Public Speaking Resources

300 Funny Speech Topics to Tickle Some Funny Bones!

Funny speech topics are usually difficult to turn up with. Yet, presenting this kind of speech might put you in trouble if you do not decide on the topic properly.

Better research on the topics motivating starting point. You will be happy to see smiles and laughter on your audience’s faces when you share the funny speech.

Besides, presenting a speech is challenging, and adding humor makes your speech interesting. Successful humor will entertain the listener.

It can break down professed barriers between you and the audience. This article gives some ways to use humor to your advantage while delivering the speech.

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A funny speech recommends a joyful response from the audience from the start of the speech. Here every tone and gesture prognosis the significance with the audience.

The general belief and preference appear from the funny speech topic you choose. This type of speech also helps to differentiate you from others in a similar area.

  • Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Informative Speech Topics
  • Argumentative Speech Topics

Indeed, public speech is full of fun usually when humor is added to them. The main usage of humor is to convince the audience with your overview. This can move a long way convincing your solution is the correct one.

For most people, delivering a speech can be like sitting on the cactus plant. It is a great responsibility and with intense pressure.

Due to nervousness, we do not desire to deliver a speech in front of a crowd of audiences.

A speech helps to communicate with an audience allowing them to understand a specific side of a topic. The language, volume, confidence, and body language matter while delivering the speech.

Adding a little humor both in your speech and topic will help to cut the stress. The article deals with funny speech topic ideas for every type of speaker. Relevant to the age group of your audience, better select the topic and carry out the proper research.

Table of Contents

1. Research and find the topic

2. consider and understand your audience, 3. decide the type of speech you are going to deliver, 4. decide your ideas and goal, 5. think about your main points, 6. deliver the speech clearly and understandably, 7. use vivid and particular adjective, 8. get inspired, 9. record the speech you practice, persuasive funny speech topics, informative funny speech topics, impromptu funny speech topics, funny speech videos, how to deliver an effective funny speech.

funny speech topics

While deciding on the topic, think about the quality of your speech. It should not only depend on the topic you choose.

Better think about and make a list of the things you enjoy talking about the most. Point out the topics which you understand better and can be funny at the same time.

This might exclude some topics which are difficult to deliver a funny speech. Such topics are poverty, funeral, domestic violence, and much more. Better make proper use of the list and decide on the prospective topic.

Before working on the speech, remember who you are going to deliver the speech. It will be better if you consider and understand your audience. Here are some questions to think about:

  • What is the common age of your listener?
  • What does your audience have in general?
  • What kind of speech do they desire to hear?
  • What kind of funny speech did they expect to appreciate?

There are two types of speech. They are humorously informative and humorous speeches. You have to choose among them

A humorously informative speech delivers the information to the audience making them laugh. Besides, a firmly humorous speech aims to make the audience laugh.

Suppose, you are delivering a speech whose main aim is to deliver information or ideas. Here, you might desire to integrate humor while thinking about the ideas you want to deliver. Better draft the revealing part of your speech initially, then include jokes and humor.

After you decide on the topic, you have to focus on the main points of the speech. Think about the key message you desire to get across.

Do not forget to select a particular topic. If the foremost topic is extremely wide, your speech might not be fruitful. These types of speech are hard to complete in a short time.

Think about the main points and use the devising procedure to turn up prospective points. This helps to discuss and support your main idea. Get rid of anything that does not match the topic. Better do not speak on the points that you do not feel comfortable talking about. You can also pick up your strongest points and choose which ones to comprise.

Most of us get 25% of what we learn by hearing . Since your audiences listen to your speech, make sure your language is clear and simple. Unlike writing, speech deals with delivering speaking on the relevant topic.

Here, the audience will be less agreed with the details of sentence structure. They will be more agreed to your complete message.

Also, pay more attention to the expressions while presenting the speech. Avoid too long and complicated sentences. Since these types of sentences will be difficult to follow.

Clear and direct sentence structures are improved the way you express words. These words should be as vivid as possible. The more expressive a word is, the fewer needed to converse a similar concept.

It is much east to talk about humor when you are in a humorous mood. It is much east to talk about humor when you are in a humorous mood. So, earlier than presenting the funny speech, be inspired by the things you find humorous and entertaining.

You can also:

  • Make some time for funny movies, television shows, or comedians.
  • Read the work done by your favourite entertaining writers.
  • Focus more when you make people round you laugh. Note the things you do or say that entertains people and the way you do it.

It is better to video record when you practice the speech. Doing this allows you to observe and tweak both your vocal and physical performance.

But if you are unable to take video, and audio recording can be useful as well.

Observe or listen to the recording to look for the points where the speech lags or where your tone goes down.

Assure you are not presenting too quickly or too slow. Make sure you do not jiggle or say “um” excessively. It can be uncomfortable to listen to yourself. Yet, doing this helps to improve your presentation.

270 Funny Speech Topics 

Find here the list of funny speech topics. Read the topic and make sure you practice more for a good result.

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  • How I ruined a good date.
  • How real love is different from movies?
  • Caught in a Compromising Position
  • Tales From Scribbles on the Bathroom Wall
  • A Time I Got Arrested
  • My 15 Minutes of Fame
  • The end justifies the means
  • Your most hated household chore
  • Cancel all the seasons other than summer.
  • Men behaving badly
  • Women behaving badly
  • Practical Jokes
  • April Fool’s Day
  • The Bogeyman
  • Blind Dates
  • Demonstrate tasting wine in a humorous way.
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  • My most embarrassing moment
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  • Procrastinators unite! ..Tomorrow?
  • Funny first date experiences.
  • What I don’t understand about fashion.
  • My motto: I´m flexible by indecision
  • How I choose friends.
  • The time I Ran Away From Home.
  • Worst present I’ve ever gotten
  • Unusual incidents.
  • Does the perfect man exist?
  • Crazy things to do in the supermarket.

The guide and topics for humorous speech should get you started with your funny speech. Let me know what you think about this article by commenting below.


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