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20 Word Problems For Year 4: Develop Their Problem Solving Skills Across Single and Mixed KS2 Topics

Emma Johnson

Word problems for Year 4 play an important role in Year 4 maths. In Year 4, the main focus is to ensure that pupils are becoming more fluent with whole numbers and the four operations. Students work to develop efficient written methods and to be accurate with their calculations. Pupils in Year 4 are exposed to a wider range of problem-solving questions and progress from one to two-step problems.

It is important that all children are given regular opportunities to access reasoning and word problem style questions. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving should be intertwined through every lesson, with all children having the opportunity to tackle each of these question types. 

All Kinds of Word Problems Multiplication

All Kinds of Word Problems Multiplication

Strengthen your students' problem solving and multiplication skills with this pack of multiplication word problems

Place value 

Addition and subtraction , multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, measurement, why are word problems important in year 4 maths, how to teach problem solving in year 4, addition word problems for year 4, subtraction word problems for year 4, multiplication word problems for year 4, division word problems for year 4, fraction and decimal word problems in year 4, time word problems in year 4, multi-step word problems in year 4., more primary word problems resources.

There can sometimes be a tendency for reasoning and problem solving questions to be treated as extension activities for only the higher attaining pupils to attempt, but children of all abilities need to be accessing them on a regular basis.

To help you with this, we have put together a collection of 20 word problems aimed at Year 4 pupils. For more Year 4 maths resources, take a look at our collection of Year 4 maths worksheets .

Year 4 Maths Word Problems in the National Curriculum

In Year 4, pupils progress from solving one-step problems, to also being exposed to two-step problems across a range of topics, as set out in the National Curriculum.

Solve word problems involving counting in multiples of 6,7,9, 25 and 100; finding 1000 more or less than a given number; counting backwards through 0 to include negative numbers; ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000 and rounding numbers to the nearest 10. 100 and 1000

Solve addition and subtraction word problems with up to 4 digits, including two-step word problems, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two-digit numbers by 1 digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems.

Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions word problems to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number. Also Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to 2 decimal places.

Solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes, minutes to seconds, years to months, weeks to days.

Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.

Word problems are increasingly important as pupils move through Key Stage 2. As they become more confident with some of the core concepts pupils need to be applying this knowledge to a range of situations. By the end of Year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 times table and should be showing precision and fluency in their work.

Word problems in Year 4 should be fun and engaging for students. There are many ways to do this, including:

  • acting out the problem;
  • using manipulatives and visual images to help children understand the maths within the problem;
  • use of talk partners to encourage children to discuss the question and share strategies for reaching a solution;
  • using relatable problem solving situations.

Children need to be encouraged to read word problem questions carefully, to ensure they have identified the key information needed to be able to solve the problem. Pupils need to think about what they already know and how that information can help them to answer the question. They should also be encouraged to draw pictures and visual images, where appropriate, to help them to understand what the question is asking.

Here is an example:

A shop has an 8m roll of fabric.

The first customer buys 125cm of fabric and the second customer buys 3m from the same roll.

How much fabric is left on the roll, once the two customers have taken theirs?

How to solve:

What do you already know?

  • The amount the first customer buys is given in cm, the amount the second customer buys is given in m. These needed to be converted to the same unit.
  • Pupils in Year 4 need to be able to convert cm to m and vice versa. In this question, both the cm can be given as m or the m changed to cm to solve it.
  • Once the units are the same, the two amounts need to be added together, to work out the total amount bought by the two customers.
  • We can see this is a two-step question. To calculate how much fabric is left on the roll, the total amount bought by the two customers needs to be subtracted from the initial amount of fabric on the roll.

How can this be drawn/represented pictorially?

We can draw a bar model to represent this problem:

pictoral bar model

  • To calculate the total amount of fabric bought, we need the units to be the same. We can either calculate in cm (300cm + 125cm = 425cm) or in m (3m + 1.25m = 4.25m)
  • The amount of material bought needs to be subtracted from the original amount. This can again be solved in m or cm. Either in m: 8m – 4.25m = 3.75m or in cm: 800cm – 425cm = 375cm
  • The total amount of material left is 3.75m or 375cm

In Year 4, addition word problems involve questions up to 4-digit numbers. They can include one and two-step addition and incorporate a range of concepts, such as measures and money word problems  

Addition question 1

It is 4164 miles to travel from London to Doha and 3266 miles to travel from Doha to Bangkok.

How far is it to travel from London to Bangkok, if the flight stops in Doha first?

Answer (1 mark): 7430 miles

long addition

Addition question 2

Fill in the missing numbers in this calculation.

long addition workings

Answer (1 mark): 6840

long addition answer

Addition question 3

On Saturday, 5486 fans attended a football game and 3748 fans attended a rugby game.

How many fans watched the two games in total?

Answer (1 mark): 9234

long addition question

Subtraction word problems in Year 4, also involve numbers up to 4-digits, including both one and two-step problems, covering a range of concepts. By this stage, children should be confident in estimating and using the inverse, to check calculations.

Subtraction question 1

3241 people visited the zoo on Saturday.

On Sunday 2876 people visited.

How many more people visited the lake on Saturday than on Sunday?

Answer (1 mark): 365

 3241 – 2876 = 365

column subtraction

Subtraction question 2

 A teacher prints out 1242 worksheets in a term.

If 435 were maths worksheets, how many did she print out for the other subjects?

Answer (1 mark): 807

column subtraction workings

Subtraction question 3

The temperature in Toronto dropped to minus 15 degrees celcius in December. 

In July the temperature was 47 degrees celsius warmer than it was in December. What was the temperature in July? 

Answer (1 mark): 32 degrees warmer

47 – 15 degrees = 32 degrees celsius

Counting on 47 degrees from minus 15 degrees  = 32 degrees celsius

In Year 4, multiplication word problems can include recalling facts for times tables up to 12 x 12 and multiplying two and three-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, using formal written layout.  

Multiplication question 1

All the pupils in Year 4 complete a mental maths test.

27 pupils score 9 marks out of 10.

What is the total number of marks scored by the 27 pupils?

Answer (1 mark): 243

27 x 9 = 243

column multiplication

Multiplication question 2

Year 3 and 4 children from a local primary school go on a school trip. 

Six mini buses are used to transport the children.

 There are 17 children on each minibus.

How many children go on the school trip?

Answer (1 mark): 102

17 x 6 = 102 children

column multiplication

Multiplication question 3

Biscuits come in packs of 18.

Mrs Smith buys 8 packs for the parents at the Y4 maths workshop.

How many biscuits does she buy altogether?

Answer (1 mark): 144 biscuits

column addition question

Division word problems in year 4 require pupils to be able to recall division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. Formal written method of division isn’t a requirement until Year 5 however, many schools choose to teach the formal method in Year 4. Pupils need to understand the concept of grouping and sharing and to understand the link between multiplication & division.

Division question 1

Sam has 28 friends coming to his birthday party.

Each child will receive a cupcake, which come in packs of 4.

How many packs of cupcakes will Sam need to buy?

Answer (1 mark): 7 packs

28 ÷ 4 = 7 

Division question 2

4 children raised £96 between them on a sponsored walk.

If they split the money evenly between the four of them, how much did each pupil raise?

Answer (1 mark): £24 each

96 ÷ 4 = 24

Division question 3

Ahmed is thinking of a number

He says, ‘when I divide my number by 12, the answer is 108.

What number was Ahmed thinking of?

Answer (1 mark): 9

108 ÷ 12 = 9

In Year 4, decimal and fraction problems involve increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions, where the answer is a whole number. Decimal word problems include measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals up to 2 decimal places.

Fraction and decimal question 1

Jamie has 18 sweets. 

He gives \frac{1}{6} of the sweets to his friend and keeps the rest himself.

How many sweets does Jamie have now?

Answer (1 mark): 15 sweets

\frac{1}{6} of 18 = 3

18 – 3 = 15

Fraction and decimal question 2

Jaxon collected 36 conkers. 

\frac{1}{4} of the conkers fell out of a hole in his bag, when he was walking home.

How many conkers did Jaxon have left, when he got home?

\frac{1}{4} of 36 = 9

36 – 9 = 37      or      \frac{3}{4} of 36 = 29 (3 x 9)

Fraction and decimal question 3

Sara ate \frac{3}{12} of a chocolate bar and gave \frac{2}{12} to her friend.

What fraction of the chocolate bar did she have left? 

 Answer (1 mark): \frac{7}{12}

In Year 4, time word problems include: converting from hours to minutes, minutes to seconds, years to months and weeks to days.

Time question 1 

A cake was put in the oven at 4:35pm and taken out at 4:57pm.

How long was the cake in the oven?

Answer (1 mark): 22 minutes

57-35 = 22 minutes

Using an number line: 

time number line

Time question 2

It took Evie 25 minutes to complete a page of number problems. 

If she started at 2:45pm. What time did she finish?

Answer (1 mark): 3:10pm

In Year 4, children are introduced to multi-step word problems requiring up to two steps. These problems cover a range of concepts, including the four operations, fractions, decimals and measures.

Third Space Learning’s online one-to-one tutoring frequently incorporates multi-step questions to test students’ knowledge and problem solving skills. Our personalised tutoring programme works to identify gaps in students’ learning, fill those gaps, reinforce students’ knowledge and build confidence.

year 4 word problem lesson slide

Multi-step question 1

There are 6 handwriting pens in each pack.

A class has 30 children and each child needs 2 handwriting pens.

How many packs will the teacher need to buy?

Answer (2 marks): 10 packs of handwriting pens.

30 x 2 = 60

Multi-step question 2

 Sophie has £4.50.

She buy 3 books at a carboot sale, costing 50p, 65p and £1.20.

How much money does she have left?

Answer (2 marks): £2.15 left

multi-step question

Multi-step question 3

Abullah is thinking of a number.

He doubles the number and adds 7.

He gets an answer of 25. 

What was his original number?

Answer (2 marks): 9

multi-step question subtraction and division

Third Space Learning offers word problems for all primary year groups. Take a look at our word problems for year 3 , word problems for year 5 and word problems for year 6 . Our word problems span a range of topics such as ratio word problems and percentage word problems .


Every week Third Space Learning’s specialist primary maths tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1 to 1 maths lessons designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn how tutors develop pupils’ maths fluency or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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Year 4 Maths Worksheets UK Hub Page

Welcome to our Year 4 Maths Worksheets Hub page.

Here you will find our selection of printable maths worksheets for Year 4 children, for your child will enjoy.

Take a look at our times table colouring pages, or maybe some of our fraction of shapes worksheets. Perhaps you would prefer our time worksheets, or learning about line or block symmetry?

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  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Year 4 Maths Learning

Here are some of the key learning objectives for the end of Year 4:

  • know and use Place value up to 4 digits
  • Compare and order numbers up to 10,000
  • Counting on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s from different starting points
  • Position numbers on a number line up to 10,000
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
  • Count backwards through zero and use negative numbers.
  • add and subtract with up to 4 digits in columns
  • add or subtract 1s, 10s, 100s or 1000s from a 4-digit number
  • solve 2-step problems using addition and subtraction
  • recall and use multiplication and division facts up to 12x12
  • recognise and use factor pairs
  • multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number
  • solve problems using multiplication and division
  • count up and down in hundredths
  • recognise and use equivalent fractions
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
  • solve fraction problems including with non-unit fractions
  • write common fractions such halves and quarters as decimals;
  • understand tenths and hundredths as decimals
  • round decimals with 1dp to the nearest whole
  • compare numbers with up to 2dp
  • solve simple money and measure problems
  • measure, compare and calculate using different measures
  • find the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles
  • convert between 12- and 24-hour clock
  • convert between different units of measure
  • identify and order acute and obtuse angles
  • compare and classify 2D and 3D shapes according to their properties
  • identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes
  • use coordinates in the first quadrant
  • translate shapes up, down, left and right
  • interpret and present data in bar graphs, pictograms and tabels
  • solve 1-step and 2-step problems using data in tables, pictograms and graphs

Please note:

Our site is mainly based around the US Elementary school math standards.

Though the links on this page are all designed primarily for students in the US, but they are also at the correct level and standard for UK students.

The main issue is that some of the spelling is different and this site uses US spelling.

Year 4 is generally equivalent to 3rd Grade in the US.

On this page you will find link to our range of math worksheets for Year 4 pupils.

Quicklinks to Year 4 ...

  • Online 3rd Grade Practice
  • Place Value Zone
  • Mental Math Zone

Word Problems Zone

Fractions zone.

  • Measurement Zone

Geometry Zone

Data analysis zone.

  • Fun Zone: games and puzzles

Coronavirus Stay At Home Support

For those parents who have found themselves unexpectedly at home with the kids and need some emergency activities for them to do, we have started to develop some Maths Grab Packs for kids in the UK.

Each pack consists of at least 10 mixed math worksheets on a variety of topics to help you keep you child occupied and learning.

The idea behind them is that they can be used out-of-the-box for some quick maths activities for your child.

They are completely FREE - take a look!

  • Free Maths Grabs Packs

Place Value & Number Sense Zone

Year 4 numbers & place value worksheets.

Using these Year 4 maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • learn their place value with 4 digit numbers;
  • use place value models to understand how to combine thousands, hundreds, tens and ones;
  • understand the value of each digit in a 4 digit number;
  • learn to use standard and expanded form with 4 digit numbers.
  • learn to read and write Roman numerals
  • Place Value Models 4 Digits
  • Place Value 4 Digit Numbers Worksheets (conversion)
  • Ordering 4-Digit Numbers
  • Ordering Negative Numbers -10 to 10
  • Roman Numerals worksheets

Year 4 Counting & Sequences Worksheets

Each worksheets consists of a sequence which has been partially filled in. The rest of each sequence must be completed.

At this grade, the focus is on counting on and back in constant steps of a digit.

  • Counting on and back by digits

Rounding, Inequalities, Multiples and Balancing Equations

Using these Year 4 Maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • round a number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000;
  • use the > and < symbols correctly for inequalities;
  • use multiples and apply them to solve problems.
  • learn to balance math equations
  • Rounding to the nearest 10 Worksheets
  • Rounding to the nearest 100 worksheets
  • Rounding to the nearest 1000 worksheets
  • Rounding Inequalities Multiples Worksheets
  • Balancing Math Equations

Year 4 Mental Math Zone

Here you will find a range of printable Year 4 mental maths quizzes for your child to enjoy.

Each quiz tests the children on a range of math topics from number facts and mental arithmetic to geometry, fraction and measures questions.

A great way to revise topics, or use as a weekly math quiz!

  • Year 4 Mental Maths Test sheets

Number Bonds Worksheets

The worksheets on this page will help to develop children's knowledge of numbers bonds to 20, 50 and 100.

There are a range of matching and wordsearches for children to enjoy whilst developing their number bond knowledge.

  • Number Bonds to 50 and 100

Top of Page

Year 4 Addition Worksheets

  • learn to add numbers mentally to 100;
  • add on 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to different numbers;
  • learn to add 4 digit numbers in columns;
  • Addition Facts Worksheets to 100+100
  • 4-Digit Addition Worksheets
  • Money Addition Worksheets (£ )

Year 4 Subtraction Worksheets (3rd Grade)

Using these subtraction worksheets will help your child to:

  • learn to subtract numbers mentally to 100;
  • learn to do 4 Digit column subtraction.
  • Third Grade Subtraction Worksheets 1s 10s 100s
  • 4 Digit Subtraction Worksheets
  • Money Subtraction Worksheets UK (£ )

Year 4 Multiplication Worksheets

  • learn their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12;
  • understand and use different models of multiplication;
  • solve a range of Year 4 Multiplication problems.

Online Times Table Practice

  • Times Tables Practice Zone

Understanding Multiplication

  • Understanding Multiplication Facts Worksheets to 10x10

Multiplication Table Worksheets

  • Multiplication Table Worksheets - 2 3 4 5 10
  • Multiplication Drill Sheets 6 7 8 9
  • Fun Multiplication Worksheets to 10x10
  • Times Table Worksheets Circles 1 to 12 tables
  • Multiplying (integers) by 10 and 100 Worksheets
  • Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100

2-Digit Multiplication

  • 2 Digit Multiplication Worksheets

Multiplication Word Problems

  • Year 4 Multiplication Word Problem Worksheets (3rd Grade)

Randomly Generated Multiplication Worksheets

Using our random worksheet generator, you can:

  • Choose the tables you want to test;
  • Choose how big you want the numbers to go - up to 5 times, 10 times or bigger!
  • Choose how many questions per page.
  • Times Tables Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Free Multiplication Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Single Digit Multiplication Worksheets Generator
  • Multiplication & Division Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 4 Division Worksheets

Using these Year 4 Maths worksheets will help your child learn to:

  • understand how division and multiplication relate to one another;
  • know their division facts to 10x10;
  • begin to learn 2-digit by 1-digit long division.
  • Division Facts to 10x10 Worksheets
  • Divding by Multiples of 10 and 100 Worksheets
  • Year 4 Long Division Worksheets (3rd grade)
  • Division Facts Worksheets (randomly generated)

Using the 3rd Grade Math worksheets will help your child to:

  • apply their addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills;
  • develop their knowledge of fractions;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of 'real life' problems.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems.

  • Year 4 Math Problems (3rd Grade)

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • Year 4 Math Word Problems for kids (3rd Grade)

These sheets involve solving 3-digit and 4-digit addition word problems.

  • Addition Word Problems 3rd Grade (3- and 4-digits)

These sheets involve solving 3-digit and 4-digit subtraction problems.

  • Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade

These sheets involve solving a range of multiplciation problems.

These sheets involve solving a range of division problems.

  • Division Worksheets Grade 3 Word Problems

Year 4 Fraction Worksheets

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • understand what fractions are;
  • relate fractions to everyday objects and quantities;
  • place different fractions on a number line;
  • shade in different fractions of a shapes;
  • work out unit fractions of numbers.

what is a mixed number image

  • What is a Mixed Number Support page
  • Finding Fractions - Fraction Spotting
  • Fractions of Shapes Worksheets
  • Unit Fraction of Numbers
  • Halves and Quarters (up to 100)
  • Fraction Number Line Sheets
  • Adding Fractions with Like Denominators
  • Subtracting Fractions with like denominators
  • Fraction Riddles for kids (easier)

Year 4 Geometry Worksheets

The following worksheets will help your child to:

  • Identify and name a range of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • Draw 2d shapes;
  • Use reflective symmetry to reflect shapes in a mirror line.
  • recognise and identify right angles and lines of symmetry;
  • recognise and identify parallel lines;
  • identify the faces, edges, vertices and nets of 3d shapes;
  • Year 4 Free Printable Geometry Worksheets
  • Block Symmetry Worksheet
  • Line Symmetry Worksheets
  • Symmetry Activities
  • Geometry Nets Information and Worksheets

Measurement Zone, including Time & Money

Year 4 measurement worksheets.

  • Year 4 Measurement Worksheets - reading scales
  • Metric Conversion Worksheets

Year 4 Money Worksheets

Using challenges is a great way to get kids to use their thinking skills and extend learning by applying the knowledge they have.

  • count a range of coins up to £10
  • compare money amounts
  • apply their existing skills to puzzle out clues;
  • understand money terminology;
  • develop their thinking skills.
  • Year 4 Money Challenges
  • Column Addition Money Worksheets (UK)
  • Column Subtraction Money Worksheets (UK)

Area and Perimeter Worksheets

  • understand area and perimeter;
  • learn how to find the area and perimeter of rectangles.
  • Area Worksheets
  • Perimeter Worksheets

Time Worksheets

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes;
  • become familiar with both digital and analogue times;
  • use the words 'past' and 'to' to describe the time correctly.
  • add and subtract time intervals from times and work out time intervals.
  • Add and Subtract Time Worksheets
  • Elapsed Time Worksheets
  • Printable Time Worksheets - Time Puzzles (easier)
  • 24 Hour Clock Conversion Worksheets

On this page there are a selection of bar and picture graphs, including bar graphs with real-life data such as tree heights.

  • Year 4 Bar Graph Worksheets (3rd grade)
  • Year 4 Venn Diagram Worksheets

Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles

Year 4 maths games.

The following games involve different Year 4 Maths activities which you and your child can enjoy together.

  • Year 4 / Third Grade Math Games

Year 4 Math Puzzles

The puzzles will help your child practice and apply their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts as well as developing their thinking and reasoning skills in a fun and engaging way.

  • Year 4 Math Puzzle Worksheets (3rd Grade)

Math Salamanders Year 4 Maths Games Ebook

Our Year 4 Maths Games Ebook contains all of our fun maths games, complete with instructions and resources.

This ebooklet is available in our store - use the link below to find out more!

  • Year 4 Maths Games Ebook

Other UK Maths Worksheet pages

See below for our other maths worksheets hub pages designed for children in the UK.

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

  • How to Print support

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Daily Maths Word Problems - Year 4 (Worksheets)

Updated:  06 Dec 2019

A set of 20 problem-solving questions suited to year 4 students.

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  6 Pages

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  AUS V8, NSW, VIC, AUS V9
  • Adobe Reader (pdf) Sign up to Plus

Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems

WholeNumbers - applies place value to order, read and represent numbers of up to five digits

Develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder

Daily Maths Word Problems - Year 4 (Worksheets) teaching resource

This set of problem-solving questions has been designed to support teachers when teaching students about problem-solving in mathematics.

It provides students with the opportunity to work through 20 maths word problems, identifying the important information and how they can work it out using a variety of methods.

An answer sheet has been included.

Image of Daily Maths Problems - Year 4

teaching resource

Daily maths problems - year 4.

A 44 slide editable PowerPoint Template for problem solving in mathematics.

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Word Problems Worksheets for Year 4

Browse printable Word Problems worksheets for free and make your child's practice sessions fun and exciting. These year 4 worksheets engage children's cognitive processes and help enhance their creativity and memory retention skills. Get started now!

problem solving word problems year 4


  • Lesson Plans
  • Maths (1,304)
  • Number Sense (161)
  • Compare Numbers (28)
  • Compare 3-Digit Numbers (19)
  • Order Numbers (21)
  • Order 3-Digit Numbers (10)
  • Skip Counting (32)
  • Skip Count By 10 (3)
  • Even And Odd Numbers (24)
  • Place Value (33)
  • Round Numbers (21)
  • Round Numbers To The Nearest 10 (10)
  • Round Numbers To The Nearest 100 (10)
  • Addition (156)
  • Addition Properties (6)
  • Addition Strategies (29)
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  • Multiplication Strategies (65)
  • Multiplication With Equal Groups (25)
  • Multiplication With Arrays (23)
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Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Solve Addition Problems Using Bar Model Worksheet

Solve Addition Problems Using Bar Model Worksheet

Dive into this fun-filled worksheet by practicing to solve addition problems using bar models.

Represent the Given Situation as Addition Sentence Worksheet

Represent the Given Situation as Addition Sentence Worksheet

Learners must represent the given situation as an addition sentence to enhance their math skills.

Add 3 Numbers within 1000: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Add 3 Numbers within 1000: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging summer-themed worksheet for students to practice adding three numbers within 1,000.

Add 3 Numbers within 100: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Add 3 Numbers within 100: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

A fun summer-themed worksheet designed to help students add three numbers within 100.

Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

Identify the Equation for the Given Problem Worksheet

Identify the Equation for the Given Problem Worksheet

Assess your math skills by identifying the equation for the given problem in this worksheet.

Complete the Problem - Worksheet

Complete the Problem Worksheet

Enhance subtraction skills with this worksheet on comparing word problems in Mathematics.

Subtract within 1000: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

Engage with this summer-themed worksheet to master subtraction within 1,000 through word problems.

Subtract to Find the Answer within 20 - Worksheet

Subtract to Find the Answer within 20 Worksheet

Boost subtraction skills with this worksheet on comparing word problems within 20.

Multiplication Word Problems Worksheets

Solve Using Your Own Numbers Worksheet

Solve Using Your Own Numbers Worksheet

Print this worksheet to practice solving using your own numbers like a math legend!

Story Creation for Given Expressions Worksheet

Story Creation for Given Expressions Worksheet

Focus on core math skills by practicing story creation for the given expressions.

Express Using Multiplication Sentences Worksheet

Express Using Multiplication Sentences Worksheet

Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing to express using multiplication sentences.

Complete the Word Problem for Equal Groups Worksheet

Complete the Word Problem for Equal Groups Worksheet

Help your child revise multiplication by solving word problems for equal groups.

Division Word Problems Worksheets

Solving Problems on Division Worksheet

Solving Problems on Division Worksheet

Put your skills to the test by practicing to solve problems on division.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Halloween-themed worksheet to enhance skills in dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Use Multiplication to Solve Division Word Problems Worksheet

Use Multiplication to Solve Division Word Problems Worksheet

Boost your ability to use multiplication to solve division word problems by printing this worksheet.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

A summer-themed worksheet for students to practice dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheets

Solve Two-Step Story Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Solve Two-Step Story Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Assess your math skills by solving two-step story problems on the same operation.

Solve Two-Step Word Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Solve Two-Step Word Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Make math practice a joyride by solving two-step word problems on the same operation.

Solving Mystery Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Solving Mystery Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Put your skills to the test by solving mystery problems on the same operation.

Model and Solve Mystery Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Model and Solve Mystery Problems on Same Operation Worksheet

Use this printable worksheet to model and solve mystery problems on the same operation.

All Word Problems Worksheets

Identify the Correct Expression for the Addition Scenario - Worksheet

Identify the Correct Expression for the Addition Scenario Worksheet

Boost addition skills with this worksheet on comparing word problems to find the correct expression.

Identify the Correct Expression for the Subtraction Scenario - Worksheet

Identify the Correct Expression for the Subtraction Scenario Worksheet

Enhance subtraction skills with this worksheet on comparing word problems effectively.

Apply Fractions to Compare Worksheet

Apply Fractions to Compare Worksheet

Combine math learning with adventure by applying fractions to compare.

Identify the Correct Addition Scenario - Worksheet

Identify the Correct Addition Scenario Worksheet

Boost your child's skills with this worksheet on comparing word problems using addition scenarios.

Identify the Correct Subtraction Scenario - Worksheet

Identify the Correct Subtraction Scenario Worksheet

Improve subtraction skills with this worksheet on comparing word problem scenarios.

Find Numerator to Have the Same Amount Worksheet

Find Numerator to Have the Same Amount Worksheet

Be on your way to become a mathematician by finding the numerator to have the same amount.

Select the Correct Equation for Addition Scenarios - Worksheet

Select the Correct Equation for Addition Scenarios Worksheet

Boost addition skills with this worksheet on choosing the correct equation for word problems.

Select the Correct Equation for Subtraction Scenarios - Worksheet

Select the Correct Equation for Subtraction Scenarios Worksheet

Boost subtraction skills with this engaging worksheet on comparing word problems!

Determine True or False Worksheet

Determine True or False Worksheet

Assess your math skills by determining true or false in this worksheet.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Christmas Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet

Christmas-themed worksheet to practice dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers through word problems.

Solve Two-Step Word Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Solve Two-Step Word Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

In this worksheet, learners will get to solve two-step word problems on addition & subtraction.

Use Bar Model to Solve Addition Story Problems Worksheet

Use Bar Model to Solve Addition Story Problems Worksheet

Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by using bar models to solve addition story problems.

Multiplication Word Problems using Equal Groups Worksheet

Multiplication Word Problems using Equal Groups Worksheet

Focus on core math skills by solving multiplication word problems using equal groups.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Shopping Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet

Interactive worksheet for solving shopping themed division problems with 2-digit by 1-digit numbers.

Solve Two-Step Story Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Solve Two-Step Story Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Become a mathematician by solving two-step story problems on addition & subtraction.

Add to Find the Answer within 20 - Worksheet

Add to Find the Answer within 20 Worksheet

Enhance your child's addition skills with this engaging worksheet on comparing word problems.

Subtract to Find How Many Fewer - Worksheet

Subtract to Find How Many Fewer Worksheet

Enhance subtraction skills with this worksheet on subtraction to compare word problems.

Word Problems on Multiplication Worksheet

Word Problems on Multiplication Worksheet

Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing word problems on multiplication.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Travel Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Travel Word Problems Worksheet

This worksheet involves solving travel-themed word problems by dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Solving Mystery Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Solving Mystery Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Boost your math skills by solving mystery problems on addition & subtraction.

Make a Model to Represent the Problem Worksheet

Make a Model to Represent the Problem Worksheet

Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to make a model to represent the given problem.

Multiplication Word Problems Worksheet

Multiplication Word Problems Worksheet

Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing multiplication word problems.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Sports Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Sports Word Problems Worksheet

Sports-themed worksheet to practice dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit through word problems.

Model and Solve Mystery Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Model and Solve Mystery Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet

Focus on core math skills by modeling and solving problems on addition & subtraction.

Subtract within 1000: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Improve your subtraction skills within 1,000 with this fun, Halloween-themed word problem worksheet.

Multiply Two 1-digit Numbers: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Multiply Two 1-digit Numbers: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

A summer-themed worksheet for students, solving word problems involving multiplication of two 1-digit numbers.

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Cooking Word Problems - Worksheet

Divide 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet

This worksheet blends cooking themes with math, guiding students to divide 2-digit by 1-digit numbers.

Comparison Word Problems Using Bar Model Worksheet

Comparison Word Problems Using Bar Model Worksheet

Assess your math skills by comparing word problems using bar model in this worksheet.

Add 3 Numbers within 100: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Add 3 Numbers within 100: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Solve fun Halloween-themed word problems worksheet that challenge you to add three numbers within 100.

Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs.

Free Printable Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheets for 4th Year

Multi-Step Word Problems: Discover an extensive collection of free printable worksheets for Year 4 Math students, crafted by Quizizz to enhance problem-solving skills and boost mathematical understanding.


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Explore printable Multi-Step Word Problems worksheets for 4th Year

Multi-Step Word Problems worksheets for Year 4 are an essential tool for teachers to help their students develop strong problem-solving skills in math. These worksheets provide a variety of challenging math word problems that require students to use multiple steps and operations to find the solution. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their Year 4 students are exposed to a diverse range of mathematical concepts, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Furthermore, these worksheets can be easily adapted to suit individual student needs, allowing teachers to differentiate instruction and cater to various learning styles. With Multi-Step Word Problems worksheets for Year 4, teachers can effectively engage their students in the exciting world of math and help them build a strong foundation for future success.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to access a wide variety of educational resources, including Multi-Step Word Problems worksheets for Year 4. This interactive platform offers a vast collection of math word problems and other engaging activities, allowing teachers to create customized quizzes and assignments for their students. In addition to worksheets, Quizizz also offers features such as real-time feedback, gamification, and progress tracking, making it an ideal tool for enhancing student learning and motivation. By incorporating Quizizz into their teaching strategies, teachers can not only provide their Year 4 students with valuable practice in solving multi-step word problems but also foster a fun and interactive learning environment that promotes student success in math.

Word Problems Year 4: Fun And Engaging Activities For Your Class

Share this post, table of contents, word problems year 4 - act them out.

Rather than simply working out the problem, get your students to act out the problem! 

For example if your students are trying to work out this word problem: cinema tickets are £6 and 8 people are going. 

How much did they pay altogether? You could print out 8 cinema tickets and have students work in a group to figure out the cost (8 students are going to the cinema and 1 person is the cashier). 

This is a fun opportunity for your class to do some acting as well as learning how to work out year 4  word problems!

Use Manipulatives

Using manipulatives is a really effective way of getting your students to visualise the word problem that they’re trying to solve. 

Students can use anything from counters to pens! 

Using manipulatives is always fun for students as they get to use fun tools like counters or building blocks – so the activity almost feels like play! 

This gets students engaged in solving year 4 word problems!

Creating Word Problems

Why not get your students to create their own year 4 word problems? 

This activity allows your pupils to get creative and write their own problems! This way they can clearly see how word problems work and therefore will find it easier to solve them in the future. 

The students can then swap word problems with their classmates and solve each other’s work. This could then involve some peer assessment where your students will mark the questions that they created!

Make Some Silly Word Problems

Making up some silly word problems is a simple but fantastic way of engaging your students with this topic! 

Whilst regular word problems may seem like a boring task for students, sillier problems may motivate them a little more to get learning! 

Children love a chance to have some silly fun in the classroom, so this will help them to build a positive relationship with year 4 word problems.

Some Example Silly Word Problems – Year 4:

  •  The teacher ate 34 muffins for breakfast and 57 muffins for lunch. How many muffins did they eat before dinner?
  • There were 38 dancing beans jumping around. 7 more jumping beans joined the dance party. How many dancing beans were there altogether?
  • There were 280 flowers growing in a field. A group of girl scouts came and picked 3/4 of them. How many flowers were left?        Some more silly word problems can be found here .

Think - Pair - Share

Getting students to pair up and work together to solve year 4  word problems is a really effective learning technique for this topic. 

Think – Pair – Share gives pupils the opportunity to work through problems at their own pace and explain what they think the answer is to another student. 

Students will initially think about the problem independently, then pair up and share their ideas with their partner! Explaining the solving process is really important to understanding word problems.

Student Becomes The Teacher

(I would recommend getting volunteers for this as not all students are comfortable at the front of the class!)

Why not get your students up to the front of the class to explain and work through some year 4 word problems? 

As mentioned earlier, it is extremely beneficial for pupils to explain the process of solving the word problem as it can really increase their understanding. 

Another great benefit of this is that it may help other students who are listening to their peers explain the problem solving process! Hearing explanations from a different perspective than the teacher can often be what makes the topic click!

Using Pupils' Names

Incorporating students’ names into the word problems that they’re solving is a really fun method of engaging them in the content. 

Children love when their name appears in a paper or even a book you may be reading, so this is guaranteed to be effective in your classroom! 

A fun activity could be writing one word problem for each student which has their name in it. Each student would then solve their own personalised word problem! 

This is an easy way of getting students engaging with year 4 word problems!

Draw Pictures

Why not try to make year 4 word problems a little more creative? 

Some students require visuals to really understand what they’re solving. So, get your students to draw out the problem that they’re working out!

For example, if your class is trying to work out how many books are on 3 shelves, they can draw out three shelves with the books on and count them! This shows they the problem and helps them to see what it is that they are solving.

Daily Word Problem

Getting students used to year 4 word problems is really vital to their understanding! Having them consistently complete word problems is an effective way of ensuring that they won’t forget how to solve word problems. Why not introduce a daily word problem? Get their brains warmed up in the morning by giving them their daily word problem!

A great way to keep students familiar with this style of question is to incorporate word problems into different topics, such as fractions!

Emile is an excellent game-based online resource for primary schools! 

Children will love playing on Emile and will be beyond excited to play the engaging and educational games! 

With the assess, practise and achieve model, Emile is sure to allocate the right work for each individual! 

Get your students learning year 4 word problems effectively with Emile today by requesting a demo!

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Multiplication Word problems - Grid method - Year 4

Multiplication Word problems - Grid method - Year 4

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

6 December 2016

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Use knowledge of division to solve problems

I can use knowledge of division to solve problems.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • When solving division problems, sometimes a remainder is recorded as the number left over.
  • When solving division problems, sometimes a remainder can be ignored.
  • When solving division problems, sometimes an extra group is made to include the remainder.
  • The question asked in the problem shows whether we should ignore or include the remainder.

Common misconception

Children may struggle to visualise how the remainder relates to the question asked in the problem, or may solve the equation without relating back to the question asked.

Encourage them to write the division equation for the problem and say what each part represents, focusing particularly on the role of the remainder and how it relates to the question asked.

Remainder - A remainder is the amount left over after division when the dividend does not divide exactly by the divisor.

This content is © Oak National Academy Limited ( 2024 ), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

Starter quiz

6 questions.

An image in a quiz


Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
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  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
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  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled stories
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  • Fact vs. opinion
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  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
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  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


  • Word Problems

Measurment Workbook for Grades 4-5

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Time word problems

Word problem worksheets: time and elapsed time.

Below are three versions of our grade 4 math worksheet with word problems involving time and elapsed time.  Students must figure out what time it was, will be or how much time went by in the various scenarios described.  Use of "am" and "pm" is emphasized.   These worksheets are pdf files .

problem solving word problems year 4

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Explore all of our math word problem worksheets , from kindergarten through grade 5.

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  1. Solve multi step word problems

    problem solving word problems year 4

  2. Word Problems Year 4 Worksheets

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  3. Solving Word Problems Chart Grade 2-8

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  4. Solve single step word problems

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  5. Solving Word Problems- Strategies, Ideas and Activities-print and

    problem solving word problems year 4

  6. Elapsed Time Word Problems

    problem solving word problems year 4


  1. Precalculus

  2. Art of Problem Solving: Word Problems Part 3

  3. Art of Problem Solving: Word Problems Part 2

  4. One-Step Equation Word Problems

  5. Problem Solving for KS2

  6. Multi-Step Word Problems


  1. 4th grade word problem worksheets

    Math word problem worksheets for grade 4. These word problem worksheets place 4th grade math concepts into real world problems that students can relate to. We encourage students to read and think about the problems carefully, by: providing mixed word problem worksheets. including irrelevant data within word problems so students must understand ...

  2. 20 Word Problems For Year 4: Develop Problem Solving Skills

    Word problems for Year 4 play an important role in Year 4 maths. In Year 4, the main focus is to ensure that pupils are becoming more fluent with whole numbers and the four operations. Students work to develop efficient written methods and to be accurate with their calculations. Pupils in Year 4 are exposed to a wider range of problem-solving ...

  3. 4th Grade Math Word Problems

    Heaviest Terrestrial Animals Problems. Heaviest Terrestrial Animals are a sheet of 4th grade math problems which involve solving a range of problems involving decimals with mainly 1 decimal place. Rounding, adding, subtracting and multiplying by 1000 are covered in these sheets. This sheet is available in standard and metric units.

  4. Free Printable Math Word Problems Worksheets for 4th Year

    Math Word Problems worksheets for Year 4 are an essential resource for teachers looking to challenge their students and help them develop strong problem-solving skills. These worksheets provide a variety of math problems that require students to apply their knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in real-life situations ...

  5. Multiplication Word Problems 4th Grade

    4th Grade Multiplication Problems. Here you will find a range of problem solving worksheets involving multiplication. Each sheet involves solving a range of written multiplication problems. There are 3 levels of difficulty for each worksheet below: A,B and C. Worksheet A is the easiest level, suitable for children at the beginning of their grade.

  6. Year 4 Maths Worksheets

    Using these Year 4 Maths worksheets will help your child to: round a number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000; use the > and < symbols correctly for inequalities; use multiples and apply them to solve problems. learn to balance math equations. Rounding to the nearest 10 Worksheets. Rounding to the nearest 100 worksheets.

  7. Daily Maths Word Problems

    A set of 20 problem-solving questions suited to year 4 students. This set of problem-solving questions has been designed to support teachers when teaching students about problem-solving in mathematics.. It provides students with the opportunity to work through 20 maths word problems, identifying the important information and how they can work it out using a variety of methods.

  8. 153 Top "Year 4 Word Problems" Teaching Resources curated for you.

    Phase 1 Number: Recognise, Read, Write, Order Numbers to 100 (Count to 50) Lesson 3 1 review. Explore more than 153 "Year 4 Word Problems" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Word Problems Year 4". Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource ...

  9. Year 4: Word Problems FREE Printable Worksheets : [172 Sheets]

    These fun Word Problems worksheets for year 4 are all you need to help your child strengthen their knowledge and skills. ... Halloween-themed word problem worksheet. 4. VIEW DETAILS ... Word Problems. Multiply Two 1-digit Numbers: Summer Word Problems Worksheet A summer-themed worksheet for students, solving word problems involving ...

  10. Year 4 Addition and Subtraction 2-Step Maths Word Problems

    Part of a comprehensive PlanIt Maths lesson pack, you can use these differentiated two-step problem-solving activity sheets to help students practise addition and subtraction skills. Tasks are designed to allow students to experience worded problems with two-step problem solving involving addition and subtraction. They meet the national curriculum aim 'Solve addition and subtraction two-step ...

  11. Free Printable Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheets for 4th Year

    Multi-Step Word Problems worksheets for Year 4 are an essential tool for teachers to help their students develop strong problem-solving skills in math. These worksheets provide a variety of challenging math word problems that require students to use multiple steps and operations to find the solution. By incorporating these worksheets into their ...

  12. Word Problems Year 4: Fun And Engaging Activities For Your Class

    Getting students to pair up and work together to solve year 4 word problems is a really effective learning technique for this topic. Think - Pair - Share gives pupils the opportunity to work through problems at their own pace and explain what they think the answer is to another student. Students will initially think about the problem ...

  13. Grade 4 word problem worksheets on the 4 operations

    Students use the 4 basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to solve these word problems. Some questions will have more than one step. Mixing word problems encourages students to read and think about the questions rather than recognizing a pattern to the solutions. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4.

  14. Mixed addition and subtraction word problems for grade 4

    These word problems worksheets involve addition and subtraction of two or three addends or subtrahends with up to 4 digits. The last question on each worksheet asks the student to write an equation using a variable (" X ") for the unknown quantity. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4. Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6.

  15. 1,794 Top "Word Problems Year 4" Teaching Resources curated ...

    Multi-Step Fractions of Amounts Maths Word Problems 19 reviews. Year 3 Maths Word Problems Challenge Cards 10 reviews. Year 4 Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet 19 reviews. Year 4: The Great Word Mystery SPaG Problem-Solving Mystery Game 1 review. Year 4 Maths Mastery St. George's Day Word Problems Challenge Cards.

  16. Year 4/5 word problems all 4 operations

    Year 4/5 word problems all 4 operations. Subject: Mathematics. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 473.04 KB. pdf, 472.64 KB. pdf, 473.13 KB. Using the 'Dexter and Dood' range of resources - these word problems follow the main characters through all 4 operations.

  17. Year 4 Multiplication and Division Word Problems Worksheet

    Use these word problems worksheets in your Year 4 class for children to apply their knowledge of multiplication and division to real-life situations. Ideal for Year 4 children, these word problems help reinforce the 6, 7 and 9 times tables using multiplication and division problem-solving. There are 9 real-life problems that Year 4 children need to work out and we have provided the answers for ...

  18. Grade 4 mixed word problem worksheets

    Mixed word problem worksheets for grade 4. Below are three versions of our grade 4 math worksheet with mixed word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, time, money, and measurements of mass, volume and length. Mixed problems are ideal for encouraging students to read and think about problems carefully rather than simply recognizing a pattern ...

  19. Year 4 Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet

    This useful Perimeter Word Problem Worksheet allows children to apply their knowledge of maths to real-life situations.&nbsp;Word problems are a great way to support your teaching of maths as they relate to specific scenarios, which helps children apply their understanding in a real-life context.This sheet covers the Year 4 objectives for perimeter. Expert-made teaching support for the rest of ...

  20. IXL

    Fun maths practice! Improve your skills with free problems in 'Multi-step word problems' and thousands of other practice lessons.

  21. Multiplication Word problems

    Multiplication Word problems - Grid method - Year 4. Subject: Mathematics. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. docx, 118.06 KB. docx, 119.49 KB. Multiplication word problems to be completed using the grid method. Creative Commons "Sharealike".

  22. Mixed multiplication and division word problems for grade 4

    Mixed multiplication & division. These grade 4 math worksheets have mixed multiplication and division word problems. All numbers are whole numbers with 1 to 4 digits. Division questions may have remainders which need to be interpreted (e.g. "how many left over"). In the last question of each worksheet, students are asked to write an equation ...

  23. Khan Academy

    If this problem persists, tell us. Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donate or volunteer today! Site Navigation. About. News; Impact; Our team; Our interns; Our content specialists; Our leadership; Our supporters; Our contributors; Our finances; Careers;

  24. Use knowledge of division to solve problems

    When solving division problems, sometimes a remainder is recorded as the number left over. When solving division problems, sometimes a remainder can be ignored. When solving division problems, sometimes an extra group is made to include the remainder. The question asked in the problem shows whether we should ignore or include the remainder.

  25. Grade 4 time word problem worksheets

    Below are three versions of our grade 4 math worksheet with word problems involving time and elapsed time. Students must figure out what time it was, will be or how much time went by in the various scenarios described. Use of "am" and "pm" is emphasized. These worksheets are pdf files. Open PDF. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet ...