
Essay on Global Communication Importance

Students are often asked to write an essay on Global Communication Importance in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Global Communication Importance

Connecting the world.

Global communication is like a bridge that links people from different countries. It allows us to share ideas, learn new things, and understand each other better. With technology like the internet, talking to someone far away is as easy as talking to a friend in the same room.

Business Growth

Businesses use global communication to sell products worldwide. This creates jobs and helps countries grow. By talking to people in different places, companies can learn what customers want and how to make their products better.

Cultural Sharing

When we communicate globally, we share our cultures. This means we tell stories, show our traditions, and teach others about our way of life. It helps us see what makes us unique and what we have in common.

Handling Problems Together

Big problems like climate change affect everyone. Global communication helps countries work together to find solutions. When we talk and listen to each other, we can make plans to keep our planet safe for the future.

250 Words Essay on Global Communication Importance

What is global communication, bringing people together.

Think of global communication as a bridge. This bridge helps people from different places meet in the middle. They can become friends, learn new things, and understand each other better. It’s important because it helps us see that we are all part of one big family on Earth.

Learning and Growth

When we share knowledge around the world, everyone learns more. A student in India can learn about science from a teacher in Canada. This sharing helps everyone grow smarter and find new ways to solve problems.

Business and Work

Companies work with people in many countries. They talk to each other to make and sell products. Global communication is key for these companies to succeed because it helps them work as a team and reach more customers.

Peace and Understanding

Talking to people from different places can lead to peace. When we communicate, we start to understand each other’s lives and cultures. This understanding can help stop fights and make the world a safer place.

Global communication is very important. It helps us make friends, learn, work together, and live in peace. It’s like the glue that holds the world together, making sure we all move forward as one.

500 Words Essay on Global Communication Importance

Global communication is like a bridge that connects different countries. It brings people together, making the world feel like a smaller place. When we can talk to someone far away, we learn about new cultures and ways of life. This helps us understand and respect each other better. It’s like having friends all over the world without ever leaving your home.

Helping Businesses Grow

Businesses also need to talk to people from different places. A company might make a toy in one country and sell it in many others. Global communication helps these companies work smoothly. They can sell their products all over the world and get ideas from different places to make their products even better.

Dealing with World Problems

Learning and education.

Students can learn so much through global communication. They can talk to other students in different countries or watch videos about life in other places. This helps them learn about the world in a fun and interesting way. Teachers can also use global communication to get new teaching materials and ideas from other educators.

Entertainment and Fun

We also use global communication for fun. People watch movies, listen to music, and play games made in different parts of the world. This not only entertains us but also shows us how people in other places have fun. It’s exciting to see that even if we live far apart, we can enjoy the same things.

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Good Example Of Global Communications Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business , Information , World , Communication , Technology , Culture , Internet , Company

Published: 03/17/2020


Global communication is the ability to access and provide information across the globe or cultures through listening, speaking, writing, or reading. It usually occurs on the larger scale that is between countries and cultures or intercontinental. There are different means of global communication that contributes in transforming the global cultures. Global communication skills are mainly important in a business environment. However, to one end, it contributes positively, but on the other hand; it has certain negative points as well. This paper will discuss the changing trends in businesses and international relations due to advancements in global communications. Furthermore, it will also highlight the positive and negative effects of global communications on the individuals, business, and cultures. Today, technology has greatly reduced distances. Internet has turned out as a revolution in transforming the meaning of global communication. Now, with advancements in technology, new practices, new forms of expression and cultural spaces have emerged. New trends and transformations take least time spreading over the globe. Media coverages have also greatly contributed in bringing the world closer. Social media, electronic media, and other technological mediums have greatly transformed different cultures into one big culture. People express their emotions or deal in entirely different ways than before. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites are the biggest inventions of global communications that have greatly influenced the lives of people, technological trends, and businesses . Advancements in global communication have now become so critical for businesses that it seems impossible for them to survive without participating in the race of global competition. Therefore, businesses necessarily needs to expand their operations over the globe. Two main forms of global communication are internal and external communication. Internal communication depends on the messages delivered to the associated partners or clients from within the business like CEO’s message to staff members. External communication is based on the messages delivered to the external bodies or outside the business environment. Today, many companies use instant messaging systems for internal communication. These instant messaging systems can be used by the company employees to communicate with other staff members in other department or even with ones at different locations around the world. For example, most companies in China use msn messenger to communicate with the customers and staff members to deal matters related to shipping orders. Similarly, companies use messengers and emails for informing the employees at different locations about the company’s new policies and terms. The meaning of global communication entirely changed in the start of 20th century. The need of technological advances, international relations, and communications rose after the Cold War. Countries recognized global communication as one of the greatest needs of the current era for existence. The biggest example proving the significance of global communication are the relations between U.S. and China. The cultural and trade relations have been dramatically improved with global communication. Similarly, global communications and technological advancements have opened large number opportunities for the businesses and individuals. People can now easily be in contact with their friends, family, and colleagues in any part of the world. It is now more feasible for the small and medium enterprises to expand their business around the world. They can manage their operations at much lower cost than earlier times . Global communication have also increased the means of getting education. Now, there are number of educational institutes that are offering online education degrees and courses. People in any country can learn and get higher degrees without expending high tuition fees, accommodation, and transportation expenses. Similarly, people can learn different languages by interacting others over the internet. Now, there are much more means of communication and information available to people than before the advent of internet. Satellite television and internet radio channels have allowed people to be more informed about the current global affairs. However, besides the positive transformations that global communication have led to world, there are certain negative ones too; like global communications have reduced the amount of face to face contact of people. In earlier times, when there were no mobile phones or internet, people used to meet each other more regularly than today. The bonding between the people have noticeably weakened. The lack of physical contact is arousing separation among different cultures and leading false assumptions in communication and room for error. People have become more dependent on the technology to advance in their lives. Moreover, due to lack of physical interaction, people are experiencing more of the psychological problems and health issues. One of the biggest negative impacts of global communication is lack of data security, increased illegal content, and unlawful distribution of information. It mainly includes identity theft, political repression, pornography, cyberbullying, phone hacking, and piracy. Although, businesses and governments take regular actions and implement new technologies to prevent unauthorized users to access the confidential data or illegal information, but on the other side, hackers also continue their illegal acts to break the system. Therefore, organizations are under risk at any time.

Fredman, J. (2014). The Internet & Its Impact on Global Communication. Retrieved from Demand Media: http://science.opposingviews.com/internet-its-impact-global-communication-2961.html Garth le Pere. (2007, 11 28). The Positive and Negative Consequences of Globalisation. Retrieved from Regjeringen: http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/ud/kampanjer/refleks/innspill/engasjement/pere1.html?id=4..


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Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting

This document outlines a lesson on local and global communication in multicultural settings. It discusses the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity when communicating across different cultures. Specifically, it addresses determining appropriate terminology for different genders, races, and classes. It also covers adopting awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences in communicating ideas. The lesson topics include a world of diversity, the global community, cultural awareness and sensitivity, gender sensitivity, and political correctness. Read less

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