
Running an Aircraft Manufacturing Company – Tips for Success


  •   Establish a clear vision and a realistic business plan for your aircraft manufacturing company.
  • Source quality materials and maintain a good inventory, including efficient storage units for aircraft parts.
  • Attract and retain skilled employees through competitive benefits, training, and career development opportunities.
  • Foster strong customer relationships through quick response, quality support, rewards, and keeping them informed.
  • Ensure good financial control for better tracking of performance indicators and profitability in your company.

Running an aircraft manufacturing company is no easy feat. From developing the design to managing employees, production, and customer relationships, producers face several challenges. However, you can succeed and thrive in this industry with the right approach and mindset. This blog will share essential tips for running an aircraft manufacturing company successfully.

Develop a Clear Vision and Stick to It

To run a successful aircraft manufacturing company, you must have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and how to get there. You need to set realistic and achievable goals, establish a long-term plan, and ensure everyone in your organization is on the same page.

Ensure your plans and vision are firm and constantly reviewed and refined so everyone knows what is expected of them. Having a vague idea of what you want isn’t enough. Successful businesses start with a clear focus and a thorough and realistic business plan.

Source Quality Materials

When producing aircraft, you need to source quality materials and components. This will ensure the craft is made with precision and safety measures in mind. Do your research into reputable suppliers and make sure you have a good inventory of parts so you can respond quickly to customer orders.

It’s also important to remember that your aircraft’s components aren’t the only quality materials you need to source. Even something small, like the storage units for your aircraft parts, can make all the difference. Invest in good quality aircraft parts storage units so your parts are organized and accessible when you need them. These storage units can also be customized to fit the exact size and needs of your particular aircraft.

Attract and Retain Talented Employees


Employees are at the heart of any successful company. To produce the best aircraft, you need skilled and experienced employees who are passionate about their work. Make sure to put in place a competitive benefits package like healthcare, retirement plans, and bonuses that keep your employee motivated and encourage them to stay with your company for the long term. Offer training and career development opportunities to help keep your employees growing both professionally and personally.

Build Strong Customer Relationships

One of the core features of a successful aircraft manufacturing company is having satisfied customers. They not only bring repeat business but also spread the good word about your products and services, which can bring new customers to you. To ensure you have satisfied customers, build a strong relationship with them. Here are four ways you can achieve this:

Respond to customer queries quickly.

Responding to customer queries quickly will show them that you value their time and opinion, which can help build trust. You can do this by setting up a customer service system that responds to queries quickly and efficiently.

Provide quality support.

Providing excellent customer support is vital for keeping customers satisfied. This includes responding to their issues promptly and helping them resolve any problems they may have with your products or services.

Offer rewards and discounts.

Rewarding loyal customers with discounts or exclusive offers can encourage them to continue doing business with your company. You can also reward customers for referring friends or family members, which can help spread your reputation and reach.

Keep them informed.

Keep customers updated about changes in your products and services, such as new features or updates that they can benefit from. This will make them feel valued as you are keeping them informed about what’s going on in your company.

By building solid relationships with your customers, you can ensure they remain satisfied and come back to you in the future.

Maintain Strong Financial Control


The last tip for succeeding in aircraft manufacturing is maintaining good financial control. Financial control helps you track key performance indicators, minimize waste, and measure profitability.

With good accounting and finance systems, you can identify inefficiencies and invest resources intelligently to achieve your goals. You may consider getting professional help to maintain and prepare your financial statements.

Running a successful aircraft manufacturing company requires a clear vision, sourcing quality materials, attracting and retaining talented employees, building strong customer relationships, and maintaining strong financial control.

These are not easy tasks, but your company can thrive in this competitive industry by committing to these principles. Remember that every step, no matter how small, is a step towards achieving your goal. Stay focused on your vision, remain adaptable, and strive for excellence.

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The Airplane Manufacturing Market

Top aircraft manufacturers, the bottom line.

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Who Are the Major Airplane Manufacturing Companies?

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

aircraft manufacturing business plan

Katrina Ávila Munichiello is an experienced editor, writer, fact-checker, and proofreader with more than fourteen years of experience working with print and online publications.

aircraft manufacturing business plan

Although the airline industry is highly competitive, the competition among aircraft suppliers is relatively limited. Lesser-known makers of large passenger airplanes are attempting to build a more significant presence on the world's stage. Still, in the large commercial aircraft market, there are just two major players: the U.S.-based Boeing ( BA ) and the Airbus Group ( EADSY ), formerly known as the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS). 

Key Takeaways

  • The global airplane manufacturing market is valued at over $400 billion.
  • The world's only major large passenger aircraft manufacturers are Boeing and Airbus.
  • Boeing's and Airbus's established jet brands are the 7-series and A-series, respectively.
  • Up-and-coming large passenger airplane makers include Comac in China, Mitsubishi in Japan, and UAC in Russia.
  • Based on deliveries, Airbus takes the top spot as the largest airplane manufacturer in the world.

Airbus is the world's top commercial airplane manufacturer based on airplanes delivered. Boeing is in second place, as its deliveries stalled because of the grounding of certain aircraft, the COVID-19 pandemic, and issues for its 737-MAX aircraft.

The airplane manufacturing market is part of the overall airline industry. The global market's estimated value was more than $400 billion in 2023, and is expected to grow to more than half-a-trillion dollars by 2029. Companies in this market are involved in the manufacturing of airplanes and their components, including engines and propulsion systems.

Large passenger airplane manufacturers

Boeing and Airbus are the world's only major large passenger aircraft manufacturers. The two companies share almost exclusive control of the worldwide airplane supply business for large commercial jets. Their established brands are Boeing's 7-series and Airbus's A-series of jets. These aircraft include narrow-body aircraft, wide-body aircraft, and jumbo jets.

Regional and other international airplane manufacturers

Bombardier, based in Canada, and Embraer, a Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, are leaders in the regional and business airplanes market. They both focus on smaller-sized jets.

On a global scale, competition with Boeing and Airbus is brutal. However, newer airline suppliers Comac in China, Mitsubishi in Japan, and UAC in Russia are working on a series of new wide-body jets in a joint venture . They hope to eventually become a legitimate competitor that can take on the dominance of Boeing and Airbus in the large-jet space.

Military airplane manufacturers

Boeing and Airbus have a significant market share in the supply of military aircraft, particularly in the U.S. Their competition in this market includes Lockheed Martin. Just under half of Boeing's revenues came from U.S. government contracts in 2022. Only about 20% of Airbus' revenues came from defense contracts in 2022.

Suppliers to airplane manufacturers

Aerospace suppliers are critical to the aircraft manufacturing ecosystem. They provide essential components, systems, and materials required to build an aircraft. This includes avionics, propulsion systems, landing gear, cabin interiors, and composite materials. These suppliers range from large companies that produce major systems to smaller specialized firms. Aircraft manufacturers rely on these suppliers for the initial construction of aircraft and ongoing maintenance and replacement parts.

Raytheon Technologies Corporation ( RTX ) and General Electric ( GE ) are two major companies that manufacture airplane engines and other parts for industry operators. Rolls-Royce ( RYCEY ), Pratt & Whitney, and Honeywell ( HON ) also produce airplane jet and propeller engines.

Here are some of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. All data as of Q1 2024.

Boeing (BA)

  • Headquarters : Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Founded : 1916
  • Market Cap : $130 billion
  • Employees : 156,000
  • Products : Known for manufacturing a wide range of commercial jetliners, Boeing's product line includes the 737, 747, 767, 777, and 787 families of airplanes. The company also offers military aircraft, satellites, and other aerospace products and services .

Once the darling of the aircraft business, Boeing has faced some critical challenges recently, most notably issues related to the safety of its aircraft. Incidents involving the 737-MAX's in-flight controls and aircraft doors detaching midflight have raised serious concerns. These issues have not only affected Boeing's reputation and financial stability but also have wider implications for airline safety standards and consumer confidence in the industry.

Airbus (EADSY)

  • Headquarters : Leiden, Netherlands
  • Founded : 1970
  • Market Cap : $128.6 billion
  • Company Size : 134,000
  • Products : Airbus is known for its commercial aircraft, including the A220, A320, A330, A350, and A380 families. The company also produces military planes and helicopters and provides aerospace-related services.

Lockheed Martin (LMT)

  • Headquarters : Bethesda, Maryland
  • Founded : 1995 (from the merger of Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta)
  • Market Cap : $113.6 billion
  • Employees : 116,000
  • Products : While focused on defense and military aircraft , such as the F-16 and F-35 Lightning II, Lockheed Martin also engages in aeronautics, missiles, fire control, and space systems.

Embraer (ERJ)

  • Headquarters : São Paulo, Brazil
  • Founded : 1969
  • Market Cap : $3.2 billion
  • Employees : 18,000
  • Products : Embraer is known for its E-Jet and E-Jet E2 series of regional jets, popular among airlines for short to medium-haul flights.

Boeing comes in second as the largest airplane manufacturer in the world because of manufacturing problems that led the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to halt deliveries of its 787 model.

Bombardier (BDRBF)

  • Headquarters : Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • Founded : 1942
  • Market Cap : $3.7 billion
  • Employees : 15,000
  • Products : The company's aerospace division is known for its business jets, including the Challenger and Global series.

How Are New Aircraft Certified to Fly?

Aircraft certification is a rigorous and detailed process conducted by aviation authorities such as the FAA in the U.S. or the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Europe. This process involves extensive testing and evaluation of the aircraft's design, construction, and performance to ensure it meets strict safety standards. It includes analysis of the airframe, engines, systems, and flight performance, with assessments of the aircraft's handling under various conditions.

How do market dynamics between Boeing and Airbus influence the airplane manufacturing industry?

The duopoly of Boeing and Airbus significantly influences market dynamics in the airplane manufacturing industry. Their competition is legendary, driven by their high-stakes duopoly, the need to stay ahead in avionics and other changing technology, and the geopolitics around Boeing being a major American company and Airbus being a European consortium. As manufacturing for other goods had for decades been moving out of Europe and the U.S., these two companies were also emblems of what the U.S. and Europe could still produce.

Court battles, World Trade Organization complaints, and negotiations at the highest political levels for aircraft contracts mean more is at stake than simply any new plane put out by one requires an answer from the other. Together, this duopoly's decisions on production rates, aircraft models, and what technology they will use set trends for the entire industry, affecting everything from airline fleet choices to what kind of technology pilots and regular consumers will find once on board.

How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Aircraft Manufacturers?

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the aircraft manufacturing industry. There was a drastic cut in demand for new aircraft because of the sudden decline in air travel. This led to production slowdowns, delays in aircraft deliveries, and financial challenges for manufacturers. However, the industry has been adapting by focusing on more flexible manufacturing processes, increasing cargo aircraft production because of the rise in ecommerce and accelerating digital transformation to improve efficiency.

The airplane manufacturing market, valued at over $400 billion, is a significant part of the global airline industry, which is expected to grow considerably over the next decade. Dominated by Boeing and Airbus, the only major manufacturers of large commercial jets, this market is characterized by their iconic 7x7-series and A3xx-series jets. Suppliers, including GE, Raytheon Technologies, and Rolls-Royce, are pivotal in providing essential components like engines and avionics. While facing lingering challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic leading to reduced demand and production, the industry is adapting through flexible manufacturing and other changes. Boeing, in particular, has encountered significant mechanical challenges with its 737-MAX and 787 models, affecting its position in the global market.

Precedence Research. " Aircraft Manufacturing Market Size Global Report, 2023-2032. "

The Boeing Company. " 2022 Annual Report. "

Airbus. " Financial Results and Annual Report ."

Raytheon Technologies. " United Technologies and Ratheon Complete Merger of Equals Transaction. "

Companies Market Cap. " Top Aircraft Companies - Employees ."

Economic Times . " Boeing’s Legacy Vanished Into Thin Air and Saving It Will Take Years ."

Airbus. "Who We Are"

Lockheed Martin. "Who We Are" "About Us"

Federal Aviation Administration. " Airworthiness Certification ."

Ayoung Woo, et al. " An Analysis of the Competitive Actions of Boeing and Airbus in the Aerospace Industry Based on the Competitive Dynamics Model ." Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity . 7,.3 (2021).

McKinsey & Co. " COVID-19's Impact on the Global Aviation Sector ."

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Start an Aircraft Manufacturing Business

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Far from the common scenario in the past, there are already lots of people who embrace aircraft services, especially if they want to go from one place to another.

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This means that people who want to open different kinds of venture can already start an aircraft manufacturing business.

start an aircraft manufacturing business

Since aircraft manufacturing might seem to be a complex venture, it is important that you know some information about the matter first. If you are looking for information on how to start aircraft manufacturing business, this article will provide you the things you need to know.

Business Research

Since this might be new to you, it is important that you keep yourself informed of what the business is. This means that you should conduct research in order to orient yourself regarding what it is all about. Basically, you can search for some sites in the internet related to the matter but it is always better if you have substantial period of working experience from the same field. These sites can provide you valuable information to understand the nature of the business deeper. Furthermore, you can also ask other business owners running the same venture in order to know valuable facts about this type of business.

Create Business Plan

First and foremost, people who want to start aircraft manufacturing business should begin actualizing their dream venture by simply creating business plan. The business plan serves as the Bible of your business. This means that it provides guidance on the entire path of your aircraft manufacturing business. Keep in mind that there are important components you should focus on in creating your business plan. Examples of these are:

  • General Business Overview
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Description of Products Offered
  • Analysis and Study of the Target Market
  • Marketing Strategies to be Used

Legalizing the Business

After the development of strong and concise business plan, the next thing you need to do is to legalize your business. There are some requirements you need to secure in order to legalize your business. All you just need to do is to go to the concerned business licensing agencies and departments in your place to know more about the matter. Of course, the most basic requirement in legalizing your business is applying for a business permit. This might take some time and require you some money. However, this will be all worth it in the end.

Facilities, Location and Staff

To start an aircraft manufacturing business, it is important to consider facilities, location and staff. In terms of facilities, there are machineries you need to use in the future to make this business possible. When it comes to location, choose the best place where you can establish your business. The place should have enough size and is accessible on your part. In addition to that, look for staff that has technical skills regarding aircraft manufacturing. See to it that your staff is also hard working, dedicated to their work and is willing to help you grow your business.


  • Ramkumar patne   said on January 9, 2013 Hello i'm Ramkumar. i was a students of aeronautical engineering in delhi (INDIA). i have passed three license in AME field. i want to start aircraft manufacturing business in MADHYA PRADESH (INDIA). Plz guide me and tell me about requirement
  • Sajjad   said on August 21, 2013 @Ramkumar patne, I assume you've just completed your studies so I doubt that you would have much cash with you at this stage of life. Starting a simple aircraft manufacturing business would need an immediate injection of at least $500m.
  • Isaac   said on February 21, 2014 When you are talking of a simple aircraft manufacturing business and that you need $500 millions to open it, how simple is the business your talking about?
  • James   said on July 1, 2014 I have a new jet design that will need venture capital not to exceed $20M. Are there other focus areas you would suggest for this type of plan, other than what you have listed?
  • Bereket   said on July 17, 2014 Are u serious $500m to start up an aircraft manufacturing business. Is worth it??
  • pintu sharma   said on August 5, 2014 I want to start a two sitter air craft company . Now I am running heavy mechanical job company myself.
  • m.sandeep   said on August 18, 2014 hi my name is sandeep and i am in aero 2 year. i have only 10 lakhs of money so i want to start air craft manufacturing company in my state and i will provide more jobs to my people so .if any bank or government providing any loan plz tell me about that sir
  • yathish kumar   said on September 4, 2014 any one can let me know the procedure to start up a new aircraft manufacturing industry.
  • Arya Dharmpal Chandresh   said on September 15, 2014 I want to manufacturing of Aircraft products in jaipur please suggest me.
  • Nimod K.A.   said on October 28, 2014 I have a dream of starting an aircraft manufacturing company which will manufacture passenger aircrafts. I have no money with me, but if there are people ready to invest, I am sure I can quit my job and work on this mission. Currently 10 countries have aircraft manufacturing companies which manufacture passenger aircraft and sadly India is not among them. Also linked with 'Make in India' move, I invite people who can support me in this...
  • varun jayavelu   said on February 27, 2015 @nimod i am interested in your idea of manufacturing passenger aircraft but initially manufacturing paramotors and trikes would be cheaper.
  • Alex martinez   said on April 8, 2015 Wichita,Kansas USA. I am looking for information in starting up a small assembly shop in the aircraft industry. I know someone who worked at Censa for 20 years, currently is assembling a part for Censa. They have tried to outsource his job to Mexico but they failed. He and I are looking to start up a small Shop and have the correct certification to assembly the part. I know we will need an as 9100 certification that will be for the mechanic but what certification will the inspector need?
  • Jose Bay Grajeda   said on July 1, 2015 I'm thinking in starting an aerial company ... but how do you start out? coming out of college keeps you pretty broke, so how do i start a business when i have no money to buy the equipment and staff? Please Help!!!
  • Boeing international   said on July 13, 2015 Love to see that many people wants to open there know aircraft company. Today there are lots of company to boost your company name you should come up with new idea like small jet plane, or solar plane or light weight plane. You should have at least $10 million to start and buy equipments for your dream plane.
  • gaurav   said on February 1, 2016 Friends i have also same dream as u all have but their is problem of investor with all of us so we can achieve our dream if we work together [email protected] .....guys i know we have fire in our hearts and if we work together we will definitely.....find a way to start this....plz all who r interested msg me on my email id or my watsap no. 9917429225
  • Ankur Kamboj   said on March 6, 2016 Hi @gaurav , I too have same intentions with lot of energy and interest . Please check your mail. I will encourage other interested persons to share or contact as well.
  • vishal   said on April 3, 2016 9462588411
  • vishal   said on April 3, 2016 i want to open myths own aircraft and helecopter company... so u guide me cantact me.. 9462588411
  • jaipal kethavath   said on April 4, 2016 i have an ultralight aircraft design that i prepaid. so i have also same intention to start a/c man comp.
  • Vinod Malshikare   said on May 4, 2016 Dear friends, I am vinod malshikare from India. I want to strting new and modern models of aircraft which will be making at least cost and gives best performance. so I will start when a person who guide me perfectly. If any one can help me then please contact mi [email protected] please leave message.

+2348065134393 || [email protected] || Aircraft Manufacturing Expert

  • TANAKA MAKUNI   said on September 18, 2016 @Jaipal @vishal and EVERYONE .You seem to be anxious and enthusiastic in venturing into this business like everyone else here, so I propose working together. Contact me on whatsapp and maybe we can share ideas, help each other make this a reality. +263773999952
  • ranganathan   said on November 14, 2016 alright I THINK first we need to focus on the model of the aircraft company and find its estimation and then start all around. then how do we get the raw materials and the scope of the industry in our country. where do i get the information regarding about all that? where do i get the money from? how do i arrange the such huge fund? are there banks to support this? what steps to take in finding it? then where do i find the buyers of my products? are there good HR who can do pretty well in our field in our country? how to get the guidance from the business leaders? how do i startup? plz do contact me ph:9741168215
  • DEEPAK KUMAR UPADHYAY   said on November 28, 2016 I want to start my own manufacturing plant for aircraft .. kindly suggest me friends, and team from entire world who are interested in same kindly contact me .. email id: [email protected], contact number: +91-7839272383
  • Deepak   said on December 1, 2016 I want to start my own manufacturing plant for aircraft .. kindly suggest me friends, and team from entire world who are interested in same kindly contact me .. email id: [email protected] contact number: +91-9781940114

[email protected] || Aircraft Industry Adviser

  • Ibra Rilz Kasasa.   said on January 8, 2017 Hi, am Ibra Rilz in Uganda. Am also interested in aircraft manufacturing. I don't have any money with me now, am in high school. But am sure i have some skills especially the engine, wings and even fuel or gas production. Those who want to start up any aeroplane making business can contact me, i assure that am dedicated and determined and will work to the success of the business.
  • premkumar   said on March 18, 2017 I am premkumar ame student atjawaharlal aviation institute pala skkad kerala i also have the same dream of starting a microlight aircraft company in kerala but i dont have money or investors for my dream share your valuable ideas to my mail premkumar [email protected]
  • ojaskar   said on April 13, 2017 i am a indian i also have a dream to start air craft company
  • Arush Khjuriya   said on January 14, 2018 We Can Make a Whatsapp Group and discuss ideas +91 9911964706
  • Rukundo Enock   said on January 27, 2018 I am a 20 year old Ugandan on ky way to starting an aircraft manufacturing business
  • Vinod   said on June 28, 2019 All start-up members plz comments on whats app no. I am starting a group
  • oyibe matthew   said on September 28, 2019 my name oyibe Matthew. i am a nigerian please I want to start an aircraft manufacturing company. But I don't know how to start. I have some ideas for the name, the investors i know the model of aircraft ideas, and other things. please let us make a team [email protected] and umdolmal [email protected]
  • Roger Port   said on November 25, 2019 I've been trying to get $10 mill funding for a startup here in the U.S., preferably the majority ($7-8 mil) and the rest from banks ($2-3 mil). We currently have 4 prototypes built that fly, and are certified by the F.A.A. We have almost everything needed to start, except the capital to start. Any help would be appreciated. [email protected]
  • Ed Rij   said on September 23, 2020 Roger, Have you had any luck in finding funding for your prototypes? Send me some information on your aircraft.
  • Malik   said on July 12, 2023 I'm planning to have a we need a team... Then we can look for funds. My WhatsApp is +63 905 455 5570. Email: [email protected]
  • Mr. MerMan   said on December 18, 2023 All you guys talking about manufacturing aircraft without any money are stupid
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With ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Aviation Industry Professionals, you can create a comprehensive and visually appealing business plan to propel your aviation venture to new heights.

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If you work in the aviation industry and need to create a business plan, the Business Plan Template in ClickUp can help you get started. Follow these six steps to create a comprehensive plan for your aviation business:

1. Define your business concept

Begin by clearly articulating your business concept. What services or products will your aviation business offer? Who is your target audience? What makes your business unique? Answering these questions will help you establish a clear vision for your business.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to outline your business concept and brainstorm ideas.

2. Conduct market research

To create a successful business plan, you need to understand the aviation industry and your target market. Research your competition, identify industry trends, and analyze the needs and preferences of your potential customers.

Utilize the Table view in ClickUp to organize and analyze your market research data.

3. Develop a marketing strategy

Your business plan should include a comprehensive marketing strategy to attract customers and generate revenue. Determine the most effective marketing channels for reaching your target audience, establish your brand identity, and outline your pricing and promotion strategies.

Create tasks in ClickUp to outline your marketing tactics and assign responsibilities to team members.

4. Outline your operational plan

In this section, define how your aviation business will operate on a day-to-day basis. Include information about your facilities, equipment, staffing requirements, and operational processes. Consider factors such as maintenance, safety protocols, and regulatory compliance.

Use the custom fields feature in ClickUp to track key operational details and ensure everything is accounted for.

5. Develop a financial plan

A solid financial plan is crucial for the success of any business. Determine your startup costs, projected revenue, and expenses. Create a budget, forecast your financial performance, and identify potential funding sources.

Utilize the Gantt chart feature in ClickUp to create a timeline for your financial projections and track your progress.

6. Monitor and review

Once your business plan is complete, regularly monitor and review your progress. Keep track of key performance indicators, revisit and update your goals, and make adjustments as needed. Regularly reviewing your business plan will help you stay on track and adapt to changes in the aviation industry.

Set up recurring tasks and reminders in ClickUp to ensure that you regularly review and update your business plan.

By following these steps and utilizing the Business Plan Template in ClickUp, you can create a comprehensive and effective business plan for your aviation industry business.

Get Started with ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Aviation Industry Professionals

Aviation industry professionals can use this Business Plan Template for the Aviation Industry to effectively communicate their vision and secure financing or support for their aviation-related business endeavors.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a comprehensive business plan:

  • Use the Topics View to outline the key sections and topics of your business plan
  • The Status View will help you track the progress of each section and topic, with statuses such as Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, To Do
  • Utilize the Timeline View to create a visual representation of your business plan's timeline and milestones
  • The Business Plan View provides a holistic view of your entire business plan, allowing you to easily navigate and review each section
  • Use the Getting Started Guide View to provide a step-by-step guide for others to follow when reviewing or implementing your business plan
  • Customize the Reference, Approved, and Section custom fields to add additional information and categorize your business plan sections
  • Update statuses, custom fields, and progress as you work through each section to keep stakeholders informed of progress
  • Monitor and analyze your business plan to ensure it aligns with your goals and objectives.
  • Business Plan Template for Casino Employees
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The Boeing Company logo


Prepare for takeoff.

Starting an airline is tough. Running a profitable airline is even tougher. From startup airlines to established industry leaders, the process involves constant learning and adaptation.

Few businesses have as many variables and challenges as airlines. They are capital-intensive. Competition is fierce. Airlines are fossil fuel dependent and often at the mercy of fuel price volatility. Operations are labor intensive and subject to government control and political influence. And a lot depends on the weather.

But the intrepid entrepreneur is not alone. The StartupBoeing team assists entrepreneurs in launching new airlines. From concept through launch, StartupBoeing offers guidance, review, analysis, data, resources, contacts, and referrals to qualified startup airlines.

For further questions or dialogue, please e-mail us at [email protected] .

Market Analysis

Entrepreneurs who are considering a startup airline launch are wise to study the commercial aviation market. Three comprehensive publications are very useful in providing a detailed analysis of traffic growth, regional trends, and airplane requirements. They are produced by Boeing and highly regarded throughout the industry.

Commercial Market Outlook World Air Cargo Forecast Current Aircraft Finance Market Outlook

Operating Environment

Startup airlines must be aware of and operate within a framework of regulations, standards and guidelines. Included here is basic information on some of the primary international agreements and programs that shape the operating environment for commercial aviation.

Learn about the " Freedoms of the Air ," a set of international rights that allow a country's airlines to enter the airspace of another country or land there.

Find out more about ETOPS , or Extended Operations, a collaborative industry/government program allowing airplanes to fly routes with longer diversion times.

Business Planning

Successful startup airlines begin with a sound business plan. This detailed planning document typically includes:

  • Analysis of the market and competition
  • Brand positioning
  • Description of the business and opportunity
  • Details about the operation
  • Management team biographies
  • Discussion of risks and obstacles
  • Pro forma financial statements/projections
  • Capitalization plan
  • Brand development
  • Implementation strategy.

The business plan is the fundamental starting point for working effectively with theStartupBoeing consulting team. StartupBoeing provides free review services of the business plan and corresponding financials. We offer constructive suggestions, question assumptions, and challenge the entrepreneur to prove the concept just as prospective investors might. For entrepreneurs requiring assistance in preparing the plan itself, StartupBoeing can suggest advisors worldwide who specialize in such services.

The Structural Plan

The Airline Planning Roadmap (PDF) offers a conceptual sense of the necessary steps in launching an airline from idea through launch.

Business Plan Questions (PDF) provides a list of important questions to consider when writing the business plan.

Brand Foundation Overview (PDF) provides a list of steps to take to position your emerging brand based on your market analysis and a need to differentiate from existing competitors.

Structuring the Plan

The Airline Business Plan Outline (PDF) is a tool for capturing many of the important elements for successfully starting and operating an airline. While it is not a comprehensive structure for all airline concepts, it can serve as a starting framework for a business plan.

Airplane Selection

Target markets and frequencies are determined through traffic analysis and route/schedule planning. The startup airline is now positioned to select the appropriate airplane. Included here is basic airplane data a startup-airline can use to make a preliminary aircraft selection and complete a compelling business plan.

Interactive Aircraft Comparator

In-Production Airplanes

Out of production airplanes, passenger airplanes.

  • 727 (727-100/-100C/-200)
  • 737 (737-200/-200C)
  • 737 (737-300/-400/-500)
  • 737 (737-600/-700/-800/-900ER)
  • 747 (747-100/-200/-300/SP)
  • 747 (747-400/-400ER)
  • 757 (757-200/-300)
  • 767 (767-200/-200ER/-300/-300ER/-400ER)
  • 777 (777-200/-200ER/-200LR/-300/-300ER)

Freighter Airplanes

  • 707-320C Freighter
  • 727-100/-200 Freighter
  • 737-200/-300 Freighter
  • 747-200F/-200SF/-100SF
  • 747 Freighter (747-400/-400ER)
  • 757-200 Freighter
  • DC-8 Freighter
  • DC-9 Freighter
  • DC-10 Freighter
  • MD-11 Freighter

Boeing Converted Freighters

  • 747-400 BCF

Airplane Support

Visit Boeing Support and Services to learn more about Boeing global customer support, including spares & logistics support, maintenance and engineering services, fleet enhancements and modifications, and flight operations support.

The Boeing Airport Compatibility Group assists the aviation community to address their airport-related issues regarding our airplanes, providing Boeing and McDonnell Douglas commercial airplane product information needed to promote the continued and timely development of the world's airports.

Boeing provides a variety of documents that provide Airplane Characteristics data for General Airport Planning . Sections within each document include airplane description, airplane performance, ground maneuvering, terminal servicing, operating conditions, and pavement data.

Learn more about the pallets and containers used to carry cargo on-board large Boeing aircraft, including specific designations, dimensions, descriptions and visuals.

View a glossary of airplane terms .

Airplane Sourcing

Selecting the optimal airplane based on market, network plan, traffic estimates, interior layout, economics, and performance requirements is a good start. But now the airline entrepreneur must source the airplane. Decisions must be made about lease-versus-buy and new-versus-used. Airplane availability may be a challenge. Such factors may drive the airplane selection or even change the business model.

An important first step in sourcing the airplane is to consider financing options . The two most common methods of financing airplanes are direct purchase and operating lease.

New Airplanes

Depending on current production line availability, financing, business plan, and desired launch date, a startup airline may consider purchasing a new production airplane.

Leasing New or Used Airplanes

Boeing works with major airplane leasing companies worldwide. StartupBoeing is able to match qualified startup airlines with Boeing's leasing partners.

Lease Rates

Boeing does not regularly track airplane market lease rates. However, a range of lease rates can be provided to qualified startup airlines.

Through Boeing Commercial Aircraft Customer Finance, qualified startup airlines can be matched with third party sellers/lessors of used airplanes.

Third Party Used Airplanes

Through Boeing's internal Trading Floor, qualified startup airlines can be matched with third party sellers/lessors of used airplanes. Other sources of used airplane availability include:

Operating Your Airline

Boeing offers startup airlines the industry’s largest portfolio of commercial aviation support and services essential for running a successful airline. Through Boeing Global Services startup operators have access to everything from training and interior modifications to aircraft maintenance and high-tech enhancements.

The following solutions are available to suit your specific startup plans and requirements.

Maintenance & Parts Solutions

Boeing’s Maintenance and Part solutions help you to manage maintenance, modification, repair, overhaul and upgrades of your fleet while simplifying your supply chain. One of the services most applicable to a new airline is Global Fleet Care.

Boeing’s Global Fleet Care gives you the most comprehensive maintenance program available.

Global Fleet Care can:

  • Help a new entrant operator conserve startup maintenance program capital
  • Provide a competitive hourly maintenance rate that reduces airline staffing requirements.
  • Include initial parts provisioning
  • Supply engineering services
  • Provide 24/7 Customer Support and Airplane Health Monitoring

Flight Operations Solutions

Boeing’s Flight Operations Solutions provide full flight operations support that is scalable to grow as your airline expands and your operational complexity increases. From pilot training to start of operations and beyond, our suite of products will provide the highest quality tools for your crews to deliver an efficient flight operation.

Services most applicable to a new airline:

  • Flight Planning
  • Charts and Navigation
  • Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
  • Pilot training and Simulator
  • Performance Planning

Boeing Aviation Consultants

Boeing’s staff of experienced airline and consulting professionals can advise and assist with all activities associated with a new entrant airline.

Boeing’s Consultants can:

  • Assist with securing an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) as well as other regulatory requirement filings
  • Design and structure an efficient operations organization
  • Advise in the development and regulatory approval of a maintenance program
  • Design a parts optimization program
  • Assist with route analysis and payload improvements
  • Develop a fuel efficiency program
  • Select Information Technology elements that are appropriate for the size of operation
  • Prepare an airline for eventual transition to ‘smart’ airplanes

Once an airline is up and running, Boeing’s Aviation Consultants can also provide periodic, detailed operations analysis that can assist with optimizing your maintenance and fuel efficiency programs, as well as provide crew management solutions for best scheduling and utilization of crewmembers.

When you are ready to start your airline, Boeing is ready to help you every step of the way.

Boeing offers startup airlines a comprehensive array of tools and services for running a successful airline. Everything from training to interior design to financing to maintenance to high-tech enhancements and more. Available resources include:

  • Aviation Partners Boeing : Fuel saving and performance enhancing Blended Winglets for a number of current production Boeing airplanes and out-of-production models
  • Boeing Business Jets : Private, Business, and Government VIP configured Boeing production airplanes
  • Boeing Support and Services : Customer Support, Material Management, Maintenance Services, Fleet Enhancement, Flight Operations
  • Fuel Conservation Services : Optimizing your operations to maximize airplane fuel efficiency
  • Jeppesen : Aviation Training, Charts & Navigation Services, Flight Planning and Custom Services
  • Training & Flight Services : Maintenance and Flight Crew Training

Becoming a Customer

Whether you are starting a new airline with Boeing aircraft, adding your first Boeing aircraft to your existing fleet, or you are new to maintaining Boeing aircraft, we have the products, services, and information resources needed to get you off the ground and keep you flying.


Creating a business relationship with Boeing can provide access to:

  • Boeing expertise
  • Support services needed for the introduction, operation and maintenance of your aircraft

What do you need?

If you are a Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) or repair station, please see the Intellectual Property Management - Licensing Questionnaire .

In order to obtain Boeing goods and services, it will be necessary to enter into an agreement with Boeing and set-up an account. To begin the account set-up process, complete and submit a Boeing Customer Questionnaire . This questionnaire must be completed and submitted electronically.

Upon receipt of the completed questionnaire and based upon the information you submit, Boeing will:

  • Start the process of establishing an account so your company can do business with Boeing.
  • Assign your company a Boeing customer code which will identify your company within Boeing for future business transactions.
  • Identify you as the owner, operator, or lessee of the aircraft.
  • Supplemental Agreement for Electronic Access (SA-EA)
  • Supplemental Agreement for Electronic Enabling (SA-eE)
  • Provide you with certain documents at no charge when the CSGTA and its supplements are signed and appropriate insurance is obtained.

Access to Boeing Part Page

Boeing Material Services offers the advantage of buying from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

Boeing also provides customers with access to the aftermarket for a wider breadth of resources to locate hard-to-find parts. From single transactions to supply chain management, Boeing provides you with the right part, at the right place, at the right time. For more access information, please contact [email protected] .

Intellectual Property Management - Licensing Questionnaire

Aircraft owner/operators and third-party service providers have particular needs for OEM products and services as they support the industry. These products and services may require the use of information that is created during the development and certification of Boeing products. Comments from the industry have helped us to establish a set of Intellectual Property licensing standards that address specific requirements and establish a fair and consistent fee structure for the use of the information developed.

Take the Intellectual Property Management - Licensing Questionnaire .

Customer Services General Terms Agreement (CSGTA)

The Customer Services General Terms Agreement (CSGTA) incorporates articles applicable to various Boeing products and services into a blanket-type agreement so that, once in place, only unique terms and conditions need to be negotiated when a customer requires a specific product or service. The benefits of this approach are:

  • Faster responses to requests from customers for products and services.
  • A reduction in resources and effort needed to implement and manage all Customer Support related agreements for both customer and Boeing.

Some examples of the products and services covered by the CSGTA are lease of parts and tools, purchase of spare parts and standards, retrofit kit changes, repair, modification, technical assistance/consulting, training services and technical data.

Two Supplemental Agreements are associated with the CSGTA. The Supplemental Agreement to the CSGTA for Electronic Access (SA-EA) incorporates articles specific to granting you electronic access to Boeing goods and services, specifically technical data available on The Supplemental Agreement to the CSGTA for Electronic Enabling (SA-eE) incorporates articles specific to software licensing.

Part 125 Airplane Operating Certificate (AOC)

To apply for a part 125 AOC you will need to provide certain documents to your regulatory agency such as the Maintenance Planning Document (MPD), Quick Reference Handbook (QRH), and Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). Our business operations group will help you get access to these documents on a temporary basis to help you with your AOC application.

MyBoeingFleet (MBF)

MyBoeingFleet is Boeing's secure internet portal, providing authorized customers with access to the industry's most comprehensive range of support products and services for Boeing commercial aircraft.

Aircraft owners and operators - as well as maintenance providers, leasing companies, regulatory agencies and other third party service providers - use MyBoeingFleet to order parts, collaborate with Boeing experts, and obtain essential information such as drawings, documentation, manuals, and operational data and procedures.

Owner/operators and licensed maintenance providers can also access productivity solutions such as Maintenance Performance Toolbox and Airplane Health Management.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to start an airline. how can the startupboeing site help.

The StartupBoeing site is filled with information that will be useful in starting an airline. In starting an airline, there are specific steps that should be followed, and they are laid out in order to help you along your journey.

  • Step 1:  Market Analysis
  • Step 2:  Operating Environment
  • Step 3:  Business Planning
  • Step 4:  Airplane Selection
  • Step 5:  Airplane Sourcing

How can we obtain Boeing aircraft performance data for our planned operations?

The StartupBoeing team has found that this usually is not the first question to ask when starting an airline. The market opportunity and business plan will help shape what aircraft to fly. Once an understanding of the market opportunity and competitive environment are established, the StartupBoeing team can assist in providing suggestions for aircraft and ultimately performance data to fit the market opportunity.

Can Boeing lease me an aircraft?

Boeing generally does not lease aircraft. Aircraft leasing is usually done by third parties not associated with Boeing. To help you find these leased aircraft, Boeing has provided links to these parties found in the Airplane Sourcing section.

I want to buy a used aircraft from Boeing. How much does it cost?

Boeing generally does not sell used aircraft. Used aircraft are usually sold by third parties not associated with Boeing. To help you find these used aircraft, Boeing has provided links to these parties found in the Airplane Sourcing section.

Where can I find information on Boeing airplanes?

Information on passenger and freighter airplanes, along with information on cargo hold sizes can be found in the Airplane Selection section.

Where can I find a definition of aircraft terms?

A glossary of aircraft terms can be found here .

Where can I find airplane market data?

The Boeing Current Market Outlook (CMO) and World Air Cargo Forecast can be found in the Market Analysis section.

Where can I find information on business planning?

Information on business plans can be found in the Business Planning section.

Where can I find information about regulatory requirements?

Information about regulatory requirements can be found in the Operating Environment section.


What is Aerospace Manufacturing? A Comprehensive Guide

aircraft manufacturing business plan

The aerospace industry is one of the most advanced and sophisticated industries in the world. It is responsible for the design, development, and production of aircraft and spacecraft, as well as the various systems and components that go into them. Aerospace manufacturing plays a crucial role in this industry, as it involves the creation of these complex and technologically advanced products.

In this article, we will delve into the world of aerospace manufacturing and explore the various processes, technologies, and challenges involved in creating the aircraft and spacecraft that we rely on every day. We will also examine the key players in the industry and the role they play in driving innovation and progress.

What is Aerospace Manufacturing?

Aerospace manufacturing refers to the process of designing, developing, and producing aircraft and spacecraft, as well as their various components and systems. This includes everything from passenger jets and military aircraft to satellites and space probes.

Aerospace manufacturing is a highly specialized field that requires a combination of advanced technological expertise, engineering skills, and precision manufacturing techniques. It is a complex and multifaceted process that involves a wide range of activities, including research and development, design and engineering, prototyping, testing, and production.

Aerospace Manufacturing Processes

The aerospace manufacturing process typically begins with research and development, where engineers and scientists work to identify the needs and requirements for a new aircraft or spacecraft. This can involve extensive research into materials, technologies, and design concepts to determine the best approach for meeting these needs.

Once the research and development phase is complete, the next step is the design and engineering phase. This involves creating detailed blueprints and plans for the aircraft or spacecraft, as well as designing the various systems and components that will be used.

Once the design is finalized, the aerospace manufacturing process moves on to the prototyping phase. In this phase, prototypes of the aircraft or spacecraft are built and tested to ensure that they meet the necessary performance and safety standards. This can involve extensive testing in simulated environments, such as wind tunnels and flight simulators, as well as physical testing on the ground and in the air.

If the prototypes are successful, the next step is the production phase. This involves creating the final aircraft or spacecraft using advanced manufacturing techniques, such as CNC machining, 3D printing, and laser cutting. The finished products are then inspected and tested to ensure they meet all the necessary specifications and standards.

Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies

Aerospace manufacturing relies on a wide range of advanced technologies and techniques to design and produce aircraft and spacecraft. Some of the key technologies used in aerospace manufacturing include:

  • 3D printing: 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process that involves creating a physical object by depositing layers of material according to a digital design. This technology has been used in aerospace manufacturing to create complex parts and structures that would be difficult or impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing techniques.
  • CNC machining: CNC machining is a process that involves using computer-controlled machines to cut, shape, and finish materials, such as metal and plastic. This technology is widely used in aerospace manufacturing to create precise and complex parts and components.
  • Laser cutting: Laser cutting is a process that involves using a focused beam of light to cut through materials, such as metal and plastic. This technology is often used in aerospace manufacturing to create precise and intricate parts and components.
  • Composites: Composites are materials made from a combination of two or more materials, such as fiberglass and epoxy.

Key Players in the Aerospace Manufacturing Industry

The aerospace manufacturing industry is made up of a diverse range of companies, from small startups to large multinational corporations. Some of the key players in the industry include:

  • Boeing: Boeing is one of the largest aerospace companies in the world, with a long history of designing and manufacturing aircraft and spacecraft. The company is known for its commercial aircraft, military aircraft, and space systems.
  • Airbus: Airbus is a major player in the aerospace industry and is known for its commercial aircraft, as well as its military and helicopter products. The company has a global presence and is headquartered in Europe.
  • Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin is a leading aerospace and defense company that designs and manufactures a wide range of products, including aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, and defense systems.
  • Raytheon Technologies: Raytheon Technologies is a global aerospace and defense company that specializes in the design and production of aircraft and spacecraft components, as well as missile defense systems and other defense technologies.

Challenges in Aerospace Manufacturing

Aerospace manufacturing is a complex and challenging field, and there are several key challenges that companies in the industry must overcome. Some of these challenges include:

  • Meeting regulatory requirements: Aerospace products must meet strict safety and performance standards, and companies must navigate a complex regulatory landscape in order to bring their products to market.
  • Managing supply chain risks: Aerospace manufacturing involves working with a wide range of suppliers and partners, and companies must carefully manage their supply chains in order to ensure that they have access to the materials and components they need.
  • Ensuring quality and reliability: Aerospace products must be of the highest quality and must be reliable in order to ensure the safety of passengers and crew. This requires strict quality control processes and robust testing protocols.
  • Managing costs: Aerospace manufacturing is a capital-intensive industry, and companies must carefully manage their costs in order to remain competitive. This can involve leveraging advanced technologies and processes to improve efficiency and reduce waste.

The Future of Aerospace Manufacturing

The aerospace industry is constantly evolving, and the field of aerospace manufacturing is no exception. In the coming years, we can expect to see a number of exciting developments in the industry, including:

  • Increased use of advanced technologies: As mentioned earlier, aerospace manufacturing relies on a wide range of advanced technologies, and we can expect to see continued innovation in this area. This may include the increased use of 3D printing, advanced materials, and other technologies to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Greater emphasis on sustainability: As the aerospace industry looks to reduce its environmental impact, we can expect to see a greater focus on sustainability in aerospace manufacturing. This may involve the use of more environmentally-friendly materials and processes, as well as the development of more fuel-efficient aircraft.
  • Continued globalization: The aerospace industry is a global industry, and we can expect to see continued globalization in aerospace manufacturing. This may involve the development of new manufacturing hubs in emerging markets and the expansion of existing facilities in established markets.

In conclusion, aerospace manufacturing is a complex and multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in the aerospace industry. It involves the design, development, and production of aircraft and spacecraft, as well as their various systems and components. Aerospace manufacturing relies on a wide range of advanced technologies and techniques, and is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs and requirements of the industry. The key players in the industry include companies such as Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon Technologies, and they face a number of challenges, including regulatory requirements, supply chain risks, and cost management.

Stay up to date with aerospace news.

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  • Resources for Entrepreneurs > Good Business Ideas > Starting a Business

Opening an Aircraft Parts & Equipment Wholesale & Manufacturing Business

resources for entrepreneurs

Starting a Business

If you are interested in starting an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business, priority one is defining your value proposition.

We offer several relevant recommendations on how to start an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business.

Best Aircraft Parts & Equipment Wholesale & Manufacturing Company Business Plans

How good is your aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing company's business plan? If you aren't completely confident in the quality of your business plan, it could be because you haven't invested enough time and effort in its creation.

Although there are a lot of tasks screaming for your attention, cutting corners on your business plan can be a precursor to disaster. Why? Because there are a multitude of reasons why your company can't succeed without a sound business plan .

From a business ownership perspective, that makes business planning your first priority - and not a task that can be assigned to the back burner.

Look Over Competitors

Prior to launching an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business in your town, it's worthwhile to determine what the competition looks like. We've provided the link below to help you get a list of local competitors nearby. Simply enter your city, state and zip code to get a list of aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing businesses in your town.

  • Find Competing Aircraft Parts & Equipment Wholesale & Manufacturing Businesses

It's important to be aware of what the competition is doing. Take the time to visit the competition to properly assess their strengths and weaknesses.

A Good Source of Advice

Once you've finished assessing the competion, it's a smart move to speak with somebody who is already in the business. Local competitors are not going to give you the time of day, mind you. Why would they want to educate a future competitor?

On the other hand, an individual who has an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business in another town may be more than happy to give you a few tips, as long as they don't view you as a competitive threat. Many business owners are happy to give advice to new entrepreneurs It can take a while to find an entrepreneur who is willing to talk, but it's well worth the effort.

Where does one find an owner of an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business on the other side of the country to talk to?

We can help. Follow the link below, try a few city/state combos or zipcodes, and then start calling!

  • Find an Experienced Aircraft Parts & Equipment Wholesale & Manufacturing Business Entrepreneur

Business Brokerage for Aircraft Parts & Equipment Wholesale & Manufacturing Business Entrepreneurs

Business owners are decision makers. And the first decision you'll need to make is between an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business startup and an acquisition. Unless you have specific business objectives that require a startup approach, you're probably better off trying to buy an established aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business.

A qualified business brokers can provide a range of services designed to ease your transition into business ownership.

The best business brokers will ensure that you get the right business for the right price, and will help you avoid common aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business acquisition mistakes.

Is Franchising the Right Option?

Your chances of achieving the entrepreneurial goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur zoom upwards if you opt for franchising rather than going it alone.

If you planning on starting an aircraft parts and equipment wholesale and manufacturing business, you would be wise to investigate whether there are good franchise opportunities available that might help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

The link below gives you access to our franchise directory so you can see if there's a franchise opportunity for you. You might even find something that points you in a completely different direction.

  • Franchise Directory

Other Useful Articles for Startup Entrepreneurs

These additional resources regarding starting a business may be of interest to you.

How to Find Angel Investors

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Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs

Lists of Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms Franchise Opportunities Contributors Business Glossary

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U.S. Government Accountability Office

Commercial Aviation Manufacturing: Supply Chain Challenges and Actions to Address Them

Air travel has rebounded since 2020, increasing airlines' demand for new aircraft and parts for current fleets. Boeing and Airbus—and companies that supply them with parts and materials—have faced challenges increasing production to meet demand.

Aviation manufacturers reported shortages of workforce and materials. Some said they were

 offering financial incentives

working with local schools to build interest in aviation careers

increasing oversight of suppliers

adding new suppliers

To adapt to difficulty getting new aircraft and parts, airlines reported reducing the number of flights and working to safely extend the life of some parts.

Graphic showing the parts of an airplane (propulsion system, electrical, avionics--for example).

What GAO Found

Orders for new commercial aircraft have rebounded since they declined in 2020. However, the two main manufacturers of commercial aircraft—Boeing and Airbus—have faced challenges in increasing production of their most popular models—the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320—to meet demand. Steps Boeing and FAA are taking to ensure safety after a January 2024 in-flight failure of a section of the fuselage have also affected Boeing's production levels early in 2024. Additionally, of the 15 companies GAO interviewed that supply components to Boeing and Airbus, nine said that they have likewise had difficulty filling orders with the rebound in demand following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Estimated Number of Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 Aircraft Produced, 2013–2023

Estimated Number of Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 Aircraft Produced, 2013–2023

Manufacturers attributed these production challenges to workforce and material shortages and are working to mitigate them. Fifteen of the 17 manufacturers GAO spoke to said they or their suppliers have had difficulty hiring enough skilled workers to enable them to satisfy the demand for their products. Six manufacturers said that difficulty hiring sufficient workers may be related to difficult or hazardous working conditions that some of these jobs entail, such as the use of toxic chemicals. Some manufacturers reported offering financial incentives and working with local schools to build interest in aviation careers to address their workforce needs. Further, fifteen manufacturers said that they or their suppliers have had difficulty procuring materials needed to complete their orders. Material shortages included a broad range of items, such as engines and semiconductors as well as raw materials like aluminum. To address these material shortages, manufacturers said they have increased monitoring of suppliers and established additional sources for some supplies.

Airlines reported making changes to scheduled flights and developing ways to safely extend the life of some parts, among other actions, due to the difficulty obtaining new aircraft or the parts needed to maintain their current fleet. Seven of the eight airlines GAO spoke with reported delays of new aircraft they had expected to receive in 2023, and all eight airlines said they have had trouble obtaining a broad range of parts needed to maintain their fleets. Parts in short supply included small hardware like nuts and bolts as well as specialized items like cockpit windows and engine components.

Why GAO Did This Study

Aviation manufacturing is a major economic driver in the United States, with the largest trade balance (exports minus imports) among all U.S. manufacturing sectors. A global network of manufacturers and suppliers provides the aircraft and components that airlines in the United States rely on to support their operations. Aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers have faced headwinds in recent years, including steep declines in orders for new aircraft and supply chain disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As airlines respond to the rebound in demand for air travel that began in 2021, aviation manufacturers' ability to provide new aircraft and parts is key to airlines' efforts to maintain and grow their operations.

GAO was asked to examine challenges facing the aviation manufacturing supply chain. This report describes (1) what is known about demand for and production of new aircraft and parts since 2020, (2) factors affecting manufacturers' production of new aircraft and parts and actions to mitigate these factors, and (3) how airlines have been affected by the availability of new aircraft and parts to support their operations.

GAO analyzed data on new aircraft orders and deliveries from Boeing and Airbus along with data on aircraft production from Aviation Week Network for 2013 through 2023. GAO interviewed a non-generalizable sample of 38 stakeholders—including manufacturers and airlines—who were selected to achieve a range of perspectives.

For more information, contact Heather Krause at (202) 512-2834 or [email protected] .

Full Report

Gao contacts.

Heather Krause Managing Director [email protected] (202) 512-2834

Office of Public Affairs

Sarah Kaczmarek Acting Managing Director [email protected] (202) 512-4800

Simple Flying

Explained: the design & manufacturing processes for aircraft fuselages.


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Last week, Simple Flying highlighted the advantages and disadvantages that aircraft manufacturers weigh up when selecting single-aisle or dual-aisle fuselage . The fuselage design is essential in determining the shape of the new aircraft, along with the sizing and locations of other major components.

Having to deal with trade-offs between single-aisle or dual-aisle fuselage design, manufacturers must consider airframe mass, airframe drag, and potential turnaround time for the aircraft . Once the design is selected and finalized, it is time for the fuselage development, prototype build, and mass manufacturing .

Development and Prototyping

The fuselage is the main structural component of the aircraft. With many other parts attached to it, the fuselage must withstand the weight of all components and payload, as well as aerodynamic forces during flight . Structural and control elements are simulated using computational software and tested in wind tunnels before manufacturing.

A partially built Boeing 737 MAX airliner inside the Renton factory.

Design performance is measured to ensure it is within the desired flight constraints and operating parameters. The fuselage prototype is built to establish the manufacturing process and perform tests on the design. A prototype typically goes through a series of structural strength tests before being finalized for mass manufacturing.

Discover more aviation news with Simple Flying.

Fuselage manufacturing

In the past, aluminum sheets were used to build commercial aircraft fuselages. The manufacturing processes started with flat sheets of aluminum that were rolled and chemically milled. The fuselage barrel was drilled and riveted to longitudinal and circumferential stiffening parts. Stiffening panels were riveted at various locations along the length and circumference to enhance the strength of the structure. With the advancement in material technology, design and cost issues with the aluminum design started to surface.

The recurring cost and time to build the fuselage were very high. One reason was that much of the process could not be automated. Moreover, the aluminum structure is more prone to fatigue and corrosion. As such, the time and cost of maintenance became significantly high for the operators. The heavy weight of an aluminum airframe determined the aircraft's range and capability to carry a payload.

Over the course of the last two decades, aircraft manufacturers have been analyzing newer, more-efficient technologies for manufacturing the fuselage. Fiber-metal laminates and graphite-based composites have shown extraordinary strength and lighter weight compared to aluminum airframes. Fiber composites are much lighter, less prone to wear and corrosion, and do not have fatigue problems.

An Airbus A330 being assembled at the factory.

A significant advantage of composite materials is the possibility of producing large cured structures on automated machines. Complete fuselage barrels (longitudinal sections) can be manufactured with minimal time, labor, and cost. One Piece Barrel Technology uses very high automation levels to produce large quantities of fuselage barrels with stable quality and high production rates.

New technology has resulted in fewer joints, fewer pieces, fewer fasteners, and a lower overall weight. Moreover, the assembly time is significantly reduced due to the reduction in overall workflow. As a result, aircraft operators can minimize their operational (fuel per unit of payload) and maintenance (wear) costs.

What are your thoughts on fuselage development and manufacturing? Tell us in the comments section.

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Top 10 largest aircraft manufacturers in the world today

Unidentified Boeing employees continue work building a Boeing 777 jets at its Everett factory, including for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines with a Boeing 787 behind.

In the ever-evolving landscape of aviation, it’s essential to keep abreast of the industry’s key players.  

As we approach the end of 2023, we present a comprehensive list of the current Top 10 largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, predominantly from the civilian sector, plus a few in the military world. The ranking, from 10th to first place, is based on Statista’s data relating to the leading aerospace and defense manufacturers worldwide in 2022, with the criterion being revenue, measured in billions of US dollars. 

We’ll start from the 10th largest manufacturer and work our way up to the top spot.  

10. Daher – 1.3  

  • Country : France  
  • Founded : 1863 
  • Headquarters : Marseille, France 
  • Employees : More than 10,500 
  • Industry : Daher has a long history, initially as a manufacturer of railway equipment and later diversifying into aerospace and defense . They are known for producing a range of general aviation and business aircraft. 
  • Known brands : Daher TBM and Kodiak 
  • Aircraft : TBM series of turboprop aircraft, with over 1,000 units delivered. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

9. Embraer   – 4.5  

  • Country : Brazil  
  • Founded : 1969 
  • Headquarters : São José dos Campos, Brazil 
  • Employees : Around 18,000 
  • Industry : Embraer is a renowned aerospace company, primarily known for manufacturing regional and executive jets.  
  • Known s ubsidiaries : Neiva, Eve Air Mobility, OGMA 
  • Aircraft : A range of commercial and executive jets, including the E-Jet series, Legacy and the Phenom series. More than 8,000 aircraft have been delivered as of time of writing.  

aircraft manufacturing business plan

8. Dassault Aviation  – 5.969  

  • Country : France 
  • Founded : 1929 
  • Headquarters : Paris, France 
  • Employees : Over 12,500 
  • Industry : Dassault is a prominent French aircraft manufacturer known for producing military and business jets.  
  • Aircraft : Various models of the Falcon business jet series and the Rafale fighter aircraft. Over 10,000 aircraft units have been delivered by the company.  

aircraft manufacturing business plan

7. Bombardier – 6.9  

  • Country : Canada  
  • Founded : 1942 
  • Headquarters : Montreal, Canada 
  • Employees : Over 15,500 
  • Industry : Bombardier has a diverse history, starting out with the production of snowmobiles and expanding into various industries, including aerospace, and manufacturing business jets. 
  • Known divisions: Bombardier Aviation 
  • Aircraft : The Challenger , and Global series business jets. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

6. Textron Aviation  – 12.869  

  • Country : United States  
  • Founded : 2014 
  • Headquarters : Wichita, Kansas 
  • Employees : Around 12,000 
  • Industry : Textron Aviation is an American general aviation and business aircraft manufacturer. 
  • Known brands : Beechcraft , Cessna , and Hawker. 
  • Aircraft : A range of aircraft, including the Cessna Citation business jets and Beechcraft King Air turboprops. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

5. Northrop Grumman – 36.6 

  • Country : United States 
  • Founded : 1939 
  • Headquarters : West Falls Church, Virginia 
  • Employees : Around 95,000 
  • Industry : Northrop Grumman is a major American aerospace and defense technology company with a storied history in military aviation and aerospace systems. 
  • Known divisions : Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems. 
  • Aircraft : Military aircraft and systems, including the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber and the Global Hawk unmanned aircraft. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

4. General Dynamics – 39.41 

  • Founded : 1952 
  • Headquarters : Reston, Virginia 
  • Employees : Over 106,000 
  • Industry : General Dynamics is a prominent American aerospace and defense corporation with a diverse portfolio, including military aircraft and combat systems. 
  • Known s ubsidiaries : Gulfstream Aerospace. 
  • Aircraft : Military jets such as F-16 , and F-111, business jets such as Gulfstream G series. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

3. Airbus – 61.79 

  • Country : Netherlands (corporate), France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and China (operational) 
  • Founded : 1970 
  • Headquarters : Netherlands, Leiden 
  • Employees : Over 134,000 
  • Industry : Airbus is one of the world’s largest commercial aircraft manufacturers, known for its iconic airliners that have revolutionized air travel. 
  • Known s ubsidiaries : Airbus Corporate Jets, ATR (a joint venture between Airbus and Leonardo). 
  • Aircraft : A wide range of commercial aircraft, including the A320, A330, A350, and A380 families, as well as military and transport aircraft. Since it commenced operations, . Airbus has produced over 13,500 commercial aircraft.  

aircraft manufacturing business plan

2. Lockheed Martin – 65.98 

  • Founded : 1995 
  • Headquarters: Bethesda, Maryland 
  • Employees : Around 116,000 
  • Industry : Lockheed Martin is a global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technologies company known for its cutting-edge military aircraft. 
  • Known s ubsidiaries : Sikorsky Aircraft (helicopters). 
  • Aircraft : A variety of military aircraft, including the F-35 Lightning II , F-22 Raptor, and C-130 Hercules. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

1. Boeing – 66.61 

  • Founded : 1916 
  • Headquarters : Arlington, Virginia 
  • Employees : More than 140,000 
  • Industry : Boeing is an American aerospace company that has made a profound impact on commercial and military aviation worldwide. 
  • Known divisions : Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Boeing Defense, Space & Security. 
  • Aircraft : Commercial airliners such as the Boeing 737 , 747, 777 and 787, as well as military aircraft like the F/A-18 Super Hornet and the KC-46 Pegasus tanker. 

aircraft manufacturing business plan

To sum up: Top 10 largest aircraft manufacturers in the world in 2023 

10 Daher 1.3 10,500 
Embraer 4.5 18,000 
Dassault 5.969 12,500 
Bombardier 6.9 15,500 
Textron Aviation 12.869 12,000 
Northrop Grumman 36.6 95,000 
General Dynamics 39.41 106,000 
Airbus 61.79 134,000 
Lockheed Martin 65.98 116,000 
Boeing 66.61 140,000 

Cessna 172 is landing. Small airplane in the sky, student is learning how to land on the ground.

Top 10 most produced aircraft in aviation history 

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15 biggest airplane manufacturing companies in the world.

In this piece, we will take a look at the 15 biggest airplane manufacturing companies in the world. For more companies, head on over to 5 Biggest Airplane Manufacturing Companies in the World .

When it comes to high technology, the aircraft industry ranks right at the top of the food chain, alongside semiconductor fabrication and astronautics. The modern day jet aircraft - whether civilian or military - has hundreds of thousands of parts which are often shipped from all over the world for final assembly into the beast that takes to the skies.

Naturally, this amount of complexity makes for high barriers to entry into the industry and leaves only a handful of firms that are able to make and sell airplanes. Due to their size, jets also take months to assemble and end up costing millions of dollars. This high cost also makes the aircraft manufacturing industry one of the most lucrative in the world - and one which sees little threat from new entrants. For instance, a research report from Polaris Market Research outlines that the aircraft manufacturing market was worth $413 billion in 2021 and that it will grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% between then and 2030 to be worth an estimated $626 billion by the end of the forecast period.

As is the case with nearly every high tech industry, perhaps except semiconductors, Polaris Market Research also highlights that North America was the largest aircraft manufacturing market in 2021 with a large demand for next generation airplanes fueling the growth. However, despite being the largest, North America will not be the fastest growing sector, as this title will go to Asia Pacific which is fueled by the growing populations of India and China spurring demand and increasing the need for planes to fly people around.

The aircraft industry is also evolving, with new manufacturing and computing technologies providing companies the opportunity to improve their operations. One interesting innovation that has made its way to the manufacturing line is the use of smart glasses. These are eyewear that comes equipped with digital displays and provides the assembly technician useful inputs throughout their activities. For instance, The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA ), which is one of the world's largest aircraft manufacturers, has found that using these wearables in its wire harness assembly has enabled it to reduce production time by a massive 25% . Boeing is not the only one that uses smart glasses in the aircraft supply chain. One of the world's most advanced jet engine manufacturers, General Electric Company (NYSE:GE), has been researching their use since 2017 and found that not only did the mechanics who are responsible for tightening nuts on fuel lines see their productivity improve by 8% due to smart glasses but that 85% of those surveyed said that they reduced errors and 60% preferred using the wearables.

Another trend in the industry is the push towards sustainable aviation fuels since air travel is among the leading sources of carbon dioxide emissions. On this front, Boeing announced in February 2023 that it plans to procure 5.6 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel for its 2023 flight operations, more than doubling last year's procurement and accounting for a quarter of the aerospace giant's total fuel needs. Not to be left behind, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is looking at the future as it is designing aircraft that reduce fuel use through their airframe. NASA's Sustainable Flight Demonstrator project aims to invest $425 million with Boeing over seven years as part of the White House's Climate Action Plan.

At the same time, demand for conventional aviation is also booming, with Boeing's chief executive officer (CEO) Mr. Matt Welch sharing an update during the firm's fourth quarter of 2022 earnings call held in January 2023. Mr. Welch sounded optimistic about his company's future, sharing that demand was strong across Boeing's portfolio, as he explained that:

On the order front and on the market side, we continue to see very strong demand across the portfolio. More than 800 net orders on the year, driven by the 737 MAX and the 787, highlighted most recently by the very historic deal with UAL, United Airlines in December. In 2022, we sold 200-plus net wide bodies. That’s the most since 2018. More broadly, the 737 MAX team has made tremendous progress. Fleet is performing exceptionally well. Production is stabilizing, demand is strong. We delivered 1,000-plus 737 MAXs in total now. And since our return to service, the fleet has surpassed 3 million flight hours. It’s safe and it’s the most reliable of the airplane fleets. Production, we’ve all gone from 0 to 31 a month and we’re prioritizing stability, which we have not yet achieved, but we’re on a steady course to do so. And orders, more than 1,500 gross orders to date. 737 MAX returning to service in China is another indication of this overall improvement in our business. This month, of course, we all know that, that occurred. We have more airplanes on the Tarmac in China to bring back into service just as we did here in the U.S. before we began any deliveries of any sort.

The Boeing chief also shared the cheer flowing through his as NASA launched the SLS rocket (built by Boeing) to the Moon last year, and stated:

Our SLS launch. This was an enormous emotional upper for our company and for our team broadly. The Artemis 1 launch in November, which was powered by the SLS rocket was more than a little inspiring.

Today, we'll look at some of the biggest aircraft manufacturing companies in the world. One of these, unsurprisingly, is Boeing, while the others include Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT ) and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

Our Methodology

As a starting point for our list, we first listed all publicly traded companies that make planes and selected them through market capitalization. Then, private or state-owned firms were added to the mix, and the resulting curation was ranked through the latest revenue statistics available. However, some firms that are major players but whose revenue isn't available are also included.

15. Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: N/A

The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd., commonly known as Comac, is a Chinese state owned aircraft manufacturing company. It had delivered 101 single aisle. dual engine aircraft as of March 2022 and is designing a double aisle aircraft that it aims to deliver by 2026. Comac's first aircraft took to the skies in 2007.

Along with Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT), The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA), and Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. is one of the biggest airplane makers in the world.

14. Embraer S.A. (NYSE:ERJ)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $730 million (1BRL = 0.19USD)

Embraer S.A. (NYSE:ERJ) is a Brazilian company that is headquartered in Sao Paulo. It primarily makes and sells small aircraft that can carry between 66 to 146 passengers. In total, the firm has seven different civilian commercial aircraft with active production lines. Embraer S.A. (NYSE:ERJ) also makes and sells military and private jets, and is known for its role in making the renowned JAS 39 Gripen fighter.

13. Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. (KRX:047810.KS)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $2 billion (1KRW = 0.00076USD)

Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. (KRX:047810.KS) is a South Korean company that is made up of the former aerospace divisions of some of the country's largest chaebols. Currently, the firm produces supersonic trainer aircraft, turboprop training aircraft, and piston engine trainers. It is also licensed to upgrade Boeing's 737, has been involved in F-16 production, and is designing a multi role, stealth, and supersonic fighter jet.

12. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (NSE:HAL.NS)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $3 billion (1INR = 0.012USD)

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (NSE:HAL.NS) is an Indian state owned aircraft company. The firm makes all kinds of aircraft, ranging from fighter jets, to trainers, and passenger jets. One of its trainers has been flying for three decades, and the firm expects its first regional airliner to be in service by 2026.

11. Public Joint Stock Company United Aircraft Corporation (MCX:UNAC.ME)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $5.93 billion (1INR = 0.013USD)

Public Joint Stock Company United Aircraft Corporation (MCX:UNAC.ME) is a Russian publicly traded company that is one of the most advanced airplane manufacturers in the world. The firm makes the Tupolev, Illyushin, and Superjet lines of civilian and cargo aircraft alongside its well known Sukhoi line of fighter jets.

10. Bombardier Inc. (TSX:BBD-B.TO)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $6.9 billion

Bombardier Inc. (TSX:BBD-B.TO) is a Canadian business jet company that is headquartered in Montreal. The firm has three jet lineups in its fleet and it also makes a helicopter. It also offers aftermarket parts and services for its products

9. Dassault Aviation Société anonyme (EPA:AM.PA)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $7.6 billion (1EUR = 1.06USD)

Dassault Aviation Société anonyme (EPA:AM.PA) is a French aircraft company that makes and sells business and fighter jet aircraft. Its Falcon family of business jets have almost a dozen models, and the fighter jet arm is known for the highly reliable and popular Mirage aircraft as well as the Rafale - one of the few fifth generation fighter aircraft in the world.

8. Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT )

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $12.8 billion

Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) is the parent company of Textron Aviation, which is one of the biggest small aircraft manufacturers in the world. Textron Aviation has been making planes for decades and has built more than two hundred thousand to date.

Insider Monkey's Q4 2022 survey of 943 hedge funds revealed that 36 had bought Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT)'s shares. Out of these, Israel Englander's Millennium Management is Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT)'s largest investor with a $157 million stake that comes via 2.2 million shares.

7. Leonardo S.p.a. (BIT:LDO.MI)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $15.32 billion (1EUR = 1.06USD)

Leonardo S.p.a. (BIT:LDO.MI) is an Italian aviation and aerospace company. The firm builds the Eurofighter Typhoon - Europe's backbone fighter jet - in partnership with Airbus and BAE Systems as well as the ATR turboprop regional propeller aircraft.

6. Safran SA (EPA:SAF.PA)

Latest Available 12 Month Revenue: $20.64 billion (1EUR = 1.06USD)

Safran SA (EPA:SAF.PA) is a French firm that forms a crucial part of the aircraft supply chain. The firm makes and sells critical airplane components such as landing gears, wheels, engine nacelles (pods or covers), avionics, wiring, fluid management systems, software, and most important of all, engines.

Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT), Safran SA (EPA:SAF.PA), The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA), and Aviation Industry Corporation of China are some of the biggest airplane manufacturers in the world.

Click to continue reading and see 5 Biggest Airplane Manufacturing Companies in the World .

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Disclosure: None.  15 Biggest Airplane Manufacturing Companies in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

aircraft manufacturing business plan

Manufacturing Business Plan – Detailed Example & Template

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Use this manufacturing business plan as your template to start and grow your manufacturing company. This business plan for a manufacturing company includes market analysis, strategy, and more.

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Table of Contents

Manufacturing Business Plan

1.0 executive summary, 1.1 company.

Titus Mold Manufacturing, Inc. designs prototypes and molds, which are used by production manufacturers to fabricate consumer products. We are a start-up company that developed and patented revolutionary design software called Virtual Design Center. Our initial plan is to create a precision manufacturing facility to produce prototypes and molds for clients. Our goal is to provide our customers with fast turnaround, exceptional quality, unparalleled customer service, and competitive pricing.


We design and manufacture prototypes and molds. By utilizing Virtual Design Center, we will work in real-time with our customers to meet their design needs, which will reduce errors and detect design flaws early in the process. In turn, this will save the customer time and money. We plan to position ourselves as a forward-thinking company that continually invests in new ideas and technologies – unlike our competitors, which are similar mold manufacturing facilities. Because of our unique software, sophisticated technology and efficient processes, we will be in a position to potentially compete on price and quality. As this manufacturing business plan will outline, our unique Virtual Design Center gives us a definitive advantage.


The U.S. manufacturing industry makes up a substantial portion of the GDP, and the mold-manufacturing sector generates sales of more than $5 billion. Manufacturing drives the U.S. economy more than any other industry. Within that enormous industry, we have identified two strong markets with very high growth potential – automotive parts and medical devices manufacturing. As new car companies respond to shifting consumer demands for more fuel-efficient cars, and as the medical community develops new technologies, the need for new parts, designs and molds grows.


To achieve our business goals, we will create a high-tech, precision manufacturing facility and will implement highly efficient operations processes. We plan to promote Titus Mold Manufacturing and our proprietary Virtual Design Software with an aggressive, targeted marketing campaign. This will include a media campaign, print and online advertising and a targeted direct-mail campaign. In addition, we will focus heavily on establishing our presence within the industry at relevant trade shows.


Our leadership team currently consists of Chief Executive Officer John Baker, President Michael Smith, and Vice President Susan Jones. Additional key leaders will include directors of finance, marketing and sales, human resources, information technology and operations. While these positions remain unfilled at this time, we do have several extremely qualified candidates interested in joining with us in this new venture.


Our Company will earn revenue from the sale of design services and manufactured molds. The attached Income Statement demonstrates that our gross profit margin will exceed 72%, and we will achieve break-even with sales of $XXX,XXX. We expect to reach profitability by the middle of Year 2.


Titus Mold Manufacturing, Inc. requires $4,450,000 to launch. At present, we have raised $150,000 in venture capital funds. In addition, co-owners John Baker, Michael Smith and Susan Jones have each invested $100,000 into the company. We are currently seeking funds from outside investors and business loans.

The start-up funds will be used to cover the facility, build-out costs, equipment, software and initial operating costs including payroll, taxes, and utilities.


2.1 company & industry.

Titus Mold Manufacturing, Inc. is located in Molder, Missouri. Our company designs and manufactures prototypes and molds for use in casting metals or forming other materials, such as plastics, glass or rubber. Our business operates within the manufacturing industry and is classified under NAICS code 333511 – industrial mold manufacturing.


Titus Mold Manufacturing is an S-Corporation that was formally organized in Missouri. The company’s principal owners are John Baker, Michael Smith and Susan Jones, who hold equal shares of ownership in the company.


Our company is a new business that will create prototypes and quality molds, utilizing the latest design software, e-commerce technology, high tech machinery and innovative operations processes. As the company’s founders and owners, we have a combined 40 years of experience in software development and the manufacturing industry. Our experience includes product research and development, engineering and production management. After recognizing the need for and value of creating a more efficient customer experience to secure and retain business, we decided to create Titus Mold Manufacturing, Inc.


Our company is preparing to lease a manufacturing facility in Molder, Missouri. We are presently operating out of temporary administrative offices at the Barton Business Incubation Center.

We are working with a local realtor and BBIC to identify potential industrial space available for lease. We require a 10-12,000 sq. ft. facility to accommodate product development and engineering, a mold shop, a tool shop, quality assurance area, inventory storage and administrative offices. As the business grows, we intend to add injection-molding capabilities.


Titus Mold Manufacturing holds a patent for its revolutionary Virtual Design Center (VDC). The VDC combines the best of virtual and in-person presentations and meetings, allowing customers to work in real-time with our design engineers. This allows us to serve clients nationwide.


3.1 description.

Titus Mold Manufacturing, Inc. will make prototypes and molds for the manufacturing of consumer products. A mold, which is usually made from aluminum or steel, is a hollow form that gives a particular shape to a product while it is in a liquid state. The molds are used for products made from plastic, glass, metal or other raw materials.

There are three main phases to manufacturing a prototype or mold. First, engineers and product developers create a design. Titus Mold Manufacturing is able to complete a design from start to finish for a customer. If need be, Titus will work with the customer through the design process via our one of a kind Virtual Design Center. Secondly, we make test molds. We then inspect and test the molds for quality assurance. Finally, we manufacture prototypes and molds based on specific design specifications, using precision machinery to form the desired prototype or mold.


Virtual Design Center will be the key to distinguishing and drawing attention to our company. Once we have a particular industry or customer’s attention, we will sell them on our fast turnaround, exceptional quality, unparalleled customer service and competitive pricing.

Obviously, speed, quality, service and price are qualities most of our competitors will list in their mission statement. However, Titus Mold Manufacturing will – from the beginning – invest in top quality, highly sophisticated machinery as well as implement innovative operations policies. These steps will ensure our ability to deliver beyond normal industry standard and surpass our customers’ expectations saving them time and money.


Our competitors are companies that provide similar types of design and mold-making services. There are far too many competitors to list specifically in this manufacturing business plan. To their advantage, they have an established customer base. Further, many mold-making companies also have injection-molding machinery, which enables them to manufacture actual products.

However, the vast majority of our competitors are not taking full advantage of current technology, nor are they implementing modern operational systems. Their waste is ultimately passed along to the customer via longer turnaround times and higher overhead costs .


By relying on our technology and an activity-based costing system, rather than a time-based system, we will be able to maintain competitive prices and sustain high profitability. Our technology and systematic efficiencies will allow us to have advantages in cost, speed and design capability. Ultimately, these advantages will quickly come to define Titus Mold Manufacturing as an industry leader.

Our Virtual Design Center technology gives us a significant advantage over our competitors, and our patent prevents others from being able to replicate the services we offer.


As our company grows, we plan to expand our facility and create an injection-mold manufacturing plant. At that point, we will be able to control all operations in-house from initial design to mold creation and even mass production of the finished products. In addition, we will stay atop technology trends and upgrade equipment and processes as needed and can be afforded. We will also continue to research and pursue shares of existing markets such as packing, defense, electronics and telecommunications and update portions of this manufacturing business plan accordingly.


4.1 market size.

The US manufacturing sector includes more than 300,000 companies with combined annual sales of about $4 trillion. Furthermore there are approximately 2,500 mold manufacturers with combined annual sales of more than $5 billion. To capture a portion of those sales, Titus Mold Manufacturing will utilize a targeted industry approach to pursue specific, definable, market segments.


After extensive research, we decided to initially pursue market segments in the automotive and medical devices industries. These are two very distinct markets with very different needs. While the automotive industry’s purchasing decisions are driven primarily by price, the medical device industry focuses on a fast turnaround time and quality to make purchasing decisions.

The U.S. automobile manufacturing industry includes about 160 companies with combined annual revenue of about $250 billion. While the majority of those sales are swallowed up by a handful of major car manufacturers, there are thousands upon thousands of parts needing to be manufactured for each vehicle. By specializing in manufacturing molds for certain parts, we will establish our niche in the market. Our research indicates this is a perfect time to assimilate into this industry as carmakers make dramatic shifts in design and efficiency to address rising fuel costs.

The medical devices industry is by far one of the most forward-thinking, always-evolving industries. Researchers and product developers are continually striving to improve products and procedures. With this constant change and product evolution comes the constant need for new product molds. Couple the advances in medical technology with an increasingly aging population, and it’s clear the healthcare industry as a whole is a solid market and mold manufacturers will reap the benefits.


The SWOT analysis for this manufacturing business plan is as follows:

  • Propriety software (Virtual Design Center)
  • Potential for global customer base
  • Manufacturing & production expertise
  • Software development expertise
  • Understanding of emerging technologies
  • Understanding of target markets
  • Competitive product pricing
  • Exceptional quality and customer service
  • Implementation of cost saving processes
  • No company history
  • Small initial customer base
  • Lack of leverage with new relationships


  • New products & processes
  • Bringing new technology into the industry
  • Developing a new reputation
  • Hiring new talent
  • New innovations and applications of our technology
  • Impact of new legislation
  • Technologies developed by competitors
  • Challenges in building a talented staff
  • Retaining key staff members
  • Market demand fluctuations


5.1 philosophy.

Titus Mold Manufacturing’s business philosophy is to make the needs of our customers our main priority. It is our mission to provide our customers with fast turnaround, exceptional quality, unparalleled customer satisfaction and competitive pricing. With the introduction of our patented Virtual Design Center program and the unveiling of our modern design and manufacturing facility, we will position Titus Mold Manufacturing as a superbly innovative company and a future industry leader.

To achieve this position, we will implement our company’s plan to create a state-of-the-art mold-manufacturing facility and invest in the most accurate precision machinery available. We will implement the most comprehensive design software and set the highest standards of operational systems and quality control.


Our plan is to position Titus Mold Manufacturing as a technology-driven innovative company within the mold-manufacturing sector of the manufacturing industry. To do this, we are putting forth a great amount of time and resources into developing a premiere Web site. We are working with a design firm and have secured a domain name – We have already initiated the process of integrating our Virtual Design Center into the site.

In addition to describing our manufacturing processes and design capabilities, we will feature numerous success stories and images of prototypes and molds we have produced. Our site will also include a simple online form to complete for custom quotes as well as a generic form to submit questions and comments.

Our vision is to create a Web site that will become an integral part of our marketing, sales and daily operations. We will use Wix to set up our site. This tool has all of the features we need, including the ability to create and edit the site very quickly. It also has ecommerce and other capabilities. Using Wix will also enable us to save money since we can create the site ourselves and will not have to hire a web designer.


seo for manufacturers

In addition to conveying to our potential customers the fast turnaround, exceptional quality, unparalleled customer service and competitive pricing offered by Titus Mold Manufacturing, we will also position our company as future-minded and a leader in the integration of innovative technology into the mold manufacturing process.

Our marketing plan will include an initial publicity campaign that introduces our company and patented Virtual Design Center. Further, we will launch a comprehensive advertising campaign in automotive manufacturing and medical devise trade publications and related Web sites. The publicity campaign will be closely followed by a direct-mail campaign to targeted customers.

The other main component of our marketing plan will be to attend trade shows which will require booth construction and maintenance, marketing materials such as brochures, and promotional items such as pens with our logo.

To increase local awareness of our company and to foster a positive public perception, we will participate in and sponsor local charity events such as Walk for the Cure and March of Dimes and youth sports teams. We will also reach out to local high schools and colleges to offer internships and promote careers in manufacturing.


Titus Mold Manufacturing will build a sales team focused on securing new business in the short and long term. The sales team will be motivated by commissions and performance-based bonuses.

Under the direction of executive management, we will employ an outside sales staff as well as an inside sales staff, which will be cross-trained to handle general customer service calls. The outside sales staff will focus primarily on trade show attendance, comprehensive follow up, relationship building, closing deals, and securing referrals.


We plan to develop strategic alliances with local and regional injection-molding manufacturing facilities that do not have mold-making capabilities within their facilities. One such alliance has been developed with Hilden Manufacturing Company located within our region. More are developing.


Our facility’s space will be divided in proportion to our needs and will include product development and engineering labs, mold shop, tool shop, quality control and testing area, inventory storage and administrative offices. Each area will be staffed with trained employees and wherever possible factory-floor technicians will be cross-trained. Our administrative offices will include space for executive, marketing and sales, accounting, information technology, security, maintenance, and human resource departments. To become a fully operational mold-manufacturing facility, we will require the following machinery and software.

  • Viper, SLA 7000 & SLA 5000
  • Eden260, Eden333 & Eden500V
  • Vantage, Titan & Maxum
  • RTV Tooling

By utilizing the latest precision machinery and software and superior operational and quality control processes such as LEAN Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, and Six Sigma , Titus Mold Manufacturing will control costs while ensuring quality. Additionally, once we are operational, our company will become ISO 9001-2000 certified. Titus will also follow FDA requirements and comply with Medical Directive standards to further ensure quality control.

Operationally, our strengths lie in our knowledge and expertise within the manufacturing industry. We know what fixed assets we require and what regulations we must adhere to. However, while we cannot know for certain the quality of our managerial team at this point, we expect to hire and implement a top notch team. As previously mentioned, we have several promising prospects and will, of course, strive to recruit top talent.

The following is a list of business goals and milestones we wish to accomplish within the next three years.

  • Secure necessary funds.
  • Locate and lease suitable manufacturing facility.
  • Purchase machinery, equipment and supplies.
  • Hire skilled employees to complete our team.
  • Set up shop and open for business.
  • Successfully penetrate targeted markets.
  • Secure contracts to achieve projected sales goals.
  • Become a profitable company.
  • Establish a solid reputation as an industry leader.

Our first major milestones will be securing funds and setting up our business. This is our primary focus right now. In three years, we hope to have established our company in the community and within our industry.


Should management or our investors seek a business exit, there are several options we would be willing to pursue. Our company could most likely be sold to a manufacturing company that does not already have mold manufacturing capabilities. A management buyout could also be pursued once our business credit is firmly established.


6.1 organizational structure.

Titus Mold Manufacturing understands the importance of a loyal and enthusiastic team to reduce turnover and increase productivity. Our company’s management philosophy will encourage responsibility and mutual respect. While we will present a strong decisive management team, we will also foster an atmosphere of genuine employee appreciation and open communication.


Our company will be managed and run by our executive staff including Chief Executive Officer John Baker, President Michael Smith, and Vice President Susan Jones, as well as our Board of Directors. Our management staff of directors and supervisors will oversee daily operations. However, as a small manufacturing facility starting out, the CEO, President and VP will be responsible for the majority of purchasing, hiring, training, quality control, and additional day-to-day duties.

Additional key leaders will include directors of finance, marketing and sales, human resources, information technology and operations. While these positions remain unfilled at this time, we do have several extremely qualified candidates interested in joining with us in this new venture.

As we start our mold manufacturing business, we will implement a plan to hire management and production staff first and fill in with mid-level management and administrative staff as our budget and needs change.


Our Board of Directors is not yet fully formed. CEO John Baker will serve as Chairman. The board will consist of company owners (shareholders), officers and directors.

Duties of the Board of Directors may include:

  • Establishing broad company policies and objectives.
  • Selecting, appointing, and reviewing the performance of executive staff.
  • Insuring the availability of adequate financial resources and approving annual budgets.
  • Accounting to the stakeholders for the organization’s performance

We will actively seek individuals to sit on our Board of Directors who will have the ability to add to and advise our organization such as lawyers, accountants, and professionals in the automotive or medical fields.


7.1 requirements.

Titus Mold Manufacturing, Inc. requires $4,450,000 to launch and operate. We are currently seeking funding from outside investors and business loans. We are also looking into additional options including supplier financing, deferred rent, subleasing space, partnerships, vending and client advance payment.

At this time, we have raised $450,000 in working capital and are seeking the additional funds to start our business. We have raised $150,000 in venture capital funds. In addition, co-owners John Baker, Michael Smith and Susan Jones have each invested $100,000 into the company.


The start-up funds will be used to cover operating costs including payroll, taxes, and utilities. Start-up funds will also be used to purchase capital expenditures such as leasehold improvements, software and machinery, which will produce future benefits for the company. Approximately forty percent will be spent on assets, while the other sixty percent will be spent on operations until we realize profitability.


The accompanying income statement demonstrates our company’s profitability. Our income shows a gross profit margin of seventy-two percent. Our monthly operating expenses average $116,325. Projected net income will average $54,075 per month in our third year.

After completing a comprehensive break-even analysis, we will achieve our break-even point by the middle of year two.


The nature of our business requires that our company collect payment after the product is complete. So we have included the accompanying cash flow statement, which projects our monthly flow of cash. While we expect to reach break-even by our eighteenth month, it will take nearly two years to become cash flow positive.


Our balance sheet will depend greatly on our sources of capital. We expect to raise approximately $1.5 million through loans and $2.95 million through equity capital.

Our assets will be comprised of cash, leasehold improvements, equipment, software and other tangible assets.


Our projections are based on the assumption that the manufacturing industry, particularly the medical and automotive industries, will continue to follow present trends. Industry regulation and government legislation is always poised to interfere with business projections, but there are no indications at this time to expect any negative influence to our projections. Additionally, we are not relying on new regulations or the passage of new legislation to enable our company to reach our projected numbers.

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It's a 'travesty' Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is still in his job, says U.S. senator during heated hearing

Calhoun, who said he would step down by end of year, grilled over safety issues.

A man wearing a suit is shown turning around in his seat. His colleague is shown behind him.

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U.S. lawmakers pressed Boeing's chief executive Tuesday about the company's latest plan to fix its manufacturing problems, and relatives of people who died in two crashes of Boeing 737 Max jetliners were in the room to remind him of what was at stake. 

CEO David Calhoun appeared before the Senate investigations subcommittee, which is chaired by Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, a Boeing critic.

Blumenthal opened the hearing by recognizing the relatives of the crash victims and the family of a Boeing whistleblower who died by suicide earlier this year.

"This hearing is a moment of reckoning," the senator said. "It's about a company, a once-iconic company, that somehow lost its way." 

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Calhoun's appearance before Congress was the first by a high-ranking Boeing official since a panel blew out of a 737 Max during an Alaska Airlines flight in January. No one was seriously injured in the incident, but it raised fresh concerns about the company's best-selling commercial aircraft. 

Calhoun sat at the witness table and fidgeted with his eyeglasses as Blumenthal spoke. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., thanked the CEO for coming to face "tough questions."

aircraft manufacturing business plan

Boeing CEO apologizes to families of plane crash victims

Before giving his prepared opening statement, Calhoun stood and faced the people in the audience holding poster-sized photos of some of the 346 people who died in the 2018 and 2019 crashes. 

"I apologize for the grief that we have caused," he said.

'You're cutting corners,' senator tells CEO

Senators asked Calhoun if Boeing retaliated against employees who reported concerns, to which he didn't respond directly. They also asked if he had ever spoken directly with any whistleblowers, and he replied that he hadn't, but said he would.

The toughest line of inquiry came from Sen. Josh Hawley, a Republican from MIssouri, who repeatedly asked Calhoun about what he did to deserve the size of his salary. Calhoun, who has said he plans to retire at the end of the year, earned $32.8 million US in compensation last year.

"You're focused on exactly what you were hired to do, which is that you're cutting corners. You are eliminating safety procedures. You are sticking it to your employees. You are cutting back jobs because you're trying to squeeze every piece of profit you can out of this company," Hawley said, his voice rising.

"You're strip-mining it. You're strip-mining Boeing."

A close-up of a man as he speaks and points.

Asked by Hawley why he had not resigned, Calhoun answered, "Senator, I'm sticking this through. I'm proud of having taken the job. I'm proud of our safety record. And I am very proud of our Boeing people."

Hawley interrupted: "You're proud of the safety record?" he asked with incredulity.

Calhoun responded, "I am proud of every action we've taken."

Hawley shot back, "Frankly sir, I think it's a travesty that you're still in your job."

Potentially defective parts built into jets, claimed whistleblower

Hours before he was set to appear, the Senate panel released a 204-page report with new allegations from a whistleblower who said he worries that "non-conforming" parts — ones that could be defective or aren't properly documented — are going into 737 Max jets. 

Sam Mohawk, a quality assurance investigator at the 737 assembly plant near Seattle, claims Boeing hid evidence of the situation after the Federal Aviation Administration informed the company a year ago that it would inspect the plant.

"Once Boeing received such a notice, it ordered the majority of the [non-conforming] parts that were being stored outside to be moved to another location," Mohawk said, according to the report. "Approximately 80 per cent of the parts were moved to avoid the watchful eyes of the FAA inspectors."

aircraft manufacturing business plan

Boeing CEO to step down at end of year after 737 Max mid-air blowout

The parts were later moved back or lost, Mohawk said. They included rudders, wing flaps and tail fins — all crucial in controlling a plane.

Boeing is "no longer what it used to be years ago," said aviation safety consultant Robert Ditchey in an interview with CBC News ahead of Calhoun's testimony.

"They don't manufacture very much anymore, they just assemble," said Ditchey. "So they they contracted that stuff out, which means in its essence, Boeing doesn't have control over it. They can't."

He said that the solution to Boeing's problems is "major surgery" — hiring executives with a background in engineering and who understand how airplanes are built.

"Boeing used to be led by engineers who knew and understood airplanes. They knew how to make airplanes. The CEO knew how to make an airplane years ago. Today, they have no idea," he said.

aircraft manufacturing business plan

Families of Boeing crash victims demand more than an apology

Boeing reviewing the claims.

A Boeing spokesperson said the company got the subcommittee report late Monday night and was reviewing the claims.

"We continuously encourage employees to report all concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public," the spokesperson said.

The FAA said it would "thoroughly investigate" claims raised in the Senate report.

aircraft manufacturing business plan

The Senate subcommittee said that newly uncovered documents and whistleblower accounts "paint a troubling picture of a company that prioritizes speed of manufacturing and cutting costs over ensuring the quality and safety of aircraft."

The 737 Max has a troubled history. The Justice Department is considering whether to prosecute Boeing for violating terms of a settlement it reached with the company over allegations it misled regulators who approved the plane.

Max jets crashed in 2018 in Indonesia and 2019 in Ethiopia. The FAA subsequently grounded the aircraft for more than a year and a half.

Mohawk told the Senate subcommittee that the number of unacceptable parts has exploded since production of the Max resumed following the crashes.

He said the increase led supervisors to tell him and other workers to "cancel" records that indicated the parts were not suitable to be installed on planes.

With files from CBC's Anis Heydari and Laura MacNaughton

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