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Criminology Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Sociocultural Factors, Definitions, and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Among Latina and Hispanic Women , Vanessa Centelles

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Efficacy of Online Social Movements for Sparking Change: The Case of the Missing Murdered and Indigenous Women Movement (#MMIW) , Kacy A. Bleeker

An Examination of Racial Disparities in Arrest Across Florida Counties, 1998-2018: A Test of the Racial Threat and Political Representation Hypotheses , Xavier D. Burch

The Invisible Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Boys and Their Barriers to Access to Services , Amanda L. Connella

Damned & Damned: Examining Vexatious Litigation and the Vexatious Litigant Statute in Florida Courts , Sarah L. Harper

The Contributions of Mental Health Issues, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Adverse Childhood Experiences to Recidivism Among Rural Jail Incarcerees , Lauren N. Miley

Assessing the Relationship Between True Crime Documentary and Podcast Consumption, Fear of Crime, and Protective Behaviors , Lauren A. Tremblay

Police Officers’ Perceptions of Gunshot Detection Technology , Courtney L. Weber

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A Macro Social Examination of the Relationship Between Disabilities and Crime Using Neighborhood and County Level Data , Natasha A. Baloch

Racial Differences in Perceptions of Sanction Severity , Sarah L. Franklin

Juvenile Homicide Offenders: A Life-Course Perspective , Norair Khachatryan

Exploring the Effectiveness of a Life-Skills Program in a Florida Prison Through a Social Bond and General Strain Theory Perspective , Danielle M. Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Clean Water for All: Examining Safe Drinking Water Act Violations of Water Systems and Community Characteristics , Junghwan Bae

Morality and Offender Decision-Making: Testing the Empirical Relationship and Examining Methodological Implications , Jacquelyn Burckley

The Ring of Gyges 2.0: How Anonymity Providing Behaviors Affect Willingness to Participate in Online Deviance , Cassandra E. Dodge

A Macro Analysis of Illegal Hunting and Fishing Across Texas Counties: Using an Economic Structural Approach , Leo J. Genco Jr.

Self-Protection in Cyberspace: Assessing the Processual Relationship Between Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making, Protection Motivation Theory, Cyber Hygiene, and Victimization , C. Jordan Howell

Racial Threat Theory: A Test of the Economic Threat Hypothesis , Carl L. Reeds

Online Perceptions of Panamanian Prisons and Incarcerated persons: An analysis of YouTube user comments , Mahaleth J. Sotelo

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Toxic Colonialism and Green Victimization of Native Americans: An Examination of the Genocidal Impacts of Uranium Mining , Averi R. Fegadel

Cross-National Incarceration Rates as Behavior of Law , Christopher J. Marier

The Effects of Perceived Motivations and Mental Distress on the Likelihood of Reporting and Engaging in Self-Protective Measures Among Victims of Stalking , Daniela Oramas Mora

Mental Health and In-Prison Experiences: Examining Socioeconomic and Sex Differences in the Effect of Mental Illness on Institutional Misconduct and Disciplinary Segregation , Rachel E. Severson

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Dating Application Facilitated Victimization: An Examination of Lifestyle-Routine Activities, Self-Control, and Self-Efficacy , Vanessa Centelles

Social Constructionism and Cultivation Theory in Development of the Juvenile “Super-Predator” , Elizabeth R. Jackson-Cruz

Bystander Intervention, Victimization, and Routine Activities Theory: An Examination of Feminist Routine Activities Theory in Cyber Space , Jennifer A. Leili

Sexual Assault and Robbery Disclosure: An Examination of Black’s Theory of the Behavior of Law , Caitlyn N. Muniz

Mass Shootings and Gun Sales: A Study on the Influence of Red and Blue Power , Maria Jose Rozo Osuna

A Multi-dimensional Macrolevel Study of Drug Enforcement Strategies, Heroin Prices, and Heroin Consumption Rates , Alexander G. Toth

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of a Religious/Spiritual Turning Point on Desistance: A Lifecourse Assessment of Racial/Ethnic Differences , Rhissa Briones Robinson

Political Decisions on Police Expenditures: Examining the Potential Relationship Between Political Structure, Police Expenditures and the Volume of Crime Across US States , Xavier D. Burch

Identifying the Personal and Perceived Organizational Characteristics Associated with Job Satisfaction Among Juvenile Probation Staff , Julie M. Krupa

The Role of Organizational Justice in Predicting Attitudes Toward Body-Worn Cameras in Police Officers , Nathaniel L. Lawshe

Yet Another Ferguson Effect: An Exploratory Content Analysis of News Stories on Police Brutality and Deadly Force Before and After the Killing of Michael Brown , Carl Root

The Role of Race/Ethnicity and Risk Assessment on Juvenile Case Outcomes , Tayler N. Shreve

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Intimate Partner Violence and the Capacity and Desire for Self-Control , Krista Taralynne Brewer

School Shootings in the United States from 1997 to 2012: A Content Analysis of Media Coverage , Victoria N. Iannuzzi

Chronic Runaway Youth: A Gender-Based Analysis , Michelle N. Jeanis

A Test of Wikström’s Situational Action Theory Using Self-Report Data on Intimate Partner Violence , Lauren Nicole Miley

An Exploratory Study of Macro-Social Correlates of Online Property Crime , Hyojong Song

Female Incarceration and Prison Social Order: An Examination of Gender Differences in Prison Misconduct and In-Prison Punishments , Elisa L. Toman

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Role as Mitigators for Youthful and Non-Youthful Offenders in Capital Sentencing Cases , Jessica R. Trapassi

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Disinhibition, Violence Exposure, and Delinquency: A Test of How Self-Control Affects the Impact of Exposure to Violence , Wyatt Brown

The Guilty But Mentally Ill Verdict: Assessing the Impact of Informing Jurors of Verdict Consequences , Erin Elizabeth Cotrone

The Relationship between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Lying , Jason A. Dobrow

Delving into the Heart of Victimization Risk: Examining the Interactive Relationship between Demographic Factors and Context , Amy Sheena Eggers

A Power Conflict Approach to Animal Cruelty: Examining How Economic Power Influences the Creation of Animal Cruelty Laws , Leonard J. Genco

The Role of Gender in Self-Control and Intimate Partner Violence , Laura Marie Gulledge

The Restrictive Deterrent Effect of Warning Banners in a Compromised Computer System , Christian Jordan-Michael Howell

Tactics of Sexual Control and Negative Health Outcomes , Anna Elizabeth Kleppe

The Applicability of Criminology to Terrorism Studies: An Exploratory Study of ISIS Supporters in the United States , Amanda Marie Sharp Parker

The Path to Violent Behavior: The Harmful Aftermath of Childhood Trauma , Nicholas Michael Perez

The Effects of Racial Bias on Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence Scenarios , Batya Yisraela Rubenstein

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Reel or Reality? The Portrayal of Prostitution in Major Motion Pictures , Raleigh Blasdell

Psychopathy and Perception of Vulnerability , Barbara Joyce Dinkins

Effect of Empathy on Death Penalty Support in Relation to the Racial Divide and Gender Gap , Brian Godcharles

Exploring the Interactive Effects of Social Learning Theory and Psychopathy on Serious Juvenile Delinquency , Brandy Barenna Henderson

Tampa Electric Company's Big Bend Utility Plant in Hillsborough County, Florida: A Case Study , Lynne M. Hodalski-Champagne

Thirty Year Follow-Up of Juvenile Homicide Offenders , Norair Khachatryan

Organized Crime in Insurance Fraud: An Empirical Analysis of Staged Automobile Accident Rings , Chris Longino

The Role of Social Support in the Disclosure and Recovery Process of Rape Victims , Jessica Nicole Mitchell

Evaluating the Social Control of Banking Crimes: An Examination of Anti-Money Laundering Deficiencies and Industry Success , Erin M. Mulligan

Elite Deviance, Organized Crime, and Homicide: A Cross-National Quantitative Analysis , Carol L.s. Trent

An Evaluation of the Utah First District Mental Health Court: Gauging the Efficacy of Diverting Offenders Suffering With Serious Mental Illness , Stephen Guy VanGeem

Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment in North Carolina: A Qualitative Approach to Examining an Enduring Cultural Legacy , Douglas Wholl

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Tattoo: A Mark of Subversion, Deviance, or Mainstream Self-Expression? , Jocelyn Camacho

Juvenile and Adult Involvement in Double Parricide and Familicide in the U.S.: An Empirical Analysis of 20 Years of Data , Averi Rebekah Fegadel

Predicting Successful Drug Court Graduation: Exploring Demographic and Psychosocial Factors among Medication-Assisted Drug Court Treatment Clients , Autumn Michelle Frei

Experimentally Evaluating Statistical Patterns of Offending Typology For Burglary: A Replication Study , Lance Edwin Gilmore

Developmental Trajectories of Physical Aggression and Nonaggressive Rule-Breaking among At-risk Males and Females during Late Childhood and Early Adolescence , Eugena Givens

Predicting Fear of Crime using a Multilevel and Multi-Model Approach: A Study in Hillsborough County , Jonathan Maskaly

Public Knowledge and Sentiments about Elite Deviance , Cedric Michel

The Influence of Community Context on Social Control: A Multi-Level Examination of the Relationship between Race/Ethnicity, Drug Offending, and Juvenile Court Outcomes , Jennifer Peck

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Assessing the Relationship Between Hotspots of Lead and Hotspots of Crime , Kimberly L. Barrett

A Life-Course Approach to Sexual Offending: Examining the Continuity of Juvenile Sexual Offending into Adulthood and Subsequent Patterns of Recidivism , Maude Beaudry-Cyr

Examining the link between self-control and misconduct in a multi-agency sample of police supervisors: A test of two theories , Christopher Matthew Donner

The Impact of Hyperfemininity on Explicit and Implicit Blame Assignment and Police Reporting of Alcohol Facilitated Rape in a Sample of College Women , Sarah Ehlke

Rurality and Intimate Partner Homicide: Exploring the Relationship between Place, Social Structure, and Femicide in North Carolina , Amelia Kirkland

Self-Control, Attitudinal Beliefs, and White-Collar Crime Intentions , Melissa Anne Lugo

Zero Tolerance for Marginal Populations: Examining Neoliberal Social Controls in American Schools , Brian Gregory Sellers

State-Corporate Crime in the Democratic Republic of Congo , Veronica Jane Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Walls Are Closing In: Comparing Property Crime Victimization Risk In Gated And Non-Gated Communities , Nicholas Branic

What Propels Sexual Homicide Offenders? Testing an Integrated Theory of Social Learning and Routine Activities Theories , Heng Choon Chan

A Deadly Way of Doing Business: A Case Study of Corporate Crime in the Coal Mining Industry , Charles Nickolas Stickeler

Deconstructing the "Power and Control Motive": Developing and Assessing the Measurability of Internal Power , Shelly Marie Wagers

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Assessing racial differences in offending trajectories: A life-course view of the race-crime relationship , Michael S. Caudy

Mental Health Courts Effectiveness in Reducing Recidivism and Improving Clinical Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis , Brittany Cross

General Strain Theory and Juvenile Delinquency: A Cross-Cultural Study , Wen-Hsu Lin

General Strain Theory, Race, and Delinquency , Jennifer Peck

Developmental Trajectories of Self-Control: Assessing the Stability Hypothesis , James Vance Ray

Explaining the "Female Victim Effect" in Capital Sentencing Decisions: A Case for Sex-Specific Models of Capital Sentencing Research , Tara N. Richards

A Multilevel Model of Police Corruption: Anomie, Decoupling, and Moral Disengagement , Ruth Zschoche

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Emotional Guardianship of Foreign-Born and Native-Born Hispanic Youth and Its Effect on Violent Victimization , Amy Sheena Eggers

The Influence of Narcissism and Self-Control on Reactive Aggression , Melissa L. Harrison

Is There an "Innocent Female Victim" Effect in Capital Punishment Sentencing? , Amelia Lane Kirkland

An Analysis of the Influence of Sampling Methods on Estimation of Drug Use Prevalence and Patterns Among Arrestees in the United States: Implications for Research and Policy , Janine Kremling

A Pathway to Child Sex Trafficking in Prostitution: The Impact of Strain and Risk-Inflating Responses , Joan A. Reid

Victimization Among Individuals With Low Self-Control: Effects on Fear Versus Perceived Risk of Crime , Casey Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Domestic Violence Within Law Enforcement Families: The Link Between Traditional Police Subculture and Domestic Violence Among Police , Lindsey Blumenstein

Rape Attitudes and Beliefs: A Replication Study , Rhissa Emily Briones

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  • DOI: 10.21428/cb6ab371.7e6e68b1
  • Corpus ID: 251191669

Renewing Historical Criminology: Scope, Significance, and Future Directions

  • I. Channing , D. Churchill , Henry Yeomans
  • Published in CrimRxiv 3 July 2024
  • History, Sociology

7 Citations

Criminology and history: towards interdisciplinary convergence, historical criminology as a methodological approach to the study of crime problems, dead or alive reassessing the health of the death penalty and the prospects of global abolition, urgency of legal protection for religious scholars in articles on blasphemy from the perspectives of criminology and victimology, the past as present in health promotion: the case for a 'public health humanities'., the assassination cases of madan lal dhingra, 1909 and udham singh, 1940 as social drama, criminology's future is in its past, related papers.

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Home > USC Columbia > Arts and Sciences > Criminology and Criminal Justice > Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations

Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

The Risk of Protection: Examining the Contextual Effects of Child Protective Services on Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the U.S. , Cosette Morgan McCullough

Family Mass Murder: An Exploratory Study Of The Role Of Arson , Rachel Rori Rodriguez Spradley

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Too Feminine for Execution?: Gender Stereotypes and the Media’s Portrayal of Women Sentenced to Death , Kelsey M. Collins

Juveniles, Transferred Juveniles, and the Impact of a Criminal Record on Employment Prospects in Adulthood: An Experimental Study , Joanna Daou

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Why So Long? Examining the Nexus Between Case Complexity and Delay in Florida’s Death Penalty System , Corey Daniel Burton

The Criminalization of HIV and HIV Stigma , Deanna Cann

Views of Substance Use During Pregnancy: Social Responses to the Issue , Taylor Ruddy

The Spatial Variability of Crime: A Review of Methodological Choice, Proposed Models, and Methods for Illustrating the Phenomenon , Matthew D. Spencer

Community Corrections Officer Decision-Making: An Intersectional Analysis , Amber Leigh Williams Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Utility of Using Virtue Locales to Explain Criminogenic Environments , Hunter Max Boehme

Fostering Resilience in Correctional Officers , Jon Thomas Arthur Gist

The Impact of Race/Ethnicity on Sentencing: A Matching Approach , Travis Jones

Unraveling the Temporal Aspects of Victimization: The Reciprocal, Additive, and Cumulative Effects of Direct/Vicarious Victimization on Crime , Yeoju Park

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Media Influence on College Students' Perceptions of the Police , Matilda Foster

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ohio's Certificate of Relief , Peter Leasure

Trends in the Prevalence of Arrest for Intimate Partner Violence Using the National Crime Victimization Survey , Tara E. Martin

Reading Between the Lines: An Intersectional Media Analysis of Female Sex Offenders in Florida Newspapers , Toniqua C. Mikell

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Short-Term Self-Control Stability of College Students , Nicholas James Blasco

Developmental Patterns of Religiosity in Relation to Criminal Trajectories among Serious Offenders across Adolescence and Young Adulthood , Siying Guo

Local Incarceration As Social Control: A National Analysis Of Social, Economic, And Political Determinants Of Jail Use In The United States , Heather M. Ouellette

Association Between Perception Of Police Prejudice Against Minorities And Juvenile Delinquency , Kwang Hyun Ra

A Quasi-Experimental Analysis Of School-Based Situational Crime Prevention Measures , Gary Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Sex Offender Policies that Spin the Revolving Door: An Exploration of the Relationships Between Residence Restrictions, Homelessness, and Recidivism , Deanna Cann

Untangling the Interconnected Relationships between Alcohol Use, Employment, and Offending , Margaret M. Chrusciel

Inmate Time Utilization And Well-Being , Mateja Vuk

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Socio-Legal Construction Of Adolescent Criminality: Examining Race, Community, And Contextual Factors Through The Lens Of Focal Concerns , Patrick Glen Lowery

The Impact Of Deinstitutionalization On Murders Of Law Enforcement Officers , Xueyi Xing

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Relationships Between Law Enforcement Officer-Involved Vehicle Collisions And Other Police Behaviors , John Andrew Hansen

In the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring the Dialogic Approach to Police Legitimacy , Justin Nix

Criminology on Crimes Against Humanity: A North Korean Case Study , Megan Alyssa Novak

General Strain Theory and Bullying Victimization: Do Parental Support and Control Alleviate the Negative Effects of Bullying , Jonathon Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Adultification in Juvenile Corrections: A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Officers , Riane Miller Bolin

Perception of Police in Public Housing Communities , Taylor Brickley

Neighborhood Disorganization and Police Decision-Making in the New York City Police Department , Allison Carter

The Impact of Race on Strickland Claims in Federal Courts in the South , Wyatt Gibson

Lead Exposure and Crime , Tara Elaine Martin


Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Policing Alcohol and Related Crimes On Campus , Andrea Nicole Allen

Gender and Programming: A Comparison of Program Availability and Participation in U.S. Prisons for Men and Women , Courtney A. Crittenden

Assessing the Impact of the Court Response to Domestic Violence in Two Neighboring Counties , Gillian Mira Pinchevsky

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Criminal Sentencing In the Court Communities of South Carolina: An Examination of offender, Judge, and County Characteristics , Rhys Hester

Examining the Effects of Religiosity and Religious Environments On Inmate Misconduct , Benjamin Dane Meade

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Criminologists' Opinions On Correctional Rehabilitation , Heather M. Ouellette

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Qualitative Analysis of the Etiology, Manifestation, and Institutional Responses to Self-Injurious Behaviors in Prison , Steven Doty

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

The Effects of Administrative Factors on Police Officer Job Performance , Irick Anthony Geary Jr.

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Criminal Psychology: Understanding Criminal Behaviour

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  • In book: Criminal Psychology and the Criminal Justice System in India and Beyond (pp.21-30)

Sanjeev P. Sahni at O.P. Jindal Global University

  • O.P. Jindal Global University

Nisha Phakey at Chitkara University

  • Chitkara University

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Self-report studies have played an important role in the development of victim-centred theories of crime. These theories focused on the occurrence of criminal events rather than the motivation for committing crimes. The routine actions of victims have become the source of the social context of victimisation, as the fact that the perpetrator of the crime has been arrested, charged or convicted is irrelevant in self-report studies. In this research, the perpetrator is the one who self-confesses to have committed the offence, whether it has been disclosed or not. The aim of self-report surveys can be to estimate the size of the so-called 'dark number' of crimes in the population or to create independent variables as a basis for further analysis. The purpose of the article will be: 1) to show the methodology of self-report research in criminology, with particular emphasis on research in Poland; 2) to demonstrate the advantages and challenges of research with self-report surveys of crime, deviance and social pathology. The article uses a narrative review of selected literature to answer the research question: what are the main advantages and challenges of self-report surveys in Polish criminological research? A bibliometric analysis of the papers of Polish researchers published in the Scopus database, who used the self-report method in their research, was also carried out. Social science research articles between 2010 and 2022 in which the term 'self-report' was included in the source title, abstract and keywords were examined. In Polish criminology, self-report surveys are used incidentally. A lack of sufficient knowledge and skills to apply this method in criminological research or a lack of confidence in the quality of the data, obtained using this method may influence for it.

Prof. G S Bajpai

The social sciences in the recent past have become quite specialized in terms of the problems and responses covered in their purview. The origin of Criminology as specialized branch of learning was a part of similar process. Early Criminology better known as classical criminology emerged as part of protest against the prejudiced and discriminating legal practices that were prevalent in the contemporary society of the early eighteenth century. The leaders of criminal justice reforms were Baccaria and Bentham who demanded the reforms in the law and procedure. Afterwards Criminology has grown to be an advanced field of learning and practice. Emphasis in Criminology, in the interpretation of crime and criminality, has been changing over a period of time. The schools of thoughts in Criminology have been moving from classical to physiological, environmental to psychological and sociological to interactionist approaches and so on. Criminology has been defined as the study of crime, the cau...


The pattern of understanding of crime and criminals has been address as criminology, yet recent research and scholarly has depict criminology to be the scientific study of crime, this paper is therefore aimed at ovulating the concept of criminology from its genesis to date, further to draw a lucid conclusion as what is and what is not criminology; to aid researchers, scholars and students in the growing field of criminology, criminal justice etc.

Asian Journal of Criminology

Dr. Stavroula G Bougadi

Caleb bleca

FOR FULL PAPER VISIT Elijah Anderson, in his book, Code of the Streets, paints a picture of the reality in Philadelphia about crime and violence. He analyzes the daily activities of the families who live in the streets and comes up with a code that can be employed in the understanding of crime and violence behavior. Elijah argues that even if there are people in Philadelphia who can afford corporate lives, most of the population is poor and cannot afford a descent life leading them into crime. Using the data collected from the research, Anderson was able to draw very critical conclusions as they will be discussed in this article.

Munir Mughal

This paper tells Rational actor model of crime and criminal behaviour is based on the notion of free will, it proposes that human beings choose to commit criminal behaviour and can be deterred through the threat of punishment. Biological Approach: It proposes that human beings commit crime because of internal factors over which they have little or no control. Causal Approach: This is a study of the causal link that exists between the defendant’s action and the plaintiff’s injury. It is observation of facts in relation to phenomenon of crime interpreting them in relation to the possible causes of criminal behaviour. A cause may be necessary or sufficient. If result B invariably follows cause A without any other factors being required, and cause A cannot be replaced by any other alternative, then cause A is both sufficient and necessary cause. Deficient in Probity Approach: The criminals deficient in probity, says Dr. Maurice Parmellee, commit crimes against property. Descriptive Approach: It describes the phenomenon of crime and those who commit it. It covers all aspects such as personal traits of criminal and the various forms of criminal behaviour. Organically Inferior human traits Approach: This study was carried by Eavert A. Hootan and William H. Sheldon. Hootan stated that criminals are organically inferior. Hootan had studied 13,873 male criminals and 3023 persons of control group. The study was conducted in various American States. To Hootan the criminal is and inadequately developed runty fellow, while to Sheldon the criminal is husky and athletic type fellow. Economic Approach: It studies external economic factors. Endemic Approach: It studies those factors that arise from local conditions or belong to a particular period of the year, or the specified area that make a man criminal. Environmental Approach: It seeks to explain the phenomenon of criminal behaviour with reference to factors outside the personality of the delinquent. Functional Psychosis Approach: As to mental quality an offender is either normal or abnormal. The Psychotics are of two types, having psychosis of organic origin and having psychosis of non psychosis origin or functional psychosis. General paralysis of the insane (Patients of this abnormality commit offences with astonishing openness and silliness); Traumatic psychosis (Patients of this abnormality commit crimes of violence); Encephalitis Lethargic (Patients of this abnormality commit crimes of explosive and sexual nature); Senile Dementia (patients of this abnormality are of old age and commit varying crimes); Epilepsy (Patients of such abnormality commit crimes of sudden violence). Schizophrenia (Patients of this abnormality suffer split-mindedness. Geographical Approach: George B, Vold’s Approach: In his famous treatise known as Theoretical Criminology, George Bryan Vold, says: Heredity and Criminal Families Approach: Studies were conducted by Arthur Dugdale in the United States of America on the Jukes (1877) and by Henry Herbert Goddard on the Killikaks (1912). Individualistic Approach: It focuses its attention on the biological, mental and other characteristics of the offender to explain the cause of his delinquent behaviour. Professor Ahmad Siddiq’s conclusion on individualistic approaches is logical and appealing to reason. Normative Approach: Objective Approach: It is an approach to criminology as to “what ought to be?” Objective Approach: Criminal behaviour when explained in terms of factors extraneous to the offender which are social, sociological, cultural and economic, the approach is called objective. Organic Psychosis Approach: General paralysis of the insane (Patients of this abnormality commit offences with astonishing openness and silliness); Traumatic psychosis (Patients of this abnormality commit crimes of violence); Encephalitis Lethargica (Patients of this abnormality commit crimes of explosive and sexual nature); Senile Dementia (patients of this abnormality are of old age and commit varying crimes); Epilepsy (Patients of such abnormality commit crimes of sudden violence). Physiological Approach: It is an approach to criminology made by endocrinologists who found that glandular malfunctioning caused the delinquent behaviour. Social Approach: Man may live in isolation but generally he lives in society. Subjective Approach: Criminal behaviour when explained in terms of factors within criminal, i.e. physical, biological and mental traits, the approach is called subjective approach to Criminology. Therapeutic Approach: This approach is of recent origin. It considers the criminal as a victim of circumstances and a product of various factors within the criminal and the society. It is called therapeutic approach. Twin Research Approach: Violent due to environmental influences as prejudices of honour, politics and religion, approach.

Brendan Dooley

What is the condition of criminology’s paradigm? The reply to this question has implications bearing on the profession’s bona fides as a science as well as its sustainability as an independent academic enterprise. The work attempts to capture the elusive term through the use of five themes: theoretical consensus, methodological consensus, boundaries, the departure from sociology, and the current and future status of the field. In approaching this question the work presents an analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seventeen renowned criminologists. The centerpiece of the latter data set was assembled and analyzed in prior research (Savelsberg et al. 2002). A content analysis of 2,109 peer reviewed articles appearing in the field’s top journals from 1951 to 2008 produced numerous findings. Criminology lacks a hegemonic theoretical orientation but a consensus is evident in the peer-reviewed publication data in terms of its me...

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The Handbook of Criminological Theory

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Criminological Research

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criminology research papers pdf

Before criminology became a part of the justice system, there was a chasm between targeting the root of criminality and the cat-and-mouse chase between the police officers and the criminals. What law enforcers fail to consider for most of history is that these elements themselves are also victims of a flawed system. By disregarding the root of the problem, we are only exhausting our resources on an endless chase. Criminology research plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap and improving law enforcement. When we understand why crimes happen, we can provide better interventions.

Criminology research is a means of understanding criminality to improve criminal justice and law enforcement. Several criminology research are exploratory research . The researchers collect and analyze data of a crime, policy, or approach in which little is known. The researchers may also propose changes and amendments for future reference. The research can also be descriptive , wherein we elaborate observations about a crime or our response to one. Explanatory research can expound on the nature of the crime in relation to the offender, nature or psychology of the criminal, as well as other behaviors that affect law enforcement. We can also apply the findings in applied research in deciding if a policy or intervention is effective.

Imprint on Reality

Crime prevention starts with crime reduction. How do we reduce crimes? We can build tall gates around our houses and subdivisions. We can saturate our community with the police force and security personnel . We can set up security cameras at every corner of every street. We may do these, but we don’t have the power and resources to sustain them for long-term, country-wide implementation. Aside from feasibility, there are other concerns with the approach. A controlled living environment will eventually dent individual rights and liberties. We need research to find the best solutions. We have witnessed an overhaul in criminal justice and law enforcement, owing to criminological research that challenged the norms.

Challenge the status quo

People viewed police visibility as an effective crime deterrent. It had been a belief since the 13th century, and everyone just went along with the idea. So the government spent billions to maintain the practice, despite the lack of scientific evidence supporting the theory. The idea was challenged a few times before. A comprehensive study by the Kansas City Police Department showed that routine preventive patrol had no difference in crime rates in the city. This research showed that previously held beliefs could be wrong. With research, we can manage our resources better with more effective ways of preventing crime than stick with the baseless convention.

Marriage of research and politics

Criminal justice used to be “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This treatment of crimes leaves the decision for the penalty in the hands of the offended party. Revenge justice is unreliable because the gravity of the crime may be disproportionate with the punishment exacted to the offender. Research is focal to our acknowledgment of the inhumane effect of the archaic justice system. The integration of criminological research in policy proposals  helped us understand the nature of criminality. The policies are becoming more responsive to what we have learned from the findings. We have abandoned the cruel punishments and moved on to measures that respect the person.

Fulcrum of Modern Justice System

Justice isn’t just about punishing the guilty and vindicating the innocent. We also have to monitor the system if its policies and programs are at par with the need of the community. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so justice agencies have to assess their performance and if the results reflect the ideal outcomes. Research not only plays a role in crime prevention, but it can also evaluate the performance of existing practices. The following are examples of research papers that remodeled the United States criminal justice system.

1. Investigation Research Example

P5628 1 03

2. Crime Prevention Research

Kelling et al

Size: 306 KB

3. Research on Threat Handling

188199 01

Size: 82 KB

4. Research on Career Criminals

Delinquency in a Birth Cohort A New Direction in Criminological 2

Size: 497 KB

5. Study on Case Attrition

R3515 03

6. Research on Court Bail Policy

manhattan bail project 1

Size: 86 Kb

7. Research on Sentencing Policy

249845 02

Size: 923 KB

8. Research on Treatment of Offenders

Hser Teruya Evans et al 2003 01

Size: 127 KB

9. Study on Policy Evaluation

412867 A Statewide Evaluation of New York s Adult Drug Courts 001

Size: 945 KB

10. Research on Effects of Abuse

0319a2aee5c8c3e1a7942fc344063c925260 01

Size: 34 KB

11. Sample Criminology Research

s41599 019 0285 y 1

Size: 251 KB

Reinforcing the revolution

Research has done much for the US criminal justice system. As an agent of justice, you are not exempted from the responsibility to contribute to this growth. The studies that redefined justice and its derivatives started from an idea. Here is how you begin with your study.

1. Know what you want

Any undertaking requires time and resources. And when you’re using the public’s or an organization’s money, any expense should be justified by results of equal value. You have to have an idea on what you want to accomplish with your study. This is your research goal, and this influences the totality of your research design, from methodology to data presentation. What do you want to find out? Are you exploring a new idea? Are you describing the efficiency of a present intervention? Decide on what you want for this research. It will keep you from going astray in the middle of work.

2. Move the wheel forward

You can spin a wheel and say there is movement. However, that doesn’t get you away from where you stand. Similarly, rehashed ideas will stagnate a field. The progress in criminal justice is brought about by researchers putting forth new ideas to the table. When you are planning a research , you have to read related literature on what has been done about the subject. As you go through the articles, ask yourself what you can do. You can gain insights on how the researchers went with their investigation. With the introduction of new information, the onward momentum of the domain is maintained.

3. Gain green light

Unless you’re an affluent person who can support the cost of extensive research, you are likely to need the approval of a board or panel to proceed with your study. People submit research proposals , either for study grants or permission to start a project. In the document, you will justify the need for such an investigation. Since you will be persuading the people to support your endeavor, you have to outline your concrete plan and show that you are capable of the task. Preparedness and knowledgeability show in sections like data collection and analysis method and the project timeline .

4. Get the ball rolling

Now that you have a vision on what your research will focus on and how you will address the objectives, the next thing to do is to conduct the study. Gather relevant data that will help answer your research questions and perform the appropriate data treatment. In data analysis , graphical illustrations are better at helping you see patterns and trends that aren’t apparent in the raw data. However, all this effort would be put to waste if you keep your findings to yourself. Research in criminology remodeled the justice system because they were relayed to the appropriate channels.

To inflict harm unto others for the sake of doing harm isn’t natural for us. That is why we have to understand what pushes a person to cross moral lines. When we learn what drove and will drive people to the dark side, we can offer the specific help that each person needs and effective preventive measures. Full hostility towards lawless elements didn’t stop crimes more than it harmed individual liberties. In addressing criminality, we need more than brawn.


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  1. Criminology Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2016. PDF. Disinhibition, Violence Exposure, and Delinquency: A Test of How Self-Control Affects the Impact of Exposure to Violence, Wyatt Brown. PDF. The Guilty But Mentally Ill Verdict: Assessing the Impact of Informing Jurors of Verdict Consequences, Erin Elizabeth Cotrone. PDF.

  2. (PDF) Criminology

    Criminology is an interdisciplinary field of study. that focuses on crime and the responses to crime. Introduction. As the study of crime and society 's responses to it, criminology is an ...

  3. Journal of Criminology: Sage Journals

    The Journal of Criminology is an international peer-reviewed journal in the field of criminology. Originally published under the title of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, it expressly seeks to publish innovative theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented research from around the world, as well as maintaining a strong commitment to high quality research in the Australasian ...

  4. PDF Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application

    sential, therefore, to comprehend and evaluate the major theories of criminology, not only for the academic or research criminologist but also for the educated citi- zen and the legal or criminal justice professional. TYPES OF CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES Edwin H. Sutherland (1947) defined criminology as the study of the entire process

  5. The Handbook of Criminological Theory

    Robert Agnew is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Sociology at Emory University. His research focuses on the causes of crime and delinquency, particularly his general strain theory of delinquency. His recent works include Criminological Theory: Past to Present (Oxford, 2015); Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Control (Oxford, 2015); Toward A Unified Criminology: Integrating Assumptions about

  6. The British Journal of Criminology

    Featured articles. The Editor of The British Journal of Criminology selects one paper from each new issue for its high-quality contribution to the field of research. Browse articles which are available to read and download for free. This collection is updated regularly so check back to keep up-to-date with the latest advances in the field.

  7. PDF The Process and Problems of Criminological Research

    Criminological Research I n this chapter, you will learn that one source of the motivation to do research is crimino-logical theory. In criminology, as in any other science, theory plays an important role as a ... 28 FUNDAMENTALS OF RESEARCH IN CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 02-Bachman (Fundamentals)-45491.qxd 2/7/2008 5:27 PM Page 28.

  8. [PDF] Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice

    Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice. R. Bachman, R. Schutt. Published 7 March 2008. Sociology, Law, Political Science. Preface 1. Science, Society, and Criminological Research 2. The Process and Problems of Criminological Research 3. Research Ethics and Philosophies 4. Conceptualization and Measurement 5.

  9. (PDF) Introduction: Qualitative Research in Criminology

    Introduction: Qualitative Research in Criminology. Michael Meuser & Gabi Löschper. Abstract: This paper begins with a brief overview of research traditions that paved the way for qual-. itative ...

  10. PDF Introduction and Overview of Crime and Criminology

    Criminology. is an interdisciplinary science that gathers and analyzes data on various aspects of crime and criminal behavior. As with all scientific disciplines, its goal is to understand its subject matter and to determine how that understanding can benefit humankind. In pursuit of this understanding, criminology asks questions, such as the

  11. PDF An Overview of Criminological Research on Violence in Slovenia

    The final selection of papers consists of the following publications based on "research" criterion. Violence in these papers is informed by philosophical, sociological, psycho-logical, and anthropological aspects of criminology. It is necessary to stress that we did not find any paper or publication on violence published in a scientific form in ...

  12. Criminology & Criminal Justice: Sage Journals

    Criminology and Criminal Justice is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the broad field of criminology and criminal justice policy and practice. The journal publishes scholarly articles on all areas of criminology, crime and criminal justice. It includes theoretical pieces, as well as empirically-based analyses of policy and practice in areas that range from policing to sentencing ...

  13. [PDF] Renewing Historical Criminology: Scope, Significance, and Future

    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Renewing Historical Criminology: Scope, Significance, and Future Directions" by I. Channing et al. ... It is demonstrated how public health humanities uses interdisciplinary teams and shared research questions to generate valuable new knowledge unavailable with traditional methods, and shows how the powerful ...


    his chapter, you will be able to:1.1Identify key. pts in understanding criminology.1.2Summarize the general structure and organi. n of the criminal justice system.1.3Id. y and characterize a good theory.1.4Identify key concepts a. .Case StudyThe "Confidence Man"On July 8, 1849, The New York Herald, in its "Police Intelligence" section, re.

  15. Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations

    PDF. The Criminalization of HIV and HIV Stigma, Deanna Cann. PDF. Views of Substance Use During Pregnancy: Social Responses to the Issue, Taylor Ruddy. PDF. The Spatial Variability of Crime: A Review of Methodological Choice, Proposed Models, and Methods for Illustrating the Phenomenon, Matthew D. Spencer. PDF


    The research aims at analyzing criminal law theories and their practical usage in the modern scenario. Crime is defined as an act of deviance from socially accepted norms translated as criminal code.

  17. PDF Schools of Criminology: a Comparative Analysis

    The different schools of Criminology are associated with well-known Criminologists such as Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato, Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham, Cesare Lombroso, Raffaele Garofalo and Enrico Terri amongst others. Each criminologist has come up with a different hypothesis relating to criminology and its aspects supported with research ...

  18. Writing Up and Presenting Criminological Research.pdf

    Download Free PDF. Writing Up and Presenting Criminological Research Alexandra Hall, Northumbria University Introduction The final stage of any criminological research project is writing up and presenting findings. However, writing up, which follows a number of phases through formulation, data collection and analysis, is not just a technical ...

  19. Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry

    A common reason given by students for studying criminology is because it is thought to be an 'interesting' subject (Walters and Kremser, 2016).While some speculate that students may be influenced by the 'CSI effect', 'just as many are propelled into the field as a result of more altruistic and personal motivations' (Belknap and Potter, 2007: 16) and because they want to 'help ...

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    College of Criminology Research Journal, Vol. 8, 2017 4 ISSN: 2094-7631 When it comes to online surveying, descriptive is by far the most commonly used form of research. Most often, organizations will use it as a method to reveal and measure the strength of a target group's opinion, attitude, or behaviour with regards to a given subject.

  21. (PDF) Criminal Psychology: Understanding Criminal Behaviour

    Abstract Criminal psychology is a field involving an amalgamation of psychology, criminology, and the la w. This discipline was conceived in the mid-twentieth century, when psychologists began ...


    The purpose of the article will be: 1) to show the methodology of self-report research in criminology, with particular emphasis on research in Poland; 2) to demonstrate the advantages and challenges of research with self-report surveys of crime, deviance and social pathology.

  23. PDF Introduction to Criminology

    5.1 The Research Process Dr. Wendelin Hume and Ashly Hanna, B.A. 135 5.2 Planning Dr. Wendelin Hume and Ashly Hanna, B.A. 141 5.3 Conceptualisation Dr. Wendelin Hume and Ashly Hanna, B.A. 144 5.4 Choice of Method Dr. Wendelin Hume and Ashly Hanna, B.A. 146 . 3.2 How Media Frame Portrayals of Offenders, Victims, and Police Dr. Chantal Faucher

  24. Criminological Research

    Criminology research is a means of understanding criminality to improve criminal justice and law enforcement. Several criminology research are exploratory research. The researchers collect and analyze data of a crime, policy, or approach in which little is known. The researchers may also propose changes and amendments for future reference.