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French Language and Literature: Dissertations and theses

French dissertations and theses.

There are a number of different resources available for finding French dissertations. 

  • Atelier national de Reproduction des thèses Also known as tne National Center for the Reproduction of PhD theses
  • SUDOC Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation
  • Thèses en ligne (TEL): serveur de thèses multidisciplinaire Although multidisciplinary the majority of theses are in scientific disciplines.
  • thè This research tool is maintained by ABES (Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur) and records titles of theses in preparation in French universities and higher education institutions

Belgian dissertations and theses

  • Répertoire commun des thèses électroniques des universités de la Communauté Française de Belgique Portal to access French-language theses through relevant University repositories

General resources for dissertations and theses

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global The world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Over 2.1 million titles are available for purchase as printed copies. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. It also includes content from PQDT UK & Ireland (aka Index to Theses).
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations.
  • DART-Europe E-theses Portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • Top 100 Dissertation and theses references on the web
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  • Last Updated: Jan 23, 2024 3:50 PM
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Welcome to the world of a French-loving, American couple

Maria in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles.

How to Write a Stellar Mémoire (French Master’s Thesis)

Pursuing graduate studies in France entails mastering all sorts of assignments, but perhaps none as daunting as the notorious mémoire , or master’s thesis. Writing and defending a master’s thesis is the cornerstone of many, though not all, French graduate degrees, making it a rite of passage for degree-seeking students in France. As part of my French master’s degree in Droit Public parcours Intégration Européenne et Gouvernance Globale , I was required to take on the infamous mémoire alongside my regular coursework during the final year of my studies.

Since I’m an international student at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne , I had to contend not only with the base-level difficulties of putting together a master’s thesis, but also with the reality of writing fully in my second language and following the unforgiving methodology and writing norms of French law school to a tee. Needless to say, my year-long research project entailed late nights spent reading, countless trips to the library, typing until my fingers were sore, and shedding a few more tears than I’d like to admit!

My master’s thesis experience wasn’t all bad, of course. I genuinely enjoyed learning everything I could about my topic, discussing my progress with my classmates, refining my French-language skills , and presenting a piece of work that reflected my academic rigor. To my delight, at the end of my defense, the jury awarded me an 18/20 for my mémoire , entitled Associer les inégalités sociales et le changement climatique : Une étude comparative des contextes et approches aux États-Unis et dans l’Union européenne . The jury highlighted the following assets of my work:

  • Qualité de recherche (Research quality)
  • Qualité rédactionnelle (Writing quality)
  • Qualité de français (French-language quality)
  • Problématique innovante (Innovative research question)
  • Posture épistémologique intéressant (Interesting epistemological posture)
  • Bon cadrage théorique (Good theoretical framework)
  • Limitations justifiées (Justified limitations)
  • Structure impeccable (Impeccable structure)

Managing to receive the highest honors on my mémoire as an American studying law in France was no easy feat. Throughout the lengthy process of crafting my master’s thesis and defense, I discovered what worked well for me and what held me back – that’s why, in this post, I’m sharing my expert tips to help you write an outstanding French master’s thesis.

Honor Your Interests

Completing a mémoire takes months of daily research, reading, and writing, so you can imagine how painful the whole operation can become if your topic doesn’t inspire you! For a certain amount of time, your master’s thesis content will likely be all you can think about as you attempt to find and consume every piece of relevant literature ever written about it. To avoid misery and increase your motivation, you need to reflect upon the subjects within your degree field that excite you, the themes you’d be delighted to learn more about, and the concepts you truly want to call yourself an expert in come the day of your defense.

  • My research topic combined my enthusiasm for the themes of public policy and governance, social justice issues, environmental protection, the United States, and the European Union.

Favor Innovation

The goal of producing a master’s thesis is not to reiterate the conclusions that other researchers have already drawn, but to pull from existing knowledge in order to demonstrate something new. To elevate your mémoire and impress your jury, innovation is indispensable. Creating a research question that hasn’t already been exhaustively answered will also prevent you from simply regurgitating what you read and will allow you to write a master’s thesis that relies on the important work of those before you, but is, ultimately, entirely your own.

  • In my case, the concept of linking social inequality and climate change is relatively new on the whole. Moreover, my comparison of the United States’ and the European Union’s approaches for dealing with this phenomenon is something that hadn’t been done before.

Survey Your Sources

Because a finished mémoire is the culmination of in-depth research and analysis, you’ll need to choose a topic that you can thoroughly explore. For example, if your desired subject is too cutting-edge, you may struggle to find sufficient existing material upon which to build your master’s thesis. If essential documents that you need to read are confidential, located far away, or otherwise inaccessible, you won’t be able to use them for your work. It is therefore essential to consider whether adequate sources are available before you set your heart on a specific theme.

  • When finalizing my topic, I ensured that the sources I would need to study were either located online, at my university , or in libraries near me.

Create a Timeline

You know that you should start working on your master’s thesis at the beginning of the school year , and that you need to have it finished by the end, but what happens between those two events is much less clear! With the help of a trusted professor or independently, you should make a realistic schedule with self-imposed deadlines to help you conceptualize the amount of work that needs to be done by each date. Your timeline should include targets for things like finalizing your research question, gathering sources for your bibliography, writing the various sections of the manuscript, submitting your mémoire for review, and preparing for your defense.

  • Using a holistic timeline helped me to know when I was on track, when I could take breaks, and when I needed to speed things along. It also enabled me to beat procrastination, as delaying tasks for too long would have thrown me completely off schedule.

Chat About Your Research

While a master’s thesis is definitely an individual project, you shouldn’t keep your thoughts and questions to yourself! Your professors, classmates, friends, and family are all valuable resources as you go through the mémoire process. Speaking with your professors (who have already successfully completed challenging research projects) and with your classmates (who are currently working on their own mémoires ) about things like methodological difficulties and research hardships can lead to helpful problem solving and sincere moral support. Moreover, explaining your research to friends and family (who are likely unfamiliar with your subject) will help you gauge how well you understand it yourself and how clearly you’re able to express your ideas.

  • I personally checked in regularly with my classmates who always offered useful words of advice and encouragement. I also talked with my significant other, Jalen , frequently to get his feedback on my work.

Choose the Right Advisor

Selecting a directeur·rice de mémoire , or master’s thesis advisor, isn’t a decision to make lightly. To find the perfect fit, you need to be familiar with your potential advisors and know your own preferences very well. For example, asking a professor whose specialty has nothing to do with your research question is likely to be as uninteresting for them as it is unhelpful to you. Furthermore, if you’re a student who likes frequent and detailed feedback, choosing a professor with a tightly-packed schedule might not be the best idea. Take the time to weigh your options carefully before asking a professor to become your advisor.

  • I made sure to pick an advisor who was familiar with the broad strokes of my topic and had a hands-off attitude so that I could work autonomously and at my own pace.

Write Meticulously

The quality of the content of your master’s thesis is crucial, but so is the quality of your writing. The most brilliant of ideas will still fall flat if your text is riddled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Attempting to avoid all language blunders is especially vital when you’re writing in your second language – and even more so in a country like France where such mistakes are not looked upon kindly. If your manuscript is hard to understand, readers won’t be able to appreciate your analysis. Additionally, it’s tough for readers to take a piece of work seriously if they’re constantly distracted by careless errors. Try to compose every sentence with care in order to avoid these pitfalls.

  • When writing my mémoire , I never hesitated to look up a word, phrase, or grammar rule when I was even the tiniest bit uncertain. I also double-checked for errors that I commonly make, like accidentally including a serial comma when I’m writing in French.

Perfect Your Formatting

You shouldn’t organize your master’s thesis like you would a novel, an essay, or a report. Depending on your field of study and your degree program’s requirements, you’ll likely have specific norms to apply and rules to follow for structuring your mémoire . Your acknowledgements, dedication, abstract, abbreviations, table of contents, references, and appendices can’t be placed just anywhere! You should also ensure that your work is pleasing to the eye, with an appropriate cover page, sensible headings, proper font sizes and line spacing, logical page breaks, and accurate citations. These details are what make the difference between a good master’s thesis and a great one.

  • In French law school, for example, writing to a detailed, hierarchical outline, known as a plan , is often an absolute must. As such, the final version of my master’s thesis manuscript consists of an introduction, two chapters with three sections and eight sub-sections each, and a conclusion.

Prepare Your Defense

When you’re finally done writing your master’s thesis, it can be tempting to put it completely out of your mind. But once you conquer this first step, you still have one more challenge to tackle: your soutenance , or master’s thesis defense. To pass your defense, you need to do more than just prepare to present your research and findings to the jury. A quality presentation will also include explaining the reason you chose your topic, the sources you used, the problems you faced , the limitations of your work, any updates on your subject since you finished writing, and future research possibilities. Don’t forget to reread your mémoire with a critical eye to anticipate the jury’s critiques in advance. Going the extra mile to prepare your defense to the best of your ability is a recipe for triumph.

  • I prepared for my defense one week in advance, and it consisted of a 20-minute presentation, a 25-minute question and answer session, and a 10-minute jury deliberation.

Take Your Work Seriously

It’s no secret that some degree programs are more rigorous than others, just as it’s true that some students take their studies more seriously than others. However, if you decide that writing a solid master’s thesis demonstrating your academic talents and integrity isn’t worth your time because you know that your program will accept work of lower calibre, you’ve effectively proven your degree to be a second-rate credential and yourself to be a substandard student. Would you rather throw together a mediocre mémoire that you’ll stuff away the moment it’s over, or compose a meaningful piece of work representing the best of your capacities that you’ll be excited to share with others for years to come? Taking your work seriously won’t steer you wrong, especially when it comes to an assignment as noteworthy as a master’s thesis.

  • I know that my decision to do my absolute best played a large role in the jury’s attribution of my final grade, and I’m proud of myself for having done so.

Everyone’s master’s thesis journey is unique, but implementing these tips will put you on a path to success. Is writing a French mémoire in your future? Have you ever carried out a significant research project? Do you want to know more about my experience? Let me know in a comment!

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The Dissertation: Writing in French

Dissertation is a very specific way to write what we call a “paper.” In France, this style is used in academics and the professional world alike.

The Necessities

  • Personal reaction: Be sincere, though not informal.
  • Use examples to affirm your point. Using examples limits verbiage, generalities, and banalities.
  • Be clear and coherent : A good paper should resemble a mathematical proof more than a lyrical flood of words. Be understandable and operate by the Law of Occam’s Razor (the simplest explanation tends to be the best one.)
  • Outline : Getting your ideas on paper is harder than coming up with them in the first place. In order to convey your ideas effectively to the reader, outline!

The Schema of a Dissertation

In order to write a dissertation, you need a problem or problématique. Situate that problem within your topic or subject. Do not begin to write without these ideas in mind.


  • The introduction must rapidly situate and introduce the problem. Cite briefly.
  • Give an idea of the movement of the paper, but do not announce each step of your work.
  • Define key words.
  • Attract the reader!  

The Body 

Separated into parts and paragraphs, where each part is a main point in the problem and each paragraph is one idea or one aspect of an idea.

  • Thesis – often the predominant point of view (the most common analysis)
  • Synthesis: Establish some nuanced truth in between the two arguments or overcome of the initial contradiction by bringing in additional information.
  • “Problem-Cause-Solution” Plan: Introduce and define a problem, pinpoint its causes, and propose a solution.
  • Separate your argument into parts (in this case, two: benefits and pleasures)
  • Order your arguments within each part
  • first element of comparison (one point of view on an issue, for example)
  • second element of comparison (an opposing point of view)
  • Meditation on the facts presented in the first two parts
  • Explanation of the formula (definition, par ex.)
  • Commentary on the formula, for example, expansion of a definition, comments on appropriateness

The Conclusion

A conclusion must be written in the spirit of synthesis and with logical rigor. Coming to the end of an argument, a conclusion must be concise and strong. If desired, it can situate the results or thesis a more general sense.

(Desalmand, Paul and Tort, Patrick. Du plan à la dissertation. Paris : 1977) 

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Dissertations & Theses

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  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Represents the work of authors from over 1,000 North American and European universities on a full range of academic subjects. Includes abstracts for doctoral dissertations beginning July 1980 and for Master's theses beginning Spring 1988. All dissertations published since 1997, and some from prior years, are available for free download; others may be requested via Interlibrary Loan.
  • Dissertations & Theses (Georgetown-authored) This link opens in a new window Recent online theses and dissertations from selected Georgetown programs and departments. For access to Georgetown theses and dissertations authored prior to 2006, see the Georgetown catalog or refer to ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database. Print copies of disserations may be requested using the Library's Library Use Only Materials Request. .
  • EThoS: Electronic Theses Online This link opens in a new window The British Library's database of digitized theses from UK higher education institutions. Free registration and login is required.
  • Open Access Theses & Dissertations The number of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) openly available via institutional repositories has grown dramatically in recent years, increasing the need for a centralized service to search for this unique material. Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD), launched in early 2013, is on the path to fulfill that need. Not as large as the commercial subscription service ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database, OATD distinguishes itself by providing access to more than 1.6 million open-access theses and dissertations freely available from over 800 institutions worldwide. The simplified interface allows searching across all fields or, in advanced search, by specific field (Title, Author Name, Abstract, University/Publisher, or Subject/Keywords). In addition, users may limit searches to a specific language or date range. Search results may be sorted by relevance, author, university, or date. more... less... Depending on the search, results may be further limited by date, university, department, degree, level (e.g., doctoral vs. master's), or language. The number of hits for entries under each limit is conveniently displayed in the left column. Links to the full text residing on the home institution's site are provided for each record. In many instances, several pages of the thesis or dissertation are available for viewing. Though other sites cover similar material, e.g., PQDT Open and Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, OATD focuses exclusively on open-access ETDs, and serves as an excellent resource for students and researchers. Its usefulness will continue to increase as more ETDs are made freely available.
  • This link opens in a new window Provides access to more than 5000 theses on all subjects submitted in French to universities around the world, since 2006. Most are digitized and available in full text.
  • Theses Canada Portal This link opens in a new window Index of Canadian masters theses and doctoral dissertations from 1965-present. Full text available from 1998 through August 31, 2002.
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Writing a Thesis

Theses and dissertations.

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If you are writing a graduate thesis ( mémoire  or thèse) don't forget to consult the Faculty of Graduate Studies' guide on   Dissertation and Thesis Preparation 

For further information about theses and dissertations, take a look at the Theses and Dissertations Guide. 

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  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window Includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format.
  • Center for Research Libraries (CRL) Foreign Dissertation Database Search 800,000 doctoral dissertations (including those of Albert Einstein, Dag Hammarskjold, and other Nobel laureates) from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. CRL acquired the majority of the collection through deposit from member libraries. CRL continues to acquire about 5,000 titles per year from major universities through demand purchase and deposit.
  • Dart e-Portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. DART-Europe is endorsed by LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), and it is the European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
  • Catalogue SUDOC (Système Universitaire de Documentation) The French collective catalogue created by libraries and resource centres in higher education and research. To find dissertations and theses, click Advanced .... Material selection... Dissertations [or in French: Recherche avancée ... Type de publication ... Thèses].
  • L'Atelier national de reproduction des thèses (ANRT) The ANRT is a French public organization which has been reproducing and distributing doctoral theses since 1971.
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  • Last Updated: Feb 12, 2024 12:29 PM
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Dissertation search tools available at Yale

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses This database makes nearly every dissertation ever filed in the United States available in PDF format. Not all dissertations are available, however, as authors with dissertations under contract with a press are sometimes encouraged not to make their dissertations freely available. In these cases you can at least read an abstract. Note that you can search by school, department, and adviser.

Dissertations databases outside Yale

  • DART-Europe The European portal for finding electronic theses and dissertations. DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • SUDOC - Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation
  • Theses donne accès à la description : • de 65 000 thèses en préparation en France, • et 8 000 thèses soutenues en France depuis 2006. Le texte intégral est accessible pour près de 6 000 d’entre elles. La base de données de est en constante évolution. A terme, l'ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France sera signalé.
  • CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database. If you know the exact title of a dissertation and do not find it in the database, CRL recommends searching the CRL Catalog. If the title does not appear in the database or the catalog, contact CRL directly to inquire if it is held. CRL continues to acquire about 5,000 titles per year from major universities.
  • Canadian Theses
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  • Last Updated: Jan 31, 2024 12:17 PM
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Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

Grad Coach

The Dissertation Abstract: 101

How to write a clear & concise abstract (with examples).

By:   Madeline Fink (MSc) Reviewed By: Derek Jansen (MBA)   | June 2020

So, you’ve (finally) finished your thesis or dissertation or thesis. Now it’s time to write up your abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary). If you’re here, chances are you’re not quite sure what you need to cover in this section, or how to go about writing it. Fear not – we’ll explain it all in plain language , step by step , with clear examples .

Overview: The Dissertation/Thesis Abstract

  • What exactly is a dissertation (or thesis) abstract
  • What’s the purpose and function of the abstract
  • Why is the abstract so important
  • How to write a high-quality dissertation abstract
  • Example/sample of a quality abstract
  • Quick tips to write a high-quality dissertation abstract

What is an abstract?

Simply put, the abstract in a dissertation or thesis is a short (but well structured) summary that outlines the most important points of your research (i.e. the key takeaways). The abstract is usually 1 paragraph or about 300-500 words long (about one page), but but this can vary between universities.

A quick note regarding terminology – strictly speaking, an abstract and an executive summary are two different things when it comes to academic publications. Typically, an abstract only states what the research will be about, but doesn’t explore the findings – whereas an executive summary covers both . However, in the context of a dissertation or thesis, the abstract usually covers both, providing a summary of the full project.

In terms of content, a good dissertation abstract usually covers the following points:

  • The purpose of the research (what’s it about and why’s that important)
  • The methodology (how you carried out the research)
  • The key research findings (what answers you found)
  • The implications of these findings (what these answers mean)

We’ll explain each of these in more detail a little later in this post. Buckle up.

A good abstract should detail the purpose, the methodology, the key findings and the limitations of the research study.

What’s the purpose of the abstract?

A dissertation abstract has two main functions:

The first purpose is to  inform potential readers  of the main idea of your research without them having to read your entire piece of work. Specifically, it needs to communicate what your research is about (what were you trying to find out) and what your findings were . When readers are deciding whether to read your dissertation or thesis, the abstract is the first part they’ll consider. 

The second purpose of the abstract is to  inform search engines and dissertation databases  as they index your dissertation or thesis. The keywords and phrases in your abstract (as well as your keyword list) will often be used by these search engines to categorize your work and make it accessible to users. 

Simply put, your abstract is your shopfront display window – it’s what passers-by (both human and digital) will look at before deciding to step inside. 

The abstract serves to inform both potential readers (people) and search engine bots of the contents of your research.

Why’s it so important?

The short answer – because most people don’t have time to read your full dissertation or thesis! Time is money, after all…

If you think back to when you undertook your literature review , you’ll quickly realise just how important abstracts are! Researchers reviewing the literature on any given topic face a mountain of reading, so they need to optimise their approach. A good dissertation abstract gives the reader a “TLDR” version of your work – it helps them decide whether to continue to read it in its entirety. So, your abstract, as your shopfront display window, needs to “sell” your research to time-poor readers.

You might be thinking, “but I don’t plan to publish my dissertation”. Even so, you still need to provide an impactful abstract for your markers. Your ability to concisely summarise your work is one of the things they’re assessing, so it’s vital to invest time and effort into crafting an enticing shop window.  

A good abstract also has an added purpose for grad students . As a freshly minted graduate, your dissertation or thesis is often your most significant professional accomplishment and highlights where your unique expertise lies. Potential employers who want to know about this expertise are likely to only read the abstract (as opposed to reading your entire document) – so it needs to be good!

Think about it this way – if your thesis or dissertation were a book, then the abstract would be the blurb on the back cover. For better or worse, readers will absolutely judge your book by its cover .

Even if you have no intentions to publish  your work, you still need to provide an impactful abstract for your markers.

How to write your abstract

As we touched on earlier, your abstract should cover four important aspects of your research: the purpose , methodology , findings , and implications . Therefore, the structure of your dissertation or thesis abstract needs to reflect these four essentials, in the same order.  Let’s take a closer look at each of them, step by step:

Step 1: Describe the purpose and value of your research

Here you need to concisely explain the purpose and value of your research. In other words, you need to explain what your research set out to discover and why that’s important. When stating the purpose of research, you need to clearly discuss the following:

  • What were your research aims and research questions ?
  • Why were these aims and questions important?

It’s essential to make this section extremely clear, concise and convincing . As the opening section, this is where you’ll “hook” your reader (marker) in and get them interested in your project. If you don’t put in the effort here, you’ll likely lose their interest.

Step 2: Briefly outline your study’s methodology

In this part of your abstract, you need to very briefly explain how you went about answering your research questions . In other words, what research design and methodology you adopted in your research. Some important questions to address here include:

  • Did you take a qualitative or quantitative approach ?
  • Who/what did your sample consist of?
  • How did you collect your data?
  • How did you analyse your data?

Simply put, this section needs to address the “ how ” of your research. It doesn’t need to be lengthy (this is just a summary, after all), but it should clearly address the four questions above.

Need a helping hand?

thesis abstract en francais

Step 3: Present your key findings

Next, you need to briefly highlight the key findings . Your research likely produced a wealth of data and findings, so there may be a temptation to ramble here. However, this section is just about the key findings – in other words, the answers to the original questions that you set out to address.

Again, brevity and clarity are important here. You need to concisely present the most important findings for your reader.

Step 4: Describe the implications of your research

Have you ever found yourself reading through a large report, struggling to figure out what all the findings mean in terms of the bigger picture? Well, that’s the purpose of the implications section – to highlight the “so what?” of your research. 

In this part of your abstract, you should address the following questions:

  • What is the impact of your research findings on the industry /field investigated? In other words, what’s the impact on the “real world”. 
  • What is the impact of your findings on the existing body of knowledge ? For example, do they support the existing research?
  • What might your findings mean for future research conducted on your topic?

If you include these four essential ingredients in your dissertation abstract, you’ll be on headed in a good direction.

The purpose of the implications section is to highlight the "so what?" of your research. In other words, to highlight its value.

Example: Dissertation/thesis abstract

Here is an example of an abstract from a master’s thesis, with the purpose , methods , findings , and implications colour coded.

The U.S. citizenship application process is a legal and symbolic journey shaped by many cultural processes. This research project aims to bring to light the experiences of immigrants and citizenship applicants living in Dallas, Texas, to promote a better understanding of Dallas’ increasingly diverse population. Additionally, the purpose of this project is to provide insights to a specific client, the office of Dallas Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs, about Dallas’ lawful permanent residents who are eligible for citizenship and their reasons for pursuing citizenship status . The data for this project was collected through observation at various citizenship workshops and community events, as well as through semi-structured interviews with 14 U.S. citizenship applicants . Reasons for applying for U.S. citizenship discussed in this project include a desire for membership in U.S. society, access to better educational and economic opportunities, improved ease of travel and the desire to vote. Barriers to the citizenship process discussed in this project include the amount of time one must dedicate to the application, lack of clear knowledge about the process and the financial cost of the application. Other themes include the effects of capital on applicant’s experience with the citizenship process, symbolic meanings of citizenship, transnationalism and ideas of deserving and undeserving surrounding the issues of residency and U.S. citizenship. These findings indicate the need for educational resources and mentorship for Dallas-area residents applying for U.S. citizenship, as well as a need for local government programs that foster a sense of community among citizenship applicants and their neighbours.

Practical tips for writing your abstract

When crafting the abstract for your dissertation or thesis, the most powerful technique you can use is to try and put yourself in the shoes of a potential reader. Assume the reader is not an expert in the field, but is interested in the research area. In other words, write for the intelligent layman, not for the seasoned topic expert. 

Start by trying to answer the question “why should I read this dissertation?”

Remember the WWHS.

Make sure you include the  what , why ,  how , and  so what  of your research in your abstract:

  • What you studied (who and where are included in this part)
  • Why the topic was important
  • How you designed your study (i.e. your research methodology)
  • So what were the big findings and implications of your research

Keep it simple.

Use terminology appropriate to your field of study, but don’t overload your abstract with big words and jargon that cloud the meaning and make your writing difficult to digest. A good abstract should appeal to all levels of potential readers and should be a (relatively) easy read. Remember, you need to write for the intelligent layman.

Be specific.

When writing your abstract, clearly outline your most important findings and insights and don’t worry about “giving away” too much about your research – there’s no need to withhold information. This is the one way your abstract is not like a blurb on the back of a book – the reader should be able to clearly understand the key takeaways of your thesis or dissertation after reading the abstract. Of course, if they then want more detail, they need to step into the restaurant and try out the menu.

thesis abstract en francais

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Writing A Dissertation/Thesis Abstract



This was so very useful, thank you Caroline.

Much appreciated.

Nancy Lowery

This information on Abstract for writing a Dissertation was very helpful to me!


This was so useful. Thank you very much.


This was really useful in writing the abstract for my dissertation. Thank you Caroline.


Very clear and helpful information. Thanks so much!

Susan Morris

Fabulous information – succinct, simple information which made my life easier after the most stressful and rewarding 21 months of completing this Masters Degree.

Abdullah Mansoor

Very clear, specific and to the point guidance. Thanks a lot. Keep helping people 🙂


This was very helpful

Ahmed Shahat

Thanks for this nice and helping document.


Nicely explained. Very simple to understand. Thank you!

Emmanuel Amara Saidu

Waw!!, this is a master piece to say the least.

Jeffrey Kaba

Very helpful and enjoyable

Bahar Bahmani

Thank you for sharing the very important and usful information. Best Bahar


Very clear and more understandable way of writing. I am so interested in it. God bless you dearly!!!!


Really, I found the explanation given of great help. The way the information is presented is easy to follow and capture.

Maren Fidelis

Wow! Thank you so much for opening my eyes. This was so helpful to me.


Thanks for this! Very concise and helpful for my ADHD brain.

Gracious Mbawo

I am so grateful for the tips. I am very optimistic in coming up with a winning abstract for my dessertation, thanks to you.

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3. abstract:, 4. abstract art :, ii. abstract adj [ brit ˈabstrakt, am æbˈstrækt, ˈæbˌstrækt], 2. abstract art :, 3. abstract ling :, iii. abstract vb trans [ brit əbˈstrakt, am æbˈstrækt], 1. abstract (summarize) :, 2. abstract (remove) :, 3. abstract (theorize) :, iv. to abstract oneself from vb refl, to abstract oneself from refl :, translations for abstract in the french » english dictionary (go to english » french ), i. abstract 1 [ˈæbstrækt] adj a. art, ii. abstract 1 [ˈæbstrækt] n, 1. abstract philos :, 3. abstract art :, abstract 2 [əbˈstrækt] vb trans (summarize).

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thesis abstract en francais

  • How to Write an Abstract for a Dissertation or Thesis
  • Doing a PhD

What is a Thesis or Dissertation Abstract?

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines an abstract in academic writing as being “ a few sentences that give the main ideas in an article or a scientific paper ” and the Collins English Dictionary says “ an abstract of an article, document, or speech is a short piece of writing that gives the main points of it ”.

Whether you’re writing up your Master’s dissertation or PhD thesis, the abstract will be a key element of this document that you’ll want to make sure you give proper attention to.

What is the Purpose of an Abstract?

The aim of a thesis abstract is to give the reader a broad overview of what your research project was about and what you found that was novel, before he or she decides to read the entire thesis. The reality here though is that very few people will read the entire thesis, and not because they’re necessarily disinterested but because practically it’s too large a document for most people to have the time to read. The exception to this is your PhD examiner, however know that even they may not read the entire length of the document.

Some people may still skip to and read specific sections throughout your thesis such as the methodology, but the fact is that the abstract will be all that most read and will therefore be the section they base their opinions about your research on. In short, make sure you write a good, well-structured abstract.

How Long Should an Abstract Be?

If you’re a PhD student, having written your 100,000-word thesis, the abstract will be the 300 word summary included at the start of the thesis that succinctly explains the motivation for your study (i.e. why this research was needed), the main work you did (i.e. the focus of each chapter), what you found (the results) and concluding with how your research study contributed to new knowledge within your field.

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States of America, once famously said:

thesis abstract en francais

The point here is that it’s easier to talk open-endedly about a subject that you know a lot about than it is to condense the key points into a 10-minute speech; the same applies for an abstract. Three hundred words is not a lot of words which makes it even more difficult to condense three (or more) years of research into a coherent, interesting story.

What Makes a Good PhD Thesis Abstract?

Whilst the abstract is one of the first sections in your PhD thesis, practically it’s probably the last aspect that you’ll ending up writing before sending the document to print. The reason being that you can’t write a summary about what you did, what you found and what it means until you’ve done the work.

A good abstract is one that can clearly explain to the reader in 300 words:

  • What your research field actually is,
  • What the gap in knowledge was in your field,
  • The overarching aim and objectives of your PhD in response to these gaps,
  • What methods you employed to achieve these,
  • You key results and findings,
  • How your work has added to further knowledge in your field of study.

Another way to think of this structure is:

  • Introduction,
  • Aims and objectives,
  • Discussion,
  • Conclusion.

Following this ‘formulaic’ approach to writing the abstract should hopefully make it a little easier to write but you can already see here that there’s a lot of information to convey in a very limited number of words.

How Do You Write a Good PhD Thesis Abstract?

The biggest challenge you’ll have is getting all the 6 points mentioned above across in your abstract within the limit of 300 words . Your particular university may give some leeway in going a few words over this but it’s good practice to keep within this; the art of succinctly getting your information across is an important skill for a researcher to have and one that you’ll be called on to use regularly as you write papers for peer review.

Keep It Concise

Every word in the abstract is important so make sure you focus on only the key elements of your research and the main outcomes and significance of your project that you want the reader to know about. You may have come across incidental findings during your research which could be interesting to discuss but this should not happen in the abstract as you simply don’t have enough words. Furthermore, make sure everything you talk about in your thesis is actually described in the main thesis.

Make a Unique Point Each Sentence

Keep the sentences short and to the point. Each sentence should give the reader new, useful information about your research so there’s no need to write out your project title again. Give yourself one or two sentences to introduce your subject area and set the context for your project. Then another sentence or two to explain the gap in the knowledge; there’s no need or expectation for you to include references in the abstract.

Explain Your Research

Some people prefer to write their overarching aim whilst others set out their research questions as they correspond to the structure of their thesis chapters; the approach you use is up to you, as long as the reader can understand what your dissertation or thesis had set out to achieve. Knowing this will help the reader better understand if your results help to answer the research questions or if further work is needed.

Keep It Factual

Keep the content of the abstract factual; that is to say that you should avoid bringing too much or any opinion into it, which inevitably can make the writing seem vague in the points you’re trying to get across and even lacking in structure.

Write, Edit and Then Rewrite

Spend suitable time editing your text, and if necessary, completely re-writing it. Show the abstract to others and ask them to explain what they understand about your research – are they able to explain back to you each of the 6 structure points, including why your project was needed, the research questions and results, and the impact it had on your research field? It’s important that you’re able to convey what new knowledge you contributed to your field but be mindful when writing your abstract that you don’t inadvertently overstate the conclusions, impact and significance of your work.

Thesis and Dissertation Abstract Examples

Perhaps the best way to understand how to write a thesis abstract is to look at examples of what makes a good and bad abstract.

Example of A Bad Abstract

Let’s start with an example of a bad thesis abstract:

In this project on “The Analysis of the Structural Integrity of 3D Printed Polymers for use in Aircraft”, my research looked at how 3D printing of materials can help the aviation industry in the manufacture of planes. Plane parts can be made at a lower cost using 3D printing and made lighter than traditional components. This project investigated the structural integrity of EBM manufactured components, which could revolutionise the aviation industry.

What Makes This a Bad Abstract

Hopefully you’ll have spotted some of the reasons this would be considered a poor abstract, not least because the author used up valuable words by repeating the lengthy title of the project in the abstract.

Working through our checklist of the 6 key points you want to convey to the reader:

  • There has been an attempt to introduce the research area , albeit half-way through the abstract but it’s not clear if this is a materials science project about 3D printing or is it about aircraft design.
  • There’s no explanation about where the gap in the knowledge is that this project attempted to address.
  • We can see that this project was focussed on the topic of structural integrity of materials in aircraft but the actual research aims or objectives haven’t been defined.
  • There’s no mention at all of what the author actually did to investigate structural integrity. For example was this an experimental study involving real aircraft, or something in the lab, computer simulations etc.
  • The author also doesn’t tell us a single result of his research, let alone the key findings !
  • There’s a bold claim in the last sentence of the abstract that this project could revolutionise the aviation industry, and this may well be the case, but based on the abstract alone there is no evidence to support this as it’s not even clear what the author did .

This is an extreme example but is a good way to illustrate just how unhelpful a poorly written abstract can be. At only 71 words long, it definitely hasn’t maximised the amount of information that could be presented and the what they have presented has lacked clarity and structure.

A final point to note is the use of the EBM acronym, which stands for Electron Beam Melting in the context of 3D printing; this is a niche acronym for the author to assume that the reader would know the meaning of. It’s best to avoid acronyms in your abstract all together even if it’s something that you might expect most people to know about, unless you specifically define the meaning first.

Example of A Good Abstract

Having seen an example of a bad thesis abstract, now lets look at an example of a good PhD thesis abstract written about the same (fictional) project:

Additive manufacturing (AM) of titanium alloys has the potential to enable cheaper and lighter components to be produced with customised designs for use in aircraft engines. Whilst the proof-of-concept of these have been promising, the structural integrity of AM engine parts in response to full thrust and temperature variations is not clear.

The primary aim of this project was to determine the fracture modes and mechanisms of AM components designed for use in Boeing 747 engines. To achieve this an explicit finite element (FE) model was developed to simulate the environment and parameters that the engine is exposed to during flight. The FE model was validated using experimental data replicating the environmental parameters in a laboratory setting using ten AM engine components provided by the industry sponsor. The validated FE model was then used to investigate the extent of crack initiation and propagation as the environment parameters were adjusted.

This project was the first to investigate fracture patterns in AM titanium components used in aircraft engines; the key finding was that the presence of cavities within the structures due to errors in the printing process, significantly increased the risk of fracture. Secondly, the simulations showed that cracks formed within AM parts were more likely to worsen and lead to component failure at subzero temperatures when compared to conventionally manufactured parts. This has demonstrated an important safety concern which needs to be addressed before AM parts can be used in commercial aircraft.

What Makes This a Good Abstract

Having read this ‘good abstract’ you should have a much better understand about what the subject area is about, where the gap in the knowledge was, the aim of the project, the methods that were used, key results and finally the significance of these results. To break these points down further, from this good abstract we now know that:

  • The research area is around additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing) of materials for use in aircraft.
  • The gap in knowledge was how these materials will behave structural when used in aircraft engines.
  • The aim was specifically to investigate how the components can fracture.
  • The methods used to investigate this were a combination of computational and lab based experimental modelling.
  • The key findings were the increased risk of fracture of these components due to the way they are manufactured.
  • The significance of these findings were that it showed a potential risk of component failure that could comprise the safety of passengers and crew on the aircraft.

The abstract text has a much clearer flow through these different points in how it’s written and has made much better use of the available word count. Acronyms have even been used twice in this good abstract but they were clearly defined the first time they were introduced in the text so that there was no confusion about their meaning.

The abstract you write for your dissertation or thesis should succinctly explain to the reader why the work of your research was needed, what you did, what you found and what it means. Most people that come across your thesis, including any future employers, are likely to read only your abstract. Even just for this reason alone, it’s so important that you write the best abstract you can; this will not only convey your research effectively but also put you in the best light possible as a researcher.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Syntaxe du français'

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Mallet, Catherine. "La fonction syntaxique ‘sujet’ en néerlandais et en français contemporains." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011.

Marcu, Tiberiu. "Constructions temporelles réduites en français moderne." Toulouse 2, 2006.

Galal, Abdel Wahab Moustafa Mohamed. "Les constructions exceptives du français et de l’arabe : syntaxe et interface sémantique-syntaxe." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019.

Lafontaine, Fanny. "Description syntaxique des usages de la forme alors que en français contemporain." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.

Feuillard, Colette. "La syntaxe fonctionnelle dans le cadre des théories linguistiques contemporaines." Paris 5, 1989.

Ilinski, Kirill. "La syntaxe atypique de la préposition en français." Paris 4, 2000.

Kim-Gautier, Miran. "Constructions de "ça" générique : syntaxe et sémantique." Strasbourg 2, 2007.

Bruno, Christophe. "Les survivances du vocatif dans le français parlé." Phd thesis, Toulon, 2013.

Skrovec, Marie. "Répétitions : entre syntaxe en temps réel et rhétorique ordinaire." Aix-Marseille 1, 2010.

Niyongabo-Ndayisaba, Marie-Florida. "Sémio-syntaxe comparée du français et du kirundi." Tours, 1999.

Coiffet, Benoît. "Étude des emplois de l'adjectif invarié en français." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2018.

Jung, Kyunghee. "Etude syntaxique de la proposition pour." Paris 13, 1992.

Leem, Jaiho. "Les "petites propositions" en français contemporain : syntaxe et interprétation." Paris 10, 2001.

Gavriilidou, Zoé. "Etude comparée des suites NN en français et en grec : élaboration d'un lexique bilingue." Paris 13, 1997.

Mahmudova, Sabina. "Analyses linguistiques des proverbes français et azerbaïdjanais." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2012.

Kerfelec, Valérie. "L'exclamation : syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique en anglais et en français." Paris 4, 2002.

Stanojevic, Veran. "Syntaxe et sémantique des noms de nombre en français." Paris 7, 2004.

Feuillet, Jean. "Relativisation, parataxe et syntaxe en occitan et en français." Paris 8, 2003.

Soulet, Valérie. "Les énoncés averbaux en français et en anglais : conditions d’occurrence, interprétations, traductions et recherche d’un invariant." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2016.

Richard, Élisabeth. "La répétition : syntaxe et interprétation." Brest, 2000.

Bélanger, Alain. "Le problème des groupes N de N et sa solution en lexique-grammaire : les constructions NO avoir Dét Na de Nb W." Paris 13, 1997.

Zhang, Hua. "Syntaxe chinoise et méthodes comparatives en syntaxe et sémantique des langues chinoise, française et anglaise." Paris, EHESS, 1991.

Henkel, Daniel. "L'adjectif en anglais et en français : Syntaxe, Sémantique et Traduction." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014.

Le, Pesant Denis. "La regle de montee une regle pour l'analyse des constructions relatives, des descriptions definies, des extractions et des phrases interrogatives. Syntaxe du francais." Paris 7, 1987.

ELYACOUB, RABADI, and (NAJIB). "La notion de constituant syntaxique du francais. L'interaction des theories linguistiques et des grammaires scolaires de 1843 a nos jours." Lyon 2, 1997.

Roubaud, Marie-Noëlle. "Etude des constructions pseudo-clivées dans le cadre de l'"approche pronominale"." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994.

Savelli, Marie-José. "Contribution à l'analyse macro-syntaxique : les constructions "siamoises" du type : "Plus v1... Plus v2..."." Aix-Marseille 1, 1993.

Joulin, Jacqueline. "L'alternative en francais. Une approche syntaxico-semantique." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1987.

Avanzi, Mathieu. "L' interface prosodie/syntaxe en français : Dislocations, incises et asyndètes." Paris 10, 2011.

Rezapour, Rouhollah. "Le bilinguisme français-persan en linguistique-didactique : syntaxe et sémantique." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.

Clément, Lionel. "Construction et exploitation d'un corpus syntaxiquement annoté pour le français." Paris 7, 2001.

Roodenburg, Jasper. "Pour une approche scalaire de la déficience nominale : la position du français dans une théorie des "noms nus"." Paris 8, 2004.

Fox, Gwendoline. "L'acquisition des modifieurs nominaux. Le cas de l'adjectif du français." Thesis, Paris 3, 2012.

Knittel, Marie-Laurence. "Rapports entre morphologie et syntaxe en français et en hongrois : deux cas particuliers "d’accord-objet"." Nancy 2, 1993.

Hybertie, Françoise-Charlotte. "Étude des marqueurs de consécution en français contemporain." Paris 3, 1993.

Thamprasert, Rosakon. "Étude comparative de l’adjectif en français et en thaï." Paris 4, 2007.

Nicol, Fabrice. "Syntaxe minimaliste et sémantique conceptuelle : recherches sur la syntaxe et la sémantique comparées du français et de l'anglais." Paris 10, 1997.

Gerbier, Yves, and Hélène Icart-Séguy. "Les marqueurs logico-discursifs : car, comme, parce que, puisque." Toulouse 2, 1987.

Chun, Jihye. "Interface syntaxe-topologie et amas verbal en coréen et en français." Phd thesis, Paris 10, 2013.

Tayalati, Fayssal. "Les adjectifs à complément au datif en français : interface sémantique-syntaxe." Lille 3, 2005.

Van, der Velde Marlies. "Déterminants et pronoms en néerlandais et en français : syntaxe et acquisition." Paris 8, 2003.

Choi, Soyoung. "La complémentation de verbes aspectuels : syntaxe et sémantique : commencer, continuer, cesser, finir." Toulouse 2, 1993.

Muller, Claude. "La négation en français : syntaxe, sémantique et éléments de comparaison avec les autres langues romanes." Paris 7, 1987.

Heranic, Tracy. "La travail c'est la santé mais la paresse ne tue pas : construction du sens discursif du lexique, etude comparative anglais américain et français." Thesis, Nantes, 2017.

Belcadi, Khadija. "Les relations interphrastiques, analyses et interprétations." Paris 5, 1994.

Blasco-Dulbecco, Mylène. "Les énoncés à " redoublement et dislocation" en français contemporain : analyse en "double marquage"." Aix-Marseille 1, 1993.

Paradis, Gaële. "La dynamique des prépositions en et sur dans leur usage spatial en français contemporain." Paris 5, 2006.

Marengo, Sébastien. "L' adjectif non-attribut : syntaxe et sémantique des adjectifs référentiels." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007.

Bonami, Olivier. "Les constructions du verbe : le cas des groupes prépositionnels argumentaux : analyse syntaxique, sémantique et lexicale." Paris 7, 1999.

Hamma, Badreddine. "L'invariant sémantique de la préposition Par à travers les distributions syntaxiques et lexicales." Paris 10, 2005.


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How to Write an Abstract for a Dissertation or Thesis: Guide & Examples

Dissertation abstract

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A dissertation abstract is a brief summary of a dissertation, typically between 150-300 words. It is a standalone piece of writing that gives the reader an overview of the main ideas and findings of the dissertation.

Generally, this section should include:

  • Research problem and questions
  • Research methodology
  • Key findings and results
  • Original contribution
  • Practical or theoretical implications.

You need to write an excellent abstract for a dissertation or thesis, since it's the first thing a comitteee will review. Continue reading through to learn how to write a dissertation abstract. In this article, we will discuss its purpose, length, structure and writing steps. Moreover, for reference purposes, this article will include abstract examples for a dissertation and thesis and offer extra guidance on top of that.

In case you are in a hurry, feel free to buy dissertation from our professional writers. Our experts are qualified and have solid experience in writing Ph.D. academic works.

What Is a Dissertation Abstract?

Dissertation abstracts, by definition, are summaries of a thesis's content, usually between 200 and 300 words, used to inform readers about the contents of the study in a quick way. A thesis or dissertation abstract briefly overviews the entire thesis. Dissertation abstracts are found at the beginning of every study, providing the research recap, results, and conclusions. It usually goes right after your title page and before your dissertation table of contents . An abstract for a dissertation (alternatively called “précis” further in the article) should clearly state the main topic of your paper, its overall purpose, and any important research questions or findings. It should also contain any necessary keywords that direct readers to relevant information. In addition, it addresses any implications for further research that may stem from its field. Writing strong précis requires you to think carefully, as they are the critical components that attract readers to peruse your paper.

Dissertation Abstract

Purpose of a Dissertation or Thesis Abstract

The primary purpose of an abstract in a dissertation or thesis is to give readers a basic understanding of the completed work. Also, it should create an interest in the topic to motivate readers to read further. Writing an abstract for a dissertation is essential for many reasons: 

  • Offers a summary and gives readers an overview of what they should expect from your study.
  • Provides an opportunity to showcase the research done, highlighting its importance and impact.
  • Identifies any unexplored research gaps to inform future studies and direct the current state of knowledge on the topic.

In general, an abstract of a thesis or a dissertation is a bridge between the research and potential readers.

What Makes a Good Abstract for a Dissertation?

Making a good dissertation abstract requires excellent organization and clarity of thought. Proper specimens must provide convincing arguments supporting your thesis. Writing an effective dissertation abstract requires students to be concise and write engagingly. Below is a list of things that makes it outstanding:

  • Maintains clear and concise summary style
  • Includes essential keywords for search engine optimization
  • Accurately conveys the scope of the thesis
  • Strictly adheres to the word count limit specified in your instructions
  • Written from a third-person point of view
  • Includes objectives, approach, and findings
  • Uses simple language without jargon
  • Avoids overgeneralized statements or vague claims.

How Long Should a Dissertation Abstract Be?

Abstracts should be long enough to convey the key points of every thesis, yet brief enough to capture readers' attention. A dissertation abstract length should typically be between 200-300 words, i.e., 1 page. But usually, length is indicated in the requirements. Remember that your primary goal here is to provide an engaging and informative thesis summary. Note that following the instructions and templates set forth by your university will ensure your thesis or dissertation abstract meets the writing criteria and adheres to all relevant standards.

Dissertation Abstract Structure

Dissertation abstracts can be organized in different ways and vary slightly depending on your work requirements. However, each abstract of a dissertation should incorporate elements like keywords, methods, results, and conclusions. The structure of a thesis or a dissertation abstract should account for the components included below:

  • Title Accurately reflects the topic of your thesis.
  • Introduction Provides an overview of your research, its purpose, and any relevant background information.
  • Methods/ Approach Gives an outline of the methods used to conduct your research.
  • Results Summarizes your findings.
  • Conclusions Provides an overview of your research's accomplishments and implications.
  • Keywords Includes keywords that accurately describe your thesis.

Below is an example that shows how a dissertation abstract looks, how to structure it and where each part is located. Use this template to organize your own summary. 

Dissertation Abstract

Things to Consider Before Writing a Dissertation Abstract

There are several things you should do beforehand in order to write a good abstract for a dissertation or thesis. They include:

  • Reviewing set requirements and making sure you clearly understand the expectations
  • Reading other research works to get an idea of what to include in yours
  • Writing a few drafts before submitting your final version, which will ensure that it's in the best state possible.

Write an Abstract for a Dissertation Last

Remember, it's advisable to write an abstract for a thesis paper or dissertation last. Even though it’s always located in the beginning of the work, nevertheless, it should be written last. This way, your summary will be more accurate because the main argument and conclusions are already known when the work is mostly finished - it is incomparably easier to write a dissertation abstract after completing your thesis. Additionally, you should write it last because the contents and scope of the thesis may have changed during the writing process. So, create your dissertation abstract as a last step to help ensure that it precisely reflects the content of your project.

Carefully Read Requirements

Writing dissertation abstracts requires careful attention to details and adherence to writing requirements. Refer to the rubric or guidelines that you were presented with to identify aspects to keep in mind and important elements, such as correct length and writing style, and then make sure to comprehensively include them. Careful consideration of these requirements ensures that your writing meets every criterion and standard provided by your supervisor to increase the chances that your master's thesis is accepted and approved.   

Choose the Right Type of Dissertation Abstracts

Before starting to write a dissertation or thesis abstract you should choose the appropriate type. Several options are available, and it is essential to pick one that best suits your dissertation's subject. Depending on their purpose, there exist 3 types of dissertation abstracts: 

  • Informative
  • Descriptive

Informative one offers readers a concise overview of your research, its purpose, and any relevant background information. Additionally, this type includes brief summaries of all results and dissertation conclusions .  A descriptive abstract in a dissertation or thesis provides a quick overview of the research, but it doesn't incorporate any evaluation or analysis because it only offers a snapshot of the study and makes no claims.

Critical abstract gives readers an in-depth overview of the research and include an evaluative component. This means that this type also summarizes and analyzes research data, discusses implications, and makes claims about the achievements of your study. In addition, it examines the research data and recounts its implications. 

Choose the correct type of dissertation abstract to ensure that it meets your paper’s demands.

How to Write an Abstract for a Dissertation or Thesis?

Writing a good abstract for a dissertation or thesis is essential as it provides a brief overview of the completed research. So, how to write a dissertation abstract? First of all, the right approach is dictated by an institution's specific requirements. However, a basic structure should include the title, an introduction to your topic, research methodology, findings, and conclusions. Composing noteworthy precis allows you to flaunt your capabilities and grants readers a concise glimpse of the research. Doing this can make an immense impact on those reviewing your paper.

1. Identify the Purpose of Your Study

An abstract for thesis paper or dissertation is mainly dependent on the purpose of your study. Students need to identify all goals and objectives of their research before writing their précis - the reason being to ensure that the investigation’s progress and all its consequent findings are described simply and intelligibly. Additionally, one should provide some background information about their study. A short general description helps your reader acknowledge and connect with the research question. But don’t dive too deep into details, since more details are provided when writing a dissertation introduction . Scholars should write every dissertation abstract accurately and in a coherent way to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the area. This is the first section that potential readers will see, and it should serve as a precise overview of an entire document. Therefore, researchers writing abstracts of a thesis or dissertation should do it with great care and attention to details.

2. Discuss Methodology

A writer needs to elaborate on their methodological approach in an abstract of PhD dissertation since it acts as a brief summary of a whole research and should include an explanation of all methods used there. Dissertation and thesis abstracts discuss the research methodology by providing information sufficient enough to understand the underlying research question, data collection methods, and approach employed. Additionally, they should explain the analysis or interpretation of the data. This will help readers to gain a much better understanding of the research process and allow them to evaluate the data quality. Mention whether your methodology is quantitative or qualitative since this information is essential for readers to grasp your study's context and scope. Additionally, comment on the sources used and any other evidence collected. Furthermore, explain why you chose the method in the first place. All in all, addressing methodology is a crucial part of writing abstracts of a thesis or dissertation, as it will allow people to understand exactly how you arrived at your conclusions.

3. Describe the Key Results

Write your abstract for dissertation in a way that includes an overview of the research problem, your proposed solution, and any limitations or constraints you faced. Students need to briefly and clearly describe all key findings from the research. You must ensure that the results mentioned in an abstract of a thesis or dissertation are supported with evidence from body chapters.  Write about any crucial trends or patterns that emerged from the study. They should be discussed in detail, as this information can often provide valuable insight into your topic. Be sure to include any correlations or relationships found as a result of the study. Correlation, in this context, refers to any association between two or more variables.  Finally, write about any implications or conclusions drawn from your results: this is an essential element when writing an abstract for dissertation since it allows readers to firmly comprehend the study’s significance.

4. Summarize an Abstract for a Dissertation

Knowing how to write an abstract for dissertation is critical in conveying your work to a broad audience. Summarizing can be challenging (since precis is a summary in itself), but it is an essential part of any successful work. So, as a final step, conclude this section with a brief overview of the topic, outline the course of your research and its main results, and answer the paper’s central question.  Summarizing an abstract of your dissertation is done to give readers a succinct impression of the entire paper, making an accurate and concise overview of all its key points and consequent conclusions. In every PhD dissertation abstract , wrap up its summary by addressing any unanswered questions and discussing any potential implications of the research.

How to Format an Abstract in Dissertation

Format depends on the style (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago), which varies according to your subject's discipline. Style to use is usually mentioned in the instructions, and students should follow them closely to ensure formatting accuracy. These styles have guidelines that inform you about the formatting of titles, headings and subheadings, margins, page numbers, abstracts, and tell what font size and family or line spacing are required. Using a consistent formatting style ensures proper readability and might even influence paper’s overall structure. Another formatting concern to consider when writing dissertation and thesis abstracts is their layout. Most commonly, your paper should have a one-inch margin on all sides with double spacing. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the right guidelines to get the correct information on how to write dissertation abstract in APA format and ensure that it meets formatting standards.

Keywords in a Dissertation Abstract

When writing thesis abstracts, it is essential to include keywords. Keywords are phrases or words that help readers identify main topics of your paper and make it easier for them to find any information they need. Keywords should usually be placed at the end of a dissertation abstract and written in italics. In addition, include keywords that represent your paper's primary research interests and topics. Lastly, use keywords throughout your thesis to ensure that your précis accurately reflect an entire paper's content.

Thesis and Dissertation Abstract Examples

When writing, checking out thesis and dissertation abstracts examples from experts can provide a valuable reference point for structuring and formatting your own précis. When searching for an excellent sample template, engaging the assistance of a professional writer can be highly beneficial. Their expertise and knowledge offer helpful insight into creating an exemplary document that exceeds all expectations. Examples of dissertation abstracts from different topics are commonly available in scholarly journals and websites. We also encourage you to go and search your university or other local library catalogue -  multiple useful samples can surely be found there. From our part, we will attach 2 free examples for inspiration.

Dissertation abstract example

Dissertation Abstract Example

Thesis abstract example

Thesis Abstract Example

Need a custom summary or a whole work? Contact StudyCrumb and get proficient assistance with PhD writing or dissertation proposal help .

Extra Tips on Writing a Dissertation Abstract

Writing a dissertation or PhD thesis abstract is not an easy task. You must ensure that it accurately reflects your paper's content. In this context, we will provide top-class tips on how to write an abstract in a dissertation or thesis for you to succeed. Combined with an example of a dissertation abstract above, you can rest assured that you'll do everything correctly. Below are extra tips on how to write a thesis abstract:

  • Keep it concise, not lengthy - around 300 words.
  • Focus on the “what”, “why”, “how”, and “so what” of your research.
  • Be specific and concrete: avoid generalization.
  • Use simple language: précis should be easy to understand for readers unfamiliar with your topic.
  • Provide enough relevant information so your readers can grasp a main idea without necessarily reading your paper in its entirety.
  • Write and edit your abstract several times until every sentence is clear and concise.
  • Verify accuracy: make sure that précis reflect your content precisely.

Bottom Line on How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Abstract

The bottom line when it comes to how to write a dissertation abstract is that you basically need to mirror your study's essence on a much lower scale. Specifically, students should keep their précis concise, use simple language, include relevant information, and write several drafts. Don't forget to review your précis and make sure they are precise enough. In addition, make sure to include all keywords so readers can find your paper quickly. You are encouraged to examine several sample dissertation abstracts to understand how to write your own.


Are you still struggling with your abstract? Contact our dissertation writing service and our qualified writers will gladly help you with this uneasy task. They will make sure it is delivered strictly on time and meets all requirements!  

FAQ About Dissertation Abstract Writing

1. why is a dissertation abstract important.

Dissertation abstracts are important because they give readers a brief overview of your research. They succinctly introduce critical information and study’s key points to help readers decide if reading your thesis is worth their time. During indexing, an abstract allows categorizing and filtering papers through keyword searches. Consequently, this helps readers to easily find your paper when searching for information on a specific topic.

2. When should I write an abstract for a dissertation or thesis?

You are supposed to write a dissertation or thesis abstract after completing research and finishing work on your paper. This way, you can write précis that accurately reflects all necessary information without missing any important details. Writing your thesis précis last also lets you provide the right keywords to help readers find your dissertation.

3. What should a dissertation abstract include?

A dissertation abstract should include a research problem, goals and objectives, methods, results, and study implications. Ensure that you incorporate enough information so readers can get an idea of your thesis's content without reading it through. Use relevant keywords to ensure readers can easily find your paper when searching for information on a specific topic.

4. How to write a strong dissertation abstract?

To write a strong abstract for a dissertation, you should state your research problem, write in an active voice, use simple language, and provide relevant information. Additionally, write and edit your précis several times until it is clear and concise, and verify that it accurately mirrors your paper’s content. Reviewing several samples is also helpful for understanding how to write your own.


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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MATH Seminar: “Generating Tree Method and Applications to Pattern-Avoiding Inversion Sequences”, Melis Gezer, 11:00AM May 16 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the M.S. Thesis Defense Presentation


Melis Gezer, M.S. Student in Mathematics

Abstract: The study of enumerative and probabilistic aspects of pattern-avoiding combinatorial structures like permutations, sequences, and lattices has motivated the development of distinct methodologies. Over the past fifty years, extensive literature has emerged on pattern-avoiding permutations. Recently, researchers have turned their attention to pattern-avoiding inversion sequences, revealing intriguing insights in this domain.

An inversion sequence, denoted as e=e(1)e(2)…e(n), consists of non-negative integers where e(i)

The initial part of this thesis delves into an enumeration method based on generating trees and the kernel method. This approach provides a systematic means to enumerate various pattern classes I_n(B). We discuss its advantages and limitations by applying this method to distinct patterns. Subsequently, we establish an explicit bijection between 0321-avoiding inversion sequences and 0312-avoiding inversion sequences. This bijection preserves five statistics, including the number of zeros, the number of distinct elements, and the number of repeated elements. This resolves one of the fourteen conjectured cases for classes avoiding patterns of length four.

In the final part of the thesis, we address the sampling problem for pattern-avoiding inversion sequences. Sampling uniformly from I_n(B) for a given pattern set B and large n presents challenges due to pattern-restriction conditions. Brute-force algorithms can only provide uniform samples for sequences of length around 10 on a personal computer. To overcome this limitation, we have designed sampling algorithms capable of generating approximately uniform samples for sequences of length around 1000. The sampled data enable us to gain insight into the typical structure of pattern-restricted inversion sequences and compare distinct patterns.

This study was partially supported by TÜBİTAK grant no: 120F352. Numerical calculations were conducted at TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM’s High Performance and Grid Computing Center, as well as on servers provided by the Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University.

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Yıldırım

Date: May 16, 2024 Time: 11:00 Place: SA141 – Mathematics Seminar Room

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Green Chemistry

The future nickel metal supply for lithium-ion batteries.

The electrochemical energy storage devices powered by clean and renewable natural energy have achieved rapid development to mitigate the fossil fuel shortage and CO2 emission. Among them, the high-nickel ternary cathodes for lithium-ion batteries capture a growing market owing to its high energy density and moderate price. However, the critical metal supply of high-nickel ternary cathode material will be a thorny issue in the future with the dramatic development of power lithium-ion batteries. Currently, some studies have carried out a comprehensive analysis of the lithium and cobalt metal from the aspects of resources, reserves, and recycling, while the comprehensive reports on nickel metal supply in power lithium-ion batteries are rare. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out an overall analysis of nickel metal supply in conjunction with the early surge in nickel price. In the review, we provide a detailed description for the nickel metal supply in the power lithium-ion batteries regarding the aspects of application, status, reserves and resources, and extraction and recycling. Some conclusions and prospects are proposed about the future nickel metal supply in lithium-ion batteries, which is expected to have a great guiding role for nickel metal supply in the future, especially the application of high nickel cathode in lithium-ion batteries.

  • This article is part of the themed collection: 2024 Green Chemistry Reviews

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J. Sun, H. Zhou and Z. Huang, Green Chem. , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4GC01980F

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    Access Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

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    Abstract In France, you are now permitted to write a Master or PhD dissertation in English. For international students, preparing a thesis requires many new skills and adapting to the French ...

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    abstrait adj ( abstraite f sl, abstraits m pl, abstraites f pl) The artist is famous for his abstract paintings. L'artiste est célèbre pour ses peintures abstraites. I have a good grasp of abstract concepts. Je possède une bonne compréhension des concepts abstraits.

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    Below are extra tips on how to write a thesis abstract: Keep it concise, not lengthy - around 300 words. Focus on the "what", "why", "how", and "so what" of your research. Be specific and concrete: avoid generalization. Use simple language: précis should be easy to understand for readers unfamiliar with your topic.

  22. Abstract

    Translations in context of "Abstract" in English-French from Reverso Context: abstract concept, abstract of account, abstract of accounts, abstract machine, abstract class ... Le résumé du Rapport en espagnol peut être téléchargé ici. ... Abstract In this thesis, we study two completely independent problems.

  23. Traduction de "thesis abstracts" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "thesis abstracts" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : We modelize typical object, location, function and meronymy to produce an online resource which we enrich with a dynamic corpus of thesis abstracts. Traduction Context Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison.

  24. Non-viral vector-based genome editing for cancer immunotherapy

    Despite the exciting promise of cancer immunotherapy in the clinic, immune checkpoint blockade therapy and T cell-based therapies are often associated with low response rates, intrinsic and adaptive immune resistance, and systemic side effects. CRISPR-Cas-based genome editing appears to be an effective strategy to Biomaterials Science Recent Review Articles, 2024 Biomaterials Science Emerging ...

  25. Journal of Materials Chemistry C

    Developing non-doped blue organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with excellent photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), high exciton utilization efficiency (EUE) and balanced carrier mobility is an urgent challenge. Herein, two blue molecules based on hot exciton were reported, namely PPIFB and PPIBF. Using p Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers

  26. EN / Bilkent University

    In the final part of the thesis, we address the sampling problem for pattern-avoiding inversion sequences. Sampling uniformly from I_n(B) for a given pattern set B and large n presents challenges due to pattern-restriction conditions. Brute-force algorithms can only provide uniform samples for sequences of length around 10 on a personal computer.

  27. Biomass derived sulfonated carbon catalysts: efficient catalysts for

    Biomass-derived sulfonated carbon catalysts (BDSCCs), recognized for their environmentally friendly origin, uncomplicated synthesis, and outstanding performance as solid acids, have garnered increasing attention due to their relevance in the context of green chemistry. This article offers an examination of the dive 2024 Green Chemistry Reviews

  28. Photoinduced Dynamic Defect Tolerance in Hybrid ...

    Defect tolerance plays a crucial role in the outstanding photoelectric performance of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs). Despite the origin of defect tolerance has been extensively studied in the past few years through static density functional theory (DFT) calculations and experiments, the mechanism of photoinduced defect dynamic change has not yet been well revealed.

  29. Gases and gas-releasing materials for the treatment of chronic diabetic

    Chronic non-healing wounds are a common consequence of skin ulceration in diabetic patients, with severe cases such as diabetic foot even leading to amputations. The interplay between pathological factors like hypoxia-ischemia, chronic inflammation, bacterial infection, impaired angiogenesis, and accumulation of ad Biomaterials Science Recent Review Articles, 2024

  30. The Future Nickel Metal Supply for Lithium-Ion Batteries

    Abstract The electrochemical energy storage devices powered by clean and renewable natural energy have achieved rapid development to mitigate the fossil fuel shortage and CO2 emission. Among them, the high-nickel ternary cathodes for lithium-ion batteries capture a growing market owing to its high energy density and moderate price.