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Essays About Heroes: 5 Examples And Topic Ideas

Here, we’ll look at examples of essays about heroes and questions that can be used as topics for essays about an imagined or real hero.

A few different images likely come to mind when you hear the word hero. You may imagine Superman flying above the world with his superpower of flight. You may imagine a personal hero, a real person who has made a significant impact on your life for the better. You might think of a true hero as someone who has shown heroic qualities in the public eye, working to help ordinary people through difficult situations.

When writing an essay about your life hero, it’s important to consider the qualities of that person that make them stand out to you. Whether you choose to write an essay about how your mom got you through tough times and became your role model or about a political figure who made a difference in the lives of people in history, it’s key to not just focus on the person’s actions—you’ll also want to focus on the qualities that allowed them to act heroically.

Here, we’ll explore examples of hero essays and potential topics to consider when writing about a hero.

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Examples Of Essays About Heroes

  • 1. These Are The Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic By Ruth Marcus
  • 2. Why Teachers Are My Heroes By Joshua Muskin
  • 3. Martin Luther King Jr.—Civil Rights Activist & Hero By Kathy Weiser-Alexander

4. Steve Prefontaine: The Track Of A Hero By Bill O’Brian

5. forget hamilton, burr is the real hero by carey wallace, topic ideas for essays about heroes, 1. what makes a hero, 2. what are the most important characteristics of heroes in literature, 3. what constitutes a heroic act, 4. is selflessness required for heroism.


1.  These Are The Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic  By Ruth Marcus

Examples of essays about heroes: These Are The Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic By Ruth Marcus

“Is this what they signed up for? There is some danger inherent in the ordinary practice of medicine, but not this much. I confess: I do not know that I would do the same in their circumstances; I am not sure I am so generous or so brave. If my child were graduating from medical school, how would I deal with her being sent, inadequately protected, into an emergency room? If my husband were a physician, would I send him off to the hospital — or let him back into the house in the interim?” Ruth Marcus

Healthcare workers have had no choice but to go above and beyond in recent years. In this essay, Marcus discusses the heroism of those in the healthcare field. He delves into the traits (including selflessness and courage) that make doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers heroes.

2.  Why Teachers Are My Heroes   By Joshua Muskin

“Teachers are my heroes because they accept this responsibility and try extremely hard to do this well even when the conditions in which they work are far from ideal; at least most do. Our jobs as society, education systems, and parents is to do our best to be strong allies to teachers, since their success is essential to ours.” Joshua Muskin

In this essay, Dr. Muskin discusses the many challenges teachers face and what parents, administrators, and education researchers can do to help teachers support students. Muskin explains that most teachers go above and beyond the call of duty to serve their classrooms.

3.  Martin Luther King Jr.—Civil Rights Activist & Hero   By Kathy Weiser-Alexander

“During this nonviolent protest, activists used boycotts, sit-ins, and marches to protest segregation and unfair hiring practices that caught the attention of the entire world. However, his tactics were put to the test when police brutality was used against the marchers, and King was arrested. But, his voice was not silenced, as he wrote his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” to refute his critics.” Kathy Weiser-Alexander

In this essay, Weiser-Alexander details both the traits and the actions of Dr. King before and during the civil rights movement. The author touches on King’s commitment to justice, persistence, and willingness to stand for his beliefs despite difficult circumstances.

“I remember this so vividly because Prefontaine was a hero to me, a hero in a way that no one was before, or really has been since. A British commentator once called him “an athletic Beatle.” If so, his persona was much more Lennon than McCartney. Actually, I thought of him more as Mick Jagger — or ultimately James Dean.” Bill O’Brian

A hero to many in the running world, Prefontaine’s confidence, unique style, and unmatched athletic ability have been heralded for decades. In this essay, O’Brian shares how he, as a distance runner during the era of Pre, related to his struggles and ambition.

“Burr fought against an ugly tide of anti-immigrant sentiment in the young republic, led by Hamilton’s Federalist party, which suggested that anyone without English heritage was a second-class citizen, and even challenged the rights of non-Anglos to hold office. In response, Burr insisted that anyone who contributed to society deserved all the rights of any other citizen, no matter their background.” Carey Wallace

In this essay, Wallace explains why Aaron Burr, the lifelong nemesis of founding father Alexander Hamilton, should be considered a historical hero. This essay exposes someone seen as a villain but much of society with a different take on their history. 

It can be interesting to think about your definition of a hero. When describing what the term hero means to you, you may want to choose a person (or a few people) you look up to as a hero to solidify your point. You might want to include fictional characters (such as those in the Marvel universe) and real-life brave souls, such as police officers and firefighters.

A word of caution: stay away from the cliche opening of describing how the dictionary defines a hero. Instead, lead-in with a personal story about a hero who has affected your life. While talking about a public figure as a hero is acceptable, you may find it easier to write about someone close to you who you feel has displayed heroic qualities. Writing about a family member or friend who has shown up as a heroic main character in your life can be just as exciting as writing about a real or imagined superhero.

From Beowulf to Marvel comics, heroes in literature take on many different traits. When writing an essay on what trait makes a hero come alive in a short story, novel, or comic, choose a few of your favorite heroes and find common themes that they share.

Perhaps your favorite heroes are selfless and are willing to put themselves last in the name of sacrifice for others. Perhaps they’re able to dig deep into the truth, being honest even when it’s hard, for the greater good. There’s no need to list endless heroes to make your point—choosing three or four heroes from literature can be a great way to support your argument about what characteristics define heroism in literature.

When someone is named a hero in real life, we often picture them saving people from a burning building or performing a difficult surgical operation. It can be difficult to pin down exactly what constitutes a heroic act. When writing about what constitutes a heroic act, think about people who go above and beyond, performing feats of courage, honesty, and bravery to support themselves or others. When writing about what constitutes a heroic act, discuss real-life or literary examples of heroes at work.

To many people, being a hero means giving back to others. While giving something away or trading in one’s well-being for others can certainly be seen as a heroic act, many people wonder if selflessness is required for heroism or if a hero can serve the greater good in a way that also supports their happiness. When writing about whether selflessness is required for heroism, choose examples from literature and real-life to support your point.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’re still stuck, check out our available resource of essay writing topics .

My Personal Hero Essay

Offer a framework for writing a personal essay about a hero figure in one’s life. This essay will guide readers through selecting a hero, whether a public figure, family member, or historical personality, and articulating their influence and inspirational qualities. It will include tips on narrative style, emotional connection, and personal growth insights. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Hero.

How it works

I remember growing up sitting on the couch watching superheroes on T.V. such as Spiderman, the Hulk, and my favorite, Batman. As a kid you were my superhero. You were the one who took care of any problem that I faced. You fought bad guys including injury and broken toys just like superheroes fought villains. To me, you were as smart as Tony Stark, as strong as the Hulk, and as daring as Spiderman.

Growing up, school taught me the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist.

I began to realize that a hero and a villain were relative terms to your beliefs. The line between good guys and bad guys began to blur. As I became a teenager, I had faced much adversity. Most of it on my own. I felt that if I could face them myself, I could be a hero like you. My independence caused me to develop interests and beliefs that have opposed your own. My impression of you being some divine, perfect person started to fade away. We started to argue more and our disagreements began to pile up so high they touched the clouds. We became hostile towards one another so much so that the rest of the family could notice. I did as every teen does and fought to be independent. I became disconnected from you and felt you were the enemy to my true self. The one I once idolized became the woman I vowed I would never become.

In December of sophomore year we had hit our lowest. We went to dinner to try and “fix” all of our problems. We were naive to believe they could be fixed in only one meal. I remember sitting there with our burgers, our favorite meals at “our” restaurant, being very hostile and aggressive towards one another. I spilled out my problems and in my time of complete exposure and openness, I only felt you becoming more offended by it all and you became defensive. At the end of the meal the tension was so thick not even superman’s heat vision could have broken it. You looked at me and said something I will never forget. You said: “so you’re good now right?” As if magically all of my problems had been fixed. I knew we were at our worst, but just replied “yes”. At that point I saw you as the Joker to my Batman. You no longer felt like my mother. You were just the villain.

Now college is fast approaching and I keep thinking, in about a year I won’t be here and we will be completely separated. This breaks my heart to think that this is reality. Soon I will be forced to be my independent self and won’t have to oppose you any longer. As years go by I wouldn’t want to visit. My family would be separated in two. I sit here now, writing this essay when I had a revelation. Our opposition isn’t what should be pushing us apart. In fact, our unique views are what make us unique and what make our relationship one of a kind. My hostility has disappeared. I only want to be close again. I miss our old relationship in which you and I saved the world together. I don’t see myself as the independent kid who sits in his room quietly doing homework. I see myself as the little kid getting ready to start a new journey. A journey that I am ready to tackle no matter how hard it may be because I know that at home my sidekick is always supporting me. My pajamas and hero costumes have turned into a graduation gown. My cartoons and comics have turned into textbooks and essays. With everything that’s changing, one thing remain


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77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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"77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

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110 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Everyone has heroes in their lives ''' people they look up to, admire, and aspire to be like. Whether it's a celebrity, a family member, a teacher, or even a fictional character, heroes can come in all shapes and sizes. Writing an essay about your hero can be a great way to express your admiration and appreciation for them. If you're struggling to come up with a topic for your hero essay, here are 110 ideas and examples to help get you started:

  • My Mom/Dad: The person who has always been there for me, no matter what.
  • My Grandparent: A wise and loving figure in my life.
  • My Sibling: The person I look up to and learn from every day.
  • My Best Friend: The person who always has my back and lifts me up when I'm feeling down.
  • My Teacher: The person who has inspired me to learn and grow.
  • My Coach: The person who pushes me to be my best self.
  • My Favorite Author: The person whose words have shaped my worldview.
  • My Favorite Musician: The person whose music speaks to my soul.
  • My Favorite Actor/Actress: The person whose performances have moved me.
  • My Favorite Artist: The person whose art has touched my heart.
  • My Favorite Athlete: The person whose dedication and skill inspire me.
  • My Favorite Activist: The person who fights for what they believe in.
  • My Favorite Historical Figure: The person whose legacy continues to impact the world.
  • My Favorite Fictional Character: The person who embodies the qualities I strive for.
  • My Role Model: The person who sets a positive example for me to follow.
  • My Mentor: The person who guides me and helps me grow.
  • My Hero from History: The person who changed the world for the better.
  • My Hero from Literature: The character who has stayed with me long after I finished reading their story.
  • My Hero from Film/TV: The character who has inspired me with their courage and strength.
  • My Hero from Music: The musician whose lyrics have spoken to me in times of need.
  • My Hero from Sports: The athlete who has shown me what it takes to succeed.
  • My Hero from Science: The scientist who has made groundbreaking discoveries.
  • My Hero from Politics: The leader who fights for justice and equality.
  • My Hero from Art: The artist whose work has challenged and inspired me.
  • My Hero from Business: The entrepreneur who has built a successful career while giving back to their community.
  • My Hero from Technology: The innovator who has revolutionized the way we live and work.
  • My Hero from Medicine: The doctor who has saved lives and improved healthcare for all.
  • My Hero from Education: The teacher who goes above and beyond to help their students succeed.
  • My Hero from Humanitarian Work: The volunteer who dedicates their time and resources to helping those in need.
  • My Hero from Environmentalism: The activist who fights to protect our planet and its resources.
  • My Hero from Social Justice: The advocate who works to create a more just and equitable society.
  • My Hero from Animal Rights: The activist who fights to protect and care for animals.
  • My Hero from LGBTQ+ Rights: The advocate who fights for the rights and equality of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • My Hero from Disability Rights: The advocate who fights for the rights and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.
  • My Hero from Women's Rights: The advocate who fights for gender equality and women's empowerment.
  • My Hero from Civil Rights: The activist who fights for racial equality and social justice.
  • My Hero from Peace and Nonviolence: The advocate who works to promote peace and nonviolence in a world torn by conflict.
  • My Hero from Community Service: The volunteer who dedicates their time and energy to improving their community.
  • My Hero from Public Service: The leader who serves their country and community with integrity and dedication.
  • My Hero from the Military: The service member who sacrifices their own safety to protect their country and its citizens.
  • My Hero from Law Enforcement: The officer who puts their life on the line to keep their community safe.
  • My Hero from Firefighting: The firefighter who bravely battles fires to save lives and property.
  • My Hero from Emergency Medical Services: The paramedic who provides life-saving care in times of crisis.
  • My Hero from Nursing: The nurse who provides compassionate care to patients in need.
  • My Hero from Medicine: The doctor who saves lives and improves the health of their patients.
  • My Hero from Mental Health: The therapist who helps individuals overcome their struggles and find healing.
  • My Hero from Addiction Recovery: The counselor who supports individuals on their journey to sobriety.
  • My Hero from Disability Services: The advocate who fights for the rights and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.
  • My Hero from Homelessness Services: The social worker who helps individuals find housing and support.
  • My Hero from Youth Services: The mentor who supports and guides young people in need.
  • My Hero from Elderly Care: The caregiver who provides compassionate support to elderly individuals.
  • My Hero from Animal Welfare: The activist who fights to protect and care for animals in need.
  • My Hero from Environmentalism: The advocate who works to protect our planet and its resources.
  • My Hero from Social Justice: The advocate who fights for equality and justice for all.
  • My Hero from LGBTQ+ Rights: The activist who fights for the rights and equality of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • My Hero from Education: The teacher who goes above and beyond to help their students

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How to Write an Essay About My Hero

Writing an essay is difficult, but if it is about your favourite hero, it becomes even more challenging. You have to describe the main character, their heroic actions, and the unique skills that set them apart. A lot depends on the hero you have chosen to write an essay on. The first question that comes to your mind is who is your hero and why? It could be heroes or fighting soldiers from the war or a hero from a fictional story or your favourite cartoon movie. Once you have decided on the central figure of your essay, you can now describe and narrate all relevant details regarding your hero. The resilience, the character, and the personal traits that distinguish a common person from a hero can be elaborately discussed in the essay. If you are still in a fix and are wondering how to write an essay about my hero, then you have landed on the right page as we are about to give clear instructions on how to pen down a great compelling hero essay on your own. All you have to do is follow these simple guidelines and hints:





Importance of Hero Essays

Catchy titles for an essay about my hero, how to get the best hero essay, how to start a hero essay, tips concerning writing a hero essay introduction, how to write body paragraphs, how to write conclusion for a hero essay, short example of a college essay about my hero.

Heroes or heroic figures have a great impact on the minds of young souls. Children who view cartoons and watch heroic actions of their favourite characters like to adopt their traits. That is why when writing a heroism essay, it becomes imperative to reflect on the qualities these heroes exhibit truly. This helps narrate how heroes transform the lives of ordinary people through their special attributes, chivalry, and characteristics. Some superheroes like Spiderman and Ironman depict special powers and are most children’s favourite. Children also consider authority figures like their father to be a superhero who can solve all kinds of problems and always help them.

Writing such kind of essays instil a sense of love and pride for their superheroes. Since students love their superheroes and look up to them for guidance, they would like to describe all the good qualities of their heroes. Writing an essay about my hero helps them use describing words and good writing skills, which will, in turn, help them excel in their life.

There are plenty of hero essay ideas you can choose from. If you are wondering how to write a title and heading for your hero essay, these shortlisted titles will surely help you.

  • My Father: My Hero
  • Heroes of the Second World War
  • What Makes Superman a Superhero?
  • Traits that Distinguish an Ordinary Man from a Hero
  • Top Qualities of a Hero
  • True Legends of Time
  • Heroes for a Cause
  • Life of Nelson Mandela
  • Who is my Role Model?
  • Finding Your Hero

Wondering how to write my hero essay outline? Here is a simple guideline that will help you organize your content professionally. Writing an essay outline, you must go through a proper format to convey all the points in an easy, coherent manner. You should be able to put it in the following way:


In the heroes essay introduction, there should be a statement describing a hero's life and the attributes that make a hero. In the introductory paragraph, you should describe your hero briefly and what makes your hero different from other superheroes.

The other element important in the outline is background. Inform the reader about the heroic acts and details set against the background. If it is the entire life history you wish to explain, then mention it in the background.

Attributes of a Hero

Once you have explained the background information and the setting, you should now mention the characteristics and attributes of the hero. In this part of the essay, the positive and negative aspects of the hero should be properly explained.

Acts of Heroism

What are the different heroic acts or special powers that set your hero apart from other superheroes? When writing the heroes definition essay, you should put together the acts of heroism.

The concluding paragraph should sum up the details about your hero.


When writing an introduction, you should keep in mind the special powers of your hero. Don’t write down everything in the introduction. Here are some tips you should keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple
  • Choose your superhero
  • Write it in a statement form
  • Mention the key points that differentiate your hero from others

It should have the suggested length. The body paragraphs can comprise 3-4 paragraphs depending upon your content. It should have complete details and mention the special features and attributes of the hero you selected. You can break down the body paragraph into different points. In one paragraph, you can explain the setting, background, life history of the superhero. In the other consecutive paragraphs, you should explain the special features and attributes.

For a compelling who’s your hero essay conclusion, you must sum up the essay. Write down all the points that tie the essay together. From the beginning to the end, everything in the essay should be conveyed in a gist. A good conclusion leaves a great impact on the mind of the reader.

Finalizing Essay

Once you have written down everything, now is the time to finalize your essay. Make sure to edit, proofread, revise and provide citations where necessary.

Essay Revision

Revise your essay. Read it out loud. When you read the essay, you will be able to find mistakes.

Essay Proofreading

Proofread the essay. Keep a check on the grammatical errors and typos. There should be no mistakes. Students who have tight deadlines tend to miss this part and are in a hurry to submit their work. This might show serious issues in the essay, which will reflect badly on your work.

Make Citations

Write down the references. While writing down the essay, if you have taken from different sources, then you should mention it. These citations and references show varied sources from where you have taken material for your essay. It also reflects your researching skills.

An essay on my hero example is as follows:


For instance, your topic is ‘My father, my hero!’ Here is how you should begin writing your essay.

My father is a gem of a person. He knows how to take care of his family in times of distress. Apart from this, he is a great teacher, impacting the lives of millions of people. His noble ways of teaching and sharing knowledge make him a superhero not only for me but for all those people whose lives he touched.

My father had a small family. He was the only son of his parents. His parents loved him but were very strict. His childhood days were carefree, but he was a responsible kid, aware of his duty towards his parents. He would never disobey them. His love was unconditional for his parents, and he would go out of his way to serve them. Since he did not have his siblings to support him, he led quite a lonely life. He was a self-made man who struggled in his early years to make a name of himself. His teachers loved him for his honesty and intelligence.

As he grew up to be a man, he was loyal to his job and family. He left no stone unturned in serving his aging parents. He got married and had kids. His love continued to grow for his family. For the sake of our happiness, he would sacrifice his little acts of happiness. He would feel happy when we were happy. The students he taught learned acts of graciousness and nobility from him. They would yearn to be like him, striving in little ways to become a personality he would cherish. Simple acts of kindness made him a superhero. He became a hero in my eyes and in the lives of all those people he affected in one way or the other.

From the milkman to the newspaperman, every person would greet him with great respect. The respect he earned showed how loved and revered he was. His altruism, chivalry, and bravery were exhibited in daily activities. He was a man of integrity, values, and principles. All these things and a lot more made him different from other superheroes. He was neither a celebrity nor an action hero, but he was a great man of spirit who lived in people's hearts.

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Essay paper writing

essay on my real life hero

The hero essay is a common task for many students. It is not always associated with the characters of books or movies because many young people would like to tell a story about their friend or relative. That is the reason why my hero essay is so popular and preferred by students. If you have the same task, congratulations! In this article, you will find all the necessary information. However, before writing the hero paper, it is essential to take care of several things to make your essay high-quality. So let us concentrate on the hints for your text. Also, you are not restricted from adding your own points.

Planning your hero essay

There are many topics for hero essay, so it is really easy to get lost in a huge amount of them. Before writing anything, make sure to choose an interesting topic as well as one of good titles for a hero essay. Having an interesting title, you will definitely spark the interest of your readers. By the way, it’s a good idea to think about hero essay titles after you finish the actual paper. This way, you will have a full picture of what is the main idea of essay, so it might be easy to formulate in interesting title.

Some of the topics will be given in the text, but feel free to come up with your own; it can be anything, even something like walt disney hero essay if that is what interests you. Just remember that the topic should be engaging not only for reading but for researching as well.

Now let’s think: how to approach your hero essay outline? If you have never written an essay before, it may seem challenging, but don’t worry, it’s not that complicated. First thing first, you will need to start looking for the information for hero essay introduction and all of the other parts of the text that you are going to include.  Let’s consider how to tackle this stage of writing.

Search for information

This aspect is one of the most important ones that you are going to face before writing the super hero paper. Having enough information is essential, otherwise, you’ll end up thinking that you have no good ideas about how to continue writing. To prevent that, we are going to give you some advice on how to find only the best information for your ‘my mom is my hero’ essay, hero essay, or any type of essay that you are going to have in the future. The advice is quite general, making it great even for those who just want to improve the skills of writing texts.

Let’s consider the actual approaches to the planning of your personal hero essay. You have to decide the way you are going to look for all of the information available. And of course, you will need to remember everything that might be useful for you when writing the text. However, in most cases, the best decision is to answer the central questions of your who is your hero essay. That is most likely going to bring you all of the success that you are expecting from the text.

It is generally known that the materials on the Internet are not always reliable. However, when you have a ton of various sources, there is no time to check all of them; still, that is the task that everybody should do before letting that info appear in hero essay assignment.

We know how difficult it sometimes gets to write a high-quality text and look for the relevant info for epic hero essay. But believe us, all the time you spend on checking the sources will not be wasted in vain because having done that, you will definitely get an excellent mark!

Introduction for your what is a hero essay

This point is often underestimated by the novice writers, as they think that there is no way to convey an important message to the reader in this part of the text. However, they forget that without the intro section, there is no way to start the essay at all. The first paragraph of your ‘describe a hero’ essay (or any other type of paper) should be one of the most interesting and intriguing ones in the text, as you are going to attract the reader’s attention. If they see that your text is not something that they have been looking for just because of the first paragraph, there is no chance that you’ll find the audience for your super hero essay.

The next thing that many authors tend to forget is the fact that the first paragraph impacts the following parts. Just remember those texts in which you got interested in the introduction, and after reading the main body, you felt like you had been cheated, as you didn’t get what had been expected. Also, it is crucial to remember that you will need to have some really curious and intriguing facts. It is not an easy task if you write on challenging topics just like one of antigone tragic hero essay or something like that. Alright, it’s time to move our discussion to the main part.

Writing the main part for your what makes a hero essay

Even though it seems to be more difficult than all of the other parts of the text, body paragraphs are quite easy to work on, as everything you need is proper preparation. If you do every required step before writing your qualities of a hero essay, there will be no problem in making a perfect paper. However, even if you do not have all of the needed information for the nice main part, you still have some time to start thinking of what you can write in this case. Remember to avoid including too much info. As you go forward, you may realize that half of it is not going to fit the essay type or genre, and it will be rather hard for you to find the right information for your positive or tragic hero essay.  

After you are done with the information search, it’s time to think about the structure of the paragraphs. Almost every essay has the following structure:

  • Introduction with a strong thesis statement;
  • Main part with 2-3 paragraphs;
  • Conclusion, which should not contain any new information.

What should you do to create a good main part of the text on this topic? First of all, you need to be prepared for writing. Make sure that you had enough rest after writing the first part of the paper. That will allow you to concentrate on the body of your what is a true hero essay. First thing first, you have to get some new data. The good news is that you don’t need to look for a big amount of information or various my hero essay ideas. What you are going to do is to imagine somebody who is a hero for you. For some people, what makes a person a hero essay is going to be easy to work on as they already have an image of a hero in their mind. That might be their relative or somebody that has made a considerable impact on them. By the way, my dad is my hero essay is quite popular assignment among students nowadays. But a hero is not necessarily somebody close to you or even somebody you know; it may be your favorite singer or even that guy that runs past your house every morning at 5 am. Almost anyone can become your hero. All you need to do is to think of them that way, and that will be enough for your real life hero essay. You may concentrate on the personal traits of an individual you chose to describe.

Imagine that you will have to write a characteristics of a hero essay. It is not enough to say that somebody is brave; there should be some facts as evidence of this quality. For some people, this task is going to be a way more difficult task than to write a Jesus is my hero essay.

After you are done with the qualities, it will be time to move on to the other aspects. For example, you may specify why this person is so special to you. What is the reason for you to consider this person as your hero? Even though it might seem a boring task, it will be a defining one in an assignment like this one. Therefore, do not skip this step, and you will be awarded a good grade for the essay. Of course, you will need more practice to improve your skills to become proficient in writing essays. However, this first work will surely help you to answer the questions of what defines a hero essay and will also be a layout to tell about some other people you think should be called heroes. Having the first text as an example, you will be able to compare those heroes to show why both of them have to be called so. If you feel that you should include some more parts into the paper, consider writing about your antihero.

Anti hero essay

This is the topic that many people tend to forget about because it is not a popular issue to concentrate on. However, that is a perfect way to show your perception regarding the qualities that can potentially ruin the hero image of a person. At the same time, you are going to show that if heroes are going to absorb one of those qualities, you are not going to regard them as a role model. All of this information will be great to use in your what makes a good hero essay, because it is a well-known fact that even the best qualities may be crossed out by the negative one. A great way to add something to such a paragraph would be a story about somebody who you almost thought of as a hero, but they made some terrible mistakes, so now you may even consider them to be an antihero. Of course, there will be no opportunity to use such a paragraph in your god is my hero essay, but you are able to include such information in almost any other paper.

At the end of your paragraph, you can state that eventually, antiheroes may also become the great people and even somebody’s heroes. For example, somebody you disliked turned a great person when they had faced some problems in their life to become different and to change their behavior. This is an extremely important point – the ability to change for better, as it is considered to be dramatically challenging to do. You may also remember many facts when an absolutely unknown person became one’s hero. That would make a perfect paragraph for the outsiders hero essay. For example, some people help others with different types of donations. Very often, the financial help for those in need can become a saving act in providing food or medicine. For some people, the situation is different, because they may have money and can spend it to cure themselves, but the problem is that money cannot always help. Here you can find the answer to the central questions of your how to become a hero essay. For example, you may donate blood and save the lives of about three people (according to medical statistics). Donation of blood will not harm your organism but surely help others. You will become a real hero for those who even don’t know you. This information may be the answer to the question of how to write a hero essay.

You might also want to add some other stories to the main part of the text. The right thing to do is to analyze the theme of heroism in the historical context. Let us talk about veterans, who are great examples of heroes who gave us an opportunity to live in a peaceful world. You may surely question the importance of their deeds in your why is a veteran a hero essay, and you will find dozens of facts as evidence to that statement. Moreover, do not forget that veterans are not only those who were fighting in World War II but also the ones who are protecting the country at present. In many cases, they are the right people to write about in your national hero essay.

Can anyone be a hero essay

Probably, most people believe that heroes are always unique individuals who were trained for years to do great things for humanity. That is not always true, and you have a chance to ruin this myth and convince your audience that everybody can become a hero in real life by writing an essay about it, using some of our ideas how to become a hero, or creating a traits of a hero essay so that others could learn from it too.

First of all, a true hero worries about others more than themselves. You have to be willing to help others and to show empathy not only to your friends and relatives but also to strangers. Learn how to accept others, their pain and needs, and try to put yourself in their shoes. This way, you will be able to help anybody.

Perform random acts of kindness. Do small and simple things every day; being a hero takes not only significant steps but smaller ones too. You could buy a coffee for a stranger, provide groceries and food for someone who is in need, or help tourists leading their way. Being a hero takes time and effort, but it is something that is 100% worth it.

Hero essay conclusion

First of all, before you actually start writing your conclusion, think about any ideas on how to finish the essay in the best way. There is no need to rush – it’s best to take your time and do things carefully.

After you have done that, try to list all of the main ideas that you presented in the main body. You don’t have to take a look at each point you have made, only at the most important ones. This way, you will review all of the things that were said before and know what to avoid in conclusion and which words fit the best. Finally, adding new information is not recommended at this point because a good conclusion of your being a hero essay should include only restated ideas.

So let’s move on to the actual writing:

  • Start with an opening sentence for your conclusion. Don’t use such common phrases as “In conclusion” or “To conclude” because they make your text sound clichéd and boring. Instead, think about some interesting phrases and connect them to your ideas and evidence. Your readers must feel that the essay has come to an end, but it should be done originally. You can add some transitions to make sure that it’s clear that this is the final part of the paper. Then, restate your main argument and thesis statement of your essay. It is essential to make sure that the thesis statement is mentioned in conclusion because it is probably the most important part of the text. If you write what does it mean to be a hero essay, and your main point is that everyone can be a hero, try to restate the same thought in different words. You need to do that to remind your readers of all of the main points one more time.
  • Summarize all of your strongest points and thoughts in a conclusion of a hero essay. The role of your conclusion is not only to remind your readers of the main argument but also to talk again about the points you have made. You have to take the first sentence of each body paragraph and rewrite the main arguments in two to three sentences.

Finally, while your introduction requires a right hook for a hero essay, and your conclusion needs an interesting twist. You can add a joke or a story from your life to appeal to the emotions of your readers, or even make a call for action. This way, the text is understood and remembered better. If your essay is written about any social issue, it is best to add a call to action, since most problems in our world require other people to start doing something. For example, in a conclusion paragraph for a hero essay, you may say that everyone can be a hero, and now it’s a great time to start helping others and making our planet a better place.

And of course, there are also many mistakes that writers make when ending their essays. So let’s discuss once more what are the don’ts of a good conclusion:

  • Do not repeat the same sentence. When you have to restate the main point of your essay, use different words and sentence structure to make your definition of a hero essay conclusion more original.
  • Do not use language that your readers may not be familiar with. If there are any scientific terms that you need to use, try to find substitutes for them.
  • Do not add any new information. The conclusion is not the right place for introducing any new material or content because this will confuse your readers and distract them from the main topic.

That is all you need for a great hero essay conclusion. Just do your best, and you will see the result!  

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If you are writing a hero essay, you have to describe a particular person who did something great. This can be a story about brave heroes of the World War II that were fighting with an enemy to save other people. You may write about a smart scientist who invented something significant to simplify our life. Maybe you even have your own hero? Your main task here is to write about personal qualities to explain to your readers why this certain person is a great hero. It's important to find strong words to describe this particular man or woman, there are a lot of things to write about. This type of paper requires good skills in writing and a lot of time. We have created this detailed instruction to help people in writing a strong hero essay. Read all pages of our article, it will help to figure out how to make a successful story that will attract many readers. Follow our simple hints, don't forget to plan your time beforehand! In case you lack time or ideas, remember that StudyCrumb can help you with any academic essay. Just say " Write my essay cheap " and our professionals will create a wonderful paper on any topic. 

4 Steps of Creating a Brilliant Story About Your Hero

These are the main steps that will help people to make a good essay.

  • Brainstorm your ideas to choose your hero. You are free to write about anyone: from a heroic person that saves people and their lives to a fictional character from a cartoon for children. The most important thing is to mention the qualities of the chosen person to show your readers their power and strength. Find a character analysis example to base on.
  • Make a clear outline for your future work. You may think it's not necessary to do it at all, but creating an outline is an important step in writing; if you are traveling in the unknown place, you definitely have a map, don't you? The same is with creating your paper. An outline is your map to guide you through the process of writing, that's why you shouldn't neglect this step.
  • Write a draft of your essay. Here everything is simple: just follow your outline, don't try to pay attention to grammar and punctuation. You will have a chance to fix all errors later. Try to be concentrated on your writing.
  • Revise your hero essay to correct all mistakes and misprints. We suggest taking some time for rest after you have finished your paper and then start editing your work. It's more effective to check the paper with refreshed eyes. We suggest using various online programs to run online spell check and correct grammar mistakes.

How to Make a Good Outline for My Hero Essay?

As we already mentioned, an essay outline is an important part of writing your story about heroes; here is how you should build it:

  • Introduction Here it's important to introduce your hero to readers: explain why this person is very important to you. Don't forget to provide your audience with a short background.
  • The main part Here you should describe all qualities and characteristics of your hero to people. Provide heroic acts in details, don't forget about examples to support your argument. For instance, don't just write that a person was very brave. Provide a story that will prove it: tell your readers how your courage and character saved someone's life or did something significant for others.
  • Conclusion This is a part of your paper where you have to rephrase the main idea of your writing to finish your essay logically. Don't make it too big, never try to put anything new here. A good ending should be a short accord in your work.

Ideas for Writing an Interesting Paper About a Hero

If you feel stuck with your writing, we have a bunch of interesting ideas you can choose from:

  • Make a story about a real hero from books or newspapers. This can be an essay about a brave soldier who fought in the war, this may be a work about a fireman with courage who saved a lot of people and children from fire.
  • Write about a fictional hero. Many people read a lot of stories about Superman or Batman - they are big heroes. It's possible to create a bright and interesting paper about such characters. Keep in mind you should describe their feats and achievement and explain to your readers why they have to admire them.
  • Famous people : actors, politicians, scientists, etc. can be your heroes easily. You can make an exciting story about a movie star; it's possible to write about a great scientist you admire a lot. Maybe you even have figured out your future profession thanks to these people? This is a great idea to create your hero story about!
  • Sometimes even ordinary people can become heroes. Maybe your best friend saved a little puppy fighting with a couple of angry dogs? Your uncle seems to be a brave hero because he is a zoologist who fights with poachers to make this world better? Feel free to write about such heroes too. They are very important for all us.

5 Tips to Create a Perfect and Bright Work About a Hero

Follow these effective hints to write an exciting hero paper and get a high grade:

  • Write about someone your audience doesn't expect to hear. When people hear a word "hero", they have brave knights with courage in their mind. Try to catch people attention with a story about a homeless man who saved a kitten from cars or about a neighbor's son who helps the old people of your district (buys food for them every day).
  • Usually, people expect reading from hero essays about such qualities as bravery, fame, and courage. It's possible to make an exciting story about a character who is very kind or extremely optimistic even in a bad situation. Surprise your readers with something they don't expect! This is a very effective thing when you're making a hero essay.
  • Think out of the box - feel free to write about anything that comes to your mind. Keep in mind that you should support your argument with examples. Describe actions, not just how the chosen person looks! A huge smile plus nice face cannot convince readers you are writing about a kind character. If you will mention that a young man helped old woman to cross the street, then it proves this is an act of kindness.
  • Whether you're making a story about a real person or write about a hero from cartoons, movies, or comics, write about the facts you are familiar with. There is no reason to use your fantasy, trying to provide readers with a fairy tale.
  • Make a bright introduction to grab the attention of your readers. People won't read a boring story, your main task here is to motivate them to read the entire work. There are several ways of creating an interesting beginning. Try to start your essay with a quote, put a question, or provide the audience with an anecdote. Just try to be non-ordinary to write a creative essay !

Why Is It Important to Read Hero Essay Examples?

Needless to say, it's quite useful to read hero essay examples to create your own interesting story. Reading helps to refine writing skills, we suggest searching for essay samples, no matter what kind of paper you're working on. Here we want to share our successful sample of an interesting hero essay that may be helpful to read:  

My dad is a great hero to me. Even if he doesn't do anything special in his everyday job, I admire him a lot. He is a lawyer who helps to make equitable justice. My dad taught me that it's quite important to be an honest person. My dad is a great hero to me. Even if he doesn't do anything special in his everyday job, I admire him a lot. He is a lawyer who helps to make equitable justice. My dad taught me that it's quite important to be an honest person. At the start, that cruel man tried to defame my father's client - he wanted to make him guilty in everything; my dad already had evidence against the man so he suggested him staying quiet. It didn't work, the next day someone offered my father a bribe. I can't write the sum here - this money would be enough for all us to live without working anymore. In addition, my mother was fighting cancer, we needed a lot of money. My father didn't accept that: he rejected the deal and he found a man who offered a bribe. Nowadays, that man with his sly partner are in jail. The father's client was acquitted in the court from a criminal charge. I already have chosen my future profession - I want to be a lawyer like my dad. I admire this person because he is a strong hero for me because he is the most honest man I know.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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