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How to Prepare for a Paper Presentation at an Academic Conference

 In my previous post, I laid out a timeline for choosing an academic conference.  This post will lay out four steps to help you successfully prepare for a paper presentation at an academic conference.

Pay attention to the deadline for proposals . 

Your proposal outlines the paper you are going to write, not a paper you have written . You may treat your proposal as a commitment device to “force” you to write the paper, but the final paper may well differ from your original intention.

The Claremont Graduate University Writing Center offers some good examples of proposals here .

Write a winning abstract to get your paper accepted into the conference. 

Abstracts are an afterthought to many graduate students, but they are the what the reviewer looks at first. To get your paper accepted to a conference, you’ll need to write an abstract of 200 to 500 words .

The emphasis should be on brevity and clarity. It should tell the reader what your paper is about, why the reader should be interested, and why the paper should be accepted.

Additionally, it should:

  • Specify your thesis
  • Identify your paper fills a gap in the current literature.
  • Outline what you actually do in the paper.
  • Point out your original contribution.
  • Include a concluding sentence.

Academic Conferences and Publishing International offers some additional advice on writing a conference abstract  as you prepare for your paper presentation at an academic conference.

Pay attention to your presentation itself.

In order to convey excitement about your paper, you need to think about your presentation as well as the findings you are communicating.

Note the conference time limit and stick to it. Practice while timing yourself, and do it in front of a mirror. I also recommend practicing in front of your peers; organizing a departmental brown bag lunch could be a great way to do this. As you are preparing, keep in mind that reading from notes is better than reading directly from your paper.

Once you arrive at the conference, check the location of the room as soon as you can before the event. Arrive early to make sure any audiovisual equipment you plan to use is working, and be ready to present without it in case it is not.

Always stand when giving your paper presentation at an academic conference. Begin by stating your name and institution. Establish eye contact across the room, and speak slowly and clearly to your audience. Explain the structure of your presentation. End with your contribution to your discipline. Finally, be polite (not defensive) when engaging in discussion and answering questions about your research.

By focusing on (a) making sure your work contributes something to your field (b) adhering to deadlines and convincing conference organizers that your paper is worth presenting and (c) creating a compelling presentation that aptly highlights the content of your research, you’ll make the most of your time at the conference.

Nigel Ashford

Nigel Ashford

Previous post should i get a phd 5 questions to ask yourself before you decide, next post how to choose and prepare for academic conferences as a graduate student.

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Presenting Conference Papers and Posters in the Humanities

Prepared by david forrest teaching, learning, and professional development center.

This paper is intended to describe the process of presenting research at conferences and provide useful advice for developing quality presentation materials.  Although primarily directed at the new researcher, experienced scholars will also find some useful tips for improving their presentations.  Be sure and check out the annotated list of online resources at the bottom of the page.


Research conferences are the life-blood of academia.  Scholars from around the country converge to exchange ideas, comment on each others' research, and find out what others in the field are studying.  By participating in these conferences, students and professors can stake their research territory, network with others in similar subfields, and participate in the community of scholars.  Two of the most popular methods of sharing research are paper presentations and poster presentations.  Presenting papers and posters is an invaluable way to develop and prepare ideas for publication.  The success of your conference participation depends on both the quality of your research and quality of your presentation.  Many quality projects have suffered from poor presentation.  The consequence of poor presentation is a lack of recognition and a lack of feedback from colleagues and experts in the field.  Conversely, the better your presentation the more valuable feedback you will likely receive.  Below are some suggestions and resources for preparing an effective presentation of your research.

Presenting Papers

Logistics Conferences program committees will typically send out a call for proposals a few months ahead of the conference.  The call will request an abstract or proposal, typically 200-500 words in length.  The committee will then select the best proposals and put the program together.  While individual conferences will vary, a typical paper session allows presenters 15-25 minutes to lecture on their research project and then field questions from the audience.  Often, presenters will be grouped by paper topic into a session.  The session chair will introduce each presenter and facilitate audience questions.

Talk to colleagues and mentors to find a conference that matches your interests.  Also enlist their help when writing your proposal or abstract.  For more advice on finding a conference and writing a solid abstract, see The Art of the Conference Paper .

Suggestions A good practice for preparing for a presentation is to (1) write the research paper (10-20 pages), then (2) translate the paper into speech-appropriate language.  Writing out the document insures that you completely explore the topic and have a well-constructed argument.  It also gives you practice preparing for publication; and sometimes a session chair will want to read your paper ahead of the conference to prepare some questions of his/her own.  However, most research papers make poor speech scripts so it is important to translate your paper into language that communicates well orally.  Consider your audience; reading an article silently is very different than listening to a presentation.  A reader can skip ahead or re-read a section of prose that was dense or unclear.  An oral presentation happens in real time.  The same sentence might be clear for a written document but difficult to follow when spoken aloud.  Dense jargon, lengthy quotations, and long, complicated sentences can lose your audience.  In her article, Conference Rules , Linda Kerber's “Rule No. 2” gives some very helpful advice on this translation process: “Although a sentence linked by semicolons, or constructed with one or more dependent clauses, may be perfectly clear on paper, it is very hard to understand when it floats into the air. The listener cannot hang on to the subject until the object heaves into view three clauses later.”  Also see Presenting Conference Papers in the Humanities for more detailed tips on how to prepare the speech of your presentation.

To help communicate your lecture, consider using presentation software such as PowerPoint or Keynote.  Before you decide to use technology of any kind, be sure and check with the conference organizers to know what technology will be available in your presentation room.  For helpful tips on designing a quality slide show, as well as avoiding some technological pitfalls, see the TLTC's How can I use PowerPoint more effectively?

The best advice when preparing your presentation is to practice, practice, practice.  Practice out loud, practice alone, for your friends, family, and colleagues, for anyone who will listen; and ask your practice audiences for feedback.  Practicing will help insure that you stay within your time limits, are comfortable communicating orally, and that you are communicating clearly.  In a well-designed presentation, even a novice in the discipline should be able to follow the gist of your argument.  Ask a mentor or colleague to help you anticipate what questions people may ask about your paper.  This will help you formulate some good responses and avoid getting stuck. 

Finally, check with the societies and organizations within your discipline for field-specific advice.  For example the American Historical Association features a very useful paper on their website that describes the experience from the point of view of historians.

Presenting Posters

Poster sessions are very common in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and their popularity is growing in the Humanities.  Poster sessions allow conferences to host a larger pool of researchers.  This is especially valuable for young researchers because it provides more opportunities for students to present their work.  Conference attendees also have the flexibility to browse the research that interests them most.

Logistics In a typical poster session, posters are displayed in a large room and, at an assigned time, presenters stand next to their posters to explain their project to passersby.  Conference attendees browse the posters to find topics of interest.  It is up to the presenter to communicate the project clearly and in a way that will elicit good feedback; so prepare your comments ahead of time as well as some notes to refer to if you need specific information.  As with the paper presentation, ask a mentor or colleague to help you anticipate what questions people may ask.  It's best to engage people actively as they approach your poster.  Be friendly and open to criticism and remember, you want people to comment – getting feedback on your ideas is one of the purposes of being there.  Be prepared with some paper for taking notes in case someone shares a useful idea or resource.

Poster Design The poster should play a supporting role to your explanation of the project.  At the same time, it needs to be complete enough to allow people to learn about your project if you are unavailable when they walk by.  According to Elliott Moreton , a poster has three purposes:  “To illustrate your explanation to the hearer when you are there…to explain your work to the reader when you are not there…[and] to make people want to read your paper.” (p.1)  Keep these purposes in mind as you design your poster.

Just like with paper presentations, your written document will need some translation in order to make an effective poster.  Inserting your 20-page written document into a poster-size sheet of paper will not communicate well.  Posters are a form of visual communication so you should adjust your information delivery accordingly.  Consider other forms of visual communication – billboards, print ads, television commercials.  These examples use rich images and very little text.  Charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs and other images can communicate your topic, data, and results more effectively than a large amount of text. 

As Hess, Tosney and Liegel suggest , your poster should focus on one take-away point.  There isn't room to include all of your findings and details, so don't try.  Give your listener a clear presentation of your central idea.  You will be there to expound on issues they find interesting or unclear.  Have something physical to pass out – a handout or business card – with your email address or other contact information so that interested parties can contact you later.

Titling your poster

The title should be at the top of the poster and should be the largest text on the poster (72-point or larger).  A good title should clearly and concisely describe the project.  For example, here are two possible titles for an analysis of the music of American composer, Aaron Copland.

Title Option 1: A Neo-Schenkerian Approach to Structural, Formal, and Prolongational Issues in Aaron Copland's Post-Tonal Juvenilia. 

Title Option 2: How Tonal is Copland's Music?

Option 1 might be acceptable as an article title but would be ineffective as a poster title.  It is too long and includes a weighty amount of jargon that doesn't communicate well to the passerby.  The second option, set in large font at the top of a poster, will be more effective at getting people's attention and quickly communicating the aims of the research.  Once a passerby shows interest, then you can expound on the central idea with more detail.



Click here to see a wide variety of actual posters courtesy of the Graduate School at the University of North Carolina.

Anatomy of a Research Poster

Check with the conference guidelines for specific expectations and limitations.  The title and author(s) go at the top.  Otherwise you have a great deal of freedom to choose what elements best represent your work as well as how to arrange them.  In general, the body of most posters will have the following elements:

Abstract The abstract of your study should summarize your research.  The abstract should (1) describe the problem that prompted your research, (2) explain your approach to the problem, and (3) outline of the scope of your project.  Your thesis statement should be easy to find in a well-constructed abstract. 

It is common to put the abstract in a prominent place (top center or top left, under the title and authors) so that passersby can get a quick understanding of your project, particularly if you are in conversation with another conference attendee when they arrive.  Therefore your abstract should be brief, engaging, and to the point.  While specific conferences and disciplines will have their own criteria, abstracts are typically between 200 and 500 words.  Make sure that your font size is large enough to be read easily from a few feet away.  The TLTC recommends a font size of 24-30-point for body text.  Remember the point of a poster is not to give the entire research paper but rather to get people's attention and engage them in conversation.  Brevity is key.

Conclusion The conclusion is where you summarize your findings and analysis. A well-formed conclusion should explain how your study contributes to existing research.  You should explain the significance and limitations of the present study as well as suggest avenues for future study. Be sure to make the connection between your data and your conclusion(s) very transparent.  While you will be there to explain your work, there will be some readers who will want to read on their own or while you are not around.  Your text should speak for itself.  At the same time, as with all other sections of text on your poster, less is more.   

Visual data In a visual medium like posters, charts, photos, and diagrams can effectively grab attention and quickly describe the scope, data, and conclusions of your study.  Be sure and include short descriptions of your images so that readers will know exactly how each image relates to the study.  Images should do more than decorate the poster; they should explain and enrich your message.

References Be sure and credit outside sources appropriately.  Not only is this standard academic practice, it is quite possible that one of your sources may be at the conference and read your poster!

Your contact information An email address at the bottom of your poster will allow people to send you comments and ideas even if you aren't there when they walk by.

Make sure every item on the poster relates directly to your one, central point – no distractions allowed.  For specific advice including font choice and tips for interacting with PowerPoint see the TLTC Poster Printing Policies and Design Tips.


Be prepared to spend a good deal of time on the presentation aspect of your work.  Careful preparation of your materials will dramatically improve how your work is received.  For more advice, check out the online resources below.  Good luck!

Texas Tech Resources

The Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR) CUR assists with skills training and research funding and provides one-on-one mentoring to undergraduate students in all phases of the research process.

How Can I Use PowerPoint More Effectively? TLPDC white paper on designing a slide show to accompany a lecture or paper presentation.  Includes tips for avoiding technological disaster.

TLPDC Poster Design Tips Includes specific advice including font choice and tips for interacting with PowerPoint.

Texas Tech PowerPoint Templates Downloadable, free-use PowerPoint templates compliant with Texas Tech presentation policies and preloaded with Texas Tech images including the official seal and “Double T”.

  • Works Cited and Other Online Resources

Angelini, A. 2010. The Art of the Conference Paper. Inside Higher Ed. http://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2010/11/03/angelini , visited June 2011. A graduate student reflects on lessons learned at a recent conference.  Gives pragmatic, bulleted advice for finding the right conference, writing a strong abstract, writing the paper, and preparing and delivering the presentation.

  • Claremont Graduate University Writing Center. 2011. Presenting Conference Papers in the Humanities.

http://www.cgu.edu/pages/864.asp , visited June 2011 Some helpful tips for translating your written paper into an oral presentation.

  • Hess, G.R., K. Tosney, and L. Liegel. 2010. Creating Effective Poster Presentations.

http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters , visited June 2011. A comprehensive site that describes all aspects of poster design from developing your idea, writing your abstract, and designing and presenting the poster.  Includes a discussion of software options and examples of good posters.

  • Kerber, L.K. 2008. Conference Rules: Everything You Need to Know about Presenting a Scholarly Paper in Public. American Historical Association.

http://www.historians.org/perspectives/issues/2008/0805/0805pro1.cfm , visited June 2011. Previously published in the Chronicle of Higher Education (March 21, 2008) and Perspectives on History (2008), this paper gives seven “rules” for using anxiety as an asset when presenting scholarly work.

  • Moreton, E. 2003. Posters. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

http://www.unc.edu/~moreton/Materials/Posters.pdf , visited June 2011. Good, concise advice on designing a poster and preparing for the day of presentation.  The section on poster construction is a little out of date (Moreton describes using 11”x17” sheets rather than designing with presentation software).

  • Stanford University. Poster Design Guidelines and Resources for Undergraduate Research. http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/OO_research_opps_SURPSResources.html , visited June 2011.

Designed for Stanford's Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (SURPS), this site offers a range of advice on posters including Steps for Composing an Effective Poster and Tips for Posters in the Humanities .

  • University of North Carolina Graduate School. Poster and Presentation Resources.

http://gradschool.unc.edu/student/postertips.html , visited June 2011. An impressive metapage with links to advice on presenting , using PowerPoint with a paper presentation , poster design advice , poster design software , templates , and a nice selection of example posters .  Links connect to a wide range of universities, corporations such as Microsoft, and government sites.

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How to present a research paper in PPT: best practices

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How to present a research paper in PPT: best practices

A research paper presentation is frequently used at conferences and other events where you have a chance to share the results of your research and receive feedback from colleagues. Although it may appear as simple as summarizing the findings, successful examples of research paper presentations show that there is a little bit more to it.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the basic outline and steps to create a good research paper presentation. We’ll also explain what to include and what not to include in your presentation of research paper and share some of the most effective tips you can use to take your slides to the next level.

Research paper PowerPoint presentation outline

Creating a PowerPoint presentation for a research paper involves organizing and summarizing your key findings, methodology, and conclusions in a way that encourages your audience to interact with your work and share their interest in it with others. Here’s a basic research paper outline PowerPoint you can follow:

1. Title (1 slide)

Typically, your title slide should contain the following information:

  • Title of the research paper
  • Affiliation or institution
  • Date of presentation

2. Introduction (1-3 slides)

On this slide of your presentation, briefly introduce the research topic and its significance and state the research question or objective.

3. Research questions or hypothesis (1 slide)

This slide should emphasize the objectives of your research or present the hypothesis.

4. Literature review (1 slide)

Your literature review has to provide context for your research by summarizing relevant literature. Additionally, it should highlight gaps or areas where your research contributes.

5. Methodology and data collection (1-2 slides)

This slide of your research paper PowerPoint has to explain the research design, methods, and procedures. It must also Include details about participants, materials, and data collection and emphasize special equipment you have used in your work.

6. Results (3-5 slides)

On this slide, you must present the results of your data analysis and discuss any trends, patterns, or significant findings. Moreover, you should use charts, graphs, and tables to illustrate data and highlight something novel in your results (if applicable).

7. Conclusion (1 slide)

Your conclusion slide has to summarize the main findings and their implications, as well as discuss the broader impact of your research. Usually, a single statement is enough.

8. Recommendations (1 slide)

If applicable, provide recommendations for future research or actions on this slide.

9. References (1-2 slides)

The references slide is where you list all the sources cited in your research paper.

10. Acknowledgments (1 slide)

On this presentation slide, acknowledge any individuals, organizations, or funding sources that contributed to your research.

11. Appendix (1 slide)

If applicable, include any supplementary materials, such as additional data or detailed charts, in your appendix slide.

The above outline is just a general guideline, so make sure to adjust it based on your specific research paper and the time allotted for the presentation.

Steps to creating a memorable research paper presentation

Creating a PowerPoint presentation for a research paper involves several critical steps needed to convey your findings and engage your audience effectively, and these steps are as follows:

Step 1. Understand your audience:

  • Identify the audience for your presentation.
  • Tailor your content and level of detail to match the audience’s background and knowledge.

Step 2. Define your key messages:

  • Clearly articulate the main messages or findings of your research.
  • Identify the key points you want your audience to remember.

Step 3. Design your research paper PPT presentation:

  • Use a clean and professional design that complements your research topic.
  • Choose readable fonts, consistent formatting, and a limited color palette.
  • Opt for PowerPoint presentation services if slide design is not your strong side.

Step 4. Put content on slides:

  • Follow the outline above to structure your presentation effectively; include key sections and topics.
  • Organize your content logically, following the flow of your research paper.

Step 5. Final check:

  • Proofread your slides for typos, errors, and inconsistencies.
  • Ensure all visuals are clear, high-quality, and properly labeled.

Step 6. Save and share:

  • Save your presentation and ensure compatibility with the equipment you’ll be using.
  • If necessary, share a copy of your presentation with the audience.

By following these steps, you can create a well-organized and visually appealing research paper presentation PowerPoint that effectively conveys your research findings to the audience.

What to include and what not to include in your presentation

In addition to the must-know PowerPoint presentation recommendations, which we’ll cover later in this article, consider the following do’s and don’ts when you’re putting together your research paper presentation:

  • Focus on the topic.
  • Be brief and to the point.
  • Attract the audience’s attention and highlight interesting details.
  • Use only relevant visuals (maps, charts, pictures, graphs, etc.).
  • Use numbers and bullet points to structure the content.
  • Make clear statements regarding the essence and results of your research.


  • Don’t write down the whole outline of your paper and nothing else.
  • Don’t put long, full sentences on your slides; split them into smaller ones.
  • Don’t use distracting patterns, colors, pictures, and other visuals on your slides; the simpler, the better.
  • Don’t use too complicated graphs or charts; only the ones that are easy to understand.
  • Now that we’ve discussed the basics, let’s move on to the top tips for making a powerful presentation of your research paper.

8 tips on how to make research paper presentation that achieves its goals

You’ve probably been to a presentation where the presenter reads word for word from their PowerPoint outline. Or where the presentation is cluttered, chaotic, or contains too much data. The simple tips below will help you summarize a 10 to 15-page paper for a 15 to 20-minute talk and succeed, so read on!

Tip #1: Less is more

You want to provide enough information to make your audience want to know more. Including details but not too many and avoiding technical jargon, formulas, and long sentences are always good ways to achieve this.

Tip #2: Be professional

Avoid using too many colors, font changes, distracting backgrounds, animations, etc. Bullet points with a few words to highlight the important information are preferable to lengthy paragraphs. Additionally, include slide numbers on all PowerPoint slides except for the title slide, and make sure it is followed by a table of contents, offering a brief overview of the entire research paper.

Tip #3: Strive for balance

PowerPoint slides have limited space, so use it carefully. Typically, one to two points per slide or 5 lines for 5 words in a sentence are enough to present your ideas.

Tip #4: Use proper fonts and text size

The font you use should be easy to read and consistent throughout the slides. You can go with Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, or a combination of these three. An ideal text size is 32 points, while a heading size is 44.

Tip #5: Concentrate on the visual side

A PowerPoint presentation is one of the best tools for presenting information visually. Use graphs instead of tables and topic-relevant illustrations instead of walls of text. Keep your visuals as clean and professional as the content of your presentation.

Tip #6: Practice your delivery

Always go through your presentation when you’re done to ensure a smooth and confident delivery and time yourself to stay within the allotted limit.

Tip #7: Get ready for questions

Anticipate potential questions from your audience and prepare thoughtful responses. Also, be ready to engage in discussions about your research.

Tip #8: Don’t be afraid to utilize professional help

If the mere thought of designing a presentation overwhelms you or you’re pressed for time, consider leveraging professional PowerPoint redesign services . A dedicated design team can transform your content or old presentation into effective slides, ensuring your message is communicated clearly and captivates your audience. This way, you can focus on refining your delivery and preparing for the presentation.

Lastly, remember that even experienced presenters get nervous before delivering research paper PowerPoint presentations in front of the audience. You cannot know everything; some things can be beyond your control, which is completely fine. You are at the event not only to share what you know but also to learn from others. So, no matter what, dress appropriately, look straight into the audience’s eyes, try to speak and move naturally, present your information enthusiastically, and have fun!

If you need help with slide design, get in touch with our dedicated design team and let qualified professionals turn your research findings into a visually appealing, polished presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Our experienced designers specialize in creating engaging layouts, incorporating compelling graphics, and ensuring a cohesive visual narrative that complements content on any subject.

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Maria Angel Frerrero

How to Give a Good Academic Paper Presentation

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  • Post date August 17, 2020
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The art of pitching your academic research

So, you’re about to present your first academic paper? You are preparing to defend your thesis? You are about to present your research to a bunch of experts?

But, you don’t know where to start? or, how to start?

That’s ok, you are in the right place.

In this short post, I’m going to show you how to do a good academic research presentation so that your audience actually understands and appreciates it.

The main goal of an academic research presentation — like any other type of presentation — is to carry your audience through a story and grab their attention during the whole story. But no matter how good a story is, if it’s not told properly it’ll lose its audience at the very first words.

And every good story needs a good structure, otherwise, your audience will get lost in a dead-end.

To avoid getting into that dead-end and losing your audience, you should structure your presentation around 5 main questions:

  • Who are you and what’s your story about?
  • Why should your audience — or anyone — care about your story, and why is it relevant to tell that story now?
  • How did you get to write your story? Who are the main characters?
  • What happens in the story? What happens to the characters?
  • So, What? Why this ending is better? Why should I wait for a new episode?

The order in which these questions are answered throughout your presentation can vary. Good stories might also start at the end and crawl back to its beginnings. Play with the order and see what suits best your story, only you know better what works for your research.

So let’s go now through each of the questions, shall we?

Who are you and what’s your research about?

Introduce yourself — unless you have already been introduced. Sometimes we are so impatience to give our presentation that we forget the basics.

Many times when we choose a book to read we ask ourselves about the human that wrote the book. And, as any writer researchers should include a short biography of themselves in the presentation.

And this is not to brag about yourself or your experience, but to give a human touch to the research itself. Before anyone wants to hear your story — your research — you need to tell them why they should be listening to you.

A short introduction of 30 seconds will do, your name, your background, why you are here in this room presenting and anything else that might be relevant to the research you are doing.

Give a context to your story, a kind of foreword to your research. State your thesis clearly and tell your audience why the topic you are going to address is relevant. And why they should care.

Give a hook. Start with a kind of provocation to instill curiosity and need. Try to think out of the box and talk about something your audience will found interesting. Use analogies too much known or simpler things that everyone in the room would be able to understand. Don’t talk to the experts, they already know it.

To give you an example, this is how I started one of my papers on overconfidence and innovation:

If you had to choose between The Joker and Batman, who would you want to be?

My paper was nothing to do with superheroes — at least not in a common way — but I wanted to talk about the dual personality innovators have, thus The Joker vs Batman analogy.

Once you have given your hook and presented yourself, give your audience an idea of what you are going to talk about and what awaits them during the following minutes.

Give them a roadmap of the talk, even if it seems redundant to you. This doesn’t mean you have to list your table of contents, just a prelude of your story.

In total, one minute and one slide are enough.

Why should your audience care about your Research, and why is it relevant now?

The next 2 or 3 slides should introduce the subject to the audience. Very briefly. Usually, research presentations last between 10 to 15 minutes, but many are shifting to the startup pitch format of 3 to 5 minutes. So being concise and direct to point is quite important.

Telling your audience why the topic you are researching about is important and relevant it’s essential, but should not take all time. This is just the introduction, you need to save time for the main story.

There are mainly 6 elements that make a good introduction:

  • Define the Problem:  Many speakers forget this simple point. No matter how difficult and technical the problem you are addressing is there is certainly a way to explain it concisely and clearly in less than one minute. Explain your problem as if your audience were 5 years old children, not because they are not smart or respectable, but because the simpler you get to explain a complex problem the more it shows your mastery and preparation. If the audience doesn’t understand the problem being attacked, then they won’t understand the rest of your talk, and you’ll lose them before you get to your great solution. For your slides, condense the problem into a very few carefully chosen words.  An example here again from my research: Is being extremely confident in ourselves good or bad for innovation?
  • Motivate the Audience:  Explain why the problem is so important. How does the problem fit into the larger picture(e.g. entrepreneurship ecosystem, neuroscience,…)? What are its applications? What makes the problem nontrivial? If no one has done this research, why is it relevant now to do it? What are the circumstances that make it relevant now more than ever? Avoid broad statements such as  “Innovation is what drives economic growth, but there are few innovative individuals, so how can we encourage people to become innovators?”  Rather, focus on what really matters: “ universities are investing millions to develop entrepreneurship education program, still students graduating from these programs aren’t starting any venture.”
  • Introduce Terminology:  scientific jargon is boring and complex, it should be kept to a minimum. However, sometimes is almost impossible not to refer to specific scientific terms. Any complex jargon should be introduced at the beginning of the presentation or when each term is introduced for the first time during the presentation. To avoid losing time tot his, you can prepare a short document with all the terms and definitions to hand out to the participants in the audience.
  • Discuss Earlier Work: Do your research, you are not reinventing the wheel.  There is nothing more frustrating than listening to a talk that covers something that has already been published without making reference tot hose studies. It not only shows that you didn’t do your research and that you are underprepared, but it shows you don’t know how to conduct research. This doesn’t mean that you should have read and cited ALL the works and papers that talk about the topic of your research. This is only useful if you are doing a systematic review. But you have to be sure that you know, read and cite those that really matter. You have to explain why this work is different from past wor, or how you are improving or continuing the research.
  • Emphasize the Contributions of the Paper:  Make sure that you explicitly and succinctly state the contributions made by your paper. That is the so what?. Give just a quick glimpse of your contributions and implications for the research and the practice. The audience wants to know this. Often it is the only thing that they carry away from the talk.
  • Consider putting your Conclusion in the Introduction : Be bold. Let everyone know from the start where you are headed so that the audience can focus on what matters.

How did you get to your results? How did you conduct your study?

There should be 1 or 2 methods slides that allow the audience to understand how the research was conducted. You might include a flow chart describing the main ingredients of the methods used. Do not put too many details, just what it’s needed to understand the study. Many of the details are appropriate for the manuscript but not for the presentation. If the audience wants to have more details on the methods they can always read your full paper, or you can prepare backup slides with this information to share during the Q&As session. For example, you could just say:  “During 4 weeks we conducted semi-structured interviews with top managers and employees from different organizations. Our final sample was composed of 30 individuals, from which 10 were top managers and 15 were female and aged between 25 and 60 years.”  Further details are presented in backup slides or in the manuscript.

What did you find, what happened?

The next 3 slides should show the main results obtained with your research. If appropriate, it is nice to start with a slide showing the basic phenomena being studied (e.G. the process of innovation and how). It reminds your audience about the variables used and manipulated and the role they have in the situation being studied.

Next, show figures, pictures, or graphs that clearly illustrate the main results. Do not show charts and tables of raw data. No one is able to read an excel table on a presentation, if only it gives the creeps. So instead of putting large and ugly tables, no one is going to read, use beautiful and meaningful graphs and figures.

You can use free infographic apps to build awesome visual representations of your data. Apps like  Canva ,  Venngage , or  Piktochart  work great.

All figures should be clearly labeled. When showing figures, be sure to explain the figure axes before you talk about the data (e.g., “the X-axis shows time. The Y-axis shows economic profit).

When presenting the data try to be as simple as possible, this is the most complex part of your research. You might be an expert, but your audience probably is not and they need to understand your results if you want to convenience them with your research.

So, What? What are the outcomes, implications and future steps?

The last 2 slides are probably the most important section of your presentation. It’s the denouement of your story, and it should be good.

Nothing is more frustrating than reading or listening to a good story to arrive to a disappointing end. All the effort you did to tell the good story is lost if you don’t curate appropriately the ending.

Some people be distracted during the whole presentation and would only pay attention to your conclusions, so those conclusions better are good.

Before getting to your end, sum up what your study was about, your research questions and objectives, and then go to the conclusion. In this way, the lousy distracted audience will also get most of your research.

List the conclusions in clear, easy to understand language. You can read them to the audience. Also give one or two sentences about what this likely means — your interpretation — for the big picture, go back to the context and motives of your research. Explain how your results improve our understanding and contribute to theory and practice.

Don’t be afraid to talk about the flaws and limitations of your study. Not only this shows you are humble but that you are prepared enough and that you are aware that things can be improved. Remember that having contradictory results to what you expected is not a bad thing, they are still results, you need to find an explanation to this.

Once you know your limitations, tell your audience how can this be improved in future research. How can other scholars address the problems and flaws, what are the next steps, and what future research should focus on?

Your job as a presenter is to not only present the paper but also lead a discussion with your audience about your research. Talk about its strengths, weaknesses, and broader implications. To help focus the class discussion, end your presentation with a list of approximately three major questions/issues worthy of further discussion.

Please finalize your presentation with at least two or three major things that should be discussed. Discussion with the audience should be especially encouraged at this point, but you should be prepared to foster this by raising these issues.

So, when preparing your presentation think like one of the people in your audience. Think about what they would ask? What would they like to discuss further? What are the points that might trigger confusion or disagreement?

If you have these questions in mind you can prepare to give appropriate answers and be less stressed out by the uncertainty of your audience reaction. You can then prepare a couple of backup slides that will help you give responses to the questions being asked and that will help you make your point.

Final thoughts

Reading and understanding academic research papers can be a tough assignment, especially because it can be very specific and you might not know or understand many terms, methodologies, or even statistical models and analysis. So preparing a presentation of an academic paper, whether is yours or others’ work, takes time and must be taken seriously.

When you are preparing your draft for the presentation, keep in mind that your audience will rely on listening comprehension, not reading comprehension. That means that your ideas need to be clear and to the point, and organized in a way that makes it possible for your audience to follow you.

And since understanding was difficult for you who had the time to read and discuss the paper with your team, you can imagine how difficult it might be for an audience that hasn’t read the paper and moreover has no expertise (or not much) on the research topic you are presenting.

So you have to be very careful about how you present your article so that your audience understands what you are saying, feel involved and curious, and off course don’t sleep while you talk.

Scientific oral presentations are not simply readings of scientific manuscripts, so being in front of an audience reading scientific terms and statistical models and equations is out of the picture. You need to provoke curiosity and engagement so that at the end of your presentation people want to know more about your research.

Don’t forget that time is precious, and not everyone is ready to give their time to listen to things they don’t find amusing or intriguing. Being concise and simple is not an easy exercise, but is crucial for passing by a message.

Follow simple presentation rules:

  • 1 slide takes 1 minute to present, so if you have 10 minutes to present don’t do more than 10 slides.
  • Don’t use small size fonts, the minimum readable size is 20pt.
  • Don’t use text when you don’t need it, the text should be only be used to highlight things that you want your audience to remember
  • Use pictures whenever you can but don’t overuse them. Pictures have to be relevant to your speech.
  • Be careful with grammar and errors. Read your slides thoroughly a couple of times before submitting them for a presentation. And ask someone else to read them also, they are more likely to find mistakes than you are as they are less biased and less attached to your topic.
  • Finally, prepare, prepare, and prepare. Mastery is only possible through training. No matter how good you are at improvising, preparing for a presentation is key for succeeding at it.

And that’s it. Good luck!

  • Tags Research , Research Paper , Science , Scientific Paper

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How to Prepare a Paper Presentation

Last Updated: October 4, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 364,162 times.

A paper is bad enough, but presentations are even more nerve-wracking. You've got the writing down, but how do you turn it into a dynamic, informative, enjoyable presentation? Why, here's how!

Guidelines and Audience

Step 1 Know the requirements.

  • Know how long the speech must be.
  • Know how many points you're required to cover.
  • Know if you must include sources or visuals.

Step 2 Know your audience.

  • If you're presenting to people you know, it'll be easy to know what to break down and what to gloss over. But if you're presenting to unknown stockholders or faculty, for instance, you need to know about them and their knowledge levels, too. You may have to break your paper down into its most basic concepts. Find out what you can about their backgrounds.

Step 3 Know your resources.

  • Does the facility have a computer and projector screen?
  • Is there a working WiFi connection?
  • Is there a microphone? A podium?
  • Is there someone who can assist you in working the equipment before your presentation?

Script and Visuals

Step 1 Create a script for your presentation.

  • Only have one point per notecard -- that way you won't end up searching the notecard for your information. And don't forget to number the cards in case you get mixed up! And the points on your cards shouldn't match your paper; instead of regurgitating information, discuss why the key points of your paper are important or the different points of view on this topic within the field.

Step 2 Decide on a limited number of ideas you want your audience to comprehend and remember.

  • As you go through this outline, remove any jargon if it may not be understood.

Step 3 Design visual aids to make your presentation even better.

  • If you won't have access to the proper technology, print visual aids on poster board or foam-core board.
  • If using presentation software, use words sparingly, but enough to get your point across. Think in phrases (and pictures!), not sentences. Acronyms and abbreviations are okay on the screen, but when you talk, address them fully. And remember to use large fonts -- not everyone's vision is fantastic. [7] X Research source

Step 4 Think in terms of conversation.

  • It's okay to be a bit repetitive. Emphasizing important ideas will enhance comprehension and recall. When you've gone full circle, cycle back to a previous point to lead your audience to the right conclusion.
  • Minimize the unnecessary details (the procedure you had to go through, etc.) when highlighting the main ideas you want to relay. You don't want to overload your audience with fluff, forcing them to miss the important stuff.
  • Show enthusiasm! A very boring topic can be made interesting if there is passion behind it.

Practice, Practice, and More Practice

Step 1 Practice your presentation in front of friends and family members.

  • If you can grab a friend who you think has a similar knowledge level to your audience, all the better. They'll help you see what points are foggier to minds with less expertise on the topic.

Step 2 Tape record yourself.

  • It'll also help you with volume. Some people get rather timid when in the spotlight. You may not be aware that you're not loud enough!

Step 3 Be warm.

  • Do the same with your conclusion. Thank everyone for their time and open the floor for any questions, if allowed.
  • Make eye contact with people in the audience to help build your connection with them.

What Is The Best Way To Start a Presentation?

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Most people get nervous while public speaking. [10] X Research source You are not alone. [11] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
  • Visual aids not only help the audience, but they can help jog your memory if you forget where you are in your presentation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Rehearse in front of a mirror before your presentation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

paper publication and presentation 500 words

  • Answer questions only if it is related to your presentation. Keep these to the end of your talk. Thanks Helpful 76 Not Helpful 14

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  • ↑ https://theihs.org/blog/prepare-for-a-paper-presentation-at-an-academic-conference/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/conference-papers/
  • ↑ https://www.ncsl.org/legislators-staff/legislative-staff/legislative-staff-coordinating-committee/tips-for-making-effective-powerpoint-presentations.aspx
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qZMPW5g-v8
  • ↑ https://twp.duke.edu/sites/twp.duke.edu/files/file-attachments/paper-to-talk.original.pdf
  • ↑ http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall/presentation.html
  • ↑ https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgebradt/2014/09/10/big-presentation-dont-do-it-have-a-conversation-instead/#6d56a3f23c4b
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/smashing-the-brainblocks/201711/why-are-we-scared-public-speaking
  • ↑ https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/specific-phobias/expert-answers/fear-of-public-speaking/faq-20058416

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To prepare a paper presentation, create an outline of your content, then write your script on note cards or slides using software like PowerPoint. Be sure to stick to one main point per card or slide! Next, design visual aids like graphics, charts, and bullet points to illustrate your content and help the audience follow along. Then, practice giving your presentation in front of friends and family until you feel ready to do it in class! For tips on creating an outline and organizing your information, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Prepare a Paper Presentation?

  • First Online: 02 February 2019

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paper publication and presentation 500 words

  • Timothy Lording 8 , 9 &
  • Jacques Menetrey 10 , 11  

2385 Accesses

Presenting your paper at a meeting is an important part of sharing your research with the orthopaedic community. Presentations are generally short and sharp, and careful preparation is key to ensure that the premise, findings, and relevance of your work are successfully conveyed. For most conference papers, the structure will mirror that of a scientific manuscript, with an introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. Anticipation of potential questions will help to clarify your research for the audience.

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Elmansori A, Lording T, Dumas R, Elmajri K, Neyret P, Lustig S. Proximal tibial bony and meniscal slopes are higher in ACL injured subjects than controls: a comparative MRI study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017;25:1598–605.

Article   Google Scholar  

Lording T, Corbo G, Bryant D, Burkhart TA, Getgood A. Rotational laxity control by the anterolateral ligament and the lateral meniscus is dependent on knee flexion angle: a cadaveric biomechanical study. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2017;90:1922–8.

Google Scholar  

Shybut TB, Vega CE, Haddad J, Alexander JW, Gold JE, Noble PC, Lowe WR. Effect of lateral meniscal root tear on the stability of the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43:905–11.

Simon RA, Everhart JS, Nagaraja HN, Chaudhari AM. A case-control study of anterior cruciate ligament volume, tibial plateau slopes and intercondylar notch dimensions in ACL-injured knees. J Biomech. 2010;43:1702–7.

Article   CAS   Google Scholar  

Sonnery-Cottet B, Mogos S, Thaunat M, Archbold P, Fayard JM, Freychet B, Clechet J, Chambat P. Proximal tibial anterior closing wedge osteotomy in repeat revision of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42:1873–80.

Stijak L, Herzog RF, Schai P. Is there an influence of the tibial slope of the lateral condyle on the ACL lesion? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2007;16:112–7.

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Melbourne Orthopaedic Group, Windsor, VIC, Australia

Timothy Lording

The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Centre de Médecine du Sport et de l’Exercice, Hirslanden Clinique la Colline, Geneva, Switzerland

Jacques Menetrey

Service de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie de l’Appareil Moteur, University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

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Correspondence to Timothy Lording .

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UPMC Rooney Sports Complex, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Volker Musahl

Department of Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden

Jón Karlsson

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Kantonsspital Baselland (Bruderholz, Laufen und Liestal), Bruderholz, Switzerland

Michael T. Hirschmann

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Olufemi R. Ayeni

Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA

Robert G. Marx

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, USA

Jason L. Koh

Institute for Medical Science in Sports, Osaka Health Science University, Osaka, Japan

Norimasa Nakamura

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About this chapter

Lording, T., Menetrey, J. (2019). How to Prepare a Paper Presentation?. In: Musahl, V., et al. Basic Methods Handbook for Clinical Orthopaedic Research. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58254-1_24

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58254-1_24

Published : 02 February 2019

Publisher Name : Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Print ISBN : 978-3-662-58253-4

Online ISBN : 978-3-662-58254-1

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The Conference Presentation

I. Conferences – Pluses and Minuses

-Conferences are good pre publication activities. They give you a chance to try out a short version of a paper (often one still in progress), to get some initial (peer) responses to your arguments, and to engage in dialogue. As well, sometimes committing yourself to give a conference paper serves to jump-start your writing of a scholarly essay (or thesis chapter).

-Since the formal talk is often an important part of our profession, giving a conference paper can be good professionalizing experience. In particular, since the job talk is now so often part of job candidacy (and many universities specifically ask candidates to present “a conference-style paper”), giving a conference paper can be good practice for that aspect of campus visits.

-Conferences also have a useful educational dimension. They supplement your reading of professional journals and secondary books by locating you within the immediate discourse in your field and allowing you to hear what questions are being asked right now—and how those questions are being framed.

-Conferences give you a chance to meet others in your field. These contacts could prove valuable if you need to ask a colleague a question about research or if you need to locate someone to vet a manuscript or provide a reference.

The Down Side:

-Conferences don’t count much as scholarship. While conference activity is considered desirable by committees looking at C.V.s when hiring or when engaged in tenure review, it is seen as part of one’s larger professional activity rather than as counting (much) towards a record in research and scholarship. Someone whose only critical and scholarly activity is in conferences will not be given much weight as a scholar: conference papers must get turned into full-length publishable papers (or at least be supplemented by these). Too high a ratio of conference paper to published essays is not desirable.

-Conferences can be expensive. Travel funds may not be available from the university or funding may be limited. (Always find about your funding in advance and if it is available, make sure it has been approved before committing your own funds. Find out about such things as limits on meal-allowances and the need for receipts.)

-Occasionally conferences have small subsidies for travel at their disposal, but that is increasingly rare. You will probably, however, get considerable discounts on accommodation associated with the conference.

Hierarchy of Conferences:

It can be hard to get papers accepted at some conferences, and quite easy at others. In terms of your C.V. that difference won’t matter a whole lot to committees looking at you as a job candidate—provided the conference (and your paper) otherwise looks serious. However, conferences that are perceived of as local or as graduate conferences aren’t usually taken very seriously by committees.

II. Conferences: How to Get a Paper Accepted

Finding announcements of conferences (also known as “conference calls” or “calls for papers”—the latter is frequently abbreviated as CFP) is easy. Consult the journals in your fields, especially the newsletter of your professional association. Join the e-mail discussion groups in your scholarly area. Consult various departments bulletin board. Go to web-sites such as The Voice of the Shuttle <http://vos.ucsb.edu> or see the handout about this service.

Most conferences will ask for you to submit an abstract (i.e., a short statement of what your proposed conference paper will be). Please observe the specified word-limit (typically between 150-500 words). Learn to be efficient in writing abstracts. Think of them as a miniature version of the paper you envision. Don’t waste words on statements like “What I propose to prove” or “This paper will argue.”

Some conferences will invite you to submit “detailed abstracts or completed papers.” Since most conference presentations are 20 minutes in length, a completed paper will run about 2500 words in length. (Time yourself: typically you’ll find that you read a formal essay at the rate of about 125 words/minute.) Never submit anything longer than 2500 words for consideration. A “detailed abstract” could be thought of as a short version of the final paper (say 1000 words or more).

E-mail submissions are generally acceptable, but check the CFP carefully and follow all guidelines.

III. Conferences: Guidelines for Paper-Giving:

-Write your paper well in advance. Pay no attention to friends who make jokes about how “You can write it on the plane.”  You can, but it won’t be good enough.

-Think about your probable audience when you write. Remember that the audience for most conference papers is a self-selected one: large conferences often have several parallel sessions going on at the same time, which means that no one will come to your session who isn’t already quite interested in at least one of the papers being given in your session. That doesn’t mean that every audience member will be familiar with your subject. (That can partly depend on how related the other two papers are to yours; you could presume common knowledge in your audience if, say, all three papers in your panel were on the same author.) Never write for yourself: put yourself in the place of possible audience members and allow for their interests and probable range of knowledge. Try to gracefully include any who may not be familiar with the details of the work you’re talking about. (As a more general matter, always remember, when writing or talking about a work, even for an informed audience of specialists, that you have undoubtedly read the work you’re discussing more recently than they have, and you may have also thought about it more intensely than they have—so reminding your audience of details, especially if you can do that without seeming too heavy-handed, is always appreciated.)

-Remember that oral presentations are harder for an audience to take in than written ones. Provide clear “signposts” so your listeners can pick up the structure and logic of your overall argument. A bit of overview at the beginning is always appreciated. And some statement that suggests when are coming to your conclusion is a good way of keeping listeners engaged at the end. Throughout the paper, avoid over-complex sentence structures that are hard for the ear to sort out (even though those might be fine for a written version of the same paper).

-Rehearse your paper—more than once, and at least once in front of someone. Rehearse your presentation until you feel comfortable and fluent with it.

-Time yourself. Make sure that the time it will take you for your presentation is within plus or minus two minutes of the time specified. Anything else—including saying that you’re skipping to the end to stay within your time limit—is unprofessional (though you will frequently see it done). Conference sessions are typically made up of three speakers, each allotted 20 minutes, with 20-30 minutes set aside for discussion at the end. If you run over in your presentation then you are taking time that does not belong to you. Timing is crucial in a job talk: NEVER go over your time—it will be seen as bad teaching, unprofessional lack of preparation, etc. In fact, at the start of your presentation, tell your audience what you have been asked by the hiring committee to do and for how long—then DO IT! That way, they have the same expectations you do concerning level of discourse, timing, content, etc.

-In our field, it’s quite ok to read your entire presentation, but look up often enough to give your auditors plenty of eye contact. It helps to think of the presentation as a kind of conversation that you’re having with your audience. Moderate your voice to signal the developments in your argument, the turning points, and the conclusions. Sometimes a pause for a brief off-the-cuff comment will help give your presentation vitality. (Make sure you have time for that.)

-Don’t feel anxious about the question period afterwards. The questions will almost never be attacking. Often they are asked simply because questioners want to show they have something to say on your topic. This is a complement to your ability to stimulate thought in your audience. Prepare a brief “filler” to add as people prepare questions—to avoid the awkward silence.

-Answer all questions as best you can. Remember, you can simply thank audience members for their observations or promise to think about their ideas when you work on your paper in the future.

Adapted from the Department of English Placement Office

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Conference Papers

What this handout is about.

This handout outlines strategies for writing and presenting papers for academic conferences.

What’s special about conference papers?

Conference papers can be an effective way to try out new ideas, introduce your work to colleagues, and hone your research questions. Presenting at a conference is a great opportunity for gaining valuable feedback from a community of scholars and for increasing your professional stature in your field.

A conference paper is often both a written document and an oral presentation. You may be asked to submit a copy of your paper to a commentator before you present at the conference. Thus, your paper should follow the conventions for academic papers and oral presentations.

Preparing to write your conference paper

There are several factors to consider as you get started on your conference paper.

Determine the structure and style

How will you structure your presentation? This is an important question, because your presentation format will shape your written document. Some possibilities for your session include:

  • A visual presentation, including software such as PowerPoint or Prezi
  • A paper that you read aloud
  • A roundtable discussion

Presentations can be a combination of these styles. For example, you might read a paper aloud while displaying images. Following your paper, you might participate in an informal conversation with your fellow presenters.

You will also need to know how long your paper should be. Presentations are usually 15-20 minutes. A general rule of thumb is that one double-spaced page takes 2-2.5 minutes to read out loud. Thus an 8-10 page, double-spaced paper is often a good fit for a 15-20 minute presentation. Adhere to the time limit.  Make sure that your written paper conforms to the presentation constraints.

Consider the conventions of the conference and the structure of your session

It is important to meet the expectations of your conference audience. Have you been to an academic conference previously?  How were presentations structured? What kinds of presentations did you find most effective? What do you know about the particular conference you are planning to attend? Some professional organizations have their own rules and suggestions for writing and presenting for their conferences. Make sure to find out what they are and stick to them.

If you proposed a panel with other scholars, then you should already have a good idea of your panel’s expectations. However, if you submitted your paper individually and the conference organizers placed it on a panel with other papers, you will need additional information.

Will there be a commentator? Commentators, also called respondents or discussants, can be great additions to panels, since their job is to pull the papers together and pose questions. If there will be a commentator, be sure to know when they would like to have a copy of your paper. Observe this deadline.

You may also want to find out what your fellow presenters will be talking about. Will you circulate your papers among the other panelists prior to the conference? Will your papers address common themes? Will you discuss intersections with each other’s work after your individual presentations? How collaborative do you want your panel to be?

Analyze your audience

Knowing your audience is critical for any writing assignment, but conference papers are special because you will be physically interacting with them. Take a look at our handout on audience . Anticipating the needs of your listeners will help you write a conference paper that connects your specific research to their broader concerns in a compelling way.

What are the concerns of the conference?

You can identify these by revisiting the call for proposals and reviewing the mission statement or theme of the conference. What key words or concepts are repeated? How does your work relate to these larger research questions? If you choose to orient your paper toward one of these themes, make sure there is a genuine relationship. Superficial use of key terms can weaken your paper.

What are the primary concerns of the field?

How do you bridge the gap between your research and your field’s broader concerns? Finding these linkages is part of the brainstorming process. See our handout on brainstorming . If you are presenting at a conference that is within your primary field, you should be familiar with leading concerns and questions. If you will be attending an interdisciplinary conference or a conference outside of your field, or if you simply need to refresh your knowledge of what’s current in your discipline, you can:

  • Read recently published journals and books, including recent publications by the conference’s featured speakers
  • Talk to people who have been to the conference
  • Pay attention to questions about theory and method. What questions come up in the literature? What foundational texts should you be familiar with?
  • Review the initial research questions that inspired your project. Think about the big questions in the secondary literature of your field.
  • Try a free-writing exercise. Imagine that you are explaining your project to someone who is in your department, but is unfamiliar with your specific topic. What can you assume they already know? Where will you need to start in your explanation? How will you establish common ground?

Contextualizing your narrow research question within larger trends in the field will help you connect with your audience.  You might be really excited about a previously unknown nineteenth-century poet. But will your topic engage others?  You don’t want people to leave your presentation, thinking, “What was the point of that?” By carefully analyzing your audience and considering the concerns of the conference and the field, you can present a paper that will have your listeners thinking, “Wow! Why haven’t I heard about that obscure poet before? She is really important for understanding developments in Romantic poetry in the 1800s!”

Writing your conference paper

I have a really great research paper/manuscript/dissertation chapter on this same topic. Should I cut and paste?

Be careful here. Time constraints and the needs of your audience may require a tightly focused and limited message. To create a paper tailored to the conference, you might want to set everything aside and create a brand new document.  Don’t worry—you will still have that paper, manuscript, or chapter if you need it. But you will also benefit from taking a fresh look at your research.

Citing sources

Since your conference paper will be part of an oral presentation, there are special considerations for citations. You should observe the conventions of your discipline with regard to including citations in your written paper. However, you will also need to incorporate verbal cues to set your evidence and quotations off from your text when presenting. For example, you can say: “As Nietzsche said, quote, ‘And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you,’ end quote.” If you use multiple quotations in your paper, think about omitting the terms “quote” and “end quote,” as these can become repetitive. Instead, signal quotations through the inflection of your voice or with strategic pauses.

Organizing the paper

There are numerous ways to effectively organize your conference paper, but remember to have a focused message that fits the time constraints and meets the needs of your audience. You can begin by connecting your research to the audience’s concerns, then share a few examples/case studies from your research, and then, in conclusion, broaden the discussion back out to general issues in the field.

Don’t overwhelm or confuse your audience

You should limit the information that you present. Don’t attempt to summarize your entire dissertation in 10 pages. Instead, try selecting main points and provide examples to support those points. Alternatively, you might focus on one main idea or case study and use 2-4 examples to explain it.

Check for clarity in the text

One way to anticipate how your ideas will sound is to read your paper out loud. Reading out loud is an excellent proofreading technique and is a great way to check the clarity of your ideas; you are likely to hear problems that you didn’t notice in just scanning your draft.  Help listeners understand your ideas by making sure that subjects and verbs are clear and by avoiding unnecessarily complex sentences.

Include verbal cues in the text

Make liberal use of transitional phrases like however, therefore, and thus, as well as signpost words like first, next, etc.

If you have 5 main points, say so at the beginning and list those 5 ideas. Refer back to this structure frequently as you transition between sections (“Now, I will discuss my fourth point, the importance of plasma”).

Use a phrase like “I argue” to announce your thesis statement. Be sure that there is only one of these phrases—otherwise your audience will be confused about your central message.

Refer back to the structure, and signal moments where you are transitioning to a new topic: “I just talked about x, now I’m going to talk about y.”

I’ve written my conference paper, now what?

Now that you’ve drafted your conference paper, it’s time for the most important part—delivering it before an audience of scholars in your field!  Remember that writing the paper is only one half of what a conference paper entails. It is both a written text and a presentation.

With preparation, your presentation will be a success. Here are a few tips for an effective presentation. You can also see our handout on speeches .

Cues to yourself

Include helpful hints in your personal copy of the paper. You can remind yourself to pause, look up and make eye contact with your audience, or employ body language to enhance your message. If you are using a slideshow, you can indicate when to change slides. Increasing the font size to 14-16 pt. can make your paper easier to read.

Practice, practice, practice

When you practice, time yourself. Are you reading too fast? Are you enunciating clearly? Do you know how to pronounce all of the words in your paper? Record your talk and critically listen to yourself. Practice in front of friends and colleagues.

If you are using technology, familiarize yourself with it. Check and double-check your images. Remember, they are part of your presentation and should be proofread just like your paper.  Print a backup copy of your images and paper, and bring copies of your materials in multiple formats, just in case.  Be sure to check with the conference organizers about available technology.


The written text is only one aspect of the overall conference paper. The other is your presentation. This means that your audience will evaluate both your work and you! So remember to convey the appropriate level of professionalism.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Adler, Abby. 2010. “Talking the Talk: Tips on Giving a Successful Conference Presentation.” Psychological Science Agenda 24 (4).

Kerber, Linda K. 2008. “Conference Rules: How to Present a Scholarly Paper.” The Chronicle of Higher Education , March 21, 2008. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Conference-Rules-How-to/45734 .

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Tips for Writing Conference Paper Abstracts

So you want to answer the Call for Papers? This is a general guide for crafting stand-out conference paper abstracts. It includes recommendations for the content and presentation of the abstract, as well as examples of the best abstracts submitted to the 2012-2013 abstract selection committee for the ninth annual North Carolina State University graduate student history conference.

Typically, an abstract describes the topic you would like to present at the conference, highlighting your argument, evidence and contribution to the historical literature. It is usually restricted to 250-500 words. The word limit can be challenging: some graduate students do not fret over the short limit and hastily write and submit an abstract at the last minute, which often hurts their chances of being accepted; other students try to condense the Next Great American Novel into 250 words, which can be equally damning. Graduate students who approach the abstract early, plan accordingly, and carefully edit are the ones most often invited to present their research. For those who are intimidated by the project, don’t be – the abstract is a fairly standardized form of writing. Follow the basic guidelines below and avoid common pitfalls and you will greatly improve your abstract.

Diligently follow all abstract style and formatting guidelines. Most CFPs will specify page or word length, and perhaps some layout or style guidelines. Some CFPs, however, will list very specific restrictions, including font, font size, spacing, text justification, margins, how to present quotes, how to present authors and works, whether to include footnotes or not. Make sure that you strictly adhere to all guidelines, including submission instructions. If a CFP does not provide abstract style and formatting guidelines, it is generally appropriate to stay around 250 words – abstract committees read a lot of these things and do not look fondly on comparatively long abstracts. Make sure that you orient your abstract topic to address any specific CFP themes, time periods, methods, and/or buzzwords.

With a 250-500 word limit, write only what is necessary, avoiding wordiness. Use active voice and pay attention to excessive prepositional phrasing.

Plan your abstract carefully before writing it. A good abstract will address the following questions:  What is the historical question or problem? Contextualize your topic. What is your thesis/argument? It should be original. What is your evidence? State forthrightly that you are using primary source material. How does your paper fit into the historiography? What's going on in the field of study and how does your paper contribute to it? Why does it matter? We know the topic is important to you, why should it be important to the abstract selection committee?

You should be as specific as possible, avoiding overly broad or overreaching statements and claims. And that’s it: don’t get sidetracked by writing too much narrative or over explaining. Say what you need to say and nothing more.

Keep your audience in mind. How much background you give on a topic will depend on the conference. Is the conference a general humanities conference, a general graduate student history conference, or something more specific like a 1960s social revolutions conference? Your pitch should be suited to the specificity of the conference: the more specific the topic, the less broad background you need to give and vice versa.

Revise and edit your abstract to ensure that its final presentation is error free. The editing phase is also the best time to see your abstract as a whole and chip away at unnecessary words or phrases. The final draft should be linear and clear and it should read smoothly. If you are tripping over something while reading, the abstract selection committee will as well. Ask another graduate student to read your abstract to ensure its clarity or attend a Graduate Student Writing Group meeting.

Your language should be professional and your style should adhere to academic standards. Contractions may be appealing because of the word limits, but they should be avoided. If citation guidelines are not specifically given, it is appropriate to use the author’s name and title of work (in either italics or quotation marks) within the text rather than use footnotes or in-text citations.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Misusing questions.

While one question, if really good, may be posed in your abstract, you should avoid writing more than one (maybe two, if really really good). If you do pose a question or two, make sure that you either answer it or address why the question matters to your conference paper – unless you are posing an obvious rhetorical question, you should never just let a question hang there. Too many questions takes up too much space and leaves less room for you to develop your argument, methods, evidence, historiography, etc. Often times, posing too many questions leaves the abstract committee wondering if you are going to address one or all in your paper and if you even know the answers to them. Remember, you are not expected to have already written your conference paper, but you are expected to have done enough research that you are prepared to write about a specific topic that you can adequately cover in 15-20 minutes. Prove that you have done so.

Extraneous Jargon and Over-the-Top Phrasing

Language that helps you be as specific as possible in presenting your argument is great but don’t get your readers bogged down in jargon. They will be reading a lot of abstracts and will not want to wade through the unnecessary language. Keep it simple.

Repetition of Claims

When students repeat claims, they often don’t realize they are doing so. Sometimes this happens because students are not yet clear on their argument. Think about it some more and then write. Other times, students write carelessly and do not proofread. Make sure each sentence is unique and that it contributes to the flow of your abstract.

Writing too Broadly about a Topic

The abstract committee does not need to be reminded of the grand sweep of history in order to contextualize your topic. Place your topic specifically within the historiography.

The samples below represent the five highest scoring samples submitted to the selection committee for the ninth annual graduate student history conference, 2012-2013. Two of the samples below were subsequently selected for publication in the NC State Graduate Journal of History . Outstanding papers presented at the graduate student history conference are recommended for publication by panel commentators. Papers go through a peer review process before publication.

Sample 1: “Asserting Rights, Reclaiming Space: District of Marshpee v. Phineas Fish, 1833-1843”

From May of 1833 to March of 1834, the Mashpee Wampancag tribe of Cape Cod Massachusetts waged an aggressive campaign to gain political and religious autonomy from the state. In March of 1834, the Massachusetts legislature passed an act disbanding the white guardians appointed to conduct affairs for the Mashpee tribe and incorporated Mashpee as an Indian district. The Mashpee tribe's fight to restore self-government and control over land and resources represents a significant "recover of Native space." Equally significant is what happened once that space was recovered.

The topic of this paper addresses an understudied and essential period in the history of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe. Despite a growing body of literature on the Mashpee, scholars largely neglect the period between 1834 and 1869. This paper looks as the Mashpee tribe's campaign to dismiss Harvard appointed minister Phineas Fish; the fight to regain the parsonage he occupied, its resources, and the community meetinghouse. This paper will argue the tribe asserted its power within the political and physical landscape to reclaim their meetinghouse and the parsonage land. Ultimately, this assertion contributed to shaping, strengthening, and remaking Mashpee community identity. This study examines legislative reports, petitions, letters, and legal documents to construct a narrative of Native agency in the antebellum period. [Note: This is part of my larger thesis project (in progress0 "Mashpee Wampanoag Government Formation and the Evolving Community Identity in the District of Marshpee, 1834-1849."]

Note: This paper, entitled " Testing Rights in Contested Space: The District of Marshpee versus Reverend Phineas Fish, 1833-1839 " was subsequently selected for publication in the NC State Graduate Journal of History .

Sample 2: “Private Paths to Public Places: Local Actors and the Creation of National Parklands in the American South”

This paper explores the connections between private individuals, government entities, and non-governmental organizations in the creation of parklands throughout the American South. While current historiography primarily credits the federal government with the creation of parks and protection of natural wonders, an investigation of parklands in the Southern United States reveals a reoccurring connection between private initiative and park creation. Secondary literature occasionally reflects the importance of local and non-government sources for the preservation of land, yet these works still emphasize the importance of a national bureaucracy setting the tone fore the parks movement. Some works, including Jacoby's Crimes Against Nature examine local actors, but focus on opposition to the imposition of new rules governing land in the face of some outside threat. In spite of scholarly recognition of non-government agencies and local initiative, the importance of local individuals in the creation of parklands remains and understudies aspect of American environmental history. Several examples in the American South raise concerns about the traditional narrative pitting governmental hegemony against local resistance. This paper argues for widespread, sustained interest in both nature preservation and in creating spaces for public recreation at the local level, and finds that the "private path to public parks" merits further investigation.

Note: This paper, entitled " Private Paths to Public Parks in the American South " was subsequently selected for publication in the NC State Graduate Journal of History .

Sample 3: Untitled

Previous generations of English Historians have produced a rich literature about the Levellers and their role in the English Civil Wars (1642-1649), primarily focused on the Putney Debates and their contributions to Anglophone legal and political thought. Typically, their push to extend the franchise and espousal of a theory of popular sovereignty has been central to accounts of Civil War radicalism. Other revisionist accounts depict them as a fragmented sect of millenarian radicals whose religious bent marginalized and possibility that they could make lasting contributions to English politics or society. This paper seeks to locate a Leveller theory of religious toleration, while explaining how their conception of political activity overlapped their religious ideas. Rather than focusing on John Lilburne, often taken as the public face of the Leveller movement, this paper will focus on the equally interesting and far more consistent thinker, William Walwyn. Surveying his personal background, published writings, popular involvement in the Leveller movement, and attacks launched by his critics, I hope to suggest that Walwyn's unique contribution to Anglophone political thought was his defense of religious pluralism in the face of violent sectarians who sought to wield control of the Church of England. Although the Levellers were ultimately suppressed, Walwyn's commitment to a tolerant society and a secular state should not be minimized but rather recognized as part of a larger debate about Church-State relations across early modern Europe. Ultimately this paper aims to contribute to the rich historiography of religious toleration and popular politics more broadly.

Sample 4: “Establishing a National Memory of Citizen Slaughter: A Case Study of the First Memory Site to Mass Murder in United States History - Edmond, Oklahoma, 1986-1989”

Since 1989, memory sites to events of mass murder have not only proliferated rapidly--they have become the normative expectation within American society. For the vast majority of American history, however, events commonly labeled as "mass murder" have resulted in no permanent memory sites and the sites of perpetration themselves have traditionally been either obliterated or rectified so that both the community and the nation could forget the tragedy and move on. This all changed on May 29, 1989 when the community of Edmond, Oklahoma officially dedicated the "Golden Ribbon" memorial to the thirteen people killed in the infamous "post office shooting" of 1986. In this paper I investigate the case of Edmond in order to understand why it became the first memory site of this kind in United States history. I argue that the small town of Edmond's unique political abnormalities on the day of the shooting, coupled with the near total community involvement established ideal conditions for the emergence of this unique type of memory site. I also conduct a historiography of the usage of "the ribbon" in order to illustrate how it has become the symbol of memories of violence and death in American society in the late 20th century. Lastly, I illustrate how the notable lack of communication between people involved in the Edmond and Oklahoma City cases after the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing--despite the close geographic and temporal proximity of these cases--illustrates this routinely isolated nature of commemorating mass murder and starkly renders the surprising number of aesthetic similarities that these memory sites share.

Sample 5: “Roman Urns and Sarcophagi: The Quest for Postmortem Identity during the Pax Romana”

"If you want to know who I am, the answer is ash and burnt embers;" thus read an anonymous early Roman's burial inscription. The Romans dealt with death in a variety of ways which incorporated a range of cultural conventions and beliefs--or non-beliefs as in the case of the "ash and embers." By the turn of the first century of this era, the Romans practiced cremation almost exclusively--as the laconic eloquence of the anonymous Roman also succinctly explained. Cremation vanished by the third century, replaced by the practice of the distant past by the fifth century. Burial first began to take hold in the western Roman Empire during the early second century, with the appearance of finely-crafted sarcophagi, but elites from the Roman world did not discuss the practices of cremation and burial in detail. Therefore archaeological evidence, primarily in form of burial vessels such as urns and sarcophagi represented the only place to turn to investigate the transitional to inhumation in the Roman world. This paper analyzed a small corpus of such vessels in order to identify symbolic elements which demarcate individual identities in death, comparing the patterns of these symbols to the fragments of text available relating to death in the Roman world. The analysis concluded that the transition to inhumantion was a movement caused by an increased desire on the part of Romans to preserve identity in death during and following the Pax Romana.

Selection of Papers

In general, the program committee evaluates the abstracts on the following basis:

  • Intervention in the Historiography: Does the abstract ask new historical questions? Does the proposal provide new insights on familiar topics?
  • Clarity of Presentation: Does the abstract clearly define the topic, scope, and methodologies?
  • Argument: Does the abstract clearly lay out the historical argument?
  • Style: Is the abstract free of grammatical errors, major spelling mistakes, or other problems that suggest the presenter may not be prepared to deliver a polished paper?

While the co-president of the HGSA organizes and facilitates the abstract selection committee each year and may change the selection process and methods, this rubric still represents a general guide for what a committee looks for when selecting conference participants. Selection is not a science, however: great abstracts are often not accepted because of panel design. It is unlikely, however, that poor abstracts will be selected to fill out panels.

Additional Resources

  • Writing Academic Proposals: Conferences, Articles, and Books
  • Guidelines for Writing Effective Abstracts for Conference Paper Presentations
  • How to Write a Paper or Conference Proposal Abstract

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Preparing Scientific Papers, Posters, and Slides


  • 1 Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 2 Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan.
  • PMID: 26572095
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2015.09.020

Publications and presentations are important in academic medicine. The ability to present information in a standard fashion is critically important. Papers, posters, and slides must be prepared appropriately to maximize their chance of being accepted. The first step is to use word processing software correctly. English language usage must conform to standard scientific English usage. Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. Numerical data must be presented with the appropriate number of significant figures. The first step in preparing a paper is to decide the target journal. Papers should always be written in 12 point Times New Roman font, while slides and posters should be in Arial or Helvetica. The Results section must contain actual data with appropriate statistical analysis. Take great care to prepare figures and tables according to the journal's instructions. Posters must be prepared to allow easy reading at a distance of 2m. Use a white background and dark letters. The majority of the area of your poster should be Results, and there is no need to include the abstract or references on a poster. Slide presentations should be limited to about one slide for each minute of the talk. Avoid the use of animations and excessive use of color. Do not use abbreviations on slides. Following these simple guidelines will meet the requirements of most journals and allow your audience to appreciate the data on your posters and slides.

Keywords: Interpersonal and Communication Skills; Practice-Based Learning and Improvement; Professionalism; scientific paper; scientific poster; slide presentation; word processing.

Copyright © 2015 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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APA Sample Paper

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Note:  This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019. The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style  can be found here .

Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper  ,  APA Sample Professional Paper

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Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student  and  professional  papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication). These differences mostly extend to the title page and running head. Crucially, citation practices do not differ between the two styles of paper.

However, for your convenience, we have provided two versions of our APA 7 sample paper below: one in  student style and one in  professional  style.

Note: For accessibility purposes, we have used "Track Changes" to make comments along the margins of these samples. Those authored by [AF] denote explanations of formatting and [AWC] denote directions for writing and citing in APA 7. 

APA 7 Student Paper:

Apa 7 professional paper:.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay: Structure, Format, and Tips

Table of contents

  • 1 What is a 500 Word Essay?
  • 2.1 How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?
  • 2.2 How Many Pages Is A 500-word Essay?
  • 3.1 Create An Outline
  • 3.2 Write A Strong Introduction
  • 3.3 Composing The Body Paragraphs
  • 3.4 Write An Impressive Conclusion
  • 4 500-Word Essay Examples
  • 5 500-Word Essay Topics
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

We can say that a 500-word essay length is the best of both worlds. It is longer than a 250-word essay, so you have more space to express yourself, but it is shorter than 1000 words essay, so you don't have to provide tons of details and research. On the other hand, writing 500 words is not as simple or easy as you may believe. You still need to know all about the 500-word essay format, important guidelines, use of proper details, and so much more.

In general, this is an important and even essential piece of writing. Hence you need to know all the basics and even less-known facts in order to produce a paper that will get you the grade you deserve. Add the fact you will probably have to write one on a regular basis, and you can see why this page is just perfect for you. Papers Owl is here to explain all the things you need to know about these papers and also add all the facts you need to incorporate into your next paper.

What is a 500 Word Essay?

It is precise, as the name suggests. This is 500 words essay. As we have mentioned, it is the most appealing type because it can be relatively easy to complete, and it is not too long, so you have to invest countless hours into research and writing. How easy or hard you will write a paper of this kind depends on your abilities and the topic.

As always, choosing the best topic should be the mandatory first step, and you need to choose one that you like. If you are left with the one you don't like, or you find repelling, you can always use " write my essay " help and get the paper delivered to you within hours! This has been one thing many students have been using for a long time, and many more will use it due to obvious reasons.

You can write 500 words essay that you like and not all of the assigned ones. Writing 500 content will depend on many factors. One of the first things to know is that there are several types of these papers . A 500-word essay example can help you understand this issue more.

Depending on the goal of your writing, you may have to write:

  • Argumentative 500-word essay
  • Critical word paper
  • Analytical essay
  • Reflective paper
  • Narrative words paper

In most cases, you will have to explain a specific idea or a topic that is assigned to you. You have 500 characters to use, but you can go a few words more. It is important to add that you cannot write 1000 words in this case scenario. This is a different type of paper, and it is reserved for a different purpose. We also have 250-word (sort) essays that are much shorter but can be problematic. You usually don't have enough room to cover the topic you want. Hence you are left with generic and not very interesting content.

Teachers love these essays, and they consider them extremely important. The main reason for that is the fact these papers can be written in the class, and a teacher can check your writing capabilities and the details. These contents are essential because they can check your critical thinking, your opinion, and most commonly, how well you have understood a specific topic.

For example, you may have to write a 500 character essay related to the book you had to read for the class. This will depend on numerous factors, but usually, you have to write detailed and focused content. There is no room here to write about countless things and elements. You need to focus on one and stick to it.


How to Format a 500-Word Essay?

One of the main steps and one of the essential pieces of guideline here is to format the paper. The structure is not something you can affect significantly and something you can change at any given moment. Yes, you need to complete five hundred words, but you need to know how to divide these. This is a well-known fact and something a quick essay writer can do with his eyes closed.

Now we will teach you how to do it as well. Pay close attention to details here. There are a lot of simple things that are mandatory, so don't skip them and don't try to be better than the professor. Use your own structure or something similar.

How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?

The main thing here is to remember that these papers always have 5 paragraphs. One of them is the introduction, and it goes first. Then you have 3 body paragraphs and the conclusion paragraph . It is also important to divide the word count. The introduction part of an essay must be 100 words. Each paragraph must be 100 characters as well.

Lastly, we can see that conclusion is 100 characters as well. Of course, it doesn't have to be precisely 100 characters! Better said, the range should be between 90 and 110 characters per paragraph. Don't try to add too many sentences, or you will have problems and you won't write a well-structured paper.

How Many Pages Is A 500-word Essay?

In order to format a 500 word essay, you need to pay close attention to the pages as well. If you use single spaces, you will have 1 page of content. If you use double spacing, something that some students prefer, you will have 1.5 pages.

Try to remember that your academic writing should use 12-size font and also Times New Roman or Arial font style. These are the most common, and usually, professors will tell you to use them. Every single time when you are writing 500 words, you will have to use these elements. They are important and even mandatory.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay?

How easy you can complete this assignment will depend on your writing skills. However, you can use this small guide to get the help you need and complete the paper in less time and get 500 characters ideally organized and suitable for your purpose. Examples or better said, samples are very beneficial here and important due to so many reasons. Anyway, here we will reveal how to write a narrative essay like a professional and always be ready to impress the readers. Keep in mind that readers are professors, your colleagues, and many others.

Create An Outline

The first step is actually to start with the outline . The outline is the plan you will use for writing. It has to start with a thesis statement , which is a summary of your idea and the goal. Then, you need to make the plan. Use bullet points to make all of this organized and simple. Any essay example will have this before it was written!

The outline will contain points for the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Each one will contain several points in which you should explain what you want to say or what you will say in the paper. Once you are done, you can continue to the next step or, better said to the actual writing.

Write A Strong Introduction

Once you have the thesis statement and the outline, you will have to start writing. The introduction is the first thing you will have to write. Always start with the string intro that has the main idea you want to reveal in the paper, and you want to share. This should be the point of view you have and what you want to present.

In addition, this section must be strong, to the point, and should intrigue the reader. You need to reveal just enough so he will want to read the whole paper. You can see the example later on and get a better idea about what you need to do.

Composing The Body Paragraphs

The definition here is simple. Each body paragraph needs to present one idea . Each idea must be accurate, simple, and detailed. You will have to make a clear and simple transition between paragraphs and make a reader want to continue reading. The samples below will help you more. This is also the hardest part of the content.

You can always pay for essay writing if you want to get the content in no time and professionally completed. All your ideas should be backed by the actual facts that must be accurate and detailed as you can imagine. In addition, never present opposite or strange facts in the sections. It will confuse the reader.

Write An Impressive Conclusion

The last thing you will have to do is to complete the conclusion. It must be strong and must reexamine the beginning and tell one point to the readers. In a nutshell, this is a very important section, and it can make a massive difference. You can get a better grade or a lower one if you make a mistake. There are complete guides related to this section only, so you can imagine how important it is. The conclusion should be completely focused on the main idea of your content.

500-Word Essay Examples

Here you can see a sample 500 characters that will help you understand the topic in detail and, at the same time, get the job done in less time and with better accuracy. Each 500 word essay example is written by an expert, so you can be positive that you will learn from the best.

  • Roosevelt, The Great Depression, And The Economics Of Recovery
  • Globalization in Business
  • LGBD Community in the United States
  • An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind
  • “Snow” by Julia Alvarez: Unveiling Symbolism and Resilience

Each one is detailed and has been approved by actual college professors. Many of them are written by college professors, so once again, you can see the appeal. These are ideal for all beginners, students who are not proficient in this task, and who need help.


500-Word Essay Topics

Here are 10 topics that are very common and very appealing. You will probably want to choose one or two. Keep in mind that you should always choose the one you like and you are interested in writing on. Don't try to complete one that you don't like or you don't want to learn about.

This is a simple secret that has a huge role overall.

  • Your best journey explained
  • Explain honesty
  • Explain racism
  • Can you make money on the internet?
  • Define the main objective of your life
  • Can you and how avoid problems while at college?
  • Challenges people with disabilities encounter every single day
  • What is punctuality?
  • Which effect does art has on people?
  • Explain the best day in this year that happened to you

Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

Now when you have your sample 500, and you have all the details that you are going to need, we can reveal one section more. Here we will explain the tips you need to use in order to complete this assignment in less time and with better success. Keep your mind focused and try to use all of these tips just so you can expect the best grade. These may sound ordinary or obvious, but they do affect your content and your presentation.

  • Have two days to complete the task All native English professional writers know that this process takes time. In general, you will use the first day to draft the whole content. On the second day, you will read it and make needed changes, edit and proofread it. This is mandatory. You will look at the content with fresh eyes, and you can easily see any mistakes or make changes that have a huge effect.
  • Get help if possible Seeking assistance to help you with your work is a great way to ensure that your content is accurate and of the highest quality. You can get help from your professor, friend, or even a cheap essay writing service . The goal here is to be aware of any mistakes or get any insights into your content. Knowing the details of your work will make it easier to make changes, and you can get these from other readers. With their help, you can make sure that your work looks better and is of the highest quality.
  • Don't worry about the word count Just start and enjoy. Don't worry about the characters or anything like that. You can always make the content longer or shorter if you have to. If you worry about the length, you will be limited, and you can't end up with an excellent copy.
  • Proofread several times It is mandatory and the most obvious fact here. All the things you write will have to be proofread, and there is no other way. You can even hire a professional, or you can ask your friend. This is of huge importance.
  • Consider who will read your content Try to adjust the content for your reader. Think of what they want to see and want to know. Then, focus on these things most of the time and try to optimize your content as much as you can. The results are amazing, and you can see that all writers have been doing this for ages.

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How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation

Chittaranjan andrade.

Department of Psychopharmacology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstracts of scientific papers are sometimes poorly written, often lack important information, and occasionally convey a biased picture. This paper provides detailed suggestions, with examples, for writing the background, methods, results, and conclusions sections of a good abstract. The primary target of this paper is the young researcher; however, authors with all levels of experience may find useful ideas in the paper.


This paper is the third in a series on manuscript writing skills, published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry . Earlier articles offered suggestions on how to write a good case report,[ 1 ] and how to read, write, or review a paper on randomized controlled trials.[ 2 , 3 ] The present paper examines how authors may write a good abstract when preparing their manuscript for a scientific journal or conference presentation. Although the primary target of this paper is the young researcher, it is likely that authors with all levels of experience will find at least a few ideas that may be useful in their future efforts.

The abstract of a paper is the only part of the paper that is published in conference proceedings. The abstract is the only part of the paper that a potential referee sees when he is invited by an editor to review a manuscript. The abstract is the only part of the paper that readers see when they search through electronic databases such as PubMed. Finally, most readers will acknowledge, with a chuckle, that when they leaf through the hard copy of a journal, they look at only the titles of the contained papers. If a title interests them, they glance through the abstract of that paper. Only a dedicated reader will peruse the contents of the paper, and then, most often only the introduction and discussion sections. Only a reader with a very specific interest in the subject of the paper, and a need to understand it thoroughly, will read the entire paper.

Thus, for the vast majority of readers, the paper does not exist beyond its abstract. For the referees, and the few readers who wish to read beyond the abstract, the abstract sets the tone for the rest of the paper. It is therefore the duty of the author to ensure that the abstract is properly representative of the entire paper. For this, the abstract must have some general qualities. These are listed in Table 1 .

General qualities of a good abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g001.jpg


Although some journals still publish abstracts that are written as free-flowing paragraphs, most journals require abstracts to conform to a formal structure within a word count of, usually, 200–250 words. The usual sections defined in a structured abstract are the Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions; other headings with similar meanings may be used (eg, Introduction in place of Background or Findings in place of Results). Some journals include additional sections, such as Objectives (between Background and Methods) and Limitations (at the end of the abstract). In the rest of this paper, issues related to the contents of each section will be examined in turn.

This section should be the shortest part of the abstract and should very briefly outline the following information:

  • What is already known about the subject, related to the paper in question
  • What is not known about the subject and hence what the study intended to examine (or what the paper seeks to present)

In most cases, the background can be framed in just 2–3 sentences, with each sentence describing a different aspect of the information referred to above; sometimes, even a single sentence may suffice. The purpose of the background, as the word itself indicates, is to provide the reader with a background to the study, and hence to smoothly lead into a description of the methods employed in the investigation.

Some authors publish papers the abstracts of which contain a lengthy background section. There are some situations, perhaps, where this may be justified. In most cases, however, a longer background section means that less space remains for the presentation of the results. This is unfortunate because the reader is interested in the paper because of its findings, and not because of its background.

A wide variety of acceptably composed backgrounds is provided in Table 2 ; most of these have been adapted from actual papers.[ 4 – 9 ] Readers may wish to compare the content in Table 2 with the original abstracts to see how the adaptations possibly improve on the originals. Note that, in the interest of brevity, unnecessary content is avoided. For instance, in Example 1 there is no need to state “The antidepressant efficacy of desvenlafaxine (DV), a dual-acting antidepressant drug , has been established…” (the unnecessary content is italicized).

Examples of the background section of an abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g002.jpg

The methods section is usually the second-longest section in the abstract. It should contain enough information to enable the reader to understand what was done, and how. Table 3 lists important questions to which the methods section should provide brief answers.

Questions regarding which information should ideally be available in the methods section of an abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g003.jpg

Carelessly written methods sections lack information about important issues such as sample size, numbers of patients in different groups, doses of medications, and duration of the study. Readers have only to flip through the pages of a randomly selected journal to realize how common such carelessness is.

Table 4 presents examples of the contents of accept-ably written methods sections, modified from actual publications.[ 10 , 11 ] Readers are invited to take special note of the first sentence of each example in Table 4 ; each is packed with detail, illustrating how to convey the maximum quantity of information with maximum economy of word count.

Examples of the methods section of an abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g004.jpg

The results section is the most important part of the abstract and nothing should compromise its range and quality. This is because readers who peruse an abstract do so to learn about the findings of the study. The results section should therefore be the longest part of the abstract and should contain as much detail about the findings as the journal word count permits. For example, it is bad writing to state “Response rates differed significantly between diabetic and nondiabetic patients.” A better sentence is “The response rate was higher in nondiabetic than in diabetic patients (49% vs 30%, respectively; P <0.01).”

Important information that the results should present is indicated in Table 5 . Examples of acceptably written abstracts are presented in Table 6 ; one of these has been modified from an actual publication.[ 11 ] Note that the first example is rather narrative in style, whereas the second example is packed with data.

Information that the results section of the abstract should ideally present

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g005.jpg

Examples of the results section of an abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g006.jpg


This section should contain the most important take-home message of the study, expressed in a few precisely worded sentences. Usually, the finding highlighted here relates to the primary outcome measure; however, other important or unexpected findings should also be mentioned. It is also customary, but not essential, for the authors to express an opinion about the theoretical or practical implications of the findings, or the importance of their findings for the field. Thus, the conclusions may contain three elements:

  • The primary take-home message
  • The additional findings of importance
  • The perspective

Despite its necessary brevity, this section has the most impact on the average reader because readers generally trust authors and take their assertions at face value. For this reason, the conclusions should also be scrupulously honest; and authors should not claim more than their data demonstrate. Hypothetical examples of the conclusions section of an abstract are presented in Table 7 .

Examples of the conclusions section of an abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g007.jpg


Citation of references anywhere within an abstract is almost invariably inappropriate. Other examples of unnecessary content in an abstract are listed in Table 8 .

Examples of unnecessary content in a abstract

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJPsy-53-172-g008.jpg

It goes without saying that whatever is present in the abstract must also be present in the text. Likewise, whatever errors should not be made in the text should not appear in the abstract (eg, mistaking association for causality).

As already mentioned, the abstract is the only part of the paper that the vast majority of readers see. Therefore, it is critically important for authors to ensure that their enthusiasm or bias does not deceive the reader; unjustified speculations could be even more harmful. Misleading readers could harm the cause of science and have an adverse impact on patient care.[ 12 ] A recent study,[ 13 ] for example, concluded that venlafaxine use during the second trimester of pregnancy may increase the risk of neonates born small for gestational age. However, nowhere in the abstract did the authors mention that these conclusions were based on just 5 cases and 12 controls out of the total sample of 126 cases and 806 controls. There were several other serious limitations that rendered the authors’ conclusions tentative, at best; yet, nowhere in the abstract were these other limitations expressed.

As a parting note: Most journals provide clear instructions to authors on the formatting and contents of different parts of the manuscript. These instructions often include details on what the sections of an abstract should contain. Authors should tailor their abstracts to the specific requirements of the journal to which they plan to submit their manuscript. It could also be an excellent idea to model the abstract of the paper, sentence for sentence, on the abstract of an important paper on a similar subject and with similar methodology, published in the same journal for which the manuscript is slated.

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared.

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Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020)

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Official source for APA Style The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition is the official source for APA Style.

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Authoritative and easy to use Known for its authoritative, easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, language, and tone that will result in powerful, concise, and elegant scholarly communication.

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7 reasons why everyone needs the 7th edition of APA’s bestselling Publication Manual

paper publication and presentation 500 words

Full color with first-ever tabbed version

paper publication and presentation 500 words

Guidelines for ethical writing and guidance on the publication process

paper publication and presentation 500 words

Expanded student-specific resources; includes a sample paper

paper publication and presentation 500 words

100+ new reference examples, 40+ sample tables and figures

paper publication and presentation 500 words

New chapter on journal article reporting standards

paper publication and presentation 500 words

Updated bias-free language guidelines; includes usage of singular “they”

paper publication and presentation 500 words

One space after end punctuation!

What’s new in the 7th edition?

Full color All formats are in full color, including the new tabbed spiral-bound version.

Easy to navigate Improved ease of navigation, with many additional numbered sections to help users quickly locate answers to their questions.

Best practices The Publication Manual (7th ed.) has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect best practices in scholarly writing and publishing.

New student resources Resources for students on writing and formatting annotated bibliographies, response papers, and other paper types as well as guidelines on citing course materials.

Accessibility guidelines Guidelines that support accessibility for all users, including simplified reference, in-text citation, and heading formats as well as additional font options.

New-user content Dedicated chapter for new users of APA Style covering paper elements and format, including sample papers for both professional authors and student writers.

Journal Article Reporting Standards New chapter on journal article reporting standards that includes updates to reporting standards for quantitative research and the first-ever qualitative and mixed methods reporting standards in APA Style.

Bias-free language guidelines New chapter on bias-free language guidelines for writing about people with respect and inclusivity in areas including age, disability, gender, participation in research, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality

100+ reference examples More than 100 new reference examples covering periodicals, books, audiovisual media, social media, webpages and websites, and legal resources.

40+ new sample tables and figures More than 40 new sample tables and figures, including student-friendly examples such as a correlation table and a bar chart as well as examples that show how to reproduce a table or figure from another source.

Ethics expanded Expanded guidance on ethical writing and publishing practices, including how to ensure the appropriate level of citation, avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism, and navigate the publication process.

Publication Manual spread open to JARs section divider

7th edition table of contents

  • Front Matter
  • 1. Scholarly Writing and Publishing Principles
  • 2. Paper Elements and Format
  • 3. Journal Article Reporting Standards
  • 4. Writing Style and Grammar
  • 5. Bias-Free Language Guidelines
  • 6. Mechanics of Style
  • 7. Tables and Figures
  • 8. Works Credited in the Text
  • 9. Reference List
  • 10. Reference Examples
  • 11. Legal References
  • 12. Publication Process
  • Back Matter

List of Tables and Figures

Editorial Staff and Contributors


Introduction (PDF, 94KB)

Types of Articles and Papers

1.1 Quantitative Articles 1.2 Qualitative Articles 1.3 Mixed Methods Articles 1.4 Replication Articles 1.5 Quantitative and Qualitative Meta-Analyses 1.6 Literature Review Articles 1.7 Theoretical Articles 1.8 Methodological Articles 1.9 Other Types of Articles 1.10 Student Papers, Dissertations, and Theses

Ethical, legal, and professional standards in publishing

Ensuring the Accuracy of Scientific Findings

1.11 Planning for Ethical Compliance 1.12 Ethical and Accurate Reporting of Research Results 1.13 Errors, Corrections, and Retractions After Publication 1.14 Data Retention and Sharing 1.15 Additional Data-Sharing Considerations for Qualitative Research 1.16 Duplicate and Piecemeal Publication of Data 1.17 Implications of Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism

Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Research Participants and Subjects

1.18 Rights and Welfare of Research Participants and Subjects 1.19 Protecting Confidentiality 1.20 Conflict of Interest

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

1.21 Publication Credit 1.22 Order of Authors 1.23 Authors’ Intellectual Property Rights During Manuscript Review 1.24 Authors’ Copyright on Unpublished Manuscripts 1.25 Ethical Compliance Checklist

Required Elements

2.1 Professional Paper Required Elements 2.2 Student Paper Required Elements

Paper Elements

2.3 Title Page 2.4 Title 2.5 Author Name (Byline) 2.6 Author Affiliation 2.7 Author Note 2.8 Running Head 2.9 Abstract 2.10 Keywords 2.11 Text (Body) 2.12 Reference List 2.13 Footnotes 2.14 Appendices 2.15 Supplemental Materials

2.16 Importance of Format 2.17 Order of Pages 2.18 Page Header 2.19 Font 2.20 Special Characters 2.21 Line Spacing 2.22 Margins 2.23 Paragraph Alignment 2.24 Paragraph Indentation 2.25 Paper Length


2.26 Principles of Organization 2.27 Heading Levels 2.28 Section Labels

Sample papers

Overview of Reporting Standards

3.1 Application of the Principles of JARS 3.2 Terminology Used in JARS

Common Reporting Standards Across Research Designs

3.3 Abstract Standards 3.4 Introduction Standards

Reporting Standards for Quantitative Research

3.5 Basic Expectations for Quantitative Research Reporting 3.6 Quantitative Method Standards 3.7 Quantitative Results Standards 3.8 Quantitative Discussion Standards 3.9 Additional Reporting Standards for Typical Experimental and Nonexperimental Studies 3.10 Reporting Standards for Special Designs 3.11 Standards for Analytic Approaches 3.12 Quantitative Meta-Analysis Standards

Reporting Standards for Qualitative Research

3.13 Basic Expectations for Qualitative Research Reporting 3.14 Qualitative Method Standards 3.15 Qualitative Findings or Results Standards 3.16 Qualitative Discussion Standards 3.17 Qualitative Meta-Analysis Standards

Reporting Standards for Mixed Methods Research

3.18 Basic Expectations for Mixed Methods Research Reporting

Effective scholarly writing

Continuity and Flow

4.1 Importance of Continuity and Flow 4.2 Transitions 4.3 Noun Strings

Conciseness and Clarity

4.4 Importance of Conciseness and Clarity 4.5 Wordiness and Redundancy 4.6 Sentence and Paragraph Length 4.7 Tone 4.8 Contractions and Colloquialisms 4.9 Jargon 4.10 Logical Comparisons 4.11 Anthropomorphism

Grammar and usage

4.12 Verb Tense 4.13 Active and Passive Voice 4.14 Mood 4.15 Subject and Verb Agreement

4.16 First- Versus Third-Person Pronouns 4.17 Editorial “We” 4.18 Singular “They” 4.19 Pronouns for People and Animals (“Who” vs. “That”) 4.20 Pronouns as Subjects and Objects (“Who” vs. “Whom”) 4.21 Pronouns in Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses (“That” vs. “Which”)

Sentence Construction

4.22 Subordinate Conjunctions 4.23 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers 4.24 Parallel Construction

Strategies to Improve Your Writing

4.25 Reading to Learn Through Example 4.26 Writing From an Outline 4.27 Rereading the Draft 4.28 Seeking Help From Colleagues 4.29 Working With Copyeditors and Writing Centers 4.30 Revising a Paper

General Guidelines for Reducing Bias

5.1 Describe at the Appropriate Level of Specificity 5.2 Be Sensitive to Labels

Reducing Bias by Topic

5.3 Age 5.4 Disability 5.5 Gender 5.6 Participation in Research 5.7 Racial and Ethnic Identity 5.8 Sexual Orientation 5.9 Socioeconomic Status 5.10 Intersectionality


6.1 Spacing After Punctuation Marks 6.2 Period 6.3 Comma 6.4 Semicolon 6.5 Colon 6.6 Dash 6.7 Quotation Marks 6.8 Parentheses 6.9 Square Brackets 6.10 Slash

6.11 Preferred Spelling 6.12 Hyphenation


6.13 Words Beginning a Sentence 6.14 Proper Nouns and Trade Names 6.15 Job Titles and Positions 6.16 Diseases, Disorders, Therapies, Theories, and Related Terms 6.17 Titles of Works and Headings Within Works 6.18 Titles of Tests and Measures 6.19 Nouns Followed by Numerals or Letters 6.20 Names of Conditions or Groups in an Experiment 6.21 Names of Factors, Variables, and Effects

6.22 Use of Italics 6.23 Reverse Italics


6.24 Use of Abbreviations 6.25 Definition of Abbreviations 6.26 Format of Abbreviations 6.27 Unit of Measurement Abbreviations 6.28 Time Abbreviations 6.29 Latin Abbreviations 6.30 Chemical Compound Abbreviations 6.31 Gene and Protein Name Abbreviations

6.32 Numbers Expressed in Numerals 6.33 Numbers Expressed in Words 6.34 Combining Numerals and Words to Express Numbers 6.35 Ordinal Numbers 6.36 Decimal Fractions 6.37 Roman Numerals 6.38 Commas in Numbers 6.39 Plurals of Numbers

Statistical and Mathematical Copy

6.40 Selecting Effective Presentation 6.41 References for Statistics 6.42 Formulas 6.43 Statistics in Text 6.44 Statistical Symbols and Abbreviations 6.45 Spacing, Alignment, and Punctuation for Statistics

Presentation of Equations

6.46 Equations in Text 6.47 Displayed Equations 6.48 Preparing Statistical and Mathematical Copy for Publication

6.49 List Guidelines 6.50 Lettered Lists 6.51 Numbered Lists 6.52 Bulleted Lists

General Guidelines for Tables and Figures

7.1 Purpose of Tables and Figures 7.2 Design and Preparation of Tables and Figures 7.3 Graphical Versus Textual Presentation 7.4 Formatting Tables and Figures 7.5 Referring to Tables and Figures in the Text 7.6 Placement of Tables and Figures 7.7 Reprinting or Adapting Tables and Figures

7.8 Principles of Table Construction 7.9 Table Components 7.10 Table Numbers 7.11 Table Titles 7.12 Table Headings 7.13 Table Body 7.14 Table Notes 7.15 Standard Abbreviations in Tables and Figures 7.16 Confidence Intervals in Tables 7.17 Table Borders and Shading 7.18 Long or Wide Tables 7.19 Relation Between Tables 7.20 Table Checklist 7.21 Sample Tables

Sample tables

7.22 Principles of Figure Construction 7.23 Figure Components 7.24 Figure Numbers 7.25 Figure Titles 7.26 Figure Images 7.27 Figure Legends 7.28 Figure Notes 7.29 Relation Between Figures 7.30 Photographs 7.31 Considerations for Electrophysiological, Radiological, Genetic, and Other Biological Data 7.32 Electrophysiological Data 7.33 Radiological (Imaging) Data 7.34 Genetic Data 7.35 Figure Checklist 7.36 Sample Figures

Sample figures

General Guidelines for Citation

8.1 Appropriate Level of Citation 8.2 Plagiarism 8.3 Self-Plagiarism 8.4 Correspondence Between Reference List and Text 8.5 Use of the Published Version or Archival Version 8.6 Primary and Secondary Sources

Works Requiring Special Approaches to Citation

8.7 Interviews 8.8 Classroom or Intranet Sources 8.9 Personal Communications

In-Text Citations

8.10 Author–Date Citation System 8.11 Parenthetical and Narrative Citations 8.12 Citing Multiple Works 8.13 Citing Specific Parts of a Source 8.14 Unknown or Anonymous Author 8.15 Translated, Reprinted, Republished, and Reissued Dates 8,16 Omitting the Year in Repeated Narrative Citations 8.17 Number of Authors to Include in In-Text Citations 8.18 Avoiding Ambiguity in In-Text Citations 8.19 Works With the Same Author and Same Date 8.20 Authors With the Same Surname 8.21 Abbreviating Group Authors 8.22 General Mentions of Websites, Periodicals, and Common Software and Apps

Paraphrases and Quotations

8.23 Principles of Paraphrasing 8.24 Long Paraphrases 8.25 Principles of Direct Quotation 8.26 Short Quotations (Fewer Than 40 Words) 8.27 Block Quotations (40 Words or More) 8.28 Direct Quotation of Material Without Page Numbers 8.29 Accuracy of Quotations 8.30 Changes to a Quotation Requiring No Explanation 8.31 Changes to a Quotation Requiring Explanation 8.32 Quotations That Contain Citations to Other Works 8.33 Quotations That Contain Material Already in Quotation Marks 8.34 Permission to Reprint or Adapt Lengthy Quotations 8.35 Epigraphs 8.36 Quotations From Research Participants

Reference Categories

9.1 Determining the Reference Category 9.2 Using the Webpages and Websites Reference Category 9.3 Online and Print References

Principles of Reference List Entries

9.4 Four Elements of a Reference 9.5 Punctuation Within Reference List Entries 9.6 Accuracy and Consistency in References

Reference elements

9.7 Definition of Author 9.8 Format of the Author Element 9.9 Spelling and Capitalization of Author Names 9.10 Identification of Specialized Roles 9.11 Group Authors 9.12 No Author

9.13 Definition of Date 9.14 Format of the Date Element 9.15 Updated or Reviewed Online Works 9.16 Retrieval Dates 9.17 No Date

9.18 Definition of Title 9.19 Format of the Title Element 9.20 Series and Multivolume Works 9.21 Bracketed Descriptions 9.22 No Title

9.23 Definition of Source 9.24 Format of the Source Element 9.25 Periodical Sources 9.26 Online Periodicals With Missing Information 9.27 Article Numbers 9.28 Edited Book Chapter and Reference Work Entry Sources 9.29 Publisher Sources 9.30 Database and Archive Sources 9.31 Works With Specific Locations 9.32 Social Media Sources 9.33 Website Sources 9.34 When to Include DOIs and URLs 9.35 Format of DOIs and URLs 9.36 DOI or URL Shorteners 9.37 No Source

Reference Variations

9.38 Works in Another Language 9.39 Translated Works 9.40 Reprinted Works 9.41 Republished or Reissued Works 9.42 Religious and Classical Works

Reference List Format and Order

9.43 Format of the Reference List 9.44 Order of Works in the Reference List 9.45 Order of Surname and Given Name 9.46 Order of Multiple Works by the Same First Author 9.47 Order of Works With the Same Author and Same Date 9.48 Order of Works by First Authors With the Same Surname 9.49 Order of Works With No Author or an Anonymous Author 9.50 Abbreviations in References 9.51 Annotated Bibliographies 9.52 References Included in a Meta-Analysis

Author Variations

Date Variations

Title Variations

Source Variations

Textual Works

10.1 Periodicals 10.2 Books and Reference Works 10.3 Edited Book Chapters and Entries in Reference Works 10.4 Reports and Gray Literature 10.5 Conference Sessions and Presentations 10.6 Dissertations and Theses 10.7 Reviews 10.8 Unpublished Works and Informally Published Works

Data Sets, Software, and Tests

10.9 Data Sets 10.10 Computer Software, Mobile Apps, Apparatuses, and Equipment 10.11 Tests, Scales, and Inventories

Audiovisual Media

10.12 Audiovisual Works 10.13 Audio Works 10.14 Visual Works

Online Media

10.15 Social Media 10.16 Webpages and Websites

General Guidelines for Legal References

11.1 APA Style References Versus Legal References 11.2 General Forms 11.3 In-Text Citations of Legal Materials

Legal Reference Examples

11.4 Cases or Court Decisions 11.5 Statutes (Laws and Acts) 11.6 Legislative Materials 11.7 Administrative and Executive Materials 11.8 Patents 11.9 Constitutions and Charters 11.10 Treaties and International Conventions

Preparing for Publication

12.1 Adapting a Dissertation or Thesis Into a Journal Article 12.2 Selecting a Journal for Publication 12.3 Prioritizing Potential Journals 12.4 Avoiding Predatory Journals

Understanding the Editorial Publication Process

12.5 Editorial Publication Process 12.6 Role of the Editors 12.7 Peer Review Process 12.8 Manuscript Decisions

Manuscript Preparation

12.9 Preparing the Manuscript for Submission 12.10 Using an Online Submission Portal 12.11 Writing a Cover Letter 12.12 Corresponding During Publication 12.13 Certifying Ethical Requirements

Copyright and Permission Guidelines

12.14 General Guidelines for Reprinting or Adapting Materials 12.15 Materials That Require Copyright Attribution 12.16 Copyright Status 12.17 Permission and Fair Use 12.18 Copyright Attribution Formats

During and After Publication

12.19 Article Proofs 12.20 Published Article Copyright Policies 12.21 Open Access Deposit Policies 12.22 Writing a Correction Notice 12.23 Sharing Your Article Online 12.24 Promoting Your Article

Credits for Adapted Tables, Figures, and Papers

500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas

Writing a 500-word essay may seem like a piece of cake. But don’t get fooled by it! Although a paper of this length is short and takes only one page, its writing process has its pitfalls. And the most complicated aspect is finding a balance between the small size and the depth of argumentation.

A typical 500-word paper can be:

  • a traditional 5-paragraph essay
  • a college admission essay
  • a personal statement
  • a book report
  • a critical analysis essay, and many other types of written works.

If you need to write one of these, then definitely check out this article. Our simple explanations and inspirational topics will help you craft an exceptional 500-word paper. And make sure to check out our free essay examples for even more ideas!

  • 🎓 Personal Statement Examples
  • 📜 500-Word Memoir Topics
  • ✨ My Values Essay Examples
  • ✊🏿 Rosa Parks Essay Topics
  • 💬 Narrative Essay Examples

✍️ How to Write a 500-Word Essay

  • 😱 Stress Impact on Health Essay Samples
  • 🚀 Sample Essays on Accountability
  • 💡 Essay Topics on Respect
  • 🎯 Example Essays on Career Goals
  • 📚 Topics on the Importance of Education
  • 🩺 Alzheimer’s Disease Topics
  • ❤️ Romeo and Juliet Essay Examples
  • 🏫 College Essay Topics

🎓 500-Word Personal Statement Examples

  • Personal Statement for a Major in Geography and Planning From my perspective, geography is a prominent professional field that has incredible potential, and I want to contribute to the advancement of this area to improve the lives of societies and organizations.
  • Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement: Encouraging Lifelong and Individual Learning Thus, the learners will more easily relate to music, and as a result, necessary prerequisites for active engagement in the studies, and an enthusiasm for the required material, can be expected.
  • APRN Program Applicant Personal Statement While studying to be a nurse, I discovered the function of nurse practitioners and felt it was exactly what I was searching for.
  • Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style Thus I believe my mode of learning is the best to use when studying. Through the use of this method, I have found learning to be more exciting and captivating.

📜 500-Word Memoir Topics to Write About

  • Describe your most exciting adventure.
  • Share a story of a volunteer experience that changed your life.
  • How you rediscovered your passion for an old hobby.
  • Write about a lesson you’ve learned from a unique friendship.
  • What life events had the most significant impact on your personality?
  • Discuss your experiences in competitive sports.
  • Explore and discuss your heritage and cultural roots.
  • Write about the situation when you had to step out of your comfort zone.
  • Reveal your path to forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • What is your favorite childhood memory? Why is it significant?

✨ My Values Essay: 500 Words Examples

  • Nursing Values and Responsibilities Some of the legal responsibilities of a nurse include preventing malpractice cases and respecting a patient’s confidentiality. The legal responsibilities of a nurse involve preventing malpractice and respecting a patient’s confidentiality.
  • Social Work: Values, Experience, and Educational Goals First of all, I would like to start with the fact that people, as phenomena, have always attracted me, and also aroused a desire to help, if necessary.
  • Values in Caring for Dying Patients Therefore, medical professionals’ main task is to provide the most satisfying life for patients and peace of mind for loved ones. In conclusion, the care and treatment of dying patients imply adherence to certain professional […]
  • The Importance of Values and Virtues To further illustrate this concept in a more detailed manner, I will refer to a couple of the values I follow, while depicting a situation when I have broken them.
  • Businessperson’s Vision, Mission, and Values Statement In addition, I intend to use my skills and knowledge in finance to mitigate the risks that the company is facing.
  • Personality and Values in Human Services Practice In order to overcome this problem, I plan to find a colleague who can help me review the plans and assessments of current situations to ensure that I cover all the basic issues.

✊🏿 Rosa Parks Essay: 500 Words Topics

  • What were the early years of Rosa Parks and her upbringing?
  • Describe Rosa Parks’ involvement in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Explore Rosa Parks’ collaboration with Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Write about Parks’ later years and continued activism.
  • What was Rosa Parks’ personal philosophy?
  • The cultural depictions of Rosa Parks in literature, film, and art.
  • Analyze Parks’ contribution to the fight for racial equality.
  • Study the cultural and historical context of Parks’ actions.
  • Discuss the legacy of Rosa Parks’ writings and speeches.
  • What is the significance of the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery, Alabama?

💬 Narrative Essay Examples: 500 Words

  • Counseling and Social Work Challenges Also, it may be important to try to work with different people and assess the impact that individual differences have on the work results.
  • Blog Response: Developing Different Kinds of Narratives I get the news set that makes her keep asking “is this journalism” and feel relaxed as she makes me realize am reading and not in the situation.
  • A Horrible Walk in the Wilderness Upon some reflection, Ashley concluded that she should have asked someone to meet her at the bus stop when she arrived at 10 o’clock and guide her to the picnic site.”One would have thought that […]
  • Walking Tour: Irving Street in San Francisco The first place, which you can see is the Baskin Robbins store at the corner of the 24th avenue. The fine restaurant is located nearby the intersection of the Irving Street and the 23rd avenue.
  • Architectural Design of the Autostadt Roof This is one of the main attributes of this architectural design. It should be kept in mind that this work is located on the territory of Autostadt, the museum of Volkswagen.

Writing 500 words is not much work. If the topic is simple, you can easily finish everything in a couple of hours. However, writing essays on more complex issues is an entirely different process. It is essential to structure everything well and cover the topic fully within the tight word limit. Not sure how to do it? Have a look at the guide below.

500-Word Essay Structure

If you want to write an excellent 500-word essay, then make sure to outline it first. A standard 5-paragraph piece will have the following structure:

  • 1 intro paragraph that provides the necessary background and states your thesis
  • 3 body paragraph with a detailed presentation of all evidence and arguments
  • 1 conclusion paragraph that sums everything up.

Each paragraph should contain about 100 words. Such length is enough to cover almost any topic.

An explanation of a 500-word essay structure.

Did you know you can use the power of AI to create an excellent essay plan? Our outline generator can make you a perfect one in no time.

500-Word Essay Introduction

In a 500-word paper, an introduction is usually 50—100 words long, which takes up about 10—20% of the general word count. The size may vary depending on the complexity of the topic.

Here are a few helpful tips on writing a good introduction:

  • Start with an arresting hook. It can be a thought-provoking question, a quote, or an intriguing piece of statistics. Need some inspiration? Try our essay hook generator !
  • Provide enough background. That’s a tricky part. The context you give should be sufficient for understanding your topic and arguments but not overly detailed.
  • Present a well-formulated thesis statement. It’s the most critical part of your intro. To create it quickly and painlessly, you can use our thesis statement generator .
  • Remember to use transition sentences. They will make your writing smoother and more logical. We recommend using them in body paragraphs as well.

500-Words Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of a 500-word paper is about the same size as an introduction. It wraps up all you’ve been discussing before and gives a sense of closure to your readers.

Follow these tips to write a striking conclusion:

  • Restate your thesis statement. Try paraphrasing your thesis to showcase a fresh understanding you’ve developed throughout your essay.
  • Sum up the main points you’ve used to support your opinion. Try to introduce them in a way that clearly shows how they are connected.
  • Finish with a memorable final thought. Our closing sentence generator will help you ensure perfect results.

How Many References for 500-Word Essay Should You Include?

The number of references in a 500-word essay may differ depending on the assignment type, academic level, and your instructor’s specific requirements. Generally, an essay includes 8 to 12 citations for every 1000 words. So, if the number is not specified, you can safely use 4—6 references for your 500-word paper. Want to be sure that your citations are correctly formatted? Make them with our AI-based citation generator !

😱 Stress Impact on Health Essay: 500 Words Samples

  • Effects of Stress on Human Health There are numerous theories and researches on stress and health, they all agree that stress has an adverse effect on human health; the statement goes “a stressed man is an unhealthy man”.
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Health: Article Summary The implications of the study allow for stating that the increased exposure to stress at work leads to worsened health of the stressed individuals.
  • Coping with Stress and Physical Health Problems In this regard, Julie, first of all, needs to accept the situation as it is, to appreciate the things and the context that she is no longer able to change.
  • Coping with Stress: Stress and Health In terms of physical, emotional, and behavioral signs, Julia is experiencing severe stress, which requires the help of specialists and the introduction of various techniques that contribute to the normalization of all aspects of life.
  • Occupational Health: Workplace Stress To avoid noise-related stress, Ruth handles her job with a positive attitude and this makes it easy to enjoy work. In conclusion, work-related stress is a major cause of poor performance by employees due to […]
  • Health and Stress in College Students We may believe that stress has only psychological relevance, but the perspective of psychologists is that stress is the physiological and psychological reaction of an individual to a condition that poses a threat calling for […]
  • Minority Stress and Health: Societal Issues Due to the peculiarities of the LGBT people’s personal life, they might experience limited support and restricted access to medical services.

🚀 500-Word Essay on Accountability: Examples

  • Pursuing Professional Accountability and Just Culture It is suitable to combine the quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate organizational culture since this ensures that the strength of the other adjusts for the shortcomings of one method.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: Privacy and Security Rules Violation Most cases present with the use of malicious malware to access protected data without the consent of the insurers and inappropriate use of that information.
  • Social Work Career, Professional Behavior and Accountability I have the desire to fight for human rights and social change, and I want to fight for justice in all corners to make society a better place.
  • Civil Society and Political Accountability in Samoa Also, one of the priorities in the political life of Samoa is the attraction of local communities and governments to the state governance system to ensure progress in all aspects of the country’s life.
  • Accountability in Healthcare Organizations and Improving the Quality of Service This is true in view of the fact that the clients of a health care organization may not possess the knowledge to judge the technical quality of the healthcare service provided and the clients’ wellbeing […]
  • A Critical Reflection of “Accountability in the Shadow of Hierarchy” by Thomas Schillemans The article by Schillemans addresses the emergence of the phenomenon of horizontal accountability in response to the accountability deficit of agencies.
  • Wise Judgment: Ethics, Accountability, and Human Conscience The man, now in a state of dilemma, does not know whether to blow the whistle and lose his job or just maintain a blind eye to his manager’s unethical acts.

💡 Topics for a 500-Word Essay on Respect

  • The significance of respect for building healthy relationships.
  • Is self-respect a necessary condition for a happy life?
  • The unseen power of silent respect in non-verbal communication.
  • Discuss the importance of respecting and understanding different religious beliefs.
  • Write about the role of respect for older people in different cultures.
  • Should society show respect to criminals? In what way?
  • Explain the importance of politeness and open-mindedness in online communication.
  • Why is the ethical treatment of animals important?
  • Analyze how disrespect in the workplace affects productivity and motivation.
  • Recognition and respect towards indigenous cultures and traditions.

🎯 500-Word Essay on Career Goals Examples

  • Family Nurse Practitioner Career Goals As I plan to deal with children, I will be involved with planning the care of children with their parents and treating childhood illnesses.
  • Short and Long-Term Goals for Nursing Career For one to fulfill long-term goals, it takes him or her a lot of time while short-term goal is a part of the several steps involved in the long-term goal.
  • A Degree in Social Work: Reasons for Seeking, Career Goals and Aspirations I would like to pursue a degree in social work at this because I am in a position to accommodate the strict nature of the study being fresh from school, young and energetic at the […]
  • How the DTC Major Supports Your Career Goals Digital technology and culture ensures that the knowledge people have in art is updated depending on the modern technology and everyone for communication to be effective understands the language used.
  • Reaching the Career Goals: In Search for a Place Under the Sun Quicksilver Nespresso Fastsing Narrowing the Choice Down to Three Options While the list provided above offers a fairly detailed account of the career options that I can possibly use in order to achieve success in […]
  • Career Goals in Educational Technology The University offers the Master of Arts and the doctor of Philosophy degrees in Educational Technology. One of the spread and reasonable career goal for an applicant is to achieve success in the field of […]

📚 Topics for an Essay on Importance of Education in 500 Words

  • Importance of Higher Education Education creates awareness in the minds of individuals, a new sense of responsibility, openness to change and progress, all of which are important factors in the development of a nation.
  • The Importance of Education in the Global Society The role and the importance of education in the modern world is a subject of this essay. The elementary and secondary education is obligatory and free in the majority of them.
  • Importance of Education to Student-Athletes Education enables student athletes to develop appropriate skills that they require to be independent and to succeed in academics. Although athletics forms a vital part of a student athletes’ life, it is vital to understand […]
  • Importance of Sex Education for Teens One of the advantages of cohabitation in modern society is that it eliminates the obligations of marriage while providing sexual and emotional intimacy for couples. One of the disadvantages is that for most couples, cohabitation […]
  • Importance of Managing Students in the Education System This would not only benefit the students, but also the teachers who will be able to understand the capacity of the students they are admitting to the institution.

🩺 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay: 500 Words Topics

  • Describe early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • How does Alzheimer’s impact caregivers?
  • Explain the importance of overcoming the stigma associated with dementia.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and gender differences: prevalence and effects.
  • Discuss the common misperceptions of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Is there a connection between Alzheimer’s and one’s lifestyle?
  • Study the role of music and art therapy in treating Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Write about the significance of inclusive clinical research of dementia.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of physical activity.
  • Explore non-pharmacological interventions for Alzheimer’s patients.

❤️ Romeo and Juliet Essay: 500 Words Example Texts

  • Analysis of the Play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Another interesting scene of the production that makes it real understanding of the authors work is the casting of the romantic love between Romeo and Juliet, the physical love of the nurse and the contractual […]
  • Romeo and Juliet: Analysis of Play Being a tragedy, the story narrates the challenges two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, go through due to the enmity between their respective families. For example, the story of Juliet and Romeo presents a romantic and […]
  • “Analysis of Causes of Tragic Fate in Romeo and Juliet Based on Shakespeare’s View of Fate” by Jie Li The article is easy to read and makes a compelling case for the reasons that precipitated the tragedy in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
  • Analysis of “Romeo and Juliet” Directed by Simon Godwin The actors played in the theater without an audience, and the shooting itself took two and a half weeks, but also due to the director’s attempt to combine the action on the theater stage and […]
  • Nurse and Friar Laurence in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” The way Friar Laurence supported Romeo and Juliet to get Married, The way the Nurse is opposing in her regards of Romeo and Paris, When Friar Laurence clandestinely married them, the way the Nurse is […]

🏫 500-Word College Essay Topics

  • Describe a book or movie that made a profound impact on you.
  • What academic achievement influenced your career choice?
  • Share the life lesson you’ve learned from a memorable mistake.
  • Write about the impact of a mentor on your academic or personal growth.
  • Describe a life-changing act of kindness.
  • How did participation in a community service project influence you?
  • Tell about a project or initiative you’ve started and its impact.
  • Talk about the time when you stood up for your beliefs.
  • What is your vision of a better world? How do you plan to contribute?
  • How did you discover your passion for a particular field of study?

📌 500 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 500 word essay is how many pages.

How many pages is 500 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 500-word essay will be 2 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take one page.

📌 How Much Is 500 Words in Paragraphs?

How many paragraphs is a 500-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 500 words will consist of 5 to 7 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 500 Words?

How many sentences is a 500-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 500 words are not less than 25-28 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 500-Word Essay?

A 500-word essay outline usually follows a standard five-paragraph structure. Start your paper with a short introduction that includes an attention-grabber, some background information, and a thesis. Then add three body paragraphs that focus on your arguments. Finish your 500-word paper with a conclusion that contains a restated thesis and a summary of your ideas.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 500 Words?

How long does it take to write a 500-word essay? It will take you 10-20 minutes to type 500 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 1 hour and 40 minutes for a 500-word paper.

📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 500 Word Essay?

A typical 500 words essay consists of 4 to 6 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). 500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/500-words-essay-examples/

"500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas." IvyPanda , 23 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/500-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas'. 23 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/500-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/500-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/500-words-essay-examples/.

Essay Writing Guide

500 Word Essay

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Writing a 500 Word Essay - Easy Guide

By: Nova A.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Jan 8, 2019

500 Word Essay

Are you staring at a blank page, trying to write a 500-word essay? Don't worry, you're not alone! 

Many students face this challenge when tasked with writing a concise yet impactful piece. A 500-word essay is a common task often assigned to high school and college students. 

Writing a 500-word essay can be quite difficult as you have to cover all the important points in a few words. However, this is where you can show all your potential. 

Read on to learn how to write a perfect 500-word essay with this step by step guide. You will also get to read some good example essays to help you out. 

Let’s dive into it!

500 Word Essay

On this Page

500 Word Essay Definition

A 500-word essay is a short length academic essay. It provides a writer’s perspective on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to high school and college students to teach them necessary essay writing skills.

Every type of essay can follow the 500-word essay format, including:

  • Persuasive essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Argumentative essay
  • Expository essay
  • Narrative essay

This means that you can write any type of essay in the 500-word format.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay

A 500-word essay is an opportunity to show and improve your writing skills. Here are the steps you need to follow to write your essay:

Make an Essay Outline

An outline is a roadmap that guides you through the different sections of your essay. It is important to make an outline before you start writing. This ensures a well-structured and coherent piece. 

A 500-word essay is usually composed of five paragraphs. Here’s what you need to create an outline:

  • The main topic of the essay
  • The central thesis statement
  • The main point or topic sentence for each body paragraph
  • Supporting points for body paragraphs

This is what your outline will look like:

Write a Good Introduction

An introduction plays an important role in making an impression on the reader’s mind. The readers decide on the basis of the introduction, whether they want to read the rest of the essay or not. 

Here is how you can compose the introduction paragraph:

  • It should start with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention immediately.
  • Provide a little background information that helps the reader understand the topic
  • Conclude the intro with a compelling thesis statement that you will support in the body.

Here is an example:

With its potential to revolutionize industries, reshape our daily lives, and challenge traditional notions of human capabilities, AI has become a topic of immense significance and intrigue. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to deep learning algorithms and autonomous robots, AI has permeated nearly every aspect of our modern world, promising a future that was once confined to the realms of science fiction. 

As we stand at the precipice of this transformative era,

Compose the Body Paragraphs

The body section is intended to provide a detailed description of the topic. It gives complete information about the essay topic and presents the writer’s point of view in detail. Following are the elements of the body section:.

  • Topic sentence

The first sentence of the body paragraph. It presents the main point that will be discussed in the paragraph.

  • Supporting evidence

It could be any points or evidence that support your main thesis.

  • Transition statement

This statement relates the body paragraph back to the thesis, and also connects it with the subsequent paragraph.

One of the most visible manifestations of AI's progress is in the domain of autonomous vehicles. 

Companies such as Tesla, Waymo, and Uber have made significant strides in developing self-driving cars, harnessing AI technologies to navigate complex roadways, interpret real-time data, and make split-second decisions. These advancements promise not only enhanced safety and efficiency on the roads but also a paradigm shift in our transportation systems. Similarly, AI-powered virtual assistants like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and Google Assistant have become ubiquitous in our homes, providing personalized recommendations, answering queries, and performing various tasks with natural language processing and machine learning capabilities. 

These examples underscore the increasing integration of AI into our everyday lives, blurring the line between human and machine interaction.

Draft a Compelling Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph summarizes the whole essay and presents the final thoughts on the topic. It is as important as the introduction paragraph. Below are the things you include in the conclusion paragraphs:

  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Summarize the essay
  • Provide final thoughts or a call to action

In conclusion, 

the rise of artificial intelligence presents a watershed moment in human history, with its far-reaching implications extending into every aspect of our lives.

While AI holds immense promise in revolutionizing industries, improving efficiency, and enhancing our daily experiences, it also brings forth complex ethical, societal, and economic challenges that must be carefully navigated. As we forge ahead into this AI-driven future, it is crucial to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration, establish robust ethical guidelines, and foster transparent governance to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably while mitigating its potential risks. By approaching AI with a balanced and informed perspective, we can harness its transformative potential while safeguarding the values and aspirations of humanity.

Want to become a master at writing essays? Check out our essay writing guide to become an excellent writer who can craft all types of essays!

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500 Word Essay Format

Here is how you format a 500 word essay in general:

  • A common font style like Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman
  • 1” margins on both sides
  • Line spacing: double-spaced
  • Alignment: Left 

Remember, these are general guidelines. Always follow the specific page formatting guidelines provided by your instructor. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing a 500 Word Essay

Many things come up in your mind when you get to write a 500-word essay. You might want to know the length, outline, time required to write the essay, and many more things.

Below are some common questions that you may ask yourself while writing a short essay.

How Long is a 500 Word Essay?

“How many pages is a 500-word essay?”

An essay length of a 500-word essay is usually 1 to 2 pages. If it is single-spaced, it covers just 1-page. When double-spaced, it covers 2 pages. 

When it comes to spacing, stick to the instructions given by your professor.

How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?

The standard 500-word essay template has 5 paragraphs. It has one introduction, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. 

The word count is divided into 5 paragraphs evenly. The introduction and conclusion are 100 words long each. While the body paragraphs need to be 300 words long.

How Long Does it Take to Write a 500 Word Essay?

It would take no more than an hour or two to write a complete 500-word essay. Especially if you have enough information about the topic, you can easily write your essay within an hour. 

What is the difference between 500 words essay vs 250 words essay

The word count of an essay plays a significant role in shaping its structure, content, and depth of analysis. A 500-word essay is a bit more detailed and longer than a 250-word essay. A 250-word essay is composed of three paragraphs maximum. Meanwhile a 500-word essay should contain at least five paragraphs.

What is the difference between 500 words essay vs 1000 words essay

Here is a major difference between 500-word essay and a 1000-word essay: 

With a 500-word essay, you have a limited word count, which necessitates a concise and focused approach. You must carefully select your arguments, provide succinct evidence, and present a coherent analysis. 

On the other hand, a 1000-word essay allows for a more extensive exploration of the topic. It provides the opportunity to delve into multiple subtopics and offer more supporting evidence. 

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500 Word Essay Topics

Below are some interesting topics to help you get started on your essay.

  • Should gun ownership be restricted
  • My Favorite Place
  • Should healthcare be free? 
  • The benefits of volunteering in the local community
  • Is hunting for food moral? 
  • The importance of personal responsibility
  • How I spent my summer vacation
  • Describe an ideal personality
  • What is Climate Change?
  • The importance of sports for teenagers

Need more ideas? We’ve got you covered! Check out 100+ amazing essay topics to help you out!

500 Word Essay Example

Now you have a guide for writing a 500-word essay, have a look at the following example to have a more clear understanding.



500 Words Essay on Why I Deserve a Scholarship






With the help of this step by step guide and essay examples, you can easily craft a perfect essay. However, if you need more help, you can contact us anytime.

5StarEssays.com is a legitimate paper writing service that you can rely on to do my essay for me . We offer academic writing help for each category, i.e. research paper, scholarship essay, or any type of academic paper.

Place your order now to get unique and original essays at affordable prices. Or if you need quick writing assistance, try out our AI essay writer now!

Nova A.

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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Free 500-Word Essay Samples

1525 samples of this type

A 500-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student’s knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 500 to 550 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a college application.

Military Bases on Okinawa: Impact on Economy

The Japan-US relations have been a complex issue for a long period of time1. The problems based on the idea of the American military bases on the territory of Japan, Okinawa in particular, caused a number of discussions as it had a certain impact on the country’s economic and political...

Lost Childhood in Ghetto in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel revealed his experience in the ghetto in his novel Night. He portrayed the horrors of the war years and the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. The author shares his thoughts and deepest emotions. The book is a very intimate confession of a person who tried to come...

Taxes in Australian Gambling Industry

The increase in taxes associated with the gambling industry in Australia cannot directly respond to the problem of gambling costs as well as to many social and moral issues. On the one hand, the increase in existing gambling taxes can lead to increasing the revenue source for the governments. Furthermore,...

The Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project

The Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project is aimed at resolving the problem of hunger and malnutrition. Also, food security contributes to poverty eradication and the support of economic well-being and development. Therefore, the more general aim of the project was to improve the quality of life in Africa and ensure its...

Shakespeare’s Sonnets from Magnusson’s Perspective

In this essay, Lynne Magnusson addresses the conventional standards concerning Shakespeare’s sonnets and the image of a high-status beautiful lady who is usually associated with his lyrical poetry. The author argues that a beloved “he” becomes the quintessence of personal feelings, including the sexual desire and emotional attachment to a...

How Long Is a 500 Word Essay?

A 500-word text usually takes about 2 pages. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 500-Word Essay Is How Many Paragraphs?

A 500-word essay contains 3 to 5 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

What a 500-Word Essay Looks Like

The easiest way to organize a 500-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

How Long Does a 500-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 10 to 20 minutes to type 500 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hour for 500 words.

How Many References Are in a 500 Word Essay?

The final number of references that you should include in an essay of 500 to 550 words will depend on the assignment’s genre and complexity. For instance, on middle-school level, you’ll have to add 3 references on average. A bachelor-level assignment of 500 words will require 6 references, while a graduate-level paper should refer to at least 10 sources.

Gifted Education Program and Its Issues

Introduction The school district has a program of gifted education which is quite comprehensive and effective. Nonetheless, it has a number of drawbacks. Shaklee (2001) stress that it is important to have an efficient program or it is better not to have any program at all. Therefore, the school district...

Honor: Traditional Meaning and Broader Definition

Introduction Our society rests on some basic ideas and notions that create the basis for its further rise and evolution. Such unique phenomena as pride, dignity, joy, devotion, etc. are an integral part of our everyday life. They appeared at the very first stages of the evolution of the human...

Field Experience: Science Lesson

The goal of the chosen science lesson is clearly identified. Students have to share their knowledge about availability of water changes habitats and explain how the existing water availability in the environment could affect the living organisms. The lesson is effective when students and teachers use the same materials to...

HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Miami, Florida

This paper aims at discussing HIV/AIDS as one of the most serious and dangerous health problems in the United States, as well as in the whole world. The evaluation of this epidemiological problem is based on the statistical data gathered from such world-known organizations as the Centers for Disease Control...

Hitler and Stalin: Two Evils of the 20th Century

Introduction Hitler and Stalin were two political leaders who had a considerable impact on the development of the world that cost millions of lives. Some tend to evaluate the impact of these historical figures calculating the death toll associated with the war, concentration camps, and the Gulag (Snyder). Both were...

Patient-Centered Care, Quality and Safe Practice

Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care It is known that the Picker Institute currently identifies eight dimensions of care: respecting patients’ needs; communication, information, and education; integration and coordination of services; providing emotional support; physical comfort; making family members involved; continuity and transition; services’ accessibility. Eventually, each of the named dimensions contributes...

Writing a Memo with Research Information

To succeed in writing memos, it is very important to understand the essence of such paper and the main purpose of this writing process. In fact, memo writing is identified as a crucial “step between data collection and writing drafts of papers” (Charmaz 72), this is why there is no...

Marketing: “How to Make Choosing Easier” by Iyengar

The problem of choice paralysis is acute due to such processes as new consumer attitudes, new IT opportunities, and the psychological and economic restructuring of the supply – demand ratio. The classic marketing model is still applicable; nevertheless, it is crucial to develop preventive measures that will enable companies to...

College Degree and Its Role in Nursing Career

Going to college is always a brand new feeling. I believe that receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing is tough, but hard work always pays off. The path to nursing mastery is not and should not be easy. As a person who loves to learn new things and strives to...

Self-Reflexivity: Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

Self-reflexivity is considered the highest stage of knowledge (Popoveniuc, 2014). Therefore, to understand the peculiarities of research, it is necessary to apply the concept of self-reflexivity. Realizing biases and viewpoints of other cultures will help me to apply cultural relativism to my work. When analyzing the sources used for my...

Nursing Student’s College Experience

Learning something new is a hard issue, especially if you try to acquire knowledge and experience that will help to build a successful career and become an outstanding specialist. The task becomes even more complicated if a person wants to work in the healthcare sector. The price of a mistake...

Sensitivity Training Against Workplace Prejudices

Promoting the concept of multiculturalism and creating the environment in which decision-making will not be affected by prejudice is one of the primary goals of a modern organization (Brink and Nel 6). Preventing the instances of discrimination is especially important for a firm that has already established a strong presence...

Integrity in Relationships and Leadership

Integrity is an ethical concept that is widely discussed owing to its importance in life. In all areas of study, including religion, law, ethics, philosophy, politics, and psychology, it is viewed as the hallmark of ethical living and effective leadership. Humans live in accordance with socially acceptable values and principles....

“Millionaire Tells Millennials: If You Want a House, Stop Buying Avocado Toast” by Sam Levin

Levin covers the contents of a somewhat problematic interview with Tim Gurner, an extremely wealthy property developer from Melbourne, Australia. In the conversation with the hosts of 60 Minutes in Australia, Gurner seemed to have given the Millennial generation unwanted financial advice. The businessman insisted that ordering avocado toast on...

How to Caramelize Onions

Caramelization is the oxidation of sugar that is widely used in cooking to add specific flavor (“What is Caramelization?”). In the planned experiment, the onion is used as the main product that will undergo this process. The composition of this vegetable includes sugar which means that during the caramelization onion...

College Experience and Bachelor of Nursing Degree

Background, Goals, and Aspirations The decision to enter a college to become a nurse was a turning point in my professional development. I have always wanted to promote well-being among vulnerable populations and encourage patient education, and the experience gained in college shaped me as a nurse. Although the studying...

Patient Satisfaction of Nursing Services

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Patient satisfaction is an important indicator to assess to pursue the strategy of improving the quality of care provided. According to Coutinho et al. (2019), satisfaction is considered as the patient’s reaction to the experience of the healthcare received or purchasing a product according to their...

Balance and Gait in Neurodegenerative Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of the research is to measure balance and gait in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit The research questions are: Are there differences in balance and gait...

Social Workers’ Effectiveness and Professional Skills

How Could We Do Better? The insufficiently high outcomes of social workers’ activities compared with the power of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors may be due to a number of causes. Promoting individual educational and practical growth can help improve the results of interventions. Cournoyer (2016) suggests paying attention...

Waiting for God, Not Godot: Milton’s “On His Blindness”

Coming across the line “They also serve who only stand and waited” in the well-known sonnet, a reader might wonder whether the modern tramps of Beckett’s Waiting for Godot would have been in Milton’s view the supreme servants of God. Intelligence, to prevent that murmur, would then remind the reader...

World Trade Organization Definition and Tasks

Introduction Looking at the process of globalization maintained and developing in the world practice and in the international relationships one can point out the significance of financial and economic growth for countries using some regulative organization. GATT and then WTO is the organization for the provision of highly considered and...

Improving Quality: National Guidelines Clearinghouse

Problem for Improvement The modern lifestyles of sedentary work and insufficient physical activity serve as one of the causes of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. In order to address the above conditions, it is essential to consider them specifically (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). The health concern...

The Storming of the Bastille Analysis

The French Revolution is considered to be one of the most significant events in the history of the humanity. It is a complex event with many precursors and repercussions, some of which are still palatable to people in the present times. The event that triggered the French Revolution is the...

Innovations in Modern Media: The Case of TV Shows

Engaging unique and creative techniques to modern media is a common aspect, and digital content developers regularly introduce new methods of attracting viewers’ attention. One of the areas in which such innovations are evident is complex TV as an industry that not only creates modern media trends but also has...

Anova Statistical Analysis: Analysis of Variance

Anova Definition Analysis of variance is a statistical tool performed to outline whether the means of two or more different techniques differ in terms of their approach (Singh, 2018) Today’s overwhelming number of techniques applicable to data analysis makes it extremely difficult to define the most beneficial approach while considering...

  • Communication
  • Christianity
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  • Historical Figures

Hidden Costs of Integrating Computers in the School Settings

Current technological advances cover a broad spectrum of facets of life, including the educational system in the United States. Such progress in technology promotes faster adjustment to the rapid changes and innovations produced by modern high-tech society. More specifically, there is one controversial issue regarding the present approach to education,...

Supporting the Development of an Operational Approach as an Operations NCO

Joint Publication 5-0 defines an operational approach as “a commander’s description of the broad actions the force must take to achieve the desired military end state” (as cited in Burke et al., 2018, p. 44). It requires identifying desired conditions and how they may be achieved, as well as necessary...

Reducing Food Packaging Litter in Ireland

Introduction Since the 1960s, food packaging has increasingly become an enormous challenge in Ireland and globally. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (2019, p. 2) states that the actual level of plastic production has increased exponentially by more than twenty percent. The devastation which the plastic bags are causing becomes...

Andrew Johnson’s Biography

Andrew Johnson served as the 17th U.S. president from 1865 to 1869 after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. He was born in Raleigh on December 29, 1808, and grew up without formal education. Johnson moved to Greensville, Tennessee and opened a tailoring shop. He was a skilled orator who...

Document Analysis of Codex Hammurabi

The Code of King Hammurabi sheds light on the understandings of justice in ancient empires. The document contains over two hundred laws dealing with common crimes. King Hammurabi probably regarded the creation of the code as a way to solidify his political influence, and the proposed system did not actually...

Reflection of Livy’s Ideas in Aeschylus’s Book

Individual ancient literary texts reveal specific stories in detail and serve as useful guidelines to interpret other works. As an example, one can discuss the role of Livy’s The History of Rome as an epic that contains important historical notes. Comparing his individual ideas with those of Aeschylus in Prometheus...

On the Efficiency of the c3 Subsystem Model

Subsystems are evidence-based models for ensuring that competent individuals complete specific functions in a timely manner. In the identified organization, the proposed command, control, and communications (C3) framework will transform operations and guide leaders to identify new or initial technologies that have the potential to deliver positive results. The C3...

English Language Learners Should Be Immersed in English

English language learners (ELLs) cover a significant number of students in the United States and require distinctive educational strategies to comprehend the learning material better. From the educator’s point of view, it is a genuine art to permeate the second language into the native language of a student. Proper knowledge...

Canto XIX of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Canto XIX is one of the most significant and meaningful chapters in Paradiso and the entire Divine Comedy. Here Dante Alighieri analyzes such concepts of Christian philosophy as Eternal Justice, Eternal Judgment, and Divine Design. He criticizes historical figures of the past and his time and reviews the political state...

Calculation of the Present and Future Value

Introduction The concept of future and present value lies at the center of finance. Businesses strive to perform something worth resulting in a future payout. Therefore, it is recommendable to calculate their future outflow or inflow value using the present value. This calculation heavily relies on the time value of...

The Revolution in American History

The Revolution brought new rhetoric of independence and freedom to American society. However, calls for equality were widespread but maintained a number of inconsistencies in relation to slaves and women. The Revolution increased the differences between the Northern states, which abandoned slavery, and the Southern ones, in which it flourished...

An Archbishop as a Legitimate Authority

Why an Archbishop is a legitimate authority Salvatore Cordileone is a legitimate authority because he is an American prelate of the Catholic Church and the Archbishop of San Francisco, California. Archbishops can be called primary ministers and religious leaders of the sacred liturgy; they often participate in confirmations in parish...

The Dabbawalas and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic cannot go unnoticed for the dabbawalas, which is a system of lunchbox delivery and return services for India’s employees. Before the pandemic and lockdown policies, thousands of dabbawalas served Mumbai citizens due to their well-considered system of order picking, color coding, and bicycle/train delivery (Sadhana Centre...

Arguments That the South “Won” the Civil War

The outcomes of the Civil War underwent multiple debates because of the existing arguments for and against the victory of the Union and vice versa. Although the presidency of Abraham Lincoln and the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery proved the defeat of the South, there were significant elements in American...

Handwashing Compliance of Healthcare Workers

The essential component of infectious safety is preventing the possibility of transmitting microorganisms from the patient to the medical staff and vice versa. Contagious diseases of medical staff associated with professional activity occupy a specific place in the structure of infectious morbidity. Infected hands play a significant role in the...

Ancient Greek & Roman and Medieval Philosophies

The examination of universal and basic concerns such as presence, reason, wisdom, values, consciousness, and language is referred to as philosophy. These issues are frequently offered as issues to be investigated or handled. The concept of happiness is central to Ancient Greek and Roman beliefs, yet at the Dawn of...

Communication in Negotiation in Management

Negotiations are an integral part of work processes, and they can take place in various settings – from personal meetings between employers and company employees to negotiations between states. Experienced negotiators understand the importance of communication and use multiple techniques to improve it. Other influential aspects of the negotiations are...

Grades Inflation and Educational Services Quality

In the modern education system, the quality of educational services has become the most relevant topic. The rating system aims to improve the differentia of academic performance through competition and rivalry. The primary task of grading is to increase students’ motivation to master academic disciplines. However, this system partially carries...

High School Bullying: Psychological Aspects

Topic Discussion Numerous adverse effects and reasons are ascribed to bullying in high school. According to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA), it may affect the bystanders, the actors, and the victims of bullying. It has been argued that a stereotypical image of an aggressive kid from a neglectful...

Langston Hughes as a Powerful Poet

Introduction Poetry is a valuable source that provides insights into how society was formed and what values were formed in it. One of the brightest representatives of the poetic community is Langston Hughes. He can be considered an influential poet, as the poet is a prominent representative of the Harlem...

  • Social Media
  • Relationship

Statistics of Average Time to Get to Work

Data Collection The purpose of the activity was to survey at least 20 individuals to find out the number of minutes (on average) that they drive one way to work. Social media platforms were used to collect the sample, from which I wrote out all the names of my contacts...

The Food Prices Issue and Its Impacts on the Industry

Several factors contribute to rising food prices, including climate change, population growth, and the increasing demand for meat and dairy products. These factors will significantly impact food costs in the coming years. The good news is that many businesses are taking steps to address the challenge of rising food prices....

Palliative Care for Aging Population

Palliative care is a vital service that focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of serious illnesses, with the goal of improving the quality of life for patients and their families. However, as the demand for palliative care services continues to grow, healthcare providers are facing increasing challenges...

The Rehabilitation Center Visitor’s Experiences

A place that has a special significance to my loved ones and me is a rehabilitation center. Accordingly, the present essay focuses on describing such a facility with the purpose of explaining the dominant impression of an individual upon setting foot in the institution’s lobby. When a person first enters...

Chapter 11 of The Family by Philip N. Cohen

Work in Institutional Arenas Three different words refer to several types of work. The first category is care work, which entails work done in person to improve another person’s abilities. Maintenance work is required to keep a household running smoothly. Market work, or work done by employees for payment, is...

Morality: Interpreting Good and Evil in Beowulf

Introduction The confrontation of good and evil is a common theme in fictional literature. The author uses narration to introduce heroes and villains to readers, prompting them to elaborate on the morality and justification of the character’s actions. In the case of Beowulf‘s characters Beowulf and Grendel, the distinction between...

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic disorder which is common in people over 60. Nonetheless, the disorder is also becoming common in younger generations. For instance, the present case is diabetes mellitus type 2 in a 43-year-old male. It is necessary to note that the disorder is associated with...

Happiness in Biology, Culture, Experience

Introduction People have tried to define happiness and identify factors that influence it for centuries. There are many ideas on this matter but there is no simple answer to the question. Of course, it is difficult to understand what happiness is and it is even more difficult to become a...

Microsoft Corporation’s Resources and Capabilities

Does the firm have resources (tangible/intangible) or capabilities that give it a competitive advantage? Microsoft is a company based in the US that manufactures and develops software products for the use of computers. Some of the software it develops includes; operating systems, server applications, business solution applications, information worker applications,...

“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison

I have recently watched several romantic comedies that seem to be quite engaging and thought-provoking. In particular, I would like to speak about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and About Time. Both of them were released in 2013. Although these movies differ in terms of plot, character development, and...

  • American Politics

How the Internet Challenges Families

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine an ordinary day without the Internet. People find it normal to use social technologies for different purposes. In 2019, there are more than 4.39 billion people who use the Internet regularly (Kemp, 2019). Regarding such a considerable spread of opportunities, social media may challenge...

Susan Cain and the Art of Quoting

Introduction The ultimate goal of writing is to introduce new ideas and information into the discussion, not to produce derivative content. Nevertheless, using statements and suggestions proposed by others is an essential strategy to enhance the credibility of a paper. Quotations are a particularly useful tool to that end, as...

Archetypes in Cheever’s “The Swimmer” Story

Finding a balance between acting reasonably and daring to go on dangerous quests, despite a mature age, may be challenging. In his short story “The Swimmer,” Cheever portrays an upper-class man’s unusual night journey home, wherein he decides to swim back instead of walking. From one perspective, the man’s quest...

Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”: To See or to Hide

Introduction Sophocles’ work Oedipus the King belongs to the genre of ancient tragedy. This literary style is characterized by personal conflicts, as a result of which the main character comes to the loss of personal values that are ​​necessary for life. The contrast of happiness and unhappiness is often shown...

How Media Helps Promote Terrorists’ Agenda

Terrorism is one of the social stigmas of the modern world. The rise of violent actions peculiar to the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is associated with the instability in various regions and the clash of different states’ interests. However, there is an idea...

Quantitative Research: Methodology and Main Focus

The strategy uses for this study is going to be quantitative. In quantitative research, your aim is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive (subjects usually measured once) or experimental (subjects...

Developing as an Effective HRM

The practice of a Human Resource Manager (HRM) or a Learning and Development (L&D) Practitioner requires individuals to acquire a comprehensive set of skills, behaviours, as well as knowledge that would facilitate increased levels of effectiveness. HRMs are responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating the administrative aspects of an organisation...

The Perspectives of Protestantism

Introduction The evaluation of the same religion from two different positions makes it possible to assess the perception of individual concepts and dogmas and describe specific approaches to the interpretation of relevant opinions. As a background for analysis, Protestantism as a branch of Christianity will be used, and etic and...

Modern Energy Technologies Introduction to Developing Countries

The significance of modern energy sources for the economic development of any country can hardly be overestimated. However, it is a daunting task to find easily implemented ways to transition developing countries to clean and cheap sources of energy. Energy consumption in developing communities is steadily increasing, which poses serious...

An Effective Communication With Adult Patients

Introduction Patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided and the degree of care taken by the medical staff towards the patient is cited as a problem that was selected for analysis. Improving patient satisfaction with medical care is the most important task of the modern healthcare system in general...

  • Corporation

Strategic Management and Organizational Structure

Examples of management structures include functional division Product division Matrix methods Geographical division International division The importance of organizational structure is that it facilitates teamwork and enhances communication across all levels of organizations ((Dess et al 2004, p.354). Strength and weaknesses of organization’s structure Functional structure The advantages of the...

Probability and Statistics. Random Sampling

Random sampling is defined as a sampling method whereby several subjects are selected for a study from a population. Each member of the population is merely chosen by chance and therefore each member of the population has an equal probability chance for being chosen for the study. On the other...

Practices to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction The evidence-based project entails the implementation of bundled practices to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, which is a common occurrence in intensive care settings (Sedwick, Lance-Smith, Reeder, & Nardi, 2012). Readiness Level Survey results show that the readiness level is high because the organization views EBP as central to the realization...

Coverage Story on Thunberg Speech

In the speech held at the United Nations climate action summit, a climate activist girl called Greta Thunberg argues about environmental degradation as an emergency. Greta began a great crusade to fight global temperature and carbon emission rise when she was eleven. She is from Sweden, is short, wears no...

What Does It Mean to Be a Pacific Islander Today and in the Future?

Introduction The Pacific Islands or Oceania region is an area with rich cultural heritage and history, representing a plethora of indigenous peoples, each one of which obtains unique cultural traditions. I identify myself and the community of Nauru as a part of the detached group of cultures, nevertheless heading to...

The Cultural Differences Analysis

Every single individual is a member of a specific culture that influences their worldview, opinions about different phenomena, behaviors, and daily activities. Additionally, the technological advancements and traveling give people a possibility to interact with others from all around the world, establish strong personal relationships with them, and enrich knowledge....

A New Clinical Solution System Implementation

Introduction From wearables and telemedicine to People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) platforms, technology proceeds to transform the healthcare sector. However, communication and collaboration are needed to successfully implement health information technology. Often, the staff is not involved in the selection and review process when healthcare institutions...

Oil Industry: Scandals and Crises

Biezma, M. V., Andrés, M. A., Agudo, D., & Briz, E. (2020). Most fatal oil & gas pipeline accidents through history: A lessons learned approach. Engineering Failure Analysis, 110, 104446. Web. This source is a scholarly research conducted by Biezma et al. (2020) and posted in the Engineering Failure Analysis...

Relationships and Christian Morality

The presence of adultery is a precursor or symptom of a crisis in the relationship. That this is a difficult situation in terms of the psychological state of people, no one can feel at ease knowing or suspecting a partner of sexual intercourse outside marriage. A cheating person is constantly...

Risk Assessments: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Introduction Although the qualitative and quantitative approaches have a similar objective, their modes of application are slightly different. According to Mahdiyar et al. (2020, p. 472), the qualitative risk assessment is responsible for risk prioritization, especially on those occurring during the life cycle of a project. According to Züst (2021,...

  • Discrimination

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Role of Leisure

Introduction The international health catastrophe triggered by the emergence of COVID-19 has led to the implementation of mechanisms to restrict the epidemic’s transmission. Care for others, such as bringing a loved one to dinner, and care for oneself, such as exercising at a fitness facility, and enjoyment like watching movies,...

Setting in John Updike’s Short Story “A&P”

Updike’s “A&P” can be read fast but the understanding does not come unless one learns to read such texts deeply. On the first scanning, “A&P” seems to offer simple symbolism of freedom and bondage, class, and power through the characters, their looks, and actions. However, the setting itself is a...

“The Clash of Civilizations?” by S. P. Huntington

Wars are an inevitable part of human existence; they have significantly transformed throughout time. In Huntington’s (1993) article The Clash of Civilizations? the author argues that differences between civilizations might become causes of future violent wars. Fox (2005) argues that Huntington’s (1993) arguments are wrong even within the war on...

The Impact of Public Consultation in Australia

Summary The impact of public consultation in Australia is scrutinized by Kerley and Starr (2000). The authors acknowledge that the new concept of public consultation is an overseas trend as implied by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). There are six benefits or values of implementing public consultation...

Religious Studies: Israel in Canaan

The book of Joshua is one of the most important scriptures that describe the final journey of the children of Israel into the Promised Land from Egypt. After the death of Moses who had led the Israelites out of Egypt, Joshua took over the leadership. He was given the mandate...

Lean Philosophy: Remote Check-In in Airports

Introduction In the context of increasing global competitiveness, lean philosophy presents solutions that are appropriate for both companies and customers. The paramount idea of lean philosophy is to add more value to customer experience and avoid unnecessary waste. In their study, Al-Dhaheri and Kang (2015) examine the most important principles...

The Role of Psychology in Understanding Political Violence

Political violence, as well as any other kind of violence, has various causes at its core. Some people or groups resort to rampage when they want to reach equality. Others behave destructively when they desire to gain more power than they already have. Research shows that individuals are often motivated...

International vs. Financial Accounting Standards Board

The Financial Standard Accounting Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are the two worldly recognized authorities that determine the field of financial reporting for organizations as well as various regulatory bodies (Hlaciuc, Grosu, Socoliuc, & Maciuca, 2014). A single, unified system of international accounting standards is necessary...

The Role of Managers in the Workplace

The role of managers in the workplace is one of the most significant when it comes to influencing organizational performance and meeting corporate goals. They have a direct impact on the employees they manage while are also expected to carry our various responsibilities targeted at aligning their department’s performance with...

Tectonic Forces Originating Deep within the Earth

Introduction Tectonic force are those kinds of forces that originate from beneath the surface and alter the surface configuration of the earth due to lithospheric plate movement. (Marko, 2002) Plate tectonic movement is the movement of the continental plates. It is believed that the earth was once a continuos land...

Mura’s “An Argument: On 1942”: An Interpretation

David Mura is a third-generation Japanese-American writer. “An argument” is a poem written by him depicting the traumatic experience of the Japanese living in America during the days of the Second World War. The situation then was something similar to the one the Muslim population in America (though not so...

Sharks Characteristics Analysis: Danger of Extinction

Sharks have always been the misunderstood “monsters” of the sea. Up till very recently, very little was known about these aquatic animals aside from the perception that they are man-eaters. Such images were helped along by movies such as the Jaws series. We also have the misconception that they are...

Child Custody Evaluations in Divorce Proceedings

Case study 5 indicates clear instances where the guidelines for child custody as well as evaluation during divorce proceedings can be applicable. The child described in this case study is born from a troubled family. The parents have had a long history of domestic violence and fights that have rendered...

Treatment Compliance Among African American Women With HIV

Introduction HIV has been a topic discussed in the closet, especially in the early 90s. With the evolution of technology and science, HIV has become a disease like any other but only requires serious medical attention. Women living with HIV from the African American community ultimately disregard the HIV medication...

The Focus of the Healthcare Reform Program

Introduction. The healthcare reform program enhances the improvement of the current healthcare process. The article focuses on the government’s healthcare reform. The article focuses on the nurses’ healthcare reform contribution. The partnership between the government and the nurses increases the success of the United States healthcare reform program. Summary. The...

Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier

Antonio Sant’Elia’s style and its impact on Charles-Édouard Jeanneret’s urban vision When speaking about urban vision of Antonio Sant’Elia, some important components of the architect’s futuristic perception must be highlighted. First of all, it should be pointed out that the peculiar feature of Sant’Elia’s design is the so-called autonomy of...

Cyber Security Management and Policy

Cybersecurity threats should be a concern for any company and especially for businesses that employ a large number of people and collect substantial quantities of data. The ability of a company to ensure the security of the information they store is an essential component of the brand image and its...

Development of New Lands by Americans in the First Half of the 19th Century

The first half of the 19th century was marked by the intense development of industry and production. In turn, this process prompted more and more Americans to move to towns, the population of which was growing rapidly. The increase in production in factories required a large number of workers, which...

Four Components of Information Systems

Any company which values effectiveness and aims at developing an efficient infrastructure to facilitate its operations creates its information system. The term information system refers to a set of organizational procedures which generate vital data for supporting decisions made by management (Sahid et al., 2020). Every information system relies on...

“How to Be a Success”: Article by Michael Gladwell

Summary In his 2008 article, “How to Be a Success,” Michael Gladwell contemplates on the essential attributes of a successful person in the 21st century. Pursuing success, both in social interactions and in business is currently seen as one of the main goals for an individual to achieve. According to...

  • Intelligence

McDonald’s Sustainability and Supply Chains

Ensuring business sustainability is a challenging task, especially for global companies that work with countries with different cultures and regulations. Some countries have incentives for companies to sort and recycle waste, while others do not have the resources to organize these processes. However, McDonald’s is committed to practicing sustainability packaging...

Alexander the Great: The World’s Greatest Military General

Introduction Alexander III of Macedon, known worldwide as Alexander the Great, is frequently regarded as one of the world’s greatest military generals of all time. During the eleven years of his rule and campaigning, Alexander the Great “never lost a major battle” creating a great empire with considerably small resources...

The Importance of Marine Spatial Planning

Introduction For territories in the Pacific, the sea represents a significant portion of the local authority. The preponderance of biodiversity and the significant cultural, social, and economic points may be found therein. However, local nations’ development and conservation plans are mostly concentrated on land, even though improvements in marine spatial...

The Coca-Cola Poland Firm’s Workplace Culture

Workplace culture is directly linked to employee stress, engagement and productivity. According to the 2016 Global Wellness Institute report, costs of health problems caused by work stress reached 12% of the GDP in the United States alone (as cited in Mazur & Mazur-Małek, 2018, p. 98). The problem of insufficient...

Events Devoted to Equality Challenges

Introduction In October, there were several different events concerning related topics. The organization of the events differs due to the various ways of presenting the information. However, all events have a common theme of equality between people and their challenges. For example, on October 19, there was an event devoted...

Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act

Introduction The US Constitution protects the individual liberties of the American citizen by providing guidelines upon which further laws must conform. The Constitution establishes checks and balances for the three arms of the US government, especially the power limits that define operational scopes for each branch. Therefore, when a legal...

Fears of Public Speaking

Introduction It is important to note that fear of public speaking is an interesting topic for discussion. One of the most significant aspects that should not be disregarded is that numerous factors affect an ability of an individual to communicate with others. The assessment of self-esteem is critical most of...

World Fascism: A Historical Definition

The issue of fascism is considered to be quite berated and misinterpreted throughout the entire twentieth century. The fascism of pre-war period has been described trough the prism of the public democratic mass media and innumerable performances of political discussions. Nowadays the genesis of the fascism appears to be discounted;...

Fears of Public Speaking – Rhetoric

Why authenticity is irrelevant.

In his TED (2004) Talk ‘What Consumers Want’ Joseph Pine questioned a common premise that modern technology will be able to provide an effective shift from mass to unique authentic experiences between the customer and the brand. Pine does not agree with the supposition that such experiences can be inauthentic,...

  • African American
  • Advertising
  • Accountability
  • Night by Elie Wiesel

Silence in the Novels of Elie Wiesel

Introduction The relationship between Eliezer and his father is quite strong in the beginning. However, Eliezer’s love for God overwhelms love for his father. This is evident when he decides to study Kabbalah, against his father’s wish (Wiesel 5). Interestingly, Eliezer chooses to ignore his father’s advice concerning the religious...

Nursing Job, Skills and Capabilities

The job of a nurse requires much responsibility, and it is multi-faceted. It is necessary to obtain the relevant knowledge, skills, and capabilities to be able to perform health care provision effectively. The responsibilities of a nurse include monitoring the nutrition of patients, providing psychological support to patients and their...

Non-Therapeutic Interventions for Abused Children

Introduction Children and adolescents facing neglect, abuse, school or domestic violence, and even homelessness suffer from the consequences of complex trauma. People exposed to such trauma usually have difficulties with self-regulation, depression, trust issues, insecurity, and aggression. Education programs can help children become less accepting of harmful behavior and make...

The Internet and Interactive Media as a New Advertising Tool

The Internet and interactive media have become an integral part of each person’s life. This is why there is no wonder that they have infiltrated into every single sphere of human activity. Since at present advertising is one of the most active spheres of human activities, the use of the...

Hybrid Cell Phones Affect on People’s Lives

The cell phone is the most effective and widespread piece of technology in the world today. This is despite the slow growth in the first years when it was introduced. It is a must-have gadget that keeps people connected to what is happening outside their environment all the time. Cell...

Modernization: Varied Strategies in Our Modern Society

The modernisation process has always had this important feature: it is not possible without constant efforts to assist it. During the history of humanity, such remedies as sport, music, and art have been effectively applied to aid this process. With the beginning of an industrial era, science and technology have...

The Short Story “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

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Hispanic Community: Alcohol & Substance Abuse Among the Female Gender Population

The Hispanic community is one of the rapidly growing populations in the American community. Although they are non-natives in the country, their presence is slowly being recognized not only in democratic processes but also in the social order. One of the states with significant populations of the Hispanic community in...

Life, Struggles, and Social Activities of Frederick Douglass

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Wilson, K. H. (2018). Political paradoxes and the Black Jeremiad: Frederick Douglass’s immanent theory of rhetorical protest. Howard Journal of Communications, 29(3), 243-257. The article by Kirt H. Wilson analyzes the controversial nature of Frederick Douglass and his views on America and the long history of slavery...

How Cultural Norms in Indian Culture Influence Communication?

Introduction Attention-getter: “Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk said, “As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being.” The same goes for knowing other cultures.” Thesis statement: Indian cultural heritage is a fantastic source of spiritual and scientific knowledge. Moreover, Indian cultural communication patterns derive from their deep spirituality....

  • Bill of Rights
  • Martin Luther King
  • Ancient History

A Clothing Designer for “At Bay” and “Leon” Movies

Previous experience and theoretical knowledge are an essential basis for the work of any team member on the set. I chose the role of a clothing designer to complete my major project; thus, I selected costumes for the characters of the films “At Bay” and “Leon”. My experience and knowledge...

Radiation Effect and Human Disease Correlation

Radiation results from the decay of unstable nuclei to give out particles that could destroy normal tissues leading to diseases such as cancer. Radioactive elements are referred to as ionizing radiations that can impact the chemical and physical traits of the molecules they are exposed to. Radiation comprises high-energy particles,...

Uses and Adverse Effects of Psyllium

Psyllium belongs to plant genus known as plantago consisting of more than 200 species. Its seeds are used in making of mucilage. It is grown in Russia, Pakistan, India and European countries. It is used in: Reduction of body Cholesterol found in the body circulation system. If body Cholesterol is...

The Data-Driven Decisions in Business

The companies’ leaders are expected not only to be the professionals in their area but also to have the necessary characteristics to solve difficult situations and make data-driven decisions. For example, recently, my manager was making a decision about which of two employees to promote. The first worker, Mary, was...

Generating Pythagorean Triples

Introduction “Pythagorean triple, originated from the terminology referred to as Pythagorean Theorem, which states that each right-angled triangle has its sides that satisfy the formula x2+y2=z2 and thereby, the 3 sides of a right-angled triangle are actually described by a Pythagorean triple” (Stillwell, 2003, p.5). Fundamentally, three numerals that are...

The McMaster University: Guidelines for Quantitative Studies

It goes without saying that medical researches deserve close attention and consideration. The medical researches which are made with the claim of their further applicability deserve far more consideration and interpretation, lots of preliminary work before the actual living out of the claims, found within a research book. There are...

Harari’s Views on Homo Sapiens vs. Other Species

According to Harari, the Cognitive revolution was what actually separated Homo Sapiens from other species. He defines it as the emergence of new ways of thinking and communicating (Harai, 25). In this sense, it became “the point when history declared its independence from biology,” meaning that humanity developed according to...

Plato, Confucius, and Han Fei: Definitions of Society

The idea of society as a community with a set hierarchy and philosophy is thousand years old, dating back to the primitive life. As a result, philosophers started pondering over the concepts of life and reality quite a while ago, making the issue quite contentions. Although there seems to be...

Impact of Negative Messages About Businesses

It seems that in this day and age it is meaningless to avoid using social media as a tool for business promotion and interaction with customers. However, there are still organizations that do not want to embrace social media and the opportunities it grants. One of the main reasons for...

Motivational Theories in the Workplace

Motivation may be defined as cognitive decision-making to initiate and monitor behaviour with the purpose of reaching a specific goal. At work, evaluations are conducted using appraisals, which have predetermined standards and whose conclusions decide whether the person is satisfied or unsatisfied. Motivation is critical in all enterprises, whether private...

  • Substance Abuse
  • Healthcare Reform
  • Intellectual Property

Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier

Introduction Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier contributed to the growth of architecture in America. Despite their differences in art styles, the architects significantly contributed to the buildings erected in America in the 1900s. The essay illustrates the two architects’ perceptions of architecture and gives an example of buildings created...

Mrs. Mallard in “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin penned the short story “Story of an Hour” in 1891. The story’s protagonist is Mrs. Louise Mallard, diagnosed with heart illness after learning that her husband, Brently Mallard, perished in a train accident. Even though Mrs. Mallard finally dies from her sickness, her character growth throughout the narrative...

Analysis of “Room” by Emma Donoghue

Introduction Room by Emma Donoghue is a novel that reveals the essential aspects of child abuse, psychological trauma, and social adaptation through a child’s eyes. The events in this book are fictional, although the experiences that the author put in her work require a thorough examination and comprehension. Depicting such...

Assessing the Efficacy of the CONNECT App for Cardiovascular Disease Management

The study involved patients suffering from cardiovascular disease and people at risk. Participants had access to an app with all the necessary information about the disease. Online health risk calculators, incentive emails, and monitoring of behavioral lifestyle targets were provided. The average follow-up period was about 12 months. The control...

Ensuring Safety for Health Facility Personnel

Introduction Ensuring safety for health facility personnel is critical as they are at the forefront of disease control. In the context of epidemics and pandemics, the number of threats is growing, and administrations must take additional security measures. Nurse managers play a significant role in safety, as their responsibilities include...

Unix System Technology for Legal Company

Directories Since the internet was invented, several forms of directories have been applied in different areas to facilitate work. It entails the usage of the software that is mainly charged with the role of storing, organizing, and accessing information in case needed in a computer operating system. In the field...

Bullwhip Effect and Knowledge Sharing

Bullwhip Effect The bullwhip effect is a name used to describe situations in which a prediction negatively affects the efficiency of the supply chain. It was first described by Jay Forester in 1961. The amplitude of a bullwhip in motion often resembles the effect that forecasts can have on supply...

“Good Life” From an Ethical Perspective

What is a Good Life? The question of what constitutes a good life was pursuing humanity since the dawn of time. However, as humankind developed and formed societies, the definitions of a good life needed to be assessed, as definitions solely through materialistic possessions were not only inaccurate, but also...

Employee Subsidies, Benefits and Workplace Safety

Employee Compensation and Subsidies Governmental contractors and firms that receive subsidies from the state are often required to pay the so-called living wage to their workers. In some cases, this requirement can be applied to every firm operating in a particular jurisdiction (York 223). In this case, the term living...

Protagonist of “The Stranger” Novel by Albert Camus

Introduction Meursault is the name of the protagonist of Albert Camus’s novel “The Stranger.” He is a French Algerian man living and working in Algiers, and the book describes his life and his journey that eventually ends in his execution for murder. Meursault’s key trait is his detachment from the...

  • Barack Obama
  • Financial Management
  • Nursing Theory

“Close” the Photography by Martin Stranka

“Close” by Martin Stranka The process of art creation is complicated due to the search for exciting ideas for a message an artist can convey. The present works of well-known photographers inspire other people to create pieces of art to show their perception of the original idea. Philosophical concepts are the...

Florence Nightingale’s and Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction My philosophy of nursing is associated with the assistance to people aimed at improving their health outcomes by providing treatment and also preventative measures. I believe that nursing is the sphere that requires the constant enhancement and evidence-based practices. The rapidly changing environment, innovations in treatment, development of new...

Employee Motivation: Self-Directed Work Teams

Introduction Self-managed or directed works teams are designed to achieve a common goal. Individuals assigned to such teamwork intensively to achieve this common goal and are assumed to have the skill set required to complete their job. Like any working group, there are positives and negatives. This paper focuses on...

Incidence of Diabetes in the United States

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high levels of blood glucose, due to defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. Being a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the USA, a study conducted...

The Security Management & Consultant Course

When I first joined the Security Management & Consultant Course, I expected to find it challenging, but what I had not given much thought to was that people from all over the world would be in it with me. It began slowly, with a few minor tasks. The class began...

Bullying in Schools: Anti-Bullying Programs

Introduction Bullying in schools is a growing concern all over the world. Violence and insults cause psychological harm not only to victims but also to bullies. Students who get abused often feel insecure at school and dream of a safe place to go. In turn, those who insult their classmates...

Disease Management: Therapeutic Education Research

Therapeutic education is a complex of essential actions to help patients manage their treatment and prevent possible sequela. This activity provides an additional therapeutic effect, along with pharmacological, physiotherapeutic measures. The education leads to an improvement in the quality and life expectancy of patients with chronic diseases, improves the quality...

Points for and Against Prayers

Introduction Praying is an essential ritualistic part of one’s faith, attested in the Bible and other religious texts. However, Thomas Aquinas, a renowned religious philosopher, doubted its necessity, along with God’s existence and other pillars of Christianity. Then, in his usual fashion, the thinker managed to reaffirm that praying had...

Integrated Water Strategies From Website Water Recycling

Integrated Water Strategies (IWS) has developed a design to recycle water to make it reusable. The website is a front-end of their company showing various services that the company offers in the field of water recycling. A basic theme that the company promotes is the education of the need for clean...

Nurse Turnover: Problem that Emerges

Introduction Nowadays, nurses are bothered with many problems and have to analyze their actions, responsibilities, and expectations to create a successful working environment. Among a variety of challenges and misunderstandings, the issue of nurse turnover remains to be one of the most crucial. Such urgency can be explained by the...

Free Essays by Words

Sample Abstracts

Below are links to some sample abstracts that I've written for past conference presentations. These examples are about 500 words in length and fit on one page, single-spaced. They all follow a similar format: the introductory paragraph generally introduces the topic and may include the thesis claim of the paper; a second (and sometimes a third) paragraph outlines the trajectory of the argument, naming examples or texts which will be discussed; and a final paragraph offers provisional conclusions and contains the thesis if it was not presented in the introductory paragraph. (Also note that each is tailored to the topic or theme of the panel or conference -- not a concern for your assignment, but one that you should keep in mind when submitting abstracts for consideration for presentation.)

"Sex, Books, and Patriarchy: Modernism on Trial in Byatt's Babel Tower "

Karin E. Westman, College of Charleston

As the third installment in her projected tetralogy about British culture at mid-century, A.S. Byatt's Babel Towe r (1996) investigates the opposing forces of individual freedom and institutional control during the 1960s, beginning with the written word. The struggle of Byatt's heroine, Frederica, to tell her story to the divorce court runs in counterpoint to the prosecution of the novel's inter-narrative, Babbletower: A Tale for Children of Our Time , under the Obscene Publications Act of 1959. If this latter "Tale," a dystopian satire heavily influenced by the Marquis de Sade, warns the reader against the excesses of individual desire, Frederica's "fairy tale," as she calls it, warns the reader of the excesses of patriarchy lurking within the so-called freedom of the 1960s. Provided with alternating scenes of Frederica's marriage and the utopian experiment of La Tour Bruyarde during the first half of the novel, Byatt's readers are in a position to judge the failings of both experiments as well as sympathize with their goals. However, any debate over the abstract ideas of freedom and control in Frederica's tale quickly disappear: we discover that Frederica is trapped within a cultural narrative of marriage which she thought to be her liberation.

Byatt's use of metafiction to tell Frederica's story encourages us to question, along with Frederica, the "masculine" Modernist narratives of Lawrence and Forster, and to value in their place a feminist strategy built around story-telling and multiple narratives. While teaching Lawrence and Forster for an extra mural class as she prepares for her trial, the bookish Frederica discovers that their narratives should be tried and convicted. The divine "Oneness" which both authors claim for personal relationships has not liberated Frederica's body from the pressure of culturally freighted words, as their novels suggested; rather, the myth that one can "only connect" ultimately diminished the multiplicity of her self, body and mind. Telling her own fractured fairy tale for the courts and experimenting in private with avant-garde decoupage, Frederica realizes she could "accept the fragments, layers, tesserae of mosaic, particles," "[t]hings juxtaposed but divided" (315), rather than feeling the need to cede authorial control to a central narrative voice, a patriarchal grammar.

By emphasizing the telling of tales and how language matters in political and personal ways, the narrative structure of Babel Tower (1996) suggests that A. S. Byatt has more in common with her experimental contemporaries Jeannette Winterson and Angela Carter than her oft-cited alligence to George Eliot's nineteenth-century realism would indicate. Purposefully and productively postmodern, Byatt presents multiple narratives to her readers in Babel Tower, with an ear towards the politics of narration and the teller of the tale. Never relinquishing complete narrative authority, Byatt nonetheless encourages her readers to question the stories she presents, juxtaposed as they are one against the other. The novel's intertwining tales leave the reader considering the relationship between its many stories, and wondering how we can revise the existing cultural narrative of history.

"'History in Live Performance': Revising History's Script in Roy's The God of Small Things "

Karin E. Westman, College of Charleston

While reviewers such as Alex Clark of The Guardian feel "Roy's big theme is inexorability, and how individuals often unwittingly contribute to the relentless progress of events which comes later to seem as their fate," my paper will argue that Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things (1997) emphasizes the performance of those events to illustrate the possibility of challenging, if not immediately changing, the course of History. Roy's novel does invest "History" with the power to shape characters' lives, but through metaphor, allegory, and non-linear narrative form, her novel encourages readers to see "History" as a script written by those in power for others to enact. Through this very construction comes a possibility for change.

Chako's metaphor for India's post-colonial history -- "history was like an old house at night," "the ancestors whispering inside," but from "which we have been locked out" by the Anglo enemy (51-2) -- has a literal referent for the seven-year old twins, Rahel and Estha: they think of the History House across the river, once owned by "Ayemenem's own Kurtz" (51), its beauty now fallen into disrepair. This History House is the stage from which their divorced mother Ammu and the Untouchable family servant Velutha challenge the Love Laws, but their brief attempt to re-script India's caste system fails. The History House in turn becomes the stage from which the young Rahel and Estha watch the police, "history's henchmen," "collect the dues from those who broke [History's] laws" (293) through their violent, ultimately fatal, beating of Velutha.

The tragic result of Ammu and Velutha's challenge to the Love Laws would seem to insist not only upon a determining link between private acts and public histories, but to identify their attempt to usurp the authoritative script as quixotic. But if the events at the History House represent "human history masquerading as God's Purpose" -- "History in live performance" (293) -- then Roy's narrative insists upon the human authors of that script: the twins' aunt, Baby Kochmama, with the help of a willing police department. The "inexorable" force of History exists, but it is not absolute, and its power comes from the power of narrative, not fate. And it is not where Roy ends her story: on the last page, we read not of their impending deaths, but of Ammu and Velutha imagining their next meeting, "tomorrow."

"Keeping It Local, Keeping It Real: Global Capitalism, American Culture,

and British Identity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth "

Karin E. Westman, Kansas State University

My paper will explore the intersection of global marketing and Smith's study of British culture in her novel White Teeth (2000). While the novel's mimetic representation of a multi-ethnic London at the turn of the 21st century might at first glance encourage its free circulation in the global market place, Smith tethers her characters to a particularly British past and present. Smith's continual re-insertion of the novel into a British context further emphasizes the novel's connection to a national, rather than international, identity. Keeping it local -- in Cricklewood, in Willisden, in London -- allows Smith to keep it real.

Smith and her novel have received a warm welcome inside and outside her home country, fulfilling the promise her editor, Simon Prosser of Hamish Hamiliton (part of Penguin UK), was banking on: "What we saw was this work that appealed to anyone, regardless of age, gender or political position" (Russo), Prosser explains, when asked about Penguin's willingness to purchase the rights to Smith's first book for an unheard of sum. That the prestigious Andrew Wylie agency signed Smith to their ranks alongside Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie signaled to the literary press at home and abroad that Smith would be an international star. Going global, however, demanded losing some of the complexities of British life for which the novel's narrative is often praised: while UK dust jackets featured a rich mosaic of pink, turquoise, and gold textures reminiscent of a sari, the United States and other countries received a pure white dust jacket for the mosaic within. To be a British woman writer marketed abroad also cast Smith alongside "the infamous British 'lad lit' of Martin Amis, Irvine Welsh, Will Self, Nick Hornby et al" (O'Grady), a rare woman -- and a Black British woman at that -- amidst this white male club. In America, in order separate her work from the successful British export Helen Fielding, Smith took pains to pre-empt inevitable comparisons between her work and the "chick-lit" ("Face to Face") of the best-selling Bridget Jones's Diary , a genre for which Smith has little regard (O'Grady). When approached by Hollywood execs for the film rights to her novel, Smith declined their lucrative offers, granting permission for a miniseries to the BBC and the Independent Company Television instead: she believes these British organizations will retain "the integrity of her work" ("Willisden to Whitbread"). Smith's resistance to the pressures of the international marketplace suggests that the novel's and the author's global circulation, particularly in America, undermines their artistic aims rather than advancing them.

The narrative of White Teeth itself already resists this degree of circulation within the global marketplace. If the genealogies of people, places, and things in Smith's novel reveal a multi-ethnic legacy transmuted into a vibrant and often contentious present, it is the British past and present which Smith emphasizes in her novel. The novel raises the spectres of Britain's colonial and imperial past upon the world of her characters but does so to link those spectres to their current lives as Britons. The narrative's relationship to American culture, while more complicated, still accentuates a British experience and incorporation of America into British culture. The Britishness of the narrative stands out to the British reader: a Guardian reviewer declares White Teeth to be "perhaps the best novel ... we have ever read ... about contemporary London" (qtd in "Willesden to Whitbread"), while a West Indian Muslim who lives in London, NW10 posted to Amazon.co.uk that he sees the novel as "a window into the life of the community where I have made my home." Smith's emphasis on multiculturalism, then, serves to emphasize the novel's investigation into contemporary British identity -- a focus that even the American dust-jacket cannot white-wash away.

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Trending searches, productivity, social media, generate stunning ai-powered visuals.

A girl rides a skateboard while walking her dog. The girl is wearing a purple sweatshirt, baggy jeans and boots. She has expressive, round brown eyes and a look of determination. The background is an out of focus park and the girl is in a 3d illustrated animation style.

A girl rides a skateboard while walking her dog. The girl is wearing a purple sweatshirt, baggy jeans and boots. She has expressive, round brown eyes and a look of determination. The background is an out of focus park and the girl is in a 3d illustrated animation style.

A watercolor hummingbird, centered, in red and yellow with a soft cream, watercolor background.

A watercolor hummingbird, centered, in red and yellow with a soft cream, watercolor background.

A banana with sunglasses surfing a blue wave.

A banana with sunglasses surfing a blue wave.

Front-facing view of a mountain with floral decorative elements, papercraft quilling style, in pastel pink, blue and purple colors.

Front-facing view of a mountain with floral decorative elements, papercraft quilling style, in pastel pink, blue and purple colors.

An abstract background of melting liquid with a metallic sheen, dark purple and gold colors with reflective studio light.

An abstract background of melting liquid with a metallic sheen, dark purple and gold colors with reflective studio light.

Illustration of a man playing a decorated steel pan drum.

Illustration of a man playing a decorated steel pan drum.

A macro, detailed portrait of the face of a Dalmatian dog staring straight ahead with bright blue eyes on a solid pastel blue, out of focus background. The portrait is realistic with studio lighting.

A macro, detailed portrait of the face of a Dalmatian dog staring straight ahead with bright blue eyes on a solid pastel blue, out of focus background. The portrait is realistic with studio lighting.

A yellow sun with orange rays rises over white and purple clouds in a pop art style. There should be a halftone effect and screen printing aesthetic. The orange rays radiate outward and fill the background.

A yellow sun with orange rays rises over white and purple clouds in a pop art style. There should be a halftone effect and screen printing aesthetic. The orange rays radiate outward and fill the background.

A group of assorted donuts in a pink bakery box.

A group of assorted donuts in a pink bakery box.

A portrait of a man in a digital collage style. The man is wearing thick red glasses with circular patterns in blue and orange on the inside of the frames. The man is in a red polka dot shirt with a background of thick, brightly colored lines in pink, blue, and red. Collaged into the background is a ferris wheel and a circus tent.

A portrait of a man in a digital collage style. The man is wearing thick red glasses with circular patterns in blue and orange on the inside of the frames. The man is in a red polka dot shirt with a background of thick, brightly colored lines in pink, blue, and red. Collaged into the background is a ferris wheel and a circus tent.

A profile view of a caterpillar crawling on a moss-covered rock with the lush, green forest in the background, macro view, detail, close-up.

A profile view of a caterpillar crawling on a moss-covered rock with the lush, green forest in the background, macro view, detail, close-up.

Cartoon style woman with a blue hat, fishing on a river near a forest.

Cartoon style woman with a blue hat, fishing on a river near a forest.

A colorful street scene in the style of Mexican mural art. The street has adobe-colored shops on both sides with striped awnings. There is a fountain in the center and trees and mountains in the distance.

A colorful street scene in the style of Mexican mural art. The street has adobe-colored shops on both sides with striped awnings. There is a fountain in the center and trees and mountains in the distance.

A single pink ranunculus in the style of a vintage botanical drawing.

A single pink ranunculus in the style of a vintage botanical drawing.

A unicorn stands on a wooden pier looking out over clouds below, with a starry night sky above.

A unicorn stands on a wooden pier looking out over clouds below, with a starry night sky above.

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A castle made of gumdrops and lollipops on a pink background, 3D hyper-surrealism, shiny, metallic, pastel colors

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Side by side of the same image of a young person doing a skateboard trick, with the background removed from the image on the right

Background remover

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5 examples of stickers: "Wow!" in red and yellow comic book style, an illustration of an airplane that says "Travel" in gray and brown, a blue and brown suitcase, a pink and blue camera, and the Eiffel tower in a circle in pastels and grays

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Hitting the beach blue modern-simple

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Rainbow clout white modern-geometric-&-linear

Food and drink

Treat yourself to a smoothie Orange Modern, Bold, Abstract

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Image of various 3D stacked browser windows with organic elements

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Image of 3D browser windows and design tools

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Image of 3D elements and stacked web pages

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  1. How to Write a 500 Word Essay: Free Examples, Format and Structure

    paper publication and presentation 500 words

  2. Writing a 500 Word Essay: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

    paper publication and presentation 500 words

  3. 500 Word Essay Double Spaced How Many Pag

    paper publication and presentation 500 words

  4. Delivering a Perfect 500 Word Essay

    paper publication and presentation 500 words

  5. 🏆 How to write a 500 word scholarship essay. How to Write a 500 Word

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  6. How to Write a 500 Words Essay: Definition, Format, Writing Tips

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  1. Paper Presentation Tips for Board Exams😎 Get 5-8 MARKS Extra🔥#shorts #boardexam #class10

  2. Common Types of Research Papers for Publication

  3. Issues Related To Scientific Publication Presentation, Ethics and Impact

  4. Basics of Evidence Based Medicine

  5. 10th maths public question paper 2024 answer key

  6. Page Formatting in Microsoft Word Program


  1. How to Prepare for a Paper Presentation at an Academic Conference

    To get your paper accepted to a conference, you'll need to write an abstract of 200 to 500 words. The emphasis should be on brevity and clarity. It should tell the reader what your paper is about, why the reader should be interested, and why the paper should be accepted. Additionally, it should: Specify your thesis.

  2. Presentation and publication skills: How to present a paper

    How to structure the talk. Nearly all talks or paper presentations follow the structure: Outline, Introduction, Main body, Conclusion. To put it another way "Say what you are going to say, say it, then say you have said it". You should give definitions early in the talk and repeat them if necessary.

  3. Conference Proposalsand Presentations Inthe Social Sciences

    Theory vs. methods vs. data. In order of importance, write down all the points you want your viewer to understand. Focus your presentation on the first three points. Include sections similar to a typical journal article. SUMMARIZE! Aim for approximately 1 minute per slide. Usually 10-15 slides total.

  4. Presenting Conference Papers and Posters in the Humanities

    The call will request an abstract or proposal, typically 200-500 words in length. The committee will then select the best proposals and put the program together. While individual conferences will vary, a typical paper session allows presenters 15-25 minutes to lecture on their research project and then field questions from the audience.

  5. Research Paper Presentation: Best Practices and Tips

    Creating a PowerPoint presentation for a research paper involves several critical steps needed to convey your findings and engage your audience effectively, and these steps are as follows: Step 1. Understand your audience: Identify the audience for your presentation. Tailor your content and level of detail to match the audience's background ...

  6. Paper Presentation in an Academic Conference

    Here are a few tips that will make the process smoother for you: 1. Write your paper with the audience in mind: A conference paper should be different from a journal article. Remember that your paper is meant to be heard, not read. Audiences typically have lower attention spans than readers; therefore, keep the content simple and straightforward.

  7. How to Give a Good Academic Paper Presentation

    Read your slides thoroughly a couple of times before submitting them for a presentation. And ask someone else to read them also, they are more likely to find mistakes than you are as they are less biased and less attached to your topic. Finally, prepare, prepare, and prepare. Mastery is only possible through training.

  8. 4 Ways to Prepare a Paper Presentation

    Know if you must include sources or visuals. 2. Know your audience. If you're giving a presentation to your classmates, you probably have a rough idea of their knowledge on the topic. But for virtually every other circumstance, you may be in the dark. Either way, cater your paper to make zero assumptions.

  9. The Writing Center

    When an IMRaD paper or other presentable research is submitted to a conference, an abstract for the presentation will be submitted with it for the program. These abstracts are often the shortened version of the paper abstract; for example, an IMRaD abstract with max word count of 500 words will need to be shortened to fit a smaller max count ...

  10. How to Prepare a Paper Presentation?

    Most free paper presentations are 6 min in length. Careful preparation is important, to ensure that that the premise, findings, and relevance of your work are successfully conveyed in this short timeframe. Preparing your talk and preparing your slides go hand in hand and for simplicity are considered here together.

  11. The Conference Presentation

    Some conferences will invite you to submit "detailed abstracts or completed papers.". Since most conference presentations are 20 minutes in length, a completed paper will run about 2500 words in length. (Time yourself: typically you'll find that you read a formal essay at the rate of about 125 words/minute.)

  12. Presentation and publication skills: How to get your paper published

    The abstract should cover all aspects in a condensed and focused manner. The publication process is handled by editors, reviewers, and the publisher. The first impression is the most important factor that decides whether the paper is sent out for review. If revisions are requested, a thoughtful response to the reviewers is needed.

  13. Conference Papers

    Presentations are usually 15-20 minutes. A general rule of thumb is that one double-spaced page takes 2-2.5 minutes to read out loud. Thus an 8-10 page, double-spaced paper is often a good fit for a 15-20 minute presentation. Adhere to the time limit. Make sure that your written paper conforms to the presentation constraints.

  14. Tips for Writing Conference Paper Abstracts

    This is a general guide for crafting stand-out conference paper abstracts. It includes recommendations for the content and presentation of the abstract, as well as examples of the best abstracts submitted to the 2012-2013 abstract selection committee for the ninth annual North Carolina State University graduate student history conference.

  15. Preparing Scientific Papers, Posters, and Slides

    The first step in preparing a paper is to decide the target journal. Papers should always be written in 12 point Times New Roman font, while slides and posters should be in Arial or Helvetica. The Results section must contain actual data with appropriate statistical analysis. Take great care to prepare figures and tables according to the ...

  16. APA Sample Paper

    Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper , APA Sample Professional Paper This resource is enhanced by Acrobat PDF files. Download the free Acrobat Reader. Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student and professional papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication).

  17. How to Write a 500 Word Essay [Structure + Format]

    3.1 Create An Outline. 3.2 Write A Strong Introduction. 3.3 Composing The Body Paragraphs. 3.4 Write An Impressive Conclusion. 4 500-Word Essay Examples. 5 500-Word Essay Topics. 6 Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay. We can say that a 500-word essay length is the best of both worlds. It is longer than a 250-word essay, so you have more ...

  18. How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference

    INTRODUCTION. This paper is the third in a series on manuscript writing skills, published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry.Earlier articles offered suggestions on how to write a good case report,[] and how to read, write, or review a paper on randomized controlled trials.[2,3] The present paper examines how authors may write a good abstract when preparing their manuscript for a scientific ...

  19. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh

    The Publication Manual (7th ed.) has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect best practices in scholarly writing and publishing. Resources for students on writing and formatting annotated bibliographies, response papers, and other paper types as well as guidelines on citing course materials.

  20. 500 Word Essay Examples + 500 Word Essay Topics

    In a 500-word paper, an introduction is usually 50—100 words long, which takes up about 10—20% of the general word count. The size may vary depending on the complexity of the topic. Here are a few helpful tips on writing a good introduction: Start with an arresting hook.

  21. 500 Word Essay

    The standard 500-word essay template has 5 paragraphs. It has one introduction, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. The word count is divided into 5 paragraphs evenly. The introduction and conclusion are 100 words long each. While the body paragraphs need to be 300 words long.

  22. How to Write a 500 Word Essay & How Many Pages Is It? + Examples

    It usually takes a form of a standard 5-paragraph essay with an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Now, let's look at how to divide the 500-word essay length among its constituents. 60-90 words (3-4 sentences). 70-120 words (3-6 sentences) per body paragraph. 290-360 words in total.

  23. 500-Word Essay Samples: A+ Paper Examples for Free

    Free 500-Word Essay Samples. 1525 samples of this type. A 500-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student's knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 500 to 550 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a ...

  24. ENGL 825 -- Sample Abstracts

    Sample Abstracts. Below are links to some sample abstracts that I've written for past conference presentations. These examples are about 500 words in length and fit on one page, single-spaced. They all follow a similar format: the introductory paragraph generally introduces the topic and may include the thesis claim of the paper; a second (and ...

  25. Free templates for social media, documents & designs

    Use our free tools and customizable templates to craft presentations, videos, graphics, social media designs, and much more—no design expertise required. ... Customize in Word. Customize in Excel. How it works. 1. Start with the perfect template Search for anything—style, topic, image, or color—or look around the catalog for inspiration ...

  26. Cisco: Software, Network, and Cybersecurity Solutions

    2024 Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index. Review the report. Press release. ThousandEyes Digital Experience Assurance shifts IT operations. Read press release. Cisco is a worldwide technology leader. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all through software, networking, security, computing, and more solutions.