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Universität Bern

Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Titleimage: Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

More than 20 leading scientists lecture and research at our department. We offer a modern curriculum within the Bachelor and Master programs "Chemistry and Molecular Sciences", "Biochemistry and Molecular Life Science" and "Pharmaceutical Sciences". As a further step we offer an attractive and versatile PhD program in Chemistry and Biochemistry. 

Furthermore, there are up to four apprenticeship positions as "Laborantinnen" or "Laboranten EFZ / Fachrichtung Chemie"  to be filled per year at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Please follow the link for an overview of the department:

News & Events

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All Upcoming Seminars at the DCBP

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The DCBP now communicates also on LinkedIn. Follow us!

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The dynamic and vibrant virtual community in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy at the University of Bern: www.pharmabern.ch

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BioChemistry on Saturday 2024

Program of the "BioChemistry on Saturday" lecture series

phd pharmacy switzerland

Material of the Month October 2024

A new Global Database of Speleothem Paleoenvironmental Information (SISALv3)

phd pharmacy switzerland


Event Series Fall 2024 Upcoming Events Flyer

phd pharmacy switzerland

First Year Graduate Student Symposium 2024

Congratulations to the winners of the "Best Presentation Award": Vasiliki Valsamidou (Katayev group) Maximilian Horn (Banerji group)

phd pharmacy switzerland

Measurement of the Month September 2024

Cell-Free Translation to Decouple SARS-Cov-2 Nsp1 Functions

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month August 2024

Mechanochemistry Facilitates Nitrative Difunctionalization via Radical Ligand Transfer and Electron Catalysis

phd pharmacy switzerland

Material of the Month July 2024

Scintillation and Optical Characterization of CsCu 2 I 3 Single Crystals

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month June 2024

Unlocking the Metalation Applications of Superbasic Fe and Co(II) bis(amides)

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month May 2024

From Inorganic to Biological Structures of Arsenic

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month April 2024


phd pharmacy switzerland

Material of the Month March 2024

Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Pyrene-DNA Conjugates into Columnar Vesicles

phd pharmacy switzerland

Method of the Month February 2024

A Versatile APT Experiment for Routine 13 C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month January 2024

Discovery of Antibacterial Manganese Tricarbonyl Complexes

phd pharmacy switzerland

PhD Theses Awards

Congratulations to Aline Carrel, Lukas Gurzeler, Corinne von Känel

phd pharmacy switzerland

Material of the Month December 2023

The Impact of Order and Disorder in the Doping of Semiconducting Polymers

phd pharmacy switzerland

10 million euros for the search for new electrocatalysts

An international group of researchers with participation from the University of Bern is using new concepts to search for efficient and durable electrocatalysts for the energy transition. They are being funded by the European Research Council (ERC) with 10 million euros.

phd pharmacy switzerland

A gel against intestinal inflammation

Researchers at the University of Bern have developed a gel that could be used to treat chronic intestinal inflammation more specifically and with fewer side effects.

phd pharmacy switzerland

Material of the Month November 2023

The More the Better: Formation of Single Phase High Entropy Alloys

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month October 2023

NADH-Type Hydrogen Storage and Release on an Iridium PYE Complex

phd pharmacy switzerland

First Year Graduate Student Symposium 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the "Best Presentation Award": Luca Vedani (Hevia group) Jérémie Reusser (Reymond group) Divyansh Gautam (Arenz group)

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecule of the Month September 2023

Protein Engineering Allows Efficient Light-Driven ATP Synthesis

phd pharmacy switzerland

Dem Fachkräftemangel in Pharmazie entgegenwirken

Seit 2020 bietet die Universität Bern ein schweizweit einzigartiges, bifakuItäres Vollstudium in Pharmazie an. Der Studiengang betont die Pharmazie als Brücke zwischen Naturwissenschaften und Medizin und trägt dazu bei, den Mangel an Apothekerinnen und Apothekern in der Schweiz zu bekämpfen. Im Herbst 2022 schloss der erste Jahrgang das Pharmazie-Studium erfolgreich ab.

phd pharmacy switzerland

Wertvolle Impulse für die Chancengleichheit

Die Universität Bern vergab dieses Jahr den Chancengleichheitspreis «Prix Lux» an den Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkt «RNA & Disease» – für neue Ansätze zur Unterstützung junger Mütter und Väter, die der Fortführung ihrer Karriere dienen.

phd pharmacy switzerland

Successful Sinergia Application

The Sinergia Grant Application “Exploring New Building Blocks for Molecular Electronics: Charged and Excited States of Molecules on Surfaces” with PD Dr. Shi-Xia Liu as one of the PIs has been approved by the SNSF. The project will involve a collaboration between EPFL, UniBasel and UniBern (DCBP & IAP).

phd pharmacy switzerland

Molecules of the Month December 2022

Crowd-Sourced Metal Complexes as Antifungals

phd pharmacy switzerland

Welcome to Prof. Dmitry Katayev!

Since October 1st, 2022, he officially is Assistant Professor with Tenure Track in Organic Chemistry at the DCBP.

phd pharmacy switzerland

BRIDGE grant awarded to David Roura Padrosa

The researcher from the DCBP received the BRIDGE Proof of Concept grant for his research in the field of enzyme immobilization.

phd pharmacy switzerland

First Year Graduate Student Symposium 2022

Congratulations to the winners of the "Best Presentation Award": Kovida Sharma (Šolomek group) David Anderson (Hevia group) Alain Rieder (Broekmann group)

phd pharmacy switzerland

Creation of a detailed "catalogue" of degradation products in cells

Cells have their own quality control to prevent the production and accumulation of harmful proteins. This quality control is essential for correct embryonic development in all mammals and plays an important role in tumors and genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis. A group of researchers from the University of Bern and the University of Basel have now made visible and cataloged for the first time, "blueprints" that give rise to defective proteins and are normally recognized and rapidly degraded in cells. This leads to a better understanding of this degradation mechanism and helps in the development of new therapeutic approaches.

phd pharmacy switzerland

Presentation at the MINT-Day 2021 of the University of Bern

Virusinvasion durch die Atemwege © 2021 Minela Colakovic (Gruppe von PD Dr. Carlos Ros)

phd pharmacy switzerland

Vom DNA-Plasmid zum Protein © 2021 Christoph von Ballmoos

phd pharmacy switzerland

Einführung in ein elektrochemisches Labor © 2021 Aline Bornet & Gustav Wiberg (Gruppe von Prof. Matthias Arenz)

phd pharmacy switzerland

Award for Prof. Dr. Eva Hevia

Prof. Dr. Eva Hevia has been awarded with the "RSEQ Research Excellence Award 2021"

phd pharmacy switzerland

Kagome graphene promises exciting properties

For the first time, physicists from the University of Basel, working in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Bern, have produced a graphene compound consisting of carbon atoms and a small number of nitrogen atoms in a regular grid of hexagons and triangles. This honeycomb-structured “kagome lattice” behaves as a semiconductor and may also have unusual electrical properties. In the future, it could potentially be used in electronic sensors or quantum computers.

phd pharmacy switzerland

SRF-Sendung «Kopf voran»

Podcast-Folge über Gertrud Woker, die erste Schweizerin, welche in Chemie doktoriert hat

phd pharmacy switzerland

Podcast-Folge mit den Gedanken von sechs Studierenden zum Frauenanteil an der Universität Bern und anderen Themen

phd pharmacy switzerland

Von den Löchern im Periodensystem

Vor 150 Jahren, im März 1869, erfand Dmitri Mendelejew das Periodensystem der Elemente. Im Gespräch mit dem emeritierten Chemie-Professor Heinz Gäggeler hat «uniaktuell» allerhand Interessantes über die Elemente von 1 Wasserstoff bis 118 Oganesson erfahren.

phd pharmacy switzerland

The chemist and her «big beast»

Follow Clémence Delalande and discover how a day of a chemistry researcher looks like.

phd pharmacy switzerland

Award for Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Güdel

Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Güdel has been awarded with the "ICL 2017 Prize for Luminescence Research"

phd pharmacy switzerland

For Nostalgists: Link to the Old DCB Website

"Früher war alles anders - und einiges war besser ..." The old DCB website will no longer be updated, however!

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Freiestrasse 3 3012 Bern

Phone: +41 31 684 42 43

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Studying in Switzerland

Phd Degree in Pharmacy, Switzerland

Explore the best universities for Phd degree in Pharmacy in Switzerland, based on their reputation and research in the field.

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Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Welcome to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Welcome to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences . We are concerned with the development, production, mode of action and application of drugs. Our teaching and research covers the entire drug development process at the interface of natural sciences and medicine.

13 Sep 2024

University of basel starts fall semester 2024 with rising enrolments, 09 sep 2024, congratulations.


21 Aug 2024

Promotion of dr. eliane garo to private lecturer, sds - seminars on drug sciences, heilkunde und volkskörper, mittwoch - matinée, pillen, salben und tinkturen.

[Translate to English:] VR Brille

22 Aug 2024 / Research

Ki hilft bei der entdeckung neuer medikamente.

[Translate to English:] TOc Figure

10 Jun 2024 / Research

Biosynthesis of the bacterial antibiotic 3,7-dihydroxytropolone through enzymatic salvaging of catabolic shunt products.


30 May 2024 / Research

Strategic aspects for the commercialization of nanomedicines.

[Translate to English:] Research DPhW

...in a Drug Development Center

...for diverse career prospects

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...in the heart of Basel

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PhD in Health Sciences

For doctoral studies, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine offers a flexible and intensively supervised doctoral program.


Before you can register for the PhD Program, you need the approval of a supervisor from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine . Please contact a potential supervisor first.

For students to the University of Lucerne, it is necessary to use the online registration . If you are starting a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne directly after completing your Master's degree at the University of Lucerne, please register by e-mail to the student services team .  If you are not starting your PhD in the following semester, you must register online.

The following deadlines apply to doctoral registrations: August 31 for the coming fall semester January 31 for the coming spring semester

The admission to the PhD Program is regulated by the study and examination committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. The admission requirements can be found in the PhD Regulations . The admission decision will be communicated by email.

Language skills: You should have a very good knowledge of English; knowledge of German is not required.


The first supervisor is responsible for the academic supervision. This person must be chosen from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine . Without a written supervision agreement , which is co-authored and signed by a first supervisor, the admission to the PhD Program is not possible. The second supervisor  must be a person with a doctorate degree or higher from another faculty or different university.

Study requirements

The doctoral performance to be achieved consists of the academic performance (at least 18 ECTS credits), the thesis, the defense and the publication of the thesis.

Course selection All courses (see Course program ) offer ECTS credits and contribute to the 18 ECTS credit requirement. External courses can also be attended after consultation with the supervisor.

Course program

Courses University Lucerne

External Course program Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) Course program SGGÖ Course program Campus Luzern Course program SSPH+ Course program Graduate Academy Meet to Write (Uni Basel) ​​​​​​​

Evaluation report

The supervisor meets with the PhD student at least once a year to evaluate the progress of the dissertation. In particular, the development of the research work and the earned course credits are evaluated based on the goals set for current year. Goals for the following year are also established.

Leave of absence

A leave of absence from the doctoral study is generally possible. Applications must be submitted in written form to the Study Center ( phd_health remove-this. @ remove-this. unilu.ch ) by September 15 (for the fall semester) and February 15 (for the spring semester).

Please note the following: - A leave of absence is granted for a maximum of two semesters. - During this time there are no matriculation fees. - No academic achievements can be earned. - It is not possible to participate in courses. - No applications for financial support from the faculty can be made. - No applications for the opening of the doctoral procedure can be made.

ECTS credits For all courses with earned ECTS credits, written documentation is required to ensure that the requirements according to § 4, number 1 of the Guide to PhD Regulations are fulfilled. The minimum number of credits to be earned during the doctoral studies is 18 ECTS credits (according to § 7, number 1 of the Guide to PhD Regulations). Usually these credits consist of participation in elective modules (in the amount of at least 6 ECTS) and in elective modules, which are announced at the beginning of each semester.

Application for the opening of the doctoral procedure The doctoral procedure is opened at the candidate's request. The application must be submitted in writing to the head of the faculty and submitted to the Study Center by email to phd_health remove-this. @ remove-this. unilu.ch .

The following documents (as pdf-files) must be enclosed with the application:

  • a declaration by the candidate that he or she has independently written the submitted dissertation, that he or she has only used the specified aids when writing the dissertation and that he or she has marked passages that have been adopted either literally or in content as such a statement as to whether the dissertation has already been submitted to a university in the current or another version
  • proof of academic achievements of at least 18 ECTS credits
  • proof of matriculation for the duration of the doctoral studies (can be requested from Study Services )

Title After the successfully contested defense, a temporary certificate is issued. After publication of the dissertation, the PhD Student is awarded as Doctor of Science (Dr. sc.). A certificate and diploma will be issued for the doctoral work.

  • PhD regulations (in German)
  • Guide to the PhD regulations (in German)
  • Supervision Agreement

FAQ for the PhD Program

Questions about the doctoral program.

I am interested in the PhD Program in Health Sciences. From the admission guidelines it can be seen that with a Master of Science degree from a university of applied sciences (90 ECTS) additional ECTS must be shown. How and at what time can these be acquired?

The doctoral regulations distinguish between admission with conditions (achievements to be made before entry) and admission with conditions (achievements to be made during the doctorate) - see also § 5, para. 5:

For a Master's degree with 90 ECTS, an additional 30 ECTS must be completed. If ECTS have already been acquired at a Swiss or foreign university, the study center will check this and, if necessary, also count these ECTS.

What costs can I expect during the doctoral program?

The Study Services of the University of Lucerne have prepared an overview: Application and Admission - University of Lucerne (unilu.ch)

And the Student Advisory Service of the University of Lucerne provides more info on general financial questions at the following link: Financial and Budgeting Advice - University of Lucerne (unilu.ch)

Dr. med. Christian Schirlo, MME Director Study Center

Colette Lenherr Administrative Coordinator PhD in Health Sciences

phd_health remove-this. @ remove-this. unilu.ch

Liaison PhD Students:

The PhD Liaisons represent doctoral researchers, ensuring their concerns and needs are communicated to the faculty administration. We gather and respond to student feedback and provide networking and capacity-building opportunities for doctoral candidates. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email any of us.

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PhD Pharmacy programs in Switzerland

Pharmaceutical sciences.

University of Geneva logo

University of Geneva

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

Drug Sciences

University of Basel logo

University of Basel

Deadline information, best universities with pharmacy in switzerland.

best universities with pharmacy programs

Bachelor Pharmacy programs in Switzerland

bachelor pharmacy programs

Master Pharmacy programs in Switzerland

master pharmacy programs

Most Popular Pharmacy programs in Switzerland

most popular pharmacy programs

PhD Pharmacy programs in Switzerland

phd pharmacy programs

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Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, our mission is to perform top basic research with a strong translational focus on diseases of the central nervous system., we have made significant contributions to the understanding of disease mechanisms and the identification and characterization of drug targets also in the context of rare diseases., our quest is to attract the most talented students with the goal to create the next generation of young scientists in pharmacology., we set the standard in basic and translational neuroscience., our institute is at the forefront of developing and applying novel technologies in pharmacology..

At the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, we work on breakthroughs of our current understanding of normal brain functions and of how we can target diseases of the central nervous system with novel approaches. We teach modern pharmacology to students of the medical and science faculty.

Research at our institute has a long-standing focus on the biology of disorders of the nervous system, including neurodevelopmental disorders, brain metabolic dysfunction sleep/wake disorders and pain. Additional research foci include drug metabolizing enzymes and cardiovascular diseases. We have made significant contributions to the understanding of disease mechanisms and the identification and characterization of drug targets.

 We have eight main focus areas:

Weiterführende Informationen

Arand Group

Chronobiology & Sleep Research

Former Brown Group

Chemical Neuropharmacology

Patriarchi Group

Functional & Molecular Imaging

Razansky Group

Neurohomeostasis & Axon-Glia Research

Translational genome editing.

Schwank Group


Weber Group


Zeilhofer Group

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9 Best universities for Pharmacy in Switzerland

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Switzerland ranked based on their research performance in Pharmacy. A graph of 362K citations received by 13K academic papers made by 9 universities in Switzerland was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

For Pharmacy

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich logo

2. Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne logo

3. University of Zurich

University of Zurich logo

4. University of Basel

University of Basel logo

5. University of Geneva

University of Geneva logo

6. University of Lausanne

University of Lausanne logo

7. University of Bern

University of Bern logo

8. University of Fribourg

University of Fribourg logo

9. University of Neuchatel

University of Neuchatel logo

The best cities to study Pharmacy in Switzerland based on the number of universities and their ranks are Zurich , Lausanne , Basel , and Geneva .

Medicine subfields in Switzerland

Best PhD Degrees in Pharmacy at Universities in Switzerland

There are 5 study programs available at 4 schools and universities in the world , according to Erudera.

Erudera aims to have the largest and most updated database of study programs available in the world , and new study programs are being added weekly. You can use the filters to narrow down your search or sort your results based on popularity and top rankings to find more specific study programs. Once you filter your results, you can save your chosen programs to a personal list so you can do more research or contact the universities later.

Here are the best Switzerland universities for Pharmacy :

University of Zurich

University of Basel

University of Geneva

University of Geneva logo.jpeg

Pharmaceutical Sciences


ETH Zurich logo.png

Drug Discovery

Sciences pharmaceutiques.

Erudera's search functionality is still in beta and the results below are auto-generated. Although we do our best to make sure we provide accurate information, we do not take responsibility for the content published by institution representatives on this page. Please report any inaccuracies you happen to find to our support so we can improve the experience for all users.

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Universität Bern

Degree Programs & Courses Doctorate

Doctoral degree, doctoral study at the university of bern.

phd pharmacy switzerland

You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even take a traditional individual doctorate. Graduate schools and doctoral degree programs are arranged on an interdisciplinary and/or interuniversity basis in many cases. In addition to research-related training and intensive support, these also offer excellent opportunities for networking within the academic community.

An A-Z of doctoral subjects

  • Archaeology
  • Business Administration
  • Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Med./Nat./Vet.
  • Central Asian Studies
  • Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
  • Classical Philology (special qualification in Greek or Latin)
  • Old Catholic Theology
  • Climate Sciences
  • Cognition, Learning and Memory
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Dental Medicine
  • German Language
  • German Language and Literature
  • German Literature
  • Digital Humanities
  • Eastern European Studies
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Economic Globalisation and Integration
  • Earth Sciences
  • Protestant Theology
  • Gender Studies
  • Geography and Sustainable Development
  • Global Studies
  • Health Sciences hum/med
  • Human Medicine
  • Computer Sciences
  • Interdiciplinary Cultural Studies ICS
  • Islamic Studies and Oriental Literature
  • Italian Linguistics and Literature
  • Social Sciences
  • Art History
  • Language and Society
  • Languages and Literatures in English
  • Linguistics
  • Linguistique/Littérature françaises
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Physics/Astronomy
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Religious Studies theol.
  • Science of Religion Human.
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Social Anthropology
  • Spanish Linguistics and Literature
  • Sport Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Theater and Dance Studies
  • Administrative Science
  • Veterinary Medicine

Further information

phd pharmacy switzerland

Transferable Skills - Key Qualifications for your academic and non-academic Career

Transferable skills program for doctoral students and postdocs of every discipline.

phd pharmacy switzerland

Funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs»

The University of Bern, with its funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs», supports doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in attending short research stays abroad, to advance their own research projects and to gain more international experience. Next application deadline: March 1, 2023

Open calls for ENLIGHT initiatives

The University of Bern and ENLIGHT support bottom-up initiatives by lecturers for challenge-based education projects in the six focus areas of ENLIGHT. Especially for early career academics, this is an opportunity to build an international network and gain interdisciplinary teaching experience.

UniBE Doc.Mobility

UniBE Doc.Mobility is granted for stays abroad which usually last twelve months. Support takes place in the form of an employment as a doctoral student, but with a place of research abroad. Application deadline: March 1/ September 1

Promotion Fund

In cooperation with the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern, the Vice-Rectorate Research calls for proposals to the Fund for the Promotion of Young Researchers twice a year.

phd pharmacy switzerland

MVUB - Lunchtalks

Lunchtime events concerning academic career, working conditions and intermediate staff politics.


Innovative higher education teaching

The University of Bern's Department of 'Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung' supports you in your teaching activities with coaching and around 50 events a year.

phd pharmacy switzerland

COMET – Coaching, Mentoring und Training

The COMET Career Programme supports female researchers in successfully pursuing their academic careers.

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  • PhD study in Switzerland – 2024

With the highest number of patents in all European countries, there is no doubt that PhD study in Switzerland is highly sought after. Known for research and innovation, Switzerland welcomes PhD students from all around the world. If you decide to study a PhD in Switzerland, you’ll be a part of massive network of over 61,000 international students and get the opportunity to be a part of some world-renowned research projects.

Why study a PhD in Switzerland?

  • Emphasis on research – The first of many reasons to study in Switzerland is the highly competitive research sector. If you’re a PhD candidate at any of the three different types of universities , you will have the opportunity to contribute to some of the best research programmes in the world. Switzerland also has the highest number of Nobel Prize winners per capita, but, no pressure!
  • Tradition of excellence – Whether it be cheese, chocolate or education, the Swiss are known for a long-standing tradition of excellence. It is no shock that is it home to some of the best universities in the world like the ETH Zurich and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, both of which are in the top 50 of the Times Higher Education global university rankings . With both traditional and structured PhDs, Switzerland produces graduates who are skilled, creative and innovative.
  • Multilingual education – There are four national languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh. Even though more and more courses are being offered in English, universities often offer courses in any of the national languages to help you with life outside the classroom!
  • Career opportunities – Your association with Switzerland does not have to end with your studies. You can choose from post-study work opportunities at one of the hundreds of multinational companies (like Nestle and Swatch) that have their offices in Switzerland.

All study in Switzerland, since 2006, has been in accordance with the Bologna system which means that a PhD is a third-cycle qualification, usually coming after a Bachelors (first cycle) and Masters (second cycle) degrees.

A Swiss PhD is the highest level of postgraduate degree you can achieve in the country and is a mark of a significant achievement.

PhD courses in Switzerland are research-based qualifications and involve independent work towards an original thesis. You can follow one of two routes:

  • A traditional or a general PhD takes place within a single university under the guidance of one or more of its academic experts. You’ll spend most of your time working on your doctoral thesis, though opportunities for additional training and development may also be offered.
  • Structured PhDs are a more recent development. They involve more formal training as part of the PhD programme and often involve collaboration between different institutions (including partnerships of different institutional types, such as cantonal universities and universities of applied sciences ).

How long does a PhD in Switzerland take?

On an average it takes 3-5 years to complete a Swisss PhD. However, traditional PhDs tend to be shorter whereas structured PhDs may last longer because of the additional training involved.

The academic year in Switzerland runs from September to May and is divided into two teaching semesters (September to December and February to May/June). PhD research may continue outside these periods, but any formal training within your programme will usually take place in term time.

Supervision during your PhD in Switzerland

You’ll be assigned at least one academic supervisor during your PhD. This may be the principal investigator for the laboratory or research group you work within, or an experienced academic with expertise in your general field. Your supervisor will act as a mentor for your project and will work with you to guide and support your research.

Some Swiss PhD programmes involve second or multiple supervisors. This is especially likely if you are following a structured PhD, with inputs from more than one institution. Each supervisor will normally have a specific role to play in your project, sometimes focussing on particular topic areas or on providing overall mentoring and pastoral support at your university.

How are PhDs in Switzerland assessed?

The main outcome for your PhD will be the doctoral thesis you write up and submit at the end of your research. This must represent a substantial original contribution to your academic subject. It should offer new knowledge and / or data that, in principle at least, is worth publishing for other scholars and researchers to use.

Your thesis will be assessed through an oral examination or defence . In Switzerland, this takes place in a public setting, rather than as a private viva voce exam (such as that used in the UK). You will discuss your PhD in front of a panel of experts, including at least one external examiner from outside your university. The panel will ask questions about your research and conclusions and may sometimes ask you to provide a short presentation of your main findings.

Structured PhDs may also involve some smaller assessments during your doctorate, such as coursework and exams for training modules. You will need to pass these in order to continue with your programme, but they won’t determine the final ‘grade’ for your PhD degree.

However, your life as a PhD student in Switzerland will not be limited to your research. We have a complete guide on living in Switzerland as an international student which has information on everything from living costs to getting around the country.

If you Switzerland could be your PhD study destination, we have more information on applications, fees, funding and visas below.

We cover...

  • Applications: Everything you need to know about applying for for a Phd in Switzerland . We cover the entry requirements for a Swiss PhD, language requirements for entry at various universities and the deadlines you'll need to meet.
  • Fees and funding : The cost of PhD study in Switzerland is relatively low due to generous government support, but can still vary considerably depending on your university. In this guide we cover the average cost of a Swiss PhD , as well as some potential funding options such as federal loans from the government.
  • Visas : Non-EU/ EEA students will require a visa to study in Switzerland. We explain how to apply and the requirements you'll need to meet, as well as how to secure health insurance for the duration of your programme.
  • Swiss universities : Learn the different types of universities in Switzerland and see how they fare on the world stage with our international rankings tables.
  • Student life : What's it really like to study in Switzerland as a PhD student? Our guide introduces Swiss culture, leisure and cuisine, as well the practacilities of accommodation, banking and travel.

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If you're planning to do a PhD in Switzerland, we have all the information on the kind of visa you need and what you require to apply for it.

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Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

Msc pharmaceutical sciences.

This Master's degree programme prepares students for a career in academia or in the pharmaceutical industry. It addresses talented and highly motivated students with a Bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical sciences, the health sciences, biology or biomedicine.

ETH Zurich is one of the leading universities of technology and natural sciences. The scientific courses within the programme are taught by faculty members of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences . Industry-specific subjects are covered by experts from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry ranks among the most innovative and profitable sectors of the Swiss economy.

In the year 2007, ETH Zurich introduced the Master's degree programme in Medicinal and Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences MIPS. The programme was totally revised and started in 2017 under the new name MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

What does the programme offer?

  • in-depth knowledge of the drug development process and insight into working areas in the pharmaceutical industry
  • a strong focus on practical work in an academic or industrial environment
  • an ideal preparation for PhD studies in pharmaceutical or (bio)medical research
  • an individually tailored curriculum supported by a turoring system (high proportion of elective courses; 22/90 ECTS)
  • practical training in world-leading ETH research groups in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences
  • training by experts from academia AND industry
  • trainings in interdisciplinary skills which prepare students for future professional activities in industry as well as in academic research (e.g. scientific writing, biostatistics, ethics, project management)

Enlarged view: Campus ETH Honggerberg

The course "Scientific Concepts and Methods" was nominated for the KITE award 2020 more information

Student administration / advisor

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

  • Phone phone +41 44 633 46 77

Programme coordinator

Dr. Angela Küng

Dr. A. Küng Krähenmann

Director of studies

Enlarged view: Prof. J. Hall

Prof. Dr. J. Hall


Information on the Master's degree programme: Download Flyer (PDF, 278 KB)


UCL School of Pharmacy

  • Director's Welcome
  • School of Pharmacy Library
  • Mission statement
  • History of the School
  • Job vacancies
  • Contact details
  • Fellows and Honorary Fellows
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Current students
  • Staff Sharepoint


1851 Industrial Fellowship awarded to Karina Wojdat

11 September 2024

Karina Wojdat of Sygnature Discovery has been awarded an 1851 Industrial Fellowship to pursue a PhD working with School of Pharmacy Professors Gareth Williams and Simon Gaisford

Karina Wojdat, a research scientist working in the formulation sciences team at Sygnature Discovery, has been awarded a prestigious 1851 Industrial Fellowship, one of only 12 successful applicants in 2024. Karina obtained her BSc from the Leicester School of Pharmacy at De Montfort University in 2021, including a placement year at Quotient Sciences. She then worked as a research assistant before joining Sygnature in 2023.

Industrial Fellowships are awarded to graduates with the potential to make an outstanding contribution to industry, and the funding will allow Karina to undertake a PhD based in industry while also receiving support and guidance from UCL academics. Karina will be working with an industrial supervisor, Dr David Pearson, Director of Form and Formulation at Sygnature, and with UCL School of Pharmacy Professors Gareth Williams and Simon Gaisford. Her project seeks to develop enhanced understanding of amorphous solid dispersions, a type of medicine increasingly important in the development pipeline. In addition to her research, Karina will benefit from the extensive training offered by UCL and by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, and will be part of the vibrant researcher culture at all three organisations.

Karina said “I am looking forward to further developing my skills as a scientist and working on science I am truly passionate about. I am sure the collaboration will highlight many different areas of this project.”. Gareth said “We are delighted that Karina has been awarded this funding against stiff opposition. This marks the start of a new collaboration between UCL and Sygnature Discovery, and Simon and I are looking forward to working with Karina and David”. David added “I’m delighted to be on this path with Karina, helping the next generation of young scientists to reach their potential and have an impact on the quality of patient outcomes.”


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  1. Pharmacy in Switzerland: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Pharmacy in Switzerland. Studying Pharmacy in Switzerland is a great choice, as there are 3 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 58,000 international students choose Switzerland for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  2. PhD Program for Pharmaceutical Sciences

    The "PhD Program for Pharmaceutical Sciences" places a strong focus on the individual research, combined with in-depth technical content and the acquisition of cross-disciplinary competencies. The goal of the program is to provide optimal preparation both for a career in science and for later employment in hospitals, government agencies or ...

  3. University of Geneva

    Research spans the pharmaceutical sciences - from fundamental and translational aspects covering molecular pharmacology, drug discovery including bioactive natural compounds, biopharmacy, drug delivery, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical analytics through to clinical, community and hospital pharmacy - truly going from the bench to ...

  4. PhD

    PhD. From molecule to patient the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers a wide range of research topics to kick off your career in science. To ensure excellent education, support, as well as a sense of community to our junior scientists, we offer a structured "PhD Program for Pharmaceutical Sciences" as well as a PhD Association governed ...

  5. List of Universities for PHD in Pharmacy And Pharmacology in

    Find the list of all universities for PHD in Pharmacy And Pharmacology in Switzerland with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  6. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPW)

    Teaching in pharmaceutical sciences is offered at the Bachelor, Master, and PhD level. Furthermore, we offer postgraduate training courses. ... Switzerland. remove add Show more Show less. Institute Coordinator. Tina Deplazes. Location location_on HCI H 403; Phone phone +41 44 633 73 91;

  7. University of Geneva

    Biomedical and metabolomics analysis. As a member of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland), the group is developing new strategies for untargeted metabolomics analyses and specializes in the analysis of low molecular weight compounds in biological matrices. Since 2010, the group also focuses on developing ...

  8. Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

    The dynamic and vibrant virtual community in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy at the University of Bern: www.pharmabern.ch. BioChemistry on Saturday 2024. Program of the "BioChemistry on Saturday" lecture series. PharmaPulse. Event Series Fall 2024 Upcoming Events Flyer. First Year Graduate Student Symposium 2024

  9. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ph.D.

    About. Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Geneva aims to develop pharmaceutical practice and pharmaceutical sciences through excellence in education and research and to assist specific activities in humanitarian pharmacy. The International English Language Test System (IELTS) tests your English-language proficiency on a scale of 1 - 9.

  10. Phd Degree in Pharmacy, Switzerland

    17 Best Things to Do in Davos, Switzerland: The Ultimate Bucket List (2022) 19 Best Things To Do In Switzerland With Kids; Expats in Switzerland: Living in Switzerland as an Expat; Education in Switzerland: Here's What You Need To Know; The Basics: Helpful Swiss German Words & Phrases; Getting Married in Switzerland: 2022 Guide for Foreigners

  11. Home

    Welcome to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. We are concerned with the development, production, mode of action and application of drugs. Our teaching and research covers the entire drug development process at the interface of natural sciences and medicine. RSS. 06 Oct 2024 10:00 / Public event.

  12. PhD in Health Sciences

    Before you can register for the PhD Program, you need the approval of a supervisor from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine.Please contact a potential supervisor first. For students to the University of Lucerne, it is necessary to use the online registration. If you are starting a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne directly after completing your ...

  13. PhD Pharmacy programs in Switzerland

    Best Universities with Pharmacy in Switzerland. University of Copenhagen University of Lincoln University of Bridgeport European University Newcastle University of Medicine Malaysia Hochschule Fresenius University of Bologna University of Milan University of Manchester University of Perugia. Show all Universities.

  14. UZH

    At the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, we work on breakthroughs of our current understanding of normal brain functions and of how we can target diseases of the central nervous system with novel approaches. We teach modern pharmacology to students of the medical and science faculty. Research at our institute has a long-standing focus ...

  15. 9 Best universities for Pharmacy in Switzerland

    University of Lausanne. 7. University of Bern. 8. University of Fribourg. 9. University of Neuchatel. The best cities to study Pharmacy in Switzerland based on the number of universities and their ranks are Zurich, Lausanne, Basel, and Geneva.

  16. Best PhD Degrees in Pharmacy at Universities in Switzerland

    Best PhD Degrees in Pharmacy at Universities in Switzerland. There are 5 study programs available at 4 schools and universities in the world, according to Erudera.. Erudera aims to have the largest and most updated database of study programs available in the world, and new study programs are being added weekly.You can use the filters to narrow down your search or sort your results based on ...

  17. Studies: Doctoral Degree

    As a university with eight faculties offering a full range of courses and an institution with a real emphasis on research, the University of Bern offers early career researchers attractive structures for a promising doctorate. You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even ...

  18. Drug Discovery, Ph.D.

    The Drug Discovery PhD program offered at the University of Zurich includes a curricular part of at least 12 ECTS credits. The compilation of the curricular activities is determined individually by the student and the doctoral committee. The curricular part includes the compulsory attendance of the lecture series "Topics in Drug Discovery", the ...

  19. PhD study in Switzerland

    All study in Switzerland, since 2006, has been in accordance with the Bologna system which means that a PhD is a third-cycle qualification, usually coming after a Bachelors (first cycle) and Masters (second cycle) degrees.. A Swiss PhD is the highest level of postgraduate degree you can achieve in the country and is a mark of a significant achievement.

  20. Scholarships for Pharmacy in Switzerland

    Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Pharmacy studies in Switzerland. Search and apply online today.

  21. MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences

    The pharmaceutical industry ranks among the most innovative and profitable sectors of the Swiss economy. In the year 2007, ETH Zurich introduced the Master's degree programme in Medicinal and Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences MIPS. The programme was totally revised and started in 2017 under the new name MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

  22. 1851 Industrial Fellowship awarded to Karina Wojdat

    Karina Wojdat of Sygnature Discovery has been awarded an 1851 Industrial Fellowship to pursue a PhD working with School of Pharmacy Professors Gareth Williams and Simon Gaisford . Karina Wojdat, a research scientist working in the formulation sciences team at Sygnature Discovery, has been awarded a prestigious 1851 Industrial Fellowship, one of ...