HSC Projects

The Bell Jar Experiment Project

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Bell Jar Experiment

The Bell Jar Experiment is a fascinating demonstration in physics that vividly illustrates the necessity of a material medium for the propagation of sound. Using a simple yet effective setup, this experiment delves into the fundamental nature of sound waves and their behavior in different environments.

bell jar experiment animation

The Concept of Sound

Sound is a mechanical wave characterized by its frequency, wavelength, and velocity. It is a longitudinal wave, meaning that the particles of the medium through which it travels vibrate parallel to the wave’s direction of propagation. Sound originates from vibrating bodies, like musical instruments or vocal cords, and is perceptible to the human ear within the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

Understanding the Bell Jar

A bell jar, typically made of glass and bell-shaped, is primarily used in laboratories to create and maintain a vacuum. When attached to a vacuum pump, the air inside the jar can be evacuated, allowing for various experimental conditions.

bell jar experiment animation

The Experiment Setup

  • An airtight glass bell jar
  • A sound-producing toy or device (like an electric bell)
  • A vacuum pump
  • Cork or stopper to seal the jar
  • Arrange the bell jar, connecting the electric bell and vacuum pump.
  • Initiate the bell to produce sound.
  • Gradually pump out the air from the jar, observing the change in sound intensity.
  • Notice the point at which sound is no longer audible, though the bell’s mechanism is still operating.

Observations and Results

As air is evacuated from the bell jar, the sound from the electric bell becomes fainter and eventually inaudible. This change occurs despite the continuous operation of the bell, demonstrating that sound waves require a material medium (like air) to travel. The experiment conclusively shows that sound cannot propagate through a vacuum.

The Bell Jar Experiment is a simple yet powerful demonstration of sound propagation. It underlines the fundamental principle that sound waves need a material medium to travel, and in the absence of such a medium, like in a vacuum, sound cannot be transmitted. This experiment serves as a cornerstone in understanding the nature of sound and its dependence on the medium for propagation.

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How sound level is measured: how level in dB is related to sound pressure, intensity and power.
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Acoustically compact regions in which inertia dominates (inertance) or compressibility dominates (compliance). The characteristic impedance of a duct.
Acoustical intensity and power are related to pressure and acoustic flow. Again, the acoustic impedance is involved.

Decibels, logarithmic scales, sound files and examples. Psychophysical measures: phons and sones. A and C weighting filters (dBA, dBC, dBlin). Recording levels. Intensity radiation and impedance. Examples.

The mexican wave (or stadium wave) is an example of a transverse, polarised, travelling wave. An interesting idea for teachers: the wave speed can be faster than the particle speed.
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Balloon in a bell jar: Qualitative Testing Experiment

Test your model of gases and pressure.

Prior Knowledge

  • Understanding of atmospheric pressure.
  • Knowledge of the relationship between pressure and volume of a gas.

Description of the Experiment

A partially inflated balloon is placed in a bell jar. A vaccuum pump is then turned on and the air inside the bell jar is pumped out. Predict what will happen to the balloon.

Youtube movies can be stepped frame by frame using the , and . keys on your keyboard. If you want to download the movie to your computer, right-click or control-click .

Did your observations agree with your prediction? If not, try and explain what you saw.

© 2015 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. All rights reserved.


A bell can be heard ringing within a bell jar.

The bell jar is connected to a vacuum pump and the air is slowly removed.

Once a vacuum (no air particles) has been achieved, the pump is turned off and air is allowed to slowly re-enter the bell jar.

To obtain a full vacuum is very difficult (and involves expensive equipment!). This experiment in a lab will probably achieve 95% vacuum - but that is enough to see the effect.

The following video is a really old one - but the type of bell used was useful as you could actually see that the clanger was still moving when the sound was no longer audible.



Cyberphysics - a web-based teaching aid - for students of physics, their teachers and parents....

bell jar experiment animation

Practical Biology

A collection of experiments that demonstrate biological concepts and processes.

bell jar experiment animation

Observing earthworm locomotion

bell jar experiment animation

Practical Work for Learning

bell jar experiment animation

Published experiments

Modelling the human ventilation system.

Physiological Society logo

This model uses a single balloon and a plastic drinks bottle, and offers the opportunity to explore the effect of changing the diameter of the inlet/ outlet tube to model the effect of bronchoconstriction, and to better understand the breathing difficulties experienced by asthmatics.

British Pharmacological Society logo

Lesson organisation

You can set this up as a classroom activity, or as a homework exercise. Or, if you have made a few models, you could simply ask students to explore the difference in the function of each model during the course of a lesson.

Apparatus and Chemicals

For each group making a model:.

Plastic drinks bottle, 0.5 litre to 1.5 litre

‘Gaffer’/ ‘duct’ tape, plenty(!)

Balloon, as large as is available

Tube, optional (different diameters if several models are made)

Plastic sheet cut into a circle 30–50 cm diameter (for example, a carrier bag)

balloon, tube, duct tape, scissors, plastic sheet, and plastic drinks bottle for modelling the human ventilatiion system

Health & Safety

Read our standard health & safety guidance

SAFETY: Take care with scissors especially at the point of puncturing the bottle.

Preparation – making model lungs

a Remove the label from a plastic drinks bottle by filling with hot water (to melt the glue) then peeling off.

b Use scissors to cut the bottom off the bottle as shown in the photograph. It really is easier to cut by cutting away from you into the back of the bottle (see photograph).

Modelling the human ventilation system - cutting the plastic bottle

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Describe a bell jar experiment to prove sound requires a medium to travel. [5 MARKS]

Aim: 1 mark procedure: 2 marks working: 2 marks aim: to show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation. procedure: the fact that sound needs a material medium for its propagation can be demonstrated by the bell and jar experiment. the apparatus is set up as shown in fig. it consists of a bell jar fixed with a stopper at the mouth. an electric bell is suspended inside a bell jar. two leads from the electric bell pass through the stopper and they are connected to a battery. the bell jar is placed on the disc of a vacuum pump. working: set the bell ringing. initially when jar has normal air inside it, sound waves produced by the ringing bell are heard outside the jar. the vacuum pump is started and the air from the jar is gradually drawn out. as air inside the jar decreases, the sound becomes feebler. after sometime no sound is heard though the hammer is still striking the bell..


From the bell jar experiment, it is inferred that sound needs a material medium to travel.


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Animation Activity: Gases Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

ACTIVITY in Temperature , Gas Laws , Pressure , Volume . Last updated December 12, 2023.

In this activity, students will view  an animation that explores how properties of gases (quantity, volume, temperature, and pressure) are related. This is done qualitatively through the balloon and bell jar scenarios. Quantitative relationships, with the corresponding laws, are summarized at the end.

Grade Level

Middle School, High School

NGSS Alignment

This activity will help prepare your students to meet the performance expectations in the following standards:

  • Developing and Using Models

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

  • Describe the relationships between the quantity, volume, temperature, and pressure of a gas.

Chemistry Topics

This activity supports students’ understanding of:

Teacher Preparation : minimal Lesson : 10-30 minutes

  • Computer and projector with internet access
  • https://teachchemistry.org/classroom-resources/gases-animation
  • Student handout
  • No specific safety precautions need to be observed for this activity.

Teacher Notes

  • All of the animations that make up the AACT Animation collection are designed for teachers to incorporate into their classroom lessons. Intentionally, these animations do not have any spoken explanations so that a teacher can speak while the animation is playing and stop the animation as needed to instruct.
  • If you assign this to students outside of class time, you can create a Student Pass that will allow students to view the animation (or any other video or ChemMatters article on the AACT website ).
  • We suggest that a teacher pause this animation at several points or watch it more than once to give students the opportunity to make notes, ask questions, and test their understanding of the concepts presented. The animation is a little over 1 minute long and moves quickly, so students will likely require pausing or multiple viewings to successfully complete the student activity sheet if you choose to use it.
  • This animation provides qualitative examples of the relationships between the four commonly compared gas variables: quantity (n), volume (V), temperature (T), and pressure (P). Particle diagrams are shown for pairs of variables depicting how changing one variable affects the other, including the direct relationships between quantity and volume, temperature and volume, temperature and pressure, and the inverse relationship between pressure and volume.
  • In this animation, a balloon is used to represent systems with variable volume, and a bell jar is used for systems with variable pressure.
  • You can use this animation to visually demonstrate the definitions of temperature – a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles (how fast the particles in the balloon or bell jar are moving) – and pressure – a measure of force per unit area (how often/how hard the particles collide with the walls of the balloon or bell jar).
  • Air (nitrogen and oxygen) and helium are used as example gases throughout this animation. It might be interesting to have a discussion with students about whether the type of gas effects the properties and relationships shown in the animation. (The type of gas won’t play a role in most gas laws calculations until you get to the AP/college level and start working with real/non-ideal gases. This could be a place to discuss the assumptions made by the treatment of gases as “ideal gases.”)
  • Throughout the animation, qualitative comparisons are made between select variables. At the end of the animation, four equations for the four different gas laws shown in this animation are displayed, but students are not asked to do any calculations. There are numerous AACT resources (including a Gas Laws Unit Plan ) that can be used to teach gas laws quantitatively in greater depth, some of which are listed below.
  • The final question before the extension section asks students to describe the relationships between variables that they saw in the animation as direct or inverse relationships. If your students aren’t familiar with these terms it may help to define them before they answer this question. (Direct relationships occur when an increase in one variable causes an increase in the other, and inverse relationships occur when an increase in one variable causes a decrease in the other.)
  • Simulation: Gas Laws
  • Unit Plan: The Gas Laws Unit Plan
  • Lab: Three Station Gas Lab
  • Activity: Understanding Gas Laws
  • Activity: Modeling Gas Behavior
  • Lab: Deriving the Gas Laws

For the Student

As you view the animation, answer the questions below.

  • What types of gas particles are initially present in the balloon? What type of gas particles are added to fill the balloon?
  • Based on what happens to the balloon when more gas is added, what is the relationship between the quantity of gas particles (n) and the volume (V) of a gas?
  • What happens to the way the gas particles move when the balloon is taken outside? What does this indicate about the temperature of the gas?
  • Based on what happens to the balloon when it is taken outside, what is the relationship between the temperature (T) and volume (V) of a gas?
  • Circle the bolded phrase that best completes the sentence: When the balloon is first placed in the bell jar, the number of collisions of gas particles on the outside of the balloon is ( much higher than / much lower than / about the same as ) the number of collisions of gas particles on the inside of the balloon.
  • Circle the bolded phrase that best completes the sentence: When the vacuum is turned on, the number of collisions of gas particles on the outside of the balloon is  ( much higher than / much lower than / about the same as ) the number of collisions of gas particles on the inside of the balloon.
  • Based on what happens to the balloon in the bell jar when the vacuum is turned on, what is the relationship between the pressure (P) and volume (V) of a gas?
  • Based on what happens to the gas in the bell jar when it is taken outside and heated up, what is the relationship between the temperature (T) and pressure (P) of a gas?
  • Summarize: For each of the four pairs of variables presented in this animation, identify them as directly or inversely related by circling the correct description:
a. Quantity (n) and Volume (V): Direct Inverse
b. Temperature (T) and Volume (V): Direct Inverse
c. Pressure (P) and Volume (V):Direct Inverse
d. Temperature (T) and Pressure (P): Direct Inverse
  • Choose one of the pairs of variables you saw in the animation and research a practical, real-life application or phenomenon that demonstrates the relationship between those variables. Describe how that relationship contributes to the application or phenomenon. Cite the sources you referenced.

Sound - The Bell Jar Experiment

bell jar experiment animation

  • Stephen K Kamau

Big Ideas Of Science

  • Energy Transformation

Subject Domains

Average learning time, works offline, description.

Sound is produced when an object vibrates. It  is a form of mechanical wave that propagates in a longitudinal manner.

The chief objective of this ILS is to investigate whether sound energy requires a material medium for its propagation or it does not.

Prior Knowledge Requirements

Rating: 5 - 1 votes

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Describe the bell jar experiment to prove that sound requires a medium to propagate.

Bell jar experiment : let us take a bell jar and suspend an electric bell in it and connect it to a battery outside the jar when the circuit is closed (switch is on) we can hear the bell ringing as the jar contains air and sound travels through this air we then remove the air from the jar with the help of a vacuum pump connected to the bell jar now as we close the circuit we can hardly hear any sound even though the hammer of the bell is seen striking the gong so we can conclude that sound cannot propagate in the absence of the material medium.

From the bell jar experiment, it is inferred that sound needs a material medium to travel.


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  5. Physclips

    Waves and sound with animations and video film clips. Physclips provides multimedia education in introductory physics at different levels. Modules may be used by teachers, while students may use the whole package for self instruction or for reference. ... Bell jar experiment. If sound diffracts, why doesn't light? Speed of sound. Time-of-flight ...

  6. Balloon in a bell jar: Qualitative Testing Experiment

    Description of the Experiment. A partially inflated balloon is placed in a bell jar. A vaccuum pump is then turned on and the air inside the bell jar is pumped out. Predict what will happen to the balloon. Youtube movies can be stepped frame by frame using the , and . keys on your keyboard.

  7. A Cyberphysics Page

    Experiment to show sound cannot travel through a vacuum. This classic experiment is beautifully illustrated in this mini-vidclip: A bell can be heard ringing within a bell jar. The bell jar is connected to a vacuum pump and the air is slowly removed. Once a vacuum (no air particles) has been achieved, the pump is turned off and air is allowed ...

  8. Bell Jar Experiment (Animation) : Class 9 : Physics : Amrita Online Lab

    Bell Jar Experiment. Theory Theory . Procedure . Animation . Simulator . Viva Voce . Resources . Feedback . Developed by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & CDAC Mumbai. Funded by MeitY (Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology)

  9. Modelling the human ventilation system

    The classic model of the human breathing system (a Y-shaped tube connected to two balloons in a bell jar with a movable membrane across the base) is familiar to most teachers. Several variations on this using materials such as plastic drinking glasses, drinks bottles and other throwaway items have been suggested.

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  11. Our Objective

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  12. Bell jar

    A bell jar is a glass jar, similar in shape to a bell (i.e. in its best-known form it is open at the bottom, while its top and sides together are a single piece), and can be manufactured from a variety of materials (ranging from glass to different types of metals). Bell jars are often used in laboratories to form and contain a vacuum.It is a common science apparatus used in experiments. [1]

  13. Sound requires a medium

    To demonstrate that sound needs a material medium for its propagation

  14. Bell Jar Experiment

    Description. This labs helps to demonstrate that sound needs a material medium for its propagation. Students can vary the air pressure in the jar and disciover the influence on the produced sound.

  15. Describe a bell jar experiment to prove sound requires a medium to

    Aim: To show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation. Procedure: The fact that sound needs a material medium for its propagation can be demonstrated by the bell and jar experiment. The apparatus is set up as shown in Fig. It consists of a bell jar fixed with a stopper at the mouth. An electric bell is suspended inside a bell jar.

  16. Classroom Resources

    Summary. In this activity, students will view an animation that explores how properties of gases (quantity, volume, temperature, and pressure) are related. This is done qualitatively through the balloon and bell jar scenarios. Quantitative relationships, with the corresponding laws, are summarized at the end.

  17. Animation and Simulator of Bell Jar Experiment.

    View. Download scientific diagram | Animation and Simulator of Bell Jar Experiment. from publication: Benefits of Activity Based Learning Pedagogy with Online Labs (OLabs) | Pedagogy and Teaching ...

  18. Sound

    Description. Sound is produced when an object vibrates. It is a form of mechanical wave that propagates in a longitudinal manner. The chief objective of this ILS is to investigate whether sound energy requires a material medium for its propagation or it does not.

  19. The Bell Jar Experiment

    This experiment demonstrates that sound waves require a medium (Solid, Liquid, Gas) to transmit

  20. Bel Jar Experiment by Arun Raj

    Sound is a mechanical wave that needs a material medium like air, water, steel, etc. A bell jar is a laboratory equipment used for creating a vacuum. The sound wave is a longitudinal wave. We can infer that sound needs a material medium for its travel. We can describe a sound wave by its frequency, wavelength and velocity.

  21. The respiratory system in humans

    The process of ventilation as a series of changes in pressure within the thorax can be modelled using the bell jar model. Parts of the model represent different parts of the respiratory system as ...

  22. Describe the bell jar experiment to prove that sound requires a medium

    Bell Jar Experiment : Let us take a bell jar and suspend an electric bell in it and connect it to a battery outside the jar When the circuit is closed (switch is on) we can hear the bell ringing as the jar contains air and sound travels through this air. We then remove the air from the jar with the help of a vacuum pump connected to the bell ...

  23. Bell In A Jar Experiment

    The high-quality bell operates on 4-6 V DC or AC. Requires suitable vacuum pump, and heavy-walled vacuum/pressure tubing, diameter 8 - 9 mm. Dimensions: Bell Jar • Height 260 mm to neck • Internal diameter 140 mm • External diameter flange 180 mm Pump Plate • Height 195 mm • Diameter 250 mm. More Information. More Information.