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One Page Resume Templates

These single-page resume templates are the ideal way to show off your career at-a-glance for busy hiring managers and recruiters.

One Page Resume Templates

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  • Simple Resume Templates

Use a foolproof, simple resume template that focuses on your skills and strengths. To begin, select a resume design, type over the text and replace it with your own.

All templates

A modernized Harvard template featuring a sleek design favored by recruiters and an optimized structure for enhanced ATS performance.

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Double Column

A popular two-column resume template, free of charge, ideal for various roles, such as programming and marketing.

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Single Column Refined

A traditional, simple resume template perfect for someone who's just starting out their professional career.

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Single Column

The well-known single-column template with a traditional, yet time-tested layout. Perfect for conservative industries.

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A resume template that neatly shows your experience and education in a timeline fashion. Great for experienced people with lots of experience.

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The classic resume that everyone loves. Simple, yet effective layout that's perfect if your resume will go through an ATS.

In This Guide:

What is a simple resume, when to use a simple/basic resume, what sections to include in a simple/basic resume, tips for building a simple/basic resume, basic resume formatting tips, teacher simple resume, new grad simple resume, customer service representative simple resume, accountant simple resume, content writer simple resume, administrative assistant simple resume, legal assistant simple resume, pharmaceutical sales simple resume.

If you're looking for a timeless, evergreen template, the simple or basic resume is your top choice. Candidates can use this clean, minimalist format to curate what matters most to the job - their relevant experience.

One of the biggest benefits of using the basic template is that your resume becomes easy to scan.

What is more, simple resume formats are an ideal choice for candidates, regardless of their experience level.

This organized layout offers industry professionals an efficient and streamlined approach to:

  • present their experience, especially for industries where your professional track record speaks for itself;
  • highlight basic skills that are important for new to the workforce candidates (e.g. students, interns, etc.).

The simple resume template is a clear and concise way to format your resume .

The basic design aims to draw attention to your professional qualities and achievements. Thus presenting them in a systematic and easy-to-read fashion.

This minimalistic and orderly approach should help you stand out in a crowd of professionals who have invested in fancy design, instead of relevant content (in the form of their experience).

What characterizes the simple resume is the lack of clutter in intricate formatting.

This specific resume design excludes over-the-top elements; bright and energetic colors; and fancy, unreadable fonts.

By keeping the design simple, you'd cut to the chase to provide recruiters with a simple, yet very effective overview of your experience.

Speaking of your professional expertise, the basic resume template works perfectly well with all three best-practice formats.

Select the one that fits your experience best:

  • reverse chronological - arranging your experience in a chronological manner, starting with your latest role;
  • functional/ skill-based - shifting the focus from your experience to your strengths and unique skill set;
  • hybrid - balancing both skills and expertise.

Usually, candidates opt to present their professional experience via a double-column, simple resume that includes their:

Dedicate some resume space to highlight the specifics of your experience - awards, strengths, and accomplishments.

This would also help you to make a more personable impression on the recruiters.

Use the simple resume template to:

  • save time - creating and updating your resume within the blink of an eye;
  • highlight your experience - your content and essential information take center stage;
  • create an easy-to-read experience - thus following a structured, clean logic and presentation;
  • leave a more professional impression.

Use the basic resume formatting to organize qualifications with a focus on your career.

The minimalist, simple resume presentation hints at a variety of soft skills you possess, e.g. organization and presentation.

The basic design offers endless opportunities for professionals across different industries and niches.

No matter the job you're applying for, your experience level, or the competition for the role - a simple resume could allow you to stand out .

What is more, this basic template is perfect for both:

  • recruiters - as the format is easy to scan over;
  • ATS (or Applicant Tracking System) - the software, used to assess candidate profiles, could easily match different sections of your resume to job criteria.

So, when should you use this easy resume template?

Use the simple resume format when your experience is self-explanatory and relevant to the role

You have all the relevant skills that just don't need a fancy presentation.

With basic resume formatting, you'd show recruiters that you have what it takes for the job.

Candidates within these two fields benefit the most from a simple resume template:

  • labor-focused - e.g. construction; transportation and logistics; maintenance and repair; etc.
  • traditional or technical roles - e.g. automotive and aviation; education; law; medicine; etc.

Use the simple resume format to show how your experience aligns with basic job requirements

Just about to kick off your career , you’re a student, intern, or entry-level professional.

With your application, you'd like to show that you cover the core requirements of the role.

Utilize the simple resume format to spotlight your professional work ethic and your unique skill set.

The basic resume template allows you more time to get creative and perfect your resume content.

Make sure your resume includes at least six of the below sections to curate the specifics of your experience.

Ensure that your simple resume header is clear, professional, and includes up-to-date information, like your:

Your headline is the perfect opportunity to communicate your current role and expertise.

E.g. "AI developer perfecting the code of ChatGPT"

Alternatively, you could keep your headline simple and include the exact job position you're applying for.

Career summary or objective

Let's build up your resume further with a minimalistic approach to your summary or objective statement .

Write a resume summary when applying for more traditional roles where experience and skills are key.

Use the resume summary as an overview of your key qualifications, qualities, and achievements - and how they'd match the job.

Meanwhile, the objective statement is one of the best choices out there for entry-level professionals.

Candidates can align their best skills to the job while offering a more long-term perspective of their career goals.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to keep it concise (up to three sentences) and to use active language .

Professional experience

​​When writing your resume experience section , always make sure that it's easy to read (and is clear for recruiters).

You can do so by aligning your work history to the job advert and selecting only the most relevant items.

The resume experience is basically your proof - it's what backs up your credentials, career goals, and success.

Using the basic resume template, list all relevant roles, followed by:

  • company name
  • location (city/ state or city/ country)
  • start-end dates
  • achievements.

Opt to organize your experience items based on how applicable it is to the job.

Also, instead of creating a never-ending list of responsibilities, curate items that detail your success backed up by hard / soft skills and outcomes.

Bullet points that correspond the most with the advert should be listed closer to the top.

One of the best ways to ensure that all relevant job keywords are part of your resume is via the skills section to showcase:

The education section is especially important for entry-level candidates, who may not have as much experience that ties them to the industry.

We suggest you use it as a coherent bridge: between the role you're applying for and your professional capacities.

List the most recent or advanced degree first, working in reverse chronological order, and include:

  • name of the institution
  • degree obtained (pursuing)
  • location (city/ state)
  • graduation dates.

A simple rule of thumb: always consider the relevancy of your education to the role.

Take for example the following scenario: you are applying for a job in operation management and logistics.

But, after high school, you decided it was not the best time to continue your education.

You should definitely leave your high school diploma out of your resume.

Instead, focus on all certificates you happen to have that pertain to the job.

Achievements / Awards

A clear basic resume template also curates your career highlights with either your achievements (strengths) or awards .

These two (or three) specific sections bring recruiters’ attention to:

  • achievements/ strengths - the array of skills (you have grown over time) that make you a strong candidate;
  • awards - unique accomplishments within your industry or field that help you stand out.

The first tip to achieving a timeless, classic feel of your simple resume is this - be consistent all through.

The basic template shifts the focus from design to the actual resume content. So, be mindful of even the smallest design elements you decide to include.

Furthermore, when building your next simple resume, consider these four aspects.

Simple Resume Design

The design needs to be clean and straightforward.

All sections need to be efficiently organized while avoiding cluttered layouts , many decorative elements (e.g. icons ), and excessive use of graphs.

Within your basic resume, include the five standard sections that allow hiring managers to determine whether you qualify for the job. Those include:

  • Summary (or Objective)

Basic Resume Fonts

The end goal of your resume is for you to land the job - that's why you should prioritize legibility over creativity.

The simple template allows you to do just that.

Use classic, easy-to-read fonts (e.g. Bitter and Oswald), as they are more widely accepted for professional presentations.

The font size of your basic resume content should be between 10 - 12 points. You should use a bit larger font size for your name (14 - 16 pt); resume section headings, like Experience and Education, and headline (12 - 14 pt); and subheadings like job titles, company names, etc. (11 - 12 pt).

If you decide to spice up your simple resume with text in bold, italics, or underlined - do so to emphasize vital information.

Make sure that no matter the font you select, it does not take away the focus from your expertise.

Simple Resume Colors

Including colors on your resume that are too bright and contrasting may distract the recruiters. Thus, making your profile seem cluttered and unprofessional.

Simple resume templates avoid any over-the-top color combinations by sticking to a limited palette.

Most often, basic resume colors are neutral with:

  • one primary color - this is usually in the grayscale, and
  • one accent color - highlighting key information, like achievements.

If you decide to use different colors throughout your resume, do so sparingly and ensure that there is consistency all through your design.

Basic Resume Layout

The simple resume layout should be clean, easy to read, and polished.

How you order different resume sections is key to achieving a minimalistic and professional resume.

First off - stay clear of complex layouts.

As, when your resume is scanned by the ATS , a fancy layout could deceive the software. Hence, misaligning job requirements with, let's say, your education or hobbies section.

Next, select between a single- or double-column format to effectively utilize resume space. The single column can be an excellent choice if you happen to have less professional experience.

Your resume shouldn't be longer than two pages . In most cases, the one-page format is entirely sufficient. But, if you happen to have more than a decade of relevant experience , curate it via the two-page format.

Now that we've laid out the basics of the simple resume template design, let's dive deeper into the rabbit hole with four more key tips.

Find out more about the importance of white space, active language, simple fonts, and the right colors.

Use white space

Keep your resume easy to scan and orderly by avoiding large blocks of text.

By incorporating plenty of white space, you would:

  • create a clean and uncluttered layout;
  • draw attention to separate resume sections;
  • structure the resume with clear boundaries;
  • emphasize essential information.

The white space of your simple resume should be used to achieve an aesthetically pleasing, timeless, and professional design.

Focus on short and quantifiable sentences for your experience sentence

Have you heard of the KISS principle: keep it short and simple?

Apply KISS when listing the experience bullets within your resume.

Curate short sentences that include:

  • action verbs - to better pace your resume;
  • hard skills - competency using particular software;
  • soft skills - to display personal skills;
  • results of your efforts.

Whenever possible, use numbers to show the more tangible outcomes of your success.

Choose simple fonts

Clean and timeless fonts sustain your simple resume's readability and order.

Generally, hiring managers have high regard for these professional fonts:

  • Times New Roman

A simple font could help you accent what makes your experience unique.

Use the right colors

An effective, simple resume format presents your qualifications using subtle and consistent colors .

Some popular color combinations for your basic resume template include a white background with

  • navy blue, dark red velvet, or dark green text - to create a sense of sophistication;
  • text in earth tones - adding a sustainable twist to your resume;
  • black text combined with a pop of color - use a lively, energetic color (e.g. orange or pink) to highlight key elements;
  • text in the monochromatic color scheme - different shades of the same color (e.g. red) to emphasize important resume sections.

When in doubt if colors would shift the focus away from your experience, stick with the grayscale palette.

The classic, timeless black text on a white background provides a clean and professional look.

Meanwhile, having gray text on a white background is a subtle and elegant design.

Passionate Educator resume example

This simple, elegant one-column design provides hiring managers with the right amount of information to better understand the teacher's experience.

The top one-third of the resume includes all mandatory information:

  • all relevant, professional contact details in the headline ;
  • industry keywords and an array of soft skills listed in the summary .

The focus is then shifted to the teacher's experience . Each role offers an overview of the key skills and results achieved, e.g.:

  • interdisciplinary collaboration - higher student engagement;
  • data-driven interventions - improved student proficiency;
  • personalized approach - increased performance.

If recruiters are looking for the unique value this professional offers, they need to look no further than strengths.

This resume section clearly pinpoints the areas in which the individual excels.

Other relevant sections are used to showcase the teacher's academic background ( education and language skills ).

Finally, hiring managers can discover even more relevant skills, listed at the bottom of the resume. They are included as keywords to ensure that all job requirements are covered.

Computer Scientist resume example

This new grad resume shows what you could do if you don't have much professional experience .

The basic resume uses bright colors to accent key information (headline, roles) and design elements (icons).

After the resume musts (headline and summary), the candidate curates the following information to fill in the lack of experience:

  • strengths - what is the unique value of working with this newly graduate person;
  • internship - to highlight relevant industry know-how;
  • education and languages - to showcase how the candidate has grown professionally in the last few years.

The skills section is built on technical ones that are relevant to the industry.

Achievements are added for a more personalized element to the application.

Experienced Customer Service Representative resume example

A single-column, grayscale colors, not a single graphic in sight. The basic candidate resume's main superstar is the professional narrative or experience.

Within the example, we find industry buzzwords within the headline, followed by the candidate's life philosophy. This approach is to help the customer service representative show more personality.

The resume summary offers a quick snapshot of experience, achievements, and skills.

If you want to further highlight your skill set, the strengths section could be subsequent. The candidate uses it to spotlight industry skills (e.g. communication, problem-solving, and organization).

Note how each experience bullet is formatted with active language to demonstrate success.

Languages and soft skills play a vital role in the customer service world. They should thus have a prominent role in your simple resume.

Achievements (e.g. promotions, awards, and higher education degrees) feature more noteworthy information to support the candidate's application.

Certified Public Accountant & Financial Strategist resume example

This accountant resume is another excellent example of the basic resume template design. The candidate has listed all information with colors in the grayscale, while section names stand out in blue.

The top one-third of the resume may be short but offers insights on candidate certifications , skills, niche areas of expertise, and success.

The quote is a bit more outside-the-box approach, giving a bit more character to the candidate's resume.

This simple resume is split into two columns , curating specific information to answer why employers should hire this candidate.

Within the left-hand column, they'd find listed:

  • experience - short bullets that demonstrate achievements;
  • education - all relevant higher education degrees;
  • language proficiencies - to show a breadth of communication skills;
  • awards - as proof of work success.

The simple resume right-hand column lists:

  • strengths - focusing on key soft skills that boost the candidate's performance;
  • skills - both hard and soft skills to match the job requirements;
  • achievements - tangible results, proven with numbers.

Content Writer resume example

Who says you have to go all out with your resume design if you're applying for a role within a creative field?

The design of this basic content writer resume features:

  • headline, icons , companies, and institutions highlighted in electric blue;
  • key resume sections organized in a double-column format;
  • plenty of white space to ensure the resume's readability .

Notice how the strengths, skills, and achievements sections are curated. In the left-hand column, you'll discover a snapshot of the candidate profile with tangible outcomes and industry keywords.

Moving on to the experience bullets - the resume uses a "skill + results" formula to create a further sense of credibility. If the candidate lists “wrote 300 articles” - this won't provide context to anyone assessing the resume.

Finally, the two awards listed in the resume celebrate the candidate's success within the industry.

Administrative Assistant resume example

The basic resume colors are in a monochromatic scheme with:

  • dark purple highlighting key information (name, skills, past roles);
  • lighter purple is used for secondary elements (headline, quote, company names, institutions, icons).

After assessing the initial information, at the top of the resume, recruiters' attention is immediately drawn to the strengths and experience sections.

Both are formatted to feature skills and perceptible achievements - vital for organizational success and/or professional growth.

This double-column simple resume goes on to spotlight other relevant sections like

The candidate's achievements are once more backed up with tangible results.

The simple resume ultimately reveals the unique value of working with this candidate and her professional interests.

Experienced and Reliable Legal Assistant resume example

There's nothing better than a quick summary that gets to the point in two sentences. The simple resume allows recruiters to have a quick overview and understand if the candidate's profile aligns with the job requirements.

What is more, the legal assistant builds up her case by investing in different resume sections like:

  • strengths - hinting at success within a particular skill;
  • experience - proving niche, industry knowledge into how a legal firm works;
  • skills - including other job requirements as listed in the advert;
  • languages - showing an ability to communicate internationally.

The resume achievements section can be a nice feature of how you go above and beyond in your day-to-day work.

Finally, let's talk about the design. Its key elements include legibility, one-column formatting, and vital elements (skills and company names) in pink. This minimalistic approach helps the candidate stand out .

Pharmaceutical Sales Expert resume example

This simple pharmaceutical sales expert resume has a clean and orderly approach to presenting the candidate profile.

It kicks off with the headline, summary, and life philosophy - which align industry buzzwords with the candidate's mindset.

What is more, the double-column resume offers recruiters insights into the candidates':

  • specific skill set - most prominent in the experience and strengths sections;
  • academic background - listing relevant higher education degrees and languages;
  • career highlights - achievements and awards spotlight the candidate's soft skills and professional bests.

The basic resume format achieves the perfect balance in the design, with ample white space to highlight key career moments.

The resume helps specific information stand out in an ocean blue color while sticking with the timeless black-and-white combination for the rest of the text.

Resume image 1

Frequently asked questions about simple resume templates

How do i make a simple and attractive resume, how do i format a basic resume template, how to download a free simple resume template.

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One Page Resume Templates

Highlight Your Best Qualifications by Submitting a One Page Resume from Template.net’s Free Professionally-written One Page Resume Templates. Choose Online from Our Document Examples with Premade Contact Information, Relevant Skills, Work Experiences, Education, References, Objectives, and Summaries that You Can Edit, Customize, and Print in Minutes.

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Resume templates

Put your best qualities on display with professional, customizable resume and cv templates. no matter your line of work or length of professional history, you'll find resume and cv templates that'll help you get the gig..

Resume template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free resume templates

Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors .

Resumes don't need to look boring—add flair to your professional experience with a creative resume template. There are plenty of resume designs to choose from, like simple resume templates and modern resume templates. Each resume template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word , so you can personalize each design element and add your own text. Using a template also makes it easier to customize your resume for each position you apply to.

Print out as many copies as you'd like or download the template for free to share digitally when applying online. These professional resume templates are perfect for any stage of life or career. Whether you're a high school student, actor, or seeking a career in nursing, you can find any format for any job type.

There are also a variety of free CV (Curriculum Vitae) templates to choose from. A CV is often longer than a resume and contains an in-depth look at your education and professional accomplishments. Like our resume templates, these CV templates are also customizable in Word.

Remember, your next job is only a template away! Once you've customized your resume, explore free cover letter templates to help you land the job.

Clean One Page Resume Template (Free Download)

Clean One Page Resume Template (Free Download)

Home » Downloads » Clean One Page Resume Template (Free Download)

Clean One Page Resume Template

The best free clean one-page resume template (free download) for your next dream job search. This free single page resume template has a well-organized content with properly labeled layers which comes with a stunning presentation of content blocks. This clean one-page resume template has an attractive layout catches the eye of a hiring manager.

This free one-page resume template available in Photoshop (.psd) file format and allows easy editing. A special thanks to Hassan Ali Khalid for providing us this Free One-page resume template . Hope you like this free resume template and please feel free to share with your friends. All the best for your job search.

  • A4 & US Letter Size
  • Fully Layered & Easy Edit.
  • CMYK & 300 DPI
  • Print Ready
  • File Format: PSD

Related Resume Templates:

  • A4 & US Letter Size
  • Fully editable
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Resume Templates

/ 0 - 5 years of experience

Choose a [Free] Resume Template

Pick one of our professional resume templates to get started on your job application. Just fill out your favorite resume template to create a flawless, ATS-friendly resume in under 5 minutes. Try out one of our 8+ free resume templates to make an impressive resume and land your dream job in no time!

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General Resume Template


Combined Resume Template

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All Novorésumé resume templates are built with the most popular Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in mind. What this means for YOU is that whichever job you apply for, the CV filtering software they use will be able to read your resume (and NOT automatically discard it).

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

For over 10 years now, I've been on both sides of the fence, career counseling, and recruitment, and let me tell you, the writer's block hits hard when it comes to drafting your resume.

Novorésumé not only offers you a smart and modern template for you to fill in, but their team has also crafted a winning combo of aesthetics and functionality that will inspire you to apply for the job you thought was out of your league. Give it a try!

Biron Clark

Former Executive Recruiter

Novorésumé is one of the few resume builders that I recommend online. Their resume templates are modern and eye-catching, and will grab an employer's attention. As a former Recruiter, if a candidate sent me a resume built with one of these templates, I would take notice and be impressed.

The software also makes it easy to enter your info and handles all of the formatting for you, so you can get your resume ready to send out as quickly as possible. I recommend these templates whether you're a recent graduate or experienced candidate.

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

When I consult people on resume writing, the most common question that I am asked it is about the content and what components to add or avoid, when they have less than 5 years of work experience.

On this platform, you not only have access to many options, but you get guidance on what to choose and why. When the work experience is less than 5 years, the other components such as languages, projects, volunteering experiences, hobbies etc, make a huge difference.

Resume Resources

What is a resume.

A resume is a brief summary of personal and professional experiences, skills, and education history. Its main purpose is to show off your best self to potential employers.

When applying for a job, you’re (in most cases) going to be asked for a resume accompanied by a cover letter.

If you manage to create a “good” resume, you’re going to 2x your chances of getting hired . Want to learn how? Check out our complete guide on how to make a resume .

How to Write a Resume With No Experience?

The process of writing a resume might seem super scary to you. After all, most resume examples you see on the web are 80% about work experience. So, what the heck can you include in your resume if you have none?

Well, here’s some good news. If you’re applying for an entry-level job or an internship, no one expects you to have ANY work experience.

Instead, you should focus on what you DO have: education, projects, volunteering experience, hobbies & interests.

For a complete guide on how to make a resume with no work experience stand out, check out our article.

What to Put on a Resume?

The most common sections on a resume are:

Contact information

Resume summary or objective

Work experience

If you want to personalize your resume a bit more, you can also include the following sections:

Volunteering experience

Hobbies & interests

For more information on how to place these sections on your resume, check out our article on what to put on a resume .

How to Format a Resume?

Here are the three most popular resume formats:

Reverse-Chronological Resume

Functional Resume

Combination Resume

In 99% of the cases, you’ll want to go with the reverse chronological resume format . That’s the format most resumes you’ve seen follow - its main focus is your work experience, written down in reverse-chronological order.

So, unless you’re a student with no professional experience or a career changer, we’d recommend sticking with this format.

If you want to learn more about three resume formats , check out our comparison guide.

How to Write a Resume For a Student?

A good student resume takes advantage of the education section to highlight the candidate’s skills and qualifications.

So, the first thing you should do is talk about all your academic achievements, including any classes you’ve taken that are relevant to the position.

As a student, hiring managers don’t expect you to have extensive professional experience, so you don’t have to worry about the work experience section missing from your resume. Instead, you can focus on highlighting your extracurricular activities , any volunteering you’ve done, and your awards or certifications.

This student resume guide has all the information you need to perfect your resume and land your first real job.

How to Write a Resume For My First Job?

If you’re applying for your first job, chances are you don’t have substantial work experience. That’s fine - hiring managers expect that from entry-level positions.

First things first, go for the reverse-chronological format. Instead of writing a resume summary, use a resume objective to highlight your skills and career aspirations. If you have any work experience, do include it on your resume.

If not, you should put more focus on the following sections:

Internships , where you should focus on what you learned and achieved

Extracurricular activities , where you should highlight your role, responsibilities, and achievements.

Volunteering experiences , where you should mention the organization name, and relevant tasks and achievements.

Projects , where you talk about any personal projects you’ve worked on (that are also somehow relevant to the job you’re applying for).

Check out this guide on writing a resume with no experience to learn more about the topic and get inspired by real-life examples.

How Long Should a Resume Be?

Short answer: one page. If you're a seasoned professional with a lot of work experience that's relevant to the position, you can create a 2-page long resume MAX.

Long answer: check out our guide on how long should a resume be .

P.S. all of our templates are one page long , so you shouldn’t have a lot of trouble sticking to the one-page limit!

How to Write a Resume Summary?

Your resume summary is a “hook” that goes on top of your resume. Think of it as an introduction to the rest of your resume. It should, in 2-4 sentences, explain what your background is, and why it’s relevant for the position you’re applying for.

To learn more about how to create a resume summary that stands out, check out our guide.

How to List Work Experience on a Resume?

Work experience on a resume is one of those things that’s easy to learn but hard to master.

Each work experience entry should contain the following information:

Company name/description/location

Achievements or responsibilities

Dates employed

Now, if you want to create a work experience section that stands out, you want to make your achievements quantifiable. What this means is, instead of creating a responsibility-focused entry, like:

“Carried out sales operations.”

You list your achievements:

“Hit and exceeded monthly sales KPIs for 5 months in a row.”

This shows the employer that you’re not just a random candidate, you’re an A-player! To learn more about how to list achievements in your work experience (and land the job), check out our article.

How to List Skills on a Resume?

Simply create a ”skills” section on your Novorésumé resume template, and list your top skills. We usually recommend going for a mix of hard and soft skills .

Not sure what skills to include in your resume? Check out these 101 essential skills for any resume .

How to Make a Cover Letter for a Resume?

You should always submit a cover letter along with your resume for any job you apply to. Here are some of our top cover letter tips on how to do this right:

Tailor your cover letter to the employer. The more personalized it is, the more likely it is for the recruiter to like you.

Outline your general background (work experience, profession, etc.) and mention your top 2-3 achievements to show off your skills.

If you really want to stand out, create a cover letter that matches your resume template. To do this, you can use one of our cover letter templates here .

If you want to learn more about how to write a convincing cover letter, check out our comprehensive guide.

What Is the Best Resume Template?

There’s no such thing as “the best resume template” - every recruiter/employer has their own personal preference. Our general recommendation is to do your research on the company and its values.

For example, if you’re applying for a position at a bank, you’d want a more traditional resume template. Or, if you want a job in a startup where they value innovation more, you could opt for a creative resume template .

Alternatively, if you want your experience and skills to do all the talking, you can pick one of these minimalist resume templates .

Finally, if you’re still not sure which type of template is right for the job you’re applying for, you can just use a simple resume template just to be safe.

Do I Need to Include a Photo on my Resume?

No, you don’t need to include your photo together with your other contact details. Companies hire based on merit, which means your physical appearance shouldn’t matter to the hiring manager.

Instead, in your contact information section, make sure to include the following:

Professional title

Valid phone number

Email address

Location/where you’re based

Link to website/ LinkedIn /online portfolio, etc.

What’s the Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

In most cases, when people are talking about a CV or a resume, they are referring to the same thing! The only difference is that it's called a resume in the US and a CV in Europe (and most other countries around the world).

Now, in the US, a CV is a very in-depth document that describes your career journey step-by-step, including all sorts of personal information . Depending on your amount of experience, a CV can range between 2 to 8 pages and it’s typically used when you’re applying for jobs in academia.

Check out our guide for a more comprehensive run-down of the differences between a CV and a resume .

6 Tips for Creating a US Resume (That’ll Land You the Job)

Looking to get hired in the US? Check out our tips for creating a US resume below!

Keep your resume between 1-3 pages . A one-page resume is preferable unless you’re a seasoned professional. In such a case, you can go for two or even three, if your experience is really relevant.

Use Standard American English . So, for example, write “color” instead of the UK version, which is “colour.”

Leave out personal information , such as marital status, birthday, gender, photo, number of children, age, religion, personal identification numbers, and ethnicity/country of origin. They can be grounds for discrimination.

Don’t include references , unless the employer specifically asks you to.

Don’t list English as a foreign language.

Don’t list your GPA, SAT, TOEFL, or ACT scores on your US resume unless otherwise stated. Hiring managers usually don’t care.

Check out this guide for the full list of resume tips and tricks !

Get Inspired with Our Resume Examples

Resume templates faq, how to make a resume with novorésumé.

Follow these simple steps:

Choose one of our top resume templates above

Follow the tips & tricks built-in our resume builder

Fill in your work history and other experiences

Hit download and start applying to jobs!

What If I Am a Student?

All of our resume samples are student-friendly! If you’re looking for something a bit more tailored, we’d recommend picking the “college resume template”

Or, if you want to learn how to create a convincing student resume , check out our guide.

Do I Really Need a Resume?

Yes, you definitely need a resume!

Practically every job out there requires that candidates submit a resume and a cover letter, so if you want your application to be considered by the hiring manager, you definitely need a resume .

Are These Resume Templates Free?

Yep, all of the templates listed above are free resume templates.

However, our resume builder comes with a ton of premium features. So if you want to personalize your resume and make it truly yours, you can upgrade!

Who Created These Resume Samples?

At Novorésumé, we put extensive care in creating each resume template.

We interviewed recruiters and analyzed applicant tracking systems to create resume samples that will maximize your chances of getting hired.

Then, our professional graphic designer worked his magic to make the resume samples compelling, well-designed, and easy to read!

Which Template Do Most Employers Prefer for Resumes?

Typically, employers prefer simple, professional-looking resume templates that follow the reverse-chronological format and don’t surpass two pages MAX in length.

All the Novoresume templates above meet these requirements, so rest assured hiring managers will dig whichever one you choose.

Are These Resume Templates ATS-Friendly?

Yes! All Novorésumé templates are ATS-friendly .

Keep in mind, though, that using the right template is step #1. You should also optimize your resume content for applicant tracking systems. For more on that, check out our guide to creating an ATS-friendly resume .

Do You Offer One-Page Resume Templates?

Yep. All the templates you see above are one-page resume templates. They are, however, pretty flexible, so if you decide to go for 2 pages, our templates will get the job done!

Should I Download My New Resume In PDF or Word?

You should always download and save your resume as a PDF .

Here’s why:

PDF formatting never gets messed up.

It’s compatible with practically any system or device.

PDF documents look cleaner and are overall more professional.

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  • Resume & CV

20+ Free Nursing Resume Templates (Examples to Download for 2024)

Barni Rajah

A successful job search strategy helps you find and land your dream nursing job. You'll need to create a resume and cover letter that gets you interviews. Let's look at some nursing resume examples that you can download and use.

Clean Nurse Resume Pro (premium nursing template) from Envato Elements

Clean Nurse Resume Pro (premium nursing template) from Envato Elements

Work smart by using a pre-built resume template. You have options between free and premium templates to pick from. Browse through all available options and download one that fits your needs. 

We'll start by checking out 2024's collection of top sample nursing resume templates from Envato Elements. Then we'll explore 20 free nursing resume templates found online. 

Find the Best Nursing Resume Templates on Envato Elements for 2024 (Unlimited Use)

Thanks to Envato Elements, lack of time or skill is no longer an obstacle for many. Active membership is an investment that enables you to improve your creative projects effortlessly. Download a premium nursing template and other files without limits.

Unlock access to millions of creative assets on Envato Elements—all for a low fixed monthly fee. 

Use any premium resume templates from Envato Elements for your job application

Use any premium resume templates from Envato Elements for your job application

Get access to premium files like:

  • print, graphics, web, and presentation templates,
  • video, music, audio, and photo files,
  • 3D objects, fonts, codes, and so much more.

Premium resume templates are modern, creative, well-layered, and most importantly, impressive. Customization is minimal, and in most cases, all you have to do is add your content. Free nursing resume templates fall short and make it risky to use. 

5 Best Premium Nursing Resume Templates for 2024 

Here are five best nursing resume examples from Envato Elements: 

1. Registered Nurses CV Resume Template

Registered Nurses CV Resume Template

This file comes with a single-page resume and cover letter template. It's professionally designed and is a modern minimalistic document. Easily edit the content, add your photo, and you're all set to send out your application. 

2. Nurse Resume & Cover Letter Template

Nurse Resume & Cover Letter Template

This professional document is well-layered and clearly labeled. This premium template is convenient to work with and provides the best possible results. Download and edit this template in Adobe Illustrator today.

3. Nursing CV Template

Nursing CV Template

Here's a black and white template. The sections on the resume are divided creatively and have a modern feel. The design is simple yet uses typographic hierarchy to direct readers to relevant information. 

4. CV Resume Word Template

CV Resume Word Template

The CV Resume Word Template can be used for any job that you want to apply to. It comes with a matching cover letter that looks professional. In addition, this nurse resume download can be edited in Microsoft Word and Adobe Illustrator. The design is modern and minimal, which makes it versatile.

5. Minimalist Resume

Minimalist Resume

This minimal nurse resume download comes with Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word versions. It features an achievements and skills section where you can show your accomplishments. Plus, there's a QR code in the contact section to link to a website or social media.

20 Top Free Nursing Resume CV Template Examples to Download (2024)

Before we explore the 20 best free nursing resume templates found on the internet, let's look at Envato's free offerings. Download and use any of these premium files for free. It's an opportunity for you to experience premium before signing up.

Envato Elements offers free monthly files.

Envato Elements offers free monthly files . 

The file you want to try isn't in this month's collection? As these selections are refreshed monthly, you may be in luck next month. 

Here's the offer:

  • Twelve unique monthly files from Envato Elements are on offer: audio, graphics, video, web, etc. To get your hands on these monthly premium freebies, all you have to do is create a free account. 

Let's move on and check out 20 top free sample nursing resume templates found online. These files are available for anyone to use. 

1. Free Nurse Resume Template

This is an MS Word sample nursing resume template. The layout is simple and is in black and white. 

2. Free Dental Assistant Resume Template

This template was designed for a clerical position at a clinic or hospital. A nurse can easily customize this template to apply for registered nurse positions. 

3. Free Nursing Resume Example

Free Nursing Resume Example

This nurse resume template free download includes all important sections a nurse's resume should. But the layout is simple and may not grab attention.

4. Free RN Resume Template

This resume is simple and easy to use. It comes in PDF but can be edited in MS Word.

5. New Grad Nursing Resume Template

This template is designed for a newly graduated nurse with a few years of clinical experience done during studies. It comes in black and white. 

6. Nursing Resume Objective Template

There is a clear division between each section in this template. But the design does look a bit dated and not creative. 

7. Free RN Resume Template for Microsoft Word

This resume template includes career objectives, skills and achievements, education and qualifications, project work, computer skills, work experience, other achievements, interests, and references. 

8. Free Registered Nurse Resume Template

Free Registered Nurse Resume Template

This single-page MS Word resume template is free for anyone to use. It's a simple text-only layout.

9. Amy - Free Sample Nursing Resume Template

This resume is divided into four sections: career objective, experience, education, and licenses. Work within the provided sections to keep the resume as a single-page document. 

10. Free Nursing Resume Example

This resume example is very wordy. This document serves well as a content example for a nursing resume. 

11. Gray - Free RN Resume Template

This free RN resume template has a dark gray header and footer section. The body of the page is also split into two sections. This color sectioning is neat and a step up from other free sample nursing resume templates.

12. Red - Free Nursing Resume Example

The text on this template is black, but critical information like contact details are in red. You can highlight other texts by turning them red too. 

13. Blue - Free Nursing Resume Template

Blue Free Nursing Resume Template

In this template, sections are divided by blue lines. Section headers are in blue too. 

14. Free RN Resume Template - Google Docs

This is a free resume and cover letter set template for any registered nurse to use. You can edit or customize these templates of Google Docs.

15. Free Medical CV Template

Here's a Google Docs template you can use to apply for any medical-related jobs. Highlights are in blue. 

16. Amazing - Free Medical Resume Template

This is a two-paged resume Google Docs template. Texts are in light blue, and highlights are in red.

17. Free Nurse Resume Modern Template

Here's a two-paged, black and white resume template. Sections are divided by lines. 

18. Free Nurse Resume Traditional

Free Nurse Resume Traditional

This template comes in PDF but can be edited on MS Word. It's a traditional format that can come off looking dated. 

19. RN - Free Nursing Resume Template

This is a single-page registered nurse resume template for free. Easily edit this template on MS Word or Google Docs. 

20. Free Registered Nurse Resume Template

Here's a four-page resume template that thoroughly covers all sections with a few examples. Bold texts are used to highlight titles and essential information. 

How to Customize a Nurse Resume in Microsoft Word

After you’ve chosen a free resume template for nurses or a premium template, you’ll want to customize it.

This premium Resume Template is from Envato Elements.

In this tutorial, the Resume Word from Envato Elements is used. Because this template has a simple design, you can use it for any job you apply to.

Let's get started:

1. Add Your Information

Add your information.

When you open your nurse resume download template, you’ll notice that it's already filled out. This is to show you where information is supposed to go.

To replace the text that comes with your template, first highlight the text you want to replace. Next, press the Delete button on your keyboard.

2. Customize the Font

Customize the font.

If you don’t like the font on your template, you can change it easily.

  • Highlight the text that you want to change the font of.
  • Click on the Home tab above the toolbar. You’ll see a font field with the current font in the home tab.
  • Click on the arrow in this field. When you click on this arrow, a menu drops down. From this menu, choose the font that you want to use.

Customize the font.

To change the font size, there's a Font Size field next to the Font menu field. Click on the arrow in the field to access the font size menu. Then, choose the right font for you from the menu.

3. Customize the Colors

Customize the colors.

Some companies require a plain resume, while others want you to show your creativity or personality. If you want to show your personality in a fun way without going over the top, then adding color by changing the background is the easiest way.

  • Click on the white space in your resume.
  • Click on the Design tab.
  • You'll see a Page Color button in the toolbar under the design tab. Click the arrow next to that button.
  • When you click on this button, a color menu appears. Choose the color of your choice.

4. Add an Image

Add an image.

Some resumes require a headshot. If you’re applying to a job that does require one, you need to know how to add the image to your resume.

After choosing your image and knowing where the file is located, click on the Insert tab.

Next, click on the Pictures button in the toolbar. When you click on this button, a menu appears. Choose the right option depending on where your image file is located. Adjust the image as needed.

5. Save as a PDF

Save as PDF.

Some companies would prefer if you sent them a PDF version of your resume. This is also good information if you need to email your resume.

  • To save your resume as a PDF, click on the File option on the toolbar at the top of your screen. When you click on this option, a menu appears.
  • Choose the Save As… option. When you click Save As , a window appears. In that window, there's a File Format: field. Click on the arrow in that field.
  • When you click on the arrow, a menu drops down. Click the PDF option.
  • Once the option is selected, click on the blue Save button at the bottom of the window.

5 Quick Tips To Make Great Nursing Resumes in 2024

Do you need to create an impressive nursing resume, and are you unsure how to go about it? Here are five quick tips for setting you on the right path for this job application: 

1. Add Better Keywords and Phrases

Increase the chances of getting called for an interview by adding relevant keywords and phrases to your CV. Recruiters use Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software or manually screen applications to assess applicants' compatibility to the position. Learn more about the importance of keywords for resumes with this guide:

simple one page resume format download

2. Highlights and Section Dividers

There are many ways to highlight and show clear division of sections. But some approaches like lines and bold fonts can look dated. While dividing by background colors can look clean and modern.

Medical-Themed Resume from Envato Elements, uses colors to creatively divide sections

Medical-Themed Resume (premium template) from Envato Elements, uses colors to creatively divide sections

Keep this in mind while selecting your template and be sure to go with a template that creatively separates sections. A well-designed resume grabs attention, is easy to read, and directs your eyes to vital information. 

3. Provide References Upon Request

Licenses and Certification is included instead of references here on Medical CV Resume & Cover Letter (Envato Elements)

Licenses and Certification is included instead of References on the premium Medical CV Resume & Cover Letter (Envato Elements)

Leave out the references from your resume. You've got limited space to work with, and you can provide the references upon request. The goal, for now, is to include as much information (with keywords) to get an interview. 

4. Go Visual With Infographics

Medical Resume from Envato Elements, uses simple graphics and icons to visualize some texts

Medical Resume (premium example) uses simple graphics and icons to visualize some texts

Visuals grab attention more than texts. Turn timelines, skills, or software knowledge into graphics. Icons are also a great way to add more color to your resume.  

5. Stand Out With a Personal Brand Statement

Consider adding a personal brand statement to your CV. It summarizes your current position in your career and what you can bring to the company. Check out this article to find out how you can write a great personal brand statement:

simple one page resume format download

5 Resume Design Trends

It'll help your job search if your resume looks current. Here are some top resume design trends to incorporate into your resume:

1. List Your Skills

List your skills.

Skills are an essential section that shows your potential employer what you have that they need at a glance. There are two different skills that you can add to your resume. They are:

  • Hard skills . These are gained through education or work experiences.
  • Soft skills . These are skills that relate to how you work and interact with others. (For example, communication, teamwork, and Problem-solving.)

Listing your skills is a great way to show your potential employer what makes you stand out among the other applicants.

2. Choose the Right Format

There are several different types of resume formats. Not every format is best for the job that you’re applying to. Here are the three top resume formats:

  • Reverse Chronological Format . This format is the most common among traditional career paths. The format lists your work history in reverse chronological order, with your current job first and ending with your first job.
  • Functional Format . This is a great choice for someone applying to a niche career, looking to change careers, or without work experience. In this format, you list skills and experience relevant to the job you’re applying to rather than your work history.
  • Combination Format . This format will work well for you if you have a diverse work history. This format combines reverse chronological and functional formats.

When choosing which format works for you, consider the job you're applying for and your career field.

3. Include Your Social Media

Include your social media.

Your online presence can help your job hunt. Most employers would prefer if you at least have a LinkedIn profile that you can link to on your resume. LinkedIn is a great tool where you can expand your resume. It’s created specifically for job hunters. If you have a creative job, you should link to your website with your portfolio. Before applying for a job, make sure to check all of your social media. Make sure it doesn’t have anything you don’t want potential employers to see.

4. List Your Accomplishments

Instead of just listing job titles, it's more impressive to list your accomplishments. Did you win an award in your career? Add it to the resume.

Did you finish a high number of projects? Add it to your resume. This shows your future employer that you don’t just know how to do your job but that you’re good at your job. Adding your accomplishments can impress the hiring manager and lead to a higher chance of being hired.

Be bold.

Subtle pops of color can make your resume stand out among boring black-and-white resumes. Before adding a pop of color, consider the job you’re applying for. For example, a resume with a hot pink background can look unprofessional if you are applying to be a lawyer. Instead, some resumes have colorful objects that highlight essential information on your resume. This is a great way to add color because you highlight important information without distracting the reader.

Discover More Top Resume Template Designs

Are you interested in exploring some top multipurpose resume templates? Here are three top collections for you to start with. 

simple one page resume format download

Learn More About Making Great Resumes in 2024

Put your best foot forward with the help of an impressive registered nurse resume. Are you new at creating resumes and could use some guidance?

Pin this Ultimate Guide to Building a Resume to your browser. It serves as a quick reference with loads of tips to help you land that dream job. 

Here are three sample how-to tutorials: 

simple one page resume format download

Download a Premium Top Registered Nurse Resume Template Today!

A job application process can feel daunting at times. And not getting called for an interview you wanted is highly frustrating too. Increase your chances of getting interviews by submitting a well-prepared resume that best represents you. 

Envato Elements' premium nursing resume templates get you on the right path to creating an impressive resume that'll stand out from the competition. With an active Envato Elements subscription, you'll take all your other creative projects to new heights too. It's time to work smart! 

Get the best nurse resume templates from Envato Elements! Subscribe to download now!

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy . Sarah is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.

Barni Rajah


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  22. 100 Resume Templates in Word Format (Free Download)

    Resume templates and examples to download for FREE in Word. ️ CV samples 2024. Choose a professional template that suits you. Download now! ... Word Basic Resume Formats. Microsoft Word is one of the best formats to edit your resume quickly and professionally. Find over 100 Resume Templates in Word for free.

  23. Free Online Simple Resume Builder

    Stand out with a custom resume with the Adobe Express free simple resume builder. Showcase your experiences, skills and knowledge with the Adobe Express simple resume builder. With a wide collection of professionally-designed resume templates to choose from, it's easier than ever now to make, save and print an impressive resume that'll help ...

  24. 20+ Free Nursing Resume Templates (Examples to Download for 2024)

    Browse through all available options and download one that fits your needs. ... This is an MS Word sample nursing resume template. The layout is simple and is in black and white. ... Here's a four-page resume template that thoroughly covers all sections with a few examples. Bold texts are used to highlight titles and essential information.