Thomas R. Verny M.D.

Exploring the Nature of Mind Over Matter

Part ii of the series, "consciousness, free will, and the mind.".

Posted June 10, 2022 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

  • Human vibrational energy; words, spoken or written, feelings and music, affect the molecular structure of water.
  • Similarly, words carrying an emotional charge affect every cell, tissue, and organ of one's body.
  • Hypnosis has been successfully used to treat individuals suffering from chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and PTSD.
  • Psychotherapists have successfully used hypnosis in the service of age regression and the uncovering of past traumas.

Through the 1990s, Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author, researcher, photographer, and entrepreneur, performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music, and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto exposed water to different variables and subsequently froze it so that crystalline structures formed.

In one series of experiments, Emoto taped different words, both positive and negative on containers filled with water. The water container stamped with positive words produced more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing crystals than the water in containers stamped with dark, negative phrases.

“Water is the mirror of the mind,” according to Emoto. Emoto’s research demonstrates that human vibrational energy; words, spoken or written, feelings and music, affect the molecular structure of water. But it is not only water that our thoughts and feelings affect.

Many people have replicated Emoto’s rice experiment including two of my friends. They started their experiment on February 1st, 2007. They kept two labeled jars of cooked white rice on top of their piano, not too far apart so that they would have the same light and room temperature, etc. Toward the rice on the left, they daily directed their voices, saying “Thank you! You're beautiful!” Toward the rice on the right, they said, “You fool! You stink!"

Three months later, the rice in the left jar looked almost intact, and the one on the right started to deteriorate and turn black. Six months later, the rice on the left looked darker but still pretty healthy. The rice in the jar on the right was almost totally black and rotten.

Water makes up 80 percent of rice as well as of our bodies. So, what effect do words with an emotional charge have on humans? While there is much psychological evidence for the power of words, there is a dearth of biological research on this subject. An example of the former approach is the research of David Chamberlain, a San Diego psychologist and one of the early pioneers of Pre and Perinatal Psychology.

According to Chamberlain, birth memories that arise in the course of insight-oriented psychotherapy illustrate how babies can be stung and poisoned for decades by unkind remarks such as “What’s wrong with her head?” or, “Wow, this looks like a sickly one.”

Another example of how words can affect the mind and how the mind in turn can affect the body is hypnosis . Hypnosis is best described as an altered state of consciousness, similar to relaxation, meditation , or sleep. James Braid (1795-1860), introduced the term hypnosis from the Greek “hypnos” meaning sleep, as he considered hypnosis to be a “nervous sleep."

Traditionally, psychologists and neuroscientists have been skeptical of hypnosis and distrustful of participants’ subjective reports of profound changes in perception following specific suggestions. However, the advent of cognitive neuroscience and the application of neuroimaging methods to hypnosis has brought about the validation of participants’ subjective responses to hypnosis.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1958, the American Medical Association suggested that hypnosis should be included in the curriculum of medical schools, and in 1960, the Association of American Psychologists officially acknowledged the therapeutic use of hypnosis by psychologists.

Individuals suffering from chronic pain , irritable bowel syndrome, and PTSD have benefited from hypnosis. Psychotherapists have also successfully used hypnosis in the service of age regression and the uncovering of past traumas .

Hypnosis and placebo have much in common. While hypnosis-like phenomena have a documented history going back thousands of years, accounts of placebo effects span only several centuries. So, what is a placebo?

A placebo is an inactive treatment or substance, sometimes called a “sugar pill.” In fact, a placebo may be a pill, tablet, injection, medical device, or suggestion. Placebos often look like real medical treatment except they do not contain the active medication .

Using placebos in clinical trials helps scientists better understand whether a new medical treatment is safer and more effective than no treatment at all. This is not always easy because some patients get better in a clinical trial even when they don’t receive any active medical treatment during the study. This is called the " placebo effect ." The placebo effect describes any psychological or physical effect that placebo treatment has on an individual.

rice water experiment masaru emoto

Placebos have been shown to produce measurable, physiological changes, such as an increase in heart rate or blood pressure. Placebos can reduce the symptoms of numerous conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, depression , anxiety , irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic pain. Researchers have repeatedly shown interventions such as “sham” acupuncture to be as effective as acupuncture. Sham acupuncture uses retractable needles that do not pierce the skin.

Placebo interventions vary in strength depending on many factors. For instance, an injection causes a stronger placebo effect than a tablet. Two tablets work better than one, capsules are stronger than tablets, and larger pills produce greater reactions. One review of multiple studies found that even the color of pills made a difference in the placebo results. The positive health benefit that a patient experiences in response to a placebo is a function of the symbols, rituals, and behaviors embedded in their clinical encounter.


Part of the power of the placebo lies in the expectations of the individual receiving them. These expectations can relate to the treatment, the substance, or the prescribing doctor. If these expectations are positive, the patient will have a positive response to the placebo and vice versa. A person expecting a certain outcome such as pain relief, will by way of his mental operations initiate a cascade of physiological responses ( hormonal , immunological, etc.) that will cause effects similar to what a medication might have achieved. Like hypnosis, placebos demonstrate clearly the power the mind has over matter.

During the last 20 years, neuroscience research has revealed that the cerebral cortex constantly generates predictions on what will happen next and that neurons in charge of sensory processing only encode the difference between our predictions and the actual reality.


A team of neuroscientists from TU Dresden presents new findings that show that not only the cerebral cortex, but the entire auditory pathway, represents sounds according to prior expectations. The Dresden group has found evidence that this process also dominates the most primitive and evolutionary conserved parts of the brain. All that we perceive might be deeply contaminated by our subjective beliefs of the physical world.

And where are expectations and predictions located? In the absence of a neurological substrate for such, I suggest it is the embodied mind.

Emoto, Masaru (2005). The Hidden Message in Water. Atria Books, New York, NY.

Chamberlain, David (1988). Babies Remember Birth. Los Angeles, CA: Jeremy P Tarcher

Hergenhahn, B., & Henley, T. (2013). An introduction to the history of psychology. Andover, Hampshire, UK: Cengage Learning

Jensen, M. P., Jamieson, G. A., Santarcangelo, E. L., ... & Terhune, D. B. et al., (2017). New directions in hypnosis research: strategies for advancing the cognitive and clinical neuroscience of hypnosis. Neuroscience of consciousness, 2017(1), nix004.

Holdevici, I. (2014). A brief introduction to the history and clinical use of hypnosis. Romanian Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis, 1(1), 1-5.

Tabas, A., Mihai, G., Kiebel, S., Trampel, R., & von Kriegstein, K. (2020). Abstract rules drive adaptation in the subcortical sensory pathway. Elife, 9, e64501

Thomas R. Verny M.D.

Thomas R. Verny, M.D. , the author of eight books, including The Embodied Mind , has taught at Harvard University, University of Toronto, York University, and St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. His podcast, Pushing Boundaries , may be viewed on Youtube or listened to on Spotify and many other platforms.

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Skeptoid Podcast #433
September 23, 2014
Podcast transcript |

(rhymes with shadow). It is Emoto's firm conviction that water, human consciousness, and human emotion are deeply entangled; and he has become best known for his photographs of ice crystals (basically snowflakes) that he says are either beautiful or ugly based on the emotions expressed at the time of their formation. If you write a positive word on a bottle of water, or expose it to a picture of beautiful animals like dolphins, it will freeze into beautiful ice crystals; but if you speak harshly to it, or write a negative word on the bottle, it will freeze into ugly non-crystalline lumps. Emoto's definition of hado is "The intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. The smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness." Throughout his writing in his several books, Emoto uses the word "vibration" in much the same way as Deepak Chopra uses the word "quantum": without any actual meaning relevant to its context. He writes:

It's quite poetic, yet to find any meaning in it, it seems one must view Emoto's writing purely from the perspective of metaphysics and allegory. But Emoto means it quite literally, and a massive number of products and books have sprung to life in the ecosystem created by Emoto's magical water beliefs. claiming to form water into special molecular arrangements that promote super health cite Emoto. His emotion-governed ice crystals were a major theme in the 2004 New Age pseudo-documentary film Uncounted companies sell bottles of water that they say has been blessed, or spoken to positively, or exposed to positive energy, or otherwise prepared in some manner according to Emoto's research. One website selling such blessed water (since defunct) even claimed:

Emoto also famously claimed that jars of rice will rot if negative words are written on the containers yet will stay fresh if positive words are used instead, an experiment that has become viral on the Internet. And, of course, his beliefs have been embraced and publicized by Hollywood celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow.

But to establish the validity of a scientific claim, we don't look at what pop culture phenomena it has created. Instead, we look at the data; so to learn more about Emoto's hado, we have to set aside all of that. To do science, we start with an observation, and then we form a hypothesis that can be tested; and if the testing bears up under scrutiny, then we reach the point of having an official scientific theory explaining how emotions control the freezing process of water. We have some issues here. First of all, very few scientists have found Emoto's observations to be repeatable; so if you ask most chemists, you'll probably find that almost nobody has bothered to look for something that seems so nonsensical at face value. But at least one researcher, Dr. Dean Radin, has taken Emoto's claims seriously enough to try to replicate the observation. Radin is best known for his project, in which he proposes that human emotions affect the output of electronic random number generators, so he was predictably receptive to Emoto's very similar claims.

Emoto reveals little about his exact procedures to obtain these photographs, and he's often criticized for this, and for a lack of any controls. Why do some of his photographs look like crisp snowflakes, and why do others look like blobs of water? In the case of virtually all of his published photos, nothing is publicly known about the temperature or other conditions in which the picture was taken, so the great disparity seen among the images is not surprising. In 2005, Radin teamed up with Emoto to publish a protocol which he hoped would establish Emoto's observations as replicable. Their paper was published in 2006 in the energy healing journal called The researchers took a number of bottles of store-bought water to Radin's Northern California facility, set some bottles aside as controls, and had a group of Emoto's associates in Japan concentrate on a photograph of a few of the target bottles. Radin then sent the bottles to Japan, and described Emoto's process:

100 visitors to Radin's website then rated the beauty of each of the 40 photographs that Kizu had chosen on a scale of 0 to 6. Radin found that the crystals resulting from water on which the Japanese had focused their thoughts were statistically significantly more beautiful. Both Kizu and Radin's volunteers were blinded as to which photos came from which water.

So, at first glance, it sounds like there may actually be something here. Humans had focused positive thoughts on some bottles of water, but not on others; and on average, all the water froze in patterns that produced positive responses correlated to the amount of positive thoughts it had received.

That's the press release version of the research. The hard data version of it, is, unfortunately, less enthusiastic. Dean Radin has something of a reputation for collecting data first, then looking at it and deciding what sort of patterns to look for, according to whatever conclusion he hopes to reach. That's precisely the largest flaw in this particular experiment as well. Kizu was under no restrictions except his own personal whims to decide which pictures he should send back to Radin, and was also allowed to freely choose where in each tray to look for apexes with crystals that he deemed photogenic enough to include, both good and bad. I can't know this, not having been there; but my sense is that in each and every one of the 50 trays (assuming they were all frozen and photographed under similar conditions), I could have found at least one snowflake-looking crystal and at least one boring looking region of ice. Every step of this experiment required each participant to act in a purely subjective manner according to their personal preferences. Significantly, there is no mention made in the paper of whether the 100 website visitors had any foreknowledge of Emoto's belief that complex, crisp snowflake shapes are the ones he considers beautiful while rounded, less complex shapes are the ones he considers ugly; but it strains credibility to suggest that Radin's own visitors were completely impartial and unaware of Emoto's preferred outcome.

Nevertheless, while defending against this criticism on his blog, in reference to the James Randi Educational Foundation's Million Dollar Challenge for proof of a paranormal ability:

Although, considering that neither Radin nor Emoto have ever applied to the Million Dollar Challenge, nor ever discussed with the Foundation what a valid test protocol might look like, nor ever taken or passed any sort of controlled test, it's a bit puzzling why Radin might even joke about considering himself due for the prize. He was probably referring to this challenge issued in 2003 by James Randi personally in his newsletter

But Emoto never did respond to Randi's challenge, and if the work truly had been done in a fashion that would satisfy peer review, it wouldn't have had to be published in but could have made waves through the scientific community if it had impressed enough to be published in or

Note that Randi referred to Emoto as "Dr." Emoto. I always wonder why people like Emoto purchase worthless doctorate degrees from diploma mills; Emoto's came from the Open International University in India and required no coursework or curricula. Surely Emoto must know that it's a meaningless degree; no more or less meaningless than one you might type up yourself on your computer. So why spend the money? I understand why he wants to call himself "doctor" — to impress the majority of people out there who don't know to check for the validity of a credential — I just don't understand why he spent money to get one from India rather than simply invent his own equally worthless degree for free. In fact, if you want your own doctorate degree that's every bit as meaningless as one from the Open International University but doesn't cost anything at all, point your browser to my unaccredited online university, , and print out your own diploma in the discipline of your choice in seconds. Congratulations; your own water woo research is now just as academically certified as Masaru Emoto's; the only difference being that he mailed a check to India, and you didn't have to.

By all the accounts I've read, Masaru Emoto is a very nice man who wants only the best for people and for the world. Every indication is that his water vibration ideas are well intentioned; and though he makes money with his books and with selling educational courses about hado, he's not consciously ripping anyone off. But this is a dangerous combination. Con men can be thrown in jail and their pseudoscience then questioned by their victims, but the Emotos of the world have a free pass to erode the public intellect with bad information, and most of their students will never be offered a reason to question the misinformation. Emoto's water woo, though silly, can have a bigger impact than we fear. A lot more people saw than listen to Approach with extreme caution.



Cite this article: Dunning, B. "The Water Woo of Masaru Emoto." Skeptoid Podcast. Skeptoid Media, 23 Sep 2014. Web. 20 Sep 2024. <>

References & Further Reading Editors. "Review: The Shape of Love: Discovering Who We Are, Where We Came From, and Where We're Going." Publishers Weekly. 12 Feb. 2007, Volume 254, Number 7: 79. Editors. "Masaru Emoto™." RationalWiki. RationalMedia Foundation, 30 Sep. 2010. Web. 23 Sep. 2015. <> Emoto, Masaru. "Hado." Official Masaru Emoto Website. Masaru Emoto, 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 1 Sep. 2014. <> Hall, H. "Masaru Emoto's Wonderful World of Water." Skeptical Inquirer. 1 Jan. 2007, Number 31: 49-51. Radin, D., Hayssen, G, Emoto, M., Kizu, T. "Double-Blind Tests on the Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation." Explore. 1 Sep. 2006, Volume 2, Number 5: 408-411. Radin, Dean. "Wikipedia – ‘Reader Beware’ When it Comes to Psi Research." Institute of Noetic Studies. IONS, 10 Sep. 2010. Web. 16 Aug. 2014. <>

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Rice Experiment – Can Positivity Change Your Life?

Home Food for Mind Theories & Therapies Rice Experiment – Can Positivity Change Your Life?

Rice Experiment: Can Positivity Change Your Life?

Beautiful words make beautiful worlds. This is what the flag bearers of positivity believe and preach. If you really try to look at it, they might be right. Well, if you have ever tried focusing on both negative and positive thoughts, then, you know, they create the same experiences. We know, it is spectacular how our consciousness works! To understand the power of positive emotions , the rice experiment was brought into the picture.

This experiment went viral after the effects of positive and negative talks made quite a difference in the appearance of different rice jars.

We know that everything is made of energy. This means that your thoughts are energy as well. Now, if you take your thought frequency to positive consciousness , you will start feeling good and attracting good. The opposite happens when you allow negative thoughts to seep in your words and thoughts.

Let’s learn more about this interesting trial with rice that will help you understand more about this phenomenon.

How did the ‘Rice Experiment’ come into existence?

Summary: Dr. Masaru Emoto invented the rice experiment. He believed that positive thoughts have an effect on the matter around us, and that water is a blueprint for reality. He also created a film in 2004 and wrote a book on the same subjects.

To demonstrate the power of positive thoughts, Dr. Masaru Emoto , a Japanese researcher, and an ‘alternative-science’ teacher, invented the rice experiment. Emoto reckons that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water and that water can react to positive thoughts and emotions. He even believed that positive thoughts and talks can remove pollution from the water.

Emoto started studying water and its details in the 90s. He referred to water as the ‘blueprint of reality’ and published his various findings that asserted his idea that emotional energy and vibration can change the molecular and physical structure of water.

His 2004 film ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’ exhibited various molecular water experiments, so did his books, The Hidden Messages in Water, which was a New York Times bestseller and Messages from Water and the Universe. His ideas also appeared in the 2005 superhero film Kamen Rider: The First.

The rice experiment is one of the many water crystal experiments attempted by Dr. Masaru. In one of the incidents (mentioned in his book), he mentioned a priest mouthing incantation as he stood in front of a lake.

He wrote that the water of the lake became clearer than it was before the incantations. He contended that water crystals looked distorted before the priest enchanted the incantation and started to look clean and nice after the incantation. This proves that water’s structure was changed successfully after its vibration was raised.

What is the ‘Rice Experiment’?

Summary: The rice experiment was conducted by Dr. Emoto over a period of 30 days where he demonstrated the effects of words and thoughts on a jar of rice.

What is the rice experiment

In his quest to prove the magical power of positive thinking, Dr. Emoto carried out the rice experiment. He reckoned that human thoughts and intentions can miraculously alter reality, including the physical structure of water.

This experiment was a part of the film The Secrets of the Water . This is how he carried it out-

He selected three rice (cooked)  jars for the experiment. He then placed an equal amount of water in the rice jars and labeled them.

The first two labels read ‘Thank You,’ and ‘You Idiot!’ The third jar was free from the label, which exhibited Emoto’s indifference towards it.

For the next 30 days, he approached each rice jar individually, and this is what he said to each one of them-

  • The ‘Thank You’ Jar – He said thank you from the bottom of his heart. He used the emotion of gratefulness to talk to this jar.
  • The ‘You Idiot’ Jar –He yelled ‘You’re an Idiot’ to it and felt angered and frustrated as he said those words.
  • The No Label Jar – He didn’t pay any attention to this rice jar. He simply remained ignorant of it. He used the emotion of indifference for the third jar.

Emoto kept the process up for 30 days. At the end of the 30 th day, these were his observations-

  • The jar that he thanked everyday fermented spectacularly. It didn’t have any black mold or rotting material growing from it.
  • The jar that he bullied or took out his anger on had turned black. It was covered in black mold.
  • The jar that he ignored for 30 days had even more black turd in it, yes, more than the ‘You’re Idiot’ rice jar. According to Dr. Emoto, the rice in the jar had rotted.

What does the ‘Rice Experiment’ conclude?

This experiment proves that the positive words spoken to a cup of cooked rice and pure water helped it become its greatest version; in this case, it was the nice fermentation.

On the other hand, negative words made the hated rice become its worst—black in color and rotten smell. However, the worst blow was taken by the third cup of cooked rice for it rotted completely.

With this experiment, it was concluded that the power of thoughts acts like alternative medicine, in a way, that can miraculously change the outer and inner structure of a being, just like in the case of this water experiment.

What do others think of the ‘Rice Experiment’?

Summary: Dr. Emoto’s experiment has received quite a lot of negative criticism in the scientific community. However, people all over the world have been experimenting using this method and many of them have achieved stellar results.

According to Emeritus William Tiller , a professor at Stanford University, it is quite easy to manipulate the crystal formation of water. It is extremely easy to add certain contaminants to it. As per Dr. Tiller, “Emoto’s experimental protocols are so lacking as to be unrepeatable, and even the most basic attempts at scientific controls are absent.”

Harriet Hall, a book reviewer, had this to say about Dr. Emoto’s book, “The worst book I have ever read. It is about as scientific as Alice in Wonderland.”

Even so, people across the world are experimenting with the water crystal and rice; and getting extraordinary results, like this physical education teacher, who goes by the name Ana Paula Frezatto Martins . She arranged the class in a circle and asked her students to say bad things to one grain of cup (called it ‘hate cup’) and good things to another grain of cup (the ‘love cup).

The students followed and saw the difference between the growths of the two cups in a few days. The ‘love cup’ fermented nicely and naturally, while the ‘hate cup’ showed a dark mold.

NOTE There are many anecdotes of the rice experiment done by people across the world. You can search Google for more results. To get the best results, try the rice experiment by yourself and share your experience with the world.

What does the ‘Rice Experiment’ imply?

Summary: The rice experiment implies that we should be mindful of the connection we form and the people we associate with. It is focused on increasing positive interactions in life and cutting down on the negativity.

Have you ever felt that being around a certain someone literally sucks all the energy out of you? This might be because at some level, this person doesn’t have good intentions for you. On the other hand, staying around some people makes you feel so good about yourself. This implies that this person is good at heart and has good intentions for you.

This is how it works—the power of positive. When you bully a person over a span of time, he or she starts feeling your words and that’s what he or she starts becoming. So, if you call someone an idiot, over a period of time, he or she will start accepting in their consciousness that they, in fact, are an idiot.

On the other hand, when you start saying nice things to someone, such as, ‘You look so pretty,’ ‘You are so thoughtful,’ or ‘So intelligent you are,’ etc., they start mirroring the same as well. This is what positive thoughts and actions can do.

The same happened in this experiment. Since our bodies are made of 75% water, there is no way that these messages from water wouldn’t affect our bodies. Try it yourself.

TIP If no one else, you can try the same on yourself. When you wake up in the morning, stand in front of your mirror for five minutes, and say one (or as many as you like) good things about yourself. When you say it, really believe in it, and about a month later, you won’t even have to try and you will have automatically inculcated this quality that you keep telling yourself. In a single word, you will GLOW!

Rice Experiment Video

rice water experiment masaru emoto

Take-home Message

How would you like your body to look like? Healthy? Then, start telling it every day that you are young and healthy and it will accept it. Want to nail that job interview, start preparing and telling yourself, as many times as yourself that you already have it, and watch it come to fruition.

People might have their doubts about the rice experiment but the man truly had a message to tell the world—the message from water—how it can create life out of it but also be dead, depending on how it’s treated. So, it is for the best to extract the positives out of this experiment and add the same in your life to make it better.


Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.




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The Remarkable Influence of Thoughts on Water: Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Pioneering Experiments

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  • December 1, 2023

In the realm of holistic health and wellness, the connection between our thoughts and physical well-being has long been a topic of fascination. Dr. Masaru Emoto , a Japanese researcher and author, delved into this intriguing relationship through groundbreaking experiments that shed light on the profound impact our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and intentions can have on water molecules.

Dr. Emoto’s Experiments:

Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted a series of experiments exploring the effects of human consciousness on water. His most well-known experiments involved exposing water to various words, thoughts, and emotions and then observing the resulting changes in the water’s molecular structure. One of the most striking findings was that positive intentions, such as words of “love and gratitude,” had a transformative effect on water crystals.

Transformation of Water Crystals:

In Dr. Emoto’s experiments, water exposed to positive affirmations and emotions formed intricate, symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing crystals. These crystals were not only clear but also displayed a remarkable increase in size compared to those formed when water was exposed to negative influences.

rice water experiment masaru emoto

For instance, when water was subjected to words like “love” and “gratitude,” the resulting crystals were not only visually stunning but also seemed to reflect a harmonious and balanced structure. This led Dr. Emoto to propose that water has a unique ability to “remember” the energetic imprints of thoughts and emotions.

Implications for Health:

The implications of Dr. Emoto’s experiments extend beyond the laboratory, suggesting a profound interconnection between our mental and physical well-being. If our thoughts and emotions can influence the molecular structure of water, and considering that the human body is composed largely of water, it raises the question of whether our mental states can similarly impact our own cellular health.

While some critics argue that the methodologies used in Dr. Emoto’s experiments are not without controversy, and the scientific community has not universally accepted his findings, the ideas he presented have sparked interest in the field of mind-body medicine.

Mind-Body Connection:

The mind-body connection has gained recognition in various fields, including psychology, medicine, and alternative therapies. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and positive visualization are increasingly embraced as ways to enhance mental and physical well-being. Dr. Emoto’s work adds an intriguing layer to this understanding, suggesting that our thoughts and emotions may not only affect our personal health but could also extend to the environment around us.


Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments on water molecules have left an indelible mark on the exploration of the mind-body connection. While the scientific community continues to scrutinize and debate the validity of his findings, his work has sparked a broader conversation about the power of consciousness and its potential impact on health. Whether or not one fully embraces the idea that our thoughts can influence water molecules, there is a growing recognition that cultivating positive thoughts and emotions can contribute to a more balanced and harmonious life. As we continue to explore the intricate relationship between mind and body, Dr. Emoto’s pioneering research remains a fascinating chapter in the ongoing quest for holistic well-being.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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This Rice Experiment Is Proof: The Power of Positivity Alters Our Physical World

What you are about to read may shock you or be something you already know. Either way, keep your mind open and receptive to this discovery by Dr. Masaru Emoto. You’ll be amazed by how you can apply the effect of the results to improve your daily life.

A researcher and alternative healer, Dr. Masaru  Emoto, has given us physical proof that our thoughts, intentions and words affect of physical world.

“HADO creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.” – Dr. Masaru  Emoto

What is HADO?

HADO (Pronounced “HA-DOE”): Expression meaning “wave” and “move”. The smallest unit of energy; the basis of energy for human consciousness.

The premise is simple, yet profound: water is a reflection of us. Some say that Dr. Masaru Emoto has introduced a revolutionary, yet natural, idea that water is a direct reflection of human words and thoughts . Critics say that Dr. Emoto’s teachings are pseudo-science and lack intellectual rigor and scientific validity. Continue on and decide for yourself…

The Power of Positivity

Dr. Emoto believes that human consciousness has a direct effect on physical reality. His philosophy can be best understood in his books, seminars, and demonstrations (one which is discussed here). His most famous teachings are the effects of human interaction with water, which was featured in the highly popular movie, “ What the Bleep Do We Know? ”

The most famous work of Dr. Emoto was published in 1999 and is called ‘ Messages from Water ,’ which has sold millions of copies worldwide. In the book, Dr. Emoto explains in detail that what we say, feel, and listen to has an effect on water. The research clearly shows how the power of positivity can transform anything in our physical reality. He uses water as an example. Since humans are made up primarily of water (60-75% depending on the source), water directly affects us.

The ‘Rice Experiment’

“If you have a peaceful mind and peaceful thoughts, water becomes more peaceful.” – Dr. Emoto

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In the video , Dr. Emoto places rice into three glass beakers and then fills the beakers with enough water to submerge the rice. To the first beaker, he states the phrase (in Japanese): “Thank you,” “You’re an idiot” to the second, and ignores the third.

A month later, the thanked rice fermented and gave a pleasant smell. The rice that was affronted turned black. Finally, the rice that was ignored began to rot. These depictions of the rice are clear in the video of the experiment.

In the end, Dr. Emoto is pictured explaining how we treat children is especially important. Emoto says we should take special care in how we interact with them and ensure that attention is given. The video ends explaining that indifference does the most significant amount of harm, as demonstrated by the third beaker of rice in the video. It’s amazing how the jar with positive words was still white and fresh, when in our reality we would at least believe that it would definitely start to go bad. Amazing! That’s the power of positivity at work.

This experiment has become a global sensation. Just type it into youtube or google and you will see countless people who got the same results. But, don’t just take our word for it. Check it out the video below that documents the last day of the rice experiment.

147 Days of The Rice Experiment Documented – Last Day

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Psychologists have repeatedly shown that our mindset and words profoundly affect our body and those around us. Is it possible that our powerful mind and speech also has an effect on the elements of our Universe, too? Dr. Emoto certainly seems to think that they do. What do you think?


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Water experiment by dr. masaru emoto.

Water Experiment By Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Emoto Believed, “ Water is the mirror that can show us what we cannot see. It is the blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith if you’re open to it. ” Though for many of us, it is difficult to believe in the unseen, interestingly, there are water experiments and observations that explain water’s magnificent nature. In this article, we discuss Dr. Masaru Emoto, specifically water experiments by Dr. Emoto, and the concept of water’s consciousness. Understanding the consciousness of water will help you see the benefits water has to offer to you, and just how you can turn regular water into something more.

By understanding the water experiment done by Dr. Emoto, we will be able to see how water has phenomenal benefits depending on its surroundings. We will further delve into a way to treat water in order to maximize the benefits of drinking water, bringing more vitality to your water. All this through the teachings and findings of Dr. Masaru Emoto.

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Who is dr. masaru emoto, how does the water experiment by dr emoto impact you, water consciousness with the vortex water revitalizer™.

Dr. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese water scientist, born in 1943 in Yokohama, Japan. He was an internationally renowned Japanese researcher, author, scientist, and businessman. He graduated from Yokohama Municipal University’s department of humanities and sciences, majoring in international relations. Additionally, he received certification as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine from the Open International University.

The New York Times bestseller “The Hidden Messages in Water” is an example of Dr. Emoto’s phenomenal work. Through his writings, he made millions of people realize that water is much more than just an H2O molecule. Dr. Masaru Emoto revolutionized the way we think about water, and its impact on our health, lives, and the environment. He was undoubtedly a genius of his time,  one of the first of those who put forth the idea of water’s consciousness.

One of the boldest claims of Dr. Emoto that he managed to prove scientifically was that water is sensitive to our thoughts, words, and feelings. Because of this, water can change its molecular structure according to the environment it is introduced to. For instance, Dr. Masaru Emoto argued that prayer and heavy metal music could influence the molecular structure of water differently. 

In his book, the Japanese water scientist and author says: “Water records information, and while circulating throughout the earth distributes information. This water sent from the universe is full of the information of life.”Dr. Emoto passed away on October 17, 2014 , but his work is still alive, spiking the interest of millions and encouraging scientists to research the concept of water’s consciousness further.

water molecules

What Impacts the Water? Water Experiment by Dr Masaru

According to Dr. Masaru’s theory of water consciousness, water can respond to human emotions, thoughts, words, and even written messages.

The water can pick up the vibrations as a result of certain emotions and change its structure accordingly. For instance,  when you say the word “Hope” to water and prepare the frozen crystals from this water, you will observe the creation of beautiful symmetry in the crystals.

dr. masaru emoto photography

This can lead to the conclusion that drinking water with positive emotions such as love can have a positive effect on human health. Similarly, when you expose water to negative feelings such as hate, consuming it can be potentially harmful to your body.

As we see, emotions can alter the water’s form but can human thoughts also lead to an impact? The short answer – yes. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments on water molecules actually proved that our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and intentions could physically change the molecular structure of water .

For example, the crystals formed with water introduced to words of “love and gratitude” were clear, big, and beautiful. Similarly, water from various sources was exposed to prayers. Pictures before and after prayers showed mesmerizing changes in the molecular structure of water. The after-prayer structure in each case was much more defined and beautiful. 

dr. masaru emoto photography  crystal experiments

Thought about hate also resonates in water molecules, and thus it forms ugly and aesthetically less appealing crystals.

Dr. Emoto has conducted different experiments on the subject. To understand the importance and value of his work, let’s take a closer look at those experiments below.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Crystals Experiment and Its Findings

Masaru Emoto used high-speed microscopic photography to observe the crystals formed in the frozen water after exposing them to specific thoughts. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s method was freezing various 0.5ml water samples. For each case, at the temperature between -5 and 0°, different kinds of crystals were formed. Based on the crystals, Dr. Emoto withdrew conclusions about various water molecular structures.

When he exposed water to positive thoughts and loving words, the crystals formed beautiful, colorful, and snowflake-like patterns . On the contrary, when polluted water and the water exposed to negative word/thought were crystalized; incomplete, dull, and asymmetrical patterns were observed.

In a 2006 study , a group of researchers, including the Japanese water scientist Dr. Masaru, tested the hypothesis: water, when treated “with certain intention” can affect the ice crystals formed. The study was carried out under double-blind conditions. They took a sample of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo who were instructed to make positive intentions toward water samples inside an electromagnetically shielded room. Similar water samples were also kept in different locations as a control. Ice crystals were formed from both sets of water and then photographed.

Then these images were blinded and tested for their aesthetic appeals by 100 independent judges. Surprisingly, the results showed that water treated with positive intentions received much higher scores than the controlled water samples.

dr. masaru emoto photography - crystal experiments

Dr. Masaru’s experiments proved that the molecular structure of water can be altered. This is based on water’s ability to retain the memory of everything it comes across. Positive words/good thoughts can bring positive changes to water.

Similarly, because nature is soothing and peaceful, the crystals formed from natural spring water were found more symmetrical, well-balanced, and attractive in Emoto’s experiments.

Water experiments done by Dr. Emoto convey a clear message about the water we use. Drinking clean water with positive energy can have a beneficial impact on our well-being. Water with a negatively altered molecular structure is not suitable for the human body at all. Therefore, it is imperative to treat water with love and care before we use it for drinking purposes.

Ultimately, water will become a part of our bodies, our plants, and our environment. For this purpose, we have to use water in its optimal state in order to receive the most benefits possible. For this, we have to look at structured water, also dubbed vortex water. 

Just as water’s crystals alter with positive intentions, its movement can also change its inner structure. Science says that water molecules found in our rivers, streams, and other natural waterways are secured by vortex-like movements.

These movements create hexagonal micro-clustered molecular forms, similar to those experiments conducted by Dr Masuru. These inner molecular forms give water impeccable benefits such as self-cleaning, increased levels of dissolved oxygen, balanced pH levels, and much more. Perhaps that’s the reason Dr. Emoto found the structure of natural water more enchanting.

Understanding the consciousness of water through Dr Emoto’s water experiments, we can see just how vital water’s state is, but the water that we receive in our taps passes through unnatural and harsh treatment. This adversely impacts the water structure. Resultantly, tap water is depleted of qualities such as self-cleansing, optimal hydration, and balanced pH. 

Keeping the finding of Dr. Emoto in mind, we know that ordinary tap water with adverse molecular structure can be hazardous to our health. What we actually need to do is to revitalize our tap water and bring it back to its original form.

With The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ , bringing ordinary tap water to its natural molecular state is easy. The water goes through a vortexing motion, imitating the motion water naturally goes through in nature.  technology puts water through the natural vortex movement. After that, the harm caused to the water and its structure is eliminated. 

Alive Water Vortex Funnel filling up a glass with water

As the structure is restored, water’s natural benefits double in all forms. Water becomes cleaner, more hydrating, and balanced, providing monumental advantages to our bodies, our homes, and our environment.  

According to Dr. Masaru Emoto the philosophy regarding water consciousness, The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ that takes water’s natural needs into consideration is considered an optimal treatment solution. Water is a miraculous resource that proves to be a living system. With Dr. Emoto’s water experiments and the technology of The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ , it is possible to reap the benefits of water consciousness in your home .

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12 thoughts on “ Water Experiment By Dr. Masaru Emoto ”

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I am preparing a sermon about Dr. Emoto’s work with water. Would anyone be interested to read the draft?

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Thank you for sharing your sermon Richard. Beautifully written.

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yes please!

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Where could I find this sermon. I would love to read/listen to it!

Hi Sheila we spoke to Rev. Dick Dinges and he was nice to give me approval on sharing his wonderful sermon. His sermon was given to Fellowship of the Inner Light in Virginia Beach and his email is ri************@ao*.com .

February 13, 2022 Love and Gratitude Matthew 10:42

At the church yard-sale this past summer I picked up this book, The True Power of Water, by Masaru Emoto. I saw it years ago at a book store, but did not buy it. This time I bought it and couldn’t put it down. The book is so interesting, and it pulls together so many of the concepts I cherish. You may have read the book, but let me summarize it for those who haven’t. Masaru Emoto was reading a book and came upon the question, “Are there any identical snow crystals?” That question resonated within him and prompted him to begin a study of water. His plan was to take photographs of ice crystals. He got an assistant and set up a laboratory. It took two months before he got the first photo. The successful method was to freeze water in a petri dish, and, using a microscope, take a photograph of it during the thawing window, which was determined to be two minutes.

Emoto and his assistant took lots more photos of water from many different sources, including tap water from many cities in Japan and other countries. He tested bottled waters from supermarkets, and natural water from springs. Most water he found was tainted and would not form crystals, and treated water had deformed crystals. He found that the purest water was spring water, water that is filtered by the Earth, a process that he said takes 30 – 50 years. Spring water formed the most beautiful crystals. I will share more of his conclusions in a minute, and make the photographs in his book available to you, but suffice it to say that Masaru Emoto became known worldwide as the only person conducting such a study by photographing water crystals.

In his book, Emoto wrote about what he learned by studying water crystals. He started with the Japanese word, hado, which literally means “life vibration.” His expanded definition of hado is “the inherent energy in all things,“ and “all the subtle energy that exists in the Universe.” How similar this is to my best understanding of God – “the intelligent energy within all things causing them to live and evolve into higher forms of life in relation to their environment.” However, Emoto did his research without any religious cause to support. He merely tried to scientifically demonstrate the properties of water. He wrote, “I am not a man of religion, nor do I want to praise religions unnecessarily. However, the prayers used for a long time by a religion have a strong hado energy. I feel that if we believe in our religion faithfully and recite the prayers undoubtedly, we will be blessed with a strong power.”

Emoto measured the purity of water samples, and also discovered that water is affected by the messages applied to it. For example, he labeled identical bottles of water. One was labeled “You fool.” The other was labeled “Thank you.” When thawing, the water inside the bottle with the “Thank You” message formed a beautiful crystal, looking somewhat like a snowflake. The other water did not form a crystal at all, but the photograph looked more like a festering mass of points of light. The same results occurred whether the messages were written on the bottles, or if people spoke the messages to the water. It seemed to Emoto that the water had a consciousness of its own, and formed crystals in response to positive messages, as if to say “Thank you.”

This resonates with a concept I learned from studying near-death experiences. We are co-creators with God, and our actions, words, and even our thoughts have an effect on everything around us. This highlights the importance of living consciously, aware that we are having a continuous impact on the world around us. Emoto theorized that the vibrational energy we project affects everything at the sub-atomic level, then at the atomic level, the molecular level, and the cellular level. If allowed to continue over time, negative vibrations will even affect organs within the body and result in illness. Conversely, positive vibrations will result in good health.

Emoto and his assistant continued over the years taking water samples and photographing containers of water labeled with various messages. The most significant result was with water that was labeled “Love and Gratitude.” It formed a more beautiful crystal than any other. He described it as “joyful.” This resulted in his most significant teaching. Everything is energy, and everything has a vibration. Love is the highest vibration. Our healthiest state is achieved when we love someone or something beyond ourselves, and when we feel gratitude after having been loved. He wrote that you need to have both of them together, love and gratitude. Love can’t happen without a receiver. Emoto likened this to the sun and the moon. The sun gives. The moon receives. Love is extended and is received with gratitude.

Just sending love to others is not enough; you have to be willing to receive it too. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is well-known as a forerunner in the field of death and dying. Recently I learned that she was a patient in a nursing home for several years before her death. Why did such a loving person have such an end? The answer is perhaps she needed to learn to accept love. Perhaps her stay in the nursing home receiving the care of others completed her life’s education. She gave love, and she finally learned to receive it.

In his book, The Purpose of Life, David Sunfellow included the story of Mary Deioma. She experienced what she called “a moment of enlightenment” while she was driving. This happened during a time of distress, and after she asked God for help. She writes, “In that moment a beam of pure white came out of the sky and came down and touched me on my shoulder. I was so filled with love it’s impossible to describe how much love there was in that moment. . . . And then my soul went out of my heart. My soul went up the beam and as it went up the beam I felt so connected to all souls. As I reached the top of the beam, I rippled out in concentric circles and I became one with every soul on the planet. Then my focus shifted and I became one with all the trees on the planet. Physically, I could feel that I was in a tree. And I was looking at another tree in the forest, which was me, looking back at me. It was so incredible. And then, I was all the grass and I was looking at a blade of grass next to me that was me looking back at me. It was amazing.

“Then my focus shifted and I was a rock on a mountain. I was the Earth. And that really surprised me because I never imagined that inanimate objects are filled with God Consciousness. Then my focus shifted again and it was all of the entire universe – the complete, entire universe. So humongous!

“At the same time, I don’t know how, but I could see the smallest, tiniest particle. What the universe is made out of. It was this massive, uniform field of particles. At the tiniest level, the tiniest particle, smaller than anything we can record, it was pure white, sort of a radiant light. This particle was pure energy. But more than that, this particle that everything in the entire universe is made out of, is LOVE! A tangible love that is the stuff of God. It just blew me away! It was awesome.

“I realized that at the same time all of this was happening, I was driving along the road. The whole thing didn’t take more than a second and a half.” In her story Mary affirms what Emoto taught about everything being energy and everything sharing God Consciousness. That would include water.

With sentient beings the exchange of energy is often reciprocated. One NDEr was admiring the beauty of a flower, and perceived that the flower sent back two photons of light. Love and Gratitude.

If we accept these things as true, then it’s important to know how to apply them to ourselves. Emoto points out that we are 70% water. We need to drink the purest water available, but we also need to monitor the energy we give to and accept from others. As far as taking in water, Emoto wrote that we can put a Love and Gratitude label on a container of water, and the water will respond by becoming purer. He wrote that we can also talk to and pray over the water. This is such a simple thing to do, and it resonates with so much truth. So I did it at home. I put a Love and Gratitude label on a pitcher of water, and I drink from it. Emoto has suggested doing it five times a day.

The experiments of Emoto affirm the effectiveness of prayer. He cites the story of Chief priest Houki Kato of a Japanese Esoteric Buddhist temple, who prayed at the fouled Fujiwara Dam for an hour. Water samples were taken before and after. After the prayer an observer said, “Wow! Look, the color of the reservoir is changing rapidly!” It got clearer. Earlier it had no reflection on top, but did afterward. Test results showed no crystals formed from the water sample taken before the prayer, but “a crystal of heavenly beauty” from the sample taken afterward. It had a double structure of a small hexagon inside a beautiful outer hexagon.” (See Fig. 3.3) Furthermore, Emoto taught for us to pray in the past tense, and to visualize the prayer as having already been answered.

Not only do we need to drink good water, but we also need to be mindful of the information we receive. Negative information will have a negative influence on us, and vice versa. This might apply to watching the news, selection of movies, video games for children, and even the company we keep. In his experiments, Emoto noted that water kept close to cell phones and computer screens failed to form crystals, unless it was labeled “Love and Gratitude.” That positive message seemed to overpower the negative effects of electronic radiation.

You may remember Marlon Colley. He had a spiritually transformative experience in which angels communicated many messages to him. One of the messages was for him to move out of the densely populated area of Virginia Beach because there was too much negative electronic vibration here. He related this and other messages he received at the Mind, Body, Spirit Discussion Group at my home many years ago. He said it was difficult for him to attend the meetings because of all the electronic vibrations, especially from my old TV set. He took the message of the angels seriously, and moved to a more remote location in southern Virginia Beach.

Emoto also observed the effects of hado in experiments with rice. He used three jars of rice. One was labeled “You fool,” the second “Thank you,” and the third was not labelled at all. It was ignored. The results were remarkable. After a month the rice in the positively labeled jar smelled mellow as of fermented malt. The rice in the jar labelled “You fool” turned black. The ignored rice turned black even before that. This experiment showed that receiving negative attention is better than receiving no attention at all. This informs us about the behavior of children and grandchildren who misbehave, even though they know they will get only negative attention.

Emoto reminds us to say positive and inspirational words to our children, and to give positive messages to those who are sick. He wrote that it sends a negative vibration to children to tell them, “Do this!” but a positive vibration to say, “Let’s do this together.” “Do this!”, when written on a water sample, made the shape of a frightening circle in the ice, but “Let’s do this together” formed a crystal Emoto described as “cute.”

I note that Jesus spoke of water when he taught about loving children. He said, “And if, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded” (Matthew 10:42). Emoto also created a device that would measure the hado in items he examined, including foods. He determined that different foods have different vibrations, and the various vibrations resonate with the various cells and organs of our body. That’s why we should eat a varied diet.

Emoto’s scientific conclusions for a good diet compare favorably with what Edgar Cayce said, what dieticians tell us today, and also what souls advanced into the future told Dr. Linda Backman. It’s a diet of healthy protein, fruits and vegetables, unprocessed grains and legumes. Backman recorded that dairy and gluten are acceptable unless there is an intolerance, and that meat should be ingested in moderate amounts, with fish and seafood as the main sources for protein. High-fat and fried foods are to be kept to a minimum or avoided. So what we accept as true today remains true in the future.

Emoto rated foods not only on their content, but on how they are prepared. He found that home-cooked meals rated high for value. That is food prepared with love. On the other hand, food prepared at home with anger had low hado. An example of this is “Why do I have to make such a troublesome dish when I don’t have time?” So Emoto recommended for those preparing meals to energize them with love, and for family members to receive those meals gratefully. When NDEr Howard Storm was recovering from a perforated stomach in a hospital in Paris, he was unable to keep any food down. His nurse told him she had a remedy. She would prepare a milkshake with love, and he would be able to keep it down. She did, and he did.

Emoto also applied his discoveries to healing. He wrote, “To live a healthy life, keep your thoughts positive. I am not a medical doctor, but I believe that all doctors should be philosophers as well as healers. The doctor’s deep insight and compassion heals patients.” He notes that in the old times doctors were deeply involved with spirituality and religion as priests and shamans. He recommended self-healing by writing the antonym of your illness or malady onto a label and putting it on your water container. He taught that water can be programmed to restore health.

Emoto further recommended from his findings to listen to music for its good effect. He wrote, “Good music reaches every one of our sixty trillion cells.” He recommended against heavy metal music, which did not form crystals. He recommended a positive daily routine, saying “Thank you” at every activity, affixing a Love and Gratitude note in the shower, on the phone and on the computer screen. He recommended for an exchange of air to avoid stagnation, noting that still water often stagnates. Open a window if the weather allows. He allowed drinking of alcohol in moderation inasmuch as it facilitates the expression of true feelings. He would allow no negative talk in social gatherings. He recommended that we fill our lives with those activites that cause us to want to say “Thank you,” and then to let the gratitude rise up within us.

Emoto’s experiments also give us hope. Lately we have been thinking about Earth Changes. The Earth is 71% water. Our prayers for the renewal of the Earth are effective. As an illustration, Emoto rated tap water in various cities three years apart. In one Japanese city, the water was tested but failed to produce a crystal, but the people of that city were prayerful about restoring the environment. Three years later the water was tested again, and it produced a display of beautiful crystals. Such prayer is a way for us to live in harmony with Nature, which is the future toward which we are moving.

The book is so easily understood, and easily applied. I brought lots of blank computer labels with me today. You can make some for yourself. I made some and put one on my water pitcher, over my computer screen, on my cell phone, and another one over the door of my granddaughter’s bedroom. I also brought blank 3×5 cards. I suggest that you write Love and Gratitude on one and keep it in your pocket. The message may transform your health and your life. In summary, everything is vibration. Your thoughts will resonate on everything around you. In your work, try to think of Love and Gratitude. Send Love to the people, animals, and plants within your engagement. Be appreciative, saying “Thank you” to everyone and everything that adds to your life. Your vibration will fly off the roof, and so will everyone else’s.

Now let me ask you, “Do you resonate with any of this?” Did it feel true to you? I see heads nodding in affirmation and thumbs up. On Coast-to-Coast AM on the night of Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021 I heard author Dean Radin talk about his book, Real Magic, and the research the led up to writing it. His scientific findings confirmed what Emoto wrote. In double-blind experiments people had better moods after eating chocolates that were blessed than others eating the same chocolates without such a blessing; and persons who drank a blessed tea has better moods after drinking the blessed tea than others who drank the same tea without a blessing. A third experiment was done with a species of plant that is known to respond to human emotions. There were two identical plants. One was watered with blessed water; the other with water that was not blessed. The one receiving the blessed water flourished noticeably more than the other.

All of this reminds me of the gratitude I have for the Earth and the plants that flourish in my garden.

So, speak kindly to one another. Bless one another with thoughts and words, and lift others in mood, mind, and body. And bless yourself with a grateful spirit. Amen.

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Yes, please!

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Please send me your draft. My email address is me*****@gm***.com .

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I indeed would…Very much like to…

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If I can still have it I would be delighted!

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rice water experiment masaru emoto

Nov 28 2017

The Pseudoscience of Masaru Emoto

rice water experiment masaru emoto

The result was that we always observed beautiful crystals after giving good words, playing good music, and showing, playing, or offering pure prayer to water. On the other hand, we observed disfigured crystals in the opposite situation.

I know – this is ridiculous. Why even bother? Scientific skeptics study pseudoscience for several reasons. What is interesting about Emoto’s research is not the research question he was pursuing (which has close to zero plausibility) but how he had managed to convince himself that his research supported his fantastical notion. Further, he had managed to convince (or at least intrigue) a large segment of the public that he was onto something, and so this presents an opportunity to teach the public about how science works and how we can distinguish it from pseudoscience. Finally, even serious science can fall prey to error and self-deception. Blatant pseudoscience is an excellent opportunity to see pathological science in the extreme, which helps us understand it better phenomenologically, and hopefully then avoid more subtle manifestations elsewhere.

I do want to emphasize that I have no problem with Emoto researching this question (as long as he was not wasting limited public research funds). Exploring seemingly wacky ideas may bear unforeseen fruit. The probability is low, but that is the nature of exploratory research. Fringe research is a good way to keep us on our toes, keep us from getting too complacent or narrow in our view. And very occasionally, we may just get surprised. Even if the hypothesis itself turns out to be hopelessly wrong, we may find something unexpected along the way.

What I do have a problem with, however, is doing bad or shoddy research in order to confirm a silly idea, and then claiming that the silly idea is scientific. That, in my opinion, is what Emoto was doing.

In case anyone is holding out that there is some mysterious plausibility to Emoto’s claims – there isn’t. He claimed that simply writing negative words on a container of water is enough to change the physical properties of that water. Such a claim would require a fundamental change in our understanding of the basic forces of nature and how nature works. Simply appealing to the limits of human knowledge is not enough to rescue such a hypothesis.

While we don’t and can’t know everything, and must always leave the door open to new evidence and new ideas, we have accumulated a body of knowledge that we can use to evaluate new hypotheses. Essentially we can ask – is this alleged phenomenon compatible with what has already been established and does it require new physics? These are two distinct criteria. Simply requiring new phenomena in order for a hypothesis to be viable does make it less likely to be true, simply because we are venturing into the unknown. Most new ideas in science turn out to be wrong.

Far more damning, however, is when a new hypothesis would overturn a mountain of existing research. The larger the body of verified research that would need to be wrong in order for a hypothesis to be true, the greater the burden of proof for the new idea. So – I would not say that you could never convince me (that is not a scientific approach), but rather that the evidence for the new hypothesis has to be of a quality and quantity greater than the evidence that suggests the hypothesis must be wrong.

This is one of the primary ways that pseudoscientists go wrong – they put up an ant-hill and claim it disproves a mountain. When the scientific community is not impressed, they accuse them of being closed-minded or engaged in a conspiracy.

In order to maintain their claims they generally overestimate the magnitude of their own evidence, and are either ignorant or dismissive of the established evidence. Part of overestimating the value of their own research is ignorance of methodology and grossly underestimating the role of self-deception and bias in research.

For example, Emoto’s research is fairly universally criticized for poor methodology. He used sample sizes that are too small, outcomes that are subjective, and methods that are insufficiently blinded. For this reason, his results do not stand up to replication when proper methods are used. He was engaged in the classic pseudoscientific process of starting with a conclusion and then seeking to prove that conclusion, rather than genuinely trying to prove his own hypothesis wrong.

To illustrate this, Emoto had  expanded his research from water to rice . He filled jars with rice and added water for the rice to absorb. He then left them for days to see how much mold and fungus they grew. Some jars of rice were exposed to positive emotions, some to negative emotions, and some were ignored. Unsurprisingly, he found that the rice with positive emotions grew less fungus than the rice exposed to negative emotions.

And again – his methodology is not convincing. He used a small sample size, his outcomes were open-ended, and his observations were not blinded. How long did he observe the rice? What did he consider a positive or negative outcome? How many times did he do the experiment before he liked the results?

Unsurprisingly, his experiment does not hold up to even basic replication. Attempts to  repeat the experiment with a larger sample size were entirely negative.

The lessons here are basic to understanding scientific methodology. In order to avoid p-hacking (getting the results you want by tweaking the experiment) you need to use rigorous methods. Sample sizes need to be large enough to have statistical power. You need to determine before the experiment what the outcome measure will be, how long the observations will be, how may subjects there will be, and what kind of analysis you will make. You cannot make these decisions after you start to collect data, because then you can easily subconsciously p-hack the results.

Emoto gives us an extreme example of this. It shows that there is no hypothesis so ridiculous that you cannot p-hack your way to an apparently positive result. This is an important lesson for serious scientific researchers, to remain vigilant against more subtle manifestations of p-hacking.

All scientists and science enthusiasts should be students of pseudoscience.

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Experiments about the "power of thoughts" on cooked rice

Over the past few months a number of people (who don't know each other) have been telling me that I should try a "power of thoughts" experiment that's also known as "the rice experiment." They're confident, that through this experiment, I'll "see the light" of how thought can affect our physical world despite my skepticism.

In searching YouTube, I found a number of videos about this by searching for "rice experiment," such as this one:

  Rice Hado Experiment Masaru Emoto

The experiment

The idea is to set up two jars containing some cooked rice, and then, every day, say only nice and encouraging things to one jar of rice, and insulting and hateful things to the other jar of rice.

enter image description here

After a certain period of time (which seems to vary from months to years), the jar with the "hated" rice should be the only one that goes bad and rots.

  Positive Thinking Power - The Rice Experiment   More Evidence From Dr Masaru Emoto On The Power Of Thoughts

Slightly more recent experiment Day 30 Day 55 Day 147

My question

Are there credible studies that prove or disprove this? Any explanation of what might actually be going on here (e.g., why the "hated" jar of rice goes bad earlier) would also be interesting.

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  • 21 My initial inclination would be to say that ONLY the people who have the "hated" rice go bad first report it, and all the "loved" rice that goes bad isn't mentioned. But that's just my cynicism. –  Larian LeQuella Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 4:18
  • 12 Do you have to open the jar while speaking to the rice? In which language does the rice listen to you? Is this already used by the military? –  user unknown Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 8:38
  • 5 How is this a thought experiment? It sounds like a speech experiment. –  Flimzy Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 15:17
  • 11 Do you spit at the hated rice before you seal the jar? –  Jonas Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 16:19
  • 12 How does one make sure the hate rice doesn't hear messages intended for the love rice? Is rice's sense of hearing better or worse then human's sense of hearing? What about if there is a fight in the room where the rice is stored? –  Sam I Am Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 19:04

This article from The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry attempts to replicate Emoto's experiment in a properly scientifically controlled manner (with some small caveats ), reaching an obvious non-replication (none of the rice rotted significantly).

enter image description here

In the end, it appears that Dr. Emoto’s assertion that intention can affect soppy rice doesn’t hold water. I can’t help but wonder if the well-meaning re-creators of this experiment on the internet didn’t help their rice along, exposing the neglected or hated rice to more air, changing the jars around to put them in different temperature or humidity conditions, or performing other tricks in an effort to support a well-intended but ultimately self-evident point: that being ignored or belittled hurts.

The article hypothesises that the reason for the rice turning out the way it did was due to improperly controlled experiments carried out by Emoto.

Apparently, Emoto’s experimental protocols are so lacking as to be unrepeatable, and even the most basic attempts at scientific controls are absent.

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Dr. Emoto’s Rice Experiment and Its Implications for Quantum Physics

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  2. Masaru Emoto

    Masaru Emoto (江本 勝, Emoto Masaru, July 22, 1943 - October 17, 2014) [1] was a Japanese businessman, author and pseudoscientist who claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water.His 2004 book The Hidden Messages in Water was a New York Times best seller. [2] His ideas had evolved over the years, and his early work revolved around pseudoscientific ...

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  5. The Water Woo of Masaru Emoto

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    To illustrate this, Emoto had expanded his research from water to rice. He filled jars with rice and added water for the rice to absorb. He then left them for days to see how much mold and fungus they grew. Some jars of rice were exposed to positive emotions, some to negative emotions, and some were ignored.

  16. Experiments about the "power of thoughts" on cooked rice

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