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- [x] 11 Upwork Profile Tips to Win More Jobs (with Examples!)

11 Upwork Profile Tips to Win More Jobs (with Examples!)

A polished and complete profile is essential to being a successful freelancer on Upwork. Your Upwork profile acts as your resume, portfolio, and introduction for potential clients. It’s also your opportunity to show unique services you offer, and what makes you a better choice over the competition.

You want to make sure your Upwork profile is as complete as possible so that clients can easily see whether you would be a good fit. Having a professional profile will also increase your chances of reaching the ‘Rising Talent’ and ‘Top Rated’ statuses.

In this article, we will give you our top 11 Upwork profile tips to make your profile stand out and increase your chances of winning jobs.

1. Get Verified

The blue verification checkmark is an absolute must-have for your Upwork profile. This checkmark is Upwork’s ID Verification Badge, and it shows potential clients that you are a real person.

verified Upwork profile

To get the ID Verification Badge , you can go into your account settings to apply. You will need to provide a valid government-issued ID (a driver’s license works if you’re in the US). You’ll also be required to schedule a quick video call with a member of Upwork’s team. On the call, they’ll ask you a few questions to verify it’s really you.

After you complete those two steps, you should get a notification that your identity verification is complete, and you should have a blue checkmark next to your name.

how to write a resume for upwork

2. Use a Professional Profile Photo

The easiest Upwork profile tip with the biggest impact is to have a professional profile photo. Your photo doesn’t have to be from a professional photoshoot. However, you want the photo to be a headshot that shows your face clearly (no blurry photos or weird angles!), and that has a clean background.

Your profile photo is the first impression a client has of you, so it’s important to make it look professional.

3. Use Every Part of Your Profile for Keywords

A tip to keep in mind as you build your Upwork profile is to include keywords for your industry in as many places as possible.

Your profile includes a headline, description, skillsets, and a portfolio – you want to include keywords in all of these places.

The goal is to optimize your Upwork profile for search. You want potential clients to be able to find you!

For example, do you specialize in designing investor pitch decks? In this case, the keyword “investor” would differentiate you from designers making other types of decks.

Or do you specialize in a particular software or platform? If you’re an email marketer, using “Klaviyo” as a keyword would be much more effective than just using “email marketer”.

an easy to ready Upwork profile

4. Make Your Upwork Profile Easy to Read

Another general tip to keep in mind throughout building your profile is to keep it short and sweet. Information should be broken up and easy to read.

Time is money, and clients don’t have the time to look through confusing or messy profiles. In most cases, they will simply click away.

5. Focus on Keywords in Your Headline

Your headline on Upwork is your chance to quickly let clients know what you do and what you specialize in.

One of our main tips is to make your headline as specific as possible to target your niche.

Let’s take a look at the two Upwork profiles below to demonstrate what makes a compelling headline:

examples of headlines for an Upwork profile

In this example, we have two different headlines:

“Fortune 500 BI & Consumer Brands Expert”

“Data Analytics Consultant”

These two freelancers likely do similar work, but “Fortune 500 BI & Consumer Brands Expert” is much more attention-grabbing for two reasons:

  • It tells you what type of companies the freelancers has done work for (Fortune 500), and implies that he has extensive experience.
  • It tells you the areas he specializes in (BI & Consumer Brands).

This freelancer goes into further detail about the analytics work he does in his profile, but when a client is looking through job applicants, his strong headline is what will initially get their attention.

 6. Write a Client-Focused Description

With Upwork profile descriptions, lists are the best way to go. They are a quick and easy way for clients to view the services you provide, what tools you use, and your experience.

Truthfully, no one cares what school you went to, what made you interested in writing, or what age you discovered your love of graphic design.

Clients want to know how you can help them and what you can provide (so cut out the fluff!).

how to write a resume for upwork

7. Show Your Strongest Work in Your Portfolio

Your portfolio is hands down the most important part of your Upwork profile, so treat it as such. While your headline and description are useful to clients, it’s your portfolio that will ultimately land you more jobs on Upwork.

How should your Upwork portfolio be set up?

Whether it’s writing, graphic design, or data visualization, be sure that you’re giving examples of your best work. You don’t need to include every piece of work you’ve ever done – just the strongest examples (or examples that show the variety of work you can do).

Within each portfolio piece, be sure to describe the project, the type of work, and the tools you used. Remember, you want to include keywords here too! Also be sure to select all of the “Skills and deliverables” tags that are relevant to each project. These will help you rank in search as well.

8. Include an Intro Video

Although I haven’t found a profile video to be necessary to be successful on Upwork, it can be a good way to set yourself apart in your profile. Intro videos can also give clients a better idea of what it would be like to work with you.

For some niches, an intro video might be essential. For example, if you are a voiceover artist or a verbal translator, a profile video would be a great opportunity to give potential clients an intro to your skills.

9.  Include Other Background Info

On your Upwork profile, you also have the option to add extra information like your education, work experience, and any certifications you have. While this information won’t make or break your profile, filling it out will give potential clients a general overview of your past experience.

10. Get Inspired by Top Profiles

If you feel like you’ve done your best to build an Upwork profile that stands out, but you still aren’t getting clients, it may be a good idea to look at the profiles of Upwork’s top talent.

You can use the search bar to look for other talent in your niche, see how much they’ve earned, and view their profiles.

Try to break down the profiles of other successful freelancers, and see if you can pick out commonalities between them. For example:

  • What do you notice first about their profiles?
  • Are they using a specific keyword?
  • Do they write their descriptions in a certain way?
  • What type of work examples are they including in their portfolios?

Take notes and implement some of these into your own profile.

11. Get Client Reviews

Our final Upwork profile tip is to start collecting client reviews.

After each completed job, be sure to let your clients know that you enjoyed working with them. If they’ve enjoyed working with you as well, ask them to leave you a review once the contract is closed.

Accumulating those 5-star reviews from clients is what will truly make your profile stand out from others.

People love to see from others that you’re a trustworthy and hard working freelancer!

example of an Upwork review

Upwork Profile: Bottom Line

Your profile is the most important key to a successful freelancing career on Upwork. Hopefully by implementing these 11 Upwork profile tips, you’ll be able to improve your Upwork profile and land more clients!

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Career Sidekick

Your professional bio in your Upwork profile is critical for landing jobs as a freelancer. Clients use it to decide who to interview, and they also invite freelancers to interview directly after finding them in search results…

…So if you create an Upwork profile that gets seen and clicked in search results, you’ll start getting interviews without having to even send out proposals!

To help you write your own overview for Upwork, I’m going to share 3 of the best Upwork profile examples to land jobs (including one that I personally used to make tens of thousands of dollars).

Proven Upwork Profile Examples

First, we’re going to look at an Upwork profile example from my own personal profile, from when I was working as a freelance copywriter. I earned tens of thousands of dollars on Upwork after quitting my job as a recruiter but before this website earned enough to support me full-time.

(My Upwork profile says $10,000+ earned, but I made FAR more because I’d usually work directly with each client through PayPal or Stripe after the first project on Upwork. So it was more like $30,000 earned with this profile! )

And for the first time EVER, I’m sharing my exact Upwork profile word-for-word. From the headline down to the Call to Action at the end.

Here it is, and then I’ll walk you through why this is an effective profile step-by-step after:

Upwork Profile Example #1: (Freelance Copywriter/Marketing Consultant)

I’ll share a screenshot of the full example below, and then we’ll go piece-by-piece and look at why each section is effective. So check out this profile example and then scroll down for the reasons it worked.

Upwork Profile Examples

Breakdown of Why This is a Good Upwork Profile Example:

Now that you’ve seen the full example profile above, let’s go through each numbered point in the screenshot and talk about why this profile worked well on Upwork.

1. A results-driven headline

Instead of putting a boring, generic job title, like “Marketing Consultant” or “Sales Page Copywriter”, I focused 100% on the result I provide. I wrote it like I’m selling a product, focusing on exactly what my ideal client wants! They want to boost conversions and sales, and they need help doing it via their emails, advertisements, etc. So that’s exactly what I address in the headline to get more clicks and get more interviews.

2. An eye-catching testimonial

Next, I started the body of my Upwork profile with a testimonial showing a past result I’ve gotten for a  client. If clients see you’ve gotten results for other companies, they’ll immediately think, “great, this person can help me too.”

This is much better than starting off with something generic like, “Hi, I’m ___ and I do ___.” The WORST way to start your Upwork profile is by saying “I” or “I am” or “I do.” Why? Because that’s what almost everyone else is doing, and the client cares about themselves, not you. They just want the result! Most profiles start like this, and it’s not going to attract many clients: “Hi! My name is Jeff and I am a web designer.” So avoid that, and start your profile differently.

Start with “You”, or “Let me help you do ___”, etc., or a testimonial like in my Upwork profile example above.

3. Introducing yourself

After you’ve got your attention, THEN you can talk about what you do and how you’ll help them.  Introduce yourself and what you do. Most people do this at the very start of their profile. Big mistake. You need to catch the reader’s attention first by talking about them and their needs, or showing what you’ve done for past clients (I did this with a testimonial).

4. Show your expertise and what you’ll do for them

After you introduce yourself, you can go into more detail about what you specialize in. You want to make yourself seem like an expert. What are you BEST at? If you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll appeal to no one. You need to make your Upwork profile focused and laser-targeted! The biggest mistake I see newbie freelancers make is thinking they’re limiting themselves by narrowing down their service offering. You’re not losing out on clients by doing this, you’re losing out on clients by being too broad and general.

Imagine you have a problem with mice in your apartment. Are you going to hire a general home repairman? Or are you going to hire a mouse and pest expert?  That’s how your clients are thinking, too. They want the EXPERT with a narrow focus. So make the middle sections of your profile all about showing your expertise. Talk about why you’re an expert at what you do, who you’ve worked for, who you’ve studied, and what results you’ve gotten for past clients.

5. Scarcity/exclusivity

Showing that you only work with a certain type of client can help you land more jobs on Upwork. Don’t be afraid to show who you can work with, and who you cannot. Having standards and requirements makes you more desirable.

I’ll give you an example…

I just got in contact with a freelancer recently for help with this website- Career Sidekick , and she said, “I’ll take a closer look tomorrow and give you a heads up in case we’re not a good fit.”

That made me want to work with her far more… because it adds exclusivity. Now instead of worrying about whether I should hire her, I’m thinking, “Ohh, I hope she thinks my project is a good fit. I don’t want to get rejected.” So that’s the power of showing clients you have certain guidelines in terms of who you work with.  Make them prove to YOU that you should work with them. If you do this, you’ll transform yourself from the seller to the buyer. They’ll be trying to convince you to work with them .

This is a powerful way to turn more freelance job interviews into offers, too.

6. Call to Action

Finally, you should end your Upwork profile with a “Call to Action.” Tell them what to do next. You’d be amazed how many people will do something simply because you ask in a clear, direct way. So think of the one single action you want them to take, and ask for it.

In the example above, I’m asking them to contact me and provide details about their project so I can determine if it’s a good fit to work together. (This is also adding more exclusivity/scarcity, from step #5 above).

Those are all the steps I used in my Upwork profile to get interviews and get clients as a copywriter! Now let’s look at another full Upwork profile example from another freelancer in a different niche…

Upwork Profile Example #2 (Graphic Designer/Illustrator)

upwork profile example 2 - designer illustrator

Breakdown of this Upwork Profile Example:

1. Clear, direct headline showing area of specialization (with some great keywords to show up in search results, too)

I don’t like this as much as my headline in the first Upwork profile example we looked at, because this is more of a job title rather than a product or result the client gets. But it’s still a good Upwork profile headline – it shows what this person specializes in, and adds some good keywords to the profile.

If this were my profile, I’d try to make it more like a product or a result the client will get. For example, instead of, “Graphic Designer + Illustrator,” I might say, “Graphic Designs and Illustrations to Make Your Brand Stand Out”.

2. Social proof 

This profile does a great job of starting off in a unique way that will grab attention. We looked at this concept in profile example #1 earlier in this article, too. Remember – the WORST thing you can do is start off with, “Hi, my name is ___ and I do ___.” That’s what everyone’s doing.

So this person is naming some big clients they’ve helped and is making it clear exactly how they helped them. If you don’t have permission to use past clients’ names, you could say, “Multiple international corporations with 10,000-20,000 employees have trusted me to ___.” If you haven’t helped any big clients but have worked with many smaller clients, you could say, “More than 50 small businesses have trusted me to help them do ___.”

3. More results and proof

There’s no better way to show you’ll get great results for your next client than by showing what you did for past clients. This Upwork profile does a great job of showing specific, tangible results. Getting featured on Buzzfeed. Getting 300K+ pins on Pinterest.

Now the reader is thinking, “maybe this person can do that for me, too.”

4. Call to action

This “Call to Action,” could actually be made a lot stronger. I’ll show you how I’d change it… I’d recommend saying something much more direct like, “Send me a message with some information about your goals and what you’re looking for help with. From there, I can answer any questions you have, and we can discuss your project in detail.”

That’s an example of a stronger way to end your Upwork profile to get more inquiries.

Upwork Profile Example #3 (Email Lead Generation/Sales Copywriter)

This is another Upwork profile from a copywriter. Since copywriters are experts in writing words that persuade/sell, it’s no surprise that some of the best Upwork profile examples come from this niche.

Let’s look at the full screenshot example, and then we’ll go step-by-step through each piece below.

sales copywriter upwork profile sample

1. Clear, direct headline with keywords

This is another Upwork profile headline that does a good job of showing what this freelancer specializes in and what they offer. I still might try to make it more results-focused. Something like, “Get more leads and sales. Email lead generation and copywriting.” That turns the headline into a product or result, which is what the client really wants and is thinking about as they browse Upwork.

2. Make it all about their needs

This Upwork profile does a GREAT job of focusing on the client’s needs from the start. Read the first few words… “More of your emails…” It’s immediately about their business and their situation, not about the freelancer. That’s the right way to begin your profile on Upwork.

3. Show what you’ll do for them

After addressing their needs/problems, THEN you can talk about yourself . This profile finally talks about, “I”, but not until the third paragraph. That’s how to do it! And this profile still manages to keep the focus on the client even while talking about how they can help. The 3 bullets are all about the client’s goals, not about the freelancer. Nobody cares about the “what” or “how”, they just want a result. This is an example of how to speak to that in your profile.

Also notice the unique formatting. By using unique symbols, graphics, or basic emojis (like checkmarks, red X’s to signify problems/mistakes, etc.), you’ll grab the reader’s attention and get your profile read instead of skimmed over!

This Upwork profile could improve one thing: The Call to action. It doesn’t really ask the reader to take a specific action, which is a lost opportunity. I’d improve this by saying something like, “If the results above sound interesting, contact me and we’ll set up a time to talk about your project and goals!”

Final Tip: Focus on What Clients See Before Clicking Your Upwork Profile

When you submit an Upwork proposal for a job, clients see a few things before clicking your profile. And they can use this to “archive” you (not good), “short-list” you (good), or click to view your whole profile to read more or invite you to interview (very good).

So work hard on the following pieces, because these are what potential clients see before they decide whether to click on your profile:

  • Your headline
  • The first paragraph of your Upwork profile
  • Your Upwork profile photo
  • Your job success score

These were all vital in helping me earn thousands per month on Upwork when I was freelancing. If you read through the three Upwork profile examples earlier in this article, you should have a good idea of how to handle the first two items on that list.

For your photo, make sure you’re smiling and look trustworthy, competent and professional. It doesn’t need to be “stiff” (like a suit and tie), but you should look neat and professional.

And to keep a high job success score, make sure you always go above and beyond what a client expects. Communicate well and set realistic expectations. And offer a generous revision policy.

I recommend offering to continue revising a project until they’re satisfied. This doesn’t mean letting a client add to the scope of the project or get “free” extra work. But if the project is to write a sales page, and they’re not happy with it when you email over the file, revise it and re-submit.

I found that very few clients abused or took advantage of a revision policy like this , and it ensured nobody left me a bad review or left unhappy with what I delivered. My job success score was always 100% because of this.

If you follow these steps and model your Upwork profile like the 3 examples above, you’ll get more interviews and clients immediately.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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Thank you so much for your articles. I enjoy reading them and applying them though I’m yet to receive any job interviews. How would do I write my profile without previous freelance experience and company recommendation?

Great post ever, Could you please tell me what should I do if I have no portfolio on Upwork?

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How to Start on Upwork with No Experience: A Guide for Beginners

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In today’s digital age, remote work presents more opportunities than ever before. One of the most popular platforms for freelancers and remote workers is Upwork, a global marketplace connecting clients with freelancers in various fields. However, getting started on Upwork can be daunting for those who lack experience in freelancing or have no prior experience on the platform. In this blog, we’ll share some tips and strategies to help you start on Upwork with no experience and build your freelance career.

1. Create a complete and professional Upwork profile

The first step to starting on Upwork is to create a complete and professional profile. This means adding a picture, a summary highlighting your skills and experience, and a portfolio of your work . If you don’t have any previous work to showcase, consider uploading some personal projects or samples that demonstrate your abilities in your chosen field.

Many beginners struggle with creating an Upwork profile from scratch, but with a bit of guidance, you can create a complete and professional profile that showcases your skills and experience. The key is to be thoughtful and intentional with the information you include. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an Upwork profile that is sure to impress clients. Even if you have no experience yet on the platform, you’ll learn how to highlight your strengths and stand out from the crowd. With a bit of hard work and dedication, you’ll be well on your way to landing your first job on Upwork!

2. Start bidding on smaller projects

Once you have created your profile, start bidding on smaller projects to build up your portfolio and reputation on the platform. Don’t worry if the pay is lower at the beginning – the goal is to build a strong profile with feedback from satisfied clients . This feedback will be valuable when you bid on bigger and better-paying projects in the future.

These might not be the highest-paying assignments, but they’re a great way to get your foot in the door and establish yourself as a reliable freelancer. Plus, smaller projects often require less time and effort than more complex ones, giving you the opportunity to gain experience without feeling out of your depth. So why not give it a try? Start bidding on smaller projects today and begin your journey towards freelancing success.

how to write a resume for upwork

3. Focus on building relationships with clients

Upwork is all about building relationships, and building long-term relationships with clients is one of the keys to success on the platform. Take the time to really understand your clients’ needs and deliver quality work that exceeds their expectations. Cultivate a reputation as a reliable and communicative freelancer who consistently delivers great work, and your business on Upwork will grow.

Communication is key in developing a successful partnership, so it’s important to be transparent and responsive. Consistently delivering high-quality work and exceeding expectations will also help you establish a trustworthy reputation. While it may take some time to build a solid client base, don’t be afraid to reach out and network with potential clients. With persistence, dedication, and a focus on building relationships, you can start your journey on Upwork with confidence and success.

4. Keep your communications professional and timely

Clear and professional communication is essential to building relationships with clients on Upwork. Respond promptly to client inquiries and send regular progress updates throughout the project. Always be polite and professional, even if a client becomes difficult or rude. Remember, a great Upwork reputation is built on positive feedback from happy clients.

It’s important to remember that one of the keys to success on this platform is maintaining a professional and timely approach to your communications. This means responding promptly to messages and taking the time to craft thoughtful, well-written responses. Not only will this help you build a positive reputation among clients, but it will also help you stand out from other beginners who may not take their communication skills as seriously. So, if you’re looking to establish a strong presence on Upwork, start by keeping your communication professional and timely.

5. Showcase your strengths

When bidding on projects, highlight your strengths and the unique value you can bring to the project. Make sure to customize your proposals to the specific job posting, and take the time to write a thoughtful cover letter that showcases your abilities and previous experience. Remember, Upwork is a competitive marketplace , so put your best foot forward when bidding on projects.

Starting out can be tough, but with dedication and the right guidance, you can become a successful freelancer on the platform. The key is to showcase your strengths and focus on building a strong profile that highlights your skills and expertise. Upwork makes it easy to get started, with plenty of resources available to help beginners navigate the platform and find the right opportunities. So why wait? Follow this guide for beginners and start your journey towards a successful freelancing career on Upwork today.

Final Thoughts

Starting on Upwork with no experience may seem intimidating, but it’s entirely possible to grow a successful freelance career on the platform. By creating a complete and professional profile, bidding on small projects, building relationships with clients, keeping your communications professional and timely, and showcasing your strengths, you can become a successful freelancer on Upwork. Remember, success on Upwork requires dedication, persistence, and a willingness to learn and adapt. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to building a thriving freelance career on Upwork in no time.

By Tom Neale

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