Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country for Students and Children

500 words essay on role of judiciary in the country today.

Any judiciary is an integral part of a country, especially democracy . As India is the largest democracy, we have a big judiciary which makes sure it safeguards the interests of its citizens. Similarly, our Supreme Court is at the top of our judiciary system. It is then followed by our high courts which operate at the state level. Further, there are district courts operating at the district level. There are also many more courts below this order. A judiciary has many roles to play.

essay on role of judiciary in the country today

Role of Judiciary in India

As a judiciary is independent of the executive, it can easily safeguard the rights of the citizen to ensure peace and harmony. However, its role is not just limited to this. It plays different roles to make sure there is smooth functioning in the country.

Firstly, it plays a great role in making new laws. Judiciary is the rightful interpreter of our constitution as well as the current laws. It has the power to create new laws as well as overrule policies that might violate our constitution.

Furthermore, the judiciary also prevents any form of violation of the law. Similarly, it files a lawsuit against the person found guilty of doing the same. After that, a judge passes his verdict after listening to both parties closely and announces the judgment accordingly.

Moreover, it also acts as an advisory body. It happens more than often that the executive or legislature seeks help from the judiciary to clarify issues regarding the constitution.

Moreover, the judiciary decides upon the constitutional questions. For instance, if there is a dispute between states, they are brought to the Supreme Court where it decides how to interpret the constitution on the basis of the on-going dispute. In addition, it also looks after the administrating bit. Like it is responsible for appointing officers, maintaining records, administrating staff and more.

Most importantly, the judiciary is the protector of fundamental rights of the citizens. Everyone has the right to fundamental rights; however, sometimes people try to take them away. Thus, the judiciary ensures no such thing happens and lets every citizen live with harmony.

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Importance in Today’s Scenario

A judiciary is very crucial in upholding a democracy like ours. As we all know, cases of injustice against people have risen nowadays. There is unjust discrimination happening and the judiciary must step in to stop all this.

Therefore, it becomes important more than ever to help people feel safe within their own country and homes. Judiciary checks and balances the ones who have power. This helps in preventing people from misusing that power.

In short, in today’s scenario of our country where crimes are happening rapidly, people turn to the judiciary for justice . Thus, we see how it is so very important that judiciary remains just and empowered in the times of darkness. Sometimes, it remains the single ray of hope for people, which is why it is needed more than ever now.

FAQs on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today

Q.1 What is the role of the judiciary in the country today?

A.1 The judiciary plays a major role in a democracy. It safeguards the fundamental rights of the people. Further, it makes new laws and ensures to punish anyone violating these laws. It also administers and appoints officers.

Q.2 Why is the judiciary important in the country today?

A.2 The judiciary is more important than ever now because injustice against people has risen to a great extent in our country. We need it to monitor the people and punish them for their crimes so everyone feels safe and included.

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Judiciary and it’s working Essay in English in 100, 200, 500 and 1000 Words

Supreme Court Of India

The judiciary serves as a critical pillar of democracy, fulfilling a vital role in safeguarding citizens’ rights and maintaining the rule of law. In India, the judiciary has a rich history of delivering landmark verdicts that have set legal precedents and brought about significant societal changes. However, recent controversies have plagued the Indian judiciary, calling into question its effectiveness and autonomy.

One of the primary issues is the selection of judges via the collegium system , which grants a group of senior judges the power to recommend candidates for appointment to the higher judiciary. While intended to preserve the judiciary’s independence, the system has been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability.

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Furthermore, the roaster controversy has further exacerbated the situation. In January 2018, four senior Supreme Court judges held a press conference to voice their concern over the Chief Justice’s case allocation. They alleged that significant cases were being delegated to junior judges and that the Chief Justice was not adhering to established conventions. This controversy called the judiciary’s integrity and independence into question.

Differences of opinion between the Chief Justice and senior Supreme Court judges have also caused concern. Such disagreements have led to public confrontations and raised queries regarding the unity and coherence of the judiciary. Additionally, they have highlighted the potential for political interference in the judiciary’s functioning.

Despite these challenges, the Indian judiciary has played a crucial role in protecting citizens’ rights and promoting justice. Judicial activism has served as a critical tool in safeguarding the rights of marginalized communities and advancing social justice. Furthermore, the judiciary has delivered landmark verdicts that have had a significant impact on society, such as the Vishaka case , which recognized sexual harassment in the workplace.

The Indian judiciary plays a pivotal role in upholding the rule of law and safeguarding citizens’ rights. However, it is facing significant challenges that must be addressed to maintain its autonomy and integrity. The collegium system, the roaster controversy, and the differences of opinion between the Chief Justice and senior Supreme Court judges are issues that must be resolved to enhance the judiciary’s functioning. Only by ensuring the judiciary adheres to its constitutional mandate can it continue to serve as a protector of citizens’ rights and maintain the rule of law.

Essay on Judiciary and it’s working in 100 words

The judiciary plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. In India, judicial activism has played a vital role in strengthening democracy by expanding the scope of rights and holding governments accountable. However, there are challenges in the selection of judges through the collegium system, leading to accusations of lack of transparency and favoritism. The roaster controversy highlighted the need for clear guidelines in the allocation of cases to judges. Differences of opinion between the Chief Justice and senior judges have also raised questions about the functioning of the judiciary. These issues must be addressed to maintain the integrity and independence of the judiciary.

Essay on Judiciary and it’s working in 200 words

The Judiciary is one of the pillars of democracy and plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law. Its primary function is to interpret the constitution and ensure that the executive and legislative branches of government are acting within the framework of the law. However, over the years, the Indian Judiciary has been embroiled in various controversies.

One of the most significant controversies has been the issue of judicial activism. While some argue that judicial activism is necessary to protect the rights of citizens and ensure that the government is accountable, others believe that it undermines the principles of democracy by encroaching upon the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government.

Another contentious issue is the selection of judges through the collegium system. Critics argue that the system lacks transparency and accountability, and there have been allegations of nepotism and favoritism in the appointment of judges. However, defenders of the collegium system point out that it is a necessary safeguard against political interference in the judiciary.

The roaster controversy is another issue that has raised questions about the independence of the judiciary. The controversy arose when the Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra, allocated cases to benches that were seen as favorable to the government. This led to protests by senior Supreme Court judges, who accused the Chief Justice of undermining the independence of the judiciary.

The Indian Judiciary has a vital role to play in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens. However, it is crucial to address the various controversies that have arisen over the years to ensure that the judiciary remains independent and accountable. The collegium system needs to be reformed to increase transparency and accountability, and the judiciary must be insulated from political interference to maintain its independence.

Essay on Judiciary and it’s working in 500 words

The judiciary is one of the three pillars of democracy and plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. The Indian judiciary is considered one of the most powerful judiciaries in the world, with the power to strike down laws and actions of the executive and legislative branches of government.

Judicial Activism and Indian Democracy:

Judicial activism is the tendency of the judiciary to take an active role in shaping public policy and enforcing fundamental rights. In India, judicial activism has played a crucial role in protecting the rights of marginalized communities and ensuring accountability of the government. The landmark judgments of the Indian judiciary, such as the Kesavananda Bharati case , Maneka Gandhi case , and the recent Navtej Singh Johar case , have expanded the scope of fundamental rights and strengthened the democratic fabric of the country.

However, critics of judicial activism argue that it encroaches upon the domain of the executive and legislative branches of government and undermines the principle of separation of powers. They also argue that judicial activism can lead to judicial overreach and judicial tyranny.

Selection of Judges through the Collegium System:

The selection of judges to the higher judiciary is a contentious issue in India. The collegium system, which is a group of senior judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, is responsible for the selection and appointment of judges to the higher judiciary. However, the collegium system has come under criticism for lacking transparency and accountability.

Critics of the collegium system argue that it undermines the principle of separation of powers and gives too much power to the judiciary in the appointment of judges. They also argue that the system is prone to favoritism and can lead to the appointment of judges who may not be suitable for the position.

Roaster Controversy:

In 2018, the allocation of cases in the Supreme Court came under controversy when four senior judges held a press conference and raised concerns about the allocation of cases by the then Chief Justice. The judges alleged that the Chief Justice was allocating cases to benches that were not in line with established conventions.

The controversy highlighted the need for transparency in the functioning of the judiciary and the importance of following established conventions and norms. It also raised concerns about the independence of the judiciary and the need to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

Difference of Opinions between the Chief Justice and the Senior Supreme Court Judges:

The difference of opinions between the Chief Justice and the senior Supreme Court judges has been a recurring issue in the Indian judiciary. The differences can arise due to differences in legal interpretation, personal biases, or institutional concerns.

While differences of opinion are a natural part of any democratic system, it is important to ensure that they do not undermine the functioning of the judiciary or erode public trust in the institution. It is important for the judiciary to maintain its independence and integrity and uphold the rule of law.

The judiciary plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. While judicial activism has played a crucial role in strengthening Indian democracy, it is important to ensure that it does not undermine the principle of separation of powers. The selection of judges, allocation of cases, and differences of opinion are all issues that need to be addressed to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. The Indian judiciary needs to maintain its independence and integrity to uphold the rule of law and protect the fundamental rights of citizens.

Essay on Judiciary and it’s working in 1000 words

The judiciary is one of the three branches of government in India, responsible for interpreting the Constitution, laws, and regulations. The Indian judiciary plays an important role in the democratic system and has been the protector of the rights of the people. However, in recent times, the Indian judiciary has been mired in controversy due to issues such as the selection of judges through the collegium system, the roaster controversy, and the differences of opinion between the Chief Justice and senior supreme court judges.

Judicial Activism and Indian Democracy

Judicial activism refers to the proactive role played by the judiciary in enforcing the rights and interests of the people, even in cases where the legislature and executive have failed to act. In India, judicial activism has played an important role in protecting the rights of citizens, promoting social justice, and ensuring accountability of the government. The Indian judiciary has been involved in many landmark cases, such as the Kesavananda Bharati case, which established the basic structure doctrine, and the Vishaka case, which recognized sexual harassment in the workplace.

However, there have been criticisms of judicial activism as well. Some argue that the judiciary is overstepping its constitutional limits and taking over the functions of the other branches of government. Others argue that the judiciary is often biased and influenced by political considerations.

Despite these criticisms, judicial activism has played a crucial role in strengthening Indian democracy by ensuring that the government remains accountable and responsive to the needs of the people.

Selection of Judges through the Collegium System

The collegium system is a method of appointing judges to the higher judiciary in India. Under this system, a group of senior judges makes recommendations for the appointment of judges to the higher judiciary. The collegium system was introduced in 1993 by the Supreme Court in the Second Judges case, which held that the power to appoint judges lay with the judiciary, rather than the executive.

The collegium system has been the subject of much controversy in recent times. Critics argue that the system lacks transparency and accountability, and that it is prone to favoritism and nepotism. Others argue that the system is undermining the independence of the judiciary by giving too much power to a small group of judges.

The government has attempted to replace the collegium system with a National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC), which would give the executive a greater role in the appointment of judges. However, this move was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Fourth Judges case, which upheld the collegium system.

  • Roaster Controversy

The roaster controversy refers to the allocation of cases to judges in the Supreme Court. In January 2018, a press conference was held by four senior judges of the Supreme Court, who raised concerns about the allocation of cases by the Chief Justice. The judges alleged that important cases were being assigned to junior judges, and that the Chief Justice was not following established conventions in the allocation of cases.

The roaster controversy was seen as a serious blow to the independence and integrity of the judiciary. It raised concerns about the politicization of the judiciary, and the lack of transparency in the allocation of cases. The controversy also highlighted the need for clear rules and procedures for the allocation of cases, and for greater accountability of the judiciary.

Difference of Opinions between Chief Justice and Senior Supreme Court Judges

There have been several instances of differences of opinion between the Chief Justice and senior judges of the Supreme Court. In 2017, the Supreme Court was embroiled in a controversy over the appointment of judges to the High Courts. The Chief Justice refused to accept the recommendations of the collegium, and instead suggested alternative candidates. This led to a public spat between the Chief Justice and the senior judges of the Supreme Court.

Such differences of opinion raise concerns about the unity and coherence of the judiciary. They also raise concerns about the independence of the judiciary, and the potential for political interference in the functioning of the judiciary.

The Indian judiciary plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens. However, the judiciary has been mired in controversy in recent times due to issues such as the selection of judges through the collegium system, the roaster controversy, and the differences of opinion between the Chief Justice and senior supreme court judges. These controversies highlight the need for greater transparency, accountability, and independence in the functioning of the judiciary. They also underscore the importance of ensuring that the judiciary remains true to its constitutional mandate of upholding the rights of citizens and promoting the cause of justice.

  • Accountability
  • Alternatives
  • Chief Justice
  • Citizens' Rights
  • Civil Services
  • Collegium System
  • Constitutional Mandate
  • Independence
  • Indian Judiciary
  • Judge Appointments
  • Judicial Activism
  • Landmark Judgments
  • Legal Precedents
  • Political Interference
  • Recommendations
  • Rule of Law
  • Senior Judges
  • Social Justice
  • Transparency


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Judicial System: the Role of Judges Essay

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The role of judges.

Judges are very important people in the society since they solve cases that determine the next phase of a person’s life. Thus, they require various people who they can trust and work within the judicial system. The judiciary is an independent entity, but as is always the case, each entity needs help from other sources (Boyea, 2013).

The judiciary has to build its internal relationships to ensure smooth running of the judicial system. These internal relationships are important and relevant to each of the courts. The level of its independence and interdependence on other systems determine whether the judge’s work is effective or not.

A judge refers to an individual who is authorized and qualified to make a decision. A judge is a public officer to the court making judgments on the legal lawsuits based on either the substantive or procedural bylaws. In the U.S court system, a magistrate presides over the proceedings taking place in the courtrooms. In fact, judges have no authority to carry out investigations, but they can authorize an investigation to be carried out.

The commonly known kinds of magistrates in the U.S court system are the appellate as well as the trial law-court juries. A trial court judge often controls the trials from the beginning to the end (Stephenson, 2013). They take part in all details of the case including but not limited to setting the trial schedule, giving advice to the jury, and sentencing a guilty defendant.

The appellate judge hears appeals from the trial courts, reviews them, and decides whether there was injustice or not. Judges work in different courtrooms and listen to cases of diverse types and are either elected or appointed. Judges have to be of good behavior at all times since they must adhere to ethical rules.

The juries may only hold office when these ethical rules are followed to the latter. A jury may be removed from office through impeachment, and this only occurs when there is a violation of ethical or legal rules. The judges have to be impartial (Swanson, 2011). They have to make their ruling without being biased.

The judge has various roles both inside and outside the courtroom. The juries play a significant role in controlling public morality. In the U.S court system, judges rule on issues that affect each citizen. Judges listen to allegations brought by the prosecutors, the attorney defenders, and the testimony of the witnesses and rule whether the evidence is valid or not.

Judges then give instructions to the jury on how to apply both the procedural and substantive laws and standards in the case (Boyea, 2013). Judges also have the task of asking the witnesses questions and finally rule on the cases presented. Magistrates are mandated to make decisions regarding the crime and issue verdicts on the case based on the available evidence.

In most cases, the law is interpreted with the aid of judges. They find out various laws, regulations, and explain them to the public. Judges also see that other court staffs do their work according to the U.S court system. Besides, judges set meetings with attorneys of the opposing parties to discuss various cases and find a way out probably by encouraging a settlement.

Finally, judges are mandated to set up the rules and procedures of the court (Swanson, 2011). They control how the court proceedings take place and ensure that there is order during the court session by both parties and the witnesses. Often, this is to make sure that there is a fair trial in the court.

An independent judiciary is important in a democratic government. It creates a sense of trust for the citizens knowing that they will get justice fairly. Thus, as is the case in the U.S court system, judges have to be independent of the government. Judges should be free to make their decisions without facing pressure or interference from other sources. Though independent, the juries use information from other personnel to ensure that the court proceedings run smoothly, and cases are ruled fairly.

The courthouse personnel include the legal officer, the suspect’s defense advocate, and the prosecuting attorney. These three personnel have a great relationship given that they use other personnel to offer effective court proceedings. These interdependent relationships ensure that the external relationships are maintained, and there is peace in the criminal justice system (Stephenson, 2013). The personnel also help judges by doing what the judges cannot do for themselves.

The prosecutors help by investigating and finding evidence of the suspected crimes. If the prosecutors do not do their job well, impunity is bound to take place in the society. The other personnel include court representative or steward, court administrator, the correspondent and the suspect. The law court representative offers security to the courthouse while the administrator is the office worker when courtroom procedures happen.

The court correspondent archives what happens throughout the hearing sessions. All these people have their area of expertise with different bases of powers. They all do their work with a common goal of administering justice.

Hence, this helps maintain group togetherness and reduce irregularities when applying both the procedural and substantive laws (Boyea, 2013). These relationships lead to good working relationships, which consequently lead to better negotiations. It determines how the courtroom personnel relate with each other during court proceedings.

In conclusion, the ethical and legal standards applicable in the criminal judicial systems help in upholding the relationships that are important for the judges to offer fair trials. During court sessions, the juries need to concentrate on the cases at hand and delegate some duties to others. Therefore, they need each personnel of the courtroom.

Boyea, B. (2013). Reflecting on the role of state judges. Judicature , 97 (3): 153-155.

Stephenson, D. (2013). The judicial bookshelf. Journal of Supreme Court History , 38 (3): 438-454.

Swanson, R. (2011). Judicial roles in state high courts. Judicature , 94 (4): 150-168.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 26). Judicial System: the Role of Judges.

"Judicial System: the Role of Judges." IvyPanda , 26 Mar. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Judicial System: the Role of Judges'. 26 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Judicial System: the Role of Judges." March 26, 2020.

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Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today | Role of Judiciary in the Country Today Essay for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today: In a country, the judiciary acts as a support system, especially in a democracy. When there is more than one judge present for a group of a state or a country, then it is known as the judiciary. It is very important to have such an authoritative body so that the final verdict can be passed without being unfair to any party. In this essay, we will know the role of the judiciary in our country in the 21st century.

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Long and Short Essays on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today for Students and Kids in English

A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided it is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.

Long Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The Judiciary system is one of the important parts of a country. A well-established judiciary system, a country can be peaceful and have law-abiding citizens. The Judiciary of a country is responsible for making the laws in the country and making sure that everyone follows them properly. If any situation occurs were citizens of the country are causing trouble that can harm the reputation and property of the country, then the judicial system is allowed to take action towards it.

Under the judicial system, there are lawyers, judges, magistrates, and many other bodies that are responsible for maintaining peace and discipline in the country. Our judicial system is responsible to make sure that every citizen is a law-abiding citizen and does not break laws. In court, where lawyers defend their clients, the verdict ultimately depends on the judge. The judge studies all the facts and evidence that are present at the time of trial and deliver his/her verdict.

The laws and rules and regulations of the country depend on its citizens and officials as every county has a different set of rules and laws. In India, there are 3 levels of the judicial system i.e. District Court, High Court, and Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has been considered as the highest court in the country. If a person is not happy with the verdict of the District Court then they have the right to appeal in the Higher Court. However, after the Supreme Court’s verdict, the person has no choice but to accept the verdict.

Without the proper judicial system, no country would be in peace and there will be confusion all over the country. A judiciary system is responsible for the smooth running of a country where every citizen follows the laws and knows their basic rights. The judiciary has three major roles i.e. to make sure that every person in the country gets justice. The second rule is to make sure that every person or citizen follows the laws and regulation by the government for the betterment of the country. If any person misuses their right then the judiciary makes sure that he/she gets punished for that.

The third major role of the judiciary is to make new laws if the existing ones are not useful for delivering justice. Yes, the judiciary has the power to make laws and regulations if the existing laws have some loopholes or do not serve the citizens of the country well. Other levels of the judiciary system are panchayats and tribal courts which deliver justice in small areas or rural areas.

Every country has its judicial system. The laws and rules depend on the government of that country. The government is responsible for making and passing the laws but the judiciary system ensures that everyone follows it with dignity and respects the law. If any person breaks the law, then trials are conducted and the judge decides the outcome. The judicial system in the country ensures that the rights of every person are protected and safe.

Short Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Having a judicial system in a country is very important as without the judiciary, the country would become indisciplined and there will be no code of conduct. Judiciary is the one who passes the final judgment on the penalties and punishments. A judiciary has to be unbiased and honest as it is responsible for the betterment of the country. In a court, the judge is the one who gives his/her judgment which has to be followed by every person.

If we talk about the roles of the judiciary in the country then there are 3 major roles of the judiciary. The first is to provide justice to each citizen of the country as it’s their basic rights. The second is to pass the judgement according to the existing law and the third one is to make news law if the existing law is falling apart or couldn’t help in delivering justice.

10 Lines on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today in English

  • Judiciary is an important part of a country.
  • Judiciary is the one who passes the final judgment on any verdict.
  • It consists of many judges, lawyers and magistrates.
  • There are 3 levels of the judiciary.
  • The 3 levels are District Court, High Court and the Supreme Court.
  • The judicial system is allowed to make laws.
  • They are responsible to deliver justice to all the citizens of the country.
  • The judiciary ensures that people follow the rules.
  • The judge’s verdict is like the final seal on the envelope.
  • Without the judiciary, there will be no discipline and no code of conduct in the country.

FAQ’s on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today Essay

Question 1. How many levels of judiciary exists in India?

Answer: There are 3 levels of the judiciary system in our country.

Question 2.  What are the bodies that come under the Judiciary system?

Answer: Judges, magistrates, lawyers, and juries come under the Judiciary system.

Question 3. What is the role of the Judiciary in a country?

Answer: They are responsible for making laws and delivering justice to every citizen.

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Judiciary: functions, importance and an essential quality of judiciary.

write an essay on judiciary and its working


The Judiciary is the third organ of the government. It has the responsibility to apply the laws to specific cases and settle all disputes. The real ‘meaning of law’ is what the judges decide during the course of giving their judgements in various cases. From the citizen’s point of view, Judiciary is the most important organ of the government because it acts as their protector against the possible excesses of legislative and executive organs. Role of Judiciary as the guardian-protector of the constitution and the fundamental rights of the people makes it more respectable than other two organs.

Functions of Judiciary and Its Importance:

1. To Give Justice to the people:

The first and foremost function of the judiciary is to give justice to the people, whenever they may approach it. It awards punishment to those who after trial are found guilty of violating the laws of the state or the rights of the people.

The aggrieved citizens can go to the courts for seeking redress and compensation. They can do so either when they fear any harm to their rights or after they have suffered any loss. The judiciary fixes the quantity and quality of punishment to be given to the criminals. It decides all cases involving grant of compensations to the citizens.

2. Interpretation and Application of Laws:

One of the major functions of the judiciary is to interpret and apply laws to specific cases. In the course of deciding the disputes that come before it, the judges interpret and apply laws. Every law needs a proper interpretation for getting applied to every specific case. This function is performed by the judges. The law means what the judges interpret it to mean.

3. Role in Law-making:

The judiciary also plays a role in law-making. The decisions given by the courts really determine the meaning, nature and scope of the laws passed by the legislature. The interpretation of laws by the judiciary amounts to law-making as it is these interpretations which really define the laws.

Moreover, ‘the judgements delivered by the higher courts, which are the Courts of Records, are binding upon lower courts. The latter can decide the cases before them on the basis of the decisions made by the higher courts. Judicial decisions constitute a source of law.

4. Equity Legislation:

Where a law is silent or ambiguous, or appears to be inconsistent with some other law of the land, the judges depend upon their sense of justice, fairness, impartiality, honesty and wisdom for deciding the cases. Such decisions always involve law-making. It is usually termed as equity legislation.

5. Protection of Rights:

The judiciary has the supreme responsibility to safeguard the rights of the people. A citizen has the right to seek the protection of the judiciary in case his rights are violated or threatened to be violated by the government or by private organisations or fellow citizens. In all such cases, it becomes the responsibility of the judiciary to protect his rights of the people.

6. Guardian of the Constitution:

The judiciary acts as the guardian of the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and it is the responsibility of the judiciary to interpret and protect it. For this purpose the judiciary can conduct judicial review over any law for determining as to whether or not it is in accordance with the letter and spirit of the constitution. In case any law is found ultra vires (unconstitutional), it is rejected by the judiciary and it becomes invalid for future. This power of the court is called the power of judicial review.

7. Power to get its Decisions and Judgements enforced:

The judiciary has the power not only to deliver judgements and decide disputes, but also to get these enforced. It can direct the executive to carry out its decisions. It can summon any person and directly know the truth from him.

In case any person is held:

(i) Guilty of not following any decision of the court, or

(ii) Of acting against the direction of the court, or

(iii) Misleading the court, or

(iv) Of not appearing before the court in a case being heard by it, the Court has the power to punish the person for the contempt of court.

8. Special Role in a Federation:

In a federal system, the judiciary has to perform an additionally important role as the guardian of the constitution and the arbiter of disputes between the centre and states. It acts as an independent and impartial umpire between the central government and state governments as well as among the states. All legal centre-state disputes are settled by the judiciary.

9. Running of the Judicial Administration:

The judiciary is not a department of the government. It is independent of both the legislature and the executive. It is a separate and independent organ with its own organisation and officials. It has the power to decide the nature of judicial organisation in the state. It frames and enforces its own rules.

These govern the recruitment and working of the magistrates and other persons working in the courts. It makes and enforces rules for the orderly and efficient conduct of judicial administration.

10. Advisory Functions:

Very often the courts are given the responsibility to give advisory opinions to the rulers on any legal matter. For example, the President of India the power to refer to the Supreme Court any question of law or fact which is of public importance.

11. To Conduct Judicial Inquiries:

Judges are very often called upon to head Enquiry Commissions constituted to enquire into some serious incidents resulting from the alleged errors or omissions on the part of government or some public servants. Commissions of enquiry headed by a single judge are also sometimes constituted for investigating important and complicated issues and problems.

12. Miscellaneous Functions:

Besides the above major functions, the judiciary also performs several other functions. Some such functions are the appointment of certain local officials of the court, choosing of clerical and other employees. Cases relating to grant of licenses, patents, and copy rights, the appointment of guardians and trustees, the admission of wills, to appoint trustees to look after the property of the minors, to settle the issues of successions of property and rights, issue of administrating the estates of deceased persons, the appointment of receivers, naturalization of aliens, marriage and divorce cases, election petitions and the like.

Through all these functions, the Judiciary plays an important role in each state. It also plays a role in the evolution of Constitution through the exercise of its right to interpret and safeguard it against all legislative and executive excesses.

Importance of Independent Judiciary:

In the life of the citizens of a state, Judiciary is a source of confidence and fearlessness. The common man depends upon judiciary for getting justice. Without a security of rights and freedom guaranteed by the judiciary, they cannot really hope to carry out their jobs and enjoy their living. They are more dependent upon judiciary than the legislature and the executive. Without judicial protection, their lives can become miserable. From citizens point of view Judiciary is the most important organ of the government.

Garner highlights this view when he observes, “A society without legislature is conceivable, and indeed, legislative organs did not make their appearance in the state until modern times, but a civilised state without a judicial organ and machinery is hardly conceivable.”

Judiciary enjoys a big importance in the eyes of the people because it acts as:

(1) The dispenser of Justice.

(2) Protector of the rights of the people.

(3) Guardian protector of the Constitution of the State.

(4) Arbiter of center-state disputes.

(5) Safeguard against Legislative and executive excesses.

(6) Check against arbitrary exercise of powers by the power-holders.

(7) Guardian of Rule of Law and Justice.

An independent judiciary is always considered to be the most essential part of every democratic government worth its name. A government without judiciary is almost inconceivable. A government without independent judiciary is always held to be an authoritarian government.

Independence of Judiciary: An Essential Quality:

The chief quality which helps the judiciary to faithfully administer justice and to perform its functions efficiently is judicial independence. It is only when the judiciary works independently without any interference of the other two organs of the government that it can carry out its high responsibilities.

“The independence of judiciary,” writes Dr. P. Sharan, “is a corner stone of every democratic government and upon it is built the structure of civil liberty.” Judiciary can perform its functions only when it is free to administer justice according to law. Without being well-organised and independent it can never serve its purpose. Therefore, Judiciary must be organised in such a way as can enable the judges to give their judgements without any fear or favour.

Organisation of Judiciary must be based on the following features:

(1) Appointment of only highly qualified and experienced judges.

(2) The Judiciary must have prevented the executive and legislature from committing excesses.

(3) The ability of the judiciary to maintain and independently run the judicial administration.

(4) The Judiciary must be made the guardian protector of the Constitution,

(5) The Judiciary must ensure full, fair and less- expensive opportunities to the people for defending their rights and getting justice.

(6) The method of appointment of judges must be fair, systematic, effective and transparent.

(7) Method of removal of judges should be difficult and no single should have the power to remove the judges.

(8) Judges must be paid high salaries, necessary allowances, good service conditions, and appropriate retirement benefits.

By incorporating all these features in the judicial system, a well organised and independent judiciary can be secured.

Related Articles:

  • Judiciary in India: 11 Salient Features of Indian Judiciary
  • 9 Silent Features of the Russian Judiciary System

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  • 09 Oct 2023

write an essay on judiciary and its working

Democracy, Separation of Powers and the Judiciary

In a democracy, the Constitution reigns supreme, with the Judiciary serving as its guardian. Democracy allows people to participate in decision-making through elected representatives or direct involvement. The separation of powers divides governance into three branches: the Legislature makes laws, representing public interests; the Executive enforces laws, led by a President or Prime Minister; and the Judiciary interprets and applies laws, ensuring constitutional compliance and safeguarding rights. This separation prevents the concentration of power. In parliamentary systems like India, the Executive and Legislature are interdependent. The Judiciary acts as a vital check, upholding the Rule of Law and protecting against power abuses, ensuring a balanced democratic system.

Role of an Independent Judiciary in Democracy

India is the largest democracy in the world and any healthy democracy cannot thrive without an independent Judiciary. As a safeguard against potential violations of the Rule of Law , an independent Judiciary provides the guarantee that justice is carried out impartially. As Dr. B.B. Chawdhry writes, "Justice which is the soul of the state must be administered without fear or favour."

Various provisions have been included in the Indian Constitution to ensure an independent Judiciary. This includes the appointment of judges, salary and allowances, procedures on removal and even the power to penalise in case of violation of law.

The importance of an independent Judiciary is highlighted for various reasons. Firstly, the Judiciary serves as the first line of defence against any excessive or unauthorised power of the Executive or the Legislative branch, providing a system of checks and balances. Furthermore, the Judiciary examines and if needed, invalidates any law that violates the Indian Constitution by declaring it null & void. This prevents any centralisation of power. An impartial judicial system is essential for defending the rights of minorities & other marginalised groups in a multicultural and diversified nation like India. In addition, a strong independent Judiciary is essential to maintaining the Rule of Law. It ensures that everyone is governed by the same set of laws, irrespective of their position or power.

Judicial Review

The Judiciary has the power to review any law or executive action that it considers violating the provisions of the Constitution. This power is exercised through the process of judicial review , which is the power of the Judiciary to declare a law or executive action unconstitutional. This power of judicial review has been instrumental in shaping the Constitution of India and ensuring that the provisions of the Constitution are implemented effectively. Judicial review is adopted by the Constitution of India from the Constitution of the USA.

In India, judicial review is broad in scope and deals with a variety of issues. The Supreme Court has the power of Judicial Review in various ways, including when there is a conflict between the Centre and States, or when there is a violation of the jurisdiction exercised by the Legislature and Executive. Most importantly, the Supreme Court is the guardian of Fundamental Rights. It protects the fundamental rights of Indian citizens, through issuing various writs provided under Article 32.

Some landmark cases are as follows;

  • Keshavananda Bharati vs. State of Kerala (1973)

An important turning point in Indian constitutional history was highlighted by this landmark case when the Supreme Court established the "basic structure doctrine." The Court ruled that although Parliament has the authority to amend the Constitution, it cannot change its basic structure. This historic decision outlined basic principles that serve as the cornerstone of Indian constitutionalism.

  • Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (1975)

In this instance, the Supreme Court rendered a significant decision that made the proclamation of an emergency in India unlawful. The Court's ruling upheld the fundamental idea that nobody- not even the Prime Minister is above the law and the Constitution.

  • Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India (1978)

By emphasising that any law denying a person their life or personal liberty must be just, fair, and reasonable, this case broadened the definition of personal liberty. It developed the idea of "procedure established by law" under Article 21, to ensure that any procedure established by law must be fair and just.

  • Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan (1997)

This significant case involved workplace sexual harassment and prompted the creation of guidelines (known as the Vishaka guidelines) to address and avoid it. Through this ruling, the Court closed a gap in the law and set the stage for legislation to deal with workplace harassment.

  • Union of India v. Navtej Singh Johar (2018)

By invalidating Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code , which classified homosexuality as a crime and described it as ‘carnal intercourse against the order of nature’, the Supreme Court in this case decriminalised homosexuality. The ruling marked a key turning point in the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community's rights.

Judicial Activism and PIL

Judicial Activism, born in the United States, empowers the judiciary to proactively protect citizens' rights by going beyond rigid interpretations of laws or the Constitution. It bridges legislative gaps, ensuring the safeguarding of fundamental rights when the legislature falls short. It adapts legal principles to evolving societal needs and acts as a check on executive authority, preventing overreach. This activism defends democracy, minorities, and marginalized groups while promoting equality, social justice, and good governance.

Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in India empowers citizens to address issues affecting the public at large, not just individually. The judiciary has actively used PILs to champion environmental protection, sustainable development, and wildlife preservation. It has been instrumental in upholding individual liberties, including the right to privacy, freedom of speech, and combating discrimination. Landmark judgments have also advanced education, women's rights, and decriminalized homosexuality, leading to significant social change.

  • Judicial Activism vs. Separation of Powers: Critics argue that Judicial Activism could weaken the separation of powers, leading to Judicial Overreach when the Court obstructs the legislative and executive branches.
  • Backlog of Cases: The Indian judicial system faces a significant backlog of cases, delaying justice and eroding public confidence. While some reforms have been initiated, more extensive changes are needed.
  • Access to Justice: Many Indians, especially disadvantaged groups, struggle to access legal services due to factors like limited legal knowledge, financial constraints, and inadequate infrastructure. To address this, efforts are needed to enhance legal literacy, provide affordable legal assistance, and make the legal system more user-friendly.

In conclusion, the Judiciary is a crucial component of Indian democracy and plays a far larger role than simply reading the law. It is the foundation of justice, defending personal freedoms, enforcing responsibility, and supporting the Rule of Law. However, issues still exist, including the need for better accessibility and the backlog of cases. A dynamic democracy like India must keep improving its judicial system, promoting transparency, and fortifying the systems that provide justice for all. The Court will continue to flourish as a bulwark of democracy through such initiatives, directing India toward a future of justice, equality, and the preservation of democratic ideals.


Annie Pruthi

Annie Pruthi is a Master’s graduate in Political Science from Jamia Millia Islamia. She is currently working as a Research Intern at PRIDE, Lok Sabha Secretariat. She is also the co-author of the book "Will You Stay?" and the recipient of the Coimbatore Literary Awards. (2020). Her research interests include Indo-Pacific studies.

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write an essay on judiciary and its working


Essay on Judiciary

Students are often asked to write an essay on Judiciary in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Judiciary

Introduction to judiciary.

The judiciary is an important part of our government. It is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in legal cases.

Role of Judiciary

The judiciary’s main role is to ensure justice. They decide disputes between people, and between people and the government.

Judges and Their Function

Judges are the main part of the judiciary. They listen to cases, consider the evidence, and make fair decisions based on the law.

Importance of Judiciary

The judiciary is crucial for maintaining law and order. It protects our rights and ensures everyone is treated fairly.

250 Words Essay on Judiciary

Introduction, the role of the judiciary.

The judiciary’s primary role is to interpret and apply laws to specific cases, providing a platform for dispute resolution. It ensures the rule of law is upheld, where everyone, irrespective of their social, economic, or political status, is subject to the law and equal in its eyes.

Independence of Judiciary

The independence of the judiciary is a cornerstone principle ensuring impartiality. It is safeguarded by provisions such as security of tenure, fixed salaries, and the power of contempt, which collectively insulate judges from external pressures and influences.

Judicial Review

Judicial review is a powerful tool in the judiciary’s arsenal, allowing it to review the constitutionality of laws and governmental actions. This function serves as a check on legislative and executive powers, preventing any potential misuse or overreach.

Challenges to Judiciary

Despite its critical role, the judiciary faces several challenges. These include backlog of cases, limited accessibility, and allegations of corruption. Addressing these issues is crucial to ensure the judiciary’s effectiveness and credibility.

In summary, the judiciary is a vital institution in any democratic society. Its independence, power of judicial review, and role in upholding the rule of law are fundamental to maintaining justice and order. However, it is equally important to address the challenges it faces to ensure its continued effectiveness.

500 Words Essay on Judiciary

The role and importance of the judiciary, the structure of the judiciary.

Judicial systems vary widely among countries. However, a common feature is a multi-tiered structure. At the lowest level are courts that handle minor civil and criminal cases. Appeals from these courts are heard by higher courts, culminating in a supreme or constitutional court. These highest courts typically deal with questions of constitutional interpretation and judicial review of legislation.

Independence of the Judiciary

Judicial independence is a cornerstone of the rule of law. It ensures that judges can make decisions free from political pressure or personal bias. A judiciary that is independent can uphold the principle of separation of powers, preventing any branch of government from becoming too powerful. Judicial independence is safeguarded through various mechanisms, including security of tenure, transparent appointment processes, and protection from arbitrary removal.

Judicial Review and Checks and Balances

The judiciary and human rights.

The judiciary plays a crucial role in safeguarding human rights. Courts interpret and apply human rights law, providing remedies when rights are violated. They also play a normative role, shaping societal understanding of human rights through their judgments. In many jurisdictions, the judiciary has been instrumental in advancing social justice, using the law to challenge discrimination and inequality.

Challenges Facing the Judiciary

Despite its crucial role, the judiciary faces several challenges. These include corruption, political interference, and limited resources, which can undermine its effectiveness and public confidence in its decisions. Moreover, the judiciary often has to navigate complex societal issues and balance competing interests, making its role both challenging and controversial.

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Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today

The judiciary plays a crucial role in any democracy. It is considered one of the three pillars of democracy along with the legislature and the executive. It acts as a check on the other two, making sure that they don’t cross lines they’re not supposed to.

Today, the judiciary in India has become more prominent and highly active. India is passing through a phase of judicial activism and sometimes the judiciary itself takes cognizance of a case for the larger interest of public and the nation. It also plays a significant role in instilling the fear of law, keeping corruption and the law and order situation under control.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today in English

Below are short and long essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today that will help you in your exams/assignments.

These ‘Role of judiciary in the country today’ essay will keep you informed on the judicial system and its role in India.

You will also know the powers of the judiciary over executive and legislature.

Select any Role of Judiciary in the Country Today essay that best suits your needs and present it in your schools, colleges essay writing, speech or debate competitions.

Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today – Essay 1 (200 words)


The judiciary is one of the three lynchpins of a democracy, the other two being the legislature and the executive. All three work in concert to ensure that the democratic system works efficiently. However, the executive and the legislature need checks on their power or a democracy can turn into an autocratic system. This is where the judiciary comes in.

Judiciary’s Role

While the judiciary has many important roles to fulfil, the ones that stand out in the current political climate are:

  • To act as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution
  • To protect fundamental and other rights of the citizens of India

The two roles aren’t unrelated. It is the judiciary’s duty to ensure that whatever measures are enacted by the legislature or the executive are in keeping with the Constitution. This means that if it has reason to believe that legislative measures go against the Constitution of the country, it can strike them down. Similarly, if these measures violate the fundamental rights of the citizens or even other rights, the judiciary can stall or end them.

The roles of the judiciary are perhaps the most important roles in the entire democratic structure. They ensure that people’s rights are maintained and the government works in the framework of the Constitution.

Essay on Role of Judiciary in Indian Democracy – Essay 2 (250 words)

Indian democracy is held up by three pillars – the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. Each system is complementary to the other two, at the same time acting as checks and balances to them. As per the Constitution of India, the judiciary is the most independent out of the three and is given a wide range of powers so that it is capable of offering justice freely and fairly.

Role of Judiciary

The Indian judiciary’s role has become evident in the last few years because of the scams brought to light that involved bureaucrats and many political leaders. Scams such as the Fodder scam, the Hawala scam and the Telecom scandal involved charges of corruption by some of the top leaders of the land. While some were acquitted, many more are still being tried. Some have been convicted and jailed while others were forced to resign due to public pressure.

It is obvious that without a system in place to check them, top leaders would have tried to exercise undue influence to hide their misconduct. As it is, lobbying groups with vested interests tried to tarnish the image of the judiciary. They even went so far as to insinuate that the judicial system was working against the interests of the country and its people.

Clearly, the role of the judiciary is critical to our country today. As the scams have demonstrated, we cannot always rely on our leaders to behave as they must or do what they must. Too many of them have proven to be corrupt and hungry for power in ways that trample the rights of ordinary citizens and even break the laws of the land. The judiciary is the only body that can hold them in check and mete out free and fair justice that they deserve.

Short Essay on Judiciary of India – Essay 3 (350 words)

In India, the judiciary is multi-tier system with the Supreme Court at the top, High Courts at state level and District Courts at the district level. It is an independent system and has often been called the guardian of the Constitution and the fundamental rights of Indian citizens. It follows the common law system meaning that the law of the land is formed by customs, legislation and precedents.

What it Does

The interpretation of the Constitution lies in the hands of the judiciary. Its mandate comes from the Constitution, that mandate being that neither the executive nor the legislature can pass any acts without those acts being overseen by the judiciary to ensure that they are in compliance with the Constitution. If there are conflicts between two or more states or between the state and central governments, the judiciary balances the power between them based on the Constitution.

The Constitution ensures that the judiciary is a separate and independent body. No one is allowed to influence it be they citizens, other branches of states or even interest groups. No members of the legislature or executive can suggest the names for judicial appointments. The names are recommended by collegium of the judiciary and the President determines the appointees. Similarly, the judges of the Supreme Court cannot be removed from office unless it is proved that they have committed misconduct or are no longer capable of carrying out the role. Even then, it requires a two-thirds majority in either one of the houses.

The makers of the Constitution realized that the executive and the legislature required checks and balances from a body that would be completely independent from them so as to minimize undue influence that those two bodies might exercise on their own behalf. The Indian judiciary plays that role and ensures that those two bodies do not overstep their bounds and interfere with what is laid down in the Constitution or with the fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of India.

Essay on Importance/Role of Judiciary in Democratic Country – Essay 4 (350 words)

Together with the executive and the legislature, the judiciary acts as one of the three pillars that uphold democracy. A democratic government that is ‘of the people, for the people and by the people’ needs a judiciary that is strong and independent so that the rights of the people do not get trampled upon by those in power. Therefore, the judiciary becomes the most important pillar of democracy.

Importance/Role of Judiciary in Democratic Country

In a democracy, citizens get certain inalienable rights without any prejudice or discrimination. However, power does corrupt and the elected representatives of the people can be prone to trampling on these rights in order to consolidate or increase their power. In such situations, the only places citizens can go to get justice are the courts.

The rights guaranteed by the Constitution to the citizens of a democracy are its lifelines. Therefore, to uphold a democratic system these rights need to be protected and this is where the judiciary comes in. If someone feels that their fundamental rights or other rights have been violated, they can seek justice in a court of law.

The judiciary can, under certain circumstances, order the government to take certain actions that it believes will uphold the values of democracy. This includes telling central or state governments to stop partisan activities. It can also question the reasoning behind actions that it believes are uncalled for.

These situations illustrate that a democracy will collapse almost immediately if there is no judicial system or if the judicial system in place is subservient to the executive or the legislature or both. Those in power don’t like to give it up easily. Without a judiciary, there will be no checks and balances on the powerful and citizens will suffer for it.

Without a judiciary that is independent, democracy is inevitably doomed. All systems need checks and balances and the judiciary provides these so that the rights of the citizens aren’t trampled under the machinations of the power hungry. The role of the judiciary in a functioning democracy is a vital one, without which a democracy just won’t work.

Essay on Role of Judiciary in Indian Democracy – Essay 5 (400 words)

The Supreme Court is at the apex of the Indian judicial system, followed by the High Courts at state level, the District Courts at district level and a number of local courts below them. The judiciary of India is independent of the legislative and the executive so that it can safeguard the interests of the people. It also ensures that any legislation that violates the Constitution is struck down. However, these aren’t the only roles it performs.

Role of Judiciary in India

Several functions and roles that don’t fall under the purview of the Criminal or Civil codes are also enacted by the judiciary. Some of these roles and responsibilities are:

  • Making New Laws – By virtue of its position as the interpreter of the Constitution and existing laws, the judiciary can create new laws. This is done by setting precedents and then following those precedents in later cases. The judiciary also has the power to overrule precedents that may violate the Constitution.
  • Preventing the Violation of Law – When someone is accused of violating the law, a lawsuit is brought against them. A judge then listens to both parties and determines whether the law has indeed been violated and, if so, how the accused should be punished.
  • Deciding on Constitutional Questions – Constitutional questions are usually decided by the Supreme Court. These can include Constitutional disputes between states or between a state and the Union. When such cases are brought in front of the Supreme Court, it decides how the Constitution should be interpreted with regards to the dispute.
  • Administrating – Apart from judicial duties, judges also perform certain functions related to administration. These functions include appointing officers, maintaining records, administering staff or superintending over lower courts.
  • Advising – There are times when the executive or the legislature turns to the judiciary to get clarity on constitutional points. In such cases, the judiciary acts as an advisory body.
  • Protecting Fundamental Rights – The fundamental rights given to Indian citizens by the Constitution and the law of the land are under the protection of the judiciary. If a court believes that a new law will violate these rights, it has the power to declare such a law invalid.

It is clear that the role of the judiciary is a crucial one. There have to be checks and balances on those in power. The judiciary takes on that role. It also acts as arbiter and advisor to the Union and the states, to the legislature and the executive. These roles and functions become critical to upholding a democracy.

Related Information:

Essay on Fundamental Rights

Essay on Democracy in India

Essay on Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Essay on Human Rights

Speech on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today

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A Summary of Why We Need More Judicial Activism

Seth Robertson

Seth Robertson

Mar 24, 2014, 8:31 AM

By Suzanna Sherry, Herman O. Loewenstein Professor of Law

In this piece, Suzanna Sherry summarizes her essay, “Why We Need More Judicial Activism.” The full version of the essay will appear in a collection Sherry has co-edited with Giorgi Areshidze and Paul Carrese to be released in 2014 by SUNY Press. Sherry wrote this summary for the quarterly legal journal Green Bag , which devoted part of its summer 2013 edition to articles commenting on her essay. She characterizes the essay as “a rhetorical call to arms and an embrace of judicial activism.”

Too much of a good thing can be bad, and democracy is no exception. In the United States, the antidote to what the drafters of the Constitution called “the excess of democracy” is judicial review: unelected, life-tenured federal judges with power to invalidate the actions of the more democratic branches of government. Lately, judicial review has come under fire. Many on both sides of the political aisle accuse the Supreme Court of being overly activist and insufficiently deferential to the elected representatives of the people. Taking the Constitution away from the courts—and giving it back to the people—has become a rallying cry. But those who criticize the courts on this ground misunderstand the proper role of the judiciary. The courts should stand in the way of democratic majorities, in order to keep majority rule from degenerating into majority tyranny. In doing so, the courts are bound to err on one side or the other from time to time. It is much better for the health of our constitutional democracy if they err on the side of activism, striking down too many laws rather than too few.

In this forthcoming essay defending judicial activism, I begin by defining two slippery and often misused concepts, judicial review and judicial activism, and briefly survey the recent attacks on judicial activism. I then turn to supporting my claim that we need more judicial activism, resting my argument on three grounds. First, constitutional theory suggests a need for judicial oversight of the popular branches. Second, our own constitutional history confirms that the founding generation—the drafters of our Constitution—saw a need for a strong bulwark against majority tyranny. Finally, an examination of constitutional practice shows that too little activism produces worse consequences than does too much. If we cannot assure that the judges tread the perfect middle ground (and we cannot), it is better to have an overly aggressive judiciary than an overly restrained one.

Judicial review is not judicial supremacy. Judicial review allows courts an equal say with the other branches, not the supreme word. Courts are the final arbiter of the Constitution only to the extent that they hold a law unconstitutional, and even then only because they act last in time, not because their will is supreme. If judicial review is simply the implementation of courts’ equal participation in government, what, then, is judicial activism? To avoid becoming mired in political squabbles, we need a definition of judicial activism with no political valence. Judicial activism occurs any time the judiciary strikes down an action of the popular branches, whether state or federal, legislative or executive. Judicial review, in other words, produces one of two possible results: If the court invalidates the government action it is reviewing, then it is being activist; if it upholds the action, it is not.

Under that definition, and because the Court is not perfect, the question becomes whether we prefer a Supreme Court that strikes down too many laws or one that strikes down too few. Many contemporary constitutional scholars favor a deferential Court that invalidates too few. I suggest that we are better off with an activist Court that strikes down too many.

As many scholars have previously argued, judicial review is a safeguard against the tyranny of the majority, ensuring that our Constitution protects liberty as well as democracy. And, indeed, the founding generation expected judicial review to operate as just such a protection against democratic majorities. A Court that is too deferential cannot fulfill that role.

More significant, however, is the historical record of judicial review. Although it is difficult to find consensus about much of what the Supreme Court does, there are some cases that are universally condemned. Those cases offer a unique lens through which we can evaluate the relative merits of deference and activism: Are most of those cases—the Court’s greatest mistakes, as it were—overly activist or overly deferential? It turns out that virtually all of them are cases in which an overly deferential Court failed to invalidate a governmental action.1

When the Court fails to act—instead deferring to the elected branches—it abdicates its role as guardian of enduring principles against the temporary passions and prejudices of popular majorities. It is thus no surprise that with historical hindsight we sometimes come to regret those passions and prejudices and fault the Court for its passivity.

Ideally, of course, the Court should be like Baby Bear: It should get everything just right, engaging in activism when, and only when, We the People act in ways that we will later consider shameful or regrettable. But that perfection is impossible, and so we must choose between a Court that views its role narrowly and a Court that views its role broadly, between a more deferential Court and a more activist Court. Both kinds of Court will sometimes be controversial, and both will make mistakes. But history teaches us that the cases in which a deferential Court fails to invalidate governmental acts are worse. Only a Court inclined toward activism will vigilantly avoid such cases, and hence we need more judicial activism.

1 The essay lists the following as universally condemned cases (in chronological order): Bradwell v. State , 16 Wall. (83 U.S.) 130 (1873); Minor v. Happersett , 21 Wall. (88 U.S.) 162 (1874); Plessy v. Ferguson , 163 U.S. 537 (1896); Abrams v. U.S. , 250 U.S. 616 (1919); Schenck v. U.S. , 249 U.S. 47 (1919); Frohwerk v. U.S. , 249 U.S. 204 (1919); Debs v. U.S ., 249 U.S. 211 (1919); Buck v. Bell , 274 U.S. 200 (1927); Minersville School Dist. v. Gobitis , 310 U.S. 586 (1940); Hirabayashi v. U.S. , 320 U.S. 81 (1943); and Korematsu v. U.S. , 323 U.S. 214 (1944). Cases over which there is significant division, such as Roe v. Wade , 410 U.S. 113 (1973), and Lochner v. New York , 198 U.S. 45 (1905), are excluded. Dred Scott v. Sandford , 60 U.S. 393 (1856), and Bush v. Gore , 531 U.S. 98 (2000), are also excluded, on two grounds: They ultimately had little or no real-world effect; and they were products of a Court attempting to save the nation from constitutional crises, which is bound to increase the likelihood of an erroneous decision. Even if Dred Scott and Bush v. Gore are included, only two of 13 reviled cases are activist while 11 are deferential.

Reprinted from 16 Green Bag 2d 449 (2013), “Micro-Symposium: Sherry’s ‘Judicial Activism.’”

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Introduction Essay writing is an essential component of judiciary exam, serving as a crucial tool to assess a candidate’s knowledge, analytical skills, and ability to articulate their thoughts effectively. A well-written essay not only showcases a candidate’s understanding of the subject matter but also demonstrates their capacity to critically analyse legal issues and present coherent arguments.

In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of writing a good essay in judiciary examinations and will also discuss the important essay topics for judiciary exams.

Importance of Essays in Judiciary Exam:

Essays hold immense significance in judiciary examinations as they enable candidates to showcase their comprehension of legal concepts and their command over language. Clearing these judiciary exams is not possible without dedicating sufficient time to essay writing preparation.  These examinations require candidates to possess a comprehensive understanding of various legal principles, current legal or other social issues. A large portion of judiciary syllabus is dedicated to the essays alone. For example-

  • In Rajasthan Judiciary Syllabus (RJS) candidates have to write essays for 100 marks in total
  • In MP Judiciary (MPJS) again 40 marks are dedicated to alone
  • In Uttar Pradesh Judiciary (UP-PCSJ) essays are given a weightage of 100 marks

Essays allow candidates to exhibit their ability to think logically and present their ideas coherently – all essential skills for aspiring judges and legal professionals.

Important topics for essay for judiciary exam

The topics for essay for judiciary exam preparation 2024 may be divided into social issues, legal issues, political-legal issues, environmental issues, economical issues, sports, cultural issues and international issues and others.

  • Social issues-  
  • Gender disparity
  • Child marriage
  • Caste discrimination and law
  • Widow Remarriage
  • Problem of Child labour In India and efficiency of laws
  • Female Foeticide and female infanticide
  • Rights of Persons with Disability in India
  • Women and Domestic Violence
  • Low participation of women in workplace: causes and solution
  • Representation of women in Judiciary
  • Increasing crime against women
  • Increasing Corruption: laws to regulate
  • Status of Human Rights in India
  • Rights of Homosexual couples in India
  • Reproductive rights of women in India
  • Analysis of National Education Policy
  • Need for educational reforms in India
  • Need for increasing heath expenditure by the Government
  • Laws on regulation of Social media
  • India after Covid-19
  • Honour killing in India
  • Khap Panchayats: Preserving Tradition or Hindering Progress
  • Live in relationships: status and rights
  • Legal issues
  • Surrogacy and the regulation
  • Should marital rape be criminalised?
  • Need for Advocates Protection Act
  • Bar and Bench Relation
  • Increasing Judicial Activism
  • Reforms to be incorporated in Judiciary
  • Corruption in Judiciary
  • Appointment of judges in India
  • Regulation of Crypto-currency
  • Should India implement the Uniform Civil Code
  • Constitutionality of abrogation of Article 370
  • Cybercrimes and efficiency of law
  • Digital privacy in India in light of Data Protection Bill
  • Should capital punishment be declared unconstitutional?
  • Regulation of drug market in India
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution methods: whether effective?
  • Analysis of federalism in India
  • Regulation of extra-judicial killings in India
  • Development of online FIR in India
  • Artificial Intelligence and its regulation
  • Artificial intelligence: whether a boon or bane?
  • Political –legal issues
  • Defection by political parties
  • Electoral bonds whether constitutional?
  • Need for Electoral reforms in India
  • Issue of freebies/ free incentives given by political parties
  • Criminalisation of politics
  • Role of opposition in democracy
  • Ways to strengthen democracy
  • Should India implement one nation one election?
  • Decentralisation of power in India (the concept of Panchayats and municipalities)
  • Women reservation bill: step towards empowering women
  • Environmental issues
  • Global Warming: Causes and solution
  • Rising Sea level: Cause of concern
  • Right to clean and healthy environment
  • Steps towards renewable energy by India
  • Environment laws in India: How much effective?
  • Right to development v. Right to Environment
  • Save water: Save Mankind
  • Role of Judiciary in protecting the environment
  • Measures to be adopted for clean and healthy environment
  • Environmental jurisprudence in India
  • Cultural issues
  • Unity in diversity in India
  • Secularism in India
  • Mob lynching and law
  • Anti-conversion laws in India
  • International issues
  • Globalisation
  • Cybercrimes at international level
  • Problem of terrorism and solutions
  • Environmental cooperation at international level
  • India as a voice of global south
  • The role of United Nations with respect to Russia-Ukraine crises
  • Adoption of international cooperation for regulating Artificial Intelligence
  • Economic issues
  • Problem of inflation in India
  • Rising income gap between poor and rich in India
  • Analysis of economic justice in India: A preambular value
  • Importance of Physical exercise
  • India’s performance in Olympics and Commonwealth-games
  • Government’s role in encouraging participation in sports activities

How to excel in essay part for judiciary exams?

The Role of Reading Newspapers:

Reading newspapers is an integral part of preparing for judiciary examinations and plays a pivotal role in enhancing one’s essay writing skills. Newspapers are a treasure trove of information, offering insights into current legal issues, landmark judgments, and recent legislative developments. By regularly reading newspapers, candidates can stay updated with the latest legal news, understand the evolving dynamics of the legal system, and gain exposure to diverse perspectives on legal matters.

Newspapers also provide candidates with real-life examples that can be incorporated into their essays, making them more relevant, engaging, and impactful. Reading newspapers helps candidates develop a broad understanding of socio-political issues, which is crucial for comprehending the contextual background of legal cases and formulating well-rounded arguments.

Key Elements of Writing a Good Essay:

1. Selection of essay wisely: Generally candidates are given two or three choices to select their topic of essay. It is advisable to select it wisely. The topic must be such that a candidate has a sufficient knowledge and which it can support with legal judgments or provisions if needed.

2. Understanding the Question : Before embarking on writing an essay, it is essential to thoroughly comprehend the question and identify its key components. Analyze the keywords, such as ‘discuss,’ ‘analyze,’ or ‘critically evaluate,’ to determine the approach required. This step ensures that your essay remains focused and addresses the specific requirements of the question. 3. Collecting relevant information : Once the question is understood, conduct comprehensive research in your mind to gather relevant information and legal precedents.

4. Structuring the Essay : A well-structured essay is crucial for presenting your arguments in a logical and coherent manner. Begin with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and clearly states your thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present your arguments supported by evidence, case laws, and legal principles. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of your essay. Finally, conclude by summarizing your key points and reinforcing your thesis.

4. Clarity and Conciseness: Judiciary examinations often have word limits for essays, necessitating the ability to express ideas concisely. Avoid unnecessary repetition or verbosity. Use clear and precise language to convey your thoughts effectively. Present arguments in a logical sequence, using headings and subheadings where appropriate to enhance readability. 5. Critical Analysis: Judiciary examinations require candidates to demonstrate their ability to critically analyze legal issues. While presenting arguments, consider different perspectives, counter-arguments, and potential implications of your assertions. Incorporate relevant case laws and precedents to strengthen your arguments. A well-rounded analysis showcases your depth of understanding and critical thinking skills.

6. May be written with or without headings: It generally remains confusion that whether to write an essay in different headings or without those. Headings need not be specifically written if your essay has been structured properly, like introduction, main body and conclusion. However, if you put headings then that also is acceptable and would not attract any negative impression.

7. Use of graphs and highlighting the significant portion: If one uses graphs and highlights important portion in his/her essay, then essay becomes more attractive and clear and accordingly would be able to fetch more marks for a candidate.

8. Use of grammar in an essay: One of the most significant aspects of essay writing is to have a good command over the language. There must not be any grammatical or spelling mistakes while writing essays for the examination.

The Role of Judiciary Coaching :

Judiciary coaching plays a vital role in honing essay writing skills for aspiring judges. These coaching programs provide candidates with guidance, study materials, and mock tests specifically tailored to the requirements of judiciary examinations. Trained faculty members help candidates understand the nuances of essay writing, provide valuable feedback on their writing style, and suggest improvements.

Judiciary Coaching also conduct regular essay writing workshops, enabling candidates to practice writing on diverse legal topics and receive expert guidance. Additionally, these programs offer comprehensive study materials, including compilations of important case laws, legal doctrines, and sample essays, which serve as valuable resources for candidates during their preparation. Conclusion: Mastering the art of essay writing is crucial for success in judiciary examinations. Essays not only assess a candidate’s legal knowledge but also evaluate their ability to analyze complex legal issues and present persuasive arguments. By reading newspapers regularly candidates can stay updated with current legal developments and enhance their understanding of socio-political dynamics. Additionally, judiciary coaching programs provide valuable guidance and resources to improve essay writing skills. With diligent practice, comprehensive research, and critical analysis, aspiring judges can excel in their essay writing endeavors and pave the way for a successful career in the judiciary.

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Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today in English for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Role of Judiciary in the Country: The judiciary plays a crucial role in any democracy. It is considered one of the three pillars of democracy along with the legislature and the executive. It acts as a check on the other two, making sure that they don’t cross lines they’re not supposed to.

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Today, the judiciary in India has become more prominent and highly active. India is passing through a phase of judicial activism and sometimes the judiciary itself takes cognizance of a case for the larger interest of public and the nation. It also plays a significant role in instilling the fear of law, keeping corruption and the law and order situation under control.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today in English

Below are short and long essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today that will help you in your exams/assignments.

These ‘Role of judiciary in the country today’ essay will keep you informed on the judicial system and its role in India.

You will also know the powers of the judiciary over executive and legislature.

Select any Role of Judiciary in the Country Today essay that best suits your needs and present it in your schools, colleges essay writing, speech or debate competitions.

Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today – Essay 1 (200 words)


The judiciary is one of the three lynchpins of a democracy, the other two being the legislature and the executive. All three work in concert to ensure that the democratic system works efficiently. However, the executive and the legislature need checks on their power or a democracy can turn into an autocratic system. This is where the judiciary comes in.

Judiciary’s Role

While the judiciary has many important roles to fulfil, the ones that stand out in the current political climate are:

  • To act as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution
  • To protect fundamental and other rights of the citizens of India

The two roles aren’t unrelated. It is the judiciary’s duty to ensure that whatever measures are enacted by the legislature or the executive are in keeping with the Constitution. This means that if it has reason to believe that legislative measures go against the Constitution of the country, it can strike them down. Similarly, if these measures violate the fundamental rights of the citizens or even other rights, the judiciary can stall or end them.

The roles of the judiciary are perhaps the most important roles in the entire democratic structure. They ensure that people’s rights are maintained and the government works in the framework of the Constitution.

Role of Judiciary in the Country

Essay on Role of Judiciary in Indian Democracy – Essay 2 (250 words)

Indian democracy is held up by three pillars – the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. Each system is complementary to the other two, at the same time acting as checks and balances to them. As per the Constitution of India, the judiciary is the most independent out of the three and is given a wide range of powers so that it is capable of offering justice freely and fairly.

Role of Judiciary

The Indian judiciary’s role has become evident in the last few years because of the scams brought to light that involved bureaucrats and many political leaders. Scams such as the Fodder scam, the Hawala scam and the Telecom scandal involved charges of corruption by some of the top leaders of the land. While some were acquitted, many more are still being tried. Some have been convicted and jailed while others were forced to resign due to public pressure.

It is obvious that without a system in place to check them, top leaders would have tried to exercise undue influence to hide their misconduct. As it is, lobbying groups with vested interests tried to tarnish the image of the judiciary. They even went so far as to insinuate that the judicial system was working against the interests of the country and its people.

Clearly, the role of the judiciary is critical to our country today. As the scams have demonstrated, we cannot always rely on our leaders to behave as they must or do what they must. Too many of them have proven to be corrupt and hungry for power in ways that trample the rights of ordinary citizens and even break the laws of the land. The judiciary is the only body that can hold them in check and mete out free and fair justice that they deserve.

Short Essay on Judiciary of India – Essay 3 (350 words)

In India, the judiciary is multi-tier system with the Supreme Court at the top, High Courts at state level and District Courts at the district level. It is an independent system and has often been called the guardian of the Constitution and the fundamental rights of Indian citizens. It follows the common law system meaning that the law of the land is formed by customs, legislation and precedents.

What it Does

The interpretation of the Constitution lies in the hands of the judiciary. Its mandate comes from the Constitution, that mandate being that neither the executive nor the legislature can pass any acts without those acts being overseen by the judiciary to ensure that they are in compliance with the Constitution. If there are conflicts between two or more states or between the state and central governments, the judiciary balances the power between them based on the Constitution.

The Constitution ensures that the judiciary is a separate and independent body. No one is allowed to influence it be they citizens, other branches of states or even interest groups. No members of the legislature or executive can suggest the names for judicial appointments. The names are recommended by collegium of the judiciary and the President determines the appointees. Similarly, the judges of the Supreme Court cannot be removed from office unless it is proved that they have committed misconduct or are no longer capable of carrying out the role. Even then, it requires a two-thirds majority in either one of the houses.

The makers of the Constitution realized that the executive and the legislature required checks and balances from a body that would be completely independent from them so as to minimize undue influence that those two bodies might exercise on their own behalf. The Indian judiciary plays that role and ensures that those two bodies do not overstep their bounds and interfere with what is laid down in the Constitution or with the fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of India.

Essay on Importance/Role of Judiciary in Democratic Country – Essay 4 (350 words)

Together with the executive and the legislature, the judiciary acts as one of the three pillars that uphold democracy. A democratic government that is ‘of the people, for the people and by the people’ needs a judiciary that is strong and independent so that the rights of the people do not get trampled upon by those in power. Therefore, the judiciary becomes the most important pillar of democracy.

Importance/Role of Judiciary in Democratic Country

In a democracy, citizens get certain inalienable rights without any prejudice or discrimination. However, power does corrupt and the elected representatives of the people can be prone to trampling on these rights in order to consolidate or increase their power. In such situations, the only places citizens can go to get justice are the courts.

The rights guaranteed by the Constitution to the citizens of a democracy are its lifelines. Therefore, to uphold a democratic system these rights need to be protected and this is where the judiciary comes in. If someone feels that their fundamental rights or other rights have been violated, they can seek justice in a court of law.

The judiciary can, under certain circumstances, order the government to take certain actions that it believes will uphold the values of democracy. This includes telling central or state governments to stop partisan activities. It can also question the reasoning behind actions that it believes are uncalled for.

These situations illustrate that a democracy will collapse almost immediately if there is no judicial system or if the judicial system in place is subservient to the executive or the legislature or both. Those in power don’t like to give it up easily. Without a judiciary, there will be no checks and balances on the powerful and citizens will suffer for it.

Without a judiciary that is independent, democracy is inevitably doomed. All systems need checks and balances and the judiciary provides these so that the rights of the citizens aren’t trampled under the machinations of the power hungry. The role of the judiciary in a functioning democracy is a vital one, without which a democracy just won’t work.

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Essay on Role of Judiciary in Indian Democracy – Essay 5 (400 words)

The Supreme Court is at the apex of the Indian judicial system, followed by the High Courts at state level, the District Courts at district level and a number of local courts below them. The judiciary of India is independent of the legislative and the executive so that it can safeguard the interests of the people. It also ensures that any legislation that violates the Constitution is struck down. However, these aren’t the only roles it performs.

Role of Judiciary in India

Several functions and roles that don’t fall under the purview of the Criminal or Civil codes are also enacted by the judiciary. Some of these roles and responsibilities are:

  • Making New Laws – By virtue of its position as the interpreter of the Constitution and existing laws, the judiciary can create new laws. This is done by setting precedents and then following those precedents in later cases. The judiciary also has the power to overrule precedents that may violate the Constitution.
  • Preventing the Violation of Law – When someone is accused of violating the law, a lawsuit is brought against them. A judge then listens to both parties and determines whether the law has indeed been violated and, if so, how the accused should be punished.
  • Deciding on Constitutional Questions – Constitutional questions are usually decided by the Supreme Court. These can include Constitutional disputes between states or between a state and the Union. When such cases are brought in front of the Supreme Court, it decides how the Constitution should be interpreted with regards to the dispute.
  • Administrating – Apart from judicial duties, judges also perform certain functions related to administration. These functions include appointing officers, maintaining records, administering staff or superintending over lower courts.
  • Advising – There are times when the executive or the legislature turns to the judiciary to get clarity on constitutional points. In such cases, the judiciary acts as an advisory body.
  • Protecting Fundamental Rights – The fundamental rights given to Indian citizens by the Constitution and the law of the land are under the protection of the judiciary. If a court believes that a new law will violate these rights, it has the power to declare such a law invalid.

It is clear that the role of the judiciary is a crucial one. There have to be checks and balances on those in power. The judiciary takes on that role. It also acts as arbiter and advisor to the Union and the states, to the legislature and the executive. These roles and functions become critical to upholding a democracy.

Related Information:

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  • Essay on Democracy in India
  • Essay on Democracy vs. Dictatorship
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Essay on the Importance of Independence of Judiciary

write an essay on judiciary and its working


In ancient times much attention was not paid towards the independence of judiciary and the monarchs wielded executive, legislative and judicial powers. Later on it was realized that it did not ensure full justice. Bodin and Montesquieu emphasised the independence of judiciary. Today in all democratic countries, the independence of judiciary is considered essential so that the fundamental rights of the people are protected.

That is why in democratic countries, judiciary is considered the guardian of the freedom of the people and also of the constitution. In countries, where there is no democracy, the judiciary is not free, and the fundamental rights of the people are not protected. This is the position in Spain, Portugal, Russia, China and other Communist countries.

Thus independence of judiciary is essential for the protection of the freedom and the rights of the people. Bryce has rightly said, “There are no better test of excellence of a Government than the efficiency of its judicial system, for nothing more nearly touches the welfare and security of the average citizen than his knowledge that he can rely on the certain and prompt administration of justice”.

Bryce has further said, “Law is respected and supported when it is trusted as the shield of innocence and the impartial guardian of every private civil right….if the law be dishonestly administered, the salt has lost its flavour, if it be weakly or fitfully enforced, the guarantees of order fail if the lamp of justice goes out in darkness, how great is that darkness.

Therefore, the judiciary is regarded as the guardian of the rights and freedoms of the people and also of the constitution. In many countries the judiciary is the adviser to the executive in legal matters.

Bryce says, “The significance of Judiciary is emphasized by Marriot who observes, ‘It matters not how elaborate the machinery of legislation may be, how scientific the product, how perfect the organisation of the executive, the life of individual citizen may nevertheless be rendered miserable, his person and property will be alike insecure, if there be any defect or delay in the administration of justice or any partiality or ambiguity in the interpretation of law”.

Garner also observes: “A society without legislative organs is conceivable and indeed, fully developed legislative organs did not make their appearance in the life of the state until modern times, but a civilized state without judicial organs is hardly conceivable”. Thus the judiciary is essential. In the absence of judiciary the thieves, dacoits and other tough people will usurp the property of the gentry and of the weak persons through force and violence.

There will be widespread injustice in the society. Therefore, the judiciary is essential for maintaining peace and imparting justice, and also for the enjoyment of fundamental rights.

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How to write Essay in Judiciary Exams [Expert Tips and Techniques]

Author : Yogricha

Updated On : January 12, 2024

Overview:  Essay writing forms an important part in most state judiciary examinations for Mains and if you want to crack any of these exams you must know how to write Essay in Judiciary Exams. 80% State Judiciary exams have a different paper of essay to test your social and legal knowledge and your writing skills.

Judicial Services exams are highly competitive, and essays play a pivotal role in the evaluation process. For writing a compelling essay you must understand the question and then plan the structure of your answer in advance. Although there isn't a universal formula for essay writing, some fundamental principles can serve as valuable guidance. Primarily, your essay should exhibit strong social and legal arguments. Clarity, conciseness, and error-free writing is equally vital. Following these tips increases your prospects of excelling in your Judicial Services exam.

In this article we will cover:

Overview of How to write Essay in Judiciary Exams?

How to write essay in judiciary exams: a step-by-step guide.

  • Important Topics for Judiciary Exams
  • Download Sample Essay for Judiciary

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Essay writing is a skill that we all cultivate during our school years. However, the level of essay writing expected in competitive exams far exceeds what we encountered in middle school. Failing to compose a well-structured and well-informed essay can result in a deduction of marks, making it crucial for aspirants to master this art.

Read More :  Short Tricks to Memorize Bare Acts for Judiciary exams

In judicial exams language paper, essay writing typically falls into three categories:

  • Essays on Social Themes : These essays revolve around topics like women's empowerment and corruption, often addressing contemporary socio-legal issues.
  • Essays on Current Affairs: In this category, candidates are assessed on their capacity to analyze and express informed opinions regarding significant global developments.
  • Essays on Cultural Heritag e: These essays serve to evaluate a candidate's knowledge of cultural heritage of the respective state, providing insight into their understanding of this aspect.

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While the specific essay requirements may vary from state to state, the general pattern remains consistent. Writing a successful essay demands a holistic approach, encompassing various crucial elements. Effective essay composition necessitates logical content construction, a key trait exhibited by high-scoring candidates.

Every essay should consist of the following four components:

  • Introduction
  • A body that incorporates the exploration of causes and consequences
  • Relevance of legal provisions (if applicable)

Mastering the art of essay writing is a valuable skill that can significantly enhance your performance in competitive exams, ensuring their ability to articulate ideas and arguments effectively.

Check now: List of all Important topics of Essays in Judiciary Exams

Crafting an excellent essay hinges on two key factors:

  • language proficiency
  • content quality.

Achieving mastery in essay writing requires dedication and practice. You can't become a proficient writer overnight, so it's essential to initiate the preparation process correctly. Solving  previous year's Questions Papers for Judiciary Exams  will help you know the difficulty level and the type of questions asked in the essay paper.

The following are some of the best essay writing   preparation tips for the Judiciary exam :

Daily Reading and Essay Writing : To master the art of writing an Essay in Judiciary Exams, begin your journey by immersing yourself in editorials and engaging in essay writing. Consistency is key, so aim to write essays daily or every alternate day. Through this continuous practice, you will gradually refine your writing skills. Reading newspapers, particularly editorials, offers a unique advantage. It allows you to observe how well-structured pieces are created, an aspect often overlooked by many.

Effective Introduction and Conclusion : An essential aspect of essay preparation is crafting compelling introductions and conclusions. It's crucial to understand that these two components are distinct. Avoid the pitfall of duplicating content between them. A well-rounded essay should conclude by summarizing the entire discussion while incorporating your personal perspective and opinions.

Practice with Past Topics : To build a strong foundation, begin by working on ten common essay topics sourced from previous years' question papers and online resources. Once you've honed your skills on these subjects, shift your focus to contemporary topics related to current affairs. Whenever possible, enrich your essays with relevant quotations that align with your chosen topic.

You must also read  English preparation tips for Judiciary Exams   that will help enhance your grammar and vocabulary, which are essential for writing a good essay.

Essay writing is an art that evolves with time and consistent practice. Following these guidelines and dedicating yourself to regular writing, you can significantly enhance your essay crafting skills, ultimately improving your performance in competitive exams.

Read More:  Judiciary Exam Eligibility 2023

Enhance Your Essay Writing Score with These Tips:

Start with a compelling introduction:  Initiate your essay with a powerful introduction that captivates the examiner's interest while providing a glimpse of your essay's theme. Begin by introducing the primary subject of your essay and subsequently narrow it down to the specific points you intend to address. Ensure that your introduction is not only well-written but also engaging.

Ensure structured organization : Your essay's structure is important, you must make it easy for examiners to follow your narrative. A clear structure encompassing an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion is essential. Each body paragraph should concentrate on a argument, and a seamless transition between them should be maintained. Deploy transition phrases to facilitate the examiners seamless progression through your essay.

Read more :  Judiciary Exam Syllabus

Support your statements with cases and examples:  Whenever you present arguments in your essay, substantiate them with concrete evidence and illustrative examples. This approach develops credibility of your arguments.

Use proper Grammar : Grammar and style wield immense influence over the quality of your writing, particularly in academic essays. Carefully proofread your eassy on the exam before submission. Additionally, make sure that you use legal language while writing your essay. Make your essy readable and avoid jargon or excessively intricate sentence structures that might disorient or disengage the examiner.

Edit and proofread rigorously:  Upon completing your essay, allocate time for comprehensive editing and proofreading prior to submission. This review serves to eliminate mistakes in your essay. Scrutinize both the essay's content and legal and social knoweldge, including grammar and spelling. 

Read About:    Judiciary Exam Preparation Tips

Important Topics for Judiciary Exams:

For a judiciary aspirant it is important to know to the topics that have been previously asked in the judiciary examination, here are some topics you can focus on:

  • RBI Regulation of crypto currency
  • Independence of Judiciary
  • Regulation on import of Drones in India
  • Child Labor in India
  • Uniform Civil Code
  • Women Reservation
  • Reservation on the basis of caste
  • Courts power to decide religious issues
  • Human Rights in India
  • Data Privacy and protection
  • Right to speeh and expression
  • Hate speech / Free speech limits
  • Right to Information
  • Mob lynching
  • Global Warming
  • Living wills / Euthanasia
  • Media responsibility in reporting
  • Future pf democracy in India
  • Judicial activism and overreach
  • Honor Killing
  • Right to privacy
  • National Education Policy
  • Role of women in nation building
  • Marital Rape
  • Death sentence 

Sample Essay for Judiciary:

In this article we have covered all the important details needed for you for your preparation. Download the sample essay from the button given below to get the correct idea of how to write an essay for judiciary.

Download FREE Sample Essay by Judiciary Gold

Read about:  How to Prepare for Judiciary Exams from Scratch


Essay writing is an esay yet and important skill set that you must achieven in order to score better in Judiciary Exams. Follow the tips given above on How to write Essay in Judiciary Exams, practice as much as possible, and get you essasys checked by your Mentors or faculty to know your mistakes and weak areas. Key points to note while writing an essay for judiciary are as follows:

  • Read well written essays and articles to gain an understanding of the essence of effective essay writing.
  • Cultivate a daily practice of reading newspaper editorials, as essay prompts often draw from current events.
  • Jot down quotes from books and newspapers that can be used in your essays.
  • Curate compelling opening and closing lines to enhance your essay-writing skills.

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