Pendulum Lab

How to set up a pendulum lab for your physics class

inquiry based pendulum lab


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pendulum classroom experiment

Pendulum Patterns:  To and Fro We Go

Today’s lesson focused on pendulums.  The motion of pendulums was one of the many phenomena investigated by the famed scientist Galileo over 400 years ago and what he learned about them had a huge impact on the history of technology. The periodic motion of pendulums allowed for the invention of clocks and the standardization of time measurement. Pendulums still have many uses in modern society.

Students saw that a pendulum consists of a pivot point with a rope or wire attached to it and a mass on the end. The time it takes the pendulum to make one full oscillation back and forth is called the period. If we took the same pendulum and put it on the Moon, the pendulum would have a slower period due to less gravitational force. Some examples of items that use pendulums are metronomes and grandfather clocks.

For the activity, students constructed their own pendulums, then changed the length of the pendulum and measured the periods for pendulums of different lengths. They noticed a pattern: a longer length correlated to a longer period. They used this pattern to predict the period for a pendulum with an even longer chain length. Predicting how a system will react if the variable is changed is an important scientific skill.

Péndulos: de aquí para allá

La clase del día de hoy trató sobre los péndulos. El movimiento pendular fue uno de los muchos fenómenos estudiados por el famoso cientifico Galileo hace más de 400 años atrás; lo que él describió sobre los péndulos marcó un hito en la historia de la tecnología. El movimiento periódico de los péndulos permitió la invención de los relojes y la estandarización del tiempo, y aún tienen muchos usos en la sociedad moderna.

Los estudiantes observaron que un péndulo está configurado por una masa suspendida de un punto o de un eje horizontal fijos mediante una cuerda o cable. El tiempo que tarda el péndulo en oscilar completamente de ida y vuelta se llama “período”. La gravedad es el  único tipo de fuerza que trabaja sobre el péndulo. Si tomáramos el mismo péndulo y lo pusiéramos en la Luna, éste tendría un período más lento debido a que en la Luna hay menos fuerza gravitacional. Algunos ejemplos de artículos que usan péndulos son los metrónomos y los relojes de los abuelos.

En la actividad los estudiantes construyeron sus propios péndulos y luego cambiaron las variables para observar si la masa, el largo o el ángulo afectaba el período de sus péndulos. Se sorprendieron al descubrir que sólo el largo afecta el periodo; entre más largo, más largo el período. Los estudiantes también aprendieron que la gravedad funciona de manera similar en diferentes masas, por lo que la masa no es un factor para el periodo de un péndulo.

¡Los estudiantes realmente disfrutaron de esta actividad!

Información adicional:

Para experimentar con péndulos virtuales en tu hogar, revisa este link:

El siguiente video muestra algunos de los efectos que un grupo de péndulos puede generar:

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Lesson plans, introduction to pendulums lesson plan: pendulum lab, teaching tip, related videos.

Pendulum Lab Video Primer

Pendulum Lab Video Primer

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Facilitating Activities with PhET

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Designing PhET Activities for the K12 Classroom

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  • Swinging Pendulum (for High School)

Hands-on Activity Swinging Pendulum (for High School)

Grade Level: 10 (9-12)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $1.00

Group Size: 3

Activity Dependency: None

Subject Areas: Physical Science, Physics

NGSS Performance Expectations:

NGSS Three Dimensional Triangle

Energize your students with the resources featured here, by grade band, to help them make sense of real-world phenomena related to energy!

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  • Swinging Pendulum
  • Bouncing Balls: Collisions, Momentum & Math in Sports
  • Bouncing Balls: Collisions, Momentum & Math (for High School)
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Engineering… Turning your ideas into reality

Mechanical engineers design a wide range of consumer and industry devices — transportation vehicles, home appliances, computer hardware, factory equipment — that use mechanical motion. The design of equipment for demolition purposes is another example. Similar to the movement of a pendulum, an enormous wrecking ball when held at a height possesses potential energy, and as it falls, its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. As the wrecking ball makes contact with the structure to be destroyed, it transfers that energy to flatten or take down the structure.

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of potential and kinetic energy.
  • Relate concepts of kinetic and potential energy to real life examples, as well as to engineering examples.
  • Understand that a pendulum has a specific period, regardless of where the weight on the pendulum is started, or how much it weighs.
  • Use the concepts of kinetic energy, potential energy, and conservation of energy to perform an experiment to determine an object's velocity.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

HS-PS3-1. Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known. (Grades 9 - 12)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Create a computational model or simulation of a phenomenon, designed device, process, or system.

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Energy is a quantitative property of a system that depends on the motion and interactions of matter and radiation within that system. That there is a single quantity called energy is due to the fact that a system's total energy is conserved, even as, within the system, energy is continually transferred from one object to another and between its various possible forms.

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Conservation of energy means that the total change of energy in any system is always equal to the total energy transferred into or out of the system.

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Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transported from one place to another and transferred between systems.

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Mathematical expressions, which quantify how the stored energy in a system depends on its configuration (e.g. relative positions of charged particles, compression of a spring) and how kinetic energy depends on mass and speed, allow the concept of conservation of energy to be used to predict and describe system behavior.

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The availability of energy limits what can occur in any system.

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Models can be used to predict the behavior of a system, but these predictions have limited precision and reliability due to the assumptions and approximations inherent in models.

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Science assumes the universe is a vast single system in which basic laws are consistent.

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Common Core State Standards - Math

View aligned curriculum

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

State standards, colorado - math, colorado - science.

Each group needs:

  • 2 stopwatches (borrow from other teachers or ask students to bring a watch with a second hand from home)
  • masking tape
  • 10 feet of string or fishing line
  • weight (to tie to string)
  • 3 copies of the Swinging Pendulum Worksheet

To share among groups:

  • scale (optional, if mass of weight is unknown)

Remember that an object's potential energy (PE) is due to its position (height), and an object's kinetic energy (KE) is due to its motion ( velocity ). Potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy by allowing the object to fall (for example, a roller coaster going down a hill or a book falling off a table). This energy transformation also holds true for a pendulum, as illustrated in the diagram. As a pendulum swings, its potential energy converts to kinetic and back to potential, as illustrated in Figure 1.

A diagram of a swinging pendulum illustrates that the pendulum's potential energy, when at its highest point at the left, is converted into kinetic energy as it drops to its lowest point, and converted back to potential energy as it reaches its highest point to the right.

In this activity, students prove that the transformation of energy occurs by calculating the theoretical value of velocity at which a pendulum should swing and comparing it to a measured value. Students also compare the periods (the length of time it takes the pendulum to swing back and forth one time) of the pendulum by allowing it to swing from two different heights.

Four equations will be used in this activity:

KE = ½ m∙V t 2

V m = distance ÷ time

T = (2∙Π∙ ( l / g )½

where m is mass (kg), g is gravity (10 m/s2), h is height (meters), l is the length of the pendulum (m), Vt is the calculated velocity (m/s), and Vm is the measure velocity (also m/s), and T is the period of the pendulum(s). To make the calculations simpler, use the metric system for measurements and calculations.

Before the Activity

  • Gather materials.
  • Designate several areas, depending on the size of your class, for pendulums to swing.
  • Tie the string(s) or line(s) to the ceiling, leaving enough slack to reach the ground.

With the Students

Divide the class into groups of 3, and hand out the Swinging Pendulum Worksheet .

  • Have each group measure and record the mass of the weight.
  • Move each group to the designated test area and tie their weight to the line so that it barely misses the ground while hanging. The length of the pendulum will depend on the height of the ceilings in your classroom. 
  • Place two pieces of tape on opposite sides of the hanging pendulum so that their distances are 50 cm apart. The pendulum should rest in the middle of the two pieces of tape.
  • Have students measure and record the height of the center of your weight when it is resting at equilibrium and again when it has swung to one of the pieces of tape.
  • Students should calculate the potential energy of the weight when it reaches (swings to) the piece of tape. Each team member should do this, as a way to verify the result.
  • Ask students to calculate the theoretical velocity, Vt, at the bottom of the swing by first calculating the kinetic energy of the weight at the bottom of the swing. (Note: Remind students to ignore wind resistance and other factors that would cause us to lose energy. Also, remind students to calculate the potential energy of the weight at equilibrium and factor this into their answer.)
  • Instruct one or two students to pull back the weight until it reaches the edge of one of the pieces of tape.
  • Have two students synchronize two stopwatches, each holding one, and start the stopwatches as soon as the weight is released.
  • The first student should stop her/his stopwatch when the pendulum reaches the first piece of tape, and the second student should stop her/his watch when it reaches the second piece of tape (the original piece).
  • Ask students to record the difference in times on their Swinging Pendulum Worksheet.
  • Students should repeat the experiment three times.
  • Repeat steps 4-12 but make set up the two pieces of tape so they are 80 cm apart.
  • Instruct students to calculate the theoretical period of the pendulum.
  • They should compare the theoretical period with their average measured period. (Note: The measured period is the time it takes for the weight to complete one full swing to one piece of tape and back to the other.)
  • Instruct students to complete the Swinging Pendulum Worksheet.

Pre-Activity Assessment

Question/Answer : Ask the students and discuss as a class:

  • Where will the pendulum have the greatest amount of energy? (Answer: It has the same amount of energy wherever it is.)

Prediction : Ask the students to predict:

  • Will a pendulum starting at a higher height go faster or slower than a pendulum that starts at a lower height? (Answer: It should go faster.)
  • Will a pendulum starting at higher heights have a greater period? (Answer: It should be the same as a lower-starting pendulum no matter the height.)

Activity Embedded Assessment

  • Complete the Swinging Pendulum Worksheet .

Post-Activity Assessment

  • If engineers can use potential energy (height) of an object to calculate how fast it will travel when falling, can they do the reverse and calculate how high something will rise if they know its kinetic energy (velocity)? (Answer: Yes, as long as you know either height or velocity, you can calculate the other.)
  • For what might an engineer use this information? (Answer: To create other amusement park rides besides roller coasters, in racing, or how to launch something, etc.)
  • Why did the pendulum have the same period even when the weight started from different heights? (Answer: The period of a pendulum is only dependent on the length of the pendulum, which is consistent no matter where the weight starts.)

Safety Issues

Make sure the students do not use the weighted pendulum to swing at (hit) one another.

If students are complaining that the weight is not reaching the pieces of tape, ask them if they think it should and if so, why it is not. Then tell them to stop the stopwatches when the weight reaches the furthest point of its swing (right as the weight is changing direction).

If students have not had much experience with pendulums, then be sure to give them the equation for finding the period and help them with Question 5 from Calculations and Results section of the Swinging Pendulum Worksheet .

Pendulums can be used for many different tasks. Have your students research how pendulums are used today and specifically, how they are used by engineers.

  • For all grades, if there is not enough time to complete the activity, have students complete the Swinging Pendulum Worksheet as homework.
  • For lower grades, if students have never done any work with pendulums, then explain that this will be a good introduction to pendulums. Plan on working with them through the questions pertaining to the period of the pendulum and the pendulum itself.
  • For higher grades, complete the activity as is.

pendulum classroom experiment

This activity demonstrates how potential energy (PE) can be converted to kinetic energy (KE) and back again. Given a pendulum height, students calculate and predict how fast the pendulum will swing by understanding conservation of energy and using the equations for PE and KE.

preview of 'Swinging Pendulum' Activity

Students are introduced to both potential energy and kinetic energy as forms of mechanical energy. A hands-on activity demonstrates how potential energy can change into kinetic energy by swinging a pendulum, illustrating the concept of conservation of energy.

preview of 'Kinetic and Potential Energy of Motion' Lesson

Using the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® kit, students construct experiments to measure the time it takes a free falling body to travel a specified distance. Students use the touch sensor, rotational sensor, and the brick to measure the time of flight for the falling object at different release heights.

preview of 'Measuring g for Gravity' Activity


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no. 0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: September 16, 2020

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  • Stem Activities Ks2 Pendulum Experiment

Gravity KS2 – STEM pendulum experiment

Emily Hunt

PDF lesson plan of salt pendulum experiment for KS2.

Engineers use pendulums in their constructions for lots of things, from everyday clocks to amusement park rides. In this gravity KS2 lesson, children will learn what a pendulum is, and build upon this knowledge by creating and experimenting with their own salt pendulum.

They will explore the patterns created by the pendulum and the forces involved in the swing, such as gravity and kinetic energy.

Pupils will also make real-world links to the practical applications of pendulums, and the role they play in day-to-day objects.

Gravity KS2 lesson

What they’ll learn:

  • Ask relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them
  • Set up simple practical enquiries, comparative, and fair tests
  • Identify the forces acting on a pendulum

Starter activity

Begin by displaying three images for children to discuss:

  • playground swing
  • swing boat ride at an amusement park
  • wrecking ball

What do these images have in common? Encourage the children to think about how each of these objects moves. They might identify that each object swings back and forth under its own weight. Explain that each image is an example of a pendulum.

A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot (central point) so it can swing freely. Can they think of any other places where we might find a pendulum?

Emily Hunt is an experienced primary teacher, senior leader and author of the 15-Minute STEM book series (Crown House Publishing). Emily also blogs and shares STEM activities on her website How To STEM .

Gravity KS2 lesson plan

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STEM Activities for Kids

Playground Science – Exploring Pendulums & Ada Twist, Scientist

Playground science and an ada twist, scientist giveaway.

Playground Science - Exploring Pendulums with Ada Twist, Scientist | Meredith Anderson @ STEM Activities for Kids

Exploring Pendulums with the Scientific Method

How can swings help children explore science? The answer is in the physics of pendulums! Your students will follow the Scientific Method and come to a conclusion on their own about swings. What could be more fun than playground science?

Playground Science - Pendulums and Swings

Now it is time to test the hypothesis with an experiment. Have each of your test subjects swing on the swing for at least a few swings (trying to reach approximately the same height), then have them stop pumping their legs and measure the period. Do this by starting the stopwatch when they reach the very front/top of the swing, and when they return back to it again. Record the period, then move on to the next test subject!

Playground Science - Pendulums and Swings

Once each person has tested the swing at the initial height, move the swing higher, and repeat the test. Repeat the entire process at least once more for best results. You are now ready to analyze the data . Look at the test results and ask your kids these questions:

  • What do you notice about the period when the swing is low to the ground (long string/chain) compared to when it is short?
  • What do you notice about the period when people of different mass are on the swing?
  • What factor affects the period more, the mass of the rider, or the length of the string?
  • Does the starting angle affect the period at all (if the rider swings very high or very low)?

Draw Conclusions

Now it’s time to check the hypothesis against the test results. Was your hypothesis correct? If it was, you guessed right. If not, that is okay too! Scientists need to follow the Scientific Method to find out how things behave. Rejecting your hypothesis is just as important as supporting it!

Once you have followed all of these steps, your students can let their peers know what they have learned by sharing their results . If they don’t believe it, they can form their own hypothesis and repeat the experiment. Perhaps they will want to test a different factor. Ask the kids what they think about these possible changes in the experiment:

Playground Science Recording Sheet Download - STEM Activities for Kids

The Physics of Pendulums

Ada twist, scientist giveaway.


Abrams Books provided us with a copy of Ada Twist, Scientist and a special Ada Twist print signed by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts to share with one lucky reader! You will adore this book if you enjoyed Rosie Revere, Engineer or Iggy Peck, Architect .

Rosie Revere, Engineer

From the publisher:

Playground Science - Pendulums and Swings Ada Twist Scientist


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About Meredith

Meredith Anderson is a STEM education enthusiast and former homeschooling parent. A mechanical engineer by training, she enjoys creating STEM educational resources for her two sons, other homeschoolers, and classrooms around the world.


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These are really awesome and engaging stem activities! Thank you so much!

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I love to make edible rocks with them and learn about the rock cycle. 🙂

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This is awesome

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I am so excited about these activities and I can’t wait to get outside with my 4th graders to test some of these out. We have already done some experimentation with levers and pullies. Thanks for posting!

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I love the sink and float science experiment!

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Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite science to win with kids is Oobleck.

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Wonderful! Great ideas and so easy to do using what’s available just outside.

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I do pendulum activities every year with my 5th graders but never on the playground! I LOVE this idea and the free recording sheet. I can’t wait to use it with my students! Thanks!

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My favorite science activity to do with my kids is a STEM based activity. I love seasonal to get them in the mood. I also love doing fairy tale STEM to add reading and language arts based ideas! My first graders remembered today working with the three bears and the Big Bad Wolf! They remember building and we could connect growth mind-set ideas to how they had to keep trying! I also love the lesson above because we are dong FOSS swingers this next week. This idea is a great connection piece that I will be using!

Renee from Science School Yard

I love anything STEM with my students. I use it for seasonal connections and when students need to just think and play! I love that my second graders remembered the Princess and the Pea STEM activity that we did last year and we could make connections to growth mind-set and how we had to do a plan B and try again. We didn’t give up! I also love the activity included! I am doing the FOSS swingers lesson this week and this is a great extension.

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This is awesome!! I love doing “building a bridge” and “edible science.” I can’t wait to try this pendulum experiment!! They will love it!!

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Our school just got new safe swings for our playground. I love the STEM activities regarding swing in this book. I would definitely try some of these swing activities.

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Love doing chemical reactions with kids. Their expressions say it all!

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I love doing just about an experiment with the kiddos. They get so excited and are so engaged. Making ice cream is always a huge hit!

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My favorite, at the moment, is building lighted villages with simple circuitry. This book would be an amazing resource!

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I love this post. Great ways to get kids engaged in science and math while outside! My favorite science experiment… that is tricky! I love doing chromatography with kids, and anything that involves plants! Water quality testing/chemistry with older kids and exploring magnets with the Preschoolers.

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Did one of my favorites today – we dipped different types of potato chips in choclate to see how well they held the chocolate – great for teaching about variables, the scientific method, how to write a lab report…And its yummy too!

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This is a fabulous post. I am so glad that I stumbled upon this blog. I’m really going outside my comfort zone with STEM this year and I am hoping to do more experiments.

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My favorite activity to do with my after-school STEM group is when we make shoe box marble mazes. The students are always a little apprehensive of how they could really design and build a maze like the ones they see online. As they start and continue the design process, they gain confidence in themselves. Love <3

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Pendulum Motion Video Tutorial

The Pendulum Motion Video Tutorial provides a wealth of details about the motion of a pendulum. Discussion topics include forces, free-body diagrams, force analysis with components, changes in speed and direction, position-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, changes in kinetic and potential energy, and the period-length relationship. The video lesson answers the following questions:

  • How does the force, acceleration, position, velocity, kinetic energy, and potential energy change over the course of a pendulum’s path?
  • What factors affect the period of a pendulum and how?

View Video Tutorial

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pendulum classroom experiment


  1. simple pendulum Experiment

    pendulum classroom experiment

  2. STEM Simple Pendulum Experiment for Kids

    pendulum classroom experiment


    pendulum classroom experiment

  4. Simple Pendulum

    pendulum classroom experiment

  5. Pendulum Action experiment

    pendulum classroom experiment

  6. A pendulum is a hanging weight that swings back and forth, like the

    pendulum classroom experiment


  1. Making Wave Pendulum #shorts #devkeexperiment

  2. simple pendulum experiment।। Time period of simple pendulum। Value of g experiment

  3. Pendulum science experiment. Act Taiyuan

  4. Pendulum experiment by Sir Walter Lewin #science #physics #walterlewin #pendulum #shorts

  5. Linear Pendulum Experiment Assembling and Boxing #robot #engineering #machine #asmr #boxing



  1. Investigate the Motion of a Pendulum

    The back-and-forth motion of a swing demonstrates the physics of a pendulum. In this experiment, you will investigate the factors that affect the speed and duration of a pendulum's swing, also called an oscillating motion. You can even use your phone and a sensor app to record your pendulum's movement and determine its period of oscillation.

  2. Experimenting with Pendulums

    The motion of pendulums was one of the many phenomena investigated by the famed scientist Galileo over 400 years ago. His discovery of the periodic motion of pendulums paved the way for the invention of clocks and standardization of time. Students learned that a pendulum consists of a pivot point with a rope or wire attached to it and a mass ...

  3. Experiment: The Pendulum: a littleBits Project by RichB

    Pendulums have been used for a variety of purposes including time keeping, and as accelerometers, seismometers, and gravimeters. Galileo is generally credited as being the first to study properties of the pendulum scientifically. The most interesting property is called the period of a pendulum-- the time for one complete left an right oscillation</i>.&nbsp; Galileo found that the period of a ...

  4. Swing Low: Investigate the Motion of a Pendulum

    A pendulum is an object hung from a fixed point that swings back and forth under the action of gravity. In the example of the playground swing, the swing is supported by chains that are attached to fixed points at the top of the swing set. When the swing is raised and released, it will move freely back and forth due to the force of gravity on it.

  5. PDF Investigating Pendulums

    Period or cycle: The time for one full swing of the pendulum (back and forth). The period of a pendulum can be described mathematically as: where ۾ =period, = 3.14, ܔ = length of string, from fixed pivot at top to center of gravity of bob, = force of gravity, 9.8 m/sec2 (Earth's gravitational constant)

  6. Physics Tutorial: Pendulum Motion

    A simple pendulum consists of a relatively massive object - known as the pendulum bob - hung by a string from a fixed support. When the bob is displaced from equilibrium and then released, it begins its back and forth vibration about its fixed equilibrium position. The motion is regular and repeating, an example of periodic motion. In this Lesson, the sinusoidal nature of pendulum motion is ...

  7. Pendulum Lab

    Pendulum Lab. This is a great inquiry lab for your physics unit! In this activity students will be asked to figure out which of the following variables affect the period of the pendulum swing: the mass, the length of the string, or the angle the pendulum is released from. All you need for this lab is: string, a ring stand (or other object to ...

  8. ‪Pendulum Lab‬

    Discover the principles of pendulum motion with interactive simulations and design your own experiments on PhET's Pendulum Lab.

  9. Pendulums

    Today's lesson focused on pendulums. The motion of pendulums was one of the many phenomena investigated by the famed scientist Galileo over 400 years ago and what he learned about them had a huge impact on the history of technology. The periodic motion of pendulums allowed for the invention of clocks and the standardization of time measurement.

  10. Simple pendulum experiments

    Simple pendulum experiments. Teaching Guidance for 14-16. In different teaching schemes, class experiments with pendulums take several forms: experiments to demonstrate relationships or verify laws. training in techniques of timing and observing. scientific investigation.

  11. Pendulum Motion: Period and Frequency

    The Period and Frequency of a Pendulum Concept Builder provides an introduction to the nature of a pendulum's motion. The Concept Builder consists 60 questions organized into 15 Question Groups and spread across three activities. The first activity - Basic Concepts - targets a student's understanding of the distinction between period and frequency.

  12. Physics Simulation: Pendulum Motion Simulation

    The Pendulum Motion Simulation is an adjustable-size file that displays nicely on tablets such as the iPad, on Chromebooks, and on laptops and desktops. The size of the Interactive can be scaled to fit the device that it is displayed on. The compatibility with iPads, other tablets, and Chromebooks make it a perfect tool for use in a 1:1 classroom.

  13. Pendulum Science Experiment

    This lovely KS2 science investigation helps children to learn about pendulums in a practical and visual way. They use the easy to follow instructions to make a pendulum using everyday classroom objects. The resource comes with a recording sheet and challenge question sheets to help children investigate how the length of the string can affect the swing of the pendulum. There is also a ...

  14. Pendulum Lab

    Play with one or two pendulums and discover how the period of a simple pendulum depends on the length of the string, the mass of the pendulum bob, the strength of gravity, and the amplitude of the swing. Observe the energy in the system in real-time, and vary the amount of friction. Measure the period using the stopwatch or period timer. Use the pendulum to find the value of g on Planet X ...

  15. Pendulum Lab Lesson Plans and Lesson Ideas

    Students can design controlled experiments to determine how gravity and the pendulum's mass, length, and amplitude affect the period. The period can be measured using the stopwatch or period timer and students can determine the value of g on Planet X. Students can explore kinetic, potential, and thermal energy in the system using the energy ...

  16. Make a Pendulum: a fun at-home science experiment

    Make your own pendulum and explore the science behind its swinging motion. Let us know your results at

  17. Swinging Pendulum (for High School)

    Students also compare the periods (the length of time it takes the pendulum to swing back and forth one time) of the pendulum by allowing it to swing from two different heights. Four equations will be used in this activity: PE = m∙g h. KE = ½ m∙V t2. V m = distance ÷ time. T = (2∙Π∙ ( l / g )½.

  18. Gravity KS2

    PDF lesson plan of salt pendulum experiment for KS2. KS2. Years 4-6. STEM. Engineers use pendulums in their constructions for lots of things, from everyday clocks to amusement park rides. In this gravity KS2 lesson, children will learn what a pendulum is, and build upon this knowledge by creating and experimenting with their own salt pendulum.

  19. Playground Science

    This link on pendulum motion explains how the two main forces acting in this experiment (the downward force of gravity as well as the tension on the string) affect the pendulum. For more about the science of pendulums, visit the following: The Pendulum's Swing. Amusement Park Pendulums (includes relevant vocabulary)

  20. PDF Pendulum Motion Purpose: Pendulum Motion ...

    Pendulum Motion. Purpose: To analyze the back-and-forth motion of a pendulum. Getting Ready: Navigate to the Pendulum Motion Simulation found in the Waves and Sound unit of the Physics Interactives section at The Physics Classroom. (NOTE: this simulation can also be found in the Circular and Satellite Motion unit.) https://www.physicsclassroom ...

  21. Physics Simulation: Pendulum Motion Simulation

    The Pendulum Motion Simulation is shown in the iFrame below. There is a small hot-spot in the lower-right corner of the iFrame. Dragging this hot-spot allows you to change the size of iFrame to whatever dimensions you prefer. Our Pendulum Motion simulation is now available with a Concept Checker. Do the simulation.

  22. Coffee Cup Pendulum

    Learn more at There's a strong possibility that Steve Spangler's swinging t...

  23. Physics Video Tutorial

    Pendulum Motion Video Tutorial The Pendulum Motion Video Tutorial provides a wealth of details about the motion of a pendulum. Discussion topics include forces, free-body diagrams, force analysis with components, changes in speed and direction, position-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, changes in kinetic and potential energy, and the period-length relationship.