experiment 1 sp025


1.1      Coulomb’s Law

1.2    Electric Field             

1.3    Electric Potential

1.4    Charge in a Uniform Electric Field


2.1    Capacitance and Capacitors in Series and Parallel

2.2    Charging and Discharging of Capacitors

23    Capacitors With Dielectrics



3.1   Electrical Conduction

3.2   Ohm’s Law and Resistivity 

3.3   Variation of Resistance  With Temperature

3.4   Electromotive Force (emf), Internal Resistance and Potential Difference

3.5   Resistors in Series and Parallel

3.6   Kirchhoff’s Rules

3.7    Electrical Energy and Power

3.8    Potential Divider 

3.9    Potentiometer

4.1    Magnetic Field

4.2    Resultant Magnetic Field Produced by Current-Carrying Conductor

4.3    Force on a Moving Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field

4.4    Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field 

4.5    Forces Between Two Parallel Current-Carrying Conductors

4.6    Torque On a Coil

4.7    Application of Motion of Charged Particle 

experiment 1 sp025


5.1    Magnetic Flux

5.2    Induced EMF

5.3    Self-Inductance

5.4    Energy Stored in Inductor

5.5    Mutual Inductance

experiment 1 sp025


6.1    Alternating Current

6.2    Root Mean Square (rms)

6.3    Resistance, Reactance and Impedance

6.4    Power and Power Factor

experiment 1 sp025


7.1    Reflection at a Spherical Surface

7.2    Refraction at a Spherical Surface

7.3    Thin Lenses

experiment 1 sp025


8.1     Huygen's Principle

8.2    Constructive and Destructive Interference

8.3    Interference of Transmitted Light Through Double Slits

8.4    Interference of Reflected Light in Thin Films

8.5    Diffraction by a Single Slit

8.6    Diffraction Grating

experiment 1 sp025


9.1     Planck's Quantum Theory

9.2    Photoelectric Effect

experiment 1 sp025



10.1     de Broglie Wavelength

10.2     Electron Diffraction


11.1     Binding Energy and Mass Defect

11.2     Radioactivity

11.3     Introduction to Particle Physics

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MATRICULATION DIVISION LABORATORY MANUAL SP015 & SP025 TWELFTH EDITION MATRICULATION DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA PHYSICS LABORATORY MANUAL SEMESTER I & II SP015 & SP025 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA MATRICULATION PROGRAMME TWELFTH EDITION First Printing, 2003 Second Printing, 2004 Third Printing, 2005 (Sixth Edition) Fourth Printing, 2006 (Seventh Edition) Fifth Printing, 2007 (Eighth Edition) Sixth Printing, 2011 (Ninth Edition) Seventh Printing, 2013 (Tenth Edition) Eighth Printing, 2018 (Eleventh Edition) Ninth Printing, 2020 (Twelfth Edition) Copyright © 2020 Matriculation Division Ministry of Education Malaysia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission from the Director of Matriculation Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia. Published in Malaysia by Matriculation Division Ministry of Education Malaysia, Level 6 – 7, Block E15, Government Complex Parcel E, Federal Government Administrative Centre, 62604 Putrajaya, MALAYSIA. Tel : 603-88844083 Fax : 603-88844028 Website : http://www.moe.gov.my/v/BM Malaysia National Library Physics Laboratory Manual Semester I & II SP015 & SP025 Twelfth Edition eISBN 978-983-2604-51-8 NATIONAL EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large. NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency. iii CONTENTS 1.0 Learning Outcomes Page 2.0 Guidance for Students v 3.0 Significant Figures vii 4.0 Uncertainty in Measurement ix xi Experiment Semester I 1 1 Title 4 2 10 3 Measurement and Uncertainty 17 4 Free Fall and Projectile Motion 21 5 Energy 24 6 Rotational Motion of A Rigid Body Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) Page Standing Waves 27 31 Semester II 34 37 Experiment Title 45 48 1 Capacitor 51 2 Ohm’s Law 52 3 Potentiometer 4 Magnetic Field 5 Geometrical Optics 6 Diffraction References Acknowledgements iv Physics (PST) Lab Manual 1.0 Learning Outcomes 1.1 Matriculation Science Programme Educational Objectives Upon a year of graduation from the programme, graduates are: i. Knowledgeable and technically competent in science disciplines in-line with higher educational institution requirement. ii. Able to communicate competently and collaborate effectively in group work to compete in higher education environment. iii. Able to solve scientific and mathematical problems innovatively and creatively. iv. Able to engage in life-long learning with strong commitment to continue the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. 1.2 Matriculation Science Programme Learning Outcomes At the end of the programme, students should be able to: 1. Acquire knowledge of science and mathematics fundamental in higher level education. (PEO 1, MQF LOD 1) 2. Demonstrate manipulative skills in laboratory work. (PEO 1, MQF LOD 2) 3. Communicate competently and collaborate effectively in group work with skills needed for admission in higher education institutions. (PEO 2, MQF LOD 5) 4. Apply logical, analytical and critical thinking in scientific studies and problem solving. (PEO 3, MQF LOD 6) 5. Independently seek and share information related to science and mathematics. (PEO 4, MQF LOD 7) Updated: 12/03/2020 v Physics (PST) Lab Manual 1.3 Physics 1 Course Learning Outcome At the end of the course, student should be able to: 1. Describe basic concepts of Physics of motion, force and energy, waves, matter and thermodynamics. (C2, PLO 1, MQF LOD 1) 2. Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, friction, energy, rotational motion of rigid body and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) 3. Solve problems related to Physics of motion, force and energy, waves, matter and thermodynamics. (C4, PLO 4, CTPS 3, MQF LOD 6) 1.4 Physics 2 Course Learning Outcome At the end of the course, student should be able to: 1. Explain basic concepts of electric current, electronics, magnetism, optics, quantization of light, wave properties of particles and nuclear physics. (C2, PLO 1, MQF LOD 1) 2. Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in capacitor, electric current and direct current circuits, magnetic field, geometrical optics and physical optics. (P3, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) 3. Solve problems of electric current, electronics, magnetism, optics, quantization of light, wave properties of particles and nuclear physics. (C4, PLO 4, CTPS 3, MQF LOD 6) 1.5 Physics Practical Learning Outcomes Physics experiment is to give the students a better understanding of the concepts of physics through experiments. The aims of the experiments in this course are to be able to: 1. introduce students to laboratory work and to equip them with the practical skills needed to carry out experiment in the laboratory. Updated: 12/03/2020 vi Physics (PST) Lab Manual 2. determine the best range of readings using appropriate measuring devices. 3. recognise the importance of single and repeated readings in measurement. 4. analyse and interpret experimental data in order to deduce conclusions for the experiments. 5. make conclusions in line with the objective(s) of the experiment which rightfully represents the experimental results. 6. verifying the correct relationships between the physical quantities in the experiments. 7. identify the limitations and accuracy of observations and measurements. 8. familiarise student with standard experimental techniques. 9. choose suitable apparatus and to use it correctly and carefully. 10. gain scientific trainings in observing, measuring, recording and analysing data as well as to determine the uncertainties (errors) of various physical quantities observed in the experiments. 11. handle apparatus, measuring instruments and materials safely and efficiently. 12. present a good scientific report for the experiment. 13. follow instructions and procedures given in the laboratory manual. 14. gain confidence in performing experiments. 2.0 Guidance for Students 2.1 Ethics in the laboratory a. Follow the laboratory rules. b. Students must be punctual for the practical session. Students are not allowed to leave the laboratory before the practical session ends without permission. Updated: 12/03/2020 vii Physics (PST) Lab Manual c. Co-operation between members of the group must be encouraged so that each member can gain experience in handling the apparatus and take part in the discussions about the results of the experiments. d. Record the data based on the observations and not based on any assumptions. If the results obtained are different from the theoretical value, state the possible reasons. e. Get help from the lecturer or the laboratory assistant should any problems arise during the practical session. 2.2 Preparation for experiment 2.2.1 Planning for the practical a. Before entering the laboratory i) Read and understand the objectives and the theory of the experiment. ii) Think and plan the working procedures properly for the whole experiment. Make sure you have appropriate table for the data. iii) Prepare a jotter book for the data and observations of the experiments during pre-lab discussion. b. Inside the laboratory i) Check the apparatus provided and note down the important information about the apparatus. ii) Arrange the apparatus accordingly. iii) Conduct the experiment carefully. iv) Record all measurements and observations made during the experiment. Updated: 12/03/2020 viii Physics (PST) Lab Manual 2.3 Report writing The report must be written properly and clearly in English and explain what has been carried out in the experiment. Each report must contain name, matriculation number, number of experiment, title, date and practicum group. The report must also contain the followings: i) Objective • state clearly ii) Theory • write concisely in your own words • draw and label diagram if necessary iii) Apparatus • name, range, and sensitivity, e.g Voltmeter: 0.0 – 10.0 V Sensitivity: ± 0.1 V iv) Procedure • write in passive sentences about all the steps taken during the experiment v) Observation • data tabulation with units and uncertainties • data processing (plotting graph, calculation to obtain the results of the experiments and its uncertainties) vi) Discussion • give comments about the experimental results by comparing it with the standard value • state the source of mistake(s) or error(s) if any as well as any precaution(s) taken to overcome them • answer all the questions given vii) Conclusion • state briefly the results with reference to the objectives of the experiment Reminder: NO PLAGIARISM IS ALLOWED. 3.0 Significant Figures The significant figures of a number are those digits carry meaning contributing to its precision. Therefore, the most basic way to Updated: 12/03/2020 ix Physics (PST) Lab Manual indicate the precision of a quantity is to write it with the correct number of significant figures. The significant figures are all the digits that are known accurately plus the one estimated digit. For example, we say the distance between two towns is 200 km, that does not mean we know the distance to be exactly 200 km. Rather, the distance is 200 km to the nearest kilometres. If instead we say that the distance is 200.0 km that would indicate that we know the distance to the nearest tenth of a kilometre. More significant figures mean greater precision. Rules for identifying significant figures: 1. Nonzero digits are always significant. 2. Final or ending zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant. 3. Zeros written on either side of the decimal point for the purpose of spacing the decimal point are not significant. 4. Zeros written between significant figures are significant. Example: Value Number of Remarks 0.5 significant figures 0.500 Implies value between 0.45 and 0.050 1 0.55 5.0 3 Implies value between 0.4995 and 1.52 2 0.5005 2 Implies value between 0.0495 and 1.52 × 104 3 0.0505 3 Implies value between 4.95 and 5.05 Implies value between 1.515 and 1.525 Implies value between 15150 and 15250 Updated: 12/03/2020 x Physics (PST) Lab Manual Value Number of Remarks 150 significant figures The zero may or may not be significant. If the zero is 2 or 3 significant, the value implied is (ambiguous) between 149.5 and 150.5. If the zero is not significant, the value implied is between 145 and 155. 4.0 Uncertainty in Measurements No matter how careful or how accurate are the instruments, the results of any measurements made at best are only close enough to their true values (actual values). Obviously, this is because the instruments have certain smallest scale by which measurement can be made. Chances are, the true values lie within the smallest scale. Hence, we have uncertainties in our measurements. The uncertainty of a measurement depends on its type and how it is done. For a quantity x with uncertainty x , the measurement should be recorded as x  x with appropriate unit. The relative uncertainty of the measurement is defined as x . x and therefore its percentage of uncertainty, is given by x  100% . x 4.1 Single Reading (a) If the reading is taken from a single point or at the end of the scale we use: x = 1  (smallest division of the scale) 2 (b) If the readings are taken from two points on the scale: x = 2   1 smallest division from the scale 2 (c) If the apparatus has a vernier scale: x = 1  (smallest unit of the vernier scale) Updated: 12/03/2020 xi Physics (PST) Lab Manual 4.2 Repeated Readings For a set of n repeated measurements, the best value is the average value, that is x  n xi i 1 n where: n is the number of measurements taken xi is the ith measurement value The uncertainty is given by n x  xi x  i1 n The result should be written in the form of x  x  x 4.3 Straight Line Graphs Straight line graphs are very useful in data analysis for many physics experiments. From straight line equation, that is, y  mx  c we can easily determine the gradient m of the graph and its intercept c on the vertical axis. When plotting a straight line graph, the line does not necessary passes through all the points. Therefore, it is important to determine the uncertainties ∆m and ∆c for the gradient of the graph and the y-interception respectively. Method to determine ∆m and ∆c: Consider the data obtained is as follows: x x1 x2 x3………………..xn y y1 y2 y3………………..yn Updated: 12/03/2020 xii Physics (PST) Lab Manual (a) Find the centroid x , y , where x  n xi and y  n yi i 1 i 1 n n (b) Draw the best straight line passing through the centroid and balance. (c) Determine the gradient of the line by drawing a triangle using dotted lines. The gradient is given by m y2  y1 x2  x1 y   (x2, y2)    c (x1, y1)  0 x Figure A (d) The uncertainty of the slope, ∆ can be calculated using the following equation ∆= ∑− −2 ∑ −̅ where n is the number of readings and ̅ is the average value of x given by Updated: 12/03/2020 xiii Physics (PST) Lab Manual ̅= 1 and the estimated value of y, is given by, = +̂ (e) The uncertainty of the y-intercept, ∆ can be calculated using the following equation ∆= 1 − 1+∑ ̅ −2 −̅ 4.4 Procedure to draw a straight line graph and to determine its gradient with its uncertainty (a) Choose appropriate scales to use at least 80% of the sectional paper. Draw, label, mark the two axes, and give the units. Avoid using scales of 3, 7, 9, and the likes or any multiple of them. Doing so will cause difficulty in plotting the points later on. (b) Plot all points clearly with . At this stage you can see the pattern of the distribution of the graph points. If there is a point which is clearly too far-off from the rest, it is necessary to repeat the measurement or omit it. (c) Calculate the centroid and plot it on the graph. Example: Suppose a set of data is obtained as below. Graph of T2 against  is to be plotted.  ( 0.1 cm) 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 T2 ( 0.01 s2) 0.33 0.80 1.31 1.61 2.01 2.26 From the data:   10.0  20.0  30.0  40.0  50.0  60.0  35.0 cm 6 Updated: 12/03/2020 xiv Physics (PST) Lab Manual T2  0.33  0.80  1.31  1.61  2.01  2.26  1.39 s2 6 Therefore, the centroid is (35.0 cm, 1.39 s2). (d) Draw a best straight line through the centroid and balance. Points above the line are roughly in equal number and positions to those below the line. (e) Determine the gradient of the line. Draw a fairly large right-angle triangle with part of the line as the hypotenuse. From the graph in Figure B, the gradient of the line is as follows: For the best line: m  (2.10  0.00) s2 (53.0  0.0) cm  0.040 s2 cm1 The gradient of the graph and its uncertainty should be written as follows: m = (0.040 ± ___) s2 cm-1 Take extra precaution so that the number of significant figures for the gradient and its uncertainty are in consistency. Updated: 12/03/2020 xv Physics (PST) Lab Manual T2 (s2) Graph of T2 against  2.4 m 2.2 2.0 1.8 Wrong best straight line 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 2.10 – 0.00 0.8 0.6 0.4  (cm) 0.2 53.0 – 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure B Updated: 12/03/2020 vi Physics (PST) Lab Manual 4.5 Calculation of uncertainties Rewrite the data in the form of  − − T2 0.4 − − 0.8 10.0 -25.0 625.0 0.33 1.2 -0.070 0.0049 20.0 -15.0 225.0 0.80 1.6 0.000 0.0000 30.0 -5.0 25.0 1.31 2.0 0.110 0.0121 40.0 5.0 25.0 1.61 2.4 0.010 0.0001 50.0 15.0 225.0 2.01 0.010 0.0001 60.0 25.0 625.0 2.26 -0.140 0.0196 Ʃ=210.0 Ʃ=1750.0 Ʃ=0.0368 Where,  is the average of ,  = = 35.0 cm Where, is the expected value of T2 = 0.04 Calculate the uncertainty of slope, Δm ∆= ∑ ̅ ∑ =. = ±0.002 Then, calculate the uncertainty of y-intercept, Δc ∆= ∑− 1+∑ ̅ ∆= −2 −̅ 0.0368 1 + 35 6−2 6 1750 ∆ = 0.09 Updated: 12/03/2020 vi Physics (PST) Lab Manual The data given in section 4.4 was obtained from an experiment to verify the relation between T2 and  . Theoretically, the quantities obey the following relation, T 2   k   p where k is a natural number equals 39.48 and p is a physical constant. Calculate p and its uncertainty. Solution: From the equation, we know that k  gradient m p p  k m  39.48 0.040  987 cm s2 Since k is a natural number which has no uncertainties, that is k = 0. ∆ = ∆ +∆ = 0+ . 987 . = 49.35 so we write, or p = (1000  50) cm s–2 p = (987  49.35) cm s–2 Updated: 12/03/2020 vii PHYSICS 1 SP015 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 1: MEASUREMENT AND UNCERTAINTY Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: i. measure length of various objects, and ii. determine the uncertainty of length of various objects. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hours 0 Theory: Measuring some physical quantities is part and parcel of any physics experiment. It is important to realise that not all measured values are exactly the same as the actual values. This could be due to errors that we made during the measurement, or perhaps the apparatus that we used may not be accurate or sensitive enough. Therefore, as a rule, the uncertainty of a measurement must be taken and it has to be recorded together with the measured value. The uncertainty of a measurement depends on the type of measurement and how it is done. For a quantity x with the uncertainty x, its measurement is recorded as below: x  x The relative uncertainty of the measurement is defined as: x x and therefore its percentage of uncertainty is x 100% . x 1.1 Single Reading (a) If the reading is taken from a single point or at the end of the scale, x = 1 (smallest division from the scale) 2 Updated: 12/03/2020 1 SP015 Lab Manual (b) If the readings are taken from two points on the scale, x = 2  12  (smallestdivision from the scale) (c) If the apparatus uses a vernier scale, ∆x = 1  (smallest unit from the vernier scale) 1.2 Repeated Readings For a set of n repeated measurements of x, the best value is the average value given by x  n xi 1.1 i 1 n where n = the number of measurements taken xi = the i th measurement The uncertainty is given by x  n x xi n i 1 1.2 The result should be written as 1.3 x  x  x Apparatus: A metre rule A vernier callipers A micrometer screw gauge A travelling microscope A coin A glass rod A ball bearing A capillary tube (1 cm long) Procedure: 1. Choose the appropriate instrument for measurement of (i) length of a laboratory manual. (ii) diameter of a coin. Updated: 12/03/2020 2 SP015 Lab Manual (iii) external diameter of a glass rod. (iv) diameter of a ball bearing. 2. For task (i) to (iv), perform the measurement and record your results in a suitable table for at least 5 readings. Refer to Table 1.1 as an example. Determine the percentage of uncertainty for each set of readings. Table 1.1 Length of the laboratory No. manual,  ( .............) |    i | (..........) 1 2 3 4 5 Average n  i n |  i | n  i1  ............   i1  ........ n 3. Use travelling microscope to measure the internal diameter of the capillary tube. Adjust the microscope so that the cross-hairs coincide with the left and right edge of the internal diameter of the tube as shown in Figure 1.1. Record dleft and dright. dleft dright The internal diameter, d  | dright  dleft | Figure 1.1 Determine the uncertainty and the percentage of uncertainty of the internal diameter of the capillary tube. Updated: 12/03/2020 3 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 2: FREE FALL AND PROJECTILE MOTION Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: i. determine the acceleration due to gravity, g using free fall motion ii. determine the acceleration due to gravity, g using projectile motion Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hours 0 Theory: A. Free fall motion electromagnet clamp steel ball retort stand h timer 00.00000 trap door Updated: 12/03/2020 Figure 2.1 4 SP015 Lab Manual Note: Refer to Figure 2.3 in page 22 for free fall apparatus with separate power supply for the electromagnet. When a body of mass m falls freely from a certain height h above the ground, it experiences a linear motion. The body will obey the equation of motion, s  ut  1 at 2 2.1 2 By substituting the following into equation 2.1, s = –h (downward displacement of the body from the falling point to the ground) u = 0 (the initial velocity of the body) a = –g (the downward acceleration due to gravity) we obtain h  1 gt 2 2.2 2 B. Projectile motion By referring to Figure 2.2, from the law of conservation of energy, the potential energy of a steel ball of mass m equals its kinetic energy, mgh  1 mv 2  1 mv 2 2.3 2 5 where h is the height of the release point above the track v is the velocity of the steel ball at the end of the track Note: The rotational kinetic energy for solid sphere is 1 mv 2 . 5 The range, R of the steel ball is given by 2.4 R  vt Updated: 12/03/2020 5 SP015 Lab Manual retort stand steel ball curved railing h horizontal end trajectory v path n horizontal table string H pendulum bob carbon paper plywood drawing paper Figure 2.2 R Solving equations 2.3 and 2.4, we obtain h  7 R2 2.5 10 gt 2 where t is the time taken for the steel ball from the end of the curved track to reach the ground. Apparatus: A retort stand with a clamp A timer A metre rule A free fall adaptor A horizontal table A steel ball (diameter of 1.0 cm) Updated: 12/03/2020 6 SP015 Lab Manual A curved railing (Important: The lower end of the track must be horizontal.) A piece of carbon paper A piece of drawing paper Cellophane tape Plasticine A pair of scissors or a cutter A piece of string A pendulum bob A plywood Procedure: A. Free fall motion 1. Set up the apparatus as in Figure 2.1. 2. Switch on the circuit and attach the steel ball onto the upper contact. 3. Adjust the height h of the electromagnet above the point of impact. 4. Switch off the circuit and let the ball fall. Record the value of h and t. 5. Repeat step (3) and (4) for at least eight different values of h. 6. Tabulate your data. 7. Plot a graph of h against t2. 8. Determine the value of g from the gradient of the graph. Note: The value range of h-axis should be extended slightly more than the height of the table. 9. Determine the value of Δg. B. Projectile Motion 1. Set up the apparatus as in Figure 2.2. 2. Release the steel ball on the curvature railing from eight different heights h and record the values of R. Updated: 12/03/2020 7 SP015 Lab Manual 3. Tabulate your data. 4. Plot a graph of h against R2. 5. Measure the height H from the edge of the railing to the landing surface. By referring to the graph of h against t2 from experiment A obtain the value of t2 for H using extrapolation. 6. Calculate the value of g from the h against R2 graph. 7. Determine the value of Δg. 8. Compare the value of g obtained from both experiments with the standard value. Write your comments. Updated: 12/03/2020 8 SP015 Lab Manual Set-up for free fall apparatus with separate power supply to electromagnet. electromagnet P : +ve N : -ve steel ball N1 P2 N2 retort H 12 V N1 stand P1 hinged clamp trap door timer container P3 P1 00.000000 N3 N2 P2 N3 P3 Figure 2.3 Updated: 12/03/2020 9 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 3(a): ENERGY Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to verify the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hours 0 Theory: From Hooke’s law, the stretching force F of an elastic chord is proportional to the extension x as F = kx 3.1 where k is the elastic force constant. The potential energy stored in the elastic chord is given by U  1 kx 2 3.2 2 If a body of mass m is attached to an elastic chord and extends the latter by x; upon release the body will reach a maximum kinetic energy K. K  1 mv 2 3.3 2 where v is the maximum speed of the mass. From the law of conservation of mechanical energy, this maximum kinetic energy equals to the elastic potential energy U stored in the elastic chord, that is K U Updated: 12/03/2020 10 SP015 Lab Manual 1 mv 2  1 kx 2 3.4 2 2 Let xo be the elongation of the elastic chord when the mass m hangs freely to it, then the elastic force constant k is given by k  mg 3.5 xo Substitute into equation 3.5 into equation 3.4, we obtain v2  g x2 3.6 xo Evidently, if we plot a graph of v2 against x2, we will get a straight line with a gradient of g . xo timer 00.000000 PG A rod (detector) trolley s = 12 cm PG B wooden cm cm elastic chord block hook (screw) rail (slightly  1 cm inclined to compensate Figure 3.1 friction) PG: Photogate Updated: 12/03/2020 11 SP015 Lab Manual Apparatus: A trolley with a hook and a detector rod A pair of photogates A timer A metre rule An elastic chord Two retort stands A small wooden block A rail Procedure: 1. Set up the apparatus as in Figure 3.1. Use a wooden block to raise one end of the rail so that the effect of friction is just compensated. Note: The friction effect is just compensated if the trolley moves freely without acceleration till the end of the rail when pushed slightly. 2. Arrange the photogates (PG) A and B at a fixed distance s about 12 cm apart from each other. Ensure that PG A is placed approximately 1 cm from the trolley with the elastic chord unstretched. Note: Ask your laboratory assistant to fix the screw to the rail if it does not have one. 3. Pull the trolley to stretch the elastic chord by an elongation x within the range of 2 cm to 5 cm. Release the trolley until it passes the two photogates and then record the time t read by the timer. 4. Repeat step (3) two times to obtain the average value of t. Calculate the speed of the trolley, v where v  s . t 5. Repeat step (4) for at least six different ascending values of x and tabulate the results. 6. Plot a graph of v2 against x2. 7. Determine the gradient of the graph. Updated: 12/03/2020 12 SP015 Lab Manual 8. Hang the trolley freely onto the elastic chord and determine the elongation xo of the elastic chord. Calculate the value of g . xo 9. Compare whether the gradient of the graph equals to the value of g xo calculated in step (8). Does your experimental result verify the law of conservation of mechanical energy? Write your comments. Updated: 12/03/2020 13 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 3(b): ENERGY Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to verify the law of conservation of energy. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hour 0 Theory: Consider a steel ball of mass m, initially at rest at height h vertically above a velocity detector. By taking the position of the velocity detector as the reference point, the potential energy is mgh and the kinetic energy of the ball is zero. Thus the total initial energy E1 of the steel ball is given by E1 = mgh 3.1 When the steel ball is released, it falls freely with acceleration g. At the instance it reaches the velocity detector, the gravitational potential energy is zero and its kinetic energy is 1 mv2. Hence the total final energy E2 of the 2 steel ball is given by E2 = 1 mv2 3.2 2 According to the law of conservation of energy, in the absence of external force the total energy of a system remains constant. In this case, the law is verified if we demonstrate experimentally that E1 equals E2, that is, 1 mv2 = mgh 2 And we obtain v2 = 2gh 3.3 Consequently, if a graph of v2 against h is plotted, we should obtain a straight line curve passing through the origin with gradient equals 2g. Updated: 12/03/2020 14 SP015 Lab Manual Apparatus: A steel ball A metre ruler A free fall adaptor Velocity detector (Two photogates PG A and PG B) A timer A retort stand Procedure: ruler _ free fall adaptor _ steel ball _ h _ sandwitched photogates _ PG A (velocity detector) _ PG B s _ timer _ _ 00.000000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Figure 3.1 1. Construct a velocity detector by sandwitching photogates (PG) A and B using binding tape. Measure the distance s between the photogates. 2. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 3.1. 3. Switch ON the timer and reset to zero. Set the falling distance h at 15 cm. Release the steel ball and record the time t. Repeat the process to obtain the average time. Updated: 12/03/2020 15 SP015 Lab Manual 4. Repeat step (3) for h = 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 cm. 5. Tabulate your data. For each value of h calculate the velocity v using v  s . t 6. Plot a graph of v2 against h. 7. Use the graph to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity g and compare the value of g with the standard value. 8. Determine the uncertainty for the value of g obtained in (7). 9. Do the results of your experiment verify the law of conservation of energy? Write your comments. Updated: 12/03/2020 16 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 4: ROTATIONAL MOTION OF A RIGID BODY Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to determine the moment of inertia of a fly-wheel. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hour 0 Theory:  R T a mg Figure 4.1 By referring to Figure 4.1, apply Newton’s second law for linear motion, mg – T = ma T = m(g – a) 4.1 and applying Newton’s second law for rotational motion, 4.2 TR –  = I Updated: 12/03/2020 17 SP015 Lab Manual where a is the downward linear acceleration  is the frictional torque (unknown)  is the angular acceleration T is the tension in the string R is the radius of the axle I is the moment of inertia of the fly-wheel Therefore,    R T     4.3 I I The graph  against T is a straight line graph with gradient R . I Moment of inertia of the fly-wheel, I  R 4.4 gradient From kinematics, s  ut  1 (a)t 2 (negative sign means the acceleration is 2 downward) By substituting, s = –h and u = 0 into the equation above, we obtain h  1 at 2 2 Hence the linear acceleration, a  2h 4.5 t2 where h s the falling distance of mass t is the time taken for the mass to fall to the floor Updated: 12/03/2020 18 SP015 Lab Manual Angular acceleration, a 4.6 R Apparatus: A fly-wheel A stop watch A set of slotted mass with hook (Use suitable masses for the fly-wheel to rotate at a suitable rate) A metre rule A G-clamp A piece of inelastic string to hang the mass to the fly-wheel A piece of softboard or plywood A vernier callipers Procedure: axle fly-wheel G-clamp R string slotted mass table h softboard Figure 4.2 1. Set up the apparatus as in Figure 4.2. 2. Measure the diameter d of the axle and calculate its radius R. 3. Record the falling slotted mass m. Updated: 12/03/2020 19 SP015 Lab Manual 4. Choose a fixed point at a height h above the floor. Record h. 5. Release the slotted mass from the fixed height h after the string has been wound around the axle. 6. Record the time t for the slotted mass to reach the floor. 7. Calculate a, T and  using equations 4.5, 4.1 and 4.6 respectively. 8. Repeat steps (3) to (7) for at least six different values of m. Tabulate your results. 9. Plot a graph of  against T. 10. Determine the gradient of the graph and calculate the moment of inertia of the fly-wheel and its uncertainty. 11. Compare the moment of inertia to the theoretical value given by your lecturer. Updated: 12/03/2020 20 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 5: SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION (SHM) Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: i. determine the acceleration due to gravity g using a simple pendulum. ii. investigate the effect of large amplitude oscillation to the accuracy of g obtained from the experiment. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hour 0 Theory: An oscillation of a simple pendulum is an example of a simple harmonic motion (SHM) if (i) the mass of the spherical bob is a point mass (ii) the mass of the string is negligible (iii) amplitude of the oscillation is small (< 10) According to the theory of SHM, the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum T is given by T  2  5.1 g where  is the length of pendulum g is the acceleration due to gravity Rearrange equation 7.1, we obtain T2  4 2  5.2 g Updated: 12/03/2020 21 SP015 Lab Manual Evidently, a graph of T 2 against  is a straight line of gradient equals 4 2 g Hence from the gradient of the graph, the value of g can be calculated. Apparatus: A piece of string (105 cm) A small pendulum bob A pair of small flat pieces of wood or cork A retort stand with a clamp A stopwatch A metre rule A protractor with a hole at the centre of the semicircle An optical pin A pair of scissors or a cutter A stabilizing weight or a G-clamp Procedure: a pair of wood or cork retort stand optical pin  protractor  string weight pendulum bob table Figure 5.1 Updated: 12/03/2020 22 SP015 Lab Manual 1. Set up a simple pendulum as in Figure 5.1. 2. Measure the length  of the pendulum. 3. Release the pendulum at less than 10 from the vertical in one plane and measure the time t for 20 oscillations. Repeat the operation and calculate the average value. Then calculate the period of oscillation T of the pendulum. Note: Start the stopwatch after several complete oscillations. 4. Repeat step (3) for at least six different values of length  of the pendulum. Record the values for  and T. 5. Plot a graph of T2 against  and determine the value of g and its uncertainty. 6. Fix the length of pendulum at 100.0 cm. Release the pendulum through a large arc of about 70 from the vertical. Record the time t for 5 complete oscillations. Repeat the operation and calculate the average value. Then calculate the period T of the oscillation of the simple pendulum. 7. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity, g using equation 5.1 and the value of  and T from step (6). 8. Compare the values of g obtained from step (5) and step (7). Does your result differ from the standard value? Write your comments. Updated: 12/03/2020 23 SP015 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 6: STANDING WAVES Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in measurement and uncertainty, free fall and projectile motion, energy, rotational motion of rigid body, simple harmonic motion and standing waves in laboratory. (P3, CLO2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: i. To investigate standing waves formed in a stretched string. ii. To determine the mass per unit length of the string. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hours 0 Theory: When a stretched string is vibrated at a frequency f, the standing waves formed have both ends as nodes. The frequency and the tension in the string obey the following relation f  1 T 2  or T  4f 22 6.1 where f is the frequency  is the length between two nodes T is the tension in the string  is the mass per unit length Evidently, a graph of T against  2 is a straight line of gradient equals 4f 2 . Hence, the value of  can be calculated. Apparatus: A G-clamp A solenoid (about 100 turns) or ticker timer An AC supply (2 – 6 V) A metal rod (soft iron) Two bar magnets A magnet holder Updated: 12/03/2020 24 SP015 Lab Manual A piece of string approximately 2 m long A pulley with clamp A wooden wedge Set of slotted mass 2 g, 5 g, 10 g and 20 g A metre rule Connecting wires Procedure: AC supply  wooden block metal rod (soft iron) wooden wedge pulley  G-clamp magnet bar solenoid string slotted mass Figure 6.1 1. Set up the apparatus as in Figure 6.1. 2. Connect the terminals of the solenoid to the AC power supply (2 V, 50 Hz). Caution: Do not exceed 4 V to avoid damage to the solenoid. 3. Place the metal rod between the two bar magnets. 4. Tie one end of the string to the rod and the other to the hook of the slotted mass. Make sure that the length of the string from the end of the rod to the pulley is not less than 1.5 m. Updated: 12/03/2020 25 SP015 Lab Manual 5. Clamp the metal rod properly. Switch on the power supply. Adjust the position of the metal rod to get maximum vibration. 6. Place the wooden wedges below the string as close as possible to the pulley. 7. Adjust the position of the wooden wedges until a clear single loop standing wave (fundamental mode) is observed. Record the distance  between the wedges and total mass m (mass of the hook and the slotted mass). 8. Add a small mass, preferably 10 g to the hook and repeat step (7) for at least six different readings. 9. Construct a table for the values of m and . Calculate weight W where W = mg. Note that W = T. (Explain why?) 10. Plot a graph of T against 2. 11. Determine the gradient of the straight line graph. 12. Deduce the mass per unit length,  and its uncertainty of the string if the frequency of the vibration is 50 Hz. 13. Weigh the mass and measure the total length of the string. Calculate the mass per unit length of the string and compare it with the result obtained in step (12). Updated: 12/03/2020 26 PHYSICS 2 SP025 SP025 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 1: CAPACITOR Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in capacitor, electric current and direct current circuits, magnetic field, geometrical optics and physical optics. (P3, CLO 2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: i. determine the time constant of an RC circuit, and ii. determine the capacitance of a capacitor using an RC circuit. Student Learning Time (SLT): Face-to-face Non face-to-face 2 hours 0 Theory: The total charge, Q on each plate of a capacitor during the charging and discharging processes varies with time, t as shown in Figure 1.1. Charging Discharging Q Q Qo Qo 0.63Qo 0τ 0.37Qo τ t t0 1.1 Figure 1.1 1.2 During the charging process Q = Qo (1  e-t/ ) During the discharging process Q = Qoe-t/ Updated: 12/03/2020 27 SP025 Lab Manual where Qo is the initial amount of charge stored in a capacitor Q is the amount of charge at time t R is the resistance of a resistor C is the capacitance of a capacitor τ = RC is the time constant During discharging, the magnitude of the current I varies with time as shown in Figure 1.2. I t τ 0.37Io Io Figure 1.2 From equation 1.2, the magnitude of the discharge current is I = Ioe-t 1.3 Evidently at time t = , the magnitude of the discharge current is 0.37Io. Negative sign shows the current flows in opposite direction to that of the current flows during the charging process. Apparatus: A DC power supply (4 – 6 V) A switch A DC microammeter A stopwatch A 100 k resistor Connecting wires Two capacitors labelled C1 and C2 (470 – 1000 F) Updated: 12/03/2020 28

experiment 1 sp025


SP025 Syllabus

List of Constants and Equations


Chapter 1: Electrostatics

Chapter 2: Capacitors and Dielectrics

Chapter 3: Electric Current and Direct Current Circuit

Chapter 4: Magnetism

Chapter 5: Electromagnetic Induction

Chapter 6: Alternating Current

Chapter 7: Optics

Chapter 8: Wave Properties of Particle

Chapter 9: Nuclear and Particle Physics


Practical (lab manual & pre lab).

Lab Manual Exp 1: Capacitor

Lab Manual Exp 2: Ohm's Law

Lab Manual Exp 3: Potentiometer

Lab Manual Exp 4: Magnetic Field

Lab Manual Exp 5: Geometrical Optics

Lab Manual Exp 6: Diffraction Grating

Pre-Lab Exp 1: Capacitor

Pre-Lab Exp 2: Ohm's Law

Pre-Lab Exp 3: Potentiometer

Pre-Lab Exp 4: Magnetic Field

Pre-Lab Exp 5: Geometrical Optics

Pre-Lab Exp 6: Diffraction Grating


[LEPAK/MARVEL] Chapter 1: Electrostatics

SP015 Syllabus

Chapter 1: Physical quantities and measurements

Chapter 2: Kinematics of linear motion

Chapter 3: Dynamics of linear motion

Chapter 4: Work, energy and power

Chapter 5: Circular motion

Chapter 6: Rotation of rigid body

Chapter 7: Oscillations and waves

Chapter 8: Physics of matters

Chapter 9: Kinetic theory of gases and thermodynamics

LSM and Basic Combination of Uncertainties (Explanation Video)

LSM and Basic Combination of Uncertainties (Practice Sheet 1)

LSM and Basic Combination of Uncertainties (Practice Sheet 2)

LSM and Basic Combination of Uncertainties (Practice Sheet 3)

Lab Manual Exp 1: Measurement and uncertainty

Lab Manual Exp 2: Free fall and projectile motion

Lab Manual Exp 3: Energy

Lab Manual Exp 4: Rotational motion of a rigid body

Lab Manual Exp 5: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Lab Manual Exp 6: Standing waves

Pre-Lab 1: Measurement and uncertainty

Pre-Lab 2: Free fall and projectile motion

Pre-Lab 3: Energy

Pre-Lab 4: Rotational motion of a rigid body

Pre-Lab 5: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Pre-Lab 6: Standing waves

Chapter 2 (Question Sheet)

Chapter 2 (Answer Sheet)

Chapter 3 (Question Sheet)

Chapter 3 (Answer Sheet)

Chapter 4 (Question Sheet)

Chapter 4 (Answer Sheet)

Chapter 7 (Question Sheet)

Chapter 7 (Answer Sheet)

Chapter 8 (Question Sheet)

Chapter 8 (Answer Sheet)


Search this blog, contoh lab report fizik matrikulasi experiment 1 ( measurement and uncertainty).

experiment 1 sp025

did you had any example of lab report for physics experiment 6 standing waves?

How to actually find the uncertainty of the gradient?

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  1. SP025 Experiment 1

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    experiment 1 sp025

  3. SP025 EXPERIMENT 1: Capacitor

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  5. SOLUTION: Lab report experiment i sp025

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  6. LAB Report 1 Aelaura Janis SP025

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  1. SP025 Experiment 1

    At the end of this lesson, you should be able to determine the time constant and the capacitance of a capacitor using an RC circuit.Let's become members of F...

  2. LAB Report 1 Aelaura Janis SP025

    Make sure that the capacitor is completely discharged by short circuiting the capacitor before starting the experiment. Conclusion I) Based on this experiment, the values of time constant t and t' are 110 s and 218 s. II) From the time constant, the values of C 1 and C 2 are 1× 10 −3 Fand 1× 10−3 F.

  3. 《Experiment 1》Capacitor

    PHYSICS FOR MATRICULATIONhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxufRv3fcM-zbJEISrm3YEg?sub_confirmation=1#SP025 #PHYSICS # SEM1 #MATRICULATION LEVEL #DRWONGPHYSICS


    PHYSICS FOR MATRICULATIONhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxufRv3fcM-zbJEISrm3YEg?sub_confirmation=1#SP025 #PHYSICS # SEM1 #MATRICULATION LEVEL #DRWONGPHYSICS

  5. eBook SDS Lab Manual

    SP025 SP025 Physics Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 1: CAPACITOR Objectives: (i) To determine the time constant, τ of an RC circuit. (ii) To determine the capacitance, C of a capacitor using an RC circuit. Theory: Time constant is defined as the time taken of a discharge current decreases to 37% of its maximum current. The time constant can be ...

  6. ANSWER Physics Pre-Lab Module SP025

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  7. Format Report EXP 1 SP025

    EXPERIMENT 1 : Capacitor. Objective (i) To determine the time constant, τ of an RC circuit. (ii) To determine the capacitance, C of a capacitor using an RC circuit. Apparatus Put them in table. Jot down range and sensitivity for DC microammeter and stopwatch. Procedure In passive sentence. Sketch Figure 1 and 1. Observation For single capacitor

  8. Experiment 1: Capacitor Course Learning Outcome:: SP025 Pre ...

    025_prelabs - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. i. The document provides instructions and questions for three physics experiments involving capacitors, Ohm's Law, and potentiometers. ii. Key objectives are to determine the time constant of an RC circuit, capacitance of a capacitor, verify Ohm's Law, and determine internal resistance of a dry cell.

  9. SP025

    SP025_Pre Lab Question (1) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains pre-lab questions for two physics experiments on capacitors and Ohm's Law. [Experiment 1] involves determining the time constant of an RC circuit and the capacitance of a capacitor. Students are asked questions about capacitors, time constants, and circuit diagrams.

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  13. Pre Lab Exp 1:Capacitor SP025 worksheet

    PREPARATION QUESTION BEFORE DOING THE EXPERIMENT. ... Pre Lab Exp 1:Capacitor SP025 Pre Lab Exp 1:Capacitor SP025. hafizz_fizik Member for 3 years Age: 17+ Level: COLLEGE. Language: English (en) ID: 1786344. 11/01/2022. Country code: MY. Country: Malaysia. School subject ...

  14. Lab Manual Sp015 Sp025

    Lab Manual Sp015 Sp025 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.


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  16. eSP 2020

    SP025 SP025 Lab Manual EXPERIMENT 1: CAPACITOR Course Learning Objective: Demonstrate manipulative skills during experiments in capacitor, electric current and direct current circuits, magnetic field, geometrical optics and physical optics. (P3, CLO 2, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:


    SP025. GENERAL. SP025 Syllabus. List of Constants and Equations. LECTURE NOTES/SLIDES (BAHAGIAN MATRIKULASI) Chapter 1: Electrostatics. ... Pre-Lab 1: Measurement and uncertainty. Pre-Lab 2: Free fall and projectile motion. Pre-Lab 3: Energy. Pre-Lab 4: Rotational motion of a rigid body.

  18. Lab Report: Capacitor Physics Semester 2

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    CONTOH LAB REPORT FIZIK matrikulasi EXPERIMENT 1 ( Measurement and Uncertainty) on August 24, 2020 ... Bank Jawapan Past Year PSPM 1 BIOLOGY CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 ... Contoh Jawapan Pre-Lab MATRIKULASI SEMESTER 2 (Bio,Fiz,Kim) PHYSICS SP025 BIOLOGY SB025 CHEMISTRY SK025 klik pada subjek ...