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Psychology Graduate Program

  • Psychology Department

The Clinical Psychology Program adheres to a clinical science model of training, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science.  We are committed to training clinical psychologists whose research advances scientific knowledge of psychopathology and its treatment, and who are capable of applying evidence-based methods of assessment and clinical intervention. The main emphasis of the program is research, especially on severe psychopathology. The program includes research, course work, and clinical practica, and usually takes five years to complete. Students typically complete assessment and treatment practica during their second and third years in the program, and they must fulfill all departmental requirements prior to beginning their one-year internship. The curriculum meets the requirements for licensure in Massachusetts, accreditation requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA; Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, [email protected] , Tel. [202] 336-5979), and accreditation requirements of the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). PCSAS re-accredited the program on December 15, 2022 for a 10-year term. APA most recently accredited the program on April 28, 2015 for a seven-year term, which was extended due to COVID-related delays. 


Required courses and training experiences fulfill requirements for clinical psychology licensure in Massachusetts as well as meet APA criteria for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs.  In addition to these courses, further training experiences are required in accordance with the American Psychological Association’s guidelines for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs (e.g., clinical practica [e.g., PSY 3050 Clinical Practicum, PSY 3080 Practicum in Neuropsychological Assessment]; clinical internship).

Students in the clinical psychology program are required to take the following courses:

  • PSY 3900 Professional Ethics
  • PSY 2445 Psychotherapy Research
  • PSY 2070 Psychometric Theory and Method Using R
  • PSY 2430 Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Bases of Behavior
  • PSY 3250 Psychological Testing
  • PSY 2050 History of Psychology
  • PSY 1951 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
  • PSY 1952 Multivariate Analysis in Psychology
  • PSY 2040 Contemporary Topics in Psychopathology
  • PSY 2460 Diagnostic Interviewing
  • PSY 2420 Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Clinical students must also take one course in each of the following substantive areas: biological bases of behavior (e.g., PSY 1202 Modern Neuroanatomy; PSY 1325 The Emotional, Social Brain; PSY 1355 The Adolescent Brain; PSY 1702 The Emotional Mind); social bases of behavior (e.g., PSY 2500 Proseminar in Social Psychology); cognitive-affective bases of behavior (e.g., PSY 2400 Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders); and individual differences (Required course PSY 2040 Contemporary Topics in Psychopathology fulfills the individual differences requirement for Massachusetts licensure). In accordance with American Psychological Association guidelines for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs, clinical students also receive consultation and supervision within the context of clinical practica in psychological assessment and treatment beginning in their second semester of their first year and running through their third year. They receive further exposure to additional topics (e.g., human development) in the Developmental Psychopathology seminar and in the twice-monthly clinical psychology “brown bag” speaker series. Finally, students complete a year-long clinical internship. Students are responsible for making sure that they take courses in all the relevant and required areas listed above. Students wishing to substitute one required course for another should seek advice from their advisor and from the director of clinical training prior to registering. During the first year, students are advised to get in as many requirements as possible. Many requirements can be completed before the deadlines stated below. First-year project:  Under the guidance of a faculty member who serves as a mentor, students participate in a research project and write a formal report on their research progress. Due by May of first year. Second-year project:  Original research project leading to a written report in the style of an APA journal article. A ten-minute oral presentation is also required. Due by May of second year. General exam:  A six-hour exam covering the literature of the field. To be taken in September before the start of the third year. Thesis prospectus:  A written description of the research proposed must be approved by a prospectus committee appointed by the CHD. Due at the beginning of the fourth year. Thesis and oral defense:  Ordinarily this would be completed by the end of the fourth year. Clinical internship:  Ordinarily this would occur in the fifth year. Students must have completed their thesis research prior to going on internship.

Credit for Prior Graduate Work

 A PhD student who has completed at least one full term of satisfactory work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences may file an application at the Registrar’s Office requesting that work done in a graduate program elsewhere be counted toward the academic residence requirement. Forms are available  online .

No more than the equivalent of eight half-courses may be so counted for the PhD.

An application for academic credit for work done elsewhere must contain a list of the courses, with grades, for which the student is seeking credit, and must be approved by the student’s department. In order for credit to be granted, official transcripts showing the courses for which credit is sought must be submitted to the registrar, unless they are already on file with the Graduate School. No guarantee is given in advance that such an application will be granted. 

Only courses taken in a Harvard AB-AM or AB-SM program, in Harvard Summer School, as a GSAS Special Student or FAS courses taken as an employee under the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) may be counted toward the minimum academic residence requirements for a Master’s degree.

Academic and financial credit for courses taken as a GSAS Special Student or FAS courses taken as a Harvard employee prior to admission to a degree program may be granted for a maximum of four half-courses toward a one-year Master’s and eight half-courses toward a two-year Master’s or the PhD degree.

Applications for academic and financial credit must be approved by the student’s department and should then be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and other data  

1. Time to Completion

Time to Completion 2023

Students can petition the program faculty to receive credit for prior graduate coursework, but it does not markedly reduce their expected time to complete the program.

2. Program Costs

Program costs 2023

3. Internships 

Internship placement Table 1 2023

4. Attrition

Attrition 2023

5. Licensure

Licensure 2023

Standard Financial Aid Award, Students Entering 2023  

The financial aid package for Ph.D. students entering in 2023 will include tuition and health fees support for years one through four, or five, if needed; stipend support in years one and two; a summer research grant equal to two months stipend at the end of years one through four; teaching fellowship support in years three and four guaranteed by the Psychology Department; and a dissertation completion grant consisting of tuition and stipend support in the appropriate year. Typically students will not be allowed to teach while receiving a stipend in years one and two or during the dissertation completion year.    

Year 1 (2023-24) and Year 2 (2024- 25)  Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full  Academic Year Stipend:                           $35,700 (10 months)  Summer Research Award:                       $7,140 (2 months)

Year 3 (2025-26) & Year 4 (2026- 27) Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full Living Expenses:                                       $35,700 (Teaching Fellowship plus supplement, if eligible)  Summer Research Award:                       $7,140 (2 months)

Year 5 (2027-28) - if needed; may not be taken after the Dissertation Completion year Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full

Dissertation Completion Year (normally year 5, occasionally year 6) Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full  Stipend for Living Expenses:                    $35,700  

The academic year stipend is for the ten-month period September through June. The first stipend payment will be made available at the start of the fall term with subsequent disbursements on the first of each month. The summer research award is intended for use in July and August following the first four academic years.

In the third and fourth years, the guaranteed income of $35,700 includes four sections of teaching and, if necessary, a small supplement from the Graduate School. Your teaching fellowship is guaranteed by the Department provided you have passed the General Examination or equivalent and met any other department criteria. Students are required to take a teacher training course in the first year of teaching.

The dissertation completion year fellowship will be available as soon as you are prepared to finish your dissertation, ordinarily in the fifth year. Applications for the completion fellowship must be submitted in February of the year prior to utilizing the award. Dissertation completion fellowships are not guaranteed after the seventh year. Please note that registration in the Graduate School is always subject to your maintaining satisfactory progress toward the degree.

GSAS students are strongly encouraged to apply for appropriate Harvard and outside fellowships throughout their enrollment. All students who receive funds from an outside source are expected to accept the award in place of the above Harvard award. In such cases, students may be eligible to receive a GSAS award of up to $4,000 for each academic year of external funding secured or defer up to one year of GSAS stipend support.

For additional information, please refer to the Financial Support section of the GSAS website ( gsas.harvard.edu/financial-support ).

Registration and Financial Aid in the Graduate School are always subject to maintaining satisfactory progress toward the degree.

Psychology students are eligible to apply for generous research and travel grants from the Department.

The figures quoted above are estimates provided by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and are subject to change.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 E-mail:  [email protected]   www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

The Director of Clinical Training is Prof. Richard J. McNally who can be reached by telephone at (617) 495-3853 or via e-mail at:  [email protected]

  • Clinical Internship Allowance

Harvard Clinical Psychology Student Handbook


PhD Program Rankings (Adapted from US News and World Report)

Below are reputation scores and ranks of the top 27 PhD programs in Psychology, including top-ranked schools in each of six subspecialties. From US News and World Report, “America’s Best Graduate Schools” rank/school average reputation score.

Rank                                      School Average reputation score

1                                 Stanford Univ.                                                         4.8

2                                 Univ. of California-Berkeley                                       4.6

2                                 Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor                                     4.6

4                                 Univ. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign                         4.5

4                                 Yale Univ.                                                                 4.5

6                                 Harvard Univ.                                                        4.4

6                                 Univ. of California-Los Angeles                             4.4

6                                 Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities                             4.4

9                                 Carnegie Mellon Univ.                                             4.2

9                                 Princeton Univ.                                                          4.2

9                                 Univ. of Pennsylvania                                                4.2

9                                 Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison                                        4.2

13                               Indiana Univ.-Bloomington                                          4.1

13                               Univ. of California-San Diego                                         4.1

13                               Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill                               4.1

16                               Johns Hopkins Univ.                                                       4.0

16                               Univ. of Colorado-Boulder                                              4.0

16                               Univ. of Texas-Austin                                                  4.0

19                               Cornell Univ.                                                               3.9

19                               Duke Univ.                                                                   3.9

19                               Northwestern Univ.                                                  3.9

19                               Univ. of Chicago                                                      3.9

19                               Univ. of Washington                                                    3.9

24                               Columbia Univ.                                                             3.8

24                               Ohio State Univ.                                                             3.8

24                               Univ. of California-Irvine                                                 3.8

24                               Univ. of Virginia                                                              3.8

Top Specialty Programs

C linical Psychology

1. Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

2. Univ. of Illinois-Urban a-Champaign

3. Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor

4. Univ. of California-Los Angeles

5. Univ. of Washington

Co unseling Psychology

1. Univ. of Maryland-College Park

2. Ohio State Univ.

3. Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

4. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia

5. Univ. of Iowa

Developme n tal

2. Univ. of Virginia

2. Stanford Univ.

4. Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor

5. Univ. of Illinois-Urban a-Champaign

5. Univ. of California-Berkeley

Expe ri menta l P sychology

1. Stanford Univ.

2. Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor

3. Univ. of California-Berkeley

4. Univ. of Illinois-Urban a-Champaign

5. Carnegie Mellon Univ.

I ndustrial / Organizational

2. Univ. of Maryland-College Park

3. Michigan State Univ.

4. Ohio State Univ.

5. Bowling Green State Univ.

5. Univ. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign

Schoo l Psychology

1. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

2. Univ. of Texas-Austin

3. Univ. of South Carolina-Columbia

3. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln

3. Columbia Univ.

(The response rate for psychology was 34%, the lowest response rate for the six PhD fields surveyed. Political Science had the highest response rate, at 54%.)

Reprinted with permission from US News and World Report. Copyright, 1995, US News and World Report.

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psychology phd us

New Report Finds “Gaps and Variation” in Behavioral Science at NIH

A new NIH report emphasizes the importance of behavioral science in improving health, observes that support for these sciences at NIH is unevenly distributed, and makes recommendations for how to improve their support at the agency.

psychology phd us

APS Advocates for Psychological Science in New Pandemic Preparedness Bill

APS has written to the U.S. Senate to encourage the integration of psychological science into a new draft bill focused on U.S. pandemic preparedness and response.

psychology phd us

APS Urges Psychological Science Expertise in New U.S. Pandemic Task Force

APS has responded to urge that psychological science expertise be included in the group’s personnel and activities.

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psychology phd us

Psychology, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences, program requirements .

The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences emphasizes training and experience in the research methods essential to the development of new knowledge in the various sub-fields of psychology. Our core program for doctoral students emphasizes scientific methodology and provides rigorous research training. Each doctoral candidate is expected to become familiar with both a relatively narrowly defined area and a broad spectrum of knowledge related to the student’s topic of specialization.

In addition to general university requirements, the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences has the following regulations:

A thorough understanding of statistics is useful in virtually all research settings.  Two statistics courses are required during the first year of graduate training.  The normal sequence is AS.200.657 Advanced Statistical Methods during the first semester and AS.200.658 Advanced Research Design and Analysis during the second semester. Students with exceptional statistical training should take two more advanced courses by arrangement with the Director of Graduate Studies.  Students are encouraged to take more statistics, as appropriate.

Fundamentals and Core Topics in PBS

AS.200.613 Fundamentals of Biopsychology , AS.200.617 Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology ,  AS.200.654 Psychological & Brain Sciences Core Topics A , and AS.200.655 Psychological & Brain Sciences Core Topics B  offer an introduction to the fundamental principles and methods of the psychological & brain sciences. Students will read seminal and contemporary papers in topics that cover the breadth of the field. In addition, students become versed in the careful consideration of data and in formulating written and oral arguments.

First-Year Research Report

During the first year, the student, together with the faculty advisor, identifies a research project that will provide extended research experience. Normally, the student designs a study as part of a larger ongoing project. A project proposal must be submitted by June 1 of the first year; this proposal introduces the nature of the scientific problem, reviews the relevant literature, and describes the proposed study in detail, together with the anticipated data, means of analysis, and interpretations. A final written version of this report must be submitted by December 15 of the student's second year; ideally, this "first year project" report includes all the information that would be appropriate for submission to a scientific journal.

Advanced Examination

The Advanced Examination is designed to assess expertise in the student’s area of concentration. This examination, which includes both a written and oral part, is graded by a committee of at least two faculty members. The written and oral portions of the advanced examination offer the student an opportunity to demonstrate both in-depth, focused knowledge in their specialty area of study, and also a breadth of knowledge outside of their area of expertise. The student must pass the advanced examination by the beginning of the third year of study.

Advanced Seminars

Advanced seminars are more specialized in content than a Core Topics course, but are still geared to students with interests both inside and outside the area.  Students are required to complete one advanced seminar outside their concentration area.  Completion of an additional advanced seminar is strongly recommended.

Topical Seminars

The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences offers topical seminars in which one or more faculty members leads seminars on topics of special interest, such as cognitive processes, developmental psycholinguistics, neuro-physiological aspects of behavior, mathematical psychology, and information processing. Through participation in these seminars, students are exposed to findings in subfields of psychology. Topics vary from semester to semester and are determined by the interests of both faculty and graduate students.  The format of the seminar is optional, and the course may or may not require formal tests of knowledge.  Students are urged to complete topical seminars as appropriate.

Research Seminars

Students and faculty engaged or interested in research in particular areas organize these seminars. Participants discuss their own research and other current research in the area.

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching experience is regarded as an important part of the graduate program, and graduate students are required to teach during their program. More details are available in the handbook.  The Department Chair, Director of Graduate Studies, Department Administrator, and Academic Program Administrator collaborate to assess the instructional support needs of the department and assign these teaching duties.

Advanced students may apply for a Dean’s Teaching Fellowship . This prestigious fellowship provides graduate students an opportunity to grow both as educators and scholars by allowing them to propose, design, and offer an undergraduate seminar course.

Literature Review

Students complete a written literature review in preparation of the completion of their dissertation. The literature review is modeled on articles appearing in professional journals, and it should be suitable for publication in such a journal. Typically, the review provides a background for the thesis plan, but for some students it may be prepared on a topic other than the one selected for the thesis. The literature review is evaluated by the same committee that will evaluate the thesis plan.

Thesis Plan

At least one calendar year before receiving the Ph.D. degree, each doctoral candidate must develop a plan for the dissertation research and present the plan before a departmental committee.  The thesis plan is a detailed document stating the issue the student wishes to address in a dissertation, the experimental design to be used, and the way the student will interpret the various possible results.  In essence, it is a proposal for a research project with predictions and preliminary data, rather than results.  The outline of the experiments should be sufficiently clear that the readers will fully understand the procedures; the plan should also include a timeline.

This plan should be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the fourth year.  Dissertation research cannot proceed until the Thesis Plan has formally been approved.  With the committee’s approval, the student then prepares a dissertation.


The dissertation represents the student’s culminating piece of scholarly work. It establishes the start of a research career and the basis for postgraduate employment. The Graduate Board of the University administers the final oral examination, a defense of the thesis. The doctoral dissertation must be in a form suitable for and worthy of publication.

Financial Support

Support for graduate students comes from many different sources. Domestic and international students in good standing can expect to receive tuition remission and a stipend.

Stipend support is competitive with that at other institutions and provides sufficient funds to live modestly. Stipends may come from research grants held by faculty members, allowing students to collaborate and be paid as research assistants. The university also provides funds for teaching assistants, as well as special fellowships.

All students are encouraged to apply for national awards, fellowships, and scholarships (e.g., NSF Graduate Fellowships). Our students have been remarkably successful at winning these honors.

The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences is also affiliated with two diverse training programs supported by the Center for Hearing and Balance and the National Institute on Aging , including the NIA-supported training grant titled “Research Training in Age-Related Cognitive Disorders.” Qualified graduate students are encouraged to discuss relevant and appropriate training grant applications with their advisors. Stipend and tuition remission may be provided to accepted applicants through these and other training programs.

For further information on graduate study in psychology, contact the Academic Program Administrator for the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences .

Master of Arts in Psychology

A student who has been admitted into the Ph.D. program can earn a Master of Arts degree in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Normally, candidates for the Ph.D. degree in psychology will qualify for the M.A. degree at the end of their second year, after having completed two area seminars and at least two courses in psychological research design and/or advanced statistics, provided that their performance is of the quality judged satisfactory for the M.A. level. There is no terminal master’s program.

UC Department of Psychology Logo

  • Graduate Study
  • Program Areas
  • How To Apply
  • Preparation Timeline
  • Doctoral Curriculum
  • Courses 2024-25
  • Joint Degrees

Doctoral Admissions

We are glad that you are considering our program for your doctoral training. We have a group of faculty, students, and staff dedicated to performing rigorous and meaningful research, and are always looking to add engaged new students to our community.

The Department of Psychology offers a course of study leading to a PhD in Psychology. Doctoral study typically spans five years and includes a common curriculum of eight courses with other requirements set by the student's area of specialization. In addition, each student will complete a trial research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor or advisors and complete a dissertation. Advisors are a critical component of students' experience in the doctoral program, providing guidance and collaboration in conducting research and academic advising. Students receive practical pedagogical experience, usually through completing five teaching assistantships. 

As you make a decision about where to attend graduate school, we encourage you to explore the five research area specializations and the research programs of the individual faculty in our department. The PhD program in Psychology is not a clinical or counseling training program, and the program does not offer online or part-time study. Enrolled students in the Division of Social Sciences receive a financial package that includes tuition, the graduate student fee, student health insurance, as well as a stipend for living expenses.

The Department of Psychology does not have a terminal Master’s degree program. However, the Division of the Social Sciences offers two Master’s degrees that may be of interest to prospective psychology students. The Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS) allows for a concentration in psychology. The MA in Computational Social Science provides the ability to tailor your coursework to your academic or professional interest.

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PhD Degree Requirements

This webpage provides a quick overview of the requirements for our PhD program. More detailed information can be found in the Psychology Graduate Guide . This webpage and the Graduate Guide supplement the Psychology PhD requirements defined in the Stanford Bulletin and the policies for all Stanford graduate education as defined in the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures Handbook . 

The most important component of our PhD program is engaging in scientific research. Students in our PhD program conduct in-depth research in at least one of five areas of study: Affective , Cognitive , Developmental , Neuroscience , or Social Psychology. All students are expected to spend at least half of their time engaged in research. Each quarter, students should register for 8 - 10 research units (PSYCH207: Graduate Research) and take no more than 10 units of coursework.

The sections below outline program requirements regarding coursework and teaching, as well as key milestones towards a PhD degree.

Course Requirements

  • Teaching Requirements  
  • Key Program Milestones

Core Courses, Statistics/Methods Courses, and Advanced Units must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of B- or higher. Click each requirement to open the relevant sections in the Graduate Guide.  

Professional Seminar 

All incoming students are required to take PSYCH207 in the first quarter (Year 1 Autumn). This is a course taught by the Department Chair with guest lectures from faculty across all areas, and serves to introduce the first-year students to the Department. 

  • PSYCH 207: Professional Seminar for First-Year Ph.D Students

As a part of PSYCH 207, first-year students are also expected to meet with their advisor(s) early in the fall quarter of the first year to discuss mentorship expectations. 

Core Courses

Students are required to complete 4 of the following Core Courses by the end of Yr 3.

  • PSYCH 202: Cognitive Neuroscience
  • PSYCH 205: Foundations of Cognition
  • PSYCH 211: Developmental Psychology
  • PSYCH 213: Affective Science
  • PSYCH 215: Mind, Culture, and Society

Statistics / Methods Courses

Students must complete PSYCH 251 and one additional statistics/methods courses by the end of Year 2. At least one of the two courses must be taken in the first year. 

  • PSYCH 251: Experimental Methods (Required) 
  • PSYCH 249: Large-Scale Neural Network Modeling for Neuroscience
  • PSYCH 252: Statistical Methods for Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • PSYCH 253: Measurement and the Study of Change in Social Science Research
  • PSYCH 289: Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science Research

Some students may wish to take advanced courses in Statistics or CS not listed above; please consult with your advisor and send an inquiry to the Student Services Manager. These requests may be reviewed by the DGS and/or the GPC.

Advanced Units / PhD Minor  

Students must complete 12 units of advanced graduate coursework (“Advanced Units”, or AU), or complete a PhD Minor by the end of Year 4.  

Students and their advisor(s) should discuss the course requirements and create a plan together for completing the Advanced Units. To this end, rising 2nd year students must submit an Advanced Courses Form by the first Monday in October (usually the first Monday of the Fall Quarter) of the 2nd year. 

Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) Statu s

Students should apply for Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) status once they have accumulated 135 units of residency and have filed a Dissertation Reading Committee form . Students in TGR status should register for PSYCH 802: TGR Dissertation (0 units) and take no more than 3 units of coursework per quarter. Typically, students transition to TGR in the Winter quarter of 5th year. 

For more information about Course Requirements, consult the Graduate Guide and the Stanford Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures Handbook .

Teaching Requirements

All students serve as teaching assistants for at least 5 Psychology courses during their graduate study, regardless of the source of their financial support. Of these 5 TAships, students must apply for 2 of their TAships to be in one of the two tracks: 

  • PSYCH 1 Track (2 quarters of Introduction to Psychology)  
  • STATS Track (2 quarters of core statistics/methods course: PSYCH 10, PSYCH 251, PSYCH 252, PSYCH 253).  

Students can review the Department's complete  TA policy  for more details. Questions about TA assignments or TA policy should be directed to the Student Services Manager. 

Program Requirements and Milestones

Year 1: First Year Project (FYP)

At the end of their first year of graduate study, students must submit a written report of their first-year research activities, called the First Year Project (FYP) by June 1 The FYP is submitted to their advisor, second FYP reader (another faculty), and the students’ services manager. Students are also expected to present the results of their FYP in their area seminar. 

Year 2: Admission to Candidacy

In our department, a student’s application for candidacy must be filed as soon as all requirements for Year 1 and Year 2 are completed (and by the end of the 2nd year). The decision to advance a student to candidacy is made based on a holistic assessment of the student’s progress in the program. For more information, please refer to the Graduate Guide, section on Admission to Candidacy. 

Conferral of a masters degree: Graduate students in the Department of Psychology who have completed (a) the first-year and second-year course requirements and (b) at least 45 units of Psychology courses may apply for a conferral of the MA degree.

Master of Arts Degree in Psychology (Optional)

Graduate students in the Department of Psychology who have completed (a) the first-year and second-year course requirements and (b) at least 45 units of Psychology courses may apply for conferral of the MA degree. The application should be reviewed with the Student Services Manager. The  application process  typically occurs in 2nd or 3rd year.

Year 3: Research Plan and Dissertation Reading Committee   

Students in Year 3 are expected to:

(1) Form a dissertation reading committee (due Feb 1): The research committee includes the dissertation advisor and at least 2 additional faculty members, for a total of 3 members, at least two of whom should have primary appointments in the Psychology Department. 

(2) Schedule and hold the 3rd Year Committee Meeting to take place in Winter or Spring quarter (before June 1), and submit a research plan to their committee 2 weeks before the meeting

(3) After the committee meeting, submit the Research Plan to the Student Services Manager and report the meeting date using the Committee Meeting Google Form .

Year 4: Area Review and Research Roadmap (ARRR) and Committee Meeting

Students in Year 4 are expected to:

(1) Schedule and hold the 4th Year Committee Meeting in the Winter quarter and submit an Area Review & Research Roadmap (ARRR) to the committee two weeks before the meeting.

(2) After the committee meeting, submit the ARRR to the Student Services Manager and report the meeting date using the Committee Meeting Google Form . 

Final Year: Oral Examination and Dissertation  

Students in Year 3 and above are expected to hold a committee meeting every year. In their final year, students must form their Oral Examination Committee including identifying an external chair. Students must submit the Oral Exam Form to the Student Services Manager at least 2 weeks before the anticipated defense and follow the standard Department protocol for reserving a room for their defense.

Individual Development Plan

Every year, each graduate student completes an Individual Development Plan (IDP) and has a meeting with their advisor to discuss the IDP and set an Action Plan for the coming year. The goal of the IDP is for the student to step back from their daily tasks, reflect on the larger picture, discuss these topics with their mentor, and make an action plan for achieving their goals going forward. The IDP meeting must occur by June 1 each year. 

The IDP process has 4 steps:

1. Student completeness the IDP Self-Reflection form  

2. Student prepares the IDP Meeting and Action Plan form and schedules a one-on-one meeting with the advisor. 

3. Student and Advisor(s) complete the Action Plan (pages 3-4 of the IDP Meeting and Action Plan form ). 

4. Student submits the IDP Meeting Google Form to report the meeting to the Student Services.

Students can also use the IDP meeting to discuss mentorship expectations and schedule additional meetings if further conversations are needed. Note that first-year students must schedule a separate meeting with their advisors to discuss Mentorship Expectation as a part of their ProSem requirement

Graduation Quarter

Registration for Graduation Quarter is required for the term in which a student submits a dissertation or has a degree conferred. Please consult the Registrar's Academic Calendar for the quarterly deadlines for submitting dissertations; they are strict, and missing the deadline can have serious funding implications. For more information, please refer to the Graduate Guide and Registrar's Office website .

PhD Program Timeline At-A-Glance

  • FYP Proposal and name of 2nd reader due to Student Services

End of Fall Quarter 

  • Complete the mentorship expectations meeting with advisor
  • FYP due to Student Services, advisor, and 2nd reader

Summer of 1st Year

  • Meet and receive feedback from advisor and 2nd reader
  • Submit  Advanced Units coursework form  to Student Services

June 1  

  • IDP Meeting Due

By the end of 2nd Year

  • Submit  Candidacy Form  to Student Services
  • Submit  Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee form  to Student Services
  • Schedule 3rd Year Committee Meeting
  • Hold Committee Meeting (Research Plan to committee 2 weeks before meeting), and report meeting to Student Services; IDP Meeting
  • Schedule 4th Year Committee Meeting
  • Submit ARRR to the committee two weeks before the meeting
  • Hold Committee Meeting
  • Report meeting to Student Services
  • IDP Meeting

2 weeks before Defense: 

  • Submit the  Oral Exam form  to Student Services

End of Spring Quarter: 

  • Oral Examination
  • Submit Dissertation 
  • Schedule and hold a 5th Year Committee Meeting 

PhD Graduate Education at Northeastern University logo

The Department of Psychology offers a research-intensive PhD program within a close-knit community of faculty and students.

The Department of Psychology offers a graduate program leading to a PhD in psychology. The program offers four main specializations, behavioral neuroscience, cognition, perception, and personality/social, with cross-cutting themes in affective science, lifespan development, and health. The main objective of the program is to train a select group of students to become experts in the multidisciplinary field of psychological science. To accomplish this goal, the department takes a mentoring approach whereby the graduate students are apprentices in faculty laboratories, working closely with their faculty mentors throughout their time in the program. All students are fully supported with stipend and tuition waiver, 12 months a year, for their full five years in the program.

The department admits a small group of students to its doctoral program each year in order to maintain its apprenticeship model, with students admitted to work with a particular faculty mentor. In the laboratory, responsibility for collaboration in research gradually shifts from the faculty mentor to the student, culminating in the student’s doctoral dissertation. The program is five years in length, with students earning a Master’s degree at the end of their second year, in the course of working towards their PhD. Some students enter with a Master’s degree in an appropriate field; they are not required to earn another one.

The basic apprenticeship relation is supplemented by other activities, such as required courses (concentrated in the first and second years), advanced seminars and/or coursework in this as well as other departments or universities, a colloquium series, assignments as teaching assistants, the master’s project, and the dissertation and its oral defense. Graduate students also develop their teaching and research skills through close mentoring of undergraduate research assistants.

  • Specializations in behavioral neuroscience, cognition, perception, and personality/social
  • Cross-cutting themes in affective science, lifespan development, and health
  • Program follows apprenticeship model, with students admitted to work with a particular faculty mentor
  • Students without a Master’s degree in an appropriate field will earn one at the end of their second year
  • Students develop teaching and research skills through mentoring of undergraduate research assistants
  • All students are fully supported with stipend and tuition waiver, 12 months a year, for their full five years in the program
  • Bachelor’s and Advanced-degree entry are possible

Application Materials

Requirements, application.

  • Application fee – US $100
  • Unofficial transcripts for all institutions attended (Official transcripts required upon acceptance of admission offer)
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • GRE General Test– Not required
  • Proof of English Proficiency for all applicants

Priority deadline for completed applications: December 1 st

Rolling admissions until March 15.  Check with department to see if there is availability.

  • Program Website

Request Information for PhD in Psychology

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   This page contains links to 185 psychology Ph.D. programs rank-ordered in quality according to the most recent study conducted by the National Research Council (with "quality scores" taken from a summary of the NRC report published by the ).

The Canadian Psychological Association is a good source of information on graduate study in Canada, and John Krantz also maintains an extensive international list of .

The rankings below should be considered no more than a rough approximation. You would be well advised to consult as many faculty members as possible for feedback on your top school choices before applying to graduate school. Admission to graduate school is competitive, so apply to as many schools as possible; have your friends, family, and academic advisors look over your application materials; and if you receive letters of rejection, don't lose your sense of !

Rank School Department Score
1.0 72
3.5 70
3.5 70
3.5 70
3.5 70
6.0 69
7.0 68
9.5 67
9.5 67
9.5 67
9.5 67
12.5 66
12.5 66
14.5 65
14.5 65
16.5 64
16.5 64
21.5 63
21.5 63
21.5 63
21.5 63
21.5 63
21.5 63
21.5 63
21.5 63
26.0 62
29.5 61
29.5 61
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35.0 60
35.0 60
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35.0 60
39.5 59
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44.0 58
44.0 58
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48.0 57
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51.5 56
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128.5 45
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128.5 45
136.5 44
136.5 44
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136.5 44
136.5 44
143.0 43
143.0 43
143.0 43
143.0 43
143.0 43
143.0 43
143.0 43
148.0 42
148.0 42
148.0 42
153.0 41
153.0 41
153.0 41
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153.0 41
153.0 41
153.0 41
159.0 40
159.0 40
159.0 40
159.0 40
159.0 40
162.5 39
162.5 39
165.5 Psychology 38
165.5 38
165.5 38
165.5 38
168.0 37
169.5 Psychology 36
169.5 36
171.0 35
172.0 34
173.5 (was Saybrook Grad. School) 33
173.5 Psychology 33
176.0 32
176.0 32
176.0 32
179.0 31
179.0 31
179.0 31
181.5 30
181.5 30
183.5 29
183.5 29
185.0 Program Ended 24

Psychology Headlines

From around the world.

  • Ozempic Doesn't Raise Risk of Depression or Suicide, Study Finds
  • California Lawmakers Approve Bills to Ban Deepfakes and Regulate AI
  • A New AI Tool Creates Hyperrealistic Photos. Can You Tell the Difference?
  • Harris and Trump Have Starkly Different Visions on Climate Change
  • School-Based Mindfulness Programs May Boost Kids' Mental Health
  • Young Girls Are Using Anti-Aging Products They See on Social Media
  • Black Students Still Disciplined at Higher Rates, U.S. Report Concludes
  • Laws Allow Women Behind Bars to Tell Their Stories of Abuse

Source: Psychology News Center

psychology phd us

About the Program

The Ph.D. in Psychology at Georgetown University offers a fully funded five-year, full-time program of study. Students in the program concentrate in either Human Development and Public Policy (HDPP) or Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience (LCN). The program is fundamentally a research program. Students are expected to meet rigorous research milestones and receive training in conducting independent scholarly research. Students in the HDPP track also take core courses at the McCourt School of Public Policy, while students in the LCN track take core courses in the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Students in both concentrations also take core and elective courses in the Psychology Department. A dual degree in Psychology (Ph.D.) and Master of Public Policy (MPP) is also offered in collaboration with the McCourt School of Public Policy to students in the HDPP concentration.

Connect with Us

Program Contact: Bonnie Ginsberg – [email protected]

Begin your application today!

Degrees Offered

  • Ph.D./Master’s in Public Policy (MPP)

Admissions Requirements

For general graduate admissions requirements, visit the Office of Graduate Admission’s Application Information  page. Review the  program’s website  for additional information on program application requirements. Application Materials required:

  • Application Form
  • Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Academic Statement of Purpose
  • Optional: Statement on Diversity, Personal Background & Contributions
  • Writing Sample
  • Letters of Recommendation (3)
  • Transcripts – Applicants are required to upload to the application system copies of official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. Visit the Office of Graduate Admission’s  Application Information  page for additional details and FAQs.
  • TOEFL = 80 minimum
  • IELTS = 7.0 minimum

Application Deadlines

Degree requirements.

The core graduate curriculum includes coursework in statistics/methodology; advanced theory and evidence; applications of developmental science; and scientific ethics, as well as experience and instruction in teaching, grant writing and other practical skills. The requirements of the graduate program are designed to:

  • Ensure that students receive solid grounding in the interdisciplinary roots and methods of developmental science.
  • Involve students in research immediately upon starting their graduate education and, over the course of their education, encourage them to develop an original line of inquiry.
  • Instruct students in the critical analysis, teaching and communication skills that are critical to success in an array of post-Ph.D. positions.

Credits Required

  • Ph.D. with a concentration in Human Development and Public Policy: 36 credits
  • Ph.D. with a concentration in Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience: 39 credits
  • Ph.D./MPP (Master’s in Public Policy): 48 credits

There is no option of part-time study in this graduate degree program.

Suzallo Library on the UW campus

Ph.D. in School Psychology

What you can earn, credits earned, time commitment, upcoming deadline, leaders of school psychology research and practice.

The School Psychology Ph.D. degree prepares leaders in the field of research and practice within school psychology. Our program stresses the expanded role of the school psychologist and offers formal coursework and practica in assessment, consultation, intervention, and counseling.

Our philosophy is grounded in the scientist-practitioner model and offers a strong background in the scientific foundations for the practice of school psychology as well as training in applying current research knowledge and theory to educational services.

The program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) , approved by the  National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) , and meets requirements for state level licensure as a psychologist.

Our mission is to prepare scientist-practitioners whose practice of psychology is grounded in scientific knowledge and focused on enhancing the educational and socio-emotional competence of school-age children and youth.

The role of a health service psychologist with a specialty in school psychology is to assess, consult, and provide prevention and direct intervention services that focus on learning, behavior, and mental health. The graduate program in School Psychology at the University of Washington stresses the expanded role of the school psychologist and offers formal course work and practica in assessment, consultation, intervention, and counseling. In addition, the program philosophy is grounded in the scientist-practitioner model and offers a strong background in the scientific foundations for the practice of school psychology as well as training in applying current research knowledge and theory to educational services.

Psychologist speaking with student

What you'll learn

The following are the nine profession-wide competencies and the specific objectives for graduates. Students' learning experiences are guided by the Discipline Specific Knowledge areas of APA and by the Profession-Wide Competencies in the APA Standards of Accreditation.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to be critical consumers of research, to have the knowledge and skills to conduct scientific inquiry, and to disseminate research.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to be competent in navigating and legal and ethical challenges and engaging in best practices associated with the APA Ethical Principles for Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to integrate self-awareness, cultural knowledge, and culturally responsive skills in all professional activities including research, teaching, and clinical service.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to reflect the values and attitudes of psychology through integrity, professional identity alignment, professional behavior, and responsiveness to supervision and feedback.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to maintain effective relationships with colleagues, communities, organizations, supervisors, supervisees, and clients.

Program Objective: to prepare health service psychologists to incorporate the diversity characteristics of clients in psychological assessments and to present findings in an effective manner that is appropriate for audiences outside the discipline of psychology.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to implement evidence-based interventions with fidelity to empirical models along with the flexibility to adapt the interventions to the cultural and linguistic context of the clients.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to provide effective supervised supervision to less advanced students and peers appropriate for the service setting.

Program Objective: To prepare health service psychologists to demonstrate the ability to effectively collaborate in interdisciplinary contexts and integrated healthcare settings.

After graduation

Graduates are prepared for college teaching, clinical, and research positions in a variety of settings:

  • School settings to serve students from all cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds
  • University settings as trainers of school psychologists and continue to generate new knowledge for the practice of psychology
  • Research settings where investigations are conducted related to learning, development, and behavior of school-aged children
  • Teaching hospitals and other health agencies providing outpatient services for patients with school-related problems

Let's connect

We're excited that you're interested in our program! By joining our mailing list, you can receive updates on info sessions, deadlines, financial aid and more!

Connect with us

Related programs

The first three years of this Ph.D. program follow the sequence of the Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) program . The final three years of the Ph.D. program build upon and extend the training.

The Ph.D. degree is a six-year, full-time program that requires three years of Ed.S. degree coursework, two years of Ph.D. coursework and one year of a predoctoral internship. If you already have an Ed.S. degree, the Ph.D. course of study can be shortened to three or more years.

With the support of your advisor, you will design an individualized program of study that is guided by a supervisory committee and chaired by a core school psychology faculty member.

Students who complete their Ed.S. degree at UW will use that coursework as their specialty area. Students who completed their Ed.S. at another institution will have their transcripts reviewed to determine course credits that may be applied to their Ph.D. program of study.

As doctoral students are completing the individualized program of study requirements, they must also complete the Ph.D. degree milestones (research and inquiry, general exam, dissertation proposal, dissertation defense). These procedures are described in the program handbook sections under “Ph.D. degree milestones.”

For details,  download the student handbook

The first three years of the Ph.D. degree follow the course sequence of our Ed.S. degree . The Ed.S. course sequence is organized so that all basic foundation courses are completed the first year, the second year is centered on applied experiences in schools and at the University of Washington, and the third year is a full-time, school-based internship in public schools. Students who have already earned their Ed.S. degree may begin the Ph.D. coursework immediately.

Autumn quarter

  • EDPSY 565: Adv Practicum in Clinical Practice (4)
  • EDPSY 508: Adv Practicum- Supervision & School Mental Health (2)
  • EDLPS 525: Educational Inquiry (3)
  • EDPSY 529: Developmental Psychopathology and the DSM (3)
  • Additional cognate courses (including research methods courses)

Winter quarter

  • EDLPS 526: Educational Inquiry (3)
  • EDPSY 538: Multiple Regression (3)
  • Additional cognate and research methods courses
  • Prospective Candidacy

Spring quarter

  • EDPSY 585: History, Systems, & Contemporary Issues in School Psychology (3)
  • Research and Inquiry

Summer quarter (session A)

EDPSY 581: Seminar in APPIC/CDSPP internships (2)

  • EDPSY 579: Advanced Practicum in Assessment and Intervention (3)
  • R & I presentation (Nov)
  • General Exam (Nov or Dec)
  • If not doing APPIC, start working on creating a local CDSPP-aligned Internship
  • Register only if completing the general exam this quarter
  • To obtain an add code for dissertation credits, go to  education.uw.edu/practicum , select your advisor, EDUC 800 course, and describe your dissertation project.
  • General Exam (if not completed in Autumn)
  • Dissertation Proposal (or in Spring)
  • Internship interviews and APPIC Match Day
  • Register for 25 dissertation credits (total) by the end of the academic year. Leave 2 credits for the following year when you defend your dissertation (final orals).
  • Dissertation Proposal (if not completed in Winter)
  • EDUC 800: Dissertation (8-10)

Students apply for “on leave” status EVERY quarter except the quarter of the dissertation defense. If a student does not apply each quarter, they will drop from the University system and have to reapply for active status and pay a $250 fee to the Graduate School. During the quarter of the dissertation defense, students MUST register for the remaining 2 credits.

Each doctoral student is required to identify two supportive cognate fields in addition to the area of specialization. Depending upon your academic background, the range of credits required for each supportive cognate is between 6 and 15. The breadth and depth of each cognate is normally defined by the graduate advisor and the faculty member selected to represent the cognate area.

Each student must form a specialization from a unit outside of the College of Education.  The specialization outside the College will normally be in a single department (e.g., Social Work, Public Health). In exceptional cases, it may be a series of courses from different departments containing a common thread (e.g., Ethnic Studies, which may draw upon courses based in several departments). The breadth and depth of the specialization outside the College is normally defined by the graduate faculty representative from that specialization serving on your Supervisory Committee. 

The culminating experience for the Ph.D. degree is a predoctoral internship, which includes advanced, integrative, supervised experiences in applying science to practice. The predoctoral internship must be completed after the general exam is passed and the dissertation proposal has been approved.

The predoctoral internship requires an additional 1,500 hours of experience and can be completed in a school or non-school setting. Students are strongly encouraged to apply to APA-accredited predoctoral internship programs through the Association of Postdoctoral Psychology and Internship Centers (APPIC) Match process. Those who do not have the ability to complete APA accredited internships must complete local predoctoral internships that are CDSPP compliant.

Students take a required 27 dissertation credits after passing the oral general examination, complete an approved dissertation proposal prior to predoctoral internship,  and complete the dissertation either before or during the predoctoral internship.

Admission requirements and process

Preferential consideration is given to applicants who have had employment or volunteer experiences in P-12 schools and who also have research training and experience.

We accept applications once a year, for autumn quarter admission.  You must apply to the Graduate School by December 2 . Faculty reviews commence in January and continue until all vacancies are filled.

We are committed to recognizing and fostering the values derived from a diverse student population and are striving to promote increased diversity among practicing school psychologists. Toward this end, we apply a variety of criteria when evaluating applicants. We strongly encourage racially and ethnically diverse students to apply to this program.

A bachelor’s degree is required for applicants who will complete their Ed.S. degree coursework first. A degree may be in-progress when applying but it must be completed before the Program starts.

Applicants may apply to begin the Ph.D. coursework under ONE the following conditions:

  • They are enrolled in the UW Ed.S. degree in School Psychology Program and have completed at least two years of coursework,
  • They have completed their school psychologist certification, or
  • They have earned a master’s degree or Ed.S. in school psychology.
  • Include one transcript from each institution from which you've earned a degree and one from every institution you have attended in the previous 5 years.
  • Your transcripts must include your name, coursework, and degree (if completed).
  • If you are offered admission, the UW Graduate School will request an official transcript from your most recent degree earned.

The UW Graduate School requires a cumulative GPA of 3.0. However, we review your application holistically. If your GPA is below 3.0, contact us at [email protected] for advice on how to strengthen your overall application.

During the online application process, you will be given instructions for adding your recommenders and getting their letters submitted electronically. Your recommenders should be able to address:

  • your communication skills, both written and oral
  • your ability to interact productively with supervisors, peers, and children
  • your ability to function without supervision
  • your research competence and experience
  • your teaching, counseling and/or assessment skills 
  • other relevant aspects of your academic or professional development

A current academic and professional resume or vita is required. In addition to educational degrees and professional experience, you should include a list of all relevant awards, publications, presentations or other achievements that will help us to evaluate your application.

The admissions committee uses your statement of purpose, along with other evidence, to determine whether your goals are well-matched with our Program. Your statement should address goals, relevant experience, future plans, and how the desired specific program meets your needs. Include personal experiences that have prepared you for the challenge of graduate school, topics like:

  • Reasons for seeking entry into this program 
  • Post-baccalaureate experiences in teaching, counseling, and assessment  
  • Your professional aspirations
  • Your research interests

Your statement must be no more than 750 words (3 pages double-spaced) using 12-point font and 1-inch margins.

While optional, you can add to your application by submitting a personal history statement with each application. This statement should address your intellectual growth and development, inclusive of and beyond your academic goals. 

Statements should be no longer than two pages long, double-spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins.

  • Gather all required documents
  • Visit the Graduate School website
  • Log into your account or create a new profile if you are a first-time applicant
  • Complete all steps in application process and upload your documents
  • You may request a fee waiver during the application process
  • Submit your application

Here is our general timeline for decisions.

Step 1: Application processing

  • Within 7 business days after the deadline, we will check if your application if fully complete
  • We will email you whether your application is complete or incomplete
  • If your application is missing anything, you will have a short amount of time submit these items
  • You can also log into the online tool and check your status and see any missing items

Step 2: Application review

  • Committees begin reviewing applications about two weeks after the deadline
  • You will receiving an email when your application has entered the review phase

Step 3: Interview day

We host an interview day during the first or second week of February for finalists who remain competitive after the primary and secondary review of their application. For those who are unable to attend this event, a web based or phone interview with one or more members of the core faculty in school psychology is required. Interviews are only by invitation.

Step 4: Decision notification

  • The final decision will be emailed to you
  • Your status will also be updated in the online application tool

We value and welcoming applications from international students! If you are applying from outside the United States, there are additional requirements and application materials.

  • At minimum, you must have the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree (a four-year degree from an institution of recognized standing)
  • The national system of education in the foreign country
  • The type of institution
  • The field of study and level of studies completed
  • International transcripts must be submitted in the original language.
  • Your transcript should include date of graduation and title of the awarded academic degree
  • If your transcript is not in English, you must also provide a certified English translation
  • You do not need to have your transcript evaluated for the degree by an agency

Per  UW Graduate School policy , you must submit a demonstration of English language proficiency if your native language is not English and you did not earn a degree in one of the following countries:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • Trinidad and Tobago

The following tests are accepted if the test was taken fewer than two years ago:

  • Minimum score: 80
  • Recommended score: 92+
  • The UW's 4-digit code is 4854
  • University of Washington All Campuses, Organisation ID 365, Undergrad & Graduate Admis, Box 355850, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States of America
  • Minimum score: 6.5
  • Recommended score: 7.0+
  • School information for submission: University of Washington, All Campuses Undergraduate & Graduate Admission Box 355850 Seattle, WA 98195
  • Minimum score: 105
  • Recommended score: 125+
  • Follow the instructions on the Duolingo website to submit your scores

If apply and are offered admission to UW, you will need to submit a statement of financial ability.

Costs and funding

We are a tuition-based program. Estimated tuition rates are based on your residency: 

  • Washington state residents: $19,584 per year
  • Out-of-state students: $35,352 per year

Estimates are subject to change and may differ due to course load and summer quarter enrollment. Estimates include building fees, technology fees, U-Pass, etc. Additional program-specific fees are not included in this estimate.

View the UW tuition dashboard → Visit the Office of Planning & Budgeting →

Graduate Student General Scholarships

School psychology clinic.

The UW School Psychology Clinic serves as a training site for graduate students in the School Psychology Ed.S. and Ph.D. programs. All services are supervised by a licensed psychologist/clinician, along with a program faculty member. The center also services as a clinical-research site for faculty and students.

Clinic waiting area

Disclosure, outcomes and other data

We post Program data, including students’ time to completion, program costs, internship placement, attrition, licensure, and other disclosures.

View outcome data

Program Director

kristen missal

Kristen Missall

Program faculty.

Janine jones 2024

Janine Jones

Alexa Matlack

Alexa Matlack

James Mazza

James Mazza

Program staff.

Photo not available

Jen Haveman

Utah State University

Search Utah State University:

Psychology doctoral program.

Students are studying with their teacher on a field trip.

Psychology Department doctoral programs that prepare students to for clinical and/or laboratory research settings. Students accepted into the doctoral specializations receive tution awards and assistantship stipends to help them focus on their educational endeavors. Faculty actively collaborate with students on a variety of research projects to help mentor and establish students in their respective fields. Students are active in presenting at national conferences, authoring journal articles and book chapters, and submitting for grant funding.

At a glance.

5 specializations 4 years: average completion time


Counselor working with a kid in Sorenson lab

Behavior Analysis

Behavior Analysis provides students a solid understanding of conceptual, translational, basic and applied domains of behavior analysis. The specialization promotes an interdisciplinary and translational approach to behavior analysis.

Students conducting an experiment in lab

Brain and Cognition

Brain and Cognition o ffers students the opportunity to gain a PhD in psychology with a specialization in cognition and brain. The program is home to highly qualified faculty with varied interests including cognitive development, multisensory processing, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Counselor with a couple

Combined Clinical/Counseling

Combined Clinical/Counseling Provides a combined approach to doctoral-level training across the two practice areas of clinical and counseling psychology. Students receive training across a broad spectrum of problem areas, populations, settings, and approaches for a wide range of future potential careers.

Teacher interacting with children

School Psychology

Students trained in our School Psychology program work to support the behavioral/mental health and educational success of youth and their caregivers. Training focuses on developing scientific problem-solving skills as well as broad competencies in assessment, intervention, and consultation. 

Neuroscience professor with students around a table


Students in the neuroscience doctoral program are expected to align themselves with a focus area. Currently, these include  Translational Neuroscience ,  Educational Neuroscience , and  Lifespan Neuroscience .

Questions? Get in Touch.

Krista Terrell

Krista Terrell

Graduate Program Coordinator

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Current Students


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Admission Steps

School psychology - phd, admission requirements.

Terms and Deadlines

Degree and GPA Requirements

Additional Standards for Non-Native English Speakers

Additional standards for international applicants.

For the 2025-2026 academic year

See 2024-2025 requirements instead

Fall 2025 quarter (beginning in September)

Priority deadline: December 2, 2024

Final submission deadline: June 16, 2025

International submission deadline: May 5, 2025

Priority deadline: Applications will be considered after the Priority deadline provided space is available.

Final submission deadline: Applicants cannot submit applications after the final submission deadline.

Degrees and GPA Requirements

Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution.

University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for graduate study at the University of Denver must meet one of the following criteria:

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the baccalaureate degree.

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits (approximately two years of work) for the baccalaureate degree.

An earned master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the recognized equivalent from an international institution supersedes the minimum GPA requirement for the baccalaureate.

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate coursework completed for applicants who have not earned a master’s degree or higher.

Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), C1 Advanced or Duolingo English Test are required of all graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship status, whose native language is not English or who have been educated in countries where English is not the native language. Your TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years from the test date.

The minimum TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test score requirements for this degree program are:

Minimum TOEFL Score (Internet-based test): 80

Minimum IELTS Score: 6.5

Minimum C1 Advanced Score: 176

Minimum Duolingo English Test Score: 115

Additional Information:

Read the English Language Proficiency policy for more details.

Read the Required Tests for GTA Eligibility policy for more details.

Per Student & Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) regulation, international applicants must meet all standards for admission before an I-20 or DS-2019 is issued, [per U.S. Federal Register: 8 CFR § 214.3(k)] or is academically eligible for admission and is admitted [per 22 C.F.R. §62]. Read the Additional Standards For International Applicants policy for more details.

Application Materials

Transcripts, letters of recommendation.

Required Essays and Statements

Other Required Materials

We require a scanned copy of your transcripts from every college or university you have attended. Scanned copies must be clearly legible and sized to print on standard 8½-by-11-inch paper. Transcripts that do not show degrees awarded must also be accompanied by a scanned copy of the diploma or degree certificate. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than English, both the original documents and certified English translations are required.

Transcripts and proof of degree documents for postsecondary degrees earned from institutions outside of the United States will be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to assess U.S. education system equivalencies. Beginning July 2023, a non-refundable fee for this service will be required before the application is processed.

Upon admission to the University of Denver, official transcripts will be required from each institution attended.

Two (2) letters of recommendation are required.  Letters should be submitted by recommenders through the online application.

Essays and Statements

Personal statement instructions.

Please upload a letter of application (limit 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt. font). In your letter: (a) discuss your future professional goals; (b) describe how the School Psychology program at the University of Denver specifically, will contribute to and advance your goals; and (c) discuss how your goals will advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in school psychology; and (d) discuss your research interests and specific alignment with faculty who share similar interests.

Résumé Instructions

The résumé (or C.V.) should include work experience, research, and/or volunteer work.

Additional requirements for this program:

Applicants may be contacted to schedule a virtual admissions interview.

Start the Application

Online Application

Financial Aid Information

Start your application.

Your submitted materials will be reviewed once all materials and application fees have been received.

Our program can only consider your application for admission if our Office of Graduate Education has received all your online materials and supplemental materials by our application deadline.

Application Fee: $65.00 Application Fee

International Degree Evaluation Fee: $50.00 Evaluation Fee for degrees (bachelor's or higher) earned from institutions outside the United States.

Applicants should complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 15. Visit the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.

American Psychological Association Logo

APA virtual psychology graduate school fair

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Q&A session: 10 a.m.–noon (ET) Event time: Noon–4 p.m. (ET)


The APA Education Directorate is pleased to announce that the fall virtual APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is happening on October 30, 2024 from noon–4 p.m. (ET). In addition, APA staff will be available on the platform from 10 a.m.–noon to answer general graduate school questions prior to the recruitment event.

Registration for all prospective psychology graduate students is free. The goal of the APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is to virtually connect graduate psychology programs with a diverse group of students, including current undergraduates, graduate students seeking to further their education beyond their current degree, and individuals returning for their graduate education. The APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is open to all graduate psychology degree (MA/MS/PsyD/PhD/EdD/other) granting institutions in the U.S. and Canada, and all areas of psychology are encouraged to participate, including health service psychology, scientific and applied psychology, and general psychology programs.

Students who register will have the opportunity to meet virtually with recruiters from any of the participating programs. Individuals can come for a short time and meet with a select few recruiters or stay for the whole event and meet with everyone, depending on their schedule and interest.

Learn more and register

Remembering Professor Klaus A. Miczek

Klaus A. Miczek

The Tufts Psychology community remembers Klaus A. Miczek, Moses Hunt Professor of Psychology Emeritus, who passed away this summer at the age of 79. In addition to his appointment with the Department of Psychology, he was also a Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at the Tufts University School of Medicine, was a member of the Pharmacology and Neuroscience Programs at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and served as the longtime Director of the Behavior Core of the Neuroscience Research Center at Tufts.

Klaus Miczek arrived at the Department of Psychology at Tufts in 1979, after completing his initial education in Berlin, Germany, then his PhD in Biopsychology at the University of Chicago, and holding an assistant and then associate professorship at Carnegie-Mellon University. He then began a 45-year truly exemplary career of scholarship, teaching, mentorship, and service at Tufts.

Prof. Miczek was promoted to Professor in 1984 and, since 1994, held faculty appointments at the School of Medicine. His research focused on psychopharmacology concerning brain mechanisms of aggression, anxiety, social stress, and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. He published over 270 research journal articles, more than 50 reviews, and edited 24 volumes on psychopharmacological research. 

Prof. Miczek’s involvement in his field was prolific. He was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Association, and the New York Academy of Sciences, and was also a past president of both the Division of Psycho-pharmacology and the Behavioral Pharmacology Society. He was the 2006 recipient of the Tufts University Distinguished Scholar Award, the 2007 recipient of the Distinguished Scientist Award of the European Behavioral Pharmacology Society, and the 2021 recipient of the Brady-Shuster Award, a top honor in the Division of Psychopharmacology at the American Psychological Association. He served as Principal Investigator on dozens of R01 Research Grants from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. He served on several NIH study sections reviewing grant proposals, and also served as coordinating and principal editor of the journal Psychopharmacology for decades. 

Prof. Miczek received numerous other prizes in recognition of his outstanding contributions to his field including the Solvay Duphar Award of the Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse of the American Psychological Association, a MERIT award from NIAAA, and Silver Medals of the Charles University in the Czech Republic. He was also named the Boerhaave Professor at the medical faculty of Leiden University (Netherlands) and twice received the Japan International Science & Technology Fellowship at the University of Tokyo and Tsukuba. In 1997, the president of Germany bestowed the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit on him. 

In his decades at Tufts, Prof. Miczek taught dozens of undergraduate and graduate courses in areas such as Neurobiology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology, and Research Methods in Psychopharmacology.


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    September Payscale data for 2023 reports the average salary for graduates with a Psy.D. as $92,000. This is considerably higher than the 2023 national median salary of $48,060, and for many psychologists, the financial and emotional rewards justify the cost and time spent in a doctorate of psychology program.

  4. PhD Admissions

    The deadline to apply for the '25-26 PhD cohort this year is November 30, 2024. Applicants who are admitted to the program will matriculate in Autumn 2025. Our next admissions cycle will open in September 2025 and have a November 30, 2025 deadline. In addition to the information below, please review the Graduate Admissions website prior to ...

  5. Best Clinical Psychology Programs in America

    Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. #10 in Clinical Psychology (tie) Save. 4.3. Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental illness and psychological disorders. Graduates may find work in ...

  6. Psychology Graduate Program

    Psychology Graduate Office William James Hall 210 33 Kirkland Street Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-3810 [email protected]

  7. PhD Program

    The PhD is conferred upon candidates who have demonstrated substantial scholarship and the ability to conduct independent research and analysis in Psychology. A student typically concentrates in one of several areas within Psychology. Across all areas, the training program emphasizes the development of research competence, and students are ...

  8. Admissions

    Questions about the application or required materials should be directed to the Harvard Griffin GSAS Admissions Office at [email protected] or 617-496-6100. Harvard Griffin GSAS does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classification.

  9. Clinical

    The Clinical Psychology Program adheres to a clinical science model of training, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science. We are committed to training clinical psychologists whose research advances scientific knowledge of psychopathology and its treatment, and who are capable of applying evidence-based methods of ...

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  12. Graduate Program

    The Department of Psychology offers a PhD program in four areas: Clinical Science, Social, Developmental, and Cognition, Brain, and Behavior (CBB). Admissions information, program requirements, funding and financial aid details, and other resources for the graduate program are detailed on the Psychology Graduate Program website and on the Harvard Griffin GSAS website.

  13. Psychology, PhD

    Psychology, PhD. Program Requirements. The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences emphasizes training and experience in the research methods essential to the development of new knowledge in the various sub-fields of psychology. Our core program for doctoral students emphasizes scientific methodology and provides rigorous research training.

  14. Doctoral Admissions

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  15. PhD Degree Requirements

    Students in our PhD program conduct in-depth research in at least one of five areas of study: Affective, Cognitive, Developmental, Neuroscience, or Social Psychology. All students are expected to spend at least half of their time engaged in research. Each quarter, students should register for 8 - 10 research units (PSYCH207: Graduate Research ...

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    Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology. This series of 12 videos takes prospective graduate students step-by-step through the preparation, application, interview, and admission processes. The presenters combine decades of advising experience and research findings with evidence-based and anxiety-reducing strategies for ...

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    3 (tie). Stony Brook University—SUNY. Location: Stony Brook, New York. Peer reputation score (scale of 1-5): 4.6. Key facts about the program: This Ph.D. program in clinical psychology is most ...

  18. Psychology

    The Department of Psychology offers a graduate program leading to a PhD in psychology. The program offers four main specializations, behavioral neuroscience, cognition, perception, and personality/social, with cross-cutting themes in affective science, lifespan development, and health. The main objective of the program is to train a select ...

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  20. Psychology

    About the Program. The Ph.D. in Psychology at Georgetown University offers a fully funded five-year, full-time program of study. Students in the program concentrate in either Human Development and Public Policy (HDPP) or Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience (LCN). The program is fundamentally a research program.

  21. Graduate Program

    The focus of Columbia's graduate program in Psychology is on the training of Ph.D. students in research, teaching and scholarship in the areas of behavioral neuroscience, perception, cognition and social-personality psychology. This graduate program does not offer training in clinical psychology, school, counseling or industrial psychology.

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    Determining how to pay for your studies is one of the most important considerations in deciding whether to earn a counseling psychology Ph.D. According to the National Center for Education Statistics Postsecondary Student Aid Study, the median annual tuition and fees for a psychology doctorate in 2020 was $13,440.

  23. School Psychology (Ph.D.)

    The School Psychology Ph.D. degree prepares leaders in the field of research and practice within school psychology. Our program stresses the expanded role of the school psychologist and offers formal coursework and practica in assessment, consultation, intervention, and counseling. Our philosophy is grounded in the scientist-practitioner model ...

  24. Doctoral Program Overview

    Brain and Cognition o ffers students the opportunity to gain a PhD in psychology with a specialization in cognition and brain. The program is home to highly qualified faculty with varied interests including cognitive development, multisensory processing, and neuropsychiatric disorders. ... Contact Us. CEHS Facebook; CEHS Twitter; CEHS YouTube ...

  25. School Psychology

    Degrees and GPA Requirements Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution. University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for graduate study at the University of Denver must meet one of the following criteria:

  26. Psychology PhD Wiki

    Welcome to the Psychology PhD Wiki. This crowdsourced site is intended to provide information to applicants about the status of open PhD positions with deadlines this fall or winter, which would thus begin in the fall of 2025.The wikis for previous years are still available. If this is your first time visiting the wiki, please read through the instructions to become familiar with how it works.

  27. APA virtual psychology graduate school fair

    The APA Education Directorate is pleased to announce that the fall virtual APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is happening on October 30, 2024 from noon-4 p.m. (ET). In addition, APA staff will be available on the platform from 10 a.m.-noon to answer general graduate school questions prior to the recruitment event.

  28. Remembering Professor Klaus A. Miczek

    Contact Us. Department of Psychology Tufts University 490 Boston Avenue Medford, MA 02155 Office: 617-627-3523 Fax: 617-627-3181 Email Department

  29. Program Requirements

    Degree Requirements. All new matriculants in the Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology program are required to complete 42 credits. This includes 39 credits of coursework plus three credits for an externship of 300 hours or the prospectus/thesis. There is no qualifying exam for this degree.

  30. Graduate Certificate in Business Psychology

    The Graduate Certificate in Business Psychology is designed for graduates from a variety of disciplines seeking to advance their leadership and management skills from a psychological perspective to enhance performance and wellbeing across workplace contexts, provide business leadership, build professional relationships, influence meaningful organisational change, and create humane workplaces.