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The history of economic development in india since independence, the background.

The task that the democratically elected leaders of newly independent India embarked on in the early 1950s was not for the faint of heart. It was to lift living standards of a people accounting for one-seventh of the world’s population who earned an average income that was one-fifteenth of the average American income of the time. 1 Three-fourths of the Indian people were engaged in agriculture working with primitive tools and techniques, as either destitute landless laborers, highly insecure tenants-at-will, or small-plot holders eking out subsistence living from their meager plots. The literacy rate stood at 14 percent, and the average life expectancy was thirty-two years.

How successful has the country been in fulfilling the task over sixty years later? The charts in this article, using World Bank data, show how some of the country’s development indicators have changed in the last half-century. The country has experienced an increase in per capita income—especially since the 1980s—as well as reductions in poverty and infant mortality rates. These improvements are not insignificant and mark a sharp break from the near stagnation that the country experienced during British rule. But a comparison with the later superior performance of China and South Korea, countries with a comparable level of development in the 1950s, reveals that India’s performance remains below its potential. How did that come about? This essay provides an account of India’s strategy of economic development, its achievements, shortfalls, and future challenges.

The Initial Strategy

The government in the 1950s adopted a very particular strategy of economic development: rapid industrialization by implementing centrally prepared five-year plans that involved raising a massive amount of resources and investing them in the creation of large industrial state-owned enterprises (SOEs). 2 The industries chosen were those producing basic and heavy industrial goods such as steel, chemicals, machines and tools, locomotives, and power. Industrialization was pursued because leaders believed, based in part on the beliefs of some economists, that the industrial sector offers the greatest scope of growth in production. It was not that the Indian agricultural sector offered no scope for growth. Crop yields in India were quite low compared to other countries, and the recent famine in 1943 had underscored the need to increase food production. Still, Indian leaders did not want to make agriculture the mainstay of their strategy. The preeminence of agriculture they believed was characteristic of a backward economy, and growth in agriculture eventually runs up against the problem of insufficient demand. There is only so much, after all, that people are willing to eat.

Investments in the creation of public enterprises were chosen because one goal of the government was to establish a “socialistic pattern of society,” i.e., using democratic methods to bring large swathes of the country’s productive resources under public ownership. Industries producing basic and heavy goods were chosen for investment over consumer goods because the government wanted to reduce the country’s reliance on imports of basic and heavy industrial goods in line with their belief in the goodness of national self-reliance. “To import from abroad is to be slaves of foreign countries,” the first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, once declared. 3 The production of consumer goods such as clothing, furniture, personal care products, and similar goods was left to small privately run cottage industry firms that had the added advantage of being labor-intensive and therefore a potential generator of mass employment.

Chart of Percent of People living on less than $1.25 a day

Another strategy could have been to rely on private enterprise for industrial development while the government focused its resources on investments in infrastructure, public health, and education—sectors that are not served well by the private sector. Though leaders were cognizant of the dynamism of the private sector and the existence of India’s vibrant entrepreneurial class, they rejected the strategy that involved a prominent role for the private sector out of a commitment to establishing the socialistic pattern of society that they believed was morally superior. As things eventually turned out, the country came around in the 1990s to adopting this previously rejected strategy.

In order to assure the success of the government’s chosen strategy in the 1950s, complementary measures were put in place. Most industries were given significant trade protection so that their growth was not hampered by competition from more efficient foreign producers. An industrial licensing system was set up to ensure that private enterprises would not expand beyond the bounds that national planners had set for them. The system required all private firms beyond a certain small size to obtain a license whenever they wanted to expand capacity, produce new products, change their input mix, import inputs, or relocate plants. The system put the activities of the private sector under significant control of the government. Pundits and students of political economy who were not socialists derisively nicknamed this stifling system “the license Raj,” comparing this economic format of oppression to the political control of the imperialist British Raj.

Their strategy of increasing agricultural production was based on plans to reform agrarian institutions. According to the thinking of the planners, the poor performance of Indian agriculture was due to the fact that tillers did not own the land they worked, so they had little incentive to make land improvements that would increase long-term productivity. The government planned to implement legislation to redistribute land from large landlords to actual tillers and improve the terms under which tenant cultivators leased land from the landowners. The government also planned to organize small farmers into cooperative societies so that their resources could be pooled in order to buy modern tools and implements and the strength of their numbers could be used to obtain higher crop prices. In addition to increasing agricultural production, such reforms were also expected to alleviate the poverty of the huge class of peasants.

The Initial Results

Industrialization was a moderate success. The newly created public enterprises, albeit after major cost overruns and several delays, turned out steel, chemicals, and other products that were generally associated with developed countries. A British colonial official in the early twentieth century once scoffed that he would be willing to eat all the steel than the Indians would produce. 4 If alive in 1960, he would have eaten 6,300 tons of steel. 5

Still, by the late 1950s several problems resulting from the planners’ chosen strategy of economic development were coming to the fore, and such problems intensified in the 1960s and the 1970s. Many SOEs were run on political rather than economic considerations, so they produced losses that drained government resources rather than—as the planners had hoped—augmenting them. The SOEs could also not be counted on to generate mass employment due to their capital and skill rather than labor-intensive character. Several enterprises were overstaffed and faced insufficient demand for what they produced, forcing them to render idle some of their capacity. The case of the Haldia fertilizer plant is an extreme but illustrative example. The plant was set up in the 1970s and employed 1,500 people. The workers and managers showed up regularly, kept the machine facilities clean and in working condition, and often received annual bonuses and overtime. They lived in a nearby spanking-new township built specially for them, one that had excellent roads, schools, and homes. There was only one thing missing. Because of numerous problems, the plant never produced even an ounce of fertilizer. Yet the government kept Haldia’s lights on for twenty-one years. 6

One government method for financing expenditures was the creation of new money, which resulted in significant inflation.

Chart of Literacy Rate

The plans for the reform of agrarian institutions did not pan out. The push for land redistribution ran into political opposition and clashed with the requirements of due process, so as little as 5 percent of the land was actually redistributed. The creation of agricultural cooperatives also did not materialize due to difficulties of organization and lack of enthusiasm on the ground. Agricultural production barely kept pace with population growth, and the country’s food security remained precarious. The drawback of prioritizing industry over agriculture for public investments became glaringly apparent when the country experienced a food crisis in the mid-1960s, necessitating urgent large-scale imports of subsidized grain from the United States. The crisis undermined the government’s claim that its strategy of prioritizing industry over agriculture for public investment would increase national self-reliance.

The drawback of prioritizing industry over agriculture for public investments became glaringly apparent when the country experienced a food crisis in the mid-1960s, necessitating urgent large-scale imports of subsidized grain from the United States.

Under the fixed exchange rate regime that existed in the country, high inflation in the 1960s reduced the country’s exports while increasing its imports, resulting in a shortage of foreign exchange. The shortage was exacerbated by the food imports made necessary by a drought and a war with Pakistan. Foreign exchange became one of the items the government had to resort to rationing. The reverberations were felt throughout the economy. Several new factories lay idle for want of foreign exchange to import some necessary inputs, while others hoarded foreign exchange to starve their competitors or earn a premium in the black market. Holding foreign exchange without a license became an offense punishable by jail time. Ultimately, the rupee had to be devalued, which generated further disruptions in the economic lives of most people.

Meanwhile, the industrial licensing system, designed to ensure that the private sector operated according to the five-year plans, became a source of much inefficiency and corruption. The micromanagement of the private sector called for much more knowledge and technical ability than government bureaucrats possessed. The system descended into a mechanism for rewarding political supporters of the rulers, which undermined the confidence of the people in the integrity of their governmental institutions.

Perhaps the most unfortunate legacy of prioritizing industry at the expense of other alternatives for investment was that scarce public resources were diverted away from health and education. The meager resources expended on these in India stand in marked contrast to the plentiful attention paid to them in China and other Asian countries. Seventy years after independence, India has still to catch up on these fronts; one-half of its children are malnourished, one-half of women are illiterate, and twothirds of its people lack basic sanitation. As a result, a large fraction of Indians today are unable to directly take advantage of the opportunities opened up by the country’s recent tilt toward a market economy and globalization.

The Change in Strategies

In response to the food crisis of the mid-1960s, the government changed its agricultural strategy. Rather than holding out for the reform of agrarian institutions, it began to guarantee higher crop prices to farmers and utilize subsidies to promote use of modern inputs such as chemical fertilizers and high-yielding varieties of grain developed in other parts of the world. The resulting surge of production—the so-called “green revolution” of the late 1960s—made the country self-sufficient in food grains. The strategy was controversial because it increased economic disparities among the farmers. For the greatest chance of success, the government had to focus its strategy on the irrigated sections—the very parts of the country that were already doing relatively well. The uptake of subsidized inputs was also the highest among large landowners, owing to their greater education, creditworthiness, and the ability to bear the risk posed by adopting new methods. The strategy did not do much to alleviate the economic condition of the agrarian poor, other than providing the indirect benefit of living in a country with better overall food security that has not since experienced famine. Micronutrient deficiencies (not caloric) such as anemia are today a bigger problem among the poor, and the country’s health indicators lag behind those of other countries with comparable levels of income.

The strategy toward industry, however, turned more interventionist after 1965. Elaboration of all the reasons for this need not detain us here; there is a strong case that the interventionist turn was a cynical ploy by new Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for consolidating her power in response to certain political developments. The new policy stance displayed a suspicion of large firms and a preference for the small. The licensing system imposed additional restrictions on the activities of large firms, curtailing their growth. Under a policy that was one of a kind, consumer goods such as apparel, footwear, furniture, sporting goods, office supplies, leather goods, and kitchen appliances were reserved by law for production by small firms. Foreign firms were asked to dilute their ownership stake in their Indian subsidiaries and in response, multinationals such as IBM and Coca-Cola closed their operations and left the country.

To the extent that the success of the large firms was due to their superior technical or organizational capacity, the curtailment of their growth meant that such capacity remained underutilized. Delays and arbitrariness in the issuing of industrial licenses resulted in supply bottlenecks and shortages of many consumer goods. For example, in the 1970s, there was an eight-year waiting list for people wanting to buy a scooter, the preferred vehicle for middle-class Indians.

Thirty-five years after independence, India’s leadership had yet to achieve, to any significant degree, its pledge of lifting living standards.

The reservation of consumer goods for small enterprises meant that the benefits of economies of scale were forgone, resulting in the production of poor-quality and high-priced goods that foreigners shunned and domestic consumers had no choice but to accept. Meanwhile, countries such as South Korea and Taiwan were growing rich by exporting this very category of goods. It was during this time that Indians developed a craze for foreign products, the imports of which were restricted, and the term “imported” became synonymous with “high-quality.” The result of such policies was economic stagnation. The country’s per capita income grew by an average of less than 1 percent a year between 1966 and 1980, a rate that was too low to make a dent in the country’s massive poverty. Thirty-five years after independence, India’s leadership had yet to achieve, to any significant degree, its pledge of lifting living standards.

Also, years of rhetoric about creating rapid development had heightened people’s expectations for their quality of living. Economic stagnation, combined with high inflation caused by the government’s printing of massive amounts of money, bred political unrest and popular agitation, to which Indira Gandhi responded by declaring a national emergency in 1975. Taking advantage of the suspension of democratic procedures and requirements of due process brought on by the emergency, the Prime Minister attempted strict interventions that included rapid land redistribution and forced sterilization as a part of population control. The programs were poorly administered, contributed to incidents of human rights violations, failed to improve the economic situation, and caused a number of unintended consequences. For example, the government’s attempts to liquidate debts of poor farmers led to the virtual drying up of informal sources of credit and the banks were not up to the task of picking up the slack. The chaos generated by the haphazard and poorly administered interventions generated a popular backlash and tainted in many minds the whole interventionist approach to economic development.

By the 1980s, a substantial number of influential people had come around to the conclusion that the government did not have the political and administrative capacity to successfully run a controlled economy that delivered on economic growth. Gandhi, chastened by the political defeats that followed her earlier attempts to impose strict controls, acquiesced to relaxing some of them. Her Cambridge-educated son, Rajiv Gandhi, who succeeded her as Prime Minister, enacted further liberalization. Certain industries and business activities were exempted from licensing requirements. Such measures helped to cause robust industrial growth in the late 1980s.

The About Turn

When a foreign exchange shortage threatened a crisis again in 1991, the government made a clear break with past policies. By then, the intellectual consensus in favor of state-led, import-substituting development strategies had greatly weakened. The breakup of the Soviet Union had substantially discredited central planning, and the export-led success of East Asian countries had thrown into light the drawbacks of an inward-looking model of development. Also, cultural changes in India, consisting of a deemphasis of asceticism and a greater acceptance of the pursuit of material gain, had made extensive economic controls untenable. 7 At the behest of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which provided rescue during the foreign exchange crisis, but also of its own accord, the government announced major economic reforms. It dismantled the license Raj almost overnight, slashed tax rates and import duties, removed controls on prices and entry of new firms, put up several SOEs for sale, and rolled out the welcome mat for foreign investors. Rather than socialism, the guiding principles of policy now were liberalization, privatization, and globalization.

The country’s share in world trade increased from 0.4 percent on the eve of the reforms to 1.5 percent in 2006, and foreign exchange shortages, once a chronic headache for policymakers, have now been replaced by reserves upward of US $350 billion . . .

The economy responded with a surge in growth, which averaged 6.3 percent annually in the 1990s and the early 2000s, a rate double that of earlier time frames. Shortages disappeared. On the eve of the reforms, the public telecom monopoly had installed five million landlines in the entire country and there was a seven-year waiting list to get a new line. In 2004, private cellular companies were signing up new customers at the rate of five million per month. The number of people who lived below the poverty line decreased between 1993 and 2009 from 50 percent of total population to 34 percent. The exact estimates vary depending on the poverty line used, but even alternative estimates indicate a post-1991 decline of poverty that is more rapid than at any other time since independence. The country’s share in world trade increased from 0.4 percent on the eve of the reforms to 1.5 percent in 2006, and foreign exchange shortages, once a chronic headache for policymakers, have now been replaced by reserves upward of US $350 billion—prompting debates about what to do with the “excess reserves.” 8

Several significant economic challenges remain for India. The economy has polarized into a highly productive, modern, and globally integrated formal sector, employing about 10 percent of the labor force, and a low-productivity sector consisting of agriculture and urban informal activities, engaging 90 percent of the labor force. The sectors that have experienced the most growth are services and capital-intensive manufacturing. It is illustrative that IT and pharmaceuticals are the two sectors of the economy with international renown. Such industries tend to be urban and employ mainly skilled workers. Yet to come India’s way are millions of lowskill manufacturing jobs that have allowed the poor in East Asian countries to climb into the middle class. Companies are loath to set up labor-intensive manufacturing because Indian labor laws are some of the most restrictive in the world. For example, a manufacturing unit hiring more than 100 workers cannot lay off any of them without seeking government permission, which is rarely granted. 9 Liberalization of labor laws tends to run into fierce political opposition. The second reason for the dearth of manufacturing jobs is that the country’s infrastructure is relatively deficient, and so companies increasingly practicing just-in-time inventory management do not find it cost-effective to include India in their global supply chains. 10

The provision of public services in India is appallingly poor. Government schools and clinics are underfunded and inadequately supervised, and their workers display low morale and high absenteeism. Yet such public institutions are rarely held accountable for their performance. 11 The middle class has largely opted out of the system in favor of private health care, schools, and transportation so there is little political pressure from them to improve the system. Most middle-class Indians now even own a power generator to cope with everyday power cuts. The poor take the brunt of the derelict public services. Two million children die in India every year from easily preventable diseases, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and immunization rates in India are amongst the lowest in the world. Air pollution levels in urban areas pose a severe public health crisis. According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), thirteen out of the twenty most polluted cities in the world are Indian. 12 The country still relies heavily on inexpensive coal to generate power and has shown very little willingness to move toward alternative energy sources.

Given the current policies and state of governance in India, it is hard to see an obvious path into the middle class for the multitudes still remaining in poverty. Global demand for low-wage, low-skill labor to sew T-shirts or assemble TVs is not what it used to be, because production is now becoming increasingly mechanized and some of it is being “reshored” back to the rich countries. For several hundred million poor people in delicate health and with little education, the country will have to find a way to overcome the technical, institutional, and economic barriers to developing the capabilities necessary for functioning in a twenty-first-century economy. It is not a task for the faint-hearted.

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1. The figure is calculated from the estimated per capita income of the two countries. See The Madisson-Project (2013) database at http://tinyurl.com/pvqeuay.

2. Francine Frankel provides a detailed study of how such a strategy came to be chosen is in India’s Political Economy: 1947-2004 , 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).

3. Arvind Panagariya, India: An Emerging Giant (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 25.

4. Wolfgang Messner, Working with India (Berlin: Springer Publishing, 2009), 49.

5. The tonnage statistic comes from the Handbook of World Steel Statistics (1978), published by the International Iron and Steel Institute.

6. This and many other cases of economic dysfunctions of the era are recounted by a former CEO and public intellectual, Gurcharan Das, in his memoirs, India Unbound: From Independence to Information Age (New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2000).

7. For an elaboration, see Nimish Adhia, “The Role of Ideological Change in India’s Economic Liberalization,” The Journal of Socio-Economics 44, issue C (2013): 103– 111.

8. Panagariya provides a detailed academic reference on Indian economic policies and their effects in India: An Emerging Giant .

9. Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya give a fuller account of Indian labor laws in India’s Tryst with Destiny (New York: Harper Collins, 2012).

10. Robyn Meredith well describes the twenty-first-century multinational supply chains in chapter 5 of her book, “The Disassembly Line,” in The Elephant and the Dragon (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007).

11. Good accounts of the lives of India’s poor and the causes of the dysfunction in the country’s public services are given by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen in An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013), and Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee in Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty (New York: PublicAffairs, 2011).

12. “Thirteen of the Twenty Most Polluted Cities in the World Are Indian,” Quartz India , last modified December 7, 2014, http://tinyurl.com/nyekwwk .

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Development of India After Independence Essay

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Development of India After Independence Essay: India’s journey after gaining independence in 1947 has been nothing short of remarkable. The nation has made significant strides in various sectors, propelling itself towards economic growth, technological advancement, and social development. India’s development journey after independence has been a saga of growth, progress, and change. The nation, once struggling with poverty and colonial legacy, embarked on a path of economic and social transformation. Over the decades, India has achieved remarkable milestones, including technological advancements, improved healthcare, and increased literacy rates. While challenges persist, India’s journey reflects its resilience, diversity, and determination to build a prosperous and inclusive future. In this article, we’ll provide sample essays of varying lengths to illustrate its progress.

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Whether you need a 100-word overview or a more detailed 500-word essay on the topic “Development of India After Independence”, we’ve got your back. Refer to the sample essays given below.

Development of India After Independence Essay 1: 100 Words

India gained independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, and since then, there has been a noteworthy development in various sectors. The country witnessed massive advancements in science and technology, education, infrastructure, and healthcare. The establishment of prestigious institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Space Research Organisation propelled India into becoming a global hub for technological innovation. Additionally, initiatives such as the Green Revolution brought about a paradigm shift in agriculture, leading to increased food production. Despite economic and social challenges, India’s progress after independence demonstrates the immense potential and resilience of its people.

Development of India After Independence Essay 2: 250 Words

The development of India after gaining independence in 1947 has been marked by significant achievements and transformative changes. At the time of independence, India faced numerous challenges, including widespread poverty, illiteracy, and inadequate infrastructure. However, the nation embarked on a journey of progress and development that has since witnessed remarkable milestones.

One of the key pillars of India’s development has been economic growth. The country implemented economic reforms in the 1990s, liberalizing various sectors and fostering entrepreneurship. This led to a surge in economic activity, attracting foreign investments, and propelling India into the ranks of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

India’s technological advancement has been another noteworthy achievement. The country’s IT industry has gained global recognition, and India has become a hub for software services and innovation. This technological prowess has not only boosted the economy but also enhanced India’s global standing.

Furthermore, India has made strides in improving healthcare and education. Initiatives like the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have expanded healthcare access and increased literacy rates across the country. These efforts have had a positive impact on the overall quality of life for millions of Indians.

In conclusion, India’s development journey after independence is a testament to its resilience, diversity, and commitment to progress. While challenges remain, the nation has achieved significant growth in various sectors, positioning itself as a global economic and technological powerhouse.

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Development of India After Independence Essay 3: 300 Words

India’s post-independence development has been a story of remarkable progress and transformation. After gaining independence in 1947, India faced numerous challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, and a fragile economy. However, the nation embarked on a journey of development that has witnessed significant milestones.

Economic growth has been a cornerstone of India’s progress. The nation adopted economic reforms in the 1990s, opening up its markets and attracting foreign investments. This led to robust economic expansion, making India one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. The IT and services sector, in particular, flourished, earning India a reputation as a global technology hub.

India’s technological advancements have also been a notable achievement. The country’s IT industry has grown exponentially, with Indian professionals contributing to innovation and software development on a global scale. This technological prowess has not only boosted the economy but has also strengthened India’s position in the global arena.

Improvements in healthcare and education have played a pivotal role in India’s development. Initiatives such as the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have expanded access to healthcare and education in rural and remote areas. These efforts have resulted in increased literacy rates and improved healthcare outcomes, enhancing the quality of life for millions of Indians.

Additionally, India has made strides in infrastructure development, urbanization, and social inclusion. The nation has launched ambitious projects like “Make in India” and “Digital India,” aiming to boost manufacturing, innovation, and connectivity.

In conclusion, India’s journey of development after independence reflects its resilience, diversity, and commitment to progress. While challenges persist, the nation has made significant strides in various sectors, positioning itself as a global economic and technological powerhouse with a focus on inclusive growth and development.

Development of India After Independence Essay 4: 500 Words

India gained its independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, after a long and arduous struggle. With newfound freedom, the country faced numerous challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, and social inequality. However, over the years, India has made significant strides in its development and has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. This essay will discuss the development of India after independence in various aspects such as the economy, education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, and technology.

One of the greatest achievements of post-independence India has been its economic growth. The country adopted a mixed economy model, combining elements of socialism and capitalism, and implemented several reforms to promote industrialization and foreign investment. As a result, India’s GDP has increased significantly, and poverty rates have declined.

The establishment of the Green Revolution in the 1960s revolutionized agriculture, making India self-sufficient in food production. Moreover, the liberalization policies of the 1990s opened up the economy to the global market, attracting foreign investments and boosting exports. Today, India is one of the largest economies in the world and continues to experience rapid growth.

Education has also been a priority for post-independence India. The government has implemented various initiatives to increase literacy rates and improve the quality of education. The Right to Education Act, passed in 2009, made education a fundamental right for all children between the ages of six and fourteen.

The expansion of the education system has resulted in a significant increase in literacy rates, which have more than doubled since independence. Moreover, India has established numerous prestigious educational institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Management, which are globally recognized for their excellence in education.

Healthcare has also witnessed remarkable progress in post-independence India. The government has implemented several schemes and programs to improve access to healthcare services, particularly for marginalized communities. The introduction of the National Rural Health Mission in 2005 aimed to provide quality healthcare services in rural areas, which have historically lacked adequate medical facilities.

Additionally, the government has launched initiatives such as Ayushman Bharat, a national health protection scheme that provides health insurance to over 500 million people, further widening access to healthcare services. These efforts have resulted in improved healthcare outcomes, including a decline in infant mortality rates and an increase in life expectancy.

The development of agriculture has played a crucial role in India’s progress after independence. The Green Revolution, as mentioned earlier, helped the country achieve self-sufficiency in food production and ensure food security for its population.

The government has continued to implement various policies and schemes to support farmers, such as providing subsidies, promoting organic farming, and investing in irrigation facilities. These measures have led to increased agricultural productivity and income levels, contributing to rural development and poverty reduction.

Infrastructure development has been another focus of post-independence India. The government has invested heavily in the construction of roads, railways, airports, and ports, in both urban and rural areas. This has not only facilitated connectivity and transportation but has also attracted investments and boosted economic growth.

Additionally, initiatives like the Smart Cities Mission and the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana have aimed to improve the quality of life in urban areas by providing better housing, sanitation facilities, and utilities.

Lastly, the rapid advancements in technology have played a crucial role in India’s development after independence. The country has emerged as a global leader in the information technology and software services sector.

The establishment of technology parks and the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation have fostered a thriving startup ecosystem. This has not only boosted economic growth but has also created employment opportunities for millions of Indians.

In conclusion, India has made significant strides in various aspects of development after gaining independence. The country has witnessed economic growth, increased access to education and healthcare, enhanced agricultural productivity, improved infrastructure, and advancements in technology. While challenges remain, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental issues, the progress made so far indicates a promising future for India’s continued development.

FAQs on Development of India After Independence Essay

How has india developed after gaining independence.

India has made significant progress in economic growth, technological advancement, healthcare, education, and infrastructure development since gaining independence in 1947.

What are the key milestones in India's development journey post-independence?

Key milestones include economic reforms, IT sector growth, improved healthcare and education, and infrastructure development.

How did economic reforms impact India's development after independence?

Economic reforms in the 1990s opened up India's markets, attracting foreign investments and propelling the nation into one of the world's fastest-growing economies.

What role did the IT industry play in India's development?

India's IT industry achieved global recognition, contributing to technological advancements and bolstering the nation's economy.

How has healthcare and education improved in India post-independence?

Initiatives like the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have expanded access to healthcare and education, leading to increased literacy rates and improved healthcare outcomes.

What are some recent development initiatives in India?

Recent initiatives include Make in India and Digital India, which focus on boosting manufacturing, innovation, and connectivity.

What challenges does India still face in its development journey?

Challenges include poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, environmental sustainability, and addressing social inequalities.

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The indian economy after independence.

  • Tirthankar Roy Tirthankar Roy Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.563
  • Published online: 31 March 2020

The Indian Union, from the time of independence from British colonial rule, 1947, until now, has undergone shifts in the trajectory of economic change and the political context of economic change. One of these transitions was a ‘green revolution’ in farming that occurred in the 1970s. In the same decade, Indian migration to the Persian Gulf states began to increase. In the 1980s, the government of India seemed to abandon a strategy of economic development that had relied on public investment in heavy industries and encouraged private enterprise in most fields. These shifts did not always follow announced policy, produced deep impact on economic growth and standards of living, and generated new forms of inequality. Therefore, their causes and consequences are matters of discussion and debate. Most discussions and debates form around three larger questions. First, why was there a turnaround in the pace of economic change in the 1980s? The answer lies in a fortuitous rebalancing of the role of openness and private investment in the economy. Second, why did human development lag achievements in income growth after the turnaround? A preoccupation with state-aided industrialization, the essay answers, entailed neglect of infrastructure and human development, and some of that legacy persisted. If the quality of life failed to improve enough, then a third question follows, why did the democratic political system survive at all if it did not equitably distribute the benefits from growth? In answer, the essay discusses studies that question the extent of the failure.

  • economic development
  • import-substituting industrialization
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Indian Economy since Independence

Nehruvian Era (1950s-1960s):

  • Five-Year Plans : These plans focused on industrialization, agrarian reforms, infrastructure development, and social welfare.
  • Mixed Economy model with a combination of public sector enterprises and private sector participation. Nationalization of key industries and dominant role of the government in economic planning and regulation. 
  • Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) policy aimed to reduce dependence on imports through protective tariffs and licenses. 
  • Growth of self-reliant industrial base but faced challenges of inefficiency and quality concerns. 
  • Economic challenges including low per capita income, widespread poverty, low literacy rates, and inadequate infrastructure. 
  • Instances of macroeconomic imbalances, such as inflation and balance of payments issues.

Industrialization and Public Sector Development :

  • Emphasis on the development of heavy industries such as steel, power, and machinery. Notable projects like the Bhakra-Nangal Dam and the establishment of the Steel Authority of India (SAIL). 
  • Establishment of public sector enterprises like Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), and Indian Oil Corporation (IOC). Public sector enterprises played a crucial role in promoting industrial growth and self-reliance in key sectors of the economy.

Agricultural Reforms and Food Security :

  • Agrarian reforms introduced by Nehru to address issues of landlessness, tenancy, and unequal land distribution. Measures such as the abolition of intermediaries and implementation of land ceiling laws aimed at improving agricultural productivity and reducing inequality. 
  • Community development programs initiated by Nehru focused on rural development, agricultural extension services, and promotion of cooperative societies. 

Infrastructure Development:

  • Construction of dams, irrigation canals, and hydroelectric power projects to enhance agricultural productivity, generate electricity, and provide irrigation facilities. 
  • Emphasis on the expansion of railways and road networks to improve transportation, trade, and connectivity across the country

Issues with Economy during Nehruvian Phase

  • Slumped growth of agriculture: From 1951 to 1965, industry grew at 7.1% annually. Agriculture received less attention, spending reduced during second Five Year Plan. Sector developed at over 3% per year, more resources could have accelerated growth.
  • Dependence on foreign aid for development projects, creating dependencies and limiting self-reliance. 
  • Implementation of price controls and subsidies on essential commodities to address social welfare concerns, but resulting in distortions, black markets, and inflationary pressures. 
  • Limited Industrial Growth : The focus on public sector enterprises and import substitution policies led to inefficiencies and lack of competition, hindering industrial development.

Indian Economy between 1965 to 1980

  • Rapid industrialization reduced agriculture spending, second Plan saw 50% cut. 
  • The failure of the monsoon and its impact on inflation . 
  • Consecutive monsoon failures in 1965 and 1966 worsened the already stagnant agriculture sector, leading to a decline in agricultural output.
  • The USA decided not to renew the long-term PL-480 (wheat loan) agreement with India due to India's stance on Vietnam.
  • Impact of Wars : The conflicts in 1962 and 1965 led to increased defence spending, causing a fiscal deficit of 7.3% of GDP for the governments in 1966-67.
  • The balance of payments situation worsened due to insufficient reserves. Foreign exchange reserves averaged around $340 million from 1964-65 to 1966-67, which was not enough to cover even two months of imports. 
  • Foreign aid has become increasingly relied upon during the first three Plans, but now its dependence has significantly grown due to food shortages and a negative balance of payments.
  • Reform measures : After 1967, a series of radical economic policies were implemented in India, which had a lasting impact on the country's development efforts. The user mentioned that there are some things that they want to discuss.
  • On July 20, 1969, the 14 major private commercial banks underwent nationalisation. 
  • In 1972, insurance was nationalised. 
  • In 1973, the coal industry underwent nationalisation in the power sector.
  • Aims of reforms : The move aimed to increase bank lending to agriculture, as big businesses were dominating the credit flow.
  • In 1969, the Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practises Act (MRTP) was passed to promote a competitive environment in business by imposing restrictions on the activities of large business houses.
  • After 1969, any business group with assets exceeding Rs. 20 crores were deemed a monopoly and prohibited from further business expansion.

Control and intervention Measures by Government 

  • Foreign Exchange and Regulation Act (FERA) enacted in 1973 imposed strict regulations on foreign investment in India. 
  • Nationalisation : The government has chosen to acquire and manage struggling companies, including textile mills, instead of letting them shut down.
  • India briefly suspended its five-year plans and instead implemented annual plans between 1966 and 1969. The country decided not to allocate resources for an extended period.

Industrial Policy of 1977

  • The policy focused on promoting cottage and small industries in rural areas and small towns.
  • The policy classified the small sector into three groups: cottage and household sector, tiny sector, and small-scale industries.
  • It aimed to prevent large business houses from gaining a dominant and monopolistic position in the market by limiting their scope.

An analysis of Phase -1:

  • Bank nationalisation enhanced financial inclusion and increased farm credit. 
  • Opening of bank branches in rural areas increased financial savings. 
  • Crony capitalism resulted from lending decisions influenced by politics.

Onset of Balance of Payment (BoP) Crisis (1980s to 1991)

  • Indira Gandhi devalued the rupee by 57% to address the balance of payments crisis.
  • Measures were taken to decrease the fiscal deficit by reducing government spending instead of increasing taxes.  The action resulted in increased inflation and faced widespread criticism.
  • The sixth five-year plan (1980-85) focused on implementing measures to enhance the economy's competitiveness.
  • Delicensing : a series of measures taken to remove price controls, implement fiscal reforms, revamp the public sector, reduce import duties, and end the licencing of the domestic industry. Raj.
  • The Industrial Policy of 1980 aimed to boost economic federation , improve the public sector's efficiency, and reverse the decline in industrial production. 
  • It also expressed support for the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises (MRTP) Act and the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA).
  • During Rajiv Gandhi's tenure as Prime Minister, his government implemented several reforms in the late 1980s. 
  • These reforms included relaxing the process of granting licences, reducing import restrictions, and introducing export incentives. 
  • The MRTP asset limit has been increased to Rs. 100 crores, which is five times higher than before.
  • The 1985-86 budget reduced direct taxes for companies and increased income tax exemption limits.
  • In 1982-83, the government made changes to the capital markets to attract more foreign investments, with a focus on non-resident Indians.
  • In the 1980s, India experienced a significant increase in its growth rate, surpassing the previous three-decade record. This growth rate, which was previously referred to as the "Hindu rate of Growth" by Prof. Raj Krishna, reached over 5.5 percent of GDP.

Outcome of efforts of Rajiv Gandhi Government

  • The 1980s modifications were a flexible approach within the control regime, but underlying structural weaknesses persisted. 
  • The issue of a structural bottleneck has not been addressed or resolved. In the 1980s, the Indian economy seemed to be thriving, but underlying structural weaknesses were emerging.
  • The user mentions several factors that contributed to the economic situation, including industrial control, the licence raj, the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises Act (MRTP) of 1969, nationalisation of banks and industries, self-sufficiency, and an inward-looking trade policy.
  • In the late 1980s, there was a significant trade deficit as imports were almost double the number of exports. This led to export earnings being only 55% of the total imports.
  • India began relying heavily on short-term borrowings in the late 1980s.
  • India's weak macroeconomic indicators have resulted in negative macroeconomic fundamentals.
  • In 1990-91, there were several economic challenges faced by the country including a fiscal deficit of 8.4%, a current account deficit of 3.1%, high inflation of 17%, and a significant foreign debt.
  • The Balance of Payments (BoP) is heavily affected by all these factors, causing significant strain.

Liberalization and Globalization (1990s onwards):

  • Economic Reforms: Starting in the early 1990s, India initiated economic liberalization and embraced globalization. Reforms included deregulation, liberalization of trade and foreign investment, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and financial sector reforms.
  • Liberalization of Key Sectors: Sectors such as telecommunications, information technology, and services experienced significant growth and became key drivers of the Indian economy.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Policies were implemented to encourage FDI inflows and improve the ease of doing business in India.
  • IT and Services Boom: India emerged as a global hub for information technology (IT) services and business process outsourcing (BPO).
  • Infrastructure Development: Investments were made in infrastructure, including transportation networks, power generation, and urban development. Initiatives such as the Golden Quadrilateral highway project aimed to enhance connectivity and support economic growth.
  • Socioeconomic Progress: There were improvements in areas such as literacy rates, life expectancy, healthcare, and poverty alleviation. Government programs targeted social welfare, rural development, and inclusive growth.

Recent Years :

  • Emphasis on Ease of Doing Business : India has undertaken reforms to improve the ease of doing business, streamline regulations, and attract investment. 
  • Digital Transformation : The government has prioritized digitalization and e-governance initiatives, promoting digital payments, expanding internet connectivity, and leveraging technology for service delivery and financial inclusion.
  • Start-up Ecosystem : India has witnessed the rise of a vibrant start-up ecosystem, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation. Various government initiatives and funding support have boosted the growth of start-ups in sectors like technology, e-commerce, and fintech.

The journey of Indian economic development since independence has seen a transition from a planned economy to economic liberalization, embracing globalization and fostering entrepreneurship. Challenges such as poverty, inequality, and job creation remain, but India has emerged as one of the world's fastest-growing major economies and a key player in the global economy.


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India's achievements after 75 years of Independence_1.1

India’s achievements after 75 years of Independence

India's achievements after 75 years of Independence: Article talks about the progress India has made in the last 75 years in the field of economic growth, scientific innovations and in other fields.

India's achievements after 75 years of independence

Table of Contents

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, it provides a moment to reflect on the nation’s progress and its evolving landscape. This article highlights significant achievements, historical milestones, and ongoing challenges in various sectors, offering a comprehensive overview for UPSC examination preparation.

India’s journey since gaining independence on August 15, 1947, has been marked by significant milestones and achievements across various domains. Here’s a brief overview of the nation’s progress and accomplishments after 75 years of independence:

₹2.7 lakh crore (3% of global GDP) ₹180 lakh crore (8.5% of global GDP) Significant economic growth
0.399 million km 5.2 million km One of the largest in the world
24,000 km 1,70,000 km Major expansion
1,362 MW 4,25,000 MW Major increase in capacity
3,061 villages 19,227 villages Comprehensive coverage
12% 75% Improvement in education
32 years 71 years Significant increase
0.7 per 1000 0.8 per 1000 (compared to WHO’s 2.5) Needs improvement
471 85,000 Explosive growth

75 Years of Independence: The Evolving Landscape of India

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, the nation reflects on its remarkable journey from a post-colonial state to a global powerhouse. This article explores the key milestones and achievements across various sectors, highlighting how India has evolved over the decades.

1. Economic Growth and Development

Early Economic Strategies:

  • 1951: The First Five-Year Plan was introduced, focusing on agricultural growth and addressing the immediate post-independence challenges.
  • 1991: The economic liberalization era began with significant reforms including privatization and globalization, which transformed India into one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

Recent Developments:

  • GDP: As of 2024, India is the fifth-largest economy globally, with a GDP of approximately ₹180 lakh crore (8.5% of global GDP). This reflects robust economic growth and a significant position in the global economic landscape.
  • Startup Ecosystem: India is home to one of the largest startup ecosystems, with approximately 85,000 startups as of mid-2024, demonstrating a thriving entrepreneurial environment.

2. Scientific and Technological Advancements

Milestones in Space Exploration:

  • 1963: The launch of India’s first sounding rocket marked the beginning of the Indian Space Program, setting the stage for future advancements.
  • 2023: The Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully landed on the Moon’s south pole, a historic achievement in space exploration.

Technological Innovations:

  • UPI: The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has become a significant player in digital transactions, with 11.55 billion transactions worth ₹11.7 trillion in Q1 2024.

3. Infrastructure Development

Historical Growth:

  • 1951-2023: India’s road network has expanded from 0.399 million km to 5.2 million km, making it one of the largest in the world. The national highway network grew from 24,000 km in 1969 to 1,70,000 km by 2023.
  • Power Generation: The capacity increased from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 4,25,000 MW in 2024, supporting widespread industrial and residential needs.

Recent Updates:

  • Rural Electrification: As of early 2024, all 19,227 villages have been electrified, ensuring access to electricity across the nation.

4. Human Development

Education and Health:

  • Literacy Rate: Improved from 12% in 1947 to 75% in 2024, reflecting significant strides in educational development.
  • Life Expectancy: Increased from 32 years in 1947 to 71 years in 2024, highlighting improvements in healthcare and quality of life.

Healthcare Challenges:

  • Doctor-to-Patient Ratio: India has a ratio of 0.8 doctors per 1,000 people compared to the WHO’s average of 2.5, indicating areas for improvement in healthcare access.

5. Social and Political Milestones

Key Events and Achievements:

  • 1950: The Indian Constitution came into effect, establishing India as a Republic and laying the groundwork for democratic governance.
  • 1966: Indira Gandhi became India’s first female Prime Minister, marking a significant political milestone.
  • 2022: Draupadi Murmu was elected as the fifteenth President of India, becoming the first tribal leader to hold the office.

Significant Policies and Reforms:

  • 2010: The Right to Education Act (RTE) was enacted, making education a fundamental right for children aged 6 to 14.
  • 2017: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced, simplifying the tax system and integrating the economy.

6. Cultural and Sporting Achievements

Historical Moments:

  • 1983: India won its first Cricket World Cup, a landmark achievement in the country’s sporting history.
  • 2024: India continued to celebrate its cultural diversity and heritage, contributing to global cultural exchanges and understanding.

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, it stands as a testament to the resilience, innovation, and progress of its people. From significant economic and technological achievements to strides in human development and infrastructure, India has made remarkable progress. Looking ahead, India aims to build on these successes, addressing ongoing challenges and paving the way for a brighter future for its citizens.

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India's achievements after 75 years of Independence FAQs

What did india achieved after 75 years of independence.

In 1974, India conducted “Smiling Buddha”, its first nuclear test, making its place on the list of five nuclear-powered nations. This is one of the biggest achievements of India since 1947. Today, India has the 2nd largest military force and largest voluntary army in the world.

What we achieved in 75 years?

In the last seven-and-a-half decades, India achieved remarkable development in agriculture, heavy industry, irrigation, energy production, nuclear power capability, space technology, biotechnology, telecommunication, oceanography and science education and research.

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

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  • From Struggles to Triumphs: Independent India's Challenges

From Struggles to Triumphs: Independent India's Challenges  Blogs Home

  • 14 Aug 2023

economic development of india after independence essay

With the resounding cries of "Swaraj" echoing through the streets and the passionate pursuit of freedom fueling the hearts of millions, India emerged from the shadows of British colonial rule on that historic day, August 15, 1947. The tireless efforts of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi , Jawaharlal Nehru , and countless others eventually led to India's independence. And then, the country embarked on a nation-building journey, faced with multifaceted challenges that required resilience, determination, and ingenuity to overcome. On this occasion of Independence Day , let's focus on some major challenges that India had to face in being independent.

Complex Constitutional Framework

One of the most significant achievements of Independent India was framing the Indian Constitution. Dr B.R. Ambedkar led the drafting committee, and on January 26, 1950, India adopted its new Constitution, establishing a democratic and federal structure. However, building a robust democracy came with its own set of challenges, including the need to accommodate diverse linguistic, cultural, and religious groups within a single nation. The concept of federalism had to be balanced with the central government's authority, ensuring equitable representation and power-sharing.

The Constitution of India, inspired by democratic principles and values, laid the foundation for a country that would be governed by the Rule of Law. It provided some fundamental rights to its citizens, aiming to promote social justice and equality. However, implementing these ideals on such a vast and diverse population proved to be a challenge. Caste-based discrimination, social inequalities, and gender disparities persisted and required continuous efforts to address.

Integration of Princely States

At the time of independence, India faced the challenge of integrating over 500 princely states into the newly independent nation. The states had the option to join India or Pakistan or stay independent. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, played a crucial role in persuading most princely states to accede to India. This process was marked by complex negotiations, diplomacy, and, in some cases, military action. By 1949, India managed to integrate most of these states into its territory.

The integration of princely states was critical to maintaining the territorial integrity of India. It required careful negotiation and respect for the diverse identities and aspirations of these states' rulers and populations. The success of this integration was a testament to India's ability to forge a united and diverse nation despite the challenges it faced in the aftermath of partition.

Nation-Building and Social Issues

Nation-building after independence required addressing various social issues that had plagued India for centuries. The government launched initiatives to combat poverty, illiteracy, and social inequality. Land reforms were undertaken to distribute land more equitably among farmers. The Green Revolution in the 1960s transformed India from a food-deficit nation to a self-sufficient one, improving agricultural productivity. Reservation policies and affirmative action were taken to uplift marginalized communities.

India's journey towards social progress and equality has been ongoing. Poverty, though reduced significantly over the years, continues to be a pressing issue. Access to education and healthcare remains uneven, particularly in rural areas. Gender disparities and discrimination persist in many aspects of society, challenging India's path to true inclusivity and social justice.

Economic Challenges

Independent India faced daunting economic challenges. The country adopted a planned economic model with five-year plans to promote industrialization and economic development. The government emphasized self-reliance and import substitution to reduce dependency on foreign goods. However, in the 1990s, India faced a severe economic crisis, prompting the shift to liberalization and globalization policies.

Economic reforms 1991 , popularly known as " liberalization , privatization , and globalization" (LPG), were initiated with an aim to liberalize the Indian economy, attract foreign investments, and foster private sector growth. These reforms were initiated to open up the Indian market to foreign investments and promote a more market-oriented economy and led to increased growth and global integration.

Although instrumental in laying the groundwork for industrialization and infrastructure development, the planned economic model had its limitations. It led to inefficiencies, bureaucratic red tape , and a lack of competitiveness in certain sectors. The economic reforms of the 1990s sought to address these challenges, leading to increased foreign investment , technological advancements, and economic growth. However, they also brought forth the issues like income inequality and the need to strike a balance between economic liberalization and social welfare.

Foreign Policy- The Ultimate Challenge

India's foreign policy aims to maintain strategic autonomy and peaceful coexistence with other nations. The country advocated non-alignment during the Cold War , choosing not to align with any major power blocs. India sought to foster strong diplomatic ties with various countries and played a crucial role in peacekeeping efforts under the United Nations.

The policy has also been characterized by pragmatism and the pursuit of its national interests while upholding its commitment to international peace and cooperation. Balancing its relationships with major powers and neighbouring countries has been delicate, especially in regional dynamics and geopolitical tensions. India's foreign policy, characterized by its pursuit of strategic autonomy and peaceful coexistence, presents a dynamic challenge. In an era dominated by Cold War divisions, India's steadfast commitment to non-alignment, a neutral stance, drew both admiration and criticism. The West, at times, labeled India's foreign policy as 'confused' due to its refusal to align with major power blocs. India's position as a rising global power brings both opportunities and challenges, necessitating a careful and nuanced foreign policy approach.

Indo-Pak Relations

The partition of India led to violence and mass migrations, leaving deep scars. The two countries have fought multiple wars and faced ongoing issues over the disputed region of Kashmir. Despite numerous peace talks and efforts, finding a lasting resolution to their differences has remained elusive.

The historical and territorial complexities between India and Pakistan have posed enduring challenges to peace and stability in the region. The issue of Kashmir, a long-standing point of contention, has significantly hindered building trust and fostering sustainable peace between the two nations. Terrorist incidents and cross-border infiltrations have added to the tensions, necessitating constant efforts to defuse crises and initiate dialogue.

Indo-China Relations

India's relationship with China has been complex, marked by both cooperation and tension. The border dispute led to a brief war in 1962, and the issue remains unresolved. India strives to maintain diplomatic ties with China while safeguarding its territorial integrity.

China's assertive stance on territorial claims in border regions has remained a matter of concern for India. The 2020 border standoff in the Himalayan region further escalated tensions between the two countries. Managing this delicate relationship demands diplomatic acumen and a commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes.

Security Concerns

India has faced various security challenges, including internal conflicts, insurgency in certain regions, and the threat of terrorism. The country's security forces have been engaged in counterterrorism efforts and maintaining law and order.

Internal security challenges, such as the Naxalite-Maoist insurgency and the Kashmir conflict, have been significant hurdles in India's pursuit of peace and stability. The government's efforts to address the root causes of these conflicts while ensuring national security have been ongoing.

Driving Positive Transformation with Social Movements and Reforms

The country has witnessed significant social movements and reforms that have shaped its social fabric. The women's empowerment movement and reservation policies for marginalized communities have aimed to create a more inclusive society. The push for gender equality and social justice continues.

The impact of social movements and reforms has been transformative in certain aspects, promoting inclusivity and empowering marginalized communities. However, deep-rooted societal norms and cultural attitudes have presented obstacles to achieving full equality and justice for all. Sustained efforts and continued advocacy remain essential in the quest for a more equitable society.

Forces for Good - Political Developments

India's political landscape has evolved over the years. The country has a multi-party system, and maintaining a vibrant democracy with diverse political ideologies has been a constant challenge.

India's democracy, with its regular elections and peaceful transitions of power, has been a remarkable achievement. However, the democratic system has also faced challenges such as corruption, caste-based politics, and money's influence in elections. Strengthening democratic institutions and promoting transparency and accountability are vital for India's political progress.

Shaping a Brighter Tomorrow with Technological Advancements

The country has achieved significant space exploration milestones and emerged as a global IT and software services hub. However, bridging the digital divide and ensuring access to technology for all remains a challenge.

India's strides in space research, information technology , and communication have earned recognition on the global stage. However, the digital divide, characterized by unequal access to technology and internet connectivity, persists, hindering the goal of creating a digitally inclusive society. Bringing technology to remote and underserved areas remains a priority for the government.

Environmental Issues

India has taken steps to promote sustainability and conservation efforts. The country's rapid economic growth has often come at the cost of environmental degradation. Air pollution , especially in major cities, poses severe health risks to citizens. Water scarcity and contamination continue to raise significant concerns in certain regions. Climate change and its impact on agriculture and natural resources necessitate a greater focus on sustainable development and green initiatives.

Health and Education

Progress has been made in the healthcare and education sectors, but challenges persist, such as ensuring access to quality healthcare and education for all citizens.

India has significantly improved healthcare services and outcomes, particularly in areas like vaccination , maternal and child health , and communicable disease control. However, disparities in access to healthcare remain between urban and rural areas. In the education sector, while efforts have been made to expand access and improve the quality of education, issues like dropouts, teacher shortages, and outdated curricula persist.

Disaster Management

India has been vulnerable to natural disasters and has been continuously working on disaster preparedness and response mechanisms.

With its diverse geographical and climatic conditions, India is susceptible to various natural disasters, including cyclones , earthquakes , floods , and droughts. The government's focus on disaster management , early warning systems, and relief efforts has been crucial in mitigating the impact of these disasters and assisting affected communities.

International Collaborations for Inclusive Development

India actively engages with international organizations and forums, contributing to global issues like climate change and sustainable development. Active participation of the country in international collaborations is motivated by its commitment to global causes and the understanding that addressing global challenges requires collective action. The country's active role in forums like the United Nations and its engagements in initiatives related to climate change, sustainable development , and humanitarian aid reflect its position as a responsible global citizen.

Recent Developments

In recent times, India has faced various challenges related to governance, social justice, economic growth, and positioning itself as a global player. The country continues to tackle these issues with determination and a vision for a brighter future.

India has witnessed rapid economic growth and development in recent years, lifting millions out of poverty. Though challenges like rising income inequality, unemployment, and agrarian distress remain, the government's initiatives in areas such as Make in India , Digital India , and Skill India reflect the efforts to address these challenges and foster inclusive growth.

India's global positioning has evolved, and it has become a significant player in international affairs. It has deepened its partnerships with various countries, including those in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, to promote economic and strategic interests. Challenges in maintaining cordial relationships with certain countries and managing regional conflicts continue to be areas of focus for India's foreign policy.

References -

  • https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/conflict-between-india-and-pakistan
  • https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/china-india-border-dispute-what-know
  • https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/the-story-of-indias-integration/article29094867.ece/amp/
  • https://www.idsa.in/strategicanalysis/36_2/PoliticalIntegrationofNortheastIndia_ThongkholalHaokip
  • https://www.indiascience.in/videos/the-green-revolution-indias-independence-and-scientific-community-e

Poonam Sharma

Poonam Sharma is a graduate in civil engineering. She is an old soul who loves music, dance, art! Apart from these, she likes to immerse herself in writing, singing and sketching; this is how she expresses art.

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economic development of india after independence essay

  • India After Independence

The Independence from the Britishers left us with two countries India and Pakistan. Pakistan was further divided into East Pakistan and West Pakistan which later on led to the formation of Bangladesh. Let’s find out more about India After Independence.

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Problems faced after independence.

15 th August 1947 marked the end of colonial rule in India and the country found itself standing on the threshold of a new era wherein the task was to build a strong nation. While India found itself independent from the British, it was still to find independence from social, economic and political problems that had started to become a rock in the way of its growth. The problems that India faced right after independence can be divided into three phases:

  • Phase 1: 1947-1967
  • Phase 2: 1967-1977
  • Phase3: 1977-1984.


Phase 1 ( 1947- 1967)

India primarily these issues during this phase:

  • The division of assets: Tensions stretched to a breaking point with Pakistan over the division of assets. According to the Indo- Pakistan financial settlement of 1947 India had to pay rupees 55 crores as the latter’s share of the assets.
  • The Refugee Problem: The partition of India gave way to the refugee problem. By mid-1948 about 5.5 million non-Muslims had moved into India and a very large number of Muslims had left India for Pakistan. According to the Indian government, the non-Muslims left behind property worth 500 crores in west Pakistan whereas the Muslim losses in India are put to 100 crores.
  • Origin of the Kashmir Problem: The Maharaja Hari Singh was a Hindu while 75% of the population was that of Muslims. Kashmir was strategically important for both India and Pakistan, however, the famous movement lead by Sheik Abdullah waned integration with India. The Maharaja, on the other hand, feared democracy in India and communalism in Pakistan, thus hoping to stay independent.
  • Foundation of the Indian Democracy: The first general elections in India which were held in 1952 was a landmark event in the history of the state which marked the establishment of the Indian democracy. It was held over a period of 4 months from October 1951 to February 1952. Congress got more than 70% of the votes polled.
  • Linguistic Reorganization: Boundaries of the British Indian provinces had been drawn and redrawn in a haphazard manner without any thought to cultural and linguistic cohesion. Most provinces were multilingual and multicultural and after independence, many former princely states were absorbed into them. There was a demand for linguistically homogeneous provinces.
  • The Indus Water Dispute: The dispute started in 1960. The dispute arose because Indus and its tributaries flow through both India and Pakistan. West Pakistan and West India were both dependent on Indus and its tributaries for water, power supply, and irrigation . These rivers rise in India and the canal system is also in India. Partition cut through a complex and unified system of canals.

Learn more about Nationalism in India here in detail.

Phase 2 ( 1967-1977)

The problems that India faced after independence in this phase were as follows:

The Elections of 1967

In 1967 elections were held in February. This time the popularity of the Indian National Congress had declined considerably although the INC did win for the fourth time. The number of seats won was less. The reason behind the dismissal show of the Congress was the death of two prominent leaders, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Lal Bahadur Shastri. There were also internal problems in the party. The most important feature of the elections of 1967 was the coming together of the opposition parties.

Naxal Movement

The Naxalite Movement was a revolutionary movement that was started by the Naxalbari in Bengal another group of Maoist themed activities in Andra Pradesh the AndraNaxalitess were mainly active in two regions Telangana and Srikakulam bordering Odisha in both the regions the area of dispute was land and forest.

The main victims were the tribals and the peasants. The movement was violent. In Srikakulam, the struggle was led by a school teacher. He led the tribals in a series of labour strikes, seized grains from the rich farmers and redistributed it to the needy. In Telangana, the struggle was led by a veteran of the communist movement. The Naxalites formed a new party called the – CPI  Maonist.

JP Movement

From 1973 there was a sharp recession, growing unemployment, rampant inflation and scarcity of basic food. The oil crisis of the mid 70’s had also contributed to the crisis and all of these developments together led to riots and large-scale unrest and strikes and erosion of support for the Congress from the poor and the middle class.

The students asked Jay Prakash Narayan, an elderly man who was in political retirement, to take over the leadership of the movement. JP, as he was popularly known as he agreed to take on the leadership of the movement, provided it was non-violent and not restricted to Bihar.

He had made a public criticism of the central government. His entry gave the movement a great morale boost. It came to be known as the JP movement. He asked students to boycott their classes and the people to raise their consciousness against the corruption of the government. The result was constant clashes between the students and the police.

On 5 th June 1974, at a mammoth meeting in Patna, he called for “total revolution” against the government. He called for the state legislatures to resign, for the assembly to be dissolved. JP called for the agitators to paralyze the government. He wanted to set up a parallel “People’s Government”.

The government responded to the JP Movement by declaring National Emergency which was the greatest threat to India’s democratic foundation. From 1973 there was a sharp decline in the economic situation, a combination of growing unemployment, rampant inflation, and scarcity of basic food and essential commodities created a serious crisis.

Learn more about the Making of Global World here in detail.

Phase 3 ( 1977- 1984)

India primarily these issues during this phase after independence:

The Janta Government

On 18 th January 1977, Mrs Gandhi suddenly announced that elections to the Lok Sabha will be held in March. The election was seen by the people as a referendum on the emergency. JP also campaigned against the Congress. The Janta party and its allies won with a huge majority. The Congress did not do well. It was virtually wiped out from the north. Sanjay Gandhi and Mrs Gandhi were both defeated however they continued doing well in the south.

Return of the Congress to Power

Even though the Janta Government had won with a huge majority, it was not able to retain power for a very long period of time. Soon after the elections, there was a tussle for the position of the Prime Minister. Their non-performance in administration, lack of implementation of policies and a non-united socio-economic programme declined support among the masses by the end of 1977.

There was violence between Hindus and Muslims. The difference in ideologies paralyzed the government both at the center and the states. In the 1980’s elections, the Congress capitalized on the infighting of the Janta Government and returned to power with a 2/3 rd   majority.

The Punjab Crisis

During the 80’s the separatist movement in Punjab constituted the greatest threat to the unity and integrity of India, the more so as Punjab bordered Pakistan. After partition, the eastern part of the old Punjab province was now predominantly Sikh and Hindu. Until this time, there had been a little conflict between the Hindus and the Sikhs, but now the Akali Dal began to agitate for a “Punjabi Suba”- or a state for the Sikh in Punjab.

In the elections, the Akali Dal was unable to get a majority to form a government in Punjab even after the formation of a Punjabi State. Having lost the elections of 1980, and to widen their base among the Sikhs the Akali dal began to escalate its demands. The failure of agitations led the Akali Dal to resort to violence and established the beginning of militancy in Punjab.

In 1980, the Congress came to power. From 1980, the Akali Dal under the leadership of Harcharan Singh Longowal decided to choose the path of confrontation. He installed in the Golden temple and began to preach his separatist message.

Parallel to his movement a new charismatic leader emerged among the Sikhs- Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale a fundamentalist preacher, who preached violence and attracted a lot of support. In 1978 his sermons had incited a riot in the golden temple between the Sikhs and the followers of the Nirankari sect. The terrorist movement led by Bhindranwale and Amrik Singh was started by the murder of the head of the Nirankari sect.

Operation Blue Star

In June 1984, Mrs Gandhi and her advisors decided to take some drastic action against the militants in the Golden temple. The Akali leadership was becoming very militant and there was a fear of rebellion in the countryside.

On 3 rd June the Indian army led by General K S Brar surrounded the golden temple and on 5 th June they were entered. Many temple employees and devotees died in the crossfire. The Akal Takht was destroyed and even the temple itself was damaged. Among the dead were Bhindranwale (the terrorist leader of the Akali Dal) and his followers.

Solved Example

Q1. The concept of economic planning was derived from which country?

Sol. The correct answer is option ”a”. The concept of economic planning was derived from Russia.

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5 responses to “India After Independence”

What are the problem faced by india after independence

need more info

Shortage of food Drain of wealth

Which country is not part of India when the time of constitution is mada

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Economic Geography: Volume 2: Urbanization, Industry, and Development

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Economic Geography: Volume 2: Urbanization, Industry, and Development

6 Development Strategies in India

  • Published: May 2016
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After the Independence, the first major task before the Government of India was to rebuild the shattered economy it inherited from the British colonial government. The Indian economy by 1947 had almost become dependent to British economic interest and acted as supplier of raw materials, consumer of British manufacturing besides substantial direct transfer of resources by the British Indian rulers. India started building major institutions, like Planning Commission, Finance Commission, region specific programmes to create basic ecosystem and enable state governments to undertake development. India adopted a planned and mixed economic model for development. However, the strategy has substantially changed after liberalization of the economy in 1992 and in 2014 planning commission itself was abolished. In fact, India has adopted varied strategies with time and context to address issues arising out of its physical and social diversity through development institution building; macro to micro and top down to bottom-up approach; government control to liberalization and globalization and promoting agriculture, rural development to stressing on urban and Information technology sector led development. This chapter critically reviews the strategy adopted by India since Independence till 2008–09.

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Essay on Indian Economy

India’s economy is described as huge, complex and growing. It is one of the most exciting and emerging markets in the world. Since 1951, India has grown as a planned economy. The first few plans focused on growth with the strengthening of the manufacturing sector, emphasising heavy industries to form the backbone of the economy. Other principal areas of planning were agriculture and social development. During the post-independence period and the period of the “Five-year plans”, efforts were focused on identifying the needs of the economy. Further, the economic reforms in the early 90s opened a new chapter in India’s economic history. It gave India an opportunity to shake off the shackles of its past and emerge on the world stage as a progressive nation. This essay on the Indian Economy will help students know about the Indian economy in detail.

Students can go through the list of CBSE Essays on different topics. It will help them to improve their writing skills and also increase their scores on the English exam. Moreover, they can participate in different essay writing competitions which are conducted at the school level.

500+ Words Essay on the Indian Economy

India is on the high road to economic growth. Since 2020, the world economy has declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Repeated waves of infection, supply-chain disruptions and inflation have created challenging times. Faced with these challenges, the Government of India has taken immediate action so that it has the least impact on the Indian economy.

The Indian economy has been staging a sustained recovery since the second half of 2020-21. However, the second wave of the pandemic in April-June 2021 was more severe from a health perspective. The national lockdown has affected small businesses, common people and everyone in India. Due to this, the Indian economy has gone down. But now, it is slowly rising up and taking its form.

Role of Agriculture in the Indian Economy

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the Indian economy. It supplies food and raw materials in the country. At the time of independence, more than 70% of India’s population depended on agriculture to earn a livelihood. Accordingly, the share of agriculture in the national product/income was as high as 56.6% in 1950-51. However, with the development of industries and the service sector, the percentage of the population depending on agriculture, as well as the share of agriculture in the national product, has come down. Agriculture is the source of food supply. Agriculture is also a major source of foreign exchange earnings through export. The share of agriculture in India’s export in the year 2011-12 was 12.3%. The major items of export include tea, sugar, tobacco, spices, cotton, rice, fruits and vegetables, etc.

Role of Industry in India’s Economy

Industry is the secondary sector of the economy and is another important area of economic activity. After independence, the Government of India emphasised the role of industrialisation in the country’s economic development in the long run. Initially, the public sector contributed the maximum to economic growth. In the early 1990s, it was found that the public sector undertakings were not performing up to expectations. So, in 1991, the Indian Government decided to encourage the role of the private sector in industrial development. This step was taken to strengthen the process of industrialisation in India.

The progress of the Indian economy after independence was impressive indeed. India became self-sufficient in food production due to the green revolution, and industries became far more diversified. However, we still have to go a long way to become a 5 trillion economy by 2025. But, with government effort and the right policymakers, it can be achieved.

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Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence

Short Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence

Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence: India, a country rich in culture, diversity, and history, has come a long way since gaining independence 75 years ago. In this essay, we will explore the progress and challenges faced by India in the decades following independence. From economic growth to social development, we will analyze the achievements and setbacks that have shaped the nation into what it is today. Join us as we reflect on India’s journey after 75 years of independence.

Table of Contents

India After 75 Years of Independence Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by briefly discussing the significance of India’s 75 years of independence and how far the country has come since gaining freedom from British rule in 1947.

2. Economic Growth: Discuss India’s economic progress over the past 75 years, highlighting key milestones such as the Green Revolution, economic liberalization in the 1990s, and the country’s emergence as a major global economic player.

3. Technological Advancements: Talk about India’s advancements in technology and innovation, including the rise of the IT industry, the success of Indian startups, and the country’s growing influence in the global tech sector.

4. Social Progress: Address the social changes that have taken place in India over the past 75 years, such as improvements in healthcare, education, and gender equality. Discuss challenges that still remain, such as poverty, caste discrimination, and access to basic services.

5. Political Developments: Analyze India’s political landscape post-independence, including the evolution of the country’s democratic institutions, the rise of regional political parties, and the challenges of governance in a diverse and complex society.

6. Cultural Diversity: Highlight India’s rich cultural heritage and diversity, discussing how it has been preserved and celebrated over the past 75 years. Talk about the importance of cultural exchange and dialogue in fostering national unity and harmony.

7. Environmental Concerns: Address the environmental challenges facing India, such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change. Discuss efforts to promote sustainability and conservation in the country.

8. Global Standing: Examine India’s role on the world stage, including its relationships with other countries, participation in international organizations, and contributions to global issues such as peacekeeping, climate change, and economic development.

9. Future Prospects: Conclude your essay by reflecting on India’s future prospects and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Discuss the importance of continued progress and development to ensure a prosperous and inclusive future for all Indians.

10. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the significance of India’s 75 years of independence in shaping the country’s past, present, and future. Emphasize the need for unity, progress, and resilience as India continues its journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence in 10 Lines – Examples

1. India has emerged as a global superpower, with a strong economy and technological advancements. 2. The country has achieved significant progress in areas such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. 3. India is a leader in renewable energy and has made great strides in addressing climate change. 4. The caste system has been largely eradicated, leading to greater social equality and harmony. 5. Women have achieved equal rights and opportunities in all sectors of society. 6. India is a beacon of democracy and has set an example for other nations in terms of governance and transparency. 7. The country has become a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting talent from around the world. 8. India has strengthened its relationships with other countries, playing a key role in global affairs. 9. The arts and culture of India have flourished, showcasing the country’s rich heritage and diversity. 10. Overall, India has transformed into a modern, progressive nation that continues to strive for excellence and inclusivity.

Sample Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence in 100-180 Words

India after 75 years of independence has made significant progress in various fields. The country has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, with a booming IT sector, a strong manufacturing base, and a rapidly growing consumer market. The standard of living has improved for many, with poverty rates declining and access to education and healthcare increasing.

However, challenges such as income inequality, corruption, and environmental degradation still persist. The country continues to grapple with issues such as religious and caste-based discrimination, gender inequality, and political instability.

Despite these challenges, India has shown resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles and moving forward. The country has a young and dynamic population that is driving innovation and entrepreneurship, and there is a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

As India looks towards the next 75 years, it must focus on sustainable development, social inclusion, and good governance to ensure a prosperous and equitable future for all its citizens.

Short Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence in 200-500 Words

India has come a long way since gaining independence from British colonial rule 75 years ago. The country has made significant progress in various fields, including economy, technology, education, and healthcare. The journey has not been without challenges, but India has shown resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve growth and development.

One of the most notable changes in India after 75 years of independence is the economic transformation. The country has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with a burgeoning middle class and a thriving business environment. The government has implemented various economic reforms to attract foreign investment, promote entrepreneurship, and create job opportunities for its growing population. As a result, India has witnessed a significant reduction in poverty levels and an improvement in living standards for many of its citizens.

Technological advancements have also played a crucial role in shaping India’s future. The country has become a global hub for information technology and software development, with cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad earning the nickname “Silicon Valley of India.” The widespread adoption of digital technologies has transformed various sectors, including banking, healthcare, education, and agriculture. India has also made significant strides in space exploration, with successful missions to Mars and the moon, showcasing its technological prowess on the global stage.

Education has been another area of focus for India in the post-independence era. The government has made efforts to improve access to quality education for all its citizens, with initiatives like the Right to Education Act and the establishment of new schools and colleges across the country. As a result, India has seen a significant increase in literacy rates and educational attainment levels, empowering its youth to compete in the global economy.

Healthcare has also seen significant improvements in India after 75 years of independence. The government has launched various healthcare schemes and initiatives to provide affordable and accessible healthcare services to its citizens. The country has made progress in reducing maternal and child mortality rates, controlling the spread of infectious diseases, and improving healthcare infrastructure in rural areas. However, challenges like inadequate healthcare funding, shortage of healthcare professionals, and unequal access to healthcare services still persist and need to be addressed.

In conclusion, India has made remarkable progress in various fields after 75 years of independence. The country has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, a technological innovator, and a hub for education and healthcare. While there have been challenges along the way, India has shown resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve growth and development. As the country continues on its path of progress, it is essential to address remaining challenges and work towards building a more inclusive and sustainable future for all its citizens.

Essay on India After 75 Years of Independence in 1000-1500 Words

India After 75 Years of Independence

India, a land of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, has come a long way since gaining independence from British rule in 1947. As we celebrate 75 years of freedom, it is important to reflect on the progress made by the country and envision the future that lies ahead.

In the seven and a half decades since independence, India has made significant strides in various fields. The country has witnessed rapid economic growth, technological advancements, and social development. The Green Revolution in the 1960s transformed India from a food-deficient nation to a self-sufficient one, ensuring food security for its growing population. The liberalization of the economy in the 1990s opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurship and foreign investment, leading to a surge in economic growth and development.

India has also made significant progress in the field of science and technology. The country has established itself as a global leader in information technology and space research, with organizations like ISRO and companies like Infosys and TCS making a mark on the world stage. The Mars Orbiter Mission in 2014 and the Chandrayaan missions have showcased India’s capabilities in space exploration and research.

In the field of education, India has made significant strides in improving literacy rates and access to quality education. The Right to Education Act passed in 2009 made education a fundamental right for all children in the country, ensuring that every child has access to free and compulsory education. The establishment of prestigious institutions like the IITs and IIMs has helped in producing a skilled workforce that is competitive on a global scale.

India has also made progress in improving healthcare and reducing poverty. The National Health Mission launched in 2013 has focused on improving healthcare infrastructure and providing affordable healthcare services to all sections of society. The implementation of schemes like Ayushman Bharat has ensured that no one is left behind when it comes to accessing healthcare services. The poverty rate in the country has also declined significantly over the years, thanks to various poverty alleviation programs and schemes.

Despite these achievements, India still faces numerous challenges that need to be addressed in the coming years. One of the biggest challenges facing the country is the issue of inequality. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen, with a large section of the population still living in poverty. Addressing this issue will require a concerted effort from the government and civil society to ensure that the benefits of development reach all sections of society.

Another challenge facing India is the issue of environmental degradation and climate change. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have taken a toll on the environment, leading to pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. Climate change poses a serious threat to the country, with rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns affecting agriculture and livelihoods. India needs to adopt sustainable development practices and invest in renewable energy sources to mitigate the impact of climate change.

In addition to these challenges, India also needs to focus on improving governance and reducing corruption. The country ranks low on various global indices when it comes to transparency and accountability in governance. Strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, and empowering citizens to hold their leaders accountable will be crucial in ensuring good governance and inclusive development.

As India looks towards the future, it is important to set ambitious goals and work towards achieving them. The vision of a developed and prosperous India, where every citizen has access to education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities, should guide the country’s policies and programs. Investing in human capital, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, and fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity will be key to realizing this vision.

In conclusion, India has made significant progress in the 75 years since independence, but there is still a long way to go. As the country celebrates this milestone, it is important to reflect on the achievements and challenges that lie ahead. By addressing issues of inequality, environmental degradation, governance, and corruption, India can build a brighter future for its citizens and continue on the path of progress and development. Let us work together towards realizing the dream of a strong, united, and prosperous India for the next 75 years and beyond. Jai Hind!

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Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

Students are often asked to write an essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

The journey of independence.

India has completed 75 years of independence, a journey that began on 15th August 1947. This period has been marked by significant growth and development, despite various challenges.

Post-Independence Era

Initially, India faced numerous issues like poverty and illiteracy. The leaders worked hard to uplift the country, focusing on education, infrastructure, and health.

Economic Progress

India has made remarkable economic progress. It’s now one of the fastest-growing economies, with advancements in technology, space research, and various industries.

Cultural Preservation

Despite modernization, India has managed to preserve its rich cultural heritage, showcasing its diversity to the world.

Looking Ahead

250 words essay on 75 years of indian independence, introduction.

India, a nation with a rich history, diverse culture, and a promising future, celebrated 75 years of independence in 2021. This milestone marks a journey of resilience, development, and transformation, which is worthy of reflection and celebration.

Post-Independence Struggles

The initial years following independence were marked by the daunting task of nation-building. The partition of India and Pakistan led to large-scale violence, displacement, and socio-economic challenges. The nascent government had to formulate a constitution, establish institutions, and ensure social justice amidst this chaos.

Progressive Developments

Over the years, India has made significant strides in various fields. The Green Revolution transformed the agricultural landscape, making India self-sufficient in food grains. The IT revolution positioned India as a global hub for technology and services. India’s space program, ISRO, has achieved remarkable feats, including the successful Mars Orbiter Mission.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite these accomplishments, India still grapples with issues such as poverty, illiteracy, and corruption. The economic disparity is a pressing concern that needs to be addressed. However, with the advent of digital technology and initiatives like Digital India, there is hope for a more inclusive and equitable future.

The 75 years of Indian independence is a saga of triumph, resilience, and constant evolution. The journey has been challenging, but the progress made is commendable. As we look forward to the future, the lessons from the past will guide India towards a prosperous and inclusive society.

500 Words Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

The dawn of independence, post-independence challenges.

The immediate aftermath of independence was a period of considerable challenges. The partition of the country into India and Pakistan led to widespread communal violence and a massive refugee crisis. The new nation was also faced with the task of integrating hundreds of princely states into the Indian Union. Despite these adversities, India managed to create a democratic system, which was a remarkable achievement considering the socio-economic conditions of the time.

Building a Democratic Republic

The adoption of the Constitution in 1950 laid the foundation for India as a democratic republic. The Constitution, which is the longest written constitution in the world, enshrines the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. It established a parliamentary system of government, universal adult franchise, and a commitment to social justice and human rights.

Economic Development and Modernization

India on the global stage.

India’s foreign policy, characterized by the principles of non-alignment and peaceful coexistence, has evolved over the years. India has played a significant role in international affairs, be it the fight against apartheid in South Africa or contributing to United Nations peacekeeping missions. Today, India is seen as a major global player with increasing influence in international forums.

The Road Ahead

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, it stands at a crucial juncture. While it has made significant strides in various spheres, challenges remain. Issues such as poverty, illiteracy, corruption, and environmental degradation need to be addressed. The vision for the future should be to build an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient India.

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Development in India After Independence

India, which has now turned into a significant nation internationally has grown a ton since it got its freedom from the British East India Company rule. Yet, very much like all the other things, various individuals have various sentiments about it. While some think that it has seen huge development, others are of the view that the development is delayed when contrasted with what it ought to be. Regardless of these differentiating sees, the way that remains is that the India we see today is unique in relation to what it was during autonomy.

It has created regarding the foundation, schooling, medical care, science and innovation, and in practically any remaining areas. Yet, it is viewed as a non-industrial country. This infers that the nation is requiring some investment to find the created world. Allow us now to take a gander at the improvements that India has made in various areas in the beyond seventy years.

Indian Development after Independence

Indian Development After Independence

Table of Content

India after independence- achievements, significant developments in india after independence, two phases of economy, administration sector growth, development of the agriculture sector, foundation development, the first independence day of india, logical achievements.

After independence, Indian citizens have the right to vote for choosing the government into power. Important leaders who helped to secure independence was Mahatma Gandhi, who began the fight for independence since 1914. Mangal Pandey was the first freedom fighter from India who fought against British in 1857.

Some important developments in India after independence have been as follows:

  • Indian Railways operate with about 7000 stations and was formed in 1951.
  • First general elections in India was held in 1951 with Congress winning over majority.
  • India developed Asia’s first nuclear reactor. Apsara nuclear reactor was developed in 1956.
  • Chandrayan 1 came to be launched in 2008 to the moon.

A free India was granted a broke economy, broad ignorance, and stunning destitution. Contemporary financial specialists partition the historical backdrop of India’s monetary development into two stages – the initial 45 years after autonomy and very nearly thirty years of the unrestricted economy. The years going before the financial progression were predominantly set apart by cases wherein monetary improvement got deteriorated because of an absence of significant strategies.

The financial changes acted as the hero with the start of a strategy of progression and privatization. An adaptable modern permitting strategy and a casual FDI strategy began getting positive reactions from worldwide financial backers. Among the main considerations that drove India’s economic development following the financial changes of 1991 were expanded FDI, reception of data innovation, and expanded homegrown utilization.

A significant improvement in the country’s administration area has been noticeable in the telecom and data innovation areas. A pattern that began exactly twenty years back is currently well thriving. A few worldwide firms keep on re-appropriating their tele administrations and IT administrations to India, bringing about the development of ITES, BPO, and KPO organizations. The securing of mastery in data innovation has prompted the age of thousands of new positions, which thus expanded homegrown utilization, and normally, more unfamiliar direct speculations ended up satisfying the needs.

As of now, the administration area utilizes over 30% of the Indian labor force and this course of improvement began, thinking back in the 1980s. During the 60s, the area utilized just 4.5% of the functioning populace. As per the Economic Survey 2021-22, the administration area represented over half of the Indian GDP, and the figures are supposed to fill from now on.

Since the 1950s, the advancement in agribusiness has been fairly consistent. The area developed at around 1% per annum in the main portion of the twentieth hundred years. During the post-Independence time, the development rate bumped around 2.6 percent per annum. The central point of development in agrarian creation was the extension of cultivating regions and the presentation of high-yielding assortments of harvests. The area could figure out how to end its reliance on imported food grains. It has advanced both concerning yield and underlying changes.

Reliable interest in research, land changes, development of degrees for credit offices, and improvement in the provincial foundation were some other deciding variables that achieved an agrarian upset in the country. The nation has likewise developed further in the agri-biotech area. The Rabobank report uncovers that the agri-biotech area has been developing at 30% in a couple of years. The nation is likewise liable to turn into a significant maker of hereditarily changed/designed crops.

The Indian street network has become one of the biggest on the planet with the all-out street length expanding from 0.399 million km in 1951 to 4.70 million km starting around 2015. Also, the complete length of the country’s public thruways has expanded from 24,000 km (1947-69) to 1,37,625 km (2021). Legislative endeavors have prompted the extension of the organization of State parkways and significant local streets, which thus has straightforwardly added to modern development.

As India needs the ability to drive its development motor, it has set off a critical improvement in the accessibility of energy by embracing a multi-pronged methodology. After just about seventy years of Independence, India has arisen as the third biggest maker of power in Asia. It has expanded its power age limit from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 3,95,600 MW starting around 2022. By and large, the power age in India has expanded from 301 billion units (BUs) during 1992-93 to 400990.23 MW in 2022. With regards to provincial jolt, the Indian government has figured out how to carry lights to each of the 18,452 towns by April 28, 2018, when contrasted with 3061 every 1950.

Progress in Education Sector

Hauling itself out from far and wide ignorance, India has figured out how to carry its school system at standard with the worldwide norm. The number of schools saw a sensational increment during the post-freedom period. The Parliament made rudimentary training a major ideal for youngsters in the age gathering of 6-14 years by passing the 86th amendment to the Constitution in 2002. At freedom, India’s education rate was a miserable 12.2 % which expanded to 74.04% according to the 2011 evaluation.

Accomplishments in the Field of Healthcare

A reduction in death rates is viewed as one of the significant accomplishments that came in India’s direction in this area. While the future was close to 37 years in 1951, it nearly multiplied to 65 years by 2011. In 2022, it was expanded to 70.19 years. Comparative improvement was seen in the maternal death rate too. India’s maternal death rate likewise declined from 212 passings for every 100,000 live births in 2007 to 103 passings in 2017-19, according to a report by The Hindu.

First Independence Day in India took place in 1947. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, unfurled the tri-colour flag of India. Prime Minister of India hoists the tri-colour flag in Red Fort and first Independence Day of India is dedicated to brave men and women who laid their lives to free their motherland.

Autonomous India has taken certain steps on its street to logical turn of events. Its ability is being appeared in a steady increase of aggressive ventures. India invests wholeheartedly in its space programs, which started with the send-off of its most memorable satellite Aryabhatta in 1975. From that point forward, India has arisen as a space power that has effectively sent off unfamiliar satellites. Through Chandrayaan-1, India turned into the fourth country on the planet to establish its banner on the lunar surface in 2008. Its most memorable mission to Mars was sent off in November 2013 which effectively arrived at the planet’s circle on 24 September 2014. In June 2015, ISRO sent off 104 satellites (most noteworthy on the planet) from a solitary rocket through PSLV-C37.

India is additionally forcefully seeking both atomic and rocket programs. That has all the while expanded the country’s safeguard strength also. BrahMos drafted into the safeguarding framework is the world’s quickest voyage rocket that has been together evolved by India and Russia. After over sixty years of autonomy, India has now drawn nearer to being a free power to deal with in the field of atomic and rocket innovation.

A significant contribution to the economy and technological advancements and Indians are known for their hard work, dedication, and resilience in their contribution to the country. Indians have excelled in different fields since independence. In different fields like technology, sports, and others Indians have excelled.

Related Links

  • Indian Economy on eve of Independence
  • Indian Independence Act 1947
  • Indian Freedom Movement

Frequently Asked Questions

How india has developed in 75 years.

Infrastructural development drastically improved in 75 years. There was advancement in the road network, rail lines, airports, and many other important types of developments in various other sectors, contributing to the economy of India.

What are the major developments in India?

The major developments in India are as follows: Historic Tax Reform Digitization Drive Institutional Reforms

How has India developed in the last 10 years?

India’s GDP Growth rate has increased in the last 10 years by an average growth rate of 6-7 percent.

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Independence Day 2024: Viksit Bharat Theme, Its Significance And Objectives

The Viksit Bharat vision encompasses a wide range of goals to achieve comprehensive development across various sectors.

economic development of india after independence essay

On August 15, 2024, India will celebrate its 78th Independence Day, adopting the ‘ Viksit Bharat’ theme. This theme aligns with the vision of transforming India into a developed nation by 2047, marking a century of independence from colonial rule. The ‘ Viksit Bharat’ initiative aims to inspire citizens, particularly the youth, to engage in national development and contribute ideas for a better future.

The focus on Viksit Bharat reflects a commitment to inclusive growth and sustainable development. The government encourages participation from all sections of society, aiming to create a roadmap for progress that resonates with every Indian’s aspirations.

What Does ‘ Viksit Bharat ‘ Mean?

The Viksit Bharat vision encompasses a wide range of goals to achieve comprehensive development across various sectors. The initiative is designed to elevate India’s status globally, ensuring it becomes a strong economy with a high standard of living for its citizens.  The vision includes economic growth, social progress, environmental sustainability, and good governance. By 2047, the aim is to make India a resilient and competitive nation that can meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Key Objectives of ‘ Viksit Bhara t’

The ‘ Viksit Bharat’ initiative sets forth several key objectives:

Economic Growth

The plan is to develop a robust economy that offers opportunities for all citizens. This involves fostering entrepreneurship, innovation, and competitiveness to ensure sustainable economic development.

Social Progress

A primary focus is creating an inclusive society that respects diversity and promotes equality. The goal is to ensure every citizen has access to fundamental rights and opportunities, contributing to overall societal well-being.

Environmental Sustainability

Protecting the environment is crucial for long-term development. ‘ Viksit Bharat ‘ aims to promote practices that conserve natural resources and combat climate change, ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.

Better Governance

Effective governance is essential for implementing policies that benefit society. The initiative seeks to establish transparent and accountable systems encouraging citizen participation and ensuring that government actions align with public needs.

The Role of Youth in ‘ Viksit Bhara t’

Youth play a pivotal role in the ‘ Viksit Bharat’ vision. With a significant portion of India’s population under 35, their involvement is crucial for driving change and innovation. The government has launched initiatives to engage young people, inviting them to share their ideas and suggestions through platforms like MyGov.

By participating in discussions and competitions focused on ‘ Viksit Bhara t’, the youth can contribute to shaping the nation’s future. Their insights and creativity are vital for addressing contemporary challenges and harnessing growth opportunities.

Celebrating Independence Day 2024

The celebrations for Independence Day 2024 will include various activities to foster national pride and unity. Events such as quiz competitions, painting contests, and essay writing will encourage citizens, especially the youth, to express their thoughts on patriotism and the vision for a developed India. These activities commemorate the sacrifices made for freedom and ignite a sense of responsibility among citizens to contribute to the nation’s progress.

The ‘ Viksit Bharat’ theme for Independence Day 2024 represents a significant commitment to transforming India into a developed nation by 2047. By focusing on economic growth, social progress, environmental sustainability, and good governance, the initiative lays a foundation for a prosperous future.


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​Independence Day 2024: 8 thought-provoking essay ideas for students

Aug 12, 2024

8 Insightful Essay Ideas for Students

Independence Day commemorates our country’s journey to freedom and the enduring values that define it. For students, writing essays on this topic offers a unique opportunity to delve into the historical, cultural, and personal significance of this monumental day.

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​Modern-day relevance of Independence Day: Why it still matters in today's world

Independence Day comes as a powerful reminder of past victories and is also a living testament to the values etched in the history of our nation. This essay could explore how the ideals of freedom remain relevant in addressing the challenges of the modern world.

How diverse traditions enhance national unity

Picturing the multicultural fabric of the nation, this essay topic can highlight how diverse cultural traditions weave and strengthen the national bond. You can delve deeper by capturing the subtleties of each culture and its contribution to India’s cultural richness.

How Independence Day principles have influenced national policies and social change?

The principles of Independence Day such as freedom, equality, and justice have had a lasting impact on the development of national policies and social reforms. The essay can demonstrate how these ideals have translated into action over the years.

Post-Independence: The journey of India's educational system

Analyze how India’s education system has evolved since independence. This could include changes in curriculum, the introduction of new institutions, and the challenges and achievements in making education accessible to all.

Voices of the youth: What independence means today

Conduct interviews with students across India to understand what independence means to the younger generation. Explore their thoughts on freedom, national identity, and the challenges India faces in maintaining its independence in a globalized world.

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Traditions through time: evolution of independence day celebrations from past to present.

Chronicling the history of traditions, this essay can trace the changes in them over the years. You can also underscore how the traditional ceremonies have transformed into new forms, and what it reflects about the shifting priorities and values of our country.

Role of education in preserving Independence Day

Education is key to ensuring that the significance of Independence Day is passed down to future generations. The topic can explore the importance of integrating Independence Day into the curriculum and the role of schools, and teachers in fostering patriotic values in students.

Impact of media on Independence Day

The essay can talk about the role of media in instilling national pride and fostering a national bond in the nation. You can depict the efforts of media in reinforcing the narratives of Independence and its significant role in shaping the perceptions of the viewers.

Thanks For Reading!

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