Social Media Marketing (SMM) as Networking Technique Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Reasons behind the popularity of smm, advantages and disadvantages of smm to entrepreneurs, how smm helps pepsi gain more customer insight, two businesses that have used smm to their advantage, future expectations of sm on marketing.

The business realm across the world has been undergoing enormous transformations and one of the foremost changes in the entrepreneurship sector is the emergence of technological advancements (Evans & McKee, 2010).

Modern technologies have been integral in supporting the growth and development of rapturous networking activities and Social Media (SM) has presently become one of the main issues in the business paradigm. Social media platforms, which comprise the actively consumed websites that are enhanced by the advent of the net 2.0 technologies, have been significantly influential in major business undertakings.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a modern marketing technique that uses social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Google+ among other social networks (Neti, 2011). The use of social media marketing strategies is increasingly becoming viral across the world, thus becoming renowned as viral marketing. This study examines the overall impact of SMM on modern entrepreneurship.

Marketing as a business strategy entails activities such as advertisement, announcement, promotion, and these marketing components require effective communication. As one of the best contemporary innovations, social networks are exceedingly becoming the focal point of human social interaction, thus presenting unique entrepreneurial experiences (Evans & McKee, 2010).

Social media is one of the modern communication tools that have recently proven to be powerful in influencing both informal and formal communication, where millions of potential consumers interact freely. Having the ability to engage consumers in an active interaction where sharing of information is effectual through powerful technological devices, social media is gradually receiving attention from businesses of all sizes.

Social media platforms currently tend to associate with flexibility, effectiveness, convenience, and efficiency in business communication where investors are capable of sharing important information with their stakeholders, who include potential business clients (Bailyn, 2012).

By using social networks in business communication, flexibility is achievable via devices that support these platforms, which mainly include accessible technological devices like mobile phones, computers, and tablets (Pradiptarini, 2011). Users access these social networks at their convenient time, hence communication consistency.

Businesspersons consider social networks as convenient communication and information-sharing tools for they involve instant feedback ability where messages reach users expediently. Most recently, researchers have found a great correlation between the use of social networks in businesses with enhanced sales output following increased connection between consumers and entrepreneurs (Pradiptarini, 2011).

Communities, which form the most excellent composure of active consumers of products and services of businesses, are the leading cause of rapid growth of social media marketing.

Since social media involves engaging in diverse online social networking communities, it potentially has substantial influence on attracting enormous consumer population (Pradiptarini, 2011). More specific, as all modern businesses in the markets are targeting the youthful consumers, vibrant youths in social networks offer business boom.

Social media marketing emerged with numerous experiences and brought several opportunities as well as challenges that entrepreneurs have encountered. Being a hotly business contested subject, social networks seem to have presented some potential benefits that have encouraged businesses in their performance (Evans & McKee, 2010).

Social media platforms are essential facets of exposing the business to the competitive markets and reaching out potential consumers. The foremost advantage of social networks in businesses is the enhancement of communication, information exchange, and knowledge sharing.

This aspect of social networks enhances a mutual connection between consumers and entrepreneurs that subsequently boosts the productivity of the businesses. During promotion, advertising, and announcement of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are progressively becoming essential communication tools (Bailyn, 2012).

These social media networks play a pivotal role in boosting marketing campaigns for organization’s products and services, which subsequently influences positive business outcomes. Modern consumers currently rely more on social networks to access relevant information concerning new products and services offered by companies.

Marketing also involves procedures of unveiling and introducing new products to the market in a process commonly known as product launching. Research considers social media as a great platform useful in creating the accurate market buzz before launching a new product or service (Vries et al., 2012).

As consumers are currently demanding exemplary services, social media enhances marketing campaigns, which are becoming useful in strengthening product and service information within the markets.

Consumers tend to concentrate and associate with famous market products and since social media are assisting in communication of information pertaining to product and service, they help in building brand reputation.

Companies using social networks are capable of attracting public attention more easily and marketing effectiveness of these networks becomes eminent when business performance enhances through increased market share and revenue performance (Vries et al., 2012).

Using powerful videos, photographs, audio streaming, widgets, and other social media features, companies create and share quality content to communicate their services and products to the business community.

Notwithstanding its ability to transform almost every aspect of modern business activity through sophisticated technologies, social media has also received criticism from entrepreneurs (Pradiptarini, 2011). The foremost challenge that comes with the modern technologies and the social media networks is the presence of insecurity within these platforms.

Entrepreneurs have little potency to control the growing cyberspace and Internet security, possess little control over the entire conservation, and can barely manipulate the pessimistic perceptions of clients expressed in public social websites (Vries et al., 2012). There is a high possibility of getting negative feedback from ill-motivated clients due to bad opinions from competitors expressed on social media.

The vibrant cyber activities that engage genuine civilians and illegitimate users across networks with little control strategies placed by the organizations, places companies at high risk of encountering fraud (Bailyn, 2012).

Tracing the route of negative conversation and fraudulent activities is a challenge and as many companies continually engage in social media marketing, the fears about losing billions of finances in fraud cases remain unsettled.

Since its inception as a potential marketing tool, social media marketing has been the most anticipated practice among several small, medium, and even multinational corporations. As Neti (2011) postulates, “Adult beverage companies, exotic automobile manufacturers, pastry shops have been using social media tool” (p.8).

Alongside other major multinational companies, PepsiCo is one of the world-leading international companies famous for producing carbonated Pepsi soft drinks, and currently, its Pepsi Refresh project has provided a new breakthrough in its marketing strategies.

Pepsi Refresh project is responsible for turning individuals’ dreams into realities by producing and researching about marketing possibilities of PepsiCo and funding amazing ideas that support the notion of Pepsi as a soft drink that refreshes the world.

Being responsible for managing resources of the billion dollars worth corporation PepsiCo, Pepsi Refresh project has recently associated with social media marketing as one of its major strategy to make Pepsi a world refreshing drink.

In marketing their major business, going to the market, unveiling, and launching new brands from the company, Pepsi undertook an online consumer-based study in which it concluded that social media was essential in creating and sharing ideas.

Results on the investigations from the 2009 Pepsi Optimism Project about the means of communication of the research impelled PepsiCo to develop off and online forums where social innovation could help in marketing the Pepsi Refresh Project. According to Neti (2011), “Pepsi Coke, Nokia and many of the top brands have effectively used social media for achieving their business objectives” (p.8).

During the process of establishing and informing people about the Pepsi Refresh project, PepsiCo consistently used social media tactics to access multitudes of people.

PepsiCo used Facebook, Twitter, and to market its idea, and this viral marketing through text messages and video clips captured a huge public attention successfully. In using social media in marketing the Pepsi Refresh Project, the company spent less money.

Through, Pepsi became the most publicly renowned Super Bowl brands. In its impact, approximately 37% of Americans familiarized with Pepsi compared to 12% for the same marketing program. Over eighteen million exceptional consumer-oriented visitors engaged in activities of the website.

In online brand rating and voting, more than 12,000 projects received consumer votes, with approximately 2 million online comments from 76 million votes cast.

Benefiting from the newly developed website, brand attributes increased exponentially with products receiving favorability, trust, and attention among other important public interests. Online communities and consumers’ fan pages concerning the Pepsi products started developing following the initial influence.

Demonstrated by a continuum of studies, investigations on the marketing rivalry among the major U.S corporations have continuously identified Pepsi and Coke as the biggest rivalries. However, most American companies, including those in the fortune 500, have already integrated social media marketing. Apart from the beverage companies, exotic automobile manufacturers are using social media marketing.

Retail companies as well as other major corporations have noticed the positive impact of social media in marketing. Microsoft and Wal-Mart are two major fortune 500 companies that have demonstrated exemplary approach towards social media marketing, with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn being the most used social websites in marketing their products.

The two companies have established social media as one of the most effectual communication and interaction tool where millions of active potential consumers made of optimistic youthful population meet freely. Pradiptarini (2011) acknowledges a substantial influence of these social networks in enhancing marketing strategies, boosting sales revenues, and subsequently influencing financial growth.

As social media gives marketers opportunities to communicate to the public and more specifically, the vibrant peers, consumers and potential customers, both Coke and Pepsi have been lively in promoting their brands through major social networks renowned in the US.

Microsoft and Wal-Mart have been using social media marketing as a strategy in building brand awareness, launching new products from the company, and generating leads. As Vries et al. (2012) affirm, “Companies can place brand posts (containing videos, messages, quizzes, information, and other material) on these brand fan pages” (p.83).

Wal-Mart and Microsoft have engaged their potential consumers in advertisements, promotional activities, and other marketing activities that reveal product information to the consumers.

Regarding their involvement in brands and companies on the social media, Pradiptarini (2011), noticed that approximately 71.14% of the Facebook users proved to be fans of brands produced by the two companies. In addition, 38.63% of their Twitter fans and followers, followed brands advertised by the two companies.

People have awakened towards a contemporary business world that requires present and forthcoming technologies to improve their overall effectiveness and social media is the probable marketing tool whose influence may never cease (Vries et al., 2012). The world is currently experiencing a shortage of youth employment and social interactions have been one of the leisure activities that keep youths engaged.

With the emergence of powerful technological devices like tablets, upgraded laptops, and the Smartphone technologies, social media continue to be a trendy business and social tool. The number of Facebook accounts, Twitter users, and other social media users following new brands and products online is rapidly increasing (Neti, 2011).

Coupled with unique and captivating experiences that social networks provide to the active youths and businesspersons, online working opportunities like brand advertising, social media may continue influencing social and business life for millions of decades to come (Pradiptarini, 2011).

Social media is an all-inclusive advancing technology where all age groups have their portion and as the present population gets weary, new generating still admire these experiences.

Notwithstanding its great potential in influencing millions of users, emerging issues in the cybercrime and related cyberspace insecurity may continue posing significant challenges to the social network users. Internet hacking activities, cyberbullying, and several other unethical practices associated with social networking are subjecting users to frustrations (Evans & McKee, 2010).

Since few policies and rules are currently present in curbing cyberspace insecurity and users are becoming used to social networks unaware of the mushrooming dangers, use of social media may face drastic collapse in the occurrence of a significant concern (Evans & McKee, 2010). Organizations themselves do not have governance and processes for controlling the use of social media within and outside the company.

Both Facebook and Twitter have reported criminal challenges and even in their privacy terms, abuse-related concerns are not addressed appropriately (Bailyn, 2012). In other websites, cases pertaining to social media crime remain undermined, go unreported, or even lack enough evidence to capture and prosecute the offenders.

The US is among the nations experiencing a rapid influx of social networking activities with this rise in social media networking, providing companies and consumers a gateway to enhanced communication. Advanced beverage companies, exotic automobile companies, and even pastry shops have recognized social media as a powerful marketing tool that connects companies with consumers.

Pepsi, Coca Cola, and Nokia technologies are among the American multinational companies that have embraced the use of social media in marketing and successfully witnessed impressive results. They have reported increased brand positive reputation, increased product attention, enhanced customer relationship, and boosted sales turnover.

Although most likely to continue facing high risks related to cybercrime, social media marketing may continue influencing marketing strategies of companies as present and maybe future generations will still continue anticipating for these experiences.

Bailyn, E. (2012). Outsmarting Social Media: Profiting in the Age of Friendship Marketing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Evans, D., & McKee, J. (2010). Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement . New York, NY: Wiley Publishing Inc.

Neti, S. (2011). Social media and its role in marketing. International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, 1 (2), 1-15.

Pradiptarini, C. (2011). Social Media Marketing: Measuring Its Effectiveness and Identifying the Target Market. Journal of Undergraduate Research, 14, 1-11.

Vries, L., Gensler, S., & Leeflang, P. (2012). Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26 (1), 83–91.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 21). Social Media Marketing (SMM) as Networking Technique.

"Social Media Marketing (SMM) as Networking Technique." IvyPanda , 21 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Social Media Marketing (SMM) as Networking Technique'. 21 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Social Media Marketing (SMM) as Networking Technique." April 21, 2019.

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Essay Writing Tips, Topics, and Examples

Advertising Essay Topics

This comprehensive guide presents a wide range of advertising essay topics , providing students with a diverse selection to explore and analyze. From advertising strategies and consumer behavior to ethical considerations and the impact of advertising on society, these topics offer a deep dive into the captivating realm of advertising. With expert advice on topic selection and essay writing tips, this resource equips students with the knowledge and tools to excel in their communication studies. Furthermore, UniversalEssays’ custom writing services cater to students seeking custom advertising essays on any topic, ensuring top-quality, well-researched papers delivered with timeliness and professionalism. Embark on a journey of intellectual exploration as you navigate the world of advertising with this collection of intriguing essay topics.


Welcome to the world of advertising! In today’s media-saturated society, advertising plays a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior, influencing buying decisions, and creating brand awareness. As students of communication studies, you have the exciting opportunity to explore the multifaceted field of advertising and its impact on various aspects of society. This page serves as a comprehensive guide, providing you with a wealth of advertising essay topics to delve into and analyze.

Whether you are interested in understanding the strategies behind successful ad campaigns, examining the ethical considerations within the industry, or studying the effects of advertising on consumer behavior, this page has you covered. Our goal is to provide you with a diverse range of essay topics that will not only ignite your curiosity but also foster critical thinking and deep exploration of the complex world of advertising.

Through this page, you will gain insights into the key concepts, theories, and practices that drive the advertising industry. Additionally, you will find expert advice on selecting compelling essay topics, as well as valuable tips on how to effectively structure and write your advertising essays. With our custom writing services offered by UniversalEssays, you have the option to order a custom advertising essay tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring a high-quality, well-researched paper that meets the highest academic standards.

So, whether you are a novice exploring the field of advertising or a seasoned student seeking to expand your knowledge, this page is designed to be your go-to resource for discovering captivating essay topics and honing your essay writing skills. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of advertising and uncover the intriguing dynamics that shape our consumer-driven society.

100 Advertising Essay Topics

Advertising plays a crucial role in shaping our contemporary society, influencing consumer behavior, and reflecting cultural values. This extensive list of essay topics is designed to inspire and guide students of communication studies and advertising to delve into various aspects of this dynamic field. Whether you are interested in advertising strategies, consumer behavior, ethics and regulation, media and technology, or cultural critiques, this list offers a wide range of categories and topics to suit your interests. Dive in, explore the possibilities, and embark on your journey of understanding the multifaceted world of advertising.

Advertising Strategies and Techniques Essay Topics:

  • The role of emotions in persuasive advertising
  • Comparative advertising: Benefits and ethical considerations
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer behavior
  • Humor in advertising: Effectiveness and cultural considerations
  • Subliminal advertising: Myth or reality?
  • Product placement in movies and television shows: Influence on brand perception
  • Native advertising: Blurring the lines between content and advertising
  • Guerrilla marketing: Unconventional strategies for maximum impact
  • The use of storytelling in advertising: Engaging consumers on an emotional level
  • Online advertising trends and the shift towards personalized targeting

Advertising and Consumer Behavior Essay Topics:

  • The influence of advertising on children and adolescents
  • Gender representation in advertising: Stereotypes and their impact on consumer behavior
  • The role of social media influencers in shaping consumer preferences
  • Consumer psychology and the power of persuasive messages in advertising
  • Brand loyalty and the role of advertising in fostering long-term customer relationships
  • Consumer response to controversial and provocative advertising campaigns
  • The influence of cultural values on consumer response to advertising
  • Consumer privacy concerns in the era of targeted advertising
  • Advertising and body image: Impact on self-perception and well-being
  • The role of nostalgia in advertising: Creating emotional connections with consumers

Advertising Ethics and Regulation Essay Topics:

  • Ethical considerations in targeting vulnerable populations with advertising
  • Deceptive advertising practices: Exploring the ethical implications
  • The role of advertising in promoting social responsibility and sustainability
  • Advertising and the manipulation of consumer perception: Ethical concerns
  • The impact of advertising on cultural values and norms
  • Regulating advertising: Balancing freedom of speech and consumer protection
  • The ethical implications of subliminal advertising techniques
  • The responsibility of advertisers in promoting diverse and inclusive representations
  • The ethics of targeting children with advertising: Balancing commercial interests and child protection
  • Advertising in the digital age: Addressing privacy and data collection concerns

Advertising and Media Essay Topics:

  • The evolution of advertising in the digital era: From traditional media to online platforms
  • Print advertising vs. digital advertising: A comparative analysis of effectiveness
  • The impact of social media on advertising strategies and consumer engagement
  • Television advertising: Trends, challenges, and opportunities
  • The role of mobile advertising in reaching today’s connected consumers
  • Advertising in the age of ad-blockers: Navigating the challenges of reaching audiences
  • The power of viral marketing: Analyzing successful online campaigns
  • The influence of user-generated content on brand perception and advertising effectiveness
  • The role of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in advertising
  • The future of advertising: Emerging technologies and their impact on the industry

Cross-Cultural Advertising Essay Topics:

  • Cultural considerations in international advertising campaigns
  • Adaptation vs. standardization: Approaches to global advertising strategies
  • Transcreation in advertising: Balancing cultural relevance and brand consistency
  • The challenges of cultural translation in multicultural advertising
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes in cross-cultural advertising
  • Localizing advertising messages for regional markets: Strategies and challenges
  • Cross-cultural consumer behavior: Implications for global advertising campaigns
  • The role of language in cross-cultural advertising: Translation and localization
  • The influence of cultural symbols and imagery in advertising
  • Cultural sensitivity and ethical considerations in cross-cultural advertising

Advertising and Branding Essay Topics:

  • The role of branding in advertising: Building strong brand identities
  • Integrated marketing communications: Aligning advertising with brand messaging
  • Brand positioning and differentiation in competitive markets
  • Brand extensions and their impact on consumer perceptions
  • Rebranding strategies: Successful cases and lessons learned
  • The influence of brand personality on consumer behavior
  • Brand storytelling: Creating narratives that resonate with consumers
  • Co-branding and strategic alliances in advertising
  • Brand loyalty in the age of choice overload: Strategies to maintain customer allegiance
  • The impact of brand reputation on advertising effectiveness

Advertising and Society Essay Topics:

  • Advertising and consumer culture: Exploring the relationship
  • Advertising and social change: The power of advocacy campaigns
  • Advertising and the portrayal of gender roles: Reinforcing or challenging stereotypes?
  • The role of advertising in shaping cultural values and norms
  • Advertising and the representation of diversity: Challenges and progress
  • The influence of political advertising on public opinion and elections
  • Advertising and public health campaigns: Promoting positive behaviors
  • The role of advertising in promoting sustainable practices and environmental awareness
  • Advertising and social media activism: Harnessing the power of online platforms
  • The ethical implications of manipulative advertising techniques in influencing consumer behavior

Advertising and Consumer Insights Essay Topics:

  • Market segmentation and targeting in advertising: Strategies for reaching specific audiences
  • Consumer behavior research methods in advertising: Surveys, focus groups, and experiments
  • Understanding consumer decision-making processes in advertising
  • The impact of emotional appeals in advertising: Creating strong connections with consumers
  • Neuroscientific approaches to understanding consumer response to advertising
  • The role of consumer insights in developing effective advertising campaigns
  • The influence of cultural values and beliefs on consumer preferences in advertising
  • Analyzing advertising effectiveness through consumer response metrics
  • The role of consumer feedback and reviews in shaping advertising strategies
  • Behavioral economics and its applications in advertising research

Advertising and Persuasion Techniques Essay Topics:

  • The psychology of persuasion in advertising: Understanding the mechanisms
  • The influence of fear appeals in advertising: Examining their effectiveness
  • Cognitive biases and their role in shaping consumer responses to advertising
  • Social proof and its impact on persuasion in advertising
  • The use of scarcity and urgency in advertising: Creating a sense of immediacy
  • Emotional intelligence in advertising: Building connections through empathy
  • The role of storytelling in persuasive advertising
  • Cognitive dissonance theory and its application in advertising
  • Neuromarketing and its implications for persuasive advertising strategies
  • The ethics of manipulation in advertising: Balancing persuasive techniques and consumer autonomy

Advertising and Cultural Critique Essay Topics:

  • Semiotics in advertising: Analyzing signs, symbols, and meaning
  • Deconstructing advertising campaigns: Unveiling hidden ideologies
  • Postcolonial perspectives on advertising: Unpacking power dynamics
  • Feminist critiques of gender representation in advertising
  • Cultural appropriation in advertising: Examining instances and implications
  • Critical race theory and its applications in analyzing advertising messages
  • Subverting advertising norms: Parody, satire, and cultural resistance
  • Advertising and consumer activism: Challenging the status quo
  • Intersectional approaches to understanding cultural meanings in advertising
  • The role of advertising in constructing and contesting cultural identities

The comprehensive list of advertising essay topics presented here provides a rich and diverse array of ideas for students of communication studies and advertising to explore. These topics span various categories and touch upon critical aspects of the advertising industry, from strategies and campaigns to consumer behavior, ethics, and cultural influences. By choosing a topic from this list, you have the opportunity to delve deeper into the complexities and nuances of advertising, critically analyze its impact on society, and contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field. Remember, the key to a successful essay lies in selecting a topic that resonates with your interests and conducting thorough research to support your arguments. So, dive into this list, select a captivating topic, and embark on your journey of exploring the captivating world of advertising.

Tips For Choosing Advertising Essay Topics

Choosing the right advertising essay topic is crucial to the success of your academic writing. To help you navigate through the multitude of options and select a compelling topic, we offer expert advice that will guide you in making an informed choice. Consider the following tips:

  • Identify your interests : Start by exploring your personal interests within the field of advertising. What specific aspects or areas intrigue you the most? Is it the role of social media in advertising, the influence of celebrity endorsements, or the ethical implications of persuasive techniques? Identifying your interests will make the topic selection process more enjoyable and engaging.
  • Research current trends : Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the advertising industry. This can include emerging technologies, innovative campaigns, or shifts in consumer behavior. By choosing a topic that reflects current trends, you demonstrate a deep understanding of the field and its dynamic nature.
  • Consider societal impact : Advertising has a significant impact on society, and choosing a topic that explores its influence can lead to thought-provoking discussions. Think about topics related to ethical considerations, cultural representation, gender stereotypes, or the effects of advertising on vulnerable populations. These topics encourage critical thinking and provide valuable insights into the broader implications of advertising.
  • Consult your instructor : Seek guidance from your instructor or academic advisor. They can provide valuable input based on their expertise and experience in the field of advertising. They may suggest specific areas of focus or offer additional resources to enhance your research.
  • Conduct preliminary research : Before finalizing your topic, conduct preliminary research to gauge the availability of information and resources. Ensure that there is sufficient literature and scholarly articles available to support your arguments and provide a solid foundation for your essay.
  • Narrow down your topic : Once you have identified your interests and conducted initial research, narrow down your topic to make it more manageable and focused. A well-defined and specific topic allows for a more in-depth analysis and provides clarity to your essay.

Remember, selecting an advertising essay topic that genuinely engages you will make the research and writing process more enjoyable. Take your time, explore different ideas, and choose a topic that aligns with your passion and academic goals.

How to Write an Advertising Essay

Writing an effective advertising essay requires careful planning and a solid understanding of the subject matter. Follow these steps to create a compelling and well-structured essay on advertising:

  • Understand the essay prompt : Start by carefully reading and understanding the essay prompt. Identify the key requirements, such as the focus of the essay, specific questions to address, and any formatting guidelines. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your essay meets the required criteria.
  • Conduct thorough research : Begin your essay by conducting in-depth research on the chosen topic. Explore scholarly articles, books, industry reports, and relevant case studies to gather a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Take notes and organize your research material to facilitate the writing process.
  • Develop a strong thesis statement : Based on your research, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that presents your main argument or perspective on the topic. Your thesis statement should be specific, debatable, and supported by evidence.
  • Create an outline : Outline the structure of your essay before you start writing. A well-organized outline helps you maintain a logical flow and ensures that you cover all essential points. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion in your outline, and allocate specific points and evidence to each section.
  • Write a compelling introduction : Start your essay with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Provide background information on the topic and present your thesis statement. Clearly outline the purpose of your essay and establish its relevance to the field of advertising.
  • Develop coherent body paragraphs : The body paragraphs of your essay should present and support your main arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea or point, supported by evidence such as examples, data, or quotes from credible sources. Ensure that there is a logical progression between paragraphs and use transitional words and phrases to enhance coherence.
  • Analyze and evaluate : In your essay, critically analyze and evaluate the advertising strategies, techniques, or campaigns relevant to your topic. Consider the effectiveness, ethical implications, cultural impact, and target audience response. Use theoretical frameworks or models to support your analysis and demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Provide evidence and examples : To strengthen your arguments, include relevant evidence and examples throughout your essay. This could include real-world case studies, statistical data, quotes from industry experts, or references to scholarly research. Ensure that your evidence is properly cited using the appropriate referencing style.
  • Craft a compelling conclusion : Summarize your main points and arguments in the conclusion, reinforcing your thesis statement and highlighting the significance of your findings. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and leave the reader with a thought-provoking final statement.
  • Revise and edit : After completing your first draft, take time to revise and edit your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors. Ensure that your essay flows smoothly and that your ideas are effectively communicated. Seek feedback from peers, instructors, or writing centers to further improve your essay.

By following these steps, you can create a well-structured and persuasive advertising essay that showcases your knowledge and analytical skills in the field of advertising.

Custom Advertising Essay Writing Service

At UniversalEssays, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing high-quality advertising essays. That’s why we offer a custom advertising essay writing service designed to meet your specific needs. Here’s what sets our service apart:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : We have a team of skilled writers with advanced degrees in advertising, communication studies, and related fields. They have in-depth knowledge and experience in writing compelling and well-researched advertising essays.
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  • In-depth research : Our writers conduct thorough research on your chosen advertising topic to gather the most relevant and up-to-date information. They utilize reputable sources and incorporate credible data and examples to support your arguments.
  • Custom formatting : Whether you require APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or any other formatting style, our writers are well-versed in various citation styles and will format your essay accordingly.
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When you choose our custom advertising essay writing service, you can expect a well-crafted, original, and academically sound essay that meets your specific requirements. Our goal is to help you succeed in your academic endeavors and achieve the grades you deserve. Place your order with UniversalEssays today and experience the difference our custom writing service can make.

How Our Advertising Essay Writing Service Works

Our service is designed to assist students studying advertising and facing the challenge of writing compelling and well-researched essays. With our team of expert writers, in-depth research capabilities, and commitment to top-quality work, we provide you with the support you need to tackle advertising essay assignments effectively. In this section, we will guide you through the process of how our advertising essay writing service works, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. From placing your order to receiving a customized essay that meets your requirements, we are here to help you achieve academic success.

  • Place your order : Begin by filling out our user-friendly order form, providing details about your advertising essay requirements, such as the topic, deadline, word count, and any specific instructions or resources you’d like the writer to consider.
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  • Free revisions : We strive for your satisfaction, which is why we offer free revisions if you feel any adjustments are needed. You can request revisions within a specified timeframe after receiving your completed essay.

Our advertising essay writing service is designed to provide you with a seamless and efficient experience from start to finish. We prioritize communication, customization, and delivering high-quality essays that meet your academic needs. Place your order with UniversalEssays today and let our expert writers help you excel in your advertising studies.

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Media Advertisement, Essay Example

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Pepsi SuperBowl Halftime Advertisement with Bruno Mars

The below advertisement analysis is based on the new Pepsi advertisement for the Half Time Show, featuring celebrities and an appealing youth lifestyle associated with the product. The authors would like to determine whether the ad reaches the audience and if it is an effective tool of persuasion.


The theme of the advertisement is the SuperBowl championship, as well as half time. It targets people who are already geared up for the half time show. In the advertisement film, the players are ready for playing when a group of girls appear asking for help. The players are too interested in the game, but when the girls say that they have Pepsi, they decide to take fifteen minutes. It is a story-telling of the “first half time” in the games, set in the 1920-s Using celebrities and music from Bruno Mars, product images and sports themes alongside with humor, it is a real lifestyle advertisement with strong branding elements. The appearance of the narrator in the commercial suggests that viewers see the real story of the first half time.

Persuasive Techniques

Celebrity spokesperson. One of the strongest persuasive elements of the commercial is celebrity placement. Julia Louis drinking Pepsi and Bruno Mars’ song, a promise to see him in the half time show live has a strong persuasive effect. The celebrity spokesperson effect is, however, combined with the “bandwagon” effect. If players, who are strong, committed and fit believe that Pepsi is worth to take a break from the game, customers would, too.

Humor. Another strong element of the commercial is humor, which is placed in the ad to emphasize the brand image as a youthful, individual and innovative product. It also helps consumers remember the scenes and ads, especially when they make purchasing decisions.

Emotional Appeals. The feeling of excitement and doing sports is deliberately associated with the product: Pepsi.

  Closely examining the storyline of the commercial, it is not logical to take a break from an important game just to have a drink. Further, the advertisement indicates that players would not be motivated by appealing appearance and good-looking girls as much as Pepsi. This looks not only illogical but unrealistic as well. However, for the purpose of humor placement, it is likely that not many consumers would think about this controversy. Further, in the 1920-s, it is not likely that there was an African American player in the beginning of the game, as several viewers have pointed out. This is just another discrepancy that can be put down for creativity of the ad creators.

Effectiveness Analysis

The targeting of the audience is the main strength of the advertisement. It is likely that Pepsico completed a market analysis before creating the theme and message of the advertisement. They must have also considered the demographic characteristics of viewers and the length of the advertisement. They managed to tell a story in 30 seconds, make a promise that Bruno Mars is going to appear in the Half Time Show live, place the product, get celebrity endorsement and place humor in the advertisement that makes consumers remember the ad, as well as the product. It creates excitement for not only the show, but the brand. Further, it successfully communicates brand image towards targeted audience. As a part of a larger campaign to draw attention to the Half Time Show, the NFL match and the main sponsor, Pepsi, it is an effective commercial that is likely to strengthen all brands featured in it.

(n.a.) (n.d.) Academic Vocabulary: Analyzing Persuasive Techniques in Advertising. Copymaster. Retrieved from:

Abernethy, J. (2002) Analyzing Commercials: Recognizing Methods of Persuasion and Becoming a Critical Consumer. University of Delavere. Retrieved from:

(n.a.) (2014) Super Bowl 2014 commercials: Pepsi There Since the First Halftime. Retrieved from:

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Ad Copywriting: All You Need To Know + 7 Best Examples

media advertising essay

While a picture is worth a thousand words, ad copywriting must work even harder, selling a product or service with just a few lines of content. Marketers have a limited character count to grab the audience’s attention, meaning ads must be punchy and leave a lasting impression.

Are you looking to maximize your copywriting capabilities and boost your marketing budget? Here’s a snapshot of ad copywriting, including best practices, tips and examples. 

Why Ad Copy Matters

Ad copywriting is a type of advertising specifically for advertisements, including display ads, flyers, posters, billboards, social media ads, mobile ads and more. It’s a form of content marketing that makes people react to an offer, whether they come across your brand in person or on their devices. 

While a stellar ad has many aspects, a campaign is only as good as its copy. The words you select and how you choose to use them directly impact an ad’s effectiveness, influencing your company’s success in several ways:

  • Grabbing attention: An ad acts as a first impression for your brand — you’ve only got a few seconds to turn heads and make people curious before they move on to the next company. With effective copy, your ad can be the one that sticks with people, making you top of mind when they’re ready to make a purchase.
  • Engaging the audience: Great ad copy makes audiences feel like it was written just for them, weaving in humor, emotion and intrigue to keep them interested. The more you customize the campaign for your readers, the more they’ll lean in and engage with your company. 
  • Communicating value: Your audience wants to know, “What’s in it for me?” That’s where advertising copy really shines. Use the minimal space to put a spotlight on how your product or service will make their lives better, easier or a lot more fun. 
  • Building trust and credibility: In a world full of choices, gaining your audience’s trust is everything. Your ad copy should reassure people that you’re not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. Whether you’re writing Facebook ad copy or gearing up for an email marketing campaign, you should find ways to show that your brand will do exactly what it says it will. 
  • Driving conversions: Every word in your ad copy should be like a breadcrumb leading straight to that “Buy now” button. By the end of your message — even the very short ones — your audience should know exactly what you want them to do, whether that’s signing up, making a purchase or subscribing to an email newsletter. 
  • Reflecting your brand voice: If your brand was a person, your copy would be its love language. Whether your company is quirky, professional or a blend of both, your copy should echo that unique tone, making your messaging consistent. Every recognizable ad campaign, raises brand awareness, helping people feel like they know and understand your company.
  • Optimizing for search engines: In the digital world, your copy isn’t just meant to impress humans; it needs to charm search engines , too. By weaving in the right keywords naturally and making the content readable and relevant, you can ensure that ads appear in the right places. You can also take advantage of Google Ad options for the most effective ad copy on all digital platforms.

What does all this look like in practice? Here’s one example of a Brafton ad out in the wild:

ad copywriting ad brafton

Let’s dive in further and unpack this thing called ad copywriting:

Ad Copywriting vs. Traditional Copywriting

While ad copywriting and traditional copywriting share many similarities, their objectives, style, mediums, audience engagement and metrics are different.

Ad copywriting is all about crafting concise, impactful messages designed to grab attention quickly and motivate immediate action. On the other hand, traditional copywriting involves creating longer-form content that’s both comprehensive and detailed. Both are critical for your company, but they’re done differently. 

Ad Copywriting: The Details

  • Format: It’s typically short, punchy and highly focused. Ad copywriters usually work within tight constraints, like limited character counts for online ads or brief scripts for commercials. 
  • Tone: The tone is usually urgent and direct — without making audiences feel stressed, of course.  
  • Channels: Ad copy is used in digital ads, print ads, radio and TV commercials, billboards and other advertising platforms. 
  • Performance-oriented: This type of writing is usually tied directly to measurable outcomes, such as click-through rates, conversion rates and return on ad spend (ROAS). 

Traditional Copywriting: The Details

  • Format: This type of copywriting often involves longer formats like blog posts, brochures, website content, white papers, press releases and email newsletters. 
  • Tone: The tone can vary greatly depending on the audience and purpose. It can be formal, conversational, technical or creative based on the context.
  • Channels: Traditional copywriting is found in websites, printed materials, articles, emails, social media posts and more.
  • Relationship-building: While it should still aim for conversions, traditional copywriting often focuses on building a relationship with the audience over time, rather than prompting immediate action. 

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Types of Ad Copy + Examples

Here’s a breakdown of different types of compelling ad copy, with examples to illustrate how to accomplish this type of writing on your own:


Make your customers feel good about themselves by offering a compliment. It’s all about flattery and creating a positive association with your product or service. Dove is stellar at this approach:

ad copywriting ad dove

Cost Savings

Highlight the financial benefits of your product or service, focusing on how the potential customer can cut costs. Here’s how Huel did it:

ad copywriting huel

This copy type emphasizes a special deal or reduced price, making the offer feel like an opportunity too good to pass up. Vogue took this approach, even throwing in a free gift to sweeten the deal:

ad copywriting vogue

Free Trials

Free trial ad copy invites potential customers to try out a product or service with no strings attached, making it easier to see if they like what you have to offer. Grubhub isn’t a stranger to offering free trials to its customers:

ad copywriting grubhub

This type of ad copy emphasizes the variety or flexibility that your brand offers, catering to your audience’s wide range of preferences and needs. Semrush listed the many ways it can help its target audience with this ad:

ad copywriting ad

Scarcity copy suggests that a product is in limited stock or that an offer won’t last long, putting just enough pressure on readers to act fast. See how Sam’s Club got people scooting with urgent messaging:

ad copywriting sam club


Using real customer reviews or testimonials, this type of ad copy builds trust and credibility by showing how others have benefited. Shopify used a video testimonial on one of its social media posts to showcase how beneficial its services are to current customers:

ad copywriting shopify

Elements of Effective Copy

So, what makes ad messaging actually work? Let the following principles be your guiding light as you start crafting copy:

Understand Your Audience

You get to know your friends over time by learning what’s going on in their lives, being aware of their favorite meals and what they like to do in their free time. Marketers do the same thing with their audience but on a professional level. By knowing who you’re talking to and what’s most important to them, you can speak to them in ways they like being spoken to. This makes them more likely to do what you’re asking them to. 

Determine the Best Medium

Picture this: You’re trying to send a note to your friend by carrier pigeon, but they live in a high-rise. Not the best plan, right? Choosing the right medium — whether it’s a tweet, blog post or billboard — is like picking the perfect way to deliver your message so it actually gets to your audience. Without the correct delivery method, you’re really just shouting into the void — or making people angry with repeated wrong messages. 

Use an Attention-Grabbing Headline

Because you only have so much space for ad copy, you must grab your readers’ attention from the get-go. Think of your headline as a fishing hook — you’re not going to catch any leads if it’s dull or uninteresting. Make the first words people will read snappy, intriguing and impossible to ignore so everyone will be more likely to read the following body copy. 

Know Your Product or Service’s Hook

If you offer people the same features or benefits as everyone else, how will you prove your option is the best? Understanding what sets your company apart from the competition can help you focus on that value proposition in your ad copy. Plus, it’s helpful to highlight the best parts of your brand in ad copy rather than trying to jam-pack the minimal space with too much information; bite-sized snippets are generally best. 

Employ Emotional Appeal

Humans are emotional beings and marketers might as well use that to their advantage. Whether you’re tugging at heartstrings or tickling funny bones, make sure your copy connects on an emotional level. Ultimately, when people feel something, they’re more likely to act. 

Show Social Proof

Ever notice how people flock to a crowded restaurant? That’s because humans often form their opinions based on how others feel about something. Show your audience that people love what you’re offering through rave reviews, testimonials or big-name endorsements. And if you don’t have great examples of social proof, don’t be afraid to ask your loyal customers about their experience with your brand to garner some positive feedback. 

Write Using Urgency and Scarcity

If your favorite local restaurant is doing a pop-up for one day only, you’ll probably drop everything and go, right? That’s the power of urgency and scarcity. When people have all the time in the world to enjoy something, they’re less likely to slot it into their schedules. However, when they know the offer’s limited, they’ll jump into action right away. 

End With a CTA

Always, always, always put a strong CTA (call to action) at the end of your ad copy. That way, people actually know what to do with the information you just hand-delivered to them. Make it bold, make it clear and make sure your audience has the next steps. 

Getting the Most Out of Your Copy

Traditional copywriting is crucial for telling your brand’s story and cultivating long-term relationships. However, it passes the torch to ad copywriting when companies need their audiences to take action on an offer. 

While similar rules apply to ad copywriting, lots of competitors are vying for your audiences’ attention. Make sure to draw people toward your brand — and convert them — with compelling ad copy.

Madelyn Gardner

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media advertising essay

Madelyn Gardner is a content writer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Off the clock, she loves being outside, hiking, reading, baking and eating Mexican food — specifically burritos.

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Essay On Advertisement

500 words essay on advertisement.

We all are living in the age of advertisements. When you step out, just take a quick look around and you will lay eyes upon at least one advertisement in whichever form. In today’s modern world of trade and business, advertisement plays an essential role. All traders, big and small, make use of it to advertise their goods and services. Through essay on advertisement, we will go through the advantages and ways of advertisements.

essay on advertisement

The Various Ways Of Advertisement

Advertisements help people become aware of any product or service through the use of commercial methods. This kind of publicity helps to endorse a specific interest of a person for product sale.

As the world is becoming more competitive now, everyone wants to be ahead in the competition. Thus, the advertisement also comes under the same category. Advertising is done in a lot of ways.

There is an employment column which lists down job vacancies that is beneficial for unemployed candidates. Similarly, matrimonial advertisement help people find a bride or groom for marriageable prospects.

Further, advertising also happens to find lost people, shops, plots, good and more. Through this, people get to know about a nearby shop is on sale or the availability of a new tutor or coaching centre.

Nowadays, advertisements have evolved from newspapers to the internet. Earlier there were advertisements in movie theatres, magazines, building walls. But now, we have the television and internet which advertises goods and services.

As a large section of society spends a lot of time on the internet, people are targeting their ads towards it. A single ad posting on the internet reaches to millions of people within a matter of few seconds. Thus, advertising in any form is effective.

Benefits of Advertisements

As advertisements are everywhere, for some magazines and newspapers, it is their main source of income generation. It not only benefit the producer but also the consumer. It is because producers get sales and consumer gets the right product.

Moreover, the models who act in the advertisements also earn a handsome amount of money . When we look at technology, we learn that advertising is critical for establishing contact between seller and buyer.

This medium helps the customers to learn about the existence and use of such goods which are ready to avail in the market. Moreover, advertisement manages to reach the nooks and corners of the world to target their potential customers.

Therefore, it benefits a lot of people. Through advertising, people also become aware of the price difference and quality in the market. This allows them to make good choices and not fall to scams.

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Conclusion of Essay On Advertisement

All in all, advertisements are very useful but they can also be damaging. Thus, it is upon us to use them with sense and ensure they are entertaining and educative. None of us can escape advertisements as we are already at this age. But, what we can do is use our intelligence for weeding out the bad ones and benefitting from the right ones.

FAQ on Essay On Advertisement

Question 1: What is the importance of advertisement in our life?

Answer 1: Advertising is the best way to communicate with customers. It helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products which can be useful to them.

Question 2: What are the advantages of advertising?

Answer 2: The advantages of advertising are that firstly, it introduces a new product in the market. Thus, it helps in expanding the market. As a result, sales also increase. Consumers become aware of and receive better quality products.

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Media Advertising - Essay Example

Media Advertising

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Extract of sample "Media Advertising"

Media Advertising Introduction Social media is an interaction platform among people where they create, exchange or share information and ideas in networks and virtual communities. It differs from traditional and/or industrial media in numerous ways which include quality, frequency, reach, usability, permanence and immediacy. Use of social media is mostly associated with positive outcomes. Discussion The product promoted through social media could be anything, such as a mobile phone. There are numerous social networking sites such as Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

and people spend a large proportion of their time in these social medias. The number of people that could be reached is of big advantage. Promoting a product using social media is a lot cheaper than traditional advertising and marketing methods. Then a Face Book page could be set up for the product, i.e. in this case the mobile phone, where people can like and comment on it and leave reviews. It should also have a link to the product website so that people can buy the product if they like it.

People should be encouraged to like the product page and incentives such as discounts and coupons should be provided. Invitations to people should be sent to share the product page with their relatives and friends so that the community of the company can grow. The company should also develop quizzes, surveys and other content that will create interest of many people and drive them to the company’s page and the product. A twitter account for the product could also be created and the company should attract followers by promoting it (Shullich, 2012).

The company must create brief messages that promote and describe the product. It should also keep a track of companies, people and brands that might have an interest in the company’s product. The company must also use LinkedIn to its advantage. It should create a group for the product in LinkedIn and target those companies and people that could be served by the company’s product. It should also post regular updates and reviews (Tuten, 2008). The company can also use its own blog or write in guest blogs of other websites to inform about the popularity and benefits of its product.

It should not only encourage people in sharing the company’s posts but also it should post them with other social networking sites such as Twitter and Face Book. Moreover people watch millions of videos everyday on YouTube. The company should prepare a video or a slideshow about its product and upload it to YouTube so that it serves as an advertisement for its product. It could also get forwarded by many people and also viewed by many people. But there are some risks of using social media as an advertising medium like regulatory requirement compliance, information leakage, and reputational damage.

Conclusion Advertising products using social media is always advantageous as it is cheaper than traditional media. But as there are some risks associated with using social media, the company should advertise its product in television channels while also at the same time take the help of social media. The role of social media cannot be overlooked in today’s world as people tend to spend much of their time in social networking sites. References Shullich, R. (2012). Risk Assessment Of Social Media.

Retrieved from Tuten, T.L. (2008). Advertising 2.0: Social Media Marketing in a Web 2.0 World. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.

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Guest Essay

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

An sign that says “Abandon Harris, ceasefire now” on a table.

By Hala Alyan

Dr. Alyan is a clinical psychologist and professor in New York City.

As a Palestinian American, I’ve watched with growing apprehension the recent rebranding and memeification of Kamala Harris: Look! Here’s a woman who does jubilant dances, is firmly intelligent, has the same guffaw as your mother. It’s endearing. It’s refreshing.

I’m not immune to the charms of American mythology. I spent much of my childhood in Midwestern suburbia, bred on rom-coms and the glittering spectacle of professional wrestling. I, too, love the promise of a third act, a swooping hero, the prop of a good soundtrack. But for me to lean into the powerful marketing of the current vice president as a bastion of hope requires enormous amnesia — not only of this administration’s complicit funding of Palestinian slaughter but also of Ms. Harris’s track record on criminal reform , immigration and law enforcement .

Because even in those Midwestern suburbs I was also Palestinian, raised on stories of the nakba, land theft, a boy burned alive , a young American woman mangled by an Israeli bulldozer , the searing image of a man trying to protect his son from flying bullets . Ms. Harris’s viral quote on existing in your context is handy here: Palestinian Americans and their allies are bringing a context to this election. They carry a hope for ending Palestinian oppression that feels almost futile but irresponsible to abandon, and a memory that extends past a few glitzy weeks.

The Democratic National Convention was a visually and sonically arresting display, full of bright-eyed, stirring speeches on race, identity, democracy — including a moving speech by the parents of an Israeli hostage — and talk of social justice and liberation. It began with a land acknowledgment. And yet the word Palestine was only held, briefly, in the mouths of non-Palestinians. Mentions of a cease-fire in Gaza were urgent but vague, as though one would be midwifed via fervent prayer rather than the sober reconsideration of our nation’s active participation and funding of the current onslaught.

The most generous read of Ms. Harris vis-à-vis Palestinians is that she has inherited — versus had an active role in — a disastrous foreign policy on Gaza, and now must contend with hundreds of thousands of ambivalent voters who oppose it. There is no doubt Ms. Harris is more articulate than President Biden on the issue. In her speech accepting the Democratic nomination, she spoke of Palestinians’ devastation, their displacement, their hunger, their right to “freedom” and “self-determination.” “The scale of suffering is heartbreaking,” she said.

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo. It’s hard to abide the passive framing of Palestinian death in the same speech that reasserts a nuclear power’s right to defend itself — a “defense” that in the past few months has included both American and Israeli representatives calling to level Gaza, mobs rioting to defend the rights of soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian prisoner , and bombs shredding hundreds of starving children in refugee camps.

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Reflection on Media Advertising

Reflection on Media Advertising

Virtually any medium can be used for advertising. Commercial advertising media can be done through wall paintings, billboards, printed flyers, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile phone screens, shopping carts, website pop-ups, bus stop benches, sides of airplanes, subway platforms, posters, supermarket receipts, and so on. Any place an identified sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertisement. Media advertising is one of important components in marketing mix.

People can be influenced to consume products and services by means of media dvertising. Certainly we should study about what our business runs before making a decision on an appropriate choice by investing an amount of money on advertising. For advertising in newspapers and magazines, we should find a suitable form of press advertising that can reach to our targeted group. Classifieds may be very practical for ads of products or services that have no need to identify more details and can be afforded by a low budget such as wanted vacancy ads, rat and cockroach elimination service ads. On the other hand, display ads are pplicable for a general business with some details in describing its products or services.

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For my business field, construction equipments and ornamental stones can be effectively advertised on display ads due to the fact that prospects can get rough details about products and they can call for more information afterwards. According to the article about advertising on the radio, it is stated this advertising channel is limited to only reach to a group of car ownership because of mentioning to use as in-car entertainment.

From the citation, I fully disagree because nowadays radio advertisements are broadcasted as radio aves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna so the radio ads can reach to one who has a radio with an effective signal-receiving device. While airtime with expensive rates will be purchased from a station or network in exchange for airing the commercials; therefore, well-known products or services requested to boost the sales volume are relevant to apply this form of advertising via the medium of radio. It is not practical to utilize the radio ads for my business field because my targeted group is not radio listeners.

The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, s is reflected by high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during popular TV events. I agree to the statement “Unless your business is getting pretty big, this would be quite a bad idea” because the ad on a television needs to spend a very big amount of money so we should carefully think of it. Exactly my products will not be televised as on TV ads because they are not daily-used products which can be recognized by people in general and there is no necessity to invest a big amount of money on TV ads. Billboards are large structures located in public places where display advertisements to passing edestrians and motorists.

It is true that the billboard ads can get frequently overlooked, but can be effective if they are targeted on an appropriate area. Although the cost of billboard advertising is not cheap, the billboard can be stayed up for a long time. At present, it is developed to become mobile billboards which are of vehicle-mounted billboards or digital screens. These can be on dedicated vehicles built solely for carrying ads. They can also be specially equipped cargo trucks. Mobile displays are used for various situations including: one-day and long-term campaigns, conventions, sporting vents, store opening and similar promotional events, and so on.

It seems interesting for my products to be advertised via this channel of ad and we anyhow have to make a survey about the proper location. For advertising at movies, it is factual that people may not pay attention to see ads run before filming the story so this mode of advertisement often gets disregarded. I think this can be successful for only fast-food or takeaway businesses because people can easily remember them and may show their feedback rapidly at the end of a movie. Furthermore, covert advertising is another one of advertising in a film.

The protagonist can use an item or others of a definite brand, as in the movie “I Robot” where main character played by Will Smith mentions his Converse shoes several times, calling them “classics,” because the film is set far in the future. “I Robot and Spaceballs” also showcase futuristic cars with Audi and Mercedes Benz logos clearly displayed on the front of the vehicles. I also think my products are not really applicable to apply both ways of advertising at films owing to not products involved with fast-food or being luxury at all.

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RE Q&A: How Long Should I Keep Condo Sale Records?

Hands on legal paperwork

Financial pros generally recommend keeping financial records for seven years. Check with the IRS and state tax collectors’ websites for the specifics.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Question : I helped my father sell his condo in 2017 and have been storing the paperwork from when he originally purchased it to when he sold it. I want to shred the papers, but I was wondering if I need to hold on to them for a certain length of time. How long should I keep the paperwork? — Lois

Answer : Good record-keeping can make a big difference should a problem arise. That said, with the deluge of paperwork that comes with living in the modern world, I certainly understand your desire to get rid of some clutter.

The length of time you are required to hold on to the documents will vary depending on the type of paperwork and where you live. This is further complicated by Murphy’s Law of Decluttering, which states that you will not need something until shortly after you throw it away.

Digitally scanning important papers before you shred them is a great way to reduce clutter, but it can be time-consuming.

Generally, you should keep contracts and other financial documents as long as the statute of limitations for where you live, which would begin when the contract is no longer active.

For example, for your father’s mortgage, which was paid off when he sold his condo in 2017, you should keep the mortgage paperwork for at least five years after it was paid off, which is the statute of limitations in Florida. For a 30-year mortgage loan, the papers should be stored for the full 30 years, or until it is paid off, plus an additional five years.

Of course, if you live in a different state, this period can vary, so check your area.

Financial professionals generally recommend keeping financial records for seven years. However, when dealing with taxes, it is best to check the IRS and state tax collectors’ websites for the specifics. Insurance policies should be kept for several years after they are no longer in force. Documents related to items you own, such as electronics and appliances, should be kept as long as you own the item and can safely be discarded a few months after you recycle it.

Finally, documents such as marriage records, birth and death certificates, wills and trusts, powers of attorney, military records, citizenship records, and the like, should be held indefinitely.

Since even long-expired paperwork can contain sensitive personal information, always make sure to shred or otherwise properly destroy it to safeguard your identity.

Copyright © 2024 South Florida Sun Sentinel, Gary M. Singer. All rights reserved.

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City Marketing : Case: Moscow

Kuzina, irina (2017).

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Encompass Media Outdoor

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Encompass Media Outdoor is your go to billboard and advertising company in the Greater Palouse Region of Idaho.  We are LOCALLY owned & operated, meaning we are a hands-on team dedicated

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Unlike some national advertising chains, we provide personalized service connecting your business to our community.

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At Encompass Media Outdoor, we have a commitment to the Greater Palouse Region.  The communities in Moscow, ID and the larger local region represent an underdeveloped and underserved outdoor advertising market.  We are here to address and fullfill the local need for outdoor digital and traditional advertising.

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media advertising essay

TIN 7743799033

ADDRESS 23/10, bld. 5, office 1, Petrovka street, Moscow

PHONE +7 (495) 203-44-22


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  28. Outdoor Advertising

    Pullman: 35,000. Encompass Media Outdoor is your go to billboard and advertising company in the Greater Palouse Region of Idaho. We are LOCALLY owned & operated, meaning we are a hands-on team dedicated. to your growth and success. Unlike some national advertising chains, we provide personalized service connecting your business to our community.


    LLC MIRROR-MEDIA. TIN 7743799033. ADDRESS 23/10, bld. 5, office 1, Petrovka street, Moscow. PHONE +7 (495) 203-44-22. ABOUT. LLC MIRROR-MEDIA is a manufacturer of mirror TVs. The company manufactures and installs moisture-proof mirror SMART TVs, TVs in frames for any kind of rooms