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what makes america great essay 300 words

What Makes a Great American Essay?

Talking to phillip lopate about thwarted expectations, emerson, and the 21st-century essay boom.

Phillip Lopate spoke to Literary Hub about the new anthology he has edited, The Glorious American Essay . He recounts his own development from an “unpatriotic” young man to someone, later in life, who would embrace such writers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, who personified the simultaneous darkness and optimism underlying the history of the United States. Lopate looks back to the Puritans and forward to writers like Wesley Yang and Jia Tolentino. What is the next face of the essay form?

Literary Hub: We’re at a point, politically speaking, when disagreements about the meaning of the word “American” are particularly vehement. What does the term mean to you in 2020? How has your understanding of the word evolved?

Phillip Lopate : First of all, I am fully aware that even using the word “American” to refer only to the United States is something of an insult to Latin American countries, and if I had said “North American” to signify the US, that might have offended Canadians. Still, I went ahead and put “American” in the title as a synonym for the United States, because I wanted to invoke that powerful positive myth of America as an idea, a democratic aspiration for the world, as well as an imperialist juggernaut replete with many unresolved social inequities, in negative terms.

I will admit that when I was younger, I tended to be very unpatriotic and critical of my country, although once I started to travel abroad and witness authoritarian regimes like Spain under Franco, I could never sign on to the fear that a fascist US was just around the corner.  I came to the conclusion that we have our faults, but our virtues as well.

The more I’ve become interested in American history, the more I’ve seen how today’s problems and possible solutions are nothing new, but keep returning in cycles: economic booms and recessions, anti-immigrant sentiment, regional competition, racist Jim Crow policies followed by human rights advances, vigorous federal regulations and pendulum swings away from governmental intervention.

Part of the thrill in putting together this anthology was to see it operating simultaneously on two tracks: first, it would record the development of a literary form that I loved, the essay, as it evolved over 400 years in this country. At the same time, it would be a running account of the history of the United States, in the hands of these essayists who were contending, directly or indirectly, with the pressing problems of their day. The promise of America was always being weighed against its failure to live up to that standard.

For instance, we have the educator John Dewey arguing for a more democratic schoolhouse, the founder of the settlement house movement Jane Addams analyzing the alienation of young people in big cities, the progressive writer Randolph Bourne describing his own harsh experiences as a disabled person, the feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton advocating for women’s rights, and W. E. B. Dubois and James Weldon Johnson eloquently addressing racial injustice.

Issues of identity, gender and intersectionality were explored by writers such as Richard Rodriguez, Audre Lorde, Leonard Michaels and N. Scott Momaday, sometimes with touches of irony and self-scrutiny, which have always been assets of the essay form.

LH : If a publisher had asked us to compile an anthology of 100 representative American essays, we wouldn’t know where to start. How did you? What were your criteria?

PL : I thought I knew the field fairly well to begin with, having edited the best-selling Art of the Personal Essay in 1994, taught the form for decades, served on book award juries and so on. But once I started researching and collecting material, I discovered that I had lots of gaps, partly because the mandate I had set for myself was so sweeping.

This time I would not restrict myself to personal essays but would include critical essays, impersonal essays, speeches that were in essence essays (such as George Washington’s Farewell Address or Martin Luther King, Jr’s sermon on Vietnam), letters that functioned as essays (Frederick Douglass’s Letter to His Master).

I wanted to expand the notion of what is  an essay, to include, for instance, polemics such as Thomas Paine’s Common Sense , or one of the Federalist Papers; newspaper columnists (Fanny Fern, Christopher Morley); humorists (James Thurber, Finley Peter Dunne, Dorothy Parker).

But it also occurred to me that fine essayists must exist in every discipline, not only literature, which sent me on a hunt that took me to cultural criticism (Clement Greenberg, Kenneth Burke), theology (Paul Tillich), food writing (M.F. K. Fisher), geography (John Brinkerhoff Jackson), nature writing (John Muir, John Burroughs, Edward Abbey), science writing (Loren Eiseley, Lewis Thomas), philosophy (George Santayana). My one consistent criterion was that the essay be lively, engaging and intelligently written. In short, I had to like it myself.

Of course I would need to include the best-known practitioners of the American essay—Emerson, Thoreau, Mencken, Baldwin, Sontag, etc.—and was happy to do so.  As it turned out, most of the masters of American fiction and poetry also tried their hand successfully at essay-writing, which meant including Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, Theodore Dreiser, Willa Cather, Flannery O’Connor, Ralph Ellison. . .

But I was also eager to uncover powerful if almost forgotten voices such as John Jay Chapman, Agnes Repplier, Randolph Bourne, Mary Austin, or buried treasures such as William Dean Howells’ memoir essay of his days working in his father’s printing shop.

Finally, I wanted to show a wide variety of formal approaches, since the essay is by its very nature and nomenclature an experiment, which brought me to Gertrude Stein and Wayne Koestenbaum. Equally important, I was aided in all these searches by colleagues and friends who kept suggesting other names. For every fertile lead, probably four resulted in dead ends.  Meanwhile, I was having a real learning adventure.

LH: Do you have a personal favorite among American essayists? If so, what appeals to you the most about them?

PL : I do. It’s Ralph Waldo Emerson. He was the one who cleared the ground for US essayists, in his famous piece, “The American Scholar,” which called on us to free ourselves from slavish imitation of European models and to think for ourselves.  So much American thought grows out of Emerson, or is in contention with Emerson, even if that debt is sometimes unacknowledged or unconscious.

What I love about Emerson is his density of thought, and the surprising twists and turns that result from it. I can read an essay of his like “Experience” (the one I included in this anthology) a hundred times and never know where it’s going next.  If it was said of Emily Dickenson that her poems made you feel like the top of your head was spinning, that’s what I feel in reading Emerson. He has a playful skepticism, a knack for thinking against himself.  Each sentence starts a new rabbit of thought scampering off. He’s difficult but worth the trouble.

I once asked Susan Sontag who her favorite American essayist was, and she replied “Emerson, of course.” It’s no surprise that Nietzsche revered Emerson, as did Carlyle, and in our own time, Harold Bloom, Stanley Cavell, Richard Poirier. But here’s a confession: it took me awhile to come around to him.

I found his preacher’s manner and abstractions initially off-putting, I wasn’t sure about the character of the man who was speaking to me. Then I read his Notebooks and the mystery was cracked: suddenly I was able to follow essays such as “Circles” with pure pleasure, seeing as I could the darkness and complexity underneath the optimism.

LH: You make the interesting decision to open the anthology with an essay written in 1726, 50 years before the founding of the republic. Why?

PL : I wanted to start the anthology with the first fully-formed essayistic voices in this land, which turned out to belong to the Puritans. Regardless of the negative associations of zealous prudishness that have come to attach to the adjective “puritanical,” those American colonies founded as religious settlements were spearheaded by some remarkably learned and articulate spokespersons, whose robust prose enriched the American literary canon.

Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards were highly cultivated readers, familiar with the traditions of essay-writing, Montaigne and the English, and with the latest science, even as they inveighed against witchcraft. I will admit that it also amused me to open the book with Cotton Mather, a prescriptive, strait-is-the-gate character, and end it with Zadie Smith, who is not only bi-racial but bi-national, dividing her year between London and New York, and whose openness to self-doubt is signaled by her essay collection title, Changing My Mind .

The next group of writers I focused on were the Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and a foundational feminist, Judith Sargent Murray, who wrote the 1790 essay “On the Equality of the Sexes.” These authors, whose essays preceded, occurred during or immediately followed the founding of the republic, were in some ways the opposite of the Puritans, being for the most part Deists or secular followers of the Enlightenment.

Their attraction to reasoned argument and willingness to entertain possible objections to their points of view inspired a vigorous strand of American essay-writing. So, while we may fix the founding of the United States to a specific year, the actual culture and literature of the country book-ended that date.

LH: You end with Zadie Smith’s “Speaking in Tongues,” published in 2008. Which essay in the last 12 years would be your 101st selection?

PL : Funny you should ask. As it happens, I am currently putting the finishing touches on another anthology, this one entirely devoted to the Contemporary (i.e., 21st century) American Essay. I have been immersed in reading younger, up-and-coming writers, established mid-career writers, and some oldsters who are still going strong (Janet Malcolm, Vivian Gornick, Barry Lopez, John McPhee, for example).

It would be impossible for me to single out any one contemporary essayist, as they are all in different ways contributing to the stew, but just to name some I’ve been tracking recently: Meghan Daum, Maggie Nelson, Sloane Crosley, Eula Biss, Charles D’Ambrosio, Teju Cole, Lia Purpura, John D’Agata, Samantha Irby, Anne Carson, Alexander Chee, Aleksander Hemon, Hilton Als, Mary Cappello, Bernard Cooper, Leslie Jamison, Laura Kipnis, Rivka Galchen, Emily Fox Gordon, Darryl Pinckney, Yiyun Li, David Lazar, Lynn Freed, Ander Monson, David Shields, Rebecca Solnit, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Eileen Myles, Amy Tan, Jonathan Lethem, Chelsea Hodson, Ross Gay, Jia Tolentino, Jenny Boully, Durga Chew-Bose, Brian Blanchfield, Thomas Beller, Terry Castle, Wesley Yang, Floyd Skloot, David Sedaris. . .

Such a banquet of names speaks to the intergenerational appeal of the form. We’re going through a particularly rich time for American essays: especially compared to, 20 years ago, when editors wouldn’t even dare put the word “essays” on the cover, but kept trying to package these variegated assortments as single-theme discourses, we’ve seen many collections that have been commercially successful and attracted considerable critical attention.

It has something to do with the current moment, which has everyone more than a little confused and therefore trusting more than ever those strong individual voices that are willing to cop to their subjective fears, anxieties, doubts and ecstasies.


what makes america great essay 300 words

The Glorious American Essay , edited by Phillip Lopate, is available now.

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Phillip Lopate

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on What Makes America Great

What makes America Great

We are talking about the nation that holds the honor of being the most powerful nation in the world. No doubt it is America. When we are said to write an essay about a nation that is not the one we are residing in, it seems very interesting. It helps us to know about the culture, tradition and different important things in that nation.

Short and Long Essay on What makes America Great in English

10 lines essay on what makes america great (100-120 words).

1) America is one of the most powerful countries in the world.

2) The lower corruption rate makes America great.

3) In America all rights are equally granted to the people of the country.

4) As compared to other countries, America encounters a low crime rate.

5) Another specialty of America is that people are not discriminated against on any basis.

6) Developed and advanced medical facilities make America great.

7) America offers a good education system which contributes to the country’s development.

8) America provides people the right to freedom which makes it a great country.

9) America also possesses good tour and tourism spots.

10) America is full of opportunities that make it a great country.

Short Essay – 250 Words


This entire world is composed of different countries. Every country has its own beauty and special attributes. Whenever we compare any nation in the world we mostly compare it by America. America the most powerful nation in the world is characterized because of its greatness. There are some specific features that make America a great nation in the world.

America – A nation having less corruption in power

There is very little corruption in the political system in America. Every scheme and policies launched by the government are very well implemented in the nation. This is the reason for the progress and development of the nation in every field. The funds given by the government are properly utilized in the nation for its betterment. The systematic working of the responsible ministries without corruption is the reason for the progress of the education and medical sector in the nation.

The lessening of poverty and crime rate in the nation

America is stated as a developed country in the world. The people of America get different opportunities without discrimination on any grounds. The nation provides equal rights to its each and every citizen. Every person has the freedom to do anything that he\she desires. Therefore most of the people in the nation are employed and earn a good amount of money. This reduces the poverty rate in the nation. The crime rate is also very less in America as compared to other countries in the world. The less availability of resources, money, opportunities are the main reasons for the rising crime rate in any of the nations. Moreover, women enjoy equal status and opportunities as men in America.

The greatness of America makes this nation a better and safe place for its citizens. It is because of the greatness of this nation that it is a dream nation for many people in the world.

We all are well aware of the wonderful nation called America but when we have to write about its greatness it becomes difficult for many of the students. Here I am describing the greatness of this nation in form of a long essay. I hope that this essay might be an aid to the students to get an idea to express their views on this topic.

Attributes that make America a Great Nation – Long Essay (1100 Words)

We have heard many people and students saying about having a keen desire to shift in America for a bright future. America is a dream nation for many of us. The students are most interested in going to America for studying and making their carrier and future a bright one. It is the greatness of this nation that makes it as a nation we aspire to live.

The Country: America

The United States of America or America majorly indicates about the portion of North America. America consists of both south and north America. It is situated in the western hemisphere of the earth and is occupying the greater part of this hemisphere. The people residing in this nation majorly follow the religion of Christianity. The country attained its independence on 4 July 1776 from Great Britain. Different languages are spoken but Spanish is the most widely spoken language in America.

New York is the largest city and the financial capital of America. It is a country where football, baseball, and basketball sports are played most popularly. The currency of America is Dollar. The nation is provided with diverse types of climatic conditions and the most beautiful landscapes. It is unbeatable in technology and Development by any other nation in the world. Overall we can state that this nation is blessed with unique features that are present in no other nation in this world.

Attributes that make America a Great Nation

There are several specificities of this nation that makes America a great nation in this whole world. Here are some points that will be describing the greatness of this nation.

  • Basic Rights Granted to the people – America is known for its rich history and culture in the whole world. The beauty of the nation lies in the methods adopted after it came out of the chains of slavery and colonist rule. It had a new beginning after the independence and became a sovereign nation. At present, it is the largest democracy in the world. It grants all the rights and equality to its people. The American Bill of Rights in the constitution states the rights of the citizens. The constitution of America grants basic rights to its people.
  • Equality and justice to all – The people of America belonging to different backgrounds caste or religion are equal before the law. They cannot be discriminated against on any basis. People from different parts of the world come here for studies and better carrier opportunities. They are treated as the people of the country only. They are never subject to any kind of discrimination. People can raise their voices and fight for the violation of their rights and discrimination on any basis.
  • Freedom to do anything – The most important greatness of America is the freedom that it provides to its people. Living in America is really a fun and life full of freedom. There is freedom of speech. People are totally free to express their ideas and views on any topic in the nation. This specialty is present in only a few nations of this world and America is one of them. There are such countries in the world that do not give this right to their people.
  • Medical Facilities – As a matter of fact, we know that when the cure of any severe disease is impossible in their own nation people ultimately opt for the choice of developed nations and especially America. This is because America is a nation with the most developed medical facilities in the whole world. The hospitals and medical centers in this nation are equipped with several kinds of health care facilities and the best infrastructure. The people of the nation are provided the health insurance facilities and the best medical services.
  • Education – America is a country that spends a large part of its economy on Education. Education is considered as most important in this nation. The nation facilitates and focuses on not only providing academic education but also higher education. Students from different parts of the world arrive in this nation for getting their higher education. It is obvious because more than 45 top universities in the world are situated in this nation.
  • A great Tourism Centre – The country has been gifted with a wide variety of tourist spots. It is only the reason that the people of this nation do not need to visit other nations for any tour or recreation purpose. America itself is provided with different tourist places and people visit these spots for spending their holidays or quality time with their close ones.
  • Land of Opportunities – America is one of the highest economies in the whole world. It is because the business strategies are most wonderful over there. It is very easy for people to get registered for any sort of business in America. The great sense of freedom to do whatever people wish makes this nation unique in the world. The economy is high just because people do their work happily and sincerely. There is no corruption as the other nations. This totally contributes to the high economy of this nation.

Is America Really the Greatest Nation in the World?

The best ideology and freedom of living differentiates America from the other nations and makes it a great nation in the whole world. Freedom, equality, and justice for all in this nation are some of the most important things granted to the people. The least corruption and faithful jurisdiction is the reason for flourishing businesses, the high living standard of people, millions of opportunities for the youngsters in this nation. The people wear very simple attire and it becomes difficult to distinguish between rich and common people. It depicts the broad mentality of people over there.

The wonderful infrastructure and least use of public transportation give a clear figure of the economy and high standard life of people. People prefer to use their own cars for transportation. Moreover, the Americans are most friendly and generous in nature for their guests and visitors. The rigorous research, innovations, and creativity in people make this nation really a great nation in the world. The achievements of this nation are incomparable in the world.

The term great or is most suitable for a nation like America. At present, it is said that this nation is not great anymore but greatness always lies in the thoughts and the people of the nation. Small conflicts or issues can never reduce the greatness of the nation. The greatness of the nation lies in the respect and safety a nation provides to its people.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Christopher Columbus, an Italian Explorer, discovered America in 1492.

Ans . New York City in America is known as “The Big Apple”.

Ans . The American Civil War was fought in 1860.

Ans . There are 13 stripes on the flag of America.

Ans . The old name of America was the United Colonies that later became the United States of America.

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Fillmore County Journal

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Essay winners explain what makes America great

May 25, 2020 by Fillmore County Journal 8 Comments

Fillmore County Journal - Essay winners explain what makes America great

Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay competitions were recently sponsored by theVFW Post and Auxilliary of Preston, Minn. The following essays were chosen for first and second place, with winners each receiving a plaque, certificate and cash award for their effort.

– Voice of Democracy –

What makes America great

Oliver Hoelztle, 1st Place

In general terms, the United States of America has many different facets that make it a great country. From how our government handles the power it is given, to how the people abide by the laws the government set, America is quite the place to be. With very little power corruption, the basic rights, and high standards of living, these are just a few examples of what makes America great. These are just some things that I think make America great.

To begin, America has one of the highest standards of living out of any other country on Earth. The amazing medical services we have let us live healthier lives, with doctors and professionals that I can trust my health to. Houses and property are cheap in America as well, along with groceries and basic necessities. Additionally, crime rates are lower than those in other countries, which, in turn, lets many businesses thrive. It is all linked together and in the end, contributes to our greatness.

Civil stability is also a very important factor. I can go to bed every night and wake up without danger waiting right outside my door. The concept of the American people working together and behaving is a great facet that some other countries sadly don’t have. In case civil stability is disturbed, our police force is there to take care of it soundly, as to continue protecting us. I don’t ever go a day without appreciating how I can safely go to school and return home. It makes America great.

The economy of the United States is among the largest in the world. Our gross domestic product is the highest in the world, with a current measure of 19.3 trillion dollars. Part of what gives us the best economy in the world is how we have the freedoms to contribute to it. Starting your own business or finding a placement job has never been easier, and I am lucky to live in a time where economic activity is at its best.

Perhaps the best thing that defines America and makes it great are human rights. The bill of rights is a basic list rights given to citizens. We can protest against things we disagree. We can follow our own religions and ideologies. We can meet on our own terms to discuss any topic. Many of the rights in America are not universal, and lots of countries don’t even have access to the basic rights all humans should have. Lucky for me, I live in a country that has such rights.

There is also a military that protects all of these great things. From the Coast Guard to the Marines, there are people out there that protect all of my freedoms and rights. They know that when they serve their country they help everyone in it, which makes them great people. America is very safe from international threats because of these great people.

America is defined by its greatness. With the balanced and ethical law system, civil stability, and a powerful economy, The United States of America certainly is the country to behold. I can observe the greatness of America through all of these facets. After all, greatness is a very broad term, but America does its best to fit in to the highest standards of life. America is a great country. There is no other country where I would want to be.

Pailey Gordon, 2nd Place

I’m going to let you in on a little personal story. I have been growing up in a rural, small town in the great state of Minnesota. I live with my two siblings and my parents. And let me tell you, even with my generally small household, there are an infinite amount of differences between all of us. From the movies that nobody can ever agree on watching, to what we want for dinner, it’s endless. Another thing we all generally disagree on is, you guessed it, politics!

Politics take up a majority of our morning, afternoon, and evening conversations. Nevertheless, when someone’s views are displayed, fair debate is always open. We all get a chance to say our views and thoughts. That is what I truly think makes America great, not just because I love debates (even though I do!) I think America is great because of our differences.

All the time on the news, we see all sorts of quarrels between two ideals, we groan and turn the channel because we don’t want to hear the bickering. Now, let’s take a moment to think about this; what if we never had any differences in opinions? What if we all just conformed to one belief system? Would we be as advanced as we are as a society?

Former President, John F. Kennedy, once said, “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” If we all conformed to one ideal I- like former president Kennedy- strongly believe that we would not have the advancements that we do in our country today if we were all identical. Acceptance is at an all-time-high for different religions, identities, and many other things. How boring would our country be if we Americans all were the same, had the same ideals, and all agreed on every single topic? I think we would be a very bland country and probably not as accepting as we are today to others who may be from other regions of the world.

Open dialogue opens us up to new ideas, such as learning about new religions, cultures, and ways of life. In America, we are a literal melting pot. We have so many different lifestyles right here in our own country that it would be devastating to not learn about any of them.

As a country, if we were to not have open dialogue we would literally be at war with ourselves. We have so many different views that if we were to not talk, there would be endless amounts of suppression to people who we would see as “different”. We would not be willing to learn and accept all these different ways of life and we would hate most people in our own country just because we would lack the understanding that we have today, but since we have open dialogue, we see different ways people live their lives that we don’t even take a second look.

We get to choose who we want to be because of our freedom, we aren’t limited on how we express ourselves. Choosing what you want to be like, dress like, and act like are solely based on what you want to become and I think that is really amazing.

So, next time you turn on the TV and you see people debating, just sit and listen. Maybe you will understand where both sides are coming from, and why they believe what they believe. Listening to both sides of an argument can open your eyes to a bunch of new opportunities. Maybe you will be lucky enough to learn a new fact about another culture or religion! Overall, America is full of opportunity and diversity and that is what I think makes our country great.

– Patriot’s Pen –

Siri Corson, 1st Place

What makes America great is not only found in the development of our technology, but in the citizens who reside here, bound by the bond of passion for their country and a love for the people. Our country has endless opportunities, and it is home to many who find our country a sanctuary of peace and a new beginning.

The backbone of our country is the people. When the preamble of The United States Constitution states “We the people of the United States,” it’s not about one person, but all the people of our country as a whole. In school we learn about the people who came together in the 1700s to support our country. It’s no different now. We work together to learn new things, create solutions, and make a future for the children. The good citizens hold others’ values in their hearts and work to make others’ dreams realities. We all play a part in our country, and we all have the power to impact a nation

America is known as a land of new beginnings. Everyone has his/her own different hopes of a new beginning. While some dream of a new job and a nice house to raise a family, others hope for a safe home, free of war and fear. People come to America because it’s the place they feel will provide safety and stability for their families. I am lucky to live in a land of peace and freedom!

Our greatness lies in the knowledge of our teachers, the words of our parents, the simple song of a child. Every day we work towards a better world. Every day we learn new things. Our country has new opportunities for everyone. In our country we don’t just have a passion for our citizens but also for the other people of the world. You can feel our love for others in the aid we send to countries in need, in the money we donate for those facing poverty, in the help we bring to those in devastation.

Our country is a place where people can live free, and it’s such a blessing to live here. Every day is something new, we all learn new things and develop as a community. As a country we have a passion for our nation, and it’s that same spirit that makes me proud to be an American.

Audra Otto, 2nd Place

There are many reasons that make our country such a great one. However, three reasons that contribute to this really stand out to me. The first reason is our many freedoms. Second, the endless opportunities for anyone and everyone. The last reason is simply put: our determination and grit.

It’s a well-known fact that Americans enjoy many rights and freedoms that are given to them because it is their right to have them. Some of these rights include freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. I feel such a sense of pride to know that I live in a country where I am entitled to these rights. Here, we can say whatever we want to whomever we want; our voices are heard. These freedoms are a   important part of our great nation.

Another reason that America is great is because there are endless opportunities for anyone and everyone, no matter their race, gender or nationality. Many people have come to America looking for a second chance and they have found that and more. Here, you can choose to follow whatever path you wish. You can chase your dreams, no matter how outlandish they might seem. In America, nothing will hold you back once you set your mind to accomplishing something great.

Now, our country wasn’t born with these rights. There were men and women who had to fight, sacrifice their time, sacrifice their lives, for us to have these rights today. That brings me to the third reason that our country is great: the pure grit and determination of the people who live here. All of the brave men and women who have or who are serving in the armed forces show the highest imaginable amount of grit and determination. They know it’s going to be tough; the training, the heartbreak, leaving home. Still, they soldier on for us.

Even the people who aren’t in the armed forces show plenty of determination: when we Americans put our mind to something, nothing can hold us back. We are able to chase our dreams because of our freedoms and rights that everybody is given. So, if you asked me why America is great, I’d answer that America is great because of the rights and freedoms we are given, as well as the courageous men and women who suffered and fought valiantly for us to have those rights and opportunities.


April 29, 2023 at 5:45 am

Siri Corson has the best overall essay here. Other students mentioned good points but if you want to consider every English Writing component then Siri Corson is by far first.

January 27, 2022 at 3:54 pm

I love this I hope I can get a better essay

Joe, an unabashed American says

June 22, 2021 at 8:28 pm

Jefferson wrote that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Of course the USA has its problems. But it has also had a tremendous record of achievement. Tell me what other country, having spilled its blood out in conquering a land such as the Philipines and Japan, would supervise the re-writing of their constitution and give the country back to its people? What happened at the end of WWII is unprecedented in the annals of history. Look at the trajectory of the areas the USA had won back and what happened in the areas that China or the USSR had won. That is enough is proof of the superior view of how to govern. Because we have problems at home at the moment does not negate that proof. We will come out of it. The best achievements of the USA and its view of the world, not in the order of importance: (1) creed. The Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were born of English law – the grandchildren of the Magna Carta – but they were incredible steps forward. (2) our centuries-long self-improvement to live up that creed, beginning first and foremost with the freeing of slaves. We were not first in doing that – England predated us. But they did not have the problems we had with our reliance on slave labor for half of the country. (3) technological progress ranging from the internet, cell phones, modern manufacturing, nuclear power, space travel, sky scrapers interstate highways. New York City is arguably the first modern city. We lag in some things like rail service but excel in air service. (4) National Parks.. The first National Park was in the USA and our propensity to set aside land and pay attention to the environment has led the world. We have much to be proud of. We also have much to be ashamed of (slavery, the indian “problem” and its resolution, environmental degradation, exploitation of other countries). It is a testament to our greatness that we can look these problems in the eye, acknowledge them and ask how we can be better.

Frederic MBA Ango says

February 25, 2021 at 1:31 pm

I say I agree with most of everything except for the crime rate. America is truly one of the best countries. Our cultural influence, economic might, and beacon of freedom all over the world, along with our huge diverse society and opportunities. Thank you for a great essay. To those who disagree I advise them to stop obsessing over America. (When you’re popular people are going to want to hate you)

not named polish guy says

January 20, 2021 at 9:17 am

you say free right and military and stuff, and yes America does have that. BUT 1. America is corrupt in government 2. they don’t use their power wisely 3. we don’t have the best economy in the world, China does 4. literally very country uses their military for defending themselves 5. other than the half dozen or so countries in the world that have slavery every other country has free right/Independence 6. America has never been this unstable since the civil war. 7. we have extremely high crime is the world actually. 7. I am a European and we really don’t think you guys are that great, your self-absorbed and arrogant.

Anonymous says

January 27, 2021 at 7:48 pm

Don’t worry, we could tell you’re European after reading that slop.

Dan Schneider says

March 10, 2021 at 8:32 am

Nobody said that we are the best of all countries however, we are a great nation for numerous reasons. Personally, I think that if you can’t put aside our “arrogant and self-absorbed tendencies” and see what we’ve accomplished, then you’re yet another non-American critic who is delusional. Also since when do you speak for all Europeans? Not all of you hate us especially sense tons of you desperately save your money to visit our cities, funny though… must be out of hate or something.

November 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Bro. It’s a bunch of middle schoolers. Why are you being so serious? smh

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Northwestern University is an excellent choice for college, but can you easily explain just why you want to go there? If you're planning to apply to Northwestern, you'll need to submit the Northwestern supplemental essays —supplemental statements that describe why you've chosen to apply to this school and what you think Northwestern can offer you in terms of your future goals.

In this article, we'll go over what these supplemental essays entail as well as why you're required or encouraged to submit them. We'll also cover various topics and tips you can use to craft a compelling Northwestern supplement essay.

Feature Image: Herb Nestler /Flickr

No More Northwestern "Why This College" Essay

In the past, Northwestern asked students to write an optional "why this college" essay , which asked students to explain why Northwestern was a perfect fit for them. As of 2023, Northwestern no longer requires a "why this college" essay as part of the application process. 

Instead, the Northwestern application now has new essay prompts  that students have the option to answer. 

While Northwestern no longer has a "why this college" essay , many other schools require it.  Other schools that require or offer this type of essay include NYU , Tulane , and Brown .

If you're considering applying to a school with a "why this essay" prompt, reviewing 

Do You Need to Submit the "Why Northwestern" Essay?

According to the Northwestern application, although you are not required to submit the "Why Northwestern" essay, Northwestern strongly recommends that you do so anyway.

On both the Common Application and Coalition Application (depending on which system you use), you'll be shown this message on the Northwestern application:

Do you plan to complete the ''Why Northwestern'' Statement? (We strongly encourage a response, as your answer will help us connect the dots across your application to imagine what kind of college student you might become.)

You'll then select either "Yes" or "No" from a drop-down menu. If you select "Yes," you'll get a blank space in which to type/paste your essay. While you technically have a choice about whether to submit the "Why Northwestern" essay, we strongly recommend that you complete it.

Here's what the Northwestern application requirements page says in regard to the essays that applicants must submit with their applications:

"Applicants to Northwestern complete two sets of essays: essays appearing on the Common Application or Coalition Application, and the Northwestern Writing Supplement essay [i.e., the 'Why Northwestern' essay]."*

*Bold emphasis mine

Interestingly, there's no mention here of the "Why Northwestern" essay being optional at all—you're simply expected to write it. It's safe to say, then, that this "extra" essay actually plays a hugely important role in the application process, and that the majority of Northwestern applicants write two essays for their applications: the Common App/Coalition App essay and the (supposedly optional) "Why Northwestern" essay.

Additionally, it's worth noting that Northwestern highly values the concept of "fit" within their community . In this sense, it's not much of a surprise that Northwestern wants applicants to spend some time thinking about what kind of relationship they want to develop with the school.

Overall, you should treat the Northwestern supplement essay as a required part of your application.


The Northwestern Essay Prompt Analyzed

You should definitely submit the Northwestern supplement essay—but what is the prompt asking you to do, specifically? Also, how should you answer it so that you can give yourself a solid chance of getting accepted to the school?

In order to answer these two questions, let's take a look at the Northwestern essay prompt:

While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community. In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond.

Your "Why Northwestern" essay can be a max of 300 words, making it rather short. (Most college essays are around 500-550 words.) This means that you'll need to be clear and concise in order to get your point across and ultimately be able to craft an effective response.

This Northwestern essay prompt isn't that different from other "why this college" essay prompts in that it really just wants you to answer one big question: how will Northwestern help you further your interests and achieve your goals?

Northwestern already has a general idea of how you can contribute to the school; now, it wants to know how it can help you .

The "Why Northwestern" essay is more of a "why us" essay than it is a "why you" essay because it's asking you to elaborate on why you're applying to Northwestern specifically, and how an education there will help you fulfill your academic, professional, and/or personal aspirations.

Here are some topics you could write about in your Northwestern supplement essay:

  • Your experience visiting the campus and talking to current students or professors and why this experience helped you envision yourself feeling at home at Northwestern
  • Specific professors you want to work with or classes you want to take and how they'll help you achieve your goals
  • Specific activities, clubs, or events Northwestern offers that you wish to participate in and why these are important to you and your aspirations
  • Any other specific resources the school offers, such as internship opportunities, career fairs or connections, lectures and talks, study abroad programs, etc., that you believe will benefit your intellectual and professional growth

If you're not sure what to write about for your Northwestern supplement essay, spend some time doing research. Start by perusing the official Northwestern website , paying particular attention to pages about any programs, courses, and/or majors you're interested in.

You can also browse other student-geared websites to see what people have to say about Northwestern, including what makes it unique.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

Real Northwestern Essay Examples + Analysis

Below are two real Northwestern essay examples for you to use as references when writing the "Why Northwestern" essay. The essays were both written by admitted applicants and should give you a good idea of what kinds of topics and styles you can use in your own essay.

Before we look at the two essays, though, be aware that both are answering an older, slightly different version of the "Why Northwestern" prompt, which was as follows:

What are the unique qualities of Northwestern—and of the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying—that make you want to attend the University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified?

Northwestern Essay Example 1

As noted above, this first essay responds to an older version of the "Why Northwestern" essay prompt: it asked applicants to focus on the specific qualities that made the school unique and explain why these were ultimately appealing to them.

Since this student wanted to study in the Medill School of Journalism, he mainly writes about this facet of Northwestern.

At about 350 words, this essay is a little longer than what the current word limit allows (300 words), so just know that you'll have to write more concisely for your own essay.

Here's the sample:

One unquestioned pillar of journalism is the importance of accuracy in a journalist's work. So when my counselor at the National High School Institute, a current Northwestern journalism student, proclaimed, "Medill kicks your ass," I knew she had given my fellow cherubs and I the straight-up truth. Many exchanged nervous looks, and several immediately dismissed any chance of attending the Medill School of Journalism.

I surveyed the room, surprised at the fear hanging over the group. After all, we were 83 student journalists giving up a substantial portion of our summer to learn about and participate in the art.

Northwestern's reputation as a top-rated academic institution immediately drew me to the school. Specifically, the close connection with high-caliber professors was one quality that I originally found appealing even before my summer stay. I was also intrigued by the abundance of resources and facilities within the university and the city of Chicago. The journalism school has unmatched amenities and a rigorous curriculum designed to produce top-of-the-line journalists. But above all, Medill has a reputation as the best journalism school in the country.

Outside of the classroom, I would be the first to get involved with resources such as the Northwestern News Network, The Daily Northwestern , Northwestern Radio WNUR, and other student periodicals.

Northwestern's outstanding academics combined with an athletic program in the Big Ten Conference makes the university unique. It is certainly fun for everyone (except maybe for the Northwestern football team) to see the Buckeyes and Wolverines roll into Ryan Field every couple years.

I would be able to use my experience writing about the Detroit Lions to report on Northwestern teams. And by covering the lowly Lions, I would be prepared for any sort of losing season thrown at me.

But I am sure of one thing: I am attending college in order to learn, contribute, and to become the best journalist I can be. So while my friends may be having an easy, fun time at some school not named Medill, I'll be getting my ass kicked. And to tell the truth, I won't mind at all.

Here's what makes this "Why Northwestern" essay work:

  • It's super specific. There's no doubt this essay was written for, and only for, Northwestern. The applicant goes into detail about the School of Journalism specifically and also mentions many unique opportunities he's interested in, such as working with The Daily Northwestern and the Northwestern News Network.
  • It's got a lot of personality and humor. The applicant injects bits of humor with references to Medill "kicking his ass" and the Detroit Lions' losing streak. These quirky areas add tons of color to the essay and give balance to the student's more practical and academic reasons for applying to Northwestern.


Northwestern Essay Example 2

This second "Why Northwestern" essay example was written by an admitted student who chose to focus on extracurriculars at Northwestern and how the School of Engineering and Applied Science would benefit their desire to learn several skills at once. Once again, like the first essay, this essay is responding to the older version of the "Why Northwestern" prompt (given above).

Note that this essay is exactly 300 words long —the max length you are allowed to do for your own "Why Northwestern" essay.

Sweat drips onto my violin as we are filing into the auditorium.

I just arrived from a basketball game, I'm not nervous. However, that changes when I realize that I still have my basketball shoes on. And that I still have a plethora of edits to make in the newspaper room. And that I have three tests the next day.

Although it was stressful, I enjoyed every minute of juggling such diverse extracurriculars. I appreciated the many opportunities that my high school gave me, and took advantage of as many as I could handle. Thanks to these opportunities, I've fallen in love with various topics in different disciplines; all of which can be nurtured at Northwestern.

I'd be thrilled to pursue membership in the University Singers and the Philharmonia. It would be a great opportunity to learn from nationally recognized Emily Ellsworth with the Singers. I would also love to continue working with orchestral music in the Philharmonia.

The excellent humanities classes at the Weinberg School of Arts and Sciences also interest me. I'd love to pursue further education in subjects I was introduced to in high school, such as physics, psychology, and economics.

Finally, I believe that I am a perfect fit for the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science due to its unique philosophy. The idea of "Whole-Brain Engineering" meshes perfectly with my interest in a wide array of subjects and disciplines. I have always believed in equal emphasis on logic and creativity in problem-solving situations, and an education at McCormick (and Northwestern in general) will bolster my well-roundedness.

My Northwestern experience isn't only about reaching an engineering career, but growing as a person. Such balanced growth will allow me to succeed through analyzation and innovation, preparing me to have an impact on the world.

  • It's got a creative, attention-grabbing opening. There's not a lot of space to write for this essay, yet this applicant manages to come up with a memorable hook that grabs you almost immediately and thrusts you into the story. Within just the first few lines, we learn—through showing, not telling—that the applicant plays basketball in addition to helping out with the school newspaper. While these activities have contributed to increased stress, they've also (and more importantly) led to a stronger sense of intellectual satisfaction.
  • It's highly specific. Like the first sample essay, this essay uses clear examples and details to discuss what attracted the applicant to Northwestern in particular . These include things such as the University Singers and the McCormick School's philosophy concerning the importance of a well-rounded education.

How to Write a Great "Why Northwestern" Essay: 3 Tips

Once you have an idea about how you want to approach the Northwestern essay prompt and what you plan to write about, use the following three tips to help you produce a great essay.


#1: Focus On What Makes Northwestern Unique

One of the most important tips to remember when writing the Northwestern supplement essay is to concentrate on what makes Northwestern different from other colleges. Think about it: If Northwestern didn't offer anything unique, why would students want to apply there specifically?

Don't just say you want to go to Northwestern because it's super prestigious or because your mom went there and loved it. Think deeply about why you've chosen to apply to Northwestern over the thousands of other colleges in the country.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Does Northwestern offer the major(s) you're interested in pursuing? Is it well known for a specific program or field of study you want to enter?
  • Are you interested in specific clubs, sports, or other extracurricular activities offered at Northwestern?
  • Are there certain professors you wish to work with?
  • What unique features of Northwestern do you like or think will be useful to you? For example, perhaps you're a fan of the school's close proximity to Chicago, where you'll have convenient access to research positions, internships, and other professional opportunities. Or maybe you love Northwestern's emphasis on small class sizes, or its impressive array of 100+ study abroad programs.
  • Have current or former Northwestern students said anything about the school that made you want to apply there?

Although the Northwestern essay prompt is pretty open ended, take care to avoid writing about how prestigious, popular, and selective it is (after all, lots of schools are like this!) .

#2: Be Specific and Use Concrete Examples

You don't have a lot of space (just 300 words!) for the Northwestern essay, so try to write as clearly and specifically as possible. Use concrete examples to ground your story in reality and to make it clear to the admissions committee why applying to this school is so important to you.

For example, if you visited Northwestern, don't just say you went there and liked the campus—talk about something specific that happened to you and why this experience had such an impact on your decision to apply there.

Perhaps a professor said something encouraging to a student that made you realize how much you appreciated the supportive nature and sense of camaraderie there. Or maybe you noticed how earnestly students studied and could readily envision yourself doing homework alongside them.

In addition, if you plan to mention a specific professor you want to work with or a class you want to take, try to go beyond simple name-dropping. Instead, discuss why working with that professor or taking that class will help you attain your future goals, and why Northwestern is the only place you can actually do this.

#3: Polish It Up

As with any college essay, you need to spend some time editing and proofreading your "Why Northwestern" essay. Doing this will ensure that you're submitting a clean, polished, and overall well-written statement.

Here's what to do: once you finish writing a rough draft of your essay, put it away for at least a few days. Don't look at it during this time; you want to have a fresh perspective when you take it out again.

After some time has passed, take out your essay and begin to look for any glaring typos and grammar errors, as well as any areas you can expand, add, or delete. Pay attention to the organization and structure of your essay, too. Ask yourself: is the focus clear here? Am I being specific enough? Does the general flow make sense?

Once you've done this entire process a few times, give your essay to someone you trust, such as a mentor, teacher, parent, or older sibling. Have them look over your essay and offer comments on its topic, style, and structure. They should also check for technical errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Finally, make sure they read the Northwestern essay prompt so they can confirm that you're actually answering what's being asked of you.

What's Next?

Applying to Northwestern means you'll also have to submit an essay for either the Common App or Coalition App. Check out our guide to the current Common App essay prompts for tips on how to compose an unforgettable personal statement.

Freaking out about how to write a killer college essay? First, take a deep breath. Second, read our step-by-step guide on how to write a college essay and take a look at our analysis of 100+ real college essays to get a feel for what colleges want—and don't want—to read in an application.

Learn more about Northwestern, including its average test scores and average GPA, by reading its admissions requirements page .

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

You might think that writing a 300-word essay is not that challenging. However, due to its length, you must write concisely and carefully select what information to cover. A 300-word format is commonly used for discussion board posts, position papers, or book reports and takes around 1 double-spaced or 0.5 single-spaced pages.

This article will instruct you on how to write a 300-word essay, discuss critical aspects of its structure and content, and provide valuable tips for creating a short but informative piece of writing. You will also find 300-word essay topics and writing prompts that you can use for your papers. And if you need more inspiration, you can always check our free essay samples !

  • 🔝 Best Essay Examples
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  • 🏈 Sports and Culture Essay
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✍️ How to Write a 300-Word Essay

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🔝 Trending 300 Word Essay Examples

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  • Linguistic Determinism and Linguistic Relativity As provided by one of the authors of this hypothesis, Edward Sapir, language shapes the speaker’s reality not simply reflects it, that is why people who speak and think in different languages have different perceptions […]
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📕 Narrative Essay 300 Words: Interesting Prompts

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  • Myself as a counselor essay — 300 words. Share your experience working as a counselor, or write a story of what it would be like to have such a job. You can also focus your writing on the qualities of a good counselor .
  • Practice makes perfect essay — 300 words. Maybe you had a negative first experience of playing piano, riding a bike, or learning a foreign language. Write about how you have achieved your goal by regularly practicing and putting time and effort into a new activity.
  • My autobiography: 300 words. In this paper, you can tell the readers about your hobbies, life philosophy, or challenges you have faced. Also, you can reflect on the most significant events in your life or share the stories from your childhood.
  • An incident that changed my life: essay 300 words. Think of the most traumatizing experience you have had in your life: a near-death incident, the loss of the person you loved, or the day you spent at the shelter. Then, focus your essay on the emotions you had at that moment and the life lessons you learned.
  • 300-word essay on why I want to be a nurse. You can start your essay by explaining why and when the desire to be a nurse first came to your mind. Also, you can describe a plan of action for making your dream come true.

🏈 Sports and Culture Essay 300 Words: Examples

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  • Elderly Care Across Cultures The first reason for the matter is that older adults in India are considered an honorable class, and families feel their duty to protect them.

📝 Argumentative Essay 300 Words: Writing Prompts

  • Online classes vs traditional classes: essay 300 words. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of online courses and traditional classroom ones. You can compare these two learning forms based on factors like quality of social interactions, motivation, discipline, flexibility, and effectiveness.
  • Democracy is the best form of government: essay 300 words. You can define democracy and describe its key ideas: respect for human rights, separation of powers , the need for resolving conflicts, etc. Then, explain why these ideas are crucial in the modern political life.
  • Facebook should be banned: essay 300 words. Examine the cons and pros of the massive social media platform Facebook and discuss if there are good reasons for it to be banned. You can consider Facebook’s influence on self-esteem, the effectiveness of communication on this platform, the rise of social media addiction, etc.
  • Vegetarian food is good for health: essay 300 words. You can start your essay with shocking statistics or recent study results confirming the benefits of a vegetarian diet . Also, you can share your or a friend’s experience of being vegetarian to support the opinion that vegetarian food positively affects well-being.
  • Can money buy happiness: essay 300 words. Investigate the link between money and happiness, determining if financial success leads to happiness or if there is something more hiding behind it. It would also be a good idea to provide a story from your life that will help you support your point of view.
  • The best things in life are free: essay 300 words. Discuss how love, friendship, and hope can be more precious than material things. Prove your point with the fact that these values are based on shared experiences, trust, and compassion rather than on financial matters.
  • Computer — a blessing or curse: essay 300 words. You can compare the benefits of computers, such as technical developments and access to information, with their drawbacks, such as privacy problems and environmental impact. At the end of your essay, make the final decision whether computers have more positive or negative aspects.

A 300-word essay is an excellent opportunity for college professors to evaluate students’ comprehension of the lecture and writing skills. That’s why a paper like this needs to be carefully structured and planned.

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss how to write an engaging 300-word essay in detail!

This image shows the 300-worrd essay structure.

300-Word Essay Structure

A 300-word essay has a standard structure: an introduction with a strong thesis statement, the main body, and a conclusion. It usually has 3-4 paragraphs, each containing 3-5 sentences or 75-125 words. Each body paragraph should be written using the PEE principle (point, evidence, explanation).

If you need help with structuring your 300-350-words essay, you can try our free outline generator .

300-Word Essay Introduction

The introduction is essential to any essay since it sets the tone for the whole paper. It contains around 75-100 words or 3-4 sentences and has the following structure:

  • Attention-grabbing hook. You can engage your reader’s interest by starting your essay with a surprising fact, statistic, or rhetorical question.
  • Background information. Include some additional information to make your topic clearer to the reader.
  • Thesis statement. Write a solid thesis statement to summarize your essay’s central point.

Try our research introduction maker , essay hook generator , and thesis generator to write a solid introduction for your essay in the nick of time!

300-Word Essay Conclusion

The conclusion is a core part of your essay since it gives the reader a sense of closure while reminding them of the paper’s significance. In a 300-word text, the conclusion usually takes around 75-100 words or 3-4 sentences.

There are several elements a conclusion should have:

  • Restated thesis
  • Summary of central points
  • Effective concluding sentence

Our closing sentence generator will help you finish the last part of your essay with an effective concluding statement!

How Many References Should a 300-Word Text Have?

The quantity of references might vary depending on the type of work and the professor’s demands. For example, a 300-word book report requires only one source — the analyzed work, while a personal essay of the same word count requires no sources at all. Yet, if you don’t have specific instructions, you can follow the golden rule: 1 source per page. So, for a 300-word article, you should provide one reference.

Try our works cited generator to create a list of references for your paper quickly and effectively.

🌾 GMO Essay 300 Words: Best Examples

  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Views on GMOs For the reason that I was interested in GMOs and did my research before, the article did not change my perception of it much since I have already known what GMOs are and that they […]
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Benefit or Harm? In other words, scientists may choose the DNA of the foods that some individuals may be allergic to, which can be harmful if they eat GMO crops.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Ethical Perspective Of course, some use the deontological approach and state that it is simply wrong to interfere with genetic codes as it is the divine domain.
  • Genetically Modified Food: Health Risks The main research question of the future study for me as a person with 1st Degree in Food and Nutrition will be the question of the harm of eating genetically modified foods and the possible […]
  • Understanding Genetically Modified Foods by Howard et al. One of the major points made in the article is the belief that GMOs can be used to create items that are rich in certain nutrients, which is essential for developing countries.
  • Genetically Modified Salmon Labeling Issues: Biotechnology, Religious Beliefs, and Eating Preferences It seems that GM salmon labeling should be implemented to clearly indicate that this food was modified. In this connection, transparency is to be proposed as the top priority for GM food manufacturers as customers […]

➡️ Cause and Effect 300 Word Essay Prompts

  • Impact of social media on youth: essay 300 words. Analyze the benefits and harms of social media platforms, considering their impact on young people’s behavior, mental health, self-esteem, and online interactions.
  • The impact of social media on social relationships: essay 300 words. You can include both positive and negative consequences of building relationships on social media. Include factors such as instant feedback and connectedness, as well as social isolation and cyberbullying.
  • Impact of technology essay — 300 words. You can discuss the positive consequences of using modern technology, such as improved communication, access to information, medical advancements, etc.
  • Impact of media on society: essay 300 words. Analyze how different forms of media, such as advertising, newspapers, and TV, affect people’s attitudes, beliefs, and values.
  • Hitler essay — 300 words. Investigate the causes and consequences of Hitler’s rise to power, such as World War II, antisemitism , and the Holocaust. Also, you can analyze the lessons that the world has learned from Hitler’s actions.

🌪️ Natural Disasters Essay 300 Words: Samples

  • Disaster Preparedness and Nursing: A Scenario of an Earthquake In a scenario of an earthquake, nursing staff must be aware of the stages of disaster management and disaster preparedness in particular.
  • How to Survive When a Disaster Outbreaks? Tornados are common for some of the US states and it is but natural that people should be aware of the ways to survive during these disasters.
  • Earthquake in Haiti 2010: Nursing Interventions During natural disasters, such as the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010, nursing interventions aim to reduce the level of injury and provide the conditions for the fast recovery of its victims.
  • Poor Communication During the Emergency of Hurricane Katrina Although federal, state, and local agencies provided the ways and communication strategies to deal with disasters, the plans or assets were inadequate to respond effectively to the calamity.
  • Natural vs. Moral Evil: Earthquakes vs. Murder This problem demonstrates that such justifications for the problem of evil, such as the fact that suffering exists to improve the moral qualities of a person and thus serve the greater good, are unconvincing.
  • The National Incident Management System and Hurricane Katrina Finally, ongoing management and maintenance pertains to the establishment of a supervisory center to continually refine the system and perform routine reviews ).
  • Natural Disaster Aftermath: Spirituality and Health Care Second, healthcare providers should improve their staff’s cultural sensitivity and awareness of various spiritual practices and denominations in order to develop a flexible blueprint of communication with patients and proper intervention.
  • Risk vs. Cost in Natural Disaster Insurance Floods are more predictable, and it is possible to create a map for each flood-prone area that would allow insurance companies to calculate the exact cost of premiums.
  • Responding to Natural Disasters Considering Homeless Individuals In particular, I would ask them to pay attention to how culturally appropriate it is to put homeless people of different genders together to be compliant with Standard 11, which requires service providers to be […]
  • Local Hazard Mitigation: Floods While the federal government has been actively trying to reduce the scope of the problem for years, in the past decades, economic losses from floods have been growing. Overall, in the past years, NFIP initiatives […]
  • The Huaxian Earthquake: China’s Deadliest Disaster The main reason for the terrible earthquakes consequences was in the absence of a plan for the emergency case. After visiting China later in 1556, he wrote that the given disaster was likely to be […]
  • Nursing: Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disasters To effectively respond to accidents, it is extremely important to learn more about the reasons for natural disasters and the way the staff makes emergency decisions.

🔐 Prompts for Problem Solution Essays of 300 Words

  • Teenage pregnancy essay 300 words. You can discuss effective methods of solving the problem of adolescent pregnancy, such as sex education, the use of contraceptives, the creation of teen support organizations, etc.
  • Hunger essay 300 words. Analyze the actions people should take to break the cycle of hunger . Examples include creating food banks, providing food security, helping rural farmers connect to markets, etc.
  • Gender-based violence essay 300 words. Discuss the potential effectiveness of stricter laws, women’s economic empowerment, and women’s rights support organizations in preventing gender-based violence.
  • Animal abuse essay 300 words. Provide some valuable tips on how to reduce animal abuse cases. Examples include enacting stricter laws for the protection of animals and reporting animal cruelty.
  • Ways to relieve stress: essay 300 words. Start with estimating the issue of stress in the modern world. Then, provide some practical strategies on how to cope with it. You can recommend mindfulness practices, yoga, podcasts, or books.

👨‍💼 300 Words Essay about Entrepreneurship: Examples

  • Entrepreneurship: Making a Business Plan The description of the business processes is merely a part of it. A business plan is a document that performs the operational and managerial functions of the venture.
  • Entrepreneurship vs. Working as an Employee Some employees find self-employment particularly enticing because it allows them to choose their hours, pick their workspace, and decide what they do and when. Self-employed people are responsible for their and the employer’s taxes.
  • Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, and Formulated Marketing Growth and development of contemporary business, production, and organization hang on entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and formulated marketing. Entrepreneurs are investors who start their businesses and have the speculative ability to identify business niches and value.
  • Amazon and Tesco: Corporate Entrepreneurship One of the key elements that contribute to the success of the business is the ability to offer a product or a service that is superior to the existing alternatives.
  • Entrepreneurial Climate in Schools: Insights from Dunbar High School The school’s history had many high and low points; nevertheless, due to the input of the principal and his strategy for innovation, the school has managed to adapt to the fast-changing external environment and promote […]
  • Japan’s Economic Development and Entrepreneurship Global entrepreneurship education, through travel and creativity, will help boost the nation’s economy since, in the current world, it is easy to travel around the globe.
  • E-Commerce Barrier in Entrepreneurship Many e-commerce firms confront a number of challenges, one of the most significant of which is the high cost of Internet access in many countries.
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship in Real-World Examples Corporate entrepreneurship is the process by which groups inside an existing corporation build, foster, promote, and administer a new business distinct from the parent organization. This process is consistent with the firm’s existing approaches, with […]
  • Social Entrepreneurship Definition Such a point of view allows social entrepreneurs to take more active control of the problem, especially if the effect of entrepreneurs trying to solve the problem is more detrimental than its absence.
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Al Radda Program for Prisoners The Al Radda program focuses on improving the welfare of prisoners and former prisoners by equipping them with valuable skills and resources that help them to engage in different economic activities.
  • Entrepreneurship Discussion: Boosting the Performance It is necessary for the firm to look at how it can boost its profile in the market by identifying new revenue streams to help it grow its income. This has made it possible for […]

📌 300 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 300 word essay is how many pages.

How many pages is a 300-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take one page (single-spaced) or 2 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 300 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 300 Words?

How many paragraphs is a 300-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 300 words will consist of 3 to 5 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 300 Words?

How many sentences is a 300-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 300 words are not less than 15-18 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 300-Word Essay?

A 300-word essay outline usually follows a standard five-paragraph structure. Start your paper with a short introduction that includes an attention-grabber, some background information, and a thesis. Then add three body paragraphs that focus on your arguments. Finish your 300-word paper with a conclusion that contains a restated thesis and a summary of your ideas.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 300 Words?

How long does it take to write a 300-word essay? It will take you 6-12 minutes to type 300 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than one hour for a 300-word paper.

📌 How Long Should an Introduction Be in a 300 Word Essay?

A typical introduction in a 300 words essay contains about 45 words. However, it might be a good idea to ask your professor to provide you with the exact requirements.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). 300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/300-words-essay-examples/

"300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." IvyPanda , 23 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/300-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas'. 23 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/300-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/300-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/300-words-essay-examples/.

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How to Write a Stellar “Why This College?” Essay + Examples

What’s covered:, sample “why this college” prompts, faqs about the “why this college” essay.

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid

Good “Why This College?” Essay Examples

  • Brainstorming for this Essay
  • Outlining Your Essay
  • Where to Get Your Essay Edited

One of the most common college essay supplements will ask you to answer the question: “Why This College?” These essays are looking to see whether you’re a good fit for the campus community, and whether the college is a good fit for you and your goals. 

In this post, we’ll show you a couple examples of these prompts, go over good and bad sample responses, and break down how to ensure yours is one of the good ones. 

Let’s start by taking a look at real prompts that fit under the “Why This College?” archetype: 

Tufts: Which aspects of the Tufts undergraduate experience prompt your application? In short, ‘Why Tufts?’ (150 words)

Northwestern: Other parts of your application give us a sense for how you might contribute to Northwestern. But we also want to consider how Northwestern will contribute to your interests and goals. Help us understand what aspects of Northwestern appeal most to you, and how you’ll make use of specific resources and opportunities here. (300 words)

As you can see, these prompts are basically asking why you want to attend the school in question. Northwestern spells it out even further, and specifically asks how you’ll use their resources to achieve your goals.

Both prompts have word counts that are much shorter than that of the Common App, which is typical of supplemental essays. These two word counts are pretty representative, and you can expect the “Why This College?” essay length to be 100-400 words on average. That’s not a lot of space for a pretty important question, so it’s especially vital to use the word count wisely.

What are colleges looking for in the “Why Us” essay?

Colleges want to admit students who will not only enroll (to protect their yield), but also thrive on their campus. They ask this question to see whether you’re truly interested in the school and whether it’s the right place for you. You can write a strong response by citing specific ways the college can support your goals, as well as demonstrating your enthusiasm.

Which colleges have a “Why This College?” essay?

This is one of the most popular supplements among colleges. Here is a selection of top schools that ask this question:

  • Northwestern
  • Boston University
  • University of Michigan

Check out our essay guides for these schools for more in-depth advice on how to write these essays.

What kind of writing style should I use?

This is a straightforward question that generally has a short word count, so you don’t need to use a narrative form at all. You can simply explain what you like about the school and why, but try to use varied sentence structure and organize the essay around your major goals. 

You can start your essay with a story if you want, however. For example, if you visited campus and experienced a really interesting course, or sat in on a meeting of a club you liked, this can make for a strong anecdote to begin your essay. Just make sure that whatever story you tell has some substance, and isn’t just a narration of how nice it was to walk around campus.

Can I copy and paste my essay for other schools?

Absolutely not. If your essay is general enough to apply to other schools, you know you need to rewrite it. The resources you mention should be highly specific to the college you’re writing about.

Common Mistakes When Writing the “Why This College?” Essay

The most common mistake students make is listing generic characteristics that could apply to any school. This negatively impacts your application, since it sends the message that you didn’t do your research, and aren’t truly interested in the school.

Here’s an example of something NOT to list in your “Why this college essay.” We’ll take the example of Tufts since we shared the prompt in the beginning.

What NOT to write: I’m applying to Tufts because of its low student to faculty ratio, the strong math department, and its prime location in Medford, just a hop away from Boston. When I visited campus, the school already felt like home.

This example is bad because many schools have low student to faculty ratios and strong math departments. There are also a ton of schools in or near Boston, many of which have low student to faculty ratios and great math departments too, such as Boston College, Harvard, Northeastern, Boston University, etc. If your statements can apply to other schools, that’s definitely not a good sign (avoid things like location, weather, size, and ranking).

The student also uses an emotional appeal with the line “it felt like home,” which might sound nice, but it has no substance and can be written for any school. You should definitely avoid making any statements like these.

This example shows that the student really hasn’t thought much about their fit with Tufts, and that it probably isn’t their top choice. This will impact your application negatively, especially since Tufts is known for taking applicants’ demonstrated interest more seriously than other schools . So, if you show that you show little interest through your essay, you may end up waitlisted or rejected, even if your stats are excellent.

Another thing that this example gets wrong is that it doesn’t describe the student’s goals or interests at all. It’s important to not only talk about why you picked the school, but also how exactly those aspects will help you grow. Remember, this kind of prompt is two-fold: in addition to explaining why the school is a good fit for you, you want to show why you, out of the many thousands of applicants they get each year, are a good fit for them.

To summarize, the main mistakes to avoid are:

  • Citing generic aspects of the school (location, weather, size, and ranking)
  • Using empty emotional appeals
  • Not describing your goals and interests

Now that we know what a bad example might look like, here’s an example of a rewrite to part of the Tufts essay:

What TO write: As a potential Applied Mathematics major, I hope to gain the tools to model political behavior. I’m especially interested in elections, and am looking forward to taking the course “Mathematics of Social Choice,” as the centerpiece of Social Choice Theory is voting. I would also love to take “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos,” because it will teach me to use differential equations to predict chaotic behavior. 

This is a good example, as the courses listed are highly-specific to Tufts, as well as the student’s professional goals. We not only learned something about Tufts, but also the student. Keep in mind that this wouldn’t be a complete essay⁠—it’s just an example of good, specific resources to list, and how to connect them to your own interests. 

If you want an example of a complete essay, here’s this real student response for Boston University’s “Why This College?” prompt.

Prompt: In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what

specifically has led you to apply for admission.

Boston University’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) attracts me because of its support of interdisciplinary study among its wide array of majors. In fact, the CAS now offers a course that combines biology, chemistry, and neuroscience. As I hope to conduct medical research into brain disorders, I plan to pursue all three areas of study. These cross-disciplinary connections at BU will prepare me to do so.

CAS’s undergraduate research program would allow me to work with a mentor, such as Dr. Alice Cronin-Golomb or Dr. Robert M.G. Reinhart related to their research on neurological disorders. With them, I can advance the work I have already completed related to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). In a summer class at our local university, my partner and I extracted data from fMRI and PET studies and inputted them into a coding program. We then created an indicator map, which we imported into another software program, AFNI, to display significant activity in the brain regions affected by DID. Seeing the representation of our data thrilled me because I knew it could eventually help people who live with DID. I want to experience that feeling again. Successfully analyzing these fMRI and PET studies and learning to code drives me to pursue more research opportunities, and this desire motivates me to study at a university that offers research opportunities to undergraduates. BU’s interdisciplinary approach to psychology and support for independent undergraduate undergraduate research will optimally prepare me for a career as a neurological researcher.

This student clearly outlines BU-specific resources (the interdisciplinary course and undergrad research program), plus how these resources align with their professional goals (to become a neurological researcher). They do “name-drop” professors, but since their work clearly relates to the student’s interests, it doesn’t look disingenuous, and shows that the student has done research on their fit with BU. The student also provides background on why they want to pursue research, and shows that they already have experience, which makes their interest in the undergrad research program more concrete.

The only thing missing from this essay is the student’s fit with BU in terms of extracurriculars and social life. “Why This College?” essays should also cover extracurriculars, as the residential college experience is about more than just class and homework. Admissions officers are also interested in how you’ll contribute to their broader campus community.

In general, these essays should be academic-leaning (especially if they’re under 250 words), but you should still address some social aspects of the college that appeal to you (we recommend about 70% academics, 30% social, with more or less focus on social aspects depending on the word count). Since the student probably already detailed their previous research in their Common App activities section, they could’ve just summarized their research background in one sentence, and used the space saved to talk about a specific social aspect of BU that interests them.

Here’s another sample essay, but for UPenn. This essay’s word count was much longer, so the student was able to really hone in on several specific aspects of UPenn.

Prompt: How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying (650 words).

Sister Simone Roach, a theorist of nursing ethics, said, “caring is the human mode of being.” I have long been inspired by Sister Roach’s Five C’s of Caring: commitment, conscience, competence, compassion, and confidence. Penn both embraces and fosters these values through a rigorous, interdisciplinary curriculum and unmatched access to service and volunteer opportunities.

COMMITMENT. Reading through the activities that Penn Quakers devote their time to (in addition to academics!) felt like drinking from a firehose in the best possible way. As a prospective nursing student with interests outside of my major, I value this level of flexibility. I plan to leverage Penn’s liberal arts curriculum to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges LGBT people face, especially regarding healthcare access. Through courses like “Interactional Processes with LGBT Individuals” and volunteering at the Mazzoni Center for outreach, I hope to learn how to better support the Penn LGBT community as well as my family and friends, including my cousin, who came out as trans last year.

CONSCIENCE. As one of the first people in my family to attend a four-year university, I wanted a school that promoted a sense of moral responsibility among its students. At Penn, professors challenge their students to question and recreate their own set of morals by sparking thought- provoking, open-minded discussions. I can imagine myself advocating for universal healthcare in courses such as “Health Care Reform & Future of American Health System” and debating its merits with my peers. Studying in an environment where students confidently voice their opinions – conservative or liberal – will push me to question and strengthen my value system.

COMPETENCE. Two aspects that drew my attention to Penn’s BSN program were its high-quality research opportunities and hands-on nursing projects. Through its Office of Nursing Research, Penn connects students to faculty members who share similar research interests. As I volunteered at a nursing home in high school, I hope to work with Dr. Carthon to improve the quality of care for senior citizens. Seniors, especially minorities, face serious barriers to healthcare that I want to resolve. Additionally, Penn’s unique use of simulations to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application impressed me. Using computerized manikins that mimic human responses, classes in Penn’s nursing program allow students to apply their emergency medical skills in a mass casualty simulation and monitor their actions afterward through a video system. Participating in this activity will help me identify my strengths and areas for improvement regarding crisis management and medical care in a controlled yet realistic setting. Research opportunities and simulations will develop my skills even before I interact with patients.

COMPASSION. I value giving back through community service, and I have a particular interest in Penn’s Community Champions and Nursing Students For Sexual & Reproductive Health (NSRH). As a four-year volunteer health educator, I hope to continue this work as a Community Champions member. I am excited to collaborate with medical students to teach fourth and fifth graders in the city about cardiology or lead a chair dance class for the elders at the LIFE Center. Furthermore, as a feminist who firmly believes in women’s abortion rights, I’d like to join NSRH in order to advocate for women’s health on campus. At Penn, I can work with like-minded people to make a meaningful difference.

CONFIDENCE. All of the Quakers that I have met possess one defining trait: confidence. Each student summarized their experiences at Penn as challenging but fulfilling. Although I expect my coursework to push me, from my conversations with current Quakers I know it will help me to be far more effective in my career.

The Five C’s of Caring are important heuristics for nursing, but they also provide insight into how I want to approach my time in college. I am eager to engage with these principles both as a nurse and as a Penn Quaker, and I can’t wait to start.

This student takes a creative approach to the essay, by using the Five C’s of Caring as a framework. This technique works especially well since these qualities relate to the student’s future career in nursing. In addition to emphasizing the student’s creativity and passion for nursing, having the Five C’s in all caps at the start of each paragraph gives this long essay a clear, easy-to-read format.

What really makes the essay stand out is the depth of the student’s fit with UPenn, and how they’re able to also share more about who they are. The student lists specific courses, research opportunities, technology, and student groups. We also learn that they are a first-generation student, are passionate about increasing access to healthcare (particularly for LGBTQ+ people, minorities, and the elderly), care about health education, and are a feminist who staunchly defends abortion rights (this controversial topic could be risky, but since UPenn is a very liberal school, this should be fine).

Overall, this essay paints a vivid picture of how the student would engage academically at Penn, and we also see clearly how the student would pursue their intellectual passions outside the classroom. Since this essay prompt focused on “intellectual and academic interests,” there was no need to address other aspects of UPenn beyond those supporting their various interests in healthcare.

See more “ Why This College?” essay examples to understand what makes a strong response.

Brainstorming for the “Why This College?” Essay

Now that we’ve gone through a couple examples, you might be wondering how to get started yourself. 

Here are three steps we recommend to get your essay underway:

  • Reflect on your academic and career goals
  • Research unique opportunities related to your academic and extracurricular interests
  • Pick your top academic reasons for applying, and your top extracurricular/social reasons

1. Reflect on your academic and career goals.

The driver behind this essay needs to be you , and not the school itself. Anyone can write nice things about the college, but only you can explain why you would be a good fit for it.

Ask yourself:

  • What do you want to major in, if you know? If you’re undecided, what are the subjects you’re interested in?
  • Which career do you want to pursue, or what are the potential options?
  • What do you want to get out of college? Any particular skills or experiences?

Once you have a clear idea of your college plan, then you can dig into how the college can support your plan.

2. Research unique opportunities related to your academic, career, and extracurricular interests.

You might be wondering where you can find all these specific courses, clubs, and other resources. The school’s website is a good place to start, or if you have a general idea of what you’re looking for, you can even use Google with the school name in your search, such as “Tufts orchestra.” 

Take a look at the website of your department/major and dig into the courses, fellowships, internships, and other resources. For course syllabi, you can visit the website of the professor who’s teaching the course; they’ll often post more detailed information than the online course catalog, including readings and concepts to be covered.

Clubs may have their own websites, but you can also try to find their Facebook groups or Instagram pages, which might be more current and even show events they’re hosting⁠.

If you can, try to speak with a current student. Your school counselor may be able to connect you with one, or you can also reach out to the admissions office to see if they can connect you. If not, speaking with an admissions officer is also great, or you can try to find day-in-the-life videos on YouTube.

3. Pick your top academic reasons for applying, and your top extracurricular/social reasons.

Once you’ve done your research and found specific opportunities to cite in your essay, pick your top 1-3 academic reasons and top 1-3 extracurricular ones, depending on the word count. Going back to the Tufts essay, the good example we gave actually was already 65 words, and it was only able to mention two courses. 

Keep in mind that you not only have to describe resources specific to the school, but also how they’ll contribute to your goals. This personal aspect is just as important as the actual opportunities, so be sure to allot space to describe why exactly these resources make the school a good fit for you.

When it comes to academic reasons, you are free to list anything from special programs to unique majors to specific courses and professors. We want to caution you against “name-dropping” professors, however⁠—unless their work actually fits with your established interests and professional goals. Otherwise, it might seem like you’re being disingenuous.

We also want to reiterate that you should be sure to not only talk about academics in your essay, but also extracurriculars (unless the prompt asks you to focus only on academics, or if the word count is unusually short, i.e. 150 words or fewer). Again, college isn’t just about what you do in the classroom. Admissions committees want to be sure that accepted students will also contribute to the college community. 

Outlining Your “Why This College?” Essay

Once you’ve identified your goals and the resources to support them, it’s time to start writing. An easy format/outline for your essay would be:

  • Introduction to your main goals and the why behind them (great spot for an anecdote). 
  • Your first goal and how the school can support it.
  • Your second goal and how the school can support it.
  • Conclusion where you look towards the future and reaffirm how the college can get you there.

You can adjust the length of the essay by adding or subtracting the number of goals you write about. As noted above, r emember to include extracurriculars when sharing how the college can support your goals. You should plan to spend about 70% of your space on academic reasons, and 30% on extracurricular reasons.

Some students choose to use a more unconventional format, like the Five C’s of Caring essay above, and that works too if you want to show off your creative writing skills. Some examples include a letter to the school or a schedule of your day as a student at the college. These unconventional formats can be harder to pull off though, so only go that route if you’re confident in your writing. The letter format can be especially tricky since it’s easy to sound cheesy and overenthusiastic.

Regardless of the format you choose, remember these two things that your essay should do. It should:

  • Reveal more about your goals and interests.
  • D escribe how the school can help you develop your interests and reach your goals, by naming highly-specific and unique campus resources, both academic and extracurricular.

If your essay checks both of those boxes, you’re well on your way to making your candidacy more compelling to admissions officers!

Where to Get Your “Why This College?” Essay Edited

Do you want feedback on your “Why This College?” essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

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How Is a 300-Word Essay Look Like?

A 300-word essay is a relatively short piece of writing that consists of approximately 300 words. It is often used to express an idea, argument, or provide a brief analysis on a specific topic within a concise format.

How Long Is a 300-Word Essay?

A 300-word essay typically spans around 1 to 1.5 pages, depending on factors such as font size, spacing, and formatting. It is important to adhere to any specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution to determine the exact page count.

How Should You Write a 300-word Essay?

A typical structure for a 300-word essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and present a thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present supporting evidence or arguments, and the conclusion should summarize the main points and provide a closing thought.

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Remember, a 300-word story essay requires you to be concise and selective with your storytelling. Focus on creating a vivid and engaging narrative that captures the reader's attention within the limited word count. Also, try to introduce the setting and characters, as well as try to conclude your story by resolving the situation or adressing the central theme.

How to Write a 300-Word Article Essay?

Writing a 300-word article essay involves conveying information or expressing an opinion on a specific topic in a concise and informative manner. Select a topic that interests you and aligns with the purpose of your essay. Identify the main points or subtopics you want to cover and the order in which they will be presented. This will help you maintain a logical flow and structure in your article. Remember to cite any sources used and follow the appropriate citation style if required by your instructor or the publication guidelines.

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what makes america great essay 300 words


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  5. What Makes America Great Essay ⇒ Writing Tips and Examples

    what makes america great essay 300 words

  6. Entry #12 by Malinidas for Write a short text/essay (300-500 words

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  1. Why America is the greatest country in the world?


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  1. What Makes a Great American Essay? ‹ Literary Hub

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  16. PDF 2019 PP Media Page (v2)

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    When asked what America means to me, I think about the positive aspects of this great nation. The thing that makes America distinct from all other countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. American citizens probably have more rights than the citizens from any other country in the world .

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    313 words | 1 Page. The humanities have played a crucial role in the development of societies throughout history. This essay aims to explore the influence of humanities on culture and its significance in shaping societal values, beliefs, and identity. Definition of Humanities The humanities encompass a wide range of….

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    What makes america great essay 300 words. English Essay Sample on America, What Make America Great Essay!