AP Spanish Language and Culture

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About the Exam

The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam will test your ability to apply communication and language skills developed in the course and ask you to demonstrate your understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Thu, May 16, 2024

AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam.

Exam Components

Section ia: multiple choice.

30 questions 40mins 23% of Score

This section presents 4 sets of authentic print sources (announcements/advertisements, literary texts, articles and charts, letters) with questions. The questions will ask you to: 

  • Identify the main ideas and supporting details 
  • Determine the meaning of vocabulary words in context 
  • Identify the author's point of view or the target audience 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the cultural or interdisciplinary information contained in the text 

Section IB: Multiple Choice with Audio

35 questions 55mins 27% of Score

This section includes a variety of authentic audio sources, including conversations, audio reports, interviews, instructions, and presentations. It is divided into 2 subsections: 

  • The  first  includes 2 sets of audio sources that are paired with print materials on the same topic with questions (articles and audio reports, charts and conversations) 
  • The  second  includes 3 sets of audio sources with questions (interviews, instructions, presentations) 

You will respond to questions about main ideas and supporting details. Some questions will require you to show understanding of cultural or interdisciplinary information. 

You will have time to read a preview of each selection and skim the questions before listening to the audio. All audio texts will be played twice. 

You are encouraged to take notes during this part of the exam and are given writing space for that purpose. Your notes will not be scored. 

Section IIA: Free Response Written

2 questions 1hr 10mins 25% of Score

There are two writing tasks in this section:

  • Interpersonal Writing: Read and reply to an email message (15 minutes)
  • Presentational Writing: Write an argumentative essay based on 3 sources, including an article, a table, chart, graph, or infographic, and a related audio source (played twice), that present different viewpoints on a topic (~55 minutes total: 15 minutes to review materials plus 40 minutes to write). You will have access to the print sources and any notes you may take on the audio during the entire 40-minute writing period.

Section IIB: Free Response Spoken

2 questions 18mins 25% of Score

There are two speaking tasks in this section: 

  • Interpersonal Speaking:  Participate in 5 exchanges in a simulated conversation (20 seconds for each response). For this conversation, you will be provided with a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each exchange. 
  • Presentational Speaking:  Deliver a 2-minute presentation in response to a prompt in which you compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community with which you are familiar to your own community or another community. 

Exam Essentials

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Free-Response Questions and Scoring Information

Go to the Exam Questions and Scoring Information section of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam page on AP Central to review the latest released free-response questions, scoring information, audio files, and transcripts.

Past Exam Free-Response Questions and Scoring Information

Go to AP Central to review free-response questions, scoring information, audio files, and transcripts from past years.

AP Spanish Language and Culture Course and Exam Description

This is the core document for the course. It clearly lays out the course content and describes the exam and AP Program in general.

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Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations for the through-course assessment and the end-of-course exam. If you’re using assistive technology and need help accessing the PDFs in this section in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [email protected] . For information about taking AP Exams, or other College Board assessments, with accommodations, visit the Services for Students with Disabilities website.

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  • Mexican Spanish

Ap Spanish Essay Examples


Are you struggling to find examples of AP Spanish essays? Look no further!

In this article, we’ll explore various essay samples that will help you ace your AP Spanish exam.

From cultural comparison essays to persuasive and literary analysis essays, we’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration or guidance, our expertly crafted examples will provide you with a solid foundation.

So, sit back, relax, and let us take you on a journey through the world of AP Spanish essay writing.

Key Takeaways

  • Analysis of causes and effects of immigration
  • Examination of cultural assimilation and its positive and negative effects
  • Importance of understanding immigration’s impact on individuals and communities
  • Significance of comparing cultures to gain a deeper understanding

Sample AP Spanish Essay on Immigration

You should start your essay on immigration with an analysis of the causes and effects of this complex issue.

Immigration challenges and cultural assimilation are two key aspects of this topic that need to be explored. Immigration challenges refer to the difficulties faced by individuals and families as they navigate the process of moving to a new country. These challenges can include language barriers, discrimination, and the struggle to find employment and housing.

On the other hand, cultural assimilation refers to the process by which immigrants adopt the customs, language, and values of their new country. It’s important to examine both the positive and negative effects of cultural assimilation, as it can lead to a loss of cultural identity but also foster greater integration and acceptance within society.

Understanding these causes and effects is crucial in developing a comprehensive understanding of immigration and its impact on individuals and communities.

Analyzing a Cultural Comparison Essay for AP Spanish

Analyzing a Cultural Comparison Essay for AP Spanish requires examining the similarities and differences between two cultures in order to gain a deeper understanding. Cultural influences play a significant role in shaping societies and individuals, and by comparing different cultures, we can uncover the various factors that contribute to their uniqueness. One key aspect to consider is language barriers, as language plays a crucial role in communication and expression. To illustrate this, let’s take a look at a table comparing the cultural influences and language barriers between two Spanish-speaking countries, Spain and Mexico:

Cultural Influences Spain Mexico
Language Spanish Spanish
History Influenced by Romans, Moors, and other European cultures Influenced by Aztecs, Mayans, and Spanish colonization
Cuisine Paella, tapas, and seafood Tacos, tamales, and mole sauce
Traditions Flamenco, bullfighting, and siestas Day of the Dead, Mariachi music, and piñatas

Exploring a Persuasive Essay Example for AP Spanish

Take a moment to explore an engaging persuasive essay example for AP Spanish and see how the author effectively uses rhetorical strategies to convince the reader.

In this essay, the author discusses the importance of cultural diversity and language proficiency. The author begins by providing a clear thesis statement that highlights the significance of these two factors in today’s globalized world.

Throughout the essay, the author incorporates persuasive language and evidence to support their argument. They use emotional appeals to evoke empathy and understanding from the reader, and logical appeals to provide logical reasoning and evidence.

Additionally, the author uses rhetorical questions to engage the reader and make them reflect on the topic at hand.

Overall, this persuasive essay serves as an excellent example for AP Spanish students to learn how to effectively persuade their audience and convey their message.

Examining a Literary Analysis Essay in AP Spanish

In order to understand the intricacies of a literary analysis essay in AP Spanish, start by examining the author’s use of literary devices and the overall structure of the essay. This will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural influences and literary techniques employed by the writer.

Literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing can reveal underlying themes and messages in the text. By analyzing the author’s use of these devices, you can uncover the deeper meanings and intentions behind their words.

Additionally, the overall structure of the essay, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, plays a crucial role in conveying the writer’s argument and supporting evidence. By examining these elements, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of the literary analysis essay in AP Spanish.

Understanding a Synthesis Essay Sample for AP Spanish

You should read at least two synthesis essay samples for AP Spanish in order to gain a better understanding of the writing style and structure. This will help you familiarize yourself with the expectations and requirements of this type of essay. By analyzing these samples, you can learn how to effectively organize your ideas and arguments, as well as how to incorporate evidence from multiple sources.

Additionally, examining synthesis essay samples will allow you to see examples of effective language use, such as using transitions to connect ideas and incorporating appropriate vocabulary. Overall, reading synthesis essay samples is a valuable exercise in understanding the synthesis essay structure and developing your own writing skills.

  • Analysis of writing style and structure
  • Effective organization of ideas
  • Incorporation of evidence from multiple sources

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to consider when writing an ap spanish essay on immigration.

When writing an AP Spanish essay on immigration, consider key elements such as organization, vocabulary choice, and grammar. Use clear and concise sentences, incorporate relevant examples, and support your arguments with evidence.

How Can I Effectively Analyze a Cultural Comparison Essay for AP Spanish?

To effectively analyze a cultural comparison essay for AP Spanish, start by carefully examining the similarities and differences between the cultures being compared. Look for patterns, themes, and cultural nuances to provide a comprehensive and insightful analysis.

What Are the Persuasive Techniques Used in the Persuasive Essay Example for AP Spanish?

To effectively analyze a persuasive essay example for AP Spanish, identify persuasive techniques such as ethos, pathos, and logos. Consider how the author appeals to emotions, credibility, and logic to persuade the reader.

How Do I APproach Examining a Literary Analysis Essay in AP Spanish?

Approaching analysis in a literary analysis essay, consider the author’s use of literary techniques. By examining the text closely, you can identify how the author employs symbolism, imagery, and characterization to convey their message effectively.

What Are the Steps to Understanding and Analyzing a Synthesis Essay Sample for AP Spanish?

To understand and analyze a synthesis essay sample for AP Spanish, start by breaking down the text and identifying key themes and arguments. Then, analyze the author’s use of evidence and rhetorical strategies to support their claims.

In conclusion, despite the challenges and objections that may arise, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of studying and mastering the Spanish language, specifically in the context of the AP Spanish exam.

By immersing ourselves in the language, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich Hispanic culture, literature, and history.

Let’s embrace this opportunity to broaden our horizons, connect with others, and become global citizens who can truly appreciate the beauty of the Spanish language.

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The AP Spanish Exam 2024: Your Complete Starter Guide

Studying for the AP Spanish exam and knowing what to expect can take the edge off the nerves and help you do your best. There are also plenty of great resources to help you practice for the exam.

Here’s everything you need to know about what’s included in the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam.

The 2023 AP Spanish Exam

Section i: multiple choice and multiple choice with audio, section ii: free response written and free response spoken, what’s on the exam, multiple choice, free response, ap spanish themes, and one more thing….

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

This year’s AP Spanish Language and Culture exam takes place on Wednesday, May 10 at 8 a.m. local time.

You’ll have 3 hours total to complete the whole test (including the multiple choice and free response sections):

Interpretive Communication (IA)40 minutesAnswer 30 questions23%
Interpretive Communication (IB)55 minutesAnswer 35 questions27%
Interpersonal Writing (IIA)15 minutesRead and reply to an email12.5%
Presentational Writing (IIA)55 minutesWrite an argumentative essay12.5%
Interpersonal Speaking (IIB)20 seconds per responseSimulated conversation (5 exchanges)12.5%
Presentational Speaking (IIB)6 minutes2 minute presentation12.5%

For the print component of the multiple choice portion of the exam, you’ll read brief passages and answer multiple choice questions based on these passages.

Print and Audio

There will be two texts that use both audio and print. You’ll review both the print and the audio and then answer multiple choice questions on them.

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You can take notes during the listening passages, so this should help you keep track of the material.

Audio passages will be played twice. Each time you listen to a passage, you’ll have some time to answer the accompanying multiple choice questions.

Remember to take notes so that you remember what the passages cover!

Interpersonal Writing

In this section, you’ll write a brief reply to an example email. Don’t forget to include a greeting, closing , answers to its questions and follow-up questions of your own.

Be sure to brush up on  usted  (formal “you”) since this email is expected to be formal. Learn how to write your formal Spanish emails here !

Using varied language is also an important way to show off your knowledge of vocabulary , so don’t lean too heavily on similar phrases.

Presentational Writing

  • Interactive subtitles: click any word to see detailed examples and explanations
  • Slow down or loop the tricky parts
  • Show or hide subtitles
  • Review words with our powerful learning engine

ap spanish lang essay example

This section presents you with a topic and materials and asks you to write a persuasive essay based on them. You’ll have some time to review the print and audio material before you begin writing, and you’re welcome to take notes (which you definitely should).

You’ll need to present both sides of the argument while also expressing your own perspective using the materials provided to support your ideas. Obviously, your Spanish writing matters here, but so do your comprehension and writing skills in general.

Try to incorporate information from all the sources within your final product. Don’t forget to use everything you’ve learned about writing essays in your English class. If you’re unfamiliar with this style of writing, Purdue’s Online Writing Lab has a helpful guide .

For specific Spanish phrases you can use and more AP free response writing advice, see this post: 

Learn these 52 persuasive AP Spanish essay phrases to help improve your writing for the exam. With phrases to agree and disagree, present an opinion, support this opinion…

Interpersonal Speaking

This section simulates a conversation. You’ll receive a brief outline of the conversation that you can use as a reference to keep track of what’s happening and what your conversational goals are. Then, you’ll hear a brief passage and give a brief response. Since this is a conversation, it’s appropriate to use tú  (informal “you”).

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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  • Learn words in the context of sentences
  • Swipe left or right to see more examples from other videos
  • Go beyond just a superficial understanding

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Presentational Speaking

This section is short but intense. You’ll have four minutes to read material and prepare a presentation followed by two minutes to deliver your presentation. The section focuses on the general topic of cultural comparison, but its precise focus varies between exams.

Here, it’s important to think on your feet. You won’t have a lot of time to prepare, so being able to think about the topic in Spanish rather than translating will save you valuable time.

Not only should you illustrate your command of the Spanish language, you should also show some knowledge of culture. If you make any mistakes, you can always correct yourself, but make sure that your correction is clear.

The AP Spanish exam employs various “themes” to conceptualize the content it will include.

It’s important to note that you won’t be quizzed on these topics. However, the content of the test itself is based on these themes, so some familiarity with them is helpful. Studying vocabulary related to these themes will help provide you with words you may need on the exam.

  • FluentU builds you up, so you can build sentences on your own
  • Start with multiple-choice questions and advance through sentence building to producing your own output
  • Go from understanding to speaking in a natural progression.

ap spanish lang essay example

Science and Technology:  Science and Ethics, Healthcare and Medicine, Access to and Effects of Technology

Global Challenges:  Philosophy/Religion, Economic Changes, Environment, Social Conscience and Welfare

Contemporary Life: Entertainment, Travel and Leisure, Education/Careers, Social Customs and Values

Families and Communities: Family Structure, Customs and Values, Education, Social Networking

Personal and Public Identities: Personal Beliefs and Interests, National and Ethnic Identities, Heroes/Historical Figures

Beauty and Aesthetics: Defining Beauty and Creativity, Fashion/Design/Architecture, Visual and Performing Arts, Language and Literature

Just remember that the exam changes periodically, so it’s important to check the College Board website .

If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU .

Other sites use scripted content. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Spanish language and culture over time. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people.

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FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list.


Review a complete interactive transcript under the Dialogue tab, and find words and phrases listed under Vocab .


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The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning with the same video.

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2024 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Guide

8 min read • june 18, 2024


Your Guide to the 2024 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

We know that studying for your AP exams can be stressful, but Fiveable has your back! We created a study plan to help you crush your AP Spanish Language and Culture exam . This guide will continue to update with information about the 2024 exams, as well as helpful resources to help you do your best on test day.  Unlock Cram Mode  for access to our cram events—students who have successfully passed their AP exams will answer your questions and guide your last-minute studying LIVE! And don't miss out on unlimited access to our database of thousands of practice questions.

Format of the 2024 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

This year, all AP exams will cover all units and essay types. The 2024 AP Spanish Lang exam format will be:

  • 30 questions in 40 minutes
  • 35 questions in 55 minutes
  • ~ 2 minutes
  • ~ 6 minutes

Scoring Rubric for the 2024 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

You can find the AP Spanish Language scoring rubrics   here , courtesy of the College Board .****

Check out our study plan below to find resources and tools to prepare for your AP Spanish Language and Culture exam ! 

When is the 2024 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam and How Do I Take It?

** The exam is on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 8:00 AM your local time. Exams will be in person on paper.  **


How Should I Prepare for the Exam?

  • First, download the  [object Object] - a single sheet that covers everything you need to know at a high level. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses!
  • Review every unit and question type, and focus on the areas that need the most improvement and practice. We’ve put together this plan to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam- - Try to immerse yourself in Spanish: watching movies or videos, chatting with friends, and reading news in Spanish will help you be more fluent by the time the exam comes!
  • We've put together the study plan found below to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam. Pay special attention to the units that you need the most improvement in.
  • Study, practice, and review for test day with other students during our live cram sessions via  Cram Mode . Cram live streams will teach, review, and practice important topics from AP courses, college admission tests, and college admission topics. These streams are hosted by experienced students who know what you need to succeed.

Pre-Work: Set Up Your Study Environment

Before you begin studying, take some time to get organized.

🖥 Create a study space.

Make sure you have a designated place at home to study. Somewhere you can keep all of your materials, where you can focus on learning, and where you are comfortable. Spend some time prepping the space with everything you need and you can even let others in the family know that this is your study space. 

📚 Organize your study materials.

Get your notebook, textbook, prep books, or whatever other physical materials you have. Also, create a space for you to keep track of review. Start a new section in your notebook to take notes or start a Google Doc to keep track of your notes. Get yourself set up!

📅 Plan designated times for studying.

The hardest part about studying from home is sticking to a routine. Decide on one hour every day that you can dedicate to studying. This can be any time of the day, whatever works best for you. Set a timer on your phone for that time and really try to stick to it. The routine will help you stay on track.

🏆 Decide on an accountability plan.

How will you hold yourself accountable to this study plan? You may or may not have a teacher or rules set up to help you stay on track, so you need to set some for yourself. First, set your goal. This could be studying for x number of hours or getting through a unit. Then, create a reward for yourself. If you reach your goal, then x. This will help stay focused!

🤝 Get support from your peers.  

There are thousands of students all over the world who are preparing for their AP exams just like you! Join  Rooms  🤝 to chat, ask questions, and meet other students who are also studying for the spring exams. You can even build study groups and review material together! 

AP Spanish Language and Culture 2024 Study Plan

👨‍👨‍👧 unit 1: families in different societies.

Unit 1 dives into the various themes related to families in the Spanish-speaking world. Some major questions we will consider are:

  • What constitutes a family in Spanish-speaking societies? /  ¿Qué compone una familia en una sociedad hispanohablante?
  • What are some important aspects of family values and family life in Spanish-speaking societies? /  ¿Cuáles son algunos aspectos importantes de los valores y la vida familiar en las sociedades hispanohablantes?
  • What challenges do families face in today's world? /  ¿Qué retos enfrentan las familias de hoy?

Some Resources:

📚 Read these study guides:

  • Unit 1 Overview
  • 1.1 Families in Different Societies
  • 1.2 Family Customs and Values
  • 1.3 Challenges Families Face in Spanish-Speaking Countries
  • 1.4 Global Challenges
  • 1.5 Possible Prompts for Unit 1 If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

💻  Learn about the best prep books so you can start studying early:

  • Best AP Spanish Language Textbooks and Prep Books

🗣 Unit 2: The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity

This unit plunges deeper into a few aspects of personal and public identity by analyzing the influences that language and culture have on forming one's identity. Our guiding questions for this unit are:

  • How does one’s identity evolve over time? /  ¿Cómo se desarrolla nuestra identidad a lo largo del tiempo?
  • How does language shape our cultural identity? /  ¿Cómo moldea la lengua nuestra identidad cultural?
  • How does technology influence the development of personal and public identity? /  ¿Cómo influye la tecnología en el desarrollo de la identidad pública y personal?
  • How does the art of a community reflect its public identify? /  ¿Cómo refleja el arte de una comunidad su identidad pública?
  • Unit 2 Overview
  • 2.1 The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity
  • 2.2 Beauty and Aesthetics
  • 2.3 Contemporary Life
  • 2.4 Science and Technology
  • Possible Prompts for Unit 2 If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

💻 It is never too early to want to prepare for the exam:

  • 🏆 How to Get a 5 in AP Spanish Language  

🎨 Unit 3: Influences of Beauty and Art

This unit guide will explore how beauty and art influence quality of life and values in Spanish-speaking communities.

  • How do ideals of beauty and aesthetics influence daily life? /  ¿Cómo influyen los ideales/ modelos de belleza y estética en la vida diaria?
  • How does art both challenge and reflect cultural perspectives? /  ¿Cómo el arte desafía y a la vez refleja las perspectivas culturales?
  • How do communities value beauty and art? /  ¿Cómo valoran las comunidades la belleza y el arte?
  • How is art used to record history? /  ¿Cómo se usa el arte para documentar la historia?
  • Unit 3 Overview: Influences of Beauty and Art
  • 3.1 Beauty and Aesthetics
  • 3.2 Personal and Public Identities
  • 3.3 Contemporary Life
  • 3.4 Families and Communities If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

💻 Check out these AP Spanish Language Self-Study/Homeschool tips:

  • 🏠  AP Spanish Language Self-Study and Homeschool  

🔬 Unit 4: How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives

This unit will explore how science and technology affect the lives of those living in Spanish-speaking communities.

What factors drive innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology ? / ¿Qué factores impulsan la innovación y los descubrimientos en los campos de la ciencia y la tecnología?

What role do ethics play in scientific advancement? /  ¿Qué papel juega la ética en los avances científicos?

What are the social consequences of scientific or technological advancements? /  ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias sociales de los avances científicos y tecnológicos? 📚 Read these study guides:

  • Unit 4 Overview: How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives
  • 4.1 Science and Technology
  • 4.2 Global Challenges
  • 4.3 Contemporary Life
  • 4.4 Personal and Public Identities
  • Possible Prompts for Unit 4

🏘️ Unit 5: Factors That Impact the Quality of Life

This unit will dive into some specific factors that impact our quality of life. 

How do aspects of everyday life influence and relate to the quality of life? /  ¿Cómo influyen y se relacionan los aspectos de la vida diaria con la calidad de vida?

How does where one live impact the quality of life? /  ¿Cómo impacta la calidad de vida el lugar donde se vive?

What influences one’s interpretation and perceptions of the quality of life? /  ¿Qué influye en nuestra interpretación y en nuestras percepciones de la calidad de vida? 📚 Read these study guides:

  • Unit 5 Overview: Factors that Impact the Quality of Life
  • 5.1 Contemporary Life
  • 5.2 Global Challenges
  • 5.3 Science and Technology
  • 5.4 Beauty and Aesthetics
  • 5.5 Tourism and Cuisine

⛈️ Unit 6: Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges

This last unit explores how global challenges and complex issues impact people's lives in the Spanish-speaking world. Some guiding questions are:

How do environmental, political, and societal challenges positively and negatively impact communities? / ¿Cómo los desafíos medioambientales, políticos y sociales impactan, positiva—o negativamente— nuestras comunidades?

What role do individuals play in addressing complex societal issues? /  ¿Qué papel juegan los individuos a la hora de abordar asuntos sociales complicados?

  • How do challenging issues affect a society’s culture? /  ¿Cómo los asuntos desafiant es afectan la cultura de una sociedad? 📚 Read these study guides:
  • Unit 6 Overview: Environmental, Political, and Societal Changes
  • 6.1 Economic Issues
  • 6.2 Contemporary Life
  • 6.3 Population and Demographics
  • 6.4 Families and Communities
  • 6.5 Possible Prompts for Unit 6

Key Terms to Review ( 18 )


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Ultimate Guide to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

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The AP Spanish courses are the most popular AP foreign language classes. In fact, they’re so popular that two sets of Spanish curricula exist: AP Spanish Language and Culture and AP Spanish Literature and Culture. This is the only AP foreign language that has more than one course offering. In 2019, over 185,000 students took the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, making it by far the most popular foreign language exam taken. 

The curriculum for the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam emphasizes communication by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. As you undertake the coursework or exam preparations, you will need to focus on understanding others and being understood by others. If you’re planning to take the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, whether you have taken the class, are a native speaker, or have self-studied, read on for a breakdown of the test and CollegeVine’s advice for how to best prepare.

When is the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam?

The College Board will administer the 2020 AP Spanish Language and Culture exam on Tuesday, May 12, at 8 am. For a complete list of all the AP exams, along with tips for success and information about how students score, check out our article 2020 AP Exam Schedule: Everything You Need to Know.

About the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is taught almost exclusively in Spanish and includes instruction in vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. 

Although there is some emphasis placed on correct grammar usage, the College Board specifically warns against overemphasizing grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. Instead, more time will be spent on applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in real-life situations, exploring the culture in both contemporary and historical contexts, and building an awareness and appreciation of cultural products, practices, and perspectives.

There are no explicit prerequisites for the AP Spanish Language and Culture course, but students who take it are typically in their fourth year of high school-level Spanish language study or have extensive practical experience communicating in both written and oral Spanish language.

There are four essential components to the framework of the AP Spanish Language and Culture course that clarify what you must know, be able to do, and understand to qualify for

college credit or placement. Those components are skills, themes, modes, and task models. 

Skills: Skills are the abilities you’ll need to think and act like a Spanish speaker. The College Board breaks these skills into eight units; below is a list of those units along with the weight they are given on the multiple-choice section of the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam: 

Comprehend Text Comprehend written, audio,  audiovisual, and visual text (text, pictures, and numbers). 20%-30%
Make Connections Make interdisciplinary and cultural connections. 30%-40%
Interpret Text Interpret the content of written or audio text (words). 30%-40%
Make Meanings Make meanings from words and expressions. 10%-15%
Speak to Others Communicate interpersonally by speaking with others. Not directly assessed in the

multiple-choice section.

Write to Others Communicate interpersonally by writing to others. Not directly assessed in the

multiple-choice section.

Present Orally Communicate through spoken presentations. Not directly assessed in the

multiple-choice section.

Present in Writing Communicate through written presentations. Not directly assessed in the

multiple-choice section.

Themes: The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is divided into 6 themes in which there are 5-7 contexts covered. Below are the 6 themes along with their recommended contexts:

Families and Communities
Personal and Public Identities
Beauty and Aesthetics
Science and Technology
and Society
Contemporary Life
Global Challenges

Modes: To pass the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, students need to demonstrate proficiency engaging in three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Students need to possess skills in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in the following areas: 

  • Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication
  • Written and Print Interpretive Communication
  • Spoken Interpersonal Communication
  • Written Interpersonal Communication
  • Spoken Presentational Communication
  • Written Presentational Communication

Task Model: Finally, you will work with various task models to demonstrate linguistic skills and cultural understanding. The task model types are: 

Promotional material Interpretive—print source
Literary text Interpretive—print source
Article and chart Interpretive—print source
Letter  Interpretive—print source
Audio report and article Interpretive—audio and print sources
Conversation and chart Interpretive—audio and print sources
Interview Interpretive—audio source
Instructions Interpretive—audio source
Presentation Interpretive—audio source
Email reply Interpersonal—written
Argumentative essay Interpersonal—written
Conversation Interpersonal—spoken
Cultural comparison Interpersonal—spoken

AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Content

At 3 hours and 3 minutes long, the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam is one of the longer-lasting AP exams. It consists of two primary sections—the first section featuring multiple-choice questions, and the second made up of free response questions.

The multiple-choice questions are further broken down into two parts—one part based on text as a stimulus, the other part uses audio as a stimulus. 

Section 1(a): Multiple-Choice Text

40 minutes | 30 questions | 23% of score

The first part of the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam uses a variety of printed materials—journalistic and literary texts, announcements, advertisements, letters, charts, maps, and tables—as a stimulus. You’re asked to identify ideas and details, define words in context, identify an author’s point of view or target audience, and demonstrate knowledge of cultural or interdisciplinary information contained in the text. 

Example of a text-based multiple-choice question: 

ap spanish sample question

Answers to multiple-choice questions above: 

Section 1(b): Multiple-Choice Audio

55 minutes | 35 questions | 27% of score

The second part of the multiple-choice section uses audio material—interviews, podcasts, PSAs, conversations, and brief presentations—as a stimulus. In this part of the exam, students will encounter two subsections of questions. 

  • In the first subsection, you’re asked to answer questions using two audio sources and related print materials as a stimulus. 
  • The second subsection uses three audio sources (and no print material) as the stimulus. 

Example of a question you’ll encounter in the audio-based multiple-choice section, click on the question for audio: 

ap spanish sample question

Answers to the multiple choice questions above:

The free-response section of the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam is also broken down into two parts—one part focusing on writing, and the other on speaking. 

Section 2 (a): Free Response Written

1 hour 10 minutes | 2 questions | 25% of score

The first free response section features two questions—one on interpersonal writing and the other on presentational writing. The first of the two questions require you to read and respond to an email. You have 15 minutes to complete this section, and it’s worth 12.5% of your exam score. The second of these questions provides three sources—including an article, a table, graph, chart, or infographic, and a related audio source offering different viewpoints on a topic—that you will use to construct an argumentative essay. This question is allotted 55 minutes (15 minutes to review materials and 40 minutes to write) and is also worth 12.5% of your exam score. 

Example of an email free-response question: 

ap spanish sample question

Section 2: Free Response Spoken

18 minutes | 2 questions | 25% of score

The spoken part of the free response section tests your interpersonal and presentational speaking ability. For interpersonal speaking, you will participate in five exchanges in a simulated conversation with 20 seconds for each response. For the second part, you’re tasked with delivering a two-minute presentation requiring you to compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community to another community you are familiar with. 

When delivering oral responses, you will be digitally recorded and your proctor will submit your recordings with the rest of your test materials. Learn more about submitting audio on the College Board’s webpage of the same name, Submitting Audio . 

Example of a spoken, presentational, free-response question: 

AP Spanish Language and Culture Score Distribution, Average Score, and Passing Rate

AP Spanish Language and Culture  25.2% 34.2% 29.4% 9.5% 1.8%

In 2019, students generally did quite well on the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam. More than half of all students received a score of 4 or 5, and nearly 90% of test-takers received a passing score (3 or higher). Though students who regularly spoke or heard Spanish outside of school did perform slightly better overall than the standard group of foreign language students, the standard group still passed the exam at a rate of nearly 85% and only 3% received the lowest score of a 1.      

To guide your studying, read the full AP Spanish course description . For a comprehensive listing of the score distribution on all of the AP exams, check out our post Easiest and Hardest AP Exams .

ap spanish lang essay example

Best Ways to Study for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

Step 1: start by assessing your skills.

It’s important to start your studying off with a good understanding of your existing knowledge. Although the College Board does not provide a complete practice test, you can find sample questions with scoring explanations included in the course description . Additionally, you can find a free AP Spanish Language and Culture diagnostic test from Varsity Tutors. You may also find practice or diagnostic exams in many of the commercially printed study guides.

Step 2: Study the Material

In the case of the AP Spanish Language and Culture course, the theory you’ll need to know falls into six themes (Beauty and Aesthetics, Contemporary Life, Families and Communities, Global Challenges, Personal and Public Identities, Science and Technology). Many textbooks will be divided into units based on these themes. Even if they are not, you should find threads of them throughout your studies. 

Of course, the best way to study a foreign language is to truly immerse yourself in it. Although your course will be taught primarily in Spanish, this will account for only a tiny percentage of your day. You should find other ways to further your exposure to the Spanish language, and given the prevalence of Spanish in our own contemporary culture, this should not be difficult. You can easily find engaging young adult books written in Spanish, interesting Youtube videos or TV shows in Spanish, or even Spanish podcasts. Check out comic books, news, or websites in Spanish. Make sure you are speaking, listening to, and reading Spanish as much as possible, even outside of your regular study or class hours.     

The College Board also provides some valuable study tools for your use. Reviewing the AP Spanish Language and Culture Course and Exam Description can help you to more deeply understand the course content and format. You should also review the exam audio files and the official Exam Practice Tips to help guide your studying.

In addition, you should take advantage of the many commercial study guides available for your use. One of the top-rated AP Spanish Language and Culture study guides is the Princeton Review’s Cracking the AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam with Audio CD, 2020 Edition . This compilation of content reviews and strategies also contains two full-length practice tests with complete answer explanations and access to the Princeton Review’s AP Connect portal online. Another great option is Barron’s AP Spanish Language and Culture with MP3 CD, 8th Edition , which again contains two full-length practice exams with audio sections for both practice exams.

There are also vast amounts of study materials available online. Taking one of the more popular AP exams means that many students have been in your shoes, and often they or their teachers have posted past materials to supplement their studying. You can find a huge database of resources including sound files, Spanish reading sites, and grammar sites— this site is a good place to get started.

Finally, apps are a relatively new and fun way to squeeze in a little more studying. The Fluent U app is a great option for AP foreign languages. The basic version is free, but watch out for in-app purchases. The premium versions can set you back between $30 and $240 dollars.   

Step 3: Practice Multiple-Choice Questions

Once you’ve got a good handle on the major course content and theory, you can begin putting it to use. Start by practicing multiple-choice questions. You will be able to find plenty of these available online (for example, study.com has a free 50-question online practice test ) for the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, or you can try the practice ones provided in commercial study guides.

The College Board course description also contains a number of multiple-choice questions with answers and explanations. As you are reviewing these, keep track of which broad content areas are coming easily to you and which still require more effort. Think about what each question is really asking you to do, and keep a list of vocabulary, grammar, and content areas that still seem unfamiliar. These will be points for more review before you move on.

Step 4: Practice Free Response Questions

Even if you’ve studied for the free response section of other APs in the past, your studies for the free response section of the foreign language AP exams will be quite different. In addition to practicing your written responses, you’ll also need to fine-tune your listening skills and oral responses.

Begin your preparations by brushing up on your vocabulary and grammar. Make sure you have a handle on a broad variety of verbs and how to conjugate each. Also, reaffirm that your knowledge of vocabulary will allow you to express yourself as fluently as possible. A great tool for this is a supplementary set of Barron’s AP Spanish Flash Cards . These cards emphasize word usage within the context of sentences and review parts of speech, noun genders, verb forms and tenses, and correct sentence structure.

Beyond vocabulary and grammar, your studies should also include practicing written and oral responses. The best way to specifically prepare for both the written and spoken portions of your free response questions is to practice repeated similar prompts. There is a huge resource of past free response questions available on College Board’s website dating back to 1999, with accompanying scoring explanations and examples of authentic student responses. 

To make the most of these example free response questions, review the Chief Reader Report on Student Responses wherein the Chief Reader of the AP Exam compiles feedback to describe how students performed on the prompts, summarizes typical student errors, and addresses specific concepts and content with which students have struggled the most. 

It can be especially difficult to prepare for the oral portion of your free response section since it’s difficult to identify your own spoken errors. Try recording your responses and comparing them to the authentic student responses available above. Alternatively, collaborate with a classmate to record and trade responses, offering one another constructive criticism framed by the scoring examples available above.

Step 5: Take Another Practice Test

Just as you took a practice test at the beginning of your preparations to gauge your readiness for the exam, do so again after a thorough review of the course content and each exam portion. Identify the areas in which you’ve improved the most, and areas still in need of improvement. If time allows, repeat the steps above to incrementally increase your score with each pass.

Step 6: Exam Day Specifics

If you’re taking the AP course associated with this exam, your teacher will walk you through how to register. If you’re self-studying, check out our blog post How to Self-Register for AP Exams .

For information about what to bring to the exam, see our post What Should I Bring to My AP Exam (And What Should I Definitely Leave at Home)?

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For more information about APs, check out these CollegeVine posts:

  • 2020 AP Exam Schedule
  • How Long is Each AP Exam?
  • Easiest and Hardest AP Exams

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AP® Spanish Language

How to approach ap® spanish language free-response questions.

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: March 1, 2022

How to Approach AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Questions

The AP® Spanish Language Course targets interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication through writing, reading, speaking, and understanding. Strategies that emphasize vocabulary, language structure, communication, and culture in both contemporary and historical contexts are taught almost exclusively in Spanish. Instruction is often interactive, using Spanish books, music, and patterns of social interactions within a culture to familiarize students with the language.

This AP® Spanish study guide will briefly outline the format of the AP® Spanish Language Exam, putting particular emphasis on the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response section. It will provide insights into why the free-response section is important to the overall test results, mention content covered in the free-response section, and discuss how to prepare for AP® Spanish Language Free-Response section. Finally, this guide will provide you with AP® Spanish Language Exam tips to help you answer the free-response questions on the day of the test, and provide AP® Spanish Language practice questions.

What is the Format of the AP® Spanish Language Exam?

The AP® Spanish Language Exam is approximately three hours long and consists of two sections divided into several components.

The first section asks test takers to complete a number of listening and reading comprehension questions. Here students are asked to listen to prerecorded interviews, radio programs, podcasts, or to read articles from newspapers, web pages, special reports, or literature, and answer multiple choice questions about each of them.

The second section, also referred to as the “AP® Spanish Free-Response” section, lasts about one hour and 30 minutes. It deals with writing and speaking both informal and formal Spanish. The Interpersonal Writing component, for example, asks that students look over a document – an email, perhaps – and respond with a written answer. The Presentational Writing component asks students to draw together an argument from a number of sources like articles, tables, graphs, or an audio artifact to express their views on a particular topic.

Students also interact with documents in the informal and formal speaking component as well. In the Interpersonal Speaking component, test takers are given five listening passages meant to provoke conversation. Students then respond to the clip for about 20 seconds per question. The Presentational Speaking component asks that test takers speak for a bit longer – for two minutes, to be exact. Here they are given a prompt on a cultural topic, where they are asked to compare how such an issue may be similar or different in their own community and that of a Spanish-speaking country.

Why is the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Important?

The AP® Spanish Language Exam is scored by a team of college faculty and seasoned AP® teachers trained in fair-mindedness and uniformity. This Free-Response section, like the multiple choice section, is 50% of your final exam grade – so it’s pretty important. The weighted scores from the Free-Response section are combined with those from a machine-graded multiple choice. These are summed and given an AP® composite score of a 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 (5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest).

What Content is Covered in the Free-Response Section of the AP® Spanish Language Exam?

The exam tests the social, cultural, academic, and workplace skills you have been developing throughout your AP® Spanish course. In particular, test-takers are presented with questions on global challenges, science & technology, contemporary life, personal and public identities, families and communities, and beauty and aesthetics. Within these themes, students are asked to interact with an assortment of media, voice their opinions, and make connections and comparisons between English and Spanish speaking communities.

How can Test Takers Prepare for the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Section?


In this section, you’ll find a few suggestions on how you can conduct your own AP® Spanish review during your free time. The CollegeBoard also offers some additional insights to get test-takers ready for test day. You can find out more by clicking here .

One way to prepare for the writing section of the exam is to look through various review books — in addition to your textbook, AP® Spanish: Preparing for the Language and Culture Examination by José M. Díaz, Prentice Hall’s Una Vez Más (Once More), or Triángulo (Triangle) by Barbara Gatski all come highly recommended. When looking through these books, check out a few practice questions that are modeled after writing prompts from the test. Doing a few practice drills will better acquaint you with the sorts of essay questions asked on the test. If your AP® Spanish teacher has the time, ask them to go over any mistakes you may have made while working out your answers.

You’ll improve your Spanish skills by speaking the language on a daily basis. As mentioned, the exam asks you to discuss various topics in Spanish, for times ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. Practicing this skill will be invaluable. Without limiting yourself, speak in simple, frank sentences that use vocabulary and grammar you are most conversant in. Investing in a digital recorder so that you can practice speaking into it is one way to improve your oral communication skills while developing muscle memory for particular tough-to-pronounce Spanish sounds.

How can Test Takers Answer the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Questions?

Albert offers test takers some useful tips to prepare them for the writing section of the AP® Spanish Language exam (see Albert’s The Ultimate List of AP® Spanish Language Tips for further details). Here are a few more insights regarding how you may want to tackle answering these during the exam.

AP® Spanish Language Essay Tips & Advice

  • Begin your paragraphs with clear topic sentences and follow them with well-organized supporting sentences. Link paragraphs with transitional phrases like De esta manera, como resultado, además de eso.
  • Write neatly in pen.
  • If using difficult sentence structures, be sure you use them correctly. Practice these prior to the example so that you’ll have them down to a science!
  • Incorporate each of the sources you’re being asked to discuss.
  • Be sure to follow the directions so that you answer what is being asked of you. If, for example, an email prompt asks that you “include a greeting and a closing,” so be sure to include this in your reply.
  • Show off your language skills by using the subjunctive.
  • The Presentational Writing component asks that you write a persuasive essay. Be sure that you include a strong argument backed up with the sources provided to support your position. You may want to reference and disclaim the opposing arguments first, to strengthen your point.

Interpersonal and Presentational Speaking Examples and Tips

  • Use the time you have to talk! If you get stuck, return to the main idea to help jog your memory.
  • Rather than using filler words in English (ahh, but, so, and…), try Spanish fillers instead (pues, bueno, y, o sea, entonces… )
  • Don’t be afraid to correct any mistakes you’ve made.
  • Keep your Interpersonal Speaking answers casual.
  • Be sure to address the task or answer the question presented to you.
  • Consider who you are talking to and decide if you should use informal ( tú ) or formal ( Usted ) pronouns.
  • Jot down an outline, grammar notes, or a vocabulary bank to glance upon in case you get stuck.
  • The Presentational Speaking component is formal, so remember who your audience is and adjust accordingly.
  • Stay organized by building your comparisons off of a thesis or main idea, then go into differences and similarities with supporting evidence. Remember to conclude with a summary of your arguments.
  • Outline key ideas, but do not script what you want to say.
  • Remember that in this section you are being asked to compare aspects of your culture with those of a Spanish-speaking culture. Jot down a Venn diagram or other visual tools to help you organize your claims.
  • Research a few specifics on Spanish speaking countries so that you’ll have cultural references to draw from.
  • Use transition words like además, por ejemplo, por otro lado, aunque, por el contrario…
  • Remember it is okay to talk about your personal experiences. Use this to support your opinion.

What are the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Questions Like?

Below you’ll find some examples of real Free-Response Questions from the CollegeBoard’s AP® Central (you can check out specific details and more sample questions here ). Try a few of these questions in the months before the test to ensure you are getting your fill of AP® Spanish practice!


Example 1 : You will write a reply to an e-mail message. You have 15 minutes to read the message and write your reply. Your reply should include a greeting and a closing and should respond to all the questions and requests in the message. In your reply, you should also ask for more details about something mentioned in the message. Also, you should use a formal method of address.

Example 2 : You will write a persuasive essay to submit to a Spanish writing contest. The essay topic is based on three accompanying sources, which present different viewpoints on the topic and include both print and audio material. First, you will have 6 minutes to read the essay topic and the printed material. Afterward, you will hear the audio material twice; you should take notes while you listen. Then, you will have 40 minutes to prepare and write your essay. In your persuasive essay, you should present the sources’ different viewpoints on the topic and also clearly indicate your own viewpoint and defend it thoroughly. Use information from all of the sources to support your essay. As you refer to the sources, identify them appropriately. Also, organize your essay into clear paragraphs.

Example 1 : You will participate in a conversation. First, you will have one minute to read a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each turn in the conversation. Afterward, the conversation will begin, following the outline. Each time it is your turn to speak, you will have 20 seconds to record your response. You should participate in the conversation as fully and appropriately as possible.

Example 2 : You will make an oral presentation on a specific topic to your class. You will have four minutes to read the presentation topic and prepare your presentation. Then you will have two minutes to record your presentation. In your presentation, compare your own community to an area of the Spanish-speaking world with which you are familiar. You should demonstrate your understanding of cultural features of the Spanish-speaking world. You should also organize your presentation clearly.

How can Test Takers Practice for the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Section?

In summary, there are a lot of resources that test takers can draw from to help them with the AP® Spanish Language Free-Response section. Wrap your mind around as many interviews, radio programs, podcasts, newspapers, web pages, special reports, or literature in Spanish as you can handle. Meet with your fellow students or Spanish speakers in your community to attend Spanish cultural events and films, Discuss current global events; the latest tech gadgets; or your love, family, or work life. In other words, if you engage with the language on a daily basis, you’ll not only be developing skills that will help you practice for the test, but you’ll be opening yourself up to unique social worlds in new and dynamic ways.

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Your Complete Guide to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

Prepare for the AP Spanish language and culture exam with our guide. Become fluent in the language while certifying your level.

What Is the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam?

Is the ap spanish exam still relevant, preparing for the ap spanish language and culture exam, tips to pass and excel in the ap spanish exam.

Pocky sits down in a classroom, very focused while taking an exam.

The Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture exam represents an incredible opportunity for English-speaking students studying Spanish to showcase their proficiency while potentially earning college credit.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll have a look at what the AP Spanish exam is all about , its relevance, and strategic pointers to bolster your Spanish language skills and cultural understanding. These tips will help you not just pass but excel in this rigorous assessment.

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The AP Spanish Language and Culture exam is an advanced language proficiency test developed by the College Board to target high school students’ Spanish knowledge. It assesses your ability to communicate in Spanish as well as your understanding of the various Hispanic cultures around the world.

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, interpretive communication tasks, simulations of real-life conversations, spoken responses, and a comparative essay that mirrors college-level Spanish courses.

The exam is scored on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score. Scoring a 3 or higher may earn you college credit and advanced placement in Spanish courses at many colleges and universities.

Pocky enters an office building with a suitcase, looking elegant.

Taking the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam can significantly enhance your educational journey and career prospects. Let's understand how:

Advanced Placement

Beyond the immediate financial savings, performing well on the AP Spanish exam demonstrates your commitment to mastering a second language ( just like a level test ), which is highly regarded by colleges and universities. It reflects your readiness for more advanced studies, potentially allowing you to skip introductory Spanish classes.

This head start can offer the flexibility to pursue double majors, study abroad opportunities, or simply the advantage of a more varied class selection during your college years. Excelling in the AP Spanish exam can pave the way for a richer, more diverse educational experience.

Language Proficiency

AP course curriculum is designed to improve your Spanish speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills (plus cultural perspectives) to a level that may facilitate study abroad opportunities or internships in Spanish-speaking countries .

Cultural Competence

In an increasingly globalized world, cultural sensitivity and awareness are invaluable regarding personal and public identities. The AP Spanish exam not only tests language proficiency but also cultural understanding , which can better prepare you for diverse workplaces, global challenges, and international interactions.

Career Opportunities

Taking an AP Spanish course can help you become bilingual, which is a coveted skill in many fields , including business, healthcare, law, education, and more.

Pocky speaking to Benji in Spanish, saying, “Estoy preparado para el examen.”

Preparing for the AP Spanish exam involves enhancing both your language skills and cultural understanding. To do well, here's what you need to concentrate on:

Grasping the Language

  • Grammar and vocabulary . Immerse yourself in a wide range of Spanish literary forms. Read novels, newspapers, and academic texts while actively refining your grammar and vocabulary.
  • Listening comprehension . Flex your listening muscles by engaging with Spanish-language media like films, songs, podcasts , and news broadcasts.
  • Speaking and writing skills . Participate in Spanish-speaking discussion groups or write essays on various topics. Constructive feedback from instructors or native speakers is gold.
  • Test practice . Utilize past exam papers and simulate exam conditions to get familiar with the types of questions you may encounter.

Understanding the Culture

Spanish isn't just a language; it's a gateway to rich and diverse cultures.

  • Literature and history . Delve into the works of prominent Spanish and Latin American authors. Understand the historical events that have shaped Hispanic societies.
  • Customs and traditions . From flamenco in Spain to Dia de los Muertos in Mexico, each tradition enriches your cultural vocabulary.
  • Current events . Stay up to date on contemporary issues and accomplishments in the Spanish-speaking world.
  • Community engagement . Where possible, immerse yourself in local or online Spanish-speaking communities. This real-world exposure will enhance your language skills and provide a practical application of cultural lessons.

Benji using a recipe in Spanish to prepare bread at the kitchen.

Now, let's dig into some actionable tips that can give you an edge when taking the exam:

Master the Exam Format

First things first: know the structure of the exam like the back of your hand.

Familiarize yourself with the different sections, which include:

  • Interpretative Communication (print and audio),
  • Interpersonal Writing (email reply),
  • Presentational Writing (persuasive essay), etc.

Engage with Personal Interests

Channel your hobbies or interests into learning Spanish . For example, if you enjoy cooking, try following Spanish language recipes, which will help you naturally acquire relevant vocabulary.

Consistency is key! Engage with Spanish daily by switching your phone's language settings, chatting with Spanish-speaking friends, or keeping a daily journal in Spanish.

Cultural Comparison

When studying, practice cultural comparison by reflecting on how your personal beliefs and customs align or differ from those in Spanish-speaking communities . This critical thinking exercise will deepen your cultural understanding and appreciation.

Tailor your study sessions to target your weaker areas, whether it be interpretive communication, written expression, or cultural knowledge.

Explore Personal Beliefs

The exam's comparative essay is an excellent opportunity to examine personal beliefs within the context of Hispanic culture. As you prepare, consider how events in the Spanish-speaking world mirror or diverge from your own experiences .

Leverage Study Groups

Study groups can offer diverse perspectives, discussion opportunities, and moral support essential for motivation and progress . Practice as much as possible: from online resources to textbooks designed specifically for the AP Spanish exam, utilize multiple sources to challenge yourself.

Relaxation is Crucial

As with any exam, it's important not to burn yourself out. Balance study with relaxation, and ensure you're well-rested before the big day.

Pocky and Soren are studying Spanish together at home.

Conquering the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam may seem daunting, but with a fervent dedication to your language study and an enriching exploration of Hispanic cultures, it's an entirely achievable goal.

Remember, this is more than just an exam—it's a celebration of linguistic achievement that paves the way for future personal, educational, and professional opportunities.

As you gear up to excel in your AP Spanish exam, it is essential to continue the momentum of your learning journey. Along with exploring resources like the College Board's official website and participating in online forums, why not download apps like Langster?

This way, you'll be able to keep your Spanish studies engaging and continuous, ensuring success. And, you can start for free!

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Daniela brings over a decade of expertise as a university-level ESL instructor, guiding students from diverse global backgrounds in learning both English and Spanish languages. Beyond her pedagogical pursuits, Daniela's passions extend to writing, painting, and cooking delicious Argentinian dishes. With boundless enthusiasm, she endeavors to impart her wealth of knowledge on languages and cultures, inviting you to learn more!

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AP Spanish Argumentative Essay

Tips For the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay

Need some help with the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay? In my humble opinion, it is the most complicated task our AP Spanish students will have to complete. El ensayo argumentativo requires excellent reading skills, listening skills and writing skills. So how can we help our students do well on this part of the AP Spanish exam? Here are some tips!

Tip #1 Direct Instruction

Students need to understand what exactly they need to do for the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay. Consider taking the class time to have a mini lesson that provides the specifics and details of the expectations. Here is a short list of what students should know.

-2 readings; one in narrative form and usually on graph or chart

-1 listening source

-each source must be referenced at least once in their essay

-writing needs to be organized and concise

-only 1 hour to read, listen and write!

I created this Google Slides presentation for the direct instruction I provide to my students. Feel free to create one too, or use mine to save time!

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #2

Don’t assume that your students have good writing skills. *Yes, they need to understand what they read and hear. Let’s assume that they are practicing those skills daily in one way or another in class. But in my experience, students really struggle with organizing their writing.

Teach them how to write a concise introductory paragraph that ends with a thesis statement (the answer to the question that was asked for the task).

Then teach them how to write a topic sentence. When they have a clear topic sentence, their paragraph is much more likely to stay on track. This is really important, because the time constraint on this section of the AP Exam is a big challenge!

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #3

Design teacher-friendly ways for students to practice.

Let’s face it. Students need lots of practice and lots of feedback to get good at this essay. But essays are very time consuming to write and very time consuming to grade.

The strategy I use with my students is to break the essay into parts and allow them to practice one part at a time.

Day 1: Direct instruction followed by a set of sources

-Teach students how to focus on what the question is

-Encourage them to underline, star and highlight important parts of the text

-Ask them to take notes while listening

*Now, develop a thesis/answer to the question. Teach them to choose the one that’s easier to prove rather than the one they believe is the right answer!

Pair students. Have them write the introductory paragraph only. I am always shocked with how many students need help getting the formula right for their intro. I tell them to put their thesis statement last! Why don’t they?? Lol!

Giving feedback on just one paragraph is far less overwhelming and time consuming than grading a whole essay, especially if they’re working in pairs! Half the correcting!

Once they have a good intro paragraph, have them move on to their topic sentences for each body paragraph. Ask them to identify a quote/idea from each source to include within their paragraph.

When you are happy with their topic sentences and quotes, now they can write their conclusion. This part is easier- it’s the inverse of their introduction!

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #4

Share resources!

At least for me, it took me a long time to feel confident in my instruction for the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay. I did not have a colleague- I was (and still am) the only one teaching the course at my school. The College Board did not have AP Classroom, or at least nothing like what exists now. I had never heard of Teachers Pay Teachers.

Therefore, I learned by trial and error and created everything from scratch. It was time consuming. Like…. years!!!!

Profes, don’t do that to yourself!

If you have a teaching partner in your school, or maybe someone you know from another district, divide and conquer! Share what you create!

Here are the resources I know about that may help you and your students gain confidence regarding the Argumentative Essay!

AP Spanish Language and Culture: the College Board site (has lots of lessons, videos and free practices!)

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay: Sample Intro Paragraphs (FREEBIE!)

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Feedback Checklist (My lifesaver!)

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay: Graphic Organizer for Student Practice

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay: How To

Test Prep Growing Mega Bundle (This includes all my materials for the open ended sections of the AP Spanish test)

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AP Spanish Exam

The AP ®  Spanish Language and Culture Exam is a college-level exam administered every year in May upon the completion of an Advanced Placement Spanish Language course taken at your high school. If you score high enough, you could earn college credit!

Check out our AP Spanish Guide for the essential info you need about the exam:

  • AP Spanish Exam Overview
  • AP Spanish Sections & Question Types
  • AP Spanish Scoring
  • How to Prepare

What's on the AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam?

The College Board requires your AP teacher to cover certain topics in the AP Spanish Language & Culture course. As you complete your review, make sure you are familiar with the following topics:

  • Families in Different Societies
  • The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity
  • Influences of Beauty and Art
  • How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives
  • Factors That Impact the Quality of Life
  • Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges

For helpful exam review and test-taking strategies, check out our book,  AP Spanish Language & Culture Prep

Sections & Question Types

The AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam is just over 3 hours long to complete and is comprised of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. There are two parts to the multiple-choice section, and four questions in the free-response section.

Section 1

Part A: Multiple-choice questions

Part B: Multiple-choice questions

Part A: 40 minutes

Part B: 55 minutes

Part A: 30 multiple-choice questions

Part B: 35 multiple-choice questions

Part A: 23%

Part B: 27%

Section 2

Question 1: Email Reply

Question 2: Argumentative Essay

Question 3: Conversation

Question 4: Cultural Comparison

88 minutes


50% (12.5% per question)

Part A Multiple-Choice Questions

The first part of the multiple-choice section contains sets of questions based on one or more print text sources.

Part B Multiple-Choice Questions

The second part of the multiple-choice section contains sets of questions based on audio text sources, as well as a combination of audio and print text sources.

Free-Response Questions

  • In Question 1: Email Reply, students are required to compose a formal email response in Spanish. They must include a greeting, a closing, and respond to all questions and requests in the incoming email. They must also ask for details about something mentioned in the incoming email.
  • In Question 2: Argumentative Essay, students are required to write an essay as a submission to a Spanish writing contest. The topic is based on three sources, a combination of audio and print sources. The students must form an argument, defend their position, and integrate information from all three sources into their essay.
  • In Question 3: Conversation, a student must participate in a simulated conversation where they have five turns in the conversation. They have 20 seconds to respond in each turn.
  • In Question 4: Cultural Comparison, the student must compare an aspect of a Spanish-speaking community with the student’s own, or another, community. They must demonstrate an understanding of the cultural features of this Spanish-speaking community with an organized and clear presentation, using varied and appropriate language.

Read More: Review for the exam with our AP Psychology Crash Courses

What’s a good AP Spanish Score?

AP scores  are reported from 1 to 5. Colleges are generally looking for a 4 or 5 on the AP Spanish Language & Culture exam, but some may grant credit for a 3. Here’s how students scored on the May 2020 test:


Extremely qualified



Well qualified






Possibly qualified



No recommendation


Source:  College Board

How can I prepare?

AP classes are great, but for many students they’re not enough! For a thorough review of AP Spanish content and strategy, pick the  AP prep option  that works best for your goals and learning style.

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AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam: How to Tackle the Free Response Questions When Time Is Running Out even Behind The Screen – Part I

  • April 5, 2021

By Bertha Delgadillo and Claudia Elliott

Ready or not here we go.  Our students will be taking the fu ll AP Language and Culture Exam next month.  We only have a few weeks left, but these weeks are very important.  We need to be intentional so our students have the best possible chance.  How? In these two-part blog posts,  we will share with you our 5 top strategies to tackle the free-response questions when time is running out even if you’re behind the screen. 

The challenges of this year are real and big, but we still have a few weeks before our students sit in front of a full AP exam.  During this time, we would like to focus on the free-response questions.  We feel our students can show their proficiency much better in this second part of the exam. 

In this Part I , we will share with you our first two strategies .  In Part II , we will share our last three strategies.  

In addition to these strategies, I use these scaffolds to support my students in the four, free response questions of the AP Exam. If you want this in your inbox, click HERE .

Now, let’s start with our strategies. 

I. Provide or Create Model Texts.

One of the most common questions our students ask us when they have to write the formal email, or the essay, and even the cultural comparison or the simulated conversion is “ How do I start? ” We may think our students already know how to write a formal response or a thesis, or how to elaborate or to compare, but the reality is that a lot of them don’t even know how to do it in their first language. 

We surely can explain in detail to them how to complete all these tasks, but at the end is so much more efficient and effective to show them.  You will get these “ AHA ” expressions from them more often when you show them how a great formal response or thesis looks like.  Providing model texts to your students will not only give them the vision of what elements they need to include in all these tasks but also make the tasks doable and accessible. 

Model texts

What is a model text? It’s a text that exhibits all the elements of successful writing or speaking in a given context.  Where can you find them? Our #1 place to find these model texts is on the AP Exam College Board site.  Every year the College Board puts together samples of the different responses by score.  Those samples are gold, and you can use them with your classes at any time.  Click here to find the samples for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam.

Can you prepare your own model texts or use samples from your students? Of course you can.  Using samples from your students is also very powerful to create connections with them.  Using their work as part of your curriculum is a great practice. 

Dissect the Model Text 

Once you have identified your model text, have your students identify the important elements and desirable language of that specific text.  Those elements and language are the ones you’re looking for in an exemplary text.   

For example, in the argumentative essay, ask your students to identify the thesis, supportive arguments, use of the different sources and language that make that text successful.  We also like to ask students to identify impressive language features.  

Behind the screen, we would like to use a tool that allows the entire class to see students’ dissection.  Tools like Nearpod, PearDeck, GoFormative, or Jamboard are great.

free response questions

Focus On Simple Features

When your students dissect the model text, there will be tons of great features and elements you may want to highlight and go deeper.  However, we only have a few weeks before the exam. You know your students best.  You know where they are and what they need.  Focus on features that will create the biggest impact on their performance.

This year we have a lot of students who are only in the intermediate low level.  Should we focus on advanced structures? No really.  We want to focus on simple structures.  Structures that they’ve already acquired.  We can show them how they can use those simple structures and simple language to complete the tasks.  Making these tasks accessible and doable to them is huge at this point.  Asking to identify features in the model text will help them visualize what they need to do.

free response questions

II. Chunk Tasks Using Graphic Organizers

The four response tasks of the AP exam require students to complete several steps.  They need to read, understand, identify, analyze, and then complete the task itself.  Chunking those steps will help them complete the tasks easier and will keep the level of engagement high and level of frustration lower. 

These are different ideas on how to do that with each task:

Email Reply:

  • Who is sending the email
  • What the role of the student is
  • What the email is asking
  • Have students brainstorm possible answers to the questions and possible questions as a class
  • Have students complete the task and provide scaffolds. Click here to receive some of the scaffolds in your inbox. 

free response questions

Argumentative Essay:

  • Have students read the question or prompt, and write a simple response assuming a position 
  • Then students can read the sources in pairs or groups.  Provide a graphic organizer so they can write at least one argument in favor or against from the sources they can use.  
  • Have the students write the essay one paragraph at a time with specific instruction per paragraph.  Provide scaffolds to help them start each paragraph .  You can use the language identified by students when they were dissecting the model text as part of your scaffolds. 

free response questions

Cultural Comparison:

  • Have students read the prompt in pairs.
  • Provide a Venn Diagram or 3 Column Organizer so students can brainstorm similarities and differences related to the topic. 
  • Provide scaff old s and have students do an outline in writing of the cultural comparison before they record.

Simulated Conversation:

  • Have students identify the situation: Who they’re talking to, why they’re talking, who they’re, and it’s a formal or informal situation. 
  • Give students the script and let them identify what they need to do each time they respond.  Have them brainstorm possible sentence starters or expressions to respond.
  • Play the audio or provide the script.  Stop the audio and as a class brainstorm possible answers following the script too. 
  • Finally, pair up students with different levels of proficiency.  Let the most proficient students go first to complete the task so the second student will have one more opportunity to get more ideas. 

This was a lot but hopefully, you either validated the strategies you’re already using in class or you added even more tools to use in your class during these last weeks.  

Don’t forget, I use these scaffolds to support my students in the free response questions of the AP Exam. If you want this in your inbox, click HERE .

In the second part of this series , we’ll share with you our last three strategies to help your students have their best chance at their AP Language & Culture Exam. 

Would you like to learn more about strategies for advanced courses? Make sure to check out the course that Bertha Delgadillo and I created. Find out more HERE .

3 Responses

Hi! Do you have the Jamboard templates for AP that are in these screenshots? I’d love to purchase them!

Hi Teresa, Bertha doesn’t have specific templates for AP but you can check her TPT store. She has tons of templates there. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Profesora-Delgadillo Have a great day. Claudia

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2019: Spanish Language Exam Student Samples

Audio files.

Here are some sample student responses to the questions in the speaking section of the 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Please see the text following the files for more information about using these audio files. Commentary that goes along with these audio files can be found in PDF format on the Spanish Language Exam page.

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3A (Score of 5)

Your browser does not support the audio element. Download

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3B (Score of 3)

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3C (Score of 2)

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4A (Score of 5)

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4B (Score of 3)

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4C (Score of 2)

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Part B Directions

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Task 2 Persuasive Essay

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Task 3 Conversation

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Task 4 Cultural Comparison

2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Part B End of Directions

Downloading Files

To download an MP3 file directly to your computer, right-click on the Download link (control-click on Mac) and:

  • If you use the Internet Explorer browser, choose Save Target As .
  • If you use Firefox, Chrome or Safari, choose Save Link As .
  • After you have downloaded the MP3 file, double-click on the file name to play it.


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  2. Ultimate Guide to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

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  3. AP Spanish persuasive essay samples by alykaye

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  4. The Ultimate Guide to 2016 AP® Spanish Language Writing FRQs

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  5. Argumentative Essay I AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam 2021

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  6. Argumentative Essay Template for AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

    ap spanish lang essay example


  1. AP Spanish Essay Tips and Tricks

  2. What is the difference between AP Lang and AP Lit?

  3. How to Survive AP Spanish Language and Culture in 10 Minutes!

  4. 2024 AP Spanish Language Exam Review

  5. 2024 AP Spanish Literature Exam Review

  6. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 2024 I AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam


  1. AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Questions

    If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [email protected]. The 2020 free-response questions are available in the AP Classroom question bank. Download free-response questions from past AP Spanish Language and ...

  2. PDF ) Persuasive Essay

    This is an organized essay where the thesis is presented from the beginning: "más facilidad" and "oportunidad a conectar.". The thesis structures the body paragraphs of the essay and is followed by a logical conclusion. The student uses explicit cohesive devices well: "Para empezar"; "También"; "Además"; "Para concluir ...

  3. 52 Spanish Essay Phrases for Your AP Exam

    52 Spanish Essay Phrases for Your AP Exam. In order to do well on the AP Spanish exam's free-response section, you must be able to write a persuasive essay based on three Spanish-language sources.. Here we've put together a list of 52 vocabulary words and essays phrases that will come in handy for making and supporting arguments in your AP Spanish essays.

  4. PDF AP Spanish Language and Culture

    AP. Spanish Language and Culture 2021 Scoring Commentary. Question 2 (continued) • The response presents and defends the student's own position on the topic with a high degree of clarity; develops an argument with coherence and detail. For example, ".

  5. PDF AP Spanish Language and Culture

    • Organized essay; some effective use of transitional elements or cohesive devices • Fully understandable, with some errors that do not impede comprehensibility ... AP Spanish Language and Culture Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary from the 2018 Exam Administration: Task 2 - Persuasive Essay Keywords:

  6. PDF AP Spanish Language and Culture

    Integrates content from all three sources in support of an argument. Presents and defends the student's own position on the topic with a high degree of clarity; develops an argument with coherence and detail. Organized essay; effective use of transitional elements or cohesive devices. Fully understandable, with ease and clarity of expression ...

  7. AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

    Get exam information and free-response questions with sample answers you can use to practice for the AP Spanish Language ... This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Details Add to Calendar. Exam Components. ... Write an argumentative essay based on 3 sources, including an article, a ...

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    Exploring a Persuasive Essay Example for AP Spanish. Take a moment to explore an engaging persuasive essay example for AP Spanish and see how the author effectively uses rhetorical strategies to convince the reader. In this essay, the author discusses the importance of cultural diversity and language proficiency.

  9. PDF AP Spanish Language and Culture

    The student produces an essay written in paragraph-length discourse with examples of complex sentences: lines 20-22 "Esto confirma que los estudiantes ... con sus amigos.". Sample: 2B Score: 3. This is an example of an essay that demonstrates a fair performance in Presentational Writing.

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  11. The AP Spanish Exam 2024: Your Complete Starter Guide

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  12. AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Guide

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  13. Ultimate Guide to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

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  14. How to Approach AP® Spanish Language Free-Response Questions

    AP® Spanish Language Essay Tips & Advice. Image Source: Flickr. Example 1: You will write a reply to an e-mail message. You have 15 minutes to read the message and write your reply. Your reply should include a greeting and a closing and should respond to all the questions and requests in the message.

  15. Your Complete Guide to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

    The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, interpretive communication tasks, simulations of real-life conversations, spoken responses, and a comparative essay that mirrors college-level Spanish courses. The exam is scored on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score. Scoring a 3 or higher may earn you college credit and advanced ...

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    The first time my students will write an argumentative essay for a grade, I try to dial down the stress and anxiety. I don't feel that they need a real AP Test-taking scenario on the first try. So, I usually present the sources on "Day one". They have time to read the 2 print sources and listen to the audio source.

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    The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam has consistent question types, weighting, and scoring guidelines every year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day. Section IA: Multiple Choice. 30 Questions | 40 Minutes| 23% of Score. Interpretive Communication: Print Texts. This section consists of a variety of authentic print ...

  18. Tips For the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay

    AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #3. Design teacher-friendly ways for students to practice. Let's face it. Students need lots of practice and lots of feedback to get good at this essay. But essays are very time consuming to write and very time consuming to grade. The strategy I use with my students is to break the essay into parts and allow ...

  19. Guide to the AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam

    Sections & Question Types. The AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam is just over 3 hours long to complete and is comprised of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. There are two parts to the multiple-choice section, and four questions in the free-response section. Section. Timing. Number of Questions. % of Exam Score.

  20. AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam: How to Tackle the Free Response

    Those elements and language are the ones you're looking for in an exemplary text. For example, in the argumentative essay, ask your students to identify the thesis, supportive arguments, use of the different sources and language that make that text successful. We also like to ask students to identify impressive language features.

  21. PDF AP Spanish Language and Culture Scoring Guidelines

    1: POOR performance in Presentational Speaking. Almost no treatment of topic within the context of the task. Presents information only about the student's own community or only about the target culture, and may not include examples. Demonstrates minimal understanding of the target culture; generally inaccurate.

  22. 2019: Spanish Language Exam Student Samples

    Here are some sample student responses to the questions in the speaking section of the 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Please see the text following the files for more information about using these audio files. Commentary that goes along with these audio files can be found in PDF format on the Spanish Language Exam page.

  23. A Guide to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

    Overview of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. The AP Spanish Language and Culture exam is a three-hour assessment designed to measure your proficiency in both understanding and using Spanish. It culminates in a year-long AP Spanish Language and Culture course and tests your ability to communicate in a variety of ways.

  24. PDF AP Spanish Language and Culture

    AP Spanish Language and Culture Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary from the 2018 Exam Administration: Task 1 - Email Conversation Keywords teacher resources; exam resources; exam information; scoring information; score rationale; AP Spanish Language and Culture Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary from the 2018 Exam ...