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How To Write An Oxbridge Personal Statement

Writing your Oxbridge personal statement? Being two of the most prestigious universities in the world, and having many applicants who surpass their requirements, we've provided a few pointers to help your personal statement stand out in your Oxbridge application .

1. Start early

The extra level of preparation that an Oxbridge application requires, combined with the October deadline, means that pupils should try to start planning their personal statement in Year 12.

The first draft of the personal statement should be completed by the end of summer holiday between Year 12 and 13, which means any extra reading or work experience that a student may wish to include in it must be completed before this time.

2. Focus on your academic strengths

Prove your academic strength in your subject with examples of books you’ve read around your subject, an essay you’ve written, a prize you’ve won, lectures you’ve attended, documentaries you’ve watched or even podcasts you’ve listened to.

Admissions decisions at Oxford and Cambridge are solely based on academic ability and potential. Whereas a regular personal statement might be split 75/25 into academic content and content focussed on extracurricular activities, this should be more like an 90/10 split for an Oxbridge personal statement.

Students should therefore try to use the limited word count to only discuss experiences which have helped expand their understanding or passion for their subject.

Here are some questions for to reflect on:

  • How have my experiences expanded my enthusiasm for my subject?
  • What skills/knowledge have I gained from my experiences?
  • How will this make me a better student in the future?

3. Discuss the subject

  • Be passionate. A requirement not often mentioned in guidelines for Oxbridge applications but which is of just as much importance is genuine interest and love for the subject you desire to study. Try to illustrate this in your personal statement not just through your achievements but also through actually talking about the subject.
  • Tutors will expect you to have followed up on your interest in your subject through extracurricular activities and having read around the subject . Make sure to mention what you’ve read and done and explain to them in a way that shows you really know what you’re talking about. Remember the way to show genuine interest is not to tell them 'I’ve read X and I’ve done Y' but to make it implicit from what you’re saying. Talking ABOUT the content of what you’ve done or read as opposed to mentioning it in a sentence is a far better way of doing this.

Write about how your wider research has developed your thinking in your personal statement too. For example, if you’ve read a book about a period of history you’ve been studying at A-Level you can write a sentence about how that book gave you an alternative point of view that you hadn’t previously considered. Or, you can talk about the role you took in a debate at school and how that either confirmed or changed your opinion on a topic area.

  • Be honest. Don’t lie about having read books that you haven’t or being interested in things you aren’t as you may get caught out at the interview stage. Most admissions tutors are looking for potential as opposed to prior knowledge so try not to make stuff up. In the past people who’ve gotten in have quoted from the likes of Harry Potter or nursery rhymes; which if done well, comes across just as well (if not slightly cooler) than quoting from a well known academic. If you do choose to use a famous quote or talk about a well known book then try to say something different!

4. Talk about yourself

  • Make them want to meet you! Oxford and Cambridge place a great deal of importance on the interviews so to make sure you get selected for one, try to show the real you in your statement. It shouldn’t just be a list of your achievements (though I’m sure for some of you this could fill the entire word count). Whilst what you’ve done may be impressive, giving them a feel for your real interest and ideas will make them want to meet you and talk about these in an interview.  
  • Tie in your hobbies and interests to your academic abilities (where possible). This will make you a more interesting candidate and the tutors will be keen to find out more about you.

All successful Oxbridge candidates are interviewed as part of the admissions process, and interviewers often draw on things mentioned in the Personal Statement. To help put you in control of the interview as much as possible, you can leave ‘hooks’ for the interviewer which directs them towards subjects you will be able to expand upon. If an applicant writes: “I was fascinated by the similarities between Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte” they can expect to be asked what it was in particular that they found interesting, and think of some specific examples to talk about in the interview.

This is one reason why you should always be honest in your personal statement. You should never claim to have read a book that you haven’t, even if you plan to read it after submitting your UCAS form. Also, don't pretend to have an interest in a certain subject just because you think it will sound impressive.

5. Be original

  • Try not to be clichéd and just tell them you read magazines like the Economist , as they’ll already be rolling their eyes as they read it. Talk instead about an article you found particularly interesting or your opinions on that newspaper to make you stand out from the crowd and show you have something to say.  
  • A strong opening is vital. This may seem pretty obvious but far too many people start their statement with a line about how they’ve recently become interested in the subject they’ve chosen to study. Think of different ways to start, perhaps with a quote or a story or talking about an article you’ve read, again remember not to go for overused quotes or stories again.  
  • Use language that you are comfortable with, and don't rely on a thesaurus to make you sound intelligent. Stick to words and phrases you would use in everyday conversation, and you will come across as a more genuine person that the tutors will want to connect with.  
  • Don’t necessarily stick to the standard format for personal statements. Whilst it’s important to include all the necessary information about your subject and yourself if you can think of a different way to present it then don’t be afraid to go for it.

For 2021 entry, Oxford University received almost 24,000 undergraduate applications for around 3,300 undergraduate places. This means there are around 7 applications for every available place. In 2020, Cambridge University received 20,426 applications for around 4,500 places. With many of these applicants holding top grades, it can be very difficult to stand out from the crowd. This is where your original thinking comes in handy. In your personal statement, think about how the subject you are applying relates to your other studies, the world around you and your personal experiences.

It’s important for the candidate to remember that the interviewers have made a career out of their chosen subject; they will genuinely be interested to have a conversation with you if you can bring an interesting or original thought to your personal statement and interview .

Further information

For more advice on applying to Oxbridge, please see:

  • Should I apply to Oxbridge?
  • Cambridge University personal statement examples
  • Oxford University personal statement examples
  • Oxbridge Interview
  • Oxbridge Interview Tips
  • Postgraduate Study at Oxbridge .

Applying to Oxbridge: writing a personal statement

Writing an Oxbridge-quality personal statement can be challenging. Our comprehensive guide will help your students write a statement that stands out

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In the UK, personal statements are a vital part of the university-application process, which is handled by Ucas .

However, writing an Oxbridge-quality personal statement is far more challenging for students than putting together a standard application. Why is this? And how can you support your Oxbridge applicants in writing a competitive and high-quality statement?

What is an Oxbridge personal statement?

A Ucas personal statement is a written statement (up to 4,000 characters) in which an applicant showcases their accomplishments, abilities, interests and goals to strengthen their application for higher education. 

Every university in the UK requires a personal statement, including the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Although Oxbridge statements are functionally the same as any other, the quality of writing expected from applicants is much higher. This reflects how competitive and prestigious these two universities are, with more than 40,000 applications between them each year. 

The quality of the personal statement becomes even more important for applicants outside the UK, because international students typically receive only 25 per cent of offers made by Oxford and Cambridge.

Personal statements must be written in English and are expected to reach a high standard of content quality and grammatical correctness. So the prospect of each student’s Oxbridge application will be dependent to some extent on how well they can plan, draft and edit their personal statement.

The deadline for the personal statement – along with the rest of the Ucas application – is usually 16 October for Oxbridge applicants, which is more than three months earlier than the applications for the rest of the universities in the UK.

How is an Oxbridge personal statement used? 

Unlike most universities in the UK, which rely on the Ucas application form and supporting materials to decide whether or not to offer a place, Oxford and Cambridge require applicants to complete extra steps before offers are made.

After the standard Ucas application, most applicants will need to complete a subject-specific admissions test, which is followed by an interview, should they be invited.

The personal statement is initially used during this shortlisting process, alongside the applicant’s predicted grades, admissions-test score and other supporting materials. It will also be considered in the final decision-making process, although the applicant’s interview performance will provide a greater insight into their personality and motivation for study. 

What are Oxford and Cambridge looking for? 

Oxbridge admissions tutors are interested in students’ grades, experiences and attitude. It's important to study the universities' specific guidelines rather than making assumptions about what an ideal candidate would look like.

Some of the key qualities that the universities look for include: 

1. Academic ability and potential 

Oxbridge seeks academically thriving applicants, judged first and foremost by their grades and school performance. Oxbridge applicants should already achieve or be expected to achieve the necessary grade criteria for their courses. 

2. Critical and independent thought 

Oxbridge seeks exceptionally intelligent applicants who possess critical-thinking skills. The ability to think logically in academic and everyday situations is important, because initiative and independent work are essential for the teaching style and work ethic promoted at Oxford and Cambridge.

3. Suitability and enthusiasm for the course 

Each applicant must have a genuine passion for their subject, showcasing expanded interest and a desire to learn. Essential traits include motivation, self-discipline, commitment and a drive for personal growth. 

Drafting a personal statement for Oxbridge

After writing the foundation of their personal statement, encompassing their personal story, academic achievements, subject-related experience, extracurricular activities and additional details, an applicant needs to assess whether their statement is likely to capture the interest of Oxford and Cambridge admissions tutors. 

In all likelihood, the initial draft will fall short – only a small number of applicants manage to get their statement right on the first attempt. So how can they improve it? 

1. Relevance 

An Oxbridge hopeful needs to connect everything they discuss to their application. Relevance to the chosen course is essential. A detailed explanation of one highly relevant example holds more value than a list of several irrelevant activities. An applicant should reflect on their experience, highlighting their personal growth and explain why it makes them a stronger Oxbridge applicant. 

2. Efficiency  

Oxbridge admissions are fiercely competitive, so a sentence should be as efficient as possible in highlighting the applicant’s strongest attributes.

3. Wider reading  

Oxford and Cambridge value applicants who take charge of their research and education. Your students should discuss any relevant wider reading and enrichment activities they have taken part in, including research projects, extensive reading, academic competitions and more.

4. Adding value 

Oxbridge admissions tutors want a mutually enriching relationship with their students. Applicants should therefore highlight their value to the university, including volunteer experience, extracurricular activities and desirable skills or traits. While not core elements to a statement, these additions will have a significant impact. 

Each personal statement will be different. You and the students’ teachers should provide advice based on what you know about them. Help them play to their strengths and highlight what makes them unique. 

Common personal statement mistakes 

A perfect personal statement is impossible to achieve, but sometimes your students will make simple mistakes that can have consequences for their applications. These are usually easy to avoid, so here are some of the most common mistakes you can watch out for: 

1. Pandering to tutors 

Applicants often misunderstand what admissions tutors want to see, and might attempt to impress them in misguided ways. Some will overload their personal statements with numerous achievements, assuming that tutors expect a long list. Others will embellish details to sound impressive. However, admissions tutors easily recognise these tactics, having reviewed countless personal statements during their careers. 

We already know that tutors are actually looking for academic ability, independent thinking, genuine interest and good character, so these are the traits that you should encourage your students to showcase in their writing.

2. Lying and exaggerating

Students will often think that one small lie will go unnoticed or that they won’t be questioned on the specific details of what they have mentioned. However, as soon as a student is caught out for including false information in their statement, their whole application will be in danger.

When reviewing statements, it’s important for counsellors to question students if something seems untrue – but without making accusations. Mock interviews are also a great opportunity to identify any potential misrepresentation in the work. 

3. Bad spelling or grammar

It is important to be vigilant when reviewing students’ statements, especially as English might not be your students’ first language. Encourage them to find mistakes themselves before pointing them out.

Additional tips

1. offer detailed feedback  .

It is hugely beneficial to the student to receive detailed feedback with actionable advice. Going line by line through their personal statement, you can point out specific areas, both large and small, that could be improved to enhance its overall quality. 

2. Provide exemplars  

It is strongly recommended that you build a collection of successful Oxbridge personal statements for your students to use as inspiration (but not to copy). These can come from previous applicants or from other sources, such as the successful personal statement collection  curated by UniAdmissions. 

3. Use spell and grammar checks 

Various pieces of advanced spellchecking and grammar-checking software are available, which will help your students review their work easily and accurately. You should encourage your class to make use of these, but to be careful that they only provide guidance rather then writing the whole statement. 

4. Look out for AI-written statements  

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly useful writing tool. However, it is not a suitable option for writing a personal statement because it cannot offer the personal insights and reflections that are required in a good statement.

5. Use available resources 

Various resources are available to support students through their applications. For example, UniAdmissions offers students a comprehensive collection of resources and support methods that can triple an average student’s chance of receiving an offer. Look into the options available to your students.

Upcoming changes to Ucas personal statements 

Because of concerns that the existing personal-statement format unfairly advantages certain students, Ucas will be changing its requirements in 2024 (for 2025 university entry in the UK).

The current format sees each student writing a single, free-form document for submission. The new system will instead be based on a series of six questions, which will cover all the general topics that would be discussed in a standard personal statement. This change will affect all applicants to UK universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

The quality of content required for Oxbridge personal statements will not be changing, but applicants will need to adapt to a new, more limited way of writing. Full details about these changes, including the new questions and the reasoning behind the changes, can be found on the Ucas website . 


Top 10 Tips for an Oxbridge Personal Statement

1. make it personal.

University admissions tutors go through hundreds of Personal Statements every year. Especially at Oxbridge, where there are usually over 10 applicants per place! Applications, from the university’s perspective, are a long process involving thousands of applicants so it’s important that you use your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out and be remembered. They will likely make a decision about whether you will be further considered for admission long before they’ve finished reading. Therefore, you need to make sure to capture their attention quickly.

Have you done any relevant work experience, or perhaps a research project? Put that near the top of your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out straight away.  Look online for example Oxbridge Personal Statements for your chosen course to get ideas, but make sure not to plagiarise! All UCAS Personal Statements are checked for plagiarism against all other Personal Statements.

2. Don’t talk about your A levels

Further to the last point, don’t spend a lot of time talking about your A levels. Almost everyone has done them, and you want to give Oxford or Cambridge a reason to choose YOU and not someone else. You have a limited number of characters in which to show them why, so use that space to talk about things unique to you. Keep reading for ideas about what you should put instead.

3. Read around your subject

Books you’ve read are a great way to both show your interest in the subject and stand out from everyone else on your personal statement. Remember that if you go to Oxbridge, you might even meet the person who wrote the book you read, or someone who worked with them. Make sure to discuss an idea from the book you found interesting or surprising, and why the book was important to you to show that you’ve really learnt from it.

4. Ask for feedback

A great way to improve your Oxbridge Personal Statement is to ask for feedback from your teachers and friends. It’s easy to miss spelling and grammar mistakes, and it can be very useful to get a second opinion about vocabulary and sentence structure. Your Oxbridge Personal Statement will likely have sentences that are phrased awkwardly and it will be difficult for you to notice it and think of anything else to say when it’s something you’ve written yourself.

Therefore asking someone else is an important tool, make sure to ask someone with experience in your subject to make sure all the specifics are correct, your school teacher for the chosen subject or any family/friends who studied a similar subject at University.

5. But not from too many people

Although the last point still stands, you don’t want to ask too many people for advice. How can this be? They will all have their own ideas, and although most of them will be good, hearing a lot of conflicting suggestions will confuse you and make you doubt yourself. The truth is that there is no perfect Oxbridge Personal Statement, but there are a lot of great ones. Whilst external opinions are valuable, ensure that they don’t take away from what is YOUR piece of work. Ultimately, your Oxbridge Personal Statement should capture who you are and not anyone else!

6. It will take more than one draft

It may seem like you could get your Oxbridge Personal Statement done in one night. After all, it’s only 4000 characters or about 600-800 words. However, if you think this then you’re in for a rude awakening! Take it from us, first, you’ll feel like you’ve got nothing to write, then it will start pouring out and very soon you’ll have far too much and you’ll have to get rid of whole sections. After that comes vocabulary. “If I can just rephrase this, I can make it 5 characters shorter”, you’ll think to yourself.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Then you’ll show it to your teacher and she’ll tell you to include another point in there. It can feel like it never ends, but you have to finish it at some point – again you need to find a balance. Don’t rush it – you have until October for Oxbridge/medicine applications and until January for other applications. This gives you plenty of time to make the best Personal Statement you can. If you’re really stuck for something to improve, come back the next day with a fresh set of eyes, or ask a  friend or teacher to read it.

7. Show, don’t tell

Imagine someone told you that they are the best mathematician ever. You wouldn’t believe them at first; you might ask them some maths questions, what qualifications they have etc. In the same way, universities won’t believe you if you just say how good a candidate you are; you need to show them. For example, don’t say that you’re passionate about your subject. Instead, tell them what books you’ve read about or online courses or extracurricular projects you’ve done.

Don’t just say that you’re organised, tell them about some work experience you’ve done and show them how you used your organizational skills to do it. Never say anything you can’t back up. If you don’t think you’ve got anything like this to say, it’s not too late to start. Go and do some work experience or read a book before you have to submit your Oxbridge Personal Statement . Self-reflection is key so learn how to do it effectively and efficiently.

8. Make it relevant to your chosen course

For everything you say about yourself, try to show why it will make you a good candidate for the course you are applying to. Obviously, don’t go too far with this. There are some skills, such as intelligence, that are just generally good and you don’t have to say why they’re good for a specific course. However, if you apply to something with a high workload like medicine it may be good to show how you’re good at time management, and if you apply to something with a lot of problem-solving like STEM then it may be good to show that you have problem-solving ability.

This is also a good way to plug up any gaps left by your A levels. If, for example, you are applying for a course with a creative element and your A levels don’t include a lot of creativity then talk about a hobby you do and how you use creativity to do it.

9. Get it done early

The Oxbridge Personal Statement is the first step in your application, and it will require your best work. As such, it’s vital to give yourself plenty of time to come up with all the best things about yourself to write and to make improvements. Start it with plenty of time to spare so you don’t have to rush, and don’t let it take up all your time when you have important studying to do.

10. Submit it and move on

When you’ve dotted every i and crossed every t, checked all your spelling and vocabulary, and asked your friends, your teachers, the postman and his dog to read your Oxbridge Personal Statement, you still may feel like there’s more you can improve. You have to ignore this feeling. If you’ve done all you can and followed all the tips in this article then your time will be better spent studying to ace your admissions test, and make sure you keep up with your A levels!

Getting your Oxbridge Personal Statement in nice and early also shows the university that you’re well prepared. We will admit, the waiting for a response can be the hardest part, but it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and the Personal Statement is only the first hurdle.

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Example UCAS personal statements

This is a real example of a UCAS personal statement from a student who went on to read engineering at Cambridge

My interest in Engineering stems from a careers event at the remarkable National Physical Laboratory; here my aim to pursue a Maths and Physics related degree formed. Although they are my favourite and strongest subjects at school, I am often left keen to discover their practical applications. Engineering strikes me as the perfect way to relate exciting theories to real-world problems, giving science context.

As President of my school's Natural Sciences Society, I deliver presentations and organise talks where guest speakers discuss a wide range of topics, from 'Angular Momentum' to 'Solar Energy'. One speech on aero-engines taught me about the challenges of refining aeronautical engine efficiency. Fascinated by the notion of flight, I researched the topic in depth and wrote an article on how bumblebees fly, published in our Society Journal. Over the course of this activity, I encountered concepts such as biomechanics and aerodynamic stall, the latter of which became the subject of further personal research and another article in St Olave's Engineering Society Journal.

I enjoy problem-solving, taking an active interest in programming. I have independently completed two courses in Python, which have helped me develop the logical yet creative thought-process needed to write and debug code. They provided knowledge of Python types and structures, then moved on to object-oriented programming, algorithmic complexity and stochastic processes. The content learnt was regularly applied to the creation of games and tasks, to ensure I received a well-grounded and useful background in the language.

I was fortunate enough to gain industry experience at BAE Systems, where I led one of six teams in designing an F46 Blacksabre integrated cockpit. I gained a great appreciation for the importance of collaboration and composure as we dealt with the components' technical problems and logistical issues within the strict deadline. Following our written report and formal presentation, we were chosen as the successful contractors. I was proud to receive the prize for best individual performance during the week.

An Aerospace Headstart course furthered my teamwork skills, where we made a glider wing. Our design involved a tightly bound paper skin on a cambered aerofoil structure with a single I-beam slat, minimal ribs to lower weight and a sanded leading edge to smoothen airflow. This led us to achieve the best lift/drag ratio out of eight groups. Not only did I gain a solid foundation in aerodynamics, but I became better prepared for the intensiveness of project work, given we had just two hours to plan and make the entire model.

I have always been transfixed by the idea of reproducing science fiction; for my EPQ I explored the viability of creating the suit of Marvel superhero Falcon, including the performance of carbon nanofibre wings, the material giving them morphing and bulletproof capabilities, and how best to use turbojet engines to generate enough thrust. I also analysed the integration of these features with weapons and displays to create a fully functioning suit-system. The project cemented my impression that Engineering weaves together many areas of science to create something entirely new, a notion that greatly appeals to me.

Alongside my studies, I enjoy volunteering for the ESU, where I judge competitions at a regional level, and at a local nursing home, organising resident activities. I mentor students in KS3 Maths and am also a keen musician, obtaining Distinctions in Grade 8 piano and Grade 7 flute. Having an extensive extracurricular life both in school and out reflects my organisational talent and effective time management.

I believe my consistently high performance in A-Levels and academic competitions shows my potential to excel in this course. The world will always encounter problems, and will always require engineers to solve them. Studying Engineering at the highest level would give me the chance to help shape our future.

Graduate entry medicine UCAS form

Since graduating from xxxxx [blanked out for confidentiality] in 2003 with a 2:1 in mathematics, I have established myself as a researcher in the Institute for [xxxblanked out for confidentialyxx]. I specialise in developing mathematical models to aid our understanding of xxxxx [ blanked out for confidentiality]. When I first joined the institute I worked on a project to quantify the risk to humans from ... [xxblanked out for confidentiality xxx] and evaluate the risk reduction that could be achieved by different control strategies. I was asked to present this work to the Food Standards Agency and my findings were used to inform their policy decisions. For the past four years I have been working towards a PhD and, having recently submitted my thesis, I am now awaiting my viva. My thesis focuses on understanding how [xxxblanked out for confidentiality xx]. I have given talks on my research at four international conferences and I have published two papers. In addition, I have written a chapter for a book on [xxxblanked out for confidentiality xx] and I am a named author on two other publications.

Although I enjoy academic work, I have always felt that I would prefer a career where I can interact closely with people and where I can be of help in a more immediate way. In this sense medicine is a natural progression for me. Last year I spent a week shadowing a team of doctors and nurses who specialise in vascular medicine. I visited the ward, the outpatient clinic and the theatre. The experience was a fascinating insight into life in hospital and one that I enjoyed immensely. It has confirmed my commitment to a career in medicine. I used it as an opportunity to learn about the responsibilities of the different team members and about the high element of teamwork involved in medicine. My research involves collaboration with other scientists - including several clinicians - and I enjoy discussing ideas amongst a team and learning from others.

My time in hospital gave me a flavour of the rewards and challenges that a medical career offers. It highlighted that certain fields can be continuously stressful and that time management skills are crucial. The importance of leadership skills and a commitment to administration was also evident. I am confident that I could thrive in this environment. One of my interests is rock climbing and this has taught me how to make rational decisions whilst under pressure. In my free time I also run a badminton club and I am self-employed as a property manager. I would relish the opportunity to redirect the organisational skills that I have acquired from these experiences towards a career as a clinician.

During my placement in hospital, it gave me great pleasure to talk to patients about their experiences and to practise my bedside manner. My skills were later put to the test when I spent two weeks accompanying doctors who were treating HIV patients in The Gambia. Because of the language barrier, I quickly learned about the contribution that body language plays in portraying empathy towards patients. My involvement in charity work has also enabled me to improve my interpersonal skills. As an undergraduate, I was part of a group that took underprivileged children on summer holidays. Some of the children had special needs and the trips were often quite challenging. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the experience and I found it incredibly rewarding. Analysing my motivation to study medicine from a more personal perspective, the chance to help patients in a more direct way than would be possible from a research position is something that would be deeply fulfilling.

Five easy ways to get your Oxbridge personal statement noticed

Getting into an Oxbridge university isn’t easy. Knowing what to write in a personal statement will improve your odds.

Lucy Parsons

Getting a place as an Oxbridge university is massively competitive. Over 20,000 people apply to Oxford University for undergraduate study in a typical year, and similar numbers apply to Cambridge University. Oxford admits around 3,500 per year and Cambridge admits roughly 4,500 per year.

It's so important for your application to stand out for you to have a chance of getting into one of these unis. One way to improve your chances is by writing a stellar personal statement. Here are a few tips for writing an Oxbridge personal statement to help you along the way.

1. Tell your story

Your story will be what makes your UCAS personal statement unique. Outlining why you want to study your chosen subject, along with anecdotes indicative of your personality and hunger for the subject, will be how you get the admissions team to notice your university application.

Don’t fall into using clichés like "I’ve wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember". Instead, think of an example of a time where your ambition became crystal clear to you. Write about that moment, including the thoughts, feelings and insight that arose from it.

2. Share your thoughts and opinions

Thinking about and engaging in the current debates of your subject will be a fundamental part of your life at an Oxbridge university. Showing that you’re already doing this will help you to stand out from the crowd. If you’re called to an interview, it will give your interviewer a solid starting point for discussion.

In order to write the best personal statement, it’s wise to read widely, visit places of interest, attend conferences/lectures and get work experience. This will deepen and expand both your knowledge and understanding of your subject and make your personal statement sound more authentic. 

3. Keep your finger on the pulse

Knowing what’s currently going on in your subject area will reflect your deep and committed interest in it and impress admission tutors at Oxbridge universities. Forming your own opinions, and devoting a sentence or two when writing your personal statement on the implications of current news stories for your subject, will place you in a strong position. 

Even better, read some academic journal articles or recently published academic books. Citing current research and the critical discussions that are occurring within the relevant field are a great way to stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your interest and understanding of the subject area.

4. Show your individuality

Do you have an unusual hobby? Have you gone above and beyond in your studies? Have you done something very few people have done? Highlight this in your personal statement to help your university application for either Oxbridge university stand out.

Many students have very similar sets of experiences. Everyone goes to school and completes their homework. Many will play on sports teams or play musical instruments. Large numbers of people do the Duke of Edinburgh award. Pin-pointing that interest that makes you stand out can be key to writing the best personal statement.

5. Use your own words

Finally, remember to tell your story and explain your thoughts and opinions in your own words. This is your personal statement after all. Use words that you’re comfortable using with your teachers and would be comfortable using when talking to lecturers. This way you’ll be sure not to look foolish by using fancy words in the wrong context.

You’ll also come across as a genuine person that the teaching staff will look forward to working with. Oxbridge may be revered, but it helps to remember that there are real people behind these universities. 

Applying to Oxbridge: A complete guide

Ready to start finding courses? Browse Oxbridge courses now.

Lucy Parsons empowers 15-18 year olds to achieve their academic dreams, inspiring a life-long love of learning and opening the doors to opportunity. She blogs about getting into university and exam success at lifemoreextraordinary.com . Lucy studied Geography at Cambridge University then became a Secondary School Teacher.  

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application timeline

  • UCAS application

Personal statement

Academic reference, special circumstances.

  • Declaring your disability

If you want to study at Oxford, you need to apply a year before the start date of your course by completing an online  UCAS application form .

Applications open in May so you can start work on the form from then. You won't be able to submit your application until early September. 

There is a strict submission deadline of 6pm (UK time) on 15 October. Your application must be complete - including the academic reference - and submitted before the deadline. Late applications cannot be accepted.

The deadline for applications is 6pm (UK time) on 15 October and this must be strictly adhered to.

Completing a UCAS application for Oxford follows the same process as for other universities, we just have an earlier  submission deadline of 15 October .

Please note that you should not send us as part of your application any certificates, transcripts or other documents for qualifications that you have already taken. The only exception to this is if you already have a degree from a university – see the 'Other forms' section on this page.

We will contact you for evidence of your qualifications if you are offered a place at Oxford.

Before you start:

  • Choose  which course  you would like to study. You can only apply to one course at Oxford, and you can't apply to Oxford and Cambridge in the same year. Read more  information on all our courses . 
  • Check the  admission requirements  for your course. Specific grades and subjects required are also shown on each  course page .
  • Decide whether to express a preference for a particular  college  or make an open application. If you make an open application, you will be assigned to a college which has had relatively fewer applications for your course in the year you apply.

What will the UCAS application ask for?

  • Personal details including an email address. Make sure you check this address frequently.
  • Details about your education, and any qualifications you have already achieved. 
  • A personal statement where you tell us why you are interested in your chosen course. Read our guidance on writing your personal statement .
  • Your reference. Remember that your teacher or adviser will need some time to complete your reference, and this must be completed before the deadline. Read our guidance on academic references .
  • A fee payment to UCAS is required to complete the process.

Read guidance from UCAS on  filling in your application .

  • Admissions tests

For most courses at Oxford you are required to take a test as part of your application. Registration for tests is not automatic and is not part of the UCAS process.

New arrangements for 2024 admissions tests and beyond are still to be confirmed but will be communicated as soon as possible and no later than the start of the new admissions cycle in early Spring. 

Other forms 

If you are applying for a second undergraduate degree, please send a copy of the transcript from your first degree to the college that is considering your application, to arrive by 10 November.

No other references, transcripts, or certificates are required or accepted except for students applying for  Graduate-entry Medicine (A101)  or  Choral or Organ Awards .

One section of the application is called your personal statement. This is where you can write whatever you’d like to say about yourself and your motivation to study your course.

People sometimes think that there is a trick to writing a personal statement for Oxford, or that we are looking for some special secret formula, but this is not the case.

It’s important to remember that you can only write one personal statement and so the same wording will be seen by all the universities you apply to.

Your personal statement should therefore focus on the course you want to study, not the universities themselves. Please read this  helpful advice from UCAS . Please also view UCAS’ guidance on the use of assistive technology (including artificial intelligence) when writing your personal statement. 

Provided that your academic referee can give us some background on the impact of COVID-19 on your education in their reference, you do not need to specifically refer to this in your personal statement. If the pandemic has shaped how you think about your subject or offered you relevant opportunities to show your interest in your subject area, you can of course include this as part of your motivation for applying for the course. Otherwise, follow the advice given below.

How important is the personal statement?

Universities build a picture of you as a student from all the different information you provide, to help decide whether or not to offer you a place.

The picture is made up of several different pieces:

  • your personal statement,
  • your academic record,
  • your predicted A-level grades (or equivalent),
  • and your teacher's reference.

For most courses at Oxford you will also need to take an admissions test or submit written work ( check the details for your course ).

If your application is shortlisted, your interview will also be taken into account. This means that your personal statement is important but it’s not everything: it’s just one part of the overall picture.

What are Oxford tutors looking for?

Tutors at Oxford are only interested in your academic ability and potential. They want to see that you are truly committed to the subject or subjects you want to study at university but it’s not enough just to say that you have a passion for something. 

You need to show tutors how you have engaged with your subject, above and beyond whatever you have studied at school or college. This can include any relevant extra-curricular activities.

Try to avoid writing your personal statement as though you are ticking things off a list. There is no checklist of required achievements, and tutors will not just scan what you have written to look for key words or phrases.

Tutors will read your personal statement to try to understand what has motivated you to apply for their course. It’s a good idea to evaluate your experiences, to show what you have learned from them and how they have helped develop your understanding of your subject.  

Where should I start?

Think about talking to your friends about what you want to study at university: what would you tell them?

What have you read or watched or seen that has inspired you? (This might have been at school, at home, in a museum, on TV, in a book, on YouTube or a podcast or anywhere else. You can also take a look at our  suggested reading and resources .) Why was it interesting? What do you want to find out next? What did you do?

If you find this difficult, it might be time to think about whether or not you’ve really chosen the right course. If you can’t think of anything that has inspired you, this lack of enthusiasm will probably come across in your personal statement, or it will become clear at interview, and you’re unlikely to gain a place at Oxford. If you find it easy to answer these questions, you will have a long list of ideas to help you write your personal statement.

When you start to write, remember not just to list your achievements but show how they have affected you, how you have benefited, and what you’d like to learn next. Be honest about yourself and what has inspired you, whether that’s been text books, museums and literature, or websites, podcasts and blogs.

Be sure to tell the truth, as tutors might check later, so don’t exaggerate and certainly don’t make any false claims. Don’t hold back either – this is no time for modesty.

When you've written a first draft, have a look back at the  selection criteria  for your course and think about the evidence you've given for each of the criteria. Have you covered everything?

Should I include extra-curricular activities?

We typically suggest that you focus around 80% of your personal statement on your academic interests, abilities and achievements. This can include discussion of any relevant extra-curricular activities. The remaining 20% can then cover any unrelated extra-curricular activities.

There’s a myth that Oxford is looking for the most well-rounded applicants, and that you will only be offered a place if you have a long list of varied extra-curricular activities. In fact, extra-curricular activities are only helpful in so far as they demonstrate the  selection criteria  for your course. 

If you are applying to other universities as well as to Oxford (you can make five choices on your UCAS form) then you may need to find out whether the other universities have different selection criteria. If they do, then you might want to provide some information about your extra-curricular interests – but keep it to a minimum.

The space in your personal statement is limited, so think carefully about what you want to include.

Do I need experience of work and travel?

We understand that not everyone has the opportunity to do work experience or to go travelling so these activities are not a requirement for any of our courses. Tutors won’t be impressed by your connections, or the stamps in your passport, but they will be impressed by how you’ve engaged with your subject.

For example, some of our applicants for Medicine may have had work experience placements in prestigious hospitals but not be able to evaluate their time there. If you have no more experience than some simple voluntary work, or even just discussing medical matters with your friends and family, you can still write an effective personal statement by reflecting critically on what you have learned and discussed. 

To give another example, for the History of Art course, tutors will not want to hear about all the galleries and exhibitions that you have visited around the world if you cannot discuss the art that you saw. You can come across more effectively in your personal statement by evaluating art you have seen, even if you’ve only seen it online or in books without ever leaving the school library.

Don’t be put off by any friends who you think have more impressive things to say in their personal statements. Remember that tutors do not have a checklist of achievements that they are looking for: they want to see how you have engaged with your subject. 

I’m applying to different courses at different universities – how should I write my personal statement?

If you are thinking of applying for completely different courses at different universities (eg Physics and Accounting, or Biology and Music) we’d encourage you to reconsider.

It’s important to choose a subject area that you really want to study, and focus on that one area when making your applications. Also, you can only write one personal statement which will be seen by all the universities to which you apply, so it needs to be relevant for all your courses.

If you are thinking of applying for related courses at different universities then we suggest that you avoid using course titles in your personal statement. We recommend that you write about your interest in the general course themes, and how you have engaged with relevant subject areas, so that your personal statement is equally relevant for each of your course choices. 

Does my personal statement need to stand out?

Students sometimes feel that they need to say something dramatic to stand out from the crowd and be really memorable in their personal statement but this is not true. Applying to Oxford is not like a talent show where you may only have a few seconds to make an impression.

Tutors consider each application carefully on its individual merits, looking for evidence of your commitment and ability. If you use your personal statement to demonstrate your academic abilities and your engagement with your subject(s), then your application will be memorable for all the right reasons.

How many versions should I write?

Ask a teacher to read through what you’ve written, listen to their feedback and then make any updates that they suggest. You may need two or three tries to get it right and it can take longer than you think, especially with the limited number of characters.

It can be tricky to get in everything you want to mention, but don't spend too much time trying to make your personal statement completely perfect - it's only one of the things that the tutors will consider.

Some dos and don’ts

  • Do apply for a course you really want to study.
  • Do be yourself: tell the truth about your interests.
  • Do sell yourself: this is not the time for modesty.
  • Do re-read your personal statement before an interview – the tutors may ask you to talk about things you've mentioned
  • Do read the  UCAS guidance on personal statements .
  • Don't be tempted to make anything up, as you might be asked about it at interview.
  • Don't copy anyone else’s personal statement. UCAS uses plagiarism detection software.
  • Don't list qualifications like your GCSE grades or anything else that's covered elsewhere on the application.
  • Don't just list your other achievements: you need to evaluate them.
  • Don't feel the need to be dramatic in order to be memorable.

A reference from a teacher or someone else who is qualified to comment on your academic ability is an essential part of your UCAS application. Your application will be incomplete without a reference and we will not be able to consider it.

Advice for candidates

  • The process is different for those applying through a school/college/centre and those applying after they have left school or as an individual.
  • Read  how to get a UCAS undergraduate reference .
  • The reference must be in English. If your referee is not confident writing in English, they can ask an English-speaking colleague to help them. Alternatively, you can have a certified translation made for them to upload. Please ask them not to submit a reference in any language other than English, and to make sure that they have uploaded a reference in English to UCAS by the 15 October deadline.
  • Your reference must be from someone who can write about your academic potential; it can't be from a family member.

UCAS's reference guidance

  • UCAS registered centre linked applications  (for those applying through their school or college).
  • Independent or individual applicants (for those who are not at school or college).

Advice for referees

  • Read  how to write UCAS undergraduate references  for information about writing an academic reference for a student's application to Oxford. The format of references has changed this year. It is now split into three separate sections so it is important that all referees are aware of the new guidance. 
  • References can be up to 4,000 characters (including spaces, headings and line breaks) or 47 lines of text, whichever comes first, and comprise of three sections.
  • It is up to the referee how they divide the word count between these three sections but we would advise leaving plenty of space for Section three, which is where you can comment on the individual academic achievements and potential of your Oxford applicants.
  • UCAS have published  sample references  which you are likely to find useful. 
  • Section one: this invites referees to enter a general statement about their school, college or centre. We strongly recommend including relevant information about school closures and disruption to whole cohorts on a specifically created webpage on your school website. You can then link to this webpage in Section one of your academic reference to ensure that most of the reference word count can still be dedicated to the academic achievements and potential of your student.
  • Section two: if applicable, include here any information about individual extenuating circumstances which may have impacted your applicant's education and achievements. Alternatively, if for any reason this is inappropriate, you are welcome to  contact the college  considering your candidate's application.
  • Section three: use this to comment on the individual academic achievements and potential of your Oxford applicant and how these relate to the course they are applying for. 
  • If the candidate is currently studying or awaiting results you will be asked to include predicted grades for these qualifications. These should not be included as part of the reference but be included in the Education section of a candidate's UCAS application. Students who are awaiting examination results or are yet to take examinations should enter 'pending' against those qualifications (including resits) when completing the Education section. Those pending qualifications will then be shown in the adviser portal and is where referees should record their predicted grades for these pending examinations. Where applicable, this is an important part of the application, so please do include predicted grades. 
  • It may be helpful first for you to refer to the  selection criteria  and  admission requirements  for your candidate's chosen course.
  • You may like to refer to the additional advice about writing a reference for an Oxford applicant on our  Advice for Teachers page . 

This is the section of the UCAS form where you list all your qualifications along with the grades you have already achieved and any standardised test scores. Please list everything as the admissions tutors need to see the whole picture of your academic studies so far. It doesn't matter if you have taken a lot of qualifications, a few, or none, we ask you to tell us about them. 

You also need to list any educational qualifications you are currently working towards. Students who are awaiting examination results or are yet to take examinations should enter 'pending' against these qualifications (including resits) when completing the Education section. Pending qualifications will then be shown in the adviser portal and is where referees should record their predicted grades for these pending examinations. Where applicable, this is an important part of the application, so   make sure your referee is aware of this.  

Why do we ask for predicted grades?

Using predicted grades means you can apply to study at Oxford before you have finished school (or equivalent) and you don't have to wait until all your exams are complete and your results are known. These predictions help admissions tutors understand your academic potential and let them know if you are going to meet or exceed the entrance requirements for your chosen course.

If you are made an offer of a place, it will be conditional on your achieving the required grades (based on the  entrance requirements  for your course) in any outstanding exams. 

We appreciate that many educational systems around the world do not usually predict a student's grades in this way; however without these predictions from your teacher we are unable to consider your application. There’s lots of advice for teachers in the  teachers’ section  of our website   and from UCAS about writing references and predicting grades . 

What if you can't provide predicted grades?

If you have listed any exams or qualifications as not yet taken on your UCAS form, then your teacher must provide predicted grades for them. If you can't get predicted grades, then your only alternative is to wait until you have got the final results for all your exams and qualifications before applying to Oxford. Please remember that you can only apply to Oxford between early September and 15 October.

English language qualifications

If you are not a native English speaker, please also include any English language qualifications that you have taken or are due to take. Our English language requirements page lists which tests we accept and also explains possible exemptions.

How do you declare international qualifications in the UCAS form?

You should self-report all details of your qualifications, standardised test scores, and grades on the UCAS application form under ‘Education’. It will need to be clear from your application that you are on track to achieve the admission requirements for your  course .

Please visit our  international qualifications page  for the international qualifications we accept and the level of academic attainment we would require.

For any exams you are yet to take, you will need to ask your referee (normally the teacher supporting your application) to predict your results and submit these as part of your UCAS application. Please refer your referee to our advice on writing references and predicting grades . 

You may choose to declare the results of any individual modules or internal exams in the 'Education' section of your UCAS application, but this is not essential. You may instead like to ask your academic referee to mention the results of any internal school exams in the reference, if you feel that these results will help to demonstrate your academic ability and potential. 

Please visit the  UCAS website  for further advice on how to enter your qualifications on the UCAS form.

Note:  do not send us transcripts for the qualifications you've already taken ; you will only need to produce certificates or transcripts if you are offered a place here.

However, if you are applying for a second undergraduate degree, you will need to send a transcript from your first degree separately, to the college that is considering your application. You do not upload this as part of your UCAS form.

If you have personal circumstances that you'd like to tell us about please include them in your personal statement, or ask your teacher to include the information in your reference.

If for any reason this is not appropriate, then please wait until you have had confirmation that your application has been received by a college and then  contact them directly . This is likely to be around the end of October.

You can  contact our Admissions Office  for further information and advice if you're not sure what to include. If you are applying for Medicine, please read the Medical School's guidance on submitting information about extenuating circumstances . 

Usually special circumstances are something that you as an individual have experienced, something that is unique to you. So we would not, for example, expect you to let us know about your school being closed due to COVID-19. We are extremely aware of the widespread disruption to education during the pandemic and will be asking your academic referee to tell us how this has affected your year group. 

Students with disabilities

Please visit the tab  Declaring your disability  and read our  Guidance for disabled applicants  to find out about the support we offer our students.

Other extenuating circumstances

We are sympathetic to the fact that sometimes candidates under-perform at school or college because of extenuating circumstances. If you feel that your performance has been affected in this way please let us know.

You should let us have this information in your UCAS application as we need to receive this information before admissions decisions have been made. 

Information received after admissions decisions have been made will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and if this was not available earlier.   Examples would include disruption caused by change of school or system, severe discontinuity of teachers (but not if this was due to nationwide school closures due to COVID-19), bereavement, and debilitating illness.

We take care to treat each application individually and would always take such mitigating circumstances into account, if they are brought to our attention before admissions decisions have been made.

You could include this information in your personal statement or your teacher could mention this in their reference. If for any reason this is not possible, then we would advise you to contact the college you applied to (or are assigned to if making an open application) once you have had confirmation that your application has been received. This is likely to be around the end of October.

Teachers and other academic referees should follow the  guidance provided by UCAS  in order to explain the impact of COVID-19 on your education.

Whatever your particular circumstances, the earlier we know about your individual requirements, then the sooner we can begin to meet them. 

We are committed to making sure that all our students can benefit from the great opportunities at Oxford so please do tell us about any disability, whether seen or unseen, on your UCAS application. This should include:

  • Sensory and physical impairments
  • Specific learning difficulties e.g. Dyslexia
  • Long-term mental health conditions
  • Autism spectrum conditions
  • Chronic illnesses and health conditions

Please be assured that admissions decisions are made on academic grounds alone. 29% of all our undergraduate students are known to the Disability Advisory Service.

By telling us now, you will help us put in place any agreed support early and to make reasonable adjustments to facilitate your access to your course and our University. It will also mean that we can provide appropriate arrangements during the admissions process, so for any test or interview.

While you do not need to include this information at this stage, we strongly recommend you do so in order to give us time to prepare and arrange suitable support.

You’ll find the relevant section at the bottom of the Personal Details tab of your UCAS application

  • Click ‘see list’ to select the relevant category
  • Fill in the second box below Category to give details of any facilities or special provisions required.
  • UCAS also has some  good advice  about how to tell us about your disability.

See also our further  Guidance for disabled applicants . This includes information on contacting our  Disability Advisory Service  and how to put in place any necessary arrangements for our admissions tests, if this is one of the admission requirements for your chosen course.


  • Written work
  • Second undergraduate degree
  • Oxford and Cambridge: the similarities and differences
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International applicants

The application process for international students is exactly the same as for UK and EU students: i.e. you must apply through  UCAS  by 15 October. 

UCAS  is an independent organisation that handles all applications to study undergraduate degrees in the UK. To complete a UCAS application, you will need to  register with UCAS  and pay them a fee. The UCAS website also has  guidance for international students.

There is no separate application form for Oxford's undergraduate courses (with the single exception of  A101 Graduate Entry Medicine ), and it is not possible to apply without completing a UCAS form.

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Successful Personal Statement For Geography At Oxford

Last Updated: 7th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Geography applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Geography Course at Oxford provides a holistic view of the workings of physical and human environments, the ways in which humans are transforming the world and the implications for human societies.

Read on to see how this candidate managed to navigate the many disciplines and topics of Geography. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Oxbridge Geography comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

Your tutor will give you actionable feedback with insider tips on how to improve and make your Personal Statement Oxbridge quality for the best chances of success.  

Geography Personal Statement

Geography is outward-looking, dynamic and topical. It allows me to gain insight into daily news stories on immigration and Middle Eastern conflicts for example, by highlighting their complexity and the challenge to find and evaluate solutions to these problems for the future. The diversity and vital relevance of Geography makes it an immensely valuable subject to study in-depth and I would relish the opportunity to pursue further study in the field.

The area that is of particular interest to me is development geography and specifically global aid. I was introduced to the use of aid in closing the wealth divide in my A2 case studies, where bottom-up aid on a local scale was consistently depicted as a sustainable solution. I was forced to question these views, however, after reading ‘Dead Aid’ by Dambisa Moyo. Her critical comments on charity-based aid particularly caught my attention as they offered a stark contrast in perspective on my case studies. I found it interesting that the factors which contributed to the success of many of the case studies, including small-scale, intermediate technology and low cost solutions were the very aspects of aid that Moyo calls ‘band-aid’ solutions implying unsustainability. The book also touched on the controversial issue of whether aid remains a successful or even acceptable solution when the $50 billion of aid given to Africa annually is arguably not producing significant economic development or improvement. To investigate this further I read ‘The End Of Poverty’ by Jeffrey Sachs which explained how well managed aid can indeed offer an answer to closing the wealth divide. This led to my research into the Millenium Villages of Ghana. Here aid, coupled with local leadership, appears to have delivered a long-term solution to serious economic and social problems. This divergence in opinion over a controversial issue has excited me about exploring these issues in more detail.

To investigate these issues further, I have been prompted to take a gap year to experience the workings of an international NGO. I will be joining the work of education promoting ‘Empower A Child’ in Uganda for 3 months. I hope to gain a rewarding insight into the practical relevance of Geography in the field of non-profit aid and specifically to test Sach’s belief that investment into education is a viable solution to ending poverty.

My other subjects complement my understanding of economic, physical and scientific elements of development and Geography in general. Reading ‘Driven to Extinction’ by Richard Pearson highlighted how Biology and Geography are inextricably linked in our study of the physical world, particularly with regards to the role regulatory systems have in levels of biodiversity. Chemistry and Physics have been relevant in equipping me with the skills to devise data collection programmes and to analyse the results; skills which were necessary to my fieldwork visit to Dartmoor. 

My academic background is complemented by my extra-curricular activities. I was the Organ Scholar and Choir Prefect at my school. My responsibilities included conducting and directing the Chapel Choir on a weekly basis. I was also a fully committed and dedicated member of other choirs and ensembles.  I relished the challenge of arranging and conducting in the House Singing competition which required me to inspire and motivate team work within the house. I have gained 3 Grade 8’s in Organ, Piano and Flute and am currently working towards my Piano Diploma. I was involved in leading the school’s Christian Union through which I have catalysed fundraising for organisations such as Mary’s Meals. In my gap year I am working as Organist and Choir director at St Luke’s Church Grayshott before going to Uganda. These activities demonstrate leadership skills, commitment and an enthusiastic approach to challenges, all of which will equip me well for the study of Geography at university.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

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Download our Free Personal Statement Starter Guide 

Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a very good personal statement and is well-written. The student is clearly interested in many aspects of geography, which is very important as geography is a multi-disciplinary subject. The student describes several areas of geography which capture their interest, demonstrating their interest and commitment to the reader. The student justifies their decision to take a gap year well, and the relevance their activities will have to the subject of geography and their interests in global aid.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student misspells the word ‘millennium’ in the second paragraph. The second paragraph is also very long. It is hard for the reader to stay focused when reading through long paragraphs, and it would have been better if the student had separated the second paragraph into two. The final paragraph is also very long, and it is not clear where the conclusion begins. As a result, the end of the statement does not deliver the impact which the student has intended to produce. If the student separates the sentence ‘These activities demonstrate leadership skills, commitment and an enthusiastic approach to challenges, all of which will equip me well for the study of Geography at university’ into a new final paragraph, this would have made the final statement much more effective.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This is a very good statement. The student has a wealth of experiences and clearly highly motivated to study geography. Some paragraphs are very long, and this reduces the impact that the statement has on the reader. With some restructuring, this could be an excellent statement.

This Personal Statement for Geography is a solid example of demonstrating a wealth of knowledge, motivation and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Oxford Geography application.

With our  Oxbridge Geography Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the TSA and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our Oxbridge Geography Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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UCAS Personal Statement/Written Response Consultations

Personal statements or the ucas written responses (which will replace personal statements from the 2025 admissions cycle) are the first chance for universities to see something of a student’s individuality. oxbridge personal statements, in particular, also require an academic robustness to be supported by relevant research or work experience that makes these very difficult to get right., the personal statement is the first thing that universities will see about the applicant., having spent more than 20 years providing support for schools and students, we have learned that early preparation is key to succeed in this part of the university application process. our personal statement/written response consultations give students the chance to spend dedicated time with an oxbridge-graduate specialist going over their written draft in detail and receiving both general advice and targeted feedback., our consultations aim to leave students in the ideal position to perfect their written responses over the remaining months before submitting them ahead of the relevant application deadline. .

What's Covered?

● A 60-minute consultant-led session with the student, held in person or online ● Bespoke advice on creating a multi-faceted yet coherent intellectual self-portrait ● Understanding how the Personal Statement/Written Response will be used by universities ● Understanding what Admissions Tutors are looking for and how to fulfil their requirements

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I just wanted to let you know the wonderful news that [student] has received an offer! I have no doubt that the two interviews with you played a massively vital role in securing this offer and wish to offer my most profound gratitude. Your patient and kindly approach really settled his nerves and he performed superbly well in his interviews with Cambridge. A huge "thank you" to Alison and Alicia for all of your help.

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  3. The Ultimate UCAS Personal Statement Guide

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    Just start by showing your enthusiasm for the subject, showcasing your knowledge and understanding, and sharing your ambitions of what you want to achieve. Avoid cliches! Remember, this opening part is simply about introducing yourself, so let the admissions tutor reading your personal statement get to know you. Keep it relevant and simple.

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  10. Example UCAS personal statements

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    We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you'll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. Get it directly to your inbox by registering your email.

  23. UCAS Personal Statement/Written Response Consultations

    The Personal Statement is the first thing that universities will see about the applicant. Map Oxbridge Applications, 14 - 16 Waterloo Place, London, SW1Y 4AR Telephone Tel: +44 (0) 20 7499 2394