siwes report on business education

How to Write a SIWES Report – Sample and Format (Score A)

Photo of Saint Chinedu

Do you want to learn the proper way and steps in writing your industrial training/SIWES report?

Since I started this blog, I’ve received countless messages through email, WhatsApp, and my blog from industrial training students, who want to learn and know the proper way in writing a good and presentable report, but do not know how to go about it.

Some of you guys don’t have time on your side, as your report submission and presentation is around the corner.

Also, others weren’t given any orientation by their schools, and few actually didn’t undergo the training.

And now, you have been asked by your department to write and present reports.

Each time I receive such messages, I try to reply as soon as possible to prevent and possibly reduce the failure rate in this programme.

That’s why I feel it’s my duty to you, my readers, to aid you in understanding this subject, because I want you to succeed and to succeed as well as possible.

In this article, students of Accounting, Agriculture, Architecture, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Business Administration, Engineering, Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Office Technology and Management, Mass Communication etc. will easily learn how to write A-Grade SIWES report.

Just read on!

What is a SIWES Report?

Industrial Training Internship SIWES Report

This report is usually type-written using MS Word, printed, binded and is to be submitted by the students to their school lecturers/supervisors or department at the end of their training for review, presentation and grading.

The report should give succinct details of all work-related activities that took place in the place of industrial attachment.

It should be written in such a way that a layperson or one who hasn’t been to the workplace would easily and clearly understand the activities, projects, jobs carried out and products produced by the firm.

Also, the report should be free of grammatical blunders.

READ ⇒  How to Start ₦525k Weekly Earning Blog in Nigeria

SIWES Report Format

Here is the format for SIWES report writing using Microsoft Word:

  • Paper – A4 Sized White Paper
  • Font – Times New Roman
  • Font Size – 12
  • Line Spacing – 2.0 (Double Line)
  • Aligned/Justified on Both Sides

Part of the SIWES/I.T Report

The SIWES/I.T report is usually divided into three (3) main parts, namely:

(1) Preliminary Pages

  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract (Report Overview)

Note: The preliminary pages are numbered in Roman Numerals ( i, ii, iii, iv etc.) at the bottom of each page.

(2) Report Body (Chapters)

(3) References

Preliminary Pages

1. Title Page

siwes report on business education

You’ll have to include:

  • Your Full Name
  • I.T Company Name and Address
  • Matriculation or Reg. No.
  • Department, Faculty and School

The date to include can be the month and year you’re to submit your report to your department for grading or do your defense/presentation.

It can also be the duration of your training, i.e. when you began and ended your training. e.g. 06/01/2024  – 25/06/2024 .

The font size for the title page is 14  and in bold capital letters throughout.

2. Dedication

siwes report on business education

3. Acknowledgements

siwes report on business education

4. Table of Contents

siwes report on business education

The Table of Contents should show the orderly and sequential arrangement of the aforementioned pages, including the activities, projects carried out by you at your workplace.

This page enables a reader to easily know and find the exact pages of a particular topic or activity of interest without having to read the entire report.

5. Abstract 

siwes report on business education

Summary of the report.

Don’t give paragraphs when writing the report abstract, because it is usually jam-packed, as you can see in the picture above.

The length should also be 1/2 (half) or 3/4 (three-quarter) of the page you’ll be writing it on.

Use single line spacing (i.e. 1 ) for the abstract.

Report Body 

The body of the SIWES report is usually divided into four (4) chapters, although you can have up to 5 or more chapters.

But, it’s always advisable to make your report brief, except you’ve a lot to write about.

You’re not actually writing a textbook.

In short, your lecturers/supervisors may not have the time to read the complete report.

They will probably scan through important parts/pages of your report looking for errors, mistakes or interesting facts (activities).

Sometimes, “Quality over Quantity”

The manner and approach you’ll use in writing your report usually depends on the firm you work with, departments you worked in, and activities carried out by you.

For example, the way a SIWES report of an I.T student who worked in a medical laboratory is written, differs sometimes from the report of those who worked in fast food, bakeries, construction sites, farms, etc.

1. Chapter One

siwes report on business education

In this chapter, you’ll have to write on:

  • The s cope, aim and objectives of SIWES.
  • History and background of your workplace e.g. you can include the owner/manager(s) names, year of establishment, staff strength, etc. If it’s registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and NAFDAC, you can also include.
  • Company’s objectives (vision, mission, values) and scope of service. Scope of Service means the areas of specialization of the company. It can be what the company produces, sells, teaches or operates. For instance, a private hospital may specialize in a laboratory, pharmacy, gynecology, surgery, ultrasound scan, eye clinic, etc.
  • Board of Directors (if applicable).
  • Departments/sections in the company.
  • Branches of the company (if applicable).
  • Organizational chart/structure of the company.

Meanwhile, the Organizational Chart is simply a diagram showing the positions of workers/departments or flow of power in the firm from maybe the top (manager, director, CEO) to the bottom (drivers, cleaners etc.).

Organization Chart In A SIWES Report

2. Chapter Two

siwes report on business education

In this chapter, you can write on:

  • General introduction to the company or a specific unit/section in the company you worked in or a major activity, job, project you learnt and carried out.
  • Safety precautions or rules and regulations of the company.
  • Emergency in the company (optional).
  • Equipment’s, machines, tools, devices etc. used in the company or a specific unit/section in the company you worked in.

Note: Don’t include images of the equipment’s used, instead list them out orderly and state their various uses.

3. Chapter Three

siwes report on business education

In this chapter, it is expected that the activities carried out during training under various section(s) are discussed here in order of priorities and logically.

It may be numbered as 3.1, 3.2, 3.3…..

Another level, e.g. 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.3… may be added where 3.1 and 3.2 have other subheadings.

You can discuss tests, projects, production, quality control, machines applications, sewing, repairs/maintenance, construction, crafts/design, web/software development, fish farming, etc.

In this chapter, you can also choose to include some pictures of the equipment’s, tools, machines, devices, materials used in the various section(s) you worked in.

The pictures can be black and white, coloured or both.

You can also include flowchart diagrams, e.g. If you worked in a bottled/sachet water production factory, you may choose to include diagrams showing the steps involved in water production, treatment, purification, packaging, etc.

You can equally include images of the finished product (i.e. bottled/sachet water).

If you also worked in a bakery, you can also include pictures showing the steps involved in bread production (from dough mixing to final packaging of the sliced/loaves of bread in nylons).

You can equally choose to include pictures of you alone or with other students/workers while carrying out some activities in the various sections of the company. Although, this isn’t really that necessary.

Note : Pictures shouldn’t be that much. Just a few necessary ones are enough.

Any picture or diagram included in the report must bear a title/description just like the one below.

siwes report on business education

4. Chapter Four

siwes report on business education

This chapter should contain the:

  • Summary of your activities at your I.T place.
  • Challenges you encountered during your training, e.g. cost of transportation, no payment, poor attitudes of customers or fellow workers/employees, night shifts, etc.
  • Personal suggestions, recommendations towards improvement of industrial training in the firm, state or the country at large.
  • Conclusion.

siwes report on business education

This should come at the end of your report writing.

You can’t say that you actually wrote your SIWES report by yourself without making use of the internet, textbooks, materials, your workplace handbooks/manuals or copy and pasting.

This section is where all sources referred in writing are listed.

Referencing is also known as a bibliographic listing of information sources cited or consulted at the end of every research. You must give credits where due.

“American Psychological Association (APA) Style of Referencing” is recommended.

The references must be arranged in alphabetical order.

All citations must be consistent, reflected in the references section, and must conform to standard scientific format.

The references above are based on/related to report i.e. training undergo in a Poultry Farm.  

Your report can’t be about laboratory tests and you’ll now be having reference sources and articles of water or bread production. It makes little sense. It has to be related.

READ ⇒ How to Get Your Own Quality SIWES Report Samples Today

If you undergo your training in two different companies, you can choose to write just one or two different SIWES reports.

But, I’ll recommend you write only one report, i.e. merge both together.

Below is the  Table of Contents for six months training (report) undergo in two different companies ( D Kings Kid Conglomerates and OUI Ozonized Water ).

siwes report on business education

How Many Pages Should My SIWES Report Be?

I’ve received so many questions from students as to how many pages their SIWES report should be.

Well, there’s no exact page number for the SIWES report.

But, by using the format outlined on this blog, not less than 20 pages are okay.

That means 20 – 60 pages are perfect for the SIWES report writing.

Your school, department or lecturers (supervisors) may instruct and give you a specific page limit to use in your report writing.

For instance, you may be told that your report shouldn’t be less than 40 pages .

If so, obey and abide by your lecturer or supervisor rule.

Your lecturer or supervisor can also order you to increase the report font size to 13 or above instead of 12 (the standard font size).

This can be due to eye defects or choice.

If so, also obey and abide by your lecturer (supervisor) rule.

How Many Report Copies Should I Print Out?

First, printing is within the range of ₦ 10 – ₦ 30   in most cyber cafes and business centres in Nigeria.

That means, if your report is 30 pages   and you print at ₦ 10   per page…

i.e. 30 pages X ₦ 10 = ₦ 300

If you should include report binding, which is usually ₦ 100 – ₦ 300 ,

Let’s say you bind your report at ₦ 100 .

Then, you’ll likely be spending ₦ 400   ( i.e. ₦ 100   +  ₦ 300 ) in printing out just one report copy.

You may decide to print out two report copies. One for yourself and the other copy you’ll submit to your school, department, or lecturer (supervisor).

You may also decide to print and have only one report copy, which will be the one for submission.

Maybe you don’t have or want to waste money or probably you see no reason and usefulness of getting additional report copy.

How to Write SIWES Report

To write a Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) report, follow these steps:

  • For chapter one, start by introducing SIWES.
  • For chapter two, introduce the company or organization where you did your training. Include the name of the company, its location, and a brief description of what it does.
  • In chapter three, describe the specific tasks and responsibilities you were given during your training. Be sure to include any technical skills or knowledge you gained during the training.
  • In chapter four, discuss the challenges and problems you faced during your training, and how you overcame them.
  • After discussing the challenges, you faced, provide a summary of the key lessons you learnt during your training. This could include new technical skills you acquired, or insights you gained about the industry.
  • Conclude your report by discussing how your training has prepared you for future employment, and how it will benefit your studies.
  • Provide recommendations for improving the SIWES program, based on your experiences.

Keep in mind that your SIWES report should be well-written and easy to read.

Be sure to proofread your report carefully and use clear and concise language throughout.

Follow any specific guidelines provided by your school or institution for writing a SIWES report.

Your Turn…

Are you encountering difficulties in your report writing?

Do you need quality SIWES report samples?

Get Quality Report Samples ⇒  HERE

Photo of Saint Chinedu

Saint Chinedu

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Thanks so much sir.

I am very grateful.

u too try sef

how to fill logbook

How can I learn how to report SIWES.

Thanks very much This information is very helpful

Grateful sir this is helpful

This was amazingly helpful!!! God bless you big time!

thank you so much sir

Thank you sir this is very helpful

Thanks for helping us.

Thank you so very much for this information. It is highly educative and very aiding for siwes report writing.

Plz what’s this recommendation all about?

Thanks so much for the guidelines it really help

Thank you, its has helpfull

Thanks so much

so helpful, thank you

Really appreciate your efforts

I really appreciate your effort for making it easy for student to easily know what is technical report and the steps to follow to write a wonderful report. thank you sir, you are doing well.

Am a public administration student doing my siwes in admin office in general hospital I don’t know what to write in my log book please

Thanks for the clew

Am criminology and security studies student doing my IT in the airport but I don’t know what to write in my log book. In my log book they stated crime/deviance, I don’t know how to fill it.

I need a siwes report for printing technology

Much appreciate, thank you so much for your encourage, pls I want to ask about how to write siwes logbook for computer science.

God bless you Boss

Please i need the full siwes log book for a mass com

Please I need a sample on how my IT Report should look like. My training is in a cyber cafe(computer institute)

Gratitudes. You explanation is really helpfull Also your step by step arrangements are accurate. Thanks alot I really appreciate

Thank you God bless you

nice job sir

Very nice write up.. Am so grateful for this

I appreciate sir, may God Almighty continue to bless n strengthen you.

Thanks so much sir very interesting report

This is awesome… I’m really grateful for this.

Plz am a banking and finance student but am doing my siwes in a Radio station as a marketer plz I dnt knw what to write in my log book plz I need help

Just what I needed. Thanks a lot.

Thanks, I appreciate your write up.

I have a challenge, am a computer science student but was posted to Health Safety and Environment (HSE) department, how will my report look like?

Your work is really Awesome….. How do you fill in, for Days absent due to illness?

Helpful report. Thanks sir

Great guide. I will like to know if your guide is academically certified as the Nou siwes guidelines please.

Am student of biochemistry pls I need in project consigning material’s and how to about it

Thanks sir I really appreciate. It’s a nice knowledge

Thank you so much. I appreciate Pls, how can I back date to fill my log book since we didn’t complete the six months IT due to Covid-19. Is it necessary to fill all?

I appreciate your efforts I really gained much knowledge to write this report. I appreciate thanks

I appreciate your efforts I really gained much knowledge to write this report.I appreciate thanks

With your guidance I have been able to write my report on my own with out paying any body to do the work for me .. thanks

Simple and clearly written. Appreciated.

Sir, are in text citations recommended in the report?

No, it is not recommended. Only do so if instructed by your school supervisor or lecturer.

God bless Sir. It’s been a very nice experience

It’s awesome and comprehensive. Thank you.

Wow, this is so helpful. Thanks so much.

You’ve done well Mr. Saint Chinedu.

Thanks for this enlightenment

This is so explanatory. God bless you Sir.

Thanks you sir

So interesting, thank you so my much sir.

Well done sir, you have done a great job.

Thank you ?

Sir is it compulsory that I draw the equipment seen in d description of activities done .

Drawing of equipment’s can make the report comprehensive and reading understandable thereby boosting your marks.

Please is there any way I can connect with you on WhatsApp?????

Thanks a lot.

You helped me out man. God bless you.

You’re good. Thanks.

Thank you for your additional knowledge on how to write good reports… Bless you.

Thank you very much. More knowledge.

Thank you very much

Thanks for the guard line it help

Thank you sir for this. Indeed you have helped a lot.

God will continue to bless you and endowed you with more knowledge. Cheers!

Thanks so much for this, it helped me construct my report and I was pleased with it.

This is very useful. Thank you so much sir.

Great Job Admin, this is quite innovative. I’m grateful.

Thank so much

Thanks so much, Clearer now.

This is helpful Thanks man

What is the difference between summary and conclusion?

In SUMMARY, you can summarize the activities, projects you learnt and carried out in specific departments in the company.

In CONCLUSION, you can conclude the training benefits and importance to you and your course of study.

Pls can I get a ciwes report foe civil engineering department

What if I make use of only internet do I have to write the link only?

Which link?

Thanks this was helpful God bless you.

Thank you so much sir I really appreciate.

Thanks, got understanding on how to start from this

I really appreciate this write-up sir, it was indeed helpful… I had been thinking on how to write my IT report properly but now everything is clear.

This is a very good guideline sir. God Bless you.

I really appreciate.

This is very helpful

Good work, I appreciate u for the work u have done in bringing down what is call difficulty on how student will have a proper siwes report.

Thank You So Much For This… This Is Very Helpful.

Thank you so much for this guideline. It made my work so easy.

Thank you so much sir.

Thanks so much for the excellent guideline??

Thank you for your full cooperation given to we students we highly appreciate.

If I don’t comment, I won’t feel alright, nice job sir, really good work here

You’re welcome.

Thanks for making this hectic job so easy. Don’t know how to express my feeling right now

How do I write on farming and livestock especially to know the Abstract, Chapter 2 nd 3 Table of Contents. Pls sir need ur help.

Thanks so much.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much bros.

I really appreciate, thanks

Thanks a lot for your help!

Thanks so much for sharing

Thanks so much. I deeply appreciate. This information has helped me.

Thank you. This has been of great help

Oh! This really great! Thanks

It boost my confidence, thanks bro.

Please I need help with my SIWES logbook on how to fill it. I need a filled SIWES logbook on nutrition and dietetics as a guide.

Boss I need your assistance

Thanks man. Really helpful.

Wow… It was awesome thanks a lot

I appreciate your tremendous effort towards helping students undertaken their internship.

Glad it was helpful.

This was very helpful. Wrote my report in less than 3 days. Thanks for the help!

Wow…. you have made my work easy.. thanks so much.

This is just so good, though I haven’t started my report but it’s just what I would definitely need.

I was to nervous on how to go about the report writing but reading through this has enlightened me to go ahead. Thanks and God bless you.

This make sense, it helped me. Thanks

Thanks very much for this…it’s actually explainable on it’s own. God bless you

Thank you so much for this. I’ve been writing rubbish since and I’m submitting on Monday, with this I’ve begun to do it right. Soni did the IT but I never went to submit my form at ITF does that mean I’ve failed? what do I do about it?

No. It doesn’t mean you’ve failed. If you have chance, still try and submit the form. Good luck!

With this info and the breakdowns, you indeed will make this a very easy report to write, I really appreciate thanks

Please help send me your contact number I have a very serious issue to discuss with about I.T

I really appreciate this your work sir. Thank you

This is very helpful. Thanks a lot

This is a perfect work well done to enable undergraduates not to fall from their tracks of learning. Thank you for making life easier.

Tank u very much sir God bless sir.

Thanks very much But is it necessary to include the school logo to the front page?

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Journal of Sustainable Education - MOUAU

Business Educators’ Appraisal of Relevance of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) to Business Education programme in Universities in South East, Nigeria.

Article sidebar, main article content.

The essence of the study was to appraise the relevance of the Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme to business education programme. The study sought to identify the relevance of SIWES to the development of student academic career, the relevance of SIWES to business education graduates' job placement and the place of SIWES in the exposure of students to work method in acquiring skills and handling tools. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The population consisted of 77 Business Educators from Universities offering Business Education in South- East Nigeria. The researcher adopted a survey design for the study. A structured questionnaire of 28 items was used to elicit responses for the study. The research instrument was validated by three experts, the correlation coefficient obtained using the Spearman Brown Prophecy formula was .88. This indicates that the instrument was of a high level of reliability. Research questions were analyzed using the mean with standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using t-test at .05 level of significance. The findings showed that SIWES is relevant to student academic career,business education graduates' job placement and in exposure of students to work method in acquiring skills and handling tools. The researcher recommended among others that students' should be properly and adequately oriented on the importance of SIWES to their academic and professional development from their first year of study, monitored and supervised properly by both school and industry based supervisor to enhance their seriousness for job placement and students should participate actively in SIWES for development of their academic career.

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Click here for siwes activities.

The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a new Directorate under the Vice-Chancellor’s Office.  It was established on 20th April, 2012

The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skills training programme designed to expose and prepare students of universities and other tertiary institutions for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.  It is also a planned and structured programme based on stated and specific career objectives which are geared towards developing the occupational competencies of participants (Mafe, 2009).  Consequently, the SIWES programme is a compulsory graduation requirement for all Nigerian university students offering certain courses.

The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), is the accepted training programme, which is part of the approved Minimum Academic Standard in the various degree programmes for all Nigerian Universities.  The scheme is aimed at bridging the existing gap between theory and practice of Sciences, Agriculture, Medical Sciences (including Nursing), Engineering and Technology, Management, and Information and Communication Technology and other professional educational programmes in the Nigerian tertiary institutions.  It is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work methods and ways of safeguarding the work areas and workers in industries, offices, laboratories, hospitals and other organizations.

Prior to establishing the Scheme, industrialists and other employers of labour felt concerned that graduates of Nigeria Universities were deficient in practical background studies preparatory for employment in Industries and other organizations.  The employers thus concluded that the theoretical education being received in our higher institutions was not responsive to the needs of the employers of labour.  Consequently, the rationale for initiating and designing the scheme by the Industrial Training Funds ITF, in 1973.

The scheme is a tripartite  programme involving the students, the universities and the employers of labour.  It is funded by the Federal Government and jointly coordinated by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and the National Universities Commission (NUC).

  • To provide an avenue for students in the Nigerian universities to acquire industrial skills and experience during their course of study;
  • To prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation;
  • To expose the students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in their universities;
  • To allow the transition phase from school to the world of working environment easier and facilitate students’ contact for later job placements;
  • To provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work situation thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.


The Federal Government, the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), the Supervising Agency, National Universities Commission, NUC, Employers of labour and Institutions have specific roles to play in the management of SIWES.  The roles are:

          1.       The Federal Government

  • To provide adequate funds to the ITF through the Federal Ministry of  Industry for the  scheme;
  • To make it mandatory for all ministries, companies and parastatals to offer places to students in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 47 of 1971 as amended in 1990;
  • . Formulate policies to guide the running of the scheme nationally.

          2.       The Industrial Training Fund (ITF).   This agency is to:

  • Formulate policies and guidelines on SIWES for distribution to all the SIWES participating bodies;
  • Provide logistic material needed to administer the scheme;
  • Organise orientation programmes for students prior to attachment;
  • Provide information on companies for attachment and assist in industrial placement of students;
  • Supervise students on Industrial attachment;
  • Accept and process Master and Placement lists from institutions and supervising agencies;
  • Vet and process students’ logbooks and ITF Form 8.

          3.       The Supervisory Agencies (NUC, NABTEB, etc)      

The NUC is to:

  • To ensure the establishment and accreditation of SIWES unit/Directorate in institutions under their jurisdiction;
  • To vet and approve Master and Placement lists of students from participating institution and forward same to ITF; Fund SIWES Directorate adequately in  participating institutions;
  • To direct for the appointment of full-time SIWES Coordinator/Director;
  • Review programmes qualified from SIWES regularly;
  • Participate in the Biennial SIWES conferences and seminars in conjunction with ITF.

Board of Study of SIWES Directorate

1.   Professor Stanely N. Ngoa                                                                 Chairman

2.  Coordinators of the Faculties:

  • Mr. Samuel  Awolumate(Agricultural Sciences)                              Member
  • Mrs. SimbiatAdewuyiwa (Social Science)                                       Member
  • Mrs. IhuomaEfughi (Management Sciences)                                  Member
  • John Ejembi (Education)                                                                 Member
  • Adams Abiodun (Sciences)                                                             Member

3. Mr. Michael Kolawole Falolu (Bursar’s Reps.)                                      Member

4. Liason Officers In Lagos:

  • Ramoni Kolawole                                                                            Member
  • Linus Onime                                                                                    Member

5. Senior Staff in the Directorate of  SIWES:

  • Joseph Tyokagher                                                                          Member
  • Moses Adegboyega                                                                        Member
  • Mbama Ukamaka (Mrs.)                                                                 Member
  • Iduma Patrick                                                                                  Member

6 Aliyu A. Hamza                                                                                      Secretary


The Institutions

          The institutions are to:

Establish SIWES Directorate with a separate account, adequately staffed and funded to ensure effective operation of the scheme.  The unit must meet the following minimum requirements:


  • A full-time Head/Director of SIWES, rank should not be less than that of a Reader in a related discipline
  • An Administrative Office (to assist the Head)
  • At least 4 full-time Industrial Coordinators to operate the scheme at Institutional level
  • A Secretary/Typist/Data Entry Clerk


  • Adequate office space and well furnished
  • A personal computer
  • A photocopying machine
  • A separate SIWES account
  • A functional car

          C.      The Institutions will also do the following:

  • Appoint SIWES Coordinator in Schools;
  • Prepare and submit Master and Placement lists to the respective coordinating agency and ITF
  • Place students on attachment with employers;
  • Organise orientation programmes for students to prepare them for industrial training;
  • Supervise students on attachment and sign their logbooks.  A minimum of three visits should be made to the
  • students by the institution’s supervisors during the period of attachment;
  • Work out industrial tailor-made programme with the employers-based supervisor on the National Training Guidelines for each course;
  • Submit completed ITF Form 8 to the ITF;
  • Submit comprehensive reports on the scheme to the ITF after the programme.


  • Accept students and assign them to relevant on-the-job training;
  • Provide tailor-made training programmes for the students;
  • Attach experienced staff to students for effective training and supervision on a ratio of 1:10 (staff : students);
  • Control and discipline students like permanent staff;
  • Provide medical care for students within the limit of employers conditions of service;
  • Permit representatives of ITF and Institutions’ based supervisors to visit the students on attachment and
  • Grade students in the assessment Form and the ITF Form.

                THE STUDENTS

  • To attend institution’s SIWES orientation programme before going on industrial attachment;
  • Comply with the employers rules and regulations;
  • Keep proper records of training activities and other assignments in the logbook;
  • Arrange their own accommodation during the period of attachment;
  • Submit Log Books, Reports and other documents related to SIWES as required by their institution at the end of the training period;
  • Submit to ITF through their institution, Evaluation Form (ITF Form 8) completed by the students the employer and the institution;
  • Avoid changing of place of attachment except in special circumstances and with the permission of your Centre Director and the SIWES Directorate.


The minimum duration for SIWESS should normally be 24 weeks (6 months) at a stretch. The period is longer for engineering and technology programmes.  The ITF will not pay for any attachment period that is less than 24 weeks. In most institutions, SIWES is done at the end of the 2nd semester examination of either 300, 400 or 500 level.  The time and duration will have to be worked out jointly by each school and the directorate and the ITF.


  • Master List
  • Placement List
  • Summary Sheet


All students accepted for SIWESS must be given an orientation on SIWES by their institutions during which ITF staff must be in attendance


Students on attachment are to be supervised by the professional ITF staff and the institutions supervisors (comprising staff of Schools and the Directorate).

          11.     ALLOWANCES

The current students and Institutional supervisory allowances approved by the Federal Government are as follows:

Students –    N2,500.00 per student per month Institution Supervisory     – N250.00 per student per month. Only students who participate in the programme for six months at a stretch are now eligible for payment. A few of the employers pay some salary and allowance to students during attachment.



The report of the Industrial Training/Siwes is an essential part of the programme.  The programme is, therefore, not deemed to have been passed through by the student, by the School Board of Studies and the University of Senate until a satisfactory report has been written.  The guidelines for writing the reports are therefore set out  below and the student should write the report stressing what he/she did during his/her attachment.


The plan of the report is the student’s own responsibility.  To streamline all reports, the following outline is to be followed by every students. 2.1     Title 2.2     Name of Student (Surname first) 2.2.1  Matriculation Number 2.2.2  Course and Year (e.g. Bus. Edu. 3) 2.3     Location & Firm of Training 2.4     Summary or Abstracts of report (about ¾ – 1 page) it should containing all the essentials inside the report) 2.5     Acknowledgement

2.5.1  Introduction

Here, the student should state what he/she is going to write about.  He should briefly outline the organisational structure for the company.

2.6     Main Body of the Report

This is the most important part of the report and the student must show own innovations.  The plan and order sequence should include mainly: a.       The skills and practices the student required b.       The operation and maintenance training received c.       The specific work done must be given adequate coverage d.       Any design, calculations, and analysis must be carefully, but briefly recorded. e.       Supervision and any leadership role played in a given project or assignment (if any) must be briefly reported so as to leave no one in doubt as to student’s actual involvement. f.        Sketches, diagrams, graphs and drawings (if any) must all have titles and designated as Fig. 1, 2 etc. and each must be referred to at least once in the report. g.       Experimental test, together with the tables of results must also be given adequate coverage.  Each table should be given a title in a sequential order as:  Table 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. with related titles, and must be referred to at least once in the text.

2.7     Conclusion

Here, the student should state again what he has achieved, contributed and learnt during this attachment.

2.8     Acknowledgements 

All those who have in any way helped the student to the success of his training may be noted in this section.

2.9     References

A list of references may be necessary. It should be listed in the order the references are referred to in the report and also listed alphabetically.

2.10   Appendices  (if any)

Detailed description of working principles of most apparatus, equipment or devices may be reserved for the appendix section.  Only in exceptional cases when the apparatus is the main focus of training should detailed description form part of the main report.

The Directorate of SIWES

National Open University of Nigeria

Plot 91, Cadastral Zone,Nnamdi Azikiwe Express Way, 


Email:[email protected]

siwes report on business education


How To Write a Good SIWES Technical Report – Ultimate Guide

  • Reading time: 39 mins read
  • Post category: Blogs

Learning is not only for the 4 walls of the classroom. Undergraduate students, especially those studying STEM-related disciplines, need industrial experience to prepare for life after graduation. That is the main purpose of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). Among other things, it enables students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work situations. The history of SIWES in Nigeria shows that it was established to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

SIWES usually lasts for about 3 to 6 months, depending on the students’ department. A well-documented SIWES Report must be submitted at the end of the period. Obtaining an A-grade is everyone’s aspiration. However, it comes with a lot of sacrifices, hard work, and determination.

This article aims to reveal the hidden secrets in writing an excellent SIWES technical report. At the end of this article, SmartBukites offers premium samples of various A-Grade SIWES report templates .

Ready for your A + ? Let’s dive in!

Meaning of SIWES Technical Report?

Firstly, let’s get the concept behind the SIWES report.

The SIWES report summarizes all activities that occurred during the internship/industrial training. This includes experiences, skills acquired and even problems encountered. For a great grade, your SIWES report should be written in a well-structured way, with references where appropriate. Note that your SIWES report contributes at least 40% to your final grade!

Key Notes on SIWES Experience

With the experience and exposure it entails, SIWES increases student’s employability and communication skills. It also familiarizes students with their chosen career paths and the prospective work-place environment. 

Before the end of SIWES, students should seek explicit approval certifying no confidential materials or documents are included in the report. Also, students should present their findings at their SIWES station, including acquired skills and contributions. These are great additions to your CV/Resume!

The following should be considered:

  • Length of training
  • Preliminary information
  • Technical report/diary

Wondering How to Start Planning Your SIWES Report?

siwes report on business education

If You Fail to Plan, You are Planing to Fail!

Appropriate planning helps in coordinating the documentation of all the activates during the internship. Ensure you make plans before writing reports as it will serve as guidance for a successful Industrial Training report. Keep reading for a break-down of how to write a good SIWES Report.

Time needed: 7 days.

SIWES Report Format

There is a standard format for writing A-grade standard reports. Some elements of the report may be changed, but there are still some basic sections which every SIWES report must contain. The following is the standard format of a SIWES Report, according to the Faculty of Engineering, Bayero University, Kano.

Note : In some cases, your SIWES Report may not need to contain all the listed sub-sections. 

  • COVER PAGE – This should include the following in the stated order:

University Logo on the right side 

Title: Technical Report on Student Industrial Working Scheme (SIWES I/II)

[Font size 18, Times New Roman]

Place of SIWES name. 

[Font size 16, Times New Roman] 

Student Name & Registration Number 

[Font Size 14, Times New Roman] 

Month and Year 

  • PRELIMINARY PAGES – These are sections which are usually written last but are presented in the first pages of the report. They include:
  • Abstract: The abstract is the face of your SIWES report.

To a large extent, it determines how well your report will be graded.

An abstract contains a concise summary of the Industrial Training (IT) Report. Here, you summarize your introduction, aims, and purpose of the Industrial, experience, problems, and way forward. It should be brief and straight to the point, no long stories.

  • Certification: This is a page that testifies that the SIWES Report was compiled by the author. It contains a testimony-like statement with the full name and registration number (and/or department) of the student. It is duly signed by the student and his/her supervisor(s).
  • Dedication : The dedication section of your SIWES report contains information on whom or where the student dedicates the work to, either to God, deity, someone dead or alive. Make it brief and captivating. 
  • Acknowledgement: During the course of your SIWES, you must’ve come across people who contributed to your experience. The acknowledgement section of your SIWES report showcases information about people you appreciates as contributors to the success of your SIWES. We advise you to acknowledge your supervisor and lecturers. 
  • Table of Content : This contains details on the main headings, subheadings, and page numbers of the work. Each page number is derived from the page number of the heading. It should be checked when other pages are been completed to see whether they tally 
  • REPORT BODY (CONTENT): This consists of about 4 to 5 chapters:

Chapter 1.0: Introduction – Here, provide brief history of SIWES and how it was established. You should acknowledge the rationale behind the SIWES or Industrial Training (IT). You may also state objectives of the program and the importance of the training. The section may be structured thus:

    1.1 Background of the study  

1 2 Brief history of the Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) 

1.2.1 Aim of SIWES 

1.2.2 Objectives of Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme 1.2.3 Relevance of SIWES to field of study.

     Chapter 2.0: General Principles of Management (Theoretical Framework) –  

This is where you outline the various departments in the establishment and its function: This is where you enumerate different sections in the organization. After stating the different sections or departments, the student is expected to explain their functions. The section may be presented thus:

2.1 Data about the company [ Information on the establishment where the training was conducted ]: 

2.1.1 Name of the Company/Institution 

2.1.2 Address of the Company. 

2.1.3 Commencement Date. 

2.1.4 Activities of the Company/Institution 

2.2 Organizational set-up of the company 

2.2.1 Organizational structure (including organogram or chart) of the Company/Institution [ Mention the different operations/offices and the responsibilities of the office-holders in the organization. For example, Managing Director is the owner of the organization and the general overseer who makes the final decision in the office .] 

2.3 Professional Ethics

2.3.1 Code of conduct which the company/Institution follows in terms of ethics

Chapter 3.0: Analysis of Production/Services/Institution – This is where the student explains more about the activities of the organization, the projects carried out during the period of internship, and the personal experience he/she gained while participating in those projects. This can be a step-by-step procedure for producing a particular commodity for production companies.

The student is also expected to state in concise and clear terms what he/she can do on their own based on the experience gained.

This part of the report has to be in detail with charts (if any) and photographs of both the projects carried out and the tools used. However, avoid making the report too bulky.

The section consists of:

3.1 Ergonomics 

3.1.2 Health Safety and Environmental Management (HSE) of the company/Institution. 3.1.1 Company Policy, Layout, Objectives and Strategies

3.2 Products and/or Services

3.2.1 Machines/software/equipment used in the company. 

            [ Tip: State personnel required to operate them ]

3.2.2 Images of machines/software/equipment

[ Tip: Use real workplace images rather than internet-downloaded ones ]

3.2.3 Material handling 

3.3 Quality Engineering (Control)

3.3.1 Responsibilities and activities of Quality Control/Quality Assurance in the company 

3.3.2 Tools and equipment used for quality assurance. 

3.4 Maintenance Engineering 

3.4.1 Company or Institution Maintenance policy

3.4.2 Material procurement

Chapter 4.0: Industrial Experience – This section should be realistic and original. It consists:

      4.1 Actual work carried out (with clear account of experience acquired)

     4.2 Problems encountered during the SIWES period in the company/Institution 

[This is where the student explains the problems encountered. The student must have experienced or identified problem(s) or area(s) that requiring improvement or evaluation while undergoing training in the institution. Moreover, this is an opportunity for the student to express his/her self.

The challenges (problems) encountered meant here could be from the place of attachment or from the SIWES body. Nevertheless, the student is expected to be free in expressing his/herself as no one has never been punished for doing so.]

4.2.1 Suggest solutions to encountered problems

   Chapter 5.0: Conclusions and Recommendations – 

This is where you round off your report with:

5.1 Conclusions

    5.2 Recommendations

In recommendations, the student is to suggest the best possible solutions he/she thinks could solve the challenges encountered in relation to the challenges stated previously. The suggestions could be addressed either to the organization or to the SIWES body, depending on the challenges identified. 

Ensure you make conclusions using the information extracted from the previous chapters, then saying more about the reasons why the SIWES program should continue. That is, summarize your report in three or four paragraphs .


You’ll need to cite the sources of the information you used in compiling your report. In this context, relevant sources could be resources gotten from the place of SIWES, some relevant articles, textbooks or online webpages.  

You may either use a Reference List or a Bibliography. The two are often interchanged but the difference between them is that while a Reference List contains the sources quoted in the document, a Bibliography contains both the cited and uncited sources which were consulted while compiling the report.    

Any approved referencing standard can be used here; however, we suggest APA, Harvard or IEEE Referencing Standard (Especially for Technical and Engineering Students). 

Important Tips for good SIWES Report writing

References to books, term & technical papers shouldn’t be left out when making the technical report. 

The conclusion should include comprehensive comments on the value of experience gained and how it relates to one’s professional career.

Advisably, a copy of the report should be submitted to the employer, a copy to the (Faculty) SIWES Office, and the other retained as a personal copy.

[ Move Top↑]

SIWES Technical Report format

Additional Specifications for SIWES Report:

  • Generally, the paper on which the SIWES report is printed is A4 format paper
  • The “310-gram Whiteart Card” is advised for students to be used for the front cover.
  • Highlight your headings and sub-headings
  • Font is Times New Roman and size for the report content is 12, except where otherwise stated. 
  • Include page numbers
  • Line spacing is 1.5.
The “310-gram Whiteart Card” is to be advised for students to be used for the front cover.

Every SIWES technical report must include the following items:

  • Activities of the Organization;
  • Acknowledge of the Organization;
  • Summary of the Report.

In the content section of your SIWES technical report it`s necessary to include:

  • Page numbers;
  • Sub-titles;

You will be required to explain the rationale for the choice of work-place for your training. Hence, in the introduction chapter of your SIWES technical report, you will need to indicate the following

  • History of the company;
  • Structure of the company;
  • The title and the position of the officer responsible for your training;
  • Other necessary information about the company where you work.

It is necessary for all students to provide a detailed report of their activities at their assigned establishment. Therefore, every SIWES technical report should also contain the following information:

  • Problems Solved;
  • Problems encountered during the work;
  • Supervisory work:
  • Projects handled out.

In Summary, your SIWES Report should be structured as follows:

Chapter one.

  • Introduction
  • Aims/Objectives of the programs

Chapter Two

  • Description of the establishment of the organization
  • Aims/Objectives of the organization
  • Organization structure including the organogram of the establishment
  • The various departments/ groups/sections in the establishment and function

Chapter Three

  • Activities carried out in the organization or during the cause of the Industrial Training
  • Report clearly on activities carried out in the organization actually with clear statements on the experience acquired

Chapter Four

  • Problems Encountered
  • Report clearly on the problems encountered doing your stay in the organization or while undergoing the training.

Chapter Five

  • Summary, conclusion and recommendation
  • State clearly your recommendation, conclusion and summary of all the activities during the SIWES program.

Time needed:  7 days

Description of the Sections of the SIWES Report step by step

The Title Page is the first page of your report after the cover page. It contains: The purpose of the report  The place of attachment  The student’s details  The student’s institution as well as the date of the submission of the report (The period covered can be used in place of the submission date). Therefore, the Title page must carry the following information and in the order arranged: Name of the Institution, Faculty, Department, the Title (Students Industrial Training Work Experience – SIWES), your Name, Matriculation Number. The date comes last (month and year).

It contains information on whom or where the student dedicates the work to, either to God, deity, someone dead or alive. Make it brief and captivating.

It contains information about groups of people; the student appreciates as contributors to the success of the project work. We advise you acknowledge your supervisor and lecturers.

It contains details on the main headings, subheadings, and page numbers of the work. Each page number is derived from the page number of the heading. It should be checked when other pages are been completed to see whether they tally

It contains a full summary of the Industrial Training (IT) Report. Here, you summarize your introduction, aims, and purpose of the Industrial, experience, problems, and way forward. It should be brief and straight to the point, no long stories.

Chapter one : It consists of the introduction and the objectives of the program. Students should acknowledge the rationale behind the SIWES or Industrial Training (IT). In the objectives of the program, students should state the importance of the training. The benefits they derived from it. Chapter Two : This comprises the following:  The description of the establishment of the place where the training was conducted: Here, students explain details on the establishment they were assigned to. For example, History, Location, Year founded, and progress milestones.  Objectives of the establishment: This is where you explain the different operations carried out in the institution observed during the training.  Organizational structure including the organogram of the establishment: This is where you should explain what the different operations/offices in the organization specialize in.  Organizational chart: This is where you make a sketch, describing the different ranks/offices in the organization starting from the head/director to the last person/group. Also, the student explains what they do and what they are capable of doing, stating their responsibilities clearly. For instance, the Managing Director: He is the owner of the organization, the general overseer who makes the final decision in the office. You can use this method for others.  The various departments in the establishment and its function: This is where you enumerate different sections in the organization. After stating the different sections or departments, the student is expected to explain their functions. Chapter Three : This is where the student explains more about the activities of the organization, the projects carried out by the organization during the period of internship, and the personal experience he/she gained while participating in those projects. This can be a step-by-step procedure for producing a particular commodity for production companies. Also, the student is expected to state in concise and clear terms what he/she can do on their own based on the experience gained. This part of the report has to be in detail with charts (if any) and photographs of both the projects carried out and the tools used, while at the same time avoid making the report too bulky for reading as the supervisor might not have the time. Chapter Four: This is where the student explains the problems encountered. The student must have experienced or identified problem(s) or area(s) that requiring improvement or evaluation while undergoing training in the institution. Moreover, this is an opportunity for the student to express his/her self. The challenges (problems) encountered meant here could be from the place of attachment or from the SIWES body. Nevertheless, the student is expected to be free in expressing his/herself as no one has never been punished for doing so.

In recommendations, the student is to suggest the best possible solutions he/she thinks could solve the challenges encountered in relation to the challenges stated previously. The suggestions could be addressed either to the organization or to the SIWES body, depending on the challenges identified. Ensure you make conclusions using the information extracted from the previous chapters, then saying more about the reasons why the SIWES program should continue. That is, summarize your report in three or four paragraphs.

This is the arrangement of quoted names in the IT report in alphabetical order using the IEEE standard.

SmartBukites Report Sample Download

Smartbukites a-grade siwes report samples.

What if we could assist you further in crafting your excellent report? 

What if you can have access to top-notch A-grade SIWES report for different companies/Industries?

Having access to a standard report template will foster and guide you towards writing your own report. Our SIWES report samples can be of great help to students who may wish to undertake their training in a similar establishment and to any reader or researcher who is most likely to gain one or two things from the experience.

At SmartBukites, we believe in smart ways of learning and doing things and above all, we love to share our knowledge with students who are in need of them. Each Smartbukites SIWES Report Template implements the guidelines stated in this article, with helpful tips and images at intervals.

Don’t lose the opportunity to get an A-grade for your SIWES. Grab your SIWES Report Sample Now!

  • Jameel Electronics (Technology Incubation Center) SIWES Report Sample
  • Afrilight Technologies(Software Company) SIWES Report Sample
  • HUAWEI Technology CO. LTD SIWES Report Sample
  • Nigeria College of Aviation SIWES Report Sample
  • Nigerian Pipeline and Storage Company Report Sample
  • Khemsafe Computers And Communication Limited SIWES Report Sample
  • Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) SIWES Report Sample
  • Elektron Energy (Power/Energy Company) SIWES Report Sample
  • Information and Communications Technology Centre (ICTC Kaduna State University) SIWES Report Sample
  • Kaduna Electric and Distribution Company SIWES Report Sample
  • MicroManna(Computer Repair Company) SIWES Report Sample
  • COLAB Innovation Hub SIWES Report Sample
  • Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company SIWES Report Sample
  • Al-Suraj Electrical Engineering Centre Report Sample
  • President Kennedy Library Institute Of Administration (ABU) SIWES Report

Couldn’t find the sample you’re looking for? Or are you still worried about writing your report?

How about a personal SIWES report writing guide? What’s that?

The SMB SIWES report writing guide offers you one-on-one assistance on how to not only write a good report but your best report!

 With us, you’d get:

  • A breakdown of a SIWES report
  • Qualities of a good SIWES report
  • Most importantly: a qualified instructor who can answer your questions, guide and help you with your writing, and offer quality feedback till you’re satisfied.

Here is how it works:

You pay -> We connect you to an instructor via WhatsApp -> Finalise your report between 2 – 5 Days .

Method of Payment

Internet fraud has been a great issue which makes everybody scared and always taking precautions of making payments online. For you to have a greater experience, we integrated different secured methods of payment. Such as:

  • Card(Debit/Master)
  • Bank Transfer
  • Bank Deposit.

SIWES Sample payment methodes

Kindly select your preferred method on the checkout page.

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5 Evolving Trends in Business Education

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  • Business schools will need to think beyond multidisciplinary education and collaborate with other fields, schools, institutions, and global regions.
  • To meet the diverse needs of students across different stages of life, business educators will need to adapt their curriculum and foster a flexible learning environment.
  • Technology integration will remain a critical focus for schools; by incorporating tech into both teaching and learning processes, they can better prepare students for the modern business world.

Evolving Trends of Business Schools infographic

Lily Bi : [0:13] Over the past few months, I had many interactions with our business school deans and our leaders at business schools, and we identified five evolving trends related to business education.

[0:27] The first one is interdisciplinary.

[0:31] That may not be a new word, but it's not necessarily the multidisciplinary within the business school, business education. It's crossing the border of business school with the technology, with engineering, with healthcare, with social science, with many other disciplines within the university and even outside the university to another school, another country.

[0:57] That is interdisciplinary, and we are redefining the business education to be more relevant so the future leader coming out of the business school can truly be impactful to the society and our world.

[1:13] The second trend is interconnected. Business schools exist to support and advance business and society. One of the important elements is being able to connect it with the business.

[1:30] We feel many business schools are doing that. We are not only from education's perspective, we wanted to understand what is the emerging trend, what is the key knowledge and skill, so we can bring that back to the classroom, updating our curriculum, and so we bring the most impactful leader to the society.

Business schools exist to support and advance business and society.

[1:53] Also, from the research side, we bring many real-life, real-world problems to the research world so the research, the knowledge we generated from business schools can be relevant, responsible, and impactful.

[2:08] The third word is intergenerational. That is the word we haven't seen over the past many years, but we will see more. Now we see many people who are lifelong learners, me myself being one. I can be a student at my 10s, my 20s, my 30s, my 40s, and my 50s.

[2:31] Students from various different ages sitting in the same classroom. Our business schools are preparing the classroom for the flexibility that we can meet the needs from the society.

[2:45] The next one is also very important. It is internationalized. We have seen that, over the past multiple decades, many schools welcoming international students, and we do know that international students add the fuel or new energy to the society, create a lot of social impact to the countries. This is beyond the business school.

[3:11] With international students sitting with local students, at many times you could have one classroom, students come from different countries. That multicultural learning and exchange that goes beyond the curriculum, students learn more from other students, and students will be more ready when they go outside to the real world, to working with the global environment.

Our business schools are adapting and being agile to prepare the student, to prepare their research for the business world.

[3:37] The last but not the least, is integrated with technology. Technology is already the core of everything we do in the society, in the business, same for the business education.

[3:52] Our schools are preparing the students to understand technology, being able to apply the technology for their study. At the same time, our teaching mechanisms are also ready, adapting technology.

[4:06] We use the technology, we use the AI to personalize the training so the student can learn faster, learn in their own way. Our business schools are adapting and being agile to prepare the student, to prepare their research for the business world, and we are together changing the world for better.

  • cross-disciplinary
  • future of business education
  • globalization
  • lifelong learning
  • partnerships

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The Darden Report

New Effort Expands National Presence for Prison Education Program Founded at Darden

By McGregor McCance

A celebratory group of students, faculty and staff, and supporters gathered this month at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business to honor the newest graduates of a unique program that provides business education and support services to both currently and formerly incarcerated individuals.

In a warm ceremony in Saunders Hall, members of the class shared their stories of resilience and gratitude, crediting family members, student instructors and demanding-but-supportive administrators.

“I knew nothing about money. Now I respect money,” one of the honorees told those attending the celebration. “Now I know how to manage my money, know how to budget my money. If it doesn’t make sense, I don’t do it.”

“I really appreciate the Darden School because now I have a sense of understanding of the financial world,” he added.

Under Darden PREP (Prison Reentry Education Program), a component of the nonprofit Resilience Education founded at Darden, MBA students have a chance to teach business courses, credited through the UVA School of Continuing and Professional Studies, to incarcerated people at three regional correctional facilities.

Now that service to the greater good is about to grow.

Resilience Education recently announced the launch of the Fair Chance Business Education Consortium sponsored by Ascendium Education Group and in partnership with Darden, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia Business School’s Tamer Center for Social Enterprise, and Georgetown University’s Pivot Program.

This new initiative brings together universities, colleges, and academic institutions to redefine the role of business in enhancing the economic opportunity of those affected by the justice system and their communities.

Resilience Education has been collaborating with business schools to provide entrepreneurial education programs to individuals in correctional facilities for more than a decade.

“We’re really excited to announce the Fair Chance Business Education Consortium made possible by a grant from Ascendium Education Group,” said Tierney Fairchild (MBA ’94, GSAS ’96), co-founder and executive director of Resilience Education. The Fair Chance Business Education Consortium will facilitate the exchange of research, best practices, and resources among the institutions across the country that elect to participate.

The formation of the consortium offers the possibility of a more tangible — and expansive impact — on cycles of justice system involvement and incarceration. “What is the collective impact that we can generate as a coalition of programs as opposed to just individual programs, each doing our own thing, in our own place?” asked Molly Lasagna, senior program officer at Ascendium. Lasagna said sharing resources and thinking “more creatively and more ambitiously” would set incarcerated and justice-impacted students up on a path for economic mobility. “That’s why I feel really excited about supporting this consortium,” she added.

The focus on enhancing business education, leveraging research to drive decision-making, and cultivating inclusive leadership models makes the consortium unique. By establishing The Fair Chance Business Education Consortium, Resilience Education is laying the groundwork for innovation in the sector, its coordinators said. New partnerships will open new opportunities to engage employers profoundly, change the narratives on justice-involved talent, and shift mindsets about what fair-chance hiring looks like moving forward.

“One major challenge for the work we do is scaling. We can try our best to make an impact at correctional facilities that happen to be close enough to drive, and that’s great … but universities aren’t set up to have programs that scale naturally. The way to do that is through a network and that’s what this consortium represents for me — a community of like-minded folks,” said Damon Phillips, Robert Steinberg Professor of Management at the Wharton School and faculty lead of the Resilience Education | Wharton WORKS program . The Fair Chance Business Education Consortium will enable those committed to improving economic mobility for formerly incarcerated individuals to collaborate and develop new approaches within the sector.

Darden Professor Greg Fairchild, Dean and CEO of UVA|Northern Virginia and co-founder of Resilience Education, said the announcement of the consortium provides a strong signal of the value of its work and its contribution to society.

“Helping improve society and create opportunity through education is a shared value and mission among higher education institutions,” Fairchild said. “Providing skills and knowledge about the fundamentals of the economy and financial management to those who will need this information to thrive gives us all something to be proud of, while also offering a unique experiential leadership opportunity.”

About Ascendium Education Group:

Ascendium Education Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to helping people reach the education and career goals that matter to them. Ascendium invests in initiatives designed to increase the number of learners from low-income backgrounds who complete postsecondary degrees, certificates, and workforce training programs, with an emphasis on first-generation learners, incarcerated adults, rural community members, learners of color, and veterans. Ascendium’s work identifies, validates, and expands best practices to promote large-scale change at the institutional, system, and state levels, with the intention of elevating opportunity for learners from low-income backgrounds. For more information, visit .

About Resilience Education:

Resilience Education is a non-profit organization focused on breaking the cycle of incarceration by improving the economic mobility of formerly incarcerated individuals through high-quality business education and post-release support. By partnering with correctional facilities, academic institutions, and private sector allies, Resilience Education empowers formerly incarcerated individuals to excel in the workforce. For more information, visit .

The University of Virginia Darden School of Business prepares responsible global leaders through unparalleled transformational learning experiences. Darden’s graduate degree programs (MBA, MSBA and Ph.D.) and Executive Education & Lifelong Learning programs offered by the Darden School Foundation set the stage for a lifetime of career advancement and impact. Darden’s top-ranked faculty, renowned for teaching excellence, inspires and shapes modern business leadership worldwide through research, thought leadership and business publishing. Darden has Grounds in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Washington, D.C., area and a global community that includes 18,000 alumni in 90 countries. Darden was established in 1955 at the University of Virginia, a top public university founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819 in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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Report Highlights Big Gaps in Cancer Outcomes Based on Race

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter

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WEDNESDAY, May 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. cancer death rates are continuing to drop, falling by 33% between 1991 and 2020.

However, not all Americans are reaping the benefits from advances in cancer prevention, early detection and treatment, a new report from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) shows.

Race, location and sexuality all play a role in cancer disparities across the United States, according to the AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report 2024.

Black people and Native Americans continue to have the highest overall cancer death rates of all racial or ethnic groups, even though their overall cancer incidence rates are lower than those of whites, the report found.

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Black Americans, in particular, have striking disparities in cancer deaths:

Black men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer as white men.

Black women are 40% more likely to die from breast cancer as white women, even though they develop the cancer at similar rates.

Black people are twice as likely to be diagnosed with and die from multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer.

Meanwhile, a number of groups -- American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic people -- are more than twice as likely to die from stomach cancer as whites. These groups also are more likely to develop and die from liver cancer.

A person’s zip code also plays a role in their cancer risk, the report found.

People in largely rural counties are 38% more likely to be diagnosed with and die from lung cancer, compared to those living in urban areas, researchers found.

Another source of disparity comes from a person’s sexual and gender orientation, the report shows:

The risk of breast cancer is higher among sexual minority women compared to heterosexual women

Transgender people have a 76% higher risk of being diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer compared to cisgender people

Transgender women are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer as cisgender men, even though they have a 60% lower risk of developing it

"The findings of this report offer a deeper dive into the ‘whole person’ as it relates to the areas outside of medicine that contribute to health inequities,” said Dr. Robert Winn , chair of the AACR steering committee that produced the report.

“We have seen tremendous progress against cancer in the last few decades, but we must keep fighting to ensure equal access and improved health care delivery for all people,” added Winn, who is director of the Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Potential roots of these observed inequities could include, according to the report:

Social drivers of health like education level, income, employment, housing, transportation and access to health care and good food. Residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods have a 22% higher death rate for all cancers combined, the report noted

Differences in biological factors like genetics, immune profiles and gut bacteria

A lack of cancer genetics research involving a broad diversity of races

A lack of diversity among people in health care and cancer research

However, some progress has been made in narrowing these disparities, the report added.

The disparity in the overall cancer death rate between Black people and whites has narrowed significantly over the past three decades, from 33% in 1990 to just over 11% in 2020.

Specifically, disparities have narrowed for:

Lung cancer between white and Black men.

Cervical cancer between white and Hispanic women.

Stomach cancer between white and Asian/Pacific Islander populations.

The AACR report calls for billions in federal funding to fight these disparities, including more than $51 billion for the National Institutes of Health and nearly $8 billion for the National Cancer Institute in 2025.

The AACR also urged $472 million in funding for a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program aimed at health equity, as well as continued funding for Cancer Moonshot activities.

“In this era of extraordinary scientific progress against cancer, it is crucial that we ensure that no populations or communities are left behind. Health equity is a fundamental human right and must be a national priority,” said Dr. Margaret Foti , chief executive officer of the AACR.

“We hope that the information and recommendations in this report will inspire collaboration among stakeholders and the necessary support from Congress to tackle these complex issues and eliminate cancer disparities once and for all,” Foti added in an AACR news release.

More information

The National Cancer Institute has more on cancer disparities .

SOURCE: American Association for Cancer Research, news release, May 15, 2024 

Copyright © 2024 HealthDay . All rights reserved.

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Arizona is a cautionary tale for school vouchers as a wave of states are giving parents cash to send their kids to private school

  • Arizona established a universal school voucher system to allow kids to switch from public to private school.
  • An expert told BI that vouchers tend to go to wealthy families.
  • It's "a cautionary tale" for all the other states expanding voucher systems, he said.

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The prominence of school vouchers continues to surge across the country — but they might not benefit the families who need them the most.

Over the past few years, states like Ohio and Arkansas have expanded their school voucher programs to allow most or all parents to receive funding to send their kids to private schools. More than 20 states now have some kind of voucher program with more in consideration. Arizona was the first state to create a universal voucher program in 2022 — and experts have said it's the state to watch when analyzing the impact of vouchers for all.

The modern school voucher movement started to grow in the 1990s under the idea that the government would give parents a certain amount of money to put toward private school tuition. The programs were means-tested, meaning recipients had to meet a certain poverty limit to receive assistance, with the idea that kids with fewer resources would be able to earn a better education at private schools.

However, gradually, more states began to raise the poverty limit, making nearly any parent eligible to receive the funding — and in some states, it led to the cash going to the wealthiest families. Arizona is "a cautionary tale" regarding the expansion of vouchers, Josh Cowen, professor of education policy at Michigan State University, told Business Insider.

"With the Arizona expansion, it's just going into communities that are primarily wealthy," Cowen said. "When this thing stopped becoming a means test 20 years ago, it stopped being an antipoverty device."

A new report from the Brookings Institution delved further into the implications of Arizona's voucher program. Arizona was the first state to implement a universal education savings account — which the state calls the Empowerment Scholarship Account — to allow parents to receive state funding to send their kids to private school.

While the program initially was capped to students with disabilities, it gradually expanded to include more students, and it's now open to all students — but the wealthiest are disproportionately getting the funds.

Arizona is just one example of the range of programs across over 20 states implementing voucher programs. While they've been championed by many Republican legislators who have argued that the vouchers allow parents to control what their kids are learning, critics have argued that they've diverted funds from public schools and lack accountability measures.

Through an analysis of the 2024 second-quarter report for the program, Brookings found that the lowest-poverty areas in Arizona tend to have the highest participation in the ESA program, and the area with the lowest median income also has the lowest ESA participation rate.

For example, the zip codes with the lowest poverty rate, like Phoenix suburb Queen Creek, had the highest participation rate of 75 recipients per 1,000 children under 18.

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The report noted that there are a range of reasons families in higher poverty areas might not be participating in the program, including being unaware of the program or unable to get to their preferred school due to transportation barriers. Cost is also a barrier, the report said, since tuition at private schools often exceeds the scholarship amount.

"Regardless, if states that have adopted (or are considering) universal ESA programs are serious about using private school choice to address inequities in school access, they need to take a hard look at these programs," the report said. "The data emerging from Arizona provide plenty of reasons for concern."

The complicated future of school vouchers

Arizona's former GOP Governor Doug Ducey made the state's ESAs universal in 2022, later saying during a February interview that during remote learning, "parents were able to see what their kids were being taught or not taught and the level of rigor and expectation from the public schools."

"They also saw that the charter schools opened and the Catholic schools opened and many of the largest public districts chose to stay closed for nearly two years, even when the government was telling them to open," Ducey said.

Republican members of the legislature have supported the expansion of vouchers, emphasizing that parents should have a role in choosing their kids' education.

But Katie Hobbs, the state's current Democratic governor, proposed a plan in January to rein in the program as part of an effort to address budget deficits. Her plan would require students to attend a public school for 100 days at any point in their education before becoming eligible for a voucher. It would also establish transparency measures that would ensure, for example, vouchers do not pay for extravagant field trips.

"My plan is simple: every school receiving taxpayer dollars must have basic standards to show they're keeping our students safe and giving Arizona children the education they deserve," Hobbs said in a statement.

While Arizona got a head start on implementing its voucher program, other states are following suit. At least eleven now have universal programs, and other states, including Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama, are considering new laws. Arizona could preview not only budget complications for other states but a rocky outlook for the future of public education.

"You see these vouchers start to cannibalize on public school funds. The most important piece probably is at that state level where you really are talking about taking up a huge portion of dollars that the state can be spending on other things, like public schools, but also other parts of the economy," Cowen said.

"The amount of money that you're spending on this means that at some point, there are real meaningful policy trade-offs, and not all dollars are created equal," he continued. "So for schools, the state aid portion is really, really important. It's the important equalizer at the local level between districts that might have very different tax bases to draw from."

Have you received a school voucher or decided not to participate in your state's program? Are you in a state considering school vouchers? Share your story with this reporter at [email protected] .

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China Property Shares Jump on Report of Government Plans to Buy Unsold Homes


FILE PHOTO: Men work at the construction site of an apartment building in Beijing, China, July 29, 2023. REUTERS/Thomas Peter/File Photo

By Clare Jim

HONG KONG (Reuters) -Shares of Chinese property developers rallied on Thursday after a report that China was considering a plan for local governments across the country to buy millions of unsold homes from distressed companies to ease a protracted property crisis.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Mainland Properties Index closed up 4.9% to the highest since Nov 24. The sub-index has gained around 30% since mid-April, when the market started speculation that more supportive measures would be rolled out to stabilize the ailing sector after months of disappointing home sales.

Defaulted private developer Fantasia and KWG Group jumped 63% and 40% respectively, while state-backed Sino-Ocean Group surged 46%.

Hong Kong's markets were closed on Wednesday for a public holiday. They have been catching up to gains in mainland property shares since the previous day.

China's CSI 300 Real Estate index firmed 3.5% on Thursday, following a 2.2% rise on Wednesday.

Bloomberg News said on Wednesday the State Council was gathering feedback on the preliminary plan from various provinces and government bodies after a meeting of the ruling Communist Party leaders in late April called for efforts to clear mounting housing inventory.

Local state-owned enterprises would be asked to help purchase unsold homes from distressed developers at steep discounts using loans provided by state banks, according to the report, which added that many of these homes would be converted into affordable housing.

China's housing ministry, central bank, the National Financial Regulatory Administration and the Ministry of Natural Resources will hold a news briefing on Friday afternoon about the supporting policies to ensure housing delivery, according to a notice on Thursday.

Bloomberg News said in a separate report on Thursday that the State Council plans to hold a meeting with key officials from the housing ministry, financial regulators, local governments and state banks on Friday morning to discuss the property market, including a proposal to clear excess housing inventory.

Reuters could not independently verify the reports.

China's property sector slipped into a debt crisis in mid-2021. Since 2022, waves of policy measures have failed to turn the sector - which represents around a fifth of the economy and remains a major drag on consumer spending and confidence - around.


Over the past years, some local governments have already announced plans to buy unfinished or unsold homes from developers and turn them into social housing but the scales have been small.

Authorities also, in recent weeks, ramped up policies intended to clear the stock of unsold housing. Large cities like Beijing and Shenzhen have eased home purchase restrictions, with some allowing homebuyers to "swap" to a new home from an old one.

"We believe this could be a game changer in the sense that property sales may at least stabilize rather than turn worse," JPMorgan said in a report, referring to the reported plan in consideration.

The bank, however, added it is skeptical about whether the scale would be large enough to trigger a market recovery, unless the funding would come from the central government.

Nomura said if local governments could acquire a meaningful volume of unsold homes from developers, it would help resolve the inventory issue and also channel fund flows to the credit-trapped private companies, said Nomura.

This, in turn, would support construction activities and alleviate the sector's downward spiral, it added.


However, some have been concerned about the lack of housing demand in smaller cities, with worries surfacing that such a plan would further weigh on the financial health of local governments.

Local governments are already more than $9 trillion in debt and pose a major risk to China's economy and financial stability.

"It would only work in higher-tier cities but not lower-tier ones; where would the buyers come from?" said an analyst from another Asian bank, who declined to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the media.

"Telling local governments in those cities to buy inventory would just burn their balance sheet."

Goldman Sachs estimated this week that saleable housing inventory was valued at 13.5 trillion yuan ($1.87 trillion) at end-2023 and because some of their construction had not been completed, it would require 5 trillion yuan of capital investment to complete them.

($1 = 7.2151 Chinese yuan renminbi)

(Reporting by Clare Jim and Beijing Newsroom; Editing by Kim Coghill, Janane Venkatraman, Nivedita Bhattacharjee, Alexandra Hudson)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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    siwes report on business education


    siwes report on business education

  6. My siwes report

    siwes report on business education


  1. How To Pronounce Siwes

  2. What GSB Faculty Love About Teaching: Sarah Soule


  4. Siwes defense in uni

  5. Siwes(IT) defense short clip. #unilife #defense #creative


  1. PDF Business Education Students' Evaluation of the Benefits and Challenges

    This research paper specifically investigated Business Education students' evaluation of the benefits and challenges confronting Student Industrial Works Experience Scheme (SIWES) in Edo and Delta States. Two research questions were raised to guide the study and were answered descriptively. The descriptive survey research design was adopted ...

  2. Student Siwes Report Writing in The Department of Business Education

    student siwes report writing in the department of business education tai solarin university of education, ijagun ijebu-ode ogun state college of environmental sciences and management department of business education a technical report on a six months industrial triaining programme form september 2016 - november with python engineering company limited.

  3. Impact of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (Siwes) on

    Keyword: Academic Activities, Academic Performance, Business Education, SIWES INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study In the earlier stage of education in Nigeria, students were graduating from their respective institution without any technical and vocational knowledge or working experience. ... form 8 and the technical report and the non ...

  4. How to Write SIWES Report

    The length should also be 1/2 (half) or 3/4 (three-quarter) of the page you'll be writing it on. Use single line spacing (i.e. 1) for the abstract. Report Body. The body of the SIWES report is usually divided into four (4) chapters, although you can have up to 5 or more chapters.

  5. PDF Achieving the effectiveness of the Students Industrial Work ...

    sustainability, particularly in vocational and technology education (VTE) in Nigeria. SIWES, as a work-integrated learning scheme, plays an indispensable role in developing sustainable entrepreneurial competences in students (Pretti et al., 2020). SIWES is a skill-oriented scheme that is embedded into the

  6. The Review of the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in

    Abstract. Recently, SIWES has attracted studies from scholars in higher educational systems in Nigeria due to the. deficiency or lack of proficiency of many graduates, mostly in the natural ...

  7. Business Educators' Appraisal of Relevance of Students Industrial Work

    The essence of the study was to appraise the relevance of the Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme to business education programme. The study sought to identify the relevance of SIWES to the development of student academic career, the relevance of SIWES to business education graduates' job placement and the place of SIWES in the exposure of students to work method in acquiring skills ...

  8. PDF Relevance of Siwes to Business Education Programme in College of Education

    analyses of collected data revealed a significant between SIWES and business education programme. Introduction Business education is studied at secondary and higher schools around the nation as a part of technical and vocational education. that is, colleges of education, polytechnic institutions, and universities.

  9. Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) Reports

    This is a comprehensive report on my SIWES program at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital (BSUTH). BSUTH is a health institute mainly focused on quality health care delivery, research, rigorous education, management of patients and medical personnel in the health sector, providing state of the art equipments such as vitros 350, dialysis machine, CT scan for medical research and ...

  10. Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)

    The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a new Directorate under the Vice-Chancellor's Office. It was established on 20th April, 2012. The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skills training programme designed to expose and prepare students of universities and other tertiary institutions for the Industrial ...

  11. How To Write a Good SIWES Technical Report

    Generally, the paper on which the SIWES report is printed is A4 format paper. The "310-gram Whiteart Card" is advised for students to be used for the front cover. Highlight your headings and sub-headings. Font is Times New Roman and size for the report content is 12, except where otherwise stated. Include page numbers.

  12. Effect of students' industrial work experience scheme on students

    SIWES programme. Objective of the study The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of SIWES on students' readiness for world of work and to gain an insight into the true gain accruing to students of vocational and technical education in FCT COE Zuba as a result of being exposed to SIWES. Specifically, the study sought to:

  13. PDF A Technical Report on Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (Siwes)

    SIWES REPORT 2019 8 CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION In the earlier days of science and technology in Nigeria, students were graduating from their respective institutions without any technical ...

  14. PDF 1. Introduction

    Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a Skills Training Program designed to prepare and expose Students of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology, Colleges of Agriculture and Colleges of Education for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation. The Scheme affords


    This report is a summary of the experience I acquired during my six months Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) at Dori Construction & Engineering (Nigeria) limited, Lagos State ...

  16. How to Write a SIWES Report

    Don't give paragraphs when text the report synopsis, because it is usually jam-packed, in yours can see in the picture foregoing. The overall should also be 1/2 (half) or 3/4 (three-quarter) of and page you'll be writing it on. Use single line spacing (i.e. 1) for that exclusive. Report Body.

  17. 5 Evolving Trends in Business Education

    Transcript. Lily Bi: [0:13] Over the past few months, I had many interactions with our business school deans and our leaders at business schools, and we identified five evolving trends related to business education. [0:27] The first one is interdisciplinary. [0:31] That may not be a new word, but it's not necessarily the multidisciplinary ...

  18. Complete Siwes Report

    This technical report is based on the experiences gained during my five months of industrial training at Techub Dynamix Solutions, Asmau Plaza Dutse. The first chapter is about SIWES, Aims and objectives of SIWES and Bodies involved in management of SIWES. While second chapter is about the organization where the SIWES training was received.

  19. New Effort Expands National Presence for Prison Education Program

    A celebratory group of students, faculty and staff, and supporters gathered this month at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business to honor the newest graduates of a unique program that provides business education and support services to both currently and formerly incarcerated individuals.. In a warm ceremony in Saunders Hall, members of the class shared their stories of ...


    INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Background Information. The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was initiated in 1973 by the. Industrial Training Fund (ITF). This was to update practical knowledge ...

  21. 10 colleges as good as the Ivy League—and much cheaper, says ...

    These are the 10 new Ivies with the lowest average net price, according to Department of Education data: 1. University of Florida. 2. University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. 3. Georgia ...

  22. A Technical Report Work on Siwes Undertaking at National Bureau of

    This work present a technical report of the six-months student industrial experience work scheme (SIWES), undertaken at the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Federal Secretariat Complex, Ikolaba, Ibadan between September 17th September, 2018 to

  23. Report Highlights Big Gaps in Cancer Outcomes Based on Race

    Social drivers of health like education level, income, employment, housing, transportation and access to health care and good food. Residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods have a 22% higher death ...

  24. The complicated future of school vouchers

    Arizona is "a cautionary tale" regarding the expansion of vouchers, Josh Cowen, professor of education policy at Michigan State University, told Business Insider. Advertisement. "With the Arizona ...


    1.1.1 OVERVIEW. The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), also known as Industrial Training. is a compulsory skills training programme designed to expose and prepare students of ...

  26. China Property Shares Jump on Report of Government Plans to Buy Unsold

    REUTERS/Thomas Peter/File Photo. By Clare Jim. HONG KONG (Reuters) -Shares of Chinese property developers rallied on Thursday after a report that China was considering a plan for local governments ...

  27. A Report of The Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme(Siwes)

    This is a comprehensive report on my SIWES program at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital (BSUTH). BSUTH is a health institute mainly focused on quality health care delivery, research, rigorous education, management of patients and medical personnel in the health sector, providing state of the art equipments such as vitros 350, dialysis machine, CT scan for medical research and ...

  28. The top industries hiring 2024 grads, according to LinkedIn

    According to LinkedIn, these are the industries hiring the most entry-level talent: Education. Government administration. Construction. Consumer services. Financial services. The top jobs hiring ...


    This report covers a review of work done; knowledge and skills acquired between 5th August. 2019 to 3rd January 2020 during the Students' Industrial Work- Experience Scheme (SIWES) at. Bowen ...