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5 Sales Motivational Speeches to Pump You Up

by Archie Heinl | Oct 24, 2018 | Tips | 1 comment

sales motivational speeches

Need a little inspiration? These sales motivational speeches will surely jump-start your game.

We all need a little encouragement sometimes. Whether you’re enjoying success or struggling to find it, a small pep talk can give you the boost you need to achieve your goals. Just as a coach revs up their team before a big game, sales motivational speeches help pick you up and focus when you need a boost.

But can something as simple as a speech yield enough inspiration to affect results? That’s precisely what good speeches do. They empower you to think differently about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. They inspire you to persevere in the face of adversity. They remind you to work hard for success even while you’re on a winning streak.

So what makes sales motivational speeches so effective? The answer has to do with positive thinking. Research has shown that positive thinking opens your mind to more possibilities, allowing you to develop new skills and find creative ways to succeed. When you’re feeling defeated, your mind narrows to shut out the world around you, but positive thinking enables you to see a bigger picture that shows so much more than failure.

Sales motivational speeches encourage you to believe in yourself. They remind you that success is attainable, even when it seems otherwise. They show that you can overcome failure. They help you generate new ideas when you feel stuck. They can inspire you to move past the obstacles in your work and focus on reaching the results necessary for success.

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5 Sales motivational speeches that will reinvigorate your passion for sales

1. How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Sales is about more than making a profit. It’s about presenting solutions to whatever problems your clients have. But a solution isn’t merely the product that you sell. After all, dozens of competitors are selling similar products. Why choose yours? The answer is that a solution also has to do with the reasons you sell what you sell, the philosophy behind your business and your product.

In a TED talk entitled “ How Great Leaders Inspire Action ,” Simon Sinek says, “The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” Knowing why you do what you do will have a profound effect on how you connect with your prospects, which will also have a profound impact on your numbers.

2. It’s Not Always Easy, But It’s Worth It

A speech from  Fearless Motivation  reminds us, “Everything worth the prize will require a real fight to achieve that prize. If you want the prize, you can’t quit at halftime. You can’t quit mid-season. You must play the whole game.”

Perseverance is a huge part of success, and the only way to persevere is to keep going, no matter the circumstances.

3. Become a Trusted Advisor

Sales is also about forging relationships that last over time. “ Top performers don’t just sell,” says motivational speaker, Marc Wayshak, in his world-renowned sales speech , “they become trusted advisors.” Don’t think about the product you’re selling or the money you’re trying to make. That comes later. Focus on the relationship. Build trust. Become someone who your clients come to for answers.

4. How Incredibly Successful People Think

To be successful, you also have to be ambitious, and being ambitious means that you go out and do what you set out to do. Part of that is committing to learning what you don’t know.

Best-selling author and motivational speaker, Brendan Buchard, puts this idea in context. “Successful people say, ‘I want to do that, but I don’t know how to do that.’ But instead of stopping, they say, ‘Well, then my job is to go learn that.’ They take their current limitation and they put it on their agenda as a job to do.”

Most limitations can be overcome. Don’t let them stand in the way of achieving your goals.

5. 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

While it doesn’t fall into the category of sales motivational speeches, Steve Jobs’ speech at Stanford University in 2005 offers some of the most important advice there is. “You’ve got to find what you love…Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Success in sales can be hard to come by, even for those that do love it. Invest the time and energy into the positive thinking it takes to succeed. Watch your numbers improve right along with your enjoyment.

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True Inspirational Quotes

Hi, To excel in your life, never give up . Human brain is most powerful weapon in this world , use it and with positive intentions , move forward to get success.

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30 Motivational Sales Quotes to Inspire Success

Here are 30 motivational sales quotes to keep your head up and power through any rejections.

But first, what is it that separates good salespeople from great salespeople?

Salespeople have one of the hardest jobs in the world to do. They deal with rejection on a daily basis. Making a sale comes down to powering through call after call, email after email, and ‘no’ after ‘no’.

But, the greatest salespeople, thinkers, and leaders have also dealt with rejection, fear and hard times. They stepped out of their comfort zones and took a chance, succeeding in the face of failure.

1) “Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” – Brian Tracy

2) “if you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.” – bob hooey, 3) “you don’t need a big close as many sales reps believe. you risk losing your customer when you save all the good stuff for the end. keep the customer actively involved throughout your presentation, and watch your results improve.” – harvey mackay, 4) “either you run the day or the day runs you.” – jim rohn.

This classic sales quote references the importance of time management when running a business or making sales.  It relies heavily on the 80 20 rule , which is also known as the pareto principle, which states that most of your results (up to 80%) come from a small amount of your effort (around 20%).  Be sure to check out my time management training resources for techniques and strategies that will keep you in charge of your daily schedule and activities.  This is even more important as you plan for closing the sales year strong.

5) “Make a customer, not a sale.” – Katherine Barchetti

6) “keep your sales pipeline full by prospecting continuously. always have more people to see than you have time to see them.” – brian tracy, 7) “a goal is a dream with a deadline.” – napoleon hill.

One of the earliest self-help authors, Napoleon Hill, realized the important difference between goals and dreams. Today, we use SMART Goals to make sure all of our dreams are converted to goals by making them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

8) “Your attitude not your aptitude will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar was a brilliant man who believed in the power of positive thinking . His business and sales success were largely due in part to his uplifting attitude and optimistic spirit.

9) “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

If you don’t have time to write a motivational speech for your sales team, at least tell them this Vince Lombardi quote and send them a link to my blog post about how to believe in yourself and boost your confidence.

10) “Your life can only get better when you do. Do something every day to improve your key skill areas.” – Brian Tracy

11) “if you are not moving closer to what you want in sales (or in life), you probably aren’t doing enough asking.” – jack canfield, 12) “to build a long-term, successful enterprise, when you don’t close a sale, open a relationship.” – patricia fripp, 13) “motivation is what gets you started. habit is what keeps you going.” – jim rohn.

Jim Rohn was a wise man and pointed out this unique relationship between motivation and habit. Once you’ve found your sales motivation, keep the momentum by learning how to create successful habits in 7-steps with my free Ebook, The Power of Habit .

14) “Begin always expecting good things to happen.” – Tom Hopkins

15) “timid salesmen have skinny kids.” – zig ziglar, 16) “ dream big there are no limitations to how good you can become or how high you can rise except the limits you put on yourself.” – brian tracy, 17) “setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – tony robbins, 18) “ sales success comes after you stretch yourself past your limits on a daily basis.” – omar periu, 19) “expect the best, prepare for the worst, capitalize on what comes.” – zig ziglar, 20) “sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.” – w. clement stone, 21) “value the relationship more than the quota.” – jeff gitomer, 22) “nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” – henry ford, 23) statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. the complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.” – zig ziglar, 24) “our greatest weakness lies in giving up. the most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.” – thomas edison, 25) “everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – george addair, 26) “don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” – jack canfield, 27) “there’s no lotion or potion that will make sales faster and easier for you – unless your potion is hard work.” – jeffery gitomer, 28) “always do your best. what you plant now, will harvest later.” – og mandino, 29) “keep yourself positive, cheerful and goal-oriented. sales success is 80% attitude and only 20% aptitude.” – brian tracy, 30) “develop and attitude of gratitude. say ‘thank you’ to everyone you meet for everything they do for you.” – brian tracy.

Did I miss any of your favorite motivational sales quotes? Leave a comment below and tell me your favorite. Here are my favorite inspirational success quotes for more motivation!

If you want to learn how to close more sales by applying the right closing techniques click the button below to  download my 23 Closing Techniques Battlecard . It includes 23 practical, closing techniques that can dramatically increase your likelihood of closing sales.

You can also checkout my other sales training programs here .

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

20 motivational videos for your sales team.

by Matt Sunshine , on December 2, 2021

20 Motivational Videos for Your Sales Team

Stressed? Anxious? Unmotivated?

Everyone requires motivation. And, your sales team is no exception as they strive to keep up performance, reach goals, and deliver results. The constant pressure (combined with adversity and uncertainty) is physically and mentally draining.

Motivation is crucial for performance. T he real purpose of a motivational speech is to get the recipient, to do something differently, because the speaker has got you to think differently. Browse through our list of 20 motivational videos, watch a few, and share the list with your team.

20 Motivational Sales Videos

1. change your life.

2. If You Want to Change the World, Start Off by Making Your Bed—Admiral McRaven

3. 5 Rules for the Rest of Your Life—Matthew McConaughey

4. Be an Infinite Player—Simon Sinek

5. I Will Win

6. The No.1 Reason Why Most People Fail In Business— Mark Cuban

7. One Inch (Any Given Sunday)

8. Will Smith Will Not Be Out-Worked (The Good Part Starts at 4:05)      

9. Lou Holtz Inspirational Speech

10. Believe in Yourself

11. Miracle Speech—You Were Born for This

12. Theory of Competition

13. Help Others Understand Their Own Value To Themselves—Simon Sinek

14. BrenĂ© Brown—7 Super Tips

15. Jocko Motivation "GOOD"

16. Never Quit

17. Why Do We Fall

18. Unstoppable

19. Nike: Find Your Greatness

20. Rocky–How Hard Can You Get Hit And Keep Moving Forward

Still need more motivation? Check out these motivational quotes to share with your sales team.

Motivation is like taking a bath; if you stop doing it, you begin to stink! – Zig Ziglar

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*Editor's Note - This blog was originally written in 2020 and has been updated.

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best sales motivational speeches

33 Motivational Videos for Sales Teams

Get fired up to close more deals!

When it comes to sales, motivation is key. A good sales team is driven, always looking for new ways to close deals and increase their commission. But sometimes, even the most driven team can use a little extra motivation...and that's where motivational videos come in.

There is no shortage of hyped-up sales content available online. But you should be aware of the top motivational speakers to ensure that the content you consume is actionable and practical.

The top motivational speakers that sales teams should listen to include Grant Cardone, Dr. Jessica Houston, Lisa Nochols, Jordan Belfort, Dean Graziosi, Les Brown, David Goggins, and Jocko Willink. They preach practical persistence and instill newfound resolve to overcome obstacles in their listeners.

This article will cover 33 top motivational videos for sales teams, alongside brief descriptions covering each video's central theme and benefit. You should treat this post as a reference guide and bookmark it to have access to relevant videos for just-in-time motivation and to take your game to the next level. There is always room to grow and learn and that’s key in this business.

Motivational Speaker Why You Should Trust This Speaker Central Theme(s)
Grant Cardone Entrepreneur worth over $600 million Whatever it takes
How to change
Price of success
Don’t quit
Show up
Lisa Nichols One of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, best-selling author & CEO I can do it
You are enough
Dr. Jessica Houston Success coach & ranked globally as a top 50 motivational speaker Be fearless
Jordan Belfort The “Wolf of Wall Street” was a Wall Street trader who was imprisoned and has risen again after his release Get out of a rut
Sell anything to anyone
Be certain
Follow the steps
Take charge immediately
Tony Robbins One of the most recognizable motivational speakers in the world Build momentum
Raise your standards
Be extraordinary
Sell a feeling
David Goggins Only U.S. Armed Forces member to complete US Army Ranger School, Navy SEAL & Air Force air controller training No limits
Outwork everyone
Jocko Willink Co-author of Extreme Ownership (#1 New York Times bestseller) Outwork everyone
Discipline = freedom
Extreme ownership
Mark Cuban A dot com billionaire that owns the Dallas Mavericks & star of reality TV show Shark Tank Winners outwork everyone
Dean Graziosi Real-estate millionaire, infomercial star & author of multiple New York Times bestsellers Talk yourself into success
Find your way
Overcome anxiety & self-doubt
Sustainable motivation
Expect more from yourself
Steve Harvey Actor & stand-up comedian known for self-help advice (& that mustache!) Control mindset & push past resistance
Les Brown Awarded as one of the world’s best speakers Be hungry
It’s not over until you win
Make it happen
Steve Jobs Apple co-founder, chairman, & CEO Connect the dots

And with that out of the way, we're ready to dive into the motivational videos that will help you make more calls and close more deals.

1. Grant Cardone: It's Not Doing What You Love

Sales conversion rates are well below 50% (even the best-performing salesperson is busy failing more often than succeeding). So, it is understandable why salespersons can fixate on what they dislike about their jobs instead of what they like.

This video by Grant Cardone reminds a salesperson that it is not doing what you love that will bring you success - it is doing whatever it takes .

2. Grant Cardone: How to Make Change

If a salesperson is stuck in a downward spiral because of the confidence loss that occurs due to rejection, this video is going to be pretty helpful.

Change is a powerful thing , and it is inevitable.

But when you accept responsibility, you can take control of the natural change and divert it toward success.

Salespeople who can pause and pivot the direction of their days can turn around their KPIs after a significant loss.

3. Grant Cardone: The Price of Success

Sales managers erroneously think that it is the low-performing salesperson who needs motivation. Often the high-performer who gets comfortable needs motivation more than the low-performer.

The low-performer can be naturally hungry, but the one who gets "enough" sales might decide that's "good enough" for them. This video reminds the mid-performer what it takes to be a top producer.

4. Dr. Jessica Houston: Be Fearless

Fear stops action, and action leads to sales.

When salespeople are afraid of taking action (because of potential rejection, harsh responses, or tough prospects), this video can help them find the peak of their courage to take the first step.The video talks about how your thoughts can’t be trusted when your emotions are high and that rejection is part of the journey to success. The approach to all of this is key and once they are in the flow, the resistance to take action melts away.

5. Grant Cardone: Don't Quit

Sales is a high-turnover job where people quit within weeks of joining, especially in beginner roles.

This motivation video isn't just for beginners - it is for those days when even experts might seriously consider packing their bags.

It is a snapshot of a meeting from Cardone Enterprises where Grant is talking to his salespeople and general staff, reminding them that quitting brings short-term relief and long-term misery .

6. Grant Cardone: Just Show Up

While conversion rate and lead engagement are great metrics for managers to keep in mind, salespeople should focus on the volume of calls. Remember, your contact list is the lifeblood of your business.

This video by Grant Cardone reminds viewers that a significant part of success is showing up regardless of one's feelings. It helps salespeople realize that even if they have days where they don't feel at their best, it is their duty to show up.

7. Lisa Nichols: I Can Do It

Sometimes a string of rejections can make a salesperson feel like they have done all it takes. The "bad day" trope makes it easier for them to believe that sleeping it off is the way to fix the problem.

This video by Lisa Nichols can help salespeople believe otherwise in those moments when they feel like selling is not for them.

This video has immense affirming value and should be a click away for any salesperson.

8. Lisa Nichols: You Are Enough

It is human nature to tie self-worth with craft. Since salespeople rely on their prospects' decisions to measure success, they can start chasing approval instead of sales.

This video can support salespeople who are doubting their worth or taking a hit on their self-esteem. It reminds them that they are enough, allowing them to focus on the volume of calls they make or doors they knock on instead of a person's opinion of them.

9. Jordan Belfort: Get Out of a Rut

Every salesperson with enough time under their belt understands the dry mouth feeling. Sometimes, a string of rejections can cause a rut where even the best salespeople seem to get no sales.

Jordan Belfort has experienced rock bottom and can understand the psychology of being in a rut. In this video, he explains the mindset component of getting out of a rut .

10. Jordan Belfort: How to Sell Anything to Anyone

If your sales team keeps putting the burden of higher conversion on their leads or your company's marketing, chances are that your staff needs to gain a broader sales mindset.

Salespeople can often get too specific about what they are selling and the type of person who would buy what they are selling.

Belfort's "How to Sell Anything to Anyone" video goes over the tips and tricks of selling on a more fundamental level. And it is human nature to be motivated to apply whatever one learns.

This video will get your sales staff excited about selling.

11. Jordan Belfort: A Reminder to be Certain

Nervous selling is just begging.

Jordan Belfort is a pioneer in certainty-based selling, and this video is a friendly reminder to stay certain even if prospects react in ways that aren't compatible with the sales script.

Watch this video whenever you're anxious , especially before a high-stakes sales meeting.

12. Jordan Belfort: It's All in the Steps

Selling is simple, but we make it complicated.

In this video, Jordan Belfort covers the steps required to take a new prospect from awareness to the close . Again, many salespeople would know these exact steps and might even unconsciously apply them.

But this video is a reminder and freshens enthusiasm to execute the steps.

13. Jordan Belfort: Take Control of the First 4 Seconds

If you track outbound campaigns , you can probably predict success within the first few seconds. That's because it takes less than 4 seconds for a prospect to decide whether he trusts the salesperson or not.

This video teaches (and reminds) salespeople to take charge of the sale in the first 4 seconds , so it becomes infinitely easier to maintain control of the conversation throughout the sale.

14. Tony Robbins: Build Momentum

Anyone with any background in sales knows the feeling of making multiple sales in a row. It's as if the enthusiasm of one sale is fuelling the other.

What if you could control and manifest such days?

In this video, Tony Robbins explains how you can build momentum at will .

15. Tony Robbins: Raise Your Standards

Sometimes, a sales team's greatest problem is not that it isn't meeting its targets but is “just meeting” its targets.

Watch this Tony Robbins video on raising standards to fire up your team to exceed its baseline performance goals. It will help the salespeople be extraordinary in sales (and their personal lives).

16. Tony Robbins: Be Extraordinary

Extraordinary salespeople are not born. They are made.

This video shows what it takes to be extraordinary .

For most salespeople, it will be a decent dose of motivation to get them fired up for the day. But a few salespeople will internalize it and inch towards fulfilling their potential.

17. Tony Robbins: Self-Confidence

It is often said that a sale is the transfer of certainty. A nervous person wouldn't be able to sell $10 for a quarter. Self-confidence is a state of being that makes sales easier.

In this video, Tony Robbins lays out the steps you can take to manifest confidence instantly .

18. Tony Robbins: How to Sell a Feeling

The mark of a novice salesperson is selling the features. Often the industry jargon of the product's niche can go over the prospect's head.

Tony Robbins explains that people buy a feeling and not a product .

By watching this video, the salespeople regressing to feature-selling should pivot towards selling the feeling. Preparation and personalized calls always have a better chance of getting the sale.

19. David Goggins: There Are No Limits

Sales is a numbers game, and laying down the numbers requires defining the limits. Ironically it is the mental limits that actually ruin a salesperson's odds of success.

That's why it takes a man like David Goggins (who has nothing to do with sales) to remind salespeople that there are no limits . All mental conditioning must be undone so salespeople can keep dialing, knocking, and selling.

20. David Goggins + Jocko Willink: Outwork Everyone!

Sales never get easier, and the exhaustion after a few calls can compound and contribute to premature clocking out.

Goggins and Willink are two personalities with a military background. And when the Navy Seal mindset of outworking everyone is applied to sales, the results can be desirable.

This is one of the motivational videos that should be in your sales team's monthly rotation.

21. Jocko Willink: Discipline Equals Freedom

Prospecting, qualifying, and closing are the three stages that are easier to list than execute.

Jocko Willink's dictum is that discipline equals freedom and this video encapsulates it in the most motivational way possible.

Sales teams that internalize this remain unfazed by circumstances and stick to a disciplined structure that, in turn, produces a sense of freedom. Because they can exceed their KPIs, they have higher commissions and more options in life.

22. Jocko Willink: Extreme Ownership

You might have had those days where it seems like the prospects being sent to you are irrelevant. Or days where prospects seem too naive to know that your product offers great value for money. If you lean into that thinking, you'll only have those days.

Jocko's extreme ownership video reminds salespeople that their only option is to assume responsibility for everything .

That way, salespeople can close deals even in suboptimal conditions. Without extreme ownership, people can convince themselves that sales are low because of everyone else except their own selves.

23. Mark Cuban: Winners Outwork Everyone

Sometimes, the messenger is more important than the message.

Salespeople can often be skeptical of sales trainers. But when Mark Cuban tells you that outworking everyone is the key to success , you have to listen to him no matter your role.

As a "shark" who has proven himself as not just an entrepreneur but a legend in the sports industry worth over $4 billion, Cuban's advice is worth taking into consideration.

24. Dean Graziosi: Talk Yourself Into Success

The "teach a man to fish" saying is too much of a cliche to be written in its entirety. But it does apply to motivation.

If you teach your sales staff how to stay motivated , they won't need constant encouragement.

This video shows Dean Graziosi explaining the exact steps you need to take in order to talk yourself into your peak motivational state.

25. Dean Graziosi: Find Your Way

One of the reasons your sales staff is not as motivated might be that your company's goals don't align with their personal goals. But as long as their work is connected to money, they can always use sales as a way to fund their passion projects.

In this video, Graziosi teaches salespeople to find their true purpose . Once a salesperson knows how their job connects to a dream, they will work on it as if it is their dream.

26. Dean Graziosi: Overcome Anxiety And Self-Doubt

Anxiety is one of the most effective triggers of the downward spiral of rejections and dwindling sales.

Before a salesperson takes the nervous energy from their previous call to the next one, they should watch this video and reset.

27. Dean Graziosi: How To Make Motivation Sustainable

Starting a workday with a motivational video is good practice. But motivation has to be sustainable across a career.

This video teaches salespeople how to remain motivated without using motivational content as a crutch .

It will not replace motivational videos but will surely help your team get the most out of each motivational video, as the pump will last longer.

28. Dean Graziosi: Expect More From Yourself

It doesn't matter if $1,000,000 is possible in commissions if a salesperson thinks they only deserve $10,000. We settle for what we think we deserve, even if more is handed to us.

Dean Graziosi reminds us to expect more from ourselves, so we sincerely believe that we deserve more from life .

It is a good motivational video for sales teams and managers because it is specific to performance and not just sales. If you’re a manager, how can you boost your team’s self confidence?

29. Steve Harvey: Control Your Mindset and Push Past Resistance

Self-doubt can creep in and ruin a good sales streak. No salesperson is immune to this, and prevention is better than cure.

Instead of letting that self-doubt take over you, watch this video on controlling your mindset when you don't feel like connecting with the next prospect .

If you're the manager, send this video to the salesperson who seems down.

30. Les Brown: You've Got to Be Hungry

As mentioned back up at number 3, top performers can become comfortable with being mid-level performers once they lose their initial hunger.

Les Brown is the world's #1 expert on making (and keeping) people hungry .

This video is another good ace in the hole for you sales managers out there.

31. Les Brown: It's Not Over Until You Win

Salespeople having a bad day need a pep talk. And there is no better pep talk than this account by Mr. Les Brown reminding viewers that quitting is optional .

Sales is one of those games where you can choose to continue playing until you get the result you are after.

32. Les Brown: Make It Happen

Making sales happen can equate to making your dreams happen. But in the middle of the string of rejections and objections, it is easy to lose track of that.

This video by the great Les Brown can motivate salespeople to keep going when things are not going their way.

33. Steve Jobs: Connecting the Dots

Sales team members can be discouraged by the disconnect between their dreams and their day job.

Connecting the dots is a speech by Steve Jobs that can help people realize that everything eventually converges .

A salesperson can make their day job a pivotal contributor to overarching dreams by showing up with the spirit of excellence.

Final Thoughts

Motivation is temporary, but habits are forever. So sales teams and managers must make consuming motivational content a habit. More importantly, salespeople must apply what they learn from these videos and continue to show up!

Now that you’re fully motivated, time to hit the phones! Schedule a demo of AutoReach so you can increase your productivity and connect with more decision makers.

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25 Best Motivational Videos to Inspire Your Sales Team

Selling isn't just about numbers —it's about the energy, the hustle, and the drive. But more often than not, the sales folks get stuck in a rut.

And there’s a way to get out of it- a pinch of motivation!

Thinking of getting your own video? We can help! Take a sneak peek into what we've done for brands like yours!

We’ve rounded up 25 of the best motivational videos for your sales team out there, featuring top speakers like Grant Cardone and Les Brown . Whether you need a boost before a big pitch or just want to keep the energy high, these videos have you covered. So, why settle for a boring pep talk when you can get fired up with some awesome videos? 

  • Jordan Belfort: How to sell anything to anyone
  • Why Do We Fall
  • Steve Jobs: Love What You Do
  • Tony Robbins: How to Sell Feelings
  • Ben Affleck: Boiler Room
  • Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
  • David Goggins: No Limits
  • BrightStores
  • Coach Gaines: Being Perfect
  • Don Draper Kodak Pitch
  • Brendon Burchard: How To Stay Focused
  • Mark Cuban: Winners Outwork Everyone
  • Adobe: Power of Creativity
  • Dean Graziosi: Find Out Your Why
  • Shonda Rhimes: My Years of Saying YES to Everything
  • Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
  • Mailchimp Anthem
  • Les Brown: You’ve Got To Be HUNGRY
  • Amy Purdy: Living Beyond Limits
  • Steve Jobs: Connecting The Dots
  • Grant Cardone: Watch Me Close on The Phone
  • Dr. Jessica Houston: Have Courage, Be Fearless

25 Best Motivational Videos for Your Sales Team

1. jordan belfort: how to sell anything to anyone.

If your sales crew always points fingers at leads or your marketing team for not closing deals, it might be time for them to widen their sales perspective. 

Sometimes salespeople get too focused on their product and who they think should buy it. 

Check out Belfort's "How to Sell Anything to Anyone" video for some basic sales wisdom.

And naturally, when you learn something new, you're itching to put it into action, right?

Some software demos can be pretty dull, but not this one by Semrush ! This animated demo sticks to the classic formula of sales videos: first, it presents a problem and then introduces the product as the solution. But here's the twist – it's got loads of personality! In this video a wizard pops up, interacting with the app. It gives you a taste of what the app can do, and the visuals make it fun to watch.

3. Why Do We Fall

Failure is inevitable in sales.

It's not about avoiding failure altogether but rather how you bounce back from it.

Do you take it as a lesson and keep pushing forward, or does it become a reason to throw in the towel? 

Here are a couple of standout quotes from the video:

 "Don’t sweat failure. You won’t always come out on top, but don’t let that stop you from making choices." 

"If you're not making someone else's day a bit brighter, you might as well be twiddling your thumbs."

4. Steve Jobs: Love What You Do

Steve Jobs, the guy many consider the ultimate sales guru of our time, breaks down what truly drives us sales folk: passion for our work.

Inspiring quote: “It’s so hard that if you don’t have passion, any rational person would give up”

5. Tony Robbins: How to Sell Feelings

You can spot a rookie salesperson when they focus solely on selling product features. Sometimes they get lost in all the technical jargon, leaving the customer scratching their head. 

Tony Robbins puts it simply: folks buy into a feeling, not just a product. So, if you catch yourself falling back into the feature trap, it's time to switch gears and focus on selling that feeling. 

Remember, prepping and personalizing your approach can up your chances of sealing the deal.

Form CTA

6. Envestnet

Check out this product demo with a twist – it features none other than the legendary Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants! How cool is that? But what makes it even better isn't just the character cameo for some laughs. 

They've also added a scrollable demo. It lets you picture how the tool would actually function with real data, just like a real business or person would use it.

7. Ben Affleck: Boiler Room

ben affleck boiler room motivational video

It's no wonder why thousands of folks still tune in to watch the "Boiler Room" speech with young Ben Affleck. Even though it's been around for over 15 years, the lessons in that video still hit home today.

It's the kind of stuff that fires up salespeople, pushing them to chase success and push past their boundaries.

8. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are

Amy Cuddy, the queen of killer keynotes, enchanted the stage with her Ted Talk all about body language. She dropped some serious truth bombs about how body language shapes who we are. Her tip on "power posing" is something that people are still using, especially sales folks, which was coined almost 15 years ago.

9. David Goggins: No Limit

Sales is all about playing the numbers, and to do that, you gotta know your limits. Funny enough, it's often the mental blocks that mess with a salesperson's mojo. 

That's where someone like David Goggins steps in (even though he's not in sales). He's all about crushing limits.

Salespeople need to break free from any mental barriers holding them back, so they can keep hustling, knocking on doors, and sealing deals.

10. BrightStores

Brightstores offer prospects a sneak peek before they even chat with a salesperson. Getting familiar with the product upfront makes it easier for them to decide to buy because they've already seen how the software can benefit them.

11. Coach Gaines: Being Perfect

They say sales is like the ultimate contact sport. Whether you're hitting the field or hitting the phones, it's all about hustling your way to the top every single day. No matter if you're in the locker room or at your desk, it's the kind of thing that really gets your blood pumping.

12. Don Draper Kodak Pitch

Don Draper's speech is like a shot of motivation straight to the arm, showing you how emotions tie people to products. In the video, he breaks down exactly how feelings drive people's buying decisions.

13. Brendon Burchard: How To Stay Focused

Here's another awesome clip from Brendon. Focus is key, something successful sales folks always keep in mind.

My favorite quote from the video: “Make fewer decisions
 the more decisions that we make, the more our brain becomes fatigued.”

14. Mark Cuban: Winners Outwork Everyone

Sometimes, who's saying it matters as much as what's being said. 

Sales folks might not always buy into sales trainers, but when Mark Cuban dishes out advice like "outworking everyone is the secret sauce to success," you gotta pay attention, no matter where you stand. 

As a " shark " who's not just a business tycoon but a sports industry icon worth over $4 billion, Cuban's words carry some serious weight.

15. Adobe: Power of Creativity

This animated video by Adobe shows perseverance which lies in the core of any salesperson. The pandemic lingers, but we've adapted and moved forward.

It shook us and changed the world, but we endured. 

Adobe crafted an inspiring video showcasing artists worldwide using creativity to navigate the chaos.

Art connects us, offering solace and insight. 

Tech bridged distances, enabling collaboration despite physical separation.

Adobe underscores the power of creativity, teamwork, and innovation in overcoming adversity.

16. Dean Graziosi: Find Out Your Why

Your sales team might lack motivation if their personal goals don't sync with the company's objectives. However, since sales often tie into financial gain, they can leverage it to support their personal pursuits. 

Graziosi's video guides salespeople in uncovering their genuine purpose. When they understand how their role aligns with their aspirations, they'll tackle it with the fervor of chasing a dream.

17. Shonda Rhimes: My Years of Saying YES to Everything

For a year, Shonda Rhimes embraced fear, stepping out of her comfort zone. Known for creating Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away With Murder, she's a powerhouse in TV. Rhimes is deeply passionate about her craft, describing her immersive state as a "hum." In her Ted Talk, she shares her journey of losing and reclaiming that "hum."

18. Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek , a leading influencer, delves into how exceptional leaders ignite action in his Ted Talk.

As a sales manager, there's plenty to glean from his insightful video.

19. Mailchimp Anthem

When choosing a company to connect with, what do you prioritize? Is it their size, reputation, or fancy office? 

The real answer is simple yet crucial: trust. Relationships, the backbone of business, rely on it. 

No matter their credentials, you won't partner with a company without that gut feeling.

That's why we adore Intuit Mailchimp 's “Anthem” video by Antfood .

It ditches technicalities for a heartfelt focus on people's passions.

20. Les Brown: You’ve Got To Be HUNGRY

Top performers may settle into mediocrity once they lose their drive. Les Brown is renowned for reigniting and maintaining that hunger in people. This video is a valuable resource for sales managers looking to keep their teams motivated and hungry for success.

21. Amy Purdy: Living Beyond Limits

How do you tackle challenges?

Amy Purdy, now a professional snowboarder, faced a life-altering moment at 19 when she lost both legs below the knee. Her inspiring journey of recovery showcases how she found inspiration in the face of adversity.

22. Steve Jobs: Connecting The Dots

Sales team members might feel disheartened when they see a gap between their dreams and their day-to-day work. 

"Connecting the Dots," a speech by Steve Jobs, sheds light on how everything eventually falls into place. By bringing a spirit of excellence to their day job, salespeople can make it a stepping stone toward their broader aspirations.

23. Grant Cardone: Watch Me Close on The Phone

Switching gears a bit.

In this video you get to see Grant Cardone, a sales legend, in action, closing a real deal. If you're keen on leveling up your team or your own skills, remember, that YouTube and the internet offer unprecedented access to experts like this!

24. One Inch

This iconic scene from "Any Given Sunday," where Al Pacino's Coach Tony D'Amato pumps up his players before a crucial game, emphasizes that life is a game of inches. We grind, inch by inch, to achieve our goals.

That's the path to success. That's how we come out on top.

25. Dr. Jessica Houston: Have Courage, Be Fearless

Fear can freeze salespeople in their tracks, but action is what drives sales. 

When fear of rejection or tough prospects holds them back, this video can give them the boost they need to take that first step.

It highlights how emotions can cloud our judgment and why rejection is just a stepping stone to success. 

Finding the right mindset is crucial.

Once they get into the groove, the barriers to taking action start to fade away.

With an arsenal of powerful videos featuring sales luminaries like Jordan Belfort and Steve Jobs, your team is equipped to tackle any challenge. From overcoming objections to staying focused and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success, each video offers invaluable insights. As your team navigates the ups and downs of sales, these motivational gems serve as beacons of inspiration, reminding them to persevere and strive for greatness. With determination and the guidance of these speakers, your sales team is poised to conquer new heights and achieve success beyond measure.

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15 Motivational Sales Videos to Motivate & Teach Your Team | Sendspark


Looking for energy and motivation before your next call, pitch, or meeting? 

You’re in the right place. We're about to fire you and your sales team up with 15 motivational sales videos. Watch them as an energy boost, to get through tough days, and to instill values like teamwork and patience.

We’ve got powerful movie scenes, founder speeches, and even Shia Labeouf flexing and shouting for 2 minutes straight.

Let’s start with... 

1. Encourage a positive, team-first attitude with "Friday Night Lights"

Billy Bob Thornton delivers a locker room speech about how perfection is doing your best. His motivational talk transcends football. Instead of talking about what his team needs to do, he focuses on who he expects them to be. 

According to our favorite movie cowboy, great teammates are kind and honest with themselves, each other, and their loved ones. Excellent takeaways for sales teams.

 â€œBeing perfect is not about that scoreboard out there. It’s not about winning. It’s about... being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didn’t let them down because... You did everything that you could. There wasn’t one more thing that you could’ve done”.   

2. Discover the value of hard work with The Rock

Dwayne Johnson is one of the most motivated people in his line of work - or any line of work. In this talk for the L.A. Lakers, he shares tips that help him find that motivation as his success continues to grow.

The video is especially helpful for new teams finding their work ethic. It's a classy, real-life alternative to traditional high-energy sales motivational clips.

“I don’t care who’s in front of me - they’re not going to stop me. The key to me is finding what the anchor is... And the anchor is getting up at 4 o’clock in the morning every day, before anybody else, and grounding my thought process in, nobody will outwork me. No-one. I love and respect you guys; none of you will outwork me.”  

3. Get in a closing state of mind with "Glengarry Glen Ross”

Sometimes, even the best team needs a little tough love. And while this speech is clearly meant as satire, you still won’t find better inspiration.

As the movie’s Rolex-wearing king of sales, Alec Baldwin steals the show while dishing out some hard truths to a down-on-their-luck team. A must-watch for any sales person.

“We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, the first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anyone want to see the second prize? Second prize's a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. You get the picture? You're laughing now? You got leads. Mitch and Murray paid good money... Sell them!”

4. Mark Zuckerberg teaches you to keep you going when everything goes wrong

In hindsight, Mark Zuckerberg's success seems obvious. In reality, Facebook’s founder has one of the most improbable success stories in business history.

In this short talk, he explains how getting there didn’t just require a great idea or groundbreaking new tech. It took perseverance and undeterred focus; something any sales professional should take to heart. 

 â€œI didn’t even think I was starting a company. I remember driving up the 101 and seeing all these great companies and thinking to myself, these are such amazing companies. Maybe one day I’ll start a company. And I’d already started Facebook. It hadn’t occurred to me.”

5. Help your team make decisions and follow through with “You Will Not Outwork Me”:

There's no substitute for hard work, but your sales reps might not know that. So let Will Smith - one of the most successful people alive - tell them instead. A feel-good, high-energy video to show on Mondays or at the end of the week when everyone's tired.

“You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together right, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple. Right?”

6. Lift spirits during tough times with “Don’t Give Up”:

In this supercut of some of the best motivational content on the Internet, Les Brown and Eric Thomas tell us just what it takes to get through tough times and motivate your team when it’s the hardest.

If there’s one thing the two of them agree on, it’s that soldiering through is the only way to get to the other side. The vocal delivery and visuals make for one of the web's most popular motivational videos.

“If you can muster up enough strength to hold on and hold out, if you do not quit, if you do not give up, it's coming. Hold on. I don't care how long it takes you to finish school; I don't care how long it takes you to pass that bar exam... You keep going. And if you persevere, every storm that's come will pass.”

7. Get your team to take immediate action with Shia LaBeouf

Forget about hour-long motivational speeches. Shia LaBeouf will tell your team everything they need to know in just over a minute.

His wisdom is both extremely succinct and physically energetic. If you saw this half a decade ago when it was a meme, trust us - it’ll hit different this time around. Shia knows how to build up sales motivation!

 â€œDo it. Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday you said tomorrow. So just do it. Make your dreams come true. Just do it”

8. Push for more with "A Lame-Ass Offer"

Julia Roberts, as Erin Brokovich, shoots down what appears to be a good offer - a great example of how to hardball the other party. Good when you and your team need to go a gear up.

A more subtle detail is how Roberts' character uses preparation to beat the other party in a tough negotiation. An important lesson for any newer sales rep; knowledge is just as important as energy when you're selling.

“So before you come back here with another lame-ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr. Walker - or what you’d expect someone to pay you for your uterus, Miss Sanchez - then you take out your calculator and multiply that number by a hundred. Anything less than that is a waste of our time.”

9. Remind reps they're important with “You Do Make a Difference”:

Sales can be a tough game, especially if you're on a bad streak or you're just starting out. But sales doesn't have to be cut-throat!

Use this video to remind your whole team that they're important contributors in your team, in your business, and in life in general.

“Don’t you quit. You do make a difference. As weak as you are, as tired as you are, as many mistakes as you’ve made, you do make a difference. There is something they would lose if you were not there. There was something that they would miss if you were not there. You do make a difference.”

10. How to make a sale with kindness with the Office's Michael Scott

It was always a mystery how Michael Scott (of The Office fame) ended up as the boss of anything. However, a better look at his character reveals more sales chops than you’d notice while you’re laughing at the show’s skits.

Michael sells by connecting with leads on a sincere, human basis. His ability to put the customer, not the sale, first is textbook. Feel-good, high-value watching for sales teams.

“Look, people continue to come back to us time and time again because they feel cared for here. They feel respected, and they feel their needs matter. They are treated like human beings.”

11. Raise your team’s standards in sales with Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa is as goofy as he is inspirational. In this video, he shares some street wisdom with his on-screen son. Key points are keeping negativity out, persevering through hard times, and being patient.

Hey... If there’s anyone who can teach us to keep going no matter what happens, it’s the guy who beat Ivan Drago. 

“It ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

12. Keep energy in the sales department high with Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk talks about how improbably lucky we are to be here. The odds of conception and human life are all extremely low, so just being here is a miracle.

Something else he talks about is responsibility. At the end of the day, everything in life is on you - and you can do whatever you want. Regardless of where you’re from and the specific circumstances of your life, it’s all on you. Take the bull by the proverbial horns and go after what you want.

“That’s the big punchline: everybody’s got stuff. The problem is nobody cares. And once you realize that nobody cares and you’re complaining to empty air, you start going in a bit of a different direction. 

13. Inspire your team to aim higher with "You Were Born for This"

The 2004 movie “Miracle” depicts one of the most extraordinary events in sports history. Kurt Russel plays the role of Herb Brooks, an ex-player and ice hockey coach that would lead the U.S. ice hockey squad to Olympic gold in 1980... By winning against the seemingly unbeatable Soviet team. 

Unlike most other motivational speeches, the movie’s famous locker room pep talk isn’t about finding a new perspective on life or revealing some hidden angle; it’s about finding the strength to take what you want and face an opponent without fear. 

 "And we shut them down, because we can!"

14. Amp your team up for big moments with “Any Given Sunday”

In a lesser-known role as Tony D'Amato, a veteran (yet melancholic) football coach, Al Pacino delivers one of the all-time great locker room speeches - one that’s not just passionate, but also brutally honest. 

Pacino talks about how understanding loss is the only way to win - and how important it is to take life one inch at a time, and fight for that inch with every single breath. His players, including Jamie Foxx, pull together and find the motivation to win the game. 

In a word: absolute fire. Okay, two words.

"On this team, we fight for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us to pieces for that inch. We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch. Cause we know when we add up all those inches that's going to make the difference between WINNING and LOSING"

15. Help your team learn from any situation with "GOOD"

Not every situation your sales team will find themselves in will be aspirational - sometimes, you need to find motivation in a tough situation. In fact, that’s when being motivated is most important. 

And that’s precisely what Jocko Willink talks about: finding motivation in challenging times. If you learn how to find the “good” and the potential in a difficult situation, you’ll be able to resolve it to your benefit. 

"Something good always comes from bad."

Fire up your team with your own video!

Every sales motivational video here gives you a different way to motivate and teach your team. 

But the best way to fire them up in a way that meets their current needs is to give them a personal pep talk yourself! 

And the easiest way to do that ? 

Use SendSpark to record a free video that features a webcam shot of yourself and/or a screen recording with slides, motivational images, etc. 

All you need to get started is a 100% free Sendspark account and our Chrome extension; no software installation required!

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151 Best Sales Motivation Quotes in 2024 to Inspire Your Sales Team

151 Best Sales Motivation Quotes in 2024 to Inspire Your Sales Team

The best sales quotes can help you get out of a rut, motivate yourself or your team, and push you to try harder and improve your sales skills .

That’s why we’ve collected 151 sales quotes from great salespeople, leaders, entrepreneurs, philosophers, writers, and more. Enter: the sales motivation quote roundup of the century.

Warning: Binging on these sales motivation quotes could have a serious effect on your life, business, and finances. Side effects include but are not limited to: more sales, better attitude, business growth, personal growth, and less bullshit. These sales quotes may also act as a gateway to other business knowledge such as blogs, podcasts, or books.

Please read responsibly.

The Best Sales Quotes to Get Your Sales Team Motivated Every Day

Want to use motivational sales quotes to get your team ready to crush their day? Use these in your team’s sales huddle to set the tone for a great day.

1. “Today is always the most productive day of your week.” –Mark Hunter

Remind your sales team that the hard work they do today is worth far more than the work they plan to do for the future. Sales productivity is all about setting realistic activity goals and consistently showing up to take the actions that lead to more closed sales at the end of the day, week, month, and quarter.

Curious about the top-rated tools for sales productivity ? Check out our article to find the best solutions available.

2. “Confidence applied properly surpasses genius. There's nothing like confidence.” –Mike Tyson

Not who you’d expect a killer sales quote from, huh? Well, Mike Tyson sure knows a thing or two about confidence and consistency. Just like Mike, if you train hard to develop the right sales skills and put in the effort each day, your confidence as a salesperson will soar.

3. "You either suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." –Jim Rohn

Discipline is critical for a successful sales team . Use this quote to remind your sales reps that today’s effort will mitigate any regret they may face down the road.

🎧 See what else I have to say about this quote.

4. "There is no such thing as failure. There are only results." –Tony Robbins

You'll never remember every deal that's fallen through, but you will remember the big ones you've closed. At the end of the day, it's the results that matter.

🎧 Check out what I think about focusing on results, not losses.

5. "Hard training, easy fight!"

This sales quote means the more prepared you are, the easier it is to win over a customer when it's time to sign a contract. Putting in the time and effort to sharpen your prospecting and outreach skills as well as your closing pitches will pay off when you're in the fight to close a deal .

🎧 I talk more about this here.

6. "The secret to getting ahead is getting started."

Picking up the phone to cold call another prospect is hard. Sending out emails to potential customers is grueling. Following up on every lead takes a lot of effort. But as this sales quote says, the secret to pushing forward is getting started.

🎧 Here's how I use this sales quote to get ahead .

7. "When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are." –Oprah Winfrey

Many times, people’s perception of us can be influenced by how we see ourselves. Know your place and your value as a salesperson, and you’ll earn respect.

8. "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." –Bruce Lee

Time spent perfecting your sales craft will help you beat out your competitors. Practice sales calls, email techniques, and demo pitches regularly to impress prospects. I usually focus on improving one skill at a time in 30-day blocks to be the best⁠— I talk about this more here 🎧

9. "If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way." –Napoleon Hill

You won't close a huge contract every day. And some weeks, there may not be any leads in your pipeline at all. But if you keep working on the small things, like reaching out to prospects and working on your sales game, it'll pay off.

🎧 I talk here about how I use this quote.

10. “Taking initiative pays off. It is hard to visualize someone as a leader if she is always waiting to be told what to do.” –Sheryl Sandberg

This inspiring sales quote from the former Facebook top exec reminds us all to take the initiative to be a leader. You can only ever be great at what you do if you believe in your abilities. Use this quote to remind yourself to go out and crush it every day.

11. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing—that's why we recommend it daily." –Zig Ziglar

Running out of steam in the sales room is normal, especially if deals haven't been swinging your way. This quote reminds us that winning is a choice , not a given. Wake up every day and remind yourself why you love what you do and psych yourself up to be your best.

🎧 Listen to my advice on how to do it.

12. "The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see." –Alexandra K. Trenfor

A sales quote for all the leaders out there. Sometimes, the best way for your team to learn is to point them in the right direction instead of doing the work for them. I also use this strategy when selling to prospects because it helps them realize our product is the one for them.

🎧 Find out how I use this quote from Alexandra K. Trenfor

13. “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” –Sam Levenson

A reminder to make every second in the sales room count. We've all got the same hours in a day—make them count.

14. "Motivation will almost always beat mere talent." –Norman Ralph Augustine

There's a reason why every startup founder wants to be the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk—they are the definition of success. Use this motivation to strive for better and crush your goals.

🎧 Listen to how I use this quote.

15. "Chasing perfection is like chasing the wind, it's highly futile."

No outreach email is perfect. No sales pitch will win over every prospect. The sooner you get comfortable with imperfect sales, the quicker you can stop chasing perfection and start talking to your next customer.

🎧 Here's how to get comfortable with imperfect selling.

16. "You don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training."

Do you remember your first day selling? Don't cringe. We've all been there. But if you don't keep pushing to improve your craft, you'll end up right back where you started. Use this quote to remind yourself of how far you've come.

🎧 How to rise to every sales occasion.

17. "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness. That is life." –Jean Luc Picard

Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose—that's the reality of sales. If you make the right moves and work on your execution, you can walk out of the office today knowing you did your best, even when situations are outside your control.

🎧 Listen to how I want you to use this quote.

18. “Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect.” –William Clement Stone

This sales quote reminds us to put in the work and keep our eyes on the prize with a prospect because the deal isn't closed until they've signed on the dotted line. Always put your prospect's needs and goals first. After all, the deal is about them
 not you.

19. "The hours ordinary people waste, extraordinary people leverage." –Robin Sharma

The most successful people in the world get the most out of their time, whether it's waking up early to start their day or optimizing their calendar to squeeze in more. In fact, I want you to open up your calendar right now and check out all of the empty space on it
 what are you going to do to fill that space with tasks to crush your day?

🎧 Here's how to use this quote.

20. "Knowledge isn't power, applied knowledge is ..." –Paul Chek

You can read 1000 sales books and still sell like your first day on the job. As this sales quote highlights, knowledge is only powerful if you use it. Put your knowledge and skills into practice today.

🎧 Listen here to learn how.

21. "Repetition is the key to mastery."

What part of your sales process do you want to master, and what are you doing to get there? Basketball great Kobe Bryant didn't become great overnight. He famously made 1000 shots every day for months to perfect his shooting style. Use this quote to focus on a certain part of your selling game (it can be small!) and put in the work to master it.

🎧 More on how to turn repetition into mastery.

22. "Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach." –Albert Einstein

Every sales rep has their strengths and weaknesses. Use this to your team's advantage and learn from each other. If you have a strength, lend it to a colleague with the same weakness. And if you are struggling with a certain part of your sales game, reach out to a teammate and ask them to teach you their ways.

🎧 Learn more about how to put this sales quote into action here.

Sales Quotes to Help with Better Sales Prospecting

Prospecting, qualification , and discovery can be some of the most difficult pieces of the sales process. To help you build a better prospecting strategy and the right mindset to do it right, here are some top quotes from sales experts.

23. “Selling is really about having conversations with people and helping improve their company or their life.” –Lori Richardson

This quote brings us back to the basics of selling: focusing on your prospects' needs. The most effective way to sell will always be to help prospects reach their goals instead of focusing on your quota.

24. “Be personal. Be relevant. Be specific.” –Seth Godin

You will never go wrong in a sales pitch if you make your prospect feel like the only person in the room. This quote reminds us to ditch the generics and tailor every call and email to the prospect's needs and goals.

25. “Every email is an opportunity to test a different benefit or angle.” –Heather R Morgan

I love this sales quote because it's a reminder that every time you go prospecting, it's a chance to learn. Keep track of what works, eliminate what doesn't, and continue to sharpen your prospecting and outreach efforts.

26. “You don’t need a big close, as many sales reps believe. You risk losing your customers when you save all the good stuff for the end. Keep the customer actively involved throughout the presentation, and watch your results improve.” –Harvey MacKay

Yet another sales quote reminding us to focus on our customers instead of our quotas. Bring the prospect on board from your first meeting and connect your product to their end goals. Because you don't know if the meeting will be your only chance to get them on board.

27. “Before LinkedIn and other social networks, in the sales world, ABC stood for Always Be Closing. Now it means Always Be Connecting.” –Jill Rowley

Sales has changed. Prospects now want a relationship as well as great products and customer service. Focus on building that relationship—not the close.

28. "Don't sell the stage, sell the act!"

Don't focus a pitch on your product's features and cost. Instead, pivot the conversation so your prospect focuses on their end goal and what their life will look like once they buy your product.

🎧 How to use this quote to boost your sales.

29. "You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want." –Zig Ziglar

Every deal you close should make you and your prospect happy. I call them win-win situations . Your customer is excited to work with you and you can go back to the office with another signed deal. Think about how to turn your next deal into a situation where everyone wins.

🎧 Listen to how you can get prospects what they want.

30. "Emails that never get sent close no deals."

I love this quote because it reminds us that the basic tools in our prospecting kit get results. Send that cold email that's been sitting in your drafts today . What's the worst that can happen?

🎧 My thoughts on the power of email.

31. “You earn the right to tell your story, when you start with theirs.” –Matt Heinz

Ahhh, prospecting 101 : putting the customer first, not your product. This quote highlights the importance of weaving your customer's story and goals into your pitch to keep the focus on them. Personalize everything during the prospecting phase to build a relationship faster and speed up the selling process.

32. "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." –Albert Einstein

How many times have you seen a product or service online that didn't communicate what it actually did? Don't make the same mistake. Keep it simple when you're talking about your product to customers. Don't get technical or focus on features, but know your product well enough that you can tie it to every customer's goals during a pitch.

🎧 More on this game-changing technique here.

33. "Most salespeople throw darts in the dark, hoping something will hit."

This quote reminds me of those ridiculous outreach messages that land in my LinkedIn inbox every morning. They are usually generic outbound pitches that are sent to 100 other people. The biggest problem is the sales rep is just throwing stuff at the wall, hoping one of their messages will stick. Change it up and personalize your prospecting. It takes more time but it's worth it in the long run.

🎧 Listen to my thoughts on what most salespeople get wrong.

34. "Clarity is power."

Understanding your product and how it actually helps customers is a secret weapon in the sales room. You can then use this knowledge to create clarity in your sales goals . Before every call, email or meeting, remind yourself exactly what you want to achieve and how it'll help your prospect.

🎧 My advice on achieving clarity here.

35. “Buyers don’t believe anything you have to say to them about your product or service until they first believe in you.” –Deb Calvert

If your prospect doesn't trust you—you have nothing. Building relationships early and aggressively in the deal will create trust between the two of you. Once you have that, all of the discussions around pricing, features, and contracts can be made in good faith and with a level of respect.

Sales Quotes About Closing Deals

Ready to start closing deals? Here are some of the best sales quotes to get you in the right mindset for more productive conversations that lead to higher conversion rates and better deals.

36. "Your job in sales is to create moments of truth!"

Closing almost every deal in a pipeline requires a prospect to trust you. But deals can progress even when you haven't earned their trust yet. This sales quote is all about making space to create moments of truth with your prospect—pick one part of the deal your potential customer still isn't sure about and turn it into an opportunity to build trust .

🎧 More on this quote from me.

37. "You need to be willing to lose if you're truly committed to win."

No sales rep on earth closes every single deal in their pipeline. It's just not possible. But it is part of the game. I want you to put this quote on a post-it. Why? So the next time someone ghosts you or a deal falls through, you're reminded to get back up and start working to win over your next prospect.

🎧 How to use this quote to win.

38. “You don’t close a sale; you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.” –Patricia Fripp

Your work doesn't end when a prospect signs a contract. In fact, this is the moment where the deal takes a turn into a long-term relationship. Successful companies nurture every prospect after they turn into a customer and constantly try to improve their experience. Use this quote to remind you that when a prospect becomes a customer, your work really begins. Provide better support or upsells and cross-sells to help the customer accomplish their goals.

39. "You can't turn a no to a yes without a maybe in between." –Francis Underwood

When you're in the salesroom, in the weeds, it's hard to remember that customers aren't won overnight. It's normal for them to have doubts, and you need to work for their trust. Ask every prospect what their doubts or concerns are and do whatever it takes to eliminate them. Then, you can turn maybes into more closed sales .

40. “Customers don’t care at all whether you close the deal or not. They care about improving their business.” –Aaron Ross

Prospects don't care about your quarterly targets or sales strategies. Their only concern is their goals and needs. Remember this every time you jump on a prospecting call or walk into a pitch because the quickest way to screw up the deal is to make it about you—not them.

41. "You can't sell others if you aren't sold yourself first."

If you don't believe in your product, how do you expect your prospects to? This sales quote reminds us to take a moment to step back and look at the product like a customer. What do you love about it? And when you first started selling it
 what made you excited to do it? Carry these thoughts into your next prospecting call.

🎧 More about how to use this quote to crush it here.

42. "Nothing happens until a sale is made."

This quote is a throwback to the old saying: don't count your chickens before they hatch. Nothing, and I mean nothing , is certain in a sale until a prospect has signed a contract. Think about everyone who will be impacted by the sale, from your boss and colleagues to your family and partner. This puts the deal into perspective, and how much you stand to win (or lose) by closing it.

🎧 Listen to what I think about this quote.

43. “Never confuse activity with accomplishment.” –Lori Richardson

It's easy to fill your time doing stuff that makes you feel busy but at the end of the day
what does it matter if you don't achieve much? Use this quote as inspiration to make every slot and task on your calendar count. Don't just get busy today—stay focused on accomplishments.

44. “It’s no longer about interrupting, pitching, and closing. It is about listening, diagnosing, and prescribing.” –Mark Roberge

The sales game has changed dramatically over the past 50 years. No more Mad Men-style deals where customers are sold to. This sales quote reminds us to bring the prospect's story and goals to the center of every sales deal and make it about them—not our product.

45. "Coffee is for closers."

Every deal you close should end with a reward. Whether you're a coffee lover (like me) or you want to celebrate with a special purchase, attach a reward to a goal to help motivate you. When you finally close that complex deal, the reward will be just a little bit sweeter.

🎧 Here's how to use this strategy to celebrate wins.

46. "People are starving for decisiveness. If you give it to them, you will rule the world."

Pipelines are called that for a reason. Prospects either travel down them until the end or leak out the side. But sometimes, prospects get stuck in a holding pattern trying to decide whether or not your solution is the right one for them. As this quote says, you need to step in and push the hard close and prove your product is a good fit.

🎧 More on this sales quote here.

47. “I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.” –EstĂ©e Lauder

There's a reason EstĂ©e Lauder has been around for over 75 years—its founder never misses a chance to sell. If you believe in your product, it allows you to sell (hard) every day to your target consumer because you know it'll improve their lives. Just like EstĂ©e.

🎧 How to use this quote to turn your belief into sales.

48. "Losers have goals. Winners have systems." –Scott Adams (Creator of Dilbert)

Every sales rep has the same amount of time in their day. But truly successful salespeople have systems, like automated prospecting that make them stand out from the rest. Think about a goal on your to-do list and ask yourself, what systems can I put into place to make that goal a reality?

🎧 How I use this sales quote to get ahead.

49. "Expect the yes. Embrace the no. That's how you master the close!"

It's a risky strategy to think every deal in your pipeline is a sure thing. While you should always plan to win, hearing a no from a prospect isn't always a bad thing. It can help you improve your sales process and focus on other prospects who are a better fit for your product.

🎧 Listen to how you can use this quote.

50. "Do what others don't and you'll get what others won't."

Most sales reps will move on to other prospects once they close a deal and not give their new customers a second thought. You can win the game by staying in touch with new clients and building relationships. It's easier to upsell or cross-sell to them and get good referrals for other clients. Go the extra mile, keep your customers happy and win new business at the same time.

🎧 My thoughts on this inspirational quote.

51. "Trust trumps transactions."

Prospects can spot a sales rep that's only out to close a deal from a mile away. I've said before, and I'll keep saying it—prospects don't care about your sales quota . They care about their goals. Build trust first, and the transaction will follow.

🎧 How to build trust with prospects.

52. "In business as in life, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate." –Dr. Chet Karrass

Nobody is entitled to a sale. It's all about the negotiation and how you approach the deal. Collaborate with your prospect and learn about what's important to them. Only then will you get the gold nuggets of information you need to tie your product into the deal negotiation and close the sale.

🎧 Here's my thoughts on using negotiation to help see the bigger picture.

53. "Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." –Abraham Lincoln

I love this quote from Lincoln. Take it and think about a task or deal you've been procrastinating around and ask yourself, what will be left if someone makes a move before you? Will you lose out on a deal because you haven't been proactive, or will you go out and grab it before someone else does?

🎧 Why I love this quote.

54. "Never ever, ever stop following up."

This quote reminds me of one of my favorite follow-up stories of all time. When James Altucher wanted to work for a billionaire investor, he emailed him. And when he didn't hear back, he emailed him again
 and again
 and again. He cold-emailed the guy for a whole year . In the end, his persistence landed him a meeting, and it changed his life. The message is clear: never give up.

🎧 My thoughts on always following up with prospects.

55. "I found that if I just do the best that I can, in every moment I have, the future looks after itself." –John Kavanagh

You cannot control every situation or every deal. What you can do is put your absolute best into every interaction and activity on your calendar so even if a prospect says no or a deal falls through, you can walk away knowing you put everything into it.

🎧 More on how to do your best.

56. "Ask for the close early, and ask often."

It's a fatal error to wait until the "perfect" moment to close a deal. Most sales reps don't want to be told no, so they wait—for days, even weeks!—for a time when they think the prospect will say yes. Don’t wait for objections . Ask for the close early and take charge. You won't believe how many prospects you can win over this way, and the extra time on your calendar can be filled with new opportunities.

🎧 My thoughts on closing early and often.

57. "Never take a bet if you don't know how to win it."

I still remember when a Close customer challenged me as to whether I could continue a project (recording daily motivational videos) for 30 days in a row. I asked him if he really wanted to make that bet. He did, and he lost. The reason I agreed to the bet? I knew I would win . I had the drive, plus I already had a library full of content ready to post. I didn't cheat—I just knew the bet was in the bag, so I took it.

🎧 Here's the story behind this win.

The Best Quotes About Creating Sales Success

‎A successful person and a great salesperson have something in common—they don’t give up. Here are more of our favorite quotes about creating sales success in your business and in your career.

58. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

Doubt will cripple every sales activity, from making cold calls to believing in your ability to close a deal. Take a deep breath, remember all of the wins you've already bagged and focus on the fact that, yes— you've got this.

🎧 More on how I crush doubt.

59. "Failure is an event, not a person." –Zig Ziglar

Failure doesn't define you, but it's inevitable in the sales room. But how you respond to losing a prospect or getting ghosted on a call will make (or break) you. Your sales career is bigger than any single deal, so you need to disassociate yourself from any deals you've lost and move on.

🎧 Listen to how you can start to think differently about failure.

60. "Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." –Jim Rohn

What do you persistently work on to improve every single day? Write a list and use it to focus on a core range of skills that will transform you into a great salesperson. Whether you're improving your prospecting outreach or working on your closing skills, discipline and practice will lead to success.

🎧 Listen to why I want you to put in the hard work.

61. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." –Ralph Waldo Emerson

The best leaders in the world are uniquely themselves. When I think about Steve Jobs, I'm reminded of his ability to be himself when presenting the latest Apple product to a packed audience. And when I hear the name Elon Musk, I'm immediately reminded of how he stayed true to his passion for SpaceX, despite everyone else's (loud) opinions. This ability to be yourself is a great asset and helps you stay grounded when connecting with prospects.

🎧 Here's how to stay true to yourself.

62. "Winners Anticipate; Losers React." –Tony Robbins

Never step into a negotiation or meeting without thinking about every possible scenario that could go down. Anticipate what will happen next and the challenges you may face. The more prepared you are, the better you'll be able to handle them. Action is better than a reaction.

🎧 More on how anticipation can help prepare for everything.

63. "You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them." –Michael Jordan

The message in this quote is simple: you need to believe in yourself before you can achieve anything. Jump in feet first and grab an item from your to-do list that you've been avoiding. Set yourself a goal to accomplish it in half the original time. You'll be surprised at what you're capable of accomplishing, but first—you have to believe it's possible.

🎧 Listen to why self-belief is a game-changer.

64. “Become the person who would attract the results you seek.” –Jim Cathcart

This sales quote is based on manifesting your goals. Only when you truly believe you can crush your quota or land that dream prospect can you turn it into reality. Write down 3 goals you want to achieve this quarter, focus on them every day and work towards crushing them.

65. "The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself."

Question yourself, your motivations, and your desires. What do you appreciate? What excites you in the salesroom? Ask questions to uncover what you want to achieve to clarify your motivations. Pick five questions to get started—you may be surprised by what you find.

🎧 Listen to why I love this quote.

66. "Don’t wish for things to be easier, wish for you to be better."

This quote reminds us that you have two choices: to focus on the negatives and complexities of being a salesperson or to challenge yourself to overcome every barrier. Which road will you take?

🎧 Why you should always strive to be better.

67. "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." –Winston Churchill

When Winston Churchill was faced with losing hundreds of thousands of troops on the shores of Dunkirk during WWII, he had one motivation: to get them home safe. This motivation helped him successfully evacuate more than 330,000 of them. The message behind Churchill's quote is simple: if you want something bad enough, keep trying until you figure out a way to get it done.

🎧 More thoughts from me on this.

68. "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." – Og Mandino

I love this quote because it reinforces what every great salesperson knows: if you get back up, tomorrow is a new day. No deal can break you and if you keep showing up, eventually you'll land a prospect that makes you forget about past failures.

69. "When people give me all these great compliments, I thank them, but still go back to my room and practice." –B.B. King

B.B. King famously taught himself how to play guitar with mail-order instruction books. But even when he made it big, he still stayed humble and practiced his craft. Use this quote to stay grounded and remind yourself there's always room to improve with practice.

🎧 Listen to why you should always work on your skills.

70. "You just can't beat the person who never gives up." –Babe Ruth

Picture this: you get knocked down, your pipeline is empty or you've had a streak of lost deals. What you do next will decide your path forward. As this quote highlights, if you never give up, you can never be beaten. Determination outweighs failure.

🎧 Why I love this motivational quote.

71. "Success is never owned; it is only rented—and the rent is due every day."

What do you get out of this quote? For me, it's simple. Even when you crush it and close a huge deal, when you wake up the next day, it's time to get back to work. Your success will hinge on how well you can maintain it.

🎧 How I think about success.

72. "Good things come to those who hustle hard."

A great reminder that every win doesn't come easy. Behind it, there's the hustle, where you've worked to improve your sales pitches , improve your outreach efforts, and connect with customers. But there's always room to improve. So ask yourself, what's next on your hustle list?

🎧 Why I think hustling and perspective are connected.

73. "Success breeds success!"

Your confidence to close deals will increase with the more prospects you convert. Think about the sales reps around you. Are they winning? How can you help them be more successful? Surround yourself with success, and it'll eventually rub off.

🎧 My thoughts on surrounding yourself with successful people.

74. "The most valuable lessons in your life will most likely come from the most obvious places (in hindsight)."

Not every sales lesson will come from a mentor or colleague. Some of the best lessons are from obvious sources, like your intuition, hindsight, and even your prospects. Open your mind up to learning lessons from obvious places, and you'll be a better-rounded salesperson as a result.

🎧 My thoughts on the power of learning lessons.

75. "It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe." –Muhammad Ali.

I love this quote because it reminds us that problems can stay with us for a long time if we don't sort them out immediately. Whether it's a leaky sales funnel or a stale prospecting pitch, a problem that's left will fester and cause problems down the line. This quote teaches us to fix problems early before they do too much damage.

🎧 Listen to more of my thoughts on this quote.

76. “Always do your best. What you plant now, will harvest later.” –Og Mandino

Prospecting and outreach don't always result in closing a deal right then and there. You can make a connection today, and not hear from the person for a year. But if you put in the work to nurture that prospect and earn their trust, eventually, it'll be time to reap the reward.

77. "Kill your goals. Create habits instead."

Only some activities are measurable. Goals help you create timelines for success, but in between those quarterly quotas, what are you aiming for? Focus on creating habits that will set you up for success. Incorporate small changes to your daily routine that will automatically help you reach your goals.

🎧 Here's what I think about creating habits.

78. "Fear is your road sign to growth and success."

I want you to take a look at your to-do list. Is there something on there you've been avoiding, because you're scared to fail? The only way to get over this fear and grow is to tackle it head-on.

🎧 My thoughts on the importance of tackling fear.

79. "We're not just human doings, we're human beings."

You are more than a sales robot to close deals. And that's a good thing. Lean into your human side. Connect with prospects and learn about their story, instead of sticking to a sales script about features and price points.

🎧 Listen to what I have to say about this quote

80. "The difference between fear and excitement is the way you THINK about it."

I want you to think about that nervous energy you get right before you pick up the phone to make a big prospecting call. Now, bottle it up and think about all the good shit that can come from the call if you crush it. See what we just did? We turned that fear into excitement, just with a simple change in our mindset.

🎧 Here's why controlling our mindset can pay off.

81. "I'm gonna turn my mentors into my peers."

Who do you look up to and who would you love to emulate? Use this quote as a goal to stop looking at mentors as distant figures but as someone you can work alongside. Pick just one person you would love to collaborate with and make it your mission to do just that. Email them, call them, or message them on LinkedIn. Start turning your heroes into your peers today.

🎧 My thoughts on this quote.

82. "Choose your hard."

Take a look at your calendar or to-do list. Is there something on there that you've been putting off because it's too hard? I want you to pick a single item. Rip the band-aid off and just get it done. The weight that will lift off your shoulders once you do so will surprise you.

🎧 Why choosing your hard is a great decision.

83. "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." –Thomas Edison

Some people say Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before he invented the lightbulb. Others say it was closer to 2,000 times. And then there's this guy , who claims the actual number is 2,774 times, which is oddly specific. Either way, Mr. Edison was intimately familiar with failure. Guess what? Nobody cares. Why? Because he's the dude who invented the freakin' lightbulb, that's why! If you want to succeed in sales, keep going. Don't give up. You'll get there.

🎧 Hear more about why I never give up.

84. "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." –Albert Einstein

Are your sales reps scared to implement new sales techniques ? Are they comfortable doing the same old, same old—even if it only produces mediocre results? Sounds like they need a dose of Einstein ASAP. Encourage your sales team to try new things and make mistakes. It's the only way to grow. Just make sure they don't make the same mistakes over and over.

🎧 Listen to my thoughts on making mistakes.

85. "Everything we want is on the other side of fear." –George Addair

What are you scared of in your sales career ? Making cold calls ? Giving product demos ? Implementing new sales techniques? Whatever it is, force yourself to do it today . Then do it again tomorrow . Pretty soon, you won't be afraid anymore, and you'll make more sales as a result.

🎧 Hear what I have to say about overcoming fears.

86. "Winning isn't everything but wanting to win is." –Vince Lombardi

Michael Jordan is widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time. The GOAT, if you will. Did you know that he didn't win his first NBA championship until his seventh season in the league? He tried and failed for years until he finally accomplished that goal. Your sales reps won't win every deal. But like Jordan, they should want to win them all. This is one of the things that separates mediocre reps from great reps. Remind your team of this fact.

🎧 Why wanting to win is so important.

87. "Winning starts with beginning." –Robert H. Schuller

Remind your sales team that they'll never win if they don't begin. Do they want to make a sale today? They're going to have to find a lead to contact, pick up the phone to make a call, and/or send a personalized email. It's the only way. Encourage your reps to get started now.

🎧 Why I always encourage people to just get started.

88. "Success happens at the exact moment you don't feel like it."

Let me be honest with you—success is less about talent and more about desire. The people who achieve it aren't necessarily the best. They're the people who wanted it most. The people who didn't feel like doing things, then did them anyway, because they knew it would benefit them. So, what do you not feel like doing right now? Go do it anyway.

🎧 How to do what you don’t feel like doing.

Inspirational Sales Quotes to Create a Positive Attitude

Whether you’re setting goals, making cold calls , or prepping for negotiations, these inspirational sales quotes will reframe your mind and get you ready to close more deals.

89. "Quality performance starts with a positive attitude." –Jeffrey Gitomer

Want to crush your next cold call? Hoping to nail another proposal? Ready to deliver the best product demo of your entire life? It all starts with a bit of positive thinking. Make sure your team has the right attitude when they step on the sales floor. It will make all the difference.

90. "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." –Wayne Dyer

You have a choice. Your sales reps have a choice. We all have a choice. We can decide, right here and now, to motivate ourselves today and work towards our goals. Or we can decide to give in to laziness. Just know that the latter option almost always leads to misery.

🎧 Hear what I think about self-motivation.

91. "Every blessing ignored becomes a curse." –Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist, by award-winning author, Paulo Coelho, is an all-timer. The quote above is one of the best lines in the book because it reminds us to count our blessings . Most of us have it pretty good—whether we realize it or not. Once you accept this fact, your mood will improve. And when your mood improves, higher sales numbers are likely to follow.

🎧 Get more of my thoughts on this quote.

92. "Work harder on yourself than you do on your job." –Jim Rohn

What can you do today to level up your skills ? Maybe you buy in a killer sales course. Or practice a new sales technique. Or ask your manager for a list of ways to improve. An investment in yourself is never a waste. Always strive to be better.

🎧 Build yourself better.

93. "Ask yourself—what gives me energy?"

I'm going to give you a little homework: think about the things in your career that light you up—the tasks you can't get enough of. Now I want you to brainstorm ways to do more of those things . Do you feel pumped after a successful cold call? Make more of them. Are you over the moon when a prospect emails you back? Send more messages. The positive energy you create via these actions will help propel you forward in your sales career.

🎧 More thoughts on how energy relates to your career.

94. "Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine." –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you living life in the shadows? Don't do that to yourself! Most of us have a mountain of things to be grateful for. Unfortunately, we don't always take the time to appreciate them. Let's change that today. Realize how blessed you are and let that fuel your entire work day.

🎧 Hear my thoughts on getting out of your own way.

95. "Don’t try to be a man of success, try to be a man of value." –Albert Einstein

You want to be successful, right? The easiest way to achieve this goal is to create value for others . Once you do that, success will follow. I guarantee it.

🎧 More ideas on creating value.

96. "The most important promises you make are the promises you make to yourself."

We're taught to never break our promises. Unfortunately, we do it all the time—maybe not to other people, but to ourselves. Remember when you promised yourself that you'd exercise more? Or lose weight? Or stop binge-watching Stranger Things? Then life happened
 It's time to recommit, my friend. Think of a work-related promise today and keep it .

🎧 My thoughts on committing to yourself.

97. "Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action." –Walter Anderson

Think about your sales career: what's been stressing you out? If you're new to sales, maybe it's the cold calls you have to make. If you've been in the game a while, maybe it's asking your boss for a raise. The best way to banish anxiety is to take action. Stop thinking about what you have to do (and everything that could go wrong) and start working.

🎧 How to set aside anxiety and take action.

98. "Done is better than perfect."

Raise your hand if there's a perfectionist on your sales team. These folks do great work, but it often takes them forever to get projects done. Encourage your reps to complete jobs—even if they aren't the highest quality. A slightly awkward cold call is better than no cold call. A sent proposal is better than the amazing, but half-finished one that's still on their computer.

🎧 Hear more about fighting perfectionism in sales.

99. "Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else." –Fred Rogers

If Mister Rogers said it, it's bonafide truth. End of story. Use this quote to encourage your sales reps when they get down. Did they just lose a sale? They can take what they've learned from the experience and land another client. Did they miss quota? They can commit to implementing a new sales technique next month to improve their sales numbers .

🎧 My thoughts on this sales quote.

100. "Your past doesn't equal your future."

Remember that sale you blew last quarter? Maybe you used the wrong sales technique. Or came on too strong and scared the prospect away. Guess what, it doesn't matter anymore. Your past doesn't equal your future. Don't let yesterday's mistakes drag you down.

🎧 Why looking to the future is better than looking to the past.

101. "Worry is a misuse of the imagination." –Dan Zadra

Your worries are holding you back. Kick them to the curb. Here's how: think about the things that are stressing you out; then ask yourself, "If what I'm worried about comes true, what's the worst thing that will happen?" The answer probably isn't as bad as you think.

🎧 How I combat worries in sales.

102. "Today is a blank slate loaded with nothing but potential."

Remind your reps that they hold their futures in their hands. Today is bursting with possibilities. If they seize the opportunity in front of them, they'll achieve success.

🎧 Hear more about starting fresh from today.

103. "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." –Jim Rohn

College is fine and dandy. But if you stop learning when you graduate, you'll only go so far in your career. Read sales blogs like this one on a regular basis. Buy books from industry experts. Invest in courses to sharpen your skills. Do what you have to do to acquire knowledge. Why? Because knowledge is the foundation of success.

🎧 Hear what else I have to say about formal vs. self-education.

104. "Set higher standards for your own performance than anyone else around you, and your only competition will be with yourself." –Rick Pitino

Who are you competing with? The only correct answer is, "Myself." Focus on being better than you were yesterday. If you hold yourself to a high standard, you're more likely to win.

🎧 My advice on competing with yourself.

105. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." –Steve Jobs

Are you living someone else's life? Be honest with yourself. Most of us waste time doing what we think other people want us to do, rather than doing what we really want, deep down. What does this have to do with sales? When you become your authentic self, your sales will grow.

🎧 Hear what else I think about being true to yourself.

106. "I'm not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." – Stephen Covey

Repeat after me, I am not a victim . You are where you are in life because of the choices you've made. That's it. This is good news—it means that you have no limits. Decide where you want to go, then make strategic decisions to get there. No one can stop you.

🎧 Why decisions produce who we are.

107. "Focus on progress, not perfection."

Perfection is a myth. Chasing it is a fool's errand. Instead, focus on getting stuff done . Just make sure that the stuff you do today is a little bit better than the stuff you did yesterday. That way you can look back in a year and think, "Wow, I've really come a long way!"

🎧 More thoughts on making progress.

108. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." –C. S. Lewis

It doesn't matter how old you are. You can always set new goals , dream new dreams, and work to achieve awesome, crazy things. Don't let your age hold you back. Is there something you want in your sales career? Go pursue it with everything you've got in you.

🎧 What I think about setting goals.

109. "We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." –John Dryden

Want to accomplish a big, audacious goal? Focus on establishing good hab its for yourself. Once you establish a routine for success, you're much more likely to achieve it.

🎧 Hear what else I have to say about habits.

110. “Your self-worth determines your net worth."

Most sales reps are ambitious. They got into this game to make money—piles and piles of money. Unfortunately, they'll never make the bag if they don't value themselves first. So, encourage your sales team today. Help them develop a positive attitude about themselves. Doing so will allow them to sell better, achieve more, and propel your company forward.

🎧 Why I believe self-worth is so important in sales.

111. "What you do today can improve all your tomorrows." –Ralph Marston

Remind your sales team that the moves they make today have the power to improve their tomorrow, and the tomorrow after, and the tomorrow after that. It doesn't matter if they're prospecting or implementing a new sales strategy, their actions have consequences. They just need to make sure that the actions they take have the positive impact they're hoping for.

🎧 Hear my advice on seizing the day.

112. "You can learn more in 5 minutes of self-study than in 5 years of studying the world."

You've probably spent a ton of time studying top sellers. When was the last time you studied yourself? Try it today. Record your sales calls, remember your interactions with colleagues, etc. Then, before you go to sleep tonight, reflect. What could you have done better? If you do this, you'll be able to identify your greatest weaknesses and fix them.

🎧 Why I love self-study.

113. "Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tonnes." –Jim Rohn

Use this quote to encourage self-discipline throughout your sales team. Yes, it can be annoying, but disciplined people achieve more and regret less. At the end of the day, the small discomforts caused by discipline are much preferable to the heavy weight of regret.

🎧 My thoughts on avoiding regret through discipline.

114. "Either you run the day or the day runs you." –Jim Rohn

A career in sales is a wild ride. If you're not careful, you'll spend so much time rescheduling canceled appointments, putting out client fires, etc. that you'll never have time for more meaningful work. No bueno. Fight against this by taking a look at your calendar and structuring your day in a way that will be most beneficial to you.

🎧 Learn how I like to run my day.

115. "If you see it inside of your head, eventually you will see it in front of your eyes."

Take 30 seconds to visualize your future . Then ask your sales team to do the same. While this may seem a little woo-woo to some people, the exercise can help produce extraordinary results. Why? Because you'll never get where you want to go if you don't know what you're trying to achieve. Visualization can help with this. Give it a try.

🎧 Why I love visualization.

116. "Adversity introduces a man to himself." –Albert Einstein

Adversity isn't the enemy. It can help us push harder and achieve more. It can also teach us about who we really are, which will show us the areas in our life in which we need to improve. Remember this the next time you (or your sales reps) have a tough day.

🎧 How I use adversity to improve.

117. "You don't even really enjoy rest unless you truly deserve it." –Joe Rogan

Did you leave the office yesterday, just because it was 5 pm? Are you planning your next vacation, just because you always travel this time of year? Stop this nonsense and promise yourself that you'll only rest when you truly deserve it. This mindset will inspire you to work harder. After all, if you don't, you'll never get to kick back and relax like you want to.

🎧 Why I believe you should deserve your rest.

118. "You are now, and you do become, what you think about." –Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale, "The Dean" as he was affectionately known, had it right. If you think you're a loser, you're going to become a loser. If you think you're an amazing salesperson who's going to crush it every day, you're going to become an amazing salesperson who crushes it. Pay attention to how you think so that you can subconsciously influence the person you turn into.

🎧 Why thinking leads to being.

119. "When you feel like quitting: think about why you started."

Bad sales day? Maybe you blew a call with a top prospect. Or lost an important and lucrative account. Or haven't been able to find quality leads to contact—even though you've been working on it for hours. You may feel like quitting. Before you do, remember why you got into sales in the first place . Your why will keep you going when things get tough.

🎧 My thoughts on how salespeople can use this sales quote.

120. "The more you learn, the more you earn." –Warren Buffett

If anyone knows about earning more, it's Warren Buffet. The dude is worth $100 Billion. According to him, high net worth is directly related to one's willingness to learn. So read blogs, buy books, invest in online courses —do whatever you can to acquire knowledge. Your bank account depends on it.

🎧 Why learning more equals earning more.

Sales Quotes to Improve Your People Skills

121. “start working with your prospects as if they’ve already hired you.” –jill konrath.

Think about the attitude of the prospect. What do they want from sales reps like you? Probably honest information, friendly advice, and to use you as a sounding board. In other words, they want your support . Give it to them before they buy anything from you and your chances of making a sale will skyrocket.

122. “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” –Mark Twain

Can you do me a favor? Be a good person and do the right thing. For example, when talking with prospects, be honest about your product's capabilities. Don't lie and overpromise. Just tell the truth and act with integrity. Everyone you meet will appreciate it. Guaranteed.

123. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." –Carl Jung

Who pisses you off? Is it your boss? One of your sales reps? Maybe it's a difficult customer. Whoever it is, ask yourself, "Why does this person irritate me so much?" Your answer will tell you a lot about you. This information can then be used to improve yourself.

🎧 How I use irritation to learn about myself.

124. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou

If you want to make sales, you have to tap into prospect emotions. Why? Because they won't remember exactly what you said about the product you're trying to sell. Or every little detail during the demonstration you gave. They will remember that sense of relief, though, when you talked about product benefits that address their pain points . So, talk more about that .

124. “The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.” –Henry Ford

So much of sales is about mindset . You have to be confident, want to win, and never give up. You also need to adopt an attitude of giving. If you help other people get what they want, you're bound to succeed. Keep that in mind during your next sales call.

125. "Look for what connects you with other human beings rather than for what separates you from them."

Before you make that first sales call or send that first email today, think about the things that connect you to the person you're about to reach out to. What do you have in common with them? There's magic in connection. Use it to close more deals.

🎧 Why I believe connection creates deals.

126. “All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.” –Bob Burg

Every salesperson knows it: if your prospects know, like, and trust you, you'll make more sales. The question is, how do you achieve know, like, and trust with potential customers? It's pretty simple: stay in touch, be yourself, and keep your promises. Remind your sales reps to do these things every morning and your company's sales numbers will likely improve.

127. "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway." –Robert Downey Jr

Well, if Iron Man said it
 Here's the deal: people are going to impose their ideas, agendas, and limitations on you. Maybe consciously, maybe unconsciously. Either way, it's going to happen. You need to stay the course and do what you know is the right thing for you.

🎧 My thoughts on staying on course.

128. "It's harder to be kind than clever."

As sales professionals, we spend a lot of time trying to be clever. We think about the perfect sales strategies, wonder how to optimize our email templates , and worry that our demonstrations aren't quite up to snuff. What if you put all of that stuff to the side for a moment and just tried to be kind to your prospects ? You might be surprised by the results you achieve.

🎧 Hear what else I have to say about being kind.

129. "Appreciation is the currency you pay the universe with."

Think about your sales career and all of the things you have to be thankful for. Your colleagues and customers, the CRM tool you use on a daily basis—all of it. Take a moment to really appreciate these people and things. Gratitude is a great way to start the day.

🎧 My thoughts on gratitude.

130. "Yes and No are equally good answers. It’s the Maybe that crushes startups."

To find success you need to be decisive. Don't hem and haw over every decision. Give each one a clear yes or no and move on with your life. Then encourage your prospects to do the same. Don't let them sit on the fence for weeks. Ask them for a clear answer.

🎧 Hear what else I think about a Maybe.

131. "There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." –Roger Staubach

You know what's great about hard work? Most people don't want to do it. Those who are willing to go the extra mile will jump way ahead of the competition. Use this quote to motivate your sales reps. The extra effort they put in today will benefit them in the future.

🎧 Why going the extra mile works.

132. “Sometimes the most influential thing we can do is listen.” – Bob Burg

Bob Burg, the co-author of the "Go-Giver" book series, is pretty well-known in sales and marketing circles. After reading this quote, you can probably guess why. Dude has a lot of wisdom to share. This gem is specifically potent for salespeople. Want to win your prospect's trust and influence them to buy your stuff? Listen to their needs . It's that simple.

Motivational Sales Quotes for When You’re Setting Up a Sales Strategy

If this all seems a bit daunting, here are some motivational sales quotes to help you get in the right frame of mind to set up a winning sales strategy.

133. “Sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right, starting from the moment you target a potential prospect until you finalize the deal.” –Jill Konrath

Are you trying to "make more sales" every day? Maybe you need to rethink your approach. Focus on doing the little things right—qualifying prospects, optimizing your cold call scripts, and following up consistently and timely—and more sales will naturally follow.

134. "Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot." –Jim Rohn

It's pretty simple: don't be a motivated idiot . Make sure you're always educating yourself, honing your craft, and improving your skill sets. Then make sure your reps do the same.

🎧 Hear my thoughts on this sales quote.

135. "You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight." –Jim Rohn

Ask your reps, "What can you do today to change the direction of your career?" They're not going to become world-busting sellers overnight. But they can start taking steps towards that goal today if they put the work in right now. They may just need a bit of motivation.

🎧 Why changing your direction works.

136. “The scalable, profitable strategy is to change the game, not to become the most average.” –Seth Godin

Depending on your industry, it may take years to become a proficient seller. And when you do, you'll be just as good as, well, everyone else. Why not change the game and accelerate things for yourself? Try new sales strategies. Target different niches. Stand out from the crowd so that you can achieve more success in less time.

137. "I don't have dreams, I have goals." –Harvey Specter

Most dreams are far off, impossible things. Because of this, it's easy to think about them, but never take action . Today, break your biggest, most outrageous dreams down into to-do items. Then turn each to-do item into a goal. See if that helps you make progress in life.

🎧 My ideas on creating goals.

138. "Business is simple; people make it complicated."

A career in sales got you down? Maybe you're overcomplicating things. Go back to basics and streamline your workflows. A dose of simplicity might be exactly what you need.

🎧 Why I believe in simplicity.

139. “We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.” –Sheryl Sandberg

If you really want to succeed in sales, you need to work on you . Take time for self-reflection. Ask your manager for tips to improve. Study the best sellers to learn their tricks. These things will make you aware of your shortcomings. Once you realize them, you can fix them.

140. "If you don't take care of your customers, your competitors will!"

Does your team spend all its time finding new customers? Don't neglect the people who have already bought from you in the past. If you don't prioritize their experience with your brand, they'll find another company who will. Remind your sales reps to give current customers the same level of attention that they give the prospects they want to close—maybe more.

🎧 My thoughts on caring for your customers.

141. "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got." — W. L. Bateman

Are you exactly where you want to be in life? Since you're reading these motivational sales quotes, I'm going to guess the answer is no. That means you need to make a change. You'll never achieve more if you keep doing the same things you've always done.

🎧 My thoughts on doing things differently.

142. "You need to focus on moving forward rather than endlessly preparing to begin."

Get started. Take the next step. Move your life and career forward. Preparation is important, but if it becomes something that delays your progress, cut it out.

🎧 How I keep moving forward.

143. "It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement." –Isocrates

We all want to get "there" faster. But you need to actually know where "there" is first. If you don't you'll never achieve your goals. So take a moment and ask yourself, "What do I really want to accomplish?" Then take daily action towards that goal.

🎧 What I think about knowing where you’re going.

144. "Precision beats power, and timing beats speed." –Conor McGregor

Cool quote, but how does it apply to sales? Don't charge ahead blindly with your sales team. Make strategic decisions on a daily basis that will get you where you want to go. I'm all for hard work and productivity, but you need to work smart at the same time.

🎧 Learn my thoughts on precision and timing.

145. "The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it." –Elbert Hubbard

Every second you spend complaining allows your competition to get ahead of you. Strike "it can't be done" from your vocabulary and figure out solutions to your problems.

🎧 Why I never say it can’t be done.

146. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." –Wayne Gretzky

If you fear failure, you'll never experience true success. You have to put yourself out there and take risks—both in sales and in life. Yes, you're going to miss once in a while. But you're going to hit your mark a bunch of times, too. So, encourage your sales reps to take their shot.

🎧 My thoughts on taking the shot.

147. “Expect to make some mistakes when you try new and different approaches.” –Harvey Mackay

Do you manage sales reps? And are some of those sales reps newbies? This is the quote for them! Remind new reps that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as they're trying new things and experimenting with different approaches. Just ask them to refrain from making the same mistakes more than once. That one gets old fast .

148. "Making the call is making progress." –Rework

As a sales rep, you need to make sales calls to close deals. As a professional, you need to make decisions to advance your career. This quote applies to both scenarios. Make the call so that you can make progress towards your goals, whatever they happen to be.

🎧 Taking action is making progress.

149. "It doesn't matter where you start. Only that you begin." –Robin Sharma

Where you start doesn't matter. I'll take it a step further: when you start doesn't matter. Just start. You can figure out the details later. But if you never get your show on the road, you'll never achieve your dreams. Put away the excuses and start today .

🎧 Hear what I think about beginning.

150. "Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years." –Bill Gates

You probably won't become your company's top seller in the next 12 months. But who knows? A decade from now, you might own your own business and be living the high life. Use this quote to remind yourself to play the long game. Consistent baby steps are powerful.

🎧 Why your estimates are probably wrong.

151. "Don't just work IN your business, work ON your business."

Prospecting, sales calls, and CRM upkeep are important things. But if that's all you do every day, you won't get anywhere meaningful. Make time to work on your business , or if you're not a business owner, your sales career. What does this look like? Strategizing for the future, investing in self-education, and purchasing tools to improve productivity are a few ideas.

🎧 How sales pros can work on their business.

Conclusion: Keep Yourself and Your Sales Team Motivated!

When you’re working at the same job day in and day out, it’s normal to get into a rut.

When you feel like quitting: think about why you started (and turn back to your favorite sales motivation quote for inspiration).

Need more help to keep your team motivated and on track? Get our free Sales Enablement Kit to set them up for success:

Steli Efti

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This Motivational Sales Video Will Get You Fired Up!

In sales, top performers don’t just sell—they serve as trusted advisors to their clients .

But being a sales superstar is relatively rare: only a small slice of salespeople are actually considered trusted advisors by their clients, and a whopping 63% of salespeople behave in ways that drive down their sales performance .

Where do you fit in?

Regardless of your answer today, you can start selling like a superstar —and become a true trusted advisor to your prospects and clients—if you simply commit to a few key changes in your selling strategy.

Over the years, I’ve developed a powerful motivational sales speech that teaches you what you need to know to become that trusted advisor —and blow past your goals in sales.

Here, I’m about to share the most effective strategies from this popular motivational sales speech that I give to audiences around the world , so you can start the process of becoming a superstar today.

In this video, I’m going to show you the 6 most powerful tips from my motivational sales speech to get you fired up with a brand new outlook on your career in sales. Check it out:

1. You’re in control of customer loyalty.

This comes first because i t’s one of the most empowering ideas in my motivational sales speech .

Did you know that the data shows that a full 50% of customer loyalty is based purely on the client’s relationship with you, the salesperson ?

This point needs very little explanation.

As salespeople, we’re constantly making excuses about why clients walk away , or why prospects don’t do business with us. But at the end of the day, customer loyalty is much more in your control than you think.

With this empowering fact in mind, let’s move on to the ways you can make sure you’re selling the right way to connect on the deepest possible level with your prospects —and get them to stick around.

2. Don’t listen to opinions—only data.

How many times have you heard conflicting information from different salespeople about what would help you close the sale ?

How many books have you read on sales that told you to do things you just knew weren’t going to work ?

There’s an astounding level of mystification around what leads to success in sales. As a result, salespeople are bombarded by misinformation and misguided opinions from every angle.

What’s worse, the vast majority of these sales opinions are incredibly outdated.

In my motivational sales speech, I tell the story about how when I first started selling, I relied on sales books to teach me how to sell. At the time, they seemed amazing.

But there are two key challenges to these sales books that show what’s wrong with “traditional selling” today:

One, they’re essentially all opinion and there’s very little data to support most of the assertions in books like these .

Two, which is just as important, the average copyright of these books is 1980 .

Don’t make the mistake of relying on opinions—whether they’re from outdated sales books or blogs, or other salespeople who think they’ve got it figured out.

Instead, seek out hard facts and data to guide your selling approach .

3. Ditch the enthusiasm and the pitch.

“Would you like to know the ultimate two-step process to making sure that a prospect or client never wants to hear from you again ?”

When I ask this question of audiences during my motivational sales speech, I get some confused looks and some laughter. But then I share the answer:

1) Come in with lots of enthusiasm when you meet with a client or prospect.

2) Pitch the hell out of that client or prospect, talking about all the great features and benefits of your service, your offering, or your product, and how it’s so much better than the competition.

This is traditional selling at its worst.

Today, top-performing sales reps aren’t enthusiastic and they don’t pitch.

As a result, they’re becoming increasingly successful while average and poor-performing salespeople fall off the radar—and that trend is only accelerating.

Simply put, the best salespeople today understand that they should be disqualifying prospects , rather than trying to persuade or convince them to do business.

The reality is that at least half of the people you come across aren’t going to be a good fit for doing business with you.

So ditch the enthusiasm and the pitch when you sell, and instead focus on disqualification .

4. Avoid objections in the first place.

There’s so much advice out there about how to overcome objections in sales. But in truth, t he real question is how to avoid those objections in the first place.

This is key to selling like a superstar, and that’s why I talk about this in my motivational sales speech.

What you want to do is avoid those objections in the first place by asking really good questions to understand what prospects are looking for , so you can provide a solution that’s exactly what they need.

If you’ve done a good job, there are no objections back and forth.

There is no arm wrestling.

There’s simply so much value in your solution that your prospect can’t say no, and doesn’t even think about raising objections.

5. Ask more big-picture questions.

The data shows that top-performing salespeople ask about twice as many business-related questions as average performers.

We’re not talking about top performers versus salespeople who are failing. We’re talking about top performers versus salespeople that are making an average living selling.

And those top performers—those salespeople who are at the high end of that curve—are asking big-picture questions.

Big-picture questions are what make us money as salespeople.

Big-picture questions create value.

Ask questions that give you a clear big picture of who the prospect is, what they need, what challenges they face, and how much a solution would be worth.

6. Don’t waste time on unqualified prospects .

Today’s top salespeople spend the majority of their time in front of qualified customers. The only way that’s possible is because, when they come across someone who they determine is not qualified, they move on right way.

So when someone asks, “Why should I do business with you?” respond with, “You know what? I really appreciate your asking me that question and quite frankly, at this point in the conversation, I’m not sure that you should. Would it be okay if I just ask some questions to see if we are in fact a fit?”

The prospect expects you to put the pressure on, to start persuading and convincing. But if you do that, you’re potentially wasting your time on an unqualified prospect.

So instead, take the pressure off.

You don’t know if that prospect is a fit. You don’t know if that prospect’s has a problem you can fix. You don’t know if that prospect has the money to pay for your offering.

Before you waste your time trying to sell to that prospe ct, find out the answers to all of those questions. And if the answers tell you it’s not a good fit, move on right away.

So, there you have it. Now you know 6 powerful tips from my most popular motivational sales speech. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas got you the most fired up? Be sure to share below in the comment section to get involved in the conversation.

Enjoyed this article? Please share away!

Get instant access to our free sales training:, why prospects push back on price, give 'think-it-overs,' and ghost in sales until they meet a sales superstar who is following these 7 simple keys, about the author marc wayshak.

Marc is is the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership, including the highly acclaimed titles Game Plan Selling , The High-Velocity Sales Organization and his forthcoming book, Sales Conversations, Mastered.

Marc is a contributor to Inc , HubSpot , Fast Company , Entrepreneur Magazine , and Huffington Post Business . He also hosts a popular YouTube channel on sales strategy with over 103,000 subscribers.

Marc helps thousands of people his data-driven, science-based approach to selling that utilizes all the best tools available to sales organizations today.

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55 Motivational Sales Quotes to Inspire & Empower Your Team

July 5, 2019 | Sean Foo

Caught in a slump doing sales? Whether you are facing challenging clients or encountering a mountain of rejections, you are not alone! It can happen to the best of us.

From setting goals to staying motivated on the long road towards sales success, who better to seek advice from than the experts that have since reached the pinnacle in their respective fields?

Here are 55 quotes from the very best to give you and your team that boost of motivation to tide you over till you too, achieve your sales target!

best sales motivational speeches

Setting Goals

1. “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

2. “Create a vision and never let the environment, other people’s beliefs, or the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions.”- Tony Robbins

3. “Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.”- Napoleon Hill 

4. “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

5. “If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished.” – Joe Girad

6. “Never lower your target; increase your actions.” – Grant Cardone

7. “Remember There’s No Such Thing As An Unrealistic Goal – Just Unrealistic Time Frames” – Donald Trump

8. “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

9. “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” – Napoleon Hill

10. “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” – Zig Ziglar

best sales motivational speeches

Putting the Customer First

1. “Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ”Make me feel important.” Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.” – Mary Kay Ash

2. “Salespeople don’t want to be sold to the way they’re selling, and they should admit that.” -Seth Godin

3. “Forget about your competitors, just focus on your customers.” – Jack Ma

4. “If I don’t buy it, I can’t sell it.” – Ben Feldman

5. “If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.”- Bob Hooey

6. “Most people buy not because they believe, but because the salesperson believes.” – Ben Feldman

7. “Sometimes it’s a little bit like being a politician. We have work to do in understanding our users’ sentiments.” – Meg Whitman

8. “Stop selling. Start helping.” – Zig Ziglar

9. “The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. She wants all the information you can give her.” – David Ogilvy

10. “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

best sales motivational speeches

Sales Strategy

1. “Differentiate yourself! Why are you different? What’s important about you? Why does the customer need you?” – Sara Blakely

2. “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

3. “What a great salesperson does is bring emotion to the table.” – Seth Godin

4. “A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton

5. “If you harness the power of innovation, you’ll convert sales complexity into a brutal competitive advantage.” – Tim Sanders

6. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

7. “Selling yourself does not mean boasting about your accomplishments but rather demonstrating security in your goals and your lifestyle so your “customers” feel success and want to emulate it” -Joe Girad

8. “Sell the interview before you attempt to sell the product.” – Frank Bettger

9. “You should learn from your competitor but never copy. Copy and you die.” – Jack Ma

10. “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” – Steve Jobs

best sales motivational speeches

To Overcome Rejection

1. “For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” – Mary Kay Ash

2. “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”  – Wayne Dyer

3. “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill

4. “I’m just always looking forward. I spend very little time, looking backward.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

5. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. – Thomas Edison

6. “When 10 doors are slammed in your face, go to door number 11 enthusiastically, with a smile on your face. “ – John Paul De Joria

7. “The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of a mistake” – Meg Whitman

8. “When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.” – Napoleon Hill

9. “You can look at the situation and feel victimized. Or you can look at it and be excited about conquering the challenges and opportunities it presents.” – Jack Welch

10. “You can spend your time on stage pleasing the heckler in the back, or you can devote it to the audience that came to hear you perform.”- Seth Godin

11. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”- Bill Gates

Closing the Sale

1.  “Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10 percent is persuasion.” – Shiv Khera

2. “Before you try to convince anyone else, be sure you are convinced, and if you cannot convince yourself, drop the subject.” – John Henry Patterson

3. “Perhaps the most important thing of all is the avoid standardization in your sales talk. If you find yourself one fine day saying the same thing to a bishop and a trapezist, you are done for.” -David Ogilvy

4. “Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.” -Clement Stone

best sales motivational speeches

Optimism and Perseverance 

1.  “I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.” – Elon Musk

2. “Hard work never killed a man. Men die of boredom, psychological conflict, and disease. They do not die of hard work.” – David Ogilvy

3. “It’s not about money or connections. It’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone. And if it fails, you learn from what happened and do a better job next time.” – Mark Cuban

4. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

5. “Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” – Zig Ziglar

6. “Selling is the easiest job in the world if you work it hard—but the hardest job in the world if you try to work it easy.” – Frank Bettger

7. “Success is never owned, it is rented, and the rent is due every day.” – Rory Vaden

8. “The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it.” – Andrew Carnegie

9. “Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.” – Mark Cuban

10. “You don’t get burnout — you lose purpose! You lose your meaning. When I’m tired, I look at my purpose.” – Grant Cardone

Get Motivated & Take Your Sales To The Next Level!

We hope our selection of sales quotes have empowered you to embark on your sales journey and to inspire others along the way.

Remember, as aptly stated by Zig Ziglar, you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

Interested in learning more from sales greats but don’t have much time?

Check out this resource on 25 sales experts you should be following on Twitter for more daily, bite-sized doses of inspiration. 

Want even more inspirational quotes from your favorite advertising legends? We have a list of 51 curated quotes just for you !

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The Best Motivational TED Talks for Sales


Lucy Connor


Do you search for videos on topics to help you with your business? When it comes to sales, TED Talks are an excellent resource for learning and inspiring. Whether it’s an in-depth dive talk on your favorite topic or a motivating pep-talk from an industry expert; you name it, there’s a TED talk for it.

We’ve previously outlined the foolproof framework to take your gym membership sales to the next level.  Now here’s some more expert advice to inspire your sales strategy. Here are the 13 best motivational TED Talks for sales. Skip ahead to: 

1. Julian Treasure: How to Speak so That People Want to Listen?

Have you ever felt like you’re talking, but nobody is listening? In sales, this definitely won’t lead to a close. Julian Treasure is a sound expert who uses his knowledge to advise businesses on how to use sound effectively. He dives into the seven deadly sins of speaking that many are guilty of, and the four foundations for an effective, persuasive speech. 

“We speak not very well to people who simply aren’t listening in an environment that’s all about noise and bad acoustics. What would the world be like if we were speaking powerfully to people who were listening consciously in environments which were actually fit for purpose?”

2. Sheena Iyengar: How to Make Choosing Easier

As a salesperson, a huge part of your job is making your prospects’ choice process easy. We’ve touched upon this before in our guide for increasing your yoga studio income. With the example of pricing; It’s no coincidence that the most successful studios have the most straightforward models. Nobody wants to walk into a studio and see more price plans than types of classes on offer! The same applies to any sales pitch. Iyengar explains how businesses can improve the experience of choice.

“The key to getting the most from choice is to be choosy about choosing.”

3. Celeste Headlee: 10 Ways to Have Better Conversations

When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations. In her TED Talk, radio host Celeste Headlee talks about the importance of good conversational skills and highlights ten essential elements that make for fulfilling conversation – with a focus on listening.

“Go out, talk to people, listen to people. And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.”

4. Giovanni Corazza: Creative Thinking — How to Get out of the Box and Generate Ideas

Giovanni Corazza is a full-time professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum at the University of Bologna, a member of the Executive Council, and the founder of the Marconi Institute of Creativity. He teaches science and the applications of creative thinking. This talk explores the idea of practicing out of the box thinking and provides tips for applying it to everyday life. The discussion is excellent for bringing a fresh perspective and perfect for a salesperson who’s in a creative rut.

“If we want to go out of the box, we need to add something more. A little spice. Something which goes beyond the convergent information. We need a little divergent information to cross the borders within our minds from what we know to what we haven’t yet thought about”.

5. Eddie Obeng: Smart Failure for a Fast-Changing World

According to business educator Eddie Obeng, the world as we know it is constantly changing, and much more rapidly than people realize. The knock-on effect is a rapid transformation in the world of business, including the way we sell. In this energetic talk, he calls for a stronger culture of ‘smart failure’ and discusses three crucial changes we need to understand for better productivity. 

“If you do something no one’s ever done before and get it completely wrong, how should you be treated? You should be treated better than the people who succeed. It’s called smart failure. Why? Because you can’t put it on your C.V.”

6. Steve Harrison: How to Sell Without Selling Your Soul

In this light-hearted, insightful talk, marketing professional Steve Harrison explains how to persuade more people to say “yes” to what you offer without feeling as if you’re a pushy salesperson. Harrison redefines what it really means to sell and reveals a straightforward four-step method for unleashing your potential to serve others so you can be more confident, comfortable, and convincing. 

“Everyone has doors that if you knock on those doors, they can open. But most of us never knock because we’re scared. Those doors could bring you sales they could bring you funding, advice connections, publicity, but you don’t knock on them, and do you know why? I’m convinced it’s because we have a giant misconception of what it means to sell”. 

7. Ernesto Sirolli: Want to Help Someone? Shut up and Listen! 

This is a fantastic TED Talk that’s particularly relevant to a fitness business or any service-based business for that matter. As a fitness business owner, you know the importance of listening to your clients – if you don’t listen, how do you know what they want? If you don’t know what they want, how can you help them meet their goals? How can you sell them your services, if you’re not delivering exceptional customer service in the first place?

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“The most important thing is passion. You can give somebody an idea. If that person doesn’t want to do it, what are you going to do? The passion that the person has for her own growth is the most important thing. The passion that that man has for his own personal growth is the most important thing. And then we help them to go and find the knowledge because nobody in the world can succeed alone. The person with the idea may not have the knowledge, but the knowledge is available”.

8. Kelly McGonigal: How to Make Stress Your Friend

If you work in sales, you’re likely no stranger to stress. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal believes stress is not the enemy and encourages people to see it as positive and to reach out to others for stress reduction. In this mind over matter talk, McGonigal explains that you can change your body’s response to stress by changing your mind about it. By acknowledging your usual signs of stress as an energized feeling, you’ll be better prepared for whatever challenge comes your way. 

“When you choose to view stress in this way, you’re not just getting better at stress. You’re actually making a pretty profound statement. You’re saying that you can trust yourself to handle life’s challenges. And you’re remembering that you don’t have to face them alone”.

9. Richard ST. John: 8 Secrets of Success

This speedy talk is just 3 minutes long and is a must-watch for anyone in sales. The timeframe makes it an excellent go-to as part of an induction for new joiners. As outlined in the four pillars of fitness business success , providing a simple experience for your team is essential. Make this TED Talk part of your sales playbook to inspire and motivate your sales team.

Richard St. John is a self-described ‘average guy’ who spent over a decade researching the lessons of success. Through interviewing hundreds of successful people, he boiled success down to these eight secrets, which are especially relevant to any fitness business.

“A lot of kids want to be millionaires. The first thing I say is: ‘OK, well you can’t serve yourself; you’ve got to serve others something of value. Because that’s the way people really get rich’.” 

10. Rachel Botsman: We’ve Stopped Trusting Institutions and Started Trusting Strangers

If a prospect doesn’t trust you, why would they buy from you? While we used to place our trust in institutions like governments and banks, today, we increasingly rely on others. Researcher Rachel Botsman dives into trust in our modern world and how we can make the most of it. This new era of trust could bring a more transparent and inclusive society – and help you close more deals. 

“To take a chance on that someone or something unknown, you need a force to pull you over the gap, and that remarkable force is trust.”

11. Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit. The Power of Passion and Perseverance

For any audience, this talk is a guaranteed dose of inspiration. Angela Lee Duckworth took up a teaching job in New York after leaving a high-flying career in consulting. The talk uses her teaching experience to explain the key to success, as Duckworth quickly realized that IQ was not the only factor in distinguishing successful students from the failing ones. For sales professionals, success is not a question of what you know, but how you say what you know and how you communicate your services with a prospect.

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals, grit is having stamina, grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint”.

12. Lera Boroditsky: How Language Shapes the Way We Think

In sales, your most powerful tool is persuasion, and this all comes down to the way you speak to a prospect. Lera Brooditsky is a cognitive scientist who, in this talk, highlights how different vocabularies, sounds, and structures shape the way we think and act.  

“Languages are living things. Things that we can hone and change to suit our needs.”

13. Jack Vincent: A Sale Is a Love Affair

From sparking interest, asking questions, listening, and problem-solving, Jack Vincent draws upon the parallels of romance and sales. He believes that the primary element of a sale is trust, as sales is all about relationship-building. A new prospect always presents a unique opportunity for a salesperson to learn and grow; every prospect is different. 

Vincent highlights that you have to treat every business deal like a romance, with courting and to establish a mutual understanding. Using humor and drawing from personal experience, Jack details how every good sale follows the ‘rules of romance.’

“Customers know you want to get them to love you. But what they really want is for you to love them”.

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The 24 Best Motivational Speeches Our Employees Have Ever Heard

Daniel Doan

Published: July 19, 2023

It was halftime during one of my 7th-grade football games. And we were losing 14 - 0. With our knees planted in the grass, my team was quietly huddled, drenched in sweat and defeat. Suddenly, it was game over.

A woman listens to motivational speeches through her headphones

That's when our assistant coach burst into our circle and shattered our pity party, delivering one of the best motivational speeches I've heard to this day.

I can't directly quote him because he said some inappropriate things for a blog post (and, in hindsight, probably for a bunch of 13-year-olds too).

The point is he harnessed the power of words to rejuvenate a physically and emotionally drained team. And we came back clawing to win the game.

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Motivational Speech

A motivational speech can come from anywhere or anyone, but it usually has a specific audience in mind.

Whether it's a graduation speech, an all-company meeting, a championship sporting event, or a conference keynote, these speeches are designed to change how their listeners see the challenges facing them in the future.

Like in sports, being motivated at work is crucial for your performance. This rings especially true when you have a looming deadline, an important meeting, or colleagues or customers depending on your performance.

Think about the last time you felt generally unmotivated. What brought you out of that feeling? Sometimes all it takes to get you going is a good night's sleep or witnessing the benefits of your labor.

Still, other times, you might listen to someone say something that resonates with you — that alters how you've been looking at a particular task or problem.

Motivational speeches and speakers can come in all different forms, but this is the one thing they have in common — resonance. They resonate with the right listener at the right time and in the right way.

Who knows, this article is doing some for you right now. (I can dream, can't I?)

We selected 24 of the best motivational speeches from business, sports, entertainment, and other fields to help you stay motivated no matter what your work throws at you. Watch these videos if you want to feel inspired by a project.

Trust me, I was wiping my eyes after I saw them. And while the messages vary from speech to speech, they can put you in the optimal frame of mind for tackling and crushing your next big challenge.

(Disclaimer: Some speeches may contain NSFW language.)

Elon Musk: "The Importance of Never Giving Up" (2020)

Angela Ahrendts: "Leading with Empathy" (2023)

Arianna Huffington: "The Power of Sleep" (2023)

Tim Cook: "Inclusion and Diversity" (2023)

J.K. Rowling: “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination” (2008)

Sheryl Sandberg: "Lean In" (2021)

Jim Carrey: Commencement Speech at Maharishi University of Management (2014)

Steve Jobs: "How to Live Before You Die" (2005)

Matthew McConaughey: "The Pursuit of Happiness" (2022)

Denzel Washington: "Fall Forward" (2011)

Vera Jones: “But the Blind Can Lead the Blind
” (2016)

Oprah Winfrey: "The Power of Self-Belief" (2020)

Charlie Day: Merrimack College Commencement Speech (2014)

Brené Brown: "The Power of Vulnerability" (2013)

Kobe Bryant: “The Path to Greatness" (2020)

David Foster Wallace: "This Is Water" (2005)

Carol Dweck: "The Growth Mindset" (2020)

Al Pacino: "Inch by Inch" (1999)

Satya Nadella: "Empowering Others" (2023)

Sylvester Stallone: Speech from Rocky Balboa (2006)

Will Smith: Speech from The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

Mel Robbins: "The 5 Second Rule" (2020)

Angela Duckworth: "The Power of Grit" (2020)

Kurt Russell: “This is Your Time” (2004)

The Best Motivational Speeches of All Time

1. elon musk: "the importance of never giving up" (2020), theme of speech: perseverance and resilience.

Elon Musk's "The Importance of Never Giving Up" speech about perseverance and determination is decisive.

In this speech, Musk emphasizes failing and learning from failures as keys to success. He recounts his life and career, demonstrating how he overcame challenges.

One key takeaway from Musk's speech is his advice to adopt a growth mindset.

Musk encourages listeners to view setbacks as learning experiences. He also highlights the value of perseverance, persistence, and taking risks.

Elon Musk's word serves as an upbeat reminder that perseverance, patience, and the desire to attempt things repeatedly in the face of difficulty are essential for success.

"If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it."

2. Angela Ahrendts: "Leading with Empathy" (2023)

Theme of the speech: empathetic leadership....

The "Leading with Empathy" talk by Angela Ahrendts emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and compassion in leadership.

According to Ahrendts, leaders must view their employees as whole people with lives outside of work. Leaders can instill trust, respect, and mutual support in their employees and organizations.

Ahrendts emphasizes the importance of team mission as well. Leaders can inspire their teams by connecting them to a greater goal.

She believes that working together fosters creativity, innovation, and growth.

"Leading with Empathy" is a powerful reminder that leadership requires more than technical knowledge. To truly inspire and motivate their employees, leaders must understand their emotional needs and create a supportive, inclusive environment.

"Empathy is the glue that holds relationships together, whether they are personal or professional."

3. Arianna Huffington: "The Power of Sleep" (2023)

Theme of the speech: sleep and productivity.

The Huffington Post's founder, Arianna Huffington, emphasized the importance of sleep to overall health. In her 2023 speech, "The Power of Sleep," she discusses how sleep deprivation affects our health, productivity, and happiness.

Huffington observes that we have been taught to sacrifice sleep for success. She also mentions that well-rested employees are more creative, efficient, and effective.

To address these issues, Huffington proposes a cultural shift that recognizes sleep as essential to health and wellness.

She advises individuals and organizations to prioritize sleep, avoid technology before bedtime, and create a restful sleep environment. Sleep, according to Huffington, is a necessity, not a luxury.

By recognizing the importance of sleep, people and businesses can enhance their health, productivity, and general well-being.

Arianna Huffington's "The Power of Sleep" speech in 2023 emphasizes the importance of sleep and the dangers of sleep deprivation.

It promotes a culture where getting enough sleep is essential for health and well-being.

"Sleep is the Swiss Army knife of health, it does everything."

4. Tim Cook: "Inclusion and Diversity" (2023)

Theme of the speech: inclusion and diversity.

Apple CEO Tim Cook advocates for inclusion and diversity. He has been instrumental in the company's initiatives to advance fairness and equality inside its ranks and across the technology sector.

Cook has prioritized diversity and inclusion at Apple because he believes it is proper and necessary for innovation and business success.

Unconscious bias training, diverse recruitment, and employee resource groups contributed to his success.

Outside of Apple, Cook has advocated for LGBTQ+ rights and immigration reform. He has raised awareness of these issues and advocated for social change as a business leader.

Tech leaders and others have lauded Cook's commitment to diversity and inclusion. He has raised awareness of these issues, leading to significant change at Apple and elsewhere.

"Inclusion and diversity are not just buzzwords, they are fundamental values that drive innovation and creativity."

5. J.K. Rowling: “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination” (2008)

Theme of speech: failure.

In J.K. Rowling's 2008 Harvard commencement speech, the Harry Potter author explored how two phenomena -- failure and imagination -- can be crucial to success.

While failure can help you understand where your true passion lies, and where you should focus your energy moving forward, imagination is what will allow you to empathize with other people so you can use your influence to do good.

“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.”

"You have to understand your own personal DNA. Don't do things because I do them or Steve Jobs or Mark Cuban tried it. You need to know your personal brand and stay true to it."

6. Sheryl Sandberg: "Lean In" (2021)

Theme of the speech: gender equality and leadership.

Sheryl Sandberg's 2021 talk, "Lean In," encourages women to lean into their careers and leadership roles. She urges women to stand up for one another and themselves to overcome societal and cultural hurdles.

Sandberg highlights the need to have distinct objectives and goals and be prepared to take calculated risks to achieve them.

She also underlines how crucial it is for more female leaders to advance diversity and gender equality across all industries.

Sandberg's speech also emphasizes collaboration. She urges women to mentor other women and look for sponsors and mentors themselves.

The "Lean In" talk by Sheryl Sandberg emphasizes women's voices and perspectives in all aspects of society.

To remove barriers and foster more inclusive and varied workplaces and communities, Sandberg urges women to pursue their professional ambitions with confidence and with the help of their communities.

"We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored."

7. Jim Carrey: Commencement Speech at Maharishi University of Management (2014)

Theme of speech: taking risks.

Jim Carrey might make a living as the goofiest comedian around, but in 2014, he combined classic Carrey humor with unforgettable insight at Maharishi University of Management's graduation ceremony.

Jim Carrey opened his speech dishing punchlines, but he eventually opened up about his upbringing and the role fear plays in our lives. You can actually hear the amazement in the students' reactions in the video above.

“I learned many great lessons from my father -- not the least of which is that you can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”

8. Steve Jobs: "How to Live Before You Die" (2005)

Theme of speech: life and career.

Considering the YouTube video of Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford commencement speech has 24 million views, it's likely that you've seen this one already.

In the speech, Jobs plays on two themes: connecting the dots (anecdote: how taking a calligraphy class helped inspire the design of the Mac) and love & loss (anecdote: how getting fired from Apple helped inspire his greatest innovations).

Perhaps the most memorable part his speech comes at the end, when he quotes the (now-famous) lines from the final issue of his favorite publication, The Whole Earth Catalog:

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

steve jobs

9. Matthew McConaughey: "The Pursuit of Happiness" (2022)

Theme of the speech: discovering true happiness and fulfillment in life..

In "The Pursuit of Happiness," famed actor and motivational speaker Matthew McConaughey provides his enlightened viewpoint on obtaining true happiness and fulfillment.

McConaughey presents a genuine and approachable study of what it means to live a fulfilling life through sincere storytelling and personal anecdotes.

The speech discusses the significance of authenticity and remaining true to oneself. McConaughey encourages people to define their success rather than succumb to social pressures or external expectations.

He stresses aligning our behaviors and decisions with our fundamental values and passions.

McConaughey expresses his conviction in the power of thankfulness and the importance of living in the present moment. He encourages people to create a grateful mindset, recognizing the blessings and possibilities surrounding them.

By appreciating the present and finding joy in the journey, individuals can experience more profound happiness and fulfillment.

"Happiness is not a destination. It's a state of mind, a journey, and a choice we make every day."

10. Denzel Washington: "Fall Forward" (2011)

In his 2011 UPenn commencement speech, Denzel Washington highlighted three reasons why we need to embrace failure in order to be successful. First, everybody will fail at something at some point, so you better get used to it.

Second, if you never fail, take that as a sign that you're not really trying. And third, at the end of the day, failure will help you figure out what path you want to be on.

“Fall forward. Here's what I mean: Reggie Jackson struck out twenty-six-hundred times in his career — the most in the history of baseball. But you don't hear about the strikeouts. People remember the home runs.

Fall forward.

Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments. Did you know that? I didn't know that—because #1,001 was the light bulb. Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success.”

denzel washington

11. Vera Jones: “But the Blind Can Lead the Blind
” (2016)

Theme of speech: perseverance.

Last year at INBOUND, Vera Jones told a moving story about the life lessons she's learned from raising her blind son.

She explains how having faith in your future and letting it lead you toward your true purpose will help you overcome blinding obstacles.

She also discusses how following your passion and trusting your vision develops empathy, which is a critical leadership skill.

“Passionately play your position no matter how bad things get. You are significant. Why we are here is not for our own glory. Ultimately, we're here to lead and serve everybody else. By doing that, we encourage others to do the same.”

12. Oprah Winfrey: "The Power of Self-Belief" (2020)

Theme of Speech: Self-Belief and Confidence

Oprah Winfrey's 2020 speech "The Power of Self-Belief" emphasized the importance of self-assurance. She attributed her success to her unwavering self-assurance.

According to Oprah, self-belief is not about being arrogant or overconfident. She stresses the significance of overcoming self-doubt and fear, which can prevent people from reaching their goals.

Oprah used personal stories to demonstrate how self-confidence has aided her in life and work. She encouraged her audience to believe in themselves and to embrace their inner strength.

The Power of Self-Belief" reminded us how important it is to have faith in ourselves and our ability to succeed.

"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."


13. Charlie Day: Merrimack College Commencement Speech (2014)

Best known for his role in the sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, actor Charlie Day had lots of wisdom to share during the 2014 commencement speech at his alma mater, Merrimack College.

Day explained to the audience how college degrees are inherently valueless, since you can't trade them in for cash. Instead, it's you, your hard work, and the risks you take that provide real value in life.

“You cannot let a fear of failure or a fear of comparison or a fear of judgment stop you from doing the things that will make you great. You cannot succeed without the risk of failure.

You cannot have a voice without the risk of criticism. You cannot love without the risk of loss. You must take these risks.”

14. Brené Brown: "The Power of Vulnerability" (2013)

The video above is an animated excerpt from researcher Brené Brown's speech, " The Power of Vulnerability ." In the speech, Brown explores how our fear of not being good enough (among other fears) drives us to shield ourselves from our own vulnerabilities.

The alternative to wearing this emotional suit of armor: Embrace vulnerability through empathizing with others.

"Empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice. Because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling."


15. Kobe Bryant: “The Path to Greatness" (2020)

Theme of the speech: embracing dedication, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of greatness..

Bryant emphasizes setting ambitious goals and working tirelessly to achieve them. Through captivating storytelling and personal anecdotes, he reveals the sacrifices and relentless effort required to excel at the highest level.

Bryant's speech is a testament to the power of hard work, discipline, and a growth mindset in attaining greatness.

The speech also explores embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Bryant shares how setbacks and challenges can fuel personal growth and resilience.

He encourages individuals to embrace failure, learn from it, and use it as motivation to push beyond their limits.

Bryant's speech goes beyond the realm of sports, offering valuable insights and life lessons applicable to all areas of life.

His relentless pursuit of greatness and unwavering commitment to excellence inspires individuals striving to achieve their goals and dreams.

"I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I'm like, 'My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don't have it. I just want to chill.'

We all have self-doubt. You don't deny it, but you also don't capitulate to it. You embrace it."

16. David Foster Wallace: "This Is Water" (2005)

From the opening minutes of David Foster Wallace's 2005 Kenyon College commencement speech , in which he questions commencement speech conventions, it's clear that Wallace has some serious wisdom to share.

The crux of his speech: Many of us are oblivious to our own close-mindedness. We picture ourselves as the centers of our own, individual universes, instead of seeing the bigger, more interconnected picture.

“If you're automatically sure that you know what reality is and who and what is really important, if you want to operate on your default setting, then you, like me, probably won't consider possibilities that aren't annoying and miserable.

But if you've really learned how to think, how to pay attention, then you'll know you have other options.

It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, hot, slow, consumer hell-type situation as not only meaningful, but sacred — on fire with the same force that lit the stars: love, fellowship, the mystical oneness of all things deep down.”

david foster wallace quote

17. Carol Dweck: "The Growth Mindset" (2020)

Theme of the speech: cultivating a growth mindset for personal and professional development..

In "The Growth Mindset," Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist, and author, delivers an enlightening speech on the power of adopting a growth mindset for personal and professional growth.

Dweck's extensive research on mindset and achievement provides the foundation for her impactful message.

Dweck explains the difference between a fixed mindset, where individuals believe their abilities are fixed traits, and a growth mindset, where individuals believe their abilities can be developed through effort and learning.

She demonstrates how a growth mindset fosters resilience, learning, and innovation through relatable stories and compelling examples.

Dweck's speech resonates with individuals seeking personal and professional development, as she provides insights into how adopting a growth mindset can positively impact all areas of life.

Her research-based approach and engaging speaking style make "The Growth Mindset" an inspiring resource for individuals striving for continuous growth and improvement.

"The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even when it's not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset."

Famous Short Speeches With Inspirational Takeaways

18. al pacino: "inch by inch" (1999), theme of speech: teamwork.

Yes, this speech is from a football movie (Any Given Sunday), but trust me: This isn't your stereotypical rah-rah-go-get-'em sports speech. It's deeper than that. It's about life, and loss, and ... gosh darn it just listen to Al Pacino.

He's pouring his soul out!

“Either we heal as a team or we're gonna crumble, inch by inch, play by play, till we're finished. We're in hell right now, gentlemen, believe me.

And we can stay here and get the $&#@ kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb out of hell, one inch at a time.”

al pacino quote

19. Satya Nadella: "Empowering Others" (2023)

Theme of the Speech: Empowerment and Collaboration

Satya Nadella's 2023 lecture, "Empowering Others," emphasizes the importance of leadership that empowers others rather than focusing on personal success.

He emphasizes the importance of leaders cultivating a culture of inclusion and belonging in which everyone feels respected and able to accomplish their best work.

Nadella also discusses the significance of technology in positive development. Some of society's most important issues may be resolved by technology, but proper development and application are required.

According to Nadella, empathy and emotional intelligence are essential for outstanding leadership. He suggests that Leaders listen to and understand. their team members' needs and motivations.

Leaders can develop a culture of trust and collaboration that will help the team flourish.

Satya Nadella's "Empowering Others" provides a special message about leadership in the current day. By emphasizing diversity, empathy, and responsible innovation, Nadella encourages audiences to strive for excellence while being mindful of their impact on others and the world.

"Success is not just about what we achieve individually, but what we enable others to achieve."

20. Sylvester Stallone: Speech from Rocky Balboa (2006)

Theme of speech: never give up.

I had to put this one next since it plays along the same themes as Denzel Washington's UPenn speech. In the scene above, from the 2006 film Rocky Balboa, the title character (played by Sylvester Stallone) is having a heart-to-heart with his son.

The advice he gives him: Don't let your failures or the adversity you face slow you down. Keep. Moving. Forward.

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!”

sylvester stalone quote

21. Will Smith: Speech from The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

Theme of speech: don’t let them bring you down.

Here's another speech from the big screen, this time from the 2006 film The Pursuit of Happyness.

In the scene above, Will Smith's character explains to his son why he shouldn't pursue basketball (because he'll end up being "below average") before having a major change of heart.

“Don't ever let somebody tell you ... you can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”

22. Mel Robbins: "The 5 Second Rule" (2020)

Theme of the Speech: Action and Overcoming Self-Doubt

The "The 5 Second Rule" speech by Mel Robbins promotes action to achieve goals and overcome concerns and doubts.

When confronted with a decision or action that needs to be completed but you are hesitating or procrastinating, countdown from 5, and then act. According to Robbins, this method breaks habit loops that keep us unhealthy.

Counting down and taking action may assist us in overcoming uncertainty and self-doubt and moving toward our objectives. For success, Robbins also promotes mentality and self-talk.

She believes that to realize our potential, we must consciously reframe negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.

Mel Robbins' presentation "The 5 Second Rule" is a practical and efficient technique to overcome procrastination and achieve goals.

Robbins inspires listeners to take command of their lives and achieve by emphasizing attitude, self-talk, and positive actions.

"You are never going to feel like doing the things that are tough, difficult, or uncertain, but you have a choice."

mel robbins quote

23. Angela Duckworth: "The Power of Grit" (2020)

Theme of the Speech: Spirit and Perseverance

Angela Duckworth examines the significance of perseverance and resilience in achievement in her book "The Power of Grit." According to Duckworth, grit—passion and determination—is essential for long-term success and overcoming obstacles.

Duckworth addresses grit and mentality, believing that people who view challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than threats will develop resilience and determination over time.

She advocates for a growth mindset, which believes people can acquire intelligence and other qualities through hard work. Duckworth places a premium on rigorous practice to achieve skill and mastery.

She recommends soliciting feedback, setting challenging goals, and intentionally improving abilities and succeeding. Angela Duckworth's "The Power of Grit" illuminates long-term achievement.

Duckworth emphasizes attitude, focused practice, and resilience to urge listeners to acquire grit and pursue their passions with tenacity.

"Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality."

24. Kurt Russell: “This is Your Time” (2004)

Theme of speech: inspiring and believing in your team.

The Miracle on Ice is still considered the biggest upset in Olympic hockey history. And for good reason. The Soviet Union won six of the last seven Olympic gold medals, and the U.S. team consisted only of amateur players.

It was obvious the Soviets were better. But, in the movie Miracle, which told the incredible story of the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team, Kurt Russell's character — Coach Herb Brooks — knew that this game was different.

The U.S. was better than the Soviets that day. And his speech conveyed such a strong belief in his team that they pulled off one of the greatest sports moments of the 20th century.

“If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine. But not this game
 Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them. Tonight, we stay with them. And we shut them down because we can!

Tonight, WE are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players, every one of you. And you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time.”

kurt russell quote

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The Best Sales Motivation Speech of all Time

I used to think of myself as an excellent motivator; that is before a former client and friend shared the best sales motivation speech of all time from a Master.

To boost your sales effectiveness, you must listen to the Masters.

Do what they tell you.

The Master in this video tells you everything you need to know about making more_money.

Easy, right?

Wrong.  If willpower alone were enough, you would by now have accomplished many of your long-languishing goals.

Why isn’t willpower by itself enough? Why is a “Just do it!” attitude by itself “Just not sufficient” to achieve your goals?

I’m still wrestling with that question on many levels. Certainly, for some, willpower is omnipotent.

But for the majority of the entrepreneurs and sales people I’ve encountered in my sales coaching practice willpower alone isn’t enough.

We fall into a slump but can’t will ourselves out of it.

We fail in our resolves but can’t will ourselves to re-start.

I believe there are six other ingredients, in addition to willpower, necessary to stay motivated so we can achieve our ambitions.

I know it seems contrived to have a seven step motivational formula. After all, I teach a seven sentence marketing plan. I teach the seven steps of the sales process.

Still, seven steps is what I come up with when I consider my studies, my clients and myself.

Here are the seven steps as I see them:

  • Choice (a.k.a. Willpower)
  • Self-Forgiveness

Perhaps these words, and the accompanying motivational video is sufficient to get and keep you motivated.   If so, BRAVO!

If not, I invite you to join me for my next free, monthly (almost), teleclass.

You can register here:

In the thirty or so minutes we spend together we’ll explore these seven steps in greater detail.

I’ll spell out precisely what the step entails and how you might apply it to yourself.

I’ll share my success and setbacks with each step, and invite you to do the same.

I promise you’ll leave the call with greater insight into what gets and keeps you motivated.

Again, visit this link to register:

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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Motivational Speakers

Sales Motivational Speakers

best sales motivational speeches

Are you planning an event?

Do you need to hire a trusted expert for a virtual meeting, conference, corporate event, seminar, trade-show, convention, or company workshop?

Here is a list of the best sales motivational speakers to consider for your event that can deliver a memorable speech and presentation that will inspire, educate, and entertain your audience.

These experts on sales and motivation can cover such topics as  achieving your goals, never giving up hope, creating a positive mindset, dreaming big, overcoming adversity, and much more.

These are individuals who:

  • Have a deep understanding of sales motivation and psychology
  • Know what it takes to run a successful sales team
  • Know how to create a winning mindset and push through adversity
  • Have powerful inspirational stories on overcoming fear and self-limiting beliefs

If you would like to hire any of these speakers or need more suggestions, fill out this form and our agent will respond within two business hours.

Please note, we work with over 5000 experts and thought leaders who may not be listed on our site.

Tony Robbins

best sales motivational speeches

1. Tony Robbins is a world-famous motivational sales speaker, life coach, author, and businessman who has inspired many sales teams to hit their sales goals.

2. He is author of five books, all bestsellers. One of them is Money: Master the Game.

3. Robbins is recognized as an authority on the psychology of organizational change, negotiations, and leadership.

4. He is world-renowned for the professional and personal development program that he created.

5. Robbins has advised leaders all over the world for almost four decades.

T. Harv Eker

best sales motivational speeches

1. T. Hary Eker is a self-made multi-millionaire and motivational speaker for sales conferences who inspires audiences to deliver their best work.

2. Eker is the author of #1 New York Times bestseller, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth”.

3. Eker serves Peak Potentials Training as president. This is among North America’s fastest growing training companies in the area of personal success.

4. His speaking events regularly draw up to 2,000 people.

5. Eker created the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar and related programs.

Darren Hardy

best sales motivational speeches

1. Darren Hardy is editorial founder and publisher of Success Magazine, one of the leading publications read by executives and entrepreneurs.

2. Hardy is recognized for his significant contributions to the personal development industry for almost two decades.

3. He held a leadership role with The Success Training Network (TSTN) and The People’s Network (TPN). The Success Training Network produced and launched at least 1,000 TV shows, products, and live events.

4. As a sales leadership speaker, he has spoken at hundreds of events and worked with many organizations on helping them reach their sales goals.

Tom Hopkins

best sales motivational speeches

1. Tom Hopkins has 30 years of experience in teaching his selling strategies all over the world.

2. Tom is known throughout the world as a top sales training speaker and has received international recognition for his work in this area.

3. He is author of 12 books. One of these is “How to Master the Art of Selling” and “Selling for Dummies”.

4. More than 16,000 of his sales training system videos are used as in-house resources by companies all around the world.

Shawn Achor

best sales motivational speeches

1. Shawn Anchor is a sales conference speaker, as well as a happiness researcher who believes that the success of any organization greatly depends on the emotional well-being of a companies employees.

2. He is the founder of GoodThink Inc., a company who provides services to organizations that want to empower employees to put proven positive mindset habits into practice.

3. Anchor is a New York Times bestselling author. Two of his books are Before Happiness and The Happiness Advantage.

4. His research on happiness has been discussed by Oprah Winfrey.

5. Anchor’s happiness research has been cited in the Harvard Business Review.

6. His TED talk, “The Happy Secret To Better Work” has received over 21M views.

best sales motivational speeches

Jordan Belfort

best sales motivational speeches

1. Jordan Belfort is famous for being the real “Wolf of Wall Street,” the 2013 movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio which was based on his career in the 1990s where he was a stockbroker.

2. As a direct sales motivational speaker, Jordan brings the understanding he has gained of the dangers of unethical business behavior to his audiences.

3. He currently travels the world holding sales seminars teaching people how to create a winning mindset and how to use positive psychology to win big in business.

Victor Antonio

best sales motivational speeches

1. Victor has enjoyed a career as an executive in sales for 20 years. He is President of Global Sales and Marketing at a $420M company.

2. He holds a position as Vice President of International Sales at a Fortune 500 company.

3. Victor was chosen from more than 500 sales managers to sit on the President’s Advisory Council working for excellence in management and sales.

4. Antonio has appeared with other popular sales leadership speakers, including John May (CEO of FedEx Kinkos), Paul Otellini (CEO of Intel), Daymond John (Shark Tank), and Rudy Giuliani.

5. As a sales keynote speaker, he is passionate about inspiring audiences to dig deep and push through their limitations to achieve their goals.

Barbara Corcoran

best sales motivational speeches

1. Barbara Corcoran is a successful real estate entrepreneur and an investor on Shark Tank.

2. As a sales guest speaker, Barbara shares the strategies she harnessed to achieve greatness in her personal and professional life. Her strategies can be used in any industry or endeavor.

3. Barbara has authored two bestselling books. Shark Tales is her newest release.

4. She hosts Business Unusual, a popular podcast. This show focuses on insight and advice that people can use in their entrepreneurial activities.

best sales motivational speeches

1. Bob Burg is a sales expert and bestselling author who has great experience speaking to large audiences.

2. He provides information on vital subjects in the success of professionals in business.

3. Burg has spoken for associations and corporations all over the world, such as several direct sales organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and franchises.

4. Burg has shared the stage with people such as Olympic athletes, thought leaders, broadcast personalities, political leaders, and even a former president of the United States.

David Goggins

best sales motivational speeches

1. David Goggins is a Navy SEAL and endurance athlete. He is among the world’s greatest athletes in this category.

2. Goggins is the only member of the United States Armed Forces to ever successfully complete SEAL training, Air Force tactical air controller training, and training at the U.S. Army Ranger School.

3. Outside Magazine have called him “The Fittest (Real) Man in America),” while Runner’s World have referred to him as a “Running Hero.”

best sales motivational speeches

1. Dan Clark is a motivational life coach, teacher, author, and a peak performance expert.

2. He is a contributing author to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

3. Clark has authored 20 books, including Puppies for Sale and Forgotten Fundamentals.

4. He once served as CEO for two companies in the retail arena.

5. Clark has been named “One of the Top Ten Speakers in the World” by Achievers Europe and Achievers North America.

Peyton Manning

best sales motivational speeches

1. Peyton Manning is an NFL legend, having been a champion quarterback in two Super Bowls and being named NFL MVP five times. His career with the NFL spanned 18 years, ending in 2016 with his retirement.

2. Peyton is a motivational speaker, specializing in motivational sports speaking. He shares advice with his audiences on both life and work.

3. He has won records for the greatest number of NFL MVP awards.

best sales motivational speeches

1. Ryan Estis has been named among the top 100 keynote speakers by Meetings & Conventions magazine.

2.He offers presentations that feature original research and useful content perfectly fitted for each individual audience. He draws on case studies that provide useful lessons in leadership and sales. The information he offers give his audiences a purpose-motivated plan.

3. Ryan holds a position as chief experience officer with Ryan Estis & Associates. He is recognized for his visionary perspective and practical experience.

George Foreman

best sales motivational speeches

1.George Foreman is a World Heavyweight Champion and Olympic gold medal winner who knows what it takes to succeed in life and business.

2. George won a gold medal for his 25th amateur fight at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968.

3. George founded the George Foreman Youth and Community Center in 1984. This was a non-denominational center for kids who are looking for hope and direction.

4. He began his career as a salesman and entrepreneurship in the early 1990s. By the end of the 1990s, his George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine infomercials were making millions of dollars.

Jimmy Johnson

best sales motivational speeches

1. Jimmy Jonson is recognized as being one of the greatest head coaches ever to work in the NFL. He led back-to-back wins at the Super Bowl, and he has son championships in both the NCAA Division 1 and the NFL.

2. He draws on his impressive experience and impressive energy to guide businesses in becoming leaders in their industries.

3. Jonson is an on-air member of staff on Fox NFL Sunday. In the past, he was a TV studio analyst at Fox Sports.

best sales motivational speeches

1. Erik Wahl is an artist, creativity expert, author, and keynote speaker.

2. He is among the circuit’s most in-demand corporate speakers.

3. His book Unthink was praised by Forbes Magazine as an important work on creative strategies. Fast Company Magazine called this book “proactive with a purpose.”

4. Some of Wahl’s clients include London School of Business, AT&T, Microsoft, Disney, Ernst & Yong, Exxon Mobil, and FedEx.

5. Wahl’s recently published a new book, The Spark and the Grind.

Patrick Sweeney

best sales motivational speeches

1. Patrick Sweeney is an athlete and adventurer, as well as an entrepreneur and expert on the subject of fear.

2. He is an Olympic rowing athlete.

3. Sweeney earned an MBA at a Top 5 business school.

4. He started one of the first companies in cloud computing.

5. Sweeney won a race referred to as “the world’s toughest bike race” in 2018. This was the 3,000-mile Race Across America.

Afterburner Inc

best sales motivational speeches

1.Afterburner is a group of elite American fighter pilots providing high performance training for corporate clients.

2. The group trains organizations all around the world to improve their performance.

3. James ‘Murph’ Murphy, a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, founded the group in 1996.

4. Inc Magazine has ranked Afterburner among its list of America’s 500 Fastest Growing Companies.

5. Afterburner has been featured in publications such as Financial Times, Business Week, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, and Forbes and are considered one of the top motivational sales speakers in the USA.

Kris Jenner

best sales motivational speeches

1. Kris Jenner is a reality TV star, author, motivational speaker, mom, and entrepreneur.

2. She is the sales and marketing architect of the Kardashian empire, which includes media holdings, clothing designs, and product manufacturing. It has received endorsements worth multi-millions of dollars from companies such as Sketchers, OPI Nail Polish, Mattel, and Shoe Dazzle.

3. Kris motivates her audiences by connecting with them and talking about the challenges that business owners face.

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Saint Petersburg, FL Motivational Speakers

Looking to motivate a group of employees, students, or even donors? The Bash has a wide selection of Motivational Speakers that you can book for any event: business functions, school assemblies, graduations, charitable fundraisers, and more. Find one in the Saint Petersburg, FL area today!

Top Motivational Speakers near Saint Petersburg, FL ( 39 results)

How do we sort search results?

Wes Berry I WSJ Author, Motivational Humorist, profile image

Wes Berry I WSJ Author, Motivational Humorist

6 verified bookings

Accepts Online Payments

If you're looking for a dynamic and experienced motivational speaker, keynote speaker, and workshop facilitator in Tampa or anywhere in Florida, look no further than Wes Berry. With a wealth of professional skills and re...

Jason Douglas - Team Building Motivational Speaker, profile image

Jason Douglas - Team Building Motivational Speaker

1 verified booking

Are you looking for a speaker that can engage your team and get them laughing too? This is the speaker for you - Jason Douglas – Motivational Speaker & Business Keynote. Jason’s motivational speaking engagements are a...

Funny Motivational Speaker | Larry Weaver, profile image

Funny Motivational Speaker | Larry Weaver

16 verified bookings

Florida's Premiere Motivational Speaker and Comedian! Are you planning an event in Florida and seeking a speaker who can truly captivate and uplift your audience? Larry Weaver, with his unique blend of motivation, insp...

Meridith Alexander | Ignite the Epic Team

2 verified bookings

"Our best guest speaker ever! " Gregory L. Morgan / Broker Associate Smith & Associates Real Estate There is a reason why Meridith Alexander has a reputation for not simply energizing teams. She is known for her "ninja...

Motivational Comedian Magician.. Mark Robinson

BEST DEMO VIDEO YOU WILL SEE. Mark Robinson is one of the hottest comedic motivational speakers in the country. You've seen him in comedy clubs, Las Vegas, TV commercials, and NBA halftimes. His audience participation sh...

Ron Frost - Motivational Speaker & Author

Ron is a transformational speaker, author, sales coach, leadership consultant and life coach. Known as the "positive momentum coach" he entertains his audiences with energy, laughter and a key message about non-limit thi...

Hank Longo - Incredible Guest Speaker

My story starts with the most exciting day in my life when I set a World Stunt Record water ski jumping over 14 MasterCraft Ski Boats on the ABC Television Show "That's Incredible!" The second part of my story is the m...

Chad Porter, Speaker-Best Selling Author-Motivator

National Best-Selling Author of the book Severed Dreams. Inspirational and motivational, Chad Porter is one of the nation's most highly recommended speakers. Corporate CEO's, Fundraising Executives, MLB, NFL and coll...

Funny & Interactive Keynote Speaker Ari Gunzburg

Award-winning Speaker, Writer & Coach - Ari is a master of resilience, positive mindset, and growth through adversity, as he faces difficult situations head-on using his inner resilience. Months before COVID, a fire wipe...

Energia Wellness

Bring the Powerful Benefits of Mindfulness to Your Organization In today's fast-paced, high-stress corporate environment, employee well-being is more important than ever. Burnout, anxiety, and disengagement are alarming...

Priscilla | Cycle Breaker, Life Coach, & Speaker

Priscilla MarĂ­a, J.D., is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker, certified trauma-informed life coach, and dedicated trauma survivor. As the founder of Cycle Breakers Club, she empowers individuals to heal from trauma, over...

Dr. Fairest Hill-Educator, Motivational Speaker

"Dr. Fairest Hill" You can elevate your next event with the expertise and passion of Dr. Fairest Hill, An International motivational speaker, author, and recording artist based in Tampa Florida. He was the former drumme...

Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

I'm Kytka, a dynamic speaker and versatile professional with an unparalleled journey in the realm of publishing. As an Author and Ghostwriter, I've navigated the intricate landscape of the literary world, bringing storie...

Anastasia Turchetta RDH

Today's audiences deserve an interactive experience where relevant content collaborates with realistic post-event results. Fluff is not enough! Anastasia's speaking programs engage & empower audiences of all sizes to d...

Darryl Ross - Author & Motivational Speaker

32 verified bookings

True motivational trainers with a call to action are hard to come by, and Darryl is one of the elite few. Darryl's skills have been honed over 20 years, and he is now a highly sought-after author, speaker, and trainer. H...

Energize your audience with a speaking program that will leave everyone inspired and informed with actionable takeaways to improve their personal and professional lives. Len Ferman is the author of "Business Creativity...

Robbie G, Emcee and DJ

Professional Emcee with over 15 years experience in Theme Park, Cruise Ship, Trade Show and Corporate entertainment. Companies include: Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, Carnival Cruise Lines, Disney Cruise Lines, Bu...

"Have a Ball!" Team Building & Keynotes


Eric McElvenny- Paralympian & Marine Corps Veteran

13 verified bookings

"Not only were the conference evaluations outstanding, the evaluations of Eric's work were absolute best, #1." ERIC OFFERS: 1. In-Person Keynote Address 2. Virtual Keynote Address 3. Breakout Sessions Keynote Propos...

The UP Guys

Nels Ross and Richie Derwald are The UP Guys – speakers and "edutainers" who promote wellness, mental health, growth, and more. Solo, duo, and with others, they have uplifted and empowered 1,000,000+ people through fun....

Dr. Julio C Caba Motivational/Business Speaker

31 verified bookings

Dr. Julio C. Caba is an author, business coach, life coach, podcast host, and owner of a mental health organization, whose high-energy and entertaining speaking approach entertains attendees while teaching valuable skill...

"From Obstacle to Opportunity"- DERRICK TENNANT

10 verified bookings

Imagine you only had the use of one arm. Imagine everything you owned fit into a carry-on bag. Imagine only having seven shirts, each with a day of the week written on them. Well, meet Derrick Tennant. Derrick suffer...

Exciting&Hypnotic Motivational Educator Twy James

It's Amazing. A hypnotist, an inspiring public speaker, and a transformational life mindset coach and educator. I have seen Twy James perform and motivate crowds across the USA. My name is Danielle, and I want to tell...

INSPIRATIONAL & High Energy Speaker Randy Fox, CSP

22 verified bookings

***INSPIRATIONAL AND TRANSFORMATIONAL*** Randy brings his energy and expertise to engage audiences to MAXIMIZE POTENTIAL, INCREASE PERFORMANCE and be FULFILLED in LIFE! He is impactful, inspiring, engaging and focused...

Joshua U Inspire

A published author, poet and motivational speaker, who uses his story to inspire others to discover their purpose and to reach their God-given potential in life. Whether addressing youth groups at church or, at-risk yout...

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Facts about motivational speakers in saint petersburg, fl.

Check out some quick facts about hiring Saint Petersburg, FL Motivational Speakers.

The average price quote to hire a Motivational Speaker in Saint Petersburg, FL is $2,000.

The average cost to hire a Motivational Speaker in Saint Petersburg, FL is $2,600.

Planners hire Motivational Speakers in Saint Petersburg, FL 96 days before their event.

22 Motivational Speakers

On The Bash, 22 Motivational Speakers in Florida have received 4+ star ratings.

Looking to celebrate your event online? Check out different vendors offering virtual services for online events. Pro Tip : You can hire a virtual Motivational Speaker from any location to bring your online event to life.

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    Ron Frost - Motivational Speaker, Author. 5.0 (7) Sarasota, FL. 31 miles from St Petersburg. 3 Verified Bookings. Prof. P. N. said "I have worked closely with Ron and he is very energetic and personable. I have listened to him speak in leadership and business forums. He is one of the
". Fast Free Quote.

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    Chad Porter, Speaker-Best Selling Author-Motivator. Motivational Speaker from Tampa, FL (25 miles from Saint Petersburg, FL) National Best-Selling Author of the book Severed Dreams. Inspirational and motivational, Chad Porter is one of the nation's most highly recommended speakers.