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Thesis Statements about Social Media: 21 Examples and Tips

  • by Judy Jeni
  • January 27, 2024

Writing Thesis Statements Based On Social Media

A thesis statement is a sentence in the introduction paragraph of an essay that captures the purpose of the essay. Using thesis statements about social media as an example, I will guide you on how to write them well.

It can appear anywhere in the first paragraph of the essay but it is mostly preferred when it ends the introduction paragraph. learning how to write a thesis statement for your essay will keep you focused.

A thesis statement can be more than one sentence only when the essay is on complex topics and there is a need to break the statement into two. This means, a good thesis statement structures an essay and tells the reader what an essay is all about.

A good social media thesis statement should be about a specific aspect of social media and not just a broad view of the topic.

The statement should be on the last sentence of the first paragraph and should tell the reader about your stand on the social media issue you are presenting or arguing in the essay.

Reading an essay without a thesis statement is like solving a puzzle. Readers will have to read the conclusion to at least grasp what the essay is all about. It is therefore advisable to craft a thesis immediately after researching an essay.

Throughout your entire writing, every point in every paragraph should connect to the thesis.  In case it doesn’t then probably you have diverged from the main issue of the essay.

How to Write a Thesis Statement?

Writing a thesis statement is important when writing an essay on any topic, not just about social media. It is the key to holding your ideas and arguments together into just one sentence.

The following are tips on how to write a good thesis statement:

Start With a Question and Develop an Answer

writing your thesis

If the question is not provided, come up with your own. Start by deciding the topic and what you would like to find out about it.

Secondly, after doing some initial research on the topic find the answers to the topic that will help and guide the process of researching and writing.

Consequently, if you write a thesis statement that does not provide information about your research topic, you need to construct it again.

Be Specific

The main idea of your essay should be specific. Therefore, the thesis statement of your essay should not be vague. When your thesis statement is too general, the essay will try to incorporate a lot of ideas that can contribute to the loss of focus on the main ideas.

Similarly, specific and narrow thesis statements help concentrate your focus on evidence that supports your essay. In like manner, a specific thesis statement tells the reader directly what to expect in the essay.

Make the Argument Clear

Usually, essays with less than one thousand words require the statement to be clearer. Remember, the length of a thesis statement should be a single sentence, which calls for clarity.

In these short essays, you do not have the freedom to write long paragraphs that provide more information on the topic of the essay.

Likewise, multiple arguments are not accommodated. This is why the thesis statement needs to be clear to inform the reader of what your essay is all about.

If you proofread your essay and notice that the thesis statement is contrary to the points you have focused on, then revise it and make sure that it incorporates the main idea of the essay. Alternatively, when the thesis statement is okay, you will have to rewrite the body of your essay.

Question your Assumptions

thinking about your arguments

Before formulating a thesis statement, ask yourself the basis of the arguments presented in the thesis statement.

Assumptions are what your reader assumes to be true before accepting an argument. Before you start, it is important to be aware of the target audience of your essay.

Thinking about the ways your argument may not hold up to the people who do not subscribe to your viewpoint is crucial.

Alongside, revise the arguments that may not hold up with the people who do not subscribe to your viewpoint.

Take a Strong Stand

A thesis statement should put forward a unique perspective on what your essay is about. Avoid using observations as thesis statements.

In addition, true common facts should be avoided. Make sure that the stance you take can be supported with credible facts and valid reasons.

Equally, don’t provide a summary, make a valid argument. If the first response of the reader is “how” and “why” the thesis statement is too open-ended and not strong enough.

Make Your Thesis Statement Seen

The thesis statement should be what the reader reads at the end of the first paragraph before proceeding to the body of the essay. understanding how to write a thesis statement, leaves your objective summarized.

Positioning may sometimes vary depending on the length of the introduction that the essay requires. However, do not overthink the thesis statement. In addition, do not write it with a lot of clever twists.

Do not exaggerate the stage setting of your argument. Clever and exaggerated thesis statements are weak. Consequently, they are not clear and concise.

Good thesis statements should concentrate on one main idea. Mixing up ideas in a thesis statement makes it vague. Read on how to write an essay thesis as part of the steps to write good essays.

A reader may easily get confused about what the essay is all about if it focuses on a lot of ideas. When your ideas are related, the relation should come out more clearly.

21 Examples of Thesis Statements about Social Media

social media platforms

  • Recently, social media is growing rapidly. Ironically, its use in remote areas has remained relatively low.
  • Social media has revolutionized communication but it is evenly killing it by limiting face-to-face communication.
  • Identically, social media has helped make work easier. However,at the same time it is promoting laziness and irresponsibility in society today.
  • The widespread use of social media and its influence has increased desperation, anxiety, and pressure among young youths.
  • Social media has made learning easier but its addiction can lead to bad grades among university students.
  • As a matter of fact, social media is contributing to the downfall of mainstream media. Many advertisements and news are accessed on social media platforms today.
  • Social media is a major promoter of immorality in society today with many platforms allowing sharing of inappropriate content.
  • Significantly, social media promotes copycat syndrome that positively and negatively impacts the behavior adapted by different users.
  • In this affluent era, social media has made life easy but consequently affects productivity and physical strength.
  • The growth of social media and its ability to reach more people increases growth in today’s business world.
  • The freedom on social media platforms is working against society with the recent increase in hate speech and racism.
  • Lack of proper verification when signing up on social media platforms has increased the number of minors using social media exposing them to cyberbullying and inappropriate content.
  • The freedom of posting anything on social media has landed many in trouble making the need to be cautious before posting anything important.
  • The widespread use of social media has contributed to the rise of insecurity in urban centers
  • Magazines and journals have spearheaded the appreciation of all body types but social media has increased the rate of body shaming in America.
  • To stop abuse on Facebook and Twitter the owners of these social media platforms must track any abusive post and upload and ban the users from accessing the apps.
  • Social media benefits marketing by creating brand recognition, increasing sales, and measuring success with analytics by tracking data.
  • Social media connects people around the globe and fosters new relationships and the sharing of ideas that did not exist before its inception.
  • The increased use of social media has led to the creation of business opportunities for people through social networking, particularly as social media influencers.
  • Learning is convenient through social media as students can connect with education systems and learning groups that make learning convenient.
  • With most people spending most of their free time glued to social media, quality time with family reduces leading to distance relationships and reduced love and closeness.

Judy Jeni

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How to Write a Thesis Statement About Social Media

writing thesis statement about social media

Writing a thesis statement requires good research and creating a concise yet very informative point. Writing one about social media is no different. Due to the scope of the study, the information to gather and discuss is even more expansive.

  • What is a Social Media Thesis Statement?

Social Media Essay Outline

Social media essay titles, thesis on social media, argumentative essay on social media, social networking thesis statement, summing up the thesis statement.

Social media uses mobile technologies that are Internet-based to run communication across different parts of the world. It gives  people  worldwide the opportunity to communicate and socialize, unlike past means of communication which were only one-way.

The evolution of technology has made social media more efficient and prevalent than any other form of communication today. With technology’s continued evolution, social media will continue to evolve, and so will topics and thesis statements about it. A good  thesis statement about social media  must meet some requirements, and we will look through most of them.

What is a Social Media Thesis Statement Supposed to Look Like?

Before understanding how a  thesis statement on social media  should look like, we should familiarize ourselves with what thesis statements properly entail. A thesis statement is typically written in the introductory portion of a paper.

It provides an apt and rapid summary of the main point or aim of the research paper or thesis. As the name implies, it is a statement, mainly written in just one sentence.

A thesis statement briefly combines the topic and the main ideas of the paper. Usually, there are two types of thesis statements: indirect and direct. The indirect thesis statements do not mention the core areas or reason of the thesis like the direct statement does.

A direct statement mentions the main topic and discusses the reasons for the paper, while an indirect statement mentions the statement and points out three reasons for it.

For instance, an indirect  social media thesis  statement could go like this; “Effects of social media on youth and the reasons for its abuse.” Here the topic is clearly stated, along with the central claim of the thesis paper.

Thesis statements are created, backed up, and expatiated in the remaining parts of the paper by citing examples and bringing up other related topics that support their claim. Through this, the thesis statement then goes to help structure and develop the entire body of the writing piece.

A  thesis about social media  should contain a good thesis statement that would  impact  and organize the body of the thesis work. Thesis statements do not necessarily control the entire essay but complement it in numerous aspects.

In writing a social media essay, there is a wide variety of topics to talk about. The points are nearly endless, from information collection to technology, its impacts, and adverse effects to its evolution. Nevertheless, there is always a basic outline for an essay, and it will be structured to follow the same format.

Here is an outline for a social media essay;

  • Introduction 

Here, you begin with the topic, state its objective, provide reasons to support its claims and finalize with a precise and accurate thesis statement.

  • Thesis statement

This statement should support and complement your main topic of discussion. It should provide a concise and cut-out message of the essay.

This section systematically lays out the arguments to support your topic while splitting them into paragraphs. This will gradually develop your points in a structured manner.

Each paragraph in this section must start with the topic sentence which relates directly to the thesis statement. Naturally, a paragraph should focus on one idea and be connected to the essay’s central argument.

Students must also conduct research and provide evidence to support the claims presented in the topic sentence. They can achieve this by using proper explanation methods to merge all their findings carefully.

In the conclusion  of the social media essay ,   you restate your statement in a way that completely complements and brings all your previous arguments together. It must have a concluding paragraph that reiterates the main point discussed in the body of the content. It should also add a call to action to bring the essay into a logical closure that effortlessly lays bare all the ideas previously presented.

The social media field is continuously expanding, and there are various variations to how it can be operated and observed. Choosing a topic is easy, but choosing the right one may not be as unchallenging.

Before you begin writing an essay, the correct approach will be to review as many samples as you can. This way, you can easily understand the general concept and the adequate writing flow required to outline or develop your arguments carefully.

Picking the wrong titles can go on to make your  thesis for a social media essay  unnecessarily tricky to write. This can occur when you pick a topic too complex or choose one too vaguely and undervalued. This could make you get stuck when writing, so you should always pick titles that are easy to research, analyze and expand upon.

With all these in view, here are some social media essay titles;

  • Impact of social media on general education
  • Effects of using social media on businesses
  • Adverse effects of social media on personal relationships
  • The effect of government on social media and their potential restrictions
  • How a  thesis about the effects of social media can  positively impact society.

A thesis on social media should easily resemble other academic papers and concentrate on various topics in various subjects. Papers like this should take social media as their primary focus.

Keeping that in mind, a compelling social media thesis should contain specific parts like an introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion. Each part is essential and has its contribution and functions to the entire content of the thesis. Some students may find writing a thesis statement about social media difficult, so you can always ask our professional writers to “ write my thesis ” and we will be happy to help you.

The introduction usually contains a hook, a summary of the core points, and a concise thesis statement. The body section must carefully develop each argument and idea in a paragraph, while the conclusion should completely close all the arguments.

The tone, style, and approach to each argument should be precise and well laid out to quickly understand the general idea the thesis is trying to build upon. Depending on the level of education you are writing your thesis, you may need to conduct specific direct research on some points and be required to portray them in an encompassing manner.

Generally, thesis writing on any topic requires hard work, extensive research periods, and a good understanding of writing methods. Hence it should be approached with determination and passion. As a student in higher education, you should learn how to improve your writing skills.

An argumentative essay on social media is typically more engaging with active points of discussion and analysis. Communication is an integral aspect of human life when connecting and moving society as a whole forward. Now technology has upgraded communication to a social media age, which has become an advantage and disadvantage in many aspects of life.

An argumentative social media essay generally possesses a strong argument. The essay’s topic must be designed to prompt a person to pick a side or a discussion and provide the necessary support to back up their decision. This type of essay also requires one to research accurate facts for proper argumentative purposes.

Social media   argumentative essays  target the harmful effects of this brilliant innovation in communication and its uses worldwide. It is only natural as negative discussions might elicit a sense of debate and argumentation. Some examples of argumentative essay topics on social media include;

  • The negative effects of social media on education in different nations
  • Effects of social media and its impacts on the older and younger generation
  • How social media has taken over people
  • The adverse effects of social media and the digital space on our  mental health
  • The pros and cons of social media in this society.

Social networking is an integral aspect of social media. It uses Internet-based social media sites to create connections and stay connected with friends, customers, family, and even business partners.

Social networking usually performs a primary purpose in communication with actual avenues like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. These sites and applications enable people to connect to develop relationships and share messages, ideas, and information.

Most social networking forms entail developing and maintaining relationships using communication technology, whether it is the relationship between clients, business partners, or even students.

For example, with the development of the Internet, most students can easily find services to help write dissertations on media space, or social media marketing. All you have to do is invite me to write my dissertation and they will immediately find the best service to solve their problem.

Writing is  a social networking thesis statement  similar to that of a social media thesis statement. They essentially involve rational discussion, and they can be approached in the same manner. The only slight difference will be the particular attention to social media relationships. How they are developed, what it takes to maintain them, and the various merits they could provide. These would typically form the structure of a  social networking thesis statement.

Writing a good thesis statement on social media involves a good understanding of the topic chosen and an accurate idea of the reasons, factors, and discussions that impact the main idea of the thesis. With all these discussed, you should be well on your way to writing good thesis statements on social media.

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School Life Diaries

Crafting A Thesis Statement About Social Media: Tips And Tricks

Thesis Statement About Social Media

With the rise of online platforms and thesis statement social media in our lives, students and teachers alike are increasingly asking questions about whether or not this technology is beneficial to academic performance. While it can be argued that there are both pros and cons to using social media. Many studies now show how integrating different forms of social media into classroom-based teaching can have tremendous positive benefits such as promoting greater collaboration between peers.

Asynchronous learning opportunities for a wider variety of topics, increased engagement among students to participate in activities related to areas of study, improved access to resources outside the textbook, as well as an overall boost in communication with all stakeholders involved within any given educational setting. In this blog post, we will explore these topics and provide a thesis statement about the impacts that social media has today on modern education.

How To Write a Thesis Statement About Social Media?

1. understand the topic:.

Before attempting to write a thesis statement on social media, it is important to understand the topic. In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with what social media is and what aspects are associated with it. Researching different sources such as news articles, blogs, and academic papers can help provide insight into the topic.

2. Brainstorm Potential Ideas:

After gaining an understanding of the topic, you should brainstorm potential ideas for your thesis statement. Think about what information you found during your research and develop a few statements that capture the essence of it. It is also useful to consider any questions or opinions you have on the subject matter.

3. Refine the Ideas:

Once you have a few potential ideas for your thesis statement, it is time to narrow them down. Evaluate each idea and determine which one best encapsulates the points you want to make about social media. Re-write this statement in its strongest form and consider how it can be further refined.

4. Finalize Your Thesis Statement:

After you have thoroughly examined each idea, you can finalize your thesis statement. Make sure it accurately reflects the points you want to make about social media and that it is written in a clear and concise manner. Once this is done, your thesis statement on social media will be complete.

5. Support Your Thesis Statement:

To make your thesis statement even stronger, it is important to provide evidence and support for your claims. This may involve conducting additional research or gathering statistics that back up what you are saying. Doing this will create a well-rounded argument and help communicate the message of the thesis statement more effectively.

6. Revise and Edit:

The final step in writing your thesis statement is to revise and edit it. Read through the statement several times, paying attention to spelling, grammar, and syntax. You can also ask someone else to read over it as well to ensure that it is clear and accurate. Once everything has been checked, your thesis statement on social media is ready to be presented.

What Is a Social Media Thesis Statement?

A Social Media Thesis Statement is a statement that expresses the key idea of an argument about the influence of social media platforms on modern society. It could be argued that social media has had both positive and negative impacts on people, from creating new opportunities for communication and connection to contributing to issues like cyberbullying, addiction, and data security.

The overall effect of social media on our lives is still unclear and needs further exploration. This thesis statement serves as a starting point for further research into the role of social media in today’s society. Through exploring the effects of social media on individuals, communities, and even global society, we can gain insight into how these platforms are shaping the world we live in.

What Are Social Networks On The Internet?

Social networks on the Internet are online platforms that allow individuals to connect and interact with one another in a virtual space. These networks often involve user profiles, friends lists, and other features that allow users to post content such as photos, text, and videos. Many social networks allow users to comment on others’ posts, join groups, and join conversations.

The use of social networks has become a popular part of everyday life, providing users with a convenient way to stay connected and share information. From personal connections to professional opportunities, these networks offer various benefits that can be utilized by both individuals and businesses.

Do We Know Where Social Networks Originate?

Social networks have become an increasingly popular way of connecting with people all over the world, allowing us to communicate with friends, family, and acquaintances. However, it can be difficult to determine the exact origin of these networks.

The first concept resembling a social network was Six Degrees, which was created by Andrew Weinreich in 1996. This website allowed users to create a profile and connect with other users, as well as find people from around the world. It was successful for a while but eventually failed due to legal issues and a lack of funding.

In 1997, Classmates.com was launched, allowing users to search for former classmates and make connections with them. This was the beginning of social networks becoming an integral part of our lives. Soon after, other popular networks emerged such as Friendster in 2002, LinkedIn in 2003, and MySpace in 2004. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networks On The Internet

Advantages of social networks on the internet.

1. Social networks on the internet provide unprecedented levels of connectivity, allowing users to easily interact with each other regardless of geographical location.

2. Social networks can be used to build communities and create conversations around particular topics or ideas.

3. Many social networks have also opened up their platforms to entrepreneurs, allowing small businesses to have the opportunity to market their products and services more effectively.

4. While social networks do offer many benefits, it is important that users remain cautious when using them.

5. Social networks can provide many opportunities for people to make connections, learn about new topics, and gain insight into different perspectives.

Disadvantages of Social Networks On The Internet

1. Excessive personal information sharing can lead to identity theft and fraud.

2. Unregulated content can be misleading or inappropriate for younger viewers.

3. Connecting with strangers online can put users at risk for cyberbullying, scams, and other malicious acts.

4. Increased distractions from social media use can negatively impact school performance and work productivity.

5. Addiction to social networking sites is common among users, leading to a lack of balance between online/offline relationships and activities.

How To Write A Good Social Media Essay?

1. Choose a topic that interests you and your audience

2. Do extensive research to understand the subject better

3. Brainstorm ideas

4. Outline the essay structure

5. Write an attention-grabbing introduction

6. Create well-structured paragraphs with clear arguments supported by evidence

7. Incorporate visuals (e.g., images, videos, gifs) where appropriate to keep readers engaged

8. Make sure your content is relevant and up-to-date according to social media trends

9. End with a strong conclusion summarizing the main points

10. Proofread for grammar and formatting errors before posting.

Social Media Essay Outline

1. introduction:.

The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic, explaining what social media is and why it is important in our lives today. It should also introduce the main points to be discussed in the essay and provide an overview of relevant research that has been done. The Introduction should conclude with a clearly defined thesis statement.

2. Thesis Statement:

The purpose of this essay is to explore the effects that social media has had on our lives, both positive and negative, and to provide insight into how we can use it in constructive ways.

The body of the essay should begin by looking at the positives of social media, such as its ability to connect people across the globe and how it can be used to share ideas. It should discuss how social media has created new opportunities for businesses and organizations to reach a wider audience and how it can be used to raise awareness about important issues.

4. Conclusion:

In conclusion, although there are both positives and negatives associated with social media, it is clear that used in the right way it can be an incredibly useful and powerful tool for communication. With a few simple steps, such as using proper caution when consuming information and taking breaks from constant use, anyone can enjoy the benefits of this technology without many of its potential drawbacks.

21 Examples of Thesis Statements About Social Media

1. For individuals, social media can be both a blessing and a curse; it provides a platform for increased connectivity, but can also create or exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression.

2. Social media has been associated with the rise of “echo chambers” that limit the diversity of perspectives people encounter.

3. Social media can also have a serious impact on mental health, as users are exposed to a barrage of both positive and negative information all at once.

4. It is important for individuals to be conscious of their own use of social media, as well as that of others in order to minimize any potential risks associated with it.

5. Setting limits on time spent online, engaging in meaningful conversations, and taking a break from social media can help to reduce any potential negative effects of its use.

6. It is also important to remember that the content posted on social media does not always reflect the reality of people’s lives.

7. It is crucial to remain mindful of what we see on social media and understand its potential impact on our own mental health.

8. We can ensure a safe and healthy online environment for ourselves and those around us.

9. Social media can be an amazing tool to maintain relationships and foster meaningful dialogue, but it is important to keep in mind the potential pitfalls associated with its use.

10. We can make sure that our experiences on social media are both positive and productive.

11. By understanding the potential risks and actively managing our own use of social media, we can ensure that it remains a force for good in our lives.

12. Through increased self-awareness and mindfulness, we can make sure to get the most out of our interactions on social media while avoiding any potential negative effects.

13. It is important to remember that social media should use in moderation and with care so that it can continue to have a positive impact on the lives of its users.

14. By remaining aware of our own use and encouraging others to do the same, we can ensure that social media remains a safe and healthy space for all.

15. It is important to remember the potential benefits and pitfalls of social media and make sure to use it responsibly.

16. We can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone who uses it

17. Social media can also be a powerful tool for spreading awareness and promoting positive change in the world.

18. Social media can use to advocate for causes that matter and amplify the voices of those who are often unheard.

19. Through thoughtful engagement and meaningful conversations, we can use social media as a platform to create positive change in the world.

20. When used responsibly, social media can be an invaluable tool to help us build better communities and create a more just and equitable world.

21. By understanding the potential impacts of using social media and taking steps to ensure responsible use, we can make sure that it remains a force for good in our lives.

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As we can see from this study, students who use social media in an educational setting perform better than those who don’t. This is likely because social media provides a more engaging and interactive learning environment. While there are many potential benefits to incorporating social media into instruction, such as promoting collaboration and interaction among students.

There are also some challenges that need to take into account, such as managing student screen time and ensuring online safety. If you’re a teacher, consider incorporating social media into your lesson plans. And if you’re a student, be sure to take advantage of the resources that social media has to offer.

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Lesley J. Vos

Social Media & Society is a captivating and relevant research area, encompassing various aspects from interpersonal relations to global communication dynamics. A well-defined thesis statement is pivotal for delineating your research parameters and objectives in this expansive field. Below, you’ll find insightful examples of both good and bad thesis statements on Social Media & Society, accompanied by comprehensive explanations.

Good Thesis Statement Examples

Good: “This thesis evaluates the correlation between prolonged social media usage and increased levels of anxiety and depression among teenagers in the United States.” Bad: “Social media affects teenagers’ mental health.”

The good statement presents a specific correlation, target demographic (teenagers in the U.S.), and identified outcomes (anxiety and depression levels). The bad example, while correct, is vague and lacks defined variables and demographic focus.

Good: “The proliferation of fake news on social media platforms has discernibly influenced political elections, swaying public opinion and voter behavior.” Bad: “Fake news on social media impacts elections.”

The good statement provides a clear, arguable claim regarding fake news, public opinion, and voter behavior on social media. Conversely, the bad example states a general fact without depth or a specific area of impact.

Good: “Implementing educational programs that promote critical digital literacy can mitigate the negative effects of cyberbullying among middle school students.” Bad: “Education can help reduce cyberbullying.”

The good example is researchable and offers specific solutions (critical digital literacy programs), target demographic (middle school students), and defined problem (cyberbullying). The bad statement lacks detail, specific solutions, and target groups.

Bad Thesis Statement Examples

Overly Broad: “Social media has changed the way people communicate.”

Although true, this statement is excessively general and does not specify which aspect of communication or which demographic is being explored.

Lack of Clear Argument: “Social media is popular among young people.”

While factual, this statement lacks a clear argument or specific research focus, rendering it ineffective as a research guide.

Unmeasurable and Unresearchable: “Life is unimaginable without social media today.”

Although many might agree, this statement is not easily measurable or researchable and does not provide clear directions for academic exploration.

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for research in social media and society is crucial for delineating your investigation and elucidating your academic endeavor’s aims and scope. A good thesis statement should be specific, debatable, and researchable, acting as a sturdy foundation for scholarly inquiry. In contrast, a bad thesis statement is often too general, lacks a clear argument, and is not conducive to empirical exploration. The examples and analyses provided in this guide furnish students with valuable insights for developing thesis statements that are academically rigorous and insightful for exploring the intricate relationship between social media and society.

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Is social media good for you?

Using social media can have benefits for your mental health, but only if you use it in the right way

By Dr Peggy Kern, University of Melbourne

Whether I’m standing on the tram, sitting in a café, or walking down the street, I’m struck by the sight of so many people looking down at their phones, scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or a myriad of other social media platforms.

I immediately ask myself, in this increasingly technological age, what is the impact of constant social media use on our mental health?

On one hand, it allows us to stay up-to-date and connected. I can find out what friends in America and around the world are doing at any time of day or night.

thesis statement about social media being good

On the other, it’s hard to carry on a normal conversation without someone compulsively checking their feed, rendered paranoid by FOMO (fear of missing out). A person might have thousands of “friends”, but feel completely alone.

So is social media good or bad for us? In a new study published in the Journal of Mental Health , PhD student Elizabeth Seabrook, Dr Nikki Rickard from Monash University and myself found that it is not as clear-cut as you might think.

We reviewed 70 studies that have examined how social network use relates to depression, anxiety, and subjective wellbeing. Results were mixed. Some studies found social media users were happier and more connected with other people.

But other studies found that social media users had more signs of depression or anxiety. So we also looked at various factors that had an impact on when it is beneficial or harmful.

thesis statement about social media being good

How gender shapes our Facebook chats

Studies were conducted between 2005 and 2016, mostly with adolescents and young adults. Most focused on Facebook, with a few studies centred around the use of Twitter, MySpace, or social media in general.

These studies examined a variety of themes, including how much time people spent on social media, the number of friends they had, and whether or not they liked and felt accepted by their friends.

Also examined were the words they used, how much personal information they shared, whether they compared themselves with others, and how much they felt addicted to social media.

Across the studies, it appears that it’s not so much that social media causes anxiety and depression, but that people have different ways of using social media, which may be more or less helpful.

For example, Chris, who reported high levels of wellbeing, liked to use Facebook to catch up on the latest gossip and share with others fun things that happened during the day.

Meanwhile, Carey, who suffers from depression, spent hours browsing the newsfeed, and bemoaning how nice everyone else’s life seems.

For many, social media appears to have a range of benefits. It provides a way for many of us to connect with others. We can support other people and feel supported by them. It may even be a useful way for those with social anxiety and those who have a hard time with face-to-face interactions to connect with others.

But for those with depression or anxiety, it could make their symptoms worse. Indeed people who often compared themselves to their friends, ruminated about life, or had negative interactions with others, were at greater risk of depression and anxiety.

Notably, the number of hours that people spent on social media didn’t make a clear difference – it was more the feeling of being addicted to it. It seems like what a person writes about is more indicative of their state of mental health than the number of hours spent online.

thesis statement about social media being good

Share the love with positive posts

Those with symptoms of depression were more likely to be jealous of their friends, compare themselves to others, and use negative language when using social media. This is similar to what I’ve seen in some of my other research, which points to the power of the words that we use.

A growing number of studies suggest that we might be able to use data from social media use to identify people suffering from depression or anxiety, thereby providing the possibility for offering support and resources for those who might not otherwise get the help they need.

So what can we take away from the study? We each have unique patterns in how we use social media, in terms of the language we use and how we behave when we are using it.

Do you keep your friends updated on your activities? Post pictures of your family? Complain about work or other people? Passively browse news feeds without commenting? Do you feel like it helps you connect with others, or do you feel addicted and controlled by it?

As a whole, our review suggests that it is valuable to pause and consider what our behavioural patterns are. By understanding them better, we potentially can make better choices about how to best use social media, as well as use it to promote good mental health.

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Social media use can be positive for mental health and well-being

Mesfin Bekalu

January 6, 2020— Mesfin Awoke Bekalu , research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, discusses a new study he co-authored on associations between social media use and mental health and well-being.

What is healthy vs. potentially problematic social media use?

Our study has brought preliminary evidence to answer this question. Using a nationally representative sample, we assessed the association of two dimensions of social media use—how much it’s routinely used and how emotionally connected users are to the platforms—with three health-related outcomes: social well-being, positive mental health, and self-rated health.

We found that routine social media use—for example, using social media as part of everyday routine and responding to content that others share—is positively associated with all three health outcomes. Emotional connection to social media—for example, checking apps excessively out of fear of missing out, being disappointed about or feeling disconnected from friends when not logged into social media—is negatively associated with all three outcomes.

In more general terms, these findings suggest that as long as we are mindful users, routine use may not in itself be a problem. Indeed, it could be beneficial.

For those with unhealthy social media use, behavioral interventions may help. For example, programs that develop “effortful control” skills—the ability to self-regulate behavior—have been widely shown to be useful in dealing with problematic Internet and social media use.

We’re used to hearing that social media use is harmful to mental health and well-being, particularly for young people. Did it surprise you to find that it can have positive effects?

The findings go against what some might expect, which is intriguing. We know that having a strong social network is associated with positive mental health and well-being. Routine social media use may compensate for diminishing face-to-face social interactions in people’s busy lives. Social media may provide individuals with a platform that overcomes barriers of distance and time, allowing them to connect and reconnect with others and thereby expand and strengthen their in-person networks and interactions. Indeed, there is some empirical evidence supporting this.

On the other hand, a growing body of research has demonstrated that social media use is negatively associated with mental health and well-being, particularly among young people—for example, it may contribute to increased risk of depression and anxiety symptoms.

Our findings suggest that the ways that people are using social media may have more of an impact on their mental health and well-being than just the frequency and duration of their use.

What disparities did you find in the ways that social media use benefits and harms certain populations? What concerns does this raise?

My co-authors Rachel McCloud , Vish Viswanath , and I found that the benefits and harms associated with social media use varied across demographic, socioeconomic, and racial population sub-groups. Specifically, while the benefits were generally associated with younger age, better education, and being white, the harms were associated with older age, less education, and being a racial minority. Indeed, these findings are consistent with the body of work on communication inequalities and health disparities that our lab, the Viswanath lab , has documented over the past 15 or so years. We know that education, income, race, and ethnicity influence people’s access to, and ability to act on, health information from media, including the Internet. The concern is that social media may perpetuate those differences.

— Amy Roeder

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Thesis Statements

What this handout is about.

This handout describes what a thesis statement is, how thesis statements work in your writing, and how you can craft or refine one for your draft.


Writing in college often takes the form of persuasion—convincing others that you have an interesting, logical point of view on the subject you are studying. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. You persuade your roommate to clean up, your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for your favorite candidate or policy. In college, course assignments often ask you to make a persuasive case in writing. You are asked to convince your reader of your point of view. This form of persuasion, often called academic argument, follows a predictable pattern in writing. After a brief introduction of your topic, you state your point of view on the topic directly and often in one sentence. This sentence is the thesis statement, and it serves as a summary of the argument you’ll make in the rest of your paper.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement:

  • tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.
  • is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.
  • directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel.
  • makes a claim that others might dispute.
  • is usually a single sentence near the beginning of your paper (most often, at the end of the first paragraph) that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.

If your assignment asks you to take a position or develop a claim about a subject, you may need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement near the beginning of your draft. The assignment may not explicitly state that you need a thesis statement because your instructor may assume you will include one. When in doubt, ask your instructor if the assignment requires a thesis statement. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret, to compare and contrast, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively. (Check out our handout on understanding assignments for more information.)

How do I create a thesis?

A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts (such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a “working thesis” that presents a basic or main idea and an argument that you think you can support with evidence. Both the argument and your thesis are likely to need adjustment along the way.

Writers use all kinds of techniques to stimulate their thinking and to help them clarify relationships or comprehend the broader significance of a topic and arrive at a thesis statement. For more ideas on how to get started, see our handout on brainstorming .

How do I know if my thesis is strong?

If there’s time, run it by your instructor or make an appointment at the Writing Center to get some feedback. Even if you do not have time to get advice elsewhere, you can do some thesis evaluation of your own. When reviewing your first draft and its working thesis, ask yourself the following :

  • Do I answer the question? Re-reading the question prompt after constructing a working thesis can help you fix an argument that misses the focus of the question. If the prompt isn’t phrased as a question, try to rephrase it. For example, “Discuss the effect of X on Y” can be rephrased as “What is the effect of X on Y?”
  • Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? If your thesis simply states facts that no one would, or even could, disagree with, it’s possible that you are simply providing a summary, rather than making an argument.
  • Is my thesis statement specific enough? Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis contains words like “good” or “successful,” see if you could be more specific: why is something “good”; what specifically makes something “successful”?
  • Does my thesis pass the “So what?” test? If a reader’s first response is likely to  be “So what?” then you need to clarify, to forge a relationship, or to connect to a larger issue.
  • Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. It’s okay to change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the course of writing your paper. Remember, always reassess and revise your writing as necessary.
  • Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? If a reader’s first response is “how?” or “why?” your thesis may be too open-ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the beginning.

Suppose you are taking a course on contemporary communication, and the instructor hands out the following essay assignment: “Discuss the impact of social media on public awareness.” Looking back at your notes, you might start with this working thesis:

Social media impacts public awareness in both positive and negative ways.

You can use the questions above to help you revise this general statement into a stronger thesis.

  • Do I answer the question? You can analyze this if you rephrase “discuss the impact” as “what is the impact?” This way, you can see that you’ve answered the question only very generally with the vague “positive and negative ways.”
  • Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? Not likely. Only people who maintain that social media has a solely positive or solely negative impact could disagree.
  • Is my thesis statement specific enough? No. What are the positive effects? What are the negative effects?
  • Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? No. Why are they positive? How are they positive? What are their causes? Why are they negative? How are they negative? What are their causes?
  • Does my thesis pass the “So what?” test? No. Why should anyone care about the positive and/or negative impact of social media?

After thinking about your answers to these questions, you decide to focus on the one impact you feel strongly about and have strong evidence for:

Because not every voice on social media is reliable, people have become much more critical consumers of information, and thus, more informed voters.

This version is a much stronger thesis! It answers the question, takes a specific position that others can challenge, and it gives a sense of why it matters.

Let’s try another. Suppose your literature professor hands out the following assignment in a class on the American novel: Write an analysis of some aspect of Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn. “This will be easy,” you think. “I loved Huckleberry Finn!” You grab a pad of paper and write:

Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel.

You begin to analyze your thesis:

  • Do I answer the question? No. The prompt asks you to analyze some aspect of the novel. Your working thesis is a statement of general appreciation for the entire novel.

Think about aspects of the novel that are important to its structure or meaning—for example, the role of storytelling, the contrasting scenes between the shore and the river, or the relationships between adults and children. Now you write:

In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore.
  • Do I answer the question? Yes!
  • Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? Not really. This contrast is well-known and accepted.
  • Is my thesis statement specific enough? It’s getting there–you have highlighted an important aspect of the novel for investigation. However, it’s still not clear what your analysis will reveal.
  • Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? Not yet. Compare scenes from the book and see what you discover. Free write, make lists, jot down Huck’s actions and reactions and anything else that seems interesting.
  • Does my thesis pass the “So what?” test? What’s the point of this contrast? What does it signify?”

After examining the evidence and considering your own insights, you write:

Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn suggests that to find the true expression of American democratic ideals, one must leave “civilized” society and go back to nature.

This final thesis statement presents an interpretation of a literary work based on an analysis of its content. Of course, for the essay itself to be successful, you must now present evidence from the novel that will convince the reader of your interpretation.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Anson, Chris M., and Robert A. Schwegler. 2010. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers , 6th ed. New York: Longman.

Lunsford, Andrea A. 2015. The St. Martin’s Handbook , 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s.

Ramage, John D., John C. Bean, and June Johnson. 2018. The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing , 8th ed. New York: Pearson.

Ruszkiewicz, John J., Christy Friend, Daniel Seward, and Maxine Hairston. 2010. The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers , 9th ed. Boston: Pearson Education.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Developing a Thesis Statement

Importance: ★★★.

The successful production of academic writing depends on achieving a certain level of clarity; the thesis statement is a device for enhancing clarity. It is helpful to think about the thesis statement in terms of what it is used to accomplish. To enhance clarity, a thesis statement should

  • state the objective of your paper,
  • tell the reader what to expect from your paper, and
  • present a clear position on the topic.

Typically, the thesis statement occurs early in a text—usually in the introduction—and it should be

  • specific , stating your thesis in concrete terms,
  • concise , providing necessary information without going into excessive detail, and
  • unambiguous , avoiding vague or contradictory language.

The thesis statement should guide your readers into your paper and give them a clear idea of how to relate to it. Are they to expect a persuasive, argumentative text, for example, or is it a primarily descriptive text? In your thesis statement, you help shape your readers’ expectations.

As an example, imagine that you are writing a discussion essay. Your essay will discuss social media from various perspectives. Here is a very simple thesis statement:

A) Social media are a complex phenomenon with both positive and negative aspects.

This tells us something about what your paper will deal with, but not very much. In fact, it does little more than restate the topic. Contrast A) with the following alternative:

B) Social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are proliferating, and this essay will discuss how they take up more and more of our time and what they give us in return.

This is a stronger thesis statement, since it tells us something concrete that the essay will accomplish. Rather than simply reiterating the topic, it provides concrete examples and gives the reader a better idea of what aspects of the topic it will deal with.

Now compare example B) to example C):

C) While providing entertainment, information and an opportunity for us to keep track of old friends, social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are also becoming tools for various organizations that want to keep track of us.

This example points to the positive and negative aspects of social media by means of examples. It also indicates that there is reason to be skeptical of social media. By rephrasing the sentence slightly, it can be made to indicate a much more positive attitude to social media:

D) While social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are certainly tools for organizations that want to track our interests on the web, they also provide entertainment, information and an opportunity for us to keep track of old friends.

Both C) and D) are strong thesis statements, which indicate effectively what your essay will be about and what your perspective will be. Compared with A), they are also much more effective in arousing your reader’s interest.

While you are writing, you should be prepared to change your thesis statement if necessary. Perhaps your emphasis will change as you write, or maybe a certain perspective will emerge as more important than the others. Remember to revise your thesis statement during the writing and editing processes to make sure that it is representative of the finished essay.

The thesis statement makes clear for the reader the topic, perspective, and objective of your text.

Further Discussion

You may wonder why the thesis statement is placed at the beginning of the text, rather than at the end. It might seem like a good idea to build up to it, or that the text will seem anti-climactic, if you “give away the secret too soon”. The problem with this reasoning is that academic writing, above all in the English-speaking world, is not about mystery, but rather about clarity. Readers are busy people with a great many things competing for their attention. You should therefore make an attempt to interest your reader in your topic and then give her an idea of what to expect. This will not only increase the likelihood that she will want to continue reading, but will also help her to make sense of the text, since each of the topics that follow will be be construed in light of the thesis that you have presented. In other words, a good thesis statement will help you to win the reader over and make your text more convincing.

Related Topics

Further resources, how are topics structured.

To learn more about the different parts of the topics in the Reference Guide, see The Structure of a Reference Topic .

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Social Media Thesis Statement: the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

This essay will present a thesis statement on the impact of social media on mental health. It will explore how social media use correlates with issues like anxiety, depression, and self-esteem, drawing on current research and psychological theories. The piece will discuss both the negative and positive aspects of social media, considering factors such as online connectivity, cyberbullying, and the pressure of social comparison. It will also suggest directions for future research and potential solutions. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Adolescence.

How it works

Most individuals know someone with a mental health problem or addictive behavior, but have they ever thought about where it could have risen from? The rise of anxiety and depression have been believed to drive a child’s life. Feeling driven by a motor and needing to check your phone constantly can result in negative effects. Mental health issues and addictive behaviors stem from a conglomerate of sources, but more directly, have been exasperated by social media in modern society.

  • 1 Social Media, Anxiety, and the ‘Like’ Syndrome
  • 2 Social Media and the Onset of Depression Symptoms
  • 3 The Correlation Between Social Media Usage and Addiction
  • 4 The Social Media Thesis Statement: Balancing the Scale of Positive and Negative Effects
  • 5 References:

Social Media, Anxiety, and the ‘Like’ Syndrome

Mental health disorders can be one of the several negative effects given to a child by their phone.

It has been shown that anxiety is a huge factor coming from social media, “Other studies have shown that people with social anxiety prefer communicating with people via the internet rather than in person, so it would be an ideal way to initiate relationships” (Maldonado). Even some social networking environments, such as Facebook, can cause anxiety. “Recent research has shown that using social networking sites, namely Facebook, can increase people’s stress levels, produce anxiety, and negatively affect a person’s sense of self” (Maldonado). Even if people were to not look at the platforms and just focus on the ‘likes,’ problems would be found throughout. “The need to gain “likes” on social media can cause teens to make choices they would otherwise not make, including altering appearance, engaging in negative behaviors, and accepting risky social media challenges” (Hurley). As Hurley also claimed, “It’s difficult to build empathy and compassion (our best weapons in the war on bullying) when teens spend more time “engaging” online than they do in person.”

Social Media and the Onset of Depression Symptoms

Symptoms of depression are also prevalent in social media. As Hurley once said, “Though many teens know that their peers share only their highlight reels on social media, it’s very difficult to avoid making comparisons. Everything from physical appearance to life circumstances to perceived successes and failures is under a microscope on social media.” Most teenagers have gullible minds, so when they see someone more physically fit or even happier than they are, they automatically get down on themselves. Seeing somebody live a better life hurts most people, but some make the most of it by turning that into an encouraging way to get that body or make more money. Even though to some observers, it seems to be obvious that depression can also be linked to social media. According to Gordon, “Researchers are just beginning to establish a link between depression and social media.” Most say that you could have been raised with depression, which could be true, but that depression would not have flared up as much as it did once they started using these social media platforms. Even stated by a credited author, “From a mental health perspective, concerns have been raised about the negative impact of excessive use of social networking sites on the health and well-being of users, especially that of young people, who are enthusiastic users of this technology” (Griffiths). This quote proves the meaning behind the gullible minds of young ones; it can easily affect them – even causing an addiction.

The Correlation Between Social Media Usage and Addiction

As well as producing anxiety and depression, social media also has a strong link to addiction. “In a study by researchers at the UCLA brain mapping center, they found that certain regions of teen brains became activated by ‘likes’ on social media, sometimes causing them to want to use social media more” (Gordon). This statement shows just how easy it is to become addicted to posting about yourself on social media. Sometimes, this leads to teens posting pictures or captions they should not be. Obsessing over likes can lead to other impulses, such as losing sleep. “Sometimes teens spend so many hours on social media that they begin to lose valuable sleep. Consequently, thus sleep loss can lead to moodiness, a drop-in grades, and overeating, as well exacerbated existing problems like depression, anxiety, and ADD” (Gordon). This obsessive behavior also leads to problems with your brain and body since you are losing sleep time, which also means losing energy. Losing energy can cause a variety of problems, some of which include anxiety and depression. Addictive behaviors do not only just stop at losing sleep but stem all the way to using your phone while driving. “Many people’s social media use is habitual, and it can start to spill over into other areas of their lives and be problematic and dangerous, such as checking social media while driving” (Griffiths). This part of the addictive behaviors could easily be named the most atrocious. This type of behavior could easily kill or seriously harm an individual. Losing a loved one over a Facebook status shows a lot about the state that the human brain is in.

The Social Media Thesis Statement: Balancing the Scale of Positive and Negative Effects

Besides all the negative effects of social media, it also has a few positive effects on the human brain. “Although they can cause problems, these sites also have been shown to have positive effects on people. It can help psychologists monitor the mental health of patients, spread awareness about issues (including mental health disorders), connect people with one another, and make the world a little smaller” (Maldonado). Rewarding your brain with positive upbringings can really determine night or day. If someone reaches a certain level on a game or gets the reaction, they wanted on a certain post, that could easily encourage you to keep positive vibes and continue doing what they love. As Maldonado stated, “The best way for anyone to take advantage of the benefits of these sites while minimizing the downsides is to moderate his or her use and maintain a level of detachment.” Taking time away from social media would help minimize the chances of becoming depressed over a post, which could really help a teenager’s mental health.

By this time, people have probably concluded that several humans on this earth are way too attached to their phones. If people were to see someone prioritize their phone over their communication with the outside world, help them experience life as it is. If social media becomes an addiction, it could eventually lead to anxiety and depression. Even though social media has negative effects, it can also have effects that can help the human brain grow and experience positive thoughts. With that being said, most people would say social media has more negative effects than positive. The addictive behaviors and mental health issues that arise from the internet can cause several problems and become a burden in this society.


  • Gordon, Sherri. ‘5 Ways Social Media Affects Teen Mental Health.’ very well family, About, Inc (Dotdash), 30 July 2018, www.verywellfamily.com/ways-social-media-affects-teen-mental-health-4144769. Accessed 17 September 2018.
  • Griffiths, Mark D.’ Addicted to Social Media?’ Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, LLC, 7 May 2018, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-excess/201805/addicted-social-media. Accessed 17 September 2018.
  • Hurley, Katie. ‘Social Media and Teens: How Does Social Media Affect Teenagers Mental Health.’ Psycom. Vertical Health LLC, 13 February 2018, www.psycom.net/social-media-teen-mental-health. Accessed 17 September 2018.
  • Maldonado, Marissa. ‘The Anxiety of Facebook.’ Psychcentral. 16 July 2016, www.psychcentral.com/lib/the-anxiety-of-facebook/. Accessed 18 September 2018.


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Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. (2023, Aug 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/social-media-thesis-statement-the-impact-of-social-media-on-mental-health/

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"Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health." PapersOwl.com, Aug 01, 2023. Accessed May 16, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/social-media-thesis-statement-the-impact-of-social-media-on-mental-health/

"Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health," PapersOwl.com , 01-Aug-2023. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/social-media-thesis-statement-the-impact-of-social-media-on-mental-health/. [Accessed: 16-May-2024]

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  4. Social Media Essay: Tips and Topics

    thesis statement about social media being good

  5. Social Media Essay Example

    thesis statement about social media being good

  6. (PDF) Thesis statement How social media platforms has changed the form

    thesis statement about social media being good


  1. Try controversial statements!

  2. The Impact of social media on the academic performance of social science students at UWI T&T

  3. How to write a good thesis statement!? M.sc/Phd📕#thesis#statement#viralshorts

  4. Essay on Social Media in English || Social Media & its pros and cons Essay Writing in English ||

  5. 10 lines essay on Social Media in English

  6. Social Media In And It's Impacts


  1. Thesis Statements about Social Media: 21 Examples and Tips

    21 Examples of Thesis Statements about Social Media. Recently, social media is growing rapidly. Ironically, its use in remote areas has remained relatively low. Social media has revolutionized communication but it is evenly killing it by limiting face-to-face communication. Identically, social media has helped make work easier.

  2. Social Media: Thesis Statement: [Essay Example], 562 words

    Social media has become an integral part of modern society, revolutionizing the way people communicate, interact, and share information.With the rise of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, social media has transformed the way we connect with others and consume content. This essay will explore the impact of social media on society, focusing on the thesis statement that ...

  3. How to Write a Thesis Statement About Social Media

    Summing up the thesis statement. Writing a good thesis statement on social media involves a good understanding of the topic chosen and an accurate idea of the reasons, factors, and discussions that impact the main idea of the thesis. With all these discussed, you should be well on your way to writing good thesis statements on social media.

  4. Crafting A Thesis Statement About Social Media: Tips And Tricks

    1. For individuals, social media can be both a blessing and a curse; it provides a platform for increased connectivity, but can also create or exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression. 2. Social media has been associated with the rise of "echo chambers" that limit the diversity of perspectives people encounter.

  5. Argumentative Essay about Social Media • Free Examples

    2 pages / 1139 words. Introduction: In today's era, Social Media has been the most important part of everyone's life, from children to adults, be it as entertainment, shopping, education or a business tool. Social Media transforms people's lifestyle as the number of its active users is increasing enormously day...

  6. Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Well-Being

    Positive and negative effects of social media on adolescent well-being [Master's thesis, Minnesota State University, Mankato]. Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works ... statement; to see "people use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to ... negative effects social media can have on well-being, with many ...

  7. Thesis Statement About Social Media

    Thesis Statement About Social Media. In today's digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we connect with others, consume information, and perceive the world around us. While the advent of social media has undoubtedly brought about numerous benefits, such as increased connectivity and ...

  8. Social Media & Society Thesis Statement Examples

    Good Thesis Statement Examples. Good: "This thesis evaluates the correlation between prolonged social media usage and increased levels of anxiety and depression among teenagers in the United States.". Bad: "Social media affects teenagers' mental health.". The good statement presents a specific correlation, target demographic ...

  9. Is social media good for you?

    Some studies found social media users were happier and more connected with other people. But other studies found that social media users had more signs of depression or anxiety. So we also looked at various factors that had an impact on when it is beneficial or harmful. Studies were conducted between 2005 and 2016, mostly with adolescents and ...

  10. Social Media Essay: Analyzing Social Dynamics [Topics and Example]

    In constructing a well-rounded structure for a social media essay, it's crucial to begin with a strong thesis statement. This sets the foundation for essays about social media and guides the narrative. Thesis Statements. A thesis statement is the backbone of your essay, outlining the main argument or position you will explore throughout the text.

  11. Social Media's Impact on One's Mental, Physical, and Emotional Well-being

    social media diminishes one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The main goal of the data analysis was to determine the positive and negative interactions with social. media from the participants. In addition, this information was examined to find. commonalities as well as unique responses.

  12. Social media use can be positive for mental health and well-being

    January 6, 2020—Mesfin Awoke Bekalu, research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, discusses a new study he co-authored on associations between social media use and mental health and well-being. What is healthy vs. potentially problematic social media use? Our study has brought preliminary evidence to answer this question.

  13. Social Media: Thesis Statement

    13.05.2024. Cite this essay. Download. Social media has become a worldwide spread phenomenon. The transaction from static internet web pages to dynamic or user-generated content has changed the way people communicate. A recent Global Digital Report from 'we are social' 2019 has shown that more than 45% of the world's population is active on SM.

  14. Social Media Use and Its Impact on Relationships and Emotions

    negative emotions seem to indicate that addictive behaviors are on the rise and are closely related. to overuse of social media. On the other side of the coin, social media use also produces positive effects on. emotional well-being such as happiness, Mudita, humor, support, validation, and a more frequent.

  15. PDF Influences of Social Media Use on Adolescent Psychosocial Well-Being

    examine the relationship between adolescents' social media use and their psychosocial well-being. I conducted a survey and social browsing experiment (n=588), followed by semi-structured interviews with a purposeful sub-sample of youth (n=28). In Study 1, I present an architecture of emotional life infused with social technologies.

  16. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  17. Thesis Statements

    A thesis statement: tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion. is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself.

  18. Developing a Thesis Statement

    Here is a very simple thesis statement: A) Social media are a complex phenomenon with both positive and negative aspects. This tells us something about what your paper will deal with, but not very much. In fact, it does little more than restate the topic. Contrast A) with the following alternative: B) Social media like Facebook, Instagram and ...

  19. PDF The impact of social media on students' lives

    access social media. Social media sites have had a major influence on students' perfor-mance in recent years. Social media sites are impacting students in both positive and negative ways. On the one hand, social media helps students gather information in learn-ing and research, saving time of communication, exchanging ideas and resources and so

  20. Thesis Statement about Effects of Social Media on Students

    Statement of the problem. The research problem aims to analyze specific aspects of the research problem. The main purpose of this research was to conduct an approximate study on how social media affects the communication skills of students. This research paper investigated how the students respond to their experience in their way of communicating.

  21. The Influences of Social Media: Depression, Anxiety, and Self-Concept

    perceptions of social media addiction and the active use of social media. Given the gaps in literature related to social media's effects on self-concept, study . 2 . was used to gain qualitative analyses of student's interrelated beliefs of social media and its impacts on the formation and maintenance of self-concept.

  22. Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental

    The Social Media Thesis Statement: Balancing the Scale of Positive and Negative Effects Besides all the negative effects of social media, it also has a few positive effects on the human brain. "Although they can cause problems, these sites also have been shown to have positive effects on people.


    Title of Bachelor´s thesis: Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health . Supervisor: Ilkka Mikkonen . Term and year of completion: Autumn 2018 Number of pages: 36 . Social media has become an integral part of human beings in the present era. It has influenced them in many ways. On the one hand, numerous benefits of social media such as online ...

  24. Social media's impact on our mental health and tips to use it safely

    Social media use may increase feelings of anxiety and depression, specifically in teens and young adults. The addictive nature of social media activates the brain's reward center by releasing dopamine. This is a "feel-good chemical" linked to pleasurable activities. When we post something, our friends and family can "like" it, giving ...

  25. The Case for Increased Regulation of Social Media

    The reality that harmful social media use will likely affect not only teenagers, but also millions of far younger children, is especially frightening with the ever-growing body of research supporting the fact that social media leads to unhealthy lifestyle habits, popularizes dangerous health trends, and seriously damages emotional well-being ...