1. Presentation: Corporate Taxation in the Global Economy

    Corporate Income Tax Revenue by WEO Income Group 1990-2017. (Excluding Resource-Rich Countries, in percent of Total Tax Revenue) Capacity constraints. Long-standing concerns in …

  2. Taxation Corporate Tax

    Chapter 5 - Taxes Corporate Tax Step 3: Tax Liability (putting it all together) For Public Firm (non-CCPC) for either active business income or for investment income the tax rate is 25%.

  3. Taxation

    The OECD produces internationally comparable tax data, analysis and policy advice with the aim of helping governments around the world to design and implement effective, fair and efficient …

  4. PPT

    The logic of corporate taxation Incidence and efficiency effects of the corporate income tax: the Harberger Model and beyond Integration and other approaches to reform …

  5. PPT

    Corporate Tax in Uae. On 9 December 2022, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) issued Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses.The CT Law is the legislative basis for the …

  6. Corporate Taxation Presentation

    Tax Treatment of Corporate Debt and Equity (JCX-45-16) Spring 2019 Powerpoint Presentations Note: These are Fall 2016 files, to be updated by Professor Streng during …

  7. UAE Corporate Tax Law summary

    In our view, the introduction of the UAE’s first federal CT regime with statutory tax rates of 0% and 9% with a law that is easily understood by businesses and foreign investors and a low …

  8. PPT

    Corporate tax in UAE. As of my last training data in September 2021, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is recognized globally for its unique, business-friendly tax regime. Unlike many countries, the UAE does not have a …