Cut Nyak Dhien

The Indonesian resistance fighter Cut Nyak Dhien (1848[?]–1908) was an important military leader in the struggle of her homeland. In the late 19th century, Dhien helped to defend the Aceh Sultanate, located on the island of Sumatra, against Dutch colonial invaders .

Cut Nyak Dhien (pronounced “Tchoot Nee-OCK dee-EN”) was motivated to join with others in a military struggle when her husband, Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga, was killed while fighting the Dutch forces invading Sumatra in 1878. Operating from a jungle base against large Dutch garrisons, Dhien and her second husband would lead a guerrilla war that destabilized Aceh for several decades and killed several top Dutch military leaders. Finally captured in 1901, Dhien was sent into exile on the island of Java, there to live among people who did not know who she was, and whose language she did not speak. They were nevertheless impressed by her knowledge of Islamic sacred texts, which she taught to local Javanese in her final years, and she is considered one of Indonesia's national heroes.

Grew Up in Uncolonized Area

Cut Nyak Dhien was born in Lampadang, at the northern tip of Sumatra island, around 1848 (some sources cite her birth year as 1850). In the old Dutch spelling applied to Indonesian languages, her name would have been written “Tjoet Nja' Dhien”; the “Dhien” spelling of her surname has been retained in some modern sources. It is also written as Dien in some places. At the time, Lampadang was part of an independent principality known as the Sultanate of Aceh or the Kingdom of Aceh (“AH-tcheh”), Darussalam, located in northern Sumatra. Other parts of Indonesia by that time had been conquered by the Dutch and brought under colonial administration, but the fiercely independent Acehnese, with their Islamic culture, managed to resist incorporation through a mixture of military action and diplomatic strategy.

The name Cut often indicates noble roots in Acehnese culture, and Dhien was indeed a member of the Acehnese aristocracy. Her father, Teuku Nanti Setia, was a top military officer of the sultanate and a descendant of a famed female ambassador from the neighboring Pagaruyung Sultane; her mother also came from a high-ranking military family. (Most Indonesian surnames are not family names.) While growing up, Dhien was given a thorough grounding in Islamic studies as well as in domestic matters. Considered a prize catch by many local young men, she was given in an arranged marriage to Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga, the son of another military commander, when she was 12 years old. In the words of Benny Ohorella and Zaynab El-Fatah, writing in Victory News Magazine , Dhien “soon realized, as the daughter and the wife of commanders of Army divisions, that she would have to [say farewell to] them when war broke out against the Dutch.”

Husband and Father Killed in Battle

In 1878, during the Battle of Sela Glee Tarun, both Dhien's husband and father were killed. Swearing revenge against the Dutch colonizers, she took up her husband's command of the Acehnese guerrilla force. An Acehnese leader, Teuku Umar, was impressed by Dhien's piety: her father and husband, she proclaimed, should not be mourned because they had entered heaven as Islamic shaheed , or martyrs. When Umar first proposed marriage, she rejected him, but he tried again, agreeing to Dhien's insistence that she be allowed to continue to be part of the military struggle. When the two were married in 1880, their wedding was said to have greatly inspired Acehnese fighters. The couple soon had a daughter, Cut Gambang.

The Aceh War continued through the last quarter of the 19th century, with the Dutch establishing control over major Acehnese cities, including Kutaraja and Meulaboh. However, they failed to subdue the countryside, where guerrilla actions were led by Dhien and Teuku Umar. Aceh had long had strong connections to the direct sources of Islam in the Middle East, and over time the regional struggle took on more and more of a religious character. A series of Dutch generals were assigned to Aceh and subsequently departed, removed from their posts because they were unable to defeat the Acehnese insurgency. The Dutch eventually decided to leverage the strong interethnic tensions existing within the Indonesian archipelago, bringing troops from the Christian island of Ambon to combat the Islamic Acehnese guerrillas.

In 1893, as the situation for the guerrilla fighters worsened, Teuku Umar executed a daring plan in which he and 250 Acehnese fighters ostensibly surrendered to Dutch officers, leaving Dhien in charge of the remaining Acehnese force. The fighters were welcomed, and Teuku Umar was even made an officer in the Dutch force. For months he maintained the ruse, waiting for the right opportunity, which came when he was ordered to initiate a campaign against guerrilla-controlled villages in the Acehnese interior. Instead, Teuku Umar and his compatriots deserted, taking with them large caches of Dutch ammunition and heavy weaponry; the event is known from the Dutch perspective as the Treason of Teuku Umar.

Although Umar's coup gave new energy to Dhien's resistance campaign, by the mid-1890s the Dutch were cultivating relationships with hereditary Achenese military families, concluding that the sultanate's Islamic religious leaders were immune to such efforts. They developed a network of spies within Acehnese society, even as the increasing brutality of their armed campaign led to growing sympathy for the Acehnese within the Dutch military and the larger society of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Finally, in 1899, Teuku Umar was killed during an Acehnese attack on Meulaboh. Dhien told Cut Gambang that Achenese should not weep for those who had become martyrs.

Fought to the Death

Following the death of her husband, Dhien continued to lead the Acehnese resistance forces, which over time increasingly consisted of both men and women. After two decades spent living in the jungle, she suffered from a variety of medical problems, and although some of her troops urged her to surrender to the Dutch and seek treatment, she refused. Possibly betrayed by someone in the resistance, Dhien found herself surrounded in 1901 after the location of her camp was provided to the Dutch army. She and a small group fought until the end, with Dhien wielding a traditional Acehnese dagger at the time of her capture. Cut Gambang escaped and continued to carry out sporadic guerrilla actions, but by 1904 Aceh was effectively under Dutch control.

Fearful that Dhien's continued presence on Aceh would inspire native residents to carry out more rebellions, the Dutch exiled to Dhien to Sumedang, on the island of Java. The Dutch did not tell the Javanese who she was; with no national Indonesian language, her identity remained a secret because Acehnese was unintelligible to the local Sundanese. A local Islamic leader became impressed by Dhien's knowledge of Islamic Arabic texts, however, as well as by her general piety. Eventually dubbed by locals as “Dhien Ibu Perbu” (“Dhien the Queen”), she taught Quranic recitations in Sumedang until her death on November 6, 1908. She was buried in a local cemetery dedicated to the noble residents of the town.

Dhien's identity was revealed only in the early 1960s, when research was carried out in Dutch archives. On May 2, 1964, she was declared a national hero of Indonesia by the country's first president, Sukarno. Her image has been featured on an Indonesian stamp and banknote, and Cut Nyak Dhien Airport in Aceh's Nagan Raya Regency is named in her honor.

Aquino Siapno, Jacqueline, Gender, Islam, Nationalism, and the State in Aceh , Routledge, 2002.

Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia , (September 2, 2017), “Cut Nyak Dhien (1850–1908).”

History of Indonesian , (February 2012), “Cut Nyak Dien (1848–1908): Women's Steel Watch Aceh.”

Media Saragih , (May 2015), “Cut Nyak Dhien.”

Victory News Magazine , (September 2, 2017), Benny Ohorella and Zaynab El-Fatah, “Tjoet Njak Dien.”□


Biography of Cut Nyak Dien: The Female Hero the Dutch Feared

Biography of Cut Nyak Dien: The Female Hero the Dutch Feared

Indonesia has a female hero who comes from Aceh. The hero’s name is Cut Nyak Dien. Cut Nyak Dien was a great Indonesian female figure who never gave up in fighting against the colonialists. Cut Nyak Dien was later nicknamed the “Queen of Aceh” because of her strong determination in fighting Dutch colonialism in Aceh, Indonesia. Throughout his life, Cut Nyak Dien continued to fight and resist with the aim of achieving the nation’s ideals, namely freedom from colonial power.

In this article, Mudalovers will find out about the birth of Cut Nyak Dien and her marriage to Teuku Ibrahim, Cut Nyak Dien and the outbreak of the Aceh War, Cut Nyak Dien with Teuku Umar, Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar’s strategy to defeat the Dutch, Cut Nyak Dien fought until exile, end of Cut Nyak Dien’s life, Cut Nyak Dien’s grave, interesting facts about Cut Nyak Dien, and book recommendations about Cut Nyak Dien.

The birth of Cut Nya Dien and her marriage to Teuku Ibrahim

Cut Nyak Dien is a descendant of Acehnese nobility. He was born in 1848 in Lam Padang Peukan Bada village, VI Mukim region, Aceh Besar. As a child, Cut Nyak Dien was known as a beautiful girl. This beauty is even more complete with Cut Nyak Dien’s intelligence in the field of religious education.

In 1863, when Cut Nyak Dien was 12 years old, she was betrothed to Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga, the son of Teuku Po Amat, Uleebalang Lam Nga XIII. Her husband is a young man with broad insight and is religious. Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar are married and have a son.

Aceh’s historical history records that Teuku Ibrahim fought against Dutch colonialism. Teuku Ibrahim often left Cut Nyak Dien and his children because they were carrying out the noble task of fighting against Dutch colonialism. Months after leaving Lam Padang, Teuku Ibrahim came back to order to evacuate and seek refuge in a safe place. At the request of her husband, Cut Nyak Dien and other residents then left the Lam Padang area on December 29 1875.

Sad news befell Cut Nyak Dien, on June 29 1878, Teuku Ibrahim died. The death of her husband made Cut Nyak Dien worse. However, this incident did not make him despair, on the contrary, it became a strong reason for Cut Nyak Dien to continue the struggle of her husband who had died.

Cut Nyak Dien and the Eruption of the Aceh War

On March 26, 1873, the Dutch started war with Aceh. The Dutch, via the Citadel van Antwerpen fleet  , began firing cannons at mainland Aceh. Furthermore, on April 8 1873, the Dutch under the leadership of Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler managed to land on Ceureumen Beach and immediately controlled and burned the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Aceh.

What the Dutch did then triggered the Aceh war led by Panglima Polim and Sultan Mahmud Syah against around 3,198 Dutch soldiers. However, the Sultanate of Aceh was able to win the first war against the Dutch when Köhler was shot to death.

In 1874-1880, under the leadership of General Jan van Swieten, the VI Mukim region was successfully occupied by the Dutch as well as the Sultan’s Palace which finally had to recognize the great power of the Dutch colonial era.

This incident forced Cut Nyak Dien and her baby to flee with residents and other groups on December 24 1875. However, Teuku Ibrahim remained determined to reclaim the VI Mukim area. Unfortunately, when Teuku Ibrahim fought at Gle Tarum, he died on June 29 1878. This finally made Cut Nyak Dien very angry and vowed to destroy the Netherlands.

Cut Nya Dien with Teuku Umar

After Teuku Ibrahim’s death, Cut Nyak Dien remarried Teuku Umar, an Acehnese warrior figure. Not only were they tied together by marriage, but the two of them united to fight the invaders. The marriage between Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar is an interesting story.

Cut Nyak Dien reasoned that he wanted to fight together with the man who allowed him to go to war to fight the Dutch colonialists, not just wanting to be the head of the household. Initially Cut Nyak Dien refused, because Teuku Umar allowed Cut Nyak Dien to fight the invaders, finally Cut Nyak Dien accepted Teuku Umar’s proposal and they married in 1880.

With the union of Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar, the morale and enthusiasm of the Acehnese fighters was even stronger. As if not wanting to waste the opportunity, Teuku Umar tried to approach the Dutch and strengthen his relationship with the Dutch people. On September 30 1893, Teuku Umar and his troops, numbering around 250 people, went to Kutaraja and surrendered to the Dutch colonial authorities.

Teuku Umar’s strategy finally succeeded in tricking the Dutch so that they gave Teuku Umar the title Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan and made Teuku Umar the commander of the Dutch troop unit who had full power.

Cut Nyak Dien together with Teuku Umar strengthened the ranks of the fighters to again expel the Dutch from Aceh. Both of them fought with a burning fighting spirit. One of the successes they have achieved is reclaiming Cut Nyak Dien’s hometown from the Dutch colonialists. Apart from that, Teuku Umar also pretended to submit to the Dutch in order to get supplies of weapons which they then used to attack the invaders again.

Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar’s Strategy to Defeat the Dutch

In order to smooth out the strategy to defeat the Dutch, Teuku Umar was willing to be considered a traitor by the Acehnese. Cut Nyak Meutia was no exception, who came to meet and scold Cut Nyak Dien. Even so, Cut Nyak Dien still tried to advise Teuku Umar to refocus on fighting and defeating the Dutch.

When Teuku Umar’s power and influence were quite large, Teuku Umar took advantage of that moment to gather Acehnese people in his army. When the number of Acehnese under Teuku Umar’s command was sufficient, Teuku Umar carried out a fake plan to the Dutch and claimed that he wanted to attack the Acehnese base.

After that, Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dien left with all the Dutch troops and heavy equipment, weapons and ammunition. However, they never returned to Dutch headquarters. The betrayal strategy carried out by Teuku Umar was called  Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar  (Teuku Umar’s betrayal).

Teuku Umar’s neat strategy to betray the Dutch made the Dutch angry and they launched a large-scale operation to arrest Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar. However, the Acehnese guerrillas were now equipped with equipment from the Netherlands and were sufficient to fight the Dutch.

When General Van Swieten was replaced, the person who replaced him, General Jakobus Ludovicus Hubertus Pel, was quickly killed by the Acehnese guerrillas, ultimately leaving the Dutch colonial troops in a very difficult and chaotic condition.

Cut Nyak Dien Struggled Until Exiled

As time passed, Teuku Umar died on the battlefield in Meulaboh. Cut Nyak Dien’s second husband died because the intentions of his attack were known by the Dutch troops from the start.

Even though the people he loved had left him, Cut Nyak Dien still continued his battle for six years. He guerrillas from one region to another. During that time, he, along with other people and fighters, was faced with life’s difficulties: suffering, running out of food, money and weapons supplies.

Cut Nyak Dien, with his aging physical condition, continued to try to escape from the Dutch attacks. Although Cut Nyak Dien and his fighting troops began to weaken due to threat after threat coming from the Netherlands. Unfortunately, the commander of his troops, Pang Laot, betrayed him. The traitor and other Dutch troops then looked for Cut Nyak Dien’s whereabouts. They managed to find Cut Nyak Dien’s hiding place and then took Cut Nyak Dien to Kutaradja.

Pang Laot asked the Dutch to ensure that Cut Nyak Dien was treated well by the Dutch. The Dutch governor in Kutaradja, Van Daalen, did not like this so Cut Nyak Dien was exiled to the island of Java, specifically Sumedang, West Java, in 1907.

A year into his exile, Cut Nyak Dien ended his life’s struggle. Cut Nyak Dien is one of the Indonesian women whose courage is an example. Since 2 May 1964, Cut Nyak Dien was awarded as an Indonesian national hero through Presidential Decree No. 106 of 1964 on 2 May 1964. Cut Nyak Dien was an Acehnese woman who never gave up in her struggle, she continued to fight until the end of her life.

End of Life Cut Nyak Dien

Pang Laot, a bodyguard for Cut Nyak Dien, reported the location of Cut Nyak Dien’s headquarters to the Dutch. This made the Dutch attack Cut Nyak Dien’s headquarters in Beutong Le Sageu. Cut Nyak Dien’s troops were shocked and fought desperately, until finally Cut Nyak Dien was captured and taken to Banda Aceh.

After being captured by the Dutch, Cut Nyak Dien was taken and treated in Banda Aceh. His nearsightedness and gout gradually healed. However, unfortunately Cut Nyak Dien was thrown into the land of Sumedang, West Java.

Cut Nyak Dien was taken to Sumedang, West Java, along with other Acehnese political prisoners and attracted the attention of one person, namely the regent of Suriaatmaja. Other male prisoners also expressed their concern for Cut Nyak Dien, but Dutch soldiers were prohibited from revealing the prisoners’ identities.

Cut Nyak Dien was detained with a cleric named Ilyas and the cleric immediately realized that Cut Nyak Dien was an expert in the Islamic religion. This made Cut Nyak Dien nicknamed “Mother Perbu”.

Cut Nyak Dien’s grave

Cut Nyak Dien died on November 6 1908 due to his old age and frequent illness. After that, Cut Nyak Dien was buried in his exile area in Sumedang. Cut Nyak Dien’s grave itself was only discovered in 1959, this was also due to the request of Ali Hasan, the Governor of Aceh at that time.

President Soekarno through Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 106 of 1964 designated Cut Nyak Dien as a National Hero on May 2 1962. Meanwhile, Cut Nyak Dien’s house in Aceh was rebuilt by the local government as a symbol of his struggle in Tanah Rencong. Until now, the story of Cut Nyak Dien’s struggle is still often discussed and studied as part of history in schools and general knowledge.

Interesting Facts About Cut Nyak Dien

There are several interesting facts about Cut Nya Dien, including:

  • Cut Nyak Dien is a descendant of a great nobleman who fought alongside the people
  • Married at a young age, namely 12 years
  • Joined in the struggle against the invaders with her husband
  • Married a second time and continued to fight against the Dutch
  • Cut Nyak Dien continued to struggle throughout his life

So, that’s the article about Cut Nya Dien’s biography. Hopefully it’s useful for Mudalovers , OK?


1854 - 1899

Photo of Teuku Umar

Teuku Umar (1854 – 11 February 1899) was a leader of a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area . Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Teuku Umar has received more than 100,168 page views. His biography is available in 15 different languages on Wikipedia . Teuku Umar is the 484th most popular social activist , the 61st most popular biography from Indonesia and the 5th most popular Indonesian Social Activist .

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Among people born in 1854 , Teuku Umar ranks 100 .  Before him are Alexandru Marghiloman , Hermann von Stein , Aristarkh Belopolsky , Ali bin Said of Zanzibar , Gerhard Louis De Geer , and Germán Riesco . After him are Napoleon Cybulski , Niels Neergaard , Ivan Horbachevsky , David Dunbar Buick , Giuseppe Veronese , and Princess Marie of Saxe-Altenburg .  Among people deceased in 1899 , Teuku Umar ranks 68 .  Before him are Johann Köler , Robert G. Ingersoll , Jacob Maris , Franziskus von Paula Graf von Schönborn , Zsófia Torma , and Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa . After him are Klaus Groth , Kaʻiulani , Horatio Alger , Karolina Světlá , Gaëtan de Rochebouët , and Grant Allen .

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Among social activists born in Indonesia , Teuku Umar ranks 5 .  Before him are Kartini (1879) , Cut Nyak Dhien (1850) , Pattimura (1783) , and Dewi Sartika (1884) . After him are Siti Musdah Mulia (1958) , and Aleta Baun (1966) .

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biography teuku umar in english


biography teuku umar in english

Cut Nyak Dien

By sasi from jakarta.

Cut Nyak Dien (

Cut Nyak Dien was awarded Nation’s Heroine in May 2nd 1964 by President Soekarno. She was one of the first women warriors recorded in Indonesian history. Her persistence and unbroken spirit set the ground for her own people, citizens of Aceh, to fight back Colonialism. Born in 1848 from an aristocratic and religious family in Lampadang, Cut Nyak Dien was an attractive and gorgeous girl. That is why she was married in a very young age, 12 years old, to Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga, son from an uleebalang (elder).

Since Aceh was invaded by the Dutch colonialism, her husband, Ibrahim Lamnga fought in the front line to defend their homeland while she boosted the spirit of the army from behind. Unfortunately, in June 29th 1878, Ibrahim Lamnga was killed in Gle Tarum which made Cut Nyak Dien furious and vowed to destroy Dutch no matter what it took. She initiated her vow of revenge by marrying her cousin, Teuku Umar, a warrior in Aceh. From that moment on, she actively involved in the front line.

Teuku Umar & Cut Nyak Dien (

Teuku Umar was shot to death in a battle in Meulaboh in February the 11th 1899. Grieving for only a short time, she decided to continue her struggle with the guerrillas. Cut Nyak Dien was the Commander in Chief; she controlled the attacks inside the jungle for sixteen years. The attacks were successful, the Dutch lost many men, and they enraged the Dutch. Therefore, Cut Nyak Dien was their first target; unfortunately, she was never captured until she was an old woman with blurry eyes and an acute lumbago. Her location was reported, out of compassion of her condition, by Pang Laot, one of her men. However, her persistence in struggling against the Dutch invasion was not diminished. From inside her prison, she continued to communicate her mission, which disturbed the Dutch, and as a result, she was exiled to Sumedang, West Java. Even in her exile, she was not idle. She taught Al-Quran to the people in surrounding community. She died on November 8th 1908, however her struggle and spirit of freedom live on.

Cut Nyak Dien was a pioneer in feminism in the early 19th century of Indonesian history. She was a female leader among males, which at that time was prohibited by her religion, but she showed an outstanding quality of a leader so her men obeyed her commands. Her persistence is greatly admired up to now, once she set her eyes on taking back her homeland. She knew that her men were outnumbered but she used her logical strategy to fight the Dutch. Even with old age, blurry eyes, and acute lumbago, she fought until her last breath. She was also a true feminist.

Even though the word feminist was not acknowledged at her time, she showed herself as a true feminist by breaking through the barrier of segregation of men and women. Women social status were considered lower than men’s who were placed among the walls with limited access. Cut Nyak Dien proved that women, given chances, could do men’s work.

Page created on 2/21/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/21/2008 12:00:00 AM

biography teuku umar in english


Person Or Being In Fiction

1854 – 1899, who was teuku umar.

Teuku Umar was a leader of a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area. After Teuku Umar's death, his wife Cut Nyak Dhien continued to lead the guerrillas against the Dutch. He was later made a Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia.

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  • Cut Nyak Dhien (1880 - 1899/02/11)
  • Acehnese people

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  1. Teuku Umar - Wikipedia

    Teuku Umar (1854 – 11 February 1899) was a leader of a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area.

  2. Teuku Umar - Wikiwand

    Teuku Umar (1854 – 11 February 1899) was a leader of a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area. After Teuku Umar's death, his wife Cut Nyak Dhien continued to lead the guerrillas against the Dutch.

  3. Cut Nyak Dhien, Grew up in uncolonized area, Husband and ...

    Cut Nyak Dhien (pronounced “Tchoot Nee-OCK dee-EN”) was motivated to join with others in a military struggle when her husband, Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga, was killed while fighting the Dutch forces invading Sumatra in 1878.

  4. Biography of Cut Nyak Dien: The Female Hero the Dutch Feared

    The hero’s name is Cut Nyak Dien. Cut Nyak Dien was a great Indonesian female figure who never gave up in fighting against the colonialists. Cut Nyak Dien was later nicknamed the “Queen of Aceh” because of her strong determination in fighting Dutch colonialism in Aceh, Indonesia.

  5. Cut Nyak Dhien - Wikipedia

    Cut Nyak Dhien or Tjoet Nja' Dhien (c. 1848 – 6 November 1908) [1] was a leader of the Acehnese guerrilla forces during the Aceh War. Following the death of her husband Teuku Umar, she led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years.

  6. Teuku Umar Biography | Pantheon

    Teuku Umar (1854 – 11 February 1899) was a leader of a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area .

  7. Cut Nyak Dien | MY HERO

    Cut Nyak Dien was awarded Nation’s Heroine in May 2nd 1964 by President Soekarno. She was one of the first women warriors recorded in Indonesian history. Her persistence and unbroken spirit set the ground for her own people, citizens of Aceh, to fight back Colonialism.

  8. Biography of Teuku Umar

    Teuku Umar was a leader of a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area.

  9. Biography Teuku Umar | Download Free PDF | National Security ...

    Teuku Umar was born in 1854 in Meulaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia. He led a guerrilla war against the Dutch from 1873 until his death in 1899. Though he lacked a formal education, he proved to be a strong, intelligent, and courageous leader of the Acehnese resistance.

  10. Biografi Teuku Umar | PDF - Scribd

    Teuku Umar was a national hero of Indonesia born in 1854 in Meulaboh, Aceh. He led a guerrilla war against the Dutch in Aceh from 1873 until his death in 1899. As a young man he joined fighters resisting the Dutch.