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Top 75 Emerging Research Topics in Electrical Engineering

Discover the cutting-edge frontiers of electrical engineering with our comprehensive list of the Top 75 Emerging Research Topics


In the ever-evolving realm of Electrical Engineering, innovative research continually drives the field’s progression, shaping our future technologies and solutions. As we step into an era dominated by AI, IoT, renewable energy, and more, the scope for innovative research widens. In this article, iLovePhD listed the top 75 emerging research topics in the field of Electrical Engineering.

1. Power Systems and Renewable Energy

1.1 smart grids and micro-grids.

a. Distributed control strategies for micro-grid management.

b. Blockchain applications for secure energy transactions in smart grids.

c. Resilience and robustness enhancement in smart grid systems against cyber threats.

d. Integration of renewable energy sources in micro-grids.

e. AI-based predictive maintenance for smart grid components.

1.2 Energy Harvesting and Storage

a. Next-gen battery technologies for energy storage systems.

b. Wireless power transfer and energy harvesting for IoT devices.

c. Super-capacitors and their applications in renewable energy storage.

d. Materials research for efficient energy conversion and storage.

e. Energy-efficient architectures for IoT devices powered by energy harvesting.

1.3 Electric Vehicles and Transportation

a. Charging infrastructure optimization for electric vehicles.

b. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology and bidirectional power flow.

c. Lightweight materials and design for electric vehicle batteries.

d. Autonomous electric vehicle technology and its integration into smart cities.

e. Energy-efficient route planning algorithms for electric vehicles.

2. Communications and Networking

2.1 5g and beyond.

a. AI-driven optimization for 5G network deployment.

b. mmWave communication technologies and their implications.

c. Quantum communication for secure and high-speed data transfer.

d. 6G technology and its potential applications.

e. Edge computing and its role in 5G networks.

2.2 IoT and Wireless Sensor Networks

a. Energy-efficient protocols for IoT devices.

b. AI-enabled edge computing for IoT applications.

c. Security and privacy in IoT data transmission.

d. Integration of AI with IoT for intelligent decision-making.

e. Communication challenges in massive IoT deployment.

2.3 Satellite and Space Communications

a. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations for global connectivity.

b. Inter-satellite communication for improved space exploration.

c. Secure communication protocols for space-based systems.

d. Quantum communication for secure space-based networks.

e. Space debris mitigation and communication systems.

3. Control Systems and Robotics

3.1 autonomous systems.

a. AI-driven control for autonomous vehicles and drones.

b. Swarm robotics and their applications in various industries.

c. Human-robot collaboration in industrial settings.

d. Autonomous navigation systems for underwater vehicles.

e. Control strategies for multi-agent systems.

3.2 Biomedical and Healthcare Robotics

a. Robotics in surgical procedures and rehabilitation.

b. Wearable robotics for physical assistance and rehabilitation.

c. Robotic prosthetics and exoskeletons for enhanced mobility.

d. Telemedicine and remote healthcare using robotic systems.

e. Ethics and regulations in medical robotics.

3.3 Machine Learning and Control

a. Reinforcement learning for control system optimization.

b. Neural network-based adaptive control systems.

c. Explainable AI in control systems for better decision-making.

d. Control strategies for complex systems using deep learning.

e. Control system resilience against adversarial attacks.

4. Electronics and Nanotechnology

4.1 nano-electronics and quantum computing.

a. Quantum-resistant cryptography for future computing systems.

b. Development of reliable qubits for quantum computers.

c. Quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing.

d. Nano-scale transistors and their applications.

e. Hybrid quantum-classical computing architectures.

4.2 Flexible and Wearable Electronics

a. Stretchable electronics for wearable applications.

b. Smart textiles and their integration with electronic components.

c. Biocompatible electronics for healthcare monitoring.

d. Energy harvesting in wearable devices.

e. Novel materials for flexible electronic devices.

4.3 Neuromorphic Engineering and Brain-Computer Interfaces

a. Neuromorphic computing for AI and cognitive systems.

b. Brain-inspired computing architectures and algorithms.

c. Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces for diverse applications.

d. Ethics and privacy in brain-computer interface technology.

e. Neuroprosthetics and their integration with neural interfaces.

5. Signal Processing and Machine Learning

5.1 sparse signal processing.

a. Compressive sensing for efficient data acquisition.

b. Sparse signal reconstruction algorithms.

c. Sparse representations in machine learning.

d. Deep learning for sparse signal recovery.

e. Applications of sparse signal processing in various domains.

5.2 Explainable AI and Interpretability

a. Interpretable machine learning models for critical applications.

b. Explainable deep learning for decision-making.

c. Model-agnostic interpretability techniques.

d. Human-centric AI and its interpretability.

e. Visual and intuitive explanations in machine learning models.

5.3 Adversarial Machine Learning and Security

a. Robust deep learning models against adversarial attacks.

b. Adversarial machine learning in cybersecurity.

c. Detecting and mitigating adversarial attacks in AI systems.

d. Secure and private machine learning protocols.

e. Ethical considerations in adversarial machine learning.

As technology continues to redefine boundaries and explore new horizons, these research topics in Electrical Engineering stand at the forefront, ready to shape the future of our world. The amalgamation of these fields showcases the diversity and depth of possibilities waiting to be unlocked by the curious minds and diligent efforts of researchers and engineers in the years to come.

  • Advanced sensors
  • AI Applications
  • AI in robotics
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Brain-machine interfaces
  • Cognitive radio
  • Electric vehicles
  • Electrical engineering research
  • Electroceuticals
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
  • Electronic design automation
  • Electronics advancements
  • Emerging research topics
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy forecasting
  • Energy storage
  • Grid stability
  • Health technology
  • HVAC systems
  • IoT devices
  • Microgrid technology
  • Molecular electronics
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Power systems
  • quantum computing
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Quantum internet
  • Remote Sensing
  • renewable energy
  • Smart buildings
  • Smart grids
  • Smart grids cybersecurity
  • Speech and audio processing
  • sustainable manufacturing
  • Terahertz electronics
  • VLSI design
  • Wearable technology
  • Wireless protocols


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  • All Scopus Indexed Journals 92


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research topics in electrical engineering for phd

research topics in electrical engineering for phd

100+ Recent & Hot Electrical Engineering Research Topics For Students [2024 Updated]

Electrical engineering research topics are good for upgrading your engineering skills. It helps to modify the student’s knowledge as per the technology we use daily, from phones to computers to appliances. Researchers in this field explore new ideas to improve how electricity powers our lives. Here, we cover all research topics that make our devices smarter, connections faster, and energy cleaner.

Imagine a future where a robot can understand voice commands or traffic lights automatically adjust based on real-time conditions. Electrical engineering research brings science fiction to reality! Topics like artificial intelligence, wireless communication, renewable energy, and electronics design are critical for innovation.

In simple words, we find easy ways for electricity to solve problems. How can solar panels provide cleaner power? How do robot vacuum cleaners know when to turn? The core electric engineering research topics for students, whether from high school, college student, etc. These topics are good to use for all students.

The world of electrical engineering shapes the appliances, lights, gadgets, and technologies we rely on daily. From allowing phones to access the internet to powering cities through solar grids, these topics merge electricity with innovation. With rapid technological change, the brightest ideas are yet to be discovered. 

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Table of Contents

What Are Electrical Engineering Research Topics?

Electrical engineering research looks at many topics. These topics help find new ways to use electricity and circuits. The goal is to improve lives through technology and systems.

Some common electrical engineering research topics are power and energy. Researchers may work on devices that capture renewable power from the sun and wind. They find ways to store and use energy efficiently in homes. Other topics include systems to transfer electricity safely to homes and appliances. Some researchers build smart controllers to automate machines around us.

Another common research area is communication technologies. These allow devices to ‘talk’ to each other wirelessly. Topics include developing fast internet networks, smart Bluetooth devices, and GPS systems.

Other topics focus on building tiny electronic chips inside computers and phones. Researchers also work on voice technologies, self-driving cars, drones, and more.

In essence, electrical engineering researchers focus on a wide variety of subjects. Their aim is to find innovative ways to harness electricity and circuits. This drives the evolution of appliances, devices, networks, and overall technology. Research in the field ultimately seeks to improve how we live globally.

How Can I Find Good Electrical Engineering Research Topic?

Here are some tips to help you find a good electrical engineering research topic:

How Can I Find Good Electrical Engineering Research Topic

  • Look at emerging technologies and trends. Areas like renewable energy, robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), etc, have a lot of interesting problems to solve. These electrical engineering research topics offer great scope for innovation.
  • Talk to professors and industry experts. They are most updated on cutting-edge advancements and can suggest ideas based on current gaps and needs. Discussing with them can help align your interests to impactful topics.
  • Read the latest research papers in reputed IEEE journals like Transactions on Power Systems, Transactions on Communications, etc. Identify open research questions and new concepts that need further investigation.
  • Attend seminars and conferences in your subfield of interest. Being aware of the latest findings and debates will lead you to potential topics.
  • Identify technology problems around you that need electrical engineering solutions, like improving the efficiency of motors, smarter energy systems, better batteries, etc. Ground your topic in real-world relevance.
  • Explore interdisciplinary topics combining electrical engineering with fields like computer science, biotech, physics, etc. This can lead to greater impact and uniqueness.

What Are The Some Recent Topics For Research In Electrical Engineering?

Here are some of the recent popular an hottest electrical engineering research topics in electrical engineering presented below:

Research AreaRecent Electrical Engineering Research Topics
Power Systems– Renewable energy integration
– Smart grids
– Electric vehicles & charging infrastructure
– Energy storage technologies
Communications– 5G & 6G networks 
– Internet of Things (IoT)
– Optical communication systems
– Network security
Electronics– Flexible and wearable electronics 
– Sensors and actuators 
– Embedded system design
– Nanoelectronics
Control Systems– Robotics and automation
– Drone technology
-Artificial intelligence applications
Signal Processing– Biomedical signal processing
– Image processing algorithms
– Machine learning methods
Computer Engineering– Cloud computing architectures
– GPU computing
– Quantum computing

100+ Recent & Hot Electrical Engineering Research Topics For Students

Here are the hottest topics for research in Electrical Engineering (EE) currently:

Power Systems and Renewable Energy Research Topics

  • Resilient Microgrid Design for Disaster Response
  • Distributed Energy Storage Systems in Smart Grids
  • Real-time Simulation of Power Systems
  • Enhanced Fault Detection in Power Distribution Networks
  • Renewable Energy Integration Challenges in Developing Countries
  • Electrification of Rural Areas using Renewable Energy Sources
  • Cyber-Physical Attacks in Power Grids and Countermeasures
  • Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Remote Locations
  • Dynamic Line Rating for Improved Transmission Line Utilization
  • Power System State Estimation using Machine Learning
  • Intelligent Energy Management for Electric Vehicles
  • Grid Integration of Wave and Tidal Energy
  • Advanced Synchronization Techniques in Power Systems
  • Reliability and Resilience Metrics for Power Distribution Systems
  • Advanced Monitoring and Control of Photovoltaic Systems
  • Power Electronics for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Systems
  • Voltage Stability Assessment in Power Networks
  • Smart Buildings and Their Role in Demand Response
  • Innovative Approaches for Power Grid Restoration
  • Advanced Techniques for Power System Protection

Communications and Signal Processing Electrical Engineering Research Topics

  • Cognitive Radio for Spectrum Sharing in 6G Networks
  • Massive MIMO Systems for Next-Generation Wireless Communication
  • Quantum Communication Networks and Protocols
  • Signal Processing for Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • Visible Light Communication for Indoor Positioning
  • Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks
  • Machine Learning Approaches for Wireless Channel Modeling
  • Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) in 5G
  • Cooperative Communication Strategies for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
  • Millimeter Wave Communication Systems for 6G
  • AI-Enhanced Beamforming in Wireless Networks
  • Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks
  • Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems
  • Fog Computing for Low-Latency IoT Applications
  • Intelligent Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond
  • Cross-Layer Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Information-Centric Networking (ICN) for Future Internet
  • Quantum Key Distribution for Secure Wireless Communication
  • 6G Network Slicing and Virtualization
  • Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols for IoT Devices
  • UAV-Assisted Communication Networks for Disaster Response
  • Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) for 5G Networks
  • Green Communication Technologies for Sustainable Networks
  • Blockchain for Secure and Decentralized Communication
  • Deep Learning for Wireless Channel Prediction
  • Advanced Error Control Coding Techniques for Wireless Channels
  • Terahertz Communication for Ultra-High Data Rates
  • Intelligent Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Networks
  • Satellite Communication Systems for Global Connectivity
  • 3D Printing Antenna Technologies for Customized Devices

Control Systems and Robotics Research Topics

  • Swarm Robotics for Cooperative Tasks
  • Humanoid Robots for Hazardous Environment Exploration
  • Cyber-Physical Systems in Industry 4.0
  • Learning-Based Control for Robotic Manipulation
  • Neuro-Fuzzy Control Systems for Complex Processes
  • Explainable AI for Control System Decision-Making
  • Autonomous Vehicles and Traffic Management Systems
  • Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems
  • Soft Robotics for Human Interaction
  • Model Predictive Control for Energy-Efficient Buildings
  • Haptic Feedback Systems in Virtual Reality Environments
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems and Traffic Control
  • Biomimetic Robotic Systems for Environmental Monitoring
  • Real-Time Adaptive Control Systems for Dynamic Processes
  • Augmented Reality in Control System Visualization
  • Fault-Tolerant Control Systems in Robotics
  • Human-Machine Collaboration in Industrial Automation
  • Swarm Intelligence for Smart Grid Management
  • Control Strategies for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
  • Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Control Systems
  • Adaptive Cruise Control Systems in Autonomous Vehicles
  • Advanced Navigation Systems for Autonomous Robots
  • Wearable Robotics for Rehabilitation
  • Predictive Maintenance Systems using Machine Learning
  • Smart Control of Home Automation Systems
  • Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
  • Brain-Inspired Control Algorithms for Robotics
  • Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Control Systems
  • Autonomous Robotic Inspection of Critical Infrastructures
  • Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Systems

Electronics and VLSI Design Research Topics

  • Neuromorphic Hardware for AI Applications
  • Quantum-dot Cellular Automata for Low-Power Circuits
  • 3D IC Integration and Design Challenges
  • Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Computing Architectures
  • Non-Volatile Memory Technologies for Future Storage
  • Neuromorphic Computing Architectures for Edge Devices
  • Advanced Materials for Semiconductor Devices
  • Silicon Photonics for High-Speed Data Transmission
  • Hardware Security in VLSI Design
  • Energy-Efficient Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits
  • Spintronics and Magnetoresistive Devices
  • Quantum Computing Hardware Design
  • Reversible Logic Circuit Design for Low Power
  • Wearable Electronics and Flexible Substrates
  • Bio-Inspired Computing Hardware
  • Emerging Memory Technologies (e.g., Resistive RAM)
  • Low-Power Design Techniques for Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Hardware Trojans Detection and Prevention
  • Energy Harvesting Circuits for Self-Powered Devices
  • Advanced Techniques for FPGA-Based Prototyping

What Are Some Cool But Easy Research Paper Topics For Electrical Engineering Students?

Here are some cool and easy research paper topics for electrical engineering students:

Harnessing solar power through windowsInvestigating methods to integrate semi-transparent solar cells into windows for harvesting solar energy
Wireless charging trends and futureAnalyzing the evolution of wireless charging technologies for consumer electronics devices
LiDAR for self-driving vehiclesEvaluating working and reliability of LiDAR sensors for obstacle detection and navigation of autonomous vehicles
Neuromorphic computingStudying brain-inspired computing models to process information more efficiently
Biomedical sensors for wearable devicesReviewing flexible and wearable sensors that can monitor health data in smart watches and fitness bands
Gesture control of consumer devicesExploring sensor technologies and algorithms to implement touchless gesture interfaces for devices
Virtual reality devicesDiscussing display, tracking and motion sensing technologies that immersive virtual reality devices utilize
Smart grid for sustainable citiesAssessing integration of renewable energy through intelligent, two-way electricity distribution systems
Artificial intelligence for power grid managementInvestigating machine and deep learning models for efficient monitoring and control of power grids

Current Electrical Engineering Research Topics PDF

Here is the latest Electrical Engineering Research Topics for students :

What Are Current PhD Research Topics In Electrical Engineering?

Here are some of the currently popular PhD research topics in electrical engineering:

Research AreaPhD Research Topics
Power Systems– Smart grid optimization techniques 
– Renewable energy forecasting 
– Control of microgrids
Electric Vehicles– EV battery charging algorithms 
– Wireless power transfer systems 
– Motor drives for EVs
Communication Networks– 6G wireless networks 
– Visible light communication
– AI for network security
Signal Processing– Sparse representation techniques 
– AI for image reconstruction 
– Quantized neural networks
Control Theory– Predictive control for power converters 
– Adaptive control of UAVs 
– Cooperative robot control
AI and Computing– Edge intelligence 
– AI chip architecture 
– Brain-inspired computing
Biomedical Engineering– Wearable sensors for patient monitoring 
– Prosthetics control interface 
– AI for genomic analysis

Exploring electrical engineering research topics leads to technologies that empower our modern lives. The field seeks to harness the power of electricity and circuits to drive innovation.

Some key areas researchers focus on include cleaner, smarter energy systems. Advanced tools help capture and distribute electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind. Other systems make appliances and homes more energy-efficient. This allows sustainable power usage globally.

Research also enables various communication technologies . These help devices connect and share data seamlessly around the world. Topics in this area lead to faster wireless networks, intelligent sensors and sophisticated consumer electronics.

Various control systems and robotics topics facilitate automated, self-driving vehicles, drones and smart machinery. While signal processing research realizes advanced wearable devices, imaging techniques and efficient AI.

Cutting across domains, artificial intelligence promises to revolutionize electrical systems by making them highly responsive, predictive and accurate. Researchers also work extensively on using computation power effectively.

The vibrant world of electrical engineering research is shaping smarter grids, appliances, machineries and cities. The ultimate mission is enhancing quality of life by optimally harnessing electricity and digital systems to build a sustainable, highly connected future.

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Overview of the PhD Program

For specific information on the Electrical Engineering PhD program, see the navigation links to the right. 

What follows on this page is an overview of all Ph.D. programs at the School; additional information and guidance can be found on the  Graduate Policies  pages. 

General Ph.D. Requirements

  • 10 semester-long graduate courses, including at least 8 disciplinary.   At least 5 of the 10 should be graduate-level SEAS "technical" courses (or FAS graduate-level technical courses taught by SEAS faculty), not including seminar/reading/project courses.  Undergraduate-level courses cannot be used.  For details on course requirements, see the school's overall PhD course requirements  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Program Plan (i.e., the set of courses to be used towards the degree) approval by the  Committee on Higher Degrees  (CHD).
  • Minimum full-time academic residency of two years .
  • Serve as a Teaching Fellow (TF) in one semester of the second year.
  • Oral Qualifying Examination Preparation in the major field is evaluated in an oral examination by a qualifying committee. The examination has the dual purpose of verifying the adequacy of the student's preparation for undertaking research in a chosen field and of assessing the student's ability to synthesize knowledge already acquired. For details on arranging your Qualifying Exam, see the exam policies and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Committee Meetings : PhD students' research committees meet according to the guidelines in each area's "Committee Meetings" listing.  For details see the "G3+ Committee Meetings" section of the Policies of the CHD  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Final Oral Examination (Defense) This public examination devoted to the field of the dissertation is conducted by the student's research committee. It includes, but is not restricted to, a defense of the dissertation itself.  For details of arranging your final oral exam see the  Ph.D. Timeline  page.
  • Dissertation Upon successful completion of the qualifying examination, a committee chaired by the research supervisor is constituted to oversee the dissertation research. The dissertation must, in the judgment of the research committee, meet the standards of significant and original research.

Optional additions to the Ph.D. program

Harvard PhD students may choose to pursue these additional aspects:

  • a Secondary Field (which is similar to a "minor" subject area).  SEAS offers PhD Secondary Field programs in  Data Science and in  Computational Science and Engineering .   GSAS  lists  secondary fields offered by other programs.
  • a Master of Science (S.M.) degree conferred  en route to the Ph.D in one of several of SEAS's subject areas.  For details see here .
  • a Teaching Certificate awarded by the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning .

SEAS PhD students may apply to participate in the  Health Sciences and Technology graduate program  with Harvard Medical School and MIT.  Please check with the HST program for details on eligibility (e.g., only students in their G1 year may apply) and the application process.

In Electrical Engineering

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PhD in Electrical Engineering Topics

In general, electrical engineering is denoted as the engineering discipline that is concentrated on the design, application, and study of systems, devices, and equipment that are functional through electromagnetism, electronics, and electricity. In this article, we deliberate the significance of a PhD in electrical engineering topics using the experience of our research professionals. Firstly, we start with the substantial research field based on electrical engineering along with its specifications.

Research Areas in Electrical Engineering

  • RFID systems
  • Medical electronics
  • Antennas and EM modeling
  • Radar and sonar
  • Uncooled and coherent wavelength division multiplex technology
  • Advanced liquid crystal devices
  • Photonic generation of THz signals
  • Wireless over fiber devices and systems
  • Ultrafast photonic devices
  • Connected electronic and photonic systems
  • Resistive switching
  • Laser processing
  • Diamond electronics
  • Quantum nanoelectronics
  • Optical materials and electronic devices
  • Information security and retrieval
  • Sensor networks
  • IP networks
  • Wireless communications
  • Telecommunication networks and services
  • High-speeded optical systems
  • Optical packet networks
  • Dense WDM optically routed networks
  • Large-scale optical networks
  • Optoelectronic devices and systems

Our research experts are skillful to provide the best research project in electrical engineering systems. Since, they are well-versed in mathematical logic, numerical analysis, time and space analysis, information about latest phd in electrical engineering topics, the tools, and the usage of algorithms and protocols. For instance, if you have selected your area as electrical engineering , at that time you can select your research topic from the following research fields in electrical engineering.

Recent PhD in Electrical Engineering Topics

Research Fields in Electrical Engineering

  • Electrical materials science
  • Mechatronics
  • Renewable energies
  • Electrochemistry
  • Nanotechnology
  • Microwave engineering
  • Electromagnetics and waves
  • Power Electronics
  • Spanning a huge number of specializations
  • Hardware engineering
  • Instrumentation and electronics
  • Signal processing
  • Radio frequency engineering
  • Telecommunication engineering
  • Power engineering
  • Computer engineering

Above mentioned are the notable research fields in contemporary research based on electrical engineering. The research scholars should select their PhD in electrical engineering topics from the latest research fields. For more research references based on electrical engineering, the research scholars can reach us. Below, we have highlighted the algorithms that are used to implement the research project.

Algorithms in Electrical Engineering

  • Bayesian learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Combining multiple learners
  • Hidden Markov models
  • Neural networks
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Bayesian decision theory

These are the emerging subjects in electrical engineering that are gaining widespread significance in the research platform. We must aware of the current trends and developments in the research area before presenting the research phd in electrical engineering topics. There are also some expectations from reviewers that you must be sure to satisfy. We have discussed the substantial algorithms that are used in electrical engineering research projects.

Current Trends in Electrical Engineering

  • Battery charging and discharging control of a hybrid energy system using a microcontroller
  • TMTDYN: A Matlab package for modeling and control of hybrid rigid continuum robots based on discretized lumped system and reduced order models
  • Establishment of a smart living environment control system
  • Renewable energy in sustainable electricity and economic development
  • Energy models for renewable energy utilization and to replace fossil fuels
  • A new framework for the advancement of power management strategies in hybrid electric vehicles
  • Robust power management via learning and game design
  • Particle swarm optimization for microgrid power management and load scheduling
  • High voltage driver with a switch capacitor cell and a current sensing resistor for implementing functions of zero voltage switching and overcurrent
  • A modified Y Source DC/DC converter with high voltage gains and low switch stresses
  • High voltage gain interleaved boost converter with Anfis-based Mppt controller for fuel cell-based applications
  • An improved SCADA framework for integrated renewable substations-based microgrid central control systems
  • Linear LAV-based state estimation integrating hybrid SCADA /PMU measurements
  • Towards highly efficient state estimation with SCADA measurements in distribution systems
  • Decentralized constrained optimal control of the multi-machine power system stability improvement
  • The reduction and power quality improvement in grid-connected PV system
  • Effect of intermittent power supply on the German power system
  • Design and implementation of an automated residential water heating system using sustainable energy and PLC techniques
  • Corporate eco-efficiency and financial performance: evidence from Guinness Nigeria PLC
  • A novel hybrid fuzzy logic controller-based RFLC for fault limiting in transmission networks and its dynamic analysis
  • Modified voltage control strategy for DC network with distributed energy storage using a fuzzy logic controller
  • A solar-powered reconfigurable inverter topology for AC/DC homes with fuzzy logic controller
  • Inverse kinematic analysis of 4 DOF pick and place arm robot manipulators using a fuzzy logic controller
  • In DFIG-based WECS connected to the grid using UPQC controlled by fractional order PID and Anfis controllers
  • Design of optimal PID controller for LFC and AVR in power system using PSO
  • Simulation 3 DOF RRR robotic manipulator under PID controller
  • Voltage controller of DC-DC buck-boost converter with proposed PID controller
  • Design, analysis, and application of a new disturbance rejection PID for uncertain systems
  • Forecasting methodologies of solar resources and PV power for smart grid energy management
  • The cooperative internet of things enabled smart grid
  • Optimal and autonomous incentive-based energy consumption scheduling algorithm for smart grid
  • Can active learning benefit the smart grid a perspective on overcoming the data scarcity
  • Smart grid in the context of industry 4.0 an overview of communications technologies and challenges
  • A survey on smart grid technologies and applications
  • Control and analysis of microgrid frequency droop with fuzzy-based WECS with EV
  • Formal requirements for microgrid using Kaos and reference architecture
  • Implementation of efficient energy generation of microgrid from solar power plant

We have added the above-mentioned as research trends to show and uplift your research skill level. To tell the truth, PhD in electrical engineering topics are an innovative trend set in recent days. There are lots of research topics that are coming up from the recently used applications and research techniques in the electrical engineering field . So, contact us for your requirements in research development. For your reference, our research experts have listed down the pioneering research topics in electrical engineering.

Research PhD in Electrical Engineering Topics

  • Photonics and optical communications
  • Sensing devices
  • Microelectronics and nanoscale engineering
  • Electronic engineering for agricultural applications
  • Communication, digital signal processing, and radio networks
  • Advanced material science and technology development
  • Resilient energy and multi-energy systems
  • Robotics systems, artificial intelligence, and automation
  • Low-costts virtual systems and effective trains
  • Top speed motors and their topologies
  • High power virtual systems (HPVPS)
  • Diagnosing green growth in India
  • Motor design for aerospace fault tolerant
  • Designing compressor motors and advanced propulsion science
  • Renewable energy and hybrid electric aerospace
  • Drives and controls
  • DFIG Machines: improving energy efficiencies
  • Wind turbine generators: 3D temperature mapping
  • Cost functions for efficient electric vehicle drive systems
  • Electric vehicles and health monitoring of power semiconductor modules
  • Switched reluctance motors
  • Extra functionality devices: advanced technology modeling
  • Challenges of autonomous power systems
  • Distributed generation systems: loss detection of grid events via pattern identification
  • Electric vehicle motors and gearbox
  • Soft magnetic composites
  • Smart grid monitoring
  • Computer-aided design for electrical engineering
  • Energy networks and their mathematical foundations
  • Electrical motors and their redesigning
  • Power electronics tools and equipment
  • Computation research in new technologies and materials
  • Studying behavior thru computational modeling
  • Piezoelectric and ferroelectrics
  • Using photovoltaic, graphene, and silicon carbide
  • Atomic layer interface engineering
  • Design choice in the direct drive of wheel motors
  • Series connected supercapacitor and li-ion capacitor cells for the active voltage equalization
  • PM machines with high power and speed

Along with that, our research professionals have enlisted the notable research phd in electrical engineering topics its implementation process in the following.

Project Topics in Electrical Engineering

  • Solar panel is deployed to charge the battery and the operational amplifiers are utilized to monitor the voltage along with the LED to monitor the condition of the battery
  • It is the integrated control of lighting appliances and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). In addition, Arduino is deployed to regulate home appliances through remote
  • It is used to implement the circuits with the mechanical loads in the average speed
  • It is deployed to enhance the power factor through the set of capacitors that are connected parallel to switch the capacitors and that is functional as per the value of power factor
  • It is used to switch the room light when a person gets in and switch it off when he leaves the room. Consequently, it displays on the LCD about the person’s entry

The research scholars will be overwhelmed to know that still there are lots and many more phd in electrical engineering topics being developed now and then depending on the real-time requirements. In addition, we have enlisted the list of simulation tools used in the research implementation.

Simulation Tools in Electrical Engineering

  • The laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench is abbreviated as LabVIEW and it is the engineering software system. It is deployed to access the data insights and hardware
  • Personal simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis is abbreviated as PSPICE. It is used for the simulation and authentication process of the mixed signal and analog circuits
  • It is deployed to implement the graphical simulation along with the specific toolboxes for the electric transients, transmission line, and switches for power supply, simulating and analyzing the renewable energy sources
  • Solar advisor model in Simulink
  • Wind turbine model in Simulink
  • Its toolboxes offer various functions such as curve fitting, system identification, control system design, linear algebra, linear system implementation, optimization, etc.

The following is about the questions along with their appropriate answers and these are the questions that are frequently asked by research scholars to develop their research skills in electrical engineering. In addition, our research experts have answered these questions through their years of experience in this field.

Questions based on Electrical Engineering Research

What are the different types of power electronics.

  • AC to AC converters
  • DC to AC converters
  • DC to DC converters
  • AC to DC converters

Which project is best for electrical engineering?

  • PLC and SCADA-based traffic control system
  • Photovoltaic solar power generation with maximum power point tracking
  • Zigbee based solar powered forest fire detection and control system
  • GSM-based substation monitoring and control system
  • Android-based electrical appliance control

What are the current research topics in renewable energy?

  • Think tank platform for the renewable energy industry
  • Membrane-enhanced reforming technology
  • Bio-oil production from biomass pyrolysis technology
  • Lignocellulose hydrolysis technology
  • Design and construction of biodiesel production plant

Our research professionals are providing the finest research assistance for research students based on electrical and electronics engineering and electrical and communication engineering. While guiding the PhD scholars, we used to follow and provide the following processes.

  • Preparation of research topic and proposal
  • Paper preparation and publication support
  • Annexure II
  • Demonstration for the proposed research
  • Provision of synopsis
  • Thesis will be written along with the support of research scholars

The research projects based on electrical engineering are rendering online guidance to make research projects , pile up the assignments, implementation process, homework help, paper publication, thesis writing, phd in electrical engineering topics and much more. We have well-experienced subject-specific experts, developers, and so on who are contented to help the research scholars at all times. You can connect with us to aid more and our 24/7 customer care support is ready to offer assistance always. So, ping us to acquire the finest knowledge.

research topics in electrical engineering for phd

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We have 363 electrical engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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electrical engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Electronic and electrical engineering: fully funded swansea university and silvaco phd scholarship: new quantum transmitting boundary method code for transport device simulations, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Electronic & Electrical Engineering: Fully Funded SUSPRS PhD Scholarship: Cubic Silicon Carbide (3C-SiC) Transistor Structures for High-Efficiency Power Electronics

Funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Fully funded PhD scholarship in Agrifood Electronics

Phd electrical and electronic engineering, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

China PhD Programme

A Chinese PhD usually takes 3-4 years and often involves following a formal teaching plan (set by your supervisor) as well as carrying out your own original research. Your PhD thesis will be publicly examined in front of a panel of expert. Some international programmes are offered in English, but others will be taught in Mandarin Chinese.

Robotic Exoskeletons Controlled by Brain-Computer Interfaces

Fully funded phd opportunities in physical sciences, 4 year phd programme.

4 Year PhD Programmes are extended PhD opportunities that involve more training and preparation. You will usually complete taught courses in your first year (sometimes equivalent to a Masters in your subject) before choosing and proposing your research project. You will then research and submit your thesis in the normal way.

Gas-Filled Plasma Closing Switches for the Next Generation of Pulsed Power Without SF6

Study engineering in the usa with the george washington university, international phd programme.

International PhD programs are often designed for international students. Your PhD will usually be delivered in English, though some opportunities to gain and use additional language skills might also be available. Students may propose their own PhD topics or apply for advertised projects.

Fully Funded PhD opportunities in Engineering Sciences

Monolithic integrated gan power devices with integrated gate drivers, fully funded phd scholarship in memristive technologies, green revolution: crafting a sustainable future sports through textile innovation (ref: fp-lx-2024), a study of sensing and wireless communications, funded vice chancellors scholarship in inclusive engineering; assessing extended reality tools and digital technologies for accessible, inclusive, experiential, and flexible training (ref: aacme24/er2), robotic non-destructive evaluation for ai-enabled digital high-value manufacturing.

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research topics in electrical engineering for phd

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PhD Projects in Electrical Engineering

PhD projects in Electrical Engineering are the best dais for PhD/MS scholars. In fact, it will help to regulate their career on the right track.

When you win, we are the first person to be happy…

Electrical Engineering will monitor and analyze the power relative info. Thus, it aids in bringing out the  “energy-saving”  environs. To be sure, a  “smart grid”  environs is the best way to achieve this goal. Below we have listed several; research topics in smart grid systems for PhD projects in electrical engineering can be implemented with our expert guidance

Top-Most Smart Gird Research Areas

  • Distributed Power Generation
  • Dynamic Energy Transmission
  • Smart Electric Vehicle Charging
  • Smart System Integration
  • Power Grid Transformation
  • Hybrid Vehicle Assimilation
  • Green Infrastructure Control
  • Renewable Resource Incorporation
  • Rapid Green Urbanization
  • Mainstreaming Minimized CO
  • Energy Storage
  • Green Network Design and Modeling
  • Demand Side Response Management
  • Microgrid Interoperability

On the whole, we will create this environment through simulation. Then, it will be under test on several real-time scenarios. As a result, it will attain the following things,

  • Less Energy Intake
  • Reliability,
  • Transparency

Last but not least, you can approach us for any phase of your R & D. We are here to aid you in your needy time to develop best project for electrical engineering . Consequently, overall, we will provide an “end on”  research service for your ease.

In short, they are as follows,

  • At first, domain selection
  • Next, identify the area
  • Then, pick out a novel idea
  • After that, prepare a proposal
  • Later, develop an algorithm
  • Next, code execution
  • Then, paper writing
  • Next, proof checking
  • Then, do rewrite
  • Then check the plagiarism
  • After that, publish a paper
  • At last, thesis writing

As soon as, hold your hands with PhD projects in Electrical Engineering to hit your goal line without stumbling blocks…

Other energetic ideas in Electrical Engineering are huddled together here,

An effective function of direct power control strategy based on variable speed pumped storage system intended for reduction of wind power fluctuation impact on grid stability practice

A study function of implementation for intelligent analysis system used comprehensive outage management based on big data technology scheme

An innovative mechanism for Distributed Dispatch Approach via Bulk AC/DC Hybrid Systems with High Wind Power Penetration practice

A new Open-Source of Pandapower in Python Tool designed for Convenient Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Electric Power Systems

An inventive function of Open-Loop Modal Coupling Analysis designed for MIMO Interconnected MTDC/AC Power System

The fresh mechanism for Increasing an Emergency Control Systems Efficiency into Kola's and Karelia's Power Systems

An innovative process of Role for Concentrating Solar Power toward High Renewable Energy Penetrated in Power Systems

A fresh function of Practicable Cascading Failure Process Prediction Analysis Scheme and System Development Based on Multiple Information Sources

A research process of Operation Modes on Autonomous Power Supply with Wind-Diesel Power Plant scheme

An innovative mechanism for Adaptive Sub-synchronous Resonance Damping Controller used for AC/DC Hybrid Power System with High Penetration Wind Power

The fresh function of Power Quality Comprehensive Evaluation designed for Low-Voltage DC Power Distribution System

An effectual method for Small-Signal Stability of an AC/MTDC Power System as Affected by Open-Loop Modal Coupling Between VSCs

An innovative process of Linear and Uniform System Dynamics of Future Converter-Based Power Systems

The new methodology for Day-ahead Generation Scheduling Technique used New Energy and Hydro for Power System

A Modelling and Control Strategy intended for Hybrid PV and Central Receiver CSP in Power Restoration scheme

Using Border PMU Measurements by An original mechanism for Optimal Reactive Power Flow of Interconnected Power System Based on Static Equivalent Method

A competent function of Combined modified P&O algorithm with improved direct power control method applied to single-stage three-phase grid-connected PV system

The fresh process in SMIB and operating condition over different type of PSS for impact of influence of power system

An effectual method for Analysis and Research based on Power Flow Entropy Index of Power System

The new optimization of Wind Power Grid Connection in Multi-Source and Multi-Region Power Generation of method Based on Peak Adjustment Margin practice

MILESTONE 1: Research Proposal

Finalize journal (indexing).

Before sit down to research proposal writing, we need to decide exact journals. For e.g. SCI, SCI-E, ISI, SCOPUS.

Research Subject Selection

As a doctoral student, subject selection is a big problem. Phdservices.org has the team of world class experts who experience in assisting all subjects. When you decide to work in networking, we assign our experts in your specific area for assistance.

Research Topic Selection

We helping you with right and perfect topic selection, which sound interesting to the other fellows of your committee. For e.g. if your interest in networking, the research topic is VANET / MANET / any other

Literature Survey Writing

To ensure the novelty of research, we find research gaps in 50+ latest benchmark papers (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, MDPI, Hindawi, etc.)

Case Study Writing

After literature survey, we get the main issue/problem that your research topic will aim to resolve and elegant writing support to identify relevance of the issue.

Problem Statement

Based on the research gaps finding and importance of your research, we conclude the appropriate and specific problem statement.

Writing Research Proposal

Writing a good research proposal has need of lot of time. We only span a few to cover all major aspects (reference papers collection, deficiency finding, drawing system architecture, highlights novelty)

MILESTONE 2: System Development

Fix implementation plan.

We prepare a clear project implementation plan that narrates your proposal in step-by step and it contains Software and OS specification. We recommend you very suitable tools/software that fit for your concept.

Tools/Plan Approval

We get the approval for implementation tool, software, programing language and finally implementation plan to start development process.

Pseudocode Description

Our source code is original since we write the code after pseudocodes, algorithm writing and mathematical equation derivations.

Develop Proposal Idea

We implement our novel idea in step-by-step process that given in implementation plan. We can help scholars in implementation.


We perform the comparison between proposed and existing schemes in both quantitative and qualitative manner since it is most crucial part of any journal paper.

Graphs, Results, Analysis Table

We evaluate and analyze the project results by plotting graphs, numerical results computation, and broader discussion of quantitative results in table.

Project Deliverables

For every project order, we deliver the following: reference papers, source codes screenshots, project video, installation and running procedures.

MILESTONE 3: Paper Writing

Choosing right format.

We intend to write a paper in customized layout. If you are interesting in any specific journal, we ready to support you. Otherwise we prepare in IEEE transaction level.

Collecting Reliable Resources

Before paper writing, we collect reliable resources such as 50+ journal papers, magazines, news, encyclopedia (books), benchmark datasets, and online resources.

Writing Rough Draft

We create an outline of a paper at first and then writing under each heading and sub-headings. It consists of novel idea and resources

Proofreading & Formatting

We must proofread and formatting a paper to fix typesetting errors, and avoiding misspelled words, misplaced punctuation marks, and so on

Native English Writing

We check the communication of a paper by rewriting with native English writers who accomplish their English literature in University of Oxford.

Scrutinizing Paper Quality

We examine the paper quality by top-experts who can easily fix the issues in journal paper writing and also confirm the level of journal paper (SCI, Scopus or Normal).

Plagiarism Checking

We at phdservices.org is 100% guarantee for original journal paper writing. We never use previously published works.

MILESTONE 4: Paper Publication

Finding apt journal.

We play crucial role in this step since this is very important for scholar’s future. Our experts will help you in choosing high Impact Factor (SJR) journals for publishing.

Lay Paper to Submit

We organize your paper for journal submission, which covers the preparation of Authors Biography, Cover Letter, Highlights of Novelty, and Suggested Reviewers.

Paper Submission

We upload paper with submit all prerequisites that are required in journal. We completely remove frustration in paper publishing.

Paper Status Tracking

We track your paper status and answering the questions raise before review process and also we giving you frequent updates for your paper received from journal.

Revising Paper Precisely

When we receive decision for revising paper, we get ready to prepare the point-point response to address all reviewers query and resubmit it to catch final acceptance.

Get Accept & e-Proofing

We receive final mail for acceptance confirmation letter and editors send e-proofing and licensing to ensure the originality.

Publishing Paper

Paper published in online and we inform you with paper title, authors information, journal name volume, issue number, page number, and DOI link

MILESTONE 5: Thesis Writing

Identifying university format.

We pay special attention for your thesis writing and our 100+ thesis writers are proficient and clear in writing thesis for all university formats.

Gathering Adequate Resources

We collect primary and adequate resources for writing well-structured thesis using published research articles, 150+ reputed reference papers, writing plan, and so on.

Writing Thesis (Preliminary)

We write thesis in chapter-by-chapter without any empirical mistakes and we completely provide plagiarism-free thesis.

Skimming & Reading

Skimming involve reading the thesis and looking abstract, conclusions, sections, & sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences & words and writing thesis chorological order of papers.

Fixing Crosscutting Issues

This step is tricky when write thesis by amateurs. Proofreading and formatting is made by our world class thesis writers who avoid verbose, and brainstorming for significant writing.

Organize Thesis Chapters

We organize thesis chapters by completing the following: elaborate chapter, structuring chapters, flow of writing, citations correction, etc.

Writing Thesis (Final Version)

We attention to details of importance of thesis contribution, well-illustrated literature review, sharp and broad results and discussion and relevant applications study.

How PhDservices.org deal with significant issues ?

1. novel ideas.

Novelty is essential for a PhD degree. Our experts are bringing quality of being novel ideas in the particular research area. It can be only determined by after thorough literature search (state-of-the-art works published in IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, ACM, ScienceDirect, Inderscience, and so on). SCI and SCOPUS journals reviewers and editors will always demand “Novelty” for each publishing work. Our experts have in-depth knowledge in all major and sub-research fields to introduce New Methods and Ideas. MAKING NOVEL IDEAS IS THE ONLY WAY OF WINNING PHD.

2. Plagiarism-Free

To improve the quality and originality of works, we are strictly avoiding plagiarism since plagiarism is not allowed and acceptable for any type journals (SCI, SCI-E, or Scopus) in editorial and reviewer point of view. We have software named as “Anti-Plagiarism Software” that examines the similarity score for documents with good accuracy. We consist of various plagiarism tools like Viper, Turnitin, Students and scholars can get your work in Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism. DONT WORRY ABOUT PHD, WE WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.

3. Confidential Info

We intended to keep your personal and technical information in secret and it is a basic worry for all scholars.

  • Technical Info: We never share your technical details to any other scholar since we know the importance of time and resources that are giving us by scholars.
  • Personal Info: We restricted to access scholars personal details by our experts. Our organization leading team will have your basic and necessary info for scholars.


4. Publication

Most of the PhD consultancy services will end their services in Paper Writing, but our PhDservices.org is different from others by giving guarantee for both paper writing and publication in reputed journals. With our 18+ year of experience in delivering PhD services, we meet all requirements of journals (reviewers, editors, and editor-in-chief) for rapid publications. From the beginning of paper writing, we lay our smart works. PUBLICATION IS A ROOT FOR PHD DEGREE. WE LIKE A FRUIT FOR GIVING SWEET FEELING FOR ALL SCHOLARS.

5. No Duplication

After completion of your work, it does not available in our library i.e. we erased after completion of your PhD work so we avoid of giving duplicate contents for scholars. This step makes our experts to bringing new ideas, applications, methodologies and algorithms. Our work is more standard, quality and universal. Everything we make it as a new for all scholars. INNOVATION IS THE ABILITY TO SEE THE ORIGINALITY. EXPLORATION IS OUR ENGINE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION SO LET’S ALL GO EXPLORING.

Client Reviews

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I was at the edge of my doctorate graduation since my thesis is totally unconnected chapters. You people did a magic and I get my complete thesis!!!

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I had not provided any specific requirements for my proposal work, but you guys are very awesome because I’m received proper proposal. Thank you!

- Bhanuprasad

I was read my entire research proposal and I liked concept suits for my research issues. Thank you so much for your efforts.

- Ghulam Nabi

I am extremely happy with your project development support and source codes are easily understanding and executed.

Hi!!! You guys supported me a lot. Thank you and I am 100% satisfied with publication service.

- Abhimanyu

I had found this as a wonderful platform for scholars so I highly recommend this service to all. I ordered thesis proposal and they covered everything. Thank you so much!!!

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research topics in electrical engineering for phd

PhD Research/Project Topics For Electrical and Computer Engineering

Looking for a PhD research or project topic in Electrical and Computer Engineering? Here are some exciting and cutting-edge ideas that can help you get started.

Table of Contents

1. Design and Optimization of Power Systems for Renewable Energy Sources

With the world moving towards a greener future, the need for sustainable and renewable energy sources has never been more crucial. PhD research in the design and optimization of power systems for renewable energy sources can explore ways to improve the efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy systems.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications for Robotics and Automation

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have revolutionized the field of Robotics and Automation. PhD research in this field can focus on developing intelligent systems for autonomous robots and machines that can learn and adapt to their environment.

3. Development of Advanced Signal and Image Processing Techniques for Real-time Applications

Signal and Image Processing techniques are used extensively in a wide range of applications, including healthcare, security, and entertainment. PhD research in this field can focus on developing advanced techniques for real-time processing of signals and images, such as video and audio streams.

4. Analysis and Optimization of Next-gen Wireless Communication Networks

Wireless communication networks are constantly evolving, and the next-generation networks are expected to offer higher data rates, improved reliability, and enhanced security. PhD research in this field can explore ways to analyze and optimize next-gen wireless communication networks for improved performance and efficiency.

5. Development of Efficient Algorithms for High-Performance Computing and Big Data Processing

With the increasing amount of data generated every day, there is a growing need for efficient algorithms for High-Performance Computing and Big Data processing. PhD research in this field can focus on developing advanced algorithms that can process large amounts of data efficiently, while maintaining accuracy and reliability.

6. Design of Advanced Control Systems for Autonomous Vehicles and Drones

The field of Autonomous Vehicles and Drones is rapidly evolving, with a wide range of applications in transportation, surveillance, and entertainment. PhD research in this field can focus on designing advanced control systems for autonomous vehicles and drones that can operate safely and efficiently in complex environments.

In conclusion

These are just a few ideas for PhD research or project topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering. These fields are constantly evolving, and there is a wealth of opportunities for research and innovation. Choose a topic that interests you and can make a significant contribution to the field.

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Electronic and Electrical Engineering MPhil/PhD

London, Bloomsbury

We have a large and vibrant community of doctoral students researching a broad range of topics in electronic and electrical engineering. Our graduates are in high demand, going on to careers in industry, academic research, and permanent academic positions at top institutions. Many of our graduates now hold senior positions in the industry.

UK tuition fees (2024/25)

Overseas tuition fees (2024/25), programme starts, applications accepted.

  • Entry requirements

A UK Master’s degree, or a minimum of an upper second-class UK Bachelor’s degree, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. The qualification may be in any relevant subject, e.g. electronic engineering, communication engineering, computer science, chemistry, materials science (the latter two for electronic materials research).

The English language level for this programme is: Level 1

UCL Pre-Master's and Pre-sessional English courses are for international students who are aiming to study for a postgraduate degree at UCL. The courses will develop your academic English and academic skills required to succeed at postgraduate level.

Further information can be found on our English language requirements page.

If you are intending to apply for a time-limited visa to complete your UCL studies (e.g., Student visa, Skilled worker visa, PBS dependant visa etc.) you may be required to obtain ATAS clearance . This will be confirmed to you if you obtain an offer of a place. Please note that ATAS processing times can take up to six months, so we recommend you consider these timelines when submitting your application to UCL.

Equivalent qualifications

Country-specific information, including details of when UCL representatives are visiting your part of the world, can be obtained from the International Students website .

International applicants can find out the equivalent qualification for their country by selecting from the list below. Please note that the equivalency will correspond to the broad UK degree classification stated on this page (e.g. upper second-class). Where a specific overall percentage is required in the UK qualification, the international equivalency will be higher than that stated below. Please contact Graduate Admissions should you require further advice.

About this degree

Thanks to the breadth of research we carry out in the department, we offer doctorates across a wide range of topics in electronic and electrical engineering from nanotechnology and novel materials, to circuits and systems, radar, communications, photonics, optical networks and large-scale networks.

Who this course is for

Applicants should have a strong academic record in a relevant discipline, previous research experience, and be highly motivated and interested in continuing their research in the field of electronic and electrical engineering. If you are interested in joining us as a research student, we strongly encourage you to look at the EEE research pages to identify areas of interest to you. Selecting the correct research project or area of research interest is a hugely important first step, so we recommend that you contact potential supervisors directly to discuss possibilities before you apply.

What this course will give you

Our department is the oldest electronic engineering department in England and one of the most highly regarded and research active. Our research is at the cutting edge of the discipline and we have an enviable track record of exploiting our research in new technologies.

Our facilities are world-class with access to the state-of-the-art London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) and excellent in-house design and test facilities for radio frequency, radar, communications, optical networks, materials and photonics. On top of this, we also offer comprehensive training packages, dedicated staff, world-renowned academics, and support from UCL's graduate school.

The foundation of your career

Our graduates are in high demand, going on to careers in industry, as postdoctoral researchers and, in many cases, continuing to permanent academic positions at leading educational institutions.

Graduates from this programme have taken up positions at companies such as Cisco Meraki, Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia-Siemens, Barclays, Toshiba, Microsoft, European Space Agency and Deutsche Telekom, with some progressing to Directorships. A significant number use the PhD as a stepping stone to careers in other sectors, including management consultancy and finance. Several have started up their own businesses and become successful entrepreneurs.

Our graduates have also become successful academics and researchers at institutions including the University of Liverpool, Queen Mary, University of London, University of British Columbia, National University of Singapore, Aston University, City University, University of Hokkaido and at UCL.

Several have been awarded prestigious fellowships, including Royal Academy of Engineering and Royal Society University Fellowships, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Awards and EPSRC Fellowships.


Graduates from this programme are highly employable. They are well-prepared for a career in industry or to conduct powerful, influential research in this multi-disciplinary field. Many have gone on to successful careers in large organisations, top academic institutions and founded their own start-up companies.

The EEE department is located in the heart of London and has deep industry connections. This provides unique and invaluable opportunities to students such as industry-supervised research projects, sponsored studentships, site visits, placements and invited talks from experts connected to the university. Events like our Festival of Research celebrate our industry collaborations, highlight our impacts and enable networking across students, researchers and industry.

We collaborate with institutions, organisations and academics world-wide across most of our postdoctoral provision, and our renowned academic team bring their own experience and expertise to the table.

Our doctoral students engage widely with the world outside academia via mechanisms including Knowledge Transfer (KT) programmes, public engagement and outreach activities. In the former case, we have seconded students to collaborating companies via KT studentships to carry out highly industrially-relevant work. These students are often employed by the company at the end of their PhD.

Teaching and learning

This MPhil/PhD programme provides a route for students to carry out their own research project under the supervision of a member of academic staff. Students will normally work within a research group, and closely with their supervisor(s), to develop each stage of their research. Throughout their degree, students will have regular meetings with their primary supervisor, contact with their secondary supervisor, and participation in group meetings.

Students initially register for an MPhil degree and transfer to the PhD programme after a year, pending success in a transfer/upgrade examination. For a successful upgrade to PhD, students must prepare a written report, give an oral presentation and pass an oral examination.

The final examination for a PhD degree is by the presentation of a thesis, which is assessed by both an external examiner (someone from outside UCL) and an internal examiner (from within UCL). The thesis should demonstrate the student's ability to pursue original research based upon a good understanding of the research techniques and concepts appropriate to the discipline.

This MPhil/PhD comprises mostly self-directed study under the supervision of a member of academic staff. Full-time study equates to 36.5 hours per week; pro-rata for part-time. During the research degree students will have regular meetings with their Primary Supervisor (at least once every month) and consult regularly with a Subsidiary Supervisor.

If a student has external funding, they should ensure they meet the Terms and Conditions of their funder in this regard.

Research areas and structure

  • Communications and information systems: telecommunication networks and services; wireless communications; IP networks; sensor networks; information security and retrieval
  • Electronic materials and devices: optical materials and electronic devices; quantum nanoelectronics; diamond electronics; laser processing; resistive switching
  • Optical networks: optoelectronic devices and systems; large scale optical networks; dense WDM optically routed networks; optical packet networks; high speed optical systems
  • Photonics: connected electronic and photonic systems; ultrafast photonic devices; wireless over fibre devices and systems; photonic generation of THz signals; advanced liquid crystal devices; uncooled and coherent wavelength division multiplex technology
  • Sensors, systems and circuits: radar and sonar; antennas and EM modelling; medical electronics; RFID systems; IC design.

Research environment

This department offers an exceptionally vibrant and innovative research environment for students. Our research spans a broad range of topics in electronic and electrical engineering with research groups specialising in Electronic Materials and Devices, Information and Communication Engineering, Optical Networks, Photonics, and Sensors Systems and Circuits. We collaborate widely, both with other departments in UCL, and with leading research groups and industrial partners around the world. This generates a highly stimulating environment that has led to brilliant careers for most of our graduating students.

The length of an MPhil/PhD in this department is normally three years’ full time. Full-time research degree students are required to register for an MPhil degree for not less than 9 months after initial registration. They must then fulfil academic requirements to upgrade to PhD degree no later than 12 months after initial registration. A full-time student must be registered for at least two calendar years before they will be allowed to submit their thesis for examination for the PhD.  

The length of an MPhil/PhD in this department is normally five years part time. Part-time research students in this department are required to register for an MPhil degree for a minimum of 15 months after initial registration. They must then fulfil academic requirements to upgrade to PhD degree no later than 22 months after initial registration. A part-time student must be registered for at least three calendar years before they will be allowed to submit their thesis for examination for the PhD.


Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble accessable.co.uk . Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing team .

Fees and funding

Fees for this course.

Fee description Full-time Part-time
Tuition fees (2024/25) £6,035 £3,015
Tuition fees (2024/25) £31,100 £15,550

The tuition fees shown are for the year indicated above. Fees for subsequent years may increase or otherwise vary. Where the programme is offered on a flexible/modular basis, fees are charged pro-rata to the appropriate full-time Master's fee taken in an academic session. Further information on fee status, fee increases and the fee schedule can be viewed on the UCL Students website: ucl.ac.uk/students/fees .

Additional costs

There are no programme-specific costs.

As each PhD research project is unique in nature, additional costs related to consumables, equipment, materials, attending and presenting at conferences, poster printing, etc. will vary. Prospective students are advised to contact the project supervisor for more information on additional costs for specific research projects.

A student conference and travel fund is available to students within the department to help with costs associated with attending and presenting at conferences. Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis.

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at Accommodation and living costs .

Funding your studies

A number of competitive EPSRC funded studentships are available each year for UK and EU students who meet residency requirements.

For a comprehensive list of the funding opportunities available at UCL, including funding relevant to your nationality, please visit the Scholarships and Funding website .

Deadlines and start dates may be dictated by funding arrangements so check with the department or academic unit to see if you need to consider these in your application preparation. In most cases you should identify and contact potential supervisors before making your application. For more information see our How to apply page.

Please note that you may submit applications for a maximum of two graduate programmes (or one application for the Law LLM) in any application cycle.

Choose your programme

Please read the Application Guidance before proceeding with your application.

Year of entry: 2024-2025

Got questions get in touch.

Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Electronic and Electrical Engineering

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UCL is regulated by the Office for Students .

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Doctoral Studies

We are proud of the quality of our doctoral students and the training they receive. As an Electrical Engineering PhD candidate in our department, you will share in the excitement of discovery as you collaborate with our faculty on cutting-edge research. You will also acquire strong independent research skills and begin to develop your reputation within your area’s larger research community.

Because the advisor-graduate relationship is the cornerstone of a successful PhD experience, all new PhD candidates are carefully matched with faculty advisors, based on mutual research interests.

You will find the work here challenging and personally rewarding. Students who complete our PhD program are well-prepared for careers in academia, research, government and industry.

While pursuing an Electrical Engineering doctoral degree from the ECE department, it will be important to keep in mind the Program’s Requirements so as to be sure that you are on track to graduate. The final step during the process is defending a dissertation, which requires a lot of preparation before presenting.

Visit our Graduate Admission Information page for application requirements, deadlines, and other important information.

Mentoring and Annual Discussions Policies

Current ECE doctoral candidates are encouraged to review the university's mentoring and professional development policies.

Student Spotlight

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“ We are capturing interactions between brain activity and genetic mutations associated with schizophrenia and fusing these views into a single framework. ”

PhD Assistance

Recent phd research topic ideas for electronic engineering 2020.

Exclusive for scholars pursuing their PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering with base papers (peer-reviewed articles)

  • Energy Efficiency Examination of Comb Source Carrier-Injection Ring depend on Photonic Silicon Connection
  • Silicon Photonics is on Wavelength division multiplexing Compatible Polarisation-Diverse OAM Generator and Multiplexer
  • Integrating Ultra-Wideband Antennas with the Bluetooth
  • Wetness Detection – Bluetooth depends on microcontroller unit and (Global System for Mobile communication
  • Electrical Annealing – examination of the performance of Organic Rectifying Diodes
  • Depend on organic light-emitting diodes – Optical camera communication system for IoT
  • Enhancement in wireless body application for the deployment of a Human Body Phantom Model.
  • Manipulation of wireless body area network in Clothing Spoof Surface Plasmons
  • Deliberation of Human Body Blocking in User-Dense Condition and analyzation of Channel Capacity of Millimetre-Wave WBAN
  • Tackling the catastrophic forgetting interface using an artificial neural network
  • Wavelength Demultiplexer Models Running on Several Spatial Modes of the Rectangular Waveguide
  • Enhancement in Decision Making with Photonics for Bandit Issues
  • Binary Coherent Optical Receiver depend on Opto-Electronic Neural Network
  • Backside Metal Mirrors with a grating coupler in silicon insulator
  • Autonomous network diagnosis with Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Detection and visualization of terahertz using ballistic graphene rectifiers
  • Challenges for 5 G Mobile Backhaul network based on threats and attacks
  • Examination of CoAP with the DTLS Protocol in the communications of Fog-to-Fog.
  • Distance-Based system for Named Software-Defined Vehicular Networks (NSDVN) in Broadcast Storm Mitigation
  • Security and threats challenges in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks MANETs

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research topics in electrical engineering for phd

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PhD Research Topics in Electrical Engineering

PhD research topics in Electrical Engineering is our reasonable service and certainly the best option for the students. We are in the same place for over 18+years to aid both PhD and MS scholars. Later on, Electrical Engineering goes through a broad spectrum model, design, and study in several areas.

Major Topics in Electrical Engineering

  • Nano and Micro Technology
  • Digital Image and Signal Processing
  • Cognitive Technology
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Embedded System
  • VLSI and also in Power Electronics
  • Optical Communication

The PhD ride may seem hard!!! But it will be easy to pass away when you join us…

Until now, each tech joins with various electrical devices. Additionally, it will share the data in the form of digital signals. Once you join us, we will guide you in various recent areas in this field with interesting PhD research topics in electrical engineering field.

Latest PhD Research Topics in Electrical Engineering

Ongoing Inspiring Novel Concepts

  • Computation Intelligence
  • Automated High Voltage System
  • Intelligent Control System
  • Electronic Machines
  • Power Drive System
  • Analog and in Digital Info Processing
  • Distributed and also within Renewable Energy System
  • Power Quality and also in Grounding Optimization
  • Circuits Design and also in Modeling
  • Fault Diagnosis in Smart Grid
  • Power-Aware Smart Vehicle

To this end, our experts are keen to focus on puzzling issues in above all areas. As a result, they have found out a lot of best answers to get out of it. Truly,  PhD research topics in Electrical Engineering  will take you to your aimed destiny. On this trip, we will make you cross several tollgates.

Main Check Points in Your Research Journey

  • Topic Selection
  • Novelty Identification
  • Solution Recognition
  • Code Execution with Graphs
  • Paper Writing and in Publication

When you replace stumbling block as a step ladder to success…Then you will see the success close to you…

Here, we also suggest you brainy discoveries from our PhD research topics in Electrical Engineering,

An effective mechanism for Centralized monitoring of power electronics devices

The novel mechanism for Adaptive Control of Power Electronics Load Considering User Intention in Islanded Microgrid

A competent Design and Testing of 6 kV H-bridge Power Electronics Building Block Based on 10 kV SiC MOSFET Module method

The new source of Autonomous Control for Active Power Electronics Loads Considering Response Cost in Islanded Microgrid

An effectual process of Power Electronics for Future Power Grids system

A fresh function of Recent Trend in Power Electronics designed for ICT Systems

An innovative mechanism for Displacement Power Factor Correction used by Firing and Extinction Angle Control system

The novel mechanism for control and protection system in loop testing technology designed for flexible power electronics substation method

A design methodology for Novel Silicon Carbide Integrated Power Module used for EV application

The novel mechanism for SiC MOSFET Based on Modular Universal Power Electronics Regulator

A fresh function of Partial Power Processing DC Current Source intended for Loop Resistance Measurement in Gas Insulated Switchgear practice

A newfangled mechanism for Junction Temperature Control by More Reliable Power Electronics

An effective Evaluation of Power Processing in Series-Connected for Partial-Power Converters system

The novel mechanism for Unified Power Flow Controller used by Power Electronics Integrated Transformer

A new Geometrical Techniques for Electric Field Control in (Ultra) Wide Band gap based on Power Electronics Modules system

An effective function of Adaptive Constant Power Control of MHz GaN-Based AC/DC Converters designed for Low Power Applications

A fresh mechanism for Programmable Power Electronics Voltage Source with Sigma-Delta Modulator in Control Section

An innovative process of Multi-Level Power Converter By Series-Connected Solid-State Transformers scheme

On the sue of Regularly Sampled Pulse-Width Modulators with Sawtooth Carrier in Baseband Distortion Compensation used for High-Precision Power Electronics

A fresh function of Beat Frequency Oscillation Analysis intended for Power Electronic Converters in DC Nano grid Based on Crossed Frequency Output Impedance Matrix Model system

PhD Research Topics in Electrical Engineering

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100+ Electrical Engineering Research Topics Examples

Electrical engineering comprises the comprehension of electricity and how it works. The main task of electrical engineers is to improve the distribution of energy to different electrical devices. Electrical engineers utilize their skills and knowledge to solve different technical issues. Electrical engineers’ tasks are working with the airline navigation system, GPS, systems for power generation, and transmissions like the wind farmhouses and similar projects. Working on different energies also comes in the domain of electrical engineers such as hydro-energy, turbine, fuel cell, gas, geothermal energy, solar energy, and wind energy. Electrical engineers use various passive components such as inductors, capacitors, and resistors, and so on while working on electrical devices and systems.

Students need to get different ideas for the research in electrical engineering on the latest ideas during the academic career of engineering. If you have been looking for an article that includes interesting  research paper topics for electrical engineering  students at a single site, you have come to the right place.

Top Research Topics for Electrical Engineering Students

For your convenience, we have compiled here a list of the top 100 electrical engineering project ideas in 2021.

  • Distance Locator for an underground cable fault
  • An analysis of battery energy storage (BES) systems financial incentive policies
  • Photovoltaic conversion efficiency improvement using the sparse matrix converter
  • Multiphase power and DC power transmission
  • SVPWM inverter harmonic elimination
  • Electric cars Regenerative braking efficiency improvement
  • UPS systems issues in power quality
  • Techno-environmental feasibility assessment of a standalone photovoltaic system
  • Electric Scooter Simulation model
  • Load-leveling economical analysis using EV
  • Energy minimization algorithm for an electric car with many motors
  • Minimization of Switching loss in the grid-connected system
  • Economic analysis and a battery’s life analysis with the supercapacitor
  • Protection System for an induction motor
  • A high-efficiency PLC boiler control system
  • SMART cities and IoT
  • Electric scooter Performance analysis using different motors
  • Semantics, knowledge management, and data acquisition using IoT
  • Technologies of Network virtualization
  • IoT home networks
  • Electrical Appliance Control with Android
  • The cost-benefit analysis of energy projects on grid-scale: A case study
  • Detection of the arcing fault in the electrical systems
  • Induction motor map development for efficiency
  • A sensitivity analysis for the parameters vehicle design
  • Research on electrical loads in the public and residential buildings
  • Comparative Analysis and Calculation Methods of the Losses in the electrical energy in low-voltage devices
  • Hybrid charging stations powered with solar energy
  • IoT smart energy meter
  • Wind-power generation using a synchronous generator with permanent magnet
  • Off-grid rural areas applications using a switched reluctance machine
  • Analysis and design of a magnetless multiphase dc-field machine to generate wind power
  • Smart home electric energy management
  • A techno-economic viability assessment of a decoupled energy storage
  • A techno-economic optimization and modeling of storage-based PV power generation systems
  • A technical model for the lithium-ion storage for biogas and PV energy system
  • An analysis of transparent power grids
  • Battery life and efficiency of regenerative braking
  • Economic and life analysis of a battery with the supercapacitor
  • EV home charging using the load-leveling algorithm
  • In-Vivo Imaging of the cancer cells using the Fluorescent Microscopy
  • Use of Dynamic Instrumentation for analyzing WhatsApp security
  • Smart grid architecture design
  • Use of PID controller for IM torque control
  • Design of a hybrid power system
  • Use of FIXCOM for designing a 3-level inverter
  • Harvesting solar energy from a solar-powered satellite
  • Use of microcontroller for battery discharging and charging of hybrid energy system
  • Analysis and modeling of electrical gripper’s DC motor actuator
  • Use of a brushless DC motor for Zeta converter’s power quality improvement
  • Use of a three-phase Inverter based on Thyristor for simulation and control of a DC motor
  • Use of PI Controller for designing a PLC speed control DC motor
  • Use of PID controller for speed control of a DC motor: a comparative study
  • Front-End ASICs power management circuits
  • Off-Grid renewable energy’s remote monitoring system
  • Non- Renewable and Renewable Energy Resources comparative analysis
  • Development of Green Building for harvesting renewable energy
  • Low carbon achievement: a case study
  • Use of PSO for load dispatch in case of renewable uncertainties
  • The hot climate and Vertical axis wind turbine relationship and consequence
  • Use of fuzzy control for efficient electrical energy management
  • Degradation in the performance of PV panel performance and shading effect: a case study
  • Solar angles simulation to maximize solar thermal collectors efficiency
  • Use of Node MCU for active solar tracking
  • Different techniques for DC networks with low voltage
  • Waste Management Approach based on information
  • Grid-Connected Solar PV System with decoupled control
  • Electric vehicle life analysis
  • Use of ADVISOR for minimizing EV energy consumption
  • Field data examination of energy consumption for an electric scooter
  • Use of an electric car for peak load shaving
  • Effect of the temperature on PV energy conversion
  • Digital Signal process control system for motors
  • Use of EMTDC/ PSCAD for evaluation of harmonic analysis and filter design
  • Load flow analysis of integrated DC/ AC power system using newton-raphson method
  • Auto-Irrigation System development using solar power
  • DC motor speed control unit design
  • Protection System design for under-voltage
  • Protection System design for over-voltage
  • Silicon robot based on solar power
  • 3-phase grid-connected PV systems simulation and design
  • Analysis of brushless servo motors
  • Grid-connected PV systems multilevel inverter simulation
  • MIMO transformer models
  • Fault detection in 3 phase transmission lines
  • An optimization technique for flexible load scheduling
  • Design of remote terminal unit for secure control of power
  • Use of the artificial neural network for 3-phase fault detection
  • Design of electrical substation earthing system
  • Microgrid integration in the power transmission lines
  • Induction motor temperature and material selection
  • Open-loop simulation for an optimal vehicle simulation and design
  • Use of STATCOM for improving the transient stability of a power grid
  • Peak load management using Vehicle to Grid system
  • Image sensing for a closed-loop traffic control system
  • Arduino based smart home automation system
  • 3 phase induction motor controlled by SVPWM in an electric vehicle
  • Increasing the efficiency of a superconducting transformer
  • An analysis of (SCADA) System in Power Stations

Research topics for electrical engineering can be exciting yet challenging to find at the same time as they require a lot of time for thorough research and writing. Moreover, the topic and the desired approach can a lot of time to be finalized. Keeping this hassle in view, we have compiled a list of the top 100  electrical engineering research paper topics  in a single article to save your time. We will also keep updating the list to include some more latest and fresh research topics related to electrical engineering.

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Current Research Areas

  • Statistics and data analysis
  • Optimization
  • Computational biology
  • Power Electronics

Control Systems

  • Circuit designs
  • Signal processing and also communications
  • Image and video processing
  • Partial differential equations
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Electromagnetic Waves and also Antennas

       Electrical Engineering submission to you high end projects topics and innovative ideas in your research.  MATLAB is used extensively in electrical engineering for signal-processing applications.  It also resulted in the design and manufacture of a computer chip that detects imminent collisions .  In Matlab, electrical-based models are also designed based on three major constraints as listed below,

Advanced Electrical Elements (based on the circuit)

  • Gate Turn-Off Thyristor( also GTO)
  • Inductors and Capacitors
  • MOSFET Diodes
  • Diode Alternating Current( also DIAC)
  • Sillicon Controlled Rectifier( also SCR)
  • graphene plasmonic

Current Electrical Sensor (Used based on the requirements)

  • Voltage sensor Blocks ( also Ideal Voltage Sensor)
  • Current sensor Blocks ( also Ideal Current Sensor)

Recent Electrical Sources (Used based on the requirements)

  • AC Current Source
  • AC voltage Source
  • Controlled Current Source
  • Controlled Voltage Source
  • DC Voltage Source

Latest Concepts for Electrical in Matlab

     PhD Electrical Engineering offers research guidance to shine your future brightly and attain your goal efficiently.  MATLAB has various tool bags and functional modules, including many corresponding electricity equipment models, which can also achieve the analysis and design of motor speed control and electricity system, etc.  We also have published 2000+ Electrical Engineering journal publications based on the new trends. Some of the upcoming concerts are also listed below,

Automatic Night Lamp along with Alarm

  • Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
  • AC Voltage Source
  • Step Down Transformer
  • Bridge Rectifier
  • EMF Neutralizer

Room Temperature Controller

  • 8051 series Microcontroller
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Transformer

Fan Speed Control System

  • PIC 16F877A Microcontroller
  • Crystal Oscillator
  • Pulse Width Modulation
  • Temperature Sensor LM35 interfaced

Railway Gate control System

  • Stepper Motor
  • SN7404 Microcontroller Interface
  • At89C51 Microcontroller
  • 555 Timer Integrated Circuit

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas

  • Analysis of transmission lines and also waveguides
  • Analysis of Multilayer film structures

                   -Anti-reflection coatings


                   -Omni-directional mirrors

                   -Birefringent multilayer films

                   -Giant Birefringent optics

Power Systems

  • Wind Turbine Generator
  • Marine Electric Propulsion Power Systems
  • Electric Ship Power Systems
  • Shipboard DC hybrid Power Systems
  • PWM generator
  • Grid Power Inverter also for Renewable Energy Sources
  • Emergency Diesel Generator
  • Power convertors
  • Modelling Inverse Kinematics in also a Robotic Arm
  • Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA)
  • 6 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) robot (Robotic Arm)
  • Digital Flight Control System
  • Automatic Climate Control System
  • Green house cooling system
  • Acid Plant boiler Level Control System

Latest Real Time Application Topics

  • Multivariate regression applied also for Nonlinear loads model for harmonics flow prediction
  • Propagation of the PLC signal also using influence of the MV/LV transformer impedance on power grid
  • Trip unit of a circuit breaker also using imitating model of a microprocessor
  • Conservative power theory applying on single phase low voltage grid also with model predictive control of PV-based shunt active power filter
  • Simulate induction machine operation applied also enhanced mathematical model
  • The electrical equipment production system evaluation also of the flexibility effort
  • Different electrical PV array configurations also used to effects of irradiance transition characteristic on the mismatch losses
  • Equivalent circuits applied also for ORCAD implementation of a frequency response function
  • OSNR monitoring technique also for PDM-CO-OFDM system with training symbol assisted in band
  • Conventional and also compact distribution networks applied three phase analysis of Active losses

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Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer

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Graphic of hand holding a glowing chip-based 3D printer

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Graphic of hand holding a glowing chip-based 3D printer

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Imagine a portable 3D printer you could hold in the palm of your hand. The tiny device could enable a user to rapidly create customized, low-cost objects on the go, like a fastener to repair a wobbly bicycle wheel or a component for a critical medical operation.

Researchers from MIT and the University of Texas at Austin took a major step toward making this idea a reality by demonstrating the first chip-based 3D printer. Their proof-of-concept device consists of a single, millimeter-scale photonic chip that emits reconfigurable beams of light into a well of resin that cures into a solid shape when light strikes it.

The prototype chip has no moving parts, instead relying on an array of tiny optical antennas to steer a beam of light. The beam projects up into a liquid resin that has been designed to rapidly cure when exposed to the beam’s wavelength of visible light.

By combining silicon photonics and photochemistry, the interdisciplinary research team was able to demonstrate a chip that can steer light beams to 3D print arbitrary two-dimensional patterns, including the letters M-I-T. Shapes can be fully formed in a matter of seconds.

In the long run, they envision a system where a photonic chip sits at the bottom of a well of resin and emits a 3D hologram of visible light, rapidly curing an entire object in a single step.

This type of portable 3D printer could have many applications, such as enabling clinicians to create tailor-made medical device components or allowing engineers to make rapid prototypes at a job site.

“This system is completely rethinking what a 3D printer is. It is no longer a big box sitting on a bench in a lab creating objects, but something that is handheld and portable. It is exciting to think about the new applications that could come out of this and how the field of 3D printing could change,” says senior author Jelena Notaros, the Robert J. Shillman Career Development Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics.

Joining Notaros on the paper are Sabrina Corsetti, lead author and EECS graduate student; Milica Notaros PhD ’23; Tal Sneh, an EECS graduate student; Alex Safford, a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Austin; and Zak Page, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UT Austin. The research appears today in Nature Light Science and Applications .

Printing with a chip

Experts in silicon photonics, the Notaros group previously developed integrated optical-phased-array systems that steer beams of light using a series of microscale antennas fabricated on a chip using semiconductor manufacturing processes. By speeding up or delaying the optical signal on either side of the antenna array, they can move the beam of emitted light in a certain direction.

Such systems are key for lidar sensors, which map their surroundings by emitting infrared light beams that bounce off nearby objects. Recently, the group has focused on systems that emit and steer visible light for augmented-reality applications.

They wondered if such a device could be used for a chip-based 3D printer.

At about the same time they started brainstorming, the Page Group at UT Austin demonstrated specialized resins that can be rapidly cured using wavelengths of visible light for the first time. This was the missing piece that pushed the chip-based 3D printer into reality.

“With photocurable resins, it is very hard to get them to cure all the way up at infrared wavelengths, which is where integrated optical-phased-array systems were operating in the past for lidar,” Corsetti says. “Here, we are meeting in the middle between standard photochemistry and silicon photonics by using visible-light-curable resins and visible-light-emitting chips to create this chip-based 3D printer. You have this merging of two technologies into a completely new idea.”

Their prototype consists of a single photonic chip containing an array of 160-nanometer-thick optical antennas. (A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick.) The entire chip fits onto a U.S. quarter.

When powered by an off-chip laser, the antennas emit a steerable beam of visible light into the well of photocurable resin. The chip sits below a clear slide, like those used in microscopes, which contains a shallow indentation that holds the resin. The researchers use electrical signals to nonmechanically steer the light beam, causing the resin to solidify wherever the beam strikes it.

A collaborative approach

But effectively modulating visible-wavelength light, which involves modifying its amplitude and phase, is especially tricky. One common method requires heating the chip, but this is inefficient and takes a large amount of physical space.

Instead, the researchers used liquid crystal to fashion compact modulators they integrate onto the chip. The material’s unique optical properties enable the modulators to be extremely efficient and only about 20 microns in length.

A single waveguide on the chip holds the light from the off-chip laser. Running along the waveguide are tiny taps which tap off a little bit of light to each of the antennas.

The researchers actively tune the modulators using an electric field, which reorients the liquid crystal molecules in a certain direction. In this way, they can precisely control the amplitude and phase of light being routed to the antennas.

But forming and steering the beam is only half the battle. Interfacing with a novel photocurable resin was a completely different challenge.

The Page Group at UT Austin worked closely with the Notaros Group at MIT, carefully adjusting the chemical combinations and concentrations to zero-in on a formula that provided a long shelf-life and rapid curing.

In the end, the group used their prototype to 3D print arbitrary two-dimensional shapes within seconds.

Building off this prototype, they want to move toward developing a system like the one they originally conceptualized — a chip that emits a hologram of visible light in a resin well to enable volumetric 3D printing in only one step.

“To be able to do that, we need a completely new silicon-photonics chip design. We already laid out a lot of what that final system would look like in this paper. And, now, we are excited to continue working towards this ultimate demonstration,” Jelena Notaros says.

This work was funded, in part, by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Robert A. Welch Foundation, the MIT Rolf G. Locher Endowed Fellowship, and the MIT Frederick and Barbara Cronin Fellowship.

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  • Jelena Notaros
  • MIT Photonics and Electronics Research Group
  • Research Laboratory of Electronics
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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Recent PhD Research Topic Ideas For Electrical Engineering 2020

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Exclusive for scholars pursuing their PhD in Electrical Engineering with base papers (peer-reviewed articles)

  • Improvement of power quality in the distribution line due to the distributed generation of renewable energy
  • Machine learning based Energy management system for better optimisation of power in electric vehicles.
  • Efficient and fast wireless power transfer between charging stations and electric vehicles for saving time.
  • Effective optimisation of power supply in micro grids for reduced dependency on the connected main grid.
  • Comparison of efficiency of various three phase grid connected converters under different grid faults.
  • Comparison of different types of phase converters with respect to the efficiency.
  • Comparison of power outputs and efficiency of three phase converters and inverters for wind turbines.
  • Efficient power distribution through Ultra High Voltage DC (UHVDC) supply and its comparison to current AC power distribution standards
  • Improvement in efficiency of stepping down power supply of UHVDC near the residential areas.
  • A hybrid FACTS device that solves the issues in the SVC and STATCOM for efficient reactive power compensation
  • Improvement of THD ratio in three phase cascaded multilevel power converters from one PV source. 
  • Efficient synchronization of frequency and stability of two different gird system with contrasting sources of power supply.
  • Damping of oscillation in rotors of machines using VAR compensators .
  • Improvement of smart grid stability at times of network attacks using Artificial Intelligence.
  • Reactive power compensation during the convergence of grid system with distributed generation.

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Chemical Engineering PhD Candidate Mufudzi Chaza Awarded at NGCS13 for Advancing Carbon Neutrality Research


Professors Yong Wang and Keiichi Tomishige presenting the Chemical Science Best Oral Presentation Awards to Mufudzi Chaza (3rd from the left) and 4 other winners at the 13th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium. Mufudzi is under the supervision of Professor Michael Claeys and Dr. Thulani Nyathi.

Mufudzi Chaza, a PhD candidate of the Catalysis Institute in the Department of Chemical Engineering, was honoured as one of the recipients of the Chemical Science Best Oral Presentation awards during the 13th edition of the Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS13). This prestigious event took place from the 21 to 25t April in Xiamen, China. Amidst a total of 180 oral presentations, receiving this award holds profound significance, underscoring the exceptional quality and pertinence of the research showcased in Mufudzi’s presentation at NGCS13. NGCS13 drew in more than 800 participants from 29 countries in diverse fields of catalysis, in industry and academia, all united by a shared objective of progressing "Towards Carbon Neutrality." This focal point resonated deeply with the research Mufudzi undertook and presented, which is within South Africa's CoalCO2-to-X initiative funded by the Department of Science and Innovation. This initiative shares the overarching aim of achieving carbon neutrality through Power-to-Liquids technology. Specifically, it involves harnessing carbon dioxide emissions from effluent streams in coal plants to produce valuable commodities, such as diesel, using catalysts developed in the Catalysis Institute laboratories. Mufudzi is under the supervision of Professor Michael Claeys and Dr. Thulani Nyathi.


Dean (in-charge), faculty of engineering.

research topics in electrical engineering for phd

Dr Amit Soni

Dean (in-charge), faculty of engineering phd, mtech, btech.

Dr Amit Soni did his BE Electrical (Electronics & Power) Engineering in 2001, scoring first rank and was awarded ‘Gold Medal’ for his outstanding academic performance. He did his MTech (Power System) in 2005 and PhD (Power System) in 2012, both from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur. He has rich Academic & research experience of 21 years while working with various institutions, which includes 3 years of industrial experience in RRVPNL, Jaipur.

He had worked as Director (International Collaborations), Manipal University Jaipur and contributed towards MoU’s/MoA’s with top QS Ranked Universities, Faculty & Student exchanges, successfully organizing DoIC Flagship events IWSMUJ - 2022 (Winter School), ISSMUJ -2022 (Summer School), Academic structuring of existing MoU’s and IAESTE Events. In addition, he had worked as Director (Quality & Compliance), Manipal University Jaipur and successfully contributed for NIRF Ranking 2021, AQAR-1 and NBA visit for 5 Engineering Departments. He had served as Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, for a duration of 4.5 years and had organized several National & International Workshops, Scopus Indexed International Conferences: 1st & 2nd Series ICTSES 2018 & 2021 (Springer Publisher), initiated MoUs & collaborative agreements and successfully developed research laboratories in the Department. In addition to this, before joining MUJ he had served in various administrative capacities such as Director, Asians Institute of Technology, Rajasthan, Head EE, Coordinator & Chairman for different Academic Committees at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

He has published 30 research papers in high impact repute SCI indexed International Journals (Q1 & Q2 category), 50 Scopus Indexed IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier conferences, and have also published 15 Scopus Indexed book chapters. He has to his credit more than 90 research publications, several Invited Talks & Keynote addresses, and had chaired/co-chaired sessions in various conferences. He is regular reviewer of research articles for many high impact journals. His research interest includes Solar Energy Materials, Optoelectronics, Thin Film Technology, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy Systems and Power System. He had supervised 3 PhDs and 6 research scholars are currently working under his supervision. He is presently working as PI for DST SERB funded (18.66 Lakh) research project in collaboration with MLSU, Udaipur and NIT, Uttarakhand. He is life member of Solar Energy Society of India, Member ISTE, India and IEEE, USA.

Dr Amit Soni can be contacted at: [email protected] and Mobile: +91 +91-9887300222

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    Mufudzi Chaza, a PhD candidate of the Catalysis Institute in the Department of Chemical Engineering, was honoured as one of the recipients of the Chemical Science Best Oral Presentation awards during the 13th edition of the Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS13). This prestigious event took place from the 21 to 25t April in Xiamen, China. Amidst a total of 180 oral presentations, receiving ...

  27. Dean (In-charge), Faculty of Engineering

    Dr Amit Soni. Dean (In-charge), Faculty of Engineering. PhD, MTech, BTech. Dr Amit Soni did his BE Electrical (Electronics & Power) Engineering in 2001, scoring first rank and was awarded 'Gold Medal' for his outstanding academic performance. He did his MTech (Power System) in 2005 and PhD (Power System) in 2012, both from Malaviya National ...