133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples

Looking for exciting hip hop topics to write about? This music genre is still very popular and definitely worth exploring!

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🎧 Interesting Rap Topics for Essays & Research Papers

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❓ Questions About Hip Hop

In your hip-hop essay, you might want to make an overview of the genre or talk about its history. Another option for your rap essay is to compare the old school and the new school of hip-hop. One more idea is to discuss the consequences of the genre’s commercialization.

Want more title ideas? Continue reading! We’ve prepared for you a collection of rap topics and questions for essays and research papers. Hip hop essay examples are added for your inspiration!

🏆 Best Hip Hop Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

  • Jazz and Hip Hop: Similarities and Differences Both hip hop and jazz are closely linked and for that matter there are a number of similarities they share prompting some individuals to pronounce that hip hop is ‘the jazz of young individuals in […]
  • Hip-Hop Music Other creations of hip-hop are the components of the hip-hop lifestyle. A number of unacceptable behaviors in the society have been encouraged by hip-hop leading to a conflict between the ambassadors of hip-hop and the […]
  • Similarities between Ballet and Hip Hop Dance is and always shall be a form of expression where the movements performed speak volumes of the emotions and feelings that the dancer is trying to impart to the audience.
  • Hip-Hop and the Japanese Culture The prevalence of soul dancing in Japan in the earlier years also formed the basis for the wide acceptance of the hip-hop culture into the Japanese culture because soul dancing was common in the streets […]
  • Hip Hop Dance The TV shows such as the Wild style, Soul Train and Breakin, Beat Street also contributed in showcasing hip hop dance styles during the early periods of hip hop hype.
  • Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar, Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap This will be addressed in this book review as we look at how the author represents his views, interpretations and research about the hip-hop culture2 In this book, Ogbar explores the lyrical world of rap […]
  • Literature Study on the Hip-Hop Concept: A Social Movement and Part of the Industry Hip-hop is a genre that does not obey the taboos but creates new stereotypes, allowing itself to use risky language to convey the text of the songs in a much recognizable and provocative manner.
  • Poverty and Hip-Hop: Notorious B.I.G.’s “Juicy” Notorious B.I.G.’s music video for the song “Juicy” was chosen for the analysis because the rapper explored the theme of poverty that deeply affected his life.
  • Hip-Hop and Rap Impact on Social Inequality For instance, Beyonce is one of the most famous artists in the world who have stated her opinion regarding misogyny related to artists and other black women.
  • The Impact of Hip-Hop Music Education in Elementary School The theoretical justification of the article is the importance of music, in particular the style of hip-hop, in the formation of the system of interests and career goals of schoolchildren.
  • 50 Cent: Hip-Hop Violence in Modern Media At first, society might negatively react to this example because it is associated with the disorder and the desire to break something to deliver the message.
  • History of Hip-Hop: Identifying the Organizational Learning Issues The samplers of the 1980s were also more technically limited compared to the artist equipment of the 1990s, which produced a richer and more authentic sound.
  • The Hip-Hop Phenomenon of Hyper-Masculinity Sociological Research Question: What lies behind the dominant hyper-masculine paradigm in Hip Hop and Black culture and its various manifestations in lyrics and music videos?
  • Jay-Z’s Contribution to Hip-Hop and Fight for Social Justice One should admit that the crime rate among black people in some poor areas is really quite high, and that is another problem Jay-Z covers in his music.
  • Hip Hop: Common’s Song “Black America Again” His rap is underground and can be said to be street, as many of the poems cover the theme of the streets and what is happening on them.
  • Hip-Hop Culture Breaking Down Racial Barriers The hip-hop culture going mainstream was the event reflecting the societal concerns of the ethnic minorities. It presents an example of sports and the arts breaking down racial barriers as their participants efficiently cooperate.
  • Relationship of Hip-Hop With Race and Identity The beefing between the two hip-hop artists, Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks, indicates a misapprehension existing on hip-hop’s history. Due to the competitive nature of the market, artists try to survive by beefing with their […]
  • Hip-Hop Music and Its History in the 80s-90s Hip-hop music was on the rise in the late 80s, and influential rap collectives such as Run DMC and the Beastie Boys provided an outlet for the hip-hop culture to acquire national recognition.
  • Hip-Hop and Marijuana Use in College Students It has been estimated that over half of the college student population regularly use marijuana, while over 25% used it during past month.
  • Hip Hop Evolution and Racial & Political Conditions A significant influence on the emergence of political and conscious hip hop can be attributed to the Civil-Rights Movements and the Black Power Movements of the 60s and 70s in the United States.
  • Hip-Hop as a Vehicle for Unification in Beat Street This resistance to the vilification and stigmatization of their neighborhoods as spaces of crime, chaos, and evil is one of the factors that strengthen community bonds and communal identity in the neighborhoods in question. The […]
  • Understanding Hip Hop Made by Jay-Z The story of a hustler is a story of the struggle to make a living. I think the “story of a hustler” is like the stories of the Wild West outlaws.
  • Seattle Hip-Hop Scene: Michael “The Wanz” Wansley He was born in 1961 and has been a part of the hip-hop and pop scene of Seattle for the most of his life.
  • The History of Hip-Hop Culture in the United States The discography which is represented in the 3rd disc gives a scope of understanding of the main things which worried rappers at the time.
  • Analysis of Rap and Hip-Hop Culture: Audience of the Songs and the Purposes of the Singers The same is with the analysis of the songs and music, the critics should be aware of the lived realities of the authors and demographic characteristics of the aimed audience.
  • Hip Hop Culture and Music Scratching is a technique which in hip hop culture is used to gauge the expertise of a DJ, as he is expected to produce new sounds simply by moving a record back and forth while […]
  • Gay Culture’s Influence on Hip Hop Fashion Gay men have the influence of female fashion design due to the fact that most of the designers of female clothes are men and most of them are homosexual.
  • Jazz and Hip Hop Concerts in Comparison Two pieces in the second performance, In Germany Before the War and Mysterious Barricades, were well performed during the concert. There was a deejay on the deck and background dancers to back up the performance […]
  • Social Inequality: Hip-Hop Culture and Movement When it comes to defining the term ‘social movement’, it is important to understand that the process of a particular group of people striving to have their voice heard in the public sphere, must be […]
  • Social Constructions and Hip Hop Music This process involved the description of the things that I saw at the concert. I described the tone, tempo, and style of music that they sang.
  • Hip-Hop Theory and Culture in the Discography G explains the changes in day-to-day living within the ghettos between the artist’s childhood and the present. Most of the lines from the song praise the person that the song is dedicated to.
  • Hip Hop Culture in “The Otherside” Documentary Regardless numerous discussions about Hip Hop, this culture remains to be a considerable part of human life that helps to understand that such issue as racial profiling is not only something that is required by […]
  • Hip Hop Duo: Kung Foo Grip Though the history of this duo is neither too complicated nor full of some unpredictable and fatal decisions events, it can be used to explain how the lives of two fans of Hip Hop can […]
  • Planet B-Girl: Community Building and Feminism in Hip-Hop The main idea of the article under analysis is the intentions of female hip-hop artists to prove their choices and demonstrate their abilities by using the same rights male hip-hop artists have already got.
  • The Documentary “Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes” Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes is a documentary movie that helps not only to understand the nature of hip hop but to connect a single style of music with the necessity of such crucial issues […]
  • Hip Hop Definition In fact, many authors underline the fact that commercialization of hip-hop has changed its essence considerably and deprived modern people of the possibility to understand the essence of hip-hop and true reasons for its appearance. […]
  • Old School Hip Hop Versus New Hip Hop Music However, although today’s hip hop music does share some similarities with old school hip hop, it is much more superficial and generic, compared to the timeless music of the old school hip hop.
  • Hip-Hop and Politics Correlation in the USA The author outlines the life and the creative process of Clive Campbell or otherwise known as DJ Kook Herc, one of the most influential figures in the early history of the hip-hop genre.
  • Blacks’ Prison Experiences in Hip Hop Culture Though considering the controversy that has been the “elephant in the room” for quite a time, Dyson clearly takes his argument to an admittedly high level of convincingness, it is not only the consideration of […]
  • Hip-Hop Subculture as Answer to Social Inequality One of the most notable aspects of a contemporary living in America is the fact that, as of today, the sub-culture of Hip-Hop had ceased being considered in terms of a largely marginalized socio-cultural phenomenon.
  • “Reflections on Hip Hop” by Eric Dyson In the first place, it is necessary to note that prison is seen as the most important factor affecting development of black males’ identity and three types of experiences are singled out.
  • Hip Hop Music as Media Influence on the Youth Personally, I love listening to rap music, which many people claim that it has led to the spread of violence among young people.
  • Hip-Hop Music and the Role of Women in It: Fight for Women’s Rights in Society While looking at the various roles of women in hip hop and rap, it is also important to note that the way women are presented has various effects on society.
  • Women in Hip-Hop Music: A Provocative and Objectified Gender Roles It is one thing that men want women to be in music videos and play a particular role, but women are willing to participate in the videos.
  • R&B and Hip-Hop Effect Western Music The music that Michael Jackson released was not based on gender but was based on truth and hope to the people and this gave him a lot of influence in the community reason being that […]
  • Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation The book Ca not Stop Wo not Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation brings out the history of the United States from the eyes of a person who would have been considered a loser […]
  • Hip-Hop: News From a Ghetto’s Point of View Youths living in the ghettos have had Hip Hop as one of the most effectual means to voice the social injustice that they experience.
  • “Hip Hop“ Subculture: Music, Vocabulary, and Roots Based on an interview with a member of the subculture, the paper will discuss some of the terms used in the subculture, how its members dress and look, as well as how they act.
  • Fashion Controversies about Hip Hop Garments The paper will look into controversy that arose over hip hop garment design with the aim of identifying the source of the controversy, key players in the controversy as well as political, social and economic […]
  • Hip Hop Infiltrates Asian Music Industry Therefore, if American hip hop music genre infiltrated Asian music industry and an Asian hip hop music variety was invented then hurdles in Asian hip hop can be conquered.
  • The Beginnings of Hip-Hop Within the course of three decades, hip-hop has become a part of the mainstream culture. This is one of the details that should be considered.
  • The Hip-Hop Genre Origin and Influence Hess, in addition, notes that from 1970s, the development of Hip-hop as a culture has been very complex due to immigrants from different parts of the world, who in one way or another equally contributed […]
  • Hip Hop Dancing: The Remarkable Black Beat Because the drum beats was the most danceable segment of the hip hop music, the hip hop musicians increased their focus on the quality of drum beat sequence.
  • Socio-Political Foundations of Hip-Hop This presentation is connected to a state of exploitation that continues in the world that has deprived people so much, yet the struggle continues.’The sociology and history of African American’ brings out the theme of […]
  • Hip-Hop in Japan However, this was not the case, most of the artists focused on refining their music in the Japanese languages to give it a Japanese flavor.
  • Hip Hop Influence on Youth: Statistics and Effects Hip hop music is also said to perpetuate the rise in criminal activities among the youth. It is therefore recommendable for the youth to shun away from the vice brought about by hip hop music.

📌 Most Interesting Hip Hop Topics to Write about

  • Copula Variation Across Two Decades Of Hip Hop Nation Language
  • How Hip Hop Affect The Way People Think About Politics
  • An Overview of the Talk by Tupac Shakur, an American Hip Hop Artist
  • Bad Influence Of Hip Hop On Youth
  • African American Hip Hop and its Influence
  • Hip Hop Music is More Than a Couple of Words
  • Codes and Abstraction in Hip Hop Culture
  • Black Women’s Role in Popular Culture: An Analysis of The Venus Hip Hop
  • Argumentative Essay On Hip Hop Culture
  • A Comparison of Classical Ballet and Modern Dance – Hip Hop and Jazz Style
  • Should We Accept The Hip Hop Industry Negative Images
  • Hip Hop And Politics: Attacking The Political Powers Of Government
  • Comparison Of Yorkville Crossing : White Teens, Hip Hop
  • Effects Of Hip Hop And Country Music On Society
  • A Description of the Image of Hip Hop/Rap Music
  • Racial Stereotypes Associated With Rap And Hip Hop Music
  • Does Hip Hop Influence Other Parts of the World
  • Music Videos Involving Women And The Hip Hop Industry
  • Hip Hop : The Commodification Of African American Women
  • Hip Hop Culture And Its Impact On The American Society
  • The Assault Of Women In The Hip Hop Community

👍 Good Hip Hop Essay Topics

  • An Analysis of the Performance of American Hip Hop Group, Travis Porter
  • Hip Hop : Beyond Beats And Rhymes By Byron Hurt
  • Gender In Black Media Hip Hop Culture
  • Positive Women in Hip Hop: Feminism in a Patriarchal Society
  • Hip Hop And Rap Has Been The Mainstay For Youth
  • Influences of Hip Hop on Today’s Generation: Rising Deviance
  • Hip Hop’s Influence on Popular Culture: Expression or Oppression
  • An Analysis of Hip Hop and Its Influence on Listeners
  • Essay Hip Hop Music and Music Technology
  • Existentialism Case – Tupac Shakur: Existentialist Hip Hop Artist
  • An Overview of the Rapping and the Hip Hop Culture in the Music of the United States
  • Harlem Renaissance & the Hip Hop Movement
  • An Analysis of the Elements of Hip Hop Culture
  • Contemporary Urban Music: Controversial Messages in Hip Hop and Rap Lyrics
  • Compare and Contrast the Subcultures of Hip Hop
  • Differing Mentalities In Hip Hop And Rock
  • An Analysis of the Music of Talib Kweli, a Hip Hop Artist
  • Hip Hop And Its Effects On African Society
  • Black Films and Hip Hop Music Videos: Race Representation
  • Does Hip Hop Influence Violent Behavior
  • Hip Hop And The Birth Of African American Poetry
  • American History of Hip Hop Culture
  • Does Hip Hop Culture Influence Youth Gangs?
  • Who Does Hip Hop Belong?
  • Does Hip Hop Harm Black Americans?
  • Does Hip Hop Have a Place in the Church?
  • What Is the Hip Hop Style of Music?
  • Does Hip Hop Influence Other Parts of the World?
  • Does Hip Hop Provoke Drug Use and Misogyny?
  • How Does Hip Hop Effect Teenagers?
  • How Does Hip Hop Affects Society?
  • How Does Hip Hop Affect the Way People Think About Politics?
  • How Does Hip Hop Connect With Many Different Real-World Problems?
  • Is Hip Hop Black Culture?
  • How Did Hip Hop Culture Develop During the Seventies?
  • How Hip Hop Culture Remains Superfluous With Overspending?
  • How Hip Hop Music Is a Culture of Resistance?
  • Who Invented Hip Hop?
  • How Hip Hop Negatively Affects Society?
  • How Hip Hop Negatively Influences Today’s Teen?
  • Does Hip Hop Influence Violent Behavior?
  • How Does Hip Hop Promotes Violence?
  • How Does Hip Hop Start?
  • What Has Hip Hop Ever Done?
  • How Have Race and Gender Shown Within the Genres of Hip Hop and Rap?
  • How Did the Backout 1977 Affect Hip Hop?
  • How Are Women Represented in Hip Hop Videos?
  • What Are Different Styles of Hip Hop?
  • Why Do White Kids Love Hip Hop?
  • What Does Hip Hop Stand For?
  • How Has Technology Influenced Hip Hop?
  • Are Hip Hop and Rap the Same?
  • Hobby Research Ideas
  • Ethnicity Research Topics
  • Dance Essay Ideas
  • Inspiration Topics
  • Jazz Research Topics
  • Youth Titles
  • African Americans Paper Topics
  • Graffiti Research Ideas
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hip-hop-essay-examples/

"133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hip-hop-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hip-hop-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hip-hop-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "133 Hip Hop Topics & Essay Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hip-hop-essay-examples/.

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Music Argumentative Essay Topics: 25+ Ideas for Inspiration

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by  Antony W

June 24, 2024

music argumentative essay topics

Music is no doubt the best go-to stress buster for all of us. No wonder if you look around you, you’ll see people listening to music from all kinds of music devices you can name.

From Mp3 players and smartphones to PA systems and car stereos, the world around you is no doubt almost fully musical in form.

With news lyrics, celebrity gossips, artists, and new musical hits appearing on YouTube, Sound Cloud, and Spotify every day, there’s no limit to the number of argumentative essay topics on music.

From Robert Matthew Van Winkle fast rap to Dax hip-hop tunes, finding the right essay topic to explore just got easier. In this post, we give you a list of 30+ argumentative topics from which you can choose an appealing title to give your essay a fresh, breathtaking spin.

Music Argumentative Essay Topics

The following is a list of 30+ music argumentative essay topics that you can consider if you have no idea where to start – or if you need a title to start working on right away:

  • Is pop culture an evergreen vogue or a temporary fad?
  • Can we term fusion music as actual music?
  • White rappers are giving a bad name to the rap music genre
  • Pop music is worthy enough for our ears than rap music
  • Jazz music is dying out
  • Can we use music as treatment for mental health disorder?
  • Music influencers are a waste of time
  • People should not allow the playing of music in the realm of politics and political campaign
  • Digital music formats will completely wipe out physical copies from distribution
  • It’s impossible to enjoy music without understanding the lyrics
  • Metal music has a very bad influence on people’s behavior
  • EMD is pure noise, not music
  • One doesn’t need to have musical training to write lyrics and sing as natural talent is enough
  • Should School students should study music instead of learning how to dance
  • Is music an effective means of drawing in potential customers to a new product?
  • Music has the power to increase an individual’s level of productivity
  • Music isn’t as addictive as movies and television series
  • Children can learn music faster than adults
  • Music producers are not doing enough to promote musicians new to the industry
  • Are parental warning labels on music videos really necessary?
  • Music can’t affect a student’s ability to read and complete their homework
  • Social media presence and celebrity stays hugely contributes to the rate of an artist’s success.
  • Should companies incorporate music in their marketing campaigns?
  • Existing laws cannot stop people from realistically copying music
  • Music doesn’t help the world become a better place
  • Do music award events influence the type of music that many people listen to?
  • Music award shows create hostility among musicians more than they inspire creative art
  • Music should be a mandatory subject in literary school
  • Music producers are responsible for the moral degradation that stem from the production of explicit music
  • Can the entertainment industry prevent
  • Do certain genre of music, such as rap and hip-hop, generate violence?
  • It’s unethical to copyright traditional music
  • Can we borrow music from international artists without necessarily attributing their work?
  • Should the social controversies about a musician influence our decision to listen to their music?
  • Do musicians choose the genre of music depending on the instruments used?
  • Movie and TV production industries pay musician more for continuous use of their work.
  • Is music of the future generation will be more annoying than the current
  • Music that’s used to present bad and harmful ideologies should be banned
  • The advent of internet music has made physical music stores completely irrelevant
  • Music can help a person to mediate and find a greater purpose in life
  • Is listening to music more entertaining than watching movies or playing the 21st century video games?
  • Music genre has a limited number of tune variation
  • Is music without lyrics pure?
  • Should YouTube ban the publication of X-rated music completely?
  • Classical music is better than other music genres.
  • Companies such as Spotify and Deezer should stop charging people a monthly subscription to listen to music.
  • Offline music apps are a waste of time in the current internet-powered world.
  • Are piano music sheets relevant in the production of modern music?
  • Politicians use music as propaganda in political races.
  • Music has a positive impact on modern society.
  • Traditional old school music is better than modern music.
  • The production of explicit music videos should banned.
  • Is there a connection between different music genres?
  • Classical music doesn’t play any significant role in the production of music today
  • International music is better than local music
  • Does the ability to play piano automatically makes one an expert in writing music sheets?
  • There’s no connection between social class and music genre
  • Does music have a negative influence on society?
  • X-rated music has a negative effect on a listeners brain
  • Music is way better than other types of media
  • Music has more influence on culture than poetry does
  • Is writing music an art?
  • Writing music doesn’t reflect the way an artist thinks in their daily life
  • Do women play an important role in the production of music?
  • Women play a great role in the production of music
  • Modern pop music is badly written compared to the pop music of the 60s.
  • Celebrities who release music but have no musical talents should not be promoted to be as famous as professional musicians.
  • Violent lyrics in music plays a role in building a violent society
  • Are parental warning labels on music still relevant today?
  • Music band that have been inactive for years should not come back

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  • Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Home — Essay Samples — Entertainment — Music — Rap Music

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Essays on Rap Music

Choosing rap music essay topics.

Rap music is a diverse and influential genre that has had a significant impact on popular culture, social issues, and the music industry. When it comes to writing an essay on rap music, there are countless topics to explore that can provide insight into the history, culture, and impact of this genre. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of choosing the right topic, provide advice on selecting a topic, and offer a comprehensive list of recommended essay topics divided into categories.

The Importance of the Topic

Choosing the right topic for your rap music essay is crucial for a few reasons. First and foremost, it will determine the scope and direction of your research and writing. A well-chosen topic will allow you to delve into an area of rap music that interests you and provides ample material for analysis and discussion. Additionally, a compelling topic will engage your readers and allow you to explore the complexities and nuances of rap music.

Advice on Choosing a Topic

When selecting a rap music essay topic, consider your own interests, as well as the potential impact and relevance of the topic. Think about the aspects of rap music that fascinate you, whether it's the history, cultural significance, social commentary, or musical styles. Additionally, consider the current conversations and debates surrounding rap music and choose a topic that offers new insights or challenges conventional wisdom. Finally, ensure that your chosen topic is specific enough to allow for in-depth analysis but broad enough to provide ample material for research.

Recommended Essay Topics

History and evolution of rap music.

  • The Origins of Rap Music: From Bronx Block Parties to Global Phenomenon
  • The Evolution of Rap Styles: From Old School to Mumble Rap
  • Rap Music and the Civil Rights Movement: A Historical Perspective

Social and Cultural Impact of Rap Music

  • Rap Music and Identity: How Artists Navigate Race, Class, and Gender
  • Rap Music and Politics: The Role of Hip-Hop in Social Activism
  • Rap Music and Globalization: The Spread of Hip-Hop Culture Around the World

Lyricism and Artistic Expression in Rap Music

  • Rap Music and Poetry: Analyzing the Literary Techniques of Hip-Hop Lyrics
  • Rap Music and Storytelling: The Power of Narrative in Hip-Hop Songs
  • Rap Music and Social Commentary: Examining the Themes and Messages in Lyrics

Rap Music and the Music Industry

  • Rap Music and Commercialization: The Impact of Corporate Influence on Hip-Hop
  • Rap Music and Entrepreneurship: How Artists Build Brands and Business Empires
  • Rap Music and Technology: The Role of Digital Platforms in Shaping the Industry

Controversies and Debates in Rap Music

  • Rap Music and Censorship: The Role of Explicit Content and Freedom of Speech
  • Rap Music and Misogyny: Exploring Gender Dynamics in Hip-Hop Culture
  • Rap Music and Violence: Debunking Stereotypes and Examining Realities

These essay topics offer a broad range of options for exploring rap music from different angles. Whether you are interested in the history, social impact, artistic expression, industry dynamics, or controversies surrounding rap music, there are plenty of compelling topics to choose from. By selecting a topic that aligns with your interests and offers an opportunity for in-depth analysis, you can create a captivating and insightful essay on rap music.

The Influence of Rap Music on Society: Glorification of Drugs, Violence, and Misogyny

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Analysis of The Language Used in Early Commercial Rap Music of The 1980s and 1990s as a Cultural Response to The Socioeconomic Oppression Plaguing The Black Community

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History of Hip Hop Music

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thesis ideas for rap music

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The beauty of raging: how Rap music has always been a political tool

Image description: Stormzy at Glastonbury festival 2019, wearing a stab-proof vest designed by Banksy

While re-watching the momentous Brit awards performance by South London Grime artist Stormzy, I was asked by a friend  “I get what he’s saying, but why does he have to sound so angry ?”

Because he is, and because he has every right to be.

Covering topics surrounding violence, gang culture, misogyny and drug misuse, the one continuous aspect of rap music over the decades has been the media criticism it faces. It has been dubbed a bad influence on the ‘impressionable youth’, as critics overlook the culture that surrounds the lyrics and selectively hear a string of hate and profanity.

Those who castigate modern day rap – be it grime, trap or drill, do so in ignorance of the genre’s bigger picture.

Thought to have been born in 1970’s South Bronx, hip-hop was ‘discovered’ away from its community and birthplace, and branded by the commercial mainstream by the end of the decade, with Sugarhill Gang’s ‘Rapper’s Delight’. Rap music owes its origin partly to this hip-hop culture of working-class African Americans, a genre designed for fighting systematic oppression.

hip-hop was ‘discovered’ away from its community and birthplace, and branded by the commercial mainstream

Preceding hip-hop, African-American rhyming games were used as subtle resistance to the systems of despotism and slavery. Slaves would speak in metaphors, such as the rabbit and its fox master in ‘Bre’r Rabbit tales’.

Today we see a continuation of the valuable influences of rap, with modern artists preserving its function as a form of resistance. In the new millennium, the social significance of rap music isn’t confined by its origins, instead continuously moulded and advanced.

Public Enemy hailed hip-hop “Black CNN”, a means through which people access information. Kilo Ali’s track, known both as ‘America’s Got a Problem’ and ‘Cocaine’, explores the effects of crack cocaine on the community he grew up in, revealing the side of the story not explored by the White House’s so-called ‘war on drugs’.

The relentless pace and triumphant tone of the song were modelled off hits such as those by Salt-N-Pepa, but the lyrics prove that just because certain issues are discussed, this does not mean they are being glorified: “headed for the chair, sixteen years old”. Such music is often blamed for the ills of society that predate it, faults it actively speaks against, hence the correlation that so many mistake as the cause.

The lifestyle they rap about, set to a backdrop of inequality, is criticised by those comfortable enough to not be living it. In the same way that it forced people to acknowledge the realities of inner-city America, it now unveils the harsh realities of Brexit era Britain.

Consistently, Stormzy has proved that he doesn’t just preach or virtue signal, he acts

The most glaring example of a modern-day rap artist who uses his success to educate the masses is Stormzy.  Consistently, Stormzy has proved that he doesn’t just preach or virtue signal, he acts, a role model for everyone who sees him.

Almost habitually, Stormzy publicly shames Boris Johnson, holding accountable the “sinister man with a long record of lying”. His 2019 chart-topper ‘Vossi Bop’ features the lyric: “fuck the government and fuck Boris”, following the named politician’s failure to obtain a Brexit deal and thus keep campaign promises.

Predating this, his 2017 single ‘Cold’ includes the line “So tell Boris Johnson, ‘Suck your mum, we don’t care’”, as well as his favourite lyric: “All my young black kings rise up/ Man this is our year/ And my young black queens right there/ It’s been a long time coming I swear”. Analysing his own track, Stormzy says: “it’s a bubbly, fun, vibrant grime track. But with that one message, it becomes bigger than a song, it becomes bigger than me”.

Performing these lyrics at Glastonbury festival in 2019, the first black British solo artist to headline on the Pyramid stage, triggered the ironic comment from Michael Gove: “he is a far, far better rapper than he is a political analyst”. Gove’s biggest oversight here was assuming the two to be mutually exclusive.

A year earlier, Stormzy performed at the Brit awards, a moment heralded historic by many. His set began on a dark stage, with rain and a spotlight on the microphone. Behind him, a choir in masks sang opening vocals before Stormzy begins a bespoke rap: “Like, “Yo, Teresa May, where’s that money for Grenfell? / What, you thought we just forgot about Grenfell?/ You’re criminals, and you got the cheek to call us savages”.

He used his platform to help gather support for the petition which demanded a panel overseeing the public inquiry into the Grenfell fire tragedy. He opened the Grenfell charity single, a cover of ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’, beginning: “I don’t know where to begin, so I start by saying, I refuse to forget you, I refuse to be silent, I refuse to neglect you”.

In 2018 he launched a publishing imprint with Penguin random house, #Merky Books. He talks of the importance of reading and writing, how he wants to make becoming an author a “realistic and achievable goal” for young authors. In the same year, he founded two scholarships for black British students to go to Cambridge University, a scheme since credited with the increasing numbers of BAME students looking into Oxbridge degrees.

More recently, he has pledged £10 million to black British causes over the next 10 years. “Black people have been playing on an uneven field for far too long and this pledge is a continuation in the fight to finally try and even it.”

If the Prime Minister is openly racist, it validates countrywide racism.

He teaches the youth of today to care about politics and be as indignant about change as he is. In numerous interviews, he asserts that Britain is indisputably racist and that this has become worse since Boris Johnson assumed the role of Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister is openly racist, it validates countrywide racism. Yet, explaining to a British person that Britain is a racist country “is the most difficult thing ever”. They see his success, they see the ‘multi-culture’ of London, and their rose-tinted glasses block out the disparity.

In 2020, Dave, the first to make it to British number one with a purely rap song, took to the Brits stage with his 2019 track ‘Black’, another artist calling out our parliament: “it is racist, whether or not it feels racist, the truth is our prime minister is a real racist”. He closes with the line: “Grenfell victims still need accommodation/ and we still need support for the Windrush generation/ reparations for the time our people spent on Plantations”.

Through such artists, rap continues to be a fight against repression, a source of information the government fail to share, and a representation of the lives many are privileged enough to learn about only through song.

Image credit: Stormzy via Instagram  

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216 Awesome Music Topics That Will Inspire Your Thesis

music topics

On this page, you will find the ultimate list of 216 brand new, 100% original music topics for high school, college and university students. No, it’s not a trick! You can use any of our topics about music for free and you don’t even have to give us credit. Many of these research topics on music should work great in 2023.

In addition, we have the best step by step guide to writing a research paper right here on this page. Just like the topics, you can read the guide for free. It will help you stay focused on what’s important and ensure you don’t miss any steps. And remember, if you need assistance with your academic writing tasks, our native English-speaking writers are the most reliable on the Internet!

Writing A Research Paper About Music

So, what is music? Music is a form of art that uses sound and rhythm to create an emotional or aesthetic experience. It can be created by combining different elements such as melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre. Music is a universal language that can be found in all cultures and has been an important part of human history for thousands of years. It can evoke emotions, tell stories, and communicate ideas. Music can take many forms, including vocal or instrumental, solo or ensemble, live or recorded, and can be classified into various genres such as rock, pop, classical, jazz, and many more.

But how do you write a research paper about music quickly? Well, we have a great step by step guide for you right here.

Choose a music topic. Select a topic that interests you and that you have enough background knowledge on to research and write about. Conduct research. Use a variety of sources to gather information on your topic, including books, academic journals, online databases, and primary sources such as interviews or musical recordings. Organize your research. Once you have gathered enough information, organize your research into an outline or a mind map to help you visualize how your paper will flow. Write a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be a concise statement that summarizes the main argument of your paper. Write a rough draft. Begin writing your paper using the information you have gathered and the outline or mind map you created. Focus on creating a clear and coherent argument, and be sure to cite all sources using the appropriate citation style. Help with coursework services can aid you in succeeding with this part. Revise and edit. Once you have completed a rough draft, revise and edit your paper to improve its clarity, organization, and coherence. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make sure all citations are correct and properly formatted. Create a bibliography or works cited page. Include a list of all sources you used in your research, including books, articles, interviews, and recordings. Finalize your paper. After making all necessary revisions and edits, finalize your paper and ensure that it meets all the requirements set by your instructor or professor. Proofread everything and make sure it’s perfectly written. You don’t want to lose points over some typos, do you?

Easy Research Topics About Music

  • The history and evolution of hip-hop culture
  • The impact of classical music on modern composers
  • The role of music in therapy for mental health
  • The cultural significance of jazz in African-American communities
  • The influence of traditional folk music on contemporary artists
  • The development of electronic music over the past decade
  • The use of music in film to enhance storytelling
  • The rise of K-pop and its global popularity
  • The effects of music on our learning abilities
  • The use of music in branding in the fashion industry
  • The influence of the Beatles on popular music
  • The intersection of music and politics in the 1960s
  • The cultural significance of reggae music in Jamaica
  • The history and evolution of country music in America
  • The impact of music streaming on the music industry

Opinion Essay Music Topics

  • Music piracy: Should it be considered a serious crime?
  • Should music education be mandatory in schools?
  • Is autotune ruining the quality of music?
  • Are music awards shows still relevant in today’s industry?
  • Should music lyrics be censored for explicit content?
  • Is it fair that some musicians earn more money than others?
  • Is classical music still relevant in modern society?
  • Should music festivals have age restrictions for attendees?
  • Is it fair for musicians to be judged on their personal lives?
  • Is the current state of the music industry sustainable?
  • Should musicians be held accountable for the messages in their lyrics?
  • Is the role of the record label still important in the age of digital music?
  • Should musicians be able to express their political views in their music?
  • Does the use of music in movies and TV shows enhance or detract from the storytelling?

Interesting Music Research Topics

  • The impact of music on athletic performance
  • The use of music in advertising and consumer behavior
  • The role of music in enhancing cognitive abilities
  • The effects of music on stress reduction and relaxation
  • The cultural significance of music in indigenous communities
  • The influence of music on fashion and style trends
  • The evolution of protest music and its impact on society
  • The effects of music on Alzheimer’s disease
  • The intersection of music and technology in the music industry
  • The effects of music on emotional intelligence and empathy
  • The cultural significance of hip hop music in the African diaspora
  • The influence of music on human behavior and decision-making
  • The effects of music on physical performance and exercise
  • The role of music in promoting social and political activism

Research Paper Topics On Music

  • The effects of music on the brain and mental health
  • The impact of streaming on the music industry
  • The history and evolution of rap music
  • The cultural significance of traditional folk music
  • The use of music in video games to enhance the gaming experience
  • The role of music in religious and spiritual practices
  • The effects of music on memory and learning
  • The development of rock and roll in America
  • The intersection of music and politics in the 21st century
  • The cultural significance of country music in the South
  • The use of music in autism therapy
  • The impact of social media on music promotion and marketing
  • The influence of music on the LGBTQ+ community
  • The effects of music on social behavior and interaction

Argumentative Essay Topics About Music

  • Does music have a negative effect on behavior?
  • Is streaming music harming the music industry?
  • Can music censorship be justified in certain cases?
  • Is cultural appropriation a problem in the music industry?
  • Should musicians be held accountable for controversial lyrics?
  • Is autotune a helpful tool or a crutch for musicians?
  • Should music education be a required part of the curriculum?
  • Is the use of explicit lyrics in music harmful?
  • Should music festivals be required to have safety measures?
  • Does the use of profanity in music undermine its artistic value?
  • Can music be used to promote political messages effectively?
  • Should musicians be allowed to profit from tragedies?

Current Music Topics To Write About In 2023

  • The rise of TikTok and its impact on music promotion
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK music
  • The use of virtual concerts and live streaming during COVID-19
  • The influence of social media on music consumption and trends
  • The emergence of new genres and sub-genres in popular music
  • Talk about cancel culture in music
  • The debate over the use of explicit lyrics in music
  • The impact of climate change on music festivals and events
  • The use of artificial intelligence in music production and composition
  • The influence of music on political and social movements
  • The rise of female and non-binary artists in the music industry
  • The effects of globalization on the diversity of music around the world
  • The role of nostalgia in the popularity of music from past decades

Musical Topics About Famous Musicians

  • The life and legacy of Beethoven
  • The impact of Elvis Presley on rock and roll
  • The career and contributions of Bob Dylan
  • The influence of Michael Jackson on pop music
  • The musical evolution of Madonna over time
  • The enduring appeal of the Rolling Stones
  • The career of Prince and his impact on music
  • The contributions of David Bowie to pop culture
  • The iconic sound of Jimi Hendrix’s guitar
  • The impact of Whitney Houston on the music industry
  • The life and career of Freddie Mercury of Queen
  • The artistry and impact of Joni Mitchell
  • The groundbreaking work of Stevie Wonder in R&B
  • The musical legacy of the Beatles and their influence on pop music

Music Research Paper Topics For College

  • The cultural significance of the accordion in folk music
  • The use of sampling in hip-hop and electronic music production
  • The evolution of the drum kit in popular music
  • The significance of Taylor Swift in contemporary country-pop music
  • The effects of drug abuse in the music industry
  • The role of music in shaping political movements and protests
  • The impact of streaming services on the music industry and artists’ income
  • The significance of the Burning Man festival in music and culture
  • The emergence and growth of Afrobeat music globally
  • The role of musical collaboration in the creation of new music genres
  • The use of autotune and other vocal processing tools in pop music
  • The effects of social and political issues on rap music lyrics
  • The significance of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in pop culture
  • The impact of music on emotional regulation and mental health

Our Controversial Music Topics

  • The controversy of the “cancel culture” in US music
  • The impact of music piracy on the industry and artists
  • The ethical concerns of music sampling without permission
  • The controversy surrounding lip-syncing during live performances
  • The debate over the authenticity of auto-tune in music
  • The controversy surrounding the use of profanity in music
  • The debate over the cultural appropriation of music styles
  • The controversy surrounding music festivals and their impact on local communities
  • The debate over the role of music in promoting violence and aggression
  • The controversy surrounding the ownership of an artist’s discography
  • The ethical concerns of musicians profiting from songs about tragedies and disasters

Captivating Music Thesis Topics

  • The role of music in promoting social justice
  • The impact of music streaming on album sales
  • The significance of lyrics in contemporary pop music
  • The evolution of heavy metal music over time
  • The influence of gospel music on rock and roll
  • The effects of music education on cognitive development
  • The cultural significance of hip-hop music in America
  • The role of music in promoting environmental awareness and activism
  • The impact of music festivals on local economies
  • The evolution of country music and its impact on popular music
  • The use of music in advertising and marketing strategies

Classical Music Topic Ideas

  • The influence of Baroque music on classical music
  • The history and evolution of the symphony orchestra
  • The career and legacy of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • The significance of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
  • The evolution of opera as an art form
  • The role of women composers in classical music history
  • The impact of the Romantic era on classical music
  • The use of program music to tell a story through music
  • The significance of the concerto in classical music
  • The influence of Johann Sebastian Bach on classical music
  • The contributions of Antonio Vivaldi to the concerto form
  • The use of counterpoint in classical music composition
  • The role of chamber music in classical music history
  • The significance of George Frideric Handel’s Messiah in classical music

Interesting Music Topics For High School

  • The history and evolution of the piano as a musical instrument
  • The significance of Beethoven in classical music
  • The impact of Elvis Presley on US music
  • The emergence and growth of the hip-hop music genre
  • The role of music festivals in contemporary music culture
  • The effects of technology on music production and performance
  • The influence of social media on music promotion and distribution
  • The effects of music on mental health and well-being
  • The role of music in popular culture and media
  • The impact of musical soundtracks on movies and TV shows
  • The use of music therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorder
  • The significance of the Coachella Music Festival in modern music culture
  • The cultural significance of the ukulele in Hawaiian culture

Awesome Music Research Questions For 2023

  • Should musicians be required to use their platform to promote social justice causes?
  • Is music piracy a victimless crime or does it harm the industry?
  • Should music venues be required to provide safe spaces for concertgoers?
  • Is the Grammy Awards selection process biased towards mainstream artists?
  • Should music streaming services pay musicians higher royalties?
  • Is it appropriate for music to be used in political campaign advertisements?
  • Should music journalists be required to disclose their personal biases in reviews?
  • Is it ethical for musicians to profit from songs about tragedies and disasters?
  • Should music education be funded equally across all schools and districts?
  • Is it fair for record labels to own the rights to an artist’s entire discography?
  • Should music festivals have more diverse and inclusive lineups?
  • Should musicians be allowed to use drugs and alcohol as part of their creative process?

Fantastic Music Topics For Research

  • The evolution of the electric guitar in rock music
  • The cultural significance of the sitar in Indian music
  • The impact of synthesizers on contemporary music production
  • The use of technology in the creation and performance of music
  • The influence of Beyoncé on modern pop music
  • The significance of Kendrick Lamar in contemporary rap music
  • The effects of misogyny and sexism in the rap music industry
  • The emergence and growth of K-pop music globally
  • The significance of Coachella Music Festival in the music industry
  • The history and evolution of the Woodstock Music Festival
  • The impact of music festivals on tourism and local economies
  • The role of music festivals in shaping music trends and culture
  • The effects of music piracy on the music industry
  • The impact of social media on the promotion and distribution of music
  • The role of music in the Black Lives Matter movement

Catchy Music Related Research Topics

  • Is hip-hop culture beneficial or harmful to society?
  • Is it ethical to sample music without permission?
  • Should music streaming services censor explicit content?
  • Is auto-tune a valid musical technique or a crutch?
  • Does the music industry unfairly exploit young artists?
  • Should radio stations be required to play a certain percentage of local music?
  • Is the practice of lip-syncing during live performances acceptable?
  • Is music education undervalued and underfunded in schools?
  • Does the use of profanity in music contribute to a decline in society?
  • Should music venues be held accountable for the safety of concertgoers?

Informative Speech Topics About Music

  • The history and evolution of jazz music
  • The cultural significance of classical music in Europe
  • The origins and development of blues music in America
  • The influence of Latin American music on American popular music
  • The impact of technology on music production and distribution
  • The role of music in expressing emotions and feelings
  • The effects of music therapy on mental health and wellbeing
  • The cultural significance of traditional music in Africa
  • The use of music in films and television to create mood and atmosphere
  • The influence of the Beatles on popular music and culture
  • The evolution of electronic dance music (EDM)
  • The role of music in promoting cultural diversity and unity
  • The impact of social media on the music industry and fan culture

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Music Research Topics

Published by Boni on October 31, 2022 October 31, 2022

Music Research Topics

Music is a highly influential aspect of our society today. It has been part of our lives for a long time now. As music evolves, everyone has their specific taste for a given genre, musical instrument or song. Some common genres may include hip-hop, rock, reggae or roots. The evolution of music has led to the subject being incorporated in the school curriculum.

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For any student pursuing a career in music, one of the important aspects of the degree is the research paper. Getting the right topic for your research essay is always a challenge to most students however, this article will have relevant examples you can get inspiration from.

Tips on how to Select the Best Music Research Paper Topic?

Choosing a good topic for any research paper is essential, especially if you aim to attain good results in your paper. The following tips will guide you in choosing the most appropriate music research topic. 

1. Be clear on your topic

Be sure of your topic before starting to write your paper; this means that you should have adequate knowledge of what type of research you are planning to conduct. For example, if you plan to include information about the impact of music on criminal behavior, then be sure that you have sufficient knowledge about music in criminal behavior. 

2. Use sources

Make sure that you have sufficient material to use in your paper. You should use sources such as books, journals, and websites containing information on the topic you plan to write about. These sources will help with your research, as they will provide well-written articles to develop your topic.

3. Develop sources

If you do not have any material to use in your paper, there are many places where you can get sources. In this case, you have to develop your sources. For example, if the topic is about the effect of music on plastic surgery, you can use research papers on medical concepts and statistics about plastic surgery performed by newspapers and magazines. You can also conduct interviews with experts in these areas of study; however, make sure that they are reliable.

4. Seek help from a professional

The professional help you should consider getting is that of a reviewer. A music research paper is more challenging than other academic papers; it requires greater attention to detail and a deeper understanding of your research topic. Therefore, you should get a professional from a reputable service to help you review your work before submitting it. Gudwriter has the best research paper essay writing service that gurantees you quality music research papers from our qulified team of experts.

Music Research Topics Examples

Below are some of the most popular music research topics:

Music History Research Topics

History is known for its accurate records, and this is also applicable to music research. For example, if you want to write a paper on the history of Broadway musicals, you should have information about the different shows produced in the past and their influences on performers. This will ensure that you get your paper done properly.

A list of topics relating to music history would include:

1. The history of the synthesizers

2. The history of music in the United States

3. The evolution of classical music

4. The history of pop music styles

5. The evolution of folk music in America

6. How technology has influenced the evolution of music styles

7. The development and influence of hip-hop

8. The history of European classical music

9. The history of African-American music

10. The history of Latin American music

11. The effect of the digital age on the evolution of music styles

Music Therapy Research Topics

These are brilliant essay topics that research on how therapeutic music can be in the society. Examples of these topics could be:

  • How does music treat psychological conditions?
  • How can you calm an individual using the theme?
  • What do people love most about classical music?
  • Does listening to music affect your effectiveness?
  • What is the impact of music as a subject in schools?
  • Can music help reduce stress?
  • Can an individual use music to heal eating disorders?
  • Why do most psychologists prefer using music when performing their work?
  • Can music lyrics help enhance your brain capacity?
  • Music and therapy
  • How does music help students in education?
  • Scientific research and music
  • How does music help learn psychology?
  • What music genre is written in different countries?
  • How music affects student’s productivity

Music Theory Topics

This music category is for the music theory lovers. It may help investigate the theories in music such as characteristics of music in different eras and crucial aspects of music in societies. Great examples may include:

  • Brilliant characteristics of Romantic-age songs
  • How music evolved in the Baroque Era
  • Who were the top compositors during the Romantic era?
  • Remarkable features of Baroque-age music
  • Uncovering symbols during the Renaissance-period music
  • How classical music relates to medical applications
  • Major music directions during the 20 th century
  • What are the crucial aspects of music?
  • History of modern hip-hop
  • Why is it that most intellectuals prefer rock music?

Music History Research Paper Topics

This is another field where you can find plenty of research topics to work on. History offers us the chance to examine and understand the origin of a particular music genre or issue related to music. You can pick any of the following topics for your music history research paper:

  • Origin of black music
  • History of musical instruments
  • What is the female impact on the jazz music genre?
  • Imperial Japanese and Chinese Music
  • Who created the music?
  • Music as it was used in the Holy Roman Empire
  • Main aspects of modernism music
  • How politics influenced music back then?
  • Modern music culture
  • Why are music studies important?
  • Conventional archetypes in music
  • How is music connected to important functions and events?
  • Genius of Bach
  • Folk music and how it impacts the population

Music Psychology Research Topics

Connecting psychology and music is not something new. However, the category has not been researched as it should be. Researchers have barely scratched the ground on the music psychology research topics. That is why this is a good topic to research on. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Are sound therapies efficient?
  • Does music education impact our abnormal activities in the brain?
  • Does music impact our state of mind, mood, and overall mental health?
  • How tones affect mental development in teens, children, and toddlers
  • How does playing a piano enhance communication skills of individuals with communication issues?
  • What are cultural differences in music?
  • Changes in music consumption patterns in young people
  • How has music changed how students think and act?
  • Can music enhance your sleep at night?
  • Does a specific genre of music champion for drug abuse that affects our psychology?

Classical Music Research Topics

For the classical sounds’ lovers, this is the category to research on. You can research on how this music works, when it started, its history, and the traits of the listeners. Below are some common example topics to pick from:

  • What songs fall under the classical genre?
  • What is the history of the classical music category?
  • Is classical music impactful today?
  • What role does classical sound play in Disney production?
  • Most impactful classical projects
  • Character traits of classical music listeners
  • Role of women in the classical genre
  • Are classical sounds and metal the same?
  • How modern melodies differ from classical music
  • Why is Mozart different from other composers in the classical genre

Music Thesis Topics

Other excellent research topics you can handle include the music thesis topics. These topics typically cover a wide range of areas in the music field from analysis of specific genres to examination of cultural implications. Examples may include:

  • A comparative study of traditional music practices in different ethnic communities
  • The psychological effects of listening to music on emotional well-being and mood regulation
  • What is music’s role in the LGBTQ+ community?
  • Examining how music is a catalyst for change in the Hip-Hop culture
  • Investigating effects of music training on neural development and cognitive abilities
  • The impact of live music performances on audience emotional response and engagement
  • Use of music as a mnemonic device
  • What role does music play in promoting cognitive development in children?
  • A comparative study of traditional and digital distribution models
  • Tracing the origin of jazz music and its influences from African Roots to modern interpretations
  • Examining female empowerment in pop music lyrics

Music Controversial Topics

Popular music is always being criticized and is often the focus of research discussions. While this is normal and not uncommon, such criticism can also be turned into a paper used in studies. Below are some examples of topics related to popular music research:

1. The use of information technology (IT) in today’s music industry

2. The politics behind the use of the word “pop” in mainstream U.S. pop culture

3. The effect of hip-hop on today’s society

4. The origins of dance music

5. The use of metaphors in today’s music

6. The role of the internet in pop music

7. The effect of lyrics on the music style

8. The impact of sex and drugs in the creation of pop music and its stereotypes

9. The influence of the Beatles on other bands and musicians

10. How racism affected black musicians during the 1960s and has affected them today 

Music Argument Topics

This type of music research focuses on the use of statistical analysis, as well as on other methods such as opinion surveys and field studies. Below are some examples of argumentative research topics:

1. The evolution of music piracy over time

2. The impact of digital piracy on the evolution of music and other elements related to it

3. How access to free, illegally downloaded music has affected the sales of CDs and records

4. The effect of parental guidance on censorship in music lyrics

5. The role that education systems worldwide play in the promotion or censoring of certain genres

6. The importance and effectiveness of copyright laws in preventing illegal downloads

7. The impact of music piracy on the global music market

8. How the evolution of technology has affected the sales of CDs and records

9. The effect of global warming on musical genres

10. The dangers that peer-to-peer networks pose to the online security of users’ computers 

Learn the basic steps to follow in writing your research paper .

Hip-Hop Research Topics

Hip-hop is a music style that originated in the United States. Its popularity has spread globally, and its music is easily recognized nowadays. It is based on African American tradition and culture, and its roots can be traced to the blues music of the 1960s. The strong beat in hip-hop music was influenced by the funk music that was popular then.

Depending on your interest, you can conduct research on a wide range of topics related to hip hop; these include, but are not limited to:

1. The history of hip hop

2. The origins of hip-hop and its influences on the world’s culture

3. The impact of hip-hop on various aspects of society, including politics, music, and language

4. How hip hop has influenced the evolution of music styles around the world

5. The effect that hip hop and other forms of music have had on other aspects of culture around the world

6. The effect that social change, technology, and political powers have had on hip-hop culture 

7. The effect of hip-hop on the body image of women

8. The impact of hip-hop on the culture around the world 

9. How hip hop has affected the media and its portrayal of women

10. The use of sampling in pop music genres 

Debatable Music Topics

Debatable topics are those that people have different feelings about. For example, while some people think rap music is harmful to children, others believe it’s a positive influence in their lives. The same applies to other genres of music.

Below are several examples of debatable music topics:

1. The impact of MP3s and peer-to-peer networks on the sales of CDs and records 

2. The effects of hip-hop on society and its stereotypes 

3. The psychology behind the creation of pop music 

4. The use of sampling in pop music genres 

5. The impact of sex and drugs in the creation of pop music and its stereotypes 

6. The role that education systems worldwide play in the promotion or censoring of certain genres 

7. The effect of media censorship on hip-hop culture 

8. The influence of the law on music genres, such as hip-hop, rap, and rock-and-roll 

Music Appreciation Research Topics

Many people enjoy music and want to learn more about worldwide music styles. If you are interested in pursuing a music appreciation research topic, here are some additional topics that you may explore:

1. The history of music and how it has changed the world

2. How pop music styles differ from one country to another 

3. The effects of global warming on musical genres

4. How hip-hop has shaped modern culture, such as language and fashion

5. The impact of social change on the emergence and development of new music styles and genres 

6. How the internet has influenced the evolution of music styles

7. The use of metaphors in music 

8. How technology has influenced the evolution of music styles

9. The impact of hip-hop on modern society, including politics and language 

10. How African-American music has shaped modern cultures, such as language and fashion 

Music Education Research Topics

If you are a student in a music program, you can research your music skills and improve them. Here are several ideas for topics that you could discuss:

1. The effect of hip-hop on education and its impact on the language spoken by children

2. The history of rap music, from its roots to modern times

3. The composition of rhythm and blues songs and their histories

4. The musical arrangement of rap songs throughout history

5. The role that race plays in the creation of rap music 

6. How sex and drugs affect the creation of pop music and influence its lyrics

7. The influence of rock-and-roll on other genres, such as jazz, blues, and country 

8. The history of sampling and its importance in the creation of hip hop 

9. The history of copyright laws and their impact on musical piracy 

Pop Culture Research Topics

You can research pop culture’s appeal, from films and television shows to music. Below are examples of topics that may interest you:

1. The history of film, including horror and action movies

2. The psychology behind the creation of pop music and its components

3. The impact that different types of music have had on society, such as race and sex 

4. How technology has influenced the evolution of music styles throughout history 

5. The role that education systems worldwide play in the promotion or censoring of certain genres 

6. The creativity involved in the composition and arrangement of pop songs

7. How pop culture has influenced language around the world

8. The history of hip-hop and its impact on modern languages

9. How African-American music has shaped modern cultures, such as language and fashion 

10. The history of sampling and its importance in the creation of hip hop 

Rap Topics Ideas

Many people enjoy listening to rap music. If you are interested in learning more about this genre, here are several topics that you may discuss:

1. How rap music has evolved throughout history

2. The role that sampling has played in the creation of various hip-hop styles 

3. How societal changes have affected rap music and its lyrics

4. How sampling has influenced modern music styles around the world 

5. The evolution of hip-hop, including its impact on popular culture

6. How rap music has influenced the language of African-Americans

7. The political overtones behind rap music and its impact on modern society

8. The effect that sex and drugs have had on the creation of rap music and its content 

If you are interested in pursuing a research topic about music, you now have several ideas to help guide you. Remember that topics should be able to answer your research questions, so make sure to explore those ideas thoroughly.

You should also remember that research is an opportunity for personal growth. If you take the time to conduct thorough research and include quality sources in your project, you will learn more about these topics and yourself.

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Papers/thesis on the positive aspects of rap music?

Guys, let me honest with you - I'm not a fan of rap music in any way, and I'm posting this message after a debate I had with a friend a few hours ago. I was hoping you could help us both with this debate.

In a nutshell, it is easy to go online and find many research papers and college thesis on the negative aspects of rap music. What we are wondering, however, is whether you've read any research papers, or published Master/PhD thesis, on the positive aspects of rap music. If you know any, can you please tell us about it?

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Published August 01, 2024

Announcing the 2024-2025 Common Application for NYU

Billy Sichel

Assistant Vice President of Undergraduate Admissions

It’s August 1st and that means the application at NYU has officially opened. This year, we’ve made some pretty big changes to NYU’s Common Application to simplify the process for our applicants, and to help us learn a little more about you!

When you start NYU’s member questions on the Common App, you’ll see 6 sections that you’ll need to complete. We give you a little bit of a head start by checking off the “Writing” section. This section is optional – but also new and exciting! More on that later.

Screenshot of Common Application

The General Information Section

In the “General” section, you’ll be asked a few questions about how you want us to handle your application – Early Decision I, Early Decision II, or Regular Decision? – and which campus you want to apply to. As you (hopefully!) already know, NYU has three degree-granting campuses: in New York, Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai. Our Common App will let you apply to any combination of our campuses.

Screenshot of General Section of Common Application

Once you make your campus selections, an additional set of questions will show up that are specific to your campus(es) of interest. Nothing too tricky here! You’ll be able to tell us about your academic area of interest for each campus, and a few other quick-and-easy questions about program eligibility, housing preferences, etc. so that we’re ready for you if you are ultimately admitted.

thesis ideas for rap music

The Academics Section

Once you have those sections squared away, you’ll move on to the Academics section. This section will walk you through the information we’ll need you to submit outside of the Common App itself. Nothing to do here, except confirm that you’re clear on the next steps and additional requirements.

Screenshot Common App Academics Section

The Optional Supplemental Question

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for: The optional, pre-checked-off Writing section. Last year, we made the decision to update our supplemental question. However, what we heard from our applicants was that people really wanted to tell us more! But the thing is
we already know why NYU is a great place to spend your 4 years, so we thought: if you want to tell us more about your passion for NYU, let’s make the question about you .

The new writing question says:

“In a world where disconnection seems to often prevail, we are looking for students who embody the qualities of bridge builders—students who can connect people, groups, and ideas to span divides, foster understanding, and promote collaboration within a dynamic, interconnected, and vibrant global academic community. We are eager to understand how your experiences have prepared you to build the bridges of the future. Please consider one or more of the following questions  in your  essay :

What personal experiences or challenges have shaped you as a bridge builder?

How have you been a bridge builder in your school, community, or personal life?

What specific actions have you taken to build bridges between diverse groups, ideas, or cultures?

How do you envision being a bridge builder during your time at our university and beyond?”

So, if it feels right for you to tell us a little more about yourself in the application, we want to know where you will turn to for inspiration, and what experiences have shaped you and resonate with you. Four years at NYU will propel you into a future you might not even be able to imagine yet, but take a minute (if you want – it really is optional!) to tell us about the ideas that have gotten you to this point, and those that might shape you into the person you’re about to become.

These are just a few of the changes we have made this year, so make sure to carefully read each question carefully before you answer them. If you ever have any questions for us about our questions, we are always here to help . We wish you the best of luck this application season, and can’t wait to learn more about you!

Billy Sichel

More from Billy:

How to Approach the Common Application

There’s no wrong way to approach the Common Application, but here’s two different strategies you might want to choose from when you apply to NYU.

Submitting a Transfer Application to NYU

Everything you need and everything you need to know about the transfer process.

Why You Should Start Your Common Application Early

There are many benefits to getting an early start on your Common Application to NYU.


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The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

Rachael Gunn, known as B-girl Raygun, displayed some 
 unique moves as she competed in a field with breakers half her age. The judges and the internet were underwhelmed.

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A woman wearing green track pants, a green polo shirt and a cap poses with her hand up in front of a judges table.

By Dodai Stewart and Talya Minsberg

Reporting from Paris

Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in just about every way.

By day, her research interests include “dance, gender politics, and the dynamics between theoretical and practical methodologies.” But on the world’s stage in Paris, wearing green track pants and a green polo shirt instead of the street-style outfits of her much younger fellow breakers, she competed against the 21-year-old Logan Edra of the United States, known as Logistx.

During the round robin, as Raygun and Logistx faced off, Raygun laid on her side, reached for her toes, spun around, and threw in a kangaroo hop — a nod to her homeland. She performed a move that looked something like swimming and another that could best be described as duckwalking. The high-speed back and head spins that other breakers would demonstrate were mostly absent.

The crowd cheered Raygun politely. The judges weren’t as kind. All nine voted for Logistx in both rounds of the competition; Logistx won, 18-0.

Online, Raygun’s performance quickly became a sensation, not necessarily in a flattering way.

“The more I watch the videos of Raygun, the Aussie breaker, the more I get annoyed,” one viewer posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “There’s 27.7 million Australians in the world and that’s who they send to the Olympics for this inaugural event??? C’mon now!”

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  23. Announcing the 2024-2025 Common Application for NYU

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  26. The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

    Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in ...