fun facts about the period, inflaming the imagination of your class. For example, did you know that 15 metres of bandages would be used to during mummification of a body!?

4. Create a new god

There are over 2,000 gods in ancient Egyptian mythology, but why not ask to class to create one more? Get creative and draw a brand-new Egyptian god, inspired by some of the ones you’ve learned about in class.

Learn more: Kids Konnect

5. Build a pyramid

When it comes to craft ideas with an ancient Egyptian twist, there is only one place to go – the pyramids. Grab some clay, gold paints and sprinkling of patience and your class can muster up their own model pyramid.

6. Bring Egyptian life to science

Egyptian life was clearly very different to those of your class. Take some of the daily-life learning and apply it to science. An example from STEM.org is examining the properties of materials used for certain things (like boats or clothes) from then vs today.

Learn more: STEM.org

7. Howard Carter comprehension

The story of Howard Carter and the curse of Tutankhamun is a fascinating one who’s spooky mysteries with will excite your class. Apply that learning to some comprehension with this cut out and stick activity that challenges the class to get the events of it all into chronological order.

Learn more: Hope Education  

Related Content:

  • Craft: How to make a pyramid
  • Fun facts about Ancient Egypt
  • Step-by-step guide: How to make an Ancient Egyptian classroom display

8. Mummify a tomato

More science fun now. Mummification is surely the most fascinating of ancient Egyptian rituals, and your class can get some insight into the process of it all with just a tomato and some sand. Let it fester for a few days and inspect the rotten results – yuck!

Learn more: Teach Primary

9. Paint an Egyptian mask

Another opportunity to get a little arty with ancient Egypt. Masks and headdresses are one of the most distinctive parts of a Pharaoh and their sarcophagus. Print out a template onto some card and paint your own.

Learn more: Hobbycraft

10. Inspect the timeline and create a quiz

There are hundreds of years of history to explore with ancient Egyptians, more than any term could hope to cover. However, running through a timeline of key events can be a strong foundation for learning about the period. Afterwards, why not quiz the class on what they have learned?

11. Learn about the mummification process

Delve into the incredibly gruesome world of mummification with this worksheet that details the process at each level. From there, you could bring in some of the other activities for further learning, like mummifying a tomato (step 8) or crafting your own sarcophagus.

12. Problem-solve the pyramids

The pyramids are a engineering marvel, so much so that many historians still scratch their heads at how this ancient civilization managed it. They can also be the basis of some pretty impressive maths, investigating the volume of 3D shapes.

Learn more: Twinkl

13. Learn and write about daily life

Back to the stark contrast in daily life that young people had in the times of the ancient Egyptians. Take that knowledge and apply it to creative writing, tasking your class with writing a diary entry written from the perspective of a child in ancient Egypt.

Learn more: History for kids

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The Organized Homeschooler

Fun Ancient Egypt Lesson Plans and Activities for Kids

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This year I decided to put together my son’s middle school social studies curriculum rather than purchase a ready-to-use program. I didn’t see anything that really caught my eye, so rather than trudging through something that didn’t feel right for him, I decided to teach his history as a series of unit studies. The first ancient history unit study to tackle was Ancient Egypt for kids .

I knew that I wanted to work through a collection of world history unit studies because my 9th-grade daughter is working on a high school-level world history course.

Having both kids working on similar tasks is just good for my mom sanity level. It also allows us to occasionally watch a movie or do a project together that is related to both of their studies.

We studied ancient civilizations a few years ago, but Ben was around second grade then. I’m not really sure how much he remembers now that he is in 6th grade.

I like to plan our unit studies before we actually do the lessons. Each unit study contains hands-on activities, book suggestions, videos to watch, and field trip ideas. This assortment of learning activities keeps history lessons interesting and not dull.

Ancient Egypt resources for kids written in front of hieroglyphics

Table of Contents

Ancient egypt activities and projects for kids, books for kids about ancient egypt, online videos about ancient egypt, ancient egypt field trips (including virtual field trips).

Take Time for Art

I knew we needed this hands-on art history course in our lives as soon as I saw it in the vendor hall at the Carolina Homeschool Conference.

Hannah is joining Ben in completing the art projects because she is also studying Ancient Egypt right now. She has always enjoyed art, so this is a nice addition to her history curriculum.

Each Take Time for Art topic contains streaming videos to provide background information and photographs of the actual art. There are also art packs that make it easy to actually do the projects at home.

The Ancient Egypt art pack includes just about everything you need to complete:

  • Egyptian mummy mask
  • Egyptian tomb painting
  • air-dried clay William the Hippo replica

I am much more likely to actually complete art projects with my kids if all the materials are already in my house!

Technically, it is recommended to use one art pack for each child, but in order to save money, I plan to have my kids work together on a project when possible. If it isn’t really possible, such as with the air dry clay, I will purchase extra art supplies.

Ancient Egypt pharoah mask being constructed while watching the Take Time for Art lesson

Sugar cube pyramid

Building a pyramid out of sugar cubes is a fun classic Ancient Egypt for kids project. No study of Ancient Egypt is complete without this fun hands-on activity. It is my favorite pyramid project because the materials are so easy to find. Just about any grocery store has sugar cubes in the baking aisle.

After the pyramid is constructed you can either leave the sugar cubes white or paint them tan to resemble the sand color of actual Egyptian pyramids.

Other pyramid projects include:

  • Building a pyramid out of Legos
  • Carving a pyramid from a block of styrofoam
  • Building a pyramid from sand (this is probably best to do outside)

Rice Krispies map of Egypt

Rice Krispies maps are a fun way to learn geography. We followed these steps to make a Rice Krispies map of Egypt. Hershey’s Kisses represented pyramids, Hershey’s Nuggets as temples, M&Ms were used as cities, and frosting showed the Nile River.

Rice Krispies Egypt written above a map of Egypt made from Rice Krispies

You can use the Rice Krispies Egypt map to note Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, the Red Sea, the Valley of the Kings and Ancient Egyptian temples.

Write/Read Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph s

Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to record information during ancient times.

Learning about hieroglyphics is an essential part of any Ancient Egypt unit study. This free activity pack teaches children to spell their own names using hieroglyphics. After studying the hieroglyphic alphabet, kids can also practice decoding secret messages.

Check out Ancient Egypt Primary Sources

Primary sources are the gold standard for educational resources. Typically, kids don’t encounter many primary sources until they are high school students or in college, but there is no reason why they can’t be introduced to them earlier. The linked page shows many online Ancient Egypt primary sources as well as English translations.

Ancient Egypt coloring book

Life in Ancient Egypt Coloring Book (Dover Ancient History Coloring Books)

  • Green, John (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 09/01/1989 (Publication Date) – Dover Publications (Publisher)

Ancient Egyptian Fashions Coloring Book (Dover Fashion Coloring Book)

  • Tom Tierney (Author)
  • 48 Pages – 07/12/1999 (Publication Date) – Dover Publications (Publisher)

Last update on 2024-07-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Dover coloring books are really high quality and make a great addition to any unit study. Educational coloring books are perfect for strewing around the house or adding to a themed boredom-busting basket .

Play Traditional Ancient Egypt Board Games

Two traditional Ancient Egypt board games are Senet and Mehen. Trying new board games can be a fun challenge that makes learning fun. The Met Museum has a few photos of Ancient Egyptian games online, including a throwing stick, several die, game pieces, marbles, and the game senet.

WE Games Senet Ancient Egyption Wooden Board Games, Strategy Board Game for Kids and Adults, Table Top Board Game with Built in Storage, with 10 Player Pieces, Keepsake Quality Desktop Game

  • SENET EGYPTIAN BOARD GAME: Play the favorite game of the pharaohs! If you’re looking for strategy board games, the historical Ancient Egyptian game of…
  • EASY TO LEARN: Senet is similar to backgammon, easy to learn, and is a fun family game. Keep this Senet board game at home in the living room, in a…
  • DURABLE WOODEN TABLE GAME: This wooden senet board game set is beautifully decorated with Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. A game that the whole family will…

Mehen Game of Ancient Egypt

  • Made in USA

1,000 Facts about Ancient Egypt by Nancy Honovich

1,000 Facts About Ancient Egypt

  • Hardcover Book
  • Honovich, Nancy (Author)

This book quickly became one of my son’s favorites. We spent quite a bit of time reading through it so we could tell each other interesting facts about Egyptian culture and daily life in Ancient Egypt.

Each page spread contains a number of unique information. Topics include fashion, medical care, art, inventions, government, temples, and so much more.

Ancient Egypt by George Hart

Ancient Egypt (DK Eyewitness Books)

  • Hart, George (Author)

The photographs in this book are the star of the show. It is almost like a trip to a museum from the comfort of your living room. This book provides an overview of many areas of Ancient Egyptian life.

Blast Back Ancient Egypt by Nancy Ohlin

Ancient Egypt (Blast Back!)

  • Ohlin, Nancy (Author)
  • 112 Pages – 04/05/2016 (Publication Date) – little bee books (Publisher)

This chapter book is a great resource for kids who really prefer nonfiction. My son did not like fictional stories, even realistic historical fiction when he was younger.

If You Were a Kid Building a Pyramid by Lawrence Schimel

If You Were a Kid Building a Pyramid (If You Were a Kid)

  • Schimel, Lawrence (Author)
  • 32 Pages – 09/01/2017 (Publication Date) – Children’s Press (Publisher)

I thought that I knew a decent amount about how the pyramids were built. Then I read this book. The storyline follows a teenage boy who spends the day helping build a pyramid.

One page tells a realistic fictional story while the opposite page offers corresponding nonfiction information.

Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs by Marcia Williams

Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs

  • Williams, Marcia (Author)
  • 48 Pages – 02/26/2013 (Publication Date) – Candlewick (Publisher)

This book tells the stories of several famous Egyptian gods and pharaohs. The stories are told through comic strips, making them inviting to children. The illustrations are beautiful. They almost seem to pop off the page.

Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs by James Rumford

Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs (Rise and Shine)

  • Rumford, James (Author)
  • 32 Pages – 06/23/2003 (Publication Date) – Clarion Books (Publisher)

Jean-Francois was fascinated by Ancient Egypt as a child. That innate curiosity grew and grew. When he grew up, Jean was obsessed with Egyptology and studied hieroglyphs relentlessly.

His hard work paid off and he became the first person to decode the ancient hieroglyphs.

I like to include a video lesson or two in my unit studies whenever possible. It breaks up the lessons and helps me teach two kids two different subjects at one time. Streaming online videos is kind of like my own teaching assistant.

Crash Course History Ancient Egypt

I love Crash Course History videos. The Crash Course website indicates the videos are intended for high school age, but my kids began watching them in late elementary school. They provide a ton of info in a short amount of time. This video is only a little over 11 minutes. My son watched it as the introduction to our Ancient Egypt unit study.

Khan Academy Ancient Egypt

screenshot of Khan Academy Egypt lesson overview

Khan Academy is a wonderful free resource. This particular course includes a lot of reading, so it is probably best for teens. There are videos included too. You have the option of working through the entire course or watching just the videos.


ancient egypt homework project ideas

We bought a CuriosityStream subscription over the summer and have really enjoyed it. It is so nice to have easy access to quality educational documentaries.

There are currently quite a few videos and video clips about Ancient Egypt streaming . . .

ancient egypt homework project ideas

So far, our favorites have included:

  • The True Story of King Tut’s Tomb
  • Scanning the Pyramids
  • Scribes of Ancient Egypt

As amazing as it would be, a trip to Egypt just isn’t in the budget for my family. Instead, we will check out the resources that are closer to North Carolina.

Smithsonian History Museum

The Smithsonian Natural History Museum is a fantastic field trip if you are in the DC area. We try to make the trip to DC every year or two and tour the museums.

The Ancient Egypt exhibit is permanent and includes mummies and amulets.

North Carolina Art Museum

We are lucky to have such a great art museum in Raleigh. This museum includes a nice-sized Ancient Egypt exhibit. We have walked through the rows of sarcophagi and canopic jars in the past but will be returning again.

If you are in the Raleigh area, I highly recommend making this free field trip.

British Museum – Egypt Exhibit

The Egypt exhibit in the British Museum is amazing! Here you will find great additions to your Ancient Egypt lesson plans. This online resource includes:

  • The Rosetta Stone
  • Early Egyptian Life
  • Egyptian Life and Death

Google Maps or Google Earth

This is a field trip that anyone with an internet connection can visit. We may never make it to Egypt, but we have seen the Pyramids.

  • Go to Google Maps or Google Earth.
  • Type ‘Great Pyramid of Giza’ into the map search bar.
  • Drag the little person figure onto the map. Place it in front of the pyramid of your choice.
  • Now street view will be engaged and you can ‘walk’ around and sightsee.

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

This Egyptian Museum showcases the largest collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts in the Western United States. The museum is located in San Jose, California, but they have quite a bit of information online too.

Online you can:

  • Take virtual tours of the entire museum
  • View exhibit pieces such as jewelry, funeral items, and mummies
  • Learn about Egyptian time periods
  • Access the educator resources

I hope these fun activities and resources are helpful!

Looking for more Ancient Egypt ideas? Check out these free Ancient Egypt printables !

Have you ever taught Ancient Egypt for kids? This fun unit study topic has come up a few times over our many years of homeschooling. These ideas are perfect for homeschooling, but can also work as classroom activities.

Check out these other great history posts!

Fun Ancient Rome Activities and Ideas

How to Teach History Without a Curriculum

Unique History Books for Kids Who Hate History

How to Make a Rice Krispies Map

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Welcome! My name is Jennifer. I am a teacher at heart. Before my children were born I was a public school teacher. Now, I am a homeschooling mom of two.

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Tina's Dynamic Homeschool Plus

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11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

April 22, 2022 | Leave a Comment This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please see my full disclosure policy .

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Today, I have gathered 11 easy hands-on Ancient Egypt project ideas for middle school. Also, look at my page  homeschool middle school  for more fun tips.

Learning about Ancient Egypt should be both fun and interactive during the middle school ages.

It’s not time to give up the fun at any age of learning.

11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

Table of Contents

1. Make Mud Bricks.

Look at this fun Hands-on Ancient Egypt: Israelite Mud Bricks for Kids . With minimal material, most of which you have around the house, your middle school child will love making these mud bricks.

Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

2. build a lego math calculator..

Next, look at this math slant project while studying about Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptian Mathematics: Build a LEGO Math Calculator is a fun middle school project.

Studying about jewelry from Ancient Egypt doesn’t have to be hard. Look at this Fun Hands-On History: Ancient Egyptian Collar Craft .

3. Create an Ancient Egyptian Collar

One of the most famous forms of jewelry worn by the ancient Egyptians was the  Usekh  collar .  Rich Egyptians often wore these broad necklaces on a daily basis and this collar craft is a fun way to understand about Egyptian necklaces.

Then to add a bit of art and drawing, your middle school child will love Ancient Egypt Civilization (Hands-on History): King Narmer Crown .

4. Mold a painting of the Ancient Egypt Double Crown

After all studying about the double crown and the significance to Ancient Egypt can be hard to understand. This easy hands-on project helps learning facts stick.

Projects for Middle School About Ancient Egypt

5. play the snake game.

In addition, I created this fun and Free Ancient Egypt Mehen Printable Board Game (Hands-on History) based on the popular snake game played by the Egyptians.

However, we really loved doing the Project Passport: Ancient Egypt from  Home School in the Woods  .

Not only did we enjoy many hands-on learning activities, but love learning about Upper and Lower Egypt, the maps and the printable activities. My post Ancient Egypt Homeschool Unit Study – Hands-on and FUN! has numerous activities in Project Passport.

6. Travel Egypt Without Leaving Your Home

11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

Also, add in a few more hands-on fun ideas like this Birdcage Ancient Egypt Go Fish game .

11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

7. Prepare cardboard Egyptian Pillars

And another Ancient Egypt project for middle school is to have your child prepare these beautiful smokin’ hot Egyptian cardboard pillars.

Hands-on Ancient Egypt Middle School Activities

At the end of our unit study co-op our group made these cardboard pillars; your crafty middle school kid will love doing them for a prop or drama your group has.

8. Tie in Ancient Egypt with Astr o nomy Notebooking Page

Furthermore, some middle school children will love a science tie in with Ancient Egypt like learning about ancient astronomy. Look at my post Exploring Space and Astronomy Free Unit Study for Multiple Ages .

Exploring Space and Astronomy Free Unit Study for Multiple Ages

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Exploring Space and Astronomy Free Unit Study for Multiple Ages

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9. Study Ancient Egypt Alongside Other Ancient Empires .

This next Ancient Egypt project for middle school is to make an in depth study of Ancient Empires. We used Great Empires Activity Study by Home School in the Wood .

Some children need to see the key players or empires of history at one time and need a longer project to retain focus.

Moving too fast studying ancient history and a child may not understand key time periods. It’s important for key history hooks to be made so that all other learning can be tied to history makers.

Great Empires Activity Study by Home School in the Woods  covers fourteen empires:

  • Ancient China
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Rome
  • Arab-Muslims,
  • English Empire
  • French Empire
  • Russian Empire
  • Spanish Empire
  • United States and
  • German Empire
  • Japanese Empire

11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

Another easy activity Hands-On History: The Rosetta Stone and Breaking The Code is really a fun introduction to learning about ancient history.

10. Break the Code of the Rosetta Stone .

If you find that your child doesn’t really know anything about why we know some about ancient history, begin with learning about the Rosetta Stone. Your code breakers will love to learn about breaking the code.

Rosetta Stone Making a Code

As well including your young kids can be tough. So, if you want to include your younger kids or if your middle school child loves to still color, you’ll love this set of Ancient color pages to go along with your studies.

20 Ancient Civilization History Coloring Pages at Tina's Dynamic Homeschool Plus. You'll love adding these to your unit studies or notebooking.

We have used various museum quality history coloring books through the years that have made a big difference in how my boys understood history in the early years.

I think clip art should be as real as possible and based on real events in history.

Learning Ancient History Through Coloring

Instead of me adding titles on pages or naming the coloring pages, this allows you to use the clip art/coloring pages any way you want to.

Whether it is a cover page, notebooking page, journal page or just to enrich a topic, you have the flexibility.

Here is what the 20 page download contains. I put a few key words to explain each picture on the page. This way you can use the coloring pages as title pages too on your lapbooks.

Page 3: Ancient Egypt Court, Page 4: Ancient Egypt Spinning, Page 5: Ancient Egypt Life of the Royals, Page 6: Ancient Egypt Battles, Page 7: Ancient Egypt The Nile, Page 8: Life Along the River – The Nile, Page 9: Metal Workers & Crafts of Ancient Egypt, Page 10: Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Page 11: Egyptian Queen Cleopatra,

Page 12: Aztecs Floating Gardens Page 13: Aztecs, Page 14: Aztec Life, Page 15: Mayans, Page 16: Ancient Greece Wedding, Page 17: Ancient Greek Galley, Page 18: Ancient Greece Crafts, Page 19: Ancient Greece Bank, Page 20: Athens, Page 21: Spartan Warrior and Page 22: The Vikings.

Grab your fun copy below!

ancient egypt homework project ideas

Ancient Civilization History 20 Coloring Pages

Finally, you know my love for hands-on tools like lapbooks. No, they’re not just for younger children.

Middle school children really benefit from them as well. And the best part is that the lapbook can be as crafty or not as your child wants it to be.

11. Craft a Pharaohs and Queens Ancient Egypt lapbook.

And I really make it easy here for you because I have this free Famous Pharaohs and Queens of Egypt lapbook.

11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

What do you think? Are you ready to tackle these 11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School?

11 Easy Hands-On Ancient Egypt Projects for Middle School

And be sure you visit these middle school activities:

  • Free Ancient Egypt Mehen Printable Board Game (Hands-on History)
  • Hands-on Ancient Egypt: Israelite Mud Bricks for Kids
  • Fun Hands-On History: Ancient Egyptian Collar Craft
  • Ancient Egyptian Mathematics: Build a LEGO Math Calculator
  • Ancient Egypt Civilization (Hands-on History): King Narmer Crown

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Mr and Mrs Social Studies

A Teaching Blog


16 Ancient Egypt Activities for Middle School

Ancient egypt activities, ancient egypt lesson plans .

If you are an Ancient Civilizations teacher and need some ideas for Ancient Egypt, you’re in the right place! We’ve compiled our top free and paid resources to help you have a successful Ancient Egypt unit. The following Ancient Egypt activities listed below are part of our personal unit plan. We want to help you succeed, whether you use these as an outline or to help supplement your existing unit!

Ancient Egypt Activities for Middle School

Introductory vocabulary activities.

We like to start our units with different vocab activities and give students multiple opportunities to practice and learn them. That being said, in the age of distance and online learning, we’ve put together multiple digital activities for Google Drive. These vocabulary activities for Google Drive are fun ways for students to practice the Ancient Egypt vocabulary words in a variety of ways, such as with Quizlet, self-grading Google Forms, and more! 

Ancient Egypt Word Wall

With our vocab activities, we find that word walls are a great vocabulary tool! We have a resource that includes 22 Ancient Egypt vocabulary words ready to print and display on a bulletin board. They’re also helpful for your visual learners, as pictures or images are included on each card! Even better, there’s a 100% editable Google Slideshow included with all of the words and images!

Never used an ancient civilization word wall before? This blog post will teach you how to set up, organize, and use them effectively in your classroom! 


Ancient Egypt Slideshow + Notes Sheet

We find it helpful to share background information at the start of the unit, so students can make connections during other activities. With this  Ancient Egypt Slideshow for Google Slides , teach your students about the GRAPES of Ancient Egypt! This 47-slide Google Slideshow provides a detailed overview of Ancient Egypt, including geography, pharaohs, hieroglyphics, and much more! This no-prep resource also includes both printable and digital note sheets!

Ancient Egypt Unit Introductory Activity

Another way to start off your Ancient Egypt unit is with this activity . This is a simple and no-prep research activity that connects Ancient Egypt’s past to modern times. It guides students through some country research about modern-day Egypt to make the unit more relevant to them and help pique their curiosity about things they will learn during your unit. For your convenience, both digital and PDF versions are provided! 


Ancient Egypt Bell Ringers

If you’re looking to improve your classroom management and help students review material,  these bell ringers are perfect! This set includes 20 Ancient Egypt Bell Ringers for Google Drive that are 100% editable and ready to use. These warm-up prompts cover a variety of topics that come up in an Ancient Egypt unit while also building helpful skills! Topics covered in this resource include mummification, hieroglyphics, the Great Pyramid, and more!


Ancient Egypt Timeline

If you’re looking to make your Ancient Egypt Unit more hands-on and engaging, this printable Ancient Egypt Timeline is the resource you need! In this interactive timeline project, students construct a timeline that features reading passages, maps, and images. The information included in these features covers the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt and the capital cities of Kerma, Napata, and Meroë from Kush. Not only will this activity give students the chance to physically build a timeline, but it will also become a learning tool that they can refer back to throughout the unit!


Nile River Simulation

The Nile River is a major topic in any Ancient Egypt unit, and this no-prep, game-based Nile River Simulation will be a highlight! In this activity, students will choose where to live along the Nile River, farm, trade goods, and learn about geography. This simulation features six different rounds of competition. Each round, students must make decisions and roll the dice to see what they might’ve experienced living along the Nile. Simulations can be fun and meaningful activities but often take lots of work and preparation, which is why we did it for you! No need to set-up anything for this simulation, simply present the slideshow and share the handout with students.

Ancient Egypt 101 from National Geographic

We like to show as many videos as we can just to bring the content to life for the students. One that we’re very fond of is from National Geographic, as they have a History 101 video for Ancient Egypt. It’s about 4-5 minutes, and gives a nice overview of introductory subjects for the unit. It’s quick, it has great animations, and it keeps students engaged! You can view the YouTube video here .

How did the Nile River shape Ancient Egypt? DBQ

The sources included are all about answering how the Nile shaped Ancient Egypt. This DBQ contains resources such as the hymn to the Nile, recreated maps, and photos students have to analyze. It’s perfect for primary and secondary source analysis, and comparing sources. The official link is here if this is something your district would consider purchasing. However, we did find several PDF versions available that some teachers had uploaded, although this technically breaks the DBQ project’s policies.


Egyptian Mythology Instagram Activity

This Egyptian Mythology activity is a great way for students to demonstrate their understanding of the Egyptian gods and goddesses in a creative way! In this activity, students create a selection of Instagram-styled posts for five of the gods/goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Each post includes an image, caption, and relevant hashtags that help explain who that god or goddess is. Please note that this resource does not teach students about Egyptian mythology. Rather, it is a great activity to help students practice or review the information they have learned about Egyptian Mythology.

However, if you are looking for a resource to use to teach your students about Egyptian mythology, check out the slideshow activity below!

Egyptian Mythology Overview

If you need to teach your students about who’s who in Egyptian Mythology, this Intro to Egyptian Mythology can help! This digital resource includes a Google Slideshow featuring 16 of the different gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Following the slideshow, an editable graphic organizer for Google Docs and some printable flashcards will help students review! Gods and goddesses part of the slideshow include Ra, Amun, Ma’at, Thoth, Bastet, Sekhmet, Ptah, Hathor, Nut, and more!

 Egyptian Mythology Worksheet for Early Finishers

A fun, chill activity for an emergency sub plan or early finishers, this activity sheet is perfect while you’re teaching about Egyptian Mythology! Both fun and educational, this no-prep Egyptian Mythology worksheet contains two different activities: a creative matching challenge with clues and an Egyptian Mythology crossword puzzle! Simply make double-sided copies to have on hand whenever there’s extra time to fill.


Ancient Egypt Google Earth Field Trip

Students love using Google Earth, and this creative activity helps connect geography and architecture. This allows students to figure out which clue connects to which landmark or geographical site. It is also available as a printable or digital resource, so use whatever version works best for you. This resource is definitely a highlight of our unit!

Google Maps “Pyramids of Giza”

If you’re looking for something really quick, Google Maps has a resource that can be scrolled through. There’s not necessarily an activity that goes along with this, but it’s great for an overview or if there are a few minutes left in class. We’ve also used this as an early finisher activity that helps students visualize the Pyramids more. 


Great Pyramid Reading Passage + Activities

This no-prep  Great Pyramid of Giza reading passage and activities is perfect for teaching about the Great Pyramid and other Egyptian pyramids! Students will read the passage about the Great Pyramid and how Egyptian pyramids evolved over time. Then they will complete two creative activities about what they learned. Activities include a reading comprehension puzzle and discussion prompt on whether or not the Great Pyramid was worth the cost.

BBC Great Pyramid VR Video

This resource from the BBC takes students into the Great Pyramid of Giza, and allows them to see the different chambers inside. It also provides a 360° panoramic view and captions that explain exactly what’s being shown. Again, this resource doesn’t have a built-in activity, but it does provide students with the most engaging virtual experience we can give.

The Giza Project

This resource from Harvard University is absolutely amazing with all the uses it can provide for an Ancient Egypt unit! Students can visit several locations, look at panoramic views , images, videos, and it can be an amazing tool to design projects. We only scratched the surface when we discovered this resource, so check it out and see what it can add to your unit!


Ancient Egypt Mummy Project

Is it really an Ancient Egypt Unit if you don’t talk about mummies?  The idea of this project is to have students actually present the mummification process. They go step-by-step and the presentation is extremely hands-on. Students enjoy it because they can make up their own backstories, add humor and props, and show off their creativity. We like to call it “Mummification on a Budget”. It’s an experience that students don’t tend to forget, and it livens up the unit. Now this project is more ideal in the classroom than virtually, but it’s still doable, and we have some digital components for you here .

How to Make a Mummy

Mummification is usually the highlight of the unit, just because students are so fascinated with it. This TED-Ed video goes over the major steps in the mummification process. It’s short and sweet at only 5 minutes, and has an Anubis character that brings some humor to the subject. 

Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs  

To wrap up our mummy resources, we often show this movie about Ramses the Great and the discovery of his tomb. It’s also a great tool to reinforce what you’ve taught and bring in a new story at the same time. We like to have students watch this after they’ve completed their mummy projects, or right before a holiday break.

Pharaohs Job Fair 

Many districts these days are not providing enough necessary job-related skills in the classroom. We’ve created this resource to teach students about the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt in a different way, using their resumes! Students have to look over and analyze each resume and decide who to hire for specific positions. This activity helps students learn more about these leaders and career skills as they choose who to hire for different jobs. 

Pharaohs Research Project/Choice Project

Giving students choices is a great way to help them personalize their learning and connect their strengths to the content. In this project, students conduct research about a Pharaoh of their choice. Then they create either a 3-D tomb, a rap or song, a magazine, or a talk-show style interview. This resource is originally a group project but can definitely be modified for individual student projects. 


Ancient Egypt Hieroglyphics Decoding

A low-key but very fun challenge for students is to decode a variety of messages written in hieroglyphics. This resource has secret phrases students have to decipher, and helps them visualize what the hieroglyphics look like. This is a great last minute worksheet for students to work on if there’s extra time in class. 


Kingdom of Kush Gallery Walk

Looking for a meaningful way to teach your students about Kushite culture? This  gallery walk about the Kingdom of Kush is exactly what you need! This activity highlights 12 artifacts and information that provides an overview of what is known about ancient Kush. With printable, digital, and editable options and an answer key, you have everything you need for a successful activity! A gallery walk can bring a museum experience into the classroom! It gets students up and out of their seats to observe historical images and read information about them. Students will complete a graphic organizer that has them describe each artifact and reflect on how they contribute to our understanding of the Kushites.

Leaders of Kush Slideshow

Need more engaging resources on the ancient civilization of Kush? This digital Kingdom of Kush resource on the impressive kings and queens of Kush is a must! Present a brief history of 7 different Kushite leaders using the editable Google Slideshow, including Kashta, Taharqa, Arkamani, and more! With the Awards Activity, students will evaluate and award leaders based on their accomplishments. They will explain their choices on their Google Doc, using categories similar to what one might find on an award show like the Grammys or Oscars.


Ancient Egypt Unit Test

Save yourself time at the end of your Ancient Egypt Unit with this  Ancient Egypt Test and Study Guide ! This ready-made test has printable and digital options, and all text is 100% editable. It includes a version for Ancient Egypt and Kush, as well as a version without the Kush questions. Each version includes 2 different testing options for Google Docs and for Google Forms, so you have the flexibility to use whichever version works best for you!

Ancient Egypt Daily Agenda Slides

Need a way to stay more organized during your Ancient Egypt Unit? These Ancient Egypt Daily Agenda Slides Templates will help you save time and better immerse your students in the unit! These slides for Google Drive are editable and each template features a photograph of Ancient Egypt in the background, as well as Ancient Egypt clipart. They can be used to share your daily agenda, bell ringers, and more!

Ancient Egypt Bookmarks

These printable Ancient Egypt Bookmarks are a fun addition to your Ancient Egypt unit! This set includes four different designs that feature images and clipart that are related to Ancient Egypt. The bookmarks are 100% black and white so that students can color in the images or personalize them as they wish! These coloring bookmarks make a great prize, short early finisher activity, or can even help students save time when using their textbooks!

Ancient Egypt Worksheet for Early Finishers

This final resource contains some games for students to work on, like vocab and crossword puzzles. This activity is not super substantial for the unit, but it’s perfect for students who finish classwork early. It can even work as an emergency sub plan to have on hand when needed!

Ancient Egypt for Middle School

When teaching any ancient civilization, it’s always important to have activities that make the content fun and engaging for students. If you liked any of our Ancient Egypt activities, you’ll love our Ancient Egypt Unit Bundle ! This bundle contains 23 resources and is a great way to supplement your textbook or curriculum materials about Ancient Egypt! We’ve had great success with these resources, and our students always have a blast!

As of 2024, we now have all of our Ancient Civilizations unit bundles available on our own website, which you can check out here. We believe the organization to be even better than how you can receive the files on TPT, and it also helps if your school district blocks Google Drive files from TPT!

Looking for ideas and inspiration when planning your Ancient Egypt unit? If so, this free Ancient Egypt resource guide   can help! It showcases each of our Mesopotamia resources to help you decide which options will be best for your students. For more details about how we put fit these resources together and how long we spend on each activity, you can also download our  free Ancient Egypt unit plan !


If you liked this list of 16 Ancient Egypt Activities for Middle School, consider watching the corresponding video here !

Are you looking for some new teaching ideas to engage your students in your social studies class? If so, you’ll love our FREE guide: 5 Creative Projects to Ignite Student Engagement in Your Social Studies Class . These activities have both printable and digital options and can work for any social studies subject!

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Outside the Box Learners

Outside the Box Learners

Hands-On Activities for Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt Activities

We have been studying Ancient Egypt for a few weeks now, and I am thoroughly enjoying it!  Ancient Egypt is pretty fascinating when you think about the pyramid building, mummies, pharaoh’s, etc.  If you’re looking for books to explore Ancient Egypt check out this post .

In the past, we haven’t been as hands-on with history, as I primarily rely on using living books for teaching history.   However, there are so many hands-on activities that go along with Ancient Egypt, that we used books AND hands-on activities to learn more about what was life was like for Egyptians of old.


Our FAVORITE activity was the Mummified Apples.

ancient egypt homework project ideas

10 apple slices (from 2 apples)

baking soda, salt, sugar, vinegar

Plastic cups

We prepared each  apple slice differently.  We wrapped 5 apples with gauze and the other 5 were left uncovered.  Then each set of two (gauze and no gauze) was covered with a different ingredient- baking soda, salt, sugar, vinegar – in a plastic cup, with the exception of the control apples which were left as is.

Getting everything ready:

Mummified Apple Experiment

Apples covered with baking soda, sugar, salt:

Mummified Apple Experiment

Apples in vinegar:

Mummified Apple Experiment

Control apples:

Mummified Apple Experiment

We made our predictions of which preservatives would work the best:

Mummified Apple Experiment

Then we put the apples in a warm, dark spot for the next week!

Mummified Apple Experiment

One week later, we “unearthed” our mummies and investigated the apples.  These were our results!

Mummified Apple Experiment

We found that the apples covered in salt fared the best!


We didn’t spend a lot of time on this activity but it was still interesting and gave us a feel for the Egyptian’s method of writing.  We used this stamping kit , to write our names in hieroglyphics. I had also printed out a hieroglyphic alphabet I found on the internet, though the two did not match up exactly.  This frustrated the kids a bit but I explained it’s similar to different dialects in our language.

Ancient Egypt Activities

Salt Dough Map

I’ve been a homeschool mom for 6 years and this was our first salt-dough map! It was easier than I expected and tons of fun. We’ll be doing this again.

First I printed out an outline map of Ancient Egypt, along with a detailed map of Ancient Egypt (You can find both maps on my Ancient History Pinterest board here .)

I drew a (not so great) sketch of Ancient Egypt into a pizza box from our recycling bin.  It didn’t have to be a perfect sketch because it was going to get covered up with dough and paint anyway!

To make our salt dough we mixed together:

Salt Dough Map Ancient Egypt

Since parts of Egypt are more mountainous, we used Google Earth to explore the contour of the land and molded the map accordingly:

Salt Dough Map Ancient Egypt

After letting it dry and set for about a week, the kids painted the rivers and mountains and labeled the main places with toothpick markers.

Salt Dough Map Ancient Egypt

We loved doing this and it helped solidify a lot of the Ancient Egypt locations in the kids’ minds.

My favorite moment was when Joe exclaimed, “Wait… that’s where Sinai is!?”

Last but not least…

Toothpick and Marshmallow Pyramids

For this one, I bought a bag of mini marshmallows and a pack of toothpicks, and just let the kids go.  All three kids really got into this activity!

Toothpick and Marshmallow Pyramids

Are you studying Ancient Egypt?  Any activities I didn’t mention here?  Please comment with links or ideas below!

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Author: Outside the Box Learners

Homeschool mom to my three amazing and quirky kiddos. Wife to my “long-suffering” husband and partner in crime, Marc. INFJ(aka the extroverted introvert). Lifelong learner. Thrives on coffee, chocolate, good music, and deep conversations. Jigsaw puzzles are my love language. Ultimately, leaning on my Savior each step of the way. View all posts by Outside the Box Learners

3 thoughts on “Hands-On Activities for Ancient Egypt”

Love all these hands on ideas to study Egypt! I know my girls will find the hieroglyphics idea very cool! And, they were giggling about the mummified apples,would be fun to try 😄 Thank you for sharing

I love it! Yeah, the apples were a real hit. All week long… “Is it time to check the apples?”

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Hands-on History Projects for Ancient Egypt

October 24, 2017 by Evan-Moor | 0 comments

Hsitory Pockets Ancient Egypt crafts laid out

As a classroom teacher, I loved units like History Pockets because they provided artistic and engaging lessons for my students—with minimal prep work for me. The construction paper pockets are simple to create with students and easy to store. The pocket projects also create instant displays for parent nights and open houses!

History Pockets include more information than the average classroom teacher has time to teach in detail. There are many different ways to utilize these resources in your classroom without getting overwhelmed:

  • Introduce the topic to the class and then assign groups of students to study specific units. Each pocket unit includes facts and background information for teachers and students.
  • Assign a unit or part of a unit for homework over a long break. Parent involvement is a wonderful method to get students excited about homework.
  • Complete one or more pocket activities together as a class. Activities include arts and crafts, writing, maps and timelines, and more to give you many options.

For example, History Pockets: Ancient Egypt , for grades 4–6, includes 7 units covering: Introduction to Ancient Egypt, Daily Life, Government and Leaders, Religion, Architecture, Language, and Arts and Recreation. The units provide ample study materials that cover the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of ancient Egypt. Each unit includes background information in addition to interactive visuals and step-by-step projects, such as a menagerie of gods book, mummy art, pyramid construction, and pharaoh studies.

Book of Egyptian Gods

Free Hieroglyphics Activity 

Students will love writing and decoding messages using hieroglyphics in this free activity from the language unit in History Pockets: Ancient Egypt !

We know that children learn more when they are actively involved, and providing hands-on report building is a great method to support learning.

Additional Resources

If you would like to replicate a true Egyptian experience for your students, create a clay cartouche with your lesson on hieroglyphics from How to Teach Art to Children .

For more ideas with History Pockets , visit Thanksgiving Holiday and Making Connections with History .

Check out these additional History Pockets titles:   Ancient Civilizations , Life in Plymouth Colony , Native Americans , Ancient Greece , Ancient Rome , Colonial America , Explorers of North America , Moving West , The American Civil War , The American Revolution

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Ancient Egyptians Teaching Ideas

  • October 11, 2021

Time-saving ideas for teaching the Ancient Egyptians topic in KS2 including lesson presentations, worksheets and more!

This post is written by history specialist Anne.

Are you studying the Ancient Egyptians as part of your KS2 history lessons? Do you want some inspiring, engaging and creative resources to use with your children? Then take a look at our fantastic presentations, worksheets and creative activities which will immerse your children into the lives of the Ancient Egyptians, with our  Ancient Egyptians teaching ideas.

Pharaohs and pyramids primary resources

Pyramids and pharaohs teaching ideas

The pyramids are iconic symbols of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation. This  pyramids and pharaohs presentation gives children an idea of how and why the pyramids were built. Use it to illustrate what the pyramids look like today and the skill that was required to build these huge structures. Look at some of the treasures that Howard Carter discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb, and follow this up with this fact file and diary writing activity . Children can even have a go at building their own pyramid models !

mummification teaching presentation

Mummification resources

No study of the Ancient Egyptians would be complete without learning about the process of mummification! Our mummification lesson presentation takes you step by step through the process (guts and all), and explains why the Egyptians took such care to preserve the bodies of the dead. This provides the perfect introduction to lots of creative activities linked to mummification.

Ancient Egypt Daily Life Lesson Presentation

Ancient Egyptians daily life teaching resources

Not only were the Ancient Egyptians master builders and famed for mummifying the dead, but they were also great inventors! They discovered ways to irrigate water for their farms, created make-up, paper, and developed  their own writing and number systems. Learn about their skills and everyday lives with this presentation on daily life in Ancient Egypt. With a mixture of colourful illustrations and real-life photographs, it offers a real insight into the lives of this ancient civilization.

Children can have a go at decoding hieroglyphics , and even become Ancient Egyptian make-up artists with these make-up activity sheets .

Ancient Egypt Gods and Goddesses Lesson Presentation

Gods and goddesses teaching resources

The Ancient Egyptians had very strong beliefs about the afterlife and the roles of their gods and goddesses. We have created a presentation to introduce the gods and goddesses. It shows how historians have learnt about the Egyptians’ religious beliefs from the statues, carvings and artwork discovered in the pyramids and tombs. We also have a gods and goddesses fact file activity so children can record the facts they have learnt and can even design their own god or goddess with this create your own god or goddess activity .

Literacy links to Ancient Egyptians

As well as lots of factfile and writing activities, we have created this exclusive and original Egyptians poetry comprehension and guided reading . It has differentiated questions so it can be adapted for use with Key Stage 1, Lower and Upper Key Stage 2 to match their learning objectives. The poem can also be used as a SPAG activity and WAGOLL to provide the pupils with a model of how to write their own poem.

Explore the rest of our Ancient Egypt resources here.

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Three Suggestions for School Projects on Egypt: Hieroglyphics, Papyrus, and Art

  • jentetzlaff
  • Categories : History facts, study sheets & homework help
  • Tags : Homework help & study guides

Three Suggestions for School Projects on Egypt: Hieroglyphics, Papyrus, and Art

Create Your Own Hieroglyph

Egyptians used hieroglyphs to write or tell stories. Each hieroglyphic symbol stood for a sound, phrase or expression. The writing symbolized phonetic sounds. If you have to do an ancient Egypt school project, what better way to increase your knowledge of this country than trying your hand at writing your own hieroglyph? Use this ancient technique to learning about their written language and immerse yourself in the Egyptian culture. Learn a little about how the ancients did it long ago!

To get started you will need to research the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols and alphabet. There are lots of great online research resources. Start off by searching for background information on hieroglyphs for a better understanding of how they were used and what they stood for. You can also find a chart of the phonetic alphabet and symbols by doing a little research–there’s a great hieroglyphic worksheet at Scholastic Ltd . Further investigation on the Internet can lead you to other charts and interpretations of these symbols; not everybody agrees on what all the symbols mean.

Next, choose symbols such as the Egyptian alphabet hieroglyphics or a handful of word symbols (logograms) to recreate and write, making sure to detail what the translation is to our language today. You could also choose to create your own cartouche, which is a special container for hieroglyphs symbolizing a specific person’s name, such as a pharaoh. Take your creativity and knowledge to the next level by making an original cartouche representing your own name based on the symbols you’ve learned about.

Make Your Own Papyrus

Ever wonder how the Egyptians made their own paper? Here’s your chance to learn and create a replica of the paper this ancient culture used thousands of years ago. Papyrus is made from the stem of the papyrus plant’s inner pith which is cut in strips and soaked. After this process the strips are layered and pressed, pounded or rubbed firmly together to form a thick paper.

You can find kits online fairly inexpensively which come with the supplies you will need to make papyrus. Rainbow Resource Center sells kits for under $10 . Another possibility, as the papyrus plant is not readily available to most, is to create your own modified version of papyrus using the same techniques as the ancients, but with supplies more abundant in your area. Instead of strips of papyrus consider using strips of reeds or even paper. Then, weave them together in layers, soak them in water, press or pound the layers together and allow them to dry completely.

Research the different ways in which the ancients used the papyrus plant for other products. Learn what types of things papyrus paper was used for, how long it lasted and any problems they may have had with it, such as molding and how they dealt with it. Write a report about how to make papyrus.

You will come away with the knowledge of how the ancient Egyptians made paper and an appreciation of the time and effort they put into their work.

Make Your Own Egyptian Art

Egyptian Papyrus

Express yourself and your creativity by making an original work of art based on the ways of the ancient Egyptians. Your school project on Egypt will stand out as unique, interesting and knowledgeable when you apply your understanding of their use of color to your work.

Egyptians typically used minerals or berries to color their drawings. They mainly used six colors–red, blue, green, black, white and yellow. A good place to start is by researching what each color symbolized to the Egyptians and what minerals they used to achieve said colors (although you won’t be able to actually use them for this project).

After you gain a little awareness of what colors meant to the Egyptians, you can render your own artistic interpretation following the ancient color traditions and symbolism.

To make this art even more authentic, consider using papyrus as your artistic canvas.

  • Ancient Egypt Online, http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/
  • Image Credits: Images obtained from http://commons.wikimedia.org/

Take back your planning time with engaging, no-prep resources!

7 Essential Topics for Your Next Ancient Egypt Unit

By  MARISSA DESPINS  Updated Oct 31, 2023

I am just going to come right out and declare how much I love teaching about Ancient Civilizations. I think it is incredibly important to teach students about the stories of our past. I was a middle school history teacher for over 15 years, and learning about Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome was as exciting for me as it was for my students. Our Ancient Egypt unit was one of my favorites. The stories of the pyramids, pharaohs, and mummies brought almost instant engagement to my students.

When planning my Ancient Egypt unit, I start with the following 7 topics: Daily Life, the Nile River, Gods and Goddesses, the Role of the Pharaoh, the Pyramids, Hieroglyphics, and Mummification. Next, I flush out each individual topic. To do this, I focus on the key information I want students to take away. There is just so much teachable content. Because of this, I try my best to focus on the essentials. If you’re looking for more engaging history lessons, check out these 5 tips .

Below I share some of the reasons why I focus on each topic. I also share some fun activities to do along with them. I hope you are able to find something to spice up your history curriculum and make your planning a little bit easier.

Ancient Egypt Unit

When planning my Ancient Egypt unit, I start with the following 7 topics: Daily Life, the Nile River, Gods and Goddesses, the Role of the Pharaoh, the Pyramids, Hieroglyphics, and Mummification. Next, I flush out each individual topic. To do this, I focus on the key information I want students to take away. There is just so much teachable content. Because of this, I try my best to focus on the essentials.

Ancient Egypt Unit

Below I share some of the reasons why I focus on each topic for my Ancient Egypt unit. I also share some fun activities to do along with them.  I hope you are able to find something to spice up your history curriculum and make your planning a little bit easier.

The Nile River

At the start of my Ancient Egypt unit, I always like to begin with geography . It is so important for kids to be able to locate the place we are talking about on a map. Incorporating map lessons and activities into your classroom instruction helps to increase engagement. Also, mapping encourages critical thinking, generates connections, and supports cross-curricular learning. This is a great opportunity to talk about the concept of civilization, and how the Nile River helped Egypt to thrive.

Ancient Egypt Unit

As teachers, we are well aware of the number of key skills that are slowly becoming obsolete in the digital world. However, the ability to read a map is still a super essential tool for students to practice and learn. Coloring, labeling, and learning about maps in Social Studies class helps students make sense of the world. Also, map making helps to build spatial reasoning skills.

Interested in spicing up the Egyptian geography activities you work on in your classroom? Check out these interactive notebook ideas for teaching ancient history .

Looking for some resources to teach about the Nile River? Click here or on the image below to snag my complete Nile River Unit from my TPT shop.

The Nile River teaching ideas

Daily Life In Ancient Egypt

Moving on to what daily life was like in Ancient Egypt seems like a pretty natural shift after a discussion of Egyptian Geography. Comparing and contrasting the daily life of the Egyptians to our lives today is great opportunity for students to build connections to the content.  For more insights on teaching about ancient civilizations, you might find these engaging strategies helpful.

Most Ancient Egyptians were poor farmers.  Boys learned the jobs of their fathers. Young girls learned how to take care of the home and family from their mothers. Poor Egyptians did not have many rights.  Most did not attend school.

The rich men of Ancient Egypt lived very busy lives.  Many spent their days trading along the Nile, or working as priests. 

Unlike many Ancient Civilizations, which did not give many rights to women, the Ancient Egyptians saw women as equals under the law.  Even though the law saw them as equals, they were still not treated the same as men. However, they had many more rights than women did in other Ancient Civilizations.

Ancient Egypt Unit

I love to use these reading passages and graphic organizers when discussing daily life in Ancient Egypt. As an added bonus, the pages look super great when colored up and glued into our Interactive Notebooks!

For more interactive materials to use for your Ancient Egypt unit, check out these interactive notebooks .

Looking to grab a mini unit on this topic? Check out the resource in my TPT shop by clicking here or on the image below.

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Teaching Ideas

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

Mythology is always a favorite topic in my history classroom. Many of my students are familiar with the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece. However, many of the stories of Egyptian Mythology are new to them. This makes it an even more engaging topic to learn (and teach!) about! If you’re interested in exploring more myths, you might enjoy these Greek myths interactive notebook ideas .

The study of mythology can be a super important way to approach history with students. It requires them to examine ancient times and their effects on the modern world. Teaching ancient myths helps give context to the world we live in, the literature we read, and the things we believe in.

The Ancient Egyptian believed strongly in life after death. They believed that the dead spent their days eating, drinking, and visiting with other dead family members. After death, Egyptians believed they would live a life of pleasure and relaxation.

Ancient Egypt Unit

These research templates are fun ways for students to record information about the different gods and goddesses. We keep our completed templates in our Interactive Notebooks. This way, we can refer back to them (and add to them!) as we read through different Egyptian myths.

Looking to pick up a mini Ancient Egypt unit on this topic? Grab my Ancient Egypt Gods and Goddesses resource from my TPT shop by clicking here or on the image below.

Egyptian Mythology Activities

The Role of the Pharaoh

No Ancient Egypt unit is complete without some discussion of the Pharaoh!

The Pharaoh was the head of the government of Egypt. They were the person in charge of Egypt’s economy. Also, the Pharaoh was believed to be a god on earth. Because of this, they were worshipped by the people of Egypt. The Pharaoh played a huge role in the way the history of Ancient Egypt played out.

Ancient Egypt Unit

These pennant projects are a fun way to record student learning. First, students read and learn about the role the Pharaoh played in Ancient Egypt. Then, students record the top three things they learned on these huge pennant projects. They make great review activities. Also, they look amazing when hung up on the hallway bulletin board!

Interested in supplements for your Egyptian Pharaoh lessons? Click here or on the image below to grab my complete mini unit!

Ancient Egypt Lesson Ideas

The Pyramids of Egypt

I still have very vivid memories of learning all about the pyramids when I was in middle school, and building my own out of my brother’s lego blocks. The pyramids bring with them a lot of mystery and fascination, Because of this, they make a great way to hook reluctant social studies learners.

The majority of your students will likely have a lot of background knowledge about the pyramids. This is because they are often depicted in movies and television. However, incorporating the pyramids into your Egypt curriculum is a great opportunity to fill in the historical gaps . Doing so helps give them some factual knowledge about the amazing structures.

In Ancient Egypt, pyramids were considered to be “houses of eternity”.  They were designed as places to house the dead. Because of this, they held everything they would need for the afterlife.  Most pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs and their families. Over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt!

Egyptian Pyramids Activities

One Pager projects are excellent activities to incorporate into your Ancient Egypt unit. These pages work great for showcasing student learning about the pyramids. Basically, one Pagers are image and text filled pages that allow students to take the key points from what they have learned and highlight them on a single sheet of paper.  Selecting and recording information along with images helps with knowledge retention.  Mixing images with text helps access both the verbal and visual parts of the brain, leading to powerful results.  Put simply, students are able to remember more when language and imagery are mixed.

For those interested in the power of visual learning, you might find this article on interactive notebooks insightful.

Want to incorporate some lessons on the pyramids of Egypt into your history curriculum? Snag my complete mini unit by clicking here or on the image below!

Ancient Egypt Unit

Egyptian Hieroglyphics

Hieroglyphics are a fascinating topic to teach about. They were one of the first writing systems in the world. They were used as a form of communication and record keeping. The word itself means “sacred writing” – the Egyptians believed it conveyed the words of the gods. Through words, they were able to preserve the memory of the deceased. Doing this helped them to preserve and pass down history.

Learn more about hieroglyphics in the Ancient Civilizations Unit Free Resource Roundup . 

Looking for a COMPLETE mini unit on Hieroglyphics? Visit my TPT shop by clicking here or on the image below and grab yourself a copy!

Ancient Egypt Unit

The Mummification Process

While I have found most of the topics in my Ancient Egypt unit to be engaging for students, I think mummification in the one they find most interesting. I mean, who can resist learning about a process that involved a pointy hook inserted into the nose to remove the brain? I can say without hesitation that it most definitely peaks the curiosity of this age group!

Teaching and learning about mummification is important. Egyptian mummies preserve key information about daily life, disease, diet, and religious beliefs. Through this, we are given valuable insight into key elements of this Ancient Civilization.

After death, the Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul left the body.  Only after the body was properly buried would the soul return.  Then, the body and soul would remain together for all eternity in the afterlife.

Ancient Egyptians used the process of mummification to preserve a body after death.  They took this process very seriously. There were many meticulous steps involved in the mummification process.  It was a task that was both long and gruesome, and only the rich Egyptians were able to afford it.

Mummification teaching ideas

This Mummification Wheel Project is my all time favorite way to showcase student understanding of the mummification process. First, students learn about the 8 different steps that the Egyptians went through when mummifying their dead, They do this by working through a reading passage and comprehension questions. Next, students list, describe, and illustrate the different steps on a wheel template. Completed wheels look great in Interactive Notebooks. They also make gorgeous hallway displays of student learning!

Pick up my complete Mummification Mini Unit in my TPT shop by clicking here or on the image below.

Ancient Egypt Unit

Looking for some free activities for your next ancient Egypt unit?

Click here  or on the image below to grab a  FREE RESOURCE   for students to use to research key figures in Ancient Egypt! This  FREE unit  contains a variety of different graphic organizers that are perfect for independent or group research projects!

Ancient Egypt Teaching Ideas

Looking for the complete Ancient Egypt Unit Bundle?

This  GIANT ANCIENT EGYPT UNIT BUNDLE  contains over 200 pages, and includes ALL of my Ancient Egypt mini units! You can grab the complete bundle at a greatly reduced price by  clicking here  or on the image below!

Ancient Egypt Unit

Want to see the complete unit in action?

Check out the YouTube video below to see this engaging Ancient Egypt unit in action!

Interested in reading more blog posts about Ancient Egypt?

Check out my previous post all about this Ancient Civilization below!

Ancient Egypt: Interactive Notebooks

5 Tips for Engaging History Lessons

The Importance of Teaching About Ancient History

Ways to Make Your Ancient History Unit more Engaging

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If you are interested in signing up for my email list, you can do so by clicking on the link below. I periodically send out emails with free resources, teaching tips, and exclusive deals. Signing up will also give you immediate access to some of my best selling Interactive Notebook resources – foldables, graphic organizers, and other fun activities.

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Ideas for Egypt Projects

If you're stuck on ideas for school projects , then look no further. Kidzworld has come up with a couple of cool ideas for Egypt projects that you can make for your history class - or just for fun!

Egypt Projects - The Pyramid

Back in ancient times, the Egyptians built pyramids out of huge blocks of stones. For this fun project, you won't have to worry about rocks, or even pebbles. In fact, you can even eat this pyramid while you make it! You'll need about 220 sugar cubes , so raid your mom's kitchen cupboard for a new package.

  • Glue one side of a sugar cube onto a big piece of cardboard . Make a square of 10 cubes across and 10 cubes down.
  • Make a second layer of 9 cubes, but glue this row about two cm in from the first row.
  • Continue these steps, using eight cubes, then seven and so on until you reach the top.
  • Once you're done with the glue, you can paint your pyramid!

Egypt Projects - The Mummy

Ancient Egyptians believed that when you died, your soul went to the underworld to be judged by Osiris, Lord of the Underworld . If he judged you to have been a good person, then your soul would re-unite with your body and you would live in eternal paradise. But in order for your soul to recognize your body, you had to look the way you had while you were alive, which is why corpses were mummified . Now that you know why bodies were mummifed, you can make your own mummy - but instead of wrapping your little brother in sheets, try using a Barbie doll .

  • Take the doll and wrap it in cloth strips until it's completely covered. You may want to start at the feet and work your way up to the head.
  • Insert amulets (special charms) between linen wrappings. You can use anything from jewelry to coins.
  • For bonus points, make a sarcophagus (coffin) out of a cardboard box and decorate it with hieroglyphics.

Egypt Projects - The Hieroglyphic Alphabet

Another fun project idea can be done by using hieroglyphics , the ancient Egyptian alphabet. You can spell your name or initial your mummy, but better yet, try going one step further. Translate a short phrase into pictures, and paint it onto a big poster board. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about the symbolism used in Egyptian art and the alphabet.

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Ancient Egyptian Homework

Ancient Egyptian Homework

Subject: History

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Rexinstead's Shop

Last updated

12 March 2019

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Homework ideas for the Ancient Egyptian topic. Can be given as a different piece each week or can be chosen as individual topics or projects. Handout at the end to collate the ideas.

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  21. PDF Ancient Egypt homework project

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  23. Ancient Egyptian Homework

    Ancient Egyptian Homework. Subject: History. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pptx, 96.74 KB. Homework ideas for the Ancient Egyptian topic. Can be given as a different piece each week or can be chosen as individual topics or projects. Handout at the end to collate the ideas.