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11 Most Inspiring Virtual Product Launch Event Examples & Ideas

11 Most Inspiring Virtual Product Launch Event Examples & Ideas

Table of Contents

Virtual events have emerged as an effective way to introduce new products to a global audience. 68% of B2B marketers say that most lead generation comes from virtual events. In this guide, we’ll explore a range of successful online product launch examples that have captivated audiences and inspired innovation. By understanding what inspiring brands have done in their product launches, you can take your plan, your strategy, and your ideas to the best level.

Explaining the Purpose of Online Product Launch Event

The purpose of a product launch event is to introduce a new product to the market. A survey by Lab 42 indicates that 21% of people buy new products as soon as they come out compared to 63% who prefer to buy them once they have been out for a while.

Online Product Launch Events

Therefore, product launch events serve as a strategic tool to generate significant leads and excitement around the product. It offers a platform to educate and inform the target audience about the product’s unique features, benefits, and ability to address their specific needs or challenges.

Furthermore, a product launch event plays a crucial role in building brand awareness and reinforcing the brand’s identity and values. It positions the new product within the context of the brand’s broader mission and helps establish a consistent brand narrative. This cohesive messaging can enhance the brand’s credibility and authenticity in the eyes of consumers. 

Moreover, a successful product launch event often involves interactions with the audience, whether through Q&A sessions, demonstrations, or surveys. This engagement allows companies to gather valuable feedback, insights, and reactions from potential customers. Feedback helps improve the product and fine-tune marketing strategies to better resonate with the target market.

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Top Successful Online Product Launch Event Examples

Virtual product launch events have become increasingly popular. More than 80% of event organizers have reached a wider audience with virtual events. Here are some top online product launch event examples that can inspire your own product launch:

#1 Apple’s Virtual iPhone Launch

Apple’s product launches are highly anticipated online product launch success stories globally. They usually take place at the Apple Park campus, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, they shifted to a virtual format. Apple creates pre-recorded presentations that showcase new products, such as iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. These presentations broadcast live and are available for on-demand viewing. The events feature live demonstrations of new product features and capabilities, often presented by Apple executives. They also include video testimonials and app demonstrations. The live-streamed events attract a global audience, allowing viewers to engage through live chats, comments, and social media discussions. 

#2 Tesla’s Cybertruck Unveiling

Tesla’s virtual product launch for the Cybertruck garnered immense attention due to its innovative design and Elon Musk’s charismatic presentation style. The event was a mix of live-streamed presentations, interactive 3D renderings of the Cybertruck, and live chats for audience interaction. Elon Musk unveiled the Cybertruck with a live demonstration of its durability and strength by striking the vehicle with a sledgehammer and demonstrating the shatterproof glass. This is one of the virtual product launch event case studies that created excitement through a combination of technology, live demonstrations, and Musk’s engaging personality.

#3 Samsung Galaxy Unpacked

Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked is one of the successful online product launch examples known for its cinematic presentations and product showcases. The virtual product launch events include pre-recorded video segments, live streaming of product announcements, and interviews with designers and developers. They often feature celebrity guests or brand ambassadors to add excitement. For example, a famous basketball player might demonstrate a game on the new Galaxy device. Samsung uses interactive elements, like 360-degree videos, to provide an immersive experience for the audience. 

#4 Meta Quest 3 Launch

Oculus, a division of Meta (formerly Facebook), launched the Meta Quest 3 , a virtual reality headset, with a virtual event. The event combined live-streamed presentations with interactive 3D renderings and simulations. Oculus used this format to showcase the headset’s capabilities by placing attendees in virtual environments. Live demonstrations included users wearing the Meta Quest 3 and interacting with VR applications, demonstrating its immersive experience. 

#5 PlayStation 5 Reveal

Sony’s online product launch success story for the PlayStation 5 included both live and pre-recorded elements. The event showcased game trailers, developer interviews, and a first look at the PlayStation 5’s design. It provided gamers with an in-depth look at the console’s capabilities and game lineup. Sony’s event generated excitement by revealing highly anticipated gaming titles and hardware features.

#6 Amazon Prime Day Concert

While not a traditional product launch, Amazon’s Prime Day Concert serves to promote its Prime Day deals and offerings. The event features live musical performances by top artists and celebrities. It also includes appearances by well-known personalities. Amazon leverages the event to engage with its Prime members and create buzz around its annual sales event. 

#7 Adobe MAX Conference

Adobe MAX is an annual conference that focuses on creativity and innovation, featuring product announcements and updates. The event transitioned to a virtual format during the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing a platform that offers a mix of live and pre-recorded sessions. Adobe MAX is one of the most successful virtual product launch event case studies that included keynote speeches, and sessions on Adobe software where attendees can explore new features. Interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, live chat, and virtual networking opportunities are integrated to engage with attendees.

#8 Nike’s Virtual Air Max Day

Nike celebrating Air Max Day is another successful online product launch example to showcase their iconic Air Max shoe line. The event featured live-streamed discussions with designers, giving insights into the design process and history of the Air Max. Attendees could take virtual tours of Nike’s design studio, gaining a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process. Nike incorporated interactive product customization experiences, allowing attendees to personalize their own Air Max shoes. 

#9 IBM Think

IBM Think is IBM’s annual conference, focusing on technology innovation and solutions. The event moved to a virtual format, offering a comprehensive online experience. IBM Think includes live-streamed keynote speeches, technical sessions on emerging technologies and trends, and panel discussions. An interactive platform is used to facilitate engagement, allowing attendees to ask questions during sessions, participate in live polls, and connect with IBM experts. 

#10 Google Launch Night In

Google hosts a 30-minute virtual product launch event to announce its latest products. Google revealed the arrival of the new Pixel series phone, making it a successful online product launch example. It also presented new Chromecasts and Nest Audio smart speakers using pre-recorded, high-production videos.

Pre-recorded videos allow you to edit mistakes and glitches so that your virtual product launch can be successful when broadcast. It eliminates the likelihood of last-minute failure and embarrassment when presenting a new product to a live audience.

Most companies use pre-recorded sessions and presentations to offer a seamless experience, free from technical glitches. 

#11 Dreamforce by Salesforce 

Dreamforce is another massive annual event that comes into online product launch success stories. Salesforce gathers its community to honor all trailblazers. Millions of people from all over the world go to share their success stories and learn from one another.

It provides online live streaming so that participants may experience the product launch event as if they were there in person. It provides guidelines on how to make the most of the virtual experience on its event website.

Salesforce used social media to expand its conference to include over 2,000 sessions. Its event planners encourage user-generated content (UGC) and comments by using hashtags. They encourage the entire audience to use the hashtag. This makes millions of people tag their event. No wonder this virtual product launch event example went viral among the audience. 

10 Creative Product Launch Event Ideas

Product launch events in the virtual format couldn’t be successful without creating buzz and anticipation. You have to have unique ideas to implement in your event to make it more engaging and exciting for the audience. Let’s look at some of the most effective product launch event ideas that sell:

1.  Collaborate with Social Media Influencers

Collaborate with Social Media Influencers

Collaborate with social media influencers who align with your product and target audience. They can create anticipation through sneak peeks, unboxings, and reviews. Allow influencers to share their insights. Their presence can attract a large audience and add credibility to your product.  

2. User Generated Content Contest

Encourage attendees to create user-generated content related to your product. This could include videos, reviews, or social media posts. Offer prizes or recognition for the best submissions. User-generated content can amplify your product’s reach. 

3. Virtual Product Launch Party:

Create a lively and engaging virtual launch party where attendees can socialize, network, and celebrate the product launch. You can include live music, entertainment, and interactive activities to keep the atmosphere festive and fun.

4. Create Interactive Virtual Tour:

Create an immersive 3D virtual environment where attendees can explore different aspects of your product. This could be a virtual factory tour, a 3D rendering of your product, or even a virtual store. Attendees can navigate this space to access information, videos, and interactive product demos. 

5. Create Product Teasers and Countdown

Build anticipation by releasing teaser videos or images leading up to the event. You can use social media, email marketing, and your website to share these teasers. Another creative product launch event idea is to start a countdown timer on your landing page to remind people of the upcoming launch.

6. Host Giveaways and Interactive Quiz

Host Giveaways

Giving a chance to win contests and giveaways sounds is one of the best virtual product event ideas. It is highly appealing to attendees and encourages more participation. Contests in the form of games, or lucky draws that make contestants interact with your brand have the potential to go viral among netizens. You can also develop an interactive quiz that helps attendees discover which features or aspects of your product are most relevant to them. This can personalize the experience and guide potential customers toward the most suitable product options. 

7. Product Storytelling Documentary:

Produce a documentary-style video that takes viewers behind the scenes of your product’s development. Share the challenges, innovations, and dedication that went into creating the product. This narrative-driven approach can help attendees connect with your brand and product on a deeper level. 

8. Virtual Product Demo Booths:

Set up virtual demo booths for different product features or use cases. Attendees can explore these booths at their own pace, watching demonstrations and asking questions through live chat or video conferencing. 

9. Share Customer Case Studies

Showcase real customer testimonials and case studies that highlight the benefits and impact of your product. Hearing success stories from peers can be very persuasive. 

10. Product Launch Podcast Series:

Product Launch Podcast series

Create a series of podcast episodes leading up to the launch, featuring interviews with team members, industry experts, and early users. This can provide in-depth insights and build anticipation.

Create Memorable virtual experiences

How to Host a Successful Online Product Launch Event

Organizing a successful online product launch event requires careful planning and execution. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you organize a successful online product launch event: 

Set Clear Goals and Objectives:

Define what you want to achieve with the product launch event. This could include goals like increasing brand awareness, generating leads, making sales, or collecting customer feedback. Having clear objectives will guide your planning and help you measure success. 

Select a Virtual Platform:

Choose a reliable virtual event platform or software that suits your needs. Ensure it supports features like live streaming, chat, Q&A, polls, and breakout sessions if required. Test the platform thoroughly to avoid technical issues during the event. 

Create Compelling Content:

Develop engaging video content that revolves around your product. Video content is booming in the world, and enhance your videos by utilizing a  video maker  to produce high-quality demos and testimonials, showcase your product’s features and benefits through behind-the-scenes videos, and use interactive elements like polls and quizzes. Craft a compelling narrative that keeps attendees interested.

Build Hype and Anticipation:

Start promoting your event well in advance through various marketing channels such as email, social media, your website, and industry-specific forums or groups. Use teaser content to build anticipation and excitement. 

Invite Key Stakeholders:

Identify and invite key stakeholders, including influencers, industry experts, loyal customers, and partners, who can help amplify your message and credibility. 

Plan for Engagement:

Incorporate interactive elements throughout the event to engage attendees. This could include live Q&A sessions, polls, chat rooms, and interactive product demos. Encourage audience participation and interaction.

Do a Dry Run:

Before the actual event, run a full-scale dry run with your team to simulate the event and identify potential issues or areas for improvement. 

Monitor and Respond in Real-Time:

During the event, have a dedicated team to monitor chat and social media channels for questions and comments. Respond promptly to inquiries and feedback. 

Collect Data and Feedback:

Use analytics tools to track attendee engagement, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics. After the event, send out surveys to gather feedback and learn from the experience. 

Follow-Up and Nurture Leads:

Immediately after the event, follow up with attendees. Send them recordings of the event, additional resources, and personalized messages based on their engagement during the event. Use this opportunity to nurture leads and convert them into customers.  

5 Best Practices for Product Launch Event Hosting

Virtual product launch events require careful planning and execution to be successful. Here are the top five best practices for organizing a virtual product launch event: 

1. Start Early and Plan Thoroughly:

Begin planning your virtual product launch event well in advance. Give yourself enough time to create content, build anticipation, and iron out technical details. Thoroughly plan the event agenda, including the timing of each segment, interactive elements, and contingency plans for technical issues. 

2. Engage and Interact with the Audience:

Interactivity is key to a successful virtual product launch event. Engage the audience through live Q&A sessions, polls, chat rooms, and real-time feedback. Encourage attendees to ask questions and participate actively. Engaging with the audience not only keeps them interested but also helps you gather valuable insights. 

3. Invest in High-Quality Production:

Ensure that your event looks and sounds professional. Invest in good lighting, audio, and video equipment to enhance the production quality. Use a reliable virtual event platform that supports live streaming and offers technical support if needed. A well-produced event reflects positively on your brand. 

4. Prioritize Accessibility and Inclusivity:

Make your virtual event accessible to a wide range of participants. This includes providing closed captions or transcripts for videos, ensuring compatibility with screen readers, and accommodating different time zones if your audience is global. Make it easy for attendees to join and participate.

5. Conduct thorough Rehearsals:

Prioritize rehearsals to ensure all technical aspects, including audio, video, and streaming, work flawlessly. This will help prevent disruptions during the live event and ensure a professional presentation.

Discover the Future of Events

Virtual product launch events offer several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, the ability to reach a broader audience, flexibility in presentation formats, and the capacity to engage with attendees through interactive features.

A successful virtual product launch event should include elements such as compelling presentations, live demonstrations, interactive features like Q&A sessions or polls, engaging content, and effective marketing to attract attendees.

You can do product launch event promotion through multiple channels, including social media, email marketing, your website, and partnerships with influencers or industry publications. Create compelling teasers and incentives to generate interest.

virtual event case study

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  • June 25, 2024 June 29, 2024

Case Studies: Successful Virtual Events and What We Can Learn from Them

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virtual event case study

  • Key Statistics and Valuable Insights for Businesses on virtual Events

What were the challenges?

What were the strategies.

  • Results & Impact

What were the Challenges?

Results and impact, common success factors, ibentos: your key to successful virtual events.

  • How can I engage attendees during a virtual event?
  • How does ibentos differentiate its virtual event platform from others in terms of features and functionalities?
  • What are the common challenges of hosting virtual events, and how can they be overcome?
  • Can ibentos virtual event platform accommodate large-scale virtual events with thousands of attendees?
  • Does ibentos virtual event platform provide customizable branding options?
  • How does ibentos virtual event platform ensure data security and privacy for attendees and organizers?

Key Statistics and Valuable Insights for Businesses on virtual Events:

  • A survey by Wild Apricot found that 75% of event planners reported higher attendance rates for virtual events compared to in-person events.
  • According to EventMB, businesses can save up to 40-60% on costs when hosting virtual events compared to physical events.
  • HubSpot reported that 61% of marketers believe that interactive content (such as live Q&As and polls) is highly effective in engaging attendees during virtual events.
  • According to Markletic, 87% of marketers reported that virtual events helped them achieve their lead generation goals.
  • A report by MeetGreen indicated that virtual events can reduce the carbon footprint by up to 94% compared to in-person events.
  • EventMB’s research showed that 80% of virtual event attendees are satisfied with their experience, citing convenience and flexibility as major benefits.

1. GAN Angel Investing Winter Summit 2023

  • GAN wanted the virtual conference that felt just as exciting as being there in person.
  • They required a platform with extensive customizations to match their event agenda and branding.
  • The virtual experience had to be immersive and visually appealing.
  • Seamless connection between virtual and in-person parts was crucial for attendee engagement.
  • Branding and Customization: ibentos integrated GAN’s branding seamlessly throughout the virtual conference.
  • Realistic 3D Environment: ibentos created a lifelike 3D replica of the Alpine Ski Club for an immersive event experience.
  • Immersive Spaces: ibentos designed realistic auditoriums and networking lounges with live-streaming technology.
  • Seamless Navigation: ibentos provided user-friendly navigation tools for easy session access.
  • Live Engagement: ibentos enabled real-time interactions for live investment drives and workshops.

Results & Impact

  • The virtual world created by ibentos captivated attendees, leading to a successful and engaging summit.
  • The event brought together key organizations in the angel investing industry under one roof.
  • Attendee engagement was high, with extended session times and positive feedback on the immersive experience.
  • The event’s success has GAN considering virtual components for future events, highlighting the potential of virtual conferences in complementing traditional formats.
  • Positive feedback from attendees and leaders like Michael Badham emphasized the effectiveness of the virtual experience in enhancing the event’s impact.

2. Collabera Sales Unconference

  • Collabera wanted to break away from traditional conference formats and create a highly interactive and participatory event.
  • They needed a platform that could handle large-scale virtual interactions while maintaining a sense of intimacy and engagement.
  • Customization was key, as they wanted the event to reflect their brand identity and messaging seamlessly.
  • Innovative Formats: We introduced unique session formats and interactive elements to keep participants engaged and involved throughout the event.
  • Virtual Networking: Our platform facilitated meaningful networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect and collaborate in real-time.
  • Brand Integration: We seamlessly integrated Collabera’s branding elements into the virtual environment, creating a cohesive and immersive experience.
  • Unconference 2021 exceeded expectations, with participants actively participating in discussions, networking sessions, and interactive activities.
  • The innovative formats introduced by ibentos received positive feedback, enhancing attendee engagement and satisfaction.
  • Collabera was able to showcase their thought leadership and foster meaningful connections among participants, leading to valuable insights and collaborations.
  • The success of Unconference 2021 has positioned Collabera as a leader in hosting dynamic and interactive virtual events, setting a benchmark for future industry gatherings.

3. Annual International Actuarial Conference

  • Organizing a large-scale international conference amidst the COVID-19 pandemic posed logistical and safety challenges for the Institute of Actuaries of India.
  • Conducting such a significant event with international attendees became unfeasible due to health concerns and a sudden spike in COVID-19 cases.
  • Limited alternatives and closing timelines added pressure to find a stable and robust virtual platform that could meet the organization’s event standards.
  • Ensuring an immersive and engaging experience for attendees while accommodating high traffic from around the world was a key challenge faced by IAI.
  • We implemented a multi-functionality single channel portal to provide attendees, marketing teams, sponsors, and speakers with access to an immersive experience.
  • Enabled seamless collaboration among speakers from various countries for multiple speaker sessions and award ceremonies.
  • Developed a special metaverse for members of the actuarial community to interact and contribute valuable content.
  • Curated long sessions over three days with entertaining activities, immersive environments, sponsor booths, gaming arenas, one-on-one meetings with speakers, networking lounges, product launches, award ceremonies, photo booths, social walls, and technical seminars.
  • Ensured inclusivity and a worldwide reach to give the entire actuarial community and other professions a sense of belonging.
  • The Virtual Actuarial Conference 2022 (VAC 2022) saw immense success with over 3000 attendees across three days.
  • The platform’s innovative features and immersive experience received positive feedback from attendees, sponsors, and speakers.
  • Notable figures such as Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman praised the event for fostering global collaboration and innovation in the actuarial community.

4. Bharat Parv 2021

  • The primary challenge was transitioning from traditional, physical events to a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring a comprehensive digital strategy.
  • Ensuring high levels of engagement and participation from attendees in a virtual setting posed another challenge, as virtual events can sometimes struggle to maintain audience interest.
  • Managing technical aspects such as live streaming, interactive features, and ensuring a seamless user experience added complexity to the event execution.
  • Leveraging advanced virtual technology, ibentos created an immersive experience that replicated the essence of Bharat Parv, including cultural performances, exhibitions, and interactive sessions.
  • Strategically curating content to resonate with the audience’s patriotic spirit while also incorporating innovative elements such as virtual tours, showcases, and digital engagement activities.
  • Deploying robust tech infrastructure for live streaming, real-time interactions, and personalized experiences to overcome technical challenges and deliver a seamless event.
  • The virtual format enabled Bharat Parv to reach a global audience, transcending geographical barriers and fostering international participation.
  • Despite the virtual setting, the event witnessed high levels of engagement, with attendees actively participating in virtual activities, discussions, and cultural showcases.
  • The success of the virtual Bharat Parv garnered positive feedback from participants, stakeholders, and the media, highlighting the effectiveness of virtual technology in celebrating national events.

5. WWF Youth Tiger Summit 2022

  • Facilitating global participation from diverse regions and time zones while ensuring meaningful engagement and collaboration among attendees.
  • Integrating interactive features, live streaming, and real-time discussions seamlessly within a virtual environment to enhance participant experience and interaction.
  • Curating relevant and impactful content that resonates with the target audience’s interests, challenges, and aspirations in tiger conservation and environmental advocacy.
  • Utilizing advanced virtual collaboration tools and platforms to enable seamless communication, networking, and collaboration among participants from around the world.
  • Incorporating interactive sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities to foster meaningful engagement, knowledge sharing, and collective action among summit attendees.
  • Featuring renowned experts, conservationists, and thought leaders through keynote sessions, panel discussions, and presentations to provide insights, inspire action, and drive discussions on critical conservation topics.
  • The summit facilitated a global dialogue and exchange of ideas among young conservationists, experts, and stakeholders, fostering collaborations and partnerships for tiger conservation and environmental sustainability.
  • Participants gained valuable insights, knowledge, and actionable solutions to address challenges in tiger conservation, biodiversity preservation, and sustainable development in their respective regions.
  • The summit contributed to raising awareness, promoting advocacy efforts, and mobilizing youth engagement in conservation initiatives, reinforcing the importance of collective action and global solidarity in protecting endangered species and natural ecosystems.
  • Importance of Customization and Branding: Successful virtual events require extensive customization to match event agendas and branding, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience for attendees.
  • Seamless Integration of Gen-AI: Incorporating Gen-AI technology into our virtual events has significantly enhanced attendee experiences, providing lifelike avatars, personalized interactions, and smart networking capabilities.
  • Designing Engaging Virtual Spaces: Creating realistic 3D environments, immersive spaces like auditoriums and networking lounges, and providing user-friendly navigation tools are crucial for engaging attendees and enhancing their experience.
  • Real-time Interactions: Enabling real-time interactions such as live investment drives, workshops, and networking opportunities enhances attendee engagement and fosters collaboration.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Making mistakes along the way is inevitable, but they provide valuable insights into how to plan and execute virtual events effectively. It’s crucial to design inclusive and engaging online events from the start, rather than replicating in-person formats.
  • Increased Inclusivity: The shift to virtual events revealed additional benefits such as increased inclusivity and diverse participation, leading to enhanced collaborations and business opportunities.
  • Positive Feedback and Impact: Positive feedback from attendees, leaders, and notable figures emphasizes the effectiveness of virtual experiences in enhancing event impact, fostering global collaboration, and showcasing thought leadership.
  • Innovative Strategies: Introducing innovative formats, facilitating meaningful networking opportunities, seamlessly integrating branding elements, and creating immersive environments are key strategies for hosting successful virtual events.
  • Power of Creativity and Collaboration: Collaboration between event organizers and virtual platform providers showcases the power of creativity, collaboration, and innovation in delivering memorable and impactful virtual experiences.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Ibentos leverages cutting-edge technologies such as Gen-AI, AR, and VR to create immersive and interactive event experiences. These technologies bring lifelike avatars, personalized interactions, and smart networking capabilities to the forefront, enhancing attendee engagement and satisfaction.
  • Robust Infrastructure: The platform boasts a robust tech infrastructure and reliable streaming solutions, ensuring seamless event delivery without any technical hiccups. This reliability translates into a smooth and enjoyable experience for both organizers and attendees.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Ibentos offers a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing organizers to tailor their virtual events to suit their specific needs and objectives. From content curation to interactive features and branding options, ibentos provides the tools necessary to create a unique and impactful event.
  • Engagement and Networking: With ibentos, fostering attendee engagement and facilitating networking opportunities is a breeze. The platform’s interactive features, live polls, Q&A sessions, and virtual networking lounges promote active participation and meaningful connections among attendees.
  • Analytics and Insights: Ibentos provides comprehensive analytics and insights into attendee behavior, engagement levels, and content interactions. This data-driven approach allows organizers to gauge event performance, gather valuable insights, and make informed decisions for future event planning and improvement.
  • Global Reach: One of the key advantages of ibentos is its ability to reach a global audience. The platform transcends geographical barriers, enabling organizers to connect with attendees from around the world and expand their event reach exponentially.

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IEEE Virtual & Hybrid Event Case Studies

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When faced with the challenge to go virtual, IEEE Conference Organizers answered the call. Check out the creative approaches organizers implemented to take their events to the next level.

Many IEEE Events recently went virtual for the very first time. Despite challenges ranging from short runways to steep learning curves, several success stories emerged. We are pleased to share the following case studies highlighting some best practices and lessons learned from recent IEEE virtual events.

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New Tool to Support Organizers & Make Memorable Experiences

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Showcasing the IEEE Volunteers Empowering Their Communities

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Bridging the Digital Divide: Connecting the Unconnected 2021

Internet connectivity is a challenge affecting the lives of four billion people around the world. The Connecting the Unconnected Summit 2021 (CTU 2021) brought together regulators, multinational companies, start-ups, standards-setting bodies, and non-profits from 3-5 November to address Internet connectivity and the digital divide.

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The Future of Face-to-Face Events at IEEE Convene 2021

On 21 October, IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (CEE) brought together 135 attendees virtually at IEEE Convene, the annual gathering of IEEE’s conferences and events communities. Participants included conference organizers, leadership, IEEE professionals, and external contributors. The theme of this year’s program is top of mind for many within the community: a return to live events.

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Virtual Corporate Event Guide: Case Study, Tips and Professional Support

Corporate events are vibrant gatherings, meticulously organized by companies to achieve specific objectives. From promoting their brand and fostering employee engagement, to networking with clients and showcasing new products or services. These events serve as dynamic platforms that strengthen relationships, share knowledge, and generate valuable leads, all while creating a positive and enduring image for the organization. In the face of evolving workplace dynamics, virtual corporate events have emerged as a transformative solution, seamlessly transcending physical boundaries to bring people together, fuel collaboration, boost productivity, and create a satisfying work-life balance while simultaneously saving costs.

people gathering as symbol for a virtual corporate event

What is a Virtual Corporate Event?

A virtual corporate event refers to a business gathering or occasion that takes place virtually, with participants attending from different locations, mostly via a Software, rather than being physically present in the same venue. It leverages technology, such as video conferencing platforms, live-streaming, and interactive tools, to connect participants remotely.

What are the advantages of a Remote Corporate Event?

Remote corporate events offer several advantages: They eliminate the need for travel, reduce costs associated with venue rentals and accommodations, and allow for greater flexibility in scheduling. They also provide an opportunity for organizations to reach a wider audience, as participants can join from different geographical locations without constraints.

The problem of Virtual Corporate Events

Over the past two years, many companies had to forgo in-person corporate events due to the limitations imposed by various circumstances. However, TTTech, a technology leader specializing in real-time networking and safety controls, with a workforce of over 2,300 employees, saw the opportunity to bring their teams closer together virtually.

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Outline of the project

Customer: TTTech Computertechnik AG

People: Employees from Germany, Austria, Spain, Turkey, Serbia, Czechia, Italy, Japan, Sweden & USA

Date & Duration: September 9th 2021 – 12am to 5pm

Software: Gather.town, teamazing EventHub, Youtube Livestreams, Slido…

Special Requirement: Strict internal company security standards and GDPR

Size: 722 participants (planned & designed for 1,200 participants)

With a significant increase in headcount and a swift transition to a fully remote work setup, arose the need for an event that could bridge cultures and connect people across the entire organization. The primary objective was to foster stronger bonds among employees and provide participants with a firsthand experience of the newly created “Employer Value Proposition.”

The half-day event should be carefully designed to include an official opening ceremony. The subsequent agenda should feature interactive activities tailored to meet the event’s objectives, allowing participants the freedom to choose from a range of engaging options. The event should culminat with a closing ceremony and an enjoyable after-show party, ensuring a memorable experience for all attendees.

Our three pillars on how to make a large scale corporate event engaging and impactful

We call them the “Three pillars of a successful online event”. No matter which size take care of those and your event will be a full on success.

#1 The technical aspect of a virtual company event

What’s the worst thing that could happen? You have a cool online event and no one is able to join. So often, the first step of making a virtual event work is taking a closer look at the events’ stakeholder (participants). Common questions focused on the technical aspects here are:

  • Has anyone access to a stable network connection?
  • Has everyone access to a laptop/computer with microphone and camera?
  • How good are people at online meetings , what tools are they currently using?
  • Are they any internal technical restrictions concerning the use of software?
  • What are the capabilities of their hardware? Current Browser?
  • Where are the participants located? Are there different time zones? Different cultures?

#2 The remote corporate event agenda

Getting the participants to show up is one part of the show, making an event fun, interactive and engaging is another one. As with the TTTech Day there was already a well thought agenda in place.

1. Opening Ceremony and welcome – 12:30 – 13:15

2. Four individual Time slots for Activities – 13:15 – 17:00

3. Closing ceremony – 17:15 – 17:30

4. After-party 18:00

teamazing Case Study - TTTech Day 2021 Eventhub

Setting up an agenda for a corporate event involves careful planning and consideration of various factors. Here are the steps to help you create an effective agenda:

  • Define the Objectives: Determine the main goals and objectives of the event. Is it to inform, educate, inspire, network, or celebrate? Clearly outline what you want to achieve through the event.
  • Identify Key Topics and Sessions: Based on the objectives, identify the key topics, themes, or sessions that need to be included in the agenda. Consider the needs and interests of the attendees and ensure a good balance of content.
  • Determine the Duration: Decide on the overall duration of the event. Consider whether it will be a full-day event, half-day, or span over multiple days. This will help you allocate time for each agenda item accordingly.
  • Allocate Time Slots: Assign specific time slots for each agenda item. Ensure that you allocate sufficient time for presentations, discussions, breaks, and networking activities. Be realistic and avoid cramming too many sessions into a limited timeframe.
  • Prioritize and Sequence: Prioritize the agenda items based on their importance and relevance to the objectives. Consider how each session flows and sequences logically. Start with an attention-grabbing opening and end with a memorable closing session.
  • Include Breaks and Networking Opportunities: Plan regular breaks throughout the day to give attendees time to rest, refresh, and network. Breaks provide valuable opportunities for participants to interact, share ideas, and build connections.
  • Consider Different Formats: Incorporate a mix of presentation styles and formats to keep the event engaging and dynamic. Include keynote speeches, panel discussions, virtual team buildings , interactive workshops and Q&A sessions.
  • Add Buffer Time: Allow some buffer time between sessions to accommodate any unexpected delays or overrun of presentations. This will help maintain the overall schedule and ensure a smooth flow of the event.

Remember, an effective agenda should strike a balance between informative content, interactive sessions like a team building, networking opportunities, and breaks. It should be well-structured, considerate of attendees’ needs, and aligned with the event objectives.

#3 Making the event an experience

Creating a great experience for participants during a virtual corporate event requires careful consideration and planning. To ensure engagement, focus on designing sessions with relevant and interactive content, utilizing various formats. Choose a user-friendly virtual event platform and communicate clear instructions and guidelines in advance. Facilitate networking opportunities and incorporate gamification elements to make the event more interactive and enjoyable.

Playing games in gather town during a virtual corporate event

We merge the desired outcomes with technical considerations and participants’ capabilities to craft an engaging event concept. For TTTech, our proposed solution incorporates the following tools: Microsoft Teams for one-to-many presentations, leveraging its familiarity and previous livestreaming experiences. Gather.town would serve as the interactive video conferencing solution, offering customizable and playful online interactions. To seamlessly integrate these tools and provide a cohesive participant experience, we used our own hosted event platform called Eventhub.

Having presented and approved the concept, we created a detailed action plan, splitting the large project into smaller milestones and deadlines.

Virtual Corporate Event Hosting

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And this is how a sucessful online corporate event could look like

Three months later, the highly anticipated TTTech Day 2021 was set to take place. Prior to the event, we developed a branded Participant Management Platform, allowing participants to personalize their agenda and access all essential information. To enhance the experience, we curated a lineup of inspiring speakers and carefully crafted theme-oriented workshops. Our team also completed the creation of an expansive 56,000m² interactive event area, serving as the virtual hub for all activities. Additionally, we provided comprehensive support services, ensuring seamless enjoyment of the virtual experience for participants throughout the event and beyond.

TTTech Town – A big interactive virtual corporate event area

The main goal of this project was to maximize human interaction virtually. This was achieved by making the event feel like an in-person conference. Participants were able to freely move around the 56,000m² event area (outdoor and indoor), see each other, and communicate via video. Each participant was able to customize his or her own agenda to tailor the program to his or her interests.

Map gather.town as an example for a coporate event

Participant Management via EventHub

All TTTech employees received an invitation to the event landing page in TTTech’s corporate design (EventHub) . The EventHub operated as an organization and participant management platform, created an atmospheric and professional setting, and ensured that the event complied with the strict GDPR guidelines. By logging in with the TTTech email address and entering a name and department, an attendee account was registered. This gave each participant access to a personalized dashboard where key information was displayed and participants were able to create their own personalized event agenda (TTTech was able to make certain program elements mandatory depending on the department) .

virtual event case study

When hosting large-scale corporate events, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. One of these challenges is ensuring that the right information is provided at the right place and time. To tackle this, we used our EventHub as a comprehensive solution. Participants can access all the necessary information without the need to search through emails or calendar notes.

We always strive to customize it based on the purpose of the event. For TTTech we utilized the consistent fonts, styles, and logos to create a truly unique experience. Using consistent color schemes for agenda items and important buttons helps participants navigate through the app.

For this event we also offered a special feature. The agenda building functionality. Participants can register for various sessions, ranging from talks to team-building activities and outdoor events. Having a personalized timeline for each participant adds an extra level of uniqueness to the event.

Providing assistance and a central hub for participants to return to is another valuable feature we strive for. There are often cases where participants encounter issues, such as microphone problems or confusion about using certain tools like Gather. For every situation, we have a solution just one click away.

In particular, for large-scale events, we need to address certain limitations of the tools we use. For example, Gather only allows up to 150 participants with video calls enabled. In such cases, we have implemented a space balancing mechanism to ensure that the event area does not become overcrowded while maintaining a seamless experience for participants.

Ideas for the right corporate event program

After the Welcome & Opening, the participants attended their four pre-selected agenda items. At the end of the event, everyone reunited in the main arena at 5:15 p.m. for the Closing Words. As an inspiration, we include the 18 program elements which were offered during the TTTech Day:

One-to-many streaming with inspiring speakers as the main act:

  • Four technologies that will change our lives by Hermann Hauser – Amadeus Capital Partners co-founder, entrepreneur, and member of the supervisory board of TTTech Auto AG
  • Results Driven Team Culture – meeting and exceeding goals together by Matthias Mayr – Pro freeskier, adventurer, film maker (22 film awards), entrepreneur
  • Fight, flight, freeze? – Still an appropriate reaction in times of permanent change? by Jennifer Lucia Dehn – Psychologist, systemic business coach & change manager
  • The Brains and Brawn Company, How Leading Organizations Blend the Best of Digital and Physical by Robert E. Siegel – Chairman of the strategic advisory board of TTTech Computertechnik AG, member of the supervisory board of TTTech Auto AG, venture investor and lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business

Remote workshops where participants interactively work on dedicated topics:

  • Learn to be truly #mindgrowing (Hosted by TTTech)
  • Personality types according to the DISC model
  • Agile Mindset – Basic principles of agile working
  • SCRUM – Crash course on the SCRUM methodology
  • Play the Design Thinking process
  • Remote Teamwork – Improve virtual collaboration

Fun team building games that emphasize collaboration and foster good team work:

  • Team Memory Hunt: As a member of the FBI, you have insights into the brains of suspects. Use this special skill to solve the thrilling criminal case. Time is ticking.
  • Team Travel Quiz: Experience a virtual team quiz around the world. Answer questions together with your team and go on a virtual team trip around the globe.
  • Online Team Challenge: In Teams, you will face tricky challenges – solid communication skills, teamwork, and ingenuity are needed! Action, speed, and fun factors are guaranteed!

Activities that strengthen or relax participants:

  • Gentle Office Yoga:  An interactive Yoga session hosted by one of the employees of TTTech.
  • HIIT Workout:  A high intensity remote session hosted by one of the employees of TTTech.
  • TikTok Dance Challenge:  A fun session where participants learn famous TikTok dances.
  • Walk Expedition: Grab your smartphone and go for a walk, accompanied by remote walkers, you go for a stroll through your neighborhood while chatting with your colleagues.

Summing it all up

When planning a large-scale remote event, it is important to define clear objectives and carefully manage participants, considering their locations, technical capabilities, and time zones. Pay attention to the technical infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and conducting thorough testing. Utilize a comprehensive event platform our EventHub for centralized information access and personalized agendas. Thoughtfully plan the agenda, balancing informative content, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities. Design engaging and interactive content, incorporating different formats and multimedia elements.

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virtual event case study

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Teambuilding Activities

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  • 🌎 Team Travel Quiz
  • 🚀 Spaceship
  • 🎅 Santa’s Online Team Challenge
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Team Memory Hunt

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  • Virtual Teambuilding Events
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  • Effective Employee Performance Reviews for Managers
  • Organizational Structures: Types and Complete Overview
  • The best virtual kickoff meeting games to start the new year with your team
  • Understanding New Work: What employees really want and why
  • Bad Leadership Examples: 9 Ultimate Warning Signs
  • Managing Virtual Teams: A guide to Success
  • The Ultimate List of Online Team Building Games and Remote Team Activities
  • What is Team Building?

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The Challenge

Until 2020, SRS had always hosted its annual meeting live, on-site at various hotels around the world. However, due to health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, hosting the event in Orlando as planned was impossible. Many faculties’ institutions had implemented strict bans that prohibited any travel for educational or professional development opportunities. Even more were unable to travel due to similar bans instituted at state and federal government levels.

“I wanted to find a way to bring robotic surgeorns from around the world together in solidarity during this challenging pandemic,” said Dr. Vipul Patel, Executive Director of SRS. “I approached Sue [O’Sullivan, President of Veritas Association Management] about the idea.”

“I told him that Veritas was definitely up to the challenge. It’s so important that organizations continue to provide value to their members and communities, especially during difficult times like these. That’s exactly why professional associations and societies exist. They make us all stronger, together. I knew our team could make it happen ,” said O’Sullivan.

The Solution

Initially, the Veritas team started planning a simple webinar-like event format, a series of pre-recorded lectures followed by several live panel discussions. SRS leadership and members of the Veritas SRS team began reaching out to other leading robotic surgery experts and organizations in related disciplines to contribute content and help promote the event. Initial feedback was overwhelmingly positive; from the outset, it was clear that there was tremendous demand and interest for the virtual meeting.

Once a tentative schedule was in place, the Veritas programming team and faculty program chairs set to work building out agendas, contacting the 500+ contributing faculty , and coordinating the logistics of producing and collecting the prerecorded lectures and discussions that would make up a majority of the content.

With content collection and scheduling well underway, Veritas’ technical and digital strategy teams began working on exactly how to go about producing a virtual event of this magnitude. By this point, more than half of the specialty tracks had been expanded to include live panel discussions with remote participants. There would also be several satellite virtual events hosted by collaborating international organizations. The event would require 7 dedicated video producers to manage the concurrent streams, as well as dedicated support staff for each session.


To effectively manage the multiple concurrent streams and make sessions easily accessible to thousands of users, Veritas customized a robust event portal that simulated the experience of a traditional SRS annual meeting. In addition to the livestreams and real-time chat features, the dedicated site also featured a virtual exhibit hall for industry sponsors, exhibitor hospitality suites, interactive agendas, and a host of networking and social features that allowed attendees to connect with one another.

The Results

Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the Veritas planning and production teams, SRS leadership, and the designated program chairs, what started as a “simple, free webinar” for a few hundred people has become one of the most successful global medical events ever hosted. The first-ever World Robotic Symposium started on a Wednesday evening with the first of the international sessions and ran for four full days through Sunday evening. Users from more than 14 different medical specialties and 91 countries around the globe signed into sessions hosted by hundreds of the world’s most innovative experts in robotic surgery.

World Robotic Symposium at a Glance


From an attendee, exhibitor, and supporter perspective, the platform looked very well put together and the experience was as interactive as we’ve seen to date from society meetings. So, kudos to you and your team for being able to pull that together and providing a value platform for attendees to engage.


Marketing Events Specialist, Intuitive


Sue O'Sullivan

President, Veritas Association Management

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Case Study: 2020 CVPR

2020 computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr) conference – virtual event case study.

With ongoing travel restrictions and public gatherings still prohibited by circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the organizers for the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Conference — one of the largest events exploring artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, computer vision, and deep learning — made the decision to convert the in-person event, originally planned to take place in Seattle, WA, to an all-digital conference experience.

Virtual CVPR20 Challenges

The conference date was scheduled for 14-19 June, and the organizers had complex plans for a hybrid meeting, which included a physical aspect as well as a virtual component.  With the pandemic situation still ongoing, many important decisions had to be put on hold until the final confirmation was made to change to a digital event.  Official Seattle mandates canceled all large in-person events on March 11, leaving a very short window of time to pivot to virtual.

Challenges included:

  • Vendor selection was an important component of rapidly producing a virtual event of this scale. The vendor selected to build the CVPR20 virtual conference infrastructure backed out on May 11.
  • Due to the compressed timeline, the organizers rushed to prioritize the main conference.
  • As a result, they felt they were unable to provide the same level of support to tutorials and workshops
  • The team felt that they did not meet the high standards they set for diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.
  • After consultation with industry, the expo was canceled requiring creative virtual opportunities for sponsors and patrons

Virtual CVPR20 Successes

  Virtual infrastructure

  • The organizers extended immense gratitude to Terry Boult and his team of students, postdocs, and volunteers.
  • In a very short timeframe, they built a fully scalable infrastructure with worldwide access. The organizers felt that without Terry Boult and his team, the virtual CVPR20 event would not have successfully taken place.
  • Their effort received substantial support from Alibaba and AWS. The organizers also recognized Shenghua Gao and Jingyi Yu (both from Shanghai Tech) for helping provide permission to support attendance in China.

Virtual content exceeded expectations

  • With more than 5,000 papers, keynotes, sessions, workshops, and tutorials amounting to 1,497,800 minutes of virtual learning and discussion, the extensive amount of technical content was successfully delivered. Authors and presenters virtually-delivered presentations and engaged in live Q&A with attendees.

Record-breaking participation

  • This year’s event included 16,955 authors, which is a 20% increase over 2019, and received 5,865 valid submissions, resulting in a 29% increase over 2019
  • The audience included 7,600 from more all over the world
  • Students 41.31%
  • Academic 22.47%
  • Industry 35.17%
  • Other 1.05%
  • 57% presented a paper, poster, or talk at the main conference, workshop, or tutorial 
  • 33% attended as an active member of the vision community, but not directly involved with presentations 
  • 8% are new to Computer Vision, attended to learn more

Impressive Citations

  • CVPR consistently debuts the most significant research in the field year after year.
  • Three papers from this event had more than 10,000 citations each; and one alone had more than 25,000.
  • Google Scholar ranks CVPR above all other computer science conferences and journals.

  Lessons Learned

Rapidly converting an event to virtual at the scale of CVPR20 with over 24,963 combined hours of virtual learning and discussion, and an audience of 7,600 from all over the world, brought new challenges executing the content as well as managing the customer experience.  Despite the complex venue and time frame, the technical aspects of the event were conducted successfully and the organizers have gained vast knowledge about the process, platforms, and customer experience requirements of a virtual event. A post-event survey was conducted, which exposed important areas that can be reviewed and improved upon for subsequent events.

Upon completion of the first-ever virtual event:

  • 14% responded that they were very satisfied/extremely satisfied with the event; 
  • 69% of attendees were satisfied/somewhat satisfied,
  • Fewer than 16% responded that they were not at all satisfied.

Regarding the dual session (+12hr) Q&A format of the main conference:

  • 52% of the audience were favorable about the dual session/Q&A format  
  • 27% said it allowed them to attend when convenient and still talk with authors
  • 25% said It was a good idea but the implementation was lacking as authors were not there to chat.

In regards to the audience impression of the main conference pre-recorded presentations (5 minutes for orals and 1 minute for posters) at the virtual event:

  • 34% replied that they were just right
  • 49% responded that the oral videos were just right, but the posters were too short
  • 14% felt all videos were too short

In terms of the main’s conference’s use of Zoom for Q&A :

  • Over 51% of respondents felt that it was just right
  • 26% replied that the idea was okay, but they experienced technology problems 
  • 11% felt the video Q&A sessions were too short/crowded and they could not get into the discussions
  • 8% replied that the video Q&A sessions were too long
  • 3% were not able to participate because their company prohibited Zoom

Regarding networking results, online networking was not utilized as extensively as the technical content; over 25% tried it and felt that it was not good ; 10% that tried it felt that it was good; and over 64% did not use it.

CVPR is the premier annual computer vision and pattern recognition conference, co-sponsored by the Computer Society and the Computer Vision Foundation.  With first-in-class technical content, the main program, tutorials, workshops, a leading-edge expo, and attended by more than 7,500people annually, CVPR creates a one-of-a-kind opportunity for networking, recruiting, inspiration, and motivation. For more information about CVPR, visit cvpr2020.thecvf.com.

There are many factors that make planning a virtual event different from a traditional in-person conference – visit the IEEE Computer Society Virtual Event Resource Guide to learn more. 

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2020 Mural world tour: a case study in virtual event planning

virtual event case study

Start collaborating with Mural today

“Hello MURAL! This is your Captain speaking. Welcome to the MURAL World Tour. Your flight will soon be boarding at Gate B 118. We'll be embarking on a 3-hour flight around the globe, so get ready to turn your party lights on after the announcements.” ‍

This is what over 250 employees at MURAL heard on Zoom when they turned up to our first virtual retreat this summer. Like many companies, we had to pivot our plans after COVID-19 travel bans cancelled all possibilities of meeting in-person. Last year, we held our annual company retreat in Argentina but this year we had to get creative with our reunion. So what exactly happened? In August, our Leadership team received the confirmation that we had successfully raised a Series B funding and wanted to celebrate it with the team before making it public. With only two weeks notice, I was given the task of creating a unique online event to celebrate our huge achievement, bond with new team members in our fast-growing company and of course, have a fantastic time together. Here’s how we did it (and how you can do it too). For more information on how to plan holiday company events remotely, check out this post .  ‍

Don’t go it alone, find your crew ‍

Even though I tend to organize many online events at MURAL, there was no way I was going to do one for so many people on my own. I had to find a group of motivated people who were willing to commit extra time and help me come up with ideas and execute them. A call for volunteers was posted on Slack and we had a group of 12 volunteers from across the organization ready and willing to help.

virtual event case study

To gather ideas, we all brainstormed on an agenda and potential themes for our event in a mural and kept the discussion going in Slack.

virtual event case study

Our team’s suggestions ranged from entertainment (disco, music festival, rockstar, movies) to the classic decades (‘80s, roaring ‘20s), but the most prevailing themes were foreign destinations, likely because we all craved being somewhere else during the lockdown. This gave us a concept: If we weren’t allowed to travel in real life, we were going to create a world where we could do it virtually! ‍

🚀 PRO TIP: If you already know there are some passionate team members who love organizing work events, make sure you reach out to them to see if they want to get involved. Even if they’re too busy to share advice or feedback, they may want to help moderate on the day.

Find a theme and focus on the details

And that’s how the MURAL World Tour was born. The idea was to take MURAL employees on a three hour, virtual trip across multiple locations and let everyone pack a few things for the journey. We would start the expedition in an airport lounge before heading for snowy mountains, then relax on a tropical island before ending in outer space. To get there, we had to figure out some details: 

  • How would the experience look and feel like for a “passenger?” 
  • How could we combine role playing and facilitation to guide everyone along? 
  • What props (digital and physical) did we need to make it more real?  

We split the tasks into three groups and asked volunteers to vote for the ones they were most interested in.

virtual event case study

Once we agreed on our roles, we set up regular meetings to update each other and iterate, while content creation was done individually or in smaller groups. Considering we had less than two weeks to create everything, we paid attention to details but tried not to get lost in them. Major decisions were made by myself and two other people, then communicated to the rest of the group. This was easier than getting all volunteers involved in giving us feedback at each step otherwise it would have slowed us down. ‍

🚀 PRO TIP: If you have a short timeframe to prepare, don’t try to incorporate everyone’s inputs but make sure you share how decisions are made.

Bring reality to virtuality with imagery and props

A key goal of this virtual experience was to make participants connect with each other and feel fully immersed in the destinations that we were transporting them to. First, we provided the same Zoom backgrounds for participants to use at each location. This created the illusion that we were all in the same place. It was fairly easy to find beautiful images online and bundle them up in a Google Drive folder for everyone to download ahead of the event. ‍

🚀 PRO TIP: If you’re struggling with finding high-resolution images, check out Unsplash .

virtual event case study

To make the experience come to life in a tangible way, we sent everyone physical party props: disco lights and glow sticks to celebrate, sleeping masks for the flight, lip balm to protect against the icy wind in the snowy mountains, sunscreen and a fan for a hot tropical island, and astronaut snacks for in-flight meals on our way to outer space.

virtual event case study

What we hadn’t predicted was the logistical nightmare of ordering and shipping all these items to a global workforce during a pandemic. This was no small feat: our team was spread across Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia. It took a painstaking 15 hours of making orders on Amazon to get these shipped to most countries. The only exception being Argentina, where one of our volunteers ordered props in bulk from local vendors, redistributed them in individual parcels at her home and used local delivery services to send them to our Argentinian team members.

🚀 PRO TIP: if you have more time to research, definitely outsource this part of the event preparation so you can focus on the actual event.

virtual event case study

The reveal should be part of the experience

For 10 days, our amazing team of volunteers managed to keep the theme a secret. On the day before the event, we revealed the upcoming MURAL World Tour on Slack with a boarding pass invitation.

virtual event case study

The QR code redirected to an unofficial 2020 Retreat Sponsor video that kept us buzzing in anticipation for the next day. By then, most employees had received their party props (with a few unfortunate exceptions) and were wondering what was going to happen on the day. They were given a clue when we shared the incredible itinerary that they were about to embark on.

virtual event case study

There were three crucial things people needed to do before joining the virtual retreat:

  • Complete their virtual passport (from a MURAL template)
  • Pack their bags (open their props and have them ready)
  • Download the Zoom backgrounds

As a bonus, we also encouraged people to dress for the occasion by using the itinerary as inspiration: Parkas, beachwear and astronaut suits were all welcome! For our volunteers who were going to facilitate the event, we had also prepared a separate mural with the links we needed for the activities as well as a script to guide us on what we had to say, when to switch Zoom backgrounds, which sound effects to play, and when to use our props. We did a quick rehearsal before the event to test out the flow and the sound effects that would make the experience more realistic: airport background noises, airplanes taking off, windy blizzards, waves lapping on a beach, and even sounds from the galaxy (yes, there are sounds in outer space!). ‍

🚀 PRO TIP:  Plan time for a dry run with your organizing team before the actual event to test zoom links, audio, etc. so you aren’t caught off guard on the day. This also helps your volunteers feel more confident about their individual roles. 

Have a back-up plan for technical issues

The next day, more than 250 employees came on Zoom with their airport lounge backgrounds on display and their props close at hand. Our air and ground crew (our team of volunteers) were dressed for their parts as pilots and flight attendants. We were ready to launch our MURAL World Tour.

virtual event case study

Once we welcomed everyone at departure Gate B 118, our CEO announced the reason behind this event: MURAL had successfully raised $118 Million in Series B funding (by the way, the clue was in the airport gate number all along!). After the speech, we asked participants to turn on the disco lights and glow sticks they had received — with all the flashing light effects and the same backgrounds, it really felt like we were celebrating in the same place. Now it was time for our flight attendants to announce that MURAL Airlines was ready to be boarded. All passengers were asked to change their Zoom background to the airplane seat, while flight attendants updated theirs to an airplane cabin and pilots replaced theirs with a cockpit. Our flight crew demonstrated the “safety first” steps, reminding everyone to head to a new #lost Slack channel if they needed help or got lost during the virtual trip so that someone from our ground crew could come to their rescue. With that out of the way, everyone was invited to put on their sleeping masks before arriving at the next destination so our crew could discreetly switch their Zoom backgrounds.

virtual event case study

🚀 PRO TIP:  If your event has a lot of logistics, have a back-up plan (or designated Slack channel) for participants who aren’t sure where to go. Or designate one event planner as the point-of-contact for technical issues.  

Icebreaker activities are key

After a short 45-second flight (shortest flight in history), our crew announced we had arrived at our first destination of snowy mountains as we stepped virtually outside to a temperature of -10°C/14°F (in other words, we changed Zoom backgrounds). Luckily, we had just the right activity to warm ourselves up in the white wonderland--Zoom breakout sessions. With so many new hires joining the company since our last retreat, this was an opportunity to meet new faces. It can be awkward to meet a group of people on Zoom for the first time, so we created a group activity with a challenge. Before the retreat, every person created their own virtual passport from a template . The aim of this group activity was to speak to as many people as possible and add a stamp in the passport for each person they spoke to. ‍

virtual event case study

We split into 50 breakout rooms with three to four people in each room. They had about 10 minute to ask each other a few icebreaker questions, find out what teams they were on, and add stamps to their passport. In total each person entered two 10-minute breakout sessions, allowing them to speak to roughly six other people at the company that they had potentially never met before. ‍

🚀 PRO TIP:  Make sure to plan an initial icebreaker exercise to encourage employees from different organizations to get a chance to meet. 

Make your group activities on-brand for your company

Even though we managed to break the ice in the snowy mountains (get it?), we were ready to move on. Our crew called us on board, we changed our Zoom backgrounds back to our airplane seats, put on our sleeping masks and shortly after landed on a tropical island at a warm temperature of 35°C/90°F. It was time to change to a beach-themed Zoom background, whip out our sunscreen (for that delicious coconut smell) and turn on our USB portable fans to feel the warm breeze. It was also time to solve a few puzzles together by entering four impressive escape rooms built entirely in MURAL. For this game, we were split into bigger teams in Zoom’s breakout rooms with the goal of finding hints inside the murals that would give us a code word. That word would then be introduced into a given URL that would take us to the next escape room in another MURAL template. ‍

🚀 PRO TIP:  Plan some activities with larger groups that are on-brand for your company or group in order to foster a sense of community despite not actually being in the same place. 

virtual event case study

Plan time for an entertaining break mid-event

By this time, our brain power was gone. Everyone needed a break but first, they got another surprise. A performance by our newly formed MURAL Band. Knowing how many music aficionados we have at MURAL, during event planning I asked who might want to get together to create a band and play some music for us during the event break. With the magic of Slack and Zoom, a group of talented musicians came together and recorded themselves singing a song from their homes during lockdown. They edited both sound and video to create an impressive cover of Everlong by the Foo Fighters. 

The virtual crowd went wild. It was such a hit that the MURAL Band announced they were going to release a new cover song each month for our employee newsletter. So far, they haven’t missed a beat! ‍

🚀 PRO TIP:  Encourage groups of like-minded coworkers to put together some form of entertainment for your event, or even put together a talent competition as part of the event itself. It’s a great way to encourage remote collaboration outside of day-to-day work in a fun way. 

End on a positive, inspiring note

After the musical interlude, we ditched our airplanes for a rocket ship. We all came aboard and upgraded our seats to a new Zoom background (we knew the drill by now) with stellar views to the galaxy. We unpacked our astronaut snacks for our in-flight meal, and sat back as we blasted towards Planet MURAL. While cruising in outer space, we explored the idea of building a virtual MURAL Campus as we acknowledged that our distributed team will continue to work remotely for a long while as a result of the pandemic. Yes, our offices are still there but it’s unlikely that we’ll return to them any time soon. In the same way that tech giants succeeded in building their physical campuses that attracted great minds from all over the world, we imagined what it would be like to create our virtual space for MURAListas working from anywhere. More than anything, this final destination was a metaphor for what was to come: We were all on this rocket ship together, heading out into the unknown to build our planet in this vast universe. The funding has provided us with the fuel to keep going, but we haven’t lost sight of our vision and we all need each other to continue to play, and have fun.

Laïla von Alvensleben

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Data Abstract 3

Virtual Events Success Story

Successfully pivoting to virtual events during times of crisis.

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day turnaround with virtual event template

increase in registrations for virtual event

attendees captured for weekly webcast 

During unprecedented times of crisis, organizations must quickly adapt their in-person event strategy to suit new challenges. This may include the option to transition their meetings and events to a virtual format. While there are many variables to consider when evaluating the pivot to virtual, the right technology solutions can streamline workflows and maximize attendee impact.

Using Event Technology to Face an Unprecedented Crisis 

This was the recent case for a large Financial Services organization. “In mid-March, when the Coronavirus pandemic hit, we suddenly saw a lot of events on our event calendar evaporating,” notes Vicky Huang, Senior Meeting Technology Advisor. She explains that the organization already used Cvent as their “one-stop centralized platform with the flexibility to plug into third party tools.” Those included integrations with their CRM and Eloqua marketing automation tool, as well as the TalkPoint webcasting system. 

With these integrations in mind, the events team decided to move a select number of existing meetings online. Vicky was tasked with quickly pivoting the registration process to suit the new virtual format, all in a matter of days. Eighty-eight invitees had already registered for the in-person event using Cvent’s Event Marketing and Management tool. “So we had to think what to do next,” says Vicky. “We thought, should we  send out a new event invitation on a different platform? Does that mean going to the webcast team to create a new website?” Ultimately, they realized the answer was already at their fingertips. “We happened to have the TalkPoint integration in place with Cvent, so that made the decision easy," she notes.

“It really comes down to the TalkPoint integration with Cvent…The business got ahead of the game, they secured their audience when people cannot attend in-person, and they kept the momentum going.” Vicky Huang, Senior Meeting Technology Advisor

Successfully Pivoting to Virtual Events

In a matter of hours, Vicky updated the Cvent registration website with new webcast details. “This integration allowed the events team to utilize the existing registrations they had already captured for the in-person event,” says Vicky. Reminder emails were sent through Cvent to the existing registrants to notify them of the switch to live stream. Attendees simply needed to revisit their personalized Cvent registration confirmation page and click “Access Webcast” to join the virtual event. This eliminated the need to fill out a second registration form on TalkPoint and ensured a seamless user experience. The team could also easily limit access to only registered attendees to ensure the online privacy of their attendees. 

Seizing on the opportunity to market the event to a wider audience, the team wanted to target prospects and no-response invites. They quickly deployed an email invitation with the new virtual offering using the integrated Eloqua platform. Incredibly, 300 additional registrations were captured in just one week. Twenty-four hours before the event, a webcast reminder email with login details was automatically deployed from Cvent to the almost 400 registrants. Over 200 attendees ultimately joined the virtual event, nearly three times the attendance they originally expected. Attendees also received an automated post-event email with recordings and additional content offerings to extend the attendee journey. “It really comes down to the TalkPoint integration with Cvent that’s already in place,” insists Vicky. “The business got ahead of the game, they secured their audience when people cannot attend in-person, and they kept the momentum going.”

“This is literally transforming the way we build out registration websites…Event registration websites in Cvent will not only cater to the in-person event, but there is always going to be an easy set up for another option you can use to capture webcast attendees.” Vicky Huang, Senior Meeting Technology Advisor

By pivoting to virtual in the face of changing circumstances, the team was able to secure the success of their event while expanding their marketing reach. The organization’s branding requirements were already configured in Cvent, ensuring a consistent brand experience for users. In optimizing their existing MarTech capabilities, they also avoided the higher venue cost and booking rush already underway for the second half of 2020.  Most importantly, they ensured all processes and data lived in one central location within the Cvent platform. There was no need for dual attendee lists, registration processes, or systems of record. They were able to sync webcast attendance into the Cvent registration report, saving valuable time and effort without the need to reconcile attendee lists across different platforms. 

The Evolution of Meetings and Events

Following the success of their virtual event, Vicky was able to templatize the process for easy turnaround. It now takes less than one day to launch a webinar registration in Cvent. “Once the template is set up, it takes one hour to build this website and provide the test link to the event planner,” she says. Once testing is complete, the marketer can easily configure emails for invites and event reminders within Cvent. The success of this process has proven to be a reliable alternative to in-person events, minimizing manhours and maximizing performance. “Within the last two weeks, the client enabled six new webinars. We had 2,000 clients registered to the webcast events as a result, and this is ongoing. We have new webinars scheduled from now through May to June,” says Vicky. 

While weathering a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic certainly requires the implementation of a variety of strategies to ensure the safety of attendees and viability of the business, maximizing program impact means empowering meetings and events with new avenues for success. By adding an additional virtual offering to their events portfolio, Vicky and the team foresee powerful new opportunities within the organization. “This is literally transforming the way we build out registration websites,” Vicky insists. “Hybrid registration websites will be the new normal. Event registration websites in Cvent will not only cater to the in-person event, but there is always going to be an easy set up for another option you can use to capture webcast attendees.” 

“People are looking for advice online, so if you can capture their time to attend your event and deliver the best content, it’s cost effective and efficient because you’re reaching out to a much a larger attendee pool.” Vicky Huang, Senior Meeting Technology Advisor

During times of crisis, Vicky recommends relying on digital tools whenever possible to support your event needs. She says, “People are looking for advice online, so if you can capture their time to attend your event and deliver the best content, it’s cost effective and efficient because you’re reaching out to a much larger attendee pool.” With simple integrations and a comprehensive platform in place, pivoting to virtual events can be a seamless process that creates remarkably powerful online attendee experiences. 

Become the Next Virtual Events Success Story

Explore our integrated solutions  today to transform your virtual meetings and events.

As a large Financial Services organization with global offices, the events program supports over 300 global events per year. Vicky Huang has eight years' experience building corporate event registration websites as a dedicated resource for Financial Services clients. She is currently based in London.

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New Day Foundation for Families relies on fundraising events every year to support their mission. The critical work of the nonprofit organization reduces the catastrophic effects of financial toxicity for families faced with a cancer diagnosis. So, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, canceling their annual fundraiser, the Hope Shines gala, was not an option. With less than two months until event day, New Day Foundation partnered with Special D Events to reimagine their program virtually and create the Hope Shines No Show Glow gala.

Host an entertaining event that effectively communicates the mission of the New Day Foundation for Families, while raising vital funds to support the cancer community.

The planning team met regularly to strategically design a program that was uplifting, impactful and fun. New Day Foundation was fortunate to have a great deal of video content, paired with a wide network of both celebrity and community voices to participate. The real challenge was to create a program that not only captured, but maintained, the shortened attention span of a virtual audience. The team was charged with pivoting from a three-hour live event to a one-hour virtual program, with hundreds of attendees and donors.

Special D Events worked with New Day Foundation to create a production show flow that integrated with their auction website, ClickBid. The team brought in a production partner that featured several studios, allowing the event to feature different scenarios throughout the evening. The end result featured 11 prerecorded videos, two stages, one emcee, two musicians, two presenters, a live cocktail-making segment, one Livestream phone-in guest and a silent auction.

In addition, the Special D Events team ensured rigorous safety protocols were in effect on rehearsal and event day, including temperature checks, masks and, of course, social distancing for the limited, in-person gala presenters.

The event raised more than $23,000 in direct donations and attracted more than 500 users on the auction website, about 100 more people than the number of attendees at past live events. New Day staff described the virtual event as “our best yet in terms of net total!”

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Av services for an annual non-profit fundraiser.

Tallen was honored when the Grand St. Settlement non-profit asked us to provide AV for their annual “Taste of The Lower East Side” fundraiser at Essex Crossing in NYC.  Our team ensured the visuals reinforced the non-profit’s message while still amping up the fun. To achieve this in a spread-out venue, we installed multi-space audio so attendees had a consistent musical experience. The projected custom gobos of the client’s colorful logo, content, and signage provided a cohesive focus for donors, while additional uplighting and scenic topiary walls lent dramatic visual impact. Monitors were set up so guests could enjoy the Knick’s game, and Tallen’s on-set technicians were there before, during, and after the event to set everything up, manage AV, and strike equipment. The client was happy, and Tallen was proud to help produce a successful event that encapsulated the giving spirit of New York.

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A Trendy Rooftop Experience For A Global Jewelry Designer & Retailer

For this event, the client needed Tallen to transform the rooftop of their Soho showroom into a dynamic, trendy experience to support the launch of a new retail line. One of America’s foremost luxury jewelry and timepiece brands, their event needed to be timeless and sophisticated, just like their products. This particular event environment required careful  planning around the possibility of inclement weather and potentially windy conditions. Since there was no way to put up a tent or move the event inside, we had to plan lighting, audio, and video design around whatever the day might bring! Tallen integrated a lightweight outdoor flexible LED display to bring our client’s message to life. Best of all: the on-screen content adjusted as the sun came down to match the mood of the changing environmental lighting.

virtual event case study


Nationwide broadcast of a live procedural demonstration for a communications company.

Live demonstrations present a unique set of challenges for our medical industry clients. This medical communications company, in particular, needed to combine on-site training with a live and virtual audience for their surgical education meeting series. While a doctor performed a procedure, audiences across the U.S. would watch the broadcast in real time. Executing this event flawlessly required a great deal of finesse to maintain proper lighting and camera angles on the procedure without interfering with the medical team. After a successful hybrid event, this live demonstration was repeated in several other cities and broadcast sites across the country.

virtual event case study

Custom Staging And Design For A Major Pharmaceutical Company’s Product Launch

One of our major pharmaceutical clients needed to launch a breakthrough product for neurological health. They approached Tallen looking for a creative way to celebrate this momentous occasion. Tallen’s creative teams took inspiration from the product itself, designing event creative to mimic neural synapses. We drove this concept home with a custom stage built in the shape of the new medication’s logo. Jib cameras dramatically revealed the stage’s unique design from above as presenters discussed the research behind and applications for this exciting new product. By looking for inspiration in the product itself, we found an innovative way to generate excitement and support the event’s overall message.

virtual event case study

Nationwide Educational Broadcast For A Pharmaceutical Company

Our client came to us with a challenging webinar event that included broadcasting to over 300 restaurants on the same night, across six different time zones. This client has been a loyal and satisfied customer for years and the Tallen team was eager to rise to the challenge! The planning and preparation required careful attention to detail, but Tallen’s project manager kept the webcast team on track and delivered the project, exceeding every KPI. Each of the remote sites required dedicated equipment and on-site technicians. In the end, Tallen executed another flawless broadcast to yet another happy client.

virtual event case study

Ringing The Bell At A Large Conference For A Major Financial Company

During their annual conference, one of Tallen’s clients in the financial sector had the honor of ringing the opening bell for NASDAQ; a moment they wanted to share with their global audience. That meant we needed to coordinate between the NASDAQ trading floor, a Times Square location, a remote event location, and with thousands of online viewers: one shot, no mistakes, no do-overs. It was critical that their event production partner could ensure this momentous occasion was captured and shared with the conference attendees. Leveraging our global broadcast capabilities, we were able to share this iconic moment, both with the event’s thousands of attendees and with a global, tuned-in audience. This particular challenge required impeccable timing to coordinate the broadcast with the ringing of the bell. It was an honor that our client was given this opportunity; bringing them in with clear audio and video at the exact right time was a responsibility we were proud to deliver on.

virtual event case study

Oktoberfest Goes Hybrid

When a global company wasn’t able to hold their usual Oktoberfest conference due to the pandemic, they turned to Tallen for a creative virtual event solution. By designing a custom environment in one of our virtual platforms, we were able to help them recreate the experience of mingling in an Oktoberfest beer hall. Attendees were able to float freely from room to room, enter private conversations with one another, and network as if they were face-to-face, all while hearing and seeing everything going on publicly in the room around them. To make the event even more immersive, Tallen’s creative team designed the virtual environment to look like a German beer hall, coupled with broadcasting from an actual beer tasting in Munich into our customized platform.

virtual event case study

Recreating The Studio Experience For Syfy Network Filming In Los Angeles

This client contacted Tallen with a unique request and an abbreviated timeline. They chose to recreate a segment of their TV show outdoors in the Los Angeles area. On this particular show, contestants completed challenges in a pitch-black environment. The Tallen team had just two weeks to figure out how to set up this environment on the bustling streets of Los Angeles. We integrated an infrared camera system, which allowed us to capture live footage in total darkness. We then displayed this footage on a seamless video wall built into the outside of the portable studio. This particular event was challenging from an audio standpoint due to sound level variability. One moment, contestants would be calm and whispering; the next, they could be screaming in panic! The event’s success hinged on our audio tech remaining focused on the contestants and anticipating their next move. This experiential event was an exciting opportunity to replicate the technical ability and environment of the television studio, working with Hollywood talent to execute a seamless event.

virtual event case study


Customizing virtual platforms for engaging broadcasts around the world.

This international client has trusted Tallen with the virtual broadcasts for several of their worldwide divisions. During the pandemic, they wanted to elevate their events’ overall look and feel to help keep their global partners connected. To help bring everybody together, we customized our virtual platforms and integrated augmented reality. The most challenging aspect of bringing this client’s vision to fruition was coordinating, scaling, and performing hundreds of pre-recordings for integration into their broadcasts. Additionally, considering the company’s global presence, we needed to go above and beyond to make the content accessible. For example, for the company’s APAC division, we were required to design our platform in Japanese, handling everything from copywriting to technical translations. Tallen’s virtual solutions created a simple, engaging way for this client to connect with their high-end executive financial partners around the globe.

virtual event case study

Delivering A Truly Dynamic LED Experience For Our Exhibit House Partners

One of our exhibit house clients needed help designing and delivering a truly dynamic, innovative LED experience. More specifically, they needed their client’s booth to capture and hold attendees’ attention on a crowded trade show floor. Using flexible LED tiles, Tallen’s team filled a giant curved structure that towered over every other exhibit booth at the Javits Center. This focal piece was an unmissable draw, made even more enticing by immersive content and audio tracks from Tallen’s creative team. The installation budget was a significant challenge in bringing this booth to life. The Javits Center in New York City is heavily unionized. To help reduce labor costs, we pre-built sections of the booth so it would require dramatically less on-site labor to assemble. At the time, this booth wall was the largest ever installation of flexible LED tiles. It served as the perfect medium to convey the client’s message and create an immersive booth experience.

virtual event case study

Creating A Face-To-Face Experience For A Virtual Audience

This long-standing client had trusted Tallen to produce their live events for years. When the pandemic hit, they came to us with an entirely new concept: how could they recreate the experience of being on the trade show floor for an entirely virtual audience? This particular event required outside-the-box thinking and innovative ways to keep a virtual audience fully engaged. From a gamified exhibit booth experience, complete with prizes, to a “virtual couch” where presenters could conduct interviews, we simulated the live experience as closely as possible. This virtual event was so successful that the client has chosen to continue running hybrid events. With the addition of a virtual component, their attendees can participate in real-time or save the event for convenient on-demand access, making these events bigger and better than ever for our client.

virtual event case study

Designing A Custom Environment For A Major Insurance Provider

This client presented Tallen with the opportunity to take over Pier Sixty in New York City. Their goal was to create a completely custom environment for their Global Investor Meeting. They wanted their event production partner to design an innovative, unique experience for existing clients and potential clients while demonstrating their new software. They left the details up to Tallen’s creative and production teams. We designed an immersive experience for this event that included an LED wall, furniture, multiple sections, a camera broadcast, and custom-built room dividers. A large screen and major video production helped investors and potential investors see the new software firsthand. This sneak peek of the tech and an immersive, branded environment made for a highly successful, one-of-a-kind meeting and a satisfied client.

I appreciate your dedication to making our show the best possible program it can be with all your insights and suggestions – we are lucky to have your support! I could not have asked for a better crew, including the two gentlemen who literally went out of their way to assist me.

— Kristin Brown, Director, US Educational Events & Tradeshows

Case Studies: Successful Events Using Event Software


In the evolving realm of event planning, success hinges on adapting to the target audience’s demands and creating memorable experiences. This compilation of case studies uncovers the success stories of prominent organizations such as GE Healthcare, leveraging modern platforms in the information technology sector. These stories illuminate the transformative power of event software in orchestrating successful product launches, virtual and hybrid events, and esports competitions across the United States and beyond. They highlight amplified customer satisfaction, enhanced security, significant cost savings, and insightful analytics, offering valuable lessons for event planners on the path to success. Delve into these customer stories to discover how the right platform can elevate your event planning strategies.

5 Event Case Studies

Case study 1: product launch by ge healthcare.

GE Healthcare leveraged a top-tier platform in the information technology sector to successfully launch a groundbreaking product. This case study emphasizes the crucial role of analytics in understanding the target audience, leading to a memorable experience and amplified customer satisfaction.

Case Study 2: Virtual Event In The United States

As the demand for virtual events surged, a prominent firm triumphed in hosting a large-scale virtual event using advanced event software. The event offered attendees an interactive experience and demonstrated impressive cost savings, making it a success story worth noting.

Case Study 3: Hybrid Event In The Information Technology Sector

In this customer story, an IT company adeptly bridged the gap between physical and digital spaces, setting up a hybrid event that attracted a broad audience. The event showcased the platform’s security features, underscoring the importance of safety in memorable experiences.

Case Study 4: Esports Competition

This case study recounts how a leading Esports organization used an event software platform to deliver an exceptional experience for attendees, from live streaming to real-time social media integration. This success story encapsulates the power of creating memorable experiences for a specific target audience.

Case Study 5: United Nations Conference

The United Nations harnessed event software to enhance the attendee experience at a crucial conference. With robust analytics, seamless security, and improved customer satisfaction, this case study is an example of how event planners can utilize technology for successful and impactful events.

The Skift Take: These case studies demonstrate the powerful role of event software platforms in facilitating successful events, from product launches to large-scale conferences. Leveraging technology, organizations like GE Healthcare and the United Nations have improved attendee experience, enhanced security, saved costs, and gained valuable insights. These success stories serve as a testament to the transformative potential of information technology in event planning.

Why Event Badges Will Never Be The Same Again [Case Study]

The digital revolution has forever changed the face of event badges. In our case study, we delve into how technology-driven badges have enhanced the event experience, providing not just identity verification, but also serving as a tool for networking, data collection, and improving overall attendee engagement.

How To Increase Engagement With Your Event App By 350% [Case Study]

In this case study, we unravel the strategy behind a staggering 350% increase in event app engagement. Through a blend of user-friendly design, interactive features, and personalized content, the case underlines the power of a well-implemented event app in boosting attendee interaction and enhancing the overall event experience.

How To Meet Green [Case Study]

This case study explores the concept of sustainable event planning. It illustrates how a platform’s features can facilitate ‘green’ events, thereby reducing environmental impact while ensuring a memorable attendee experience. Such initiatives highlight the potential for event software to contribute meaningfully towards global sustainability goals.

How To Increase Attendance By 100+% [Case Study]

This case study explores the tactics employed by an organization which led to a remarkable doubling of event attendance. The successful campaign, powered by a robust event software platform, offered personalized communication, early bird incentives, and an appealing event agenda, demonstrating the potential of effective marketing strategies in boosting event turnout.

How This Event Boosted Their Success [Case Study]

This case study unravels the success journey of an event that significantly boosted their success using a comprehensive event software platform. The strategic use of interactive features, data insights, and exceptional planning led to a remarkable rise in attendee satisfaction and engagement, underlining the game-changing potential of technology in event management.

In the dynamic field of event planning. The power of leveraging advanced platforms in information technology, as demonstrated in the case studies, is clear. Success stories from esteemed organizations such as GE Healthcare. Underscore the invaluable role of event software in facilitating triumphant product launches, virtual and hybrid events, and even esports competitions. The benefits are manifold, including enhanced customer satisfaction, improved security, substantial cost savings, and the generation of valuable analytics to guide future strategies. These case studies serve as tangible proof that the right technology can significantly elevate the success of your event.

If these success stories inspire you to embrace the transformative power of event software. We invite you to experience the difference firsthand. Orderific is ready to demonstrate how our platform can elevate your event planning process. Book a demo with us today and begin your journey towards unprecedented event success.

What role do event case studies play in the event planning and management process?

Event case studies offer real-world examples of successful planning and management strategies, providing valuable insights and lessons.

How can event professionals benefit from studying real-world success stories in the industry?

They can gain practical knowledge, tactics, and inspiration to implement successful strategies in their own events.

What types of insights can event case studies provide for improving future events?

Event case studies provide actionable insights into effective planning strategies, attendee engagement, and ROI optimization.

Are there specific industries or event types that are commonly featured in case studies?

Yes, industries often featured include tech, healthcare, and entertainment, and event types range from corporate events to music festivals.

How can event planners effectively apply lessons learned from case studies to their own projects?

They can apply these lessons by tailoring the strategies highlighted in case studies. Which aligns with their event’s unique needs and goals.

Introduction Enhancing a new employee's onboarding experience is crucial in an increasingly digital world. Through our advanced onboarding software, we Read more

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the event planning industry, offering event planners innovative tools to craft immersive, personalized experiences. Read more

Introduction Event technology is rapidly evolving, presenting opportunities and challenges for event planners. The adoption of event tech can significantly Read more

Introduction The era of big data has ushered in an unprecedented opportunity for event organizers. The wealth of event data Read more

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A visual concept of people connecting with one another around the globe

How to Plan a Virtual Event: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • by GlobalMeet Blog Team
  • , March 21, 2024

So you want to host a virtual event, huh? Perfect! But let’s not put the cart before the horse here—first, we have to actually plan the thing.

In this guide, we’ll explore the essentials of building a strong event team, creating engaging content and agendas, and the crucial steps of technical and rehearsal planning. From preparing presenters to finalizing event settings, this guide is designed to equip you with the necessary tools and insights for a successful virtual event.

Sound like a lot? Good, it should. A good virtual event isn’t just thrown together, even by professionals—like us here at GlobalMeet. After all, do you want to know how to plan a virtual event or how to plan a virtual event that people will love?

Let’s start out by clarifying the difference between virtual events and hybrid events, just to make sure we’re on the same page. Then, we’ll dive head first into the step-by-step guide on how to plan a virtual event.

Understanding Virtual vs. Hybrid Events

Virtual Events: The Digital Stage

Virtual events occur entirely online, accessible globally to anyone with an internet connection. These digital gatherings range from simple live streams to elaborate multi-day conferences with live speakers and breakout sessions. Their strength lies in inclusivity—reaching people irrespective of location, physical ability, or financial constraints. They offer a cost-effective, sustainable format, free from geographical limitations, and provide rich opportunities for data collection and brand awareness. Crucially, virtual events cater to diverse needs, from educational webinars to interactive social networking sessions.

Hybrid Events: Best of Both Worlds

Hybrid events blend in-person and virtual experiences, offering parallel participation whether attendees are on-site or joining remotely. Successful hybrid events ensure that both in-person and virtual attendees engage with the content equally, participate in discussions, and experience the event cohesively. These events are particularly effective for broad-reaching activities like industry-specific conferences, product launches, or educational seminars, where the aim is to combine the authenticity of face-to-face interactions with the wide reach of digital platforms.

Choosing the Right Format

The choice between virtual and hybrid formats hinges on your event’s objectives and audience. Virtual events are ideal when aiming for broad, global outreach or when logistics and budget constraints limit physical gatherings. Hybrid events shine in scenarios where you want to combine the intimacy and impact of in-person interactions with the extended reach of an online audience.

Embracing the strengths of each format allows you to tailor experiences that align with your goals, ensuring both engagement and effectiveness. Whether you choose the immersive world of virtual events or the dynamic blend of hybrid experiences, understanding these differences is key to planning successful, impactful events.

How to Plan a Virtual Event

Planning a virtual event requires a well-thought-out concept, and an even more meticulous plan of action. So below, we’ve broken down how to plan a virtual event into five basic steps. 

  • Building Your Event Team
  • Creating Engaging Content and Agendas
  • Technical and Rehearsal Planning
  • Presenter Preparation and Coordination
  • Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules

And there you have it: that’s how to plan a virtual event.

Alright, alright, there’s more to it. Here’s how we’ll elaborate: We’ll start by assembling a dynamic event team, each member playing a pivotal role in the event’s success. Then, we’ll delve into creating content that captivates and an agenda that keeps the audience engaged. Technical setup and rehearsals will ensure everything runs smoothly, while preparing presenters and fine-tuning event settings will lay the groundwork for a seamless experience. Each of these steps is integral, and we’ll explore them in detail to equip you with the tools for success.

Step 1: Building Your Virtual Event Team

A successful virtual event hinges on a well-coordinated team, each member playing a pivotal role in ensuring seamless execution.

The Project Manager is the backbone of your event, orchestrating the overall vision, timelines, and resources. They ensure that every aspect of the event aligns with strategic objectives, managing everything from initial planning to post-event analysis. Their role involves coordinating across various teams, resolving logistical challenges, and keeping the event on track.

The Production Manager is responsible for the technical aspects of the event. They work closely with the tech team to manage the platform, handle audio-visual elements, and ensure that all technical requirements are met. This role is crucial for troubleshooting technical issues and ensuring a smooth, glitch-free experience for participants.

During the event, the Producer takes the lead. They are responsible for the live execution of the event, managing the flow, transitions, and ensuring that each segment starts and ends on time. A great Producer can seamlessly blend different elements of the event, making the technology invisible to presenters and participants.

The Content Coordinator oversees the event’s content, ensuring it is engaging, relevant, and well-paced. They work with speakers to fine-tune their presentations and align content with the event’s goals. The Marketing Team, on the other hand, drives awareness and attendance through strategic campaigns across various channels.

Step 2: Create Narrative Agendas and Compelling Content

Next On the Agenda: The Agenda

A well-structured agenda helps keep your audience engaged. Begin with a strong opening that captures attention, and space out your program to include a variety of sessions. Integrate interactive elements like live polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms to foster attendee participation. Consider time zones for a global audience and keep sessions concise to maintain energy levels. Regular breaks are essential, especially for longer events, to prevent zoom fatigue . Close with a compelling session that leaves a lasting impression and encourages further engagement.

Gathering Speaker Materials

In the run-up to the event, ensure you collect all necessary materials from your speakers well in advance. This includes not only their presentation content but also bios, photos, and social media links. These elements are crucial not just for the event itself but also for promotional activities, helping to build anticipation and connect the audience with your speakers.

Crafting Effective Event Slides

If you want to know how to plan a virtual event and only remember one thing, make sure it’s this: the heart of a successful virtual event lies in its content.

Start by identifying the most impactful themes that resonate with your target audience. Incorporate a mix of formats—keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive workshops—to maintain interest. Use storytelling to make presentations relatable and memorable. It’s crucial to include real-world examples, case studies, or live demonstrations to enrich the content. Ensure the content not only informs but also inspires and engages your audience.

A well-designed slide deck is more than just a visual aid; it’s a roadmap for your event. It should clearly outline the structure, maintaining a balance between information and engagement. Remember, the best slides complement the speaker, reinforcing their message without overshadowing it. 

Optimizing Your Presentation Space

The physical space from where you present plays a subtle yet significant role. Ensure high audio quality with a good microphone or headset. Pay attention to your background—keep it clean and clutter-free. A messy backdrop will leave the attendees feeling icky. Same with your attire: dress in simple, solid colors to minimize distractions but portray professionalism and authority. This setup helps maintain focus on your content, ensuring your audience absorbs and trusts every word.

Incorporating these elements into your virtual event planning ensures a polished and professional experience, where every detail is aligned with your overarching goal of delivering an unforgettable virtual event.

Step 3: Technical and Rehearsal Planning

When it comes to virtual events, the devil is in the technical details. Ensuring a flawless technical setup is non-negotiable. This includes establishing robust broadcast channels for wider reach, such as Facebook Live, LinkedIn Live or YouTube, and hardwiring your internet connection for stability. A shaky connection is the quickest way to lose your audience’s attention and trust.

Equally crucial is the rehearsal process. Conducting at least one thorough rehearsal is essential to familiarize speakers with the presentation software and format. This dry run should replicate the live event conditions as closely as possible. Everyone involved should test their cameras, microphones, lighting, and any other equipment to iron out potential issues.

The webinar planning phase is also the perfect opportunity to practice transitions and content flow, ensuring that speakers feel confident and ready. Remember, a well-rehearsed event is more likely to run smoothly and keep your audience engaged from start to finish.

Step 4: Presenter Preparation and Coordination

Preparing your presenters is a critical step in the success of your virtual event. Begin by providing them with comprehensive best practices for using the webcast platform. It’s essential for presenters to be familiar with the technology to ensure a smooth delivery.

During rehearsals, focus on checking audio and video quality to ensure they are clear and professional. Encourage presenters to use the same technical setup during rehearsals as they will during the live event. A well-prepared presenter is confident and engaging, key to delivering a successful virtual session.

Step 5: Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules

  • Configuring Webcast Software Settings : Ensure all technical aspects of the webcast software are properly set up. This includes audio and video settings, chat functionalities, poll creation, and other interactive features. It’s crucial to tailor these settings to suit the specific needs of your event.
  • Scheduling Presenters : It’s vital to have presenters log in well before the event start time. Aim for a 30-60 minute early login to allow for any last-minute adjustments or troubleshooting. This window also provides an opportunity for presenters to acclimate to the virtual environment and interact with each other, fostering a more relaxed and confident presentation atmosphere.

Test all links and login credentials.

Verify that backup systems are in place for critical components.

Confirm that all content, such as slides and videos, is uploaded and functioning correctly.

By carefully managing these final steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of technical glitches and ensure a smooth, professional experience for both presenters and attendees. After you’ve successfully planned your virtual event, all that’s left to do is promote, execute, generate leads, and follow up!

In summary, when you’re exploring how to plan a virtual event , it involves five steps:

  • Building Your Event Team : Assemble a team with roles like Project Manager, Production Manager, and Producer to ensure smooth coordination.
  • Creating Engaging Content and Agendas : Develop captivating content and a well-paced agenda, balancing various session formats and incorporating interactive elements.
  • Technical and Rehearsal Planning : Focus on technical setup, including stable internet connections and comprehensive rehearsals to familiarize speakers with the event format and technology.
  • Presenter Preparation and Coordination : Prepare presenters with best practices and ensure they are comfortable with the technology and event format.
  • Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules : Configure webcast software settings, schedule presenters for early arrival, and perform final checks for a seamless event.

Virtual Events with GlobalMeet

GlobalMeet stands as a premium solution, whether you’re organizing a simple event on your own or a complex, multi-day webinar requiring a full team. GlobalMeet provides access to a comprehensive event builder, a live event studio, and a range of customizable features.

We offer everything from self-service options with complete training to professionally managed events with expert event teams. Our platform is designed for various scenarios like corporate communications, investor relations, demand generation and more, ensuring an engaging and interactive experience for your audience.

See what the fuss is all about, and discover why five out of ten of the largest US banks trust GlobalMeet— watch a demo or contact us today !

© GlobalMeet (Webcast Plus LLC)

virtual event case study

Join us on Thursday, June 27th for a compelling 30-minute thought leadership presentation on the effectiveness of webinars in generating leads. Hosted by Trent Waterhouse and featuring special guests Lauren Wickstead and Andrew Denlow, they’ll share their insights on how webinars can deliver highly qualified leads and supercharge your top-of-funnel strategy like no other channel.

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Success Stories You Don't Want to Miss!

Looking for inspiration as you plan your next big event? When planning a virtual or hybrid event, it is always best to go through similar case studies of events that your event platform provider has hosted before.

virtual event case study

Read Our Customer Stories

Our account manager was fantastic. He was quick to respond, helpful, and knowledgeable both during the implementation phase and during our initial event. The platform was user-friendly and visually appealing. It is a great platform to bring all of our employees together in one place.

Mary Groover

virtual event case study

The vFairs team is their competitive advantage. The level of support that you receive throughout the execution of the project is like no other. The OECS Commission has been using vFairs over the past 18 months to execute our virtual events and we continue to be impressed on each interaction.

Lisa Taylor-Stone

virtual event case study

The platform looked very professional and was quite easy to navigate. The vFairs team was very professional, did a great job in training us on the platform and helping us customize it to our needs. They allowed us to make updates as required, and were very friendly and accommodating overall.

Such an AWESOME tool for a great price/value. Easy to put in place. Great PM. Access to all the analytics in real-time. Really good ROI. It was our first full-on virtual show, and the platform as well as the team, made it the easiest for us. We will definitely come back and keep on using vFairs!

Charlotte GANG

virtual event case study

We have heard nothing but positive comments from both exhibitors/sponsors and attendees. The experience and results are the most like attending a real trade show, conference, and job fair that exists. We were able to build brand, generate leads and provide opportunities to all of our stakeholders.

Laura Palker

virtual event case study

The project managment team from vFairs invested their time to understand our project to deliver a world class event for the pet industry. Together we have turned Virtual Petindex into a recognisable and established trade event that continues to attract visitors from all around the world.

Daniel Everett

virtual event case study

A virtual event, especially one on a platform that’s available after the live days, is great for those in our field. Here, they have the opportunity to watch it in pieces on their own time. vFairs offers a ton of post-show report options that we can use to measure engagement.

Danielle DuPuis

virtual event case study

Working with the team at vFairs was fantastic. They are responsive, always ready to assist, and willing to help us customize our JA Inspire Career Fair site to our specific needs. Also, having access to sophisticated analytics has been a real win for us with our business partners.

Catherine Pulver


Join the millions of people using vFairs to host hybrid, in-person and virtual events

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5 Event App Case Studies that Show the Power of Event Tech

Technology is the glue that holds a good event together. 

Whether you’re planning an in-person conference, a virtual summit, or a hybrid event that combines the best of both worlds, the event app you use will have a huge impact on your success. 

If you’ve never used an event app before, you may not understand how transformative it can be. In this article, we’ll show you how EventMobi’s powerful event app helped 5 different organizations build standout events.

Diversified Communications ULC Cuts Costs by $8,000 using an Event App

Diversified Communications ULC Cuts Costs by $8,000 using an Event App

Read the full case study

It’s easy for expenses to rack up when you’re planning a large-scale event. Often, one of the most costly components of an event is registration— printing badges and staffing a registration table is expensive, but it’s vital to get it right, as the registration experience will set the tone for the entire event. 

Diversified Communications ULC was gearing up to host their annual medical conference , known as Pri-Med Canada. They expected over 3,600 attendees from 200 different healthcare, educational, and pharmaceutical companies. 

With such a large audience, Diversified Communications knew they needed a high-tech event app to manage everything from attendee engagement to scheduling and planning. 

But they also saw a surprise benefit of using an event app: They were able to save $8,000 on printing and shipping costs , thanks to EventMobi’s event registration software . 

Instead of relying on printed badges, the company was able to import their attendees’ information into the event app, even while the app was still being designed in the weeks leading up to Pri-Med Canada. Event registration could then happen onsite; when attendees logged into their app for the first time, they could see all of their information already loaded into the program, including the sessions they’d signed up for. 

It wasn’t just the event planners who loved the event app. With EventMobi’s technology, the company surpassed their event app adoption rate by 155%.

GetWellNetwork Uses an Event App to Build Brand Reputation

GetWellNetwork Uses an Event App to Build Brand Reputation

Technical difficulties can turn an excellent event into a nightmare—especially if the event is all about technology. 

The GetWellNetwork, which provides cutting-edge technology for healthcare organizations, knew they couldn’t afford to have any big tech issues during their GetConnected Conference, during which they showcase innovations in the healthcare tech space. 

The event organizers were on the lookout for an event app that could be the “brain” of the entire event. They needed a solution that would replace their paper handouts and program schedules, while also boosting attendee engagement and connecting their audience during the event. 

After doing their research, they landed on EventMobi as the best option to achieve their goals. And this decision paid off—literally. They saved tens of thousands of dollars on their event budget, while also hosting their most engaging attendee experience to date. 

On top of that, by using such a diverse and intelligent event app, they solidified their brand image as a leader in the tech space.

Real Property Management Uses Gamification to Enhance Networking

Real Property Management Uses Gamification to Enhance Networking

Networking is at the heart of so many events, as was the case when Real Property Management was gearing up to hold their annual national conference. 

They went into the event wanting to break the mould, so they could surprise and delight their attendees, while also encouraging them to build their network inside the franchise community. 

“We needed to create a platform where attendees could communicate with each other better. We didn’t want to just leave it up to chance that they would interact,” said Tim Sedgwick, from Real Property Management. 

In the past, the company had used gamification to encourage networking, but it hadn’t panned out as they’d hoped in terms of ROI. But when they began using EventMobi’s event app, they saw a huge increase in the number of attendees playing the networking game. 

Sedgwick and his team attributed this to the event app’s ability to digify the gamification experience. Rather than relying on game rules printed on paper or announced out loud, they used the event app to give each attendee a four-digit code on their badge, which they could use to participate. People at the event could easily find the rules in the event app, and they could even watch a leaderboard to see who was winning.

Looking for detailed advice on designing an event sponsorship package that will be competitive in today’s market? Download The EventMobi Sponsorship Strategy Guide  to get started!

Venture Out Builds Community and Bolsters Communication with an Event App

Venture Out Builds Community and Bolsters Communication with an Event App

Watch the full case study

When Venture Out plans an event, their top priority is making sure their audience feels welcome from start to finish. This is core to their mission of bringing together members of the LGBTQ+ community who share a passion for technology. 

The team at Venture Out knew strong communication was key to their event, something they’d struggled with in the past. Without an event app, they had to share important information about schedule changes and the location of events out loud—and anyone who wasn’t in the room when such announcements were happening would miss out. 

But with EventMobi’s event app, they were able to send messages and connect with all event attendees, simply by pushing notifications through the platform. 

On top of that, the seamless event registration allowed the event organizers to save time they would otherwise spend trying to keep track of everything. As a result, they could dedicate more of their time to ensure all attendees were enjoying themselves.

Hanapin Marketing Boosts Retention With an Event App

Hanapin Marketing Boosts Retention With an Event App

Hanapin Marketing hosts an event for hundreds of marketers every year, and one of their main goals is retention—they want attendees to come to the event year after year. 

In the past, the company had seen a 15% retention rate annually, but with EventMobi’s event app, that figure skyrocketed to 45%. 

Hanapin credits the event app’s many features as the primary reason for this boost to their retention rate. With features like life polling and Q&As, push notifications, and personalized schedules and speaker profiles, they raised the overall quality of their event, which made it easy for attendees to decide to return the following year. 

“The Event App keeps the conference fresh, sleek, and ahead of the competition,” one attendee remarked.  Hanapin also used the Event App to gather feedback through post-event survey questions . With more responses from their attendees, they could easily figure out what worked well at the event, and what should be improved for the next one.

If you want to see the most return on investment with your event, then you need the most up-to-date technology to provide a seamless, enjoyable experience for all attendees. 

virtual event case study

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Top Virtual Event Metrics to Measure Event Success and Demonstrate ROI

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Aniqa Iqbal

September 20, 2024

Top virtual event metrics to measure virtual event success

Think of your virtual event as a game and you, the event organizer, as the player. Without tracking the right virtual event metrics, you’re essentially playing blindfolded—unable to see how well you're progressing, where you need to adjust your strategy, or if you're even winning at all. 

Sounds tricky, doesn’t it?

Pick any industry, online event platform , or domain where data is involved, and you’ll find it to be a fundamental component that influences virtually every aspect of our lives. For gamers, data comes in the form of scorecards and statistics to gauge their progress. For virtual event organizers, data manifests as online event metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), providing the insights you need to strategize, improve, and ultimately get more bang for your buck.


Measuring Metrics Matter…But Why?

Imagine trying to win a game without seeing the scorecard. Are you winning or falling behind? It's impossible to find out! Similarly, navigating your virtual event without precise virtual event metrics is equivalent to aimlessly pressing buttons on your console without direction. The right metrics reveal what's working, what's not, and whether you've met your event goals.

Armed with this information, you can:

  • Make data-driven decisions to optimize your events
  • Demonstrate ROI and tangible value to your stakeholders
  • Share insights with marketing and sales teams to enhance their strategies
  • Know whether you've met your event goal or not 

But how do you pick the "right" event metrics? Well, you take a look at your event goal. Whether you're hosting a virtual networking event, a product launch, or a webinar, the metrics you track must align with your objectives. For example, if your goal is fostering connections at a networking event, you'd focus on monitoring the number of conversations or meetings booked. On the other hand, if lead generation is the aim of your product launch, metrics like conversion rate or CTA clicks would be your indicators of success.

By selecting the right metrics for your specific event, you'll sharpen your strategy and make sure you're hitting the goals that truly matter. Not sure what your goal should be? Check out this article on defining your event goals for some valuable insights.

The only thing standing between your event being a one-off or a repeatable success is the game of metrics. So gear up and get ready to play!

Level 1: Pre-Event Metrics – Laying the Groundwork

Before you begin playing a game, you need to pick your player, choose your map, and line up the right tools. Similarly, pre-event metrics are like preparing your strategy before your virtual event kicks off. They help you understand your audience, fine-tune your approach, and ensure your event content resonates with attendees.

This preparation ensures you are in the right position to boost attendance and engagement and maximize your event's overall impact. 

Now, let’s break down these pre-event virtual event metrics and see how they work:

Category: Registration Metrics – Registrations vs. Attendees

Overview of Registration Metrics from Remo’s Analytics Dashboard, displaying key data points

Think of registrations as people raising their hands to say, "I'm interested in your event!". It proves your event has successfully caught their attention and they’re willing to sign up. Attendance on the other hand is when those who registered actually show up. It’s one thing for people to express interest, but it’s another for them to log in, join the event, and participate.

Metrics involved:

  • ‍ Total Registrations: When it comes to registration metrics, everyone is quick to measure total registrations as it gives you a good starting point to gauge interest in your event. But, often this number alone doesn’t give you a lot of insight, which is why it’s important to also consider your Attendance Rate. ‍
  • Attendance Rate:  Attendance Rate = (Number of Attendees / Number of Registrations) x 100% ‍ Your attendance rate is how many people, out of those registered, actually chose to show up.

Why these metrics are important:

Suppose there's a significant drop-off, for example, a high number of registrations but a low turnout. In that case, it's a sign that something needs tweaking—maybe the event wasn't compelling enough, reminders weren't effective, or it might be time to reschedule or offer better incentives for joining live.

Bonus tip:  

Maximizing pre-event engagement can help bridge the gap between registrants and actual attendees. For example, you can build anticipation for your event with teasers like a speaker lineup or a detailed agenda. Alternatively, you can even host pre-event networking mixers to jumpstart conversations and connections.

Category: Marketing and Promotional Metrics

Think of these metrics as your game map, showing you the right path to the finish line and how to get through each checkpoint so that you gain points (drive engagement) and level up (achieve your goal) as you go. 

  • ‍ Email Open Rates: These are like a friendly wave from your audience, showing how many people took a moment to check out your event emails. When your open rates are high, it means your subject lines and timing are working well to get people interested. ‍
  • Click-Through Rates: This measures how many people, after opening your email, went ahead and clicked on your registration link. This metric clearly shows how compelling your content (and event) is in driving people to register. 
  • ‍ Social Media Engagement: Social media engagement tracks all the likes, shares, comments, and interactions your posts receive on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter. The higher the engagement, the more your content is getting people to talk, share, and get excited about what’s coming up. Check out our tips on leveraging social media to supercharge your event marketing.
  • ‍ Ad Performance: If you’re using paid marketing, this metric reflects how well your ads catch attention and generate clicks. Considering these are charged per click, it’s very important to closely monitor if they are driving registrations for you or if they need a tweak.

By measuring these marketing metrics, you can clearly understand where your efforts are leading and identify the most effective paths to making them pay off. By focusing on which channels drive the most registrations and traffic, you can optimize your marketing and promotional strategies to achieve better results and maximize ROI.

Use personalized subject lines or compelling CTAs within your email content to drive more traffic and registrations. Engage your audience with interactive social media posts, polls, and event teasers to boost engagement and maximize your return on investment. Want to make your event the talk of the town? Check out our guide to promoting your virtual event and get those RSVPs rolling in!

Category: Audience Insights

Audience insights give you a detailed look at who is interested in your event and why, helping you tailor your content and marketing strategy to meet their needs and interests. 

  • ‍ Demographic Data: Demographics show who’s signing up in terms of age, gender, location, job role, and industry. This data lets you see if your event is attracting the right people or if your marketing strategy needs adjusting. ‍
  • Psychographic Data: Once you know who is signing up, it’s important to know what they like, and that’s where psychographic data comes into play. Are they interested in specific topics, formats, or speakers? Knowing their preferences helps steer you in the right direction.

Knowing your audience helps you create an event agenda that keeps them engaged and guarantees they get value from attending. On the flip side, not collecting this feedback means you're shooting in the dark. You might end up planning content that doesn’t click with your audience, leading to disinterest, disappointment, and detachment. 

Use custom registration questions to gather all this info right when your attendees sign up. It’s a simple way to learn about them and make sure your event hits all the right notes!

Level 2: In-Event Metrics – On-The-Go Insights

Going back to our game example – once you’re in the middle of the game, things start heating up, and every move you make is crucial. You need to stay alert, track your progress, and adjust your tactics as you go. In-event metrics are like your live game stats, offering insights into how your virtual event is performing in real time, so you can make adjustments on the go. 

Let’s explore some of the key in-event metrics to watch and how they can elevate the live experience of your virtual event. 

Category: Attendance Metrics

Overview of Attendance Metrics taken from Remo’s Analytics Dashboard, displaying key data points

When it comes to virtual events, showing up is half the game. Attendance metrics give you the scoop on who tuned in, how long they stayed, and what caught their attention. These numbers help you see if your event hit the mark or if it’s time to play around with the content strategy for next time.

  • ‍ Live Attendees: The number of live attendees provides insight into the effectiveness of your event's timing and scheduling. It helps gauge whether your chosen time slot and duration align with your audience's availability and preferences. 
  • ‍ Peak Attendance Times: Similar to the above, peak attendance metrics track at which time your event had the most attendees present. This shows which sessions or areas are grabbing attention and how your content is performing.
  • Drop-Off Rates: The drop-off rate metric is used to identify at what moment during the event attendees lost interest. It assesses the point at which attendees either check their phones, leave sessions, or abandon the event early. It’s a clear signal that something is off and needs to be addressed—whether it's the content, timing, or presentation.

Understanding these attendance metrics is like having a play-by-play of your virtual event. They reveal which parts of your event grabbed your audience’s attention and when they started to lose interest. These insights allow you to adjust your content, timing, and delivery to maintain audience engagement and make sure your event resonates effectively with participants.

Category: Engagement Metrics

Of course, all event organizers want a lot of engaged attendees, not just a group of passive viewers. That’s where engagement metrics come in handy. Now, the types of participation you can track will depend on the virtual platform you select, but here are some of the common ones:

  • ‍ Chat Activity: Chat activity is a massive indicator of how engaging an event is. When people are actively having conversations, it shows they're having fun. A lively chat not only indicates engagement but also creates a sense of community, encouraging more attendees to participate and share their thoughts, fostering a feeling of connection among participants.

Remo’s platform displaying the Chat Feature

  • ‍ Poll Participation: Measuring how many people answer your polls or quizzes reveals how involved your audience is and their willingness to share opinions. High participation rates indicate that your polls are striking a chord with attendees and sparking curiosity, making them more invested in the event’s outcome.

Remo’s platform dIsplaying the Polls Feature

  • ‍ Q&A Engagement: The number of questions asked during Q&A sessions can highlight how interested attendees are in your virtual event. A lot of questions suggest that your content was thought-provoking and interesting.
  • Session Duration: Session duration measures how long your content keeps attendees engaged or if they drift away before the end. If attendees stick around for the whole session, your material has likely kept their interest. If they leave early, it might be time to reassess. 
  • ‍ Resource Interaction: Tracking the number of clicks or downloads on your event resources is a quick way to measure attendee interest. High interaction means your content is resonating well, giving you valuable insights for future follow-ups.

These metrics are critical because they show how engaged your audience is and what parts of your event they love or lose interest in. By tracking these numbers, you can make quick adjustments to boost engagement, ensure better outcomes, and prove the value of your event to stakeholders. 

Bonus Tip:  

Choose a platform, like Remo, with built-in engagement tracking.  It saves you time and makes it easy to see what’s working without the extra hassle.

Category: Networking Metrics

Remo’s platform demonstrating active conversations between attendees

For any organizer focused on facilitating networking opportunities, these metrics are like the in-game chats that connect gamers from different corners of the world. Just as those chats lead to friendships and alliances, networking metrics reveal how well your event is fostering meaningful connections. 

You can measure networking with a few different metrics:

  • ‍ Number of Conversations: This metric tracks the total number of conversations that took place during your event and the average number of conversations per attendee. It provides a clear snapshot of how actively participants are interacting with each other. The more conversations, the more vibrant and dynamic your event is.
  • Connection Requests: Track the number of times attendees requested or swapped contact information with one another. This is valuable to measure because it indicates how successful you were at creating an environment conducive to networking. Each request represents an attendee who formed a good foundation thanks to your event and is genuinely interested in carrying that on.
  • Scheduled Meetings: Think of this as setting up face-to-face conversations. It reflects the number of one-on-one interactions planned, and it's a strong sign of the quality of networking at your event. If attendees are booking follow-up meetings, it shows they made valuable connections. Also, if you're hosting a trade show or product launch focused on lead generation or sales, the number of booked meetings is a solid way to see how well you nailed your goal.

Remo’s Business Card showing the attendee name, title, and meeting link

Level 3: Post-Event Metrics – Measuring the Impact

After the final curtain falls, it’s time to hit replay on your event’s performance. Post-event metrics are like the final scorecard, giving you insights into how the game played out and where you stood. This is your opportunity to dissect the action, uncover what resonated with your audience, and pinpoint what could use a little extra polish for your next event.

Ready to decode the final stats and turn your event experiences into winning strategies? Let’s explore the key metrics that reveal how your event truly performed.

Category: Retention Metrics

In the game of virtual events, retaining your attendees is the ultimate win. Just like in a game where you want players to keep coming back for more, retention metrics help you understand how well your event captured and held your audience's attention. 

  • ‍ Attendee Satisfaction: Think of this as the game's rating on a review site. One of the most critical post-event metrics, attendee satisfaction measures on a scale of 1-5 how happy were attendees with your event. It's a direct line to knowing if your content, presentation, and overall experience were a hit or miss. High satisfaction? You're leveling up. Low satisfaction? It's time to refine your strategy.  Learn more about creating a post-virtual event survey to get valuable feedback. 
  • ‍ Sentiment Analysis: This is like reading the in-game chat monitor but with a twist. It’s not just about counting how many attendees are talking about your event—it’s about understanding what they’re saying and how they feel about it. When you gather attendee feedback, it’s crucial to look at both the quantity and the quality of the responses. Was the feedback brimming with excitement, or were there hints of frustration? Was the tone of their feedback positive, neutral, or negative? 
  • ‍ Net Promoter Score (NPS): Imagine asking your players, "Would you recommend this game to a friend?" That’s essentially what NPS does for your event. It measures how likely attendees are to recommend your event to others. A high NPS means you've got loyal fans who will likely return and bring others along. To calculate NPS, ask attendees to rate their likelihood of recommending your event on a scale of 0-10. Your promoters (who score 9-10) are your biggest fans, while your detractors (who score 0-6) are those who were unsatisfied and likely won’t return for another event

Net Promoter Score formula

  • ‍ Repeat Attendance Rate: This metric is like finding a hidden level in your game. It measures how many attendees from your last event returned for this one, giving you a direct measure of loyalty and long-term engagement. While not always the easiest to track, it’s a goldmine for understanding the true staying power of your events. If you see strong repeat attendance, you know you’re doing something right. 

Retention metrics are your secret weapon for understanding your event's impact. They reveal how well you captured your audience's attention, where you need to level up, and how likely attendees are to hit "replay" for your next event. By zeroing in on these metrics, you're creating a blueprint for events that keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.

Category: Lead Generation and Sales Metrics

Virtual Trade Show on Remo with an embedded checkout experience

When it comes to some virtual events, lead generation and sales metrics can be critical indicators of success. For example, virtual trade shows are all about making sales, or marketing webinars are used to build a lead pipeline. These metrics reveal how effectively your event drives quality prospects into your funnel and converts them into paying customers.

  • ‍ Number of New Leads Generated: Simply put, this metric shows how many fresh faces your virtual event brought into your pipeline. That’s all!
  • ‍ Lead Quality/Qualification Score: Not all leads are created equal. This metric helps you evaluate your leads to find how many are likely to actually become paying customers. This score is typically based on factors like how interested they seem, their role, their company size, or how ready they are to make a purchase.
  • ‍ Conversion Rate:   Lead Conversion Rate = (Number of Opportunities Created / Number of Leads Generated) x 100% Customer Conversion Rate = (Number of Deals Closed / Number of Opportunities Created) x 100% ‍ This is where the real action happens—turning leads into legitimate opportunities (demos/sales) and then into paying customers. Conversion rates tell you how well your event is moving leads from interest to deals to closes.  If your event is driving new customers to sign up, you’ve made a tangible impact on your company’s bottom line!
  • ‍ Acquisition Costs:  These metrics tell you how much you’re spending to reel in each new lead or customer respectively: ‍ Cost Per Lead (CPL) = Total Event Costs / Number of Leads Generated ‍ Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) = Total Event Costs / Total Number of New Customers Just like one manages the resources in a game, knowing how much each lead or customer costs is important for keeping the budget in check. It’s great if your event helps increase your revenue, but it’s important to also see whether it was a profitable strategy. 

These lead and sales metrics are your go-to tools for figuring out how well your virtual event boosts business results. By understanding the quality of your leads, their conversion potential, and the costs involved, you can make smarter decisions and tailor your strategies to maximize results. 

Bonus Tip: 

Tracking the number of leads you get is important, but if you’re hosting a sponsored event it’s equally important that your sponsors can also easily track their leads generated to measure their ROI of participating. If they were able to get a high number of leads, they could be a future sponsor for your next event as well. To ensure this happens, opt for a platform that simplifies lead tracking and sharing, enhancing the sponsor experience

Category: Return on Investment (ROI) – Event Revenue and Costs

ROI shows you whether your investment is paying off by tracking how effectively your event generates profit. Think of it like a game where every move costs you something, and you need to see if you're winning big or just burning through resources. 

  • ‍ Event Revenue: This metric measures how much revenue your event generated. Keep in mind you can have multiple streams of revenue, like ticket sales, sponsorships, event merchandise, and more. You can also project future revenue like potential deal values if lead or sales generation is a key event goal.
  • ‍ Event Costs: Balance that by also measuring how much you spent to make your event happen. This can include costs like your virtual event platform, speaker recruitment, and marketing, among others. Don’t forget to also factor into account internal costs like your organizing teams’ time and effort.  
  • ‍ ROI:  ROI = (Event Revenue - Event Costs) / Event Costs x 100% This metric measures how much profit your event is generating (i.e. how much value is it driving for your company). ROI helps you measure if the success of your event justifies the spend, and if this is a strategy worth pursuing again.

Why this metric is important:

ROI is your financial compass, steering you through the economic impact of your virtual event. It reveals whether your spending translates into real value—revenue, leads, or brand exposure. This insight helps you allocate resources wisely, refine your strategy, and determine whether every dollar spent drives meaningful results or if you need to recalibrate.

Try using a virtual ROI calculator tool that integrates with your event platform. Many tools can provide real-time ROI insights, showing you how your event’s performance stacks up against your investment instantly. It’s like having a financial scoreboard at your fingertips—easy to use and perfect for quick, actionable insights.

The Winning Formula: Tips for Virtual Event Metrics

In gaming, cheat codes give players an edge to score more points, unlock special features, and rack up rewards faster than usual. Who doesn’t love an edge – so we’ve sourced some valuable tricks to help you better track key metrics, evaluate your event success, and plan for your next event:

Infographic of Tips for Measuring Virtual Event Metrics

Tip 1: Focus on Micro-Metrics

  • Even small actions, like chat participation and quick poll responses, can have a big impact. These seemingly minor interactions (especially when tracked with timestamps) can reveal valuable insights about attendee engagement and content effectiveness . So, don’t forget to measure these too! 

Tip 2: Personalize Metrics Tracking

  • Break down your metrics by audience segments (e.g., industry, job role, or engagement level). You may just reveal some interesting patterns about your attendees behavior (not to mention, it’s a great way to tailor follow-up content and strategies).

Tip 3: Don’t Neglect Post-Event Metrics

  • Give attendees more chances to interact after the event ends to keep the momentum going. Track how these follow-up activities impact long-term engagement and return on investment.

Tip 4: Optimize for What Works

  • Use tools like heatmaps, attendance tracking, and UTM links to identify which content or elements draw the most attention. Focus your resources and promotion efforts on these high-performing areas to boost engagement and maximize ROI. 

Tip 5: Utilize Instant Feedback

  • Harness the power of real-time feedback with tools like quick surveys or sentiment buttons. For instance, Remo's Guest Experience Survey offers instant insights into how your attendees feel about your event. Features like this allow you to quickly gauge reactions and adjust your content on the fly, enhancing engagement and ensuring a smoother event experience.

Remo’s Guest Experience Survey feature

Gameplay: Compiling and Analyzing Data

Compiling and analyzing the collected metrics is crucial, as it allows you to demonstrate the value of your event to stakeholders. Not to mention, it's a roadmap to help you refine future events.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to turn your data into a final report of key virtual event metrics: 

  • Pick the Right Metrics: Start by selecting the metrics that align with your event goals. Consider what you want to measure, such as attendance, engagement, or lead generation.
  • Gather All Metrics: Collect all relevant data of your chosen virtual event metrics, including attendance numbers, engagement rates, and feedback.
  • Organize Data: Sort metrics by category—such as session performance, attendee interactions, and post-event feedback, to make analysis and reporting clearer. 
  • Analyze Trends: Look for patterns and trends in the data. Identify what worked well and what could be improved.
  • Create Visuals: Present your findings using charts and graphs. Visual aids help make complex data more understandable.
  • Summarize Insights: Write a summary of key takeaways, including successes, areas for improvement, and actionable recommendations for future events.

The Endgame: Execute a Successful Virtual Event Powered by High Impact Insights

Understanding and measuring key metrics is essential to elevate your virtual events. With Remo, you gain access to powerful analytics and insights that allow you to optimize every aspect of your event. Don’t leave success to chance. Empower your strategy with data-driven decisions. Experience the difference firsthand with Remo. Book a demo today and see how our platform can transform your virtual events through strategic and actionable insights.

Aniqa is a content writer at Remo, where she merges her love for storytelling from movies and TV shows with her passion for creating compelling content. With a knack for blending pop culture references and relatable narratives, Aniqa crafts content that informs and resonates deeply with readers. She aims to strike a chord with her audience, fostering genuine connections through words that inspire, engage, and entertain. When she's not writing, Aniqa can be found binge-watching her favorite shows, always on the lookout for the next story to tell.

Virtual Events

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    Oktoberfest Goes Hybrid. When a global company wasn't able to hold their usual Oktoberfest conference due to the pandemic, they turned to Tallen for a creative virtual event solution. By designing a custom environment in one of our virtual platforms, we were able to help them recreate the experience of mingling in an Oktoberfest beer hall.

  19. Event Case Studies: Success Stories Unveiled

    Case Study 2: Virtual Event In The United States. As the demand for virtual events surged, a prominent firm triumphed in hosting a large-scale virtual event using advanced event software. The event offered attendees an interactive experience and demonstrated impressive cost savings, making it a success story worth noting.

  20. How to Plan a Virtual Event: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 4: Presenter Preparation and Coordination. Preparing your presenters is a critical step in the success of your virtual event. Begin by providing them with comprehensive best practices for using the webcast platform. It's essential for presenters to be familiar with the technology to ensure a smooth delivery.

  21. Customer Stories That Speak Volumes

    Learn how companies are utilizing vFairs Virtual Event services to fulfill their marketing, sales enablement, training and corporate communication needs. ... When planning a virtual or hybrid event, it is always best to go through similar case studies of events that your event platform provider has hosted before.

  22. 5 Event App Case Studies that Show the Power of Event Tech

    Customers & Case Studies. In-Person Events. See how event organizers use event apps to run the best in-person conferences, product launches and more. Virtual Events. From virtual seminars to tradeshows, get inspired by the best virtual events from around the globe. Hybrid Events

  23. The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Virtual Event Metrics

    The Winning Formula: Tips for Virtual Event Metrics. In gaming, cheat codes give players an edge to score more points, unlock special features, and rack up rewards faster than usual. ... Case Studies. Academy. Marketplace. Custom Floor Plans. FAQs. Help Center. Mic Cam Test. AI Event Name Generator. AI Event Idea Generator. AI Icebreaker ...

  24. UX Case Study

    UX Case Study - Virtual Event App. 7. 299. 0. Published: October 18th 2022. Owner. Saloni Dungarwal. India. Follow Following Unfollow. Hire. UX Case Study - Virtual Event App You can Host, book shows and Stream virtual fun and business events with this online event platform. 7. 299. 0. Published: October 18th 2022. Tools.

  25. November 2024 Strategic Case Study Virtual Program

    November 2024 Strategic Case Study Virtual Program

  26. Affiliate Marketing Case Studies: Real-World Successes and Strategies

    Moreover, with programs where affiliates can earn substantial commissions—such as the chance to earn up to $550 per sale through select partnerships—there are measurable benefits to exploring this avenue. These case studies highlight tangible outcomes and actionable strategies that can help aspiring marketers navigate this competitive ...