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PhD programmes

As a PhD candidate at OsloMet, you can expect a high-quality research education in a supportive academic environment.

At OsloMet, you will be a full-fledged member of our research community and will join a supportive and diverse community of academics. We have a large and growing number of international doctoral candidates and are committed to attracting talented aspiring researchers from around the world.

Many alumni of our PhD programmes pursue careers in academia, while others go on to high-level careers in the public and private sector—both in Norway and around the world.

PhD candidates in Norway are not students, but employees. Research fellows who are employed by a Norwegian university can expect some of the best working conditions in the world. As you work toward your doctoral degree, you will enjoy a good salary and a host of benefits, including five weeks of paid holiday.

You can also pursue a PhD at OsloMet while working for a different employer, either in Norway or elsewhere in the world.

  • Pilestredet Campus, Oslo

All of our PhD positions are publicly advertised. You can view current available PhD positions in our job portal. 

  • Job openings

Interested in learning more?

You can find detailed information about our PhD programmes, including application procedures and how to apply for funding, on our employee website. 

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Upcoming public defences

  • Pilestredet Campus
  • Faculty of Social Sciences / Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science
  • PhD defences

Life in Oslo

People on their way to work in downtown Oslo. A red city bus and tall, modern buildings in the background.

Are you considering applying for a PhD or academic position at a Norwegian university? We asked the experts—our own international employees—for their advice on how to navigate the transition to working in Norway.

Snow covered lake with ski trails on a sunny winter day.

What defines quality of life in a city? Is it the availability of good restaurants, bars and entertainment options? Or is it easy access to unspoilt nature? In Oslo, you don’t have to choose between the two—we have plenty of both.

Woman diving into the Oslo Fjord with the opera house in the background.

The sun doesn't set until close to midnight, and even then it never really gets dark. You can spend the evening watching the light change at an outdoor café with friends, or go for a relaxing swim in the fjord alone. Oslo in the summer is a pretty magical place.

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Vacant positions at UiB

All available positions at the University of Bergen.

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We are currently experiencing some technical problems at You will find a complete overview of vacant positions at UiB on Jobbnorge's website , including administrative and technical positions. All applicants must use the online application form at

Researcher in Evolutionary Development & Physiology

Michael Sars Centre - Application deadline: Sunday, August 18, 2024

Research fellow in Political Science or Economics, Department of Government

Department of Government - Application deadline: Friday, August 23, 2024

PhD Research Fellow in applied and computational mathematics

Department of Mathematics - Application deadline: Monday, August 26, 2024

PhD Research Fellow in Organometallic and Homogeneous Catalysis

Department of Chemistry - Application deadline: Monday, August 26, 2024

PhD Research Fellow in Algorithms

Department of Informatics - Application deadline: Sunday, September 1, 2024

PhD Research Fellow in Experimental Particle Physics

Department of Physics and Technology - Application deadline: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Associate Professor in History of Art 

Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies - Application deadline: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Predoctoral Fellow

Department of Government - Application deadline: Monday, September 2, 2024

PhD Research Fellow in Geodynamics and Surface Processes.

Department of Earth Science - Application deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Research Fellow in high-resolution sedimentary dynamics of rifts during rapid climate change.

Phd research fellow in geodynamics and surface processes, phd-position at department of biomedicine.

Department of Biomedicine - Application deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Research Fellows in MSCA doctoral training network about targeting RNA with small molecules

1 position as a phd fellow/postdoc at the faculty of law (3 or 4 years) .

Faculty of law - Application deadline: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What can the University of Bergen offer its employees?

The appointment process

Information for staff from abroad.

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Before applying

To be eligible for admission to a PhD programme, certain educational and financial requirements must be met. In addition, the faculty must have available supervision capacity in the relevant subject area.

  • The highest level of education in Norway.
  • Master’s degree is required ( read more about the degree structure at the University of Oslo ).
  • Sufficient funding for the entire period of study  is required
  • Stipulated length of three years’ full-time studies
  • Independent research work (the doctoral thesis) with a stipulated length of 2.5 years.
  • Educational component worth 30 credits.

Admission criteria

To be eligible for admission to a PhD programme at the University of Oslo , you must have a relevant five-year Master's degree with a good grade, or equivalent qualifications approved by the faculty. The faculties may impose additional qualification requirements.

You must have sufficient funding for the entire period of study (i.e. three years of full-time study) to gain admission. The most common type of funding is employment as a doctoral research fellow. PhD candidates do not have student status in Norway. You are therefore not entitled to support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund or to regular student accommodation.

Doctoral research fellowships

A doctoral research fellowship includes temporary employment at one of the units at the University. Doctoral research fellowships are normally granted for three years without compulsory work or four years with compulsory work (usually teaching). The doctoral research fellowships are related to a subject, subject area, a project or unit and are announced by the relevant faculty, department, museum or centre.

You apply for advertised positions as a doctoral (or PhD) research fellow (or Candidate). The University of Oslo advertises new positions on an ongoing basis. See overview of vacant positions .

External funding

It is also possible to gain admission with other funding. Faculties may set requirements for affiliation to an academic community, institution or similar, and for coverage of necessary working capital. If you have external funding, you must be able to document full funding for the entire period of study.

The funding must cover living expenses and necessary working capital. PhD candidates do not have student status in Norway, and there is no tuition fee. You are not entitled to support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund or to regular student accommodation.

The funding must enable you to spend enough time on the PhD project to complete within the time stipulated in the contract. A proposed schedule of less than 50 per cent of normal progress plan will not be accepted. Some faculties have stricter progress requirements.

PhD programmes and how to apply

At the University of Oslo there are eight faculties, each with its own PhD programme. Each programme has its own rules and guidelines, such as in relation to thesis requirements and composition of the educational component. You must familiarize yourself with the relevant programme’s guidelines before applying. Applications must be submitted to the faculty to which you want to gain admission.

You can find more information about the faculties in the programme descriptions:

  • PhD in the Humanities
  • PhD at The Faculty of Law
  • PhD in medicine and health sciences
  • PhD at The Faculty of Dentistry
  • PhD at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • PhD in Social Science
  • PhD at The Faculty of Theology
  • PhD at the Faculty of Educational Sciences

Questions about PhD?

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Doctoral degrees

Do you want to contribute to the development of new professional knowledge at an international level in your field? A doctoral degree from Nord University qualifies both for a further academic career and for other professions with high requirements for competence and scientific insight.

kvinner i labfrakk med landskap i bakgrunnen

Nord University offers four PhD programmes within the university's five faculties. A PhD education is a structured degree programme that is standardized to three years of full-time studies. Some doctoral positions include a fourth year of mandatory work.

The research related to the doctoral programmes supports the overall study portfolio as well as the university's profile areas .

The faculties have specific additional information for each individual study program.

To be admitted to the doctoral education, you must have a scientific master's degree of at least 120 credits or another completed higher degree equivalent to a Norwegian master's degree. It is expected that you have a strong academic background with a satisfactory grade point average.

Education from abroad

If you have education from abroad, an assessment will be made during the application process. The education must correspond to a Norwegian scientific two-year master's degree. The documentation must be translated into English or a Scandinavian language. Alternatively, you can contact HK-dir (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) for an assessment of your education.

Our four PhD programmes have slightly different academic admission requirements. The other qualification requirements also vary between the doctoral programmes and depend on the specific doctoral positions to be filled.

For more detailed information about the requirements, please refer to the respective PhD programme's website and job advertisements.

Admission requirements

In order to be admitted to the PhD programme, it is further required that you have sufficient funding (see the Financing section), an approved project description, and a schedule for completing the doctoral education.

Admission to our PhD programmes is ongoing and is based on individual applications, which must include the following attachments:

  • Documentation of completed scientific master's degree (120 credits) or equivalent higher degree from abroad.
  • Project description.
  • Statement on any legal and ethical issues raised by the project and how they can be resolved.
  • Data Management Plan ( DMP ).
  • Proposal for at least one supervisor, and affiliation with an active research environment.

For a complete list, please refer to the PhD regulations § 6-2. (pdf)

Only candidates with satisfactory funding for the entire doctoral education can apply for admission to the doctoral programme. The funding should cover both living expenses (salary) and operational costs related to the research.

There are mainly two ways to obtain funding for a PhD project. First and foremost, you can apply for and secure a doctoral position at Nord University. Doctoral positions are advertised under Vacant Positions on our website. Private financing such as personal or family funds, pensions, or similar sources are not accepted as funding for admission to the organised doctoral education.

You can also obtain a doctoral position or other type of PhD funding at another university, college, or research institute. Some of these positions will be advertised, while others may involve being released from your current employer in private companies or public institutions.

Research Council of Norway

It is also possible to seek funding through the Research Council of Norway's scheme for industrial PhD or public sector PhD, or educational scholarships from various national and international organisations.

You can also approach potential employers in your field of interest and jointly seek funding for your project. Regardless of the form of funding, it is expected that all candidates who are admitted have normally competed for funds that have been openly advertised.

Annual budget

In addition to salary, doctoral candidates employed at Nord University will receive an annual budget to cover the project's operational costs. It will also be possible to apply for additional funding, such as for international mobility. At the time of admission, there should be an understanding between the candidate and the employer/funding source that the planned expenses for the doctoral project do not exceed the available operational funds for the project.

A PhD programme is a structured and supervised degree programme standardised to three years of full-time study. The programme consists of:

  • A thesis based on independent research
  • A training component comprising relevant courses
  • Participation in national and international research environments
  • Relevant academic dissemination
  • Final doctoral examination, including a trial lecture and a public defense

A PhD study programme requires a high degree of independence and the ability to carry out one's own research project. Some PhD positions include a fourth year with mandatory tasks, usually in the form of teaching or research and project assistance.

PhD candidates are encouraged to conduct parts of the programme abroad, either through research stays or by taking portions of the training component in foreign institutions. PhD candidates are expected to actively participate in international conferences. Candidates who write an article-based thesis are expected to publish in international journals and co-publish nationally and internationally.

Nord University has a common regulation for the PhD degree across all doctoral programmes:

  • Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at Nord University (English) (pdf)

All activities related to the PhD programmes are subject to these regulations. In addition, each programme has its own supplementary provisions. The supplementary provisions may be stricter than the regulations but cannot relax the provisions stated in the regulations. The PhD regulations shall apply in case of any dispute regarding the interpretation of the content on this website and the provisions in the regulations.

Links to the supplementary guidelines for the programmes:

PhD in Biosciences

PhD in Business

PhD in Sociology

PhD in Science of Professions

All PhD programmes have a training component. An overview of courses and seminars, including mandatory and elective ones, as well as the organisation of the training component, can be found on the respective program pages.

Our PhD candidates can take PhD courses at Nord University. If the university does not offer the entire training component itself, arrangements will be made for the candidate to complete equivalent training at other institutions, nationally or internationally.

Please note that it is possible to take courses from a different programme than the one you are enrolled in, but make sure to check in advance if the course can be approved as part of your training component.

During the training period, it is expected that candidates enhance their knowledge of scientific theory, research methods, and research ethics. The development of skills in communicating research results is also required as part of the training.

Most of our courses are open to external applicants enrolled in other PhD programmes both nationally and internationally. Refer to the programme pages to find out which courses are offered and contact the course coordinator to inquire about availability.

Refer to each programme for requirements regarding the number of credits and the academic composition.

Form for application for admission

Application form for admission to a PhD programme at Nord University​ (MS Word)

Form for PhD candidates who have already been admitted

Standard Admission Agreement June 2022 (English, pdf)​

The agreement is completed in collaboration with the faculty's PhD coordinator

Forms related to doctoral defense

Application for assessment of a doctoral dissertation (MS Word)

Declaration describing the research contribution (MS Word)

PhD on Track (literature, references, publishing) is an online resource primarily aimed at PhD candidates and early-career researchers. Its goal is to provide easier access to information on searching and reviewing scholarly literature, academic writing, and sharing and publishing reports and data. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) support researchers at all stages of their careers, regardless of age and nationality. Researchers working across all disciplines are eligible for funding.

MSCA also promotes collaboration between industry and academia and provides innovative training to enhance employability and career development. MSCA is important for seeking and gaining experience in research projects, as well as facilitating international research stays. The Vancouver Recommendations , also known as the Vancouver Convention or Vancouver Guidelines, were developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) . They provide practical and ethical guidelines for authors. Among other things, the Helsinki Declaration must be followed, and the research project must be approved by an independent ethics committee. The convention is used by over 500 medical journals worldwide and serves as a guideline for co-authorship in all fields at Nord University. Erasmus+

As a PhD student, you are eligible to receive an Erasmus+ grant for a mobility period abroad. Erasmus+ is the European Commission's programme for mobility in education.

Depending on whether you are registered as a student or as an employee ("stipendiat"), you can receive a grant either as a student or as an employee. If you are both a student and an employee, then you can choose either option. See Intranet (iNord) for further information or contact the administrative PhD coordinator at your faculty.

The National Research Ethics Committee s are independent bodies responsible for research ethics issues and investigations of research misconduct across all disciplines.

Research ethics guidelines at Nord University emphasize respect for the human dignity and rights of research participants. The welfare and integrity of participants are fundamental and take precedence over the interests of science and society. Research ethics regulations are an essential aspect of conducting academic research at universities. These regulations are in place to ensure that research studies are carried out in an ethical and responsible manner.

The National Research Course Portal provides an overview of PhD courses in the social science subjects offered at Norwegian universities. The website is the result of a national project on the coordination of PhD courses within the Social Sciences, initiated by the National Conference of Faculties of the Social Sciences.

Vitae (Researcher careers) is a global organisation that supports the professional development of researchers. They work with institutions to achieve research excellence, innovation, and impact. Vitae collaborates with researchers, higher education institutions, research organisations, research funders, and other stakeholders to realize the potential of researchers.

Nord Open Research Archive is the university's open digital repository. According to Nord's Open Access (OA) policy , all scientific journal articles should be made available in the repository through self-archiving.

If you have published in a subscription-based journal, archiving the accepted manuscript version (green OA) is a pathway to open publishing (open access) . The full text should be uploaded in the correct version in Cristin; the University Library (UB) checks the rights before making it accessible. Detailed information about article versions and self-archiving can be found on the UB's website.

According to the university's PhD regulations § 17-3 , all PhD theses should also be deposited in the research archive (read more about the publication of PhD theses ).

Cristin (Current Research Information System In Norway) is Norway's research information system. All scientific publications should be registered in Cristin, and other research-related activities (e.g., conference contributions, opinion pieces) can also be registered. In Cristin, you can also upload full-text scientific publications (articles, book chapters, books) and doctoral theses.

The files are then transferred to the university's research archive, Nord Open Research Archive . The University Library checks the publisher's self-archiving guidelines before making the publication available in the archive.

NDS Privacy Services ' main task is to assist institutions in fulfilling legal obligations related to internal control and quality assurance of their own research.

The General Data Protection Regulation requires that all processing of personal data should be documented. NDS offers:

  • Preliminary assessment of research projects involving the processing of personal data
  • Follow-up during project changes, expansions, and project completion
  • Guidance, training, and informational materials for researchers, students, administration, and management
  • Access to tools for managing and controlling the institution's processing of personal data, such as the Message Archive, to ensure internal control of research
  • Guidance to research subjects regarding their rights
  • Public overview of projects processing personal data.

The Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) are authorized by the Research Ethics Act and the Health Research Act. REK assesses whether research is conducted in a responsible manner. This involves weighing the benefits and risks and assessing whether privacy is safeguarded.

REK must grant prior approval for:

  • Medical and health research projects
  • General research biobanks
  • Waivers of confidentiality for other types of research

If you are unsure whether your project requires prior approval, you can submit a preliminary assessment. This provides REK with a basis for further guidance.

From Idea to Publication. The Research Handbook is a handbook for medical and health research developed by Oslo University Hospital in collaboration with Haukeland University Hospital, but it also provides advice and tips applicable to other disciplines.

Euraxess is an international researcher mobility portal for job and funding searches, career development, international partnerships, and general information about living and working as a researcher abroad.

Research Council of Norway's research programmes provide an overview of programs or activities that focus on targeted research efforts to generate new knowledge and innovation in a specific field. This can include a discipline, theme, and/or industry.

Research schools are networks for doctoral candidates that offer courses, subjects, seminars, and contribute to networking among the candidates. Nord University is a part of several research schools in various fields of study.

NRSH - The Norwegian Research School in History (NRSH)

DIGIT - The Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture, and Society

PROFRES - The Research School for Practice-oriented and Profession-related Research

NORSI - The Norwegian Research School in Innovation

TBLR - The national research school Text, Image, Sound, Space

The Norwegian Graduate School in Mathematics and Science Education

The National Graduate School Photosyntech


At Nord University, the academic and administrative responsibility for the PhD education is delegated to the faculties. Therefore, questions regarding the PhD program should be directed to the faculty that administers the program you are interested in.

The program coordinator, usually a professor, has overall responsibility for the program, while the administrative coordinator provides administrative support.

PhD in Aquatic Biosciences

Academic responsible:  Steinar Daae Johansen   Administrative coordinator:  Jeanett Stegen

Academic responsible:  Johans Tveit Sandvin Administrative coordinator:  Anneli Maria Watterud

Academic responsible:  Elena Dybtsyna

Academic responsible:  Anne Marit Valle Administrative coordinator (FLU):  Geir Øystein Fjeldavli Administrative coordinator (FSH):  Synnøve Dalmo Tollåli

Department of Research and Development

The Department of Research and Development assists the faculties with common administrative tasks.

Administrative contacts:

Sissel Marit Jensen Grete Ingemann Knudsen

If you wish to pursue a PhD at Nord University, you can apply for an advertised position. See available positions below.

The degree Dr. Philos. (doctor philosophiae) is awarded to academics who have qualified themselves for a doctoral degree without formal supervision. The degree has no normalised timeframe and candidates do not have a relationship with the institut​ion prior to having their doctoral examination approved.

Our PhD programmes

Phd handbook.

The handbook provides information about and regulations for the PhD education that are relevant for potential and current PhD candidates, supervisors and others involved in the PhD education at Nord University.

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35 jobs in Norway

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  • Research assistant positions in Norway (1)

Main fields

  • Business and Economics jobs in Norway (10)
  • Medicine jobs in Norway (9)
  • Social Science jobs in Norway (7)
  • Engineering jobs in Norway (5)
  • Physics jobs in Norway (4)
  • Architecture and Design jobs in Norway (4)
  • Computer Science jobs in Norway (3)
  • Political Science jobs in Norway (3)
  • Geosciences jobs in Norway (3)
  • Law jobs in Norway (3)

Search results (35)


PhD candidate in Musculoskeletal health and mental health

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Health Technology, has a vacancy for a fixed–term post as a research fellow in Musculoskeletal Health and Mental Health. The...

Scholarship in musculoskeletal health and mental health

Do you want to be part of the management team for study administration at the faculty of teacher education and international studies, head of studies at the department of vocational teacher education, postdoctoral fellowship: long-term outcomes among young adults with pain and mental health issues.

The Center for Musculoskeletal Health (CIM) at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Health Technology has a vacant temporary postdoctoral position available. The position is full-time for ...

Postdoctoral position - long-term outcomes among young adults with pain and psychological problems

University lecturer for the bachelor's degree in nursing, phd fellowship position in visualizing ground.

PhD Fellowship position in Visualizing Ground: Developing A Physics-informed Data-driven Integrated Ground Model Towards Lifecycle Management of Offshore Wind FoundationThe Faculty of Technology, A...


PhD Research Fellow in automated battery discharging and characterisation

About the positionA fixed-term 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Mechatronics, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Sciences, for a period of three years, ...

Researcher for continuum modelling and simulation of lithium-ion batteries

About the positionA full-time position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences as a researcher for continuum modelling and simulation of lithium-ion batteries, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Scienc...

PhD Research Fellow in Public Administration

About the positionA 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Social Science as a PhD Research Fellow affiliated to the Department of political science and management, for a period of three years, possibly to be extended to...


Business Developer

Phd research fellow in “health aware operation of offshore wind farms”.

About the positionA 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a PhD Research Fellow in “Health aware operation of offshore wind farms”, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Sciences, for a...

Professor/first assistant professor/first lecturer/university lecturer in thermal energy

Senior advisor within research administration, phd fellowship position in enabling inclusiveness and well-being in cities through an analytical urban design framework.

PhD Fellowship position in enabling inclusiveness and well-being in cities through an analytical urban design framework: A comparative case study of Scandinavia and the Western BalkansThe Departmen...

Research fellow in Patient Safety and Drug Monitoring

Researcher in an analytical framework for urban planning that promotes inclusion and well-being in cities, fellowship position - collaborative models in social research, graphic designer at bi business school, professor / associate professor in accounting or auditing.

BI Norwegian Business School invites applications for the position of Professor / Associate Professor in Accounting or Auditing at the Department of Accounting and Operations Management.The Department has 45 employees of whom 40 % are internationa...

PhD Research Fellow in Psychology

About the positionA 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Psychology, affiliated to the Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, for a period of three y...

Doctoral student in public policy and administration

Two coordinators - the participation project søndre media, oslomet holmlia, scientific assistant linked to the project mobilize - faculty sam, phd fellowship position in sustainability studies through artistic practice and indigenous perspectives.

The Department of Art, Design and Drama has a vacant PhD fellowship position. We are looking for a contemporary artist with indigenous competence who wish to explore and problematizes place, landsc...

Scholarship holder in the field of physiotherapy/musculoskeletal health


PhD fellowships in Applied Information Technology

Kristiania University College is offering up to six fully funded PhD fellowships in Applied Information Technology​ for a fixed-term period of three (3) years beginning in August 2025. During this time, the successful applicant will be employed at...

PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership

Kristiania University College is offering up to five fully funded PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership for a fixed-term period of three (3) years beginning in August 2025. During this time, the successful applicant will be employed at K...

Jobs by field

  • Electrical Engineering 191
  • Programming Languages 173
  • Artificial Intelligence 160
  • Molecular Biology 159
  • Machine Learning 154
  • Materials Engineering 144
  • Cell Biology 134
  • Computational Sciences 132
  • Materials Chemistry 128
  • Biochemistry 125

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 341
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 159
  • Professor 111
  • Researcher 97
  • Research assistant 92
  • Engineer 76
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 63
  • Management / Leadership 58
  • Tenure Track 39

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 300
  • Netherlands 193
  • Morocco 127
  • Germany 127
  • Switzerland 99
  • Luxembourg 83

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 131
  • KU Leuven 127
  • University of Luxembourg 82
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 67
  • Ghent University 51
  • ETH Zürich 48
  • Leiden University 44
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 43
  • University of Twente 37

norway phd positions

348 PhD positions in Norway

Filtered by, refine your search.

  • Research Job 198
  • Scholarship 122
  • Fellowship 164
  • Postdoctoral 29
  • University of Oslo 112
  • University of Bergen 87
  • NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology 40
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway 16
  • University of Stavanger 14
  • NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology 8
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) 6
  • Nord University 5
  • University of Agder 5
  • University of South-Eastern Norway 5
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 4
  • NHH Norwegian School of Economics 4
  • Molde University College 3
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences 3
  • ; Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) 1
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  • Computer Science 60
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  • Statistics 1

PhD Candidate in AI-powered Digital Monitoring Systems for Small-Scale Fisheries in East Africa

20th August 2024 Languages English English English The Department of Engineering Cybernetics has a vacancy for a PhD position PhD Candidate in AI-powered Digital Monitoring Systems for Small-Scale

PhD Candidate in molecular dynamics simulation in mineral processing - IV-99/24

30th September 2024 Languages English English English The Department of Geoscience and Petroleum has a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in molecular dynamics simulation in mineral processing - IV-99/24

PhD in Global Public Health and Primary Care

5th August 2024 Languages English English English PhD in Global Public Health and Primary Care Apply for this job See advertisement About the position A position as Doctoral Research Fellowship in

PhD in the Gonzalo Cogno Group

25th August 2024 Languages English English English Join us at the The Kavli Institute of Systems Neuroscience PhD in the Gonzalo Cogno Group Apply for this job See advertisement This is NTNU NTNU is

PhD -position at Department of Biomedicine

15th September 2024 Languages English English Norsk Nynorsk English PhD -position at Department of Biomedicine PhD -position at Department of Biomedicine Apply for this job See advertisement UiB

PhD -position at Department of Biomedicine PhD -position at Department of Biomedicine Apply for this job See advertisement UiB - Knowledge that shapes society Through robust and close interaction with

PhD position in Logistics

1st September 2024 Languages English Norsk Bokmål English English Molde University College announces PhD position in Logistics Apply for this job See advertisement About us Molde University College

Two PhD Candidates in Modern European Migration History

The Department of Modern History and Society has vacancies for Two PhD Candidates in Modern European Migration History This is NTNU NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific

PhD candidate in physiotherapy and digital health

programmes on all levels, including PhD . The faculty has about 6000 students and nearly 600 members of staff. The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Health Technology , has a

PhD Candidate in Fact Checking/Information Verification

15th August 2024 Languages English English English The Department of Computer Science has a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in Fact Checking/Information Verification Apply for this job See advertisement

Searches related to PhD

  • engineering
  • postdoctoral
  • medical sciences
  • materials science
  • computer science
  • environment

Doctoral degree: PhD in the Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities is the largest humanities faculty in Norway. Here you can work with some of Europe’s best researchers within the field of humanities and participate in exciting research projects.

One student in a big crowd of people. Photo.

  • Why choose this PhD programme?
  • Application and admission
  • Programme structure
  • Study and research abroad
  • Courses and seminars
  • Supervision
  • Thesis, evaluation and public defence

About the PhD programme 

  • 3 years full-time studies and research
  • Presupposes funding and admission
  • 30 credits coursework
  • A thesis, trial lecture and public defence
  • The Faculty has around 180 PhD Candidates and approximately 120 are employed as Doctoral Research Fellows.

Resources and tools

  • New on the programme
  • Programme plan (HF)
  • Regulations (UiO)
  • Library Resources
  • Research Computing services
  • Researcher careers (Vitae)
  • Literature, references and publishing (PhD on track)
  • Guidelines for research ethics (NESH)

PhD candidates employed at HF

Information about topics such as salary, leaves of absence and extensions. 

Dr. philos. degree

Another route to a doctoral degree, without formal supervision.

Extension of appointment for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Doctoral Research Fellows and Postdocs who are significantly delayed in their work due to the corona pandemic can apply for an extension.

Do you have questions about the organised research training?

Contact information

  • English Norsk

Vacant positions at UiS

There are a number of exciting vacant positions at the University of Stavanger. Click the blue arrow to read more about the positions. Below you will also find information about working at UiS.

PhD Research Fellow in Analysis of Archaeological Wood and/or Charcoal

Department: Museum of Archaeology, The Department of Cultural heritage management

Closing date: Friday, August 16, 2024

PhD Fellowship in Sustainable Development within Tourism

Department: The Norwegian School of Hotel Management

Closing date: Friday, August 23, 2024

PhD Fellowship in Management of Future Tourism

Phd fellowship in material physics.

Department: Department of Mathematics and Physics

Closing date: Monday, August 26, 2024

PhD Fellowship in Geophysical Techniques for CO2 and Energy Storage

Department: Department of Energy Resources

Closing date: Thursday, August 29, 2024

PhD Fellowship in CO2 Flow Dynamics in Fractured Porous Media  

Postdoctoral fellow in computational engineering, phd fellowship in artificial intelligence in acute stroke.

Department: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Closing date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PhD Fellowship in Environmental History

Department: Department of Cultural Studies and Languages

Closing date: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Fellowship in Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)

Department: Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering

Closing date: Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ph.D Fellowship in Psychology

Department: Department of Social Studies

Closing date: Friday, September 20, 2024

PhD Fellowship in Industrial asset management

Department: Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science

Closing date: Friday, October 11, 2024

Read more about working at UiS

Charter and code – hrs4r.

UiS signed in 2011 for the Declaration of commitment to the Recommendation of the European Commission on the European Ch...

The University of Stavanger as a place to work

Our societal mission is higher education, research and artistic development work, dissemination and innovation. We have ...

Career development and further education

One of the university’s strategic objectives is to be an open, user-oriented and learning organisation known for its goo...

Erasmus+ programme

The UiS is holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and participates in all dimensions of the Erasmus+ program...

International relations

The University of Stavanger welcomes a growing number of international students and staff to our region each year, and h...

Working at UiS: Application and Appointment

On this page you can find an overview over the appointment process and national regulations regarding appointment and pr...

New at UiS: Welcome to Stavanger

From the language, where to live, what to see and what to do, to your family's wellbeing. All these factors are of param...

Doctoral degree: PhD in medicine and health sciences

Collage of photos of medical research activities

You can work with some of Europe's best researchers in medicine and health sciences, and take part in exciting research projects. The PhD programme at the Faculty of Medicine is the largest at UiO. Annually, more than 200 doctoral candidates publicly defend their thesis at the Faculty.

  • Why choose this PhD programme?
  • Application and admission
  • Programme structure
  • Mid-term evaluation
  • Extensions and leaves of absence
  • Quit the PhD programme?
  • Study and research abroad
  • Courses, seminars and educational component
  • Supervision
  • Thesis, evaluation and public defence
  • Reporting censurable conditions

Rules and regulatory frameworks

  • Rules and regulations
  • Forms and templates
  • Quality assurance systems (in Norwegian)
  • UiO’s affiliation instructions

Resources and tools

  • Research schools
  • Advising in statistics
  • Annual reports (in Norwegian)
  • PhD on track
  • IT services
  • Library resources
  • Research ethics (in Norwegian)
  • MedDocs and PhD forums
  • The Postdoctoral Programme
  • School of Health Innovation
  • Jobs and vacancies, UiO

Information for

  • Supervisors
  • Evaluation committee
  • Chair of the defence

Dr.Philos. degree

  • Do you want to take a doctorate on your own?

Public defences

Information about events, deadlines and changes relevant to the PhD education.

  • July is a holiday month
  • Courses at other faculties / institutions

Vacant positions

Assistant professor in digitalisation - deadline: friday, august 16, 2024.

26 June 2024

Assistant Professor in Digitalisation - Department of Strategy and Management Assistant Professor in Digitalisation - Deadline: Friday, August 16, 2024

PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Business and Management Science - Deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

2 July 2024

PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Business and Management Science - Department of Business and Management Science PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Business and Management Science - Deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Economics - Deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Economics - Department of Economics PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Economics - Deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Finance - Deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Finance - Department of Finance PhD Research Scholar positions - Department of Finance - Deadline: Sunday, September 15, 2024

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Norway PhD Positions

Find fully-funded Norway PhD vacancies, positions for Norwegians, international master students to do doctoral programs with fellowships, scholarships, salary.

There are currently no open positions; check back later.

General Details

Salary for phd students.

The minimum salary for doctoral students (PhD scholars or scholarships or stipend)  is 501,200 NOK per year (~NOK 41,500/month). 

Positions related to PhD

  • EngD - Engineering Doctorate
  • Engineering Jobs
  • Lab Assistant Jobs
  • Lab Technician Jobs
  • Research Assistant Jobs
  • Teaching Assistant Jobs

PhD in Norway in various subjects

  • Anthropology PhD Positions in Norway

PhD in Norway universities and research institutions

  • NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology PhD Vacancies
  • University of Oslo PhD Positions
  • Nord University PhD Vacancies
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences PhD Vacancies - NMBU Norway
  • Norwegian School of Economics PhD Positions - NHH Norway

PhD list in other countries

  • Netherlands PhD Positions
  • Switzerland PhD Positions
  • Fully-funded PhD Vacancies in Sweden
  • Denmark PhD Positions

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19 PhD jobs in Norway

Find PhD jobs in Norway here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Oslo (11)
  • PhD positions in Kristiansand (5)
  • PhD positions in Grimstad (3)

Other countries

  • PhD positions in Belgium (165)
  • PhD positions in Netherlands (119)
  • PhD positions in Germany (55)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (44)
  • PhD positions in Finland (32)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (26)
  • PhD positions in Austria (24)
  • PhD positions in Sweden (23)
  • PhD positions in France (17)
  • PhD positions in Israel (5)

Search results (19)


PhD candidate in Musculoskeletal health and mental health

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Health Technology, has a vacancy for a fixed–term post as a research fellow in Musculoskeletal Health and Mental Health. The...

Scholarship in musculoskeletal health and mental health

Phd fellowship position in visualizing ground.

PhD Fellowship position in Visualizing Ground: Developing A Physics-informed Data-driven Integrated Ground Model Towards Lifecycle Management of Offshore Wind FoundationThe Faculty of Technology, A...


PhD Research Fellow in automated battery discharging and characterisation

About the positionA fixed-term 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Mechatronics, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Sciences, for a period of three years, ...

PhD Research Fellow in Public Administration

About the positionA 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Social Science as a PhD Research Fellow affiliated to the Department of political science and management, for a period of three years, possibly to be extended to...

PhD Research Fellow in “Health aware operation of offshore wind farms”

About the positionA 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a PhD Research Fellow in “Health aware operation of offshore wind farms”, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Sciences, for a...

PhD Fellowship position in enabling inclusiveness and well-being in cities through an analytical urban design framework

PhD Fellowship position in enabling inclusiveness and well-being in cities through an analytical urban design framework: A comparative case study of Scandinavia and the Western BalkansThe Departmen...

Research fellow in Patient Safety and Drug Monitoring

Researcher in an analytical framework for urban planning that promotes inclusion and well-being in cities, fellowship position - collaborative models in social research, phd research fellow in psychology.

About the positionA 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Psychology, affiliated to the Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, for a period of three y...

Doctoral student in public policy and administration

Phd fellowship position in sustainability studies through artistic practice and indigenous perspectives.

The Department of Art, Design and Drama has a vacant PhD fellowship position. We are looking for a contemporary artist with indigenous competence who wish to explore and problematizes place, landsc...

Scholarship holder in the field of physiotherapy/musculoskeletal health


PhD fellowships in Applied Information Technology

Kristiania University College is offering up to six fully funded PhD fellowships in Applied Information Technology​ for a fixed-term period of three (3) years beginning in August 2025. During this time, the successful applicant will be employed at...

PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership

Kristiania University College is offering up to five fully funded PhD fellowships in Communication and Leadership for a fixed-term period of three (3) years beginning in August 2025. During this time, the successful applicant will be employed at K...

Doctoral student in health nursing

Doctoral student in advanced clinical general nursing, doctoral scholar/postdoctoral fellow in jurisprudence, jobs by field.

  • Electrical Engineering 191
  • Programming Languages 173
  • Artificial Intelligence 160
  • Molecular Biology 159
  • Machine Learning 154
  • Materials Engineering 144
  • Cell Biology 134
  • Computational Sciences 132
  • Materials Chemistry 128
  • Biochemistry 125

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 341
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 159
  • Professor 111
  • Researcher 97
  • Research assistant 92
  • Engineer 76
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 63
  • Management / Leadership 58
  • Tenure Track 39

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 300
  • Netherlands 193
  • Morocco 127
  • Germany 127
  • Switzerland 99
  • Luxembourg 83

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 131
  • KU Leuven 127
  • University of Luxembourg 82
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 67
  • Ghent University 51
  • ETH Zürich 48
  • Leiden University 44
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 43
  • University of Twente 37

norway phd positions

Europe: 20+ fully-funded PhD positions

Discover a wide range of courses and programs at prestigious universities across Europe in disciplines such as chemistry, biological sciences, biochemistry, biotechnology, engineering, molecular biology, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, soil science, environmental science, water science, physics,  mathematics, geosciences, computer science, industrial engineering, downstream processing, and more. Below is a list of schools offering the positions as well as direct links to the posts in the EURAXESS portal.

Here is a list of leading institutions providing these opportunities:

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
  • Medical University of Vienna
  • Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine 
  • University of Bergen 
  • Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering POLYMAT Fundazioa
  • Université de Liège
  • Inserm U1297
  • Università Della Calabria 
  • Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH)
  • Lund University 
  • University of Salerno
  • University of Southern Denmark 
  • iBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica 
  • INSA Rouen Normandie 
  • Hasselt University 
  • Institute of Agrophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 
  • University of Iceland Science Institute  

Seize the opportunity to advance your academic and research career. Apply now for doctoral (PhD) positions at these esteemed institutions:

PhD Student in Characterization and Recovery of Bionanoparticles for Vaccine Delivery and Gene Therapy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)

PhD Student in the Huppa Lab at the Medical University of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna (Austria)

PhD Student in Molecular Biology, Oncology and Hematology, Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine (Poland)

PhD Student in Causal Decision Making, University of Bergen (Norway) 

PhD Fellowship in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials, Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering POLYMAT Fundazioa (Spain)

PhD Student in Characterization of thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of longwall goaf for geothermal energy storage in abandoned coal mines, Université de Liège (Belgium)

PhD Student in urinary cytokines for the early detection and outcome assessment of kidney injury, Inserm U1297 (Spain)

PhD Student in MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications, Università Della Calabria (Italy)

PhD Fellow in Wind Modeling, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway) 

PhD Fellow in Geodynamics and Surface Processes, University of Bergen (Norway)

PhD Student in Separation and purification of bionanoparticles by convective material and 3D-printed material, Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH) (Austria)

PhD Student in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in Sweden, Lund University (Sweden)

PhD Student in Industrial Engineering (chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering) - University of Salerno (Italy) 

PhD Student in Model-based prediction of bionanoparticle separation by continuous ultracentrifugation and convective chromatography, Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH) (Austria)

PhD Student in LLM-assisted Multirobot Mission Planning and Control, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)

PhD Student in Area of Natural Bioactives & Nutraceuticals, iBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (Portugal) 

PhD Student in Electrochemical Gold-Catalysed Processes, INSA Rouen Normandie (France)

PhD Student quantum mechanical modelling of polymers, Hasselt University (Belgium)

PhD Student in legume-based diversification of cereal cropping systems, IRTA (Spain)

PhD Student in Splash phenomenon as a mechanism of transportation of soil bacteria, Institute of Agrophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

PhD Research Fellow in applied and computational mathematics, University of Bergen (Norway)

PhD Student in Palynology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)

PhD Student in AI-modelling of Powerful Microwaves in Fusion Plasmas, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) 

PhD Student in personalized medicine in chronic kidney disease, Inserm U1297 (France)

PhD Student in method development and simulation of solid / liquid interfaces,

University of Iceland Science Institute (Iceland)

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Devendorf bridges engineering and craft communities with new initiative

Weaving and engineering might seem unrelated on the surface, but they in fact have a great deal in common. Laura Devendorf, assistant professor at the ATLAS Institute and Information Science, is determined to build bridges among practitioners across these disciplines to unlock the potential for new lines of scientific and creative innovation.

To support this work, Devendorf, who directs the Unstable Design Lab, was recently awarded a U.S. National Science Foundation grant of $297,630 for phase one of a larger project entitled, “Cultivating an Ecosystem for Interdisciplinary Smart Textiles Research.”

The aim of this new research, as Devendorf describes it, is to, “take this software that we built for doing complex weave drafting and transition it to a project where it is sustained and grown by a larger community of weavers and [those] who we call ‘textile-adjacent engineers’.” That way, AdaCAD can develop and adapt to the needs of a wider user-base over time as all good open source software does.

This work exemplifies the radically interdisciplinary work that the ATLAS Institute champions. By bringing together disparate experts and communities—in this case, artists, artisans, engineers and researchers—we create new approaches to discovery.

From adjacent to integrated Textiles are pervasive, yet often misunderstood in engineering spaces. The surprising mathematical complexity, materials knowledge and innovation that have arisen over centuries of textile practice are often overlooked. At the same time, weavers who come from a tradition of craftsmanship, art and design may be unfamiliar with meaningful advances in the engineering space.

By bringing together these two worlds, Devendorf hopes to open up opportunities for breakthroughs in technology and craft, whether that is in advancing electronic-textile science or pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

For example, an engineering team may seek ways to monitor health without the use of adhesives often required for electrodes, while weavers already have options for materials and techniques that could replace such adhesives. Yet both groups are often unaware of each other’s needs and skills. But overcoming this knowledge gap, Devendorf believes engineers and weavers could together achieve greater impact. 

There are signs this is beginning to take place, and she aims to speed the process. Research labs at CalTech and MIT as well as industrial design studios around the globe have acquired digital looms to experiment with weaving advanced materials and experimental forms.

Laura Devendorf stands smiling in the Unstable Design Lab while holding a colorful woven form and showing it to guests

Devendorf and her team have begun interviewing people from a range of overlapping disciplines. They include a weaver with a fine arts background who now works on woven implantables for a medical devices company and a textiles expert researching stronger, lighter woven materials for the aviation industry. Still others in the cohort are studying zero-waste, “whole garment” clothing manufacturing and human-computer interaction surfaces on the body. The range of applications for textiles is growing at an impressive pace.

Devendorf explains this recent uptick in interest: “Ten years ago, it was all about the maker movement and digital fabrication, and it took a while before people realized that textile machines are also fabrication machines that can do things that we're still trying to get 3D printers to do. Textiles are inherently multi-material. They are flexible, they can be made stiff, they can be soft. It's a totally different mindset to control a textile machine [compared] to a printer that is making stacks. There’s a big learning gap there, but you see a lot of fabrication people jumping in.” 

The TC2 Loom by Digital Weaving Norway has also expanded access to advanced weaving techniques as a first-of-its-kind prototype-scale digital jacquard loom that is programmable with a bitmap image. Now you no longer need a factory-scale setup to experiment with textiles fabrication.

What’s next For Phase II, the team will focus on cultivating the ecosystem through on-the-ground work with communities and creating opportunities for practitioners to share what they are making. Devendorf also aims to expand opportunities for craftspeople in scientific research and product design spaces.

She explains, “we have huge problems to tackle as a society. I believe that engineering can address some of those, but I don't think we can do it if we don't have access to every possible technique… We're overlooking a huge set of practices and people in communities that have knowledge we need to solve some of these bigger challenges. My hunch is that craftspeople understand materials, process and machinery where so much of engineering is happening at a simulation level [while] trying to engineer materials that behave like the simulations.”

By fostering interconnectivity between engineering and weaving communities, Devendorf and her team in the Unstable Design Lab will position textiles as a leading source for innovative solutions to global challenges.

  • featurenews

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NOAA Sea Grant to invest $8.8 million to enhance aquaculture production, capacity and knowledge sharing

  • August 13, 2024

Two women in waist-deep water handle oyster cages with a bridge and trees in the background.

To further support sustainable U.S. aquaculture, NOAA Sea Grant selected 33 projects totaling $8,821,710 in fiscal year 2024 federal funding. The projects will span coastal and Great Lakes states and territories with a focus on enhancing aquaculture species production, boosting aquaculture literacy and knowledge sharing, and strengthening aquaculture research and extension capacity. 

“Supporting sustainable, domestic seafood production, through aquaculture, is a key component to a thriving, blue economy across the U.S.,” said Jonathan Pennock, director of NOAA’s National Sea Grant College Program. “Sea Grant will continue to work alongside communities to gather and share aquaculture-related knowledge that helps the industry and the environment.”

The areas of strategic investment and project details are described below. Grant recipients must match 50% of the awarded federal funding with non-federal funds. 

Enhancing production of aquaculture species

Five projects based in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina and Oregon were selected for a total of $1,768,821 in funding to develop and refine methods, protocols, techniques and strategies to enhance the production of one or more life stages of aquaculture species. The funded research will specifically answer questions related to oysters, hard clams, macroalgae, striped bass and red seaweed. The overall goal of these projects is to improve the efficiency, output and profitability of commercial aquaculture businesses. 

Three people stand in a lab facing a seaweed growing system under fluorescent light.

Regional aquaculture communications and literacy collaboratives

A man and a woman in aprons hold and show two fish-focused dishes.

Three regional projects in the Great Lakes, the Southeast and the West Coast (including Alaska and the Pacific Islands) were selected for a total of $2,249,884 in funding to create regional aquaculture communications and literacy collaboratives. The projects are multi-Sea Grant program efforts to address aquaculture communications and literacy needs that will benefit the aquaculture community, seafood consumers and the general public. 

Aquaculture technologies and education travel grants

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant was selected to receive an aquaculture technologies and education travel grant for $26,000. In partnership with MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives, MIT Sea Grant will recruit and support an MIT student to complete a 10-week aquaculture-focused internship with SINTEF Ocean, a research organization in Norway. The intern will learn about offshore aquaculture systems and technologies for farming Atlantic salmon, of which Norway is the world’s largest producer. MIT Sea Grant will also conduct outreach to share the innovative aquaculture systems and technologies from Norway with diverse audiences.

An ocean aquaculture site with circular fish pens in Norway.

Aquaculture supplemental funding

A net of farmed hard clams is held over water.

Sea Grant selected 24 projects for a total of $4,777,005 in funding to support and improve aquaculture capacity at Sea Grant programs. Projects will focus on local and regional priorities, including aquaculture research, extension, education and communication activities, and they will support new and existing staff to expand aquaculture-related activities. Learn more about these projects below.

Alaska Sea Grant

Alaska Sea Grant will support graduate student research exploring how mariculture farms impact sea otter prey communities to help inform the management of potential sea otter-mariculture interactions.

California Sea Grant

California Sea Grant will support two staff positions to build and further extension programs of integrated applied research, community engagement and education that will advance sustainable aquaculture and address coastal and marine issues in Central and Southern California.

Connecticut Sea Grant

Connecticut Sea Grant will conduct two projects to gather data to improve understanding of the population status of the northern quahog clam ( Mercenaria mercenaria ) in Connecticut and analyze the nutritional content of cultivated sugar kelp ( Saccharina latissima ), which will fill key knowledge gaps for the local aquaculture industry.

Florida Sea Grant

Florida Sea Grant will conduct two projects. The first will support research in the advancement of machine learning (i.e., artificial intelligence) as applied to aquaculture operations, particularly recirculating aquaculture systems. The second will continue to expand student training through their HARVEST program (Helping Aquaculture Reap Value and Enhance Student Training), placing 13 student interns with aquaculture businesses.

Georgia Sea Grant

Georgia Sea Grant will establish an aquaculture research traineeship to enhance aquaculture knowledge in partnership with Valdosta State University.

Guam Sea Grant

Guam Sea Grant will accelerate the expansion of Guam’s aquaculture industry by researching and implementing targeted marketing strategies, including outreach collaborations with restaurants and hotels and a fish fry competition amongst Guam’s chefs

Hawai'i Sea Grant

Hawai’i Sea Grant will support extension faculty to conduct outreach activities and technology transfer trainings that address aquaculture-related needs in Hawai’i and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands and paid internships for students and community members to provide hands-on experience with aquaculture industry partners.

Maine Sea Grant

Maine Sea Grant will further aquaculture outreach and education activities such as hands-on farmer training workshops, provide opportunities for Maine residents to learn about sea farming and its impacts and conduct applied research in partnership with farmers that addresses topics of emerging interest.

Louisiana Sea Grant

Louisiana Sea Grant will test, advance and share quality management techniques for oyster nurseries to facilitate successful farmer-run nurseries and support reliable access to oyster seed.

Maryland Sea Grant

Maryland Sea Grant will further aquaculture-related research, outreach and education activities by supporting an aquaculture education and professional development coordinator and a proposal and reporting coordinator.

Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium

Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium will conduct a phase II for their Commercial Oyster Aquaculture Sector Training (COAST) Program, which began in 2023, to further training and networking for oyster industry apprentices. This workforce development initiative provides funding for apprentices to receive hands-on training in the oyster aquaculture industry.

MIT Sea Grant

MIT Sea Grant will continue a previous project that brings engineering students together with aquaculture practitioners to solve challenges with robotic and autonomous physical intervention, such as oyster basket management and oyster nursery processes, similar activities with the scallop aquaculture industry and general autonomous aquaculture environmental monitoring.

WHOI Sea Grant

WHOI Sea Grant will investigate the viral genome and the expression of core viral genes within neoplastic cells of hard clams ( Mercenaria mercenaria ) to improve understanding of a disease leading to substantial mortality in farmed hard clams.

Michigan Sea Grant

Michigan Sea Grant will support graduate student research to determine the susceptibility of invasive Asian Carp species to two emerging viral infections that are co-circulating in Michigan in connection to carp aquaculture, which will guide wildlife management agencies about the design of adequate containment strategies.

Minnesota Sea Grant

Minnesota Sea Grant will continue investigating a cost-effective diet for early stages of Yellow Perch and Golden Shiner, initiate a feasibility study for commercial aquaculture production of Golden Shiner and collaborate with Little Earth of United Tribes on outreach and youth workforce development for their aquaponics facility.

New Hampshire Sea Grant

New Hampshire Sea Grant will conduct two projects to develop a roadmap for implementing professional trainings for local women in aquaculture and to better understand current and future crab communities in New Hampshire salt marshes and subtidal areas to help guide local management decisions.

New York Sea Grant

New York Sea Grant will further support and provide guidance to the developing aquaculture industry in New York State by bringing together the diverse sectors in the Great Lakes (land-based finfish farms) and Long Island (shellfish and seaweed cultivation) regions and improving areas of need identified through industry assessment.

North Carolina Sea Grant

North Carolina Sea Grant will sustain support for the Shellfish Farming Academy, the extension pilot of alternative grow out practices to mitigate oyster mass mortality risk, and communications and outreach for public awareness of shellfish mariculture and coastal development challenges and solutions.

Ohio Sea Grant

Ohio Sea Grant will run a research competition to answer key questions about Ohio markets for aquaculture versus stocking and food fish products to inform industry, agency, regulator and consumer audiences.

Rhode Island Sea Grant

Rhode Island Sea Grant will provide a secondary level of educational programming for aquaculture industry members seeking to enhance their science-based knowledge related to advanced business practices, conflict mitigation for the community arena and accessing available government resources.

Texas Sea Grant

Texas Sea Grant will support the nascent cultivated oyster mariculture industry in Texas by training restaurant servers to educate consumers about Texas oysters and assisting new farms in implementing sustainable practices and obtaining certifications.

Virginia Sea Grant

Virginia Sea Grant will partner to create fellowship and internship opportunities that benefit local students and the aquaculture industry and provide communications support to ongoing funded aquaculture projects, sharing the results of these projects via various conferences.

Washington Sea Grant

Washington Sea Grant will enhance the resilience of shellfish aquaculture in Washington by supporting capacity with ecosystem-based management operations in the Willapa-Grays Harbor Estuary Collaborative and Tide’s Out—an aquaculture crew and manager training program.

Wisconsin Sea Grant

Wisconsin Sea Grant will sustain the reach and impacts of the Eat Wisconsin Fish initiative, revise the Consumer’s Guide to Wisconsin’s Farm-Raised Fish and organize and facilitate an aquaculture workshop and listening session in Madison, the state’s capitol.

Download the full list of funded projects and descriptions here

Sea Grant is committed to supporting aquaculture development nationwide to enhance economic resilience and nutritional security in American communities. In 2024, Sea Grant developed a five-year (2024-2028) Aquaculture Investment Plan to guide its efforts in supporting aquaculture research, extension and education. This plan is consistent with Sea Grant’s Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture focus area and the Sea Grant Network’s 10-year Aquaculture Vision , both of which support NOAA and Department of Commerce aquaculture goals. 

Learn more about Sea Grant’s investments in aquaculture .

Fiscal year 2024 awards pending final approval and issuance.

Picture of Hallee Meltzer

Hallee Meltzer

Communications Coordinator

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