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How to write a speech that your audience remembers


Whether in a work meeting or at an investor panel, you might give a speech at some point. And no matter how excited you are about the opportunity, the experience can be nerve-wracking . 

But feeling butterflies doesn’t mean you can’t give a great speech. With the proper preparation and a clear outline, apprehensive public speakers and natural wordsmiths alike can write and present a compelling message. Here’s how to write a good speech you’ll be proud to deliver.

What is good speech writing?

Good speech writing is the art of crafting words and ideas into a compelling, coherent, and memorable message that resonates with the audience. Here are some key elements of great speech writing:

  • It begins with clearly understanding the speech's purpose and the audience it seeks to engage. 
  • A well-written speech clearly conveys its central message, ensuring that the audience understands and retains the key points. 
  • It is structured thoughtfully, with a captivating opening, a well-organized body, and a conclusion that reinforces the main message. 
  • Good speech writing embraces the power of engaging content, weaving in stories, examples, and relatable anecdotes to connect with the audience on both intellectual and emotional levels. 

Ultimately, it is the combination of these elements, along with the authenticity and delivery of the speaker , that transforms words on a page into a powerful and impactful spoken narrative.

What makes a good speech?

A great speech includes several key qualities, but three fundamental elements make a speech truly effective:

Clarity and purpose

Remembering the audience, cohesive structure.

While other important factors make a speech a home run, these three elements are essential for writing an effective speech.

The main elements of a good speech

The main elements of a speech typically include:

  • Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for your speech and grabs the audience's attention. It should include a hook or attention-grabbing opening, introduce the topic, and provide an overview of what will be covered.
  • Opening/captivating statement: This is a strong statement that immediately engages the audience and creates curiosity about the speech topics.
  • Thesis statement/central idea: The thesis statement or central idea is a concise statement that summarizes the main point or argument of your speech. It serves as a roadmap for the audience to understand what your speech is about.
  • Body: The body of the speech is where you elaborate on your main points or arguments. Each point is typically supported by evidence, examples, statistics, or anecdotes. The body should be organized logically and coherently, with smooth transitions between the main points.
  • Supporting evidence: This includes facts, data, research findings, expert opinions, or personal stories that support and strengthen your main points. Well-chosen and credible evidence enhances the persuasive power of your speech.
  • Transitions: Transitions are phrases or statements that connect different parts of your speech, guiding the audience from one idea to the next. Effective transitions signal the shifts in topics or ideas and help maintain a smooth flow throughout the speech.
  • Counterarguments and rebuttals (if applicable): If your speech involves addressing opposing viewpoints or counterarguments, you should acknowledge and address them. Presenting counterarguments makes your speech more persuasive and demonstrates critical thinking.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is the final part of your speech and should bring your message to a satisfying close. Summarize your main points, restate your thesis statement, and leave the audience with a memorable closing thought or call to action.
  • Closing statement: This is the final statement that leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the main message of your speech. It can be a call to action, a thought-provoking question, a powerful quote, or a memorable anecdote.
  • Delivery and presentation: How you deliver your speech is also an essential element to consider. Pay attention to your tone, body language, eye contact , voice modulation, and timing. Practice and rehearse your speech, and try using the 7-38-55 rule to ensure confident and effective delivery.

While the order and emphasis of these elements may vary depending on the type of speech and audience, these elements provide a framework for organizing and delivering a successful speech.


How to structure a good speech

You know what message you want to transmit, who you’re delivering it to, and even how you want to say it. But you need to know how to start, develop, and close a speech before writing it. 

Think of a speech like an essay. It should have an introduction, conclusion, and body sections in between. This places ideas in a logical order that the audience can better understand and follow them. Learning how to make a speech with an outline gives your storytelling the scaffolding it needs to get its point across.

Here’s a general speech structure to guide your writing process:

  • Explanation 1
  • Explanation 2
  • Explanation 3

How to write a compelling speech opener

Some research shows that engaged audiences pay attention for only 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Other estimates are even lower, citing that people stop listening intently in fewer than 10 minutes . If you make a good first impression at the beginning of your speech, you have a better chance of interesting your audience through the middle when attention spans fade. 

Implementing the INTRO model can help grab and keep your audience’s attention as soon as you start speaking. This acronym stands for interest, need, timing, roadmap, and objectives, and it represents the key points you should hit in an opening. 

Here’s what to include for each of these points: 

  • Interest : Introduce yourself or your topic concisely and speak with confidence . Write a compelling opening statement using relevant data or an anecdote that the audience can relate to.
  • Needs : The audience is listening to you because they have something to learn. If you’re pitching a new app idea to a panel of investors, those potential partners want to discover more about your product and what they can earn from it. Read the room and gently remind them of the purpose of your speech. 
  • Timing : When appropriate, let your audience know how long you’ll speak. This lets listeners set expectations and keep tabs on their own attention span. If a weary audience member knows you’ll talk for 40 minutes, they can better manage their energy as that time goes on. 
  • Routemap : Give a brief overview of the three main points you’ll cover in your speech. If an audience member’s attention starts to drop off and they miss a few sentences, they can more easily get their bearings if they know the general outline of the presentation.
  • Objectives : Tell the audience what you hope to achieve, encouraging them to listen to the end for the payout. 

Writing the middle of a speech

The body of your speech is the most information-dense section. Facts, visual aids, PowerPoints — all this information meets an audience with a waning attention span. Sticking to the speech structure gives your message focus and keeps you from going off track, making everything you say as useful as possible.

Limit the middle of your speech to three points, and support them with no more than three explanations. Following this model organizes your thoughts and prevents you from offering more information than the audience can retain. 

Using this section of the speech to make your presentation interactive can add interest and engage your audience. Try including a video or demonstration to break the monotony. A quick poll or survey also keeps the audience on their toes. 

Wrapping the speech up

To you, restating your points at the end can feel repetitive and dull. You’ve practiced countless times and heard it all before. But repetition aids memory and learning , helping your audience retain what you’ve told them. Use your speech’s conclusion to summarize the main points with a few short sentences.

Try to end on a memorable note, like posing a motivational quote or a thoughtful question the audience can contemplate once they leave. In proposal or pitch-style speeches, consider landing on a call to action (CTA) that invites your audience to take the next step.


How to write a good speech

If public speaking gives you the jitters, you’re not alone. Roughly 80% of the population feels nervous before giving a speech, and another 10% percent experiences intense anxiety and sometimes even panic. 

The fear of failure can cause procrastination and can cause you to put off your speechwriting process until the last minute. Finding the right words takes time and preparation, and if you’re already feeling nervous, starting from a blank page might seem even harder.

But putting in the effort despite your stress is worth it. Presenting a speech you worked hard on fosters authenticity and connects you to the subject matter, which can help your audience understand your points better. Human connection is all about honesty and vulnerability, and if you want to connect to the people you’re speaking to, they should see that in you.

1. Identify your objectives and target audience

Before diving into the writing process, find healthy coping strategies to help you stop worrying . Then you can define your speech’s purpose, think about your target audience, and start identifying your objectives. Here are some questions to ask yourself and ground your thinking : 

  • What purpose do I want my speech to achieve? 
  • What would it mean to me if I achieved the speech’s purpose?
  • What audience am I writing for? 
  • What do I know about my audience? 
  • What values do I want to transmit? 
  • If the audience remembers one take-home message, what should it be? 
  • What do I want my audience to feel, think, or do after I finish speaking? 
  • What parts of my message could be confusing and require further explanation?

2. Know your audience

Understanding your audience is crucial for tailoring your speech effectively. Consider the demographics of your audience, their interests, and their expectations. For instance, if you're addressing a group of healthcare professionals, you'll want to use medical terminology and data that resonate with them. Conversely, if your audience is a group of young students, you'd adjust your content to be more relatable to their experiences and interests. 

3. Choose a clear message

Your message should be the central idea that you want your audience to take away from your speech. Let's say you're giving a speech on climate change. Your clear message might be something like, "Individual actions can make a significant impact on mitigating climate change." Throughout your speech, all your points and examples should support this central message, reinforcing it for your audience.

4. Structure your speech

Organizing your speech properly keeps your audience engaged and helps them follow your ideas. The introduction should grab your audience's attention and introduce the topic. For example, if you're discussing space exploration, you could start with a fascinating fact about a recent space mission. In the body, you'd present your main points logically, such as the history of space exploration, its scientific significance, and future prospects. Finally, in the conclusion, you'd summarize your key points and reiterate the importance of space exploration in advancing human knowledge.

5. Use engaging content for clarity

Engaging content includes stories, anecdotes, statistics, and examples that illustrate your main points. For instance, if you're giving a speech about the importance of reading, you might share a personal story about how a particular book changed your perspective. You could also include statistics on the benefits of reading, such as improved cognitive abilities and empathy.

6. Maintain clarity and simplicity

It's essential to communicate your ideas clearly. Avoid using overly technical jargon or complex language that might confuse your audience. For example, if you're discussing a medical breakthrough with a non-medical audience, explain complex terms in simple, understandable language.

7. Practice and rehearse

Practice is key to delivering a great speech. Rehearse multiple times to refine your delivery, timing, and tone. Consider using a mirror or recording yourself to observe your body language and gestures. For instance, if you're giving a motivational speech, practice your gestures and expressions to convey enthusiasm and confidence.

8. Consider nonverbal communication

Your body language, tone of voice, and gestures should align with your message . If you're delivering a speech on leadership, maintain strong eye contact to convey authority and connection with your audience. A steady pace and varied tone can also enhance your speech's impact.

9. Engage your audience

Engaging your audience keeps them interested and attentive. Encourage interaction by asking thought-provoking questions or sharing relatable anecdotes. If you're giving a speech on teamwork, ask the audience to recall a time when teamwork led to a successful outcome, fostering engagement and connection.

10. Prepare for Q&A

Anticipate potential questions or objections your audience might have and prepare concise, well-informed responses. If you're delivering a speech on a controversial topic, such as healthcare reform, be ready to address common concerns, like the impact on healthcare costs or access to services, during the Q&A session.

By following these steps and incorporating examples that align with your specific speech topic and purpose, you can craft and deliver a compelling and impactful speech that resonates with your audience.


Tools for writing a great speech

There are several helpful tools available for speechwriting, both technological and communication-related. Here are a few examples:

  • Word processing software: Tools like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or other word processors provide a user-friendly environment for writing and editing speeches. They offer features like spell-checking, grammar correction, formatting options, and easy revision tracking.
  • Presentation software: Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides is useful when creating visual aids to accompany your speech. These tools allow you to create engaging slideshows with text, images, charts, and videos to enhance your presentation.
  • Speechwriting Templates: Online platforms or software offer pre-designed templates specifically for speechwriting. These templates provide guidance on structuring your speech and may include prompts for different sections like introductions, main points, and conclusions.
  • Rhetorical devices and figures of speech: Rhetorical tools such as metaphors, similes, alliteration, and parallelism can add impact and persuasion to your speech. Resources like books, websites, or academic papers detailing various rhetorical devices can help you incorporate them effectively.
  • Speechwriting apps: Mobile apps designed specifically for speechwriting can be helpful in organizing your thoughts, creating outlines, and composing a speech. These apps often provide features like voice recording, note-taking, and virtual prompts to keep you on track.
  • Grammar and style checkers: Online tools or plugins like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor help improve the clarity and readability of your speech by checking for grammar, spelling, and style errors. They provide suggestions for sentence structure, word choice, and overall tone.
  • Thesaurus and dictionary: Online or offline resources such as thesauruses and dictionaries help expand your vocabulary and find alternative words or phrases to express your ideas more effectively. They can also clarify meanings or provide context for unfamiliar terms.
  • Online speechwriting communities: Joining online forums or communities focused on speechwriting can be beneficial for getting feedback, sharing ideas, and learning from experienced speechwriters. It's an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and improve your public speaking skills through collaboration.

Remember, while these tools can assist in the speechwriting process, it's essential to use them thoughtfully and adapt them to your specific needs and style. The most important aspect of speechwriting remains the creativity, authenticity, and connection with your audience that you bring to your speech.


5 tips for writing a speech

Behind every great speech is an excellent idea and a speaker who refined it. But a successful speech is about more than the initial words on the page, and there are a few more things you can do to help it land.

Here are five more tips for writing and practicing your speech:

1. Structure first, write second

If you start the writing process before organizing your thoughts, you may have to re-order, cut, and scrap the sentences you worked hard on. Save yourself some time by using a speech structure, like the one above, to order your talking points first. This can also help you identify unclear points or moments that disrupt your flow.

2. Do your homework

Data strengthens your argument with a scientific edge. Research your topic with an eye for attention-grabbing statistics, or look for findings you can use to support each point. If you’re pitching a product or service, pull information from company metrics that demonstrate past or potential successes. 

Audience members will likely have questions, so learn all talking points inside and out. If you tell investors that your product will provide 12% returns, for example, come prepared with projections that support that statement.

3. Sound like yourself

Memorable speakers have distinct voices. Think of Martin Luther King Jr’s urgent, inspiring timbre or Oprah’s empathetic, personal tone . Establish your voice — one that aligns with your personality and values — and stick with it. If you’re a motivational speaker, keep your tone upbeat to inspire your audience . If you’re the CEO of a startup, try sounding assured but approachable. 

4. Practice

As you practice a speech, you become more confident , gain a better handle on the material, and learn the outline so well that unexpected questions are less likely to trip you up. Practice in front of a colleague or friend for honest feedback about what you could change, and speak in front of the mirror to tweak your nonverbal communication and body language .

5. Remember to breathe

When you’re stressed, you breathe more rapidly . It can be challenging to talk normally when you can’t regulate your breath. Before your presentation, try some mindful breathing exercises so that when the day comes, you already have strategies that will calm you down and remain present . This can also help you control your voice and avoid speaking too quickly.

How to ghostwrite a great speech for someone else

Ghostwriting a speech requires a unique set of skills, as you're essentially writing a piece that will be delivered by someone else. Here are some tips on how to effectively ghostwrite a speech:

  • Understand the speaker's voice and style : Begin by thoroughly understanding the speaker's personality, speaking style, and preferences. This includes their tone, humor, and any personal anecdotes they may want to include.
  • Interview the speaker : Have a detailed conversation with the speaker to gather information about their speech's purpose, target audience, key messages, and any specific points they want to emphasize. Ask for personal stories or examples they may want to include.
  • Research thoroughly : Research the topic to ensure you have a strong foundation of knowledge. This helps you craft a well-informed and credible speech.
  • Create an outline : Develop a clear outline that includes the introduction, main points, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Share this outline with the speaker for their input and approval.
  • Write in the speaker's voice : While crafting the speech, maintain the speaker's voice and style. Use language and phrasing that feel natural to them. If they have a particular way of expressing ideas, incorporate that into the speech.
  • Craft a captivating opening : Begin the speech with a compelling opening that grabs the audience's attention. This could be a relevant quote, an interesting fact, a personal anecdote, or a thought-provoking question.
  • Organize content logically : Ensure the speech flows logically, with each point building on the previous one. Use transitions to guide the audience from one idea to the next smoothly.
  • Incorporate engaging stories and examples : Include anecdotes, stories, and real-life examples that illustrate key points and make the speech relatable and memorable.
  • Edit and revise : Edit the speech carefully for clarity, grammar, and coherence. Ensure the speech is the right length and aligns with the speaker's time constraints.
  • Seek feedback : Share drafts of the speech with the speaker for their feedback and revisions. They may have specific changes or additions they'd like to make.
  • Practice delivery : If possible, work with the speaker on their delivery. Practice the speech together, allowing the speaker to become familiar with the content and your writing style.
  • Maintain confidentiality : As a ghostwriter, it's essential to respect the confidentiality and anonymity of the work. Do not disclose that you wrote the speech unless you have the speaker's permission to do so.
  • Be flexible : Be open to making changes and revisions as per the speaker's preferences. Your goal is to make them look good and effectively convey their message.
  • Meet deadlines : Stick to agreed-upon deadlines for drafts and revisions. Punctuality and reliability are essential in ghostwriting.
  • Provide support : Support the speaker during their preparation and rehearsal process. This can include helping with cue cards, speech notes, or any other materials they need.

Remember that successful ghostwriting is about capturing the essence of the speaker while delivering a well-structured and engaging speech. Collaboration, communication, and adaptability are key to achieving this.

Give your best speech yet

Learn how to make a speech that’ll hold an audience’s attention by structuring your thoughts and practicing frequently. Put the effort into writing and preparing your content, and aim to improve your breathing, eye contact , and body language as you practice. The more you work on your speech, the more confident you’ll become.

The energy you invest in writing an effective speech will help your audience remember and connect to every concept. Remember: some life-changing philosophies have come from good speeches, so give your words a chance to resonate with others. You might even change their thinking.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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If You Want to Write a Great Speech, Here’s How to Do It

Joanna Cutrara

Writing a speech isn’t all that different than writing for other mediums. You need to know your audience, the required length, and the purpose or topic. This is true whether your speech is for a business conference, a wedding, a school project, or any other scenario.

But there’s something about speech writing that’s especially nerve-wracking .

If you write and deliver a speech that doesn’t go over well, you’ll get feedback in real time. The people sitting in front of you could lose interest, start talking, doze off, or even wander out of the room. (Don’t worry, only audiences in movies throw tomatoes).

Of course, a poor speech is not the end of the world. You can give plenty of crummy speeches and live to tell the tale.

But we also know that a great speech is capable of changing the world. Or at least sparking an audience’s imagination, catapulting your business into success, earning an A+ on your assignment, or ensuring that the bride and groom are still friends with you after the wedding.

So if you’re feeling stressed over your impending speech writing duties, fret no more! Today we’re breaking down for you the step-by-step process of exactly how to write a great speech.

Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write.

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1 Tips to write (and live) by

Let’s start with the 30,000 foot, big-picture view. These are the tenets that will guide you in your speech writing process (and pretty much anything else you want to write).

  • Know the purpose: What are you trying to accomplish with your speech? Educate, inspire, entertain, argue a point? Your goals will dictate the tone and structure, and result in dramatically different speeches.
  • Know your audience: Your speech should be tailored for your audience, both in terms of ideas and language. If you’re speaking at a sound healer convention, you won’t need to explain the concept of energetic blocks. And if you’re speaking to an octogenarians-only quilting circle, you probably shouldn’t drop as many F-bombs as you would with your local biker gang.
  • Know the length: You don’t want to underwhelm or overwhelm your audience.Ten minutes may be too short for your keynote address, but it’s probably too long for your best man speech. Don’t leave things up to chance. Your writing process will be much easier if you keep your eye on your target length.
  • Write, revise, practice, revise, practice…: MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech wasn’t written in a day. Give yourself the time you need to practice your material and work through multiple drafts. Don’t expect to nail everything on the first try.

2 The step-by-step process

Still feeling stressed over how to get started? Here’s how to write your speech from concept to completion.

Step 1: Outline your speech’s structure. What are the main ideas for each section?

Step 2: Flesh out the main ideas in your outline. Don’t worry about finding the perfect words. Just let your creativity flow and get it all out!

Step 3: Edit and polish what you’ve written until you have a cohesive first draft of your speech

Step 4: Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your speech the more you’ll discover which sections need reworked, which transitions should be improved, and which sentences are hard to say. You’ll also find out how you’re doing on length.

Step 5: Update, practice, and revise your speech until it has a great flow and you feel it’s ready to accomplish its purpose.

3 The universal structure

Getting hung up on Step 1? Here’s a structure you can follow for any type of speech.


Who are you, why are are you giving this speech, what is your main thesis?

The “who” and “why” can be longer or shorter depending on the context. For example, if you’re speaking at a wedding, you’ll want to explain your relationship to the bride and groom and why they mean so much to you. But if you’re presenting to your class at school, you may be able to head straight into your thesis.

If you’re presenting in a business or motivational setting, this is a crucial time to hook your audience’s attention and pique their curiosity. Typically someone else will have already introduced you and your accolades, so use this to your advantage and dive straight in.

“Hi everyone, it’s great to be here! As Kevin just said, I’ve been an urban beet farmer for 30 years, and a couple years back I got this absolutely crazy idea. What if…”

Main message

Idea 1, Idea 2, Idea 3…

The majority of your speech should be spent presenting your thesis and supporting material in a simple, organized way.

Whether you’re giving an inspirational talk or a business presentation, rambling is a sure-fire way to lose your audience’s attention. Don’t try to share absolutely everything you know on your topic, instead pick a few (two to five) key points to present to your audience.

Stick to one point at a time and finish the thought before you move on to the next. Build in clear, logical transitions from idea to idea.

Want to make your speech memorable? Studies have shown our brains are great at remember stories! As much as is appropriate, make your speech personal and include your own anecdotes and thoughts.

We’re also better at remembering big ideas if they’re condensed into a few memorable words, so do your best to sum up your thesis.

“I have a dream.”

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

“Make good art.”

What do you want your audience to walk out of the room remembering?

Wrap everything up and drive home your main idea, whether that’s through providing a few (one to three) key takeaways, or telling one last story that perfectly illustrates your point.

Here are some examples of how your outline might look

As a researcher presenting your findings…

Introduction: Explain the key problem or question of your research.

Main message: Describe the research process, then describe your three key findings.

Takeaway: Present your conclusions and their implications, then your next steps for moving forward.

As the maid of honor giving a speech at your best friend’s wedding…

Introduction: Explain who you are and how you met the bride.

Main message: Recount three funny and heartwarming stories about your decades-long friendship with her, plus your first impressions of the groom.

Takeaway: Wrap things up by expounding on how amazing the bride and groom’s love for each other is, how they’re meant to be together, and how you know their love will last a lifetime. …L’chaim!

What are your favorite tips for writing a great speech?

Here’s a tip: Grammarly’s  Citation Generator  ensures your essays have flawless citations and no plagiarism. Try it for citing speeches in Chicago , MLA , and APA styles.

tips to write speech

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What this handout is about

This handout will help you create an effective speech by establishing the purpose of your speech and making it easily understandable. It will also help you to analyze your audience and keep the audience interested.

What’s different about a speech?

Writing for public speaking isn’t so different from other types of writing. You want to engage your audience’s attention, convey your ideas in a logical manner and use reliable evidence to support your point. But the conditions for public speaking favor some writing qualities over others. When you write a speech, your audience is made up of listeners. They have only one chance to comprehend the information as you read it, so your speech must be well-organized and easily understood. In addition, the content of the speech and your delivery must fit the audience.

What’s your purpose?

People have gathered to hear you speak on a specific issue, and they expect to get something out of it immediately. And you, the speaker, hope to have an immediate effect on your audience. The purpose of your speech is to get the response you want. Most speeches invite audiences to react in one of three ways: feeling, thinking, or acting. For example, eulogies encourage emotional response from the audience; college lectures stimulate listeners to think about a topic from a different perspective; protest speeches in the Pit recommend actions the audience can take.

As you establish your purpose, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you want the audience to learn or do?
  • If you are making an argument, why do you want them to agree with you?
  • If they already agree with you, why are you giving the speech?
  • How can your audience benefit from what you have to say?

Audience analysis

If your purpose is to get a certain response from your audience, you must consider who they are (or who you’re pretending they are). If you can identify ways to connect with your listeners, you can make your speech interesting and useful.

As you think of ways to appeal to your audience, ask yourself:

  • What do they have in common? Age? Interests? Ethnicity? Gender?
  • Do they know as much about your topic as you, or will you be introducing them to new ideas?
  • Why are these people listening to you? What are they looking for?
  • What level of detail will be effective for them?
  • What tone will be most effective in conveying your message?
  • What might offend or alienate them?

For more help, see our handout on audience .

Creating an effective introduction

Get their attention, otherwise known as “the hook”.

Think about how you can relate to these listeners and get them to relate to you or your topic. Appealing to your audience on a personal level captures their attention and concern, increasing the chances of a successful speech. Speakers often begin with anecdotes to hook their audience’s attention. Other methods include presenting shocking statistics, asking direct questions of the audience, or enlisting audience participation.

Establish context and/or motive

Explain why your topic is important. Consider your purpose and how you came to speak to this audience. You may also want to connect the material to related or larger issues as well, especially those that may be important to your audience.

Get to the point

Tell your listeners your thesis right away and explain how you will support it. Don’t spend as much time developing your introductory paragraph and leading up to the thesis statement as you would in a research paper for a course. Moving from the intro into the body of the speech quickly will help keep your audience interested. You may be tempted to create suspense by keeping the audience guessing about your thesis until the end, then springing the implications of your discussion on them. But if you do so, they will most likely become bored or confused.

For more help, see our handout on introductions .

Making your speech easy to understand

Repeat crucial points and buzzwords.

Especially in longer speeches, it’s a good idea to keep reminding your audience of the main points you’ve made. For example, you could link an earlier main point or key term as you transition into or wrap up a new point. You could also address the relationship between earlier points and new points through discussion within a body paragraph. Using buzzwords or key terms throughout your paper is also a good idea. If your thesis says you’re going to expose unethical behavior of medical insurance companies, make sure the use of “ethics” recurs instead of switching to “immoral” or simply “wrong.” Repetition of key terms makes it easier for your audience to take in and connect information.

Incorporate previews and summaries into the speech

For example:

“I’m here today to talk to you about three issues that threaten our educational system: First, … Second, … Third,”

“I’ve talked to you today about such and such.”

These kinds of verbal cues permit the people in the audience to put together the pieces of your speech without thinking too hard, so they can spend more time paying attention to its content.

Use especially strong transitions

This will help your listeners see how new information relates to what they’ve heard so far. If you set up a counterargument in one paragraph so you can demolish it in the next, begin the demolition by saying something like,

“But this argument makes no sense when you consider that . . . .”

If you’re providing additional information to support your main point, you could say,

“Another fact that supports my main point is . . . .”

Helping your audience listen

Rely on shorter, simpler sentence structures.

Don’t get too complicated when you’re asking an audience to remember everything you say. Avoid using too many subordinate clauses, and place subjects and verbs close together.

Too complicated:

The product, which was invented in 1908 by Orville Z. McGillicuddy in Des Moines, Iowa, and which was on store shelves approximately one year later, still sells well.

Easier to understand:

Orville Z. McGillicuddy invented the product in 1908 and introduced it into stores shortly afterward. Almost a century later, the product still sells well.

Limit pronoun use

Listeners may have a hard time remembering or figuring out what “it,” “they,” or “this” refers to. Be specific by using a key noun instead of unclear pronouns.

Pronoun problem:

The U.S. government has failed to protect us from the scourge of so-called reality television, which exploits sex, violence, and petty conflict, and calls it human nature. This cannot continue.

Why the last sentence is unclear: “This” what? The government’s failure? Reality TV? Human nature?

More specific:

The U.S. government has failed to protect us from the scourge of so-called reality television, which exploits sex, violence, and petty conflict, and calls it human nature. This failure cannot continue.

Keeping audience interest

Incorporate the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos.

When arguing a point, using ethos, pathos, and logos can help convince your audience to believe you and make your argument stronger. Ethos refers to an appeal to your audience by establishing your authenticity and trustworthiness as a speaker. If you employ pathos, you appeal to your audience’s emotions. Using logos includes the support of hard facts, statistics, and logical argumentation. The most effective speeches usually present a combination these rhetorical strategies.

Use statistics and quotations sparingly

Include only the most striking factual material to support your perspective, things that would likely stick in the listeners’ minds long after you’ve finished speaking. Otherwise, you run the risk of overwhelming your listeners with too much information.

Watch your tone

Be careful not to talk over the heads of your audience. On the other hand, don’t be condescending either. And as for grabbing their attention, yelling, cursing, using inappropriate humor, or brandishing a potentially offensive prop (say, autopsy photos) will only make the audience tune you out.

Creating an effective conclusion

Restate your main points, but don’t repeat them.

“I asked earlier why we should care about the rain forest. Now I hope it’s clear that . . .” “Remember how Mrs. Smith couldn’t afford her prescriptions? Under our plan, . . .”

Call to action

Speeches often close with an appeal to the audience to take action based on their new knowledge or understanding. If you do this, be sure the action you recommend is specific and realistic. For example, although your audience may not be able to affect foreign policy directly, they can vote or work for candidates whose foreign policy views they support. Relating the purpose of your speech to their lives not only creates a connection with your audience, but also reiterates the importance of your topic to them in particular or “the bigger picture.”

Practicing for effective presentation

Once you’ve completed a draft, read your speech to a friend or in front of a mirror. When you’ve finished reading, ask the following questions:

  • Which pieces of information are clearest?
  • Where did I connect with the audience?
  • Where might listeners lose the thread of my argument or description?
  • Where might listeners become bored?
  • Where did I have trouble speaking clearly and/or emphatically?
  • Did I stay within my time limit?

Other resources

  • Toastmasters International is a nonprofit group that provides communication and leadership training.
  • Allyn & Bacon Publishing’s Essence of Public Speaking Series is an extensive treatment of speech writing and delivery, including books on using humor, motivating your audience, word choice and presentation.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Boone, Louis E., David L. Kurtz, and Judy R. Block. 1997. Contemporary Business Communication . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Ehrlich, Henry. 1994. Writing Effective Speeches . New York: Marlowe.

Lamb, Sandra E. 1998. How to Write It: A Complete Guide to Everything You’ll Ever Write . Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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How to Write a Speech: 6 Tips for a Powerful Address

by Yen Cabag | 4 comments

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Abraham Lincoln achieved so much as a leader of the United States, but what remains eternal in the public’s imagination are his famous words from his Gettysburg Address. 

That’s just one example of the power of speech, and how it can be used as an effective tool for presenting ideas and influencing others.

Politicians use speeches to share their visions and goals; students practice delivering school lessons with them; businessmen give them to build up pep among their employees and associates; thought leaders use speeches in avenues like TedTalks and TedX to share their knowledge and insights. 

While there are many speech writing services available on the Internet, it only takes a bit of time for you to learn to write your own speech and develop this priceless life skill! 

What Makes a Great Speech?

So what makes a great speech?

Here are some of the common elements of great speeches from history: 

  • Clarity : Obviously, your speech is worthless if it can’t be clearly comprehended by your audience. The words should be easily understandable in order to be effective. 
  • Relevance : The message should match the season and needs of the audience, and the speaker should be confident in the need for that particular message. 
  • Brief, but complete : The best speeches don’t have to be long-winded; in fact, it takes more skill to include the same amount of information in a shorter length. 
  • Unbiased and unemotional : Although speeches may stir up the listeners’ emotions, the speaker needs to remain unbiased and not driven by emotion in order for the speech to have long-lasting effects. 
  • Audience involvement : Some of the best speeches include audience participation so that they can express their agreement with the content of the speech. 

How Do You Write a Good Speech? 

Before you can deliver a powerful message that stays with your listeners for a long time, you must write a well-structured speech that is clear, definite, brief, and complete.

Here are the steps you can follow if you’ve booked a speaking engagement or need to deliver an important presentation:

1. Decide on your main points.

A good rule of thumb is to have 3–5 main points; anything beyond that will be difficult for your listeners to remember. 

Try to give your audience at least one key line or idea that they will surely remember. Sometimes you can do this intentionally; other times, you may not know what specific line your audience will hang onto. 

One way to do this is to state your main points in memorable ways. The following are ways that you can do this: 

  • Use alliteration . For example, “Engage, Explore, Enjoy;” “Create, Connect, Collaborate, Commission.”  
  • Use contrast to highlight an important idea. For example, one line that everyone remembers about John F. Kennedy is from a speech he gave in 1961: “ Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country .” 
  • Make a short, memorable “quotable quote” for important points. Then, put ample emphasis around it by indicating space for you to pause or repeat the line. For example, in a conference on pioneering at Penang House of Prayer, one of the lines that the speaker Aaron Walsh shared was: “ Leadership is building the beautiful alternative .” 

2. Outline your speech.

A good outline will help make sure you hit the most important points you want to make and don’t go off on rabbit trails. Here are a few examples of a speech outline: 

Speech Outline Example 1: Basic Structure

Introduction : In the introduction, you can share a story relating to your topic, and then move on to give an overview of the main points you will be discussing. 

Body : This is where you go into detail for each of your main ideas. 

Conclusion : You wrap up your speech by summarizing the main points you have just finished elaborating. Then, you can close with a call-to-action or an answer to “What’s next?” 

Speech Outline Example 2: Problem-Solution Structure 

First Part: Describes the problem and why it is so bad

Second Part: Describes a possible solution or set of solutions 

Third Part: Summarizes how the solutions will solve the problem 

3. Write in the same tone as you speak. 

One of the most important public speaking tips is to remember that you are writing something that you will be speaking out loud for people to hear.

Chances are, your speaking tone is less formal and more conversational than when you write an essay. Take this into consideration when you write your speech. Some tips include: 

  • Keep your sentences short. Imagine reading out loud an insanely long sentence of more than 30 words. You will either run out of breath, or lose your audience in the process. 
  • Be confident with contractions. Formal writing tends to shy away from contractions: “I’m” needs to become “I am.” But because this is an verbally-delivered piece, contractions make you sound more relatable, and it takes less time to deliver. This leaves you more room for great content.
  • Remember that speaking isn’t tied to grammar as much as writing. When writing a speech, you don’t need to stick to strict grammar rules about writing in full sentences. People always say things like, “See?” “Gotcha,” and “Hope you like it.” 

4. Give concrete examples. 

Concrete examples, such as real stories and anecdotes, will resonate with your audience. Sharing personal stories not only makes your point more real to your audience, but it also makes you more relatable, and therefore trustworthy.

When you are thinking about which examples to include, consider using a mix of different types of stories: perhaps a funny anecdote or two, combined with a more thought-provoking personal tale can make a solid combination. 

5. Prepare a strong opening. 

The first few minutes of any speech are when the audience is most receptive. Make sure you grab their attention—and keep it!

How do you begin a speech? 

Some of the most powerful ways to begin a speech are: 

  • Quotes:. The quote you choose will help set the tone for the rest of your speech. 
  • Jokes: A joke or an anecdote is a great way to break the ice when speaking in public, especially if you don’t personally know your audience. 
  • “What If” question s: Challenging your audience to think from the get-go is a great way to grab their attention. 
  • “Imagine…” : Similar to asking a “what if” question, getting your audience to imagine a vision of a good future, for example, will stir up their emotions and keep them interested in what you have to share. 
  • Statistics : Official statistics are a great way to present a problem, giving you a good foundation for a solution you might offer. 

6. Practice out loud and cut unnecessary words.

After you write your speech, take time to practice reading it out loud.

You should do this for 2 main reasons:

  • You’ll want to check how long it takes you to deliver your speech, so you can plan accordingly.
  • You’ll want to practice using a natural, yet confident, speaking voice.

This is also the time to filter out unnecessary words. The best speechwriters believe that short and brief deliveries pack a better punch than long-winded speeches with many unnecessary rabbit trails. 

You might also wish to recite your speech in front of a few friends or colleagues, or record yourself using a webcam of software like Zoom, so you can review your presentation and find areas for improvement.

Examples of Famous Speeches

Below are several examples of famous speeches from history.

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech

In his inaugural speech, President John F. Kennedy delivers one of his most famous lines—”Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

Above is an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered in August of 1963.

How to Write a Speech 

By following the 6 steps above, you’ll be well on your way to writing solid speeches that will stay with your listeners for years to come.

You can also study up on rhetorical skills that will make your speeches and your writing more effective, which will help you to connect with your audience on an even deeper level.

Did you find this post helpful? Let us know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, then you might also like:

  • Public Speaking Tips: 10 Ways to Overcome Your Anxiety and Present with Confidence
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Booking Speaking Engagements
  • The Most Common Figures of Speech: Definitions, Examples, and How to Use Each
  • Tone: How to Give Your Writing Attitude (Plus 101 Words to Describe an Author’s Tone)

Yen Cabag

Yen Cabag is the Blog Writer of TCK Publishing. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.

Nwafor Samuel Onyebuchi.

I find this explanation so helpful, enlightening and educative. Thanks so much for the good work beloved. I so much cheer your nice effor, in presenting this insightful piece to us. It’s quite worthy to me, dear.

Kaelyn Barron

We’re so glad you enjoyed the post! :)

Toby Ryan

Thank you for explaining how your speech should contain 5 main points or less in order to keep it memorable. Ever since my brother decided that he wanted to open a business that sells office supplies, he has been trying to write a speech to welcome the new employees that he plans on hiring next month. Maybe he should consider finding a professional that can help put his speech together.

Hi Toby, Yes that sounds like a good idea for your brother’s new employees! He could hire a professional, but even something really simple could probably be just as effective, especially if he follows these tips :)

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Speech Writing Tips: 27 Key Tips from Seasoned Pros

Speech Writing Tips: 27 Key Tips from Seasoned Pros

  • Filed under: Featured articles , Public speaking articles , Public speaking tips and tricks , Speaking tips

Whether it’s your first speech or your hundredth, you might be feeling the anxiety build as you stare at a blank page. You need to wow your audience, but you’re not sure how. It can be stressful to create a moving speech from nothing, but you’re not alone. Below, I’ve compiled a killer list of speech writing tips from seasoned pros.

So, what are the best speech writing tips to remember? Choose the right topic for your audience, which is based on their interests and needs. To make your speech more interesting, avoid jargon, and use personal stories and humor in your speech. Make your transitions from subtopic to another smooth, natural, and flawless.

By the end of this article, you’ll know how to write an awesome speech from start to finish. So, let’s not waste another moment!

Table of Contents

Speech Writing Tips: The Audience

Before you begin writing your speech , you need to consider several factors about your audience. Without taking these points into consideration, your speech will fall flat or may even offend your audience, so don’t rush past this part.

#1 Who is my audience for this speech?

This is the first and most important question you need to ask yourself. The answer will dictate the path your speech should take. This first tip has everything to do with the people you’re talking to and nothing at all to do with you.

Why does your audience even matter? Isn’t your speech all about you?

No! If a speech needs to touch an audience, move them, or inspire them, the speaker needs to recognize the audience and adapt to them. Your job, before any other, is to figure out who your audience is and then write your speech around their needs and expectations.

For example, if your audience is a room full of young mothers at a convention aimed at small crafting businesses, you don’t want to come at them with a bunch of sports metaphors. That’s not to say they won’t understand or appreciate one of those thrown in for contrast and a new twist. However, it’s safe to assume they’d rather hear crafting anecdotes or small business stories instead of quips about the latest sports news.

On the flip side, if you’re speaking to a room full of lawyers on a retreat intended to relax and entertain them, you wouldn’t want to fill your speech with depressing cases and stories of judicial frustration. More on that in a moment though.

The bottom line is that you need to gauge who your audience is before you write a single word.

#2 Why is my audience here?

I touched on this briefly a moment ago, but I want to dig into it a bit deeper to drive my point home. Knowing who your audience is, is only half the equation. Understanding why they are there is the other half.

The “why” matters almost as much and who they are. For example, if the audience is there because it’s required, they may come into the speech feeling hostile and tense. A hostile audience is a closed-off audience; they’ll need to be handled with care.

If the audience has paid to be there, on the other hand, they are more likely to be receptive and open right from the start.

So, why are they there?

  • Is their attendance voluntary or compulsory?

#3 What does the audience want from my speech?

You know who you’ll be speaking to and why they are there. Now, you just need to figure out what they want from your speech. If you know what they want to walk away with, you can deliver it.

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In my previous examples, we saw mothers at a convention for small crafting business owners, and we saw a bunch of lawyers on a relaxing retreat. Each of those groups will be at their events for a specific reason, and you need to know what that reason is.

They are both groups of professionals, but they each have very different expectations for your speeches. One group expects to learn from you or be inspired. The other group wants to be entertained.

How you handle these two situations should be based on their needs. So, what do they want to get out of your speech ?

  • Are they there to learn?
  • Are they there to be inspired?
  • Do they want to be entertained?
  • Do they want to be challenged?
  • What do they hope to gain from your speech?
  • Why is this topic important to this particular audience?

Remember, this isn’t about what you want them to get out of it; it’s about their needs and expectations. Your job is to make sure your words resonate with them, and that won’t happen if you don’t understand what they need.

How do I utilize these speech writing tips for my audience?

So, now you know who your audience is, why they are there, and what they expect from you. But what do you do with all this information?

#4 Research demographics

Jump online and research your audience’s specific demographics. Important factors may include:

  • Political affiliations

#5 Be informed about the industry

Pay attention to current trends in their industries as well as past ones. Doing some research now can help your speech writing process in the long run, so take the time to dig deep.

#6 Understand the mission

Every event has a mission. Speak to the event organizers to get a better feel for the main mission of this event. This is a good time to ask more questions about the attendees, too.

#7 Check out the venue

Look up the venue and speak to the people in charge. Organizers often choose venues that are friendly to their causes or already have a good reputation in their circles.

#8 Research other speakers

It helps to look at past speakers for the group and how they were received. It’s also very helpful to do some research on fellow speakers at this particular event, if there are any.

Speech Writing Tips for Choosing A Topic

Though you will likely have instructions for the general theme of your speaking engagement, the specific topic will be up to you. Choosing the right topic for your audience and their needs can be a stressful part of writing a speech.

Choosing the wrong topic can make your speech a nightmare for you and your audience. So how do you choose the right speech topic for your audience? Using the previous speech writing tips to get to know your audience, you should already have some ideas about topics of interest to that group.

Just in case you’re still stumped, here are some more speech writing tips for choosing a topic.

#9 Explore relevant speech topics

While researching your audience, the event, and the venue, you probably stumbled across interesting tidbits of information about each. Use them. Even if they seem insignificant at first, everything is worth exploring at this stage.

Look at the bits of information floating around the group you’ll be speaking about. This can be something in the news, a hot topic on social media, or new legislation that could affect the group.

#10 Ask event coordinators for speech ideas

Event coordinators will have a clear picture of the event, the main focus, and the interest of the attendees. Ask the coordinator for suggestions on topics. They may be willing to share the list of topics already being discussed by other speakers, too.

Knowing what other people will be talking about can help you choose a smaller niche or expand on that topic. It can help you avoid redundancy, too.

#11 Ask social media for speech topics

Harness the power of social media by asking your followers what kinds of topics they’d like to explore. Even if these people won’t be in that audience, if they’re familiar with the main theme, they probably have an idea of what kind of speech they’d enjoy hearing.

Writing the Speech

You’ve done a lot of research, spoken to important people, and have a solid plan for impressing your audience. Now comes the hard part.

Getting your ideas and facts down onto paper can be frustrating and incredibly stressful. What will you say? How will the audience react? What if you don’t make sense?

These next tips can help you nail the writing process and produce your finest speech yet.

#12 Write your speech outline first

Outline your speech before you begin writing the words you’ll be speaking. This helps you stay on topic. It also gives you an opportunity to test out the flow of ideas and pacing.

If anything in your outline seems out of place, you have an opportunity at this point to make room for it, or just chuck it. Don’t hang onto stubborn bits past the outline stage. If it just won’t fit, don’t try to force it. You’ll only frustrate yourself. Save that bit for another speech.

#13 Write Your Speech Introduction Last

It may seem counterintuitive to write the beginning last, but hear me out.

Your speech introduction is one of the most important parts of your speech. This will set the tone for the entire speech. Sometimes, it’s hard to get past that first step and get to the meat of your speech because you aren’t entirely certain what your speech is about yet.

So, skip the intro and start working on the body first. You’ll edit that draft over and over, fine-tuning it to perfection. And once you’re done, you will know exactly what your speech is about.

That’s the point where you can nail your introduction, touching on a few key points, and getting your audience ready for the main event.

When you do begin your introduction, lay it out in a simple way. Introduce yourself, talk about your purpose, mention your key points briefly, and establish credibility so your audience can trust you. If you can add some humor at this point, that would help relax your audience, but only do so if it’s appropriate for the occasion.

Your speech introduction is your hook. This is the way you grab attention. Use this moment to engage the audience, too. Eye contact, body language, and asking questions right from start will draw attention.

But a good hook needs more than these tricks. You need to get attendees to want to stay and listen.

Some hooks include:

  • A puzzling question
  • Posing a dilemma
  • Or a combo of all of these

If you’re still stuck on introduction ideas, you can watch a few speeches from popular orators to get a feel for it.

#14 Use personal stories and humor in your speech

After your outline is done, look at your subtopics and choose a few to add personal stories too. It’s best to put personal anecdotes with the most important parts of your speech to help those aspects stand out. Adding a personal touch keeps audiences engaged and interested.

Don’t waste your anecdotes on minor points, unless they add something bigger than entertainment to the mix.

Make sure your anecdotes don’t pull focus from your topic. If people are too connected with your story, it could pull their attention away from the real point of your speech. There is a balancing act here.

Speech Writing Tips: 27 Key Tips from Seasoned Pros

#14 Use repetition when writing your speech

Humans are creatures of habit and routine. Both habits and routine come from the repetition of actions, thoughts, and words. Use that to your advantage when you write your next speech.

Pick a short phrase to repeat throughout your speech. It will trigger a subconscious reaction in your audience and help them pay attention. It will help them remember your points, too.

An example of repetition in a speech is Winston Churchill’s “We shall fight on the beaches; we shall fight on the landing ground” speech . Everyone knows and remembers most of it. It’s the repetition of “we shall fight” that made this speech memorable.

#15 Remember that your audience is not you

You were asked to make this speech because you’re an authority. Your job is to impart your knowledge or to entertain your audience, but you have to remember that they’re not you.

The attendees may be interested in your topic, but they don’t have the same knowledge you do ; that’s why you are up there talking and not them. So, this speech writing tip is here to remind you to be a teacher, a guide, and an authority.

Your audience is interested in what you have to say. They will want and need specifics, facts, sources, and information. It’s your job to give it to them. Though each person listening may have some knowledge on your topic, you need to be sure your words and points are clear to someone who might not know much at all.

#16 Don’t patronize or talk down to your audience

Yes, you’re an authority. People will be looking to you for guidance and information. However, you’re not their parent. You’re not above them or more important than they are. Be careful not to cross the line from friendly expert to overbearing know-it-all.

#17 Choose jargon carefully

You want to write and speak naturally, but using too much industry jargon can be just as bad as using none at all. Be sure to choose appropriate industry jargon sparingly, but not too little.

Jargon helps build your credibility, while too much makes you sound desperate.

#18 Nail your speech transitions

You’ll need to go from one subtopic to another in a smooth, natural, and flawless way . This can be a major sticking point for some people.

One of my favorite ways is to put an anecdote between two subtopics to help bridge the gap. Most personal stories have multiple meanings and lessons to be learned. Put an anecdote between two closely related subtopics to help.

You can also use the recap method to transition between subtopics. It’s as simple as saying, “We explored this and this, but let’s turn to this for a moment”, and then continue on. This works best with subtopics that are naturally close together.

#19 Write a great speech ending

Hey, no pressure, but you need to write an awesome speech ending. This is your chance to recap briefly, excite the audience, and add your call to action.

What did your audience want and need from your speech? What was the point of the entire thing? The ending of your speech is where you show your audience that you delivered exactly what they needed.

A call to action can be as simple as signing up for your mailing list or as complex as voting or buying something. Whatever it is, make it clear that your speech has been persuading enough to give the attendees what they need.

One major problem a lot of speeches have is that they wander. It’s a common mistake to let your speech meander back and forth over a variety of topics.

While it may make total sense to you as you write it and even practice it, you must remember that your audience will probably get lost with your ramblings or lose interest in what you have to say.

Here are some speech writing tips to keep your speeches focused.

#20 Keep a narrow focus for your speech

It’s exciting to get up in front of people and talk about your passions. The problem many speakers run into is the desire to cram too much information into a short span of time . This confuses audiences and muddies your point.

Instead of putting every idea into your speech like a blanket, think of your speech as a thread in a bigger tapestry. You aren’t there to show them the entire picture; you’re there to show them details on one important part.

If you stay focused and on topic, your audience will get more out of your speech than if you try to cover every possible point. Besides, if you stay focused now, you are more likely to be asked back for another speech on another part of your tapestry.

#21 Keep your speech simple

This speech writing tip isn’t as much about wowing your audience as it is to caution against too many of those tactics at once . It’s tempting to fill speeches with various “tricks of the trade” to keep attendees glued to their seats, but it can backfire.

If you keep your speech simple and to the point, listeners are more likely to remember what you said. That means they’ll get a lot more out of your speech than the generic memory of you being really fun to watch.

  • Use short sentences
  • Use simple language appropriate for the audience
  • Don’t ramble
  • Cut extraneous words that don’t add value

#22 Write your speech like you speak

Too many people ignore this speech writing tip—don’t be one of them! You need to write your speech like you speak. That means using everyday language and even colloquialisms where appropriate.

By keeping your speech natural, it’ll help you stay comfortable and confident, which then helps you stay on topic. Adding big words you don’t normally use will only distract you and your audience.

Speech Writing Tips: 27 Key Tips from Seasoned Pros

#23 Stick to the facts to write an impressive speech

Understandable, it’s easy to get sucked into the excitement of passionate topics. When people are excited about something, they tend to exaggerate. Since exaggeration is sometimes considered as one branch of lying , that tendency can get you in trouble when writing a speech.

Elaboration is one thing—and it’s a good thing to do in your speech—but it’s a slippery slope from elaboration to exaggeration. Be sure you can cite your sources at any given moment.

Stick to the facts and you won’t find yourself in front of an audience shaking their heads in disbelief. Even if your facts are wild, if you can back them up with sources, you’ll keep your audience listening.

#24 Try to sound normal

Another big issue speakers face is sounding unnatural. There is a stiffness or obvious discomfort to some speakers that can make the audience feel uncomfortable. Some of this is due to anxiety over public speaking, but some has to do with poor word choice while writing the speech.

These tips will help you write a more natural-sounding speech.

  • Use common terminology for the industry, but avoid difficult to pronounce words.
  • Ask questions to keep the audience engaged. Speakers and audiences are more comfortable when it feels like a conversation.
  • Laugh, smile, and gesture as if you were speaking to a friend. Obviously, you don’t want to laugh and smile if it’s a somber event, but use socially acceptable emotions and behaviors to keep yourself relaxed.
  • Be open, honest, and human. If you know you’ll be nervous, add it to your speech. Poorly veiled discomfort can infect audiences, too. Showing your vulnerability will help show your human side while setting the audience at ease. And writing it in the speech in advance can help alleviate some of the stress.
  • Write your speech with contractions. Say things like “I’m” instead of “I am” and “they’re” instead of “they are” to keep your tone friendly.

Practice Makes Perfect

You’ve researched, outlined, written, and edited your speech. Pat yourself on the back, but you’re not done yet.

#25 Read your speech out loud

Seeing the same words over and over on the page can start to muddle your brain. It’s a fact. The more you look at your speech, the less likely you are to see the mistakes .

The only real way to overcome this is to read your words out loud. You can do this alone or with a friend, but you must not skip this part of your preparation.

When you read your words out loud, your brain will often autocorrect your mistakes, just like it does while writing and editing silently. The difference this time is that your ears will now catch the mistake and give you the chance to fix it.

So, for example, if you’re reading your speech and your mouth says one thing while the paper says something else, you know there’s an issue. Stop, examine the problem, and make corrections.

If you continue to stumble over places in your speech where it is grammatically correct and is mistake-free, your brain is telling you there’s still a problem. Maybe it doesn’t sound as natural as you thought. Maybe it’s the wrong tone.

Whatever it is, your brain, eyes, and ears are trying to tell you there’s an issue. Don’t ignore these situations.

#26 Record your speech

If you can’t figure out what the problem is while reading aloud, record yourself. This can be audio or video; it doesn’t matter. Just record your speech and then replay it.

You may be able to spot the mistake by listening or watching. If you’re still stumped why it sounds odd, ask a friend or two to help.

#27 Time yourself

When your speech is done, you have one more job to do. Time yourself. It seems so simple and obvious, but many people forget this step.

Writing a speech is an arduous task sometimes, and once it’s done, you may feel great relief. But if you don’t time yourself giving your completed speech, you may find yourself on speech day talking too long or not long enough.

While timing, if you keep coming up short, try these tricks to lengthen the speech:

  • Add pauses for emphasis
  • Speak slower
  • Practice suitable gestures and body language
  • Add more content

If your speech is coming up too long, try these tips to shorten it:

  • Speak faster, but not too fast
  • Add more contractions
  • Remove extra sentences
  • Check for the bad kind of repetition or overstating facts
  • If all else fails, you may need to cut sections

These speech writing tips cover the planning, research, writing, and practice stages. No matter where you’re running into difficulties in writing your speech, there should be something here to help. And if you’re completely stumped or too nervous to even begin, just follow the steps in order.

I’m always looking for more tips and tricks to share with my readers. If you’ve developed your own processes and would like to share, I’d love to hear from you.

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My name is Janek Tuttar , and I am the founder and author of Speak and Conquer website.

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Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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Janek Tuttar

Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of SpeakAndConquer.com.

I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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How to Write a Speech: My Simple 6-Step Formula

ed darling public speaking coach

Ed Darling 9 min read

What you’ll learn:

  • Why great speechwriting requires a structure.
  • My exact 6-step speech structure you can steal.
  • How to start and end your speech strong.

man learning how to write a speech

How to write a speech, the easiest way possible.

How? By following a simple frame-work that’s powerful and versatile.

Whether you have a work presentation, keynote talk, or best man’s speech – by the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how to write a speech, and in what order.

I’m Ed, a public speaking coach and co-founder of Project Charisma . I help professionals, leaders and business owners to speak in public, and this is the #1 speech framework that I share with all of my clients.

I ’ll walk you through the process of how to write a speech step-by-step , explaining each section as we go. I’ll also give you some examples of how this would look in different types of speech.

The first step is something 99% of people miss.

PS. Check out our specific speech guides on:

Delivering a Business Pitch

Giving a Best Man Speech

Step 1. Find your speech's "Golden Thread"

The first lesson in how to write a speech is setting a clear objective from the get-go — so that what you write doesn’t end up being vague or convoluted.

Afterall, If you don’t know exactly what your speech is about, neither will your audience.

To avoid this, we’re going to begin by defining our “Golden Thread”. 

This is the key idea, insight or message that you want to get across. Like a thread, it will run throughout your speech, linking each section together in a way that’s clear and coherent.

To help you figure out your Golden Thread, try answering these two questions:

  • If you had to summarise your speech into a single sentence, what would that be?
  • If your audience could leave remembering only one thing, what would that be?

Golden Thread examples: A work presentation: “Customer referrals can be our our super-power”

A motivational speech: “Don’t let circumstances define you”

For a wedding/event speech: “Enjoy the journey together”

Speech Writing Tip:

Your Golden Thread isn’t something you share with the audience. You don’t start your speech by saying it out loud. Rather, it’s something we define in the preparation phase to clarify your own thoughts and ensure everything that comes next makes sense. 

That said, your Golden Thread may double-up as the perfect speech title, or memorable catch-phrase. In which case it’s fine to use it within your speech as a way to drive-home the overall message. 

Think of MLKs famous “I have a dream” speech . The Golden Thread would be his dream of a future with equality — a core idea which ran throughout the speech. But the exact phrase “I have a dream” was also spoken and repeated for effect.

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Step 2. Start with your Hook

Now we get into the nitty-gritty of how to write a speech.

The Hook is the first thing you will actually say to the audience – usually within the first 10-30 seconds of your speech.

Most people start a speech by introducing themselves and their topic:

“Hello everyone, I’m John from accounting, today I’ll be talking about our quarterly figures” . 

It’s predictable, it’s unimaginative, it’s starting with a yawn instead of a bang.

Instead, we’re going to open the speech with a hook that gets people sitting up and listening.

A hook can be anything that captures attention, including a:

  • Relevant quote
  • Interesting statistic
  • Intriguing question
  • Funny anecdote
  • Powerful statement

Watch how Apollo Robbins opens his TED talk with a question-hook to engage the audience.

Whichever type of hook you use, it needs to be short, punchy and ideally something that builds intrigue in your audience’s mind. Depending on the type of speech, your hook might be humorous, dramatic, serious or thoughtful. 

For an in-depth guide on how to write a speech with a great hook, I highly recommend our article on 9 Killer Speech Openers.

H ook examples:

A work presentation: “What if I told you we could increase revenue by 35%, without any additional ad-spend?”

A motivational speech: “At the age of 30, my life was turned upside down – I was jobless, directionless, and depressed”

For a wedding/event speech: “Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell! – so said Joan Crawford” 

Speech Hook Tip:

Don’t rush into things. Hooks work infinitely better when you pause just before speaking, and again just after.

Step 3. The Speech Introduction

We’ve captured attention and have the whole room interested. The next step is to formally introduce ourselves, our speech, and what the audience can expect to hear. 

Depending on the situation, you can use your introduction as an opportunity to build credibility with your audience. If they don’t know you, it’s worth explaining who you are, and why you’re qualified to be speaking on this topic.

The more credibility you build early on, the more engagement you’ll have throughout the speech. So consider mentioning expertise, credentials and relevant background.

In other situations where people already know you, there may be less need for this credibility-building. In which case, keep it short and sweet.

Intro examples:

A work presentation: “Good morning everyone, I’m Jenny from the Marketing department. For the past few months I’ve been tracking our referrals with a keen-eye. Today, I want to show you the numbers, and explain my plan double our referrals in the next 6 months”

A motivational speech: “Ladies and gentlemen, at the age of 40 I’m a speaker, an author and a teacher – but my life could have turned out very differently. Today, I want to share with you my story of overcoming adversity.”

For a wedding/event speech: “Good afternoon everyone, I’m Luke the Best Man. I can’t promise anything quite as poetic as that quote, but I’d like to say a few words for the Bride and Groom”.

Speech Intro Tip:

 In certain situations, your introduction can also be a time to give thanks – to the event organisers, hosts, audience, etc. But always keep this brief, and keep focused on your message.

Step 4. The Speech Body

The body of the speech is where you share your main stories, ideas or points. The risk for many speakers here is that they start meandering. 

One point leads to another, which segues into a story, then a tangents off to something else, and before we know it, everyone’s confused – definitely not how to write a speech.

Remember, clarity is key.

For this reason, wherever possible you should aim to split the body of your speech into three distinct sections. 

Why three? Because humans tend to process information more effectively when it comes in triads . Making it easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to follow.

The most obvious example of this is the classic beginning, middle and end structure in storytelling .

You can also use past, present and future as a way to take people on a journey from “where  we used to be, what happens now, and what the vision is going forwards”.

Or even more simple, break things up into:

  • Three stories
  • Three challenges
  • Three case-studies
  • Three future goals

Of course, It’s not always possible to structure speeches into three sections. Sometimes there’s just more information that you need to cover – such as with a technical presentation or sales pitch.

In this case, I recommend thinking in terms of chapters, and aiming for a maximum of 5-7. Ensure that each “chapter” or section is clearly introduced and explained, before moving on to the next. The more content you cover, the greater the need for clarity.

Body examples:

A work presentation: “We’ve discovered that referrals happen when we get three things right: building the relationship, delighting the customer, and making the ask – let’s look at each of these stages.

A motivational speech: “I don’t believe our past has to dictate our future, but in order to tell my story, let me take you back to the very beginning.” For a wedding/event speech: “Of all the most embarrassing, undignified, and downright outrageous stories I could think of involving the Groom, I’ve whittled it down to three, which I think sum up why this marriage is destined for a long and happy future. It starts back in high-school…”

Speech Body Tip:

I mention “chapters” because when reading a book, there’s a moment to reflect after each chapter as we turn the page. In the same way, when speaking, make sure to give your audience a moment to process what you’ve just said at the end of each section, before moving on to your next point. 

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Step 5. the conclusion.

Now it’s time to bring everything together, guiding your audience to the key conclusions you want them to take away.

Depending on your speech, this could be an idea, an insight, a moral, or a message. But whatever it is, now is your time to say it in a clear and compelling way.

Watch David Eagleman use a thought-provoking metaphor and rhetorical question to wrap up his TED talk on senses.

This final conclusion should always link back to your Golden Thread, making sense of everything that’s come before it.

Answer the following questions as prompts (you could even say one of these out-loud to lead into your conclusion)

  • What is the message I want to leave you with?
  • What have we learned from all this?
  • What is the key take-away?

Conclusion examples:

A work presentation: “So what have we learned? When we get each of these steps right, our customers are eager to give us referrals, and those referrals usually result in more happy clients.”

A motivational speech: “My journey has had many ups and downs, but if there’s one lesson I’ve learned – it’s that our circumstances don’t dictate our direction, that we can come back from failure, and find a way to win” For a wedding/event speech: “So what can I say about the Bride and Groom? They’re clearly made for each other and if history is anything to go by, their future will be full of many more stories and adventures.”

Speech Conclusion Tip:

Never use your conclusion to apologise for yourself, explain a whole new idea, or be overly thankful to everyone for watching. Keep it professional, and keep it focused on hammering-home the main idea of the speech.

6. The Call To Action, or Call To Thought

You’ve concluded your message and summarised your main points. At this point, most people think the speech is done.

Not so fast — there’s one final key step we need to take, the Call to Action .

If you’ve followed the steps so far on how to write a speech, your audience should have been listening, learning, and hopefully now feel inspired by your words. 

We’ve built up the potential for some kind of action , and now all that’s left is to direct that energy into a clear “next step” they can take.

Imagine your audience are thinking “what should I do with this information”?

Your CTA is the direct answer to that question.

It should be clear, simple and ideally – something they can act on quickly. For instance, you may request the audience to download an app you’ve discussed, connect with you online, sign up for a service, or come and speak with you afterwards.

Not every speech suits a CTA however, which is where the CTT comes in. 

This is a great variation I picked up from Justin Welsh which stands for “ Call to Thought ”. It’s a more nuanced action – typically asking people to reflect on an idea, consider a specific issue, or think differently about something. 

C TA/CTT examples:

A work presentation (CTA): “As an immediate next step to get us started, I’d like everyone to reach out to your current clients this week, and ask them to refer one new customer. We’ll be tracking the results, and rewarding the winning referral rain-maker!”

A motivational speech (CTC): “So ask yourself, where are you allowing circumstances to hold you back, and how could your life change if you took a new direction?”

For a wedding/event speech (CTA): “With that said, I’d like to raise a toast to the Bride and Groom. Now enjoy the day, and get yourself a drink at the bar!”

Speech CTA/CTT Tip:

Once you’ve stated your CTA/CTT, the only thing left to do is thank people and finish. Don’t be tempted to back-track and start repeating any of your points. It’s time to get off stage!

How to write a speech using this framework.

Without a framework to guide you, it’s easy to get lost in analysis-paralysis, or worse, create a speech which gets everyone ELSE lost. 

Now that you’re armed with this foolproof formula and know exactly how to write a speech, you can approach the situation with confidence . 

  • Define your speeches Golden Thread.
  • Hook your audience in the first 10-30 seconds.
  • Introduce yourself while building credibility.
  • Divide your body into three clear sections.
  • Conclude your main points and drive-home the message.
  • Leave them with an inspiring CTA/CTT.

Even as an inexperienced speaker, by following this formula you’ll come across with the clarity and credibility of a professional.

R emember, public speaking is simply a skillset that requires practice . The more you use this speech framework, watch other speakers in action, and gain practical experience, the more your communication skills will naturally develop. 

I hope learning how to write a speech using this frame-work makes the process of writing your next speech a breeze.

Need any further help with how to write a speech? Feel free to reach out.

Head Coach and co-founder at Project Charisma.

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How to Write a Speech: Top Tips

Ashleigh Ferguson headshot

By Ashleigh Ferguson

how to write a speech

Table of Contents

9 engaging speech writing tips, what are the different speech types , how to find help writing a speech.

A great speech is impactful and engaging. It should eloquently and clearly express your ideas.

Whatever the topic, a good speech should showcase your authority on a topic and demonstrate excellent communication and leadership skills.

Many people don't know how to write a speech, so the process seems daunting. But there are a few best practices and tips that can make the writing process easier.

In this article, we’ll discuss some best practices to help you write an effective speech that engages and captures your audience.

Public speaking can be nerve-racking. However, having a well-written speech can decrease some of that anxiety.

Even if you’ve never written a speech before, there are still best practices you can follow. 

An engaging speech should be clear, to the point, and follow a logical order. But how do you ensure your speech follows these criteria? Follow these nine engaging speech writing tips.

speech writing tips

Know Your Audience

Analyze your target audience to improve the effectiveness of your speech because different audiences will have different expectations. 

Consider your audience’s age, level of understanding, attitudes, and what they expect to take away from your speech, then tailor your message accordingly. 

For example, if your audience members are teenagers, it’s unlikely that references to the ’70s will be effective.

Start With a Clear Purpose

Decide on the main point of your speech, and make sure all your content supports that point. Choose a topic that fits the following criteria:

A topic that is relevant to your audience

A topic you’re excited about

A topic you have reasonable knowledge about

Organize Your Ideas 

Use a speech outline to organize your thoughts and ideas logically. 

Identify the introduction, body, and conclusion of your speech to help you stay focused and make your speech easier to follow.

Use Strong, Clear Language

Choose your words carefully, and use simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that your audience may not be familiar with. 

Again, your word choice will depend on your audience. For example, you’ll want to steer clear of slang when speaking to an older, conservative crowd.

Use Transitions

Speech transitions are words and phrases that allow you to move smoothly from one point to another. Use transitional words and phrases like “besides” to help your audience follow your thought process and understand how your points are connected.

Add Variety to Speech

A speech that is monotonous or lacks variety may cause your audience to lose interest. 

Including a variety of elements in your speech, such as anecdotes, examples, and visual aids, can help keep your audience engaged and interested. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice your speech out loud to ensure it flows well and you’re comfortable with the material. Read your speech in front of the mirror or before someone you trust to give you critical feedback. Note the points for improvement, and incorporate them into how you deliver your speech.

End With a Strong Conclusion

How would you like to leave your audience members: inspired, informed, or mesmerized? Aim to end your speech on a high note. Summarize your main points, and leave your audience with a memorable takeaway.

Edit and Revise

Proofread and revise your speech to ensure it’s well written and error free. Use a grammar checker, such as ProWritingAid, to correct any grammar issues. You’ll also get suggestions on how to improve your sentence structures and transitions.

How to Write a Good Speech Introduction

speech introduction tips

The introduction can make or break your speech. It’s where you grab your audience’s attention to keep them engaged and state the purpose of your speech. 

An introduction also gives you the opportunity to establish your credibility. You should aim to give your audience a reason to listen to the rest of the speech rather than tuning out.

Here are some tips on how to create a positive first impression.

Start With a Hook

Begin your introduction with a hook that will grab your audience’s attention and make them want to listen. There are several options for a hook:

A statistic

A personal anecdote

Reference to a current or historical event

When thinking of an attention grabber, consider how appropriate and relevant it is to your audience and the purpose of the speech. For example, if you’re giving a speech to an older audience, you can make a historical reference that they can easily relate to.

speech hook ideas

Provide Context

Provide context by giving your audience some background information about the topic of your speech. This will help them understand the importance of what you are talking about and why they should care.

State Your Thesis

Clearly and concisely state the main point or purpose of your speech. Your thesis should be easy to follow and clearly outline the main argument and your stance. This will give your audience a clear understanding of what they can expect to learn from your presentation.

Preview Your Main Points

Give your audience a sense of the structure of your speech by briefly outlining the key points or arguments you will be making. They’ll know what to expect, and your speech will be easier to follow. 

Keep It Short

Your introduction should be concise and to the point, so don’t spend too much time on it. It’s important to keep your speech brief, and avoid including unnecessary or unrelated information. 

The goal is to engage and interest your audience, not bore them, so aim for a few well-chosen words rather than a lengthy introduction. Aim for your introduction to be about 10-15% of the total length of your speech.

4 types of speeches

A speech is just like any other piece of writing. You’ll need to identify your purpose, audience, and intention and then write accordingly. There are many types of speeches, and each type has its own expectations.

Let’s look at some of the most popular speeches and how to write them.

How to Write a Short Speech

Short speeches may be the most tedious to write because of how condensed and concise the information has to be. However, if you ever have to give a farewell, birthday tribute, or just a quick welcome, there are still some tips available to make your speech great.

Start by identifying your topic, title, and the purpose of your speech, which will set the foundation of your outline. Then, determine the main points of your speech; keep it short with two to three points. Remember, a short speech is typically less than ten minutes long, so keep your points concise and to the point.

Since you have limited time to make the most impact, incorporate powerful words or other engaging elements. For example, you could throw out a thought-provoking question or anecdote, which will grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.

Finally, once you’ve written your speech, review it for brevity and clarity. 

tips to write speech

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

How to Write a Presentation Speech

A presentation speech is used to inform, persuade, explain, or demonstrate a particular topic.

Presentation speeches are well structured and follow a logical flow. They have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use transition words and phrases to help your speech flow smoothly and prevent it from appearing disjointed.

You can use ProWritingAid to organize your speech and make it even clearer. ProWritingAid’s transition report will show you whether you’re using transitions effectively in your speech.

How to Write a Debate Speech

A debate is a formal argument on a particular topic. Debate speeches are persuasive since the aim is to convince the audience to agree with a stance.

Like most other speeches, a debate speech also follows the introduction, body, conclusion outline. This format helps the audience follow the speaker’s point in a linear and logical way.

When writing your introduction, clarify your stance so it’s clear to the audience. Anyone reading or listening to your speech shouldn’t have any doubt about your position on the topic. Take some time to prepare a solid opener, which can be an interesting fact, a personal story, or even a powerful quote.

The introduction also gives you the opportunity to explain terms your audience will need to understand throughout the speech. You should also provide an overview of your main points, but don’t spend long divulging too much.

Each body paragraph should cover a main point, whether that’s a key idea or a main claim, and each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. The topic sentence is an initial sentence that summarizes the idea being presented. 

Your conclusion should be a simple and clear reiteration of the points you made in the thesis statement and body paragraphs. Add an attention-grabbing element to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Remember to use strong and emotive language throughout your speech, which makes it more likely for your audience to feel emotionally connected to your stance.

Always use transition words and phrases to maintain a logical flow between your arguments. Finally, edit and proofread your work for any potential grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.

How to Write an Elevator Speech

An elevator speech is a brief speech that’s used to pitch a product, service, expertise, or credentials.

You have 30–60 seconds to persuade someone to act how you’d like: the same time as a quick elevator ride.

An effective elevator speech should contain an introduction, a clear value proposition, and a strong conclusion. 

elevator speech definition

Your introduction should be polite and clear. Briefly explain who you are, what you do, and what you are offering. For example, if you’re pitching your expertise, condense your background into two sentences. Include things that will make your audience remember you.

End your speech with what you want to achieve. What are you trying to accomplish with this speech? Perhaps it’s a job opportunity, a follow-up meeting, or an internship.

Once you’ve written your speech, be sure to revise it for brevity. Then practice and record yourself to ensure you don’t go over the time limit.

Writing a good speech takes time, but these tips are a good start to improving your speech-writing process. If you encounter writer’s block, look up popular speeches for inspiration. Ask someone you trust to give you feedback once you’ve written your speech.

Finally, while ProWritingAid can’t write your speech for you, it can help you write in a cohesive and logical manner. It highlights any grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues. It also shows you suggestions on how to improve your sentence structure, transition, pacing, and readability, so your next speech can be impactful and memorable.

Ashleigh Ferguson

Ashleigh Ferguson is a Copywriter on the ProWritingAid Team. With an affinity for learning new things, you can always count on her to know some random fact. She’s a self-proclaimed ‘Fix-it Felix’ and a newly minted ‘candle lady’.

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Speech Writing Examples: Format, Tips, and Samples to Inspire Your Audience

Stepping up to the podium can seem like an insurmountable task , right? Believe me, I know that feeling all too well – the racing heart, shaky hands, and the overwhelming fear of facing an audience.

It’s a daunting journey I’ve embarked on myself. But through a mix of conquering those fears and mastering the art of speechwriting , I’ve uncovered some strategies that significantly ease the process.

In this article, you’ll find formats, tips, and examples designed not just to get you through your speech but to ensure you leave your audience feeling inspired and impressed . Let’s dive in together!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Know your audience before writing a speech. Consider their age, interests, and background to make your message hit home.
  • Use engaging opening lines to grab attention right from the start. A surprising fact or compelling story can set the tone for an unforgettable presentation .
  • Organize your speech with a clear structure : a strong introduction , main points with evidence or examples, and a memorable conclusion. This makes it easier for listeners to follow and remember your message.
  • Visual aids like slides or props can enhance your speech. They help clarify points and keep the audience engaged but keep them simple so they don’t distract.
  • Great speeches come in many forms like persuasive, informative, motivational, impromptu , and graduation speeches . Each type has its own way of connecting with audiences deeply beyond just words.

Understanding Speech Writing

Understanding Speech Writing involves crafting a message for delivery to an audience, ensuring clarity and impact. It is essential for successful public speaking and effective communication.

Speech writing is the art of creating a script for delivering a message to an audience. This process involves choosing a topic, setting goals , and deciding on the best way to present your ideas.

The aim might be to inform, convince, motivate, or entertain listeners. Writing speeches requires clear organization and strong points to make sure your audience understands and remembers what you say.

Good speech writing also means keeping your audience engaged . You can use stories, facts, humor, or quotes to grab their attention right from the start. Knowing who your listeners are helps tailor your speech so it speaks directly to them.

Whether you’re aiming for inspirational messages in public speaking or persuasive writing techniques in debates, how well you write can deeply influence your effectiveness as a speaker.

Understanding the importance of speech writing is crucial for mastering public speaking . Engaging with your audience through a well-crafted speech can inspire, persuade, and captivate.

It’s vital to remember that a good speech has the power to leave a lasting impact and resonate with the listeners . Crafted meticulously, it not only conveys your message effectively but also establishes your authority on the subject matter.

Moreover, delving into different types of speeches opens up opportunities for personalized creative expression tailored towards specific objectives like persuasion or motivation. This underpins the significance of honing your speech writing skills as you embark on your public speaking journey.

Tips for Writing a Successful Speech

To write a successful speech, know your audience and narrow down your topic. Grab attention with engaging opening lines and organize your speech effectively. Use visual aids if applicable to enhance your message.

Know your audience

Understand who will be listening to your speech. Consider their age, background, and interests. This helps tailor your message for maximum impact. When you connect with your audience , they are more likely to listen and engage with what you have to say.

It’s important to speak in a way that resonates with them.

As a speaker, it’s crucial to know what the audience expects from your speech. Tailoring your content towards their needs ensures that they walk away feeling fulfilled by the experience.

Narrow down your topic

Before diving into writing your speech, it’s crucial to narrow down your topic. This means focusing on a specific subject that you are passionate about and that will resonate with your audience.

Think about what message you want to convey and the key points you want to emphasize in your speech. By narrowing down your topic, you can ensure that your speech remains focused and impactful, making it easier for both you as the speaker and for your audience to understand and remember.

Keep in mind that simplicity is key when selecting a topic – choose something meaningful yet manageable for effective communication.

Grab attention with opening lines

Looking to captivate your audience from the start? An intriguing opening line is key. Whether it’s a thought-provoking question , a surprising fact , or a compelling story , the goal is to hook your listeners right away.

For instance, did you know that in just 18 minutes, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech changed history? That’s the power of a gripping opening line! As you craft your speech, think about what will pique curiosity and draw people in immediately.

Remember, those first few words can set the tone for an unforgettable presentation.

Organize your speech effectively

To organize your speech effectively, start by choosing a clear and specific topic that resonates with your audience. Next, create an outline with a strong introduction , main points supported by evidence or examples, and a memorable conclusion.

Make sure to use transitional phrases to guide the flow of your speech. Additionally, consider using visual aids to enhance understanding and engagement . Finally, practice delivering your speech multiple times to ensure confidence and fluency on the day of the presentation.

Once you have chosen your topic and structured your speech accordingly, make sure it aligns with the purpose of the speech – whether it is meant to inform, persuade or entertain. Using supporting materials such as anecdotes or statistics can further reinforce key points in an engaging manner for better retention.

Use visual aids if applicable

Enhance your speech with visual aids , like slides or props , to clarify key points and captivate your audience . Visual aids can help reinforce your message and keep the audience engaged.

When using visual aids, remember to keep them simple and relevant to avoid overwhelming the audience. Integrating visuals can provide a dynamic element to your speech delivery, making it more memorable for your audience.

Ready to dive into crafting compelling speeches? Let’s explore examples of great speeches next!

Examples of Great Speeches

Explore captivating examples of persuasive , informative, motivational, impromptu, and graduation speeches that will inspire your audience. Witness the power of effective speech writing in action!

Looking to persuade your audience? A persuasive speech aims to convince people to see things from a different perspective. Using strong evidence and logical reasoning can help sway opinions.

It’s crucial to understand the audience’s beliefs and concerns in order to tailor the speech accordingly. Engaging storytelling, powerful statistics, and emotional appeal are effective tools for making a persuasive impact.

Remember, the key is to establish credibility and build trust with your audience through well-structured arguments and compelling delivery.

Crafting a persuasive speech requires thorough research, an understanding of rhetorical devices , and clarity in presenting arguments. As you prepare your speech, keep these tips in mind: choose a topic that resonates with the audience; use credible sources to support your claims; anticipate counterarguments and address them convincingly; incorporate persuasion techniques such as repetition or call-to-action statements ; practice delivering your speech with confidence and conviction.


Are you ready to craft an engaging and informative speech? Speech writing is an art that involves choosing a compelling topic , understanding your audience, and creating a clear structure .

Researching your subject thoroughly and using concrete details will make your speech stronger. You can inspire and captivate your audience by being clear about the goal of your speech from the beginning.

Remember to consider the context, including the event’s purpose and location . Understanding these elements will help you tailor your message effectively.

Ready to dive into some great examples of informative speeches? Let’s explore persuasive writing techniques next.


Transitioning from informative to motivational, let’s delve into the art of crafting motivational speeches. As you embark on the journey of speech writing, it is important to note that a well-crafted motivational speech has the potential to inspire, uplift, and energize your audience.

With carefully chosen words and compelling anecdotes, you can ignite passion and drive positive change in those listening. By incorporating real-life examples and powerful stories, you can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact.

Motivational speeches have the power to instill belief and determination in individuals while also inspiring collective action for a greater cause. Through engaging storytelling and relatable experiences, speakers can connect with their audience on a deeper level, igniting sparks of motivation that lead to meaningful transformation.

Transitioning from preparing motivational speeches to impromptu ones, I can understand the nervousness surrounding speaking off-the-cuff. Being able to give a speech without any prior planning can be daunting, but it’s not impossible.

The key is to stay composed and rely on your knowledge and quick-thinking abilities . When faced with an impromptu speaking situation, remember that simplicity is key . It’s about being clear, concise, and confident in whatever you’re saying.

Drawing on real-life examples or personal experiences can add authenticity to your impromptu speech.

As you prepare for your graduation speech, consider the significance of the moment . Your audience will consist of your peers, teachers, and family members who have supported you throughout your educational journey.

It’s important to reflect on what this achievement means to everyone present and how it symbolizes a transition into a new phase of life . Consider sharing personal stories or challenges you’ve overcome during your academic years to inspire and motivate others as they embark on their own future endeavors.

When crafting your graduation speech, remember that it’s an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments but also offer encouragement for what lies ahead. Keep in mind the impact you want to make with words that resonate and uplift those listening.

Creating a captivating speech can change the world around us. It makes our ideas heard and inspires those who listen. When I stepped into Toastmasters International, my goal was simple: conquer my fear of public speaking .

Little did I know, this journey would not only transform me but also give me insights to share with others eager to master this art.

Understanding speech writing is like learning the rules of a new game; once you know them, playing becomes fun and engaging. Successful speeches hinge on knowing your audience and crafting messages that resonate with them deeply.

Whether using humor or heart-stirring stories, the aim is to connect and leave a lasting impression.

Great speeches come in various forms—persuasive to motivate change, informative to spread knowledge, motivational to inspire action, impromptu for spontaneous moments, and graduation talks that mark new beginnings.

Each type serves a unique purpose but shares common ground: they engage audiences on levels deeper than mere words.

Speech writing is an art perfected over time with practice and dedication. The tips shared here—from understanding your audience’s needs to structuring your message for maximum impact—are tools at your disposal.

Use them wisely as you embark on creating memorable speeches that not only convey your message but do so in an impactful manner that resonates long after the applause fades.

tips to write speech

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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  • Presentations
  • Public Speaking

The Best Source for PowerPoint Templates (With Unlimited Use)

Before we dive into how to make a speech, let's look at a powerful tool that can help you design your presentation.

Envato Elements is a great place to find PowerPoint templates to use with your speech. These presentation templates are professionally designed to impress.

Envato Elements PowerPoint Templates for Unlimited Use

Envato Elements is an excellent value because you get unlimited access to digital elements once you become a subscriber. Envato Elements has more than just presentation templates . You get:

  • stock images
  • and much more

To become a subscriber, just sign up and pay a low monthly fee.

Envato Elements has hundreds of premium PowerPoint templates.

Sample Public Speaking Scenario

Here's a possible public speaking scenario:

You've just opened a small web design business in your town, and you join the town Chamber of Commerce. As a result, you're invited to give a short, five-minute presentation at the next Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Coming up with a public speaking speech for the scenario described above could be a challenge if you've never written or given a public speech before. Fortunately, there are some speech-writing steps that you can use that'll make speech writing easier.

Let's use this example and walk through the steps for writing a speech.

7 Steps for Writing a Speech

The steps for writing a speech for public speaking are like the steps for writing a presentation in general. But at each stage of the writing process, you need to keep your audience in mind:

1. Research Your Audience

Whenever you do any type of writing you need to consider who you're trying to reach with your writing. Speech writing is no different. The more you know about your target audience, the more effective your writing will be.

In the example above, you know that your audience is going to be the other members of the Chamber of Commerce. They're likely to be small business owners just like you are.

Knowing your audience is important in great speech writing.

What to Do After You Research Your Audience:

Once you've defined your audience, you can gear your speech towards them. To do this, ask yourself questions like:

  • What does this audience need?
  • What problem can I solve for them?
  • Is there anything else I need to consider about my listeners?

In the example we're using for this tutorial, most small businesses in your town fit one of the following three situations:

  • They've got a website that works well.
  • They've got a website, but the design is outdated or doesn't work well.
  • They don't have a website.

2. Select a Topic

In this example your topic is already given. You've been invited to introduce your business. But you also know that the speech is going to be fairly short--only five minutes long.

While it's always a good idea to keep a speech focused, this is especially important for a short speech.

If I were writing the public speaking speech for the scenario we're working with, I'd narrow the topic down like this:

  • Create a list of the strengths of my business.
  • Compare the list of business strengths to the problems I observed with the other members' websites in the previous step.
  • Focus my presentation on the areas where my business strengths meet weaknesses (needs) of other Chamber of Commerce members.

Let's say that I noticed that quite a few members of the chamber have websites that use outdated fonts, and the sites aren't mobile-friendly. Instead of listing everything my web design business could possibly do, I'd focus my short speech on those areas where I observed a need.

You can use a similar process to narrow the topic down any time you need to write a speech.

Avoid the temptation of trying to cover too much information. Most people are so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of new data they receive each day that they can't keep up with it all. Your listeners are more likely to remember your public speaking speech if it's tightly focused on one or two points.

3. Research Your Topic

Research Your Topic

In the example we've been going over, you probably don't need to do a lot of research. And you've already narrowed your topic down.

But some public speaking situations may require that that you cover a topic that you're less familiar with. For more detailed speech writing tips on how to study your subject (and other public speaking tips), review the tutorial:

tips to write speech

4. Write Your Speech

Once you've completed the steps above, you're ready to write your speech. Here are some basic speech writing tips:

  • Begin with an outline . To create a speech your audience will remember, you've got to be organized. An outline is one of the best ways to organize your thoughts.
  • Use a conversational tone . Write your speech the way you would normally talk. Work in some small talk or humor, if appropriate.
  • Use the speaker notes . Typically, speaker notes aren't seen by the audience. So, this is a good place to put reminders to yourself.
  • Be specific . It's better to give examples or statistics to support a point than it is to make a vague statement.
  • Use short sentences . It's likely you're not going to give your speech word for word anyway. Shorter sentences are easier to remember.

In this example scenario for the short speech we're preparing for the Chamber of Commerce, your outline could look something like this:

  • Introduction . Give your name and the name of your business. (Show title slide of website home page with URL)
  • Type of Business . Describe what you do in a sentence or two. (Show slide with bulleted list)
  • Give example of a recent web design project . Emphasize areas that you know the other businesses need. (Show slides with examples)
  • Conclusion.  Let the audience know that you'd be happy to help with their web design needs. Offer to talk to anyone who's interested after the meeting. (Show closing slide that includes contact information)
  • Give out handouts . Many presentation software packages allow you to print out your speech as a handout. For a networking-type presentation like the one in our example, this can be a good idea since it gives your listeners something to take with them that's got your contact information on it.

That simple speech format should be enough for the short speech in our example. If you find it's too short when you practice, you can always add more slides with examples.

If you've been asked to give a short speech, you can change the speech format above to fit your needs. If you're giving a longer speech, be sure to plan for audience breaks and question and answer sessions as you write.

5. Select a Presentation Tool

For most presentations, you'll want to use a professional presentation tool such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, or a similar package. A presentation tool allows you to add visual interest to your public speaking speech. Many of them allow you to add video or audio to further engage your audience.

If you don't already have a presentation tool, these tutorials can help you find the right one for your needs:

tips to write speech

Once you've chosen a presentation tool, you're ready to choose a template for your presentation.

6. Select a Template and Finish

A presentation template controls the look and feel of your presentation. A good template design can make the difference between a memorable public speech with eye-catching graphics and a dull, forgettable talk.

You could design your own presentation template from scratch. But, if you've never designed a presentation template before, the result might look less than professional. And it could take a long time to get a good template. Plus, hiring a designer to create an original presentation template can be pricey.

Select a template that works for your presentation.

A smart shortcut for most small business owners is to invest in a professional presentation template. They can customize it to fit with their branding and marketing materials. If you choose this option, you'll save time and money. Plus, with a professional presentation template you get a proven result.

You can find some great-looking presentation templates at  Envato Elements  or  GraphicRiver . To browse through some example templates, look at these articles:

tips to write speech

Even a short speech like the one we've been using as an example in this tutorial could benefit from a good tutorial. If you've never used a template before, these PowerPoint tutorials can help:

tips to write speech

7. How to Make a Public Speech

How to Make a Speech

Now that you've completed all the steps above, you're ready to give your speech. Before you give your speech publicly, though, there are a few things you should remember:

  • Don't read your speech . If you can, memorize your speech. If you can't, it's okay to use note cards or even your outline--but don't read those either. Just refer to them if you get stuck.
  • Practice . Practice helps you get more comfortable with your speech. It'll also help you determine how your speech fits into the time slot you've been allotted.
  • Do use visual aids . Of course, your presentation template adds a visual element to your public speech. But if other visual aids work with your presentation, they can be helpful as well.
  • Dress comfortably, but professionally . The key is to fit in. If you're not sure how others at your meeting will be dressed, contact the organizer and ask.
  • Speak and stand naturally . It's normal to be a little nervous but try to act as naturally as you can. Even if you make a mistake, keep going. Your audience probably won't even notice.
  • Be enthusiastic . Excitement is contagious. If you're excited about your topic, your audience will likely be excited too.

In the example we're using in this tutorial (and with many public speaking opportunities), it's important not to disappear at the end of the meeting. Stick around and be prepared to interact individually with members of the audience. Have answers to questions anyone might have about your speech. And be sure to bring a stack of business cards to pass out.

5 Quick Tips to Make a Good Speech Great (& More Memorable)

After reading about the basics, here are some more tips on how to write a great speech really stand out:

1. Have a Strong Opening

A strong presentation opening will make your presentation more memorable.

Start your speech with a strong opening by presenting surprising facts or statistics. You could even start with a funny story or grand idea.

Another way to start your speech is to open with a question to spark your audience’s curiosity. If you engage your audience early in your speech, they're more likely to pay attention throughout your speech.

2. Connect With Your Audience

You want a speech that'll be memorable. One way to make your speech memorable is to connect with your audience. Using metaphors and analogies help your audience to connect and remember. For example, people use one writing tool to put the speech's theme in a 15-20 word short poem or memorable paragraph, then build your speech around it.

3. Have a Clear Structure

When your speech has a clear structure to it your speech becomes more memorable.

When writing your speech, have a clear path and a destination. Otherwise, you could have a disorganized speech. Messy speeches are unprofessional and forgettable. While writing your speech, leave out unnecessary information. Too many unnecessary details can cause people to lose focus.

4. Repeat Important Information

A key to writing memorable speeches is to repeat key phrases, words, and themes. When writing your speech, always bring your points back to your main point or theme. Repetition helps people remember your speech and drives home the topic of your speech.

5. Have a Strong Closing

Create a strong closing to your speech to make it more memorable.

Since the last thing that your audience listened to what your closing, they'll remember your closing the most. So, if your closing is forgettable, it can make your speech forgettable. So, recap your speech and repeat essential facts that you want the audience to remember in your closing.

Five PowerPoint Presentation Templates (From Envato Elements - For 2022)

If you’re writing a speech for a presentation, save time by using a premium presentation template:

1. Toetiec PowerPoint Presentation

Toetiec PowerPoint Presentation

Toetic PowerPoint Presentation has 90 unique slides and 1800 total slides that you can easily add your information onto. There are ten light and dark versions that come with this template. Also included in this template are vector icons, elements, and maps.

2. Suflen Multipurpose Presentation

Suflen Multipurpose Presntation

Suflen Multipurpose Presentation template has a professional design that can work for any presentation topic. This template comes with over 450 total slides. With this template, you've got five color themes to choose from. Also, this template comes with illustrations, graphics, and picture placeholders.

3. Virtually PowerPoint

Virtually PowerPoint

Virtually PowerPoint template is a modern and minimal style presentation template. This template comes with over 50 slides. You can use this template for any presentation theme.

4. Amarish PowerPoint Template

tips to write speech

Amarish PowerPoint Template comes with five color themes that allow you to choose the color you want. This template is another multipurpose template that can work for any purpose. Also, this template comes with over 150 total slides and infographics, illustrations, and graphics.

5. Qubica PowerPoint Template

Qubica PowerPoint Template

Qubica PowerPoint Template comes with over 150 total slides and five premade color themes. Easily add images into your presentation template by dragging the image of your choice into the picture placeholder. Everything in this template is entirely editable.

Learn More About How to Write a Great Speech

Here are some other tutorials that provide more information on giving a speech:

tips to write speech

Learn More About Making Great Presentations

Presentation Ebook

Download The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations eBook now for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Get your ideas formed into a powerful presentation that'll move your audience!

Make Your Next Speech Your Best Ever!

You've just learned how to write a good public speaking speech. You've been given a sample speech format and plenty of other speech writing tips and resources on how to write a good speech. You've seen some templates that'll really make a PowerPoint stand out.

Now, it's up to you to write the best speech for your needs. Good luck!

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy . Sarah is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.

Laura Spencer

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5 Tips on How to Write a Speech Essay

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

When figuring out how to write a speech, the essay form can offer a good foundation for the process. Just like essays, all speeches have three main sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

However, unlike essays, speeches must be written to be heard as opposed to being read. You need to write a speech in a way that keeps the attention of an audience and helps paint a mental image at the same time. This means that your speech should contain some color, drama, or humor . It should have “flair.” Make your speech memorable by using attention-grabbing anecdotes and examples.

Determine the Type of Speech You're Writing

Since there are different types of speeches, your attention-grabbing techniques should fit the speech type.

Informative  and instructional  speeches inform your audience about a topic, event, or area of knowledge. This can be a how-to on podcasting for teens or a historical report on the Underground Railroad. It also can relate to health and beauty, such as "How to Shape Perfect Eyebrows," or hobby-related, such as "Make a Great Bag Out of Old Clothing."​

Persuasive  speeches attempt to convince or  persuade  the audience to join one side of an argument. You might write a speech about a life choice, such as, "Abstinence Can Save Your Life," or getting involved in the community, such as "The Benefits of Volunteering."

Entertaining  speeches entertain your audience, and topics may not practical. Your speech topic could be something like, "Life Is Like a Dirty Dorm," or "Can Potato Peels Predict the Future?"

Special occasion  speeches entertain or inform your audience, like graduation speeches and toasts at celebrations.

Explore the different types of speeches and decide what speech type fits your assignment.

Craft a Creative Speech Introduction

Thoughtco.com / Grace Fleming

The introduction of the informative speech should contain an attention-grabber, followed by a statement about your topic. It should end with a strong transition into your body section.

As an example, consider a template for an informative speech called "African-American Heroines." The length of your speech will depend on the amount of time you have been allotted to speak.

The red section of the speech in the graphic provides the attention-grabber. It makes audience members think about what life would be like without civil rights. The last sentence states directly the purpose of the speech and leads into the speech body, which provides more details.

Determine the Flow of the Body of the Speech

Thoughtco.com / Grace Fleming

The body of your speech can be organized in a number of ways, depending on your topic. Suggested organization patterns include:

  • Chronological: Provides the order of events in time;
  • Spatial: Gives an overview of physical arrangement or design;
  • Topical: Presents information one subject at a time;
  • Causal: Shows cause-and-effect pattern.

The speech pattern illustrated in the image in this slide is topical. The body is divided into sections that address different people (different topics). Speeches typically include three sections (topics) in the body. This speech would continue with a third section about Susie King Taylor.

Writing a Memorable Speech Conclusion

The conclusion of your speech should restate the main points you covered in your speech and end with a memorable statement. In the sample in this graphic, the red section restates the overall message you wanted to convey: that the three women you've mentioned had strength and courage, despite the odds they faced.

The quote is an attention-grabber since it is written in colorful language. The blue section ties the entire speech together with a small twist.

Address These Key Objectives

Whatever type of speech you decide to write, find ways to make your words memorable. Those elements include:

  • Clever quotes
  • Amusing stories   with a purpose
  • Meaningful transitions
  • A good ending

The structure of how to write your speech is just the start. You'll also need to finesse the speech a bit. Start by paying attention to your audience and their interests. Write the words you'll speak with passion and enthusiasm, but you also want your listeners to share that enthusiasm. When writing your attention-grabbing statements, make sure you are writing what will get their attention, not just yours.

Study Famous Speeches

Gain inspiration from others' speeches. Read famous speeches and look at the way they are constructed. Find things that stand out and figure out what makes it interesting. Oftentimes, speechwriters use rhetorical devices to make certain points easy to remember and to emphasize them. 

Get to the Point Quickly

Remember to begin and end your speech with something that will gain and hold the attention of your audience. If you spend too much time getting into your speech, people will zone out or start checking their phones. If you get them interested immediately, they will be more likely to stick with you until the end.

Keep It Conversational

How you deliver the speech is also important. When you  give the speech , think about the tone you should use, and be sure to write the speech in the same flow that you'd use in conversations. A great way to check this flow is to practice reading it out loud. If you stumble while reading or it feels monotone, look for ways to jazz up the words and improve the flow. 

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10 keys to writing a speech.

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“This is my time.”

That attitude will kill a speech every time.

You’ve probably sat through some lousy speeches. Despite the speakers’ renown, you eventually tuned them out over their self-indulgent tangents and pointless details. You understood something these speakers apparently didn’t: This was your time. They were just guests. And your attention was strictly voluntary.

Of course, you’ll probably deliver that speech someday. And you’ll believe your speech will be different. You’ll think, “I have so many important points to make.” And you’ll presume that your presence and ingenuity will dazzle the audience. Let me give you a reality check: Your audience will remember more about who sat with them than anything you say. Even if your best lines would’ve made Churchill envious, some listeners will still fiddle with their smart phones.

In writing a speech, you have two objectives: Making a good impression and leaving your audience with two or three takeaways. The rest is just entertainment. How can you make those crucial points? Consider these strategies:

1) Be Memorable: Sounds easy in theory. Of course, it takes discipline and imagination to pull it off. Many times, an audience may only remember a single line. For example, John F. Kennedy is best known for this declaration in his 1961 inaugural address: “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what can do for your country.” Technically, the line itself uses contrast to grab attention. More important, it encapsulated the main point of Kennedy’s speech: We must sublimate ourselves and serve to achieve the greater good. So follow Kennedy’s example: Condense your theme into a 15-20 word epigram and build everything around it top-to-bottom.

There are other rhetorical devices that leave an impression. For example, Ronald Reagan referred to America as “a shining city on the hill” in speeches. The image evoked religious heritage, freedom, and promise. And listeners associated those sentiments with Reagan’s message. Conversely, speakers can defy their audience’s expectations to get notice. In the movie Say Anything , the valedictorian undercut the canned optimism of high school graduation speeches with two words: “Go back.” In doing so, she left her audience speechless…for a moment, at least.

Metaphors…Analogies…Surprise…Axioms. They all work. You just need to build up to them…and place them in the best spot (preferably near the end).

2) Have a Structure: Think back on a terrible speech. What caused you to lose interest? Chances are, the speaker veered off a logical path. Years ago, our CEO spoke at our national meeting. He started, promisingly enough, by outlining the roots of the 2008 financial collapse. Halfway through those bullet points, he jumped to emerging markets in Vietnam and Brazil. Then, he drifted off to 19th century economic theory. By the time he closed, our CEO had made two points: He needed ADD medication – and a professional speechwriter!

Audiences expect two things from a speaker: A path and a destination. They want to know where you’re going and why. So set the expectation near your opening on what you’ll be covering. As you write and revise, focus on structuring and simplifying. Remove anything that’s extraneous, contradictory, or confusing. Remember: If it doesn’t help you get your core message across, drop it.

3) Don’t Waste the Opening: Too often, speakers squander the time when their audience is most receptive: The opening. Sure, speakers have people to thank. Some probably need time to get comfortable on stage. In the meantime, the audience silently suffers.

When you write, come out swinging. Share a shocking fact or statistic. Tell a humorous anecdote related to your big idea. Open with a question – and have your audience raise their hands. Get your listeners engaged early. And keep the preliminaries short. You’re already losing audience members every minute you talk. Capitalize on the goodwill and momentum you’ll enjoy in your earliest moments on stage.

4) Strike the Right Tone: Who is my audience? Why are they here? And what do they want? Those are questions you must answer before you even touch the keyboard. Writing a speech involves meeting the expectations of others, whether it’s to inform, motivate, entertain, or even challenge. To do this, you must adopt the right tone.

Look at your message. Does it fit with the spirit of the event? Will it draw out the best in people? Here’s a bit of advice: If you’re speaking in a professional setting, focus on being upbeat and uplifting. There’s less risk. Poet Maya Angelou once noted, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Even if your audience forgets everything you said, consider your speech a success if they leave with a smile and a greater sense of hope and purpose. That’s a message in itself. And it’s one they’ll share.

5) Humanize Yourself: You and your message are one-and-the-same. If your audience doesn’t buy into you, they’ll resist your message too. It’s that simple. No doubt, your body language and delivery will leave the biggest impression. Still, there are ways you can use words to connect.

Crack a one liner about your butterflies; everyone can relate to being nervous about public speaking. Share a story about yourself, provided it relates to (or transitions to) your points. Throw in references to your family, to reflect you’re trustworthy. And write like you’re having a casual conversation with a friend. You’re not preaching or selling. You’re just being you. On stage, you can be you at your best .

6) Repeat Yourself: We’ve all been there. When someone is speaking, we’ll drift off to a Caribbean beach or the Autobahn. Or, we’ll find ourselves lost and flustered when we can’t grasp a concept. Once you’ve fallen behind, it’s nearly impossible to pay attention. What’s the point?

In writing a speech, repetition is the key to leaving an impression. Hammer home key words, phrases, and themes. Always be looking for places to tie back and reinforce earlier points. And repeat critical points as if they were a musical refrain.

As a teenager, my coach continuously reminded us that “nothing good happens after midnight.” He’d lecture us on the dangers of partying, fighting, peer pressure, and quitting. After a while, my teammates and I just rolled our eyes. Eventually, we encountered those temptations. When I’d consider giving in, coach would growl “Schmitty” disapprovingly in my head. Despite my resistance, coach had found a way to get me to college unscathed. He simply repeated his message over-and-over until it stuck.

Some audience members may get annoyed when you repeat yourself. But don’t worry how they feel today. Concern yourself with this question: What will they remember six months from now?

7) Use Transitions: Sometimes, audiences won’t recognize what’s important. That’s why you use transitional phrases to signal intent. For example, take a rhetorical question like “What does this mean” – and follow it with a pause. Silence gets attention – and this tactic creates anticipation (along with awakening those who’ve drifted off). Similarly, a phrase like “So here’s the lesson” also captures an audience’s interest. It alerts them that something important is about to be shared. Even if they weren’t paying attention before, they can tune in now and catch up.

8) Include Theatrics: During his workshops, Dr. Stephen Covey would fill a glass bowl nearly full with sand. From there, he’d ask a volunteer to place rocks into the bowl. In the exercise, rocks represented essentials like family, job, worship, and exercise, while the bowl signified the volunteer’s time and energy. It never failed: The volunteer couldn’t fit every rock in the bowl. The sand – which embodied day-to-day activities like transporting children, shopping, or reading – took up too much space. Something had to be cut. Usually, it was something essential.

Covey would then encourage his volunteer to consider another option: Start with placing a rock in the bowl, adding some sand, and then alternating rocks and sand until the bowl was full. Like magic, there was suddenly enough space for both, as the sand gradually filled any gaps between the rocks. The message: Maintain balance. Never lose sight of the essentials as you tend to the day-to-day (and vice versa).

Of course, Covey could’ve made his point verbally and moved on. Instead, he illustrated it with household items in a way his audience wouldn’t soon forget. If you have a smaller audience (or a video screen), consider incorporating visuals. Keep the props, storyline, and lesson simple. When you’re done, leave everything out to symbolize your point to your audience. Whatever you do, don’t play it safe. If you do, your speech will be forgotten in no time.

9) End Strong: In 2004, I attended a Direct Marketing Association (DMA) conference. I don’t recall much about our keynote speaker, except that he was tall and southern. I can’t even remember what his address was about. But I’ll never forget the story he used to close his speech.

The speaker was a friend of Jerry Richardson, owner of the NFL’s Carolina Panthers. A few years earlier, the Panthers had drafted a fiery wide receiver named Steve Smith. While Smith excelled on the field, he was a nightmare in the locker room. Eventually, Smith was arrested for assaulting a teammate during film study.

Already reeling from bad publicity from other player incidents, Richardson was pressured to cut Smith. But he chose a different path. Richardson vowed to spend more time with Smith. He decided that Smith would be better served with guidance and caring than further punishment. Eventually, Richardson’s patience paid off. Smith became the Panthers’ all-time leading receiver – and scored a touchdown in their only Super Bowl appearance. In fact, Smith still plays for the Panthers to this day.

If the speaker intended to remind me how powerful that personal attention and forgiveness could be, he succeeded in spades. Fact is, your close is what your audience will remember. So recap your biggest takeaway. Tie everything together. Share a success story. Make a call to action. Don’t hold anything back. Your ending is what audience will ultimately talk about when they head out the door.

10) Keep it Short: What is the worst sin of public speaking? It’s trying to do too much! Your audience’s attention will naturally wane after a few minutes. They have other places to be – and don’t want to be held hostage. And the longer you stay on stage, the more likely you are to stray and make mistakes. So make your points and sit down. Never forget: This is their time, not yours.

Jeff Schmitt

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How to write a speech introduction

12 of the best attention getters to start a speech

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 01-12-2023

The audience settles in their seats. The lights dim. You walk out to the center of the stage. You pause, take a deep breath, open your mouth and begin.

What you say over the next 30 seconds to introduce your speech or presentation is crucial.

That's how much time you have to make a positive impression on your audience. In it they will decide whether or not you have anything relevant or useful to say. Those first impressions count!

So how do you write an effective speech introduction to grab and hold their attention?

Begin by finding out how to choose the right opener.

What's on this page:

  • how to choose the right opener for your speech

12 of the very best ways to start a speech

3. What if?

5. Key fact

7. Rhetorical

9. Headlines

10. History

11. Challenge

Retro Label: 12 ways to hook an audience.

How to choose the right opener for your speech

The better way to make your choice of opener is after you have carefully considered who you are talking to and why you're talking to them.

One size does not fit all. Different audiences will respond differently. If you are giving the same speech multiple times think about what you may need to change to fit. 

To work well your opening needs to be aligned with:

  • the type of speech you're giving
  • your main purpose for giving it
  • your target audience and,  
  • their interests or needs

Both the hook * to catch their attention and your topic must be relevant to them. Unless they're a captive audience, they've come freely to listen to you and they're expecting something of value from you.

How are you going to let them know they're in the right place? Why should they listen? What are they going to get or gain through listening?

Out of all the different ways to open, what attention getter is absolutely the best way?

The only way I know to work out what is best is to go through each of them, and as you do, consider your audience. Make a short list of those you think might work then try them out before making your final choice.

* hook – an opening statement that immediately captures the audience's attention just like a well baited hook on a fishing line catches a fish.

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1. Use imagination to create mind pictures

Ask the audience to use their imagination. Get them to build evocative compelling images in their minds. Make them large. Add vibrant color, sound and movement.

For example:

“Let's take a break. Make yourself comfortable. Now close your eyes for a moment. Take a deep breath, and you're there, in the place where you feel the most at ease, the place where all the tensions, all the demands of your normal everyday life disappear. Look around you. See it. Feel it. It's so good, it's perfect."

“Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and a moment to picture in your mind the people dearest to you, the people you feel you could not live without. Now when did you talk to them, or spend real time with them last?"

2. Use an item to build a connection 

Choose an image or an object related to your speech, for instance a pair of shoes, to trigger interest and build a connection.

For example, if I were giving a speech on the lives of upper-middle class 19th century women I could open by holding up a pair of ornately decorated kid leather pumps.

“What's the name of the young woman who wore these? Listen. Can you hear the rustle of her silk skirts? And hear her heart beat bom-biddy-bom as the beau of the ball stepped her way? Would he, or wouldn't he ask her to dance?”

3. Ask a 'What if...?' rhetorical question

'What if...?' invites an audience to consider the possibilities of something becoming real. They can be positive somethings or negative, trivial or something that would have a significant impact if it came to pass.

The power of a 'what if...?' rhetorical question as an opener lies in the potency of the images and feelings it triggers. A well-chosen 'what if...?' will immediately have an audience wanting to hear the rest of your speech.

  • "What if we don't find a way to successfully manage climate change?"
  • "What if we really did solve the affordable housing crisis?"
  • "What if questions of race and color ceased to matter?"
  • "What if medicines were freely available to everybody who needed them?"
  • "What if the person sitting next to you turned, looked into your eyes and said they loved you? Truly. Madly. Deeply."

4. Try a quotation from someone who's impacted your life in some way

To be effective a quotation doesn't have to be the clever quip or snippet of enduring wisdom: a famous quote from a well known person. It's origin could be personal, something someone important in your life said that's remained with you.

For example, my Mother answered all initial wails of outrage, pain or hurt from any of her five children with a command. "Breathe!" That was repeated, interwoven with encouraging asides, until whoever it was, was able to talk clearly and be understood.  "It's OK.", she'd say. "Breathe. Come on. You can do it. Breathe. That's it. Keep going. Good."

Or I could use this line from one of my high school reports which read, "...with further maturity she should do well." (Thank you Mr Phillips. Your prediction was right on target.) 

Or this from our son aged four as he watched me getting ready for another day of teaching: "When I grow up I'm going to wear pretty dresses and go to school just like you."

5. Use an interesting key fact

Choose an interesting key fact as an attention getting device: one of the most rarely known, or a shocking statistic from the body of your speech to open with.

For example: "Take a guess at what the most powerful and frequently used word is in the English language? 

It's not one of those usually thought of candidates.  Love? No. Money? Nope. Neither is it  any member of your family... Mum, Dad, brother, sister, son, or daughter.

It's a three letter word, so common it's overlooked and taken for granted. 'The'. It's the humble 'the'."

(For more see this BBC article:  Is this the most powerful word in the English language?

Or: "Between 2020/21 and 2021/2022, Americans consumed about 11 million metric tons of sugar, up from about 10 million metric tons in 2009/2010. Can you even begin to imagine the size of that sweet white mountain?"

(For more see: US sugar consumption statistics )

6. Share personal stories

Share a personal story related to your specific topic as the beginning of a speech. Done well, it lets the audience know you understand their situation and helps establish your credibility: your right to talk on the subject.

As an example here's the opening of a speech I gave about the impact of suicide on families and friends:

“One fine Spring day I biked home from school and found a policemen guarding our backdoor. Through it came sounds I'll never forget: my quiet Mother screaming. He said, "You can't go in."

I kicked him in the shins and did. It was the 15th of September, three days before my thirteenth birthday and my father was dead. Killed by his own hand. Suicide.”

(If you want to find out more about the speech and read it, it's here: After they're gone . It's an example persuasive speech using the five steps of Monroe's Motivated Sequence.)

7. Rhetorical questions

These are questions that although they are asked, they're never really intended to be answered by anyone other than the person asking them. * Their principal function is to act as a segue, or lead in, to what the person intends to say next. For instance, the first main point of your introduction.

Examples: "What if I were to say to you that there was no such thing as public speaking fear?"

"What do you think the main benefits of being able to speak up in public are?"

* Although there's bound to be someone in your audience who will. Be ready for them, and move on.

8. An empathetic question, aligning yourself with the audience and eliciting a response

These questions bring speaker and audience together, establishing a common ground, a mutual understanding, which is an effective way to ease into a speech. If your question 'works' you'll see heads nodding in agreement.

  • "Have you ever experienced the butterflies in your stomach turning into a herd of rampaging elephants, just before you step up to give your presentation?"
  • "Have you ever wanted a good day to never end?"
  • "How often have you 'lost' your car in the supermarket car park?"
  • "How often have you ever wanted to shout, NO? You want me to prepare a new presentation by tomorrow? NO. You want me to stay late, again? NO."

9. It's in the news

Take headlines from what's trending in media you know the audience will be familiar with and see.

Using those that relate to your speech topic as the opening of your speech is a good way to grab the attention of the audience. It shows how relevant and up-to-the-minute the topic is.

For example: "'Death toll soars to 76 in Florida after Hurricane Ian demolished entire communities.' 'Noru became a super typhoon in 6 hours. Scientists say powerful storms are becoming harder to forecast.' 'Hurricane Orlene strengthens into Category 4 storm as it heads toward western Mexico.'

Three front page headlines from CNN just today. Climate change. Let's do what we can."

10. This day in history

If you're giving a speech to celebrate a special birthday or an anniversary, consider using several carefully selected events that occurred on the same day as a speech opening. They could be either funny or serious, depending on the specific purpose of your speech. They're a great way to place the person in a much wider context and often with exalted company.

For example: "What do the 1863 National Thanksgiving Day proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln, National Boyfriend Day, and Gwen Stefani have in common with Joe? Yes, the 3rd of October! It's a great date made better by being Joe's birthday. And we say Gwen is truly privileged to have the same one as him."

11. Issue a challenge

Let the audience know first thing, at the beginning of the speech, what action you expect they'll be able to take by the time your presentation is complete. Then when you come to the final points, repeat the call to action, or challenge, as part of your closing statement.

For example: "I've a challenge for you. That's to sign up for our public speaking course. Right now you may not see yourself doing that. Public speaking? Me? I'd rather have a root canal done, without painkillers. However, by the end of the presentation...well, let's see. There's a first time for everything!"

Use a startling statement, a fact, or a series of facts, to jolt the audience into paying attention.

"Covid. We've had 1.06 million of us die in the US, so far. Today there are nearly 60,00 new cases. More mothers, fathers, friends, colleagues, children – people. People ill. People who might die. So why have we stopped wearing masks?"

For more: Google: Covid stats US

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How to Give a Speech: 10 Tips for Powerful Public Speaking


When we start preparing to give a speech, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. It’s completely normal—most of us feel a combination of excitement and nerves when we’re about to take the stage.

However, with some strategic planning and practical advice, you can make sure your speech is powerful and effective. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to give a speech that will leave your audience engaged and inspired.

We’ll examine 10 tips to help you build a powerful speech, from outlining your points methodically to crafting captivating introductions . Whether you’re a beginner or experienced public speaker, these nuggets of wisdom will help you take your next speech to the next level. Let’s get started!

Quick Review of Key Points

Preparing ahead of time is the key to giving an effective speech. Make sure to structure your speaking points, rehearse your delivery, and be aware of the needs of your audience for maximum impact.

How to Prepare for a Speech

Preparing for a speech is an essential step to public speaking success. It can help to build your confidence, create content that reaches the audience, and reduce performance anxiety.

Although it can be time-consuming in the beginning, preparation will ensure less stress and more comfort during delivery. Here are some tips to consider when preparing for a speech:

Practice : Before delivering a speech, practice it out loud several times. This will allow you to gain experience in speaking without an audience and increase your confidence when you do have one.

Practicing also helps to identify awkward moments in the speech or any difficult phrases which then can be changed or removed altogether. Additionally, it helps you determine where to pause for effect. Research : Depending on the topic of the speech , research should be done beforehand to gather information that is relevant and interesting for the audience. It is important to get acquainted with the language typically used by audiences to ensure a clear understanding of what is being said.

Additionally, relevant statistics and stories concerning the topic are a great way to draw in listeners and make the presentation more engaging .

Know Your Audience : When preparing your speech, be sure to consider who will be listening. For instance, if giving a presentation at work, include industry jargon that members would understand and include relevant topics from publications that might be familiar to the employees.

On the other hand, if consulting business professionals in their field then technical language may be easier for them to comprehend than laypeople or students.

By gathering valuable information about the topic and getting comfortable with a speech’s content and delivery through practice, speakers will gain more assurance during their talk as well as respect from their audience.

Preparing beforehand not only gives insight into how to engage listeners but also encourages more meaningful conversations after the event. Now that we have discussed how to prepare for a speech let us move on to creating an outline which will provide structure during delivery.

Create an Outline

After determining the audience and purpose of your speech, the next step to effective public speaking is to create an outline .

An outline serves as a roadmap to ensure that your speech has a logical flow and contains all important points. It also can help keep you on track during the speech itself, allowing you to stay focused and organized.

When constructing an outline, consider drawing up both a main point and sub-points for each portion of the speech. Both should be relevant to the goal of the presentation and backed up by facts and research.

Brainstorming can help in this process; try grouping your ideas together in clusters to make sure you cover all possible angles.

Furthermore, writing out exact quotations or figures can prove beneficial in forming a cohesive argument. At this stage, it is also wise to decide where transitions, humor, stories, or other engaging techniques will be included.

While there are differing opinions as to whether outlines should be memorized or simply used as a reference while speaking, many agree that they should serve their purpose – not only articulate the main thoughts of the speech but also assist the speaker with maintaining focus and preventing distractions.

The debate between those who advocate for memorization versus casual consulting touches upon issues such as rehearsal time, risk of errors in delivery, ease of practice versus actual performance and more.

Each side has valid arguments that should be weighed prior to deciding what type of approach best suits your needs.

Having a firmly constructed outline acts as a valuable tool when it comes time to deliver a powerful public speech. By actively utilizing this tactic, speakers may not only enhance their clarity and coherence, but also add structure and vibrance to their presentations.

Now that we have explored what goes into crafting an effective outline, let’s dive deeper into how we can best collect resources and research our topics for maximum impact.

Collect Sources and Research

Collecting sources and research is a crucial step for any public speaking engagement. It ensures that you have the necessary information to make strong points and back up your statements.

Before writing your speech, take time to research your topic to gain familiarity with different perspectives, facts, and counterpoints. This will help you to craft an argument that can stand up to scrutiny while also adding a breadth of knowledge to your speech.

Interviews can be a powerful source of evidence and anecdotes, so try to include one or two relevant interviews in your research process. Relying solely on secondary sources such as books and articles can lead to a narrow scope of understanding.

Interviews provide an opportunity to hear directly from an expert and create an interesting dynamic in your speech by adding personal experiences as well as commentary from a professional.

In research it is important to stay objective. Gather a variety of perspectives and be open-minded about their merits. Don’t forget to consider both sides of the argument when researching for your speech.

Doing this allows you to understand the opposing perspective and enables you to anticipate potential counter arguments from your audience.

By acknowledging them beforehand, you may increase the persuasive power of your speech by showing confidence in the points you make.

Once you have collected all sources, review them carefully and separate the most pertinent information from the less useful material.

Synthesising this information into concise yet impactful points is a critical part in delivering powerful talks without overloading your audience with too much data or going off track during your speech delivery.

Organizing Your Speech

Before you start putting your words together, it’s important to consider how the different parts of a speech fit together. By taking the time to organize the ideas in your speech , you’ll be able to deliver a presentation that is well-constructed and easy to understand.

One way to help with organizing your speech is to write an outline . An outline is like a map or plan that will provide you with a framework for each section of your speech.

Start by writing out your main points and then include additional details underneath each one. This will help keep your speech focused and provide direction for where you are going next.

Another approach for organizing your speech is known as the “inverted pyramid” method. This structure starts with your conclusion at the beginning of the speech, and then works backward by providing more explanation and detail as it moves toward the introduction.

This method can be helpful when speaking about topics that are unfamiliar to the audience since it doesn’t require them to wait until near the end of the presentation to learn what you’ve been talking about.

No matter which organization approach you choose, make sure to practice it before giving your speech so that you are comfortable with its flow. Lastly, remember that it’s ok to adjust things while you speak if they don’t seem or feel quite right.

Now let’s take a look at how we can use these organizing techniques to actually put our speeches together – starting with structuring our speech.

Structure Your Speech

Creating a strong structure for your speech will ensure that the audience stays engaged and understands your main points. As you are developing an outline, map out how you want to begin and end your speech.

Break up the information into smaller sections with either verbal or visual cues so that your audience can clearly see how you are transitioning between topics . Consider adding humor judiciously throughout your presentation as this could help engage the audience and lighten any tension.

The length of your presentation is also important. You will want to make sure that you include all of the necessary information without going over time.

Oftentimes less is more; if you can say it in five minutes why use ten? Make sure that you practice timed rehearsals so that you can gauge how long you’re actually speaking.

In contrast, avoid trying to pack too much content into one presentation as this could overwhelm both you and the audience. If needed, offer supplemental reading materials for those who may be interested in delving further into the subject matter.

Paragraphs can also be helpful when organizing large amounts of content within the body of your presentation. Utilizing paragraph breaks gives your audience a break and helps to highlight key ideas or summaries before moving onto a new topic area.

Finally, it is crucial to remember what your desired outcome is from the presentation; plan accordingly by ensuring that the beginning, middle, and end serve their respective purposes and adhere to that goal.

With careful deliberations, structuring a successful presentation can be achieved with relative ease.

Having established a solid structure for your speech, it’s important to focus on another key element: rehearsal. The next section will discuss the benefits of practicing before delivering a powerful public speaking performance.

Rehearse Your Speech

Rehearsing is integral to giving a successful speech. When you rehearse your presentation, you give your mind an opportunity to become familiar with the notes and concepts that you are presenting. It also increases your confidence and reduces anxiety or self-doubt.

In fact, studies have found that those who rehearsed their presentation had higher scores in public speaking performance and language proficiency evaluations.

When it comes to how much rehearsal is enough, opinions are divided. Some people believe that over-rehearsing can lead to a more robotic speech with less natural emotion and connection with the audience .

On the other hand, others argue that no matter how well-versed someone is on the topic, additional rehearsal time improves both the delivery of the speech and memorization of key points and facts.

Ultimately, it’s important to practice until you personally find the most comfortable level for yourself, as this will ultimately result in a more engaging delivery.

Finally, if at all possible, try to practice in front of a friend or colleague for honest feedback on any elements that need improvement before the big day. Rehearsal dedication may be tedious, but it results in big rewards on stage–enabling you to deliver your content with clarity, confidence, and poise.

With thoughtful preparation complete, it’s now time to step into the spotlight and give your speech!

Giving Your Speech

The key to success when giving a speech is to be well prepared and confident. Every individual’s preparation process will vary, but the basics should stay the same.

Start by studying your content, understanding the material and being able to repeat it in your own words. Clarify any potentially difficult points. Create visual aids like PowerPoint slides or handouts that supplement the key ideas in your speech.

Practice your public speaking skills with informal conversations with friends and family or rehearse it alone in front of a mirror. Use visualization; imagine yourself confidently delivering your speech. Consider addressing a practice audience if possible to become more accustomed to a live size group.

On the day of the event, arrive early and plan for any potential obstacles: What if my computer doesn’t work? What if I forget something? Allow sufficient time for setup and check-in.

When you are ready to give your speech, take some deep breaths, focus on the positives, and distract yourself from any anxious thoughts with positive affirmations. Remember you have prepared diligently for this moment, you are well prepared and you will succeed!

Start strong by engaging the audience immediately with an attention grabbing opening statement. Speak clearly and make sure that everyone can hear and understand your message.

Slow down and emphasize points as needed throughout your presentation. Be aware of pace, volume, and tone of voice: too fast/monotone can confuse/bore listeners while pauses add a dramatic effect that keeps their interest piqued.

Ultimately, giving a successful speech will depend on knowing your material well enough to speak confidently in front of your audience without hesitation or missteps.

When you do make a mistake (and they happen!) don’t panic – know that mistakes are inevitable but don’t be discouraged; get back on track as soon as possible and continue at the same energy level you had before the mistake occurred.

Having successfully given your speech, take a moment to reflect on what went well and what could be improved upon for next time before transitioning into the next step: mastering delivery.

Master Your Delivery

Mastering your delivery is the key to an effective speech. Without purposeful body language and careful emphasis on certain words , your speech may lack wow-factor and prevent listeners from tuning in. Following these simple tips can help you get started with delivering an engaging and memorable speech:

The most important part of delivery is practice. Rehearse and perfect your speech ahead of time – this allows for more natural flow and confidence during your presentation. It also helps to create pauses between sentences for clarity, emphasize key points, and not be too casual or stiff.

Practicing inflections and varying tones adds interest to your speech by keeping listeners’ attention.

Additionally, it’s important to project your voic e so everyone in the room can hear you; make sure you’re speaking loud enough but don’t feel pressure to shout or yell at any point unless that’s part of the atmosphere of the event.

It’s also crucial to maintain good posture while speaking – stand tall with both feet on the ground, keep your back straight, hold yourself up without gesturing too much or leaning against a podium if applicable.

To further engage listeners, use purposeful hand gestures as they help emphasize certain points and add visual interest – however, avoid overusing them as it can hinders communication.

Make meaningful eye contact with audience members throughout the presentation – otherwise you might come across as unenthusiastic or bored with what you’re saying which deters attention away from the content itself.

By mastering your delivery, you can boost the impact of your presentation considerably – providing a memorable experience for your audience that stands out from others’. As such, it’s worth investing time into practicing ahead of time until delivery feels comfortable and second nature.

Having said this, making use of visual aids such as PowerPoint slides can greatly improve the impact of a speech once delivery has been mastered – let’s look into that next.

Use Visual Aids

Using visual aids can help presenters express concepts more clearly and engage the audience.

Visuals are particularly useful when conveying complex information, such as data, trends, or statistics — they impart meaning at a glance. But some public speakers may wonder if visual aids can be distracting or unnecessary.

Even though visuals can attract attention away from a presenter’s verbal delivery, carefully designed visuals can actually support the speech and help provide clarity. If done well, visuals are effective for capturing an audience’s interest and helping them to better understand the content being presented.

For example, a graph or chart should relate to the points made in the speech and should be discussed in more detail during its appearance onscreen. The presentation can also include larger images that effectively reinforce the ideas conveyed in the speech.

Videos and sound clips are other powerful forms of multimedia that could be employed to make the speech more meaningful.

To ensure that visuals enhance the message of the presentation, key factors to consider include relevancy to topic, good graphic design or aesthetics, accurate size to prevent distortion or blurriness, and seamless integration into the keynote slides or printed handouts .

In this way, visuals offer an opportunity for presenters to demonstrate their creativity and keep their audiences interested in what is being said. Thus, used wisely and aptly, visuals can add tremendous value to speeches by presenting arguments more efficiently and driving home important points. Now let’s explore effective techniques for speech giving that will allow you to craft and deliver your speeches with confidence.

Effective Techniques for Speech Giving

There are a number of effective techniques for giving a speech that will help you deliver it with confidence and poise.

First, practice your delivery in advance. You should practice both in front of a mirror or recording device to check for any distracting habits such as talking too quickly or mispronouncing words.

Second, use simple, clear language and short, concise sentences. Avoid overly technical terms and jargon that may leave your audience confused.

Third, work to establish a connection with your audience by using appropriate facial expressions and hand gestures while speaking.

Fourth, utilize effective persuasive techniques such as presenting evidence, strong arguments supported by facts, personal anecdotes and vivid metaphors.

Finally, articulate an organized structure for your speech. Your speech should have an introduction, body and conclusion to clearly communicate the main point and provide the audience with the necessary context to understand it better.

While these techniques may sound intimidating at first, they can be learned over time with practice and will make all the difference in how successful your speech delivery is received by your audience.

To build on these skills further , the next section will provide tips on how to build confidence when giving a speech.

Building Confidence

Building confidence is key when giving a powerful speech, as it will enable you to deliver the speech in a more poised and credible manner.

To create this confidence , start by understanding that any hesitation or butterflies prior to your speech are completely normal and should not be feared. Instead, view them as natural states of anticipation for something exciting, knowing that you are about to give an amazing speech.

Next, understanding who your audience is and tailoring your speech to meet their expectations will help build your confidence.

Familiarizing yourself with their interests and knowledge on the subject matter ahead of time can equip you with the understanding needed to respond appropriately if questions arise or objections surface during the speech.

Further, practice is key when building confidence for a public speaking engagement . Rehearsing with friends or colleagues before hand will give you an opportunity to learn where problem areas are within the content of your speech, as well as help solidify your delivery by becoming more comfortable with each step.

Checking sound levels in the room you’re presenting in coupled with learning where exits/emergency locations are located within that space can also help alleviate stress levels and boost self-assurance while delivering the speech.

Finally, wearing comfortable clothing and dressing professionally adds an extra layer of confidence when speaking in public.

If possible, bring an additional outfit on hand during the presentation in case of spills or accidents that would require a quick change between sections of the talk. Having this back-up plan in place can aid in keeping peace of mind at ease throughout the speech.

In conclusion, building confidence prior to a public speaking event can mean the difference between a good and great delivery of your message.

By taking into account each of these tips you can ensure that this part of your preparation runs smoothly and sets you up for success when delivering powerful speeches.

With a well-crafted note card of talking points and strong sense of self-assurance, it’s time to start speaking with passion!

Speaking with Passion

As a public speaker, your audience expects you to engage not only with your words but also with your emotions. To share the most impactful message, it is important to speak passionately about your subject.

Doing so will make your speech more memorable and thereby more effective in convincing your audience of its legitimacy.

The power of speaking authentically with emotion lies in its relatability and connection. Showing feelings allows people to connect with you as a person rather than just a speaker. It opens the door to understanding through empathy and active listening .

Examples might include adding personal stories , telling jokes, or displaying your feelings openly during the delivery of your message.

However, not all topics lend themselves easily to expressing emotion. If the subject matter is overly complex or technical there may be less opportunity for emotional expression—but this doesn’t mean those conversations can’t incorporate emotion.

Even if faced with a difficult situation such as death or financial turmoil, emotions can still be conveyed in a respectful way that keeps audiences engaged.

Remember that how much emotion you show depends on the type of audience you’re sharing it with—using sensitivity when delivering passionate speeches helps avoid awkwardness or embarrassment for any attendees who may find opinionated language uncomfortable for whatever reason.

Striking the right balance between being straightforward and showing compassion takes practice, so take the time to develop a style that works best for you and improves upon each performance.

Finally, incorporating passion into a speech gives it life and makes it relatable and engaging—which are essential elements to speaking effectively.

Having passion means giving ourselves permission to take ownership over our stories, making them deeply personal in order to reach our goals and touch people’s hearts in meaningful ways. With that said, let’s move on to discussing how we should tackle dealing with challenges while giving a speech.

Dealing with Challenges

The process of delivering a speech can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. Difficulties can arise during the process that may threaten to derail your success. To ensure you are adequately prepared for these possible pitfalls it is important to consider strategies for proactively mitigating the risk of encountering these challenges. 1. Public Speaking Anxiety: Many people experience some form of anxiety when asked to speak in public. There are a number of techniques available to combat this fear and increase confidence, such as deep breathing exercises, mental rehearsal, positive self-talk and visualization of success.

Learning about the audience, creating an engaging presentation and using props or visual aids can also help reduce anxiety levels and create a better overall experience for both the speaker and the audience. 2. Unfamiliar Topics or Audiences: When presenting on unfamiliar topics or to an unknown audience it can be difficult to prepare effectively.

In this situation it is important to conduct research on the topic and familiarize yourself with the needs of your audience so that the content is tailored accordingly. It is also helpful to use humor or stories related to the topic in order to engage your audience and make them more receptive to your message. 3. Lack of Support: If you lack support from family, friends, colleagues or mentors, it can be difficult to push through difficult conversations or speeches without any additional motivation.

To overcome this challenge, seek out peer mentorship opportunities or find compatible online communities where people discuss similar topics or objectives. Here you can share ideas, provide feedback and learn from others who have experienced similar issues. 4. Time Constraints: One of the biggest challenges when giving a speech is managing your time effectively in order to deliver an effective message without going over allotted timeslots and boring your audience .

To successfully address this challenge try setting manageable goals for each section of your speech and practice regularly. Replicating real-time conditions as closely as possible will help you stay within time constraints when delivering your speech on the day itself. In conclusion, there are many potential challenges you may face when giving a speech or taking part in a public speaking event – but with proper preparation and practice they are easily managed if approached correctly.

With knowledge of techniques for dealing with such scenarios comes increased confidence when stepping up to the podium – further improving your chances of delivering an effective speech that resonates with your audience members.

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

How should i end my speech to leave a lasting impression.

The best way to end your speech is by reinforcing your main point and summarizing the key takeaways. You should also encourage the audience to take action, whether it be to sign up for a newsletter, make a donation, or visit your website for more information. This final call to action will not only leave a lasting impression on the audience but will also help you achieve any goals you might have had when making your speech in the first place.

What techniques can I use to keep my audience engaged during my speech?

One of the best techniques for keeping an audience engaged during a speech is to keep it interactive . Ask questions throughout the presentation, as well as allowing for audience input and discussion. This can help to keep people’s attention and create a more engaging experience.

Another great tip is to use humor. Even if you don’t consider yourself a natural comedian, sprinkling in a few jokes here and there can break up the monotony of long speeches and keep people interested. Humor can also help to make points stick in people’s minds, making them easier to remember.

Finally, try to be enthusiastic about the content of your speech. If you show too much indifference or lethargic behavior, it will discourage your audience from paying attention and taking your message seriously.

Instead, be passionate about what you are saying so that the energy of your words carries into the room and engages your audience with excitement.

How can I use storytelling to make my speech more interesting?

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to make any speech more interesting. Telling stories in your speech will help engage the audience and make your message stick. Here are some tips for using storytelling in your speech:

1. Choose stories that are relevant to your message and audience. Think about stories that will best illustrate the point you are trying to convey, or evoke emotions in your listeners. 2. Use vivid descriptions and visuals when telling your story. Be sure to include details such as setting, character descriptions, dialogue and plot points. This will help to bring the story to life for your audience. 3. Make sure the story you are telling has a strong conclusion or moral at the end. This will help add emphasis to your message and make it memorable. 4. Practice telling stories out loud before delivering a speech with them. Rehearsing will help you deliver your story more effectively and with more confidence in front of an audience. By using these tips, storytelling can be an effective tool to make any speech more interesting, engaging, and persuasive!

How can I prepare for my speech effectively?

Preparing for a speech effectively is essential to delivering an impactful and memorable presentation. Here are some tips: 1. Have a clear goal in mind. Before starting to prepare, ask yourself what the purpose of giving the speech is: what message do you want to convey? Defining this will help to structure your content and focus your research. 2. Research thoroughly. Make sure you understand the subject matter well, so that your delivery sounds confident and inspiring. Using facts and data will strengthen your arguments and make your talk more convincing. 3. Outline your speech. Make a rough outline of how you want it to go – from beginning to end – well in advance of the actual presentation. This will give you a strong foundation upon which you can craft an engaging talk with an effective narrative arc that keeps audiences interested and engaged. 4. Practice regularly. Rehearsing your speech out loud several times is key to ensuring that you know it well enough to feel comfortable when delivering it live in front of an audience.

5. Time yourself. Record how long it takes for you to go through your entire speech, so that you can adjust the length as needed before delivering it live – remember that most speeches should last no more than 10-15 minutes. 6. Identify potential questions from the audience and prepare answers before hand. Knowing ahead of time what kind of questions people may ask can help reduce the anxiety of not knowing what comes next, enabling you to stay confident when speaking in public. 7. Work on building up confidence levels before delivering a speech. Visualize yourself succeeding in delivering a great presentation; practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or positive self-talk; or use props during practice sessions such as water bottles or stress balls if needed to remain calm during the real thing!

What strategies can I use to reduce my anxiety when giving a speech?

1. Plan Ahead: Create an outline of your speech beforehand and practice it multiple times to become familiar with the content. Doing a trial run with the audience can also help you get used to speaking in front of people.

2. Visualize Success: Positive visualization is a great way to reduce anxiety before giving a speech. Imagine yourself confidently delivering the speech while feeling relaxed and composed.

3. Get Organized: Make sure you have all the materials necessary for your presentation, including notes, slides, etc., to reduce any additional stress that may come from not having what you need when you speak.

4. Take Deep Breaths: Before and during the speech, take a few deep breaths as this will help calm nerves and make sure your breathing is regulated throughout the duration of your presentation.

5. Speak Slowly: It is common to feel anxious while giving a speech and try to rush through it too quickly. Speaking slowly helps maintain composure while delivering your message effectively and clearly.

6. Pay Attention to Your Body: Your posture, stance, movements , facial expressions can all influence how confident you appear to your audience and how nervous you may be feeling inside. Check in with yourself frequently throughout the presentation and correct any tense body language or physical actions if needed.

7. Focus on the Audience: If you notice that your anxiety levels are growing as you present, shift your focus onto the audience instead of yourself as this will help refocus your attention away from negative thoughts that may arise from fear or insecurity.

8. Make Eye Contact: Establishing eye contact with your audience is a key confidence-builder for public speakers—it shows that you’re strong, engaged with them, and receptive to feedback or questions they might have regarding your speech topic .

9. Practice Positive Affirmations: Positive thoughts will boost your self-confidence as well as your mood which can help increase performance quality significantly during speeches or presentations in general—so don’t forget to tell yourself “you can do it!” several times throughout the day leading up to the event!

10. Seek Support of Friends & Family: Many experienced public speakers suggest seeking support of close friends & family members prior and during their speeches—not only does it allow helpful critique regarding content but it also creates a more comfortable atmosphere while speaking which can reduce pre-speech jitters drastically.

6 Tips for Writing a Persuasive Speech (On Any Topic)


B y far, the best way to learn how to write speeches is to read the great ones, from Pericles’ Funeral Oration, to Dr. King’s Mountaintop speech, to Faulkner’s Nobel acceptance address. But if you’re looking for some quick tips, here are a few things to bear in mind next time you’re asked to give a speech:

1. Write like you talk. There is no First Law of Speechwriting, but if there were, it would probably be something like this: a speech is meant to be spoken, not read. That simple (and obvious) fact has a few important (and less obvious) implications. Use short words. Write short sentences. Avoid awkward constructions that might cause a speaker to stumble. Tip: Read the speech aloud as you’re writing. If you do it enough, you’ll start hearing the words when you type them.

2. Tell a story . I once wrote speeches for a governor whose aide told me: speechwriting is about slinging soundbites together. That approach is a recipe for writing neither good speeches nor good soundbites. Whenever we sat down to discuss a speech for the first time, President Obama would ask us: What’s the story we’re trying to tell? Like any good story, a speech has its own narrative arc. For the President, it’s usually a slow warm-up, a substantive middle, and an inspirational end. That’s his style. Tell your story in whatever way feels natural. Tip: A good story can be a lot more powerful than the most compelling facts and statistics.

3. Structure matters . It’s usually harder to figure out the right structure for a speech – the order of the points to make – than the words themselves. The order of those points matters because an argument that’s clear and logical is more likely to be persuasive. There is a reason that some of America’s greatest speechwriters – from Lincoln to JFK’s speechwriter Ted Sorensen to President Obama himself – studied the law, a profession that values the ability to make a logical argument. Tip: Lists (like this one) are one way to impose a structure on a speech.

4. Be concise. It is said that Woodrow Wilson once gave the following reply to a speaking request: “If you’d like me to speak for five minutes, I’ll need a month to prepare. If you’d like me to speak for 20 minutes, I’ll need two weeks. But if you’d like me to speak for an hour, I’m ready right now.” As Wilson knew, it’s harder to be concise than verbose. But the best way to make a point is concisely, as Churchill did when he announced during a wartime address: “The news from France is very bad.” Next time you think you can’t afford to cut that paragraph you love, remember: the Gettysburg Address, perhaps the greatest speech in American history, is fewer than 300 words. Tip: Challenge yourself to cut as many words as possible from each sentence without losing the line’s meaning.

5. Be authentic. If you’ve ever given a speech, you’ve probably been told, “Just speak from the heart.” It’s not very helpful writing advice, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Once, when we were writing President Obama’s 2008 Democratic Convention address, we got stuck on a certain section of the speech. The President advised us: Think about the moment we’re in, think about what the country is going through, and write something that feels true. It was a helpful reminder to stop focusing on polls and soundbites and simply say something we believed in as simply as we could. Tip: Sharing a personal story can help you find your voice and build a connection with the audience.

6. Don’t just speak – say something. When Michelangelo was tasked with painting the Sistine Chapel, he considered it a thankless job. He would have much rather spent his time sculpting than painting. But he used the occasion to paint perhaps the most revered fresco in history. So, the next time you’re asked to speak, don’t just write a speech, write a great one. A speech’s greatness has as much to do with its values as anything else. No one remembers the speeches of segregationists, though there were no doubt eloquent preachers spewing hate in the days of Jim Crow. No one remembers Hitler’s speeches, though few would dispute his oratorical prowess. Of course, Hitler, like the segregationists, lost. But it’s also because hope will always be more compelling than hate. It’s no accident that the best-known, best-loved speech in history – the Sermon on the Mount – is an articulation of humanity’s highest ideals. Tip: Before sitting down to write, get inspired by reading great speeches from collections like William Safire’s “Lend Me Your Ears.”

Adam Frankel is VP, External Affairs at Andela . Previously, he was Special Assistant and Senior Speechwriter to President Barack Obama.

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  • 11 Tips for Giving a Great Speech

tips to write speech

Chances are you’ll be asked to give speeches or presentations in classes at school. If you get involved in volunteer groups, brief speeches to open events or thank participants are a must. Then there are the speeches at events such as weddings, as well as speeches that you might have to give in the workplace. That amounts to the average person being required to give quite a lot of speeches, even if they don’t get involved in an area such as politics where the ability to give a good speech becomes even more important. You might also have suffered through quite a number of bad speeches from other people – whether that’s at family events where the microphone squeaks the whole way through or a school presentation where the headteacher can’t quite make the jokes work. If you don’t want to inflict the same sort of experience on others, here are our top tips for giving a great speech.

1. Practise your microphone technique

Correct spacing is key - you want to be heard but don't want to end up deafening your audience!

2. Keep it short

Be strict with yourself when it comes to timing.

Particularly at something like a party or a wedding, no one will be unhappy if your speech runs a little short; it’ll just give them more time to investigate the canapés. If you are giving a speech for a class in school, and it’ll be assessed, you need to prioritise keeping it within the required time limits. But even under these circumstances, if you’ve been tasked – say – with giving a 10-15 minute speech, it’s usually better to come in nearer the 10 than the 15 minute mark. Put simply, even if your speech is terrible, your audience can probably tolerate it for 10 minutes. Much longer, and they’ll be struggling. This shouldn’t limit what you can cover; in the film Up , the whole of Carl and Ellie’s heartbreaking love story is told in under 12 minutes. Do you really need longer to make your points? Achieve brevity by writing out the speech you would give if you had all the time in the world, and then cut anything that seems extraneous or boring.

3. Consider what your audience wants to hear

If you are giving a speech in class because it’s your assignment, what your audience wants to hear is likely to be “the bell ringing for lunch”; you can’t help them there. But under other circumstances, consider what your audience wants to hear and what you want to say, and strive for there to be as much overlap as possible. In the context of a political speech, for instance, what you want to say might be why your party should receive votes; what your audience wants to hear is what your party would do for them, if they won power. Hopefully it should be possible to write a speech that meets both sets of needs, rather than focusing solely on whatever it is that you want to say and leaving your audience disappointed.

4. Pick a theme and stick to it

Beware: digressions ahead.

Here’s a goal for giving a speech: someone sitting near the back, who’s messing around on their phone for at least two-thirds of it and focusing mainly on how long it will be until lunch, should nonetheless be able to give a reasonably accurate answer to the question, “what was it about?” If you’re supposed to be giving a speech in defence of the nuclear deterrent, for example, both the topic and your position on it should be clearly identifiable. This means – to stick with the nuclear deterrent example – not talking for a while about jobs, and then the wider economy, and then the North-South divide, and then Scottish independence, and then Ukraine with a brief digression into South Ossetia before rounding off by squeaking out “and that’s why we should renew Trident!” seconds before you run out of time – no matter how relevant that cornucopia of topics may feel (and they are all relevant, albeit tenuously). It means that even if you do have to take a while to explain a more complex idea, you need to be concise, and bring it back to your theme as quickly as you can.

5. Speak slowly

Most people speak more quickly than they realise when they’re on stage, especially if they’re nervous. But no one will be able to follow your speech if you’re jabbering it out. Thankfully, this one is easy to fix with a little effort and practise. First of all, figure out how quickly you’re actually speaking: do a word count for your speech and then time yourself saying it. A fast speaker will speak at maybe 160 words per minute, a slow speaker at 100 wpm and an average speaker at 130 wpm. For a formal speech, you want to be speaking on the slow side. While this will vary by culture and environment, 120 wpm is a reasonable target to aim for; slow enough that everyone should be able to understand you, and fast enough that you hopefully won’t be sending them to sleep.

6. Tell a couple of jokes

A touch of humour won't go amiss, even if you're not a natural comedian.

This is a tricky tip because there are lots of pitfalls in the world of telling jokes. For instance, there’s the temptation to include an in-joke that three of your friends will understand and find hilarious, that is utterly baffling to everyone else in the room. Avoid this – if you include any jokes, witty references or anything along those lines, make sure they are accessible to everyone present. All the same, if you can manage a joke or two, it can be a useful way to break up a speech and retain the audience’s interest. A little self-deprecation (not too much!) or the use of classic joke formats such as “the scene was chaotic; it looked as if a bomb had hit and we didn’t know where to start on repairs – but that’s enough about the hen party…” work nicely even if you’re not very confident. Don’t turn it into a stand-up comedy sketch if you’re not a comedian, don’t wait for ages for laughter that’s not showing up, and don’t make jokes at the expense of anyone who you don’t know for sure can take it.

7. Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself if you need to

If you follow US or UK politics at all, you’ve probably heard some of these phrases recently: take back control, make America great again, long-term economic plan, son of a bus driver. Three of these have already led the party or people they’re associated with to electoral victory; the fourth remains to be seen. To take the ‘son of a bus driver’ as an example, this refers to Sadiq Khan, now Mayor of London. There can be hardly anyone in London who doesn’t know what their Mayor’s dad did for a living. Meanwhile, many of them probably can’t remember his rival Zac Goldsmith’s name, let alone anything he said during the campaign. The point is that repetition works. In pursuit of point 4, if you want people to remember your key theme, you’re going to have to say it more than once. Don’t assume that everyone will have paid attention to everything you’ve said, unless you’re in a classroom setting where they’ll get told off if they don’t.

8. Only use the visual aids you need

Scratch the notes and speak directly to your audience.

This tip applies to two things: PowerPoints and notes. If you can do without either (and your assignment allows it), then do. Every time you’re glancing over your notes or up at the screen, fiddling with the laptop to get the slide to move on, fighting with a video that isn’t working or struggling to read your own handwriting, is time that you’re not spending engaging with your audience. A well-written, clear speech delivered without notes is always going to be better than someone awkwardly reading aloud the bullet points on their PowerPoint slides. If you must do a presentation – for instance, because there are photos that need to be included – have as little text on it as possible, preferably none. That way, if there are people at the back who can’t really see the screen through the sea of heads in front of them, they’ll still be able to follow what you’re saying.

9. Get a friend to check for awkward mannerisms

Mannerisms that are entirely fine in normal life become awkward and strange when you’re speaking in public. Perhaps you’re inclined to fiddle with your hair or your cuffs, you rock back and forth on the balls of your feet, or you have a habit of reaching your hand to your cheek when you’re talking. No one would notice in everyday conversation, but when you’re on a stage, it’ll become all they’ll see. Some of this is easily avoidable – for instance, if you have long hair that you’re inclined to twirl or otherwise fiddle with, tie it up. For other mannerisms, get the critical friend who helped you sort out your microphone technique to tell you what they are, and do your best to suppress the more annoying ones.

10. Look around the room

Overly intense eye-contact can easily feel intimidating.

Talking about eye contact usually has the effect of making normal eye contact a lot harder, and so does giving a speech. All of a sudden, you’re up on stage, and you have no idea what a normal way to look at a group of people is. Some speakers deal with this by picking a point in the middle distance and speaking to it; others by picking a particular person near to the back and addressing their entire speech at them. This is obviously no fun for that person, who probably spends the whole thing feeling extremely uncomfortable, but it’s not too weird for everyone else. Better still, though, if you can manage it, is to look slowly and steadily around the room, trying to make eye contact with a decent range of people, before returning to the middle distance for a while, rinse and repeat. This needs to be slow and steady, or you give the impression that you’ve just smelled smoke and are casting about for a fire exit before the stampede beings.

11. Don’t be scared of a good reaction

If your speech is genuinely engaging, funny, inspiring or any of the other things you might hope it would be, your audience will react to it. There might be laughter, or applause, or even a bit of cheering depending on the setting. This can be daunting because when you’re practising your speech in front of your bedroom mirror, there’s no way to prepare for it. And it’s where even the best speakers can go wrong, by launching straight into what they were going to say next without waiting for the laughter or applause to stop, or by looking painfully awkward while it’s going on. It’s a pitfall that’s mostly solved by being aware it might happen. If your audience is applauding you or otherwise reacting well, it’s OK to smile, look up, wait for them to stop and then keep going with your speech – it’s as simple as that. You could even throw in a “thank you” before you continue in the knowledge that it’s all going well. Image credits: microphones ; audience ; boy with microphone ; clock ; winding road ; enjoy a joke ; sticky notes ; 

tips to write speech

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How to Write a Persuasive Speech

Last Updated: August 25, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,537,723 times.

A persuasive speech is a speech intended to convince the audience to do something. Whether you want to get people to vote, stop littering, or change their minds about an important issue, persuasive speeches are an effective way to sway an audience. There are many elements that go into a successful persuasive speech. But, with some preparation and practice, you can deliver a powerful speech.

Preparing to Write

Step 1 Learn about your topic.

  • Especially if your topic is a controversial one, it's a good idea to know the arguments on all sides of the issue. [1] X Research source Whatever argument you are making, you'll be more persuasive if you can address the views of the opposing side.
  • Spend some time reading books or articles about your topic. You can go to the library and ask a librarian for help finding books, or just go online and find some articles. Make sure to use reliable sources, like major news organizations, or academic books or articles.
  • Opinion-oriented sources, like editorials, talk radio, or partisan cable news, can be valuable for finding out what other people think about your topic. But, don't rely on them as your only source of information. They can be very biased. If you use them at all, make sure to read a variety of viewpoints on the matter, not just one side.

Step 2 Know your goal.

  • For example, if your topic is recycling, it's important to know a lot about recycling. But, your speech will need to reflect exactly what you hope the audience will do. Are you trying to get people to vote in favor of a citywide recycling program? Or are you trying to convince them to sort out their glass and cans and put them in a separate bin? These will be different speeches, so having the goal spelled out early will help you craft your message.

Step 3 Understand your audience.

  • An audience that knows little about your topic will need more background information and simpler language. An audience made up of experts on the topic would likely find such a simple speech boring.
  • Likewise, an audience that already supports your view on a topic will be easier to persuade to take some action. You won't need to convince them you are right, but only that they need to do something. By contrast, an audience that does not agree with you will need persuasion to even consider your point of view.
  • For example, imagine you want to convince your audience to support a city-wide recycling program. If they already think recycling is important, you only need to convince them of the value of this specific program. But, if they don't care about recycling or oppose it, you will need to first convince them that recycling is worthwhile.

Step 4 Choose the right persuasive approach.

  • Ethos. These are appeals to the audience's ethics or morals. For example: "Recycling is the right thing to do. Wasting our limited resources steals from future generations, which is immoral."
  • Pathos. These are appeals to the audience's emotions. For example: "Think of the animals that lose their homes every day because of trees being chopped down. If we recycled more, we could save these beautiful forests."
  • Logos. These are appeals to the audiences logic or intellect. For example: "We know that there is a limited supply of natural resources. We can make this supply last longer by recycling."
  • You can rely on any one or some combination.

Step 5 Outline your main points.

  • The number of points you can make to support your position will be determined by how much time you have to speak.
  • As a rule of thumb, three to four supporting points is usually a good number.
  • For example, in the speech about recycling, your three main points might be: 1. Recycling saves resources, 2. Recycling reduces the amount of garbage, and 3. Recycling is cost-effective.

Writing your Speech

Step 1 Write a strong opening.

  • An attention grabber. This could be a statement (or sometimes a visual) that gets your audience's attention. It can be a good idea to be a little startling or dramatic at the opening of your speech. For example, you might start with information (or pictures) showing how a nearby landfill is nearly full to capacity.
  • A link to the audience. This is a means of showing that you have something in common with the audience. Show that you have a similar background or share an emotional connection of some kind. This will really depend on knowing your audience. For example, if you are a parent, speaking to other parents, you might emphasize the concern for your own children's future. If you share a common interest or ideological position with your audience, you can emphasize that.
  • Your credentials. This is a means of showing that you are knowledgeable or an authority on the topic of the speech. Highlight the research you've done on your topic. If you have any personal or professional experience with the topic, be sure to emphasize that, too. In the recycling example, you might say "I've invested many hours studying the recycling issue and the types of programs available in other cities."
  • Your goal. Explain to the audience what you hope the speech will accomplish. For example: "I hope by the end of my talk that you will agree that we need a city wide recycling program."
  • A road map. Finally, tell the audience what the main points of the speech will be. For example, "I believe we must start a recycling program for these three reasons...."

Step 2 Offer persuasive evidence.

  • Arrange these points logically. Don't jump from one point to the next, and then back again. Instead, complete an argument, then move on to another that flows logically from it. [8] X Research source
  • Use credible sources from your research to back the points you are making. Even if your point is more emotional (pathos), introducing some factual information will make your argument stronger. For example "Each year, 40,000 acres of beautiful forests are destroyed to make paper, according to a study from the American Recycling Institute."
  • Use real life examples that the audience can relate to. Even an argument based on facts and logic (logos) should relate to the audience's lives and interests. For example: "In these hard economic times, I know many of you are afraid that a recycling program will mean a costly increase in taxes. But, the city of Springfield started a program like this one three years ago. So far they've seen an increase in revenue as a result of the program. Many residents have seen a decrease in their taxes as a result."

Step 3 Address the counter-argument.

  • Make sure that you describe opposing views fairly and objectively. Consider whether someone who actually holds that view would approve of the way you are describing their position. If you aren't sure, find someone who thinks that way and ask!
  • For example, you would not want to say: "opponents of recycling just don't care if we waste our precious resources, or our money." That's not a fair description of their opinion.
  • Instead, you might say: "opponents of recycling are concerned that the cost might be much higher than just using new materials," and then go on to offer an argument about why recycling might be the more cost-effective option.

Step 4 Conclude with a call to action.

  • Don't just restate, verbatim, what you've already said. Instead, use this as an opportunity to reinforce the way your main points support your call to action. For example: "To sum up, I've shown you (points a, b, and c). These three undeniable facts point to a city-wide recycling program as the most sensible and ethical step we can take in helping create a more sustainable future. Please, join me in voting 'yes' on this program in November."

Delivering your Speech

Step 1 Practice your speech.

  • Try practicing in front of a mirror, so that you can see how you are delivering the speech. This can help you notice your facial expressions and body language. These can help or hinder your ability to get your message across.
  • For example, you might notice you are slouching, or that that you fidget with your collar. These actions suggest to an audience that you aren't confident.
  • Better still, record yourself with a video camera and watch the tape afterwards. This can help you see (and hear) where your delivery needs improvement. It has the benefit of providing audio, and also won't distract you as much as a mirror when you're speaking.
  • Once you've practiced on your own a few times, try giving the speech to a small group of friends or family members. Ask for their feedback on your message and delivery.

Step 2 Dress appropriately.

  • Generally speaking, this will mean dressing professionally. But, the degree of formality will vary. A speech to a film club to convince them to show your film won't require the same degree of formality as speaking to the executives of a movie distribution company. For the executives, you would want to wear a suit. For the film club, that might be overdoing it.

Step 3 Relax.

  • Be friendly and make eye contact with the audience.
  • Move around, where appropriate, but don't fidget or pick at your clothes or hair.
  • Don't read the speech. It's okay to use a few notes to keep yourself on track, but your speech should be mostly memorized.
  • Roll with the punches. If you make a mistake, don't let it derail your whole speech. This might be an opportunity to use a little humor. Then, move on.

Step 4 Involve your audience.

  • For example, if you want them to contact the mayor, demanding a recycling program, don't just ask them to do it. Give them stamped, addressed envelopes to send a letter, or cards with the mayor's phone number and email address. If you do this, many more people are likely to follow through.

Patrick Muñoz

Patrick Muñoz

Speak from your heart and connect with your audience. Look them in the eyes and really talk to them. Make sure you're comfortable delivering your speech and that you use a warm, confident tone.

Sample Template

tips to write speech

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Speak forward, projecting your voice toward the audience with confidence. Do not speak down toward the floor. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try to cite sources for statistics and use credible, non-biased sources. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • While researching your audience, learn what motivates them. Try to motivate them with the same ideas and values that they already hold dear. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • If you have a nervous laugh, be careful to control it during your speech. Otherwise, your audience will likely think what you have to say isn't important.

tips to write speech

  • Avoid being confrontational, when possible. Don't be sarcastic or mocking when discussing viewpoints other than your own. This can be alienating to your audience, even those who may agree with you. Thanks Helpful 55 Not Helpful 17
  • Don't be pompous or arrogant during your speech. Be humble, and be open to questions, suggestions, and feedback. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://www.yourdictionary.com/articles/persuasive-speech-writing-steps
  • ↑ https://www.apsu.edu/writingcenter/writing-resources/Persuasive-Speech-Outline-Editable.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/persuasive-speaking
  • ↑ https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-publicspeaking/chapter/structure-of-a-persuasive-speech/
  • ↑ https://www.speechanddebate.org/wp-content/uploads/Tips-for-Writing-a-Persuasive-Speech.pdf
  • ↑ https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/11-2-persuasive-speaking/
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/structuring-speech
  • ↑ https://open.maricopa.edu/com225/chapter/persuasive-conclusions/
  • ↑ https://open.lib.umn.edu/publicspeaking/chapter/14-1-four-methods-of-delivery/
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/speech-anxiety
  • ↑ https://opentext.ku.edu/speakupcallin/chapter/chapter-13-persuasive-speaking/

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To write a persuasive speech, start with a strong opening that will make your reader want to pay attention, including an attention grabber, your credentials, the essay's goal, and a road map for the essay. Next, offer persuasive evidence or reasons why the reader should support your viewpoint. Arrange these points logically, use credible sources, and employ some real life examples. Additionally, address counter-arguments to show that you’re looking at the topic from all sides. Finally, conclude by clearly letting the audience know how to put your ideas into action. To learn how to involve your audience when you deliver your speech, keep reading. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a Speech: A Guide to Enhance Your Writing Skills

Speech is a medium to convey a message to the world. It is a way of expressing your views on a topic or a way to showcase your strong opposition to a particular idea. To deliver an effective speech, you need a strong and commanding voice, but more important than that is what you say. Spending time in preparing a speech is as vital as presenting it well to your audience.

Read the article to learn what all you need to include in a speech and how to structure it.

Table of Contents

  • Self-Introduction

The Opening Statement

Structuring the speech, choice of words, authenticity, writing in 1st person, tips to write a speech, frequently asked questions on speech, how to write a speech.

Writing a speech on any particular topic requires a lot of research. It also has to be structured well in order to properly get the message across to the target audience. If you have ever listened to famous orators, you would have noticed the kind of details they include when speaking about a particular topic, how they present it and how their speeches motivate and instill courage in people to work towards an individual or shared goal. Learning how to write such effective speeches can be done with a little guidance. So, here are a few points you can keep in mind when writing a speech on your own. Go through each of them carefully and follow them meticulously.

Self Introduction

When you are writing or delivering a speech, the very first thing you need to do is introduce yourself. When you are delivering a speech for a particular occasion, there might be a master of ceremony who might introduce you and invite you to share your thoughts. Whatever be the case, always remember to say one or two sentences about who you are and what you intend to do.

Introductions can change according to the nature of your target audience. It can be either formal or informal based on the audience you are addressing. Here are a few examples.

Addressing Friends/Classmates/Peers

  • Hello everyone! I am ________. I am here to share my views on _________.
  • Good morning friends. I, _________, am here to talk to you about _________.

Addressing Teachers/Higher Authorities

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening. Before I start, I would like to thank _______ for giving me an opportunity to share my thoughts about ________ here today.
  • A good day to all. I, __________, on behalf of _________, am standing here today to voice out my thoughts on _________.

It is said that the first seven seconds is all that a human brain requires to decide whether or not to focus on something. So, it is evident that a catchy opening statement is the factor that will impact your audience. Writing a speech does require a lot of research, and structuring it in an interesting, informative and coherent manner is something that should be done with utmost care.

When given a topic to speak on, the first thing you can do is brainstorm ideas and pen down all that comes to your mind. This will help you understand what aspect of the topic you want to focus on. With that in mind, you can start drafting your speech.

An opening statement can be anything that is relevant to the topic. Use words smartly to create an impression and grab the attention of your audience. A few ideas on framing opening statements are given below. Take a look.

  • Asking an Engaging Question

Starting your speech by asking the audience a question can get their attention. It creates an interest and curiosity in the audience and makes them think about the question. This way, you would have already got their minds ready to listen and think.

  • Fact or a Surprising Statement

Surprising the audience with an interesting fact or a statement can draw the attention of the audience. It can even be a joke; just make sure it is relevant. A good laugh would wake up their minds and they would want to listen to what you are going to say next.

  • Adding a Quote

After you have found your topic to work on, look for a quote that best suits your topic. The quote can be one said by some famous personality or even from stories, movies or series. As long as it suits your topic and is appropriate to the target audience, use them confidently.  Again, finding a quote that is well-known or has scope for deep thought will be your success factor.

To structure your speech easily, it is advisable to break it into three parts or three sections – an introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and your views on the topic briefly.
  • Body: Give a detailed explanation of your topic. Your focus should be to inform and educate your audience on the said topic.
  • Conclusion:  Voice out your thoughts/suggestions. Your intention here should be to make them think/act.

While delivering or writing a speech, it is essential to keep an eye on the language you are using. Choose the right kind of words. The person has the liberty to express their views in support or against the topic; just be sure to provide enough evidence to prove the discussed points. See to it that you use short and precise sentences. Your choice of words and what you emphasise on will decide the effect of the speech on the audience.

When writing a speech, make sure to,

  • Avoid long, confusing sentences.
  • Check the spelling, sentence structure and grammar.
  • Not use contradictory words or statements that might cause any sort of issues.

Anything authentic will appeal to the audience, so including anecdotes, personal experiences and thoughts will help you build a good rapport with your audience. The only thing you need to take care is to not let yourself be carried away in the moment. Speak only what is necessary.

Using the 1st person point of view in a speech is believed to be more effective than a third person point of view. Just be careful not to make it too subjective and sway away from the topic.

  • Understand the purpose of your speech: Before writing the speech, you must understand the topic and the purpose behind it. Reason out and evaluate if the speech has to be inspiring, entertaining or purely informative.
  • Identify your audience: When writing or delivering a speech, your audience play the major role. Unless you know who your target audience is, you will not be able to draft a good and appropriate speech.
  • Decide the length of the speech: Whatever be the topic, make sure you keep it short and to the point. Making a speech longer than it needs to be will only make it monotonous and boring.
  • Revising and practicing the speech: After writing, it is essential to revise and recheck as there might be minor errors which you might have missed. Edit and revise until you are sure you have it right. Practise as much as required so you do not stammer in front of your audience.
  • Mention your takeaways at the end of the speech: Takeaways are the points which have been majorly emphasised on and can bring a change. Be sure to always have a thought or idea that your audience can reflect upon at the end of your speech.

How to write a speech?

Writing a speech is basically about collecting, summarising and structuring your points on a given topic. Do a proper research, prepare multiple drafts, edit and revise until you are sure of the content.

Why is it important to introduce ourselves?

It is essential to introduce yourself while writing a speech, so that your audience or the readers know who the speaker is and understand where you come from. This will, in turn, help them connect with you and your thoughts.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Effective Speech: Tips and Examples

A speech is a way to share your thoughts or stand up for a cause. To make an effective speech, it's important to not only speak clearly, but also to carefully plan what you'll say. By preparing your speech well, you can ensure your message is delivered effectively. At Vedantu, students can learn how to create strong speeches with a clear structure and engaging content.


The platform offers resources to help students practise speech writing, improve their presentation skills, and gain confidence in public speaking. This preparation helps students communicate their ideas better and make a strong impact on their audience.

help everyone understand and follow what you’re saying.

How to Write a Speech?

Writing a speech involves thorough research and careful planning to effectively convey your message. Great speeches often include compelling details and inspiring content that resonates with the audience. Learning to write impactful speeches can be achieved with a bit of guidance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a speech:

Self Introduction Start your speech by introducing yourself. If there's a host or master of ceremonies, they might introduce you first. Regardless, you should clearly state who you are and briefly explain what your speech will cover. The introduction can be formal or informal, depending on your audience. For example, a formal introduction might include your professional title, while an informal one might simply mention your name and a fun fact.

Introduction to the Topic Next, introduce the topic of your speech. Provide a brief overview of what you will discuss. Make sure to grab the audience's attention with a hook, like a surprising fact or a question. This helps in engaging the audience right from the start.

Main Points Outline the key points you want to address in your speech. Make sure each point is clear and relevant to the topic. Use examples, anecdotes, or data to support your points. This helps in making your speech more relatable and persuasive.

Conclusion End your speech with a strong conclusion. Summarise your main points and restate the purpose of your speech. Aim to leave a lasting impression by delivering a memorable closing statement or call to action.

Practice and Delivery Finally, practice your speech several times. Focus on your tone, pace, and body language. Practising helps you deliver your speech confidently and effectively, ensuring that your message is communicated clearly to your audience.

Addressing Friends/Classmates/Peers

Hello everyone! My name is ________, and today, I’d like to discuss _________ with you all.

Good morning, friends. I am ________, and I am excited to speak with you about _________.

Addressing Teachers/Higher Authorities

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I would like to begin by thanking _______ for the opportunity to share my thoughts on _________ today.

Good day to everyone. I am ________, and I am honoured to speak about _________ with you.

The Opening Statement

The first seven seconds of a speech are crucial, as they determine whether the audience will stay engaged. Therefore, starting with a compelling opening statement is essential to capture their attention. Crafting a speech involves thorough research and structuring it in an engaging, informative, and coherent way is crucial.

When assigned a topic, begin by brainstorming ideas and jotting down everything that comes to mind. This process helps identify which aspect of the topic to focus on, guiding the drafting of your speech.

An effective opening statement should be relevant to your topic. Use clever wording to make a strong impression and capture the audience's interest. Here are some strategies for framing an engaging opening statement:

Asking an Engaging Question Starting with a question can immediately grab the audience's attention. It sparks curiosity and encourages them to think, thus preparing them to listen more attentively.

Fact or a Surprising Statement Presenting an intriguing fact or statement can captivate the audience. This could include a joke, as long as it's relevant and appropriate. A well-timed laugh can refresh their interest and make them eager to hear more.

Adding a Quote Select a quote that aligns with your topic and resonates with your audience. Whether it’s from a famous person or a story, a relevant quote can add depth and set the tone for your speech. Choose a quote that is memorable or thought-provoking to make a significant impact.

Choice of Words

When delivering or writing a speech, it's crucial to choose your words with care. Selecting the right language is essential, whether you're expressing support for or opposition to a topic. Be sure to provide sufficient evidence to back up your points. Use short, clear sentences to enhance the impact of your speech. Your choice of words and what you emphasize will shape how your audience perceives your message.

When writing a speech, ensure that you:

Avoid long, confusing sentences.

Check for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure errors.

Refrain from using contradictory statements that might confuse the audience.


Authenticity in a speech engages the audience more effectively. Incorporate personal anecdotes, experiences, and genuine thoughts to build rapport. However, stay focused on the topic and avoid getting sidetracked with unrelated details.

Writing in 1st Person

Using the first-person perspective in a speech can be more effective than a third-person approach. However, make sure it does not become too subjective or divert from the main topic.

Tips for Writing a Speech

Before you start writing, know what your speech is about and what you want to achieve. Decide if you want to inspire, entertain, or inform your audience.

Think about who will be listening to your speech. Tailor your content to fit their interests and needs so they stay engaged.

Make sure your speech is clear and to the point. Avoid making it too long or it might become boring. Stick to the important details.

After writing your speech, check it for mistakes and make changes if needed. Practice saying it out loud so you feel confident and don’t stumble.

Finish your speech by summarising the main ideas. Leave your audience with something to think about, so they remember your message.

Format on How to Write a Speech

Here’s a structured format of How to write a speech:

Start with a clear and engaging title that reflects the main topic of your speech.

2. Introduction

Greet the audience and introduce yourself.

State the purpose of your speech.

Give a brief overview of what you will talk about to grab the audience's attention.

Main Points : Organise your speech into several main points. Each point should be clear and supported with examples, evidence, or anecdotes.

Sub-points : Include supporting details under each main point to add depth and clarity.

4. Transitions

Use smooth transitions between different points to help your speech flow naturally.

5. Conclusion

Summarise the key points of your speech.

Restate the purpose or main message.

End with a strong closing statement or call to action to leave a lasting impression.

6. Q&A (if applicable)

Prepare to answer any questions from the audience if your speech includes a question-and-answer session.

7. Practice

Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure you are familiar with the content and delivery.

How to Write a Speech: Examples

Example 1: Speech on Environmental Conservation

Good morning everyone!

My name is John Smith, and today I’m here to talk about the importance of environmental conservation. Our planet is facing severe challenges due to pollution, deforestation, and climate change. We must take action to protect our environment.

Firstly, we need to reduce our waste by recycling and composting. Secondly, conserving energy by using renewable sources is essential. Lastly, planting more trees will help restore balance in our ecosystems.

Each one of us can make a difference by adopting these simple practices in our daily lives. Together, we can ensure a healthier planet for future generations. Thank you for your attention!

Example 2: Speech on the Importance of Education

Good afternoon everyone!

I’m Sarah Johnson, and I’m excited to discuss the value of education in our lives. Education is not just about gaining knowledge, but also about preparing ourselves for the future. It opens doors to new opportunities and helps us grow personally and professionally.

To begin with, education empowers individuals to make informed decisions. It also enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Finally, it helps us understand and appreciate diverse cultures and perspectives.

Investing in education is investing in a better future for ourselves and our communities. Let’s value and support educational opportunities for everyone. Thank you!

To Test Your Knowledge of How to Write a Speech, try these Tasks:

Task 1 - Write a Short Speech: Pick a topic you are passionate about, such as your favourite hobby or a cause you care about. Write a 3-minute speech on this topic. Make sure to include a clear introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Practise delivering your speech in front of a mirror or a friend.

Task 2 - Analyse a Famous Speech: Watch a famous speech online, like Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” or a speech from a recent event. Take notes on how the speaker introduces themselves, the key points they make, and how they conclude. Try to identify any special techniques they use to keep the audience engaged and use these techniques in your speech writing.

Now check out if you got them all right from the answers below:

Task 1 - Write a Short Speech:

Good morning everyone,

Today, I want to talk about something that has a huge impact on our lives – reading. Reading is not just a way to pass the time; it is a gateway to knowledge and imagination. Through books, we explore different worlds, understand diverse cultures, and learn new ideas. Reading also helps improve our language skills and concentration. Whether it's a novel, a biography, or a magazine, each piece of reading material offers something valuable. I encourage all of you to make reading a part of your daily routine. It’s a small habit that brings great rewards. Thank you.

Taks 2 -Review and Improve a Sample Letter:

To analyse a famous speech like Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream,” start by noting how he introduces himself and sets the tone. King begins with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation, connecting his message to historical struggles for freedom. He introduces his main points by addressing the ongoing racial injustice and articulating his dream of equality, creating a vivid picture of a hopeful future. His conclusion uses a powerful repetition of the phrase “I have a dream” to reinforce his vision and leave a lasting impression. The speech employs imagery, metaphors, and emotional appeals to engage the audience. To apply these techniques, focus on a strong introduction, clear key points, and a memorable conclusion in your speech, using repetition and vivid descriptions to make it impactful.

Takeaways from this Page

Writing a speech involves careful planning and practice. Begin with a clear introduction to capture attention and state your main points clearly. Use simple and engaging language to keep your audience interested. Rehearse your speech to ensure smooth delivery and correct any mistakes. Finally, end with a strong conclusion that reinforces your main message and leaves a lasting impression.

FAQs on Easy Steps to Write an Effective Speech

1. How to write a speech format? 

To understand how to write a speech format, start by organising your speech into three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Clearly outline your main points and supporting details. This format helps in delivering a structured and effective speech.

2. How to write a welcome speech? 

When learning how to write a welcome speech, begin with a warm greeting and introduce yourself. Mention the purpose of the event and the key individuals present. Keep it brief and engaging to set a positive tone for the event.

3. How to write a speech on teacher's day? 

To write a speech on Teacher's Day, start by expressing appreciation for teachers. Highlight their contributions and impact on students' lives. Use personal anecdotes or quotes to make the speech heartfelt and memorable.

4. How to write a welcome speech for chief guest? 

When writing a welcome speech for a chief guest, ensure you acknowledge their presence respectfully. Mention their achievements and the significance of their visit. Craft your speech to reflect the honour of having them as a guest.

5. How to write a speech for students? 

For writing a speech for students, choose a topic relevant to their interests and needs. Use simple language and relatable examples. Structure your speech to be engaging and motivational to keep students attentive.

6. What is the best way to structure how to write a speech format? 

The best way to structure how to write a speech format is to divide your speech into three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. This format helps in organizing your thoughts and ensures a clear flow of ideas.

7. How to write a welcome speech effectively? 

To write a welcome speech effectively, start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself. Outline the purpose of the event and acknowledge key guests or participants. Make sure to keep it concise and engaging.

8. How to write a speech on teacher's day to make it impactful? 

To make a speech on Teacher's Day impactful, focus on the role of teachers in shaping students' futures. Share personal stories or experiences that highlight their dedication. Conclude with a heartfelt thank you.

9. How to write a welcome speech for chief guest in a formal setting? 

Writing a welcome speech for a chief guest in a formal setting involves greeting them warmly, mentioning their achievements, and explaining the importance of their presence. Keep the tone respectful and appreciative.

10. How to write a speech for students to ensure it is engaging? 

To ensure a speech for students is engaging, choose a topic that resonates with their interests. Use simple language and interactive elements. Structure your speech to include relatable examples and a motivational conclusion.

11. What are the key points in how to write a speech format? 

Key points in how to write a speech format include having a clear introduction, a well-organized body with main points, and a strong conclusion. This format helps in delivering a coherent and effective speech.

12. How to write a welcome speech for various events? 

How to write a welcome speech for various events involves greeting the audience, introducing the event’s purpose, and acknowledging any special guests. Tailor the speech to fit the nature of the event and keep it engaging.


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5 Tips to Write Speech Therapy Goals for IEPs

We’ve all been there. Blankly staring at a screen hoping that your speech therapy goals would write themselves, and the IEP would be complete. After the long process of an assessment, it feels like you’re at the summit only to find there’s another mountain to climb. 🏔

We’ve got you! Keep reading if you want tips on how to create smart goals!

How to Write SMART Goals to Help Your Students and Make your IEP Goals as Clear as Possible

This post will help guide you on a path to write SMART goals that really help your students. My goal is to help make your goal writing a little easier. The decision process is hard to nail down and something you learn on the job, but I’m hoping this guide will give you some good ideas!

Getting Started with Speech Therapy Goals

Let’s start at the beginning with a little review of what can prepare you for writing really solid speech therapy goals.

1. A complete assessment that included formal and informal testing 

2. Input from the student, teachers, staff members, and family members

3. Data from your sessions (if applicable)

4. Your student’s strengths and the foundation you’re going to build on

5. An understanding of your student’s challenges and where they are struggling in the school environment

If you’re an SLP Now member, you have access to the paperwork binder that includes assessment, treatment plan ideas, and factors to consider that can help shape your speech therapy goals. There are also lots of quick informal assessments to use for baseline and probe data! 

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

We all know our speech therapy goals need to be SMART, but how do you get from your assessment results to goal areas to target? We’ll go through a couple of different treatment areas to cover our bases.

S – Specific : Is your goal specific? Did you talk about the setting? Are you putting too many things in one goal?

M – Measurable : Can you measure this goal with data? Consider a rubric for some of those harder-to-measure speech therapy goals.

A – Attainable : Is this goal attainable in a year for this particular student? Goals are individual, make sure it’s feasible for this student.

R – Realistic: Is this goal something that will generalize to the classroom/school environment and help the student succeed at school? Have you considered the whole EBP triangle with research, clinical judgment, and information from the student and their family?

T- Timely: Can the student achieve the speech therapy goal in the amount of service time you are recommending for the IEP?

Start with our Speech Therapy IEP Goal Bank

If you’re wondering where you should start, the SLP Now Goal Bank is full of speech therapy goal ideas that can help you create individualized speech therapy goals based on your students’ speech and language strengths and needs.

The goal bank includes AAC goals, fluency goals, social language goals, receptive language goals, expressive language goals, articulation goals, and more! Definitely head to the SLP Now Goal Bank to brainstorm IEP goals and objectives for your speech therapy IEP goals.

Tips for Speech Therapy Goals

1. goals must be educationally relevant in the school setting..

Goals do not have to be based on developmental norms. To be aligned with IDEA, you have to find out the educational impact of the child’s speech errors and select your goals after that process (Ireland & Conrad, 2016).

Perry Flynn

2 . Look for patterns.

Do you see articulation errors, phonological patterns, apraxia, inconsistent speech disorder? If your student is bilingual, don’t forget to cross-check the student’s native language!

3. Select a treatment plan.

Sometimes it’s easier to select your treatment plan before you write your goals. That way your goals and treatment plan are nicely aligned. I’m a big fan of the complexity approach!

tips to write speech

4. Keep phonological awareness in mind.

Make sure you think about phonological awareness skills as well, especially if the student is writing their error the way they say it. Students with speech sound errors are more likely to have difficulty reading and writing (Cabbage et. al., 2018).

5. Vary your target selection and individualize.

M ap out the student’s pattern of errors on a place, manner, voice chart. Make sure that your targets are varied. You might pick one marked sound, one early developing sound, one sound that is relevant to the child’s life, and one sound that is frequently occurring. Choosing targets from different classes is also a good way to make sure you have well-rounded goals.

6. For childhood apraxia of speech.

We love Edyth Strand as a resource.  Treatment for childhood apraxia of speech focuses on movement, not specific sounds. Goals should allow for use of an EBP based treatment plan like (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing) DTTC (Strand, 2020). A goal for syllable shapes (e.g., CV, CVC, CVCV) is  one example of a goal that is appropriate for apraxia. Don’t forget to consider AAC!

Whew! That was a lot. Thanks for hanging in there. Check out these related posts on speech sound disorder treatment if that’s your next step in the process!

– A Review of Articulation Approaches – Tips for Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech – Where to Start with Phonological Awareness – How to Implement the Complexity Approac – How to Implement the Cylces Approach – Target Selection Considerations for Speech Sound Disorder Intervention in Schools

Tips for Language Goals for Speech Therapy IEPs

Zeroing in on your student’s strengths and challenges can really narrow down where to go with language goals. Look for patterns and what the ROOT of the challenge is. In order to be educationally relevant, your goals need to target skills that will help the child’s ability to access curriculum and participate in the school environment. If your goals aren’t generalizing outside of the speech room, we’ve got some ideas to help! 

Make sure to take baseline/probe data in order to be in the student’s sweet spot for learning. Including visuals and varying your prompting can also give you clues about a student’s learning potential. A goal that is either too hard or too easy will not lead to the optimal amount of progress for a student.

1. Work on executive functioning.  

Consult with other IEP team members (like the psychologist and special education teacher). Talk about executive functioning challenges you both see. You want to be working on strategies that will generalize into the classroom (Kamhi 2014). For example: Work on using describing words to talk about new concepts instead of memorizing a set of new words, or work on embedded narrative skills like story grammar rather than working on sequencing separately. Working on these types of skills will help executive functioning skills like working memory and planning. It is within your scope of practice to work on executive functioning in the school setting (Ward & Jacobsen, 2014), you probably do already!

2. Consider s ocial-emotional needs.  

Consider any factors related to social-emotional aspects (Kirch et. al., 2020).

Are they able to get their daily needs met? Can they talk about how they are feeling? Can they tell a peer a story or joke?

If this is a need, it needs to be a goal.

3. Consider the Common Core.

Look through Common Core State Standards and find where your student isn’t able to participate in the classroom or access academics. I usually start by looking at the speaking and listening and language sections. What sticks out as an area to target? 

– Vocabulary – Grammar – Language skills like narratives – Functional Communication

4. Build on student’s strengths.  

Focus on what they were able to do and what the next attainable steps are. (Example: they can describe different things that happened in a story but can’t sequence them correctly in their working memory, so you target story grammar to improve working memory and their ability to tell a story. This helps with both academics and with their social relationships).

5. Consider the e ducational impact.

Prioritize what will help your students succeed academically and participate in the school environment. This puts you in the right mindset to pick their goals as well. Collaboration is always encouraged. I check in with teachers to make sure that the goals make sense for their classroom and would help them. Make sure there is educational impact in order to justify services!

6. Provide additional speech therapy supports.

Do they need other supports for sensory processing during the session and/or are they a gestalt language processor? This may affect the amount of trials, visuals, prompts/cues, the environment, et cetera as you’re formulating your goals.

Tips for Fluency Goals

For fluency and social goals, a great mindset to have is to think of the social model of disability. We aren’t trying to change the person, we’re thinking of ways to support the student and change the environment in order for them to succeed.

I am absolving you from the idea that you have to get gets fluent.

Yes, you read that right! Check out this post by Nina Reeves about why we shouldn’t be writing goals for a percentage of fluency. She links to a handout about writing goals for fluency. 

First and foremost, we are going to consider the student and what their communication goals are. We want to focus on creating an environment through education/training and levels of support that encourage the student to be confident and comfortable speaking.

Areas to Target

1. Change the environment. – Education about stuttering (journals)

2. Support the student. – Thoughts and feelings about stuttering (including acceptance) – Demonstrate fluency strategies – Demonstrate awareness of dysfluencies – Self-advocacy (e.g., decrease avoidance)

Tips for Social Language Goals

Goals for social language/pragmatics are going through quite the shift lately. In following the social model of disability, our thinking has to shift to what WE can change to accommodate the student, not what they can change about themselves. Research points to masking (an autistic person having to change who they are to blend into a neurotypical world) as being very detrimental to their mental health (Beck et. al., 2020). So what can we do about it? Listening to autistic voices is one way of making sure that you are targeting goals that are supporting the student’s environment and their needs, rather than forcing them to mask.

Check out this website made by an autistic SLP/SLT in the UK!

Goals should not be compliance-based.

Goals should support the needs of the student.

Goals should not support masking, unless requested by the student!

Example Goal Areas

1. Student Supports Support for gestalt language processing AAC/any form of communication student is comfortable with Self-advocacy (e.g., for sensory breaks) Self-regulation skills (e.g., recognizing when they need a break) Daily living skills (e.g., job training) Recognizing emotions in themselves and others

2. Supporting the Student in Interactions Problem-solving Self-advocacy (e.g.,  tell the teacher they are listening so they don’t have to make eye contact)

When working on these goals, push-in lessons are ideal to talk to both neurotypical and neurodiverse students. It’s a great way to promote understanding and to talk about the double empathy problem (Mitchell et. al., 2021). Neurodiverse students don’t have difficulty communicating with each other, but neurotypical and neurodiverse relationships can have difficulty understanding each other.

Being present in the classroom is also a great way to know what supports the student needs in that setting and an easy way to model it for classroom teachers. 

3. Supporting the Student Academically Figurative Language Narrative Language Story Grammar Perspectives in books (e.g., character’s perspectives)

Adjust the Setting and Supports

After your goals are set, you can adjust the setting and any types of supports either with the goal (visuals and prompts) or in the school setting with accommodations/supports sections of the IEP. You’ll also make final adjustments to your service delivery model and service minute recommendations. 

I hope this post has given you some confidence to justify your goal areas as treatment targets. It takes a lot of time and practice to go from assessment to goals easily. I still call my SLP friends to bounce ideas off of (following FERPA guidelines, of course!).

Give yourself the space to learn and grow.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Speech sound disorders: Articulation and phonology . https://www.asha.org/practice-portal/clinical-topics/articulation-and-phonology/#collapse_6 .

Barlow, J. A., & Gierut, J. A. (2002). Minimal pair approaches to phonological remediation. Seminars in Speech and Language , 23 (1), 57–68.

Beck, J. S., Lundwall, R. A., Gabrielsen, T., Cox, J. C., & South, M. (2020). Looking good but feeling bad: “Camouflaging” behaviors and mental health in women with autistic traits. Autism , 24 (4), 809–821.

Beukelman, D. & Mirenda, P. (2013). Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children & Adults with Complex Communication Needs 4th Edition . Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.

Cabbage, K. L., Farquharson, K., Iuzzini, -Seigel Jenya, Zuk, J., & Hogan, T. P. (2018). Exploring the Overlap Between Dyslexia and Speech Sound Production Deficits. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 49 (4), 774–786.

Crosbie, S., Holm, A., & Dodd, B. (2005). Intervention for children with severe speech disorder: A comparison of two approaches. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders , 40 (4), 467–491.

DeVeney, S. L., Cabbage, K., & Mourey, T. (2020). Target Selection Considerations for Speech Sound Disorder Intervention in Schools. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups , 5 (6), 1722–1734.

Dodd, B., Crosbie, S., Mcintosh, B., Holm, A., Harvey, C., Liddy, M., Fontyne, K., Pinchin, B., & Rigby, H. (2008). The impact of selecting different contrasts in phonological therapy. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 10 , 334–345.

Dodd, B., Holm, A., Crosbie, S., & McIntosh, B. (2006). A core vocabulary approach for management of inconsistent speech disorder. Advances in Speech-Language Pathology , 8 (3), 220–230.

Gierut, J. A. (1989). Maximal Opposition Approach to Phonological Treatment. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , 54 (1), 9–19.

Hodson, B. W. (2018, March 12). Enhancing Phonological Patterns of Young Children With Highly Unintelligible Speech (world) [Review-article]. The ASHA Leader; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Julien, H. M., Finestack, L. H., & Reichle, J. (2019). Requests for Communication Repair Produced by Typically Developing Preschool-Age Children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 62 (6), 1823–1838.

Justice, L. M., & Fey, M. E. (2018, December 31). Evidence-Based Practice in Schools (world) [Review-article]. The ASHA Leader; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Kamhi, A. G. (2014). Improving Clinical Practices for Children With Language and Learning Disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 45 (2), 92–103.

Kerch, C. J., Donovan, C. A., Ernest, J. M., Strichik, T., & Winchester, J. (2020). An Exploration of Language and Social-Emotional Development of Children with and without Disabilities in a Statewide Pre-Kindergarten Program. Education and Treatment of Children , 43 (1), 7–19.

Levy, E. S. (2014). Implementing two treatment approaches to childhood dysarthria. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 16 (4), 344–354.

Maas, E., Robin, D. A., Austermann, H. S. N., Freedman, S. E., Wulf, G., Ballard, K. J., & Schmidt, R. A. (2008). Principles of Motor Learning in Treatment of Motor Speech Disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 17 (3), 277–298.

McLeod, S., & Crowe, K. (2018). Children’s Consonant Acquisition in 27 Languages: A Cross-Linguistic Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 27 (4), 1546–1571.

Miccio, A. W., & Elbert, M. (1996). Enhancing stimulability: A treatment program. Journal of Communication Disorders , 29 (4), 335–351.

Mitchell, P., Sheppard, E., & Cassidy, S. (2021). Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health. British Journal of Developmental Psychology , 39 (1), 1–18.

Smith, A. L., & Hustad, K. C. (2015). AAC and Early Intervention for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Parent Perceptions and Child Risk Factors. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985) , 31 (4), 336–350.


Hi there! I'm Marisha. I am a school-based SLP who is all about working smarter, not harder. I created the SLP Now Membership and love sharing tips and tricks to help you save time so you can focus on what matters most--your students AND yourself.

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Understanding GCSE Speech Requirements

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Overview of GCSE Speech Component Speeches are vital to the GCSE English curriculum for developing communication skills. They test your ability to present information clearly and engage your audience. In addition to enhancing your public speaking skills, a speech part influences your overall grade. Good GCSE speech topics allow students to express their knowledge of a chosen subject.

Assessment Criteria The GCSE speech is assessed based on several critical criteria. It should start with a clear introduction, followed by main points, and end with a firm conclusion. Students should deliver their speeches, maintaining an appropriate pace and using body language effectively. If you face challenges with your speech writing or delivery, there's high-quality writing assistance available. Use a custom writing website with qualified authors to better prepare for the GCSE exam. They will help you improve your speech and ensure it meets the requirements.

Importance of Topic Selection The choice of your theme directly impacts your performance. If you select an engaging and informative topic, delivering and keeping your audience concentrated will be easier. A dull and overcomplicated speech theme will make people feel bored and confused. Instead, it should interest you and your listeners.

Selecting the Right Topics for GCSE English Speech

Choosing from a range of possible GCSE speech topics can be difficult, but it is vital to get it right because it sets the tone of the entire presentation. After all, if you aren't interested in your theme, how can you engage your audience? The following tips will help you with your choice:

  • Pick something you're passionate about: If it matters to you, it will more likely keep the audience interested.
  • Consider your audience: Choose a topic that will interest your classmates and teachers, something they can relate to.
  • Keep it manageable: A theme should be easy to explore so you won't rush through much information.
  • Look for current issues: People will listen to GCSE speaking exam topics that align with modern trends.
  • Check the criteria: Once you have an idea, ensure it doesn't contradict your teacher's or exam board's requirements.

How to Choose the Right GCSE Speech Topic

A topic that follows these guidelines will help your speech meet academic requirements and engage and inform your listeners. Expert UK essay authors can offer valuable support if you can't decide what topic will make your presentation successful. Their tailored guidance will help you develop a well-crafted speech.

List of Best Topics for GCSE Speech

Finding the perfect GCSE topic is critical to delivering an engaging presentation. Here, you can find a list of exciting and relevant ideas that will help you grab your audience's attention and meet the assignment's guidelines. These GCSE English-speaking exam topics can encourage discussion and spark thought.

GCSE Presentation Ideas

Selecting the perfect topic for your presentation will give you confidence and make people eager to listen. These 10 GCSE presentation ideas cover various interests:

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • How technology is changing education
  • The importance of environmental conservation
  • The rise of artificial intelligence
  • The power of music in shaping culture
  • Why exercise is essential for mental well-being
  • The future of space exploration
  • Should homework be abolished in schools?
  • The effects of climate change on wildlife
  • The role of art in society

GCSE Speaking and Listening Topics

GCSE English speaking and listening topic ideas should inspire critical thinking. Explore ten themes to get you started:

  • Should social media platforms be more regulated?
  • The influence of fast fashion on the environment
  • How video games affect young people's development
  • The importance of learning a second language
  • Why reading books still matters in the digital age
  • The benefits of volunteering in the community
  • Should voting be mandatory?
  • The ethics of animal testing
  • How sports can bring people together
  • The importance of free speech in a democratic society

Persuasive Speech Topics for GCSE

When crafting a persuasive speech, you need a topic to spark interest and convince your audience. Here are ten potential persuasive GCSE speech ideas:

  • Why students should have shorter school days
  • The benefits of adopting a vegetarian diet
  • Why everyone should have access to free healthcare
  • Should social media influencers be held to ethical standards?
  • Why schools should focus more on life skills than academic subjects
  • The advantages of recycling and reducing waste
  • Should uniforms be required in all schools?
  • The necessity of mental health education in schools
  • Why everyone should donate blood regularly
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

Some students may need support with persuasive speech themes, especially when crafting a compelling argument. If you are wondering, "Who can write my speech for the GCSE exam?", know that professional writing services can be highly beneficial. Expert writers will help you create a persuasive and impactful speech that resonates with your audience.

Funny GCSE Speech Topic Ideas

Humour can be a great way to connect with your audience. These ten funny GCSE English speech topics will entertain listeners and simultaneously provide helpful information:

  • The struggle of waking up early for school
  • Why dogs are better than cats (or vice versa)
  • The art of procrastination
  • Why pizza is the ultimate food
  • How to survive a zombie apocalypse
  • Why online shopping is more dangerous than you think
  • The unexpected benefits of being lazy
  • Why you should never trust autocorrect
  • The weirdest trends in fashion history
  • How to become an overnight TikTok star

Interesting Topics for GCSE Speech

Choose a topic that sparks curiosity if you want to captivate your audience. Get inspiration from these ten exciting topics for GCSE speech:

  • The history and future of virtual reality
  • How the internet has changed human interaction
  • The mystery of black holes and space phenomena
  • The psychology behind decision-making
  • How memes shape modern culture
  • The evolution of smartphones and their impact on society
  • The hidden benefits of failure
  • How pandemics have shaped human history
  • The science behind food cravings
  • The power of introverts in a noisy world

Trending Ideas for GCSE Speech

Keeping up with current trends can make your speech relevant and up-to-date. Let's explore trending English GCSE speech ideas:

  • The rise of cryptocurrency and its impact on the economy
  • The effects of cancel culture on society
  • How Influencers are shaping consumer behaviour
  • The rise of plant-based diets and veganism
  • The environmental impact of electric cars
  • The debate over privacy and data security
  • How virtual learning has changed education
  • The ethics of genetic engineering
  • The role of technology in fighting climate change
  • The future of work in a post-pandemic world

Expert Advice on How to Perform Well in the GCSE Exam

Preparing for your exams and coming up with GCSE English speech ideas can feel overwhelming, but you can set yourself up for success with the right approach. Follow these expert tips to stay focused, retain information, and manage your time effectively.

  • Prepare a realistic study plan: Divide the topic into segments and set small daily targets.
  • Practice past papers: Get used to the format and what they tend to ask about by practising on previous years' papers.
  • Take regular breaks: Studying in short, focused sessions with breaks helps improve retention and prevent burnout.
  • Keep organised: Maintain all your study materials in one place and ensure the notes you make are easy to revise.
  • Focus on weak areas: Spend more time practising the most challenging topics to improve performance.

Many learners may need help with presentation topics or effectively organising their content before the exam. Perform excellently with top presentation ideas for students prepared by professionals. With the proper support, you'll feel more confident to deliver an outstanding presentation.

Final Thoughts

You can better prepare for your GCSE exams with a structured study plan, revising past papers, and concentrating on your weak points. Students should take breaks and stay organised to keep their minds sharp and limit stress. Perform well on exam day by making consistent efforts and using innovative strategies.

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tips to write speech

10 Heartfelt Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Father of the bride.

October 8, 2024

father of the bride speech examples

  • Founder of Bridesmaid for Hire
  • Creator of the #1 Speech & Vow Writing Tools
  • Author of Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire)
  • Creator of 1-800-Bridesmaid

Hi! I'm Jen Glantz

Hi, Friend!   Jen Glantz here. I’m a bestselling author, the first ever bridesmaid for hire and have written over 1000 father of the bride speeches for people all around the world! Let’s dive into some father of the bride speech  examples to get you inspired for your own!

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on delivering a memorable father of the bride speech. Whether you’re aiming for something traditional, humorous, or deeply emotional, this guide will walk you through the process, offering 25 examples to inspire your own words.

Use these resources:  Our #1 Father of the Bride Speech Generator l  How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech

Table of Contents

  • Father of the bride speeches should balance emotion, humor, and personal anecdotes
  • Choose a speech style that fits your personality and the wedding atmosphere
  • Practice your speech multiple times to improve delivery and manage emotions
  • Include personal stories and memories to make your speech unique and heartfelt
  • Consider seeking professional help if you’re struggling with writing or delivering your speech

Understanding Father of the Bride Speech

A father of the bride speech is more than just a set of words; it’s a heartfelt expression of love, pride, and joy. The key is to create an emotional connection with your audience. This starts with identifying significant moments in your relationship with your daughter and using descriptive language to convey how these experiences have shaped your bond. Sharing personal stories can evoke universal themes that resonate with everyone present.

Balancing humor and sentimentality is another important aspect. You want to inject laughter into your speech without overshadowing the heartfelt moments. Knowing when to crack a joke and when to switch to a more sincere tone can make all the difference. Consider including self-deprecating humor—it’s a great way to endear yourself to the audience without taking away from the day’s significance.

father of the bride speech examples

As you craft your speech, aim for a length of about 5-7 minutes. Start with a strong opening to grab attention, organize your main points logically, and conclude with a memorable ending. This structure helps maintain the flow of ideas and emotions, ensuring you leave a lasting impression.

Cultural and Family Sensitivities

When planning your speech, keep cultural and family dynamics in mind. Respecting traditions and being inclusive of both families is crucial. Research any cultural elements that might be relevant and consider incorporating them into your speech if appropriate. Avoid inside jokes or topics that might be controversial, as these could alienate some guests.

Personal Anecdotes and Memories

Personal anecdotes are the heart and soul of your speech. They highlight your daughter’s character and the unique relationship you share. Choose stories that capture her essence and connect past experiences to the present moment. A balance of amusing and touching stories will keep the audience engaged and add depth to your words.

Types of Father of the Bride Speeches

Father of the bride speeches come in various styles, each offering a different way to express your emotions on your daughter’s special day. Whether you lean towards traditional sentiments, humor, or a narrative-driven approach, there’s a style that will suit both your personality and the wedding’s tone.

Traditional and Heartfelt Speeches

Traditional speeches are all about expressing love, pride, and well-wishes. They often reflect on the journey of watching your daughter grow and your hopes for her future. These speeches are structured with a clear beginning, middle, and end, incorporating timeless themes like family and personal growth.

Humorous and Light-hearted Speeches

Humor can be a powerful tool in a father of the bride speech. Light-hearted speeches entertain while still conveying love and support. Craft jokes that are suitable for all ages and cultures, and balance them with sincere moments. The aim is to bring smiles and laughter without causing embarrassment.

Narrative-driven Speeches

Narrative-driven speeches tell a story, often chronicling the father-daughter relationship or the bride’s life. These speeches can be highly engaging, offering a natural flow of emotions and memories. Selecting a central theme or story arc helps maintain interest and allows for a seamless connection to the present moment.

bride and father

Advice-focused Speeches

Advice-focused speeches offer wisdom and guidance to the newlyweds, drawing from your own life experiences. They balance personal insights with universal truths, providing practical tips for a happy marriage. Avoid sounding preachy by mixing heartfelt wishes with your advice.

Poetic and Literary Speeches

For those inclined towards the artistic, poetic and literary speeches incorporate poetry, quotes, or lyrical language. This style adds a creative dimension to your expression of emotions. Practice your delivery to ensure it sounds natural and resonates with the audience.

10 Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Writing the Father of the Bride Speech

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Humorous

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and anyone who’s here just for the free food – welcome! I’m [Your Name], the father of the bride, and I’ve been given the daunting task of delivering a speech without embarrassing my daughter too much. Challenge accepted!

First, I’d like to thank you all for coming to witness this joyous occasion – the day I officially hand over my credit card to someone else. [Groom’s Name], you have no idea what you’re in for, buddy.

I remember the day [Bride’s Name] was born like it was yesterday. She came into this world screaming and demanding attention – not much has changed since then, has it, sweetheart? Just kidding! But seriously, watching her grow from a precocious little girl who insisted on wearing her tutu to school every day, to the beautiful, accomplished woman standing before us today has been the greatest adventure of my life.

[Groom’s Name], when you first started dating my daughter, I have to admit, I was skeptical. I mean, anyone who willingly chooses to spend that much time with [Bride’s Name] must be a little crazy, right? But over time, I’ve come to realize that you’re not crazy – you’re perfect for each other. You balance out her impulsive nature with your calm demeanor, and you laugh at her jokes even when they’re not funny – which is often.

To the happy couple, I offer this sage advice: Marriage is a lot like a garden. It requires patience, care, and occasional weeding. Sometimes you’ll need to get your hands dirty, and other times you’ll just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. And if all else fails, hire a professional – I hear marriage counselors are great gardeners.

In all seriousness, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], seeing you two together fills my heart with joy. Your love for each other is evident in the way you look at one another, the way you support each other’s dreams, and the way you both pretend to enjoy my dad jokes. I couldn’t be prouder of the woman you’ve become, [Bride’s Name], and I couldn’t be happier to welcome you to our family, [Groom’s Name].

So, let’s raise our glasses to the newlyweds! May your love continue to grow, may your arguments be few and far between, and may you always remember that no matter what happens, it’s probably the husband’s fault. Cheers!

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Father of the Bride Speech Example: Sentimental

Dearest friends and family, as I stand here today, my heart is overflowing with emotion. I am [Your Name], the proud father of the radiant bride, [Bride’s Name]. Today marks a milestone in our lives, a day I’ve both dreaded and looked forward to since the moment I first held my little girl in my arms.

[Bride’s Name], from the instant you came into this world, you brought a light into our lives that has never dimmed. I remember your first steps, your first words, and the first time you looked up at me and said, “I love you, Daddy.” Each of these moments is etched in my memory, precious beyond measure.

As I watched you grow, I marveled at your kindness, your determination, and your infectious laughter. You’ve faced challenges with grace and celebrated victories with humility. Your mother and I have always been proud of you, but never more so than today as we witness you embark on this new chapter of your life.

[Groom’s Name], I want to thank you for the love and happiness you’ve brought into my daughter’s life. From the moment I saw how [Bride’s Name]’s eyes lit up when she spoke about you, I knew you were special. You’ve proven to be a man of integrity, compassion, and strength – all the qualities I could hope for in a son-in-law.

To see you two together is to witness true love in action. The way you support each other, laugh together, and face life’s challenges as a team gives me confidence that you’ll build a beautiful life together. Your love reminds me of the love I share with [Bride’s Name]’s mother – a love that has only grown stronger with each passing year.

[Bride’s Name], as you start this new journey, know that your mother and I will always be here for you. Our role may be changing, but our love for you remains constant. We may no longer be your primary caretakers, but we’ll always be your biggest cheerleaders.

To the newlyweds, I offer this advice: cherish each other, be patient with one another, and never forget the love that brought you to this day. Marriage is a beautiful adventure, filled with highs and lows, laughter and tears. Embrace it all, for it’s in these shared experiences that your bond will grow ever stronger.

As I look at you both now, my eyes fill with tears of joy. [Bride’s Name], you will always be my little girl, but today, I’m honored to share you with [Groom’s Name] and his family. May your love continue to blossom, and may your life together be filled with endless happiness.

Please join me in raising a glass to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your love story be one for the ages, filled with adventure, growth, and unwavering devotion. To the bride and groom!

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Inspirational

Distinguished guests, beloved family and friends, I stand before you today not just as [Your Name], the father of the bride, but as a witness to the power of love and the promise of new beginnings. Today, we celebrate the union of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], two extraordinary individuals who have found in each other a love worth building a life upon.

[Bride’s Name], my darling daughter, from the day you were born, I knew you were destined for greatness. Your spirit, your determination, and your capacity for love have always set you apart. You’ve faced life’s challenges with courage and grace, turning obstacles into stepping stones on your path to becoming the remarkable woman you are today. Your journey has been an inspiration to all who know you, and I couldn’t be prouder of the person you’ve become.

[Groom’s Name], when you came into [Bride’s Name]’s life, I saw a change in her. She glowed with a happiness I had never seen before. You brought out the best in her, encouraging her dreams and standing by her side through thick and thin. Your kindness, your integrity, and your unwavering support for my daughter have shown me that you are not just the man she loves, but the partner she deserves.

To the both of you, your love story is a testament to the beauty of human connection. In a world that can often seem chaotic and unpredictable, you’ve found in each other a sanctuary of peace, understanding, and mutual respect. Your relationship serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the transformative power of love.

As you embark on this new chapter of your lives, remember that marriage is not just a celebration of love, but a commitment to growth – both as individuals and as a couple. Embrace the challenges that come your way, for they are opportunities to strengthen your bond. Cherish the joys, big and small, for they are the threads that weave the tapestry of your shared life.

Let your love be a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around you. In your actions and in your words, show the world what true partnership looks like. Support each other’s dreams, celebrate each other’s successes, and be each other’s comfort in times of struggle. Remember that the strongest marriages are built on friendship, respect, and a shared vision for the future.

To all gathered here today, I ask you to not just witness this union, but to support it. [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], you are surrounded by a community of love – family and friends who believe in you and the life you’re building together. Draw strength from this support, and know that you’re never alone on this journey.

As I look at you both, I’m filled with hope for the future. Your love has the power to make this world a better place, one act of kindness, one moment of understanding at a time. May you always find joy in each other’s company, strength in each other’s embrace, and peace in the home you create together.

Let us raise our glasses to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your love continue to inspire and uplift, may your partnership be a source of strength and comfort, and may your life together be filled with endless possibilities. To love, to partnership, and to the beautiful future that awaits you both. Congratulations!

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Nostalgic

My dear friends and family, as I stand here today, I find myself transported back in time. I am [Your Name], father of the beautiful bride, [Bride’s Name], and my mind is awash with memories of days gone by. It seems like only yesterday that I was holding a tiny bundle in my arms, marveling at the perfect little fingers and toes of my newborn daughter.

Time, as they say, flies when you’re having fun, and oh, what a joyous journey it has been. I remember [Bride’s Name]’s first day of school, her tiny hand in mine as we walked to the classroom. I can still hear the echoes of her laughter as we played in the backyard, building sandcastles and chasing butterflies. The pride I felt when she learned to ride a bike, the tears I fought back as she went on her first date – each memory is a precious gem in the treasure chest of my heart.

[Bride’s Name], my darling girl, you’ve grown from that curious little child into a woman of grace, intelligence, and compassion. I’ve watched you navigate the ups and downs of life with a strength that never fails to amaze me. Your determination to follow your dreams, your kindness towards others, and your ability to find joy in the simplest things – these qualities have shaped you into the incredible person you are today.

And now, here we are, on your wedding day. As I look at you in your beautiful white dress, I can’t help but see flashes of the little girl in her favorite princess costume, twirling around the living room. But alongside those memories, I see the strong, independent woman you’ve become, ready to start a new chapter of your life.

[Groom’s Name], I remember the day [Bride’s Name] first told us about you. Her eyes sparkled in a way I’d never seen before, and I knew then that you were someone special. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of watching your relationship blossom. The way you look at my daughter, the way you support her dreams and stand by her side – it reminds me of the love I share with her mother.

To both of you, as you embark on this new journey together, I want you to know how proud I am. [Bride’s Name], you will always be my little girl, but I couldn’t be happier to share you with [Groom’s Name]. And [Groom’s Name], today you become more than just my son-in-law – you become my son.

Marriage is a beautiful adventure, filled with moments that will become the nostalgia of your future. Cherish every moment, from the grand adventures to the quiet evenings at home. Create your own traditions, build your own memories, and never forget the love that brought you to this day.

As I look around this room, I see faces of those who have been part of [Bride’s Name]’s journey – family, friends, mentors. Each of you has played a role in shaping the woman she is today, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love story be one for the ages. May you build a life filled with laughter, adventure, and countless beautiful memories. And in the years to come, may you look back on this day with the same warmth and nostalgia that I feel as I remember the precious moments of [Bride’s Name]’s childhood.

Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. To a lifetime of love, laughter, and cherished memories. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]!

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Philosophical

Esteemed guests, family, and friends, we gather here today not just to witness a union, but to contemplate the very essence of love and companionship. I am [Your Name], father of the bride, and I stand before you with a heart full of reflection on the nature of human connection and the profound journey that is marriage.

Love, in its purest form, is a force that has puzzled philosophers and poets for millennia. It is at once simple and complex, fragile and unbreakable. Today, we see this force embodied in the bond between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Their journey together is a testament to the transformative power of love – a power that can bridge differences, heal wounds, and illuminate the darkest corners of our existence.

[Bride’s Name], my daughter, from the moment you came into this world, you have been a source of wonder and contemplation for me. I’ve watched you grow, not just in years, but in wisdom and understanding. Your journey has been one of self-discovery, of learning to balance the rational with the emotional, the practical with the idealistic. In you, I see the embodiment of Aristotle’s virtue ethics – a constant striving for excellence in character and action.

And [Groom’s Name], in you I see a kindred spirit to my daughter. Your approach to life, your thoughtfulness, and your unwavering commitment to growth resonate with the Stoic philosophy of focusing on what one can control and accepting with grace that which one cannot. Together, you form a harmonious whole, each complementing and elevating the other.

Marriage, in its essence, is a bold philosophical statement. It is a declaration that in a universe often characterized by chaos and impermanence, two individuals choose to create order and constancy through their commitment to each other. It is an affirmation that the sum of two lives joined in love is greater than its parts.

As you embark on this journey together, I urge you to approach your marriage with the curiosity of Socrates, always questioning, always seeking to understand more deeply. Let your love be like Plato’s concept of Forms – an ideal that you constantly strive towards, even if perfection remains ever elusive.

Remember that your union is not just a private affair, but part of the larger tapestry of human experience. In your love, we see reflected the hopes and dreams of generations past and future. You carry with you the wisdom of those who came before and the promise of those yet to come.

To our gathered friends and family, I ask you to consider your role in this union. For just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community to nurture a marriage. Let us all be pillars of support for [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], offering wisdom when sought, comfort when needed, and celebration in times of joy.

In closing, I am reminded of the words of Khalil Gibran: “Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.” May your love be both a safe harbor and a grand adventure. May it be a source of strength in times of trouble and a wellspring of joy in times of peace.

To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your union be a living philosophy – one of love, growth, and endless discovery. May you find in each other not just a partner, but a companion in the great journey of life. Let us raise our glasses to the bride and groom, to love, and to the beautiful mystery of human connection. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speech

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Poetic

Dearest friends, family, and cherished guests, I stand before you today, my heart a symphony of emotions, my words a humble attempt to capture the ineffable beauty of this moment. I am [Your Name], father of the radiant bride, [Bride’s Name], and I invite you to join me on a poetic journey through love, time, and the miracle of two hearts entwined.

In the garden of life, where dreams take root and hopes bloom, A flower named [Bride’s Name] grew, dispelling all gloom. With petals of kindness and a stem strong and true, She blossomed each day, bathed in morning’s dew.

I watched her unfurl, this delicate rose, Facing sun and storm, as every father knows. Her laughter, a melody; her smile, pure light, Illuminating our world, making everything bright.

Then one day, as if written in the stars above, [Groom’s Name] appeared, embodying true love. A gentle gardener, with hands both strong and kind, In [Bride’s Name], his perfect bloom he did find.

Together they’ve grown, intertwining with grace, Two vines reaching skyward, in loving embrace. Their roots deep and strong, their bond ever sure, A love like theirs is precious and pure.

[Bride’s Name], my daughter, a verse in life’s grand poem, Your journey with [Groom’s Name] is a beautiful proem. To chapters unwritten, adventures untold, A story of love that will never grow old.

And [Groom’s Name], dear son, for that’s what you’ve become, In you, the rhythm to [Bride’s Name]’s lifelong hum. Your hearts beat as one, in perfect rhyme, A sonnet of love, transcending all time.

Marriage, dear ones, is not just a single refrain, But a lifelong ballad of joy and of pain. Dance to its music with grace and with flair, For in each other, you’ll find solace rare.

To all gathered here, bearing witness today, To this union of souls in love’s sweet ballet, Let’s raise our glasses, our hearts full of cheer, To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], and the love we hold dear.

May your days be verses of passion and mirth, Your nights, soft stanzas of infinite worth. May your love story echo through the annals of time, A beautiful, eternal, and perfect rhyme.

To the bride and groom, to love’s sweet song, To a future bright, and a bond lifelong. In joy and in sorrow, in laughter and tears, We toast to your love, for all coming years.

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Storytelling

Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, I have a story to tell you. It’s a story of love, growth, and serendipity. I’m [Your Name], father of the bride, and this tale begins on a crisp autumn day 28 years ago when a little girl named [Bride’s Name] came into our world.

From the moment she could talk, [Bride’s Name] was a storyteller herself. She’d regale us with tales of imaginary friends and magical adventures. As she grew, so did her stories, evolving from fairy tales to dreams of the future. Little did we know that the greatest story of her life was yet to unfold.

Chapter one of this love story began on a rainy Tuesday afternoon in a crowded coffee shop. [Bride’s Name], rushing to escape the downpour, collided with a tall, handsome stranger. Coffee spilled, apologies were exchanged, and in that moment of chaos, a spark ignited. That stranger, as fate would have it, was [Groom’s Name].

What followed was a whirlwind romance that could rival any bestselling novel. Their second date was at a local carnival, where [Groom’s Name] won [Bride’s Name] a stuffed elephant – the very same elephant that now sits in their living room, a silent witness to their journey.

Their love story had its share of plot twists. There was the long-distance chapter when [Groom’s Name]’s job took him overseas for six months. But like all great protagonists, they emerged stronger, their bond unbreakable.

I remember the day [Bride’s Name] called us, her voice bubbling with excitement. [Groom’s Name] had proposed during a surprise picnic in the park where they had shared their first kiss. It was a moment straight out of a romance novel, complete with a hidden photographer to capture the magic.

And now, here we are at the beginning of a new chapter. As I look at [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] today, I see not just two individuals, but the co-authors of a beautiful, ongoing narrative. Their story is one of laughter, tears, growth, and above all, love.

To the newlyweds, remember that your wedding is not the happy ending, but the exciting beginning of a lifelong adventure. There will be chapters of joy and chapters of challenge. There will be plot twists you never saw coming and moments that take your breath away. Embrace them all, for they are the elements that make your story uniquely yours.

And to everyone here, thank you for being part of this story. You are all characters in the grand narrative of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]’s life, each of you adding color, depth, and meaning to their tale.

Let’s raise our glasses to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to the story of their past, the joy of their present, and the endless possibilities of their future. May your love story be one for the ages, filled with happiness, adventure, and a lifetime of happy ever afters. Cheers to the bride and groom!

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Traditional

Distinguished guests, beloved family and friends, it is with great honor and profound joy that I stand before you today. I am [Your Name], father of the bride, and I am deeply moved to welcome you all to this momentous occasion – the wedding of my daughter, [Bride’s Name], to [Groom’s Name].

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for joining us in celebrating this union. Your presence here today means the world to our families and to the happy couple. I would also like to thank [Groom’s Name]’s parents, [In-laws’ Names], for raising such a fine young man and for welcoming [Bride’s Name] into their family with open arms.

[Bride’s Name], my darling daughter, words cannot express the pride and love I feel as I look at you today. From the moment you were born, you have been a blessing to your mother and me. We have watched you grow from a bright-eyed little girl into the accomplished, beautiful woman you are today. Your kindness, intelligence, and strength of character have always made us proud, but never more so than on this day as you embark on this new chapter of your life.

[Groom’s Name], today you become not just my son-in-law, but my son. From the first time [Bride’s Name] introduced you to us, we knew you were special. Your integrity, your devotion to our daughter, and your kind heart have shown us that she has chosen well. We are truly blessed to welcome you into our family.

To the newlyweds, as you begin your journey together as husband and wife, I offer you this advice: cherish each other, support one another’s dreams, and never forget the love that has brought you to this day. Marriage is a sacred bond, one that requires nurturing, patience, and understanding. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may you find in each other a lifelong partner, confidant, and friend.

Remember that marriage is not just about the joyous moments, but also about standing together through life’s challenges. Lean on each other, communicate openly and honestly, and always approach each day with love and respect for one another.

To our guests, I ask that you continue to support [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] in their new life together. Your love, wisdom, and encouragement will be invaluable to them as they navigate the path ahead.

And now, I invite you all to join me in raising your glasses in a toast to the bride and groom. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love be modern enough to survive the times, but old-fashioned enough to last forever. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts be full of love, and your lives be blessed with happiness and prosperity.

Congratulations to the happy couple! Here’s to a lifetime of love, joy, and togetherness. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Heartfelt and Simple

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s dad, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to see all of you here today. This is a big day for our family, and having you all here to share it means the world to us.

[Bride’s Name], my little girl. It’s hard for me to find the right words to tell you how proud I am of you. From the day you were born, you’ve been the light of our lives. Your mom and I have watched you grow into this amazing woman, and every day, you make us prouder than we ever thought possible.

I remember when you were little, how you used to say you wanted to be a princess when you grew up. Well, you might not wear a crown, but to us, you’ve always been royalty. Your kindness, your smile, your way of lighting up a room – you’re the queen of our hearts.

And [Groom’s Name], what can I say? You’re the man who swept our princess off her feet. When [Bride’s Name] first told us about you, we could see the happiness in her eyes. That’s all any parent wants for their child, and you’ve given that to her. Thank you for loving our daughter and for being the wonderful person you are.

To both of you, as you start this new chapter of your lives, I want you to know that your mom and I are here for you, always. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it’s not always easy. There will be ups and downs, laughter and tears. But if you face everything together, hand in hand, there’s nothing you can’t overcome.

Remember to be kind to each other, to listen to each other, and to never go to bed angry. Make each other laugh, be each other’s best friend, and never forget why you fell in love in the first place.

[Bride’s Name], [Groom’s Name], seeing you two together fills my heart with joy. Your love for each other shines so bright, it lights up the whole room. I couldn’t be happier to welcome you to our family, [Groom’s Name], and to gain another son.

To everyone here, thank you again for being part of this special day. Your love and support mean everything to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], and to all of us.

So, let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] – may your love grow stronger every day, may your home be filled with laughter, and may you always find happiness in each other. We love you both. Congratulations!

Father of the Bride Speech Example: Wisdom-Sharing

Good evening, family, friends, and honored guests. I am [Your Name], father of the beautiful bride, [Bride’s Name]. As I stand here today, I am filled with a profound sense of joy, love, and yes, a little bit of that fatherly wisdom that I’ve been saving up for just this occasion.

[Bride’s Name], my darling daughter, from the moment you came into this world, you’ve been teaching me. You taught me that love can be instantaneous and all-consuming. You taught me that patience is not just a virtue, but a necessity. And you taught me that letting go is just another way of showing love. Today, as you embark on this new journey, it’s my turn to share some of the wisdom that life, and you, have taught me.

First, to both [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], remember that love is not just a feeling, but a choice you make every single day. Choose to love each other, especially on the days when it feels hardest. In the tapestry of life, love is the thread that holds everything together.

Second, never stop growing, both as individuals and as a couple. Life is a continuous journey of learning and evolving. Support each other’s dreams, challenge each other to be better, and celebrate each other’s successes as if they were your own.

Third, communicate, communicate, communicate. Words have the power to heal, to encourage, and to strengthen your bond. But remember, listening is just as important as speaking. Sometimes, the most profound conversations happen in comfortable silences.

Fourth, laughter is the best medicine, and the strongest glue for any relationship. Find humor in life’s little mishaps, create inside jokes that only the two of you understand, and never be afraid to be silly together.

Fifth, forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, but a testament to the strength of your love. We’re all human, we all make mistakes. Learn to forgive quickly and sincerely.

Sixth, never lose sight of the small things. Grand gestures are wonderful, but it’s the daily acts of kindness and consideration that truly nurture a relationship. A cup of coffee in bed, a loving note, a spontaneous hug – these are the building blocks of a happy marriage.

Seventh, maintain your individuality while growing together. You are two distinct people who have chosen to share one life. Respect each other’s space, interests, and uniqueness. Your differences are what make your relationship dynamic and exciting.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, always, always choose each other. At the end of each day, amidst life’s chaos and challenges, turn towards each other, not away. Your partnership is your anchor in the storm and your wings in clear skies.

[Groom’s Name], as you join our family today, know that you’re gaining not just a wife, but a whole team of cheerleaders. We welcome you with open arms and open hearts.

To our dear friends and family gathered here, thank you for being part of this celebration of love. Your presence and support mean the world to us.

And so, as we raise our glasses, let’s toast to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your love be as endless as the ocean, as steady as the mountains, and as bright as the stars. May you find in each other a best friend, a confidant, and a partner for all of life’s adventures. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. Congratulations!

Tips for Writing and Delivering the Perfect Speech

Crafting and delivering the perfect speech takes preparation and practice. Start by brainstorming memories, stories, and feelings. Create an outline to organize your thoughts before writing the full speech. This process ensures you cover all important points and maintain a logical flow.

Brainstorming and Outlining

Begin with brainstorming sessions, jotting down all the memories and feelings you want to include. This helps in forming a coherent outline. Identify key themes and messages to focus on, and balance different elements like humor, emotion, and advice.

Practicing and Refining

Practice your speech multiple times, refining it as needed. Recording yourself or practicing in front of a mirror can improve delivery and timing. Seek feedback from trusted friends or family members to make adjustments based on their input.

Managing Nerves and Emotions

Feeling nervous or emotional is natural. Techniques like deep breathing can help manage these feelings. Prepare for emotional moments and have water or tissues nearby if needed. Remember, your audience is supportive and on your side.

father and bride

Using Props or Visual Aids

Consider incorporating photos or meaningful objects into your speech. These add visual interest and emotional depth, serving as memory triggers and conversation starters. Practice with props to ensure smooth integration and balance with your spoken words.

Engaging with the Audience

Engage with your audience by making eye contact with your daughter, the groom, and other guests. Use inclusive language to make everyone feel part of the moment. Techniques like rhetorical questions or audience participation can enhance engagement.

Recap: Key Takeaways for a Memorable Father of the Bride Speech

Let’s recap the essential elements of crafting a memorable father of the bride speech. Choose a style that reflects your personality and relationship with your daughter. Balance humor, emotion, and heartfelt messages to engage your audience. Share personal anecdotes to make your speech unique, and practice your delivery to manage emotions and improve timing. Welcome the groom and acknowledge both families, and above all, let your love for your daughter shine through.

Final Thoughts: Crafting Your Unique Father of the Bride Speech

Creating the perfect father of the bride speech is a deeply personal journey. While examples and tips provide a solid foundation, the most important element is the genuine love and emotion you bring to your words. Emphasize authenticity, trust your instincts, and remember the significance of this moment. If you find yourself overwhelmed, consider seeking professional help, like Bridesmaid for Hire , which offers guidance on speech writing and delivery.

[This video provides additional tips and examples for delivering a great father of the bride speech, complementing the written content with visual demonstrations.]

Video Source: YouTube

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Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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How to Start a Wedding Speech

Are you nervous about giving a toast at an upcoming wedding? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves searching for the perfect words to honor the newlyweds on their special day. In this article, we’ll provide you with several wedding toast examples and tips to help you craft a memorable speech that will have everyone raising their glasses in celebration.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of a Wedding Toast

Before we dive into specific examples, let’s cover the essential elements of a great wedding toast:

  • Keep it brief (aim for 3-5 minutes)
  • Start with an introduction
  • Share a personal story or anecdote
  • Express your happiness for the couple
  • Offer well-wishes for their future
  • End with a call to raise glasses and toast

Now, let’s explore some wedding toast examples for different roles and relationships.

Best Man Speech Example

Maid of honor toast example, father of the bride speech example, tips for delivering a great wedding toast.

  • Practice, practice, practice : Rehearse your speech multiple times to feel more confident.
  • Speak from the heart : Authenticity resonates more than perfectly polished words.
  • Make eye contact : Connect with the couple and the audience as you speak.
  • Use humor wisely : Funny anecdotes are great, but avoid embarrassing stories or inside jokes.
  • Keep it clean : Remember, there may be children and grandparents present.
  • Avoid clichés : Try to make your toast unique and personal.
  • Don’t drink too much before speaking : A little liquid courage is fine, but stay clear-headed.

Giving a wedding toast is an honor and a responsibility. By following these examples and tips, you’ll be well-prepared to deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech that celebrates the newlyweds’ love. Remember, the most important thing is to speak from the heart and share your genuine happiness for the couple. Cheers to love and new beginnings!


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