thesis topic about supply chain management

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thesis topic about supply chain management

Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics- Top 40 Ideas

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One of the most frequently asked questions from SCMDOJO followers is, I am doing a Supply Chain Management Master from Europe, the UK or the USA, and I need some Master Thesis ideas in Supply Chain.

Key academic research areas in SCM are offering robust and implementable supply chain management thesis that are transforming worldwide trends. The increasing strength of global Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one functional area that shows several students are seeking a good start, especially in solving significant problems in the form of Masters and PhD thesis .

Nevertheless, with the changing trends in the industry, some students are likely to struggle with the early stages of academic writing. A significant reason for this problem is usually down to a lack of ideas or facing new topics with low research activity.

Old Industries and New Industries

The recent pattern shifts in academia, from the traditional research approach to other conventional methods, is taking a more student-centred view. Most of the supply chain management thesis is crafted by students, including dissertation, topic creation, research, and more with help of their supervisors.

With new industries, like Amazon and Apple, transforming old concepts with technological disruption, there are new trends to look out for to help narrow your supply chain management thesis.

The 7 Powerful Supply Chain Trends (I also dubbed “Supply Chain 7.0”) have the potential to become a powerful influence over time. These trends include Augmented reality (AR), Big Data, Gamification of the supply chain, moving the supply chain to the “Cloud,” and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Industry 4.0. Also, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the supply chain, alongside 3D Printing, are now needed to support the product life cycle.

Forbes also highlights the key 2020 Supply Chain Technology Trends that are receiving lots of buzz in Supply Chain Management. In this regard, students seeking top-notch research areas for supply chain management thesis can consider new trends to help create adequate research content.

40  Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2024

On these premises, any supply chain management thesis should be comprehensive. There several topics and areas to consider, and below are 40 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020 that students can do research on towards an excellent postgraduate study in SCM.

Digital Transformation

  • Digital Transformation Key Attributes; Challenges; enablers & Success Factors.
  • Smart Government Initiatives: How Governments are Driving Digital Change.
  • Digital Leadership is linking to Virtual Teams or Self Organised Teams (Agile PM).
  • Did COVID 19 impact the implementation of digital transformation?
  • Cross-functional collaboration in the decision-making process.
  • The value of data and interdependencies in decision-making.
  • Machine learning techniques in supply chain management.
  • Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Transparency: Evaluating the Impact on Traceability and Trust.
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Predictive Analytics for Inventory Management.
  • Sustainability in Digital Supply Chain Management: A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Impact.
  • Digital Transformation in Warehouse Management: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Sustainable Project Management (SPM)

  • Can apply the SPM model or any of its dimensions to any type of project
  • Can Blockchain help with Sustainable Project Management?
  • Factors affecting the application of an efficient supply management system.

IoT- Industry 4.0 and Big Data

  • Application of IoT in Logistics – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • The practicability of intertwined supply networks with IoT.
  • Implementation of IoT in 3PL/4PL Industry – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • Big data and impact in DDMRP
  • Evaluation of technology use in modern supply chain management.
  • The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0
  • The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Management.
  • Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations.
  • Predictive Maintenance Strategies in Industry 4.0-enabled Supply Chains: A Case Study Approach
  • Optimizing Supply Chain Decision-Making through Real-time Big Data Analytics
  • Cybersecurity Challenges in IoT-Enabled Supply Chains: A Comprehensive Analysis.

Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Risk Evaluation and Management involved in a supply chain
  • Partnerships Perspective in Supply Chain Management
  • Assessing Supply Chain Risk Management Capabilities
  • Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices
  • Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness
  • The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Overall Performance of the org
  • The Influence of Environmental Management Practices and Supply Chain Integration on Technological Innovation Performance
  • The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and their Effects on Firm Performance
  • Level of Commitment to Top Management regarding the TQM Implementation
  • Impact of Mobility Solutions (transportation / latest technologies) on logistics.
  • Study on the roles of supply chain management in corporate outsourcing.
  • Evaluating strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports.
  • Circular Economy Practices in Supply Chain Management: A Case Study Approach
  • Demand Forecasting in Omnichannel Retail: A Comparative Analysis of Forecasting Models.
  • Ethical and Sustainable Procurement Practices: An Examination of Implementation Challenges and Benefits.

Watch my YouTube vlog explaining more on Top 10 HOT TOPICS for Supply Chain Research for Master Thesis or Ph.D. Thesis.

Get My PhD Thesis- Supplier Development Framework

The supply chain systems of today are more likely to see massive changes technologically in the coming years. Some selected supply chain management thesis topics may face limited data or access to real-time data in making proper research and forecast, including seasonality and trends. So, due diligence is necessary to ensure you not only pick an exciting supply chain management thesis, but you also have sufficient access to data, studies, and materials useful in such an area. The impact of these trends alongside technological advancement in the selected areas would certainly help your thesis stand out and unique.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the emergent research topics in the field of supply chain management.

Blockchain Integration : Exploring the application of blockchain technology to enhance transparency, traceability, and security in supply chains.

Sustainable Supply Chains : Investigating strategies for integrating environmentally friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and social responsibility into supply chain management.

Digital Transformation : Studying the impact of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things on optimizing supply chain processes.

Resilience and Risk Managemen t: Analyzing approaches to build resilient supply chains capable of adapting to disruptions, such as pandemics, natural disasters, and geopolitical events.

Circular Economy : Examining supply chain models that minimize waste and promote the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials.

Supply Chain Visibility : Researching ways to improve real-time visibility into supply chain activities to enhance decision-making and responsiveness.

Last-Mile Delivery Optimization : Investigating innovative approaches to streamline and optimize the final stages of product delivery to consumers.

Supply Chain Finance : Exploring financial strategies and tools to optimize cash flow and working capital within supply chains.

Collaborative Supply Chains : Studying methods to enhance collaboration and information-sharing among supply chain partners to achieve mutual benefits.

E-commerce Integration : Examining the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating e-commerce platforms into traditional supply chain models.

What are the 4 areas of supply chain management?

What is the primary goal of the supply chain.

The main goal of a supply chain is to efficiently and effectively manage the flow of products or services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. This involves optimizing processes from procurement and production to distribution and delivery. The overarching objective is to meet customer demands with the right products, in the right quantity, at the right time, while minimizing costs and maximizing overall supply chain performance.

What is the difference between supply chain and supply chain management?

The term “supply chain” refers to the entire network of entities and activities involved in the creation and delivery of a product or service, encompassing suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers. “Supply chain management,” on the other hand, is the strategic coordination and oversight of these interconnected processes to optimize efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance. While the supply chain is the broader concept, supply chain management specifically involves the planning, execution, and control of various elements within that network to achieve business objectives.

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About the Author-  Dr Muddassir Ahmed

Dr MuddassirAhmed  is the Founder & CEO of SCMDOJO. He is a  global speaker ,  vlogger  and  supply chain industry expert  with 17 years of experience in the Manufacturing Industry in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia in various Supply Chain leadership roles.   Dr. Muddassir  has received a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University Management School. Muddassir is a Six Sigma black belt and founded the leading supply chain platform SCMDOJO to enable supply chain professionals and teams to thrive by providing best-in-class knowledge content, tools and access to experts.

You can follow him on  LinkedIn ,  Facebook ,  Twitter  or  Instagram

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50 Supply chain and logistic dissertation topics for 2024

The meaning of supply chain management

To look into supply chain management. There is a poor understanding of how the supply chains operate. Therefore, elaborating how these systems can be managed is necessary. The same issues are evident in the search for supply chain thesis topics.  Most interesting supply chain topics are already researched in detail. Therefore, getting a better topic that can be defended at ease is quite challenging. Despite having our well-researched topics online, you can also access supply chain management thesis topics pdf from our website. we have also compiled a list of Ph.D. topics.

1. Impact of Ukraine and Russia war on global logistics and supply chain

This topic tries to find the consequence of the ongoing war in Europe on the supply chain and logistics of the world. This is one of the best logistic dissertation topics for 2022 that is not yet covered in length. Therefore, one can easily develop a  great thesis from it.

2. Africa as a new heart for the global supply chain

This topic tries to explain why Africa is the new emerging market and manufacturing hub for global supply. Africa has untapped potential such as cheap labor that may be utilized to meet global supply needs.

3. Strategies used for cost reduction in supply chain management

 To find out how to minimize expenditure during supply. High costs tend to affect the outcome in the provision cycle.

4. Effects of E-logistics on supply chain

To determine the outcome of E-logistics on any given process during the distribution of goods or services. Failure to recognize better ways of reaching out to those involved in supply. This is one of the most diverse supply chain management research topics of 2022. It still has so much gap to be covered.

5. Mobility solutions for supply chain

To identify faster ways to efficiently move goods or services. The delay faced during supply has a negative impact on all the participants.

6. Importance of digital transformation on supply

To reveal how adapting to new technology impacts business outcomes. Some employees are unwilling to adapt to change and hence resist training.

7. An analysis of supply chain integration

Evaluating whether incorporation of many participants improves results. Getting onboard partners that are unable to meet deadlines.

8. Evaluating supply chain resilience

Assessing how adaptable the systems are to change. Maintaining the new changes can be challenging.

9. Critical analysis of supply chain agility

To discover how fast businesses can adjust to meet the market requirements. Some firms take a long time to remodel to be at par with current trends.

10. Evaluating risks involved in the supply chain

Gauging the dangers that one can encounter in the supply process. Some risks are man-made and hard to deal with.

11. Managing the supply chain globally

To figure out ways of staying afloat in the market in many regions. There is high competition affecting supply and demand globally which some producers fail to meet.

12. Optimizing costs of the supply chain

To work out methods of upgrading product value while retaining a reasonable price. Upgrading products leads to a rise in prices.

13. Supply chain progressive gradation

To determine how to maintain growth. Stagnation affects most production firms at some point.

14. Effects of leadership changeover in supply chain

To know how to keep the chief officers for longer periods. Getting new employers can affect businesses negatively since they need time to master the new roles.

15. How environmental changes affect the supply chain

To deduce whether the climate can affect the supply chain. It is hard to predict the changes that can occur within a locality.

16.  What does big data do to supply chain management?

To evaluate the impact of a variety of high-volume data in supply chain management. There is limited room for improvement. 

17. Impact of the Green project on the supply chain

To investigate how managers can integrate environmentally friendly processes during production. Establishment of firms with no consideration of their impact on the environment.

18. Importance of Total Quality Management

To evaluate the importance of every member of the team maintaining high standards in their various areas. Pulling in the same direction will always be a cutting edge for all organizations.

19. Effects of political factors on supply chain management

To look into issues related to the government that could influence how goods flow from one point to the next. Regional instabilities due to wars interrupt the normal flow of products.

20. How the law affects supply chain management

To prove that some laws can hinder business systems from normal operation. Businesses that do not meet the stipulated codes of conduct are not allowed to run. 

21. Studying how the IoT works in relation to the supply chain

To ascertain if supply chain management depends on IoT for its smooth operation. Some businesses are unable to keep up hence lose customers.

22. Fourth Industrial Revolution and supply chain management

To determine if 4IR is beneficial to supply chain management. Specialization and flexibility are costly as boundaries become more blurry.

23. Establishing the relationship between supply chains and the performance of firms

To show how a firm’s potential affects the movement of its products. Failing firms can hardly have sustainable supply chains.

24. Effects of Covid-19 on supply chain management

To determine how the pandemic affected businesses and their customers. The pandemic caused businesses to shut down while others had to change modes of operation.

25. Profit maximization in supply chain management

Identifying how to get the most out of the goods and services produced. Wrong pricing of products leads to massive losses that are damaging to the firms.

26. What roles do technological changes play in the supply chain?

To expose how technology is shaping the production of both goods and services. Rapid technological changes have had a huge impact on supply chains. 

27. Importance of business relationships in supply chain management

To plan how beneficial partnerships can be established. Poor consumer supplier relations disrupt efficiency.

28. How is manufacturing important in the supply business?

To establish how significant manufacturing is in the supply chain business. Expensive processes are involved due to a lack of proper planning.

29. Customer satisfaction in relation to supply chain management

To find out how best to meet consumer needs. Good or service production without customer participation.

30. Impact of supply chain management on business

To research the extent to which supply chain management affects any given organization. Inefficient managers lead to the collapse of supply chains. 

31. Supply chain efficiency versus effectiveness

To clarify what the two terms mean in the supply chain. Producers are incapable of differentiating the two concepts.

32. Significance of logistics

To know how to handle logistics to maximize output. Lack of qualified logisticians to handle the procedures involved. 

33. Does analytics in supply chain matter?  

To demonstrate the significance of analytics in supply. Insufficient information on analytics.

34. How supply chains can affect a country’s growth and development

To point out ways in which a disruption in supply chains can cripple progress. Inadequate resource allocation.

35. Use of AI in organizations

To make a comparison between artificial intelligence and human intelligence in firms. Laxity in embracing the use of machines in making decisions.

36. The future of supply chain management

To analyze what lies ahead in the product distribution sector. Inability to correctly predict the market trends.

37. Types of supply chains

To name and list the types of supply chains. Lack of clarity on the types of supply chains that exist.

38. How firms adhere to supply chain ethics

To determine how ethics affect organizations. Inadequate knowledge on the functions of these ethics.

39. Importance of supply chain management to the society

To give a detailed explanation of how the people benefit from proper regulations of supply chains. Few people understand what is involved in production and supply.

40. Supply chain visibility

To discuss how visibility can be maintained from the initial to the final stage. Few suppliers have the ability to trace their goods.

41. How an organization can ensure supply chain sustainability

To find out how companies deal with social, economic, and environmental issues in the process of supplying goods or services. There is disregard for issues that arise relating to the products being distributed.

42. How quality control works in supply chain management

To understand the role of quality control in supply chain management. Suppliers ignore matters related to quality controls resulting in poor outcomes.

43. Essential supply chain management tools

To find out which tools are used. Inability to recognize what is required for successful operations.

44. Lack of qualified personnel in the supply chain

To elaborate on the effect of fewer qualified professionals in supply chain management. Supply chain jobs were not considered to be as valuable.

45. Issues faced by supply chain managers

To state challenges that managers go through. Lack of experience in handling customers hence inability to solve the problems that arise.

46. Challenges that operation managers face currently

To discuss what operation managers experience in their line of work. Lack of the right skills to tackle problems.

47. How operation management is crucial in supply chain management

To bring out the significance of operation management.

48. The key elements in logistics

To describe the elements in logistics. Very few people understand the concept and how it works.

49. Logistics versus supply chain management

To bring out the difference between the two processes. Both deal with the end products in an organization.

50. The probability of supply chain managers being replaced by robots

To establish whether machines will take full control of the supply industry. It is difficult to tell really but it is a very interesting area to delve into.

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Thesis Ideas for Supply Chain Students!

Thesis Ideas

Supply Chain Education and Certification – What’s Missing?

Inventory Management

As students go back to school many of them are entering the final year of their University or College program. Many of these programs require the completion of a thesis or major project of some sort, intended to be an overarching project drawing on all of the knowledge that the students have acquired to that point to put it into application.

My recollection is that this was a stressful period trying to think about what subject you would base your thesis on and hoping it would be good enough to support a full blown these.

As such we thought it would be helpful to outline a number of thesis ideas that have the potential to make for great thesis topics for students to consider.

The Objective of the Thesis

Students have spent 3 years or 4 years or more in classroom training across a variety of subjects, some of which they were required to take and some of which they elected to take. Along the way they have accumulated a tremendous amount of knowledge and some experience.

The point of the thesis is to channel all of that education into a singular project that draws on and applies all, or much, of that training. Using learnings acquired through years of classroom courses and combining that with additional research, new thinking should be developed so as to coalesce all of that background into a thesis.

The thesis should both advance knowledge in the respective field, as well as advancing the knowledge and expertise of both the writers and any readers.

The thesis is usually a written document which may also be presented in an oral format. The Professor who sponsors and mentors the thesis for the students may be the sole reviewer of the document, or there may be a committee to which the authors must present and defend the thesis, its content and its conclusions.

Potential Thesis Topics

As more and more educational institutions offer undergraduate and graduate Supply Chain Management programs, an ever increasingly exciting and well educated student population is getting to that stage in their programs where they need to complete theses or major projects to complete their degrees.

And while Supply Chain Management has been recognized as a term since 1982 , the understanding, scope and appreciation of the field has continued to evolve. My personal view is that Supply Chain is a very broad, all-encompassing field, touching virtually every aspect of any business or operation.

What makes this such an exciting career path is also what makes it such an exciting educational choice. It offers such a wide breath of subject matter to learn about that any single aspect of the field could be its own degree program.

It is also exciting because Supply Chain is at the epicentre of most of what is going on in the world. The Coronavirus pandemic, climate change, digital technology, food waste and world hunger, sustainability, humanitarian aid, disaster planning and recovery, cyber security, and more are all issues for which Supply Chain plays either a leading, or supporting, role.

Here is our list of potential thesis ideas for Supply Chain students to consider. Some of these thesis ideas are very broad and some are narrower. Within this range are innumerable thesis possibilities.

1. The Digital Supply Chain

We live in the digital age. Every aspect of our lives is touched by digital technology. And Supply Chain is a part of that. The Digital Supply Chain in its widest expanses involves the real time, end to end electronic connectivity of every aspect of the Supply Chain.

Technologies include Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Drones, Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Control Towers, Robotics, Autonomous vehicles, and on and on and on.

Any one of these technologies is thesis worthy. Beyond these technologies themselves there are also the issues of cultural impacts, investment challenges, standardization and scalability, ease of implementation and ease of use, integration, and more. These ancillary considerations are very real, can be prohibitive to technological implementation, and are also great thesis topics.

2. The Resilient Supply Chain

If the importance of robust Supply Chains wasn’t apparent before the pandemic, the Coronavirus certainly exposed the fragility of global Supply Chains in virtually every industry in every country around the world. From masks to ventilators, to toilet paper to lumber to vehicles, goods of every kind have experienced supply-demand disruptions that have wide spread impacts on our lives.

On top of that it is true that there is always a disaster of some kind, whether natural or man-made, in any part of the world. These disasters cause all manner of disruptions to our lives and our economies. In some cases there are adequate disaster recovery plans and responses. But far too often there is insufficient planning and execution in dealing with these disasters, resulting in Supply Chain disruptions far and wide.

3. Sustainability

According to searcherp , Supply Chain sustainability (SCS) is “a holistic view of  supply chain  processes, logistics and technologies that affect the environmental, social, economic and legal aspects of a supply chain’s components.

Factors that affect SCS include amount of waste, carbon footprint and emissions, air pollution, labor violations, deforestation and the health and safety of workers. SCS is based on the principle that socially responsible products and practices are not only good for the planet and the people who live here, they are also good for building positive brand awareness, minimizing environmental impact and improving long-term profitability.”

Sustainability is not only topical but it is an imperative for our collective future viability. Supply Chain is central to the development and implementation of solutions for improving any aspect of sustainability. Another great source of thesis topics with great contributions to society, our lives, and our planet.

We need to develop truly robust and resilient Supply Chains. We need fresh thinking on how to create this resiliency beyond the often meagre thinking that has gone into Supply Chain design to date. Theses based on any commodity or industry focussed on creating this resiliency would provide benefits with far reaching impacts.

4. Climate Change

Dealing with climate change is more than just a matter for scientists and politicians. According to , “Eight global supply chains ( Food, Construction, Fashion, FMCG, Electronics, Auto, Professional Services and Freight) account for more than 50% of annual greenhouse gas emissions.”

Improving the efficiency of these Supply Chains is not just about technology. The processes, logistics, and operations of these Supply Chains can be improved so as to reduce climate impacts. A thesis tackling climate change in any of these areas can help all of us for all time.

5. Risk Management

A philosophy at the core of any Supply Chain strategy and operation is that of risk management . If your company is more risk averse then you may carry extra inventory and have more dual sources and operations. If you are less risk averse you may carry only just in time inventory, rely on single sources, and run a very lean operation.

There are pros and cons for either approach but the common denominator in either strategy is risk. The amount of risk you do or don’t assume will cost you money. If you run a lean operation then the slightest disruption can shut down your business very quickly. Yet if you run a very fat operation (eg. lots of redundant inventory) then the extra costs and cash demands can equally shut your business down.

A proper balance of Supply Chain considerations is necessary to ensure continued operation but in support of business realities (eg. cash). Risk management expertise needs to be elevated everywhere. A thesis focussed on optimizing risk management capabilities will shape Supply Chain strategies everywhere.

Thesis Ideas in Conclusion

The prospect of doing a University thesis can be daunting. It is demanding in every way with respect to your time and energy. As such it is necessary to pick a thesis topic that is both interesting to you as well as valuable to your educational institution and larger societal concerns.

Supply Chain is such an incredibly broad profession that it offers no end of challenges and opportunities. Within Supply Chain are innumerable topics for any thesis and for any interest.

We’ve offered several suggestions for your thesis. This thesis ideas list is by no means exhaustive but it is representative of the topics which we are interested in and which we consider to be top of mind at this time.

Good luck on your thesis on behalf of us here at Supply Chain Game Changer. And be sure to let us know what topics you choose for your thesis.

Copyright © Mortson Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Home » Blog » Dissertation » Topics » Supply Chain Management » Logistics Management » Dissertation Topics In logistics And Supply Chain Management (30 Examples)

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Dissertation Topics In logistics And Supply Chain Management (30 Examples)

Mark Dec 5, 2018 Jun 6, 2020 Logistics Management , Supply Chain Management No Comments

The logistics management refers to the activities carried out within the organization while the supply chain comprises a network of companies coordinating and collaborating together to achieve the desired goals. The dissertation topics in logistics and supply chain management can relate to the different activities and components involved in logistics management and supply chain management. […]


The logistics management refers to the activities carried out within the organization while the supply chain comprises a network of companies coordinating and collaborating together to achieve the desired goals. The dissertation topics on logistics and supply chain management can be related to the different activities and components involved in logistics management and supply chain management.

A list of project topics on logistics and supply chain management are based on how different phases of the project and its success relies on logistics and supply chain management. The logistics functions ensure that the right products are available for the right customers in the right conditions and right quantity at the right time and at the right cost. The logistics functions are integrated and involve customer services, purchasing, production planning, warehouse, and transport.

The research topics in procurement and logistics management would help in exploring and conducting an in-depth analysis of the importance of procurement. It helps the business in ensuring effectiveness and efficiency. The supply chain management involves a network of organizations that collaborate to achieve similar goals. It involves both upstream and downstream linkages along with different activities and processes that aim to produce value for the customers. Both the logistics and supply chain management have a strong impact on the performance, productivity, and profitability of the companies. It helps in responding to the needs of customers and changes in the market.

A list Of Dissertation Topics in logistic management

Investigating the impact of the change in demand and supply on the logistics functions and costs.

Evaluating the growing importance of IT in the management of logistics and supply chain.

Analyzing the influence of IT innovation on the effectiveness of logistics and supply chain management.

Examining the development of logistics capability through the integration of supply chain.

To study the integration of risk management techniques in the supply chain through logistics processes.

To analyze the impact of logistics performance of the company on global business performance.

Studying the logistics and supply chain workflows using the bar code database and RFID.

To examine the impact of logistics functions on the financial performance of organizations.

Analyzing the role of value chain strategy in managing logistics and supply chain.

A study of challenges and opportunities related to the evolution in the logistics functions and processes.

Evaluating the innovations and strategies for logistics and supply chains.

A study of the role of logistics and supply chain management in the success of multinational corporations.

Examining the role of logistics and supply chain management in the enhancement of SMEs.

To study how the logistics and supply chain functions have evolved in the 21st Century.

Understanding the importance of the adoption of logistics and supply chain management principles and concepts.

Evaluating the relationship between the supply chain management and logistics and its different components.

To find out how the evolution of logistics and supply chain management contributes to operational effectiveness and strategic differentiation.

Studying the challenges and opportunities related to the globalization of logistics and supply chain management.

To find out the key differences in supply chain management and logistics in light of different theories.

Studying the impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship.

Examining the role of technological advancements in the improvement of logistics and supply chain management of multinational corporations.

To study the role of information management in dealing with supply chain and logistics challenges.

Examining the emergence of information technology and its impact on the third and fourth party logistics systems.

A study of the applications of the Internet of Things in the field of logistics.

Investigating the role of logistics and supply chain management in dealing with emerging challenges and complexities.

An examination of the procurement cost management in the lean organizations in emerging economies.

An investigation of the relationship between supply chain management and procurement.

Studying the procurement management of specialized projects in the commercial construction sector.

A study on the examination of practical implementation practices related to green sustainable procurement strategies.

Investigating the trends and challenges in the supply chain and its impact on the digital revolution and globalization.

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Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics- Top 30 Ideas

thesis topic about supply chain management

One of the most frequently asked question from SCMDOJO followers is, I am doing Supply Chain Management Masters from  Europe ,  UK  or  USA  and I need some Master Thesis ideas in Supply Chain?

Key academic research areas in SCM are offering robust and implementable supply chain management thesis that are transforming worldwide trends. The increasing strength of global Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one functional area that shows several students are seeking a good start, especially in solving significant problems in the form of  Masters  and  PhD thesis .

Nevertheless, with the changing trends in the industry, some students are likely to struggle with the early stages of academic writing. A significant reason for this problem is usually down to a lack of ideas or facing new topics with low research activity.

Old Industries and New Industries

The recent pattern shifts in academia, from the traditional research approach to other conventional methods, is taking a more student-centred view. Most of the supply chain management thesis is crafted by students, including dissertation, topic creation, research, and more with help of their supervisors.

With new industries, like Amazon and Apple, transforming old concepts with technological disruption, there are new trends to look out for to help narrow your supply chain management thesis.

The  7 Powerful Supply Chain Trends  (I also dubbed “Supply Chain 7.0”) have the potential to become a powerful influence over time. These trends, including Augmented reality (AR), Big Data, Gamification of the supply chain, moving supply chain to “Cloud,” and Internet of Things (IoT) – Industry 4.0. Also, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in supply chain alongside 3D Printing are now needed to support the product life cycle.

Forbes also highlights the key  2020 Supply Chain Technology Trends  that are receiving lots of buzz in Supply Chain Management. In this regard, students seeking top-notch research areas for supply chain management thesis can consider new trends to help create adequate research content.

30  Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020

On these premises, any supply chain management thesis should be comprehensive. There several topics and areas to consider, and below are 30 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020 that students can do research on towards an excellent postgraduate study in SCM.

Digital Transformation

  • Digital Transformation Key Attributes; Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • Smart Government Initiatives: How Governments are Driving Digital Change
  • Digital Leadership linking to Virtual Teams or Self Organised Teams (Agile PM)
  • COVID 19 impacted the implementation of Digital Transformation?
  • Cross-functional collaboration in the decision-making process.
  • The value of data and interdependencies in decision-making.
  • Machine learning techniques in supply chain management

Sustainable Project Management (SPM)

  • Can apply the SPM model or any of its dimensions to any type of project
  • Can Blockchain help with Sustainable Project Management?
  • Factors affecting the application of an efficient supply management system.

IoT- Industry 4.0 and Big Data

  • Application of IoT in Logistics – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • The practicability of intertwined supply networks with IoT.
  • Implementation of IoT in 3PL/4PL Industry – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • Big data and impact in DDMRP
  • Evaluation of technology use in modern supply chain management.
  • The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0
  • The Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain management.
  • Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations.

Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Risk Evaluation and Management involved in a supply chain
  • Partnerships Perspective in Supply Chain Management
  • Assessing Supply Chain Risk Management Capabilities
  • Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices
  • Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness
  • The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Overall Performance of the org
  • The Influence of Environmental Management Practices and Supply Chain Integration on Technological Innovation Performance
  • The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and their Effects on Firm Performance
  • Level of Commitment to Top Management regarding the TQM Implementation
  • Impact of Mobility Solutions (transportation / latest technologies) on logistics.
  • Study on the roles of supply chain management in corporate outsourcing.
  • Evaluating strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports.

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The supply chain systems of today are more likely to see massive changes technologically in the coming years. Some selected supply chain management thesis topics may face limited data or access to real-time data in making proper research and forecast, including seasonality and trends. So, due diligence is necessary to ensure you not only pick an exciting supply chain management thesis, but you also have sufficient access to data, studies, and materials useful in such an area. The impact of these trends alongside technological advancement in the selected areas would certainly help your thesis stand out and unique.

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Recommended Books

How to get a phd: a handbook for students and their supervisors.

thesis topic about supply chain management

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thesis topic about supply chain management

About Dr. Muddassir Ahmed

Dr. Muddassir Ahmed is a global speaker, blogger and supply chain industry, expert. Dr Muddassir Ahmed has received a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University Management school. Muddassir is a Six Sigma black belt and has founded with the intention to enable supply chain professionals and supply chain teams to solve the problems they face in their jobs & business.

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thesis topic about supply chain management

About Zaragoza Logistics Center

Zaragoza Logistics Center is a research and educational institute affiliated to the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  and the  University of Zaragoza .  Core research areas  in logistics and supply chain management at Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) strive to be actionable and applied so that people and organizations can make decisions and take action.

Zaragoza Academic Partnership (ZAP)

The Zaragoza Academic Partnership (ZAP) Program  allows companies to sponsor ZLC students’ thesis projects for both masters  ZLOG , ZLOGb and MDSC . It is an initiative to enhance applied research and bring industry-academia relationships closer together in the field of supply chain management. Each year students are required to complete thesis projects and many of them work with our partner companies on challenging and innovative research projects through the ZAP Program.

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thesis topic about supply chain management

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Understanding the State of Supply Chain Sustainability

  • Sustainability

The emphasis on sustainability within supply chains across industries has increased in recent years. Today, companies across the globe report on sustainability efforts and progress each year and set goals to reach ambitious environmental and social sustainability targets. This increased focus has prompted questions regarding how sustainability practices are interpreted and understood. How do different demographic groups (i.e., gender, language, location, age, and industry) interpret the current state of supply chain sustainability? Have the long-term implications of COVID-19 affected companies’ commitments to supply chain sustainability? Our analysis used response data from the 3rd Annual State of Supply Chain Management Survey and context gathered through supply chain executive interviews to answer the two main research questions. After slicing the survey response data into demographic categories – gender, age range, region, survey language translation, and industry – we performed non- parametric Mann-Whitney-U and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA tests to see if the different groups interpret sustainability commitments significantly differently. When testing within single demographics, results showed significant differences in responses by demographics. This seemed to explain some of the difference in how people interpreted supply chain sustainability; however, when isolating groups further, this became less apparent. Upon isolating the gender, age range, and location demographics by major industries, fewer responses showed significant differences. From this, we can conclude that comparisons of sustainability guidelines and practices should be industry-specific, rather than specific to other demographics such as gender, age, or location. Our capstone results could provide the basis for future research to understand the variations in how different groups of people interpret supply chain sustainability within the same company, industry, or outside of an organizational setting entirely.

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  • Automated transliteration
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Technische Universität München

  • Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Theses, Project Studies & IDPs

We welcome students to engage in state-of-the-art research projects.

For this, we supervise Bachelor and Master theses, Project Studies, and Interdisciplinary Projects (IDPs). Below you can find a list of offered topics. You can also suggest a topic of your own (areas can include but are not limited to: transportation logistics, inventory management, warehouse management, retail, supply chain management, procurement and sourcing, lot sizing or production systems).

Please consider the information below regarding the application process .

Note that since we have a high load of ongoing theses, among future applications we will favor students who have already conducted their project study at our chair.

Bachelor Theses

  • Omnichannel Inventory Management for Perishable Goods: Strategies and Optimizations  (advisor:  Mahsa Nakhost )
  • Analysis of Goals and Strategies in On-demand Food Delivery  (advisor: Nicolas Kuttruff )

Master Theses

Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

  • Sustainable Supply Chains through Voluntary Certification and Regulatory Requirements  (advisor: Alexander Bloemer )
  • Audit Collaboration to Incentivize Supply Chain Sustainability  (advisor: Alexander Bloemer )
  • Decomposition Methods for Service Network Design Problems under Disruption Risks  (advisor:  Kai Zhu )

Supply Chain Inventory Management

  • Multi-Echelon Spare Parts Inventory Optimization  (advisor: Moritz Rettinger)
  • End-to-End Spare Parts Management in Service Supply Chains  (advisor: tbd)

Digital Logistics and Transportation Optimization

  • Inventory Routing with Minimum Vehicle Utilization  (advisor: Nicolas Kuttruff )
  • AGV Scheduling Optimization for Production Line Feeding  (advisor: Moritz Rettinger)

Data Science, Optimization and Reinforcement Learning in Logistics

  • Data-driven Optimization in Transportation with Disruption Risks  (advisor:  Kai Zhu )
  • Ordering Decision Automation in C-Parts Warehouse  (advisor: Mahsa Nakhost )

Project Studies

  • AI enabled knowledge sharing within manufacturing supply-chains  (advisor: tbd)
  • Digital Service Transformation for Dealers and OEMs  (advisor: tbd)
  • Solving Heterogeneous VRPs with Minimum Utilization Constraints in Cooperation with SAP  (advisor: Nicolas Kuttruff )
  • The Role of Digital Tools in Enabling Industrial Symbiosis  (advisor:  Chunting Liu )

Interdisciplinary Projects (IDPs)

Automation of Ordering Decisions in C-Parts Wholesale (advisor: Mahsa Nakhost )


If you are interested in doing your Bachelor (Master)’s Thesis at our group, then please send an e-mail (in English) to [email protected]  with the following information:

  • Current Transcript of records
  • Topic of Interest & Preferred starting time
  • Application form (only for Master thesis applications)

Do you like to suggest a topic of your own? Please also include:

  • Description of the topic

If you do not find a particular topic to apply to, please contact us for a list of further topics with application documents, specifying the field of research you are interested in: Mobility, transportation logistics, inventory management, warehouse management, retail, supply chain management, procurement and sourcing, lot sizing or production systems.

Please note: Since we have a high load of ongoing theses, among future applications we will favor those students who have passed more courses at our chair.

How to prepare a scientific manuscript?

Seminar papers as well as bachelor/master's thesis and project studies vary in length and depth. However, they share same requirements and standards with regard to format and style. We therefore summarized good practice for you in our:

Guidelines and writing tips

MS Word template

Latex template  (You can also copy the Overleaf project from this link to your own project board)

How to submit your Thesis or Project Study?

Hard copy submission:

  • Bind your thesis using adhesive binding (Klebebindung) . PLEASE refrain from spiral binding (Ringbindung).
  • Print your name and title at the binding spine.
  • Submit TWO hard copies of your Bachelor/Master thesis and Project Study to the responsible supervisor.
  • Please also consider the information given in Guidelines and writing tips

Electronic submission:

  • Collect all relevant data, model and the thesis as PDF in a ZIP folder and upload it to the Moodle module, your supervisor assigns you to.
  • Signature to the page  Declaration of Authorship .
  • Filled form  Permission to View My Final Thesis .
  • The subject of the email should be  Thesis Submission Name/Matriculation Number: xxxxxx . You may choose the file names for the thesis and all the other documents.


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  2. Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics- Top 30 Ideas

    30 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020. On these premises, any supply chain management thesis should be comprehensive. There several topics and areas to consider, and below are 30 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020 that students can do research on towards an excellent postgraduate study in SCM.

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    implementations within supply chains. 1.5 Thesis structure. The thesis structure is as follows: 1. Part one introduces the reader to the topic with the background to the research as well as the main objective and limitations. 2. Part two introduces the reader to the idea of Industry 4.0 and the technologies associated with it. 3.

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    o better economic performance, improved brand image and increased e. ficiency of the firm.".Supply Chain Risk Management is defined by Helmold et al. (2022, p. v) as "the implementation of strategies to manage both everyday and exceptional risks along the supply chain based on contin.

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    and Supply Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and Journal or Business Ethics. The time frame was set to ten years between years 2011-2021. A keyword search was performed to get a narrowed search on the most important sustainability topics.

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    practitioners recently had impressive consideration about it. Sustainable supply chain management controversies are struggles between companies and stakeholders as a result of the harms the company's activities throughout the supply chain incur to the environmental and/or social pillars

  13. Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics- Top 30 Ideas

    30 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020. On these premises, any supply chain management thesis should be comprehensive. There several topics and areas to consider, and below are 30 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020 that students can do research on towards an excellent postgraduate study in SCM.

  14. Thesis Topics Logistics Supply Chain Management

    The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis on logistics and supply chain management. It notes that the field encompasses many disciplines and finding a unique topic can be difficult. Additionally, thoroughly researching and analyzing the topic requires a deep understanding of theoretical frameworks and literature. Managing thesis writing while balancing other commitments can ...

  15. Theses

    Master Theses at MIT. Title: A Qualitative Mapping and Evaluation of an Aerospace Supply Chain Strategy. Author: Jonathan Hung and Nicholas Pierce. Advisor: Roberto Perez-Franco. Year: 2011. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URL: CTL Publication Link.

  16. Understanding the State of Supply Chain Sustainability

    The emphasis on sustainability within supply chains across industries has increased in recent years. Today, companies across the globe report on sustainability efforts and progress each year and set goals to reach ambitious environmental and social sustainability targets. This increased focus has prompted questions regarding how sustainability ...

  17. PDF Understanding Supply Chain Management

    Introduction. The following thesis aims to provide a description and analysis of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) discipline. The structure of the dissertation will be divided into three main parts: The first chapter will provide a general overview of what Supply Chain and SCM are.

  18. PDF The Application of Digital Technologies in Supply Chain Management

    The term supply chain management will be used frequently in this thesis. Supply Chain Resource Cooperative (2017) describes it briefly: Supply chain management (SCM) is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

  19. Dissertations / Theses: 'Retail Supply Chain Management ...

    Abstract: The aim of this master thesis ,Logistics and SCM in retail ' is to introduce modern supply chain management (SCM) and logistics approaches and technologies used by multinational retail companies through the example of the TESCO company, while focusing on the UK and Czech retail market.

  20. Theses, Project Studies & IDPs

    For this, we supervise Bachelor and Master theses, Project Studies, and Interdisciplinary Projects (IDPs). Below you can find a list of offered topics. You can also suggest a topic of your own (areas can include but are not limited to: transportation logistics, inventory management, warehouse management, retail, supply chain management ...

  21. PDF Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM): an empirical analysis of

    SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SSCM): AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE UK AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY By ALI ESFAHBODI Thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY College of Social Sciences Business School Department of Management The University of Birmingham March 2016

  22. PDF Master thesis in supply chain management

    Leaders in supply chain management know the importance of the process for a business that is more than the movement of raw materials. There are innovations in the supply chain that can help companies offer the best service with collaborative systems (Jie&Gengatharen, 2018). Supply chain management performs by integrating procurement, suppliers, and