
16 Best Free Online Critical Thinking Courses

critical thinking certificate online

Written by Argumentful

Critical thinking is one of the most fundamental skills you could focus on. In fact, these skills are so important that many educational institutions have listed them among their central goals. Critical thinking helps you sort the true from the false.

The bad news is that not many people own these skills. Einstein famously said:

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

The good news though is that you can improve your thinking and you can do it without breaking the bank.

Below are listed 16 of the best free online critical thinking courses with details regarding their contents.

Go on, choose your preferred course and take action today! (You can thank me later😉!)

P.S. Apart from the general critical thinking courses, I’ve included 5 specific ones which focus on today’s burning issues- fake news and climate change , as well as correctly interpreting randomized clinical trials and screening trials. See numbers 12 to 16 below.

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Critical reasoning for beginners, critical thinking classes at fayetteville state university, logical and critical thinking, critical thinking: fundamentals of good reasoning, philosophy and critical thinking, critical thinking & problem solving, introduction to critical thinking and logic, teaching critical thinking through art with the national gallery of art.

  • Critical thinking: Reasoned Decision Making

The Science of Everyday Thinking

Critical thinking at university: an introduction, making sense of news, sorting truth from fiction: civic online reasoning, making sense of climate science denial, thinking critically: interpreting randomized clinical trials, thinking critically series: interpreting screening trials.

Critical Thinking ResourceInstitutionTotal Time InvestmentGeneral VS. SpecificCost
1. Critical Reasoning for BeginnersUniversity of Oxford4 hoursGeneralFree
2. Critical Thinking Classes at Fayetteville State UniversityFayetteville State University24 hoursGeneralFree
3. Logical and Critical ThinkingUniversity of Auckland32 hoursGeneralFree
4. Critical Thinking: Fundamentals of Good ReasoningUniversity of Israel54 hoursGeneralFree
5. Philosophy and Critical ThinkingUniversity of Queensland24 hoursGeneralFree
6. Critical Thinking & Problem SolvingRochester Institute of Technology18 hoursGeneralFree
7. Introduction to Critical Thinking and Academy40 hoursGeneralFree
8. Teaching Critical Thinking Through Art with the National Gallery of ArtSmithsonian Institution64 hoursGeneralFree
9. Critical Thinking: Reasoned Decision MakingTecnológico de Monterrey32 hoursGeneralFree
10. The Science of Everyday ThinkingUniversity of Queensland36 hoursGeneralFree
11. Critical Thinking at University: An IntroductionUniversity of Leeds8 hoursGeneralFree

Offered by : University of Oxford

Description :

4 hours, 6 modules

1: The Nature of Arguments

How to recognise arguments and what the nature of an argument is

2: Different Types of Arguments

Different types of arguments, in particular deductive and inductive arguments

3: Setting Out Arguments Logic Book Style

How to identify and analyse arguments, and how to set arguments out logic book-style to make them easier to evaluate

4: What is a  Good Argument? Validity and Truth

How to evaluate arguments and how to tell whether an argument is good or bad, focusing specifically on inductive arguments

5: Evaluating Arguments Part One

Evaluation of arguments – this time deductive arguments – focusing in particular on the notion of validity

6: Evaluating Arguments Part Two

Fallacies: bad arguments that can easily be mistaken for good arguments

Also available on YouTube and iTunes

Offered by : Fayetteville State University

24 videos, 24 hours

Lectures from Spring 2011 Critical Thinking classes at Fayetteville State University held by Gregory B. Sadler. The textbook used was Moore And Parker’s Critical Thinking 9th edition .

  • Issues, claims, arguments
  • Arguments and non-arguments
  • Value Judgments
  • Complex arguments, unstated premises
  • Deductive and inductive arguments with implicit premises
  • Deductive and inductive arguments
  • Information sources
  • Experts and appeal to authority
  • Critical thinking and advertising
  • Rhetorical devices

Offered by : University Of Auckland

8 Weeks of study, 4 hours weekly

  • Identify common flaws in belief construction
  • Recognise and reconstruct arguments
  • Evaluate arguments as being good or bad
  • Analyse arguments using basic logical tools
  • Apply basic logical strategies in areas such as science, moral theories and law

Offered by : IsraelX

9 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

You can create a free account on and have access to the course for 2 months. After 2 months, you can pay £37 to get unlimited access to the course.

The objective of the course is to improve the student’s ability in the basic skills of critical thinking:

  • how to recognize arguments,
  • how to interpret them,
  • how to evaluate them,
  • how to construct them.

Lesson 1. What’s “Critical Thinking?” Lesson 2. What are Arguments Made Of? Lesson 3. From Premises to Conclusions Lesson 4. Recognizing Arguments: Introduction Lesson 5. Argument vs. The Text Containing It Lesson 6. Recognizing Conclusions Lesson 7. Arguments vs. Explanations Lesson 8. Argument Diagrams: Introduction Lesson 9. More about Argument Diagrams Lesson 10. Argument Diagrams: Examples Lesson 11. Hedges Lesson 12. Disclaimers Lesson 13. Examples Lesson 14. Rhetorical Language Lesson 15. Referential Attribution Lesson 16. Principles of Interpretation Lesson 17. Implicit Premises Lesson 18. What’s a Good Argument? Lesson 19. More Virtues of Arguments Lesson 20. Argument Ad Hominem Lesson 21. Argument Ad Verecundiam Lesson 22. Argument Ad Populum Lesson 23. Argument Ad Ignorantiam Lesson 24. Argument Ad Baculum and Ad Misericordiam Lesson 25. Venn Diagrams Lesson 26. Beyond Venn Lesson 27. Modus Ponens Lesson 28. Modus Tollens Lesson 29. Conditionals Lesson 30. Reductio Ad Absurdum Lesson 31. Process of Elimination Lesson 32. Separation of Cases Lesson 33. Truth Trees: An Example Lesson 34. How to Grow Truth Trees Lesson 35. Truth Trees: Another Example Lesson 36. Reflexive Relations Lesson 37. Symmetric Relations Lesson 38. Transitive Relations Lesson 39. Inductive Generalization Lesson 40. What’s a Good Sample? Lesson 41. The New Riddle of Induction Lesson 42. From Induction to Causation Lesson 43. Evaluating Causal Generalizations Lesson 44. Argument from Analogy: Basics Lesson 45. Argument from Analogy: Examples Lesson 46. Who Needs Analogues? Lesson 47. Inference to the Best Explanation Lesson 48. Experimentation Lesson 49. Building an Argument Lesson 50. Writing Up an Argument

Offered by : The University of Queensland

6 weeks, 1-4 hours per week

  • How to think with clarity and rigour
  • How to identify, analyse and construct cogent arguments
  • How to think of solutions to the central problems of philosophy
  • How to engage in philosophical conversations with others about topics that matter

Offered by : Rochester Institute of Technology

3 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

  • How to perform strategic analysis and assessment
  • How to perceive and assess a critical need and design a tailored solution
  • How to identify key stakeholders and ensure their needs are met
  • How to employ adaptive problem-solving
  • How to work through obstacles collaboratively
  • How to analyse failure to improve future performance

Offered by : Academy

This course will introduce you to critical thinking, informal logic, and a small amount of formal logic. Its purpose is to provide you with the basic tools of analytical reasoning, which will give you a distinctive edge in a wide variety of careers and courses of study. While many university courses focus on the presentation of content knowledge, the emphasis here is on learning how to think effectively. Although the techniques and concepts covered here are classified as philosophical, they are essential to the practice of nearly every major discipline, from the physical sciences and medicine to politics, law, and the humanities.

  • Unit 1: Introduction and Meaning Analysis
  • Unit 2: Argument Analysis
  • Unit 3: Basic Sentential Logic
  • Unit 4: Venn Diagrams
  • Unit 5: Fallacies
  • Unit 6: Scientific Reasoning
  • Unit 7: Strategic Reasoning and Creativity

Offered by : Smithsonian Institution

16 weeks, 3-4 hours per week

  • How to use Artful Thinking Routines to strengthen thinking.
  • How to facilitate meaningful conversations in your classroom using art for artful learning and artful teaching.
  • How to help learners of all levels develop more discerning descriptions, evidence-based reasoning, and meaningful questioning habits.
  • Key strategies for using content information to push original thinking deeper.
  • Exciting, immersive activities for any type of classroom.
  • How to use online teaching resources from the National Gallery of Art, including downloadable Artful Thinking lesson plans
  • Unit 0: Welcome (2 hours)
  • Unit 1: Diving into Thinking Routines (3-4 hours)
  • Unit 2: Observing and Describing (3-4 hours)
  • Unit 3: Reasoning with Evidence (3-4 hours)
  • Unit 4: Questioning and Investigating (3-4 hours)

Critical thinking: reasoned decision making

Offered by : Tecnológico de Monterrey

4 weeks, 5-8 hours per week

  • Identify the theories that support critical thinking
  • Employ a methodology for the application of critical thinking
  • Relate the elements that make up the stages of critical thinking
  • Analyse the standards of critical thinking practice
  • Assess the responsibility of perpetuating the intellectual values of the resolution analysis
  • Distinguish the vices of thought in decision making
  • Apply critical thinking to groups

1. Thinking according to our times

1.1 Why critical thinking?

1.2 The exciting world of thinking and criticism

2. Evaluating our modes of thought

2.1 Intellectual values of a good thinker

2.2 Evaluating our critical thinking skills. Avoiding vices and biased thinking

3. Elements and standards of critical thinking

3.1 Elements of a critical thinking process

3.2 Standards to apply to our thinking modes

4. Articulating our decisions making process

4.1 The logic of our decisions and the behaviour derived from them

4.2 How to improve our critical thinking skills and become a fair-minded thinker

12 weeks, 2-3 hours per week

The course explores the psychology of our everyday thinking: why people believe weird things, how we form and change our opinions, why our expectations skew our judgments, and how we can make better decisions. We’ll discuss and debate topics such as placebos, the paranormal, medicine, miracles, and more.

You will use the scientific method to evaluate claims, make sense of evidence, and understand why we so often make irrational choices. You will begin to rely on slow, effortful, deliberative, analytic, and logical thinking rather than fast, automatic, instinctive, emotional, and stereotypical thinking.

  • tools for how to think independently, how to be skeptical, and how to value data over personal experience.
  • examining the mental shortcuts that people use and misuse, and apply this knowledge to help make better decisions, and improve critical thinking.

Offered by : University of Leeds

2 weeks, 4 hours weekly

  • What is critical thinking?
  • A model for critical thinking
  • Why is critical thinking important at university?
  • Challenges to thinking critically at university
  • How can you improve your critical thinking?
  • How will critical thinking help you at university?

Offered by : University of Hong Kong

4 weeks, 2-3 hours per week

This course will help you identify reliable information in news reports and become better informed about the world we live in. A discussion on journalism from the viewpoint of the news audience.

  • What makes news? The blurred lines between news, promotion and entertainment.
  • Why does news matter? Social sharing and the dynamics of the news cycles.
  • Who provides information? How to evaluate sources in news reports.
  • Where is the evidence? The process of verification.
  • When should we act? Recognizing our own biases.
  • How do we know what we know? Becoming an active news audience.

You’ll learn to:

  • Distinguish news from opinion; media bias from audience bias; assertion from verification
  • Apply critical thinking skills to examine the validity of information
  • Contextualize the knowledge gained from news report
  • Respond quickly to daily news events and make an informed decision

Offered by : Massachusetts Institute of Technology

9 weeks, 2-4 hours per week

Course aimed at fighting fake news and misinformation

Educators—from teachers to librarians—will learn about:

  • New knowledge that can be applied in your lessons and resources for your own students.
  • How to shift from ineffective information literacy practices towards the kinds of strategies employed by professional fact-checkers.

Unit 1: Search Like a Fact Checker

Unit 2: The Two Big Fact Checker Moves: Lateral Reading & Click Restraint

Unit 3: Evaluating Different Types of Evidence

Unit 4: Adapting Civic Online Reasoning

7 weeks, 2-4 hours per week

WEEK 1: Understanding The Climate Controversy During the first week of the course, we introduce the course content, interact with each other and complete an introductory survey. The week continues with an exploration of political consensus, the drivers and psychology of climate science denial and an overview of the controversy surrounding this topic.

WEEK 2: Global Warming Is Happening In week two, we will look at the indicators of global warming and myths related to temperature and glaciers.

WEEK 3: We Are Causing Global Warming Week three focuses on the ways in which humans cause climate change and the myths associated with the greenhouse effect and the rise in carbon dioxide.

WEEK 4: The Past Tells Us About The Future This week looks at the history of climate change in order to model future climate change. We also address myths related to models.

WEEK 5: We Are Feeling The Impacts Of Climate Change Week five covers climate feedbacks and the impacts of climate change on the environment, society and the weather.

WEEK 6 and 7: Responding to Denial The final weeks of the course look more closely at the psychology of science denial and debunking techniques. We also complete a peer assessment that asks students to practice debunking strategies on real myths that can be found in today’s media.

Approach: mini-lectures, video interviews, quizzes, activities, a peer assessed writing assignment, and readings.

Offered by : Stanford University

1 week, 2-3 hours

This course seeks to fulfil the clinical community’s need to improve skills in the critical evaluation of clinical research papers. Competency in critical appraisal skills can have a significant impact by improving clinical practice, quality of research projects, and peer-review of manuscripts and grants. The course will utilize efficient and engaging videos with relevant clinical examples to cover essential research methodology principles.

  • Analyse the concepts of randomization and blinding in reducing bias.
  • Develop strategies to critically appraise randomized clinical trials and determine if study results are valid.
  • Analyse the key design features of screening studies.
  • Develop strategies to critically appraise screening studies and determine if study results are valid.

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Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction

Critical thinking is a vital skill for university study whatever your discipline. Prepare for university now.

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Thinking Critically

Thinking Critically

This free online course includes:.

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This free online training course on Critical Thinking will provide you with an understanding of the process of critical thinking. You will learn about group problem solving and critical thinking as a collective effort. Next, you will learn about the business trends in critical thinking. You will also be learning about the decision-making tactics, critical thinking methods and approaches to solving problems as well as incorporating creative and analytical thinking into problems solving.

Furthermore, in this free Critical Thinking online course, you will learn how to explore, identify and analyze problems as well as what information to gather. Then, you will be learning about brainstorming guidelines, collecting, recording, and developing ideas as well as determining the best solution and the factors of the best solution.

This online course then wraps up with teaching you about accepting a decision, how to prepare your proposal as well as about understanding your audience. It will also teach you how to use visual aids when presenting and about rehearsing your proposal before presenting it. This online course will be of great benefit to learners interested in concepts, theories, techniques and tools used in Critical thinking. Enroll in this course today and start learning how to use critical thinking to solve problems and present solutions.

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How To Think Clearly With The Top 11 Best Online Critical Thinking Courses & Classes [Free Guide]

Best Online Critical Thinking Courses & Classes

Looking for a game-changer in the way you think about the world around you? Well, you’re exactly where you need to be to get started!

In this guide, I cover some of the best online critical thinking courses for developing your skills. With courses ranging from under an hour in length to 16-week programs, there’s something for everyone.  

Also, all of these online courses will equip you with the tools and techniques you need to become a great critical thinker, so let’s get into them!

Table of Contents

Top 11 Best Online Critical Thinking Courses & Classes 2024

1.  how to think differently & critically (skillshare).

How to Think Differently_ 7 Easy Steps to Master Mental Models, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

In 7 easy steps, this online critical thinking course, for beginners and advanced thinkers alike, will help you see the world differently by examining different perspectives and using logic and critical reasoning to expand your mind. 

Troye Bates is your instructor for this course online class, who writes a popular online blog on brain-training, and began teaching several years ago, sparked by his passion for enhancing our mental capabilities.

Through the 7-step process, students learn how to become a mental master of critical thinking, logic, and reasoning, strategy, abundance, big-picture thinking, reflecting before they act, and tons more!

Global online learning platform Skillshare is where you will find this online course.   There are over 29,000 other courses available on the platform and you even get a 1-month free trial!   Overall, this is one of the best critical thinking classes you can find online!

  • 10 video lessons
  • 1 hour and 26 minutes of content
  • 271 students have taken the course
  • Suited to all levels

Activate FREE Skillshare Trial

2.  Critical Thinking: How to Find Out What Really Works (Skillshare)

Critical Thinking_ How to Find Out What Really Works

Keen to level-up your critical thinking skills at work, school, or in day-to-day life? Critical thinking is an essential life skill, and this online course teaches you key strategies to make better life decisions.  

Andre Klapper , Ph.D., is your teacher, who is a researcher, psychologist, and neuroscientist with decades of experience in working with the mind and understanding cognitive processes. This is also 1 of 9 courses Andre currently has on Skillshare.

Spread across 14 lessons over 1-hour, students will learn the reasoning fallacy, everyday examples, how to eliminate alternative explanations, how to rule out coincidences, how to draw conclusions efficiently, the scientific thinking blueprint, and tons more!

Currently, you can find this online course hosted on the global online learning platform, Skillshare. There are over 29,000 other courses available on the platform, plus you get a 1-month free trial as a new user! Overall, this is a great introductory class to enroll in.

  • 14 video lessons
  • 1 hour and 11 minutes
  • 211 students have taken the course
  • Suited to beginners

3.  Welcome to critical thinking (LinkedIn Learning)

Welcome to critical thinking

Learn how to make more thoughtful and effective decisions in every area of your life with this online critical-thinking course designed to challenge and expand your current level of thinking.   Clocking in at an hour, this introductory critical thinking course is just the right length to get some learning in on your commute or while out for a run!

Leading this online course is   Mike Figliuolo , the Managing Director of Thought LEADERS LLC, and an author at LinkedIn Learning. Mike is also a nationally renowned speaker, blogger, author, and teacher.

Throughout the course’s one-hour running time, students explore a series of techniques to assist with developing critical thinking skills by sharing how to redefine problems and use specific strategies such as the ‘5 Whys’, the ‘7 So Whats’, and the 80/20 rule.

You can find this online critical thinking course hosted on LinkedIn Learning, offering over 150,000 courses on a range of topics, all available to students worldwide! The expert teaching and quality content make this a not-to-miss online course!

  • Approx. 1 hour of content
  • Downloadable on Apple and GooglePlay for offline learning
  • 312,745 people have viewed the course

Visit LinkedIn.con

4.  Critical Thinking In The Workplace (Skillshare)

Critical Thinking In The Workplace

Next up on my list is a critical-thinking course designed specifically for the workplace. Whether you’re looking to enhance your own skills, or you’re a manager or CEO aiming to increase staff productivity,   this short 50-minute course is highly recommended.

Katie Hall is your instructor, a representative of Talent Zoom, which is a company that helps businesses identify their unique workplace talents. Katie also has 3 courses on Skillshare and is dedicated to helping people succeed in their professional lives.

Some of the many topics covered in this online critical thinking course include the foundations of critical thinking, as well as understanding left, right, whole-brain thinking, consistency of ideas, building an explanation, active listening, and tons more!

For those interested, this online course is hosted on the global online learning platform, Skillshare. There are over 29,000 other courses available on the platform, plus a 1-month free trial! Overall, this is one of the best online critical thinking classes out there!

  • 50 minutes of content
  • 429 students have taken the course
  • 2 downloadable resources

5.  Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making (Skillshare)

Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making

Did you know that having solid critical-thinking skills leads to better decision-making and a higher quality of life as a result? This online course empowers you to make the right decisions for your life by teaching you objective and rational analysis techniques to apply to any situation you might find yourself in.  

Taught by Becki Saltzman , this class is expertly led in short-format video lectures. Becki is an author, speaker, and founder of the Applied Curiosity Lab. She is focused on teaching skills to companies to improve their operations, and how their teams innovate, tackle challenges, and respond to change.

Each module of this critical thinking course covers topics such as the foundational aspect of critical thinking, how to minimize bad judgment, improving vision quality, and creating a culture of curiosity.  

Hosted on LinkedIn Learning, you can access this course and then choose from more than 150,000 others taught by industry experts once you’ve completed it! Definitely a recommended short class that you can access from anywhere.

  • Approx. 55 minutes of content
  • 78,641 people have viewed the course
  • Suited to advanced level

6.  Master Cognitive Biases and Improve Your Critical Thinking (Udemy)

Master Cognitive Biases and Improve Your Critical Thinking

My next standout pick is an online critical-thinking course to fast-track your mental upgrade. Master your understanding of cognitive biases and learn the most effective strategies to improve the quality of your thinking in just under 2.5 hours!

Kevin DeLaplante Ph.D. is your course instructor, who is a philosopher and the founder of the Critical Thinker Academy. Kevin has taught more than 62,000 students in his 4 online courses on Udemy and works with groups, universities, and in 1-1 coaching for improving critical thinking.

In over 50 von-demand video lectures, students are guided through an explanation of cognitive bias is and how it relates to critical thinking. Lessons include confirmation bias, pattern-seeking, hindsight bias, and the anchoring effect, ending with some helpful strategies for debasing ideas.

Udemy is where you can access this critical thinking course, a great online course platform that offers its students over 150,000 on-demand online courses from beginner to advanced level!

  • 50 video lectures
  • 2 hours and 26 minutes of content
  • Lifetime access
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 4.4/5 from 4,812 ratings
  • 13,803 students have taken the course


7.  Teaching Critical Thinking through Art with the National Gallery of Art (edX)

Teaching Critical Thinking through Art with the National Gallery of Art

Are you an artist or an art enthusiast? Next up is a specialist online course examining critical thinking through an artistic lens.   You’ll learn how to strengthen your thinking and facilitate meaningful conversations by applying artistic critical-thinking techniques.

As for your instructor, this online critical thinking course is offered by The Smithsonian Institute with Julie Carmean , the Museum Educator and Coordinator of Professional Development at The National Gallery of Art in Washington, United States, as your leading you.

Through 4 content units, which will take up to 20 hours to complete via self-paced learning, students investigate thinking routines, observing and describing tactics, reasoning with evidence, and questioning and investigating, receiving downloadable artful thinking lesson plans as a bonus!

You can find this online critical thinking course can be found on the nonprofit education platform edX, founded by Harvard and MIT, and offering courses form the leading worldwide universities to more than 20 million students! This particular course is one of the best online critical thinking classes I’ve found.

  • 18,073 students have enrolled
  • Takes 16 weeks to complete
  • 3-4 hours a week of work
  • Great for all levels


8.  Master your Decision-Making, and Critical Thinking Skills (Udemy)

Master your Decision-Making, and Critical Thinking Skills

Are you looking for a comprehensive online course to improve your decision-making? You can work towards mastering good decision-making in this 4-hour online critical-thinking course that comes highly recommended with a 4.4/5 rating!  

Your course instructor is Sivakami S , an experienced business leader and research/doctoral scholar who has taught over 20,000 students in his 12 online courses on Udemy. With nearly 2 decades of experience, she has led many initiatives in large corporations such as Verizon and Microsoft.

Spanning 45 video lectures presented in just over 4 hours, students learn how humans think, judge, and decide key cognitive biases, irrationality versus rationality, de-biasing techniques, logical fallacies, and so much more.  

Head to Udemy to check this course out, a global online learning platform that offers more than 150,000 on-demand courses on a whole range of topics no matter your level! Overall, this online course is a great deep-dive into critical-thinking!.

  • 45 video lectures
  • 4 hours and 3 minutes of content
  • 4.4/5 from 1,183 ratings
  • 5,129 students have taken the course
  • 15 downloadable resources

9. Philosophy and Critical Thinking (edX)

Philosophy and Critical Thinking

Another online critical thinking course that I’m excited to show you is a totally free, university-led offering for anyone who wants to improve their critical thinking skills. Over a period of 6 weeks, students learn how to use philosophical inquiry to improve your personal and professional decision-making.  

Two instructors share the teaching of this online course, Professor Deborah Brown and Dr. Peter Ellerton , both lecturers and Directors of the University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project who  

Students are led through critical thinking content that teaches them how to identify, analyze, and construct cogent arguments, and how to think of solutions to the central philosophical problems. There is also an option to add a verified certificate for an extra fee, for students looking for this proof of completion of the course.

edX hosts this online critical thinking course,   offering more than 20 million students incredible access to online courses at leading universities across the globe. Plus, as a nonprofit, it’s totally free! Overall, a high-quality course for anyone wanting to develop critical thinking.  

  • 95,967 students have enrolled
  • 6 weeks long
  • 1-4 hours of work per week

10.  Critical Thinking (Udemy)

Critical Thinking

If you’re keen to study an online critical thinking course that’s both broad and detailed, this could be the one for you! In just 3 hours, you’ll have a greater grasp of logic and reasoning to apply to every area of your life.

Presented by Joss Colchester of Systems Innovation , an eLearning platform that is focused on complex systems and system change, this course is an entry into this subject. This course is led in an accessible way, making complex ideas feel easy to understand.

Joss takes students through course content covering cognition, including evolutionary psychology, as well as informal and formal logic examples and explanations, the different types of reasoning, the elements of reasoning, and argumentation rules and strategies.

One of the best online critical thinking courses around, you can find it on Udemy, which offers its students over 150,000 on-demand online courses on critical thinking and more, from beginner to advanced level!

  • 21 video lectures
  • 3 hours and 5 minutes of content
  • 4.3/5 from 118 ratings
  • 427 students have taken the course

11. Introduction to Critical Thinking (Udemy)

Introduction to Critical Thinking

If you’re a critical-thinking newbie looking to get your decision-making off to a good start, this is a brilliant beginner’s course to help you process information and make thoughtful decisions.  

Teaching duo Gorden Bonne t and Carol Bloomgarden are your instructors. Golden is the author of the blog Skeptophilio, which looks at science and media through a skeptical lens. He is also a novelist and teacher of critical thinking, and various other science topics. Carol is Gorden’s wife, and she is responsible for the video production and graphic design at Skeptophilia. They both lead this course with patience and passion.

Throughout 39 on-demand video lectures, students will explore the fundamentals of critical thinking, skepticism, learn how to recognize fallacies in the media, identify questionable statistics, construct arguments, and know when scientific terms are not being used correctly.

Udemy is where you will find this critical thinking hosted, a great online course platform which offers its students over 150,000 on-demand online courses from beginner to advanced level!

Udemy was founded in 2010 and has risen to the forefront of online learning in just a decade, to become the leader in skill-based and professional online education. To learn more, also check out my other posts on NLP and CBT !

  • 39 video lectures
  • 1 hour and 19 minutes of content
  • Course: Introduction to Critical Thinking
  • 4.5/5 from 34 ratings
  • 46 students have taken the course

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My name is Lewis Keegan and I am the writer and editor of I'm extremely passionate about online education and what it can do for those to better their lives. I spend most of my time blogging, hiking, and drinking coffee. I also have a Bachelor's Degree in Education and Teaching.

  • Innovation & Critical Thinking

Because organizations must innovate to stay alive in today's highly competitive marketplace, organizations need employees who can channel their creativity and innovation toward organizational challenges and goals.   The Innovation and Critical Thinking Certificate is comprised of four courses. It first helps you become re-acquainted with your own stores of creativity and innovation. Next, you are given a set of tools that allow you to leverage your creativity to identify and solve organizational problems. One activity then asks you how you might look at a problem from a different angle to produce a more creative result; others walk you through the process of using analogies or replacement techniques to invent creative solutions to problems.

Each 3 to 5 hour, self-paced course in this program offers an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, selected readings, case studies, and self-assessments that will engage you and help you apply your newly discovered creativity in the workplace.

Upon successful completion, you can download a printable certificate of completion for this online program. This certificate has no textbooks or prerequisites.

Students who complete the Innovation and Critical Thinking Certificate are awarded a total of 22 CPEs (1 Technical; 21 Non-Technical) and 2.2 CEUs.

The Innovation and Critical Thinking certificate consists of 4 courses, each taking approximately 3 to 5 hours to complete. Students have four months to complete the certificate. 

The four courses are:

  • Creativity in Teams and Organizations
  • Innovation in Teams and Organizations
  • Introduction to Critical Thinking
  • Personal Creativity

In this certificate program, students will learn how to do the following:

  • Explain the connection between creativity and innovation
  • Outline the five factors for creative teams
  • Use team creative tools such as brainstorming, Discussion 66, anonymous idea generation, and visioning
  • Explain the importance of diversity in team creativity
  • Describe techniques for prototyping new ideas
  • Explain how to overcome creative barriers for teams and organizations
  • Describe ways to make teams and organizations more open to creativity and innovation
  • Outline the key factors for an innovative organization
  • Discuss the barriers to innovation
  • Explain the differences between incremental, semi-radical, and radical innovation
  • Describe internal innovation tools such as idea champions, idea incubators, new venture teams and skunk works
  • Explain the process of moving from idea to commercialization
  • Discuss the issues surrounding innovation in the public sector
  • Define critical thinking, reasoning, and logic
  • Ask appropriate questions for critical thinking
  • Understand the process of systemic problem-solving
  • Identify and overcome barriers to critical thinking
  • Articulate common reasoning fallacies
  • Understand critical thinking as it pertains to the workplace
  • Describe the basis of personal creativity
  • Explain the uses of creative tools
  • Distinguish between vertical and lateral thinking
  • Employ creative tools like SCAMPER, random input, mind mapping, and DO IT
  • Describe the key characteristics of personal creativity
  • Assess the issues surrounding measuring creativity

This certificate offers an assortment of interactive exercises, selected readings, quizzes and self-assessments. Upon completion, learners are given a summary of what they've learned for quick reference while at work.

This program has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered within 3 business days.

This certificate requires no textbooks or prerequisites. There are some downloadable materials which students can save during the program to access for further use.

Quizzes and Testing

  • There are quizzes and tests throughout the course with exercises and scenarios for students to answer and self-assess their learning. Students are required to complete all content elements in the course and earn at least a 70% average test score to earn their certificate.
  • As a non-credit program, students earn a complete/incomplete status.  Letter grades are not issued, nor recorded by Duke Continuing Studies.
Course Location Tuition Status
Because organizations must innovate to stay alive in today's highly competitive marketplace, organizations need employees who can channel their creativity and innovation toward organizational challenges and goals. This suite of… Online $299.00 available


All registrants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Possess word processing and internet skills
  • Be fluent in the English language (including reading and writing)
  • Be familiar with how online programs work and be comfortable using them
  • Be computer literate, have reliable internet access and a valid email account (Please note personal email accounts are preferred as they are less likely to be blocked by fire walls and spam filters)
  • Meet the computer technical requirements specifications

Admission is discretionary. The office of Duke Continuing Studies, Professional Certificate Programs, requires students be a least 18 years of age and meet minimum suitability standards. Students are not matriculated Duke University students and university student privileges do not apply to Continuing Studies students.

Duke Continuing Studies reserves the exclusive right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to withhold registration or require withdrawal from the program of any student or applicant.

Certificate Requirements In order to earn a certificate of completion from Duke Continuing Studies, students are required to achieve an average test score of 70% and to complete all content elements in the course within 4 months (120 days).

Technical Requirements

  • Windows XP SP2 or newer
  • Mac OS 10.4.11 or higher
  • Linux/Unix (any recent version)
  • 1 Ghz or faster CPU
  • sound card and headphones or speakers (some assignments have audio components)
  • Microsoft Office 97 (or newer) or comparable office suite such as Open Office (free download available at )
  • Adobe Flash Player 9 or greater (free download available at )
  • Adobe Reader/Acrobat Reader 7.0 or greater (free download available at )

Web Browser

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or greater
  • Firefox 3.6 or greater ( free download available )
  • Netscape, Safari, Opera, Chrome, and other web browsers may work, however may not render all features of the course(s)
  • Cookies must be enabled
  • JavaScript must be enabled
  • Reliable internet connection
  • E-mail account (to be able to register and to receive e-mail from the system regarding registration, course status, etc.)


Registration is ongoing; therefore students can begin the program when it is convenient for them! 

Registration is not available June 24 - June 30 annually due to the close of the fiscal year for the university.

Note: our enrollment system is a separate system from that used for your online training, and therefore, access to the online training is not an automated process upon your registration. Please be aware that there may be a time delay of up to 5 business days before you receive the email with your access to the online program. This delay will not affect your allotted completion time for the program.  Please check your spam/junk folder because sometimes the access emails end up there.

Enrollment steps 

  • Register for the program using the links provided above.
  • Receive an email within five business days from our program partner MindEdge containing details about how to access the program’s web portal.
  • Log-in and begin coursework.  Students will have 4 months to complete their coursework from the date they receive their program access.

Registration Methods

  • Register Online  using a credit card with our secure, real-time registration system. Add the course to your shopping cart and follow the instructions for checking out.
  • Register by Phone  at 919-684-6259 during our business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm EST).

Is this program offered online only?

Yes, this program is exclusively offered online and is self-paced. No classroom programs are currently available for Innovation and Critical Thinking.

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for adult learners interested in exploring and expanding their personal and professional creativity.

Do I have to log on a certain times on certain days?

No, these courses are completely self-paced, allowing students to schedule the courses work as they so desire within the allotted access time.

When is registration open?

Students may register between July 1 and June 23 each year. Registration is not available from June 24 - June 30 annually due to the close of the fiscal year for the university.

After registering, when will students receive additional program details?

Within 5 business days of enrollment (excluding Duke holidays), students will receive an email from our program partner MindEdge with web access information.

Is access to a computer required during this program?

This is an exclusively online program and access to a reliable computer is required for the duration of the program.

How long do students have access to each online course?

Students will have access to all courses within the certificate for four months (120 days) from the date in which they receive program access.

How long does the course take to complete?

Each of the four courses of the certificate is estimated to take about 3-5 hours to complete. However, completion time will vary by student.

Are extensions granted to students who request them?

No. Sufficient time to complete coursework has been given, and therefore no extensions will be granted. If a certificate program is not finished and a student wants to re-enroll to complete it, he or she will have to purchase the program again and restart the training from the beginning.

What are the technical requirements for this program?

See the Requirements section above.

How do students ask questions?

Each course has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered within 3 business days.

What do students do if there are technical issues while completing the course?

Students should contact the Program Manager via email to troubleshoot technical issues. Students will receive a response within 3 business days (excluding Duke holidays).

How do students earn a certificate of completion from Duke Continuing Studies?

Students who complete the program with an average minimum score of 70% within the given time frame and pay tuition in full (upon registration) will receive a certificate of completion from Duke Continuing Studies. The certificate is downloadable after the course is completed. Students will be able to download the certificate for up to six months after completing the course.

Will these courses count for credits or degrees?

No. These courses are not applicable to a degree.

What is the refund policy for these courses?

There are no refunds given for online courses.

Tuition: $299

Duke employee discount.

  • $30 off the fee of $299; Duke employee pays fee of $269
  • Student must register and pay tuition in full prior to receiving program access
  • Questions:  Contact Program Manager at 919-684-3379 

Discount must be requested and applied during the registration process and cannot be applied in addition to any other discount that may be offered. You may be asked to verify your status as a Duke employee.

​ Group Discount

Do you have a group (Duke or non-Duke entity) interested in training? Contact the Program Manager for details.

Funding Sources

No loans can be construed to imply any degree-seeking status for students of Duke Continuing studies. Duke Continuing Studies courses are non-credit.

Duke Continuing Studies (DCS) will not certify (approve) loan amounts greater than the amount of the tuition regardless of the amount approved by the lending agency. DCS reserves the right to reject any loan which exceeds the tuition amount. DCS will not be responsible for refunding monies in excess of the tuition. Students needing to secure loan funding for books or other items in relation to the program are responsible for making separate loan arrangements with the funding agency. No loan funds will be refunded to the student.

Should a student choose to borrow less than the tuition amount, the balance must be paid prior to the close of the registration period.

Our Professional Certificate programs are non-credit (not degree applicable); therefore, they are  NOT  eligible for federal education loans.  DO NOT SUBMIT FAFSA FORMS  for these programs. Some of our programs may offer payment plans. Please see individual program web pages for those details.

Other Funding Sources

The funding options listed below may not be applicable to all programs at this time. Please contact the organization offering the funding to see if you qualify and if the funds can be used for the program in which you are interested.

Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

To apply for this private student loan, visit Sallie Mae’s website , and click the I’m ready to apply button . The following application should populate with the pertinent information for Duke Continuing Studies.

  • Under Loan Needs, select Student and then Undergraduate degree.
  • Select Career training school.
  • Select North Carolina from the drop down menu.
  • Under name of school begin typing DUKE PROFESSIONAL , then select DUKE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES, DURHAM, NC, 00292099 when it populates.
  • Click Continue.
  • Next, You've confirmed that you want a Smart Option Student Loan for DUKE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES will appear.
  • Fill out Basic Information.
  • Fill out Permanent Address section.
  • DUKE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES, DURHAM, NC, 00292099 should already have populated for the school.
  • Select Certificate for Degree/Certificate of Study.
  • Select your Specialty or select Other if it is not shown in the options.
  • Select Half Time for Enrollment Status.
  • Select Certificate/Continuing Ed for Grade Level .
  • Enter your Loan period begins and loan period end dates.
  • Enter your Anticipated Graduation / Completion .
  • Enter loan amount. NOTE: This may not exceed the cost of tuition.
  • Estimated financial assistance should be $0.00 .
  • Under Loan request , click Use calculated need.
  • Do not check any box in typical school expenses.
  • Follow the remaining loan application prompts.

Wells Fargo Graduate Loan

Please note that Wells Fargo is no longer accepting new applications for their private student loans. However, students with an outstanding balance on a Wells Fargo private student loan may be eligible to be borrowers on a new private loan. See  here  for details.

Duke Hospital Employees

Duke University Hospital employees may be eligible for support from the Employee Development Initiative (EDI), which helps employees pay for short-term career-related programs, workshops, and seminars. For more information, visit the Employee Development Initiative site or call Duke Hospital Human Resources at (919) 668-2170.

Workforce Investment Act

The WIA provides professional and basic skills training services to those who have been unable to find employment. Please keep in mind that this process can be lengthy, so plan to apply well in advance of the program start date.  For more information on eligibility, the application process, or to find your local Workforce Development Board, visit the  NC JobLink Career Center website .

AmeriCorps Education Awards are available only for AmeriCorps volunteers and can be used for educational expenses for non-degree courses, such as Continuing Education courses offered by qualified schools. For more information on qualified schools and programs, contact the National Service Trust at 1-800-942-2677, or visit the FAQ page of the  AmeriCorps website .

Wire Transfers

Contact our registration office at [email protected] for details on how to send wire transfers. Very specific instructions must be followed in order for our office to receive a successful transfer.

Online Refund and Transfer Policy

There are no refunds, cancellations, or transfers for online, self-paced courses.

Extension Policy

No extensions will be granted. Students who require additional time to complete the course(s) they registered for will be responsible for re-registering and paying for the course in full for a second time.

Tax Deductions

Course fees and expenses are sometimes tax deductible. Please consult an accountant concerning this matter. Non-credit programs at Duke Continuing Studies do not generate 1098-T forms, in accordance with the following IRS guideline:

  • Instructions for Forms 1098-E and 1098-T  published by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, states “You do not have to file Form 1098-T or furnish a statement for: Courses for which no academic credit is offered, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program…”
  • Business Communication
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Media & Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance Essentials
  • Management Skills
  • Small Business Management
  • CE Courses Online
  • Essentials of Human Resources
  • Human Resource Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion in Human Resources Management
  • Legal Nurse Consulting Program
  • Legal Nurse Consulting as a Career
  • Paralegal Classroom Program
  • Paralegal Online Program
  • Agile Practitioner
  • Management Accounting (CMA)
  • Developing Leaders
  • Emerging Leaders
  • Inclusive Leaders
  • Tackling Bias and Creating Inclusion
  • Project Management CE Program
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
  • Data Science
  • Online Learning Certificate
  • Ace Your Job Search
  • Special Programs
  • Nonprofit Certificate Individual Classes
  • Nonprofit Certificate Intensive Track
  • Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership
  • Custom Training
  • Teaching Opportunities
  • In-Person Guide
  • Finding Course Links and Recordings
  • Special Interest Groups
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Program Overview
  • Summer Residential Program
  • Summer Commuter Program
  • Summer Online Courses
  • Duke University Marine Lab
  • Summer For-Credit Courses
  • 2024 Community Days
  • How to Apply
  • Important Dates
  • Technology Requirements
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Undergraduate Coursework
  • Graduate Coursework
  • Auditing Courses
  • Duke Employee Tuition Rates
  • Student Login
  • Instructor Login

Certificate in Strategic Thinking & Leadership

The Certificate in Strategic Thinking and Leadership encourages leaders across sectors to make informed decisions, implement strategies, and lead effectively.

Curriculum & Schedule

How to register, tuition & funding.

The Strategic Thinking & Leadership Academy is a comprehensive 3-day intensive program designed to empower aspiring leaders in government, industry, education, and nonprofits with the skills and knowledge needed to make informed decisions, implement strategies, and lead effectively in today's complex environment.

Ideal for Aspiring leaders in all economic sectors

Duration 3 days

Format On-Campus

Schedule 3 days on campus

Semester of Entry Spring or fall

Tuition $2,995

  • Learn how to make better decisions by discovering and overcoming mental blocks in your thinking and judgment
  • Recognize multiple ways to solve problems and embrace divergent thinking
  • Critically reflect on your own leadership qualities and the qualities necessary to lead ethically in today's professional reality
  • Identify interior practices that cultivate self awareness and social awareness needed to lead ethically in today's world
  • Understand best practice tools to measure strategy performance
  • Understand organizational-level, business unit, and functional strategy integration and the importance of alignment
  • Create a suite of influential stories based upon a purposeful planning process for use within your organizations.
  • Learn practices to synergize organizational culture and leadership for success and thriving.
  • Identify both the stated and the enacted leadership and organizational culture, values, and commitments, including how diverse people experience the organization and leadership

Testimonials from current students and alumni.

Headshot of Jeffrey Warner

The Strategic Thinking and Leadership Academy is designed to equip leaders with the critical thinking skills necessary to make difficult decisions and execute effective strategies in today's globally diverse workplace. It is an intellectually rigorous program that caters to organizational leaders across various sectors.

To earn the Certificate in Strategic Thinking & Leadership, professional learners must complete the three-day academy for a total of 3.2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which is equivalent to 32 contact hours.

  • Prelude to the Academy for Strategic Thinking & Leadership Academy (Online)
  • Day 1 of the Academy (at Georgetown SCS Campus)
  • Day 2 of the Academy (at Georgetown SCS Campus)
  • Day 3 of the Academy (at Georgetown SCS Campus)
  • Follow-up (Online)

What Is On-Campus Learning? On-Campus programs combine traditional classroom learning with interactive experiential methodology. Classes typically meet for two or three consecutive days once a month at our downtown Washington, D.C. campus.

The Academy is a new format for SCS Professional Certificate Programs. Please see the program schedule for more detailed information.

Learning Objectives:

  • Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving : This module helps you understand the decision-making process, how to break down complicated information, and make better choices by applying analytical and critical thinking. Ethical considerations in decision-making are also highlighted.
  • Putting Ideas into a Plan and into Action : This module enables you to grasp how strategy works at different organizational levels. It also helps you understand the tools to measure strategy performance and how to tackle cultural and global challenges in strategy implementation.
  • Becoming a Discerning Leader : This module focuses on personal and ethical leadership qualities. It helps you reflect critically on your own abilities and teaches you how to lead ethically. It introduces a reflective framework and resources for decision-making, especially in situations involving ethical ambiguity.
  • Strategic Storytelling for Influence : This module will help leaders to be better stewards of the story ecosystems that they operate within. It will help them to reflect upon their own stories as well as how to strategically develop and share them with key stakeholders. Through interactive activities, the leaders will also be equipped with tools to be ethical story-conveners and story-amplifiers of those they support.
  • Succeeding with an Inclusive and Aligned Culture : This module supports leaders to discover their true values and how to integrate these with the needs of the present and emerging future. In these times of increasing division and polarization, leaders and organizations are challenged to align values, culture and ways of operating.

Course Schedule

| Status:

Wed/Thu/Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sep 25 to Sep 27, 2024
Fall 2024

Stewart Brown

Stewart Brown

Mr. Brown is a Principal with Dunkirk Partners, with more than forty-five years of experience in management and leadership at all levels: strategic, operational, tactical, military and civilian. Mr. Brown’s ... Read more

John Corso

John Corso is an adjunct instructor in the Certificate in Strategic Management program. He is president and chief executive officer of Strategent Corporation, a management consulting firm. His academic and ... Read more

Peter Kralovec

Peter Kralovec

Jamie Kralovec serves on the faculty of the Urban & Regional Planning program and is associate director for mission integration at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies. Formed in the ... Read more

Sharon Newport

Sharon Newport

Sharon is an experienced organizational consultant, international facilitator and speaker, and award winning executive.   Sharon Newport, CAE is an organizational development consultant who partners with leaders to advance their ... Read more

Jessica Srikantia Field

Jessica Srikantia Field

Jessica Srikantia Field, Ph.D., PCC, ITCA, is the Academic Director and Associate Professor of the Practice with the Georgetown Institute of Transformational Leadership (ITL). Jessica has engaged in global solidarity work with extraordinary ... Read more

Gary Steinberg

Gary Steinberg

Mr. Steinberg is a distinguished member of the Federal Senior Executive Service and a recognized leader in strategic planning, performance management, and organizational management. Mr. Steinberg has served as Agency ... Read more

John Trybus

John Trybus

John D. Trybus, Ph.D. is a social strategist on a mission to help impact organizations embrace the blur—between sectors, functions, departments and human strengths—for good. He leads and manages Georgetown ... Read more

Please review the refund policies in our Student Handbook before completing your registration.

Degree Requirement

You must hold a bachelor's degree or the equivalent in order to enroll in our certificate programs.


This certificate is an open-enrollment program. No application is required. Click the "Register Now" button, select your courses, and then click "Add to Cart". Course registration is complete when your payment is processed. You will receive a confirmation email when your payment is received. Please retain the payment confirmation message for your records.

You can combine on-campus and online courses (if available) to complete your certificate. Depending on the certificate program, we may suggest taking courses in a specific order, but this is not a requirement.

Most students register for all courses at the same time and complete their certificate within a few months. However, you may choose to register for courses one by one over time. Once you begin a certificate, you have up to two years from the time you start your first course to complete all required courses.

International Students

International students who enter the U.S. on a valid visa are eligible to enroll in certificate courses. However, Georgetown University cannot sponsor student visas for noncredit professional certificate programs.

A TOEFL examination is not required for non-native English speakers but students are expected to read, write, and comprehend English at the graduate level to fully participate in and gain from the program.

Students from most countries may register for our online certificate programs; however, due to international laws, residents of certain countries are prohibited from registering.

Total program tuition for all 3.2 CEUs is $2,995. All study materials, snacks, three lunches, and one dinner are included. A Georgetown University certificate will be awarded at the successful conclusion of the Academy.

Noncredit professional certificates do not qualify for federal financial aid, scholarships, grants, or needs-based aid. However, several finance and funding options do exist, as listed below.

Some employers offer funding for employee education or professional development. If an employer guarantees payment for employee education and training, Georgetown will accept an Intent to Pay form . If you are using employer sponsorship or training authorizations, you must submit an Intent to Pay form with your registration.

If your employer will pay for your tuition, select “Third-Party Billing” as your method of payment when you register for courses online. Please submit an Intent to Pay form indicating that your employer or another third party should be billed for tuition. Invoices will not be generated without this form on file.

  • Pay training and education expenses from appropriated funds or other available funds for training needed to support program functions
  • Reimburse employees for all or part of the costs of training or education
  • Share training and education costs with employees
  • Pay travel expenses for employees assigned to training
  • Adjust an employee's normal work schedule for educational purposes not related to official duties

Georgetown accepts Standard Form-182 (SF-182) for training authorizations from the federal government.

*Federal employees should ask the appropriate budget officer about training budgets available.

Eligible Georgetown employees may use their Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) benefits to fund 90% of the certificate program tuition—employees will be invoiced for the remaining 10% of tuition and must pay any other charges associated with their certificate program. Employees using TAP benefits may work directly with the HR Benefits Office to ensure payment prior to the start of any course. This payment option is only valid if registration occurs at least 10–14 business days prior to the start date of the first course. Any fees incurred due to course withdrawal are the student’s responsibility and are not funded by Georgetown University TAP. For questions regarding TAP benefits, please contact the HR/Benefits Office at [email protected] or (202) 687-2500.

SCS is registered with to accept SF-182 training authorization forms. is the virtual gateway for all eligible active duty, National Guard, and Army Reserve soldiers to request Tuition Assistance (TA) online. is also the virtual gateway for Army Civilians to apply for their Civilian education, training, and leadership development events.

The professional certificate programs offer an interest-free payment plan for certificate programs that are more than one month in duration and for which the total tuition is greater than or equal to $4,000. The payment plan is structured in the following manner:

  • Payment #1: A down payment of 25% of the total tuition balance must be paid online (within 72 hours after you register and select Payment Plan) via the Noncredit Student Portal . Please submit your down payment as soon as possible.
  • Payments #2, #3, and #4: Your remaining balance will be due in three (3) equal monthly installments beginning 30 calendar days after your down payment is processed. Your monthly payments must be paid via credit card in the Noncredit Student Portal . You will be able to access each invoice and payment due date in your student account.

PLEASE NOTE: Automatic Payment Service is not available. You must make each subsequent payment via the Noncredit Student Portal .

A number of tuition benefits are available through the Department of Veterans Affairs and under various parts of the GI Bill ® . Please visit the Resources for Military Students page for additional information and instructions.

While you may choose to complete your certificate program in one semester, many programs (but not all) allow up to two years to complete all requirements. As a result, you may choose to register for required and elective courses over several semesters to spread out the cost of tuition over time. We generally offer every course in a program each semester, so you'll have many opportunities to enroll in required and elective courses within the two-year time frame.

Tuition Discounts

Only one tuition discount may be applied at the time of registration. Tuition discounts cannot be combined. Tuition discounts are not applied retroactively. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Georgetown University alumni and SCS certificate completers are eligible to receive a 30% tuition discount for many certificates offered within SCS’s Professional Development & Certificates (PDC) portfolio. When registering for an eligible certificate through the SCS website, you will see the "30% Georgetown Alumni Discount" as an option. The Enrollment Team will then verify your eligibility status as a Georgetown University alumnus or certificate completer.

Georgetown SCS offers a 20% discount for eligible certificates to organizations that register 5 or more employees for the same certificate cohort at the same time. Eligible organizations include government agencies, nonprofit agencies, and for-profit businesses. Please contact [email protected] for steps and procedures to ensure your group has access to the discount.

Employees of Boeing receive a 10% tuition discount on select programs and courses

Employees of companies that belong to the EdAssist education network may receive a 10% tuition discount on select programs and courses. Contact EdAssist directly to find out if you qualify.

Eligible federal employees across the country receive a 10% scholarship applied to the current tuition rate for all SCS degree programs and professional certificate programs each academic semester. Please contact [email protected] for steps to be added to this discount group.

Still Have Questions?

Certificate Admissions and Enrollment Email: [email protected] Phone: (202) 687-7000

Student Accounts Email: [email protected] Phone: (202) 687-7696

Certifying Military Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: (202) 784-7321

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Cornell Certificate Programs

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eCornell, Cornell University’s external education unit, provides executive development and online certificate programs to students around the world. Programs are personally developed by Cornell faculty with expertise in a wide range of topics, including leadership and management, marketing and technology, human resources, healthcare, hospitality and more. Students learn in an interactive, small cohort format to gain skills they can immediately apply in their organizations and earn a certificate from Cornell University. Explore below to find the program that’s right for you.

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  • Thinker's Guides

critical thinking certificate online

CT800: Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life - Fall 2024

Whatever you are doing right now is determined by the way you are thinking. All your emotions—whatever you feel—are determined by your thinking. All your desires —whatever you want—are determined by your thinking. If your thinking is unrealistic, it will lead you to many disappointments. If your thinking is overly pessimistic, it will deny you due recognition of the many things in which you should properly rejoice.

Since few people realize the powerful role that thinking plays in their lives, few gain significant command of it. Most people are in many ways victims of their thinking; that is, they are  hurt  rather than  helped  by it. Most people are their own worst enemy. Their thinking is a continual source of problems, preventing them from recognizing opportunities, keeping them from exerting energy where it will do the most good, poisoning relationships, and leading them down blind alleys.

This course will introduce you to the tools the best thinkers use, and will exemplify the activities and practice you can use to begin emulating them. Here are some of the qualities of the best thinkers.

·      The best thinkers think about their thinking.  They do not take thinking for granted. They do not trust fate to improve their thinking. They  notice  their thinking. They  reflect  on their thinking. They act upon their thinking.

·      The best thinkers are highly purposeful.  They do not simply act. They know why they act. They know what they are about. They have clear goals and clear priorities. They continually check their activities for alignment with their goals.

·       The best thinkers have intellectual “tools” that they use to raise the quality of their thinking.  They know how to express their thinking clearly. They know how to check it for accuracy and precision. They know how to keep focused on a question and make sure that it is relevant to their goals and purposes. They know how to think beneath the surface and how to expand their thinking to include insights from multiple perspectives. They know how to think logically and significantly.

·      The best thinkers distinguish their thoughts from their feelings and desires.  They know that wanting something to be so does not make it so. They know that one can be unjustifiably angry, afraid, or insecure. They do not let unexamined emotions determine their decisions. They have 'discovered' their minds, and they examine the way their minds operate as a result. They take deliberate charge of those operations.

·      The best thinkers routinely take thinking apart.  They analyze thinking. They do not trust the mind to analyze itself automatically. They realize that the art of analyzing thinking is an art one must consciously learn. They realize that it takes knowledge (of the elements of thinking) and practice (in exercising control over those elements ). 

·      The best thinkers routinely evaluate thinking—determining its strengths and weaknesses.  They do not trust the mind to evaluate itself automatically. They realize that the automatic ways in which the mind evaluates itself are inherently flawed. They realize that the art of evaluating thinking is an art one must consciously learn. They realize that it takes knowledge (of the universal standards for thinking) and practice (in applying those standards).  

This course, as a whole, will introduce you to the tools of mind that will help you reason well through the problems and issues you face, whether in the classroom, in your personal life, or in your professional life. If you take these ideas seriously, and practice using them, you can take command of the thinking that ultimately will command the quality of your life.

As an outcome of this course, students will:

·      Demonstrate understanding of the importance of fairminded critical thinking in the cultivation of fairminded critical societies.

·      Demonstrate understanding of the parts of thinking and how these parts work together in reasoning.

·      Demonstrate understanding of universal intellectual standards and their importance in human reasoning.

·      Demonstrate understanding of the barriers to critical thinking development and ability to intervene in thinking for the purpose of improving it.

·      Articulate and exemplify the primary concepts in critical thinking and how they can be used as tools for understanding, and improving, human reasoning.

·      Articulate understanding of the problems of media bias and propaganda as barriers to critical thought in human societies.

·      Demonstrate understanding of ethical reasoning; show understanding of the differences between ethics and other modes of thought, including religion, social ideologies, politics, and the law.

·      Demonstrate abilities in close reading and substantive writing.

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CT800 Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life - Fall 2024 Qty.


  • Interior Design
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Critical Thinking (Short Course)

Business management (short course).

  • Course Overview
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Certification

Why Study Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking means adopting an objective approach to the decisions you make, wherein logic, reason and rationale take the place of bias, manipulation and emotion.  Effectively, critical thinking is a mindset that enables you to reach opinions and make informed decisions through balanced and objective analysis of the available facts.  To become a critical thinker is to benefit from the ability to better express your thoughts, your beliefs and your ideas.  It can also help you become a better communicator, making it easier for others to understand you and for you to understand them.  In a nutshell, critical thinking could be described as the classic ‘out-of-the-box’ approach to thinking - closely connected with creative thinking.  Critical thinking skills come naturally to some, but for others must be studied and practiced to perfect.

By the end of this course the learner will be able to:

  • Define critical and non-critical thinking
  • Identify your critical thinking style(s), including areas of strength and improvement  

All free online certificate courses at Oxford Home Study Centre are 100% free of charge from start to finish.  There is no enrolment fee, all study aids are provided via our online learning platform and all of our courses are self-paced for total flexibility.

Our exclusive free courses provide the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge, develop new skills and explore new professions.  Upon completion of your free online certificate course, you will have the option of claiming one of three different types of certificates for a small fee:

  • An official Course Completion Certificate from Oxford Home Study Centre
  • A CPD Accredited Certificate to boost your CPD profile
  • An Endorsed Certificate issued by the Quality Licence Scheme

Each of these certificates could prove helpful in supporting future job applications, or helping you climb the career ladder with your current employer. All certificates are 100% optional upon successful completion of your course - available to purchase with your preferred postage option.

For more information on certificate costs, head over to our pricing page or contact a member of the team at Oxford Home Study Centre anytime.


Topics covered in the course.

Critical Thinking short course covers the following key topics:

  • Defining Critical Thinking
  • Characteristics of a Critical Thinker
  • Common Critical Thinking Styles
  • Left- and Right-Brain Thinking
  • Whole-Brain Thinking

Student Feedback

David Doyle

2 years ago

Awesome loved learned no this course

Precious Goulden

This course is amazing.

Pyone Pyone Yee

Easy to understand and achieve general concept in a short period of time. Worth to learn.


i learned more than alot on Business Management...

charishma Katta

Interested in further of this course if available


Enhance your skills with our highly informative courses.

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Once you get certified, employers have more trust in your capabilities. You can easily add the certification to your credentials and share it everywhere.

Becoming a certified professional gives the impression that you have better skills and you are committed to enhancing your skills. As a result, your chances of getting hired got increased.

Enhancing your understanding and knowledge is the key to get hired, achieve a higher position, and pursue a new career.


Strategic planning (short course), anger management (short course), problem solving (short course), crisis management (short course), operations management (short course), time management (short course), stress management (short course), succession planning (short course), presentation skills (short course), management (short course), diploma in conflict management, certificate in conflict management, diploma in crisis management, certificate in crisis management, diploma in anger management, certificate in anger management.

CPD Approved

Course Info

Short Course
20 Hours
Open to All

Persuasive Communication

Critical thinking to enhance your message, our daily lives are filled with a barrage of information.

Accordingly, the demand for professionals to communicate clearly and effectively is more urgent than ever. More than simply transmitting your ideas, professionals and innovators must now learn to capture and maintain their audiences’ attention.

Engineers and other highly skilled professionals may be used to speaking or presenting data to peers who possess extensive knowledge of the same field, complicating their ability to convey the same ideas to people with less technical experience.

96% of people* think the businesses they interact with could improve in terms of communication.


81% of recruiters* consider interpersonal skills more important than any other type of skill.

Source: Graduate Management Admission Council

69% of managers* said they feel uncomfortable when communicating with their employees.

Source: Harvard Business Review

An online course focused on interpersonal skills for today’s professionals

MIT Professional Education’s online course Persuasive Communication aims to help participants hone their interpersonal skills in vital areas such as public speaking, critical thinking, digital communication, visual persuasion, and audience adaptation both virtually and in person.

This course is geared towards professionals who need to convey their ideas with precision, pitch projects, speak at events or presentations, or conduct interviews as an integral part of their career.

critical thinking certificate online


The skills you will develop.

This course is designed to refine participants’ communication and interpersonal skills, allowing clear, precise information to be delivered in an effective and persuasive manner. It also aims to guide highly skilled technical professionals to adapt their message to a non-technical audience. The skills and knowledge presented in this course can be applied across multiple industries, including engineering, tech, human resources, sales, sustainability, and entrepreneurship, among others. Due to its extensive application and the increasing need for universally effective communication, the expertise on offer can also be of great value in participants’ own personal lives.

Learn about

disparate communication styles and how they influence attitudes and behaviors.

Discover the psychology

behind persuasion and implement it in your own professional interactions.

Understand which characteristics

make a great public speaker and learn to apply them to yourself.

Master how to adapt your message

to different audiences, including those with differing levels of technical knowledge.

Explore the impact of digitalization

in communication and learn to manage virtual communications in an effective, powerful manner.

Find out which processes are behind critical thinking and how to use them to upgrade your message.

Comprehend the importance.

of data visualization to clarify your data for any kind of audience.

Devise a communication strategy

for your organization.

In addition, you will receive a Certificate of Completion

All the participants who successfully complete the online course Persuasive Communication: Critical Thinking to Enhance your Message will receive an MIT Professional Education Certificate of Completion. Furthermore, participants will receive * MIT Continuing Education Units (CEUs)*.

To obtain CEUs, complete the accreditation confirmation, which is available at the end of the course. CEUs are calculated for each course based on the number of learning hours.

* The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as 10 contact hours of ongoing learning to indicate the amount of time they have devoted to a non-credit/non-degree professional development program.

To understand whether or not these CEUs may be applied toward professional certification, licensing requirements, or other required training or continuing education hours, please consult your training department or licensing authority directly.

This course is designed for you

  • C-level executives  wanting to improve both vertical and horizontal communication to ensure that objectives are aligned throughout their organization.
  • Engineers  and other  technical professionals  who need to communicate with those from non-technical backgrounds, as well as  people without technical knowledge  who need to communicate with engineers and other tech professionals.
  • Any professional looking to enhance their critical thinking skills by constructing and evaluating claims and arguments that can be confidently presented to persuade others within their organization and beyond it.
  • Business leaders who need to deliver data and information across a variety of media channels to diverse audiences.
  • Sustainability and climate change specialists  looking to strengthen their arguments in person, virtually, and with supporting data.
  • Entrepreneurs  and other dynamic professionals who rely on effective communication to turn their ideas into actionable plans for presentation.

Meet the instructors of this course

Listed in alphabetical order , prof. edward schiappa.

John E. Burchard Professor of Humanities, MIT

critical thinking certificate online

Edward Schiappa is professor and former head of comparative media studies/writing and is MIT’s John E. Burchard Professor of the Humanities. He conducts research in argumentation, persuasion, media influence, and contemporary rhetorical theory. He has published 10 books, and his research has appeared in such journals as Philosophy & Rhetoric, Argumentation, Communication Monographs, and Communication Theory.

Are you ready to become the communicator your career needs?


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  1. Critical Thinking Skills For Organizations

    critical thinking certificate online

  2. Training Live + Online

    critical thinking certificate online

  3. Certificate of Completion

    critical thinking certificate online

  4. Certificate Critical Thinking

    critical thinking certificate online

  5. The Basics of Critical Thinking Certificate

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  6. BDR Team Member Receives Critical Thinking Certificate!

    critical thinking certificate online


  1. What is Critical Thinking ?

  2. Sustainable Design Thinking Certificate Program 2024 [Winner Videos]

  3. [Sustainable Design Thinking Certificate Programme 2024] Final presentation & ceremony

  4. Creative, Critical and Design Thinking Program Preview

  5. Critical Thinking: an introduction (1/8)

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  11. Online Courses in Critical Thinking

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  12. Online Certificates

    eCornell, Cornell University's external education unit, provides executive development and online certificate programs to students around the world. Programs are personally developed by Cornell faculty with expertise in a wide range of topics, including leadership and management, marketing and technology, human resources, healthcare ...

  13. Online Critical Thinking Course

    Foundation for Critical Thinking. PO Box 31080 • Santa Barbara, CA 93130 . Toll Free 800.833.3645 • Fax 707.878.9111. [email protected]

  14. Critical Thinking Free Online Course

    To become a critical thinker is to benefit from the ability to better express your thoughts, your beliefs and your ideas. It can also help you become a better communicator, making it easier for others to understand you and for you to understand them. In a nutshell, critical thinking could be described as the classic 'out-of-the-box ...

  15. Online Course Persuasive Communication

    All the participants who successfully complete the online course Persuasive Communication: Critical Thinking to Enhance your Message will receive an MIT Professional Education Certificate of Completion. Furthermore, participants will receive * MIT Continuing Education Units (CEUs)*.. To obtain CEUs, complete the accreditation confirmation, which is available at the end of the course.